srnok~y·'the b~ar.~~amp~de rod~o held july 3rd an(;l...

---·-- . ,... ....... . TIIVRSDAY, . 2 •' . .·.e.uco 8$.301 ' ! .0 '' 1 CJ!i\'ll'n! VOLU)IoiE NUMBERJ7i . I . Held July 3rd an(;l 4th MRN!H:apltan-.500 peopl!! P!lld Bull Riding, total purse $2090 with admission ro see the annual Capitan 51 riders. ' First place $836, Kenny. :Sm!>keytbeBearStampedeRodeoJuly Pulaon, Delhart, second place 3 and 4, ' 11627, Steve Hans!>n, City; third There were 237 New Mexico and an.d fourth place $627, Sam Rush, Dell cowboys cowgirls who City; _ .Sallngs, Tulsa, Oklahoma entries: $170, Tol!d Pettit, I>ortales, Oth!'r were O:er11Jd Tully, RuidOS!I and Bill )lolcKinney, "Hondo: tered the two. day event ro build a purse . and Brent Carlsbad, rodeo r..C:ord by dogging a steer In 3,9 seconds, Walt Jones; rodeo secretary Pettit roped late Monday night and went Qn ro win a Sllddle in Portales the nell! day.· The officers of the Fair said the coqperation of the 'peopl!' ill Capitan m11de the r®eo a big success, th1U1ked the · their·· efforts in the cqmmunity I!Ctivity whi!ih benefits the young people of Lincoln ' announced Wedoesday, Sliver buckles went to Sid Savage of Deming and Paula Best of Portales for .All Around Cowboy and Cowgirl. There were no serious injuries and Linc:oln County Fair President Charles Jones praised the work of r®eo clown Eddie Stanfield of Slilnford, Colo. The Fair Association sponsors the annual rodeo . and proceeds go ro Lincoln County Fair prizes. _ Jerry Long of El Paso was the announcer and .Edkar Wilson of Stanford, Colo. 'provided the srock. • '.Ibis Is the way the cowboys and cowgirls came into the money:. ' • • Calf rota! purse $2450 with Stroud, Clovis; place $735, each ro Randy Davis, Socorro and Frank Hays, Phoenix, Arlzon11. Third place $314 ro. Bob Jenkins, Capitan; fourth place to Sid Sllvage, Deming, Saddle Broncs, total purse $880 with 19 entries, First $430, Sid Savage Deming; second place $258, Bill Cal'l'elt, El Paso; third, $192 each to Cody I.anbert, El Paso and J.C. Et· cl!erery, Carlsbad. Dogging, total purse $1010 with 24 entries. First $404, Tom · Webb, Roswell, second $303, J,C. Elcherery, Cs!lsbad; -thir«;! $202, Harvey Smith,, Portales; fourth $101, Mike Pettigrew, Las Cruces. Girls Barrel Racing, $1025 purse, 25 entries: $410 Sandra D!Uton, La Mesa, · Tx.; Las $102, Paula Besh Portales. ' -·. '" ,. ' ... ' ';). ' I New_Busine8s In Capit1.1n. ... ' New Business In Capitan B a. L Pizza . ' Pl11ee• (8 a.· L stands for Bonnie' and Linda) the owners are pictured L to R Bonnie McEuen, Chuck Pankey, Linda Pankey, not Is Jim McEuen. / . Rainbow Q.H. -Futurity Tap For Thursday . . ' RUIDOSO DOWNS, N.M. -Nineteen &ng Of My Heart, Who took fourth elimination· trials ·for the upcoming in the Kansas Futurity as a 31).J shot, (est.) .Rainbow Quarter Horse will go In Ute eighth race. ·Jerry at Burgess will be In the saddle. Ruidoso DOwns. Vespero, an extremely impressive I •' .... . Shaw, Dexter; third place $490, Burl Mardis, \luleshoe, TexQS; fourth place ....... -$245;·Gar-y-Lewls; .clovis. Pole Bending, $185 purse, 4 entries: $185, Paula Best Portales. Old Mlll!'s--Brealtaway,--·uto;·s A similar Ill-race program .'Is gelding, looks like the one to watch in booked for Friday. Starting;- Racing Secretary Tom Dawson shipped to RuldOS!I in MY TIME by ·Mike Swickard . ' . Are they tougher than gravel? Look No Hands ·• •• l "' .1 ' . ., ...-.M' . ". I ' j Publlaher Mike shows that gravel ill rougher than jeans, the score Ia, I went ro Ute meeting In Ruidoso recently that discussed the question of bow to keep Outlaw mororcycle gangs out of Lincoln County. There seemed ro be just two ideas come out of meeting, one,that th.e law enforcement agency's hands are tied due ro supreme court rulings and congressional acts of Ute last ten years, and two, "lets just go ahead and Violate the law, since the law is ro protect Ute "honest citizen" so that means il any of those so-and·so mororcycllsts ride up here, lets just blow Utem ro smitherens with citizen rifles.'t It the citizens of Lincoln County really do not want these people In Ute area, il positive method illust be used t&" repulse the cyclists. You are feeding their egos if you say, "Step over this line If you are man eno\lgh". You are alsO feeding their egos if buy them Clravel... t Swlckard... o. campsite, gravel Ute road real well, the. extended front wheel of the choppers make riding In general a chore, and riding In gravel impossible, hut cars go through with little difficulty. You ellmlnate Ute need of the National Guard to handle the situation, no-one gets killed, you don't even made the Channel 4 news. In the same vein, how do you stop the !3andiros driving into Lincoln County from parts unknown? Well, the answer Is tied up In ano\her one of those biker's observations, When the Stille Highway Department put that :Small and sharp "chip" gravel on the road from Carrizozo ro Capitan, I r®e Ute area that had been graveled only once. The little chips flew up, and even though 1 had a front windshield and helmet on, those sharp little pieces of rock almost beat me to death. The us. bUt Utey left lasting In· eame up with a positive idea as ro dentations on my face and my mind, 'If · making Lillooln County undesirable to you were ro chip gravel from Binghant ' What gets on, must got off, and the process. Rodeo' Clown keeps an eye on · the Water Systems Seminar . To Be Held In Ruidoso RUIDOSO--The Health and En· vironment Department's En· Yiroliinental lmirOvement Division in cooperation with Ute New Mexfc:a - MUl\lcipal League, the New Mexico Water Supply and Pollution Control Association and tile American )Vater. Works Association are presenting special seminars for water supply system managers at no charge. 'lbe first seminar wlll be held in Ruidoso on July 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. in · Ute tnulti·purpose mom of the Ruidoso Public Library. The objective Of these seminars will be ro explain the managers role In implementing the "Safe Drinking Water Act" which becamelaw"ol! Jllill! 24, 1977. The main thrust will be famllarizing the manager with key pro.vlslons and reqUirements, includin!l costs, and present a suggested plan of action. These seminars are aimed primarily at utility managers, city managets, municipal clerks, public works direcror, city engineers, water superintendents, consulting IUid state and federal personnel, Budget Hearing ' Is July 17 ' the .bikers, but not the test of Ute people. ro Roswell and Corona to Alamogordo, ·.You will notice the picture contained in those bikers that ride with no Cront · "" · · thl,S oolumn. 11 is the Publisher of the "windshield, no helmdet, and no shirt EATHER . . d f Lincoln County New§ astride h1s fullslotthetimewoill never even come .. <> The Town of Carrizozo Boar !>. favorite motorcycle Witb his favorite back ro New Mexico. Again Ito ·. }), r .., ,.,.. __ , e------ ---1· blue-jeans-elh--¥ou-wlll--aiso--notice-tbat---violatlon-of--l!ivihighis. · said blue jeans have a patch on the left These bikers are very brave in pm, City · .. . knee. Now what most moroi'cyele group$ of a hundred, but they · have. ro 1J L W M . . '.lbe tot!Uu revenues for rldei'S like Ute least .is not rain, or sleet, face the gravel alone, one on one, . fiscal year tl is With .. or hall, It is plain old gravel. It, tlte .This may not be tlte answer, but l ·June 28 83 t;O 15 .01 budget expenditures of $400815 1 which gravel, causes soillething:eaUed "Grav· _!:RII_n_o! the cltance ofa lasting June29 80 59 · 10 .34 Jndildes proposed .. use of-· Federal· .. ··· e1 Riiili'' a ·ra.iili11fat'toriiis-oii'llle sl«n -·-·scar upon Uticoln County by having a · .. June 3D· 80 59 08 .01 Revenue Sharing Funds of $131141 for ·upon oontaet with gr.avi!l. The shoot-o!lt or matiing National ncw;s july 1 . 91 56 08 .'oooo·· Financial AdQ;ilnlstratlon ii $108'17 for knee under the Jjateh in the picture hils by having a confronts lion. . july 2 91 56 08 Police Operating. the scars froill 1111 epl$ooe ofdiin!plng 'Ihlsls'thepassiveresistanceinit's juty:t 96 5 5 9 91 .00 ' 'Ihebudgetmaybeexaininedatthe the bike on·gravel, not robe confused J:i.lre form that. we heard liberals july4 97 .00 office of the City Cl<!l·k between the with h11Ying tWI. · · talk ai;!Out, thete Isn't 1111yb(ldy standing hours ot 8:0<1 a.1n. to S:Oii Monday Ifyoureallyclon't Wllnt the Outlaw$ . around, rtiHnte to confront; l believe it Jan 6,22 moisture thru 'iburs, 1111d a:oo a.ill. to 4::111 p.m. to rille their bikes up ro the Nogal _ ·1/Jworththlnklngabout. MS · Normal tor year is s.63. Fl>l!hiy. ·· · ,;,·_ - ; reports a qualifying format for the Kansas Futurity trials. The made Rslnbow Futurity wlll be in effect. The him a 6-5 favorite and he sped to a 2'1'• rop f!n!!iblll's from each trial will. length win in-blazing time,, but Ute advance into the final consolation round stewards took his number for causing on Friday, July 14. interference 1 . The July 14 round will hook up the . Sllturday's program will revert ro 76 finalists In eight hea:ts, and those theregulart:30p.m. OnSunday·action chalking up the 10 fastest times will gets going at 1 p.m. and spotlights th!! make the regionally-televised grand $7,500-added Peter Hurd Handicap at finale on Sunday, July SO. Those with 111x furlongs. The duel is limited ro the second 10(astest-clocklngs will go In three-year-olds• the mnsolation booked lor July 29. ln Thursday's opening stanza, the • spotllght figures ro be on Gentlemens Feature, the brilliant filly owned by Gerald and Darlene Blue of Amarillo. '.lbelilly drew lnro the 11th race and will break from the No.8 post. Last time out, Gentlenlens Feature pretty well shocked Ute quarter horse establishment by driving ro a nose ln. the ilntlls of. the $499,000 Kansas Futurity. Overlooked the Utan 20.1. Her share of ,the purse was $184;502. The filly's only other win came on May 18 with a cruising 1\!o·lengthscore in the Kansas trials. Oh Jet Van, another surprise perrformer In the Kansas Futurity, will go In Thursday's 13th heat. Keith Assmussen will be up. In the finished In a deadheat for second. The nmnerup slot was worth $50,388. Fire & Smoking PrQhihited In Lincoln National Forest danger. o Ralnshavenowfallen, reducing the fire danger. THEREFORE, by vlrture of the authorityvestedlnme; I do hereby, as of8:00 a.m., Wednesday, June 28, 1978, rescind Order No. 08--10 of June 23,1978. Acting Forest Lincoln National Forest 1st Annual Ladies Tournament Slated For July 29 MRNS··The 1st Annual Ladies Invitational Golf Tournament will be July 29 at the Carrizozo Golf Course, Henry Vega, manager has announced. The Shotgun start wlll be at 8:30 a.:m. The Cha!"pionsNp, w!II !>1> . iu lioles ana aU Othel' flights will be g holes. The $10 entry tee includes a •· . Severill th-ea were started 'l'llndily , night by the use of fireworks. Cai'l'lzozo practice round F)iday, July 28, and l!mch.eon at the Carrizozo Country Club. Entries and handicaps should be mailed toP .0. Box 606 Carrizozo, N.M •. 88301 In advance, Vega Said. . • lmlma!rumU$..being.sponsl)red by Jackie's Ca(e and Mllry Rich Real .Estate Compjlny. · tlrenten l'espolld!od to tbll graoo ilte In the Nortb•Wut corner of rown. ' \ i

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Post on 13-Apr-2018




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---·-- .

,... .......

. TIIVRSDAY, ,r~y·e, ~978 . 2

•' .

.·.e.uco 8$.301


! .0

'' 1 ·~ CJ!i\'ll'n! VOLU)IoiE 7~; NUMBERJ7i . I .

Srnok~y·'the B~ar.~~amp~de Rod~o Held July 3rd an(;l 4th

MRN!H:apltan-.500 peopl!! P!lld Bull Riding, total purse $2090 with admission ro see the annual Capitan 51 riders. ' First place $836, Kenny.

:Sm!>keytbeBearStampedeRodeoJuly Pulaon, Delhart, ~exas; second place 3 and 4, ' 11627, Steve Hans!>n, Sllve~ City; third

There were 237 New Mexico and an.d fourth place $627, Sam Rush, Dell Texa~ cowboys ~nd cowgirls who ~- City; _ .Sallngs, Tulsa, Oklahoma

entries: $170, Tol!d Pettit, I>ortales, Oth!'r were O:er11Jd Tully, RuidOS!I and Bill )lolcKinney, "Hondo:

tered the two. day event ro build a purse . and Brent Carlsbad,

~~---!~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~ rodeo r..C:ord by dogging a steer In 3,9 seconds, Walt Jones; rodeo secretary

Pettit roped late Monday night and went Qn ro win a Sllddle in Portales the nell! day.·

The officers of the Fair A~soclation said the coqperation of the 'peopl!' ill Capitan m11de the r®eo a big success, Jon~s th1U1ked the volunteer~ · ~r their·· efforts in the cqmmunity I!Ctivity whi!ih benefits the young people of Lincoln


announced Wedoesday, • Sliver buckles went to Sid Savage of

Deming and Paula Best of Portales for .All Around Cowboy and Cowgirl.

There were no serious injuries and Linc:oln County Fair President Charles Jones praised the work of r®eo clown Eddie Stanfield of Slilnford, Colo. The Fair Association sponsors the annual rodeo . and proceeds go ro Lincoln County Fair prizes. _

Jerry Long of El Paso was the announcer and .Edkar Wilson of Stanford, Colo. 'provided the srock.

• '.Ibis Is the way the cowboys and cowgirls came into the money:. '

• • Calf rota! purse $2450 with

Stroud, Clovis; place $735,

each ro Randy Davis, Socorro and Frank Hays, Phoenix, Arlzon11. Third place $314 ro. Bob Jenkins, Capitan; fourth place to Sid Sllvage, Deming,

Saddle Broncs, total purse $880 with 19 entries, First $430, Sid Savage Deming; second place $258, Bill Cal'l'elt, El Paso; third, $192 each to Cody I.anbert, El Paso and J.C. Et· cl!erery, Carlsbad.

Dogging, total purse $1010 with 24 entries. First $404, Tom · Webb, Roswell, second $303, J,C. Elcherery, Cs!lsbad; -thir«;! $202, Harvey Smith,, Portales; fourth $101, Mike Pettigrew, Las Cruces. •

Girls Barrel Racing, $1025 purse, 25 entries: $410 Sandra D!Uton, La Mesa, · Tx.; Las

$102, Paula Besh Portales.

• ' -·. '" ,.

' ... '

• •




New_Busine8s In Capit1.1n.

... '

New Business In Capitan B a. L Pizza . ' Pl11ee• (8 a.· L stands for Bonnie' and

Linda) the owners are pictured L to R

Bonnie McEuen, Chuck Pankey, Linda Pankey, not sh~wn Is Jim McEuen.


. Rainbow Q.H. -Futurity •

0~ Tap For Thursday . . ' RUIDOSO DOWNS, N.M. -Nineteen &ng Of My Heart, Who took fourth elimination· trials ·for the upcoming in the Kansas Futurity as a 31).J shot,

(est.) .Rainbow Quarter Horse will go In Ute eighth race. ·Jerry at Burgess will be In the saddle.

