st. augustine’s elementary school · st. augustine’s elementary is a k-6 school in the...

St. Augustine’s Elementary School Bell Island, NL 2011-12 School Development Report Mission Statement: St. Augustine’s Elementary School is committed to improving student learning, achievement well being through high quality instruction in a culture that fosters leadership, respect, collaboration, safety, and healthy living. Vision Statement: To improve student achievement and well being through a focus on literacy and numeracy skills and healthy living.

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Page 1: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School Bell Island, NL

2011-12 School Development Report

Mission Statement: St. Augustine’s Elementary School is committed to improving student learning, achievement well

being through high quality instruction in a culture that fosters leadership, respect, collaboration,

safety, and healthy living.

Vision Statement: To improve student achievement and well being through a focus on literacy and numeracy skills

and healthy living.

Page 2: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 2


Message From the Director of Education …………………………………………… 3

Message from the Administration …………………………………………… 4

Message from the School Council …………………………………………… 6

Overview of Our School ……………………………………………

Our School Community …………………………………………… 7

Key Highlights and Special Projects …………………………………………… 7

Other Events / Highlights …………………………………………… 9

Community Partnerships …………………………………………… 10

Guidance Report …………………………………………… 12

School Development Goals …………………………………………… 13 Report on Previous Year’s School Development Plan (Commendations and Recommendations) …………………………………………… 16

3 Year School Development Plan …………………………………………… 19

Summary Report on Current Achievement Data …………………………………………… 17

Current Achievement Data 2011 - 2012 …………………………………………… 18

Fundraising Report …………………………………………… 25

Page 3: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 3

OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Chair: Milton Peach, B.A., B.A.(Ed.)

C.E.O./Director of Education (Acting): Bruce Vey, PhD

Message from the Director of Education

In December, 2011, Eastern School District approved a three-year strategic planning process which centered on developing our schools as caring, professional and purposeful places of learning and excellence. This school report for 2011-2012 highlights the activities of your school and your efforts to achieve your school-based goals, in keeping with the District’s mission and its vision for the future. The information provided is very helpful as we continue to pursue excellence for our District through a planning process which emphasizes continued professional growth and development. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate each school on the success achieved to date as evidenced by this report. I acknowledge, with gratitude, the efforts of our teachers, administrators, support staff, parents and community representatives, particularly through schools councils. By working together, we can achieve the best possible learning environment for our students. I encourage you to dialogue with our stakeholders on this document and on our District objectives. As we move forward with our new Strategic Plan (2011-2014), I look forward to your continued support and cooperation in the achievement of the specific goals and objectives listed in this plan. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, BRUCE VEY, PhD


Page 4: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 4

Message from Administration St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year saw a change in the current administration at the school as Principal, Mr. Ron Glavine moved to another school and Assistant Principal, Mr. Reg Durdle, assumed the role of Principal. Mr. Pat Walsh joined our staff this year and served both as Instructional Resource Teacher and Assistant Principal. In 2011-2012 we embarked on a new school development plan. We completed both an internal and external review of our policies, and procedures, reviewed our internal and external assessment data and developed a plan which would carry us forward over the next three years. While we continue to focus on Literacy and Numeracy development our goals now are much broader in scope. Recognizing the role of 21st Century learning and teaching, our goals are now closer aligned with this paradigm and the strategic plan of the Eastern School District. Our School development plan can be found later in this document. This year there was a focus on staff collaboration and procedures were put in place to allow for divisional meetings. These meetings allowed for planning, professional development and a review of student achievement. The focus on achievement was carried through our review of students requiring academic interventions as part of the District’s initiative. Our goal for last year was to focus on reading comprehension at all grades and strategies were implemented both at the individual student level and for the whole class. Related to our focus on Reading Development our School implanted the Daily FiveTM Reading program in Grades 1 and 2. IT was also introduced an Kindergarten in the last few months of Kindergarten when all of our Kindergarten students started a full day session. This marked the Third year that our Kindergarten Class took part in full day classes for a portion of the year. Staff participated in professional development events in St. John’s as well as here on the Island. We took part in the Department’s roll out of the new Service Delivery Model and provided training to all staff. We had sessions on Differentiated Instruction and Assessment as well as the Daily Five Reading Program. We continue to offer a hot lunch program with the support of the Kids eat Smart Foundation and the efforts of a small group of dedicated volunteers. We currently offer a two week rotation menu. Lunch also included, bread, fruit / vegetable and milk. This was provided at a cost of $2.00 per day however this is sometimes waived on a case by case basis. Over the past few years we have received the support of a Numeracy Support Specialist through the Department of Education. Last year the Department expanded this program to provide support in Literacy and Numeracy. St. Augustine’s was selected to be one of the pilot

