st. county utilities,… ·  ·...

- ».* TBI! 0<JDlW9BtmO ADVANCE AND ST. ^WBKttCa SxJtifbAt »ikj90BAT n ^ J> sssraasagaaste «pyin»i»»i i IIIIIIIM Depicted By Stamps Put Out By the P«5t Off iee 200 Years Old l„. ^jj^>'i~'-jneia'V" ,i, ,i jyiiji^Trr^rtaage * •>* id«s*»i»<s«iH'•»•** mi tv «'* ,-u ? MiM^tk .I. I'III'CIV.V ik'i'.n' ". g iyii(!^fjtyi i »)itif'i;/.^vvuJiadttx n TI 11^ (By fco'uls R. Murray.) Consider the rapid "and ^ende*- R ^ OfiailWlUtf^S Tim«$>tece Owned by a Maeaena Man. MA8SENA, Jan. .26.—What Is. really a gi*ndf«th«r"s clock la one that Is now In possession of. Her- bert S. Andrew.of 67 East OrvlB atreefc. The clock 1$ known to be \U-yl aeroplane was flown by fnl changes matty In the tfaniiporta i», fc *J^ dr tJ h ^ H * at * tf*e« ©tiled tjou df Malls hi]tho'tJr& i.h 1847 2 3 E55J"?'/ N " C ' '**•»<*•..* Ave I6ng exhaugtive frtpei on\ioriieback y c a r r npfrt l a s t December, to com- were necessary tb deliver a missive memorate which tin United States a row hundred Imtre*. Then came Government hod Issued two post- ihe part Vail trlplacross the Lout In- HM- hfunps, a two .runt stamp and 'out completed bi Pony J&preas of ii ffvi- cent sfamp. The^rtampB the California 6DLD DAYS the GZ n7,»!^il.l!H ^ n U ' f n f %TlV i\ iX V^'u U \T n r > T ** * ^ IW years old an* its own *£i"» J - '1' yi> jrodiially shortened twy by er , hfr> can ^ > rared bjU . ;k / ft) Mr -.7!n«,.rilKht of the Wrights tasted day im«il ten years ago whet the 5 Andrew's ..grtlt-grartdfather, on his ^.second*. At nbout thin time «1- m 6 days time waa cut to three mother's side, a Mr. Meeker, whose most every one ridiculed the 'In- day*-by planes, ending wllft the VA'HIIM ( M and their fool flylnu ma- le«»lthan two days time the ocean iiaiVJi'H The thoughtu of using these u > o.'H«»n span. Tjhe Asalatan Post- plaiMH lor carry lug mail WIVR rnascer Muheral in charge (f Air from unybodya 4*»d. Malla recently predicted thf: with- noURES REVIVED AT OOtUBOTOE LAWREN m RANKED WELL UP DISTR 0T8 tfiRCtTOMUT OFFICE SHOW ST. THE LIST OF OoVUfftT, Nn'^J.'WIgte RrxDA\r, JAXT ART 27, im J? in oirucus is •*5 CnAtoms Ktatltj|ic» by diatikt^ 2,S06,,. dotti^tic vessels clearing for the fiscal ye ir 1D&8 haVts -been for foreign port* M 6 | . received at the uttloo ot Collefetor! 'Comparative "ftgurea from tile J. c. TuUoch, Vew York led ln-;Tariiiftit^^fii^Qli^bt»tet;>«hibft dutloM. collected Kith nearly $:i24, adjoin^ the St. La.wtenee dlatrict, 'J' Wfebil^P BtcPharaOtt, 4% Falls Collector John C. TuUocU ba8 In- iug on the part of Inspector Franqls ! at the Corner of GroVe St. | «tructed the cuatoma border patrol Coveny on the night in questtofc. ant! Kiew York Ave. not to *fco<»t witMn the limits of a but recommended tba^ the ««e .fcf i city or otlier ,,thickly populated firearms In' the city Stffeets e) j place except In self ,defense. The iorder resulted fiom an iavegtlga uoo.000. St. Lawiettce diatrtc^, (N6» are of 7.) with hea'dflfliiVt'era in Ogxle^^< pf $!.< Wb&y sho# dtttie« dropped dea4 at the corner of New i l» Plattsburg Jan. 7 . w^«<^ u f M m.*n York avenue and Grove atrent mWmNte was *ttu- el; receipts from all Ij.o^jhc time of the Wrights all m « v «' nuiJUmw bent their energies to mak- ii>u nun hlitoii safe for pilot aiuj pas- 1 liters. Today the aeroplane hnn « "ii';« Into the )lves of us nil. partlc- ii'nrl.v Miirtip cf)llcctor8. it «rtrrh-* tho mail. thr« of thn enrlleat types of l>l--|iiiv; is pictured-otr the 2f> cent l'*u>.tl tint stamp of l»12-12 v h h h a.»n»f i now b*i purchased at the IN>NI orrice. Our first set of {ir muii ht: , .mp.<t, which «p|K»«rcd in lhli<, j.h-ture a later type. The three* '•MiiMpjj. tl cent. I ;t*» ii(»w K(\U\ by d6alers for fil.'IM r.Kl(<ii states mall plane Is shown >(i «li • ^4 cvnt stamp or tl»2»1. Not n.-uijt!»!?($ «IM another set of Air AKU'^Uimps appaar, then a set or (iKMtti, icit. fifteen and twenty eents. 'Ihc »•• w •••»•*• used in 192" as well. i; yd„.Hiow ^ modern type of aero- p-HHV- 'Xh\» set shows the ease with j v^UMi plar-.»H may cross our coun j fry Pi tor ludur present imuie th< i r Wt^it* Ht *taiup our Country ever > vOt^out HUH (hat Utter lu 1927 for | Avould re years all 1 be carrica 1 first clas) mall by .aeroplanes. given name Is believed to have been Peter. A't a Bible, containing the family record was burned when Mr. And:'GWa H'us, a young raah. tie Is not Hire of his greatgrandfath- er's giv n nahle. Mr*A?HlreW*s-hvnther, Mrs. Aiige- in self defense be .,... 7 ,.„._.. _ j -. ••• ». • ., 4nvestigato'i v examined thicetWtt W* b ater_BI.:^c]Pto^ affair car and said the hole in the-wittd- i '*****"""* r ""' ~ ,% ~ - hiold was unquestionably Jj&jiJs y a builet from a 4$ catfbre b^tbl. 41.**: IteVe'mita $mmm)..-*ost^ of colbctlon uer ?M\$*.$*•>**&•**<>** ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ i t L ^ ^ tit** f* °L^ f £»->r«ctor Coveby, Inspect^ j&jj from other s o u r # s broaght^th© to* K l l a r / i l too ceittaj nttfctber of eft- ' 01 Al«wH7-rvpa^; to ta^ ftHiJ-W "LJSf. ,«»* ""'^'^^ « . imltli. who was with W*; *^r tal receipts to 2;tJ10,U«M. The trieft,,IMW-j^ foundry^ Uko..atihavt, where he j JJJ* ^ f ,^»^J^S" 1 !^!^ M< :"aulley, Dtotrfcl A t ^ m a y J ^ ^ - expenses were 1 iBH.052.7a and the 55M13: va^ue of exports. $52,626,- was enjoyed. Some other men who ! S™*^ 1 ^?,^ 0 !^ . w ^ ^ ' Wl. Chief ot Polke lotA A cost to collect Jfce dollar, 12.'2-10 m t totol ity**l elwwAvw, t!6\ : were also on thefr way to work 1 rJr J ye Al! n . Rs r m a tum ^ r - bu ! Sweeney of Piattsburg. Ducette 4^ th, when im struck by a gullet, burg stood well Up in the list, wltn *®m**i fyMMdU expemwei. Thursday jaarnkm. at 1;M tt'clock,! Jj? ,°T¥!1 cf wh ^ li i s a «y*»ry duties' of-tSAIl Ml J ~ And it Is no Idty dream'-whoa one line Meeker A;hdreW, is now 92 remembers that mutes callet; C. A. M.^Cnntiact Air Mail—are estab- lished between all the principal cities oi the V. 8. and many others as Ust as planes can be bu It and .landing fields established, mid a letter may lie sont by air for only years of age and resides i'n Norfolk with htrdntighter, Mrs. . Fred Meln, Her husband died about 27 years figb. Mrs. Andrew's father. Sam.url Meeker, lived to be over on years of age and her grandfather al- so llvc'rl to be near f*0. It was he of the Keekers who was flirt known to lu; \ •"• owne<jl the cieck #hlch vaw- f'tter may In Mvjf cents, • . ; l'r Is unfortunate that ou • city fathers cannot'right now arrange i Pd from bhu general foil to nnoth-. U)v a lauding:-field. This may seem *r until gbmit 25 yearn ago the tor iype. n»e three a |, ul( . , )!<>ma t ur? w ut It asturcdlv j ^ " k ««nw Wto the po»#ession of h cent and 24 cent, iH |10t - t„i CH8 we aP r anffc | 0 r ail \ Mr. Andrews,-after the death of bin m. w.hii iiy deslers ror more ; Amin)KT lM lh ^ very near future 1 faih ^' abG ni two yoars previous. double their face value. A j we wl! , dm| 0U r Be |ves Ift tho same ! Thl* clock despite its areat-.uge. predicament thai a Oalltorhla city | k *W yi M™ t6 ^ v eoual with tin has recently. 6ut there i:i this j el**** < >t the present time. Since particular city they were In no I ^ ! » « adjusted at the time it waa huvVy to arrange a suitable flbWI for j * ^ "P ' n ^'- Andrews home,, it hev the Mail Plane* because it would I nevt>r •• Whlrert. repairing ex<vn<. co«t a certain siim of moitdy that »•?, w f;f !rt < ;olu > h requlros \\u they leli ihey could not spiire. Lo ! Ja«-loa«a* ami ita works have not and behold, their neighboring city j Ja™ «l«nped the 2;» yctVrw that- across th» bay was more energetic I M ^ Andrews has owned it -xcept and th. common Council *\ once , wb, ' u wlndUi* waa negleclrd or realising the opportunity erected a I wh **« e ock , Wlly **}"« *™ 1 <J wonderful place with full ta^ltles,» f,om m4 Dlftce l <> another.. It .»m« ;; M JJ M !" , 1 V, h r; , A ' , L, " lU , H,rK . h . Thr i with the result that the Poaf Office' !. no r . b r" kt !