ssex county republican company kcc8evi...

I -<••% their ow* uuou to the - D E BY ANY NOT LISTEO QUOTED BY to tho saans ^ suUacrip. ted add $ 1>50 ^AN or i HE r* Our Price 10 Sub 1^ <;4 t 44 80 144 4 40 74 4$ 2* 1 44 1 '* 71 *4 134 231 244 74 74 1 44 34 44 4 IS 121 114 U 154 SIS IS 1 14 1 34 M « 204 1 44 1 34 ft 244 1 44 54 1 14 1 14 34 *4 I 44 t 25 «5 IIS 4S "^ 1 04 '•* 115 Tfl - 35 5 S4 "•> 1 15 "^ 34 >4 3 34 ••> 4 n 1 75 74 1 54 54 4 15 70 3 Of 1 Of 2 5f 35 1 04 74 1 5f 0* 44 7 44 454 '* 4 44 •> 5 35 4 15 •i 45 •> 2 25 > 2 75 1 14 35 1 ->•> 34 44 1 r.n 2 ?4 -o 1 54 2 65 •i 1 W 54 2 04 •> 2 «4 • •» 45 <\ 75 ,o «S -i ! M >f> 2 «5 -> 45 * -0 1 14 S5 14 - ^ 1 «4 - -,o 74 .00 2 44 ^ prions named : *"e nifn of $1-44 REPUBLICAN or v orders. Bay i aclases' la aa> far either Tbs -fioa, LE. N. Y. "4 > 1 lembui ind Dining Y. kVKE Albany *|**l* H H t t* SSEX COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMPANY KCC8EVI DITION SUBSCRIPTION PRICB S1.60 PER YEAR VOL.LXXV, NO- 13 PUBLISHED AT KEESEVILLE, NL Y. 9 FKJDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1913 WHOLE NO. 3861 NEW NORTHERN NEW YORK NEWS TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. MURO&RER COMMITS SUICIOE CHILD'S DRESS CAUQHT FIRE HUNG HIMSELF IN HIS CELL. I FROM BURNING NEWSPAPERS. SKATING RINK PROPRIETOR EXERCISED DISCRIMINATION. The Mora Important Events Tersely j Stated for the Benefit ef Those Who Believe Time le Money. 4 t cost 414.M4W to n*bt turest tires ia iho towa of North Hudson and K«^ue the paat moaner. Mrs Margaret Dover, mother doc- tor U>ha L. inner, died at Hudson Kail*. Sunday. ag«d Had D**d Seven Hours When Utile One Severely But Not Fatally Against Soldiers in Uniform, the At .»?;! Sheriff Arrived With Breakfast Man Mentally Unbalanced. Udward k\ HHchcoch. the Kingsbury fanner, who Sunday even- ing Dee. 14 murdered his brother-ln- law, Henry Norton, and who was held to await action by the Washington county grand Jury on s charge of man- slaughter, committed suicide shortly after midnight in bis ceil in the Jail at Hudson Fall*. Thursday. When Special Deputy McKinaey weut to th»» jail with the prisoner* breakfast about 7:3* o'clock be Collin*, resigned a3*f°and the murderers body hanging Burned. Father Arrived en Scene | legation Made by Men of PI atta- in Time To Save Hmr Life. I burg Barrack*. New in Court. The two-year-old daughter of Moses' Ueoreg A. William*, priprtetor of Rivers, who lives at. a* North Kivbr ihe new skating riuk of Peru street street* Plattsburg. was severely bum-, was before the Plattaburg city court ed about the body and left arm Hon- Monday, charged with violating a a tat COLORED WAITER TOOK ^ BICHLORIDE OF MERCURY. TO ye/ rs, She .1 native at Ireland e desiroved the wHoiesale gruc- .sin^s of John J. Sullivan ft .? Witertowti. Sunday, at a loss ..:-ii at llOo.euu on building and at ,.^t- John u^ of PUttsburg and Frank J from the upper bunk in the cell, and .'._. r uai appointed to fill the un-!**> investigation revealed the tact ;-MIU to the close of the prea-!**** Hitchcock had been dead about ,*. jseven houra. - \ «• S^necal. is a cundidate for Ptv.:-L.I .vr of Plattaburg and ham cir- ALia;-.. i^tittontk which have beea ' r- " Of "- R. , \ over lOef persons for his r\\ml by PretOdent Wtlaom. •z- Sioetweli. a retired farmer. Mil*on. *«ed sixt>* years, coo- ^T:uide by hjuigiug hlraaelf In n bouse. Meianxholy is the i>#3 attrii»uted to the aak-ide. .nd^ty S B Hadley mUi n s farewel sermon at the >rian church. Glens Palls, He is engaged to it.nipbfvy of Sew York, but the i uot s^'t yet. T":.- t«oard of education of the : <-i;. di»t; M x have engaged John T. Siai^a of NVwark, N J . as the ar» rkit* t to draft the plans and specifM of tb«> new 4*0.04* high school b'^Minj; to 1* erected in Mechanic- nV.~ next year. Yr^ FldrW. i->ank Huaanhrev ami R A Kimi»toa. of Nona tssnsjor. the latter *•$ yrai5 of a«e and the tuo Lot g.> very ranch younger. f*l from North Kanjcor to Malone fire :,m* one half mil-< m the record time o # .-.^ hours and m *+n miniitea. Ii»bn Low* For of Hallstosi Spa. ^a^enatendeiit of rb« ^aratog* dh> tr.rt of thf^ Meth Hhst . hircb. has ap- pointed coT-rr«pondins <»»cretary of the camiia'mi «**mraitte^» of the gener- la ••<«r. , er»*iH'e plan offtran*>•»with ter- Titorr from MaiD<* to Florida. Barge canal operation* will he le*sj U¥**'y ciurrirt} <m la* the n#«t few c4>oaddef»hle Ihe suicide had been carefully plaaeod Witt the hedUck and a towel. Hitcucock made a rope which he fastened t o a post la the upper bunk. Slipping his head through the nose, with the knot under hi* left ear. he felt forward in a kneeling position. hi* entire weight hanging from the nevk. It is *oid that for some years Hitchcock haa been in a more or leas mentally unbalancetd condition, and that frequently he had threatened the lives of various saesahers of the fam- ily It was because Mra. Hitchcock feared him that she induced her I rother to make his home with them. A fact which was not agreeable to Hitchcock. Mr. Hitrht^tk a only survivors are a widow and a son. Adoiphus. |OLD MAN RUTHLESSLY SLAIN COMING TO DAUGHTER'S AID. Fort Pfaftn Stirred by <"• G«H U n a h l e to satlant or Tell AtroCtOMS Muf. Describe As- Number. A crime that haa aroused the coun- tryside was discovered eurty Sunday, in Ftort Plain, Montgomery County. Katharine Barrett. 14 year* old. at her home six miles east of Fort Plain, was attacked and hex father waa murder- ed by u nana or men ia search of money. The victim was John Barrett. m years old Hi waa dabbed and »bo« thmegh the hesnt His mv'hs than h«* t •any 'a^t *?r*::z. Th» New Yor% Slat'- Lredr ne <ompaar has pmetl- ciiiry . • a«8#»d v r>r|p and t h e A l d t i e h s\ Hail .rurany has decided to con tin we vstr . ^mall^r working force. ::* ^ Town of Harrietstosrn and th*- '-'! *-r town* in F*««*kiU* rotmty Tth n ravo ;**>n using voting macki- B^- - h to use them in the future. *h* r.»-hi^M will hrve to be radical- !^ -• ..- \)i\^ to make them con- frrr: •«•• *i«^ ;>rovisk»ns of the new bal- *. 7;r€iynpson« €• years, one of knonn men la the Ajdrron- jied Friday at his boene in >>t.n<;r8r a f t e r an fitness ef over Mr. Thompaon waa a nrwmi- .uni:>ermaji and it la estimated lot th* a >' n*"" h s -»al ^«;tate hotdings comprised H^ us worth half s milBtai A* f-r General Cannody haa re- **^i a decision firom Supreme Court Ju.*- - Van Kirk in favor of the pk r" ttr *»- ;• ii*-m fixing the vaane of the toll ftr^ic^ at MechagricviBe nt ths> ssjm of !.^A04.€2. upon pavaaent of which tnrr 'he bridge hemmes a tre V. .