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St. Anthony Catholic School 2020-21 COVID Re-opening Guidance Updated 8/13/20

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Page 1: St. Anthony atholic School 2020-21 OVI Re-opening Guidance...St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance 2 July 30, 2020 Dear Parents and Guardians, Concerning the topic

St. Anthony Catholic School 2020-21

COVID Re-opening Guidance Updated 8/13/20

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance


July 30, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Concerning the topic of the pandemic, it goes without saying, no one can argue that there have been

many unprecedented challenges in all our collective experiences. That while this time in the Covid

pandemic has been difficult, much has also proven to be a great learning experience. Who would have

guessed that six months ago our lives would be turned upside down and how quickly we were able to

adapt and make changes to support our students’ education? I am very proud of our teachers and staff

who quickly created the remote experience ahead of NCSD by weeks. We learned that some formats

worked well. Most importantly, we learned what didn’t work and that taught us more than the

successes. Because of that, we are able to make changes to better serve the future needs of our


As we re-open, things will look different from the time our students arrive to their departure. Included

in this document are plans that delineate that. We created a three-tier system to help us provide for the

health and safety of our students while on campus and keep SAS open as long as possible as this virus

spreads. That while no one has firm answers as to the best formats, we have researched many options

and have considered what the Diocese of Cheyenne is requiring while following approved and

suggested plans from the experts in the scientific field. We have also considered the suggestions in the

State of Wyoming Smart Start guidelines, Natrona County Health Department and various other

resources. Our Covid Task Force is comprised of medical people, a microbiologist, educators, and

parents, all highly intelligent, knowledgeable and whose only interest is to open SAS in the most

optimal and safest way possible.

To start the year, we will begin with the Tier-2 Plan as explained in the plan. We do not know how long

we will be in Tier-2 but as the situation improves or disintegrates, we could easily move into Tier-1 or

Tier-3 and back into anyone of them depending on what the situation dictates.

Please review our re-entry plan. We intend to have a public review of the plan on Thursday, August 13.

This forum will be remote and allow our team to share information and for parents to ask questions of

the Covid Task Force Team. We hope you will appreciate the intent behind the development of the

guidelines and respect the enforcement of them. Your prayers for a successful year for all our SAS

Archangels is most appreciated.

In Christ,

Cyndy Novotny, Principal

St. Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School 1145 West 20th Street Casper, WY 82604

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To: Parents/Guardians of St. Anthony Tri-Parish School Students From: Julie Perry R.N., SAS Nurse Re: Covid-19 Protocols at SAS We are all aware that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the course of our day-to-day lives in a rather dramatic way since that fateful day in March of this year. Schools and businesses were closed and we were forced to shelter in place for a time. We missed family and friends and social distancing became the norm. It has been a trying time for most of us but we must always have hope and trust in the Lord that this will not last forever. Remember that God always takes the broken and makes it beautiful. He is working this, too. Each of us has a responsibility to do our best to keep that little “spherical nubby beast” from spreading. SAS is taking extra precautions to keep our SAS family (parents, students, teachers, and staff) as healthy as we can in order to ensure that our school year can proceed as close to normal as possible. While some of what follows may seem “over-the-top”, we must be very careful to do what we can as a school community to keep each other healthy. These pertain to students and close family members.

1. Everyone who enters the building will be screened for fever. Anyone with a temperature of 99.8 degrees or greater will not be allowed to enter the building.

2. Anyone with any of the following symptoms should stay home: cough, shortness of breath,

chills or repeated shaking chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, or feeling feverish.

3. If anyone is your household is being tested for Covid-19 due to symptoms or possible

exposure you should remain at home pending the outcome of the test. 4. If you have been in close contact with a lab-confirmed person with Covid-19 you must

remain at home for 14 days from the last day of exposure and you must be symptom free before returning to school.

We always anticipate that there will be some minor injuries throughout the day. All injuries will be treated in the nurse’s office and, if possible, the student will return to class. The nurse’s office will be sanitized after a student leaves to return to class. Students who feel ill while at school will be cared for in a separate room (sick bay) just around the corner from the nurse’s office. A cot will be available in that room for the student. Parents or the student’s guardian will be notified to come to SAS to take the student home. Please make arrangements to arrive within the hour of the call from the school. The sick bay will be sanitized after the student leaves to return home. As always, your cooperation is greatly appreciated. It will take all of us working together to make this upcoming school year a success. May God bless us all in our efforts.