°l v ?L ,u »^P.W?!»»« tints. Tliti cost of collection per The figures show that the* St. dollar would be lousidsl^abiy lower tiawVettcft^a^t^t vMa c:i eacell* If. It had not Ul! on for the large ent record |i:viii deaarlhiehts, and amount of goods nhtered on the free the etomody aiid effteteticy of ad- list j minlstration, wete highly oreditabla The report glvi s the follbwlnig a * to- Co!teeto> Tu4Ioch and his staff, ditlonai statistIqii for the Ogderis-1 The statistics for the last eaten- burg-districts'Tf al entries; 59,031; dar year in the St Lawrence dis- value of Import* $137,7M,902; val- trtet ar« ihiw b«lng complied at the in' of exports, $1 ?, 182.038.. foreign , customs h<>use and will be made vessels clearing ffor foi*elgn ports, * attiitc^wltljlh-'a ft;#'days.'' 1 "fi', *n r nvyi trm m tf iWiie»i i '• .i'iAtl&"'' li *-* J " ST. LAWRENCE IBIGSHIPTO SOCIETY MET BE BUILT AT INNEWYORK! MIDLAND YARD Edwin 0. Mul densburg New The, following le<| at the aunt Countysociety 4 Thursday -night Pri-sliPnit, M :an, Former Og^, Will Ball Down the St. Law- ,n; Among rence When the New Canal ifTicera. ' . . , i la Opened. vice president, Irederlck P. Clowe; | shipyard. ThtB Vessel will be plac second vice proyidept, (j. S. Dor-j ed in commission next September,! \ resolution authorizing The clock stands seven leet. high.- win; third vice ('.. Miiligan; .Smith; assistant prealdent, Kdwin Secretary, W. P. secretary, F. P. o<Mr«ti0 may be ( rossed. ^ULiltls may appear of Utile con to uy tittw, but the bud get back the }>retlg« that the terminal gave them What is there to.prevent a siml- t-u minings; K:\vc-. l")r 11. A. N'eMkton chairman of the tee with (jeorgt RJIIPHIHV to ui now, nut the hud- lar occurrepce here, with Canton or thylijje.'ieration II.IH no better way Potsdam as Northern and Inter- to naiiitain these facts of momen- j national Terminal, and Ogdonsburg KUIM- 4nipoiiaiiee constantly before I getting the mall by bus oi train .«N»tff"* houtJ later? Think this bverj. •ariis.: ace dt AYIATI0N GIVES J^EW VALUE TO | WEATHER TIPS V^brk of Forecaster Becoming; * "•"Mote Important to I Citiaena. +*»\i MOMAWSK*. J (l,! i*-—The de . «>i»pj*^ejut, yf aviation has\ greatly uiipttichted the value of Weath n* Mla>!AH|p • such as the Syracuse tatfCm. hecording to. Morgan R. Snnford. observer In charge of the lot a I post In its new office on the ih#*MI( or of the federal building. imilv reports of the weather at *\vu»i;uae are sent east and west to •ili Melds jit Huffalo and Albanv. i'of t*te Information of air mail. For lower Now Kugland, mjost of New 'York and central states, re* qutrem*!Hs for a cold wave In win- ter are a drop of 20 deg^'ets in 24 hours to lo above or lower. iA other seasons the , temperature must resch 24 above. In the Adirondack region a cold wove implies, a lfl-degree irpp to i zero or lower. I 1 Many of the forecast regulations I seem amusing to the avejalre per- son. Observers are forbnden to make such predictions as Uleneral- I ly fair except possible mpwers." I The term today and eyerTiig are I taboo. I Temperature changes ara fiot pre- ; dieted unless they exceed I 10 de> gr«»es in winter. R in sprllpj and 6 in summer, except durinsl periods of Intense heat and cold whj»n slight variation is Important Specific figures do not t|eem to ches deep. The dial is. 10, Inchon oerbss and la composed of a thtn sheet of wood, its fac<* is numbered -iu Human numerals un* the hours and a small dial for the seconds. There.are three hands on the clock, the hour and minute hands and a. tecund hand, they are of thin metal of ornamental design. The dial of the clock is decorated with floral and scroll design, hand painted, rather crudely done. There is no date on the clock or any- thing to tell where or when it vat? made. The case of the clock Is made of one inch pine hoa'rds. dressed to peVen-elghths inch, and is painted a mahogany- color, stripped with gold. The upper part has two, orna- mental post*, one at the corner. each side of the! dial, with a wood- en-ornament at the top. In front of cilia "K. Chumhi the lower part of the case l^a door ey. Mr. and Atrs 18 by 8 Inches 'Which opens to the Frederick cftr pendulum and Weights, the penr|u- nark, Mr. -&\ii officers were eW-; The biggest bulk freighter on the al St. Lawrence J upper lake& will be built thia year liner In New York [-by tne Midland Shipbuilding" Co., | Owned by the Heyfalr interests, t'. O'Brien; first whjch also cbntfOl the'Ogdensburg t'r'c*is surer, Charlea saw him tall and went to his assist- j ^J^^^Zt* t? t rt ***.?? ;^V ^an wW^ar^*h«tt"S^b unce. He was frlaced In a ml|k; 'Jffi^J** f ^ s ; l ** a ? «" l *M»*; w. The District Attorney said Afe wagon and taken to his hoeie. Dr> e J\ h r^!I' ^ a Bh 'll w a l J f ! re(1 wanted shooting in the st-eta*^ W. O. CoQper was called and pro- '*£?*?** « i ?J^\» a }J". matubuig slopped in ihe IttWilt ; uounced life e*tlnc* It Was thought t he wo f d ^l^JI^ZT^ ^ <* * M * ^fetyHnspeetcrs *35i death waa 4m3 to a heart attack, j ^ ^ ^ J f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and Coveny said they chased a fcn**- Relatlves of Mr. McPberson »ald he ! I?* ffil i b & ! . Du / eU t s £« car through Plattsham on tif« was la hie usual health when he ! ™ f <?& "*}f ™* three-fourths ^ |n q ^ m Aft tH^^tS, left the house. l * m,lc & * & y- Were entering the city OavenyHr- The body was removed to the. t Ddc0tte and another man stopped '«$ a shot at the tire df the fleslog jJtfcLellan undertaking parlors and in front of a store and left the car car at a distance of thirty feet. later ih the day wa« taken back to j to get some cigarettes. When thev There were's near., -fte lthe,m>me, where Mr. MePherson ' returned riucette noticed the bui- distance between the spot -wfs&e' resided, with hts sister, Mrs. Flor- let bote in the windshield. He madn \ the shot was fired and the place ence Kelly. Another sister, M?saja complaint to Mayor J. If. Me- wheie the Ducette car was parked Ann Mcpherson of this city, and 1 Gaulley and District Attirney B. wa« BO far that "it would hare been . two brothers, George of Prescott Loyal a'Connell, who wiotc to Co]- an utter impissibility tor t&s faf&ftt and Walter of Cleveland, also sur- lector TUllocb. asking that the nwt- to have struck it." the report fctnleV vlve, Mr. McPherson was born In ter be Investigated. Both of these Inspector Smith corroborated t«fe jOgdensburg Feb. IS. 1887, son of officials protested agefr.nt promis- evidence -of Coveny, Ducette anfl ; James and Mary McPherson. He , cuous shooting In the streets. Gol- his companion, botn said they did jwas unmarried. - lectdr Tulioch referred the case to not hear any shots fired, the report j ~—~^^— ~~ the Special Agency service and up- slates. f*%*\ iniiWi a *%w tnvr i 9 " recelv *»K Its report sent a letter ^ T O ESTABLISH to Mayor M«Oau«ey and District ivivufiiuuiuii Attorney O'Conneli yesterday. In this the collector stated that he > was "inclined to agree with you I that a!l needless discharging- of' firearms In and around 'Plattsburg '• or In other thickly settled places! should b-i restrictod.'