^ter G. ilardiBg Hr ,nd Mrs. Man mar :^k* a touched. Katherine Barrett waa stunned by a blow of a club while reading be- tween 9 and IS o'clock She was gag ged and bound and thrown into a small ante-room. Her father was slain when he came to her aid. The daughter does not know who commit- ted the crWje and the authorities have to work without a dew. The sheriff, deputies and an aasis- taat district attorney made fruitless efforts to strike a traiL blssdhomads being put on the scant as one expe- dient without result. The state H building highways in the vicinity of the Bnrertt home and many foreign- ers are employed on the work. NATIVES LOST THEIR LIVES WHEN VOLCANO FLAMES OUT. ' *be State of New Torfc. »* rrpOTt Of Arm- New Hebrides Visited by an Empt'on Simitar to ML Pelee. Scene One of TerriiSc Horror. arriving nt Sydney. New Australia bring ter- rible details of the recent voivaaic erupgioaia on the Island ef Asnawhm. in ftho New Ilebeidea group, m which Sew natives lent their trees. Wroansa- ea of the disturbance* deacrfaa it us ami violent haa warn a $1*4 day while playing in one of the*uie which prohibits any discritniu*- living rooms of their home with a aia- Hon agaiast the uniform of the ln»t ter. two years older The mother had stepped out of the house for a few minutes on an errand and while away the older sister taking some news papers which were lying upon a table and gathering them in a heap on UH floor set tire tothem with a match The younger child in sotur way step- ped up into the flame* and in an in stant her light clothing was ablate The older child ran in terror to a near- by window and began calling for th- mother. At this moment Mr. Kiver^ arrived from his work and stepping l *t© the room saw the child in flame*. He quickly smothered the blaze wltt» a coat before they had buraed all th* clothing away. The child's body is burned, but miraculously it escaped fatal iujurie*. CHARGED WITH ROBBERY BOY HELD POR GRAND JURY. It la Ctatevswv He Held Up a Man and Robbed Him of $25, Choking Him To Attain His Object. Alfred Mattery, aged IS years, a Corinth youth, waa held for the grand jury by Justice of the Pence Walker at Glens PaHs Twesday. on a charge of highway robbery preferred by Sidney Orton, Se years old. Ortou. who lives four miles out of the village of Corinth, had been stop ping there over night and on his way home, about * o'clock, was held up mad robbed of $2^. Not realising that he waa being followed. Orton Mopped at the home of Prod White. Maliery waited until he came ouL and after following him a short distance, grab- bed him by the throat, and* forcing him to the ground, gradually chocked him. but not u*lfl Orton had recognis- ed hi* asastlanL Orton wont hack to his friend's house, and later to Corinth, where he Deputy Sheriff Salisbury. m % seareav for MjJ\+*y. ed States army or navy. It is alleged that won after the opening of the riuk last week two soldiers from the itu Infantry in uniform applied fo~ admission to the riuk and were n- fused. They ih»*n returned to the 1*OM and according to the story told by them, donned citiaeus dress and mere admitted without question. Th* matter was brought to the attention of the IWt commandant «tnd he direc- ted Captain Edwards to make an in- vestigation of the matter, and if the facts warrant such action to apply to the local authorities tor the arrest of William*. The inveatiMUion was made a* directed and Captain Ed- ward* at it^ conclusion made applica- tion in city court for, t^e arrest of Williams City Judge Hagar desiring to familiarize himself with the aeov.s- ions of the law under which the war- rant waa issued adjourned the case until on** week. I The soldiers claim that when they inade application for admin^n to the rink while they were in uniform they were perfectly sobed and were con- ducting tlsemsehrea in a respectable manner. The whole thing will be thoroughly sifted when the matter cosnes before Oty Judge Hagar next week. Thin incident recalls the arrest s tew years ago of Henry Smith for his refusal to permit soldiers in uniform to visit at* dancing academy. the mat- ter at that time being taken up by the war department in behal of the soldiers. Both the state and federal law .prohibits any discrimination against a soldier in uniform. PUiUburg Man Had Threatened To Take H«e Life. No Known Reason Por Attempted Suicide, John Kauuileroy. a colored waiter fat the Witherill House grill. Plans, bntg attempted suicide Sunday by taxing bichloride of mercury^ but whether or not hia attempt at self- de*truction will prove to be successful reitiitjut to be seen, for the poison i* of the slow acting variety, and it will V Meveral days before it Is known i*viti»el> whether or not the physi- *~fc«ti who was called td*attend him ha* tte*-u successful is/ counteracting the etc* u of the drug. r.uutieroy had been at his place of employment on Saturday and was apparently In his usual spirits, re- tart, ing home at night at about his uncustomed time. At about 4 o'clock be ro*e and swallowed a tablet and half of the fatal drug, the dose con taia ag about twelve grains. His wife Koor. learned of his act and telephoned tor iir. Rogers, who administered u«- a! antidotes consisting of milk and g*>. and after considerable labor cleared the man's stomach, |i*A wife had been aa irvalid for Mrta«* t i m e s and had beea in the hos- 1 Hal. but she is now at home and in tetter health than for months. Sev- ers! times during the past year Faun- tien»v has threatened to take hia own life, but aa there waa no reason why be should do no no attention was paid t this threat. H being believed that be made It aimply for the purpo#*> c f frightening the members of his family. PauntleroT i s a man about 34 years of age and haa a family. He haa al- ways borne a good reputation, and fi- highly thought of by his employer Hi* home in at No. lot Brinkerhoff nree.t ALLEGED CHILD DESERTION - CHARGED AGINST COUPLE. ed Ho waived held to await the action of the grand Jnry. AGEO MAN ENDS HIS LIFE FOUR OUNCES LAUDANUM. Ate Lemon To Drive Disagreeable Taste from His Mouth. Sensi- tive Because of Helpfulness Abram A. Merrill, aged <*z years, drank four ounces of laudanum with suicidal intent at the home of his daughter Mrs. at at tie A. MerrflL in Rutland. Friday and died the next evening. The maa wa» alone in the house with his grandchild. Ethel L. Cutting. He went to bed, drained the bottle of lunduaasn. which be bad bought, and then ate lemon to rid his of the disagreeable taste. It two hoars bafore a doctor Thin was too sate to antidotes and the t*» He in 17 ft/>:*tF Caw ir.r * + m fes- i of ar- afl the crater 5 into fall netrr- tire nt fciga* It had oMo was learned that Mr Merrmj sent pergonal belonging* to out | « i relatives no that he d to die. He bad been growing helpless hecasse and was very seamitive i LEEHAM FOUND NOT of had pr^\ rapidly his age khont It j 45UILTY OF MRS. TURNER'S MURDER. am a TT ajtre. Jaumnr Lynch Society Woww Who Stood by Him Will Devote Money to Clear Myanery, ia a tMe which hat Meaaday wag; found not guilty of the awarder ef Mr*. Carrie Termer at Lake- wood. X J - April **. Itll. by the lory at Toms Ihweg K. I . Mra. Jasper Lvwrau the eeciKy we- aaast who ftiianced L^eaaan s deSemtse, stated that she wenbi bend her HTwt* aavw toward rwnasng down the real by efforts OFFICERS OF CARABOA CLUB REPRIMANDED BY PRESIDENT COLE RECEIVED THE BULLET fHE VERMONT ITEMS WHICH INTENDED FOR ANOTHER MAN ARC OF GENERAL INTEREST. before the