st brigid’s news · 2018-03-16 · volume 7 issue 2 september 16th 2016 st brigid’s news st...

St Brigid’s News S T B R I G I D S S C H O O L / Y S G O L S A N T E S F F R A I D , D E N B I G H Dear Parents/Carers At this time of year our examination class pupils suddenly start to realise the importance of these last few weeks before the exams start. I would like to encourage you to support our efforts at school to ensure that your children have the best chance of success. This includes making sure they have all of their folders organised and encouraging them to attend extra sessions which teachers are holding during lunchtimes and after school. In addition to this Easter revision sessions will be held by staff as we are aware that lessons have been missed due to snow days this year. T he timetable will be sent to you next week and we strongly encourage you to send your children in for the additional support that we are offering. Application forms for sixth form are available from the office and I am delighted to see that many Year 11s are indicating that they are choosing to stay with us (dependent on their grades this summer). We will look forward to welcoming them back to St Brigid’s to continue their learning journey with us. The recent announcement of the possible closure of Denbigh college should not put anyone off or cause concern to existing pupils. The courses at Denbigh college which form part of our offer will still be able to be delivered through the consortium partners if there are sufficient numbers of pupils wishing to take them next year. Kind regards Rona Jones Headteacher / Pennaeth Lent is a time of reflection. Looking at our lives and asking ourselves ‘How much care and atten- tion am I giving to my soul? ‘ Even if we have not done much for Lent it is never too late to start. God sees all our efforts and re- joices in all we do, remembering God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son. Do we really understand the full impact of this? In this time of world uncertainty let us remember that God is overall and our prayers should be “Jesus I trust in You”. Each day is a gift from God, so let us Love it, Respect it and live it to the full and all will be well. ****************************************************************************************************** Each Friday from 3.35 -4.30 pm Youcat will be running the new ‘Alpha Youth Series’. Alpha is an invitation to explore life’s biggest questions and a chance to look at the life and message of Jesus. Every opinion and ques- tion is welcome and Alpha is open to all in the Secondary school. Volume 8 Issue 23 16th March 2018 CONTACT DETAILS - FIRST CONTACT 01745 815 228 OPTION 1 / MAIN OFFICE OPTION 2 Pope’s tweet - March 11th What would happen to us if God did not always give us the chance to start over again? Monday 19th March Visit by Maj Sandy Hennis from the Ice Maidens 15.30 - 16.30 Tuesday 20th March GCSE Art Exam—all to attend Wednesday 21st March CCF - Navigation Field Day (Yr10 only) No CCF Thursday 22nd March GCSE Art Exam—all to attend Yr10 Parents’ Evening 16.30 - 18.30 Friday 23rd March - End of Term Monday 9th April - Pupils Return to School Weekly attendance summary (week ending 02.03.18) Nursery 91.4% Reception 91.5% Year 1 92.3% Year 2 90.0% Year 3 94.0% Year 4 94.5% Year 5 93.1% Year 6 96.4% Primary total: 93.6% 7G 94.8% 7R 87.7% 8G 88.5% 8R 94.5% 9G 94.6% 9R 91.8% 10G 82.1% 10R 95.0% 11G 88.1% 11R 94.8% Secondary total: 91.2% To report an absence please email firstcontact @st -

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Page 1: St Brigid’s News · 2018-03-16 · Volume 7 Issue 2 September 16th 2016 St Brigid’s News ST BRIG ID’S SCHOOL/ YSGOL SANTES FFRAID, DENB IGH Dear Parents/Carers At this time

Volume 7 Issue 2 September 16th 2016

St Brigid’s News

S T B R I G I D ’ S S C H O O L / Y S G O L S A N T E S F F R A I D , D E N B I G H

Dear Parents/Carers At this time of year our examination class pupils suddenly start to realise the importance of these last few weeks before the exams start. I would like to encourage you to support our efforts at school to ensure that your children have the best chance of success. This includes making sure they have all of their folders organised and encouraging them to attend extra sessions which teachers are holding during lunchtimes and after school. In addition to this Easter revision sessions will be held by staff as we are aware that lessons have been missed due to snow days this year. T he timetable will be sent to you next week and we strongly encourage you to send your children in for the additional support that we are offering. Application forms for sixth form are available from the office and I am delighted to see that many Year 11s are indicating that they are choosing to stay with us (dependent on their grades this summer). We will look forward to welcoming them back to St Brigid’s to continue their learning journey with us. The recent announcement of the possible closure of Denbigh college should not put anyone off or cause concern to existing pupils. The courses at Denbigh college which form part of our offer will still be able to be delivered through the consortium partners if there are sufficient numbers of pupils wishing to take them next year. Kind regards Rona Jones Headteacher / Pennaeth

Lent is a time of reflection. Looking at our lives

and asking ourselves ‘How much care and atten-

tion am I giving to my soul? ‘

Even if we have not done much for Lent it is never

too late to start. God sees all our efforts and re-

joices in all we do, remembering God so loved the

world that He gave us His only Son.

