st. au g u sti ne cathol ic chu rch · 2020. 10. 11. · st. au g u sti ne cathol ic chu rch xx v...

ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH XXVIII Sunday Ordinary Time October 11, 2020 Tengo preparado el banquete...vengan a la boda. Behold, I have prepared my banquet...come to the feast. Matthew 22:4 Mateo

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Page 1: ST. AU G U STI NE CATHOL IC CHU RCH · 2020. 10. 11. · ST. AU G U STI NE CATHOL IC CHU RCH XX V III Su n day Ord in ary T im e y Oc to ber 11 , 20 20 Tengo prep a rad o el banqu

ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH XXVIII Sunday Ordinary Time October 11, 2020

Tengo preparado el banquete...vengan a la boda. Behold, I have prepared my banquet...come to the feast.

Matthew 22:4 Mateo

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Candle Memorial

This week the candle will burn In Loving Memory of

Expedita Rivera—Lara

Requested by Raymond & Maria Rivera

Mass Intentions MONDAY, October 12 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1; Ps 113; Lk 11:29-32 9:00am ENID VIVAS

TUESDAY, October13 Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119; Lk 11:37-41 9:00am HEALTH OF LOURDES GONZALEZ

WEDNESDAY, October 14 Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr

Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1; Lk 11:42-46 9:00am ANGEL GUERRERO

THURSDAY, October 15 Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98; Lk 11:47-54 9:00am DEMÓCRITO & TULIA CAICEDO

FRIDAY, October 16 Saint Hedwig, Religious; Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin

Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33; Lk 12:1-7 9:00am BIRTHDAY OF AMPARO FUENTES


SUNDAY, October 18 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 8:30am ANA ANGELICA FOURQUET 10:30am BRIAN GARLAND ANGELA GONZALEZ (Esp) 12:30pm DIFUNTOS DE LA FAMILIA GARCIA-HENAO MIRNA ESTHER MARRERO

Join Us From Home St. Augustine Catholic Church invites the faithful

to watch Mass live streamed, worshiping at home and joining with us in spiritual communion.


Sunday Mass Live Stream Schedule 10:30am in English and 12:30pm in Spanish

Missed the live Mass? View the most recent recording at OR

you can visit our YouTube Channel


The Week Ahead Twenty-Eighth Week in Ordinary Time




Building Codes: Conference Room (CR) Church (CHU) Parish Life Center (PLC) Ministry Formation Building (MFB)


14 9:00am Daily Mass (CHU) 10:00am Clase de Biblia (CR) 6:30pm HS Youth Ministry Fellowship (PLC) 7:00pm Clase de Biblia (CR) 7:00pm HS Youth Ministry Session (PLC)


16 9:00am Daily Mass (CHU)


15 9:00am Daily Mass (CHU)


17 4:25pm Holy Rosary (CHU) 5:00pm Mass (CHU) 7:00pm Misa (CHU)


18 8:30am Mass (CHU) 10:30am Mass (CHU) 12:30pm Misa (CHU)

MON 9:00am Daily Mass (CHU) 7:00pm RCIA—English (MFB2) 7:00pm RCIA—Spanish (CR)


9:00am Daily Mass (CHU) 7:00pm REVIVE—Young Adult Ministry (CR)

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Fr. Tomas Hurtado



(Mateo 22,4)

Querida comunidad de San Agustín: Ser invitados a una fiesta es siempre un honor, esto