search of the city for rthem was beguu. They are charged with deserting their three-year-old daugu ter Idsie ou a doorstep in Boston , a charge mhich is denied by both Pow- er* and his wife. About two weeks ago the chief of police of KeeaevUle went to Platts- burg ard asked the asiataace of the local o2lcers in locating the Powers couple. The Keenerlile officer had with him a letter from a lady in Bos- ton who signed herself Theresa Saubaier. and gave her address as Chandler street. In this letter the waiter stated that the Powers couple had deserted their three-year-old daughter. Elsie, and from the time of the desertion she had not heard from Row Over Card Game In Shack at No -Wind- Here. But Just the 8r*e» Essex Junction Ended in Tragedy j ay Facts That Busy Msn and Wo- Assailant Under Arrest. me* Will,Care to Know* About Alexander Cole, shot in the abdo-; Two Christmas trees have Claim That Powers'* Left Their Lit tie One in Boston- Claimed They Left Baby With Relatives. J After a search lasting over two weeks Chief of Police Congers and Humane Officer Heuueasey Friday lo- cated In a Hut in Plattsburg George H. Powers and his wife who went to Plattsburg from Keeaoville shortly I pita 1. Horace ttea&on. who did the ? Hearing completion. It will be men during a quarrel among negroes bent from Berkshire to California by in a shack near the dam, being con-1 parcel imat. strutted at Katex Junction, VL, d>d j The new Rutland theatre, being Sunday night at the Kkuuy Alien ho* j built by George T. Chaffee, is fast LONG DRAW OU^ TRIAL END NOT Y E T |1N SIGHT His Sentiments Conveyed in Letter to Secretaries Garrtaon and Daniels and Sent to Army and Navy. Secretaries Garriao| and ts*wie!« decided to adarfais-aar L reprimand Is- sued by l»refiMaat Wilson to the army and navy officers, who participated in the dinner of the military order of Cars bow. at which the administra- tion's Philippine and other policies, were sntlriied. by trnn*m«tting a copr to each member of the entertain men t committee Secretary Garrison inxme- diatHy sent this memorandum to Ma- jor General I^eonard Wood, chief oT staff of the army. It is hereby ordered that the offi- cers of the United States army who were on the dinner cxnnmittee an3 ««*ir therefore responsible for the prtigrnin of the entertainmeat at the recent dinner of the military order of Caraboa held Dereanwer H. 1*13. be reprimanded in pursuance of the com- munication of President Wilson to me dated December 22. 1*1*. The copy herewith of the form that the repriiuasd should take should be to furnish to each of said officers n copy ef the letter from the President.'* Secretary Daniels probably watl h> L similar order. Against Collins and Fitzgerald Dragging Their Way Along At Hudson Falsa. The trial of former superintendenL] of prisons C. V.. Qatuaa and Michael 7 i*i; herald, charged with grand i^rcV*'*y i%i 'toe c*reit* Meaoww prison f cm struction case is drugging its weary v ay along at Hudson Falls. The pro- Mtrutioa rested its case. Tuesday and it will now be up to the defense. A great many witnesses have beea examined among them eugfenrrs and experts in ?he line of work performed at the prison. At the session Tuesday William Fle*>d General Manager of the Kings- bury^Couatroction company of Hud- son Palls, was the chief wttnesa. Flood testified as to what he had estimated would be the cost of doing the work on the Great Meadow water system in relation to which the crime is aJleged to have been committed. The Kiagfc- at* company ?«id 4"7.^41 on the job which Fitzgerald took for $31,27». Flood compiled the flgnres for the bid. He contradicted the tes- timony of Mehrtlle E. Gray and Tbotn- Halev, expert engineers, who said the work could be done property for $24> RUNAWAY LAVTNE GIRL RETURNED TO HER HOME. Father in Montreal Traced Her to At- bany and T^e* Lodged Cam plaint For Larceny Against Her. l>ora Irvine, 17 year veld, run a war from her borne in Montreal and nmeb- ed Albany wbere she was ioterceTded at the I naow station by the police who had beea notified of her flight from home. The girl bad tfatgrsph*i t o a friend to meet her. bat be waa ant permuted to bold nanci with her. The thtber at nrst 1 fj^w,« far | err cay of a fliS ta aaotvey against the girL hot when he arrived in Albany he with- drew those 4 The gni Jmhne Brad; er wanted her to an •a treated her. The faher *m tb<* For a time the writer of the letter not know of their whereabouts, but finally located them in Keese- vilte. She asked the Keeneville onV er to compel the pair to provide for their child, but when the officer re- ceived the letter Powers and his had left Keeeeviiie and it was pjsed that they had gone to Ptatts- burg. While the search waa m progress ia Plattsburg Humane Officer Hennea- my received from the lady in Beaton a letter by Powers to her during thr latter part of October, in which be promised to send her money for the support of the child, but this promise he never kept The couple were In- terviewed by the humane officer and they denied having left the baby on a doorstep, saying that they had plac- ed the little girt in charge of a rela- tive in Boston. The humane officer notified the pair that their pretence in Plattsburg was act desired, and that for their ova good, if they de- sired to keep out of the dutches of the law they had better return to Boa- ton without delay and care for their c»rH*f h? a T?awyr* a r ^ u r ; ;t Is em- liected that they will under those cirtwumstr.ncea move to other parts in th near future. shooting, waa arresied two miles south of St. Alhaa* by Sheriff J. H. Allen and taken to Chittenden county liait at Hurl*ugtou. Two of the nieu in the snack were quaireling. the jiaity having been gambling, and Benson took a hand iu the dispute. Charles R. Sapp. who is in charge of the i&ug attempted to quell the uproar nod is said to have hit Henson over the head with a stick. Benson "came back" with a brkk. iVnson thereu|»on left the shack, but returned shortly afterward with a revolver. He aimed M Sapp. who dodged, and Cole, who had beea counting money at a table, was struck, the bullet entering his abdomen Just alove the left hip. The injured man r%n from the shack and collapsed. The revolver, which is supposed to have been weed, w^a found near the shcxk during the investigation con- ducted by State's Attorney Hopkins. It is of J^cnlibre Xr,.* -.*»•.,- tee * nt a has S1*C He iaree 'd aa to m ta* rtlra the ur. to devote aey av*w to i d l i n g tbi? my**er*. jthe afVw^ataa-is aad ionteadsd thai the that there wiS ho atawarsrUty n o ? ooly dsfferevar^ of opf&ion was that jthe girl wr.nt*m to * * p c*swp>o.T •'** ja T«rsesi of mbnar he dtsufisswrewl CURREftCY aMJL apuj 15.*^. r The fod^e talked *itb the gfr! sssi COasFLREMCf- HEPO#rr PASSsUk asnored Ne^- a»a: i*4M «be cawrts ef .——-> j4hi«. <vjca^rr aa>d Great Brstaia wwulf .r^e m_ L.biii sum Voaad W t f t IPKSV se«aaia aer < wctaoa ta nxsr^anony ocrats Ow fhg hasMSI•" P*wm*- nth her waOe as it was «tr>ctrr r*m- IJt !rrsry to the law ef both aatvxaa. T5^ I « IV t i rai fsaaaly twnag^ted ta PK^sra ta I was aporwr- »A:r»al w«b h*c faffjber. 