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Post on 25-May-2015



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DESCRIPTION Sri Vidya Sri Vidya is an esoteric Shakta Tantra (Divine Mother focused) spiritual tradition. The distinct lineages and ways of worship in this tradition are numerous The main modes of worship in Sri Vidya are threefold: mantra, yantra and tantra. Mantra is the sacred sound current which is chanted to purify the mind, yantra is the sacred geometry which is associated with the different forms of God and Divine Mother and tantra encompasses any number of psychophysical techniques which transform the mind, body and spirit into a conduit for divinity to flow through. The idea in Sri Vidya is to worship and realize God and Goddess through a place of inner-renunciation, not outer-renunciation. Inner-renunciation means that we inwardly resolve to do what is right and what will lead us towards God with proper and pure intent. When the inner is in alignment with God, the outer will be as well. Material life and spirituality go completely hand-in-hand with Sri Vidya, as one is merely a reflection of the other. Tantric practices help us to weave our reality the way that is best suited to our own desires and aspirations. Regardless of what type of Sri Vidya path a person walks, the end result is the same: complete merger with God. The tantric scriptures say that one will not receive full initiation into this tradition unless they are in their last birth or are God manifested in human form! Sri Vidya sadhana is the experiential knowledge of Sri, the Goddess Tripura Sundari, that lead to liberation, or to the Supreme Truth. Siddhas believe that Kali, Tara and Shodashi are three main vidyas of the ten Mahavidyas. From these three principles came nine vidyas, or nine different combinations of the three. The three originally came from which is their essence or compliment. This one is tenth Mahavidya which is the Mul Vidya or Sri Vidya or Brahma vidya. So infact Tripura or Tripura Sundari herself is Sri Vidya. To know more about, What is Sri Vidya Sadhana ? Different traditions of Sri Vidya Sadhana? How many levels are involved in Sri Vidya Sadhana ? What is Sri Vidya Mantra ? What are deities associated with Sri Vidya Sadhana ? What is panchadasi mantra, Shodasi Mantra and different versions of Sri Vidya mantras? What is inner meanings of panch ‘ma’ kara ? How Das Maha Vidya is involved in Sri Vidya Sadhana ? For more details about Sri Vidya Sadhana visit


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Sri Vidya is the experiential knowledge of Sri, the Goddess Tripura Sundari, that lead to liberation, or to the Supreme Truth. Tri is three, pur is worlds, and sundari is beautiful maiden. The most beautiful goddess, who is unrivaled in her beauty in the three worlds, is Tripur sundari. Shodash means sixteen, and Shodashi means “one who is sixteen years old.” All these names are attributes of the same Divine Mother who is the fountainhead of all the beauty and ever young.

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As long as the fear of death- because of physical attachment- is present, she is Kali. As Kali she is kundalini in muladhara chakra and when invoked, removes the fear of death and basic insecurity.

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As long as emotional turmoil exists and freedom from all rules and regulations is sought, she is Tara. As Tara she takes the sadhak across the turmoil of the mental modifications, appearing as high and low tides of emotions, while he is floating in the ocean of samsara.

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But when these both basic fears are taken care of she is Shodashi, source of inspiration, and Tripura sundari, the fountain head of beauty. As Shodashi she brings transcendental awareness.

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Siddhas believe that Kali, Tara and Shodashi are three main vidyas of the ten Mahavidyas. From these three principles came nine vidyas, or nine different combinations of the three. The three originally came from which is their essence or compliment. This one is tenth Mahavidya which is the Mul Vidya or Sri Vidya or Brahma vidya.

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So infact Tripura or Tripur sundari herself is Sri Vidya. Sri is Tripura because she is beyond the three gunas. She dwells in the three worlds of manas, buddhi, and chitta.

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She is the mother of the three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara, so she is Trayi, the unified combination of the three. She is also known as Lalitha(Graceful one) and kameshwari(the desire principle of the supreme).

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There are three different school of Sri Vidya Sadhana called Samaya Mat, Kaula Mat and Mishra Mat. Samaya Mat is the ancient form of worship. Vedic in origin, it believes in sacrifice and penance.

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Kaula Mat is the path of heros who can face challenges and remain balanced while enjoying yoga and bhoga(sensual enjoyment). Kaula is an evolved being who dwells in non-dual consciousness and a constant state of awareness.

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His madya(liquor) is amrita(soma) dripping from Som chakra. To him mansa(meat) is his anger, greed, and attachment. Matsya(fish) is taste, egoity, pride, avarice.

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Mudra (money) is hope, seeking, anxiety, fear, jealousy, shyness, envy. Maithuna(sexual communion) is the union of kundalini with Shiva. This is the real Panch Makar Sadhana of a Kaul.

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Mishra mat, mixed path, combines yoga, tapa and mantra. According to this school the intoxication that comes by knowledge is liquor, the inner silence that comes by sadhana is meat, the stopping of the constant floating in Ganga and Yamuna(Ida and Pingala) is eating the fish and self-knowledge is mudra(money) and union of Siva and Shakti is Maithuna(sexual communion).

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Sri Vidya SadhanaThe teachings presented in this website

belongs to the last category i.e Mishra Mat. The systematic meditation techniques thought in this website under the guidance of Premanada will help you to discover Divine Mother in you, the shakti in you, the Soul power in you.

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The Ultimate realization of this path is that “You are Tripura Sundari or your own SELF is Tripura Sundari.” This knowledge or Sri Vidya happens to you through Self-Realization.

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Sri Vidya Deeksha OnlineThe core practices of Sri vidya sadhana is

thought in 7 graduated steps/levels. All the practices are meditative in nature and are not outward puja rituals. Each level should be practiced regularly for 6 weeks before going to next level.

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Sri Vidya Level 1 – Kundalini Chakra sadhana

Eligibility: Willingness and open mindSri Vidya Level 2 and 3 – Thirumoolar

Navakkari Chakra sadhana and Pranayama Eligibility: level 1

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Sri Vidya Level 4 – Bala Tripura Sundari sadhana

Eligibility:level 3Sri Vidya Level 5 – Panchadasi Sadhana Eligibility:level 4

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Sri Vidya Level 6 – Shodasi Sadhana Eligibility:level 5Sri Vidya Level 7 - Siddha sadhana Eligibility: Only Self-Realized Souls followed

these teachings

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For more deails about SriVidya Sadhana visit