significa que el que está celebrando nos estima y quiere compartir con nosotros la alegría de ese momento importante en su vida. Cuando somos invitados a una boda nos preparamos con tiempo de antelación, buscamos nuestro mejor traje. Si no tenemos uno apropiado, nos vamos de compra; muchos, incluso, quieren ir combinados con los mismos colores que los novios han escogido para la celebración. Celebrar un banquete de bodas siempre es una gran alegría. La parábola del evangelio de San Mateo que leemos este fin de semana, (Mt 22, 1-14) compara al Reino de los cielos con el banquete de bodas. San Juan Pablo II dijo que la Misa es: “El cielo en la tierra”. Esta hermosa observación nos hace reflexionar sobre lo divino de este momento y nos recuerda la importancia de nuestras celebraciones. Cada domingo el Señor nos invita a celebrar la Eucaristía en acción de gracias por Su Hijo Jesucristo. Él es el novio de la boda y al mismo tiempo es la comida del banquete, su cuerpo y su sangre. ¿Necesitamos algo más? SÍ, necesitamos estar listos espiritualmente, vestidos de gala. Si por razones personales NO aceptamos esta invitación, otros ocuparán el lugar que el Señor nos tenía reservado. El evangelio es claro: “Los criados salieron a los caminos y reunieron a todos los que encontraron, malos y buenos, y la sala del banquete se llenó de convidados”. (Mt 22, 10) Somos invitados al banquete de bodas. ¿Cómo respondemos a esa invitación? ¿Nos preparamos o, simplemente, rechazamos la invitación? Jesús te llama a su banquete: ¿estás listo? En este Mes del Respeto a la Vida, demos gracias a Dios por la vida que nos ha dado y que nos extiende cada día, y oremos para que se respete este don preciado de Dios, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Agradecido al Señor por poder dirigirles estas palabras, le pido que continúe bendiciéndolos en abundancia a ustedes y a su familia.

Dear Community of Saint Augustine, It is always an honor to be invited to a party because it means that who is celebrating appreciates us and wants to share that happy occasion with us. When we are invited to a wedding we prepare ourselves ahead of time, we look for our best outfit and, if we do not have one, we go shopping; many people even try to wear the same color the bride and groom have chosen for the event. To celebrate a wedding banquet is always a great joy. The parable we are reading this weekend, taken from St. Matthew’s Gospel (Mt 22: 1-14), compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a wedding banquet. St. Paul II said that the Mass is “heaven on earth”. This beautiful observation causes us to reflect about its divine character and reminds us how important our celebrations are. Each Sunday, the Lord invites us to celebrate the Eucharist in thanksgiving for His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the wedding’s groom, and, at the same time, His Body and Blood are the food for the banquet. Do we need anything else? YES! We need to be spiritually ready, to be “dressed up.” If for personal reasons we do not accept this invitation, others will take the place the Lord had reserved for us. The Gospel is clear: “The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests” (Mt 22:10). We are invited to the wedding banquet; how do we reply? Do we prepare ourselves or refuse the invitation? Jesus calls us to His banquet; are we ready? During this Respect Life Month, let us give thanks to God for the life He has given us which He extends to us each day, and let us pray for this precious gift from God to be respected from conception to natural death. Grateful to the Lord for being able to address these words to you, I ask Him to continue to abundantly bless you and your families.



THE FEAST”. (Matthew 22:4)

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In Our Parish


EL PRÓXIMO FIN DE SEMANA habrá una segunda colecta para nuestra Diócesis Hermana, San Juan de la Maguana. Esta colecta apoya la mayor parte del trabajo realizado a través de la Oficina de Misiones. La Oficina de Misiones se esfuerza por capacitar a las personas de nuestra diócesis hermana y a mejorar sus vidas. Simultáneamente, anima a los miembros de la Diócesis de Orlando a utilizar su tiempo, talentos y tesoros para ayudar a nuestra familia Dominicana.

HAGA UNA DONACIÓN CON DEDUCCIÓN DE IMPUESTO Done en línea: Envíe un cheque a “Diocese of Orlando Mission Office”.

PO Box 1800, Orlando, FL 32802 O participe de la colecta la próxima semana

¡Por favor sea generoso!


La próxima clase será el miércoles, 28 de octubre, a las 10:00am y 7:00pm en el Salón de Conferencia. Si todavía no ha confirmado su asistencia, por favor llame a la oficina parroquia al 407-695-3262. Cupo es limitado.

SISTER DIOCESE NEXT WEEKEND there will be a second collection for our Sister Diocese, San Juan de la Maguana. This collection supports the major portion of the work done through the Diocesan Mission Office. The Mission Office strives to empower the people of our sister diocese and improve their lives while encouraging the members of the Diocese of Orlando to use their time, talent, and treasure to offer a hand up in support of our Dominican family. MAKE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION

Donate online: Send a check to “Diocese of Orlando Mission Office”.