Page 5: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 5

schools for this three year program. We continued this support this year as 4 of our teachers worked in two week blocks with Coleen King. We continued to invest in technology this year with upgrades in our computer lab as well as acquiring an additional SmartBoards. The Department provided extra computers and Team Boards which enabled all of classes to be equipped with Interactive White Boards. Students continue to avail of such online resources as websites as Tumble Books, Reading A-Z, Brain Pop and IXL Math which support our literacy and numeracy school development goals. Our leveled reading library was also supplemented to help with reading development at the primary level. We continued to focus on our Safe and caring Schools Initiatives. Our Behavior Matrix is prominently displayed in each class room as well as hallway. This was also included in student agendas. Administration and guidance also gave presentations on this in each class. This was supplemented by special days such as bullying awareness and our school wide gotcha program where students receive gotchas for demonstrating appropriate green behavior as outlined in our school colour system. We continued to offer a Student Council here at St. Augustine’s. Leadership development and organizational skills were enriched with our student representatives through activities sponsored and supported by the council. Providing more leadership opportunities for our students is now one of the objectives of our School Development Plan. The Grade 5 class also took on the role of school recyclers and will continue this as they move to Grade six. In June, our grade three and six students completed Provincial Assessment in Language Arts and Mathematics and the results are included in this Annual School Development Report (ASDR). School year 2011-2012 was indeed an enjoyable and productive year for St. Augustine’s Elementary. Sincerely, ____________________________ Reg Durdle, Principal ____________________________ Pat Walsh, Assistant Principal

Page 6: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

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Message from School Council

The School Council at St. Augustine’s Elementary continued to be active in school events during the 2011 – 2012 school year. The Council tried to meet on a monthly basis but conflicting work schedules of some members made this difficult at times. We have suggested a means to work around this next year by expanding the number of people on the council hopefully making it easier to get a quorum for meetings. At the meetings we were kept informed of progress on the School Development Plan. This year the school started a new School Development Plan. The School Council were kept informed of this and were also included in the external review process. In conjunction with the Student Council the School Council sponsored three Dances for students. These served a twofold purpose. Dances of this nature provide children, who are not of the normal age to attend functions of this kind, the opportunity to experience camaraderie, hone social skills and engage in a physical activity that is just simply fun. Dances also provide our council with much needed funding to carry out the activities that we sponsor in the school. The “Role Model” award that is presented in June of each year continues to be a very important project for our council. This award is presented to a student, from each grade, who displays attributes which make this child a well rounded individual academically, socially and physically. In June of 2012 I ended my three term with the School Council It has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. I want to thank the members of the school council for their invaluable help. I would also like to thank Mr. Reg Durdle and Mrs. Pat Walsh for their help and guidance. Angela Kitchen. Chair

Page 7: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 7

Overview of School

Our School Community: St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to two groups of children. For the last two months of the year the year these groups were combined and took part in a full day Kindergarten program. We had one group of the following grades, One, Two, Three, Four, and Five and two groups of grade Six. In addition to our regular allocation of teaching units, we have three student assistants, a maintenance janitor, a custodian, and a cleaner. We also benefited from the services a half time Literacy/Numeracy unit, Educational Psychologist, and Speech-Language Pathologist.