^ He further! declared that he did not want his officers to endanger lives but on utmost protection to citizens. After stat KINDERGARTEN CLASSES HERE OFFICIALS OF RUTLAND ROAD VISITED CITY the when the fall grain rush* begins, establishment of kindergarten de- and will ply between the head of partments in the city schools negtt ' Tho" ««nfrnrv t<* »tf<-* ti- the lakes, and fort ;Colborne. Af- yea r was adopted by the Board of trctSSon^ to c i t £ ^ 10 , Jt C. , ter the new Weltattd canal is ready Ektucation at a meeting held Thurs- h f thai L h^ad V 3 «tHM . . i l for use the huge ship will sail day night. One will be In the' n«w^^ against 8 hooti L iTntv itr^T was ch^en down to Prescott and Ogdeneburg. Washington gi-ade school on the ofher cteselrV• MDuiated a !! ' executive commit-' The new freighter will be. ovor west side, which will be opened C orJ in self• dSrenap ThJ*7«HLI«J L. Dmingham. Dr.€00 feet long and equipped with next September, and the other in a &ked for co-operation"so that we W. W. Uiash, . l «bn. 1 fS. Welch and every modern.aid to navigation, im , the Lincoln grade school in the mav i m e an adnini-tratinn nf It 'r serving as mem-, eluding direction finding apparatus Fourth ward. It \Vas stated, that the fair * 8 t h a \ win bfJ 8a M'-fa*toVv to the •Tbomtis t*. Mill bens. JameK H. djavauajigh wan elec-. 1 for use in fogs. There will be only need for kindergarten work has ted chairman nf the membership one forward deck, this design be-., been growing for some time. coMimlUtc, wiili Miss Christina : ing adopted to lessen tho resistance ' Ths board discussed a- proposal Leudlngham. John W. McArthur, jjto winda during heavy gales on the to Install a new heating- plant in i and Edwin Mrs. A. V. Quic Ware servlpg uduler him Among the guests- were: Sarah M. Bhbcoi Ii. P. Baulc-h. Mi lee.' Mrs. Bessie Mr. and Mrs. It ('. Bridsall; Mr D:ivid ( -S. Boyd, Krnist J. Bi».*W|i Brown, Lucrcal Fred E CaJ BliKh rarper.'t/ Carter. Jartv^a '. lum Is fthout'24 Inches long with u cark, Hon Fn-d . P . Clo^e. brass disk and swings back and forth one way to each second and each tick of the clock measures off one secoritt-'of time. The tick given out a dull sound .as of two sticks'of v.ood 'being hit together in a thin •wooden box that ean be he«rd« in P. B.! lakes. The tarrying capacity will be about 5K)0,000 bushels. Miss k, Morris Babcdck. i s. Leslie K. Beajds- Yerdeh Bergau. ichard Bird, Harry. Frank C. rloes. • Charles R. Brewer, } ^r. Mm. Philip H. M. Butterfield. j <hvell. Dr. Frank | Mrr. • Katharine j ('avnnangh. Pris- ts, Ceylon G..^han- J.'H. Chihtie. Mrs. , MJ:>s OesHiUp M:*a. RoheftJ 'Y> Complaint About -Canadian Duties Senate ftears of Alleged Rul- , inga td Divert Traffic From U. S. Ports. No. 2 school but rib action was taken. - President W. G. Cooper presided and other members present were Commissioners Ramie, Hoard. Walsh and Akin. citizens of the north country." The collector expressed the opinion that- top much publicity about matters of this kind "is harmful to the of- ficers in the discharge of their duty." - A rarty of Rutland railroad of- ficials visited the city Thursday on the regular monthly inspection trtp over the northern division. Thlftr Included L. G. Morphy of Rutland, general superintendent; JT. F. Car- Hgan of Ma lone, division snpertn- tendent; Charles LaFountaln, fore- man; W. W. Wiggins, road foee- man; J. A. White, trainmaster; F. R. Bourquiu. superintendent of bridges and buildings. It was stated that the parly found the bridges and other terminal property aloifg the line in good condition. ^ The visit of the officials had no connection with terminal exten- sions in Ogden&burg or the pro- posed lake and rail grain route'to The Special Agen^-who invest!- Bostou and Portland via Ogdens- Howard, gated the cane found no evidence of burg, according to information glV- carelessness or promiscuous shoot- en cut at the local offices. ae L?wls' A. Coffin. Miss Kuntce D'M ?eU, Mac D. Davis, ' S. Denlson. igham. Herbcirt H. •n^riSTnH i h a V fli«r* "Thp ,,P » ,r ^ h ^ Jn thp ,e,ttlB t i g h t l y " i wooden box that ean tomlmVrotal and other fliers. The ^ . . dtrU | 0(nv .. WIirmer M cooler/ u 11 parts of the houfn v Burls, embrace wind veioctiy and nmucaiy warmer cy ; .cooier f w »iirhi« rn Wirt*, em di^ti'iton^. cloudiness, tain, mid snow, juid. particularly, fog. WHIl the Increasing development «>fntbiPfc. lb** Syracuse weather ;-rUun will «aln new importance, In th" opinion of Mr. Saufoid, b^- «an»Je ,, 7t lleM on the east-west air ;• Htaitnd IH also a point On the pro- l < -d Washington-Ottawa air line. Canal Shipping Aided \ via I ton is but one of the com- nii'i«.!:«! pursuits aided by tin Syra- MI #iHW*"nthr r bureau. It is In con- stanf»'iouch with the observatory ::t 'Oui Ida lake for the protection i Hjf\.c canal shipping. This storm 'vjirNlng post has. proved of great LASTSURVIViM' OF'BALAKLjlVA ANSWERS (S1\LL Tape Bound for Michael billon, Who Charged Wit. the Immortal 600. : | Dillon, I'ccently The two weights consist of *.:n i tubes'-about four inches 1(^IR ::nd i two Inches across filled with had. and arc attached to a cord which f is lapped several times-around twe ! spools, one end attached to ihe , weights, the other end hanging . free. To wind the clock one pulls ; the. loose ends down, which raises ' the weights, gravity drawing down the Weights, forming the motor \ rcvei- for rmviif.A, the worht; of j of the clock. The clock requires 1 winding each ^4 hours. The Meekcrs are. of Dutch 'des- cent and came to Canada when Mr. Andrew's great-grandfather. Pei'-r jr.. 'Mr. and Mi win. H. M,-Dpru 'ov D-.r.ghis'. Mi his..-. . Lr r -..F. Knst Kftimons. Kl: : a AH'-J.-Anthony \\ Churje:* FPW gr-rahl. Kd»v: Air.. Ju'htt f liruirchce Fr'anl W. J'. G'-M-O. Dr. E. 'ummings. Mr. *.\\(\ Mrs G?nrge L. Dill 1 ;Hii?:?>hr.i;i. 'George L. Dilllnftham. .n. GustaVe S. Dor^ Mi. Mrs. Ksthev Tay :. we •A .IeanetUvK v T)oug- •jia^n, Miss Blanche K. Kvaus, Mr. and Kimtis. Ii. Kdmuiul Fits- T. Flwra;. Mr, end Mrs. Leo Fra;ik. tit Lowen K. ..GIHII* L;Mivn-Gf>ndiioni;h. Floyd M. Grant. .^yrncUMo greenhouses are In- formed immediately of approach- ii»n changes In temperature, s* are iruil Jealers, shippers and oMi. v ' bif.iiigss men. The station has not >«•." t»«« n called upon for reports on "n;dh» weather," as are sent out from Mine stations. Tin J r.ecords of tb •» Syracuse sta- tion tkxtend back 2« years, and the task of ftnmmarixing them was com- jnrueif recently so that the station MOW foil,?-, the average temperature ""I mi Infill for every day in the year. * * Aft DtQrtte flange UJKJ kindred degrees above and '::: iHJjmv. »eio are.the. teniperature extrciii(vi»+slia^hi In the Hvr»^»~« i ecords. <Phe highest wind recorded^ >.'b»ii ))fe;Wej|ther station was atop the HalLaf ,'f the Meeker, was d. young man, and it LOFTUSWILL MAKE SURVEY IN THE WEST With the dpath of Mieha 02, In Gananoque, OnL., another- ''last survivor" ttucUrnl vnlu", and during the past charge.of the light brigade!*! Bala-1 was about this time that he ob^ *"c.-iMij-no loss of shipping was 1 re- klava has gone to join his com- mined possession of GHKclock, imrtcfl on ihe lake. ' rades of the Six Hundred From) time to time other survivojs of the famous Six Hundred havj' passed '>n, but Dillon's claim , hirb been , borne oat by the official records. , At least one rforthern Ntiw Yoin , resident was a!member nit t h e ! »vorld famed unit which rffutnlned j men who "knew how to did!'- . The late Corpprat R. R. Newtoji of Og- ' densburg witnessed that paCnage In- p <*«r F. Loftus, consulting engi- to the valley of death, ft^ls dis-" «eer of Brookvillel. Pa., and former- charge papers ! markedl' "Cjtadtiet— ^ ot this city, left during^the past exemplary," testified io thie fact i w « ek for Alberta, British Columbia taht he couduoted hlmselfljin her- a n <l Vanccuver Island, where he oic fashion on [that historic orcas- wl » ma^e «« extensive power sur- | ( , n I 'vrv for the Internatioiutl Utilities tiorporul Newton some yjnrs ago corporation. wa« known to practically e'Jpry pe^* , ** r ' H ftu « , iB w e l 1 known In the «t»n in Ggdensbarg. Son of ;. profes- ^ctrleal ehgineerlng field in Penn- efoiiial soldier, he joined rfie Brit- aylranto, and was recommended to r - . Ish foot at the age of \1 t aeMng sw- Jhe International Utilities by a Languages at Syracuse | v j ci , ln ma -.„ v i anm4 ©afore he wit--.Ia r lt» power corporation of that iM»lves*!ky, was ?2 miles an hour, i neMetl tno immortal cha go of! state. The assignment is an impoit- bitt Hihce^he station was moved to u Kht cavalry at Balakliva. 1*at*r on a«t one and Indicates the efficient ihe njuofflee, (he wind gauge has h€l c a m e t0 America-ahd enfilsted ift I Btandtn« of this young engineer in the union army. He /was attached j his profession. to the Sixth cavalry In wlJlch Unit, .g u J p|n « his absence Mr L^tus an uncle of Caritain C. A. !>lftgs of ] f»»/be represented by. H. T. Johns- Mi'H. Geiirge Mutton. Miss Kttic !• If i ward, Sarah E. M G. F. Ives. Mi4f c Marjorie .Ja^dln, Dora K. Jones, Mr, A. Jones, P. Doyle :Wrs. Charles C. Key- De.lsy M. Jones-, and Mrs. K;lwhf Jones, Mr. and es. Jack Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Miss Chribitnn and Mrs. John Mrs. Benjamin Mrs. Andrew K William J. Mt not roistered abov«» 30 miles. The pot llr»4ii the valley and Is much more protected t'otilequenUy. no gale has been reported In recent months. Altho c-wnniftnly used for any strong wind. Jhe word "gale" Has a de- liulte [neunlng In the weather ser- vice, t h e bureau has- adopted a standard llM of^yjAlatrengths nc- cordink to imlMFflsVnolrV, as fol- lows } .1, I W t W l a , gentle;. 13-18. motleraie; v 19 2Hw.vfresh; 26-38, strong; 3fKi4, gale; ot-75, whole gale; above 7fi, hurricane. WeHt*rn New Y«rk and the Syra- ruse aTfea are. for weather bureau purposes, classified In the Great I^flkes^llstrtct, probably the small- est rMffnti marked off for predic- tions™ 'Cold Wave Defined "('old, wave" Is another term used with rare In the weather bureau. cls.C; McCarth; Carthy, Vera K McGregor, Mr*. | MucU'idlm. Mr.| Mulby, Mr. an( Miller. Mies Malloy. Blanch Klizabeth A. Charles F. N Muij Murray, Chandi, Ajlla'n A. Griffin, Mr. IF. Gunnison,.Stan- , Mrs. Lmils Gut- Haekett, Wel by W. I liurdy. Robert Miss ' M. Eth^lyn Henry, Frank E. ind Mrs. Walter K. IH. David E. Hoag. 'Mr. nnd Mv and Mrs. iferbo ley E (Junnir.oi mnn. Mb-s Flora B lit.ile; R.'iben Curlis'- IhviU Hrrpei:.;. M.-W. HoiTlmaii. Mr. fl. ; li. Dr. and t 1 WHliam A. HOJIR. Fred S. Holbrook, Irwin. Kate Irwin, Muvtri::' A. Lawyer. ;. 'Ldidlnghabi, Mr s*. Lobdeli. Mr. anc Longtin, Mr. anc Lo ticks, jr.' Arthur, Donald Mc Airburv Mlu^. J* in- McArthur, Fran this city also fought. I He was In later years tntde arm- orer at the state army here. 1 He was appointed drum major of •jthe Og- densburg band and led that organi- zation In hts re!d uniform 11 parad- es and on other publle. oc< asions. APPRAIBINO Ea*ATl OF THOMAS 8 ^ATT Appraisal ot the estate of the late Thomas Spratt hi being made by Harry Dunn and Ray E. Todd of the National bank staf . The work will probfrhly he com leted at an early date, when the re iott will be submitted to the county treasur- er Tor assessing the inheritance taxes. ^ i-i'AU •.^i^ii'V- r.®>'t- . .i •M. ton, chief assistant engineer ot the Westlnghouse Rlectric comrany of Pittsburg. Harold VanKenhen of this city has been associated with Mr. Lqftus the past eight months artd accompanied him to Vancouver, where he will assist ih making the survey. son. H. S. Perrfgo, Dr. and Mrs; Mr. Loftus Is the son of P. J. Lof- Wendell C. PhJllipB, Mrs. William tus, New York Cehtral agent "'" "" * nxt *""" T *-"-" Mrs. Nora Mc oCrea, Robert M- and Mrs. J, y C. M and Mrs. Seth G Mrs. Thomas C Virginia Blllzabetl A. Morgan, Mis? .Morse*. Mr. BUir phy, Rev. W., H, »r Myer£, Mrs. E. L Myers. J Dr. and MnJ. H A. Newton, Charles NorrtsJ Suye Chiyo Obata. John.'G. O'BrieiJ.-Mr. and Mrs. John E. O'Brien. MlC. OBrien, W. G O'Brien. J, Mr. and Mrsj William M. Patter- Mrs; Philadelphia. at Pitts, Charles'ft. Pohl, Miss Helen arles -L. P M. Potter, Dr. ],. F. Powell. Dr. and Mrsi Audley V. damp. To remove water spots from a Miss Alta Randall. Bills Randall, garment dampen the entire mater- i Frank Ryo, W.j Payson Richardson, ial evenly and press it while still j George G. Roycc Miss Carrie Doan Rvnri. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sav&ge, W. Palmer Stilth. Dr. Richard, Eddy Sykes..Mla. Stlckney. George A. Taft, Miss Ruth M. Van Duzer, Mr: and Mrs. O. H. Voel- When a glass stopper sticks, pour a little glycerine around the neck and let it stand. The stop- per will soon come out easily. Ker, George O Quick, ( Wagner, Mrs. Mln- BOSTON, Jan. 26.—A complaint r made by the MaHtime Association of the Boston Chamber ot Com- moree against alleged preferential customs Regulations effected by Canada to force traffic through Canadian j&oits has been laid before the United States Senate. As a specific instance the Maritime As- sociation protested that the Cana- dian Government has imposed a duty or 50 cents tier bunch on bana- nas imported to Canada through United States ports. No duty Is imposed if the bananas are import- ed through Canadian ports. The port record of 1928 indicated that .100,000 bunches of ' bananas destined to Canada were handled through Boston, Senator David I. Walsh of Mass- achusetts, in laying the complaint before lh|B United States \Senate, Kpoks of the "serious extent to which American ports are losing ex- port business because of the dif- ference, of the methods of inspect- ing grain for .export here and In Canada,"the difference in rail and ocean freight rates and because of the preferential custom* -regula- tions being imposed by the Cana- dian Government." FACfORYfeT ACQUIRED BY MILR1EAGUE George Q. Daniels Disposes of Plant on the Canton Road Near City. George (J. Daniels has sold the , Junrise cheeke factory at Murphy's | ;orners„ five miles from Ogdens- j iurg on the Canton road, to the dairymen's League. The League ill take possession this week. The factory, which is also known s Murphy's, was acquired by Mr. )aniels a year ago and was oper- ted by him In connection with he Woodford Farms milk plant in )gdensburg which was talcen over >y the League during the past sum : ner. It will be used in the sum- ner season for the manufacture of heeue and during the balance of the /ear as a fluid milk receiving sta- tion. The milk will be delivered either at Heuvelton or Ogdeusburg. The McAuley Interests of New York have sold < the Model dairy plant in Heuvelton and their string of butter and cheese factories to the Dairymen's League. < It is understood that about' $300,000 was pahl for the properties. Save the small scrfew-top jars in which mayonnaise and other food products are packed. They are con- venient food containers for next summer's picnics. _r .___ / bought the Kekmator one of the things that made me hesitate* was that / wondered how long it would stand up. If 'e have now used it about four and one~ halfyearsanditis run- ning as well as when Ijirst purchased it. The Oldest Domes e ration Long after you buy a Kelvinator—after it has been giving you perfect automatic refrigeration for years —you will realize what, good judgment you used when you selected the system that had been giving the same perfect service to others since asforback as 19 14. //'/ ivi/l gladly come to your home, k'A over your refrigerator and give you complete information about electrifying it. Call or telephone. ST. COUNTY UTILITIES, INC. Ogdensburg, N. Y. 402-404 Ford Street pHoirc*o ervaT. Walling, G, Welch, Irma L. West, Rev, Robert S. Wightman, Hon. Owen D. Young, ^ v ^ ^ &k* ; ^.%^ ; * & ! & i^iP*

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TBI! 0<JDlW9BtmO ADVANCE AND ST. ^WBKttCa SxJtifbAt »ikj90BAT

n ^ J>

sssraasagaaste «pyin»i»»i i I I I I I I I M

Depicted By Stamps Put Out By the P«5t Of f iee

200 Years Old


jj >'i~'-jneia'V" ,i, ,i jyiiji Trr rtaage

* •>* id«s*»i»<s«iH'•»•** mi

tv «'* ,-u ?


.I. I'III'CIV.V ik'i'.n' ".g iyii(!^fjtyii»)itif'i;/. vvuJiadttx

n T I 1 1 ^

(By fco'uls R. Murray.) Consider the rapid "and ^ende*- R ^ Of ia i lWlUt f^S Tim«$>tece Owned by a Maeaena


MA8SENA, Jan. .26.—What Is. really a gi*ndf«th«r"s clock la one that Is now In possession of. Her­bert S. Andrew.of 67 East OrvlB atreefc. The clock 1$ known to be

\U-yl aeroplane was flown by fnl changes matty In the tfaniiporta i» , f c *J^ d r tJ h ^ H * a t * tf*e« ©tiled tjou df Malls h i ] tho' tJr& i.h 1847

2 3 E55J"?'/N" C' '**•»<*•..* Ave I6ng exhaugtive frtpei on\ioriieback y c a r r npfrt last December, to com- were necessary tb deliver a missive memorate which t in United States a row hundred Imtre*. Then came Government hod Issued two post- ihe part Vail trlplacross the Lout In-HM- hfunps, a two .runt stamp and 'out completed bi Pony J&preas of ii ffvi- cent sfamp. T h e ^ r t a m p B the California 6 D L D DAYS t h e G Z n 7 , » ! ^ i l . l ! H ^ n U ' f nf %TlVi\iXV^'uU\Tnr > T ** * ^ IW years old an* its own *£i"» J ™ - ' 1 ' y i > jrodiially shortened twy by e r , h f r > c a n ^ > r a r e d b j U . ; k / f t ) M r

-.7!n«,.rilKht of the Wrights tasted day im«il ten years ago whet the 5 Andrew's ..grtlt-grartdfather, on his ^ . s e c o n d * . At nbout thin time «1- m 6 days time waa cut to three mother's side, a Mr. Meeker, whose most every one ridiculed the 'In- day*-by planes, ending wllft the VA'HIIM(M and their fool flylnu ma- le«»lthan two days time the ocean iiaiVJi'H The thoughtu of using these u> o.'H«»n span. Tjhe Asalatan Post-plaiMH lor carry lug mail WIVR rnascer Muheral in charge (f Air from unybodya 4*»d. Malla recently predicted thf: with-




Nn'^J . 'WIgte

RrxDA\r, JAXT ART 27, im J?

in oirucus is •*5

CnAtoms Ktatltj|ic» by diatikt^ 2,S06,,. dotti^tic vessels clearing for the fiscal ye ir 1D&8 haVts -been for foreign port* M 6 | . received at the uttloo ot Collefetor! 'Comparative "ftgurea from tile J. c . TuUoch, Vew York led ln-;Tarii i f t i t^^fi i^Qli^bt»tet;>«hibft dutloM. collected Kith nearly $:i24, adjoin^ the St. La.wtenee dlatrict,

'J' Wfebil^P BtcPharaOtt, 4% F a l l s Collector John C. TuUocU ba8 In- iug on the part of Inspector Franqls ! a t t h e C o r n e r o f GroVe S t . | «tructed the cuatoma border patrol Coveny on the night in questtofc.

ant! Kiew York Ave. not to *fco<»t witMn the limits of a but recommended tba^ the ««e .fcf i city or otlier ,,thickly populated firearms In' the city Stffeets e) j place except In self ,defense. The iorder resulted fiom an iavegtlga

uoo.000. St. Lawiettce diatrtc^, (N6» are of 7.) with hea'dflfliiVt'era in Ogxle^^< pf $!.<

Wb&y s h o # dtttie« dropped dea4 at the corner of New i l» Plattsburg Jan. 7 . w^«<^u f M m . * n York avenue and Grove atrent mWmNte was *ttu-e l ; receipts from all

I j . o ^ j h c time of the Wrights all m «v«' nuiJUmw bent their energies to mak-ii>u nun hlitoii safe for pilot aiuj pas-1 liters. Today the aeroplane hnn « "ii';« Into the )lves of us nil. partlc-ii'nrl.v Miirtip cf)llcctor8. it «rtrrh-* tho mail.

thr« of thn enrlleat types of l>l--|iiiv; is pictured-otr the 2f> cent l'*u>.tl tint stamp of l»12-12 v h h h • a.»n»f i now b*i purchased at the IN>NI orrice. Our first set of {ir muii ht:,.mp.<t, which «p|K»«rcd in lhli<, j.h-ture a later type. The three* '•MiiMpjj. tl c e n t . I

;t*» ii(»w K(\U\ by d6alers for fil.'IM

r.Kl(<ii s tates mall plane Is shown • >(i «li • 4 cvnt stamp or tl»2»1. Not n.-uijt!»!?($ «IM another set of Air AKU'^Uimps appaar, then a set or (iKMtti, icit. fifteen and twenty eents. 'Ihc »•• w •••»•*• used in 192" as well. i;yd„.Hiow ^ modern type of aero-p-HHV- 'Xh\» set shows the ease with j v^UMi plar-.»H may cross our coun j fry Pi tor l u d u r present imuie th< i r Wt it* Ht *taiup our Country ever > vOt^out HUH (hat Utter lu 1927 for |

Avould re years all 1 be carrica

1 first clas) mall by .aeroplanes.

given name Is believed to have been Peter. A't a Bible, containing the family record was burned when Mr. And:'GWa H'us, a young raah. tie Is not Hire of his greatgrandfath­er's g i v n nahle.

Mr*A?HlreW*s-hvnther, Mrs. Aiige-

in self defense be .,... 7 , .„._. . _ j -. ••• ». • ., 4nvestigato'iv examined thicetWtt

W*bater_BI.:^c]Pto^ affair car and said the hole in the-wittd-™i'*****"""* r""' ~,%~ - hiold was unquestionably Jj&jiJs

y a builet from a 4$ catfbre b^tbl.

41.**: IteVe'mita $mmm)..-*ost^ of colbctlon uer ?M\$*.$*•>**&•**<>** ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ i t L ^ ^ tit** f* °L^ f£»->r«ctor Coveby, Inspec t^ j&jj from other s o u r # s broaght^th© to* K l l a r / i l too ceittaj nttfctber of eft- ' 0 1 Al«wH7-rvpa^; to ta^ ftHiJ-W " L J S f . ,«»* " " ' ^ ' ^ ^ «. imlt l i . who was with W*; * ^ r tal receipts to 2;tJ10,U«M. The t r i e f t , , I M W - j ^ f o u n d r y ^ Uko..atihavt, where he j JJJ* ^ f , ^ » ^ J ^ S " 1 ! ^ ! ^ M<:"aulley, Dtotrfcl A t ^ m a y J ^ ^ -expenses were 1 iBH.052.7a and the 55M13: va^ue of exports. $52,626,- w a s e n j o y e d . Some other men who ! S ™ * ^ 1 ^ ? , ^ 0 ! ^ . w ^ ^ ' W l . Chief ot Po lke l o t A A cost to collect Jfce dollar, 12.'2-10 mt totol ity**l elwwAvw, t!6\ : were also on thefr way to work 1 rJr J y e A l ! n . R s r m a t u m ^ r - b u ! Sweeney of Piattsburg. Ducette 4^

th, when im struck by a gullet,

burg stood well Up in the l i s t , wltn *®m**i fyMMdU expemwei. Thursday jaarnkm. at 1;M tt'clock,! Jj? , °T¥!1 c f w h ^ l i i s a « y * » r y duties' o f - t S A I l Ml J~

And it Is no Idty dream'-whoa one line Meeker A;hdreW, is now 92 remembers that mutes callet; C. A. M.^Cnntiact Air Mail—are estab­lished between all the principal cities oi the V. 8. and many others as Ust as planes can be bu It and .landing fields established, mid a letter may lie sont by air for only

years of age and resides i'n Norfolk with htrdnt ighter , Mrs. . Fred Meln, Her husband died about 27 years figb. Mrs. Andrew's father. Sam.url Meeker, lived to be over on years of age and her grandfather al­so llvc'rl to be near f*0. It was he of the Keekers who was flirt known to lu;\•"• owne<jl the cieck #hlch vaw-

f'tter may In Mvjf cents, • . ;

l'r Is unfortunate that ou • city fathers cannot'right now arrange i Pd from bhu general foil to nnoth-. U)v a lauding:-field. This may seem *r until gbmit 25 yearn ago the

tor iype. n»e three a | , u l ( . , ) ! < > m a t u r ? wut It asturcdlv j " k ««nw Wto the po»#ession of h cent and 24 cent, iH | 1 0 t - t „ i C H 8 w e a P r a n f f c | 0 r ail \ Mr. Andrews,-after the death of bin

m. w.hii iiy deslers ror more ; A m i n ) K T lM l h ^ very near future 1 f a i h ^ ' abGni two yoars previous. double their face value. A j w e w l ! , d m | 0 U r B e | v e s Ift tho same ! Thl* clock despite its areat-.uge.

predicament thai a Oalltorhla city | k*Wyi M™ t 6 ^ v eoual with tin has recently. 6ut there i:i this j el**** <>t the present time. Since particular city they were In no I ^ ! » « adjusted at the time it waa huvVy to arrange a suitable flbWI for j * ^ "P ' n '- Andrews home,, it hev the Mail Plane* because it would I nevt>r•• Whlrert. repairing ex<vn<. co«t a certain siim of moitdy that » • ? , wf;f ! r t < ; o l u> h requlros \\u they leli ihey could not spiire. Lo ! Ja«-loa«a* ami ita works have not and behold, their neighboring city j Ja™ «l«nped *» the 2;» yctVrw that-across th» bay was more energetic I M ^ Andrews has owned it -xcept and t h . common Council *\ once , w b , ' u wlndUi* waa negleclrd or realising the opportunity erected a I w h ™ **« e o c k , W l l y **}"« *™1 <J

wonderful place with full ta^l t les ,» f , o m m4 D l f t c e l<> another.. It .»m« ;;MJJM!" ,

1 V , h r; ,A' ,L," lU,H,rK.h . T h r i with the result that the Poaf Office' !.n o*«r . b r " k t ! ° l v ?L , u »^P.W?!»»«

t in t s . Tliti cost of collection per The figures show that the* St. dollar would be lousidsl^abiy lower tiawVettcft^a^t^t vMa c:i eacell* If. It had not Ul!on for the large ent record | i :v i i i deaarlhiehts, and amount of goods nhtered on the free the etomody aiid effteteticy of ad-list j minlstration, wete highly oreditabla

The report glvi s the follbwlnig a * to- Co!teeto> Tu4Ioch and his staff, ditlonai statistIqii for the Ogderis-1 The statistics for the last eaten-burg-districts'Tf al entries; 59,031; dar year in the S t Lawrence dis-value of Import* $137,7M,902; val- trtet ar« ihiw b«lng complied at the in' of exports, $1 ?, 182.038.. foreign , customs h<>use and will be made vessels clearing ffor foi*elgn ports, * attiitc^wltljlh-'a ft;#'days.''

1 "fi', *n r nvyi trm m t f iWiie»i i '• .i'iAtl&"'' li*-*J"



densburg New

The, following le<| at the aunt Countysociety 4 Thursday -night

Pri-sliPnit, M

:an, Former Og , Will Ball Down the St. Law-,n; Among rence When the New Canal

ifTicera. ' . . , i la Opened.

vice president, Irederlck P. Clowe; | shipyard. ThtB Vessel will be plac second vice proyidept, (j. S. Dor-j ed in commission next September,! \ resolution authorizing

The clock stands seven leet. high.-win; third vice ('.. Miiligan; .Smith; assistant

prealdent, Kdwin Secretary, W. P.

secretary, F. P.

o<Mr«ti0 may be ( rossed.

^ULiltls may appear of Utile con to uy tittw, but the bud

get back the }>retlg« that the terminal gave them

What is there to.prevent a siml-

t-u minings; K:\vc-.

l")r 11. A. N'eMkton chairman of the tee with (jeorgt

y« RJIIPHIHV to ui now, nut the hud- lar occurrepce here, with Canton or thylijje.'ieration II.IH no better way Potsdam as Northern and Inter-to naiiitain these facts of momen- j national Terminal, and Ogdonsburg KUIM- 4nipoiiaiiee constantly before I getting the mall by bus oi train .«N»tff"* houtJ later? Think this bverj.

•ariis.: ace dt


WEATHER TIPS V brk of Forecaster Becoming;

* "•"Mote Important to I Citiaena.


MOMAWSK*. J ( l , ! i*-—The de . «>i»pj* ejut, yf aviation has\ greatly uiipttichted the value of Weath n* Mla>!AH|p • such as the Syracuse • tatfCm. hecording to. Morgan R. Snnford. observer In charge of the lot a I post In its new office on the ih#*MI( or of the federal building.

imilv reports of the weather at *\vu»i;uae are sent east and west to •ili • Melds jit Huffalo and Albanv. i'of t*te Information of air mail.

For lower Now Kugland, mjost of New 'York and central states, re* qutrem*!Hs for a cold wave In win­ter are a drop of 20 deg^'ets in 24 hours to lo above or lower. iA other seasons the , temperature must resch 24 above.

In the Adirondack region a cold wove implies, a lfl-degree irpp to

i zero or lower. I 1 Many of the forecast regulations I seem amusing to the avejalre per­

son. Observers are forbnden to make such predictions as Uleneral-

I ly fair except possible mpwers." I The term today and eyerTiig are I taboo. I

Temperature changes ara fiot pre-; dieted unless they exceed I 10 de> gr«»es in winter. R in sprllpj and 6 in summer, except durinsl periods of Intense heat and cold whj»n slight variation is Important

Specific figures do not t |eem to

ches deep. The dial i s . 10 , Inchon oerbss and la composed of a thtn sheet of wood, its fac<* is numbered -iu Human numerals un* the hours and a small dial for the seconds. There.are three hands on the clock, the hour and minute hands and a. tecund hand, they are of thin metal of ornamental design.

The dial of the clock is decorated with floral and scroll design, hand painted, rather crudely done. There is no date on the clock or any­thing to tell where or when it vat? made.

The case of the clock Is made of one inch pine hoa'rds. dressed to peVen-elghths inch, and is painted a mahogany- color, stripped with gold. The upper part has two, orna­mental post*, one at the corner. each side of the! dial, with a wood­en-ornament at the top. In front of cilia "K. Chumhi the lower part of the case l^a door ey. Mr. and Atrs 18 by 8 Inches 'Which opens to the Frederick cf tr pendulum and Weights, the penr|u- nark , Mr. -&\ii

officers were e W - ; The biggest bulk freighter on the al St. Lawrence J upper lake& will be built thia year liner In New York [-by tne Midland Shipbuilding" Co.,

| Owned by the Heyfalr interests, t'. O'Brien; first whjch also cbntfOl the'Ogdensburg

t'r'c*is surer, Charlea

saw him tall and went to his assist- j ^ J ^ ^ ^ Z t * t ? t ! ° r t ***.?? ; ^ V ^ a n w W ^ a r ^ * h « t t " S ^ b unce. He was frlaced In a ml |k; 'Jffi^J** f ^ s ; l **a? «"l*M»*; w . The District Attorney said Afe wagon and taken to his hoeie. Dr> eJ\hr^!I' ^ a B h ' l l w a l J f ! r e ( 1 wanted shooting in the s t - e t a * ^ W. O. CoQper was called and pro- '*£?*?** « i ? J ^ \ » a } J " . matubuig slopped in i h e I t t W i l t

; uounced life e*tlnc* It Was thought th e

w o fd ^ l ^ J I ^ Z T ^ ^ <* *M* ^ f e t y H n s p e e t c r s * 3 5 i death waa 4m3 to a heart attack, j ^ ^ J f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and Coveny said they chased a fcn**-Relatlves of Mr. McPberson »ald he ! I?* ffil i b & ! . D u / e U t s £ « car through Plattsham on tif« was la hie usual health when he ! ™ f <?& "*}f ™* three-fourths ^ | n q ^ m A f t t H ^ ^ t S , left the house. j°l * m , l c &*&y- Were entering the city OavenyHr-

The body was removed to the. tDdc0tte and another man stopped '«$ a shot at the tire df the fleslog jJtfcLellan undertaking parlors and in front of a store and left the car car at a distance of thirty feet. later ih the day wa« taken back to j to get some cigarettes. When thev There were's near., - f t e

l the,m>me, where Mr. MePherson ' returned riucette noticed the bui- distance between the spot -wfs&e' resided, with hts sister, Mrs. Flor- let bote in the windshield. He madn \ the shot was fired and the place ence Kelly. Another sister, M?saja complaint to Mayor J. If. Me- wheie the Ducette car was parked Ann Mcpherson of this city, and 1 Gaulley and District Attirney B. wa« BO far that "it would hare been

. two brothers, George of Prescott Loyal a'Connell, who wiotc to Co]- an utter impissibility tor t&s faf&ftt and Walter of Cleveland, also sur- lector TUllocb. asking that the nwt- to have struck it." the report fctnleV vlve, Mr. McPherson was born In ter be Investigated. Both of these Inspector Smith corroborated t«fe

jOgdensburg Feb. IS. 1887, son of officials protested agefr.nt promis- evidence -of Coveny, Ducette anfl ; James and Mary McPherson. He , cuous shooting In the streets. Gol- his companion, botn said they did jwas unmarried. - lectdr Tulioch referred the case to not hear any shots fired, the report j ~ — ~ ^ ^ — ~~ the Special Agency service and up- slates. f*%*\ i n i i W i a *%w t n v r i 9 " r e c e l v *»K Its report sent a letter ^ T O E S T A B L I S H t o M a y o r M«Oau«ey and District i v i v u f i i u u i u i i Attorney O'Conneli yesterday. In

this the collector stated that he > was "inclined to agree with you I that a!l needless discharging- of' firearms In and around 'Plattsburg '• or In other thickly settled places! should b-i restrictod.'^ He further! declared that he did not want his officers to endanger lives but on

utmost protection to citizens. After stat




the when the fall grain rush* begins, establishment of kindergarten de-and will ply between the head of partments in the city schools negtt ' Tho" ««nfrnrv t<* »tf<-* t i ­the lakes, and f o r t ;Colborne. Af- y e a r was adopted by the Board of trc tSSon^ to c i t £ ^ 1 0 , „ J t

