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  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    Country guide for new EPIET/EUPHEM fellows


    Last updated: January 2011

    Please note

    This is a living document. If you find any information to be incorrector out of date, or there is anything you wish to add, please amend

    the guide (and date it accordingly) and send the new version to yourcohort representative for uploading onto the EAN country guides

    website. Than you.


  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    EPIET Country !uide to


    Created by

    Maike Koningstein, PhD student 2006today

    !annah Le"is, #P$#% &e''o" 2006200(

    )pdated by

    *abrina +ai, #P$#% &e''o" 200-200.

    Katarina /idgren, #P$#% &e''o" 200(2010

    *ophie ubbe's, #P$#% &e''o" 200.2011

    kta"ia /3ik, #P$#% &e''o" 200.2011

    Last updated: 1- January 2011


  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    %& 'efore dearture

    1414 5isa

    *& Registration in "en#ar$ +

    241 esidene permit 7and "orking permit8

    242 egistration proess &or nationa's &rom ountries in the #) and ##9

    24 egistration proess &or ;ordi Citi %e'ephone

    46 $nternet

    4- Language ourses

    4( ?urniture and househo'd goods

    4. *upermarkets

    410 )se&u' "ebsites

    ne last t0ing1 %


  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    % 'efore dearture

    %he ma3ority o& things an be done on arri@a'4 %he department "i'' gi@e you p'enty o& time to sort a''

    these things out during "orking hours and o''eagues "i'' be there to he'p4 9'though Danes speakper&et #ng'ish, many o& their "ebsites do not ha@e an #ng'ish @ersion4 !o"e@er, you an trans'ate

    "ebsites "ith """4goog'e4omAtrans'ate4 $t "i'' not be per&et, but at 'east it "i'' gi@e you an idea o&

    "hat the "ebsite says4

    /hat an be done be&ore you 'ea@eB %his depends on the ountry you are a nationa' o& 7;ordi

    ountry, #) ountry or a non#) ountry84 Chek this "ebsite be&ore you 'ea@e:

    http:AA"""4nyidanmark4dkAenusA&rontpage4htm 4

    %&% 2isa

    /hether you need a @isa or not depends on the ountry you ome &rom as "e''4 #) iti

  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    * Registration in "en#ar$

    *&% Residen4e er#it (and wor$ing er#it)

    Depending on your iti

  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    the *tate 9dministration o&&ie4

    our emp'oyment ontrat 7'etter &rom **$ and grant agreement8 as proo& o& inome

    sho"ing that you "i'' be se'&su&&iient4

    ou "i'' a'so ha@e to state an address "here you "i'' reei@e mai'4 ;o proo& o& address

    "as neessary in 20104 $t is aeptab'e to use **$Es address 7*tatens *erum $nstitut, >9rti''eri@e3, 200 Copenhagen *8

    ou then "ait &or a 'etter in the post "ith ontains your Certi&iate o& egistration entit'ed

    N+e@is &or egistreringO4 ;ote that the Certi&iate "i'' be sent to the address you pro@ide

    and it might take up to si "eeks, sine there are many students app'ying at the same time4

    8 ;et, you "i'' need a Danish soia' seurity number 7CP number8 and a media' ard4 $n

    order to get this, you must appear in person at the nationa' registration o&&ie in the ity you

    ha@e mo@ed to4

    $& you 'i@e in Copenhagen, you shou'd register at:

    567en0a-ns 3ol$eregister

    Dah'erupsgade 6

    16=0 Copenhagen 5

    Phone 7G=>8 -0 (0 -0 10

    $& you 'i@e in ?rederiksberg 7this is a separate entity &rom Copenhagen8, you shou'd register at:

    3ol$eregisteret (3rederi$s7erg City Hall)

    ?rederiksberg dhus

    *ma''egade 1

    2000 ?rederiksbergPhone 7G=>8 (21 2100

    ?a: G=> ( 21 2. -0

    #mai': raadhusetH&rederiksberg4dk

    7Monday %hursday: 10 Q 1-, ?riday: 10 Q 1=8

    +ring your #) registration erti&iate, passport and, i& app'iab'e, your "edding 'iene and

    hi'dEsAhi'drenEs birth erti&iate7s84 !ere you "i'' reei@e your soia' seurity number, and 'ater

    a media' ard in the mai'4 ne registered, you "i'' automatia''y 3oin the ;ationa' !ea'th

    *er@ie4 %he hea'th insurane erti&iate 7sundhedskort8 gi@es you aess to &ree media'

    treatment and other pub'i ser@ies4 9t the o&&ie you hoose a genera' pratitioner 7P8 &rom a

    'ist aording to "here you 'i@e4 ou ha@e the hoie to pik a P o& the same se or e@en

    hoose the Ps by year o& birth4

    =8 ou "i'' get a Danish bank aount by bringing your CP number and doumentation &or your

    address in Denmark to any Danish bank4 $& you open more than one bank aount, you must

    se'et one o& the aounts as your NnemkontoO 7you "i'' reei@e in&ormation about this in the


    >8 $n order to pay your taes in Denmark, you "i'' need a ta ard4 %he ta ard sho"s your

    perentage o& taation and your ta a''o"ane 7in Danish: skattemRssigt &radrag84 $n order to

    get this, you must bring your passport or #) registration erti&iate and your emp'oyment


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011



  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    /ebsites "hih are a'so a@ai'ab'e in #ng'ish:




    """4openhagenhousing4om """4ityapartment4dk

    $n Denmark, it is the o"ner "ho pays rea' estate agent &ees not the person 'ooking &or an apartment, so

    it anEt hurt to 'ook at p'aes using pro&essiona' sitesAompanies4

    +e are&u' not to get sammed, "hen you 'ook &or an apartment "ithout an agentV %here are peop'e

    renting out &'ats that donEt eist4 %he typia' story is that the apartment seems too good to be true 7too

    big &or the prie84 %he o"ner o&ten te''s you that he is in the )K 7or abroad8 and is using a phone

    number starting "ith G== -04 %his is a number that is used &rom another ountry and direted through

    the )K4 %he o"ner typia''y te''s you to pay a deposit be&ore youE@e seen the apartment, so that he

    kno"s you are serious about renting the apartmentE4 &ten the o"ner a'so "ants to kno" your persona'

    detai's 'ike passport number et4

    &* Transortation


    +iy'ing is big in Denmark, espeia''y in the summer4 +iy'es an be bought ne" in biy'e stores

    that an be &ound e@ery"here in the ity4 !o"e@er, they donEt ome heap4 Most ne" bikes ost

    bet"een 2000 and 000 DKKG 7sa'es in January and Ju'y9ugust may be the best time to buy84 %he

    heapest option &or ne" bikes is the supermarket K@ik'y 7heapest bikes start at 1001=00 DKK84

    *eondhand bikes a'so donEt ome heap, so be a"areV %hey an be ad@ertised in: """4dba4dk

    %he Po'ie ho'd an aution 7in Danish8 o& seond hand biy'es t"ie a month at:

    KTbenha@ns Po'iti

    11 *'otsherrens@e3

    2-=0 5an'Tse

    Phone: ( -= (( 22

    +eome &ami'iar "ith the biy'ing ru'es beause they might be di&&erent &rom "hat you are used to in

    your home ountry, espeia''y at rossings4

    Public transportou an hoose bet"een buses, *togs 7trains8 and the metro4 !o" to tra@e' &rom point 9 to point +

    and on'ine maps an be &ound at:

    http:AA"""4re3sep'anen4dkA 73ust 'ik on the #ng'ish &'ag &or the #ng'ish @ersion8


    ou many a'so "ant to purhase a Copenhagen 9W map "hih an be obtained &rom petro' stations4

    +uying tikets:

    %he ity is di@ided in

  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    %ikets an be purhased &rom mahines at the metro or train stations and on the bus &rom the


    ou an a'so buy a Nk'ippekortO 7a tiket @a'id &or 10 times8 &or t"o and three minutes "a'k to **$4

    +us >9 stops in &ront o& **$4

    *&% Money= 4redit 4ards= 7an$s and ension

    %he urreny in Denmark is 7Danish8 kroner 7ro"ns8, abbre@iated as kr4 or, internationa''y DKK4 100kr

    is approimate'y 1= euros4 Most redit ards are aepted in Denmark a'though you pay an additiona'

    &ee4 %here are ho"e@er some stores "hih on'y aept Danish ards "ith the DK 'ogo4 Cash

    dispensers an be &ound e@ery"here, and bank ards, in'uding the ones "ith a Maestro 'ogo, "ork in

    these mahines.

    Opening a bank account

    %o open a bank aount you need to present your CP number4 !o"e@er, as getting a CP number

    an take a &e" "eeks, there is a s'ight possibi'ity that the main banks 7Danske +ank, ;ordea et48 maybe ab'e to open an aount &or you based on your home address4

    *ome banks "i'' not gi@e you a Dankort 7Danish bank ard8 unti' they ha@e seen that an inome omes

    into the aount &or months4 ou may app'y &or the Dankort a&ter months4 $n the meantime, you "i''

    be a''o"ed to ha@e a Danish Credit Card, "hih may a'so be used to "ithdra" ash4

    Note! Most banks in Denmark are 'osed on *aturdays and *undays, but may be open 'onger on

    %hursdays4 7$t is &air'y ommon to s"ipe out 7take a break8 "hen youEre at the o&&ie to do your banking8


    %he #P$#% grant agreement means that #P$#% &e''o"s do not get a pension arranged by the #)4 %here

    are se@era' options to onsider4

    Keeping your pension &und in your o"n ountry4

    "ing to the grant sheme, it an be di&&iu't to arrange pensions in either your home or your

    host ountry4 $& you are &inding it partiu'ar'y di&&iu't to arrange a pension, ontat the #P$#%

    Programme &&ie and ep'ain the situation, as a'ternati@e arrangements an be made in

    ertain irumstanes 7e4g4 a 'oked bank aount that is not aessib'e to you during your


    Danish media' dotors ha@e their pension usua''y "ith the Danish pension ompany &or

    dotors: 'Rgernes pensionkasse"""4'pk4dk4!o"e@er, i& you are not registered as a media'

    dotor in Denmark, they annot pro@ide you "ith a pension4

  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    ?or independent ad@ie about the best hoie in your situation you an ontat Kim 5a'entin:

    http:AA"""4&inanshus4dkAKontakt 4!e is an independent &inania' ad@isor4 !o"e@er, he harges uite a

    'arge amount per hour and neither **$ nor #CDC o@er this ost4

    &9 Insuran4es

    Public health insurance

    #@eryone residing in Denmark has the right to hea'th insurane ser@ies as "e'' as hospita' assistane4

    %he ser@ies in'uded in the pub'i hea'th insurane are &ree media' onsu'tation &rom a genera'

    pratitioner and media' onsu'tation &rom speia'ists "ith a re&erra' &rom a P4 *er@ies a'so in'ude

    subsidies &or mediations, dentist and hiroprator onsu'tations "ith a re&erra' &rom your genera'

    pratitioner physiotherapy, podiatry and psyho'ogy onsu'tations4 %he subsidies @ary aording to

    type o& treatment and "i'' be subtrated &rom your bi''4

    ;ote that it might take a "hi'e to get your CP number, and thus to be enro''ed in the Danish hea'thinsurane4 /ith the eeption o& emergeny hospita' assistane, you must pay &or any treatment you

    need during the &irst "eeks in Denmark4 #migrating &rom your o"n ountry may make you not e'igib'e

    &or the 7pub'i or pri@ate8 hea'th insurane in that ountry anymore4 ou might "ant to onsider a

    pri@ate insurane 7e4g4 spei&ia''y &or epats8 to o@er &or the meantime4

    Other insurances

    %he #CDC reommends that you obtain additiona' insurane in'uding: tra@e', disabi'ity, "ork 'iabi'ity,

    et4 May o& the &ormer #P$#% ?e''o"s ha@e reommended #patP'us

    7https:AA"""4epatp'us4omA#ng'ishAinternationa'hea'tharemedia'insurane&orepats4htm 84

    $& you "ou'd 'ike to get the additiona' insurane &rom a Danish pro@ider, you "i'' need your CP

    number4 Codan 7"""4odan4dk8 and %ryg 7"""4tryg4dk8 are the t"o 'argest and most popu'ar &irms4

    %he "ebsites are in Danish ho"e@er, you an a'' them &or any inuiries and they do ha@e po'iy

    papers in #ng'ish4

    &+ Tele0one

    9gain, a CP number is o& ruia' importane &or any phone "ith a ontrat4 $& you do not "ant to "ait

    unti' you get your CP number "e reommend that you get a payasyougo *$M ard &irst4 %hese an

    be obtained @irtua''y e@ery"here &rom petro'Agas stations, -A11Es, supermarkets and in kiosks4