4a a Je# by the searstv» Ts>eaday lie a vat* of —- 43 w» ?- The It Flood intimated that it would coat his firm 44M2T.21 to do the work. The addlag of IS per cent for profit and 17*4 for freight made up the total of the firm s bid. After Flood s testimony Dhatrict At ley Rogers aauaotsnoed that the nation rested, ubnrei .<w Bcarkett for th defease, aaoeed ta dismiss the iadictxwant against the 4e- feadaats oa the ground that the arose cation bad not snbnmltst» ficieiit to sustain the cimrge. wns he iarrewy of Sl^bf tien. but would ant aBow it court wammed Wtantsday. tion SIMS OttMlES MEnGEM RUatOR n%OSTOaj 4\ MAIPIE WITH D. eV H. *. . ^» a>ssae, gVTW?ras awa^swsiV^^ ^w w*^** fJetaware ax* the ruxoor that l-ewdiag towapd* a atrpr of aware 4k Hanson, warmg ; b? ve 10 bo aaade to the Pa UosaaOs^teB rad this haa not Idone. He ihw J ~W#*t srbew cis! ^ifiValties FACTORY LAW ENFORCEMENT INSPECTORS INSTRUCTED. To Act Promptly Against Vioiatora of the Factory Law. Doors Must „ Open Without Use of Key. Short shift will be given by Com- missioner James M. Lynch of the state department of labor to factory owners who do not comply with the provisions of the labor law as to lock- ed doors. This is indicated in orders issued to the factory inapectors of the state. Ia these orders Commmsioner Lynch says: ^Entrance doors must be opewabse from the outside aad the inside with- out the use of a hey or any otber openiag device. AH other doors lead- ing «r opening fmrc a factory hato a stairway, hallway mr onto or into any means of exit, or leaving to the outer air <* the ground floor, nvust be able from the snssae without the of a bey or any j N o beat or any be referred to ie tbc h daring the thaw la hi the factory r LTnch to they fta* OLDEST nllMrSTER OF WOStLD 4B4 LOCATED IN V^StaaOefT Mid M i l l IT. Vt„ baa Jaat He as be the Has Ha til bo fJa> JURY PROBABLY DISAGREED FIRST BALLOT NINE TO THREE. Nine For Acquitta* and Three for Conviction. Counsel Indicated Appeal if Verdict Waa Guilty. After eight day a the trial of William E. Koch, of West Havetu cawrged with the murder of Charles Cordon of Whitehall. X v., Nov. 3. while it was claimed that Gordon waa poaching on the land of Koch on the Vermont side of the lake waa practically ended Tues day. when the attorneys made their arguments and Judge Frank L. Fish of Vergennes. gave his charge to the Jury. The case haa been ou trial at Rutland. Koch claimed self defense, contend-1 ing thai Gordon came at him w«*h a club when he need the gna which ended the life of the trapper. State's Attorney Bert U Stafford of Rutland overbed for the prosecution before a crowd of spectators which necessitated the carrying in of extra seats by the sheriff's department. Joseph C Jones of Rutland fo?V>*ed with the first arguments for the de- fense. The case was placed in the ha&ds of the Jury at 4 o'clock Tuesday arter- noon. Two hours later a ballet waa taken and it i* understood, blood nW for acwuittat and three for xurtvuoii. The probabilities are that the Jury win ret am a disagrecaneat which will mean a new triaL Cp to one o'clock Wednesday morn- ing the situation remained unchanged. Counsel for Koch said that if his client urns found guilty they would appeal the case to the highest court in the land. WHITE fFOUND HIS HEART SENT BULLET TO THE MARK. Calmly Prepared For Soickle. Re. quested Neighbors to Call Doctor. Then Fired Two Shots. Roy C. White. -Sam- White coxamitted at his home Friday morn ing by 1 her hack t o a hot store SThe abating ham jetf through the heart with a »-caiibre revolver Hia wife, with their Oree weeks add baby, is said to have left aim a short tame ago and! broadhmg aver this ia bettered to! hare canoe! the act. Mr. WkHes went to members of Che fanxfty of H. K. Sbeadom. who five) in HaTry- Carry, Dr J. H. He* in 1 ed on the evening of January 4. Daniel L. Barker, formerly of Ella* abethiown, N. Y.. and one of the old- est residents of Woodstock, Vt.. died suddenly last Wednesday morning, at the age of *4 years. Mrs. H. $. l^ewis 70 years old of Vergeues. while removing articles from the top shelf one day last week fell down a flight of cellar stairs aad was instantly killed. At a session of the tinted Stataa naturalization court at Harre last week 32 applicants appeared for citizenship papers, a smaller number than in several years. Th<» barn belonging to Max Schlar* man. a junk dealer of Hardwiek. waa entered and 4~ttt worth of valuable furs stolea. S«-hdarman had recently purchased a new set of furs The latest addition to the Lyndon Institute building is a new dormitory for girls, the gift of the Hon Theo- dore N. Veil. It is S4 by 7* feet la three stories high and has room for over 42 students. The Rev. F. Wilson Day. for six years pastor of the Congreaxational church at FYanklin. has received a call to the Congregational church at S want no to succeed the Rev. X. O. Bowiby. who goes to Menden. X. H. "The Rev. A. C. Griffith, who hag been transferred from the Catholic church at Bane to the Catholic Mis- sion at Bast Albany, irasburg and Orleans, waa given a farewell recep- tion was presented with a purse of Sxaki. The Berkley street schoolhouae at Parre has been soH for $2.£04 to Guiuici Brothers. The school, which will aot be needed after die first of the year, waa built Id years ago. A new brick baxMing will he ready for oocupaacy next month. The annual meeting of the mem- bers of the Jhaaaiiw County aVgric**- ttiral society wffl be held la' the town halL Middaeoury. Wednesday, Janu- ary 7. at one o'clock for the purpoaa of electing officers and for the trans- action of other husaness. The latest chapter in the claim of NorthMeld on the city of Mompelier $148 31. coats seising oat of the confinement of J. E. Dow in a Mont- p*il»r hospital in 1W9, is the decis- Um to include the hill in the first ap- propriation of the new year Mystery is said to surround an auto- mobile accident near Rutland Satur- day, when a car crashed into a tree, Rali* W. Jewett of Springfield Mass., is thought to have been the -driver. The occupants of the car disappeared after the crash. Precautionary measures have beea taken at Proctor to prevent the spread ef scarlet fever which ban be- come epidemic. SchaoK the library and charches have been ordered claw- ed and the health officer haa forMd- den public gatherings of afl kinds. So far the cases of the disease are mfld. Mrs. Grant Emory of Groton of Fair Haven, 1 terribly burned Friday when her ] clothing caught fire as she stood with ed la patting oat the bat not until her body burned that there i s to little The 44th aa Vet^want State and «. tweeting of the A $25 cap wrfff be green the the last at Mr. his the tffa Trace of PASOUALE FREED UNDER t STATUTE OT ljaerTATI04suV j wri l a 1»*wrea*CL aadicsed b y a j by bis last a y T i H ^ r r r ftowaefJ Tb* t isnfereoce If 41 ^ Aldrarb ,3 arv* Court IB ¥V law* ML K awas iww a^-m « • *»™-*—* a *-*^< li I

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Post on 25-Mar-2018




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ind Dining




* | * * l * H H t






The Mora Important Events Tersely j Stated for the Benefit ef Those

Who Believe Time le Money.

4t cost 414.M4W to n*bt turest tires ia iho towa of North Hudson and K«^ue the paat moaner.

Mrs Margaret Dover, mother doc­tor U>ha L. inner , died at Hudson Kail*. Sunday. ag«d

Had D**d Seven Hours When U t i l e One Severely But Not Fatally Against Soldiers in Uniform, the At


Sheriff Arr ived W i t h Breakfast M a n Mental ly Unbalanced.

Udward k\ HHchcoch. the Kingsbury fanner, who Sunday even­ing Dee. 14 murdered his brother-ln-law, Henry Norton, and who was held to await action by the Washington county grand Jury on s charge of man­slaughter, committed suicide shortly after midnight in bis ceil in the Jail at Hudson Fall*. Thursday.

When Special Deputy McKinaey weut to th»» jail with the prisoner* breakfast about 7:3* o'clock be

Collin*, resigned a3*f°and the murderers body hanging

Burned. Father Arrived en Scene | legation Made by Men of PI atta­in Time To Save Hmr Life. I burg Barrack*. New in Court.

The two-year-old daughter of Moses' Ueoreg A. William*, priprtetor of Rivers, who l ives at . a* North Kivbr ihe new skating riuk of Peru street street* Plattsburg. was severely bum-, was before the Plattaburg city court ed about the body and left arm Hon- Monday, charged with violating a a tat


TO ye/ rs, She .1 native at Ireland e desiroved the wHoiesale gruc-• . s i n ^ s of John J. Sullivan ft .? Witertowti. Sunday, at a loss

. .:-i i at llOo.euu on building and at

,.^t- John u ^ of PUttsburg and Frank J from the upper bunk in the cell, and

.'._. r u a i appointed to fill the un-!**> investigation revealed the tact ;-MIU to the close of the prea-!**** Hitchcock had been dead about

,*. j seven houra. - \ «• S^necal. is a cundidate for

Ptv.:-L.I .vr of Plattaburg and ham cir-ALia;-.. i^tittontk which have beea

' r- "

Of "-


, \ over lOef persons for his r\\ml by PretOdent Wtlaom.

•z- Sioetweli . a retired farmer. Mil*on. *«ed sixt>* years, c o o -

^T:uide by hjuigiug hlraaelf In n bouse. Meianxholy i s the i>#3 attrii»uted to the aak-ide. .nd^ty S B Hadley mUi n s farewel sermon at the

>rian church. Glens Palls, He is engaged to •

it.nipbfvy of S e w York, but the i uot s 't yet.

T":.- t«oard of education of the : <-i;. di»t; M x have engaged John T.

S i a i ^ a of NVwark, N J . a s the ar» rkit* t to draft the plans and specifM

of tb«> new 4*0.04* high school b'^Minj; to 1* erected in Mechanic-nV.~ next year.

Yr^ FldrW. i->ank Huaanhrev ami R A Kimi»toa. of N o n a tssnsjor. the latter *•$ yrai5 of a«e and the tuo Lot g.> very ranch younger. f*l from North Kanjcor to Malone fire :,m* one half mil-< m the record t ime o# .-.^ hours and m *+n miniitea.

Ii»bn Low* For of Hallstosi Spa. ^a^enatendeiit of rb« ^aratog* dh> tr.rt of thf Meth Hhst . hircb. has ap­pointed coT-rr«pondins <»»cretary of the camiia'mi «**mraitte » of the gener-la ••<«r.,er»*iH'e plan of ftran*>•» with ter-Titorr from MaiD<* to Florida.

Barge canal operation* will he le*sj U¥**'y ciurrirt} <m la* the n#«t few c4>oaddef»hle

I h e suicide had been carefully plaaeod Wit t the hedUck and a towel. Hitcucock made a rope which he fastened to a post la the upper bunk. Slipping his head through the nose, with the knot under hi* left ear. he felt forward in a kneeling position. hi* entire weight hanging from the nevk.

It is *oid that for some years Hitchcock haa been in a more or leas mentally unbalancetd condition, and that frequently he had threatened the l ives of various saesahers of the fam­ily It was because Mra. Hitchcock feared him that she induced her I rother to make h is home with them. A fact which was not agreeable to Hitchcock.

Mr. Hitrht^tk a only survivors are a widow and a son. Adoiphus.


Fort Pfaftn Stirred by <"• G«H Unahle to

satlant or Tell

AtroCtOMS Muf. Describe As-Number.

A crime that haa aroused the coun­tryside was discovered eurty Sunday, in Ftort Plain, Montgomery County. Katharine Barrett. 14 year* old. at her home six miles east of Fort Plain, was attacked and hex father waa murder­ed by u nana or men ia search of money. The victim was John Barrett. m years old H i waa d a b b e d and »bo« t h m e g h the hesnt His

mv'hs than h«* t •any 'a^t *?r*::z. Th» N e w Yor% Slat'- Lredr ne <ompaar has pmetl-ciiiry . • a«8#»d v r>r|p and the Aldtieh s\ Hail .rurany has decided t o con tin we vstr . ^mall^r working force.

::* ^ Town of Harrietstosrn and th*- '-'! *-r town* in F*««*kiU* rotmty Tth n ravo ;**>n using voting macki-B^- - h to use them in the future. *h* r.»-hi^M will h r v e to be radical-! -• ..- \)i\^ to make them con-frrr: •«•• *i« ;>rovisk»ns of the new bal-

• *. 7;r€iynpson« € • years, one of knonn men l a the Ajdrron-

jied Friday at h i s boene in >>t.n<;r8r after an fitness e f over

Mr. Thompaon waa a nrwmi-.uni:>ermaji and it la est imated



a >' n*"" h s -»al ^«;tate hotdings comprised

H^ u s worth half s milBtai

A * — f-r General Cannody haa re-**^i a decision firom Supreme Court Ju.*- - Van Kirk in favor of the pk r" ttr • *»- ;• ii*-m fixing the vaane of the toll ftr^ic^ at MechagricviBe nt ths> ssjm of !.^A04.€2. upon pavaaent o f which tnrr 'he bridge h e m m e s a tre

V. .^ter G. ilardiBg Hr ,nd Mrs. M a n mar :^k*

a touched.

Katherine Barrett waa stunned by a blow of a club while reading be­tween 9 and IS o'clock She was gag ged and bound and thrown into a small ante-room. Her father was slain when he came to her aid. The daughter does not know who commit­ted the crWje and the authorities have to work without a d e w .

The sheriff, deputies and an aasis-taat district attorney made fruitless efforts t o strike a traiL blssdhomads being put on the scant a s one expe­dient without result. The state H building highways in the vicinity of t h e Bnrertt home and many foreign-ers are employed on the work.


' *be State of N e w Torfc. »* rrpOTt Of


N e w Hebrides Visited by an Empt'on Simitar to ML Pelee . Scene One

of TerriiSc Horror. arriving nt Sydney. New

Australia bring ter­rible detai ls o f the recent voivaaic erupgioaia on the Island e f Asnawhm. in

ftho N e w Ilebeidea group, m which Sew natives lent their trees. Wroansa-ea of the disturbance* deacrfaa it us

ami violent

haa warn a $1*4

day while playing in one of the*uie which prohibits any discritniu*-living rooms of their home with a aia- Hon agaiast the uniform of the ln»t ter. two years o lder The mother had stepped out of the house for a few minutes on an errand and while away the older s ister taking some news papers which were lying upon a table and gathering them in a heap on UH floor set tire tothem with a match The younger child in sotur way step-ped up into the flame* and in an in stant her light clothing was ablate The older child ran in terror to a near­by window and began calling for t h -mother. At this moment Mr. Kiver^ arrived from his work and stepping l*t© the room saw the child in flame*. He quickly smothered the blaze wltt» a coat before they had buraed all th* clothing away. The child's body is burned, but miraculously it escaped fatal iujurie*.


It la Ctatevswv He Held Up a Man and Robbed Him of $25, Choking Him

To Attain His Object. Alfred Mattery, aged IS years, a

Corinth youth, waa held for the grand jury by Justice of the Pence Walker at Glens PaHs Twesday. on a charge of highway robbery preferred by Sidney Orton, Se years old.

Ortou. who lives four miles out of the village of Corinth, had been s t o p ping there over n igh t and on his way home, about * o'clock, was held up mad robbed of $2^. Not realising that he waa being followed. Orton Mopped at the home of Prod White. Maliery waited until he came ouL and after following him a short distance, grab­bed him by the throat, and* forcing him to the ground, gradually chocked him. but not u*lfl Orton had recognis­ed hi* asastlanL

Orton wont hack to his friend's house, and later to Corinth, where he

Deputy Sheriff Salisbury. m % seareav for MjJ\+*y.

ed States army or navy. It is alleged that w o n after the opening of the riuk last week two soldiers from the i t u Infantry in uniform applied fo~ admission to the riuk and were n -fused. They ih»*n returned to the 1*OM and according to the story told by them, donned citiaeus dress and mere admitted without question. Th* matter was brought to the attention of the I W t commandant «tnd he direc­ted Captain Edwards to make an in­vestigation of the matter, and if the facts warrant such action to apply to the local authorities tor the arrest of William*. The inveatiMUion was made a* directed and Captain Ed­ward* at it^ conclusion made applica­tion in city court for, t^e arrest of Williams City Judge Hagar desiring to familiarize himself with the aeov.s-ions of the law under which the war­rant waa issued adjourned the case until on** week.

I The soldiers claim that when they inade application for a d m i n ^ n to the rink while they were in uniform they were perfectly sobed and were con­ducting tlsemsehrea in a respectable manner. The whole thing will be thoroughly sifted when the matter cosnes before O t y Judge Hagar next week.

Thin incident recalls the arrest s tew years ago of Henry Smith for his refusal to permit soldiers in uniform to visit at* dancing academy. the mat­ter at that t ime being taken up by the war department in behal of the soldiers. Both the state and federal law .prohibits any discrimination against a soldier in uniform.

PUiUburg Man Had Threatened To Take H«e Life. No Known Reason

Por Attempted Suicide, John Kauuileroy. a colored waiter

fat the Witherill House grill. Plans , bntg attempted suicide Sunday by taxing bichloride of mercury^ but whether or not hia attempt at self-de*truction will prove to be successful reitiitjut to be seen, for the poison i* of the slow acting variety, and it will V Meveral days before it Is known i*viti»el> whether or not the physi-*~fc«ti who was called td*attend him ha* tte*-u successful i s / counteracting the etc* u of the drug.

r.uutieroy had been at his place of employment on Saturday and was apparently In his usual spirits, re-tart, ing home at night at about his uncustomed time. At about 4 o'clock be ro*e and swallowed a tablet and half of the fatal drug, the dose con taia ag about twelve grains. His wife Koor. learned of his act and telephoned tor iir. Rogers, who administered u«-

a! antidotes consisting of milk and • g*>. and after considerable labor cleared the man's stomach,

|i*A wife had been aa irvalid for Mrta«* t imes and had beea in the hos-1 Hal. but she is now at home and in tetter health than for months. Sev­ers! times during the past year Faun-tien»v has threatened to take hia own life, but aa there waa no reason why be should do no no attention was paid t • this threat. H being believed that be made It aimply for the purpo#*> c f frightening the members of his family.

PauntleroT i s a man about 34 years of age and haa a family. H e haa al­ways borne a good reputation, and

fi- highly thought of by his employer Hi* home in at No. l o t Brinkerhoff nree.t


ed Ho waived held to await the action of the grand Jnry.


Ate Lemon To Drive Disagreeable Taste from His Mouth. Sensi­

t ive Because of Helpfulness Abram A. Merrill, aged <*z years,

drank four ounces of laudanum with suicidal intent at the home of his daughter Mrs. at at t ie A. MerrflL in Rutland. Friday and died the next evening. The maa wa» alone in the house with his grandchild. Ethel L. Cutting. He went to bed, drained the bottle of lunduaasn. which be bad bought, and then ate lemon to rid his

of the disagreeable taste. It two hoars bafore a doctor

Thin was too sate to antidotes and the


He in 17

ft/>:*tF Caw

ir.r * +

m fes-i of ar-

afl the crater 5 into fall netrr-


nt fciga*

I t had oMo

was learned that Mr Merrmj sent pergonal belonging* to out |

« i relatives no that he d to die. He bad been

growing helpless hecasse and was very seamitive i



had pr^\ rapidly

his age khont I t j


am a TT

ajtre. Jaumnr Lynch Society Woww Who Stood by Him Will Devote

Money t o Clear Myanery, ia a tMe which hat

Meaaday wag; found not guilty of the awarder ef Mr*. Carrie Termer at Lake-wood. X J - April **. I t l l . by the l o r y a t T o m s Ihweg K. I .

Mra. Jasper Lvwrau the eec iKy we-aaast who ftiianced L^eaaan s deSemtse, stated that she wenbi bend her HTwt* aavw toward rwnasng down the real

by efforts



before the search of the city for rthem was beguu. They are charged with deserting their three-year-old daugu ter Idsie ou a doorstep in Boston , a charge mhich i s denied by both Pow­er* and his wife.

About two weeks ago the chief of police of KeeaevUle went to Platts­burg ard asked the asiataace of the local o2lcers in locating the Powers couple. The Keenerli le officer had with him a letter from a lady in Bos­ton who signed herself Theresa Saubaier. and gave her address as Chandler street. In this letter the waiter stated that the Powers couple had deserted their three-year-old daughter. Elsie, and from the time of the desertion s h e had not heard from

Row Over Card Game In Shack at No - W i n d - Here. But Just the 8r*e» Essex Junction Ended in Tragedy j ay Facts That Busy Msn and Wo-

Assailant Under Arrest. me* Will,Care to Know* About Alexander Cole, shot in the abdo-; Two Christmas trees have

Claim That Powers'* Left Their Lit tie One in Boston- Claimed They

Left Baby With Relatives. J After a search lasting over two

weeks Chief of Police Congers and Humane Officer Heuueasey Friday lo­cated In a Hut in Plattsburg George H. Powers and his wife who went to Plattsburg from Keeaoville shortly I pita 1. Horace ttea&on. who did the ? Hearing completion. It will be

men during a quarrel among negroes bent from Berkshire to California by in a shack near the dam, being con-1 parcel imat. strutted at Katex Junction, VL, d>d j The new Rutland theatre, being Sunday night at the Kkuuy Alien h o * j built by George T. Chaffee, is fast


His Sentiments Conveyed in Letter to Secretaries Garrtaon and Daniels

and Sent to Army and Navy. Secretaries Garriao| and ts*wie!«

decided t o adarfais-aar L reprimand Is­sued by l»refiMaat Wilson to the army and navy officers, who participated in the dinner of the military order of Cars bow. at which the administra­tion's Philippine and other policies, were sntlriied. by trnn*m«tting a copr to each member of the entertain men t committee Secretary Garrison inxme-diatHy sent this memorandum to Ma­jor General I^eonard Wood, chief oT staff of the army.

It is hereby ordered that the offi­cers of the United States army who were on the dinner cxnnmittee an3 ««*ir therefore responsible for the prtigrnin of the entertainmeat at the recent dinner of the military order of Caraboa held Dereanwer H . 1*13. be reprimanded in pursuance of the com­munication of President Wilson to me dated December 22. 1*1*. The copy herewith of the form that the repriiuasd should take should be to furnish to each of said officers n copy ef the letter from the President.'*

Secretary Daniels probably watl h> L similar order.

Against Collins and Fitzgerald Dragging Their Way Along At

Hudson Falsa. The trial of former superintendenL]

of prisons C. V.. Qatuaa and Michael 7 i*i; h e r a l d , charged with grand i rcV*'*y i%i 'toe c*reit* Meaoww prison

f cm struction case is drugging its weary v ay along at Hudson Falls. The pro-Mtrutioa rested its case. Tuesday and it will now be up to the defense.

A great many witnesses have beea examined among them eugfenrrs and experts in ?he line of work performed at the prison.

At the session Tuesday William Fle*>d General Manager of the Kings-bury^Couatroction company of Hud­son Palls, was the chief wttnesa.

Flood testified a s to what he had estimated would be the cost of doing the work on the Great Meadow water system in relation to which t h e crime is aJleged to have been committed.

The Kiagfc- at* company ?«id 4"7.^41 on the job which Fitzgerald took for $31,27». Flood compiled the flgnres for the bid. He contradicted the tes­timony of Mehrtlle E. Gray and Tbotn-Halev, expert engineers, who said the work could be done property for $24>


Father in Montreal Traced Her to At-bany and T^e* Lodged Cam plaint

For Larceny Against Her. l>ora I r v i n e , 17 year v e l d , run a war

from her borne in Montreal and nmeb-ed Albany wbere she was ioterceTded at the I naow station by the police who had beea notified of her flight from home. The girl bad t fatgrsph*i to a friend to meet her. bat be waa ant permuted to bold nanci with her.

T h e thtber a t nrst 1 fj^w,« far | err cay of a f l i S ta aaotvey against the girL hot when he arrived in Albany he with­drew those 4

The g n i Jmhne Brad; e r wanted her t o an •a treated her.

The faher *m tb<*

For a time the writer of the letter not know of their whereabouts,

but finally located them in Keese-vilte. She asked the Keeneville onV er to compel the pair to provide for their child, but when the officer re­ceived the letter Powers and his had left Keeeevii ie and it was pjsed that they had gone to Ptatts-burg.

While the search waa m progress ia Plattsburg Humane Officer Hennea-my received from the lady in Beaton a letter by Powers to her during thr latter part of October, in which be promised to send her money for the support of the child, but this promise he never k e p t T h e couple were In­terviewed by the humane officer and they denied having left the baby on a doorstep, saying that they had plac­ed the little girt in charge of a rela­tive in Boston. The humane officer notified the pair that their pretence in Plattsburg was ac t desired, and that for their o v a good, if they de­sired to keep out of the d u t c h e s of the law they had better return to Boa-ton without delay and care for their c»rH*f h? a T?awyr* a r ^ u r ; ;t Is em-liected that they will under those cirtwumstr.ncea move to other parts in th near future.

shooting, waa arresied two miles south of St. Alhaa* by Sheriff J. H. Allen and taken to Chittenden county

l iait at Hurl*ugtou. Two of the nieu in the snack were

quaireling. the jiaity having been gambling, and Benson took a hand iu the dispute. Charles R. Sapp. who is in charge of the i&ug attempted to quell the uproar nod is said to have hit Henson over the head with a stick. Benson "came back" with a brkk.

iVnson thereu|»on left the shack, but returned shortly afterward with a revolver. He aimed M Sapp. who dodged, and Cole, who had beea counting money at a table, was struck, the bullet entering his abdomen Just a l o v e the left hip. The injured man r%n from the shack and collapsed.