C. , ter the new Weltattd canal is ready Ektucation at a meeting held Thurs- h f thai L h ad V 3 «tHM . . i l for use the huge ship will sail day night. One will be In the' n«w ^ against 8hooti L i T n t v i t r ^ T

was c h ^ e n down to Prescott and Ogdeneburg. Washington gi-ade school on the ofher cteselrV• MDuiated a ! ! ' executive commit-' The new freighter will be. ovor west side, which will be opened CorJ in self• dSrenap T h J * 7 « H L I « J L. Dmingham. D r . € 0 0 feet long and equipped with next September, and the other in a&ked for co-operation"so that we

W. W. Uiash, .l«bn.1fS. Welch and every modern.aid to navigation, im , the Lincoln grade school in the m a v i m „ e a n adnini-tratinn nf I t 'r serving as mem-, eluding direction finding apparatus Fourth ward. It \Vas stated, that the fa ir*8 t h a \ w i n bfJ 8aM'-fa*toVv to the •Tbomtis t*. Mill

bens. JameK H. djavauajigh wan elec-.1 for use in fogs. There will be only need for kindergarten work has ted chairman nf the membership one forward deck, this design be-., been growing for some time. coMimlUtc, wiili Miss Christina : ing adopted to lessen tho resistance ' Ths board discussed a- proposal Leudlngham. John W. McArthur, jjto winda during heavy gales on the to Install a new heating- plant in

i and Edwin Mrs. A. V. Quic Ware servlpg uduler him

Among the guests- were: Sarah M. Bhbcoi Ii. P. Baulc-h. Mi lee.' Mrs. Bessie Mr. and Mrs. It ('. Bridsall; Mr D:ivid(-S. Boyd, Krnist J. Bi».*W|i Brown, Lucrcal

Fred E CaJ BliKh rarper.'t/ Carter. Jartv^a '.

lum Is fthout'24 Inches long with u c a r k , Hon Fn-d . P . Clo^e. brass disk and swings back and forth one way to each second and each tick of the clock measures off one secoritt-'of time. The tick given out a dull sound .as of two sticks'of v.ood 'being hit together in a thin •wooden box that ean be he«rd« in


B.! lakes. The tarrying capacity will • be about 5K)0,000 bushels.

Miss k, Morris Babcdck. i s. Leslie K. Beajds-

Yerdeh Bergau. ichard Bird, Harry.

Frank C. rloes. • Charles R. Brewer, }

r. Mm. Philip H. M. Butterfield. j

<hvell. Dr. Frank | Mrr. • Katharine j

('avnnangh. Pris­ts, Ceylon G..^han-J.'H. Chihtie. Mrs. , MJ:>s OesHiUp

M:*a. RoheftJ 'Y>

Complaint About -Canadian Duties

Senate ftears of Alleged Rul-, inga td Divert Traffic

From U. S. Ports.

No. 2 school but rib action was taken. -

President W. G. Cooper presided and other members present were Commissioners Ramie, Hoard. Walsh and Akin.

citizens of the north country." The collector expressed the opinion that-top much publicity about matters of this kind "is harmful to the of­ficers in the discharge of their duty." -

A rarty of Rutland railroad of­ficials visited the city Thursday on the regular monthly inspection trtp over the northern division. Thlftr Included L. G. Morphy of Rutland, general superintendent; JT. F. Car-Hgan of Ma lone, division snpertn-tendent; Charles LaFountaln, fore­man; W. W. Wiggins, road foee-man; J. A. White, trainmaster; F. R. Bourquiu. superintendent of bridges and buildings. It was stated that the parly found the bridges and other terminal property aloifg the line in good condition. ^

The visit of the officials had no connection with terminal exten­sions in Ogden&burg or the pro­posed lake and rail grain route'to

The Special Agen^-who invest!- Bostou and Portland via Ogdens-Howard, gated the cane found no evidence of burg, according to information glV-

carelessness or promiscuous shoot- en cut at the local offices.


L?wls' A. Coffin. Miss Kuntce

D'M ?eU, Mac D. Davis, ' S. Denlson.

igham. Herbcirt H.

• n ^ r i S T n H i h a V fli«r* "Thp , , P » , r ^ h ^ J n t h p , e , t t l B t i g h t l y " i wooden box that ean tomlmVrotal and other fliers. The ^ . . d t r U | 0 ( n v . . W I i r m e r M coo ler / u 11 parts of the houfn v Burls, embrace wind veioctiy and n m u c a i y warmer cy;.cooierf w»iirhi« rn Wirt*, em di^ti'iton^. cloudiness, tain, mid snow, juid. particularly, fog.

WHIl the Increasing development «>fntbiPfc. lb** Syracuse weather ;-rUun will «aln new importance, In th" opinion of Mr. Saufoid, b^-«an»Je,,7t lleM on the east-west air ;• Htaitnd IH also a point On the pro-l < -d Washington-Ottawa air line.

Canal Shipping Aided \ via I ton is but one of the com-

nii'i«.!:«! pursuits aided by t in Syra-MI #iHW*"nthr r bureau. It is In con-stanf»'iouch with the observatory ::t 'Oui Ida lake for the protection • i Hjf\.c canal shipping. This storm 'vjirNlng post has. proved of great


ANSWERS (S1\LL Tape Bound for Michael billon,

Who Charged Wit. the Immortal 600. :

| Dillon, I'ccently

The two weights consist of *.:n i tubes'-about four inches 1(^IR ::nd i two Inches across filled with had.

and arc attached to a cord which f is lapped several times-around twe ! spools, one end attached to ihe , weights, the other end hanging . free. To wind the clock one pulls ; the. loose ends down, which raises ' the weights, gravity drawing down

the Weights, forming the motor \ rcvei- for rmviif.A, the worht; of j of the clock. The clock requires 1 winding each 4 hours.

The Meekcrs are. of Dutch 'des­cent and came to Canada when Mr. Andrew's great-grandfather. Pei'-r

jr.. 'Mr. and Mi win. H. M,-Dpru 'ov D-.r.ghis'. Mi his..-. .

Lr r -..F. Knst Kftimons. Kl::a AH'-J.-Anthony \\

Churje:* FPW gr-rahl. Kd»v: Air.. Ju'htt f liruirchce Fr'anl

W . J'. G'-M-O.

Dr. E.


Mr. *.\\(\ Mrs G?nrge L. Dill 1 ;Hii?:?>hr.i;i. 'George L. Dilllnftham.

.n. GustaVe S. Dor^ Mi. Mrs. Ksthev Tay

:. we •A .IeanetUvKvT)oug-

•jia n, Miss Blanche K. Kvaus, Mr. and

Kimtis. Ii. Kdmuiul Fits-T. Flwra;. Mr, end

Mrs. Leo Fra;ik. tit

Lowen K. ..GIHII* L;Mivn-Gf>ndiioni;h. Floyd M. Grant.

. yrncUMo greenhouses are In­formed immediately of approach-ii»n changes In temperature, s* are iruil Jealers, shippers and oMi. v

' bif.iiigss men. The station has not >«•." t»«« n called upon for reports on "n;dh» weather," as are sent out from Mine stations.

Tin J r.ecords of tb •» Syracuse sta­tion tkxtend back 2« years, and the task of ftnmmarixing them was com-jnrueif recently so that the station MOW foil,?-, the average temperature ""I mi Infill for every day in the

year. * — * Aft DtQrtte flange

UJKJ kindred degrees above and '::: iHJjmv. »eio are.the. teniperature extrciii(vi»+slia^hi In the Hvr»^»~« i ecords. <Phe highest wind recorded^ >.'b»ii ))fe;Wej|ther station was atop the HalLaf

,'f the Meeker, was d. young man, and it



With the dpath of Mieha 02, In Gananoque, OnL., another- ''last survivor"

ttucUrnl vnlu", and during the past charge.of the light brigade!*! Bala-1 was about this time that he ob *"c.-iMij-no loss of shipping was1 re- klava has gone to join his com- mined possession of GHKclock, imrtcfl on ihe lake. ' rades of the Six Hundred From)

time to time other survivojs of the famous Six Hundred havj' passed '>n, but Dillon's claim , hirb been , borne oat by the official records. ,