Ruidoso DOwns. Vespero, an extremely impressive





Shaw, Dexter; third place $490, Burl Mardis, \luleshoe, TexQS; fourth place

....... -$245;·Gar-y-Lewls; .clovis.

Pole Bending, $185 purse, 4 entries: $185, Paula Best Portales.

Old Mlll!'s--Brealtaway,--·uto;·s

A similar Ill-race program .'Is gelding, looks like the one to watch in booked for Friday. Starting tlm"..~ea~c=h~-!th~e~~se~co~p~d~r:ac~e::·~:~~w;on~~ra:------1;-

Racing Secretary Tom Dawson shipped to RuldOS!I in •

MY TIME by ·Mike Swickard . ' • .

Are they tougher than gravel? Look M~, No Hands • ·• ••

l • "' .1 ' . .,

~- ...-.M' . ". I ' ~ j

Publlaher Mike shows that gravel ill rougher than jeans, the score Ia,

I went ro Ute meeting In Ruidoso recently that discussed the question of bow to keep Outlaw mororcycle gangs out of Lincoln County. There seemed ro be just two ideas come out of meeting, one,that th.e law enforcement agency's hands are tied due ro supreme court rulings and congressional acts of Ute last ten years, and two, "lets just go ahead and Violate the law, since the law is ro protect Ute "honest citizen" so that means il any of those so-and·so mororcycllsts ride up here, lets just blow Utem ro smitherens with citizen rifles.'t

It the citizens of Lincoln County really do not want these people In Ute area, il positive method illust be used t&" repulse the cyclists. You are feeding their egos if you say, "Step over this line If you are man eno\lgh". You are alsO feeding their egos if buy them

Clravel ... t Swlckard ... o.

campsite, gravel Ute road real well, the. extended front wheel of the choppers make riding In general a chore, and riding In gravel impossible, hut cars go through with little difficulty.

You ellmlnate Ute need of the National Guard to handle the situation, no-one gets killed, you don't even made the Channel 4 news.

In the same vein, how do you stop the !3andiros driving into Lincoln County from parts unknown? Well, the answer Is tied up In ano\her one of those biker's observations, When the Stille Highway Department put that :Small and sharp "chip" gravel on the road from Carrizozo ro Capitan, I r®e Ute area that had been graveled only once. The little chips flew up, and even though 1 had a front windshield and helmet on, those sharp little pieces of rock almost beat me to death. The

us. bUt Utey left lasting In· eame up with a positive idea as ro dentations on my face and my mind, 'If ·

making Lillooln County undesirable to you were ro chip gravel from Binghant

• '

What gets on, must got off, and the process. Rodeo' Clown keeps an eye on · the

Water Systems Seminar .

To Be Held In Ruidoso RUIDOSO--The Health and En·

vironment Department's En· Yiroliinental lmirOvement Division in cooperation with Ute New Mexfc:a

- MUl\lcipal League, the New Mexico Water Supply and Pollution Control Association and tile American )Vater. Works Association are presenting special seminars for water supply system managers at no charge.

'lbe first seminar wlll be held in Ruidoso on July 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. in

· Ute tnulti·purpose mom of the Ruidoso Public Library.

The objective Of these seminars will be ro explain the managers role In implementing the "Safe Drinking Water Act" which becamelaw"ol! Jllill! 24, 1977. The main thrust will be famllarizing the manager with key pro.vlslons and reqUirements, includin!l costs, and present a suggested plan of action.

These seminars are aimed primarily at utility managers, city managets, municipal clerks, public works direcror, city engineers, water superintendents, consulting engineer~, IUid state and federal personnel,

Budget Hearing '

Is July 17 '

the .bikers, but not the test of Ute people. ro Roswell and Corona to Alamogordo, ·.You will notice the picture contained in those bikers that ride with no Cront w· · "" · ·

thl,S oolumn. 11 is the Publisher of the "windshield, no helmdet, and no shirt EATHER . . d f Lincoln County New§ astride h1s fullslotthetimewoill never even come .. <> The Town of Carrizozo Boar !>. favorite motorcycle Witb his favorite back ro New Mexico. Again Ito ·. }), r .., ,.,.. __ , e------ ---·-:__fe~~t£i~ ---1· blue-jeans-elh--¥ou-wlll--aiso--notice-tbat---violatlon-of--l!ivihighis. -~-~- )L~uunJr · said blue jeans have a patch on the left These bikers are very brave in pm, City ·

.. .

knee. Now what most moroi'cyele group$ of a hundred, but they · have. ro 1J L W M . . '.lbe tot!Uu ~~~~~e~ revenues for rldei'S like Ute least .is not rain, or sleet, face the gravel alone, one on one, . fiscal year tl is $4~624 With .. or hall, It is plain old gravel. It, tlte . This may not be tlte answer, but l ·June 28 83 t;O 15 .01 budget expenditures of $400815

1 which

gravel, causes soillething:eaUed "Grav· _!:RII_n_o! ~iido~e the cltance ofa lasting ~ June29 80 59 · 10 .34 Jndildes proposed .. use of-· Federal· .. ··· e1 Riiili'' a ·ra.iili11fat'toriiis-oii'llle sl«n -·-·scar upon Uticoln County by having a · .. June 3D· 80 59 08 .01 Revenue Sharing Funds of $131141 for ·upon vig~rollS oontaet with gr.avi!l. The shoot-o!lt or matiing th~ National ncw;s july 1 . 91 56 08 .'oooo·· Financial AdQ;ilnlstratlon ii $108'17 for knee under the Jjateh in the picture hils by having a confronts lion. . july 2 91 56 08 Police Operating. the scars froill 1111 epl$ooe ofdiin!plng 'Ihlsls'thepassiveresistanceinit's juty:t 96 5


10~ .00 ' 'Ihebudgetmaybeexaininedatthe the bike on·gravel, not robe confused J:i.lre form that. we hav~ heard liberals july4 97 .00 office of the City Cl<!l·k between the with h11Ying tWI. · · talk ai;!Out, thete Isn't 1111yb(ldy standing • hours ot 8:0<1 a.1n. to S:Oii Monday

Ifyoureallyclon't Wllnt the Outlaw$ . around, rtiHnte to confront; l believe it Jan • 6,22 moisture thru 'iburs, 1111d a:oo a.ill. to 4::111 p.m. • to rille their bikes up ro the Nogal _ ·1/Jworththlnklngabout. MS · Normal tor year is s.63. Fl>l!hiy. ·· ·



reports a qualifying format for the Kansas Futurity trials. The made Rslnbow Futurity wlll be in effect. The him a 6-5 favorite and he sped to a 2'1'• rop ~wo f!n!!iblll's from each trial will. length win in-blazing time,, but Ute advance into the final consolation round stewards took his number for causing on Friday, July 14. interference

1 .

The July 14 round will hook up the . Sllturday's program will revert ro 76 finalists In eight hea:ts, and those theregulart:30p.m. OnSunday·action chalking up the 10 fastest times will gets going at 1 p.m. and spotlights th!! make the regionally-televised grand $7,500-added Peter Hurd Handicap at finale on Sunday, July SO. Those with 111x furlongs. The duel is limited ro the second 10(astest-clocklngs will go In three-year-olds • the mnsolation booked lor July 29.

ln Thursday's opening stanza, the • spotllght figures ro be on Gentlemens

Feature, the brilliant filly owned by Gerald and Darlene Blue of Amarillo. '.lbelilly drew lnro the 11th race and will break from the No.8 post.

Last time out, Gentlenlens Feature pretty well shocked Ute quarter horse establishment by driving ro a nose Vi~tory ln. the ilntlls of. the $499,000 Kansas Futurity. Overlooked the

Utan 20.1. Her share of ,the purse was $184;502.

The filly's only other win came on May 18 with a cruising 1\!o·lengthscore in the Kansas trials.

Oh Jet Van, another surprise perrformer In the Kansas Futurity, will go In Thursday's 13th heat. Keith Assmussen will be up. In the

finished In a deadheat for second. The nmnerup slot was worth $50,388.

Fire & Smoking PrQhihited In

Lincoln National Forest

danger. o Ralnshavenowfallen, reducing the

fire danger. THEREFORE, by vlrture of the

authorityvestedlnme; I do hereby, as of8:00 a.m., Wednesday, June 28, 1978, rescind Order No. 08--10 of June 23,1978.

Acting Forest Lincoln National Forest

1st Annual Ladies Tournament

Slated For July 29 MRNS··The 1st Annual Ladies

Invitational Golf Tournament will be July 29 at the Carrizozo Golf Course, Henry Vega, manager has announced.

The Shotgun start wlll be at 8:30 a.:m. The Cha!"pionsNp, Fligl)~. w!II !>1> ·~

. iu lioles ana aU Othel' flights will be g holes. The $10 entry tee includes a

•· . •

Severill th-ea were started 'l'llndily , night by the use of fireworks. Cai'l'lzozo

practice round F)iday, July 28, and l!mch.eon at the Carrizozo Country Club.

Entries and handicaps should be mailed toP .0. Box 606 Carrizozo, N.M •. 88301 In advance, Vega Said. . • ~.'.1111! lmlma!rumU$..being.sponsl)red by Jackie's Ca(e and Mllry Rich Real .Estate Compjlny. ·

tlrenten l'espolld!od to tbll graoo ilte In the Nortb•Wut corner of rown.

' \


.... 1,- .·,. ' - -- ----- ----- ----~ - .. _ .... ----


' , 'llie Newa, ·Jaly I, 1178, Page z , . - ...

Aro •

'lbe temperatur~ climbed to 113 oil the 26th but dropped to a high of 79 on the 28th and 29th ·and a low of 03 on the 30th and lat. There wa~ no moillture at Uncob) Station, bu£ several ranchers have reported good rains IB$t week.

Bobby Wade bas arrived from Undrith Statlcin and was to assume bls · duties Wednesday at Uncoln Station. 'lbe Ronald Brlleys have moved to Lindrith Station. Mr. and Mrs. Wade and daughter, Roxanne, are spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Jesse Wade, while geulng settled In their new borne. ·

Earl Roper has returned from a · visit with relatives in California. He accompanied Clint Lee and family on the vacation.

Mrs. John Tracey made a business trip to Albuquerque· .Friday . and left her grandson, Michael Jones, with hls

Letter To .

The Editor Dear Editor:

on this 2nd biggest holiday of the year for Uncoln County, and the biggest boUday of the year for Capitan? It is my \Dlderstanding that he is taking an lDltimely vacation In Colorado or Is he discreetly shirking duty as chief law enforcement officer ol the county.

Are the taxpaying citizens of Lincoln County aware that there is no sheriff or undersheriff available during this potentially critical holiday and that operations of the sheriff's department are being run by the judgement of e(lch individual deputy?

Are the taxpayers a ware tba t Sheriff Elliot! is seemingly doing what he does best -avoiding any problems or confrontations which might arise in the line of duty or might not 'be politically advantageous?

I find it almost unbelleveable that • h . .

Sheriff Elliott would make himself \DlavaUable on a holiday weekend of thlil magnitude In light o£ the pasl ·oc­curences on major liolidays. Will he be conveniently on vacation, in the hospital or out of town on Labor Day weekend If and when outlaw motorcycle gangs or other unfortunate cir­cumstances besiege us?

I Sincerely hOpe your readers will consider the credibility of the above as one citizen to another not as a political oJam from one candidate to another.

Dwaine "Red" Meador

Carrizozo, N .M. . July 8th ~7:30p.m.


ary Rich Real Estate

648-2555 1480 acres plus 80 acres leased~ Some Highway frontage. 3 mUes out oiOid Lincoln -$250 per acre. Owner financing at 8 percent.

Town and country living. Your choice of 2 .beautiful homes. No. 1 4 bedrooms, 2 baths on 5 acres. lovely patio and view, well, all city utiiltleo,Jike new. •62,000.00.

No. 2 Over 40 trees planted. on 8'1.. acres. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, run basement, fireplace. Including carpet. drapes and many extras. Edge ol town. $60,000.00.


• ' • •.

maternal grandparents, Mr. <~nd Mrs, Fay Risinger. Michael has ~n visiting from Mart, Tel«!S. '

Mr. and Mrs. w.o. Mtlfl'ay, Nar!l Visa, spep.t the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. ·aogene Alfo~d. Mr. i\I(Qrd !l!ld f!!!!l..ibL- -- • - .

'lbe George Jam"'l family w!!re in Roswell Sunday· to attend !be ficldling contest sponS!Jred by th; Chavez CountY Historical Society. Olan w~n ·rll'~ <111d Darrell third 1r1 their dlvlslqns. Walt!!~' Garfield playl)d gllltar fqr the boys and others and won the tropi)y for best accompanist. Spe Garfield WilDt by Fort Suliiner to pick up her mother, Mrs. S.B.' Wyche, and went on to hear the contest.

Mr. and MrS. John Tracey bad as their guest Saturday, ;r1na Hutt\!r of Albuquerq!le. ·.

· Mr. and Mrs. George Ranney havl! been here from lllinois to spend a couple r:lf weeks on their ranch. ..

Ml'. and Mrs. Walter Pfeiffer and Dell Roberts ~eturn~ MondaY of last week from Uttleton, Colorado and with the Stan Kinlballs. 'lbeir grandchildren, Sharon and. Scott, came home with them and enjoyed a trip to

White Sands. Mr. and Mrs.

· Lester Steelman .. Services were held Tuesday af­

ternoon, J\Dle 27th, In the Corona Baptist Church for Lester Steelman. 'lbe Reverend .Howard Groves of­ficiated. Casket bearers were Byron Yancey, Lee Mulkey, Lee Thomas, EUiott Ferrer, Bill ~torey and Noel

, Hibler. Honorary_ were BUt Orr, Chancey 'lbomson, B.F. Sumner and GamaUel Thomson. Interment was in. the C<li'I1.!JI! .. Cemet~ .. with .Hanlon Mortuary In charge of arrangements.

Ira Lester Steelman was born June 26, 1899 at Fordice, Arkansas. He passed away june 25, 1978 In Albuquerque after a Tong lllne,ss. Mr. steelman joined the Baptist· Church at an early age. He married to Louise Beatrice Carver and to this \Dllon ten chUdren were born. He moved his famUy to Corona In 1937. ln 1950 he moved to Mountainair and worked for the Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative from which he retired In 1964. On August 4, 1951 Mr. Steelman 1111d Irene Elizabeth Garringer were married

Mr. Steelman is survived by hls wife, Irene, or the .. famUy home In Mountainair, one son, Bill Steelman, Odessa, Texas: four daughters, Dorothy Roper, Tucumcari, Joann Roper and Katey Tracey of Albuquerque, and Stella Sanders of

. :· ' + . .4 A @ .94 4, fC 1¥ ... R, W ¥F. · 41!. q ·H. '* .+ 1 ·+;I "': ,.,.., _..,.,.. ,--

' ~-.-. .~ ,, .. , ... --T· ..... ,._,_- 'T ..,.,, "".,...""'l":",""' '"':,. ·"":' "":'"" ,.......,. . ...,......,_ '"' ltf ,...,~,·o;-,r r•"' ,..-.,,.., •". ~ ,. . .,._ ,.,.., ,,.. _~ "!'" ·-· ·- ~- •· •

. . ,..Ill A 11n d. eurtili ~.. p \1!1 M. 1100, . . , came

in from their home in La Junta, Colo., and Mrs. J!Ul~ Davld!lOn. acCO!Jlpanted them !0 Artesia for a visit with thell' mother, ilofrs. Ph)'llis Austin.

_OIIJ' CHS cheerleaders are home · from a week in c801P at EI'JMU. They esmed three \llleelient and one superior ribbon and the spirit slick for one day, Karen Geo$1' and Kathy .Kilipps won • the cl!!Bn .W~ award for their wing . with.Ml!riJyn R.eYJ!!I!da, J'atsy· Clt!lvez, and Ml!ry · Root getting llon(!rable mention for the clean sweep. Mrs, J'aul Cltav"?' s~red the girls.