Do we really understand the full impact of this?

In this time of world uncertainty let us remember

that God is overall and our prayers should be

“Jesus I trust in You”. Each day is a gift from God, so let us Love it, Respect it and live it

to the full and all will be well.


Each Friday from 3.35 -4.30 pm

Youcat will be running the new ‘Alpha

Youth Series’.

Alpha is an invitation to explore life’s biggest

questions and a chance to look at the life and

message of Jesus. Every opinion and ques-

tion is welcome and Alpha is open to all in the

Secondary school.

Volume 8 Issue 23

16th March 2018


Pope’s tweet - March 11th What

would happen

to us if God

did not always

give us the

chance to

start over


Monday 19th March

Visit by Maj Sandy Hennis from

the Ice Maidens 15.30 - 16.30

Tuesday 20th March

GCSE Art Exam—all to attend

Wednesday 21st March

CCF - Navigation Field Day (Yr10



Thursday 22nd March GCSE Art

Exam—all to attend

Yr10 Parents’ Evening

16.30 - 18.30

Friday 23rd March - End of


Monday 9th April - Pupils Return

to School

Weekly attendance summary

(week ending 02.03.18)

Nursery 91.4% Reception 91.5%

Year 1 92.3% Year 2 90.0%

Year 3 94.0% Year 4 94.5%

Year 5 93.1% Year 6 96.4%

Primary total: 93.6%

7G 94.8% 7R 87.7%

8G 88.5% 8R 94.5%

9G 94.6% 9R 91.8%

10G 82.1% 10R 95.0%

11G 88.1% 11R 94.8%

Secondary total: 91.2%

To report an absence please email

firstcontact @st-

Page 2: St Brigid’s News · 2018-03-16 · Volume 7 Issue 2 September 16th 2016 St Brigid’s News ST BRIG ID’S SCHOOL/ YSGOL SANTES FFRAID, DENB IGH Dear Parents/Carers At this time

We are pleased to inform you

that we have received funding to

run a Mindfulness course for

parents of children with Addition-

al Needs here in HWB Dinbych.

To book a place please contact

me either by email or call 01745

818 485.

Design & Technology - STEM visit to Airbus -This week a group of 12 girls went to Airbus at

Broughton to the launch of the new Go4SET STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths)

project. The project sponsored by EDT and the Welsh

Government will run over the next ten weeks, concluding

with a presentation event at Airbus. Two teams of Year 8

and 9 girls will be designing and making a model of an

'Eco Factory', considering energy usage, sustainability,

function and aesthetics. The girls will need to present a

written report, display board of design work and a model of their work, also give a presenta-

tion to industry experts explaining their design considerations and 'eco thinking'. Projects

such as this are bringing industry and learners together to give an insight in to career path-

ways based in Science, Maths and Engineering particularly to girls who are under -

represented in these fields. Pupils enjoyed the day and took inspiration from the Airbus

mentors and apprentices who were on hand throughout . We look for-

ward to a tour of the Airbus factory and the celebration presentation

day later on in June this year. Participants of the project from Year 9

are Bethan Greaves, Libby Argent, Seren Dovey Evans, Megan Aqui-

no, Harriet Gaskin, Nicola Sumang. From Year 8, Harriet Devany, Alice

Grange, Martha Nalecz, Niahm Daly, Isobel Holt and Lydia Lee; well

done to all pupils who represented the school.

Investiture of the Lord Lieutenant of Clwyd’s

Cadet for 2018 - Last week, the Lord Lieuten-

ant of Clwyd, Mr Henry Fetherstonhaugh,

presented his awards at Bodelwyddan Castle.

In recognition of his service in St Brigid’s

School CCF, Cadet Sergeant Philip Wood

(Year 11) was invested as his cadet assistant

for 2018. Philip will support the Lord Lieuten-

ant on both civic and Royal visits throughout

the year. Ex-pupil Cadet Colour Sergeant

Jack Taylor received his certificate of appreci-

ation for his support during 2017.