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DIOCESE OF CHEYENNE Office of the Bishop

Post Office Box 1468 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-1468

(307) 638-1530 (307) 638-4818 (fax)

August 6, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

As we approach the beginning of the school year, I would like to affirm your exceptional work and

dedication in such difficult circumstances over the last five months. The leaders of parishes and

schools were challenged to adapt quickly to a situation which no one had anticipated. Thank you for

the countless hours of hard work and creative ministry.

Our schools and parish faith formation programs are planning to resume instruction for the coming

academic year. I am grateful to all who have offered input on the protocol for re-opening, which is

incorporated in the documents being issued by the Diocese of Cheyenne. These guidance

documents are just that: they provide guidance and the best available practices that correspond to

our local situations here in Wyoming.

Catholic schools and parishes may use our documents as their own protocol; however, they may

modify the guidance to correspond to the needs that arise in their buildings, county health

ordinances, and the current activity of the coronavirus in communities across the state. Similarly, we

will continue to consult with educators, health professionals, and state officials in Wyoming and

across the nation as we revise our guidance in response to the changing nature of this health

emergency. Of note, we will provide resources and ongoing formation on how to deliver education

remotely for those families who are not safe to attend in-person or in the event of closures

mandated by the county or state.

As a local Church, we remain dedicated to providing an education in the tradition of our faith that

will promote the health of the Mystical Body of Christ – spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I

extend my sincere gratitude and commitment of prayer to the priests, deacons, principals, teachers,

staff, and volunteers of our parishes and schools. Please pray for me.

Peace in Christ,

Bishop Steven Biegler

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance



Introduction 3

Mission Statement 4

Standard Practices: Sanitization and Student Health 5

Decision Tree 6

Shared Spaces, Restrooms 7

Entrance, Dismissal, and Movement within the Building 8

Resources 9

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance



While the understanding of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) disease develops, it has become clear

that St. Anthony Catholic School has an obligation to have a flexible but standardized approach to

ensuring the school remains open as long as it is deemed safe to do so. To that end, the school has

endeavored to create policy which will assist in the education and formation of our students, while

ensuring safe practices are followed. This policy is designed using the latest information available at the

time of writing. We fully understand that best practices change day to day, and new information is

evolving frequently. The school reserves the right to modify this document without notice and to

change practices as needed to best fit the needs to the students and the school.

This policy was developed in collaboration with the following individuals:

Tiffany Catellier (Teacher)

Beth Detrick (Parent)

Caitlin Dixon BSN-RN – Pediatric Nurse

Nick Dresang (Technology Director)

Tim Galles (Technology Integration Specialist)

Brandon Halvorsen (Teacher)

Christina Jonart BSN-RN – Infectious Disease

Michelle Leyba (Administrative Services Director)

Becky Marnell (Teacher)

Cyndy Novotny (Principal)

Julie Perry RN – School Nurse

Donald Pierce (Business Services Manager)

Dagmara Smith PhD Microbiology

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance


Mission Statement

St. Anthony Catholic School is dedicated to achieving

academic excellence in a faith filled community, living a

life committed to Christian service.

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance


Standard Practices: Sanitization and Student Health (All Tiers) Temperature Screenings

• All adults who enter the building will receive a temperature screening. This practice includes

all staff, faculty, administrators, parents, volunteers (should the school admit them) and

contract employees (food service, cleaning, etc.).

• All students will be screened prior to entering the building. This may be done via a

automated kiosk or a school staff person. It will be noted if a student exhibits a temperature

of 99.8 and above and following procedure for those who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.

Households self-report any symptoms that the CDC has identified with COVID- 19.

Face coverings

• All adults who enter the building will wear face coverings, even if they keep six -foot

distance. This practice includes all staff, faculty, administrators, parents, volunteers (should the school admit them) and contract employees (food service, cleaning, etc.).

• When in homerooms, students will wear face coverings as possible in the following

circumstances: o If students are assigned individual work at their desks, and the desks have six-feet

distance and/or the desk has an ‘acrylic barrier’ with acceptable distancing, no face

coverings are required.

o If students are completing work in pods or groups, face coverings will be required, understanding that children will have difficulty with face coverings and a time of

learning will be needed to help students adjust to this practice and become

comfortable with it. o If students are doing individual work at less than six-foot distance, face coverings are



• Spaces shared by classes will receive more thorough cleaning.

• Students are not to share learning materials (pencils, pens, etc.).

• Standard cleaning of surfaces will occur, following CDC guidelines.

Class homerooms

• To reduce risk of community spread of COVID-19, students will be taught in homerooms.