Cadet A.D. Shrecengost

A.D. Shrecengost At ROTC Camp


,, -~· ,· . ' . ·1---- '--~--···!---· "••+••'- ·~--.(..-~---'----',.....---.-~~-'~-·-·------ -----r-'o~~-·-"" w-·_-• .. ·----~ ,., ...... ,,.,., ..

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. '· ,. ' I

• lll' -....


An-ow,ftllytll Depth), .wbo. changed Pi\ YO,... for uie l)tdly Pl!ul!ll! {um8d banda in lJiat Yel!l''il AII·AD!e.-fcan · · .up Clrt Fridoy When. s!ICCe!!Sflll P!~Yers

· Yl!!lrllng Sale for the Prin~ sl!in of redeem~ tlckela worth· $484.6Q. Thii;Y ·, save ev!1"Y lftdication ..,~ being . lu!~t!I.JI!Aich Fly JuJI. <no, 7! •·1&-1 sl)!lt

-WCirth ~· .irlveBiment In ~day'll th~ ·· 111·. a. malden. C!IUU't!!!' llorse field, . With, rae!!. 'lb!! filly, nOw oWD!!d by SB01 Pantera ·Roja' ('!Q. 1. ) l!t 11-1 ¢ds who Ranldlt, ~ey Verrflt and koger · battled m11lden thoroU&hbteda. . F11gan of Lafa:yett11, .La;, ell!!lred a SOME HIGil·PRICE CJ,.AlMING . majden field. by '¥< l~ngths In her flr•t ACTIVITY turned uQ durinll th~ ca~ start. But ~·11 taclde a much weekelll!. Who'll Leader WilDt to John tougher ~ this wade .b) a division of Md .John ft. (;rabBIO on Frlo;lay •f11r a the Rab)bOw Fl!turlty trials. . 11!1111 of f6,250, whUe Rushing ~Uiier was

BAR ROIJJ#\,. Wi!'lter l!f last Ye""'s purchased by W.J.. and Flor..,ncq World~~ Cbampjonshlp ,C)BS$ic and Gilllazn on Monday for abuge , $8,000 Three Bars Handicap· at Ruidoso, llll!de price. . . his aeSIIODIIl debut irl Friday's lOth race HURRY PERRY ($241.40) didn't get and displl!)'ed his usual tlar4,!. 'lbe fo!ll"~ mucb mutuel. support In Monday's first Yl!at>Old went off a8 an odds-on favorite r11ce, IIDd got l!ff at 1o-1 qdda; But the ·in theallowan;,e bout, brok~ tarcliJi, but colt. soon fought 11ff other $;1,500 then D! uP plenty of ~i!Dd to win by clailners in the <f.Go-Y!II'd test and came I! head. · · · • through for a length victory. It oould be

· . GU~ElD JEWEL ($2.20-1), a the eJtpertise of .:tr<~lner Barbara Maas · product of impl'fiBI!ive breeding, mal!e . that broul!bt about th~riumph, She's

her first career start In Friday's fourth the lacy who trained T F st Edi!ion · race and lost no time In 'l!lkil!ffCOntrol for his notable vic 1 · the West

of the four-fill' long· test t(l win by 3'4 Tel«!& and Sun Co\Dltr tuiilies at lenghla. Owned · and bred by Sam Sunland Park, , 'Henderson of Odessa,. Texas, the IN STEWARP'S RULINGS:

· is sired by Riva Ridge, the Gordon B. Howell took a $25

Jewel in his first start he also claims ootable kin· shlp. · Hls daddY". is 1968 Klllltucky Derby-winner, Forward Pass, The 1967 · Derby winner, Proud Clarion, was represented by. offspring Proud

· Claricinette In Saturday's sixth race. 'lbe filly finished second ,In allowance company,

race, June 25. Jockey . Eddie Vallejos was fined $50 for being involved In an altercation In the Grandstand, !i&turday, June 17.

JOCKEY CARLOS RIVAS wils suspended from June 26 through July 9 for roul!b riding duripg the running of the 1st rl!ce, SlDlday, June 25, causing interference to the inside horse while aboard Alzeener.

. .

Polly's Potpourri - •

..... , -:~--- -\ · ...... •

. ...

OTilER .RULINGS: 1.~;.t~:;~~! ~tirlet w. HllJ111!r a.nd .· Poyl!l ~ w!!l'e fined $2.5 enlerlng·IUi lnl!liglJ>Ie bo""". TrAI!II!I' WUIIIIIII .A. _'l'l!c1mpa!>l! B!ld Tralr!er Jepl! va.4ez *h took ... ~· l;!itc! fill' fl!lllng 'to. ~ndu~t their business ""'perly ~t.atlng • 'late .s~atch, . . . Willi • - . II .. fined """ .JockeY . e ...,ve .. wa.s ........ ......, for filii~ to C»nUQ( Ills nt.ollllt, Ell!.l!l's Luek, dUring the 12th rl!ct!, FrldiiYo June 3Q. ·. Joe~ $1!ltl!ltio B"'-"!tos wea suspended Jj!l:v 6 lhrugh,Jul)'. 8 for

·. ea~ · riding ca.Ullln Jnterference while 1111tride Doul!le.B·El!P!'esl! during the ~ rl!ee, · Sandl!y, ~uly 2 ..

The ·Drake Wins . . -_Feature J\t Ruidoso · .RUlPOSO DOWNS, N.""···The

))rake, a heavy l!-5 fl!vorite riddllll · by Gilbert VUie!!cas, !Dyed witJI hi$ opo ponents ~ore running off to ~-length victory in Fri<liiY:,t; feature off!!l"ing at RuldoaoJ?o~· 0

'lbe colt bi'Oke alertly In the $lx­furlo,ng dasll, tbo,k command down the bac~tretcb, then pulled out the stopper In the stretcli.

Drake the upper stretch, but was plainly overmatclled and slumped behind. 'lbe Drake Is owned by J. D. Childers of Borger, Texas.

'lbewlnnlngtime, on I! heavy track, was 1:16 4-5 seconds. 'lbe payoffs: ~.20, ~.20, 42.20. Freeman M. held on well enough to take seeorid, ref!Jnding $2.20 and 4:1.20. Chili Pepper Pie bagged third for a $2.20 return. ,

(648-2524) June 28-Cadet Albert D. SIU'ecengost, Son of Mr. aQd. Mrs. William G. Shrecengost, Li'l.COin, N.M., Is • receiving practical work In military leadershlp at the Army ROTC ad- • Ar~Uiid Town & Surrounding Areas vanced camp at Fort Riley, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Willie' Gomez of Vista.antl visited with Mr:· and Mrs.

'lbe five-week ROTC advanced •

Lane of Cloudci'J)ft. 'lbey were on way to Monianti to visit with their sons, Warren and Walter Lane. •

camp provides an opportunity for Glencoe and their nine children ·are ·Richard Chavez. IU~ard is !lOR of cadets to develop and demonstrate · back from a 2¥.. week vacation to the Juanita Chavez, his wife is the daughter

~~li,tles In a. !f.e]«!. _Ejt;a;s~tl-w;li;er~eed.:'d; 1~;v;;ls;ited;:;-Atth;.;elr~;oth:;;erd-_:of:.,Mrll:;!r,·~Em.~Belio'1ifi~· ~lfl'· :aYiWii~:ei\f!y'--llroiielrnii\!i Most cadets are fulfilling their • Mrs. Wllllam <Wally) Gome~. Jr., returned from a vacation waa master of ceremony at the~11~mru

advanced camp requirement during the ·stationed at Grissom Air Force Base In Ellsworth, Kanaas. bad I! .very dance where members of the Cla111 of summer between their junior and Indiana; Patrick and his wife, Louise enjoyable time. Kathleen iuld Marian '611 recleved medal awl!rds. 'In the

. senior years In oollege. However, there and their two children of Bluffton, Ind. O'Donnell, sisters of Mrs. Paul Payton women•a category 'The Person Most will be a number of graduating seniors where lle Is employ~; and Belinda returned with them. Changed' went to Dee> Ann Jackson

bowiil ·el 1 1 Gutlerrezandherhusband,Robertand .Mr.andMrs.EmieArcbuletawere, .Poaey from Farmington and ''lbe w rec veArmy·comm ss ons at . their two CbUdren of J\Dlctlon City; attheAlumnldanceattheColDltry Club Pereon Least Changed Award went to the' completion of Camp. Kanaaa,·•· .. ~ "-bert is stationed with on June 24. He Is tbe son' elf ·Mr. and" ~---"- 'N In th mens' Shrecengost is· a student at New ""-g~ Rita """"'"'~ avaez. e Mexl the Army. · Mrs. FIOrencle Archuleta. Ernie division 'Most Qlanged' • Eric Lynch,

co Military lnsUtllte, Roswell. Travcllng through a1x atstea waa lookedverydlstlngulabedlnhisMarlne olSUver City, ·'Leut Changed'· Bill Cap~eH~ghdet.,~shooal 1977 graduai1' of very educational and really lo.ts of fun l&llfonn.. Hightower. Dee Ann J. Poey also

an "" · · for the famUy. 'lbey saw many place&'· Santa Rita Parish held their pot reclovecl an award for traveling the 4!"-----------"\ of Interest, Including IJncoln'a home In 1uckaupperon JlDle 24. There was lots further, farther or u It furtbeat I I SPringfield, m., with a tour through of dellclolll food, fun and gamea. (?),.,anyway, travcllng tbe longl!lt I The Only'Way foGo.... home and muselDD: They saw what It Is P<!Ople of aU ages enjoyed the water diatance to the reunion. I · · 1 Ukeln tbeblgcltyaalheywentthrough balloon fights and faee-10-face abavlng '-~I!!!':::;::;==::'J------' St. Louis, Missouri •. Tiley 8aw the cream confrontalloDS. 'lbe pariah Is

mighty St. Louis Misaourl Gateway planning to have a pot luck supper Arch. At 1130 feet this Is the tallest every third Sunday of the month. Mark National Monwnent, IS)'Diboi!Zing St. your calendar. , Louis' historic position as the Gateway Saturday's Mass at Ssnts Rita wiil to the West. now be at 7:30 instead of 7:00 until

In Colorado further' ootlce.

. Ezcuse my Amurrican lllgllsh, you

all. 1 is jeat a bouaewlte whut don't know my grammer rules. While In blgb school I thought 'grammer' wu 11 person. who wore glaaaes and quilted.

Taylor and HWe doughier · Stockton, Calli.


Wax Musetun Car Alumni Notes: Roswell; lour brothers In -~~~t~w~o-~_:~~~ stepsons, Louis ~

and: Ed. and ,=~~'----11--

withtheU.S.ArmyinGermany,twenty I ADVERTISING I grandchildren, and thirty-five great ..., ___________ ,

Redeemer. of ooUectlon of plates diHerent class of '53, who and R. E. famUy !or 10 days. states. With this trip she was able to their 25th reunion. Special Lucio Vidaurri of Whltter, Calli.

grandchildren, to all or whom we ex­tend sincere sympathy.

Monday, July 3, 1978: Carrizozo CllnJc • to be held at the L.C.H.O. Court House­Annex from 8:30 AM ~ 4:30 PM.

Monday, July 10, 1978: Ruldoao Clinic • to be held at the White Mountain School from 10:00 AM • 12:00 Noon.

Wednesday, July 12, 1978: Carrizozo Clinic -to be held at the L.C.H.O. Court . House Annex from 8:30AM· 4:30PM.

A parent or guardian must ac­oompany every child to be immunized.

Anyone Planning or Well Baby. Clinic ap­pointments, please call 648-2412.

During the !DOnth of July, there will be no cUnlcs In Corona, Capitan, and Hondo. 'lbey will open again in August.


addquiteablttohercollecUotiwithslx guests of the cJIUIS were L.Z. Manlre <CJaasof'SB),lettCarrlzozoonMonday additional (state) plates. Some day she and Larry Stockton, superintendent following tbe class retmlon get-together hopes to have them all. Who knows? and prlncJpal respectively of Carrizozo of June 24-25. Back home, he and his With 12 children • three married and In 1953. • • wife, Elldla, were to attend the Per-nine growing up - it's possible. Her Special events of the claulncluded~ -~;~~Pr~o~,~~ess~lon of VoWII of

~~--~~tr-lke~------~~~~;:~h~a~ve~;he~l~ped~~he~r:wi~th~h~er~~a~c:,la~u~~~ i ~~~~~~~-----t-Mr. Gomez Is employed by Civil annualalumnldanceon Saturday night J\Dle 30th.

Chapel of .I{(Jsesl Funeral Homes

We are 'llways available to assist ~ .

.. you m your needs.

648-2252 or


Service at Holloman Air Force Base and the picnic on Sunday. and Mrs. Gomez hi a secretary at the Henry Ward of Los Lunas, grand- 'lbeSaleslansofDonBoscoandMr. Hondo Schools. . aon of Mr. and Mrs. Roley Ward spent2 and Mrs. L.J. Vidaurri Invited friends

Miss Judith Ortiz, daughter of Mr. weelra In C8rrizozo With the Wards. and relatives to the Mass qf Profesalon andMrs.JoeOrtlz,returnedfroma two Mr. and Mrs. RoleyWardJr.ofLos of their contrere and son, Edward, week stay In Los Limas with Mr. and Lunas and May Shurts were guests of !olio wed by a llrief reception. 'lbe Mrs. Frank Vega and famUy. the Warda during the alumni weekend Mau was at 7:li0 P.M.In Ss. Peter and

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheehan and Mrs. Shurts, · from Sherion SPrings, Paul Church In San Francisco. children, Kelly, Kevin and Billy were Kansas Is the mother of Mrs. R. Ward Edward graduated from Don Bosco here from Anchorage, Alaska to attend Jr.- High School; Salesian Technical School the alumni 'doings'. Mrs. Sheehan is Happy Birthday to Conrad Ortiz, in IIDiiemead, Callfomia. He earned his the former Beatrice Najar, (Class of Micltael Ortiz July 7; Ysabel Her- coUege degree In Bosco University In '58), daul!bter of Mr. and Mrs. Refugio nandez, ~ Eaker July 8; Lilah Newton, New Jersey. Najar, 'lbeSheebans.were on their \Yay Cornelius July U; Michael Baroz Julv Brother Edward Ia leaching_ in

.. to,Edwards.Air.Force·BaselnSoutbem 12• A apeciai 'Happy my to ffiY · SilteslanHighScl!OoliiiLOiil\Dgeles. At Cal!Iornia, where tbey wiil no\V be . htl!lband on his birthday, Jn!yn. the Bllme time he Ia studying for the stationed after a three year tolD' in George A. SaD chez, my brother wiil priesthood and hill rmal vo\Vs. · · Alaska. also. be celebrating a birthday on July • ' 'lbla stunmer Brother Edward Ia .. When was the last time- your ·--- " d- · e1a • •~· t ....__ .. ___ ea · MarCos an Lit Bill' , .onner 11. How time flielj, it seems only asa .... ,ng il .....; ......,o Boys inp.

chimney \Vas clean? residents, are the parenta of a baby boy · yesterday that he was 1n Carrizozo tocated In mountain Oils area, thj!l CBm.P 'rhe soot and creosote that born on June 1911i Jasper, Texas. 'rhe · elementary school, colllltlng on' his bas varlowl activities lor the 50!1 boys

aceuinulates In your chimney bangs baby, Marcos Ray Ill, \Vllo weighed 7 fingers for his 'rithmetic. ''lbey now \Vbo atleild each summer. there llke a time bomb waiting for lbs. 9 oz., has an-older sister, Jessica, can . that 'chlsanbop•, (finger Lucio Md t;:Udia bave 3 other that chance ll)lll1'k to Ignite It. · Sister GaD stackpole and Nena calculation.) George -Is now a Math dilldren; Marie a serilor at

'lbe chlmney fire v1s1 ed with ""' bails offire out the There they · · I · We want w sell your house - List with ust --- ......... h~~~;;;-h .... :.: .. ::~· .. ··-.. -64~--8--2-55-5---I-1-- L~t--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ort~b~r~m~·unHd~~·~fro~m~·~a~w~eek~sitr~a~~~~to~· _J:· ~~~Jn~··~La~s~Oru~.~ce~s:·~Hal'~·~·~n.,~B~~;·~-i~~ttier Ann, a

familles, Mr. Mrs. Fred Sancltez, visited hls aunta and llllcleli, I B .. u····· dine Su· ppiJ Asman crllclc In )'our chimney dqe Mr. lind Mrs. Fr~ Sanchez and Mr. the Moores', Sherrilis' alld Margaret


Ruth Armstrong ........... 648-2435 Belly Howell .............. 648-2502

· 404 South Central carrizozo, N .M.

. to seUIIng 11r thermal shock Is ail a and MrS. David Sancb,ez. While In the Lane. Also there recently fOr a fe\V Corner of Hwy~:p 60&41 . chimney fire needs to enter Your area, Slater and Neila &tOpped In Chula mlnutea were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley

willard · ho=~ Fire Marshall's survey o1 a I ... s sponsor~d ·by -Northern states, l out ot

were· the


· - .. -=mt IGUIS ..;_ Carrizozo·. 148·2818



AI-RCJ : Phone il48~2111 - ; ·

-.. Capit•• ~­·314-2487

International Diesel, flat bed or van.

sec Lie 3636

WETZEL FEED STORE !!!' ~ehind the post office in. Car.ri~&o~&o

Bob Stearns -· Margaret Stearns -~ Dorothy Sb-aley ·~- Yirghda Curtiss- · ' - -

• •

•&ei'VIq the Soi . 111'17• •

' ' ' • ' • • • ' ·~ .. - .. ' . ...,

• ·• . ,, ~


) •. ~


.. '

. .

-,·· . . . ' -~ .. '" ' ; ., - . . ····-···· ;_:__,, ~--l-- .. : ,. ~- '·

·.-.. -. - ---~---: __ , __ , ____ - ------------.- --- --"~·--------·,

... ~

• c~.--- -··· ··t···._ · --~ > .. · ..... ·. apt. :a .. tl... .

·QY. MA:QGARET RENCH .• •' . . : . .

We have and are !laving siiCb very Monl~ ·~nd 1\flcheUe Ugbtfoot of very hot M!lltber, 'l'llls Is th11 worst I Raawell B!*lt .on~~ we~~ll. with their

. have lived to ~ In my 48 ;years bere, ·• grandparents Bud and Dorothy P.ayne · · day 81!d nlgb~, Tb!s ~sda:¥ ofternoon of Carl,izom, . · June ·rz~· douds. gathered With strong

ligbtnlng. Lots pf wind ab~~ad of 11 light . 1\Jr, I!Rd Mrs. Curtis Payne made ~


·. lbower, very llgbt bill .it coldl!d the .. b!lainiiB'!triptoLasCru!,lesan?ElPaso . !ltmoapbere, "nlllnder is rumbling all June 28 and 28.

around us IIJidlt lwll.s as IUbere coUld · MI'. and Mrs. Keith Page gue~~ts · be gppd ab\lwers in tbe ar~~a Rlll!r. It ft were their c:bUdren Mr. ~~nd Mrs. RMdy · eertalnly did felli gCIQ!I, Tltough the ~llge and Wendy of Girard,-K~~nsas and

• little clfOps have faded In the sunshine. · Vlclde Whitacre !If PI}Jilona, Kansas It was Jll~~Qclin'l: · (lne-balf 'of rain fell o!'une 1!1. tbr1J 25. ·gently .tbril the night, .'l'lle Pages; 11ew h!lme constructioq · Smol<ey Bear vl.sitors are coming was st~l!d fot!l' weell.s agp !lnd they by dally ill crowds. ,Just Imagine 5264 b!lpe to complete It In September. They vialtors to tb1s date this month. L!lst -have been living In their trailer home '1.11UI'IIdl!:ir, · 37 studats from Dexter · Ul'!til thla home Is finished. Sinmner Sclippl l!l'!joyed the tour. • aw,~~ay 47 yo011g pepple from Bitter, Sb!teen )'liar old Diane Lucas Lal<e YCC Camp of RosweU seemed . · fQI'DI!!rly of Capitaq 110w of ·Carlsbad happy to have bad the tour, Our total of e11tered the Jligbland Hospital In vlsltol'l! for this ye~~r Is 15,346. Lubbock., Texas Tuesday the"l~tb for

1be Capital'! J011ior Riding Club back surgery Friday morning. She will beldtheirplayday the Fair havew be in the 11 daysfleton

High point wlnn~~rs 8 years a11d · 011der, Kerry Clemmtskay • 20 point,

Marcia He&er • ~points; 9 years thru 12, Dll8l1 Schear • 24 points, Melody

thl! same position. She Is a Junlor a11d will not be able to be In physical activity foro11eyear. ld!>wls!l you,thevery best ~very. "

Mother. Cat Adopts Baby Rabbit ' .

Wbllll\ Pn a Fathers Pay picnic, Olin and Glmda .Booker found ·3 just born rabbits. The Bookers decided to take the rabbits hom!!, With them as they had a cat which had just h11d 4. kittei'!S herself. They hoped the cat might adopt the smaU baby rab!>its. They rubl:ied the kittei'!S on the a11d

cat vias 011able to tbe

gave one of . · away & a11other died but 011e is still bei11g 11ursed by the siamese cat. The .Bookers chUdren 11amed 'the pet rabbit HUI'!gry Ja!lk. H011~ Jack has adopted ta domestic •

life very well. These· wild rabbits are born quite

differently than a dome~tlcl rabbit, thei.t eyes ~~re 0!*1 and they are fully £urred 8Jl.d l!lso have. teeth a11d are able to eat soli!! food. The Booll.ers i11ten<l to keep the adopted animal as 11 pet. At this time it is very

Allot her

was part or manx. So the klttei'!S have differe11t size tails 2 h~ve no tails, 1 hlill h11lf A!Jiil and 1 bas full tsil.

·1be Bookers have quite a collec-tiol'!, " He&er • 16 points; 13 years and over, Guests of'Elthal Merrell are her

Al:tdy WIUJgham • ·23 points, S~~ndra aonsM'aj.andMra.J;:ugeool\ferrellwho Lacy • 2! points. . rece11tly retired from the Air Force and E I. ' D dJ• T

~eFiratBaptlstCburchofCapitsl'!· hiabrotherMr.andMra.BillMerrellof mp. Oyer S . ea . JDe 0 held a nice par!lde last Saturday June Las CI;'UCes, • •

' . • ·- .• ·----· _,_ . ..,.__ ........ _. _________ -_ _._, ____ .. __

' - ...--- ..

' . .,._,

. Getting off Is "shore" faster than getting on.

Employers Required To •

Provide W-2 Forms 24 advertizing their Bible School J011e R Q I • 26 thru 30, sran":;n":!::S~f~!,:,-;'!:~.!,~~ eport Ua!1er y . '1.11e requirement that employers

1be Nazarene Pastor will ·preach a few days with Bessie Joqes, Wblle , provide copies of Fonn W-2, Wage and his last sermon July 2. 1ben he, his here they picked some good New Fe de' . ral Tax Re' turn Near Tax Statement, to employees withil'! 30 Wife, and tbrell dllldrel'! Will leave for Mexl cherri • days after payme11t of fi11al wages when

.departing aliens. A limited supply of 1978 Forms W-2 are available at local irlternal R~veime Service Offices.

Kanaaa City where he will contlliue ·hls · 00

• es; . employmeqt. is. terminated l}as been education In the seminary. He wait Mellsaa Coffman was released Employers must report 011 Form oommerclal banlt have untU August 10 BUS!*Ided temporarlly, 'tbe lnteral

" loved here and will be greatly missed. from the Ruidoso Hospital Sunday J011e 941 ,Social Secu_rity a11d wlthh'eld w file Forni 941,' "employer's ~uarterjy Revmue Service today I!Rnounced. 1bey have held their services ·at the ·25afterseveralda:yawithabacklnjury. Federal iooome tsxes for ·the second Federal Tax keturn," the tnternal The IRS said It took Ibis action church at the Nazarene Camp at AngUs. ' Mr. and 1\Jrs. Hicks of East Texllll quarter of 1!118 by Monday, July 31. If Revmue.Servlce said. because th~ prl11ting of the 1978 W·2'

Lorene Caywwood won top ho11ors and Mi', and Mrs. L.G. Worsham of the quarterly liability (reduced by any Employers should use the pread- .Forms had been delayed. Publication at State Exte11slol'! Homemakers Pecos, Texas speqt last Saturday with deposit during tbe quarter) Is ~1!0 or dressed Forms 941 mailed to them by of the_ ReV'enue Procedure .covering Cultural Arts Exhibit, held In Las U!!asie Jooos, . . • · more, the tmpald bala11ce must be the -IRS or obtain ooples of the .rorm ... privately prlllted substitute Forms W·2 Cruces JUI'!e 11·13: • Ha Wed..tln<> _ Amllve'""'rv to deposited. _ _ . . . . • .. ... _ froin the qearest IRS office. for 1978 also will'be_d~lay_~, -··· . .. ~- --- . • '.To-be.dlgibleto~nter ln-tbe-SII!te-- tiiese:·~iutlfiii'~j,!e -lind -~~itii)' d-----Persoli)IWIIO Di!.Ye depostled !be ms Pu.bilcaiion-i5;-"CirCiilllr E • ~ .---- 'TheiRS wi!laMOUI'!CO when Forms oompetltion, she flrat received two fii'st many more for all of their futures are e11tlre .quarterly tax liability in a Employer's Tax Guide," provides more W·2 must be furnished 1o former em-


place ribbons and one second place my deepest Wishes: Slim and Nille' Federal Reserve Bank or approved 4nformatio11 ployees and when the Revenue ribbon on her paintings at tbe Llncolll Millie JUI'!e2Zitwastheir2Srd• Tommy "''lli!!2!!:11lE:aEm&!:=!::::===-;:;m:=~--=:::l:l!lllll<lm:liiiil:lm!5~q Procedure is available. 1 County Cultur!!l Art Exhibit and then and Kaye ReynDtdS: June '22' their .. This suspe11ston does not apply to went on w the District oompeUUo11, fot!l'tb. E<l and Chery Smith JUI'!e ~ Willning the same awards before e11· their riftb; Pappy and Lola ~. June

. t.erlng the State Competition, which she ... 30 their fourth. , ,. Won the best of Show rillbon on her .Mrs. Rench and .Shanoo11 Brazel painting or the Bele11 Church, a first • were guests Thursday JUI'!e 22 honoring place ribbon 011 a wagon, and 1eeond a1,1 or the above, with a· delicious bar·

A Bowl of Activities from Nogal - · by Robie Burk

place ribbon 011 a pheasant all'd·plow. beque dlrmer In the evelling at the .Mrs. Caywood and be,r buaband beautiful Mountain h!lme of Mr. and A h1111k of marriage talk about life! Whe11 movi11g furniture on hard

Larry, OWI'!el1 or Larry 8 Equip., u-- u · It ·L h '1.11 I I t f talk th·-• d k h I moved here to Qapltal'! Janul!r)' of this .......... wse. .was au .... a appy oc- ere s a o o """ ays wood fiool'l!, slip a soc over eac eg year. caalon which I did enjoy. about the American Family dying out. and slide It over. <DVl

Tonuny and Butch Allen and their llfargaret Llnda''n'ujUio ol Capitan '1.11e growing l'!umber of sil'!gle parent Do you Know? two 1011a are nearly. ready for bualne1111• and Gary Tbomu'n'ujlllo ol Toaa were families al'!d the tende11cy of people to 1be lady In Nogal who Is looking for 1beir beautiful modem and carpeted llllted. In marriage at the Clitholla live alone Is lncreasil'!g. 1be fact is a bol'!net? Western Wear Store will open July 1, It Church by Father Joe S:ya, Saturday however • 80 cheer up • this Is 110t May &h~~rpe will be doWil • we hope b! near their Automatic LaUI'!dry. Tbe June. K 111 11 . lleceasarlly true. '1.11e family structure after the wheat comes ln. street 1n frOIIt Is heavily graveled al'!d 1be reception was held at the Fair b! still on the survival list. People are 'The mining activities are speeding really fa In grand condition. Building With a large crowd attending. · gettlngmarrledata later age thai'! they up 11r01Dtd Nogal!? •

Jolmnle Nellsena new board fence 'I11e COU•IP~Ie;l~l14~. ~o~n~t~w~o-~w;,e~~~ks~-n~use~and~IP~-~· ~·~~u~ttu~::W~~"~m~!.~jo~erl~ty~o~r~. ~·d~o~~~'lll~ e two boys who weqt on 11 !!liCk Tbll! will give sbe a 11d h!lneymoon. ~Both received their or ~·~· • ·~re out this weekend from

• are going There Is alao a trend that husbands project? to Her 1s a great addition tofa !'JreturlllatJ:ll•tlbsnlO'allnHortt~elr·Mllsllmi. He ~~re taldng over many of the chlld-Capit~~n. An icecream parlor, which we !lpeC g Math and sbe In raising and h""""Lold tasks 'o-e~Jy d h 1 do el!joy. Health foods and all. She bas Special Education, . do b """""' " .... • Aroun I e Bow • done a great jOb and we do appreciate HelsthesonofMr.and.Mri.Fe!Jpe ne ywives. This is a mytb-altbough A flash about our Molly· age 102.

....... ,.., of 11 • Sh Is be da "" there have certainly been som" major Mollie Bosh recently moved to the Betty her and all of her efforts a11d foresight Mr ...,...o d r.r:::'8• ... e 1• u':'t'mter of changes ill some famllles, wives a11d Dare Nursing home In Alamorordo ••

We recommend Custom



" .


Krls K'tlstofferson Ali l\facGraw

lor our Capital'!; a great place ta live eaj.:! · ..... rguento Tru" 0 of mothersstl1lc~~rrythegreatestshareof Shehadbelll'!livillgwithhersol'!andhls

-----~an~d~~~hn~Jo~~~~~il~,~~is~re~m~od~el~~edbisr'~h~o~m~~~~;~do~·WUb~·~-~th==ls~~::::~y=ea~n;::of~~th~e~~~~l~oa~d~·~w~h~e!tb~er~o~rn~~tJilih:_e~wU~~·e~Mr~.~-~a:l'!d~Mra~;·~Mar~~cus~~Le~e~~~o:r~-t~:fc~~~~~~~~~~a~i~dlrlr~~Gt and da be ks It Is the room with Mrs. O.B. bas matched to your hearing loss. Ui!es

every Y wor • Now here 'is a love 110te to your be- at Be...,, Dare for a couple or -- and --your efforts. It Is nice. ~ -.:r the e~~r itself to pick up sou11ds. Cbilek and Pattie Wooddell moved children! years. Loulae Runrtels visited the both Secure. Confortable. For Mild to


toto their home on West Third street Carrizozo How do I say Ilove you through the of these ladies last ·week and found moderate deafness . . thfa 1ut week. They did sell their H H' h cr· . scoldings of clean Up your room, pull up them and Mrs. Nichols of Canizo20, BlEAKER

BREAKER beautifUl trailer home and gave 81 lftiC your socks U love you) do11't miss the wh!l a· has also lived tbere tor -awhile

da bus. having a re.ii Pow-wow. Louise said poasesaioo Mon Y June

26 and it-bas SCHEDULE How do I say Ilove you through- tbe that Mollie was tbe most active of the

been mOved. 1beir home was not quite remlodersoftakeyour bath, brush your three, althO·-'- she bas a lltOe trouble ready but they will enjoy doing things • . ...,.. togetbert!l get ii the way they want it. tellth CI love youJ, don't spill the juice. With her get alo11g legs. She Is doing Lola of happiness dear ones Blld many MoodaytbruFriilllY•I:OO-S:ao How do I say I love you through the ime-she misses her frie11ds and her years together 1n your home. They Nurse Henateen, FNP nightly rituals of put doWII your book, home ill Nogal, but wbe still bas a way purchased the Travis Werner property turn out the light Cl love you> go to with pepple and is adjusting to the new aome time ago. '1.11ey do have a nice <Nurse Henstee11 Off sleep. way or lire.

Thurs,aftemoons How do I say I love you through the 'These ladles are always happy to hom:;.. and · fi butofflceQPell) routine or daily living-like mind your have visitors. Jfyou~~re In ,.Uam_o, run ·--.aa;r.yaYiFiel'r~=y:w~£.;~: llllll1lll!l'.lki!i!p yl'lur nearl ana mirier- ilie bome and tell them hello! and brought their sop h!lme With iliem Monday 111111 Wellneaclay clwm, also yow 11wne and your honor Mollie Would love to see you. 'I11e home and be Is emplo~ed at •~e Alpha l:oo-5:00 mll!IJUj !llore than anything-I Ollly hope Is located 011 N. Florida ill Ala!llo. Mineral Mbte. " "' Dr. Rouleau iliat you can hear betwee11 the lines <i '1.1111llk you Louise for this ,1nteresti11g

CecUia and baby Jobl'!so11 of Alpine, love you). <Patri¢1& B~~rley) news about Mollie. Arlzol'!a came to Capitsn via their car Robie's Box Send your jokes-thoughts• By Now, Roble til next week. and apem twelve days with ber mother CANCER SCREENING Ideas to Roble <Lincoln County News> Liley Padilla. CUNIC Hints!

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pa)'RII are rock Thurl!day 1:110-6:110 Try making your child an activity Carrizozo Malco vaneerlng their 11lce bome. work. Frlolay D:oo.u:ao bag to put under the car seat just In -"'"'='""' .

~~----~~~~ln~~ili~e~ev~el'!~lng:L~an:d~~~o~ll~~a~~L~~~~='-~~·E~a~c:h~W;:ee;k~-~~~---~~ ~~~~on~·ka~l~011~g~~~F1U~·~u;_-i~--~---1f IN ERGENCI ES games etc. .



"QLiALib "W!'ICH IE;Aiiif«J l'<,il3

437~7030' Ha "tw· YORK ·_Att._ _



Nurse Hellstee~~ •.••..••••. 648-2506 Shetllt's Dept ••••••• ~ ~ "<> 648--2342 Dr. Rouleau ••••••••••• ¥0 1-%54-.2'!54

<In C&piii!R) •

DOme11tie Wells Drilled &Cleaned 2 Mlres E••t or canuozo. tiS liiiO

. - - . '

BARNETt CARPEtS, INC. - - . ·- -' ~ .


From Mary A. For a safer neigh­borhOOd buy wil'!d chitnes tor everyone In the-neighbOrhood. It provides pretty tlihes for all and It Is very hilrd to get In ~ wiiliout some one· ~ng What ill happelllng •

OFFICE SVPJ>LIES - MA!)IiiNES RUidoso, New Mexl~osaMli

. (505)

. ,

.. . . . L . . ............. .,-• .;:

1;.,..,. ......... ts..,'"'*"':tollt .. ·oli .. -Ciio·s, .. ·--r,.·-·· ...... illlilrtM*IIIi'"'tr-'~-d~d"M""' -~ ..... "<,.,.., . ..,, .. , ......... -;,.,,.. ......... -_ .. ?.,...s-.ti~· ~- _-- --'=-.e-=-~-==~..,.,~~~--o-...;"" ..,.~- ... ~ . .,_.~ .. --~- "-"- --··· • ,_" ·~ • • A ~ _, •••• ,-~. •

Across the street . from CourthC:)tJse ·


~' bca9ati!J

. . I .,

Try Before You Buy!

Available on our


PIAN No obligation to buv.

.• Sun•Tues-JuJy 9-11

see ine Tiuusday, July 6, 1978 ai . Crossroads Motel, Telephone MS. 2363. ·2•004:0o p.m. For full In· formation see ·· Mr. Jim Bunch, c:onstdtant. Slover's Heating Aid' Specialists, 1i2 Amherst Dr., .S.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87186. ·



PALM .EADEl AND ADYISOI GcHI Gl;.wi Po- To Heal -- averyanit W .. CDIIIe-..... ·-

..................... aw . ..a,. ..... NliwMexrco·

N~sker's Country Fresh Meat Co. CUstom Culling Wholesale & Retail.

. . "

Imported Cheeses~ Game Processing


"' •

·' •:

1 ••

' '

I .

. ' !

• '

·. '

-· :.


, , , -, ., ·• .·· ... '", ._ '"- .•- .• •"Y ~ •• -, •- " '" ·, ~ •· "' • ,, ~-.• '" -•· "~ ., . .,, -..:--,. ..,,.,. ...,-,. ..,-.,.-;""""""'"T··y-,--•.•r"'~'"'-,. ~ '"""- '7 ''"I', ... -."'!'""""~ ¥-.~·"'f "'· O.J'"•'.,.. '*" ¥ ...... ,-. "'""''CT:' """"-!!!':;·"'·"""' ...,..,.-...-.:~ ..,.,..., '" • " " - ' " _,.-" •·,' ~~~ ---------- ----~~---••••-•-•·--··-"' ~~--~---._..._...._:___ ~-'--,..__;_-~-~ __ : .... <.-~---~·-'-----,----' ..,~;-;-~·-·---'----: ~-- .,,__:_: ---~~·-.,---.___...:'-~-- '• ..._· ___________ ____;__ ••·:-··" ~~---~.----..---------~----'--- ' ~ 0 T ___ }.:_._,•;•:;...;.;..~,----, ~!..-_,.._,.:--:---·-:-~----,-----~------.C.,,.; ~:-·••••----- ,_,., .. ,_, ~--- -- "; --: --' -- - T' ____ , ___ ----- '------ -~--- ---.- "'," "'"" -''"' ___ .,,, ''' ,,_ '"" ._ ,_ ---••,

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.• •

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' '

The News, July 6, 1978, Page 4 ...-,

..-y;J; •







..... . '

" "

Sod .. CRAGMONT · . ·7 - $} .. ·. · . R~gular or · . · · · . - 12•0z. · · . . . . a D1et . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . · Cans . . ·

---------- - --------.


ns 16-0z. ........... Can

ra-. ft-10-0z.Jet Put~· Marshmallow~ . 3 Bags$} l1 ~0.5-0z. Minature Marshmallows..... For


Kraft Mayonnaise. 16-0z. · 79 fF Jar .. ... "

rade-A •


Honeydew Melons


Fresh Lemons

. Red Leaf

. A" ....

LARGE 6 2 «1: DOZEN . . .

lb. 25~

Lb. 59~ = 39~

Romaine .•. · lettuce &.


...-., .. , ·•· ....

' I

, '.

' t

' ' I . I I


... DOUBlE·TICKET. DAY ··•·E···.········v ..•. _._··E•·-•· ··-R····._.··y.• · .. -._ ........ ··w. _·.·_ .. ---E·· ·-·-·~···-o-··N·. ··. ···E·. ··-s···.· __ ··••·o·· __ ·_. --··-A·· -··.--y·-· · ·.

' ' · .. · ·• - ' - • - . 1-. ",-' ' - ' - • - -- ' ' ' . . ' ,- ... ' _.-. ,· -- . ·- -•' - ' '

-,--.- --·- ... · · -- ·-- .. • .. Y,. o ....... - ... -: • • -~ __ • __ .·.. • .: •• ,• _ ·•·." ••


. I '

G•m.,vieve F. Sch11ei.der David Bri$ . Pauliqe R. l.ilrez Virginia Miles ·

Mary MeS$erli · Maria Sanehe:~:· . · . Er11estir'!e Ramlerez ·· · ·

·· leaiinette Alligood Robert Leanna : :.

.• • • ' • .• • • • • • .• • •' • I! • • ' • • • •. . • • t!F '·. •

Mrs. M. Washington Barbara Wilds . Genevieve F. Schneider ·· Sally H11ff Valerie Richter Pa11line ·R. larez .

Rosalie Marquez - · · lucy B. Barry Mary PJI$sst~rlr Donna L; Str.eeL Rit.hatd C. Davis David Bris · 1

.lupe Parra Karen Kovais . 1.Virginia Miles . . Susan Joan lyon Neva Stepp Maria Sanchez Fabiohi .M. Ortega Leo Gri11g Ernestine Ramierez Florimcio Saave Alfr.edo Torres . Jeannette Alligood ·

-'"""'"":l~Robe~rt~-~ ,.,..,.,,.,.., ...,..._~!!!,!;!!!JM!!o!!!ra!!!le!.!_s __ ~·· _ _J~!!!,!L;!!!ea!!!n!!!na!.,_..__ __


. . . . . -. . . . . . . . .• .. . . . . . . . . . . . Dorothy L. Allan . · Phillis Melvin

Chris Lu·cero Hortensia Herrera · Sharyn Sanchez . H;D, Price ·

• John Martha S. Breitha

Stainless Flat-ware Frozen Food Selection

-Soup· _Spoon ..




. .

· · · · ;t • MOUNTAIN . . . ·

Gre. en Chill PASS . 24 -0z· 79«~: . , · . Whole or Chopped Cans • •

Cherries •

Peaches •

Lb. Sweet & Juicy Lb •


99 ...... Bag ..


~' < Chrysanthemums ~-·


I •

&·Inch Pot

Jade Plant



Bath Tissu V. . ' . ·.· .. ·.

· ·..•. Paper · · · · 126-Sheet · «1: . IV3 Towels ........................................ Roll·. 69 . . . -

· . • ·. · KLEENEX .. . BY THE CASE . . $2· . 3 · ...... ' · :~~~~~t~ME . $2659 E·ach · .. · .. 5 apers ABSORBENTDAYTIME ~ ~-~~.Box . .. - .... . . .

· .s.·-.·_-. __ ·ta-•.. · ~vF~e·e·· MINI · - . . 30-ct. $1-· ,, ~ .. _.· . ~ 1 1

· · PADS ................... :·· Box, .· · . •

• ... . • •

- .


'·--,-.-,--"-•··-- -- - ----- -·· -. . •


' ···, . •

... 4·.------



. / .

318. .t

CHART· ' .. - - '

IJ$ '" :50 ' '" Hm l::t "' .-~o ''" Jon ;"o)J .:(10 •co . '""" ' .. .t~m

n.~ ... S.OQ· SI~~QO ' .. "' . '"' _51~00()

''" I''"

r Revised Odds Chart .·

6/27178 •


. Selries 318

• ..

> . · . .-

· 1 1n I ~lSI

·UPTO t ,V'I I ~39 1, If\

I '" ' .. "" ''"

-~"' '~~

" • .::-.-

es • I. ·· 10 OBTAIN MATERIAL Wt!M e~ch VIStl_ ID parhctpalmg •

·~tore. each ~dult 118 yt"ars or older) mar 1,1btam oqe · 11chet iJild on fJrSt VISit. one Collector ca·rd. No ·PurChase · Requued · ·

2. TO Plliv. Scratch qff bOm wtfb.edge ol com lo·reveal pnze amouols. INSTANT GAMl· Tn1ee 131 Pille amounls pi a kmd on one lltkel wms th•l prue COL~(CT GAME:

' •' •.



- .. ' ..

r~~~!~~=:~~o)l,:t•~•et Votd "here ta!Od or IJ, any ~e .. ce. scheme. tau cnance to play

flm 1$ r~_serves the ughr 10 ~ . hmtl puze to one per Vahd wmmng lt~o~ts

· must be prejented weeks atw enc of Game or pmes are irckets .bec;ome prpperry of spon$DflnR retitller _ . cannot be returned. Stale fedetal and other !axes rmposed on any or all pmes iue sole respons1b1hly of wmners

'SeriQs 3U! i.s plaYed in 59 · particiP..•inl ~· :r;. w11y s•l!r~s 1n •M s

· Sudderth Drive ,,.,_ .J ODDS CHART

Correclly pl"e collector stubs on Colleclor Card Com· plele any column !I lhru 81 wm that prize. Walch tor "lou W;n" SIOO or SI.OOO Collector Stub and w•n thai amount anstaotly!

!. 10 ClAIM PRIZE· Submtt ltckels lor veut•catton to · Store Mjlnager 's1gn on back '"- h1s presen.cel W1nner" ot $1·$20 Game pard m cash at store. Redemptton o1 over $20: Complete Cla1mant s form (retain receipt) f(lr p~yment by check.


7. All TICKETS AND COlLECTOR'S CARDS mus1 have same ~~·:;!,n,r~~b~.~~~ are vahd only rn that Senes No. Gam~.

ot Texas, clti!!s· of PaSo, .. Marfa, Alpine, Ft. Stockton. Pec!is, Qdessa, Midlan.d · and in the .. State ·.,, New Mexico. cities of l-lobbs, Carlsbad, 'Artesia, R':!!>· well, Alamogordo, ,Rui. doso, Las Cruces, Di!ming, Silver City, Socorro, . Albu·

. .



Ruidoso, . ~-------~·~----~~~~·~w=+~,.~~~-+_:~~~~~~~~~~~+


Spumoni Ice Creain '!~·Gal·$

..... Ctn.




· Everyday Low Prices

Lawn & Leaf Bags SAFEWAY .... lO·Ct. Box

!. OffER NOT OPEN TO Employees ot sponsorrng rel~tler. 1ts subs1d1ar1es, m¥nufactur~rs Game. the11 -advertJS.·

ana tam1he~ of

8. Odds to wm anti' number ot puzes, uncllatmt~d. · I be update,d each week alter tht~) <301 ·

cjlegortes $2~ 00 arid over. · • 9, 11 contam 10 front Seues ho ..

' 'NSTANT MONE y·"• under

may be legttrmale 10. chann~ls'. or r I 1 . forced. 1ampeted wtth or megular many way. or c;ontam pununs DJ.,!llher

~ error~ LtabJhtv ru·:kPI nr rhno;~:~ nor VPflhPrt

Fe, Los Alamos, "Espanola, Taos. •

• ,.



Scope Mouthwash·~~ 1" •

• • . '

• : CAT , ' • -•,.IP x~~bRBENT ., .... : ......... 5~~~ 454 ...

9·'··~~Liqui~---Bieach~.~~8'.~ ... ~.-...... :.·;.f~:: ..

SAFEWAY SPECIAL Sham Head and Shoulders YOUR $}4.9 _

Tube, Jar · .CHOICE ·or Lotion •••......•.... 4·0z. Size

10¢ Off­LABEL· 40·Ct. Box

• ·White Magic Fabric Softener Sheets

. Sorvtng •


Ground Beef Patties



. .

Gardenside If • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dairy Deli-Selection •

. Acidophil us

LUCERNE LOW V•·Gal. FAT •••••••••••••••••••• Ctn. 89'4

Lucerne Cream Topping ~'?.r 754

• ,,

Sliced Bacon

l·Lb. $ 2 Pkg.

• • • • • • ••••• - . .

Vegetable Oil

• ' . . .



; .




• •


' .

-~--"·~------- ---~-·--·

L;~OAM EAC~ g·ge~:· 30·Quart ONLY

• '

SIX PACK .................. . EACH 89fl: ONLY

Playballs r.;~ .. ~ ............... . EACH·· gge~: ONLY


Boneless Pot Roast



--~ .,

Beef Chuck Steak


BLADE cur lb.

$ 15


• • • • • • • • • • • •

Green Beans

• • • • •

• ••••


Box . '



. . \ I·

' I


tzt -.-... ~.o;_ ..,_ .. ~···-·..,_~-.. H~ ~.,._.,,..~.:..1'-a.a=+a·6+t6Zrt¢ ¥ • era • •a-•·••1,-a t ·:ft·a-a ·>~i~k!t •·~·~·4_·4·4..'£"4·~~- v"Yte!k +-t ~-"'·------··· -"'· ~- ••. " • -" ·--~-~ .... ,-h.,.. ........ "· ~- ~- ,_..,. ~ ·~ ~- ~ -·· ---·- ~ --. •· - - - - -- -- ·- • • •

", ~ •• !" ~- ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ .• ~ ~· '" w, _, "·: "·"'"" -.. ' '" . •' " ~ < "-' • ~ "

" . · ......


The July I, UJ78, Page 8

Rae at • •

JET DECK WINNER-Go Go Cookie, ridden by Jerry Nlc:odemus, dash~ to a surprise win In Saturday's 44&-yard Jet

13-1 Outsider--


' '

.Deek Slakes at Ruidoso Downs. The winner return~ f29.20 on a •z wiD ticket and eurn~ ",320. . •

In Jet Deck Stakes RUIDOSO DOWNS,N.M.-Go Go

Qlokle, a 1:1-1 outsider, made It look easy while upsettuig her competition in Saturday's renewal of the •-Jet Deck States at Ruidoso Downs.

The filly, ridden by Jerry Nicodemus out of the rail post, broke alertly In· the 440-yard "dash and was near the lead In the early going.

The 2-1 favorite, Loma Vista Man, also packed a Jot of early zip and looked like a strong threat as he Dashed over the first 100 yards. But at the mid-way point, he began to tire under his stiff load of 124 pounda and slumped Into the pack.

Go Go Cookie is OWlled by the Smith Brothers of Kamay, Texas, who collected $4,320 out of the $7,200 gross purse. The tote returns: $29,20, $15,20'; $8.80.

Bid A Waye, a 17·1longshot piloted by Sal~tlo Burgos, made a strong move on the far outside and finished second. The mutuel returns weie $18 and $10. Cotton Pac 2; going after his elghllulfalght win, came In third as an · 11·1 darkhorse. The show price was $5.80. "

I,A>ma Vista 'Man crosmid the wire 'In fourth place. ·

Go Go Cookie, on the other hand, look charge with . detm:minatlon.:an(l __ poured it on at the end 19 win going away. 'I1le victory margin was ·one length. The winning time was 22.25 secoDda.

·Back and Racing




623-2630 901 S. MAIN

Val Nero, the hope of· Lincoln County and Mrs. A.N. <Jackie) Spencer of Carrizozo, New Mexico, was back and running Sunday, July :!, 19781n the 5th race, 400 yardator New Mexico bred Quarter Horses, 3yearolda and older at Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico.

Val Nero after winning the West Texas Futurity In 1m at Sunland Park, New Mexico advanced to Ruidoso Downs, 'entered In the Ks11!1Ba, the Rainbow and the All American.

Unfortunately he pulled a tendon In hla hind leg In the Kansali Trials and had to be sent home from the track.

Jackie had him operated on. Sunday was hla first out and the big · •

Don Farris said after the race tht\t he ran well but that he Is not fully recovered from his operation. The bopes though are high.

* 'I .·. •·.


fh(• llttitlctsctSflti(•llltllk. llS ih(•)T flft iJJ

', ;- .


7 .!,.11/9~- ns 8 8 .. ~_..... -·-. - r.!S;'S!;!!!..~ 117

9 ·-=:.. ... .. ~'C... .. .:::"' liS


.. --

:!12 OOEU.IIINNY 117 :


•• .... .... The Ruidoso State Bank's s,unup to sundown savings plan earns as much as any savings

planatany•·o~1t~h~e~rt~~n~~j~~!~~~~~~~~~;,j~~~~~~~;y~~~~~~--------~t-----;;~ 'Savhigs d earn 5% compounded daily. means your savings are working for you at 5% interest even if you put them in one day and take them out the I'


next. It pays to save at the Ruidoso State Bank not only because you get as much ·l'or your

money as anywhere else in America but also because money that stays in t.ihcoln County helps everyone to a better life!

CARRIZOZO :_S~ANCH-----··- ---·:···


' _;·

I . ' •

. ' '

SOME KINDA QUI~ .. 1. - ....... ---a ... o..~ '""·=t=-:- ....... -~~ ... ·-~.

MONDAY. JULY 3, 1978 .( .. -.} 3

CIIIAIM._...... -tl.1M --­_,_........w..r._,.. .... _. ... __,. --..tMOI' ..... ____ ......,.._~ ____ ,"" ... ~·-- ••••..••..•. fft-- --_,__ _..__ "

/Ill -- 120 -..,.., ~2 A.Y aY ClOU.,. 120 ':= - .. ,,. --.c..,~-Mt .-_, __ .___ -1.- II

"'3 -Ok 0 KAitTOOM kiD FLASK• 120 _-:=..,. ....................... -.,.A ..,:_ ...... ~~c. "-•·- ~n

-r WIND DOll.• • 12o -c.w ciUi o.------- _ - _......, .. -..-, _L__, I rs ..__..... WMIM

c.- SUIE SWEET FOlLY. 120 HODCI!I .. ..,. ~~- - --eo-- :II

2 6 --:...·~ - IN:Dl

DASHING IlliG" 120 _.., ..U.WhltoA-71 """' ...... ----,..., > r'1' ... , .. __

7 -N.M.


Teas Vitam Ins Proteins Minerals

Keifir Diet Dairy. · Products

2&T·l4&4 2iellillclderih Dr.

~Ridcl"'"" New Mexleo ...


·._ . .

11 •

... , ... ""11 10 IAIN&OW DElaY OONSOLATION

""'- ., . ..,.

IIAOIG~Rl" ..... I.U..t. ,.,._t»a .. :·-··.::r-.=-::.=.~ • .,.-=----

~· ..... ' j '



L---~, I~ you wish

Pa.tVigil · Ph, Cairlzozo, N.M,

. .


• •



. .


.. '~ ;

i .. <; " .... f ·- •

'· .. , .. .... ,. -, . . ' . . •


• •. . _ 'I'll' NlfW•• ~ulf t. JWt. P•le 7 · • . .

. . .,; r ' .. _,, .. ' -

. -...... Timed lri a1 • .,.,,.. . . - . . . . . _

·sift.· Pass WIIJS RaiQbow Derby~'1'1.9,025. . . . . * . . .. * *·· .- ... '*·. . '* ·I -_ Pocket Coin c-apture's

. ' -, -. "'

Futurity Prep Stakes , ... RUIDoS() DOWNS, N.M.-Poclcf!t

Ooln contlnUf!d .1¥s · ro111 or lclnBPill amcmgRilld!liiO~s tWli-YQBr-<;~lda by tl!!ll!ily ~iils .SIJQclay's rf!llewal or the Futurtt)' .Prep.Siakes. . ·

. The classy colt, rlddl!ll by Charles . M~,~eller Ill the lOP .load or 12a pol!nl,ts,

-_ -broke ql!ickly m the $1,Hilr1Mg ~PI'mt . ·- and wa~ted 1111 lillie llil!inli controt .

Light Fan~go, 11 5~·1 outsider, · - tried to outrace Pocket Coin in the·

_backsll'C!tch b!-¢ was clearly no match, Pock~, Cllin moved Into tl)e clcoat, and was under no pressure when lle SWI!IIg into the turn,

-In the upper stretch, Jock11y • )14~,~eller had nothing to do but bold. qn.

· He band-rode the people's choice down

• • . Easy lllc!~. ~ ~ }$Mirite, stuck

with Real Easy J~ llj.Ufe ea~l)' PQI'tfom~ l!f the +fO;yard ·~t. lJul" _thl! ~olt began wure ~c!ly, lllld w11a an through.

· · at tile nll!lway poinf. •· · . : ·, • I

Nelli, Real EasY Jet hild tQ fl!lld off 1111 .ulallll ·from .tbe onrushing ~H

·- !lllblider; Honey )14Citiit Bpilri.llut R!>al·­.Easy J~had)!ilJ l!i!ad .in front wben he hif the ribbOn. The colt collected

· $17,1!8$ for biB llwner; Walter Merrick of Ss)'re, Okla. 'lbe Winning. time was

. 22.02oeconds. · · -. 8oney Moo11 Sport got a paycheck

or ,11,960, Madam President, a .20-1 c!arkboroe, sailed in third-only a neck behind Madam President, Easy MoV!! faded to fOIII'tb. ·


• GOLD OF THE RAINBOW-DUty Pua gets ber Jlleture taken In the Ruldqoo

· Downs winner• a drcle after whmlag the " Rlalnbow Quarter Horae D!Orby and

earning $171!,,25, Tile fUiy Ia own¢ by ·

two brothers from· Lufk!O, Teno: Wayne John~n (second fo:!lm left) and Jim Johnson (center). At left Ia

Wayne's wife, J.ou.: at .far Trainer c. Ronnie FergusoQ.

• right,

~~~~~~~n~a~~~h~ed~~~th~e~~ : was a 1;06 3-5 .. nd ••

. tr11ck record is 1:05 1·5.) ·· .12.60 a ..,.40 •

Pocket Ooln co'!i11cted $5,04!) out of the $8,400 11.1'08& purse, and the income swelled hi$ career bankroll up 11ear the $80,000 level. He's won five out of si~


" •. ..


• career starts. The valuable colt Is owned by Melvin -and Ernest Riggs of Ft. Stockton, Texas. ' ·

• 'lbe mutuel returns were $2.80 to win, $2.20 to place, $2.20 to show. ·Light Fa,ndango ended \IP second for payoffs .

Easy Klss eame in fifth, High Set took sixth, and Lucks Chic Gay brought I!P the rear.

Hot Idea and Town POlicy, the first lllfd second-place finishers In · last aummer'a All American Futurity qualified for the Rainbow Oonsolatlon

• but defected. Nonetheless, each got a paycheck or n.ao1.

of $3.40 and $2,60. Rich N Roya,l was ·---~~----------more ihan m len&.ths behind Light WINNING POST FaQdango, but managlld to pick up POStnONS · third place in the stnmg-out field. 'lbe show return was $3.20.

SUnday'sprogramalsc Included the $74,619 conaolatloli of the Rainbow Quarter Horse Derby, and the trophy

No. 1-22 No. 2-42 No, 3-30 No. 6-3~ No. 7--29 No, D--29

No. 4-37 No. 5-33 • No. '1-31 No. IOo-19. . .. "'

the narrow second favorite, _JNINNJNa POST l'osmoNs l .. -""Jet;-"'I'Jiij ciin;-iilToteCIDy·- - co.H!o•~•


. '



---Gary-8umpter,-burshlut-oHhe--No. 5 --- - ·- f :z- 3 :.5 .-··7--1-1._10 ______ _ post In the seven-head field and never ::•:g~uly 3 2 • • • 1 • 2 4 3 4

...... 1 11Jt.OU.OCJ 2 11.1-10.00

' .ChfG.OO

• . 21offUO 5 lt.t41.0Q • 1t..o7.00 7 11.t25.00 I ,,,.nt.oo. , 17.902-'1:1 10 17..2t1.00


* *", The Rainbow Derby · * * ' • . . Headwind Track Fast

• . 440 yards Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico Monday, July 3, 1978

Fin. 1fmt QUIIo timf '> Sl,. '"'Or<!' I 0 .... • ~· Potf Poi. - Oam '""'"' 'State 'Trainer 10 21.1t 21.t6 lllffy Pill PHI E'm Up IIRy WavnNOhntorf Tex C:.R. Fltf'DUS«< a. Pilkenton 2 , .. , .. 21.7.4 NIIM Tblf'moJirk ThlrMOO MIIIV J_D Lark R. Schltlp Oklo W.L. CraiDhNd c. Whit• • 21.t7 21.t3 StOll Mtnp Alure Te Trfple Depth c.L. Slew.rt Tox Don Ferrlt K. Htrt , ..... ., ... e .. y Sllnt Eatv Jet La Jolla C.R. Walk Tox H.L. Tutktr Jrltlltrtln 7 ..... 21.t21h Medfey Glau RIIH Your GlaU Sprint Medley U•Palnc TOlC G. Tlfertlltr M.SL. Brooks 1 Jt,1J .... , M.tgrwm Loed AzUr• Te' Dance Quolen Gentry Bros. Tox Don Farrtt J, NICOdtmUI

' ..... 21.71 SecoMie MI~IY Te Telktd' AboUt Cryan RenCh T .. T.G. WlltY w.R. Hunt 5 ..... 2UO ~'::t~v~!w ldll Don ......... Brooks Br01, Okla M.T •. erOOkS R. Bickel . • 22.31 21 ... IN. Ven Deck Dttp Retreat , Rhd lo Tucker T ... H,L. Tucker D. C:.n:Jo111 • ....... 2UO • Little FJyln N1t1vo Dtf9 Slue II.,. T.S. Neff Tex L •. D. Wood R. Siehl

440 yards Ruidoso Downs, 'New Mexico July 2, 1978 Rainbow Consolation >2.01 .....


relinquished the lead. • • ToTAL 7 10 11 13 5 3 15 17 13 12

.. .... ~·· •


GARY SUMPTER .......... ~ ••.••••••• l.CI 21S 17 25 11.9 JER~ NICODEMUS ................. 84 22 22 13 26.2 JACKIE MARTI"f. •••••••••••••••••••• 111 20 10 8 18.0 CHARlES MUELlER ................... 109 111 17 14 16.5 RICHARD 81CKEI. •••••••••• ,. ••••••••• 119 11 7 11 15.1 SALUSTIO BURGOS ................. 136 17 20 13 12.5 W. R. HUNt' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 89 15 8 7 16.9 J, C. \VIL£'( oo• oooooo • oooofoolo ooo ooooo 88 l.t 14 JJ 15,9 JERRY BURGESS • • .. • .. .. .. . .. .. .... 112 14 10 9 12,$ WIU.IE lCIIIEI.t ..................... , 126 13 II II 10.3



~~~t~a.O#O.IO#i.O.o.A~ .... 96- .15 ••••••••••.••••••• 77 13 . ............... .

H. DON FAittfS ••••••••••••••• , ••••• p62 GENE TEFEJtTIUER •••••••••••••••••••• 53 QIFFORD C. lAMIERr •••••••••• , •• , , , • ~ f. JOLLY DRISKill. ••••••••••••••••••• ,61 H~ ~~EN •·d•••••···••••••••49 WIUIAI-A F .. lEAOf ••••••••••••••• , ••• 71

6 .. 22.6 5 'I 17.2

11 7 14.8 5 6 16.3 6 ID 9.9



. . . .



........ -- ~... - --c

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' ··-.~- '' •· •- -'''' ~ ~ " -~":,~ 1"-. ·~· ~- -~ ~ ~.· •r ... ~-•.,- ---r- ,..,,.. "':':, ,.,. T - -, ,_ ..,., "'' -,.,. ,.. ,,- ~-.. ~- ""'


,_.,. ,"',. ,"' ., •. -.,.. ,...,. ,.- . ..,..-"'!""" ~ ~~~..,...,.,..-"':.,. '!" *: • ..,..,..,.,., T' '!!I!' fl '1!'- *( .... If·'*'.:":'."" ,f 4jl\ 'li' ··.·:·:· $ :; Clfl..~ 11?1 ¥ ,f.,£1 .'!f '4. "!'_ U. f :+" ~ !1),':"'" .. '."· 9131!1•' 'fi ·• 'jlH

' ' . .... . ' '

.. ~ .

' . '

..-e News, .July 8, ' ~

Market Styled

" •

•, ,'

I -.. :' '

- ,f

• .,

• '

• • •

' '

. ' . . ...

··-- 'i

' . '

"" ....

. . '

. ' ... '

.. .'


,, .... '

' " ' ' ' .. - , I

, I ,

-~ _,

• ·. .. ' .

-- ' . ' .. ,.·. .·' ' '

' ' '

' ' ' ' . ·. . . .

' ' . ' - _. . - ·· .-$HOP .RIR FO(IDS,. INC. IS A ·-NEw··. . -- - - - - . - - ' : _- · -

-- M£~~~~e;::wo~~~~G~M~:; •s -PI,GLY WI!'GLY - --~·-· ~..l---:-------~~--~ -_ ----- _----Yova·-· ---- :.-

. '

. Com blnation Western Heavy .

. --~K · CHOPS

G raii1 Fed Beef,


-_ ·Ati'BCTION -_ · .. WITH.·MBATS s--

: , • ' """"...., . ' ' .- ,

. PRODUCE .. TO - . ·- - -- ' ' " . ' . '


Western Hea,Y·Grain _.­.Fed Beef, Whole Western Heavy



I .

Grain Fed Beef;· Boneless ·


• 6 centers, 4 ends


'o79 CHUCK 'ROAST -··

Lb. s 09 ,.. r~- •

- --- ---------·-- ----------------

.BA QUET ·. ' .

NNERS Assorted •

11 oz. pkg.


Barbeque Sauce 32 oz. Jar 69 c R~a.dy to feed formula $

199 S1mllac 6 pak 8 oz. cans .

Hamburger Helper 8 oz. &9c Downey Fabric Softner


33 oz. age Your Choice! ·

Broccoli Spears Cauliflower Brussel Sprouts -

8 oz. pkg.


' ' . -. . . - / . . (

Lb.$ -68 Lb.

' Piggly Wiggly

ILK Gal.· $ 59 Ctn.




. f

• . . •.

Nice & Soft




Delicious · To Eat

' ·-

Lb ..


. -

• 38 -~ -$ -Lb. ·


DRI KS Quart

Plgg Wiggly

GOLDE CORN . Cream or Whole Kernel

Plggly Wiggly, Cut

GREEN BEA S. 16oz.cans 3/89C.

Listerine '14 o~. . '


12 oz.'$ 79·


· Johnson

.Baby, poo

$ 16 oz •


' '


' - . '


•' '

t -

..,_,., .., ..

-W.i'( .. -' •·. I ' ,_ ,. • '· . -· .. . . ~ .

.~ .. . . .. - ·. . ,

• -. ... . . ' .. •

·L!ncoln. ·County 'l~ews 648~2'3~8 · • · · ·• ·•· · · Fof l!llle; ~ll!s-JJutcber ~u:e, Call

· ... '-,._ . . ' · · F11r .Sl!l~e: Allil! Chilllners · ('l'~

Wl> 45) MOdel 56 triiCtQr, EliC~eQt running condilloll~ · See Chonc.ho Morales Cl!rriZozo, N .M. phone Mll-2916. . . . . . 2tc-2'7 Carrlloz.. Plu111tiinc. HarkeJ li&H

516 · ·


· ·· · · Fo.r Sllle: Alfalfa hay, · W11ter Heat~a,, Qealln!l Qptta, .ft. e·af Elf .. afe· Rlcha!'llsqn !!'arm, TuiJirosa, N .M, · I !1Ue!Hiecl tile Coil Ven~enc:e 1978 at Kl.tche~~"' JJatbroom ~~- and $2 all!ii!H · · CARDSOFTHANKI! Sl!lte Ul!iverslty wilek.

.wat..- Purlfi~n. • · SE:~: JOHiliHARKEYOR • ,:Ill, 0 · · · . 510

. • . '4tc We wish tO el!pJ.'eSS ou.r. s.lnC.ere This was •a .four. ~Y Wl!rk.l!hQp 911

RESID~N,-.U, Oil CQMMERClAL JAl;K HARK~Y· 'nte Corona Siclloola. are preaently !hanll• tQ !he Sl!lte Highway Pll~l alld o\!pil)nlhg . and WeaVing. 'I'll ere . ·-SAI.ES a.Qd QPAIRS.. IICI'l!Ptlng llPPiic!lllons for !Jie position tile City oi' Clipltan for ilieij- help in 9ur 2,100 people att""ding frQ!Il!lll over tile

CARR~ZO,.NEW MJi:XICQ · of head ciOq!< aiid ass!sia11t cook.' E!lch psrade; Also 0111' ili!lllks to Flirt .$tantl!ll . world. · They bact ntallers of .loonl$, · Phone 648-2383 person Will work 11 5 hm.u• dl!)l, · The ron- enterillg their fire truck Ill ilie spl!llllng . wheel& and .acc;essc~ries 1111

positll!!)ls for!lille montlls. The Cor;illla psrade. The State Hlehway patml and display~. Exhibitl!rs of wool from New. · • · Sc;hol!la f4!1!d arou11d UO til 120 persollS tile Capll!ln Pllllce Pfl!vlded tile pollee Ze&IBild a!HI Auatralla as wdl a• loc11lly

GUESS WHAT! Paulllle's 13!lrn Is per daf> 'IIlere could l!e the·possli!lllty .rt. One o( ilie. Capitan:.r,..e trucks grown woll!s. were av11U11ble for Put· !>l>en· Caplial!. Saturdays i.oam.. 1otp of a wlfe-husb!lnd. ot · husbBild-:wite was .Ill ihe parade. we wish to thank · . eh~~ae by spinners and weavers, 'l'here

• CO!Ilbinatlon as he11d ; cooll-assl~tant everyone wl)o had a part Ill mall!llg our ·( · were l'09JlUI of yarn11 or all k.lnds

.. ~.


Jes$e Eng lis~ . . .

Llcenlie Nq,llZOO

For l!aie: "l$11nd '74 Ford pickups, • ¥.. Blld ~ tl!ll. Also fiber-glass .c811lper shells $375.00 each. 648-2515. lfn . .

Card of Thanks cook. AQyone Interested in tllese jobs psrade a vel')' successful event.. avaUal!le, should cllll ilie Corona Public Schools OurSiricereAj)p~llon, 'IIlroughootilieworkshoptberewas

'lbe families of Leonard Hobbs, Mr. Central Office (646-1911) and request Mrs. Wayla11d B. Qolbrook 11 wide Vl!riety of ·-joins tQ h!i!l~ the Blld Mrs. Lionel Jlurkes, Mr. Blld 1\JrS: furti!er !llfonnati!ln pertaining to job . Director psrtlclpantlQBI'II litoreabouthls.area of

• REWARD: $200 'for any clues Paull.ollckey,1111d Mf. and Mrs.R!ly· dutles,pay•sca,le,beneflts,hours,etc, FlratBaptl•tCh.....,h· emphasis. I attended several that

. ' ..


. '

• ·,"I


by RALPH DUNLAP • NM$u · County htensicm ·Agent

beelle~.: . .l have . had r!!quesl!l from · home gardeners on llow tQ collti'!IJ !hese and .f!ilier pjsiB 111.1tlle garden· a11d aroiJIId. the bOrne. · . .· ·

· . 'IIlese!llsect• ~llUd up (Jilite rapidly , and dalllBge .tile gardeQ quickly, You c:llii use diaalnon, Mll!atlllclll or Sevl11 tQ conti'ol thelll •. ·· .l.eave · a few ~~ aroiDid. tllll edge Of ilie garden .and . spray tl)ese 8lltra he!IVY.. This will help coptrol tile~ .bugs tllat mQvil !llto ilie g&rdel! from (Jt!Jer a~s. No matter ilie inllectleiclo! Used, be SUI'e to read ilie

· label 1111 'w ilie amqunt to · use and waltlllg PiriOd )>e(ore you ean eat the gardel! vegel!lbles . . .

.• ,-

1~--11~es~.~~!gitQ~(rel~~·~o~rir!al~~-§t!·~~ljor~--l~!~~p!~~es~w~olulid~~~e;tQ~ej•~~~.~ili;el~r-j~~~flor~~~!~~al~~~;t~te~r~o~f~a!~~- ~~~ ~~tQ~-~~~ .~~~=~~~ Cocker mix, tan-gray hairy raee and appreetatlo11 fw tlie e•ressions of July 10, 1978, Mel ~~W.~:i:"i:l';;");;;;;;;;,~();;i;:-.;_~wl=tll~sess~:l~o~n~s;on~:~~~~~~tecli~.~-n;.i;.qu~es~-;~"~ir~c~ul~a~r~~~~~~~~~~~~· darke~;. bl'!lwn back tail, light ·at tile loss of our precious IJfe Insurance: Out· . It Was an as well as·

shaggy, . your Jll'ayers, flower., cards and food. House ·ror Sale: 3 BR, l:Y• SA, standing C!IJ;eer opportunity Ill sales vacation. people from New BUILDING

Call Collect: (~) 354-22'1'6 or 336- Jlvlilgroom, den carpeted, lMdscaped, and mBQSgement, !ifxperlenc!l helpful ZealBild Blld Australia nm about four · · ·42112; she may be "adopted". Does yoU~' 1974 Honda K4 750ec Motorcycle. fel!ced, ~e new, $24!,000 cllll 648-2575 Ill but not necessary, ~1<eellent general &beep per acre and have more problems · · · . neighborhayeanewdog?Allleadskept Verygoodcondltion. lowmlleage Cllll Carrizozo or .9(1;1-4812 Ill-Santa Fe. agent .. contract for ilie 8llperieQced witlldl~tllBilwedo,Theyusekllos J·ER.IALs· confidential. TFN 648=233:1 · tfn Owner will flnanc:e. • '4tc·29 agt!nt, MBil or woman, will train. Sel!d Blld hectares rather than poun~ and

' resU!IletC!P,O. Bo~<288;Estancja, N.M. acres. I tallied with ·the· Australia!! • 0

Lincoln County Ranch-er Special

• Now Is fue t!nl'e tQ add lllsulatlon, save .lin besting and cooling cost; 0111' blown !llsulatiPn 'does tl)e job; lnaulallon·UL Labeled-Meets "Fed. Spec.

Terms Avallable.Call Colee! . .

Skinners ln$ulation ~uldoso, N,M, 257-4275


You and •Kh Cf you •r• hereby notUitd thllt JAMES C. CAPPS, JR., as Pialntlfl hat flltd tn action tn tM Dlttrlcfc:ourt or Lincoln COUnty, Now Mtxlcor CIVIl Dokcet HD. CV·137·71, DIVItlOn IJ, Ym~~rtfn you .,., nemtd or dHianattd •• o.tenct,..ta l!ncl 'NhKtJn ttw Nkl Ptlln11ff aee~t~. to obllln CGmlrvcttve Htvlc• Of PtO<HI

.. AUCTION .. ,

N.M. state Agellcy Acutlon July 81b,10:00 a.m;

State Pollee Academy ' Santa Fe, N.M.

Cars & Plck·UPI . Equipment Mlsc,llems James Ceell, Auctioneer•

P.O. Box 1~7 Hobbs,N.M.


For Real: 1 bdr, mobile no pets, Ill 87016.. 30-4tc. about tile electric fence· iliey use It and Capitan, 354-~: 1tc feel that It ·helps tbem a great deal In

reducing predatl!r losses. Wds are be!llg accepted for for Sale by Owner: 1976 Ford, TIJnes do ehBilge • tllere now is a

Corona School fleet Insurance Maverick, 4-door, low mileage, Cllll National 'Colored Sheep Grower policy. Jllds will be opened July 11, 1147-2396. · 28-2tc. Asaoctiltlon .being formed tQ promote 1978, lnfo~atlon and specifications &beep wltll at least 35 . perc""t of the may be-obtained at bus!llesa office • neece colored. Tbe sp!llners arid of Corona Schools, phone 646-1911. Fen~epC>sts for Sale,: Ill Capitan weavers pref!ll" this wool aa It does not

For Sale: 1972 Chevy, Caprice, 4-door, super !llalde and out. Loaded. ~11!4;· tronlc ii!Dltlon. 832-4200. 2'7-tfn.

Call: 354-24116. • · liP .need tQ be d:yed Blld can be used as is. .. •

RRP · 'For Sale: · Used tires 15" • gdbd for pick·UP64!!"2920. Up

grasshoppers, flea beetles, blister

TheNews Can

Do Your

• =~'." x2()' Rebllr • :.'... •• .. •• • • •.• •• • • $1 .59 ....... , •• ~ .................... $2.29 150'.-00"REF·Mesh .. , ............ $36.50 '""'No,,&Bir, ........ :.......... $,85 '""'No.,&Bir ..................... $1.12 lstb,FeltC .... Iq,lt,J ....... ., ....... $6,89 tolb.Stet•Rootlng .•.•......•...•.•• $8.65 T-Loct< ShlnDI.. , .............. bdl. ·$7 • 31

"-•loxE•IerlorPolnl .......... gal. $6.25 . Lol.,.lnl~<lorPolnl ........... gal. $4,49


................... : .............. $131.00 POSTS

·''h .. vydutyT·Posll ................ $1,99 '''"l>MVVdufyT<f'ooto,. •• _,,.,,, .. $2r25 7'hN;,dutVT·Posll ................ $2,34

, . '··



Dilled thll 27fh day of Jun•r 1t71. .,... __ _


Lota 1 Mtd2,MOUN'tAIH VILt.A ESTATES EAGLE ~STATES • Ruidoso, Lincoln Countvf NfW

· Of~ County Clerk end ,Ex.offlclo lte=n:Jer Of Lincoln Courlty, Hew Mexico.

Th• n~ma .net post office .ctdress Of the AttorntyS fOrtbiPiafntlffl&esfOifows: Bill G. Payne, PAYNE & MITCHELL, Poll Otflce Drawer 3tr Cllttlzozo. kew Marco, NlOt.

WITNESS my h!Wld bnd tfte seal 01 llMI Dfstrid Court ofUncotn COUnty. New Mextca. or. thiS 2tth daY of June. 1m.

(D,C.SEALJ 4-Margo E. LlnciMY district CourtCitrk

Plrsl pub11sMd In Llncolrt COunty News Thursday JulY 6, 19711 lett published July 21, 1971.






NOtiCi! IS HEREBY GIVEN thit fhe un· defslgned haa been -eppo(nrecl·penonal reptesentatlvw oi thti atite. All Persons hav1no elafms qatnst Hits ntat• ar• required to ~sent thl'lr clatmnVIthfn two months atter the date of the flnt ptib(Jcetlon Of thiS Notlc• cw ttt. c:Uems wUI be torever barted. Claims must Itt' P.,eser\ted eliher to the unersfaned penonal repretenfllfiYe_at Lincoln,. NBW MeXIcO 11331~ or flied wlltt- 'the Prabete court Of Lfncotn County at Cirrlzoto, NN MexiCO 81301.

DATED: JUne 16, 1971· ·S- Floyd Hobbs

Llnd)ll1. NewMn:IC::oll331




· Archie A. Wllfllm'l · Attorney tor 'ht'li~n

p,C), ... "" .


CatriiOIO, NM lt301 •

Pfrat ~fthed 111 tiM L"fli.~ll'i COW.'Y'Nif!N; ~-ridaY · ·Junil 15, 1t7tJ ••• pubUahitd JutY 6,; 1m~

• ' '·'· •. -..~ ...,.-,,~•1!"'·."-' •• ,, •• -


' '

In and to tbe

Heh resptc11va volvfd. and lbe ~ -· A descrlpUon cf said rHI estafe Is:

Lots 23 end 21• In BlOCk Ho. 1. MORRIS ADDITION to IM Qrlgln1i TCM~T~Sirw of Cllpltan. Lrncoln CounfYr Ntw Mexico, TOGETHER with aU Improvement thenon. · J M

The atrorne\'S for 1M PefltiOftfl" 8r'lf PAYNE & MITCHE:LL. P.O. BoX 2460, Rulefoso. New Mexico ......,.

WITNESS my hand and seal of this COurt this 20th d•Y Of Jurier 1911.

(D.C. 'iEAt.) .S• Margo E. Llnd'say DJ.strlet Court Clerk

Flnt published In the Llnc.)(n County N~ Thut&cfaY June22, 1t71;1estpf,lbllshed. July13ih, 1971.







Fltlf publllhed In Lincoln County News June 2tr 1f71. Lnt pubUahed July 20o 1971,






Notice> Ia hereby giVen that hearing wnl be held, on the 17th day Of AUG \Ill. 1t71 In the District Courtroom In CerriZOlOr NIW Mnlco at 1 :DO o'clock p.m. to dlltarmln• the heirship of ClaUde Roscoe Batn and VIola Mia Bates WhO died more than six year.. ego selledafthtlfvllowlna rear pr0Pfl1Y Sltuatlf In Lincoln Couniyr NIW' MexiCO, fo.Wit~

Northwest Quarter of Sedlon :JO, TIS1 R10E'. cont1lnlna 161M acres, less 2.83 acres talutn tor right• or.way ptii'P(ISft as more fuUy set forth fn the Crant or

Flrafi)UbllshNin Lincoln COUnty News ThursdaY July ~·Et .. mlfnfr Book 6, MISG. R*COrds of Ltncoln County, . 6, 'mz lttt publlshid Jury 21. 1f11, NIIW Mmclca. at page 215. •


Archie A. Wlthai'n Attorney-tor P:ttltfoner

P.O. BOXS&6 carrizozo, NM 11301

SEALED BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING WILL BE First published In Lincoln COUnty News Thursday RECEIVED BY THE cARRIZOZO BOARD OF JulY 6r 1971: iast pUbliShed July 71, 1971. 115DUCA.TION, P.O. BOX 99~ c:ARRI%0%0, 11301. r

UH'tll. WEDN&:SDAY., JULV 19, 9s00 a.m.