Summary of Events at St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011 -2012 Term 1 Halloween Fair Mine Tour – Grade 5 Pit Pony Grade 4 5 Fluvarium - Weather, Habitat Active Living –Terry Fox Walk Cancer Collection – Penny Drive for the local Breast Cancer Awareness drive. This is the fourth year our students have participated. This year students collected over $700 in Pennies Grade 1 Apple Day Thanks giving Walk to Breakfast Scholastic Book Fair Donovan Talpin Presentation: Local high school student Donovan Taplin presented to grade 6 students on his trips to the North and South Pole as part of Students on Ice. He talked about the impact of climate change. Term 2 Grade 5 Coast Guard Alumni – Painting Workshop: Well known artist, Les Noseworthy lead grade 5 students through a one day art work shop. During the afternoon session all student collaborate to produce a locally inspired painting which is later framed and hung in our school. Students also learn about the Coast Guard and Newfoundland role in the development of trans-Atlantic communication. At the end of the day the group awards some students with full artist kits including, paints, brushes, canvases and easel. This is the 7th consecutive year for the program. Christmas Dinner for All students CAMET Elementary Assessment Day :

Page 8: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

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School Wide Poetry Unit Remembrance Day Celebration: Members from the community and from the local branch of the Legion were on hand for this event. School Skating: Two sessions at the local arena. One was to help our Mayor complete one of the requirements for Steps across Newfoundland Mayoral Challenge which aimed at promoting active living and healthy eating. Education Week Activities Hundred Day Celebration – Every year we celebrate the 100th Day of school with numeracy and literacy activities. This year it was further enhanced with a Math Promotion Grant. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner: Catered dinner to honor our school volunteers. Held during Volunteer Week. Community Readers: Community volunteers came to the school to read to our students. This included retired, teachers, our MHA, mayor, service group representatives and local entertainers. Family Literacy Day: Week long events leading up the January 27 Family Literacy Day. One of the projects we had all student complete was a Passport to Literacy where they had to complete a literacy task each day for a week. All passports were entered into a draw for Scholastic Book Club Gift Certificates. Staff PD Day:

Inclusion Workshop – Teachers took part in an inclusion workshop facilitated by Thelma Coley Student Assistant Session facilitated by Kathleen O’Shea and Denise Penny on SA Responsibilities, Professionalism in the work place and working with challenging students. TeamBoard In-service. For those teachers with new team boards this year.

Dreams Take Flight: Two of our students were select for a one day trip to Disney Land has part of the Air Canada Dreams Take Flight Program. All expense were paid by the program. Operation Christmas Child: Christmas Parade Float: Community Radio: Students performed on Radio Bell Island

Page 9: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

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Term 3 Brother Brenna Centre: Grade 5 class took part in the environmental program. Talent Show: Yearend talent show. Students auditioned and were selected to perform for the staff and students. Students were elected from each grade. Spring Concert: Musical featuring our primary students with a special performance by our elementary band. Grade 6 Ski Trip: This was the first year or Grade six class went skiing at white hills. For most of the students it was their first time skiing. Shave for the Brave: We had two of our grade six students participate in this program and collected over $1000 in sponsor money. Full Day Kindergarten for last term Fergus O’Byrne performed at our school focusing on the connection between Irish and Newfoundland Culture. This was done through the VAP Year End Field trips: All students took part in various year end field trips to St. John’s Drug Awareness Magic Show – Gary Summers visited our school to perform two magic shows (primary and elementary) focusing on drug awareness and safety. School Development External School Review: French Café as part of the Grade 5 French Program. Kindergarten Graduation Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada School Program: This was the third year our school participated in this program with children collecting change for child hood cancer research. This year our students collected just over $900 almost doubling our goal of $500. This was the third cancer related fundraiser students at our school participated in. Sky High Amusements: 3 Bouncy castles were at the school as part of our fund day. This is something most of our students never had access to before. Read-a-thon: An annual fundraising event where students collect sponsors for reading. Serves to promote reading. All students who participate receive prizes and there were for top prizes which included and iPad, iPod, TV and TekDeck System. Funds raised help pay for fieldtrip

