st. george’s a s anglican · pdf filethe anglican church of canada welcomes communicant...

Holy Communion The Anglican Church of Canada welcomes communicant members of all C been baptized with water in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Holy Communion in faith, hope and charity. Communion Hymn 229 Let all mortal flesh keep silence Communion Motet The Record of John O 1 This is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed and denied not, and said plainly, I am not the Christ. 2 And they asked him, What art thou then? Art thou Elias? And he said, I am not. Art thou the prophet? And he answered, No. 3 Then said they unto hi that we may give an answ sent us. What sayest tho he said, I am the voice of the wilderness, Make str the Lord. The Lord’s Prayer The Prayer of Thanksgiving Please stand The Gloria in Excelsis Please kneel Closing Hymn (See insert) Wake, O Wake Voluntary – Wachet auf, ruft uns di stimme, BWV 645 After the 10:30 service please stay for coffee and tea in the hall, just out t pulpit and up the cement walk. There is a wheelchair ramp off the Maitl the hall. Resources for families Nursery & Toddlers’ Church are held at the back of the churc 10:30 service. There is a small nursery for babies, and down th toddlers’ room where Toddlers’ Church takes place. Sunday School is held in the church hall. Children leave the 10 after the Creed and return for a blessing near the end of Holy C children are welcome! Services today 8 am Holy Communion begins on page 67 of the Book of Com The Collects, Epistle & Gospel for today are found on pages 10 The Introit and Gradual Psalms are printed in this bulletin. 10 am Morning Prayer begins on page 6 of the Prayer Book. Lessons: Isaiah 30:8-21; Revelation 14:13-15:4. Psalm 33. 5 pm Evensong begins on page 18 of the Prayer Book. Lessons: Isaiah 40:1-11; Luke 1:26-45. Psalm 25. Churches who have y Spirit, to receive Picardy Orlando Gibbons im, What art thou? wer unto them that ou of thyself? And f him that crieth in raight the way of page 85 pages 85, 86 page 86 Wachet auf J S Bach the door near the land Street side of ch during the he stairs there is a 0:30 service just Communion. All mmon Prayer. 02, 95 & 103. St. George’s A 2222 Brunswick St, www.roundchurch.c The Fourth Sunday in A December 22, 2013 St Welcome! Who are we? In response to the Gospel George offers a unique combination of tr commitment to Inner-City Ministry. Op Saint George’s dares to be shaped by the neighbourhood by preaching, in Word a Come join us in worship, fellowship and Anglican Church Halifax, NS B3K 2Z3 ca 902-423-1059 Advent John the Baptist, by Anton Raphael Mengs, ca. 1728 of Jesus Christ, the Parish of Saint raditional Anglican worship and a pen to the community that surrounds it, e Inner City, yet seeks to transform our and action, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. d outreach ministry.

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Holy Communion The Anglican Church of Canada welcomes communicant members of all Cbeen baptized with water in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Holy Communion in faith, hope and charity.

Communion Hymn 229 Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Communion Motet The Record of John O1 This is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed and denied not, and said plainly, I am not the Christ.

2 And they asked him, What art thou then? Art thou Elias? And he said, I am not. Art thou the prophet? And he answered, No.

3 Then said they unto hithat we may give an answsent us. What sayest thouhe said, