sspc standards update presentation

SSPC Standards Update NSRP SP-3 Panel William L. Shoup SSPC Executive Director NSRP 2012 February 2012 Orlando, Florida

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Page 1: SSPC Standards Update Presentation

SSPC Standards Update NSRP SP-3 Panel

William L. Shoup SSPC Executive Director

NSRP 2012

February 2012 Orlando, Florida

Page 2: SSPC Standards Update Presentation

Learning Objectives Update on standards of interest to the Navy community •Revisions in Progress

> SSPC-WJ 1, 2, 3, 4 Waterjetting Standards > SSPC-PA 2 DFT measurement > SSPC-SP 11, Power Tool Cleaning Bare Metal > SSPC-SP 15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning > SSPC-Guide 15, Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis

of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substrates > SSPC-QP 1, Evaluating Qualifications of Industrial/Marine Painting

Contractors (Field Application) > SSPC-AB 1, Mineral and Slag Abrasives > SSPC-AB 2, Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasive Work Mix

•New Standards in Development > Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Standards > Determining Compliance to Steel Profile Range > Selecting Coatings for Galvanized Steel Substrates

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SSPC-SP 12/NACE No. 5 Surface Preparation by Waterjetting

(revision) • Current SP 12/NACE No. 5 will be broken

into separate standards based on level of cleanliness > SSPC/NACE WJ 1 – Clean to Bare Substrate > SSPC/NACE WJ 2 – Very Thorough Cleaning –

most commonly referenced in Navy specifications

> SSPC/NACE WJ 3 – Thorough Cleaning > SSPC/NACE WJ 4 -- Light Cleaning

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Revised Waterjetting Standards • Definitions of cleanliness unchanged • Description of flash rust levels unchanged • Added non-mandatory appendices for

assessing levels of flash rust: > wipe test (based on NSRP Flash Rust

Evaluation Guidelines) > tape test (based on ISO dust level test)

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Revised Waterjetting Standards

• Specific recommended levels of nonvisible contaminants removed from non-mandatory appendix > Replaced with more general discussion of nonvisible contamination

• Examples of language for specifying level of nonvisible contaminants provided in non-mandatory appendix > “Immediately prior to the application of the coating, the surface

extract shall not contain more than xx µg/cm2 of the specific contaminant (e.g., chloride) when tested with a [specified method].”

> “Immediately prior to the application of the coating, the conductivity of the surface extract shall not exceed xx µS/cm when tested with a [specified method].”

• Expected release date – April 15, 2012

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SSPC-PA 2, Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness

Requirements (revision)

• Includes options to specify more or less stringent compliance requirements for coating thickness depending on project > Default compliance requirements for DFT same

as current version unless otherwise specified • Revised language for assessing

nonconformities • Added appendices for measuring DFT on

edges, pipe exterior

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PA 2 Options for Specifier Thickness Gage Reading Spot

Reading Area Measurement

Level 1

Minimum Unrestricted As specified As specified

Maximum Unrestricted As specified As specified

Level 2

Minimum Unrestricted As specified As specified

Maximum Unrestricted 120% of maximum As specified

Level 3 DEFAULT (same as current PA 2 requirement) Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum As specified

Maximum Unrestricted 120% of maximum As specified

Level 4

Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum As specified

Maximum Unrestricted 150% of maximum As specified

Level 5

Minimum Unrestricted 80% of minimum As specified

Maximum Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted

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SSPC-PA 2, Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness

Requirements (revision) • Current version of PA 2 requires measurement of every

100 ft2 area painted during work shift if a nonconforming area is identified

• Revised language for determining extent of nonconforming areas painted during a work shift is: > Take spot measurements at 5 ft. intervals radiating in 8 equally

spaced directions from non-conforming area > Each spot measurement must comply with project requirements > Stop measuring in a given direction when 2 consecutive

measurements are in compliance > (Worst case scenario may result in measurement of entire

surface area coated in work shift) > Document areas of nonconformity

• Expected release date: April 1, 2012

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PA 2 Spot Measurement Diagram

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Dashed line indicates boundary of area painted during work shift


5 ft area preceding a nonconfor-ming spot must be remeasured after corrections are made

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5 ft NO











Dashed line indicates boundary of area painted during work shift

Suspect area preceding a nonconforming spot must be remeasured after corrections are made






(Limit of area coated during work shift)

5 ft

5 ft


5 ft

Dashed line indicates boundary of area painted during work shift

Dashed line indicates boundary of area painted during w

ork shift Das





s bo


ry o

f are

a pa


d du



k sh


(Limit of area coated during work shift)


(Limit of area coated during work shift)

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SSPC-SP 11, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal (revision)

• No change in SP 11 cleanliness definition or minimum 1 mil profile requirement

• Profile measurement method default now ASTM D 4417 Method B (depth micrometer) unless otherwise specified

• Compressed air used for tools must be verified clean in accordance with ASTM D 4285 (“blotter test”)

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SSPC-SP 11, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal (revision)

• Tools reclassified to include the wire bristle impact tool

• Feathering of existing coating is required unless otherwise specified

• Expected release date May 1, 2012

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SSPC-SP 15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning

(revision) • No change in existing SP 15 cleanliness

definition or profile requirement • Parallel language to SSPC-SP 11 will be

adopted for SP 15 > Use ASTM D 4417 Method B unless otherwise

specified > Tool descriptions and feathering requirements

same as revised SP 11 • Expected release date: May 15, 2012

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SSPC Guide 15, Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and

Other Nonporous Substrates (revision)

• Reorganization based on methodology of measurement techniques

• Revision includes descriptions of new fully automated one-step meters

• ASTM, ISO references have been updated • Expected release date: August 1, 2012

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SSPC-QP 1, Evaluating Qualifications of Industrial/Marine Painting Contractors –

Field Application (revision)

• Added definition and training requirements for Environmental Health and Safety Manager

• Requires implementation of Coating Application Specialist (CAS) certification as part of QP 1 unless otherwise specified

• Added clarifications to training requirements for QC inspectors and QC Supervisors

• Expected release date: March 15, 2012

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SSPC-AB 1, Mineral and Slag

Abrasives (revision) • Appendix B to address Navy requirements

from MIL-A-22262 added • Appendix B is mandatory when called out in

project specification > Includes requirements for friability, radioactivity,

soluble and total metal content, TCLP, others > Reviewed by Navy personnel

• Requirements for QC of recyclable work mix in separate Appendix A

• Still undergoing committee review • Expected release date December 1, 2012

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SSPC-AB 2, Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasives (revision)

• Revision started August 2011 • Committee discussing simplification of

sampling requirements for testing work mix • May reference new standard for

determining compliance with steel profile requirements

• Some discussion of lowering conductivity limit (not decided yet)

• Expected release March 1, 2013

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Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Standards (new)

• 5 standards parallel organization of dry blasting standards

• Define cleanliness levels for steel surfaces prepared using wet abrasive blast cleaning > Cleanliness levels identical to the dry blast cleaning

standards > Flash rust levels (same definitions as in WJ

standards) included > Appendices for evaluating flash rust and for

information on nonvisible contaminants included (same as WJ standards)

• Expected release date March 1, 2013

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Determining Compliance with Specified Profile Range (new)

• ASTM Methods from D 4417 and D 7127 establish number of instrument readings required

• SSPC standard provides requirements for frequency (how often to take readings) and location (where to take readings) that are not addressed by ASTM standards

• Example: Take 3 readings at XX locations on surface YY times during surface prep process

• Committee still deciding values for XX and YY

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Determining Compliance with Specified Profile Range (new)

• Nonmandatory appendix provides an option for specifying number of measurements > Contractor must prepare a 2 x 2 area at jobsite for

acceptance by owner’s rep > Document list of production parameters (pressure,

nozzle size, abrasive size, etc.) > Measurements required if any changes occur during

production work > Measurements required after completion of

production work • Expected release date November 1, 2012

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Selecting Coatings for Galvanized Steel Substrates (new)

• Guide for selecting coatings to overcoat galvanized surfaces

• Coatings to protect galvanizing from aggressive environments

• Assumes that the decision to galvanize the substrate has already been made

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Selecting Coatings for Galvanized Steel Substrates (new)

• Coating selection based on > Service environment of structure (agents that

attack galvanizing) > Condition of galvanized substrate (new, aged

sound, or deteriorated galvanizing) > Extent and degree of surface preparation

required for optimum coating performance (washing only, spot or large area cleaning using blasting or power tools)

Expected release date October 1, 2012

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Questions and Comments Welcome

William L. Shoup SSPC 1/877-281-7772 ext. 2230 [email protected]

Thank you