At least one rforthern Ntiw Yoin , resident was a!member nit the! »vorld famed unit which rffutnlned j men who "knew how to did!'- . The late Corpprat R. R. Newtoji of Og- ' — densburg witnessed that paCnage In- p<*«r F. Loftus, consulting engi-to the valley of death, ft ls dis-" «eer of Brookvillel. Pa., and former-charge papers ! markedl' "Cjtadtiet— ^ ot this city, left during^the past exemplary," testified io thie fact i w « e k f o r Alberta, British Columbia taht he couduoted hlmselfljin her- an<l Vanccuver Island, where he oic fashion on [that historic orcas- w l » ma^e «« extensive power sur-| ( , n I 'vrv for the Internatioiutl Utilities

tiorporul Newton some yjnrs ago corporation. wa« known to practically e'Jpry pe^* , **r' H f t u « , iB w e l 1 known In the «t»n in Ggdensbarg. Son of ;. profes- ^ c t r l e a l ehgineerlng field in Penn-efoiiial soldier, he joined rfie Brit- aylranto, and was recommended to

r - . Ish foot at the age of \1t aeMng sw- Jhe International Utilities by a Languages at Syracuse | v j c i , l n m a- .„v i a n m 4 ©afore he wit--.Iarlt» power corporation of that

iM»lves*!ky, was ?2 miles an hour, i n e M e t l t n o immortal cha go of! state. The assignment is an impoit-bitt Hihce^he station was moved to u K h t cavalry at Balakliva. 1*at*r on a«t one and Indicates the efficient ihe njuofflee, (he wind gauge has h€ l c a m e t 0 America-ahd enfilsted ift I Btandtn« of this young engineer in

the union army. He /was attached j his profession. • to the Sixth cavalry In wlJlch Unit, .gu

Jp | n« his absence Mr L^tus

an uncle of Caritain C. A. !>lftgs of ] f»» /be represented by. H. T. Johns-

Mi'H. G e i i r g e Mutton.

Miss Kttic

!• If i ward, Sarah E.

M G. F. Ives. Mi4fc Marjorie .Ja^dln,

Dora K. Jones, Mr, A. Jones, P. Doyle

:Wrs. Charles C. Key-

De.lsy M. Jones-, and Mrs. K;lwhf Jones, Mr. and es. Jack Keyes

Mr. and Mrs. Miss Chribitnn and Mrs. John Mrs. Benjamin Mrs. Andrew K

William J. Mt

not ro i s tered abov«» 30 miles. The pot llr»4ii the valley and Is much

more protected t'otilequenUy. no gale has been

reported In recent months. Altho c-wnniftnly used for any strong wind. Jhe word "gale" Has a de-liulte [neunlng In the weather ser­vice, t h e bureau has- adopted a standard llM of^yjAlatrengths nc-cordink to imlMFflsVnolrV, as fol­lows } .1, I W t W l a , gentle;. 13-18. motleraie; v 19 2Hw.vfresh; 26-38, strong; 3fKi4, gale; ot-75, whole gale; above 7fi, hurricane.

WeHt*rn New Y«rk and the Syra-ruse aTfea are. for weather bureau purposes, classified In the Great I^flkes^llstrtct, probably the small­est rMffnti marked off for predic­t i o n s ™

' C o l d Wave Defined "('old, wave" Is another term used

with rare In the weather bureau.

cls.C; McCarth; Carthy, Vera K McGregor, Mr*. | MucU'idlm. Mr.| Mulby, Mr. an( Miller. Mies Malloy. Blanch Klizabeth A. Charles F. NMuij Murray, Chandi,

Ajlla'n A. Griffin, Mr. I F . Gunnison,.Stan-, Mrs. Lmils Gut-

Haekett, Wel by W. I liurdy. Robert Miss ' M. Eth^lyn Henry, Frank E. ind Mrs. Walter K. IH. David E. Hoag.

'Mr. nnd Mv and Mrs. iferbo ley E (Junnir.oi mnn.

Mb-s Flora B lit.ile; R.'iben Curlis'- IhviU Hrrpei:.;. M.-W. HoiTlmaii. Mr. fl.;li. Dr. and t1 WHliam A. HOJIR. Fred S. Holbrook,

Irwin. Kate Irwin,

Muvtri::' A. Lawyer. ;. 'Ldidlnghabi, Mr s*. Lobdeli. Mr. anc Longtin, Mr. anc Lo ticks, jr.'

Arthur, Donald Mc Airburv Mlu . J* in- McArthur, Fran

this city also fought. I He was In later years tntde arm­orer at the state army here.1 He was appointed drum major of •jthe Og-densburg band and led that organi­zation In hts re!d uniform 11 parad­es and on other publle. oc< asions.


Appraisal ot the estate of the late Thomas Spratt hi being made by Harry Dunn and Ray E. Todd of the National bank staf . The work will probfrhly he com leted at an early date, when the re iott will be submitted to the county treasur­er Tor assessing the inheritance taxes.

^ i-i'AU •.^i^ii'V- r.®>'t-

. .i


ton, chief assistant engineer ot the Westlnghouse Rlectric comrany of Pittsburg. Harold VanKenhen of this city has been associated with Mr. Lqftus the past eight months artd accompanied him to Vancouver, where he will assist ih making the survey. son. H. S. Perrfgo, Dr. and Mrs;

Mr. Loftus Is the son of P. J. Lof- Wendell C. PhJllipB, Mrs. William tus, New York Cehtral agent "'" "" * n x t *""" T*-"-"

Mrs. Nora Mc oCrea, Robert M-and Mrs. J,y C. M and Mrs. Seth G

Mrs. Thomas C Virginia Blllzabetl

A. Morgan, Mis? .Morse*. Mr. BUir phy, Rev. W., H, »r Myer£, Mrs. E. L

Myers. J Dr. and MnJ. H A . Newton,

Charles NorrtsJ Suye Chiyo Obata. John.'G. O'BrieiJ.-Mr. and Mrs. John E. O'Brien. M l C . OBrien, W. G O'Brien. J,

Mr. and Mrsj William M. Patter-Mrs;

Philadelphia. at Pitts, Charles'ft. Pohl, Miss Helen arles -L. P

M. Potter, Dr. ],. F. Powell. Dr. and Mrsi Audley V.


To remove water spots from a Miss Alta Randall. Bills Randall, garment dampen the entire mater- i Frank Ryo, W.j Payson Richardson, ial evenly and press it while still j George G. Roycc Miss Carrie Doan

Rvnri. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sav&ge, W. Palmer Stilth. Dr. Richard, Eddy Sykes..Mla. Stlckney.

George A. Taft, Miss Ruth M. Van Duzer, Mr: and Mrs. O. H. Voel-

When a glass stopper sticks, pour a little glycerine around the neck and let it stand. The stop­per will soon come out easily. Ker, George O



Wagner, Mrs. Mln-

BOSTON, Jan. 26.—A complaint rmade by the MaHtime Association of the Boston Chamber ot Com-moree against alleged preferential customs Regulations effected by Canada to force traffic through Canadian j&oits has been laid before the United States Senate. As a specific instance the Maritime As­sociation protested that the Cana­dian Government has imposed a duty or 50 cents tier bunch on bana­nas imported to Canada through United States ports. No duty Is imposed if the bananas are import­ed through Canadian ports.

The port record of 1928 indicated that .100,000 bunches of ' bananas destined to Canada were handled through Boston, •

Senator David I. Walsh of Mass­achusetts, in laying the complaint before lh|B United States \Senate, Kpoks of the "serious extent to which American ports are losing ex­port business because of the dif­ference, of the methods of inspect­ing grain for .export here and In Canada,"the difference in rail and ocean freight rates and because of the preferential custom* -regula­tions being imposed by the Cana­dian Government."


MILR1EAGUE George Q. Daniels Disposes of

Plant on the Canton Road Near City.

George (J. Daniels has sold the , Junrise cheeke factory at Murphy's | ;orners„ five miles from Ogdens- j iurg on the Canton road, to the dairymen's League. The League

ill take possession this week. The factory, which is also known s Murphy's, was acquired by Mr. )aniels a year ago and was oper-ted by him In connection with he Woodford Farms milk plant in )gdensburg which was talcen over >y the League during the past sum : ner. It will be used in the sum-ner season for the manufacture of heeue and during the balance of the /ear as a fluid milk receiving sta­tion. The milk will be delivered either at Heuvelton or Ogdeusburg.

The McAuley Interests of New York have sold < the Model dairy plant in Heuvelton and their string of butter and cheese factories to the Dairymen's League. < It is understood that about' $300,000 was pahl for the properties.

Save the small scrfew-top jars in which mayonnaise and other food products are packed. They are con­venient food containers for next summer's picnics. _r .___

/ bought the Kekmator one of the things that made me hesitate* was that / wondered how long it would stand up. If 'e have now used it about four and one~ halfyearsanditis run­ning as well as when Ijirst purchased it.

The Oldest Domes e ration

Long after you buy a Kelvinator—after it has been giving you perfect automatic refrigeration for years —you will realize what, good judgment you used when you selected the system that had been giving the same perfect service to others since as for back as 1914.

/ / ' / ivi/l gladly come to your home, k'A over your refrigerator and

give you complete information about electrifying it. Call or telephone.


402-404 Ford Street pHoirc*o

e r v a T . Walling, G, Welch, Irma L. West, Rev, Robert S. Wightman, Hon. Owen D. Young,

^ v ^ ^ &k* ;^.%^ ; * • & ! & i^iP*