St Brigid’s School Association Spring Ball - Friday 20th April 2018

Tickets are still available for the annual Spring Ball will once again be held at the Faenol

Fawr Hotel in Bodelwyddan. Tickets are £25 and are available from Joy Jones, feel free

to call 07733270711 or email. We also hold an Auction of Promises and would be really

grateful of any ‘Promises’ to auction on the night. Ideas always span quite a range, here

are some of the offers we have received from parents in the past...

Meal for two at a local restaurant, airport shuttle to Manchester or Liverpool, Gardening

services, Babysitting services, Ironing or housework, Bike servicing, Dog walking, Car wash, Hobby lessons (jewellery-making,

model-building), Pampering vouchers and Sport coaching (Golf, Football, Tennis).

Every ‘Promise’ makes a real difference to school and the pupils.

Thank you for your continued support.

I On Saturday 10th March 13 students from Year 9 competed in the Magistrate’s

Court Mock Trial Competition in Mold Crown Court.

The students used a specially written case, in the roles of magistrates, defendants,

witnesses, lawyers, legal advisors and ushers, giving them a unique opportunity to

gain knowledge and awareness of the legal system and how it works. In the local

heat in Mold the students were judged by experienced and practising magistrates,

legal advisors and other legal professionals.

Although the students did not make it through to the regional heats, they won a

number of prizes for: best usher, best prosecution lawyer, best magistrates and best

defence witness. Well done to all of the students who took part: Seren, Owen, Elsie,

Billy, Sophie R, Harriet, Maisie, Scott, Matthew F, Matthew H, Aine, Thomas C and


Thank you to Miss Voice for arranging the day.

Page 3: St Brigid’s News · 2018-03-16 · Volume 7 Issue 2 September 16th 2016 St Brigid’s News ST BRIG ID’S SCHOOL/ YSGOL SANTES FFRAID, DENB IGH Dear Parents/Carers At this time

Return of un-needed CCF Uniform. As part of the CCF, we issue one (Army Section) or two (RAF Section) sets of uniform to all cadets.

When no longer needed, THIS UNIFORM MUST BE RETURNED TO US. We need to re-issue it to other active cadets, we need to account for the items to both the Army and the RAF, and we need to keep our clothing records up to date. There are a large number of ex-cadets (or young people who are no longer active) who have NOT returned their un-needed uniform. We have spoken to the individuals (for some, many times). We have sent out messages via Parent Pay. Please return the items, in a bag (such as a carrier bag), with the name clearly attached, to School Reception or School Office (or if on a Wednesday, to CCF Office)

The following groups should be returning their CCF uniform: Year 10 young people who are no longer active, Year 12 cadets who are unlikely to take part in any more unformed activities, and Year 13 cadets who are getting ready to take exams AND LEAVE SCHOOL. Before GCSE exams start, we also ask that ALL Year 11 cadets return their uniform EVEN IF THEY PLAN TO COME BACK TO SIXTH FORM as we cannot guarantee that will happen. Chasing up these items is very time-consuming (preventing our volunteer adults from planning and organising exciting activities for CCF young people) and has the potential to greatly reduce our training budget (as we have to replace lost items). Please help us to run our little CCF for the benefit of those who want to take part, and who have a whole host of fantastic opportunities.


After school on Monday, we will be very privileged to have a visit from one of the team of all-female soldiers, who have just com-

pleted crossing the Antarctic continent, over January/February 2018.

Major Sandy Hennis will be at school from 3.30pm, and we have agreed that this week, all CCF cadets are invited to be at her

presentation (there will be no CCF training on Wednesday evening). Maj Hennis will have a fantastic talk, with glorious pictures,

showing what can be achieved with hard work and determination. This is particularly relevant, just after International Women’s

Day, showcasing the achievements of an all-female team. Whilst this expedition is a major undertaking, cadets can aspire to learn

adventurous training skills, on very low-cost residential courses from the age of 16, and this does include ski touring in Norway.

The talk will be from 3.35 pm (15.35hrs) for one hour, and all parents should make arrangements to collect from school. Cadets

should remain in school uniform. Any parents who want to be inspired by this team are also invited to be part of the presentation.

Lt Col Jim Wood

Contingent Commander

(and member of 1992/93 British Army Antarctic Peninsula Expedition)

Arriva Bus update

Please note that we are working with DCC, Arriva and other parties to try to resolve the changes to the service which we have

seen this week. Well done to pupils who have followed our instructions brilliantly and have been a credit to the school and to you

as parents. A polite reminder to parents to collect pupils and leave the car park as quickly as possible to avoid congestion as this

week it has been particularly bad. Also we ask that you please park in a way that allows coaches and buses to exit the car park

quickly and safely and avoid parking close to the school gates.