The revolver, which is supposed to have been weed, w^a found near the shcxk during the investigation con­ducted by State's Attorney Hopkins. It is of J^cnlibre

X r , . * - . * » • . , -


* nt a


S1*C He iaree

'd aa to

m ta* r t l r a


ur. to devote aey av*w to i d l i n g tbi? my**er*. jthe afVw^ataa-is aad ionteadsd thai the that there wiS ho atawarsrUty no ? oo ly dsfferevar^ of opf&ion w a s that

j the girl wr.nt*m to **p c*swp>o.T • ' * * ja T«rsesi of mbnar he dtsufisswrewl

CURREftCY aMJL a p u j 15.*^. r The fod^e talked * i tb the gfr! sssi COasFLREMCf- HEPO#rr PASSsUk asnored Ne - a»a: i*4M «be cawrts ef

. — — - > j4hi«. <vjca^rr aa>d Great Brstaia wwulf .r^e m_ L.biii sum Voaad W t f t IPKSV se«aaia aer < w c t a o a ta nxsr^anony ocrats Ow fhg hasMSI•" P*wm*- n t h her waOe as it was «tr>ctrr r*m-

IJt !rrsry to the law ef both aatvxaa. T5^ I « I V t i r a i fsaaaly twnag^ted t a PK^sra ta I was aporwr- » A : r » a l w « b h*c faffjber.

4a a Je# by the searstv» Ts>eaday l ie a vat* of —-43 w» ? - The

I t

Flood intimated that it would coat his firm 44M2T.21 to do the work. The addlag of IS per cent for profit and 17*4 for freight made up the total of the firm s bid.

After Flood s test imony Dhatrict At ley Rogers aauaotsnoed that the

nation rested, ubnrei .<w Bcarkett for th defease, aaoeed ta dismiss the iadictxwant against the 4e-feadaats oa the ground that the arose cation bad not snbnmltst» ficieiit t o sustain the cimrge. wns he iarrewy of S l^bf tien. but would ant aBow it court wammed Wtantsday . tion


*. . » a>ssae, gVTW?ras awa swsiV ^ w w*** fJetaware ax* the ruxoor that l-ewdiag towapd* a a t r p r of

aware 4k Hanson, warmg

; b? ve 10 bo aaade to the Pa UosaaOs^teB rad this haa not Idone. H e ihw

J ~W#*t srbew c i s ! ^ifiValties


To Act Promptly Against Vioiatora of the Factory Law. Doors Must „ Open Without Use of Key.

Short shift will be given by Com­missioner James M. Lynch of the state department of labor to factory owners who do not comply with the provisions of the labor law as to lock­ed doors.

This is indicated in orders issued to the factory inapectors of the state. Ia these orders Commmsioner Lynch says:

^Entrance doors must be opewabse from the outside aad the inside with­out the use of a hey or any otber openiag device. AH other doors lead­ing «r opening fmrc a factory hato a stairway, hallway mr onto or into any

means of exit , o r leaving to the outer air <* the ground floor, nvust be able from the snssae without the of a bey or a n y

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Nine For Acquitta* and Three for Conviction. Counsel Indicated

Appeal if Verdict Waa Guilty. After eight day a the trial of William

E. Koch, of West Havetu cawrged with the murder of Charles Cordon of Whitehall. X v . , Nov. 3. while it was claimed that Gordon waa poaching on the land of Koch on the Vermont side of the lake waa practically ended Tues day. when the attorneys made their arguments and Judge Frank L. Fish of Vergennes. gave his charge to the Jury. The case haa been ou trial at Rutland.

Koch claimed self defense, contend-1 ing thai Gordon came at him w«*h a club when he need the gna which ended the life of the trapper.

State's Attorney Bert U Stafford of Rutland overbed for the prosecution before a crowd of spectators which necessitated the carrying in of extra seats by the sheriff's department. Joseph C Jones of Rutland fo?V>*ed with the first arguments for the de­fense.

The case was placed in the ha&ds of the Jury at 4 o'clock Tuesday arter-noon. Two hours later a ballet waa taken and it i* understood, blood n W for acwuittat and three for xurtvuoi i .

The probabilities are that the Jury win ret a m a disagrecaneat which w i l l mean a new triaL

Cp to one o'clock Wednesday morn­ing the situation remained unchanged.

Counsel for Koch said that if h is client urns found guilty they would appeal the case to the highest court in the land.


Calmly Prepared For Soickle. Re. quested Neighbors to Call Doctor.

Then Fired Two Shots.

Roy C. White. - S a m - White coxamitted

at his home Friday morn ing by 1 her hack to a hot s tore SThe abating ham jetf through the heart with a »-ca i ibre revolver Hia wife, with their O r e e weeks add baby, i s said to have left a im a short tame ago a n d ! broadhmg aver th i s ia bettered t o ! hare canoe! t h e act.

Mr. WkHes went t o members of Che fanxfty of H. K. Sbeadom. who five) in


Carry, Dr J . H.

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ed on the evening of January 4. Daniel L. Barker, formerly of Ella*

abethiown, N. Y.. and one of the old­est residents of Woodstock, Vt.. died suddenly last Wednesday morning, at the age of *4 years.

Mrs. H. $. l^ewis 70 years old of Vergeues. while removing articles from the top shelf one day last week fell down a flight of cellar stairs aad was instantly killed.

At a session of the t i n t e d Stataa naturalization court at Harre last week 32 applicants appeared for citizenship papers, a smaller number than in several years.

Th<» barn belonging to Max Schlar* man. a junk dealer of Hardwiek. waa entered and 4~ttt worth of valuable furs stolea. S«-hdarman had recently purchased a new set of furs

The latest addition to the Lyndon Institute building is a new dormitory for girls, the gift of the Hon Theo­dore N. Veil. It is S4 by 7* f e e t la three stories high and has room for over 42 students.

The Rev. F. Wilson Day. for six years pastor of the Congreaxational church at FYanklin. has received a call to the Congregational church at S want no to succeed the Rev. X. O. Bowiby. who goes to Menden. X. H. "The Rev. A. C. Griffith, who hag

been transferred from the Catholic church at B a n e to the Catholic Mis­sion at Bast Albany, irasburg and Orleans, waa given a farewell recep­tion was presented with a purse of Sxaki.

The Berkley street schoolhouae a t Parre has been soH for $2.£04 to Guiuici Brothers. The school, which will aot be needed after d ie first of the year, waa built Id years ago. A new brick baxMing will he ready for oocupaacy next month.

The annual meeting of the mem­b e r s of the Jhaaaiiw County aVgric**-ttiral society wffl b e held la' t h e town halL Middaeoury. Wednesday, Janu­ary 7. at one o'clock for the purpoaa of electing officers and for the trans­action of other husaness.

The latest chapter in the claim of NorthMeld on the c i ty of Mompelier * » $148 31. coats se is ing oat of the confinement of J. E. Dow in a Mont-p*il»r hospital in 1W9, i s the decis-Um to include the hill in the first ap­propriation of the new year

Mystery is said to surround an auto­mobile accident near Rutland Satur­day, when a car crashed into a tree, R a l i * W. Jewett of Springfield Mass., is thought to have been the -driver. The occupants of the car disappeared after the crash.

Precautionary measures have beea taken at Proctor t o prevent the spread ef scarlet fever which ban be­come epidemic. S c h a o K the library and charches have been ordered claw­ed and the health officer haa forMd-den public gatherings of afl kinds. S o far the cases of the disease are mfld.

Mrs. Grant Emory of Groton of Fair Haven, 1 terribly burned Friday when her

] clothing caught fire as she stood with

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