Classes will not travel between rooms, so teachers will instead rotate rooms. (Tier 2 Only)

• High-touch surfaces will be removed where necessary or cleaned throughout the day if

removal is not an option.

• Acrylic/Plexi-glass shields will be installed where applicable to assist in classroom

instruction, office sanitation, etc.

• Single point of entrance/exit will be utilized.

• Upgraded filtration in high traffic areas will be installed.

• Soft-furniture will be removed and stored.

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance


Decision Tree

Confirmed case(s) present in more than one grade and/or high community spread.

Entire school community will transfer to remote education on direction from the Natrona County Health Department, the Governors Office, or the Diocese of Cheyenne.

School will remain in remote education for two days after all confirmed cases test negative.

If a prolonged illness is present in the school, then building wide quarantine lasts for at least two weeks after onset of symptoms, with the sick individual(s) receiving medical care.

Enhanced sanitization of entireschool building will take place.

Upon return to school building, school community will resume Tier most accurately representing the situation.

Tier 3

This includes the procedures and safety measures from Tier 1, with the following changes/enhancements.

One or more confirmed cases of COVID19

are present in the school community, and/or community spread is low-medium.

Remote instruction can be provided to students who choose to use this method. Remote instruction will be required for those quarantened.

Class movement is more controlled. Teachers will come to students, rather than students traveling to teachers. This includes specials and all core subjects.

Morning drop-off, and dismissal are staggered to avoid congregating of people.

Masks are required when in common areas, and when social distancing cannot be praciced. (Outdoor activites on an as needed basis.)

Visitors to the school are limited to those absolutely essential. Students needing to be released during the day will coordinate with the office or curbside checkin/out.

Lunch time will be staggered and socially distanced. Recesses will also be changed into smaller groups and staggered.

Water fountains are turned off, but bottle filling stations are available. It is suggested that students bring a reusable a water bottle.

Tier 2

No confirmed cases of COVID19 are present in the school community, and/or community spread is low.

Remote instruction can be provided to students who choose to use this method.

Remote work plans have been established for faculty and staff who are high risk.

Sanitization practices of classrooms, classroom materials, bathrooms, and common spaces exist.

Screening protocol for all faculty, staff, and visitors is practiced. Face coverings are made available to all who do not have them.

Students social distance and wear face coverings as appropriate and possible. Adults social distance and wear face coverings.

Parents will monitor for symptoms and keep symtomatic children home.

Tier 1

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance


Shared Spaces, Restrooms,

Shared Spaces

• These spaces include the gym, library, music room and commons.

• Education occurs in grade-level rooms whenever possible.

• If it is not possible to use grade-level rooms, classroom and all supplies/technology must be

cleaned after the class leaves the room. Only one class may use space at a time. (With some

exceptions to the commons regarding lunch.)

• PE class should outdoors whenever possible.

• Lunch will be staggered in times and socially distanced. This should afford students the

greatest amount of protection while still letting them eat lunch.


• No more than three people may be present in a normal-sized communal restroom at a single


• Teachers monitor restroom traffic as much as possible.

• Students wash hands for twenty seconds with warm or hot water, along with soap.

• Sinks, stall doors, toilet seats, and other common surfaces will be cleaned multiple times per


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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance


Entrance, Dismissal, and Movement within the Building

Before School

• Gathering at drop-off should be outside if possible.

• Face coverings are worn by all.

• “Entrance Checks” occur when students enter building

o Temperature check

o Verbal symptom check (“Are you feeling well?”)

o Check for face coverings

o Handwashing or hand-sanitizer

o Similar checks will be conducted at the main office for students who arrive late.


• Classes exit through designated exits

• Staggered dismissal times will be designed for Tier 2.

• Students gather by class and are monitored by a staff member until picked up.

• Other students are escorted to extended care area or extra-curricular activity.

Movement in the Building during Contact Hours

• Students stay with class whenever possible.

• High-touch surfaces (e.g. handrails, doorknobs, light switches) are cleaned multiple times per


• Drinking fountains are used only for refilling reusable water bottles or are turned off.

• Internal doors are kept open as much as possible (making exceptions for fire code, student

safety, etc.).

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St. Anthony Catholic School COVID Re-opening Guidance



This document was constructed from the collaborative efforts from the team above as well as some

community resources/agencies. These include the following:

Centers for Disease Control

Natrona County Health Department

Diocese of Cheyenne

Wyoming High School Sports Association

Wyoming Department of Education Smart Start Guidelines