Page 10: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 10

bussing, student events and purchase resources, such as books or online literacy subscriptions like Tumble Books. Year End Awards Celebration: Ongoing and Other Programs: Recycling Club: Our Grade Five students have started a recycling club. They were in teams of three and are responsible for collecting, draining and sorting classroom and lunchroom recyclable containers. Monthly Recycling Blitzes Kids Eat Smart Lunch Program: Meals prepared and served by a dedicated group of parent / community volunteers. PBS Awards D.A.R.E. Grade six students participated in the DARE program again this year. Students learn about peer pressure and drug awareness. Sessions were led by a trained RCMP DARE officer. Graduation was held on June 21st. Student News Paper: This was our first year having a student newspaper. It highlighted events around our school, profiled, staff and students, celebrated student accomplishments, etc. It was researched, written and compiled by a group of grade six students. School Council Participation Nation: Afterschool Program for our elementary students. Done in partnership with Sport NL Student Dances – 3 Dances for special events throughout the year. After school Sports Program: Bully Awareness Activities Lions Quest Program Active Schools Initiative.

Page 11: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

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Our school has established a variety of Community Partnerships which contribute to the success of many of the programs at our school. These include:

Kids Eat Smart Foundation

Community Health Services



Town of Wabana

Monsignor Bartlett Memorial Arena

Wabana Boys and Girls Club

Parent Volunteers

Bell Island Family Drug Mart Senior Hockey Team

G.D. Byrne

Clover Farms

Clarke’s Home Hardware

Gosine’s Trucking

Gulliver’s Taxi

Page 12: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 12

Guidance Report During the 2011 -20 12 school year St. Augustine’s continued with several Safe and Caring initiatives. In the beginning of the year, the Guidance Counsellor and principal visited each classroom to review the colour system and PBS Matrix. They also presented in each of the classrooms the Bullying presentation from the school district , throughout the Fall. Positive behaviors were reinforced from the beginning of the school year with our Gotcha awards. Every two week winners were announced over the P.A. and received small prizes. Class incentives were put in place throughout the year as well from their teachers. Beginning in late September to December, the Guidance Counsellor delivered programs, such as the Lions Quest, Manners and Character Education to the Kindergartens to grade three. January to May the Guidance counsellor delivered programs to grades 4 and 5 on Bullying awareness and Social Skills. In addition, continuing to visit the primary students on occasions. These programs went over very well. At the end of some of the programs, students received a certificate and watched a movie. In February we had a designated Anti- Violence week. Classroom sessions during this week focused on respect and anti-bullying. The guidance counsellor ordered Pink T Shirts and did arrange for a guest speaker on Feb 29 but she cancelled and could not come in at all during that week. We did try to get our police officers but unfortunately did not work out as well. However, we did arrange an assembly in the gym on Feb 29, Pink Shirt Day, where the students signed Bullying Pledge sheets and sang a song to stop Bullying in our schools. The Guidance Counsellor arranged for Youth Ventures to give a presentation to the grade 6 classes In addition to these services and programs, the guidance program provided individual and group counselling, mediation, formal and informal assessments, consultation with students and parents/guardians. Students were welcomed to visit my classroom during recess time and many showed up every day. Also the Guidance program involved the development of Behaviour Management Plans, monitoring of students with particular learning and/or behaviour needs, and direct involvement in IEP and ISSP meetings. Referrals and consultation with outside agencies were made on an as needed basis. This report is based on 75% guidance and 25% IRT

Page 13: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

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School Development Goals

Page 14: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 14

1 Year School Development Plan

St. Augustine’s Elementary

School Development Plan 2012-2013 Goal 1: To utilize 21

st century learning practices to support and improve student achievement and success in an inclusive

environment Objective 1.1: To incorporate various digital

technologies to enhance teaching and learning


Objective 1.2: Identify, design and implement a variety of

assessment strategies to inform student learning and

teaching practices.

Objective 1.3: To design and implement diverse

teaching and learning practices in an inclusive



1.1.1To update an inventory of technology and

web resources and distribute to staff.