PO Box 1800, Orlando, FL 32802 Or participate in next week’s collection.

Please be generous!

BIBLE CLASS The next class will be Wednesday, October 21st at 10:00am and at 7:00pm in the Conference Room. Space is limited. If you have not registered yet, please call the parish office at 407-695-3262. All are welcome!

This is a FREE resource for parishioners to gain information and the facts about the Catholic faith – how we think, pray and live – accessible from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Through beautiful videos, music and acclaimed Catholic speakers and educators, our parish will grow in understanding and by participating in your faith! TO ACCESS FORMED: 1. Visit: 2. Find your Parish or Organization (enter 32707) 3. Select St. Augustine Catholic Church 4. Enter your Name and Email—and you’re in!

Este es un recurso GRATUITO para que los feligreses obtengan información y los hechos sobre la fe católica - cómo pensamos, oramos y vivimos - accesible desde cualquier computadora, tableta o teléfono inteligente. A través de hermosos videos, música y oradores y educadores católicos aclamados, nuestra parroquia crecerá en entendimiento y participación en su fe. PARA ACCEDER A FORMED: 1. Visite: 2. Encuentre su Parroquia u Organización (coloque 32707) 3. Seleccione St. Augustine Catholic Church 4. Coloque su Nombre y correo electrónico—y ¡listo!

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OFFICE OF SENIOR PRIESTS This month, we remember our deceased diocesan priests.

Rev. Joseph Aiden Nolan—10/5/2015 Rev. Raymond O’Leary—10/9/2019 Msgr. Paul Kamide—10/11/2010 Rev. Michael Francis Collins—10/22/2012 Rev. Michael Giglio—10/24/2019 Msgr. Matthew Connelly—10/26/2008

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

FRANCISCAN DAY RETREAT, OCT 24 This one-day Franciscan retreat will reflect on Pope Francis’ Encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti” (Brothers and Sisters All). The Encyclical speaks of the importance of defending people and their dignity and to look at all people as neighbors worthy of love and respect–a fitting topic for our time. Join us Saturday, Oct. 24 as we begin with Mass at 10:00am. Day conferences led by Franciscan priest, Father Vianney Cunningham, include lunch and Eucharistic Adoration. The retreat will end at 3:15pm. Cost: $30. Registration:

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A Restore, Rekindle, Renew (3RE) virtual Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience will be offered in seven sessions on October 27, 29, November 5, 10, 12, 17, and 19 starting at 7:00pm (EST) each night. This is an opportunity to experience a full weekend Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience from the comfort of your own home. Unlock the power of your relationship with new ways to do the “I do.” To apply, go to


To you, our subscribers, we thank you for your prayerful and financial support. We are now offering our weekly online publication free of charge. e-Editions are available for: Now is the time to make sure we have up-to-date email addresses for you and your family so we can send new digital editions of the Florida Catholic. To be included in this exciting adventure that will serve to educate, inspire, and enrich,


Email: [email protected] or

Text: OrlNews to 64600 today!

Around the Diocese

1. Who essentially founded Catholicism? a) Jesus Christ b) Allah c) St. Peter d) St. John

2. Of which larger religion is Catholicism a subset of? a) Islam b) Christianity c) Buddhism d) Hinduism

3. How many Catholics are there around the world? a) Around 800 million b) Around 1.2 billion c) Around 23 million d) Around 2.2 billion

4. The leader of the Catholic Church is called the “Bishop of Rome,” but what is another name for that person? a) The Deacon b) The Commander c) The King Priest d) The Pope

5. Which day of the week is the most common for Catholics to attend Church? a) Wednesday b) Monday c) Sunday d) Friday

6. A cardinal plays an important role in the church. What is one of his duties? a) Drive the pope during his travels b) Clean up the pope’s quarters c) Help elect a new pope d) Fly the pope’s plane

7. What does the word Catholic mean? a) Holy b) Universal c) Apostolic d) Devotion

8. Which country has the most Catholics? a) Mexico b) United States c) Italy d) Brazil

Catholic General Knowledge Quiz How much do you know about Catholicism? Do your best and get ready to challenge yourself against this Catholic general multiple choice quiz.