Main Office Phone -

847-2$21 or


bltrpl"' ........ : Millfola.,•lr a. ww.,.:

••••••••• ·-··· ••••• · ........... at7.ZSU v ....... Cloro ... :

~ ........... ~ ........ ~··---~ M.art1 a. &lllacla: · ' ........................... ~ ~ ....... xa.~~~. ••.• , .................... ,.ar-cta

' &.~~~ii~~~ • Order your subscription to •••. ,

•S· .Jai'nes c. stefn~i. superlntendint

ThUI'sdliY. JulY



Fot Free Estillates, cal 354:-2403

"''*'"""'""'"'"LI"""'ncountvN_'hi,.....o:vJ•••·: . · lie. 1.4Z23 22; 1~~ la1t' pUbfJshtd Jut·r 13. 191•. a..----.::;:...=.,;:=;;_-...,_......,_,


Lincoln County News today! . P.O. DraU>er 459 / C•rrisow, JY- M. / 88301

() ONEVE! ... RincOI.Inty t6",,oUtof.cllunty '9"

I l tWO YEARS In county •11,. , out of county 117'"•

1 ) Check Enclosed I ) Bill. Me ·- -·~-~-----·-------·--·~-·-- ----~------·· -. ·--- . "".


NaMe ................................... _ ••.••••••••••••.•••.•.••.••••••• -.

S,tr•i Address ............................... ~ ••••• P.O. Box .•• • • •.••••.

' . 1-'l·..,.rn ._ •••• ~ .•.•••••••...•..•••• Stat•

' l . '

•••xi'TroolodPooll ......... : ....... $2.84 STEEI.PANELGATES

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AI.UMINUM SI.IDER WINDOWS ................................... $13.25 3'x3' .............................. $17,95 .5'x3' .............................. $25.69 ................................... $35.95

HOLI.OWCQREDOORl-%" ................................... $9.95 ... ................................ $10.25 ........................... : ....... $12.75 .................................... $13.75 6' Tem,.,.. Polio Doors ........... .$99. 99


l"pc .............. u ................. $3.91 10'pe ........... -...... ; .............. $4.89 ..................... , ............... $5.49 ,. ................... : ............... $6.99 ,. ................................... $7.99 Ol'vwetiMud .. , ..................... $2.89 oryweCIMud4aal ................... $4.79

Prlceoilregoodilirough July15tb or unW preoeJ~t IIC!ek Ia IM>Idll Over 11ne mlllloD feet Of lumber on handel aU1iatea. BullciJng material!' - Fenn and Jlalleh auppllea - 11t aU ldads of LOW LOW PRICESt Over 1lll: . ·~i of on liaiHI.

Tt•ode dlb tile ll!d .· boya. We appreciate )'IIlii' louatneu~ Toll Free No. illuZU. Ojim BdHIIO 51. week ilayo. S.lurda.Y• uatU lZ.iOO N'Ooll.

~··~ . ' . ' .

·$«NJ!V. 0#· . N.J.t, .

501 N. Main Street· . Belen, New· Mexico


l •


.. . ' 1'911 !)If~ Ill!~ ~141 • ·.

... · Arlc!aur.•noiJ&b,lii~$atl!~~ .9C ll'l!!ancll! P""vi®!J •1a,ooo •ma'*era. 10.

" 10 •tudf wa)'IIIO lmproir• tile ~!!Cll!llve · leWi!r lllltle~, • · .•

Now 0111' l)irdiea aay the gpv~OI''e. !lffk:e•wm eome baok a l!eeolld timlf 1!1



• B'gh Levels Of Plag"e···

. . . ,- ' '- ~

I' .

Sonto Fto. Nlto> Mo~!r;o "87501 get 8oar4 . mlmey 10. ' attac!J , the 4:;!1Vel'!!!lr's .home SilWer to the c;ity IIII!Wer eYitem. Eatlm•tea t~~r th!!t line attllcln!ient range froin '$35,000 · 1!1 buoka.

· ·$Al'UA FJ;:.,.yery high Jev~ls of . '• pli!~~Ue antlboc!y liave l!eeil c!etected in. the blooll ·!If eoyotea .· tl!is · spring,· a c. Clllrdlng 10 llff!clalll of t!Je Slate llealth anc! Envll'!lnment Depal1ment. · ·

:.. .~ . . '

Sllnta Fe-When It's Crying Time iayai about 50,000 incC)me tax return3 Again: Accountants and businessmen with refuilds were held up llecause they Statewide have set up a howl over a were in the ''error·file'~·-the little . law change made by . the areas ill most caaes !ltc Tltia badly II!!O!ded Wllr!t wlll ~~"' . 'lbi! .coy~~ were captured In riine . .

place during the. Ap!!d!lca Ad· · NttW Jl(exico col1111ies by .federal minlatarlloll· permltllllll t!Je .llext trappers perfllrml!ig routi11e predator Govel'!!or 10 al0l1 with a "<:Jea11 stllte". i:ontrol under the stipervisioll of the

lawmakers in 19'17-a chapge that tl1bntable 10. the taxpayer. !licked that a hefty penalty on to late , Su"Prlainl, Jl(• aays most of the fUings of franchlae tax and annual errors made l1y tbC)se tlllqlayera were in

· reports! · , the favor of the Stllte.l That ml!j~OS, The reports !!lied with the Stllte . even tho the return3 may he Double tlllk?: The

Corporation Commission and a bit, when 'the returns are PI deadline of March 15th Is set for filings great miiDY ta:q~BY!!l'll wlll be salt b~ from profit ClOI'poratiQns and Mareli 1st pleasent siJI'Prises wben they a:et their more Clllnfua~g by the for non-profit COI'J)C)rati<!DS. refw!d from the .State!! .. · QpJIC)Ilenl8 f!!O!I the lin~ or co111-

1n the . past, the Corporation . A Hl!sale to Watch: 1\(Qre than any mlll!i.,.tion olt the 11uclear dumb appelll' Commisslon has been faced with as pther Stllte -Cal'iiC!I ~Uay ·project;-the----~-l!lrbri!ilkii!g alia llii!nfe~ultmg in· mlllty as 5,000 late filings and asked the .. Legislative· Finance· CoJlllllittee has formatipn upsets are leaving the

U,S, Fish ·aild Wildlife Service. , . B!11od Sllillples 'tested the

· . for Disease coinll'•>l's

rec~t plague in SqcC)qo, Dona A!la,.Lillcoln,

Catron, Torrance, Otero, counties. ·

were found In counties New lawmakers 10 add some collection · kept Its elig_le II!Ye on the-propsed Inc!ian average person beWildered. · · ··

muscle. .' Museum propoaal~to •. ba a pan of the · The atl!te people we talk 10 t!!U us profl!ment . The lawmakers decided t!l impose a · Museum or New MeXIco, firm decision· has not been made 011 . Antibody .detect~ in the


noo penalty for late fliing for Clllr· One of the Jtey issues is where the !~inial of hilt Waste in the salt bed Clllyote blood ~dlcate the animals were po~ations and $50 penalty for non-profit museun will be located. 'lite Museum area. 'f!te WashingtOn cypes W!! cli!it . expoiM!c! .10 thi! plagtie bacteria less than corporations-- at the same time JleOII\e feel the determ~ation lllread:y with asaure us that the ,State of New 110 days priOr to the samples being disallowing any wllivers for late filing! has .b!!O!n made ... that the 11ew museum Jl(exlco will have vetO power over the tllken, aCClllrding to the CDC.

The new Jaw took effect June 20th of will be built on ... adjacent 10 the . "proposed projcet". • Coyotes get plague from the bites of last year and 10 date, the Corporation. ex.lllting Museum of New ll'leldcqjust off infected rodent fleas or by eatb1g in· Commission bas Clllllected more than the .histOric Santll Fe plaZ!I. ' Then, Sandia labs are ~ected to fected prey. '

I----~$~II~,ooo~~ln~la~t~e~pe~na~l~it~ie~s~. ~E~~i~-!~Thae~St~at~e~alr~~ea~d~y~·~h~as~p~urca~~hse~d~~s~tu~dy~:.§~§~~~o~f~n~uc~l~ea~~rw~a~s~tet-1~Co~y~lltes are good Indicators of how · The guys who are crying but a '!eliSe option on land from locations

up to for several cooperations. Some were ClOnCel'!!l, Other persons want the new It Wm meet the "proposed infection, JiY measuring levels or not aware of the tllx period aild •iml,!l~ museum on vaCBilt land mDea from the opening date" of 1~, antiboc!y in the coyote'$ system, CDC .is


forgot to fll" the reports requested by ·present museum! Question: With the Sll!te Health able to determ~e approximately how the Coi'J)C)ration Commissio!l. .. OUr "blrdles"say both Sen. Aubrey and. Environment DeaN"tment old the· infection Is. .•

In the past, they would ha\Oe been Dunn of Alamogordo aild ~p. Eddie negotiating to Clllnduct ita own" lmt~act "The plague activity ,detected this penalized a small late f!llng fee-just a Lopez of Santll Fe are ClO!ICel'!!ed about study l!ild the federal govemmennt "year serves 10 remind the citizens of percentllge of ,the $10 fee that ac- the location question and some legal belgn preaaed intO one • why is 111ere a New Mexico that plague ·is ever coompanies .. the repon: strings attllched to a related private proposedopeningdste, ~dare all the present," said Garth Graves, ma11ager

But, this go-round, they got slapped grllllt. · · ·taslcs really complete? Or is thiS too a of EIO's insect and . rodent control with the one hundred buck penalty and Insiders expect the project will lack of communication. program. some accountants had faDed to !IJe for not accelerate untiJ the project LFC • 'l'his waste burial projectls a "first- One huma11 ·C!'Se of plague h¥ as many. as five or six firms. That, green light. On the other hand, ther!_l ever" type and every step of lhe way already been reported in the state this means the pencll•pushers have 10 eat are some legal beagles who say the should be done openly, slowly, and with season. Jl(ost human cases occur five or six hundred bucks. powerful Interim Clllmmittee has no total documentation. · . · during 'the period from Julie

OUr bet Is that the law wiJI be right tO hold up the.proposal. Onthlaone,thepeopleneediOknow through September. chll(lged again next season. Capitol wall-leaners recognize that. .why the .engineers are planning as they Graves said plague sympto'l)s jn

Tax Relief: Fred Muniz, Cabinet he facta of Jeglalatlve life are slf!!ple are. And lhe people need 10 know why human& indude the.. sudden onset of Secretary for Taxation and Revenue, and they are betting the LFC wlll he the certain approaclles are being h!Sb fever accompanied by chills and

moving !lr c!elaying force. dlaregardl!d. · headache. Lymph glands ill the groin, · And neighbor-that bolla down to armpits and neck may become sWollen

the 01' Apple Picker and Lopez! I Sods Bureaucracy: Some and te11dpr. Plague symptoms Don't we didn't tell you!

a!ld .. ,urac:Uve.!urnlture.. it,Lthe.....Stllte-~ · Govel'!!ment complexes haa b!!O!n Such delay has not hit the Round

"created" at the State Prison In· HOUle soft drink macliine. A sign on duatl1es. the machine reads: "Don't open pop

'lbe partl<:lpatlng Inmates are paid cans u aoon liS they come from the nominal wages fw their· superb work. , machine. Walt at least one minute! Don't be surprised When the Crilnlnal th Jus. tlce Department seelal le,..·latlve If e employees time the m~ute

,.... with their Mickey Mouse watches, they authorlzaUonfOI'higherwagesfor thcise can truly term their complex In the Industries program, Disneyland East!

The entire Prison Industries Act mlabt be updated· bltit'dalrly certain Don't Say We Didn't Tell You: Tlll.s the act wliJ continue ltl prohibition colum~~ noted recently that President againlt Inmate Clllmpetition with the Carter's water policy statement left

1 am compUing "The "Four W~cll private "sector • deaplte what some numerous WlBilBWered questions about Cookbook." 1 would like 10 have a citizens want <access 10 the prison the rightl of Indian cltizena. section for favorite recipes from all furniture). . In case YOU missed It • AttOrney

Professional Cooking

antibodies If properly diagnosed and tnated soon after onset," Graves said.

He said the chance of a person getting plague Is· actually very low and can be decreased further by following these precautions: avol<! contact with wlld animals and their fleas; .. stay away from their' burrovis and nests; do not handle sick or dead animals; and dus~ with flea powder, at least weekly, any

· dogs w cats that may come Into contact with wlld rodentl or rabbl18.

"See your physician immediately about aey lllnesa Jnvolvlng a sudden onset of high fever," Graves said.

•• over Uncoin County. 1f you have a News NOGe (part 2): This column Wllllam Veeder of Walhingloll DC favorite recipe, mall 11 to Willie flratilroketheatorylhattheGovemor's aays Indian leaders must block ., SD Bo 729 Carrl!o N M oUlce would seek funds 10 corect some Carter's attempt to repeal long-

va, x • zo, • • "muddy·smeliy" problema at the atailding Indian water rights. 8830!. Govei'!!Or'a miUUIIon septic tank.


from sandwiches to ca11eroles, no Your reelpe can be anything V!!eder (~ that ,Carter's plan

l-------~r~ectdhp·e~w~U~Ibe1~o-v~e1Hn1~1~kAed1~·~e•~-••nd~-f--~--I_TV~ __ l:_()-f~~(;~,()~·~~~~~](~J---·~~ee~:;e~~la~c:e~a~.~ae~ri~o:u~w:m~a~~~a~;~OI'i~wm~~~o~n~· ~~·-----------Be spec:lflc wllb measurementl, fl) •

ber f I II IJI ·stOry lm't over yet ..... num o peop e w serve. ........,*"'7.......,J'III•c...t,-.c:.m...N.M.-. Your recipe wiJI have your name

and address on II and you wUI receive a free copy of book when printed.

Pleue maD your recipe before July 31st, la'IB.

James "Willie" Silva

- --~~~~~)~·

\ \ ~"' .... - l. ..._. y

Restaurant I Lounae Phone848-H71

US 380 & 541 Intersection Carrizozo, New Mexleo

Bdltot& PubUihtr ..•••••.••••• MIChatl Swlcklrd Produttlon Mlne;er .•••....•..•... Ptt., Atulltr COmposition Edltot •••••••••••••••• Davia L•P•v• News Pha1o;r•pMr •••••••.•••••••• 'rtrrV T•toy•

.._.a.. ..... ,. .... c.m...., ........... z I .... -..

,...,_. .. u..llt.a-.,.o ... ,_-.......,

c.... ... ..,., ......... ~ ............ ! ---Qffice Machines Office Supplies Office Furniture

(ili-"T (•,\IIUS

l~[ ~~~ WHl Cmnpee!c Ojjtce 'P~anhing

('all ('uUrct _.:J; .. i:mu 31 * Slntb

50th Anniversary

·To BeHeld The children of _Mr. and .Mrs.

of your company at the Reception in honour of the Fiftieth Wedding An­niveraary of their parenl8 Saturday, the eighth of July Nineteen hundred and aevency-<!lght from two .10 four o'clock , in the ilftemoon, Carrizozo Country Club, Carrizozo, New Me>dco.

Rancher's Beef House MEETPROCE:ssiNG GAME PROCESSING ~LockerRenlals-

2 Miles Easton 380 Phone 648-2420

Notice To All Lincoln_ County

Send all ads to Lincoln County News -- . printers of the Fair Book. Drawer :459 -. . .

Carri:o%o, N.M. 88301 •

• , { .

• ..

• •

• •

• '

., .z:r . ·.. . ... ·. . • ' . ·A. .:.:~appf#rtlngs ·····•·••··•· .t; ·

· Th~ .S/n(ik¢,Y)i~t. sta.inp~de

And The Music PJayetl On •

What A Ride

• .

., .

' ! .

• • • •



-- .. ~-·