1.1.2 To create a staff folder comprised of

technology resources and demonstration

1.1.3Development of technological skills

continuum for students.

1.1.4 PD around technology.

Strategies 1.2.1. Compile a list of assessment tools and

strategies currently being used by teachers and/or

identified in curriculum guides

1.2.2 Professional dialoging around assessment

strategies for learning during meetings (grade level

and staff meetings) .

1.2.3 Professional Development in the area of


12.4 Co-construction of rubrics with students in

relation to curriculum expectations and activities


1.3.1 Encourage teachers to familiarize themselves

with DI through emphasis on flexible groupings,

differentiate content, instruction and product to

meet the needs of all students

1.3.2 Complete a list of DI Strategies currently

being used by teachers.

1.3.3Develop staff understanding of co-teaching

practices through literature and discussions at

divisional meetings.

1.3.4 Professional Development for introducing

the Daily Five in primary.

1.3.5 Introduce phase 1 inclusion model. 1.3.6 Each teacher to have a Lang Arts/Math PD

Day. Teacher responsibility to apply.

1.4.6 Lang Arts conventions continuum.

Page 15: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 15

Indicators of Success:

1.1.1 List provided to all teachers.

1.1.2 Teachers add to and use staff folder;

1.1.3 Continuum is implemented.

1.1.4Teacher Attendance at district and school PD

on technology.

Indicators of Success:

1.2.1 List of assessments compiled and shared by

teachers at divisional meetings.

1.2.2 Sharing of literature on assessment at

divisional meetings.

1.2.3 Attendance at school and district PD on


1.2.4Sharing of rubrics constructed.

Indicators of Success:

1.3.1Teachers will choose and implement a new

strategy per term.

1.3.2 Teachers share DI strategies at staff and

divisional meetings.

1.3.3 Schedule of co-teaching sessions.

1.3.4 Share experiences of the daily five at staff

and divisional meetings.

Goal 2: To continue to develop a safe, caring and socially just culture which fosters leadership roles.

Objective 2.1: To foster a safe and caring


Objective 2.2: To promote a socially just


Objective 2.3: To promote and foster leadership

roles for staff and students.


2.1.1 Re-teach the behavior matrix.

2.1.2 To continue the bi-weekly ‘gottcha’


2.1.3 School wide initiatives that promote anti-

bullying.(pink shirt day, posters, Lions Quest)

2.1.4 Teaching appropriate bus behaviors.


2.2.1 To continue the kids eat smart program.

2.2.2 To continue providing recess snacks to


2.2.3 Continue to provide after school recreation


2.2.4 To investigate ICF program.

2.2.5 No student left out of fieldtrip for financial



2.3.1 To seek teacher leaders in the areas of DI

and The Daily Five.

2.3.2 To have a teacher leader for each committee.

2.3.3 To continue and expand on student

leadership roles such as recycling and student


Indicators of Success:

2.1.1Amount of office referrals.

2.1.2 Increases positive behaviors and interactions

among peers

2.1.3 Amount of bullying incidents sent to district.

2.1.4 Safe and Caring Assemblies.

Indicators of Success:

2.2.1 Amount of orders for Kids eat smart


2.2.3 Attendance at after school programs.

Indicators of Success:

2.3.1 Increased student and staff involvement in

leadership opportunities.

2.3.2 Amount of teacher volunteers for leadership


2.3.3Increased awareness of student leadership


Page 16: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 16

Previous Year School Development Plan Summary Report

School Development Plan 2011-2012

Goal 1: To utilize 21

st century learning practices to support and improve student achievement and success in an inclusive environment

Objective 1.1: To incorporate various digital

technologies to enhance teaching and learning


Objective 1.2: Identify, design and implement a variety of

assessment strategies to inform student learning and

teaching practices.

Objective 1.3: To design and implement diverse

teaching and learning practices in an inclusive


Page 17: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 17


Each teacher was provided with an ipad

An inservice was provided on Team Boards and using it for instruction in the classroom.