Answers on page 7

9. How many “testaments” are there in the Bible? a) Two b) One c) Six d) None

10. What is the name of the meeting during which a new pope is elected? a) Election of the Saints b) Conclave c) Meeting of the Makers d) Election of the Best

11. In Catholicism, what is Confirmation? a) Jesus turning water into wine b) When someone becomes a priest c) A sacrament during which someone is fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church d) Confessing sins to a priest

12. Of the following, which is not a common Catholic prayer? a) Our Father b) The Host of Our Being c) Glory Be d) Hail Mary 13. Which is the title of the first book of the Bible? a) Genesis b) Numbers c) Exodus d) Joshua 14. If someone is speaking about the Holy See, to what are they referring? a) The pope’s vehicle b) When Jesus saw God in his dreams c) The lookout spot at the top of Vatican City d) A government body, seat of government or jurisdiction 15. In which language was the Bible initially written? a) Greek b) Latin c) Hebrew d) Arabic

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Welcome to St. Augustine Catholic Church Bienvenidos a Nuestra Comunidad de San Agustín


PASTOR Rev. Tomas Hurtado (x 100) [email protected]

DEACONS Pedro Laboy [email protected]

Antero Santos [email protected]

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Edna Miro (x 100) [email protected]

BUSINESS OFFICE Alicia De Leon (x 101) [email protected]

ADULT FAITH FORMATION Jorge Medina (x 105) [email protected]

PARISH CATECHETICAL LEADER Denise Kriscunas (x 104) [email protected]

YOUTH MINISTRY LEADER Iliani Perez (x 106) [email protected]

MUSIC & LITURGY LEADER Leo Mikan (x 102) [email protected]

MUSIC ASSISTANT Ariana Virella (x 112) [email protected]

MAINTENANCE Bob Bush [email protected]


BAPTISM (Bautismo) For information regarding the Sacrament of Baptism for children, please contact Denise Kriscunas at 407-695-3262, ext. 104. Para información en español sobre el Sacramento del Bautismo para niños, comuníquese con Michelle Rodriguez al 787-345-7734, [email protected]. MATRIMONY (Matrimonio) Marriage arrangements must be made at least nine months to a year before the tentative marriage date. Please contact the parish office at 407-695-3262 to schedule an appointment with the priest. Los arreglos matrimoniales deben hacerse por lo menos nueve meses a un año antes de la fecha tentativa de matrimonio. Por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 407-695-3262 para programar una cita con el sacerdote. BECOMING CATHOLIC (Convertirse en Católico) Are you a non-Catholic adult interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Contact Jorge Medina 407-695-3262, ext. 105 for information. ¿Es usted un adulto no católico interesado en conocer más sobre la fe católica? Comuníquese con Jorge Medina al 407-695-3262 para información. CONFESSION (Confesión) For now, confessions will be for appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please call the parish office at 407-695-3262. Por ahora, las confesiones serán sólo por cita previa. Para programar una cita, llame a la oficina parroquial al 407-695-3262.

375 N. Sunset Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707 | 407-695-3262 | Fax: 407-699-8998 Parish Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00am-12:00pm |

Thank you! Your faithfulness during this

trying time is deeply appreciated.

May God bless you abundantly!

¡Gracias! Su fidelidad durante este tiempo de prueba es apreciada. ¡Que Dios los bendiga



1) You can donate online through our parish website: Puede donar en línea a través de nuestro sitio web: 2) You can mail the offertory envelope or donations to: Puede enviar el sobre o las donaciones por correo a: 375 N. Sunset Dr. Casselberry, FL 32707

October 3—4, 2020

Envelopes $ 7,406.69 117 families Online $ 3,404.20 63 families


Monday—Friday: 9:00am

First Saturdays: 9:00am

Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm, 7:00pm (Esp.) Sunday: 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm (Esp.)



Catholic General Knowledge Quiz ANSWERS:

1. a 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. c 7. b 8. d

9. a 10. b 11. c 12.b 13. a 14.d 15.c

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