    %here are many pro@iders Q hek the ne"spaper, ask your o''eagues &or he'p and any o&&ers4 neheap option is %e'more 7"""4te'more4dk84 Lebara has heap *$M ards 7"""4'ebara4dk8, "here the

    &ees are spei&ia''y heap &or phone a''s abroad4

    &> Internet

    %here are many pro@iders 7?u''rate, *ky'ine, et48 Q hek the ne"spaper &or any o&&ers, and &ee' &ree to

    ask your o''eagues &or he'p4 Keep in mind that prie "i'' be re'ated to band"idth so the more you pay

    the &aster the onnetion4

  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    &: ,anguage 4ourses

    Pri@ate 'essons are, o& ourse, a @ery &ast "ay to 'earn Danish, but are uite epensi@e 7speak to **$

    and #P$#%A#CDC about &unding84 %he other option is that you go to one o& the pub'i shoo's "hih is

    a'so a soia' eperiene4 +e a"are that you need to ha@e a CP number to be ab'e to start "ith your

    Danish 'essons at the pub'i shoo's4 %hese shoo's are not omp'ete'y &ree anymore sine January200- you ha@e to pay >00kr &or e@ery modu'e 7appro4 e@ery 12 "eeks84 Many peop'e go to

    *tudiesko'en 7http:AA"""4studiesko'en4dkA 84 $& you are a resident o& ?rederiksberg, 5)? is another

    on@enient option 7http:AA"""4@u&4nuAenAnodeA10 84

    C'asses are typia''y a&ter "ork, 24> or 4> hours 2 times per "eek4 $& you are interested you an

    speak to the department about the possibi'ity o& start Danish during "orking hours4

    *&% 3urniture and 0ouse0old goods

    ?or heap &urniture you an a'"ays go to $K#9 7"""4ikea4dk8 and $'@a 7"""4i'@a4dk8 in ento&te 7bus

    1>0* &rom ;orreport st &or $K#9 and Lyngby * tog station &or $'@a84

    9'so use&u' are:

    *i'@an Do$tourse'& 7D$8 shop euipment and &urniture4

    Jysk 7"""43ysk4dk8 &or beds, bed'othes, things &or your bathroom 7not o& the best ua'ity84

    ?Tte is a 'arge Danish supermarket but they se'' a 'ot o& kithen euipment 7'ink in

    supermarket setion84

    *eondhand goods

    Den +' 9@is 7&ree paper8 is &i''ed "ith ad@ertisements on seond hand &urniture et4

    Comparab'e to ebay but on a muh sma''er sa'e is the Danish site """4'4dk

    %here is a'so an indoor &'ea market a''ed det b' pakhus near the **$4 $t is open e@ery

    *aturday and *unday &rom 101-4 #ntrane is 1> kr per person and the address is

    !o'mb'adsgade 11, Copenhagen *outh4

    N'4 9 &'ea market is a''ed 'oppenmarket4

    9sk o''eagues &or addresses o& seondhand shops and &'ea markets4

    *&* Suer#ar$ets

    %here are a number o& supermarkets in Denmark "hih @ary substantia''y in prie and a@ai'abi'ity o&

    goods4 %he heapest ha@e the most 'imited hoie4 pening times 7note that most shops and

    supermarkets are 'osed on *undaysV8 and your 'oa' store an be &ound on their "ebsite4 %he main

    supermarkets, &rom heapest to most epensi@e are:

    Suer#ar$et ?e7site

    ?akta """4&akta4dk

    Lid' """4'id'4dkAdkAhome4ns&ApagesAi4home

    9'di """4a'di4dk

    ema 1000 """4rema10004dk

    ;etto """4netto4dk

    *uper +rugsen """4superbrugsen4dk

    ?Tte """4&oete4dkAPagesA?oete?rontpage4asp

  • 8/11/2019 SSI Copenhagen Denmark 2011


    $rma """4irma4dk

    *upermarkets are the p'ae "here you take bak p'asti and g'ass bott'es &or rey'ing and you get

    money bak4 *ome o& bott'e might ha@e a si