Applied for Discovery Education Pilot

Technological skills continuum set up and operational.

Apps for technology use in classrooms downloaded to teacher’s ipads.

Some teachers using edmodo in classroom.

Collegial Circle in this area.


Teachers provided with a budget to purchase apps.

Appy Hour to be incorporated into divisional meetings

To continue to add technology resources to staff folder


Example of Math portfolio presented to teachers at divisional meeting.

Professional articles distributed and divisional level discussion on assessment practices.

Teachers generating rubrics and sharing at divisional meetings.

Assessment for, as and of learning be an integral part of our new school development plan


Professional Development in the area of 21st Century Learning and Assessment

have a choice board in all classrooms.

continue to build our Smart Board /Team Board skills and to focus on using the Smart Board as a means of assessment. Will continue to support teachers using Smart Board.

Wireless internet for ipad usage in classroom.

Focus on assessment portfolios ensuring that assessment data is both rich and varied

Continue with a strong professional focus on Differentiated Assessment and Instruction


Four Ways to Differentiate Instruction article presented and discussed at staff meeting.

Grade 6 teacher presented a lesson that used DI strategies and assessment.

EPE Staff were inserviced on the new Dept. of Ed. Service Delivery Model

PD for Primary teachers on Daily Five

Provincial Conference on Differienred Instruction for two primary teachers. Shared with staff at Staff Meeting

Special Services Team meeting scheduled within the 7-day cycle to discuss/address student programming in a timely manner

Collegial Circle. Recommendations:

All teachers plan, carried out and assess a co-teaching lesson (inclusive classroom practice)

More Professional Development provided in the areas of differentiated instruction and use of technology

Page 18: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

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Goal 2: To continue to develop a safe, caring and socially just culture which fosters leadership roles.

Objective 2.1: To foster a safe and caring


Objective 2.2: To promote a socially just


Objective 2.3: To promote and foster leadership

roles for staff and students.


PBS (Positive Behavioral Supports) matrix posted in all classrooms.

Announcements celebrating those students who have "been caught" acting respectfully

Roots of Empathy Program introduced to grade 5

DARE Program (Drug Awareness Resistance Education) at grade six Recommendations:

Build on school-wide activities that focus on improving student self esteem (e.g. Assembly Celebrations)

Continue with discussions around what good behavior "looks like" in different settings

Pink Shirt Day anti-bullying Day activities.


Kids eat smart program.

Provided recess snacks to classrooms.

Provided after school recreation activities.

No student left out of fieldtrip for financial reasons Policy


Rwanda Initiate to send children to school.

Critical Literacy Box to be established to educate students on global awareness issues.

To investigate ICF program.


Teacher leader for each committee established.

Student Council In Place

Recycling Team established.


To seek teacher leaders in the areas of DI and The Daily Five.

To continue and expand on student leadership roles such as recycling and student council.

Page 19: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

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3 Year School Development Plan

The 3-4 year School Development Plan outlines a school’s goals and objectives over the life of the plan.

Goal 1: To utilize 21

st century learning practices to support and improve student achievement and success in an inclusive environment

Year Objective Objective Objective


To incorporate various digital technologies to

enhance teaching and learning practices.

Identify, design and implement a variety of

assessment strategies to inform student

learning and teaching practices.

To design and implement diverse teaching and

learning practices in an inclusive environment.

2012-2013 To use various digital technologies to write

effectively using a variety of text forms

Teachers will avail of more varied

assessment tools (internal and external) to

inform instruction and monitor student


Teachers will identify differentiated instruction

techniques to increase achievement levels of

diverse learners

2013-2014 To use various digital technologies to improve

student’s ability to read a variety of text forms

with skill and understanding.

To increase understanding and use of

assessment for learning practices.

To increase understanding and use of

assessment as learning practices.

To increase understanding and use of

assessment of learning practices.

Teachers will continue to add differentiated

instruction techniques in the delivery of

outcomes to increase achievement levels of

diverse learners

All teacher professional growth plans will

include some element of differentiated


All teacher professional growth plans will

include some element of differentiated


Page 20: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 20

Goal 2: To continue to develop a safe, caring and socially just culture which fosters leadership roles.

