st. columbkille parish january 28, - brighton, majan 28, 2018  · st. olumbkille parish righton, ma...

St. Columbkille Parish January 28, 2018

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Page 1: St. Columbkille Parish January 28, - Brighton, MAJan 28, 2018  · St. olumbkille Parish righton, MA January 28, 2018 5 El primer domingo de cada mes tenemos la orientacion para los

St. Columbkille


January 28,


Page 2: St. Columbkille Parish January 28, - Brighton, MAJan 28, 2018  · St. olumbkille Parish righton, MA January 28, 2018 5 El primer domingo de cada mes tenemos la orientacion para los

St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

2 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 28, 2018

Masses for the Week

St. Columbkille Parish 321 Market Street, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135

617-782-5774;; email: [email protected] School: 617-254-3110

OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: “We are Saint Columbkille Parish, a community of faith celebrating Christ’s presence in us through the Eucharist,

the other sacraments and the preaching of the word of God. To be true to the Gospel we must live our faith every day, responding to our call to holiness by caring for, encouraging and strengthening each other.”

ADMINISTRATOR: Very Rev. Richard W. Fitzgerald, V. F.

PAROCHIAL VICARS: Rev. Succès Jeanty

Rev. Christopher Bae


STAFF: William Healey—Business Manager

Joseph R. Policelli - Director of Music Michael McNeil – R. E. Assistant (English)

Roberto Mendez – R. E. Assistant (Spanish) Patricia McShane - Parish Secretary

MASS SCHEDULE Daily Masses: 7:00 and 9:00 AM Friday Adoración 6:00 PM; Misa 7:00 PM (Español) Sunday Masses: Vigil-Saturday 4:00 P.M. Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:15 AM, 12:45 (Spanish) and 5:00 PM CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 PM; ADORATION Every First Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass until 11:00 AM BAPTISMS OF INFANTS: For children under 7- first Sunday of the month (English)- second Sunday (Spanish) at 2:30 PM. Instruction for parents and godparents is required. Call the rectory. BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Adults and children 7 and older who would like to receive these sacraments or be received into the Church should email [email protected] or call the rectory. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage should make arrangements SIX MONTHS pr ior to wedding date.

Sunday, January 28—4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sat.) 4:00 pm McShane & Hennessey Families, Mem. 9:30 am Missa pro Populo 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus Mon. 9:00 am The Souls in Purgatory Tue. 9:00 am Special Intention—Healing

Sunday, February 4—5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sat.) 4:00 pm John Bane 18th Ann. Margaret Bane, Mem. 9:30 am Helena Tobin, 5th Ann. 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 12:45 pm Missa pro Populo

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St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

January 28, 2018 3

Pro Multis Intentionibus: Next week for Mary Elizabeth D’Angelo, Mem. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prayers Are Requested for those who are ill; for vocations to the Priesthood and to the Consecrated Life; for married couples and for families; for those serving in the military especially STAFF SGT. Aaron Souza (USAF), EN2 (SW) Matthew Kenney (USN), PFC Timothy C. Barry (USA), 2nd LT Megan Mon-teiro (USAF), LT Alex DiBiasie (USA Rangers), Par-atrooper Anthony Liberty, (USA), SGT Michael F. Kieloch (USMC), CAPT Kyle Timothy Sullivan (USA), Chaplain MAJ Jeffrey A. Ballou (USAF), Chaplain CAPT James W. Longe (USAF), L/CPL Gavin Sheehan (USMC), SSG Joseph Moore (USA); and for the repose of the souls of Michael Tobin, El-len McLaughlin, Peter Frongillo and the deceased members of our parish, our families and our benefac-tors. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Our parish grand annual collection, which is the largest single source of income for our parish, contin-ues. You should have received literature in the mail relative to the collection. Please be as generous as your means will allow. If you did not receive infor-mation in the mail there are envelopes at the bookracks at the back of the church. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Donations were made in the month of January for the Hosts in loving memory of Francis Davin by his Family, for the Wine in loving memory of Francis Davin by his Family, and for the Candles in loving

memory of Thomas Guinan by his Family. Please re-member them all in your prayers. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Remember the St. Vincent de Paul Boxes at the doors of the church (above the holy water fonts) as you leave Mass today. The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 13

at 7:00 pm in the rectory. New members are always welcome __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Saint Columbkille Part-nership School, age 2.9 to grade 8, partners with Bos-ton College to provide a su-perior education grounded in the Catholic values of love, respect, and high ex-pectations. Prospective

families are invited to join us at our Catholic Schools Week Open House on Thursday, February 1 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. For more information contact 25 Arlington Street, Brighton, MA 02135 or 617-254-3110

The Second Collection This Week is for the Sup-port of the Church Around the World. It covers the collections for Catholic Relief Services, Church in Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe and Af-rica and three national missions: the Military Arch-diocese, Home Missions and the Black and Native American Missions. Please be as generous as your means will allow. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thanks to your generosity the Pennies for the Unborn collec-tion last weekend raised $800.93, The Catholic Daughters are very grateful for your contin-uous support. for the Pro-Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston. The monies collected

assist families who need help in choosing life over abortion. God Bless. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please note this year we will only be sending out tax letters with your yearly contributions to those who request them. Call 617-782-5774 ext. 101 and leave your name, address, telephone number and en-velope number. The letters will be sent out by the end of January. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Forty Days for Life: from Ash Wednes-day through March 25 you are invited to join other Christians in 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion . There will also be a peaceful prayer vigil at 7:00 on the Friday nights of Lent outside the

Planned Parenthood at 1055 Commonwealth Ave-nue. If you would like more information please con-tact _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bring someone back to the Church today. Put a “Try God 1060AM” bumper sticker or magnet on your car. Bumper stickers and magnets can be found in the racks at the back of the Church.

Parish Giving

Offertory (Jan. 20/21): $5,472.00 Online Giving (Jan. 20/21): $120.00

Urban Churches (Jan 20/21): $2,367.00

Grand Annual (to date): $51,346.00 Goal: $70,000.00

St. Vincent de Paul (Jan. 20/21): $226.00

Thank You for Your Generosity

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St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

4 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Prayers for the Military: If you know someone serving in the mili-tary for whom you would like pray-ers call Patricia McShane at the rec-

tory (617-782-5774 ext. 101) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Rosary is recited every weekday morning at 8:40 in the lower church. All are welcome to join in.


Young Adult News:

Restaurant Night Date: Sunday, January 28th Time: 6:00PM (after the 5pm mass) Location: Green Briar, 304 Washington St, Bright-on, MA 02135 Come for drinks and free appetizers, stay for fel-lowship with other young adults in the Boston ar-ea! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever wondered if God is calling you to be a religious sister? If so, Fiat is for you. Fiat is a discernment group for single women considering a vocation to religious life in the Catholic Church. The next meeting will be held

on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine, 1105 Boylston St., Boston. Sister Joan McCarthy, CSJ will speak on Moments of Discernment. If you are interested in attending, please respond to Sister Marian Batho, CSJ, Delegate for Religious, call 617-746-5637 or [email protected] . __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Worldwide Marriage Encounter “Brothers and sisters, I should like you to be free of anxieties.” Let us learn to calm our anxieties about our spous-es by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Weekends are Mar 9-11, 2018 in Duxbury, MA and Apr 21-22, 2018 in Brewster, MA. For more information, call Stephen & Michelle O'Leary at 800-710-9963 or visit them at __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PILGRIMAGE TO IRELAND - May 20 - June 2, 2018. Cead Mile Failte! Please join us for an all-inclusive, Catholic pilgrimage to Ireland, includ-ing many key religious, historic, and cultural sites across the Emerald Isle. Registration includes all transportation to/from Boston, attractions, break-fasts and dinners, daily Mass and a full religious program. Spots are filling up quickly. $3,995, pp/do. For more information call (617) 820-5097, email [email protected], or go to

Religious Education Notes: The Religious Education Program for Grades K-8 meet on Sundays, 10:45 AM. All classes are in St. Columbkille School. Confirmation 1 & 2 Classes meet on Sundays, at 11:00 AM in the school. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Classes continue on Sundays at 10:00 am in the rectory. This program is for adults 18 and over who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. It is also for those who have been baptized and never received the other Sacraments. If you would like more information please contact Patricia McShane at 617-782-5774 ext. 101 or [email protected]. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Project Rachel is the post-abortion ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston which offers hope and heal-ing for women suffering from the pain of a past abortion. Project Rachel offers confidential support, retreats and referrals for Sacramental Reconcilia-tion (Confession). Spring 2018 retreat dates will be March 10, May 5 and June 2. For more infor-mation, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or [email protected]. All calls are confi-dential. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Literacy Connection is of-fering a 14 week Citizenship Preparation Class from February 7—May 9, 2018. The class will meet on Wednesday evenings

from 5:30-7:00. Along with U.S. History and Gov-ernment information, assistance will be given with the N-400 application and interview experience. For information please contact Sister Pat Andrews, CSJ at The Literacy Connection, 637 Cambridge Street, Brighton, MA 02135, 617-746-2100. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You Are Not Alone. Pregnan-cy Help has served women in crisis pregnancies since 1973. They offer: free testing, coun-seling and support, adoption information and referrals, edu-

cation, career and housing information, prenatal care referrals, ongoing support and material assis-tance. All services are free and confidential. They are located at the Brighton Marine Hospital, Build-ing 2, Room 304. You can reach them at 617-782-5151 or [email protected]

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St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

January 28, 2018 5

El primer domingo de cada mes tenemos la orientacion para los padres y padrinos que esten interesados que su niño(a)

Reciba el sacramento del bautismo, pueden

solicitar informacion con Edwin Juarez o

con los miembros del comite.

La oficina de la parroquia pide a la comuni-

dad que por favor se comuniquen con esta

oficina para solicitar, una misa para sus seres

queridos .Y traer su donativo.

los Viernes tenemos la hora santa a las 6:00

pm y posteriormente la misa a las 7:00 pm.

El Grupo de Oración de la Renovación Car-

ismatica se reune todos los Sabados a las

5:30 pm en la iglesia de abajo estan cordial-

mente invitados.

La Segunda Colecta de esta semana es para el

apoyo de la Iglesia en todo el mundo. Cubre las colecciones de Catholic Relief Services, Church in

Latin America, Europa Central y del Este y África, y tres misiones nacionales: la Arquidiócesis Militar, Misiones Domésticas y las Misiones Negras y Na-tivo Americanas. Por favor sea tan generoso como lo permitan sus medios.

No estas solo. Embarazo Ayuda ha servido a muje-res en embarazos en crisis desde 1973. Ofrecen: pruebas gratuitas, asesoramiento y apoyo, infor-mación de adopción y referencias, educación, infor-mación sobre carreras y vivienda, referencias de cuidado prenatal, apoyo continuo y asistencia mate-rial. Todos los servicios son gratuitos y confiden-ciales. Están ubicados en el Brighton Marine Hospi-

tal, edificio 2, sala 304. Puede comunicarse con ellos al 617-782-5151 o [email protected]

4º domingo en tiempo ordinario Una familia fue a ver al pastor por ayuda. Hubo mucha confusión en su hogar y todos estaban cansados de las disputas, las peleas y la competencia. A nadie parecía importarle nadie más que a sí mismo. El pastor escuchó todas sus quejas y luego preguntó si cada persona estaba dispuesta a hacer lo que fuera necesario para volver a encarrilarse y ser una mejor familia. Todos estuvieron de acuerdo y el pastor sabiamente hizo que todos firma-ran un acuerdo para hacer justamente eso. La familia esperaba ansiosamente las perlas de la sabiduría que resolverían sus problemas. Pero no se di-eron tales gemas. En cambio, el pastor asignó a cada miembro de la familia un día y en ese día, cada otro miembro debía orar por esa persona. Luego, cada no-che, la familia debía orar junta: un rosario, o lectura de las Escrituras, o oraciones que alguien inventó. Nadie estaba demasiado impresionado con el plan, pero como habían estado de acuerdo, lo hicieron. Por supuesto, el pastor tenía razón. Mientras la familia oraba por los demás, se volvieron más amables, más reflexivos y más agradecidos. La 'terapia' se convirtió en una parte regular de su vida y nadie dudaría de su amor y confianza en el otro. Oración familiar, ¿alguien? ~ James Gaffney, © 2009 Karides Lic. a St. George Publishing [email protected] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gracias a su generosidad, la colección Pennies for the Unborn el pasado fin de semana recaudó $ 800.93. The Catholic Daughters están muy agrade-cidos por su apoyo continuo. para la Oficina Pro-Vida de la Arquidiócesis de

Boston. El dinero recaudado ayuda a las familias que necesitan ayuda para elegir la vida antes que el abor-to. Dios bendiga. Nuestra gran colección anual parroquial, que es la mayor fuente de ingresos para nuestra parroquia, con-tinúa. Debería haber recibido literatura por correo en relación con la colección. Por favor sea tan generoso como lo permitan sus medios. Si no recibió infor-mación por correo, hay sobres en los estantes de libros en la parte posterior de la iglesia.

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St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

6 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time