Year Objective Objective Objective


To foster a safe and caring


To promote a socially just


To promote and foster leadership roles

for staff and students.

2012-2013 To ensure a climate of collaboration

is embedded within the school


To promote the issue of Global

Awareness and a Global


To increase programs that promote

positive student interactions.

2013-2014 To promote and foster a climate of

respect within the school.

To build an “inclusive” culture

where all students feel accepted and


To continue to promote a climate of

healthy living within the school

community by teachers being good role


Page 21: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 21

Report on the School’s Most Current Data

Primary Language Arts Assessment conducted at Grade 1 indicates a significant and consistent yearly drop in the percentage of

students performing at or above provincial benchmark since 2008-09.

The data gathered from the running reading records in grade two point towards a significant and continuing increase from

2008-09 with regards to the percentage of students performing at or above the provincial benchmark. Each year since 2008-

2009 our school’s percentage was above the provincial’s percentage benchmark. We attribute this significant growth to our

deployment of our numeracy/literacy resources to the primary level. Many new initiatives and strategies, like guided reading,

jolly phonics, daily five and work centers strengthened the achievement levels of our students in grades one and two.

Provincial Assessments were administered to our grade three and six students in June, 2012 in English Language Arts and

Mathematics. The Primary English Language Arts School Results show strength (above provincial) in the reading, listening,

and demand writing since 2009-2011, however, June’s 2012 results were below the provincial results. An area that requires

continued additional attention is informational as it has consistently below the provincial percentage since 2008-09.

The Primary Mathematics School Results highlighted a significant strength in all areas tested from 2007-08 through 2009-10.

However, results showed a decrease ( below the province) in all areas of math in 2010-11 and again in the 2011-12 school

year. Areas that require additional attention in primary math are areas that require constructed responses; reasoning,

communication, connections, and representations.

The Elementary English Language Arts School Results identify needs in all areas of reading and writing. Demand writing was

the biggest need for the latest data.

Elementary Math Provincial Assessment results showed an improvement from previous years in practically all areas tested.

However, our math results are significantly below the province so Interventions will be a focus for 2012-13 school year.

Page 22: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 22


Grade 1: Percentage of Students Performing At or Above Provincial Benchmark

School Province School Province School Province School Province

72.0% 65.0% 40.9% 62.6% 44.0% 63.7% 23.5% 59.9%

11-1208-09 09-10 10-11

Grade 2: Percentage of Students Performing At or Above Provincial Benchmark

School Province School Province School Province School Province

79.2% 72.4% 91.7% 72.6% 91.3% 73.5% 88.5% 66.9%

11-1208-09 09-10 10-11

Page 23: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 23


Grade 3 Language Arts

School Province School Province School Province School Province

Reading 89.6% 88.3% 89.0% 92.1% 84.5% 79.7% 59.5% 68.0%

Listening 97.0% 95.4% 66.2% 80.9% 92.0% 88.0% N/A N/A

Demand Writing 60.9% 74.9% 69.6% 73.9% 84.0% 71.9% 60.0% 81.7%

Poetic 47.8% 68.8% 66.7% 71.5% 83.3% 77.9% 35.0% 47.9%

Informational 47.8% 55.1% 61.9% 63.6% 21.7% 52.8% 55.0% 64.5%

Listening 68.0% 70.5% 59.1% 59.9% 82.6% 68.9% N/A N/A

Grade 3 Mathematics

School Province School Province School Province School Province

Number Operations 87.3% 85.0% 79.7% 76.0% 73.6% 74.5% 66.7% 72.5%

Number Concepts 81.3% 73.5% 83.2% 77.3% 73.6% 77.9% 77.9% 78.6%

Reasoning 76.9% 54.3% 91.3% 62.1% 50.0% 61.2% 50.0% 72.0%

Communication 80.8% 54.2% 91.3% 61.6% 50.0% 60.6% 50.0% 73.4%

Connections & Representations 80.8% 69.0% 91.3% 68.2% 45.8% 65.3% 70.8% 80.8%

Problem Solving 87.5% 68.8% 95.7% 68.3% 75.0% 77.2% 70.8% 82.6%

09-10 10-11


Multiple Choice:

Constructed Response: Percentage of students achieving Level 3 or above


Constructed Response: Percentage of students performing at Level 3 or above

Multiple Choice:


08-09 09-10 10-11

Page 24: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 24

Grade 6 Language Arts

School Province School Province School Province School Province

Reading 71.2% 87.1% 74.1% 81.0% 67.8% 79.5% 65.5% 71.5%

Listening 83.8% 87.7% 87.8% 86.7% 53.0% 67.0% N/A N/A

Demand Writing 45.5% 78.7% 62.5% 81.4% 57.9% 74.7% 39.3% 74.8%

Poetic 47.1% 69.6% 61.9% 69.9% 31.3% 66.2% 36.0% 50.4%

Informational 36.4% 68.0% 52.4% 68.4% 26.7% 58.7% 42.9% 58.5%

Listening 25.0% 47.4% 69.6% 66.7% 5.0% 51.8% N/A N/A

Grade 6 Mathematics

School Province School Province School Province School Province

Number Operations 50.0% 77.1% 55.8% 72.3% 58.8% 67.5% 47.8% 62.2%

Number Concepts 38.2% 67.1% 59.5% 76.9% 51.0% 75.0% 48.0% 67.0%

Reasoning 9.1% 36.5% 9.1% 54.9% 17.7% 52.3% 35.0% 58.9%

Communication 3.0% 30.6% 9.1% 46.5% 17.7% 44.3% 30.0% 56.6%

Connections & Representations 9.1% 36.1% 9.1% 44.0% 5.9% 35.2% 35.0% 58.5%

Problem Solving 12.1% 42.5% 13.6% 55.8% 35.3% 68.1% 25.0% 65.6%

Constructed Response: Percentage of students performing at Level 3 or above

Multiple Choice:

Constructed Response: Percentage of students performing at Level 3 or above

Multiple Choice:


10-1108-09 09-10

09-10 11-1208-09


Page 25: St. Augustine’s Elementary School · St. Augustine’s Elementary is a K-6 school in the community of Wabana, Bell Island. This year we offered a half-day Kindergarten program to

St. Augustine’s Elementary School 2011~2012 Annual School Development Report 25

Appendix A – Summary of School Fundraising—2011-2012 In April of last year St. Augustine’s moved to the District eFunds program. This will system will allow for easier recording and reporting of funding directly related to Fundraising. Each year our school holds four annual fundraising events, and these combined with our Christmas and Spring concerts make up our the majority of our fundraising budget for the school year. We raised approximately $9500. All these events incurred expenses, such as supplies and prizes. Detailed figures of income and expenses can be found in our Financial Statement sent to the Eastern School District. Net proceeds from these events totaled approximately $8000.00

October, 2011 Halloween Fair

December 2011 Christmas Concert

December 2011 Christmas Ticket Draw

May 2012 Spring Concert

June 2012 Read-A-Thon

Third Party Fundraising *

Breast Cancer Awareness Penny Drive

Shave for the Brave

Lymphoma Society of Cancer Penny Drive

Terry Fox Walk

Jane way Day

Operation Christmas Child

Walk to Breakfast **

* Third party fundraising includes those vents the students took part in to raise money for other community groups and charities. ** Funds raised during our walk to breakfast were in support of our Kids Eat Smart Lunch program. All money from this event was put back into the program and it was matched by the foundation. Major Initiatives Supported by Fundraising Funds raised supported the purchase of technology needs within our school, such as online web

subscriptions, software, and computer upgrades. Money was also spent to increase our

resources for our leveled reading library and books, our Literacy Resource Centre and materials

to support the introduction of the Daily 5 reading program. We also subsidized bussing for field

trips to St. John’s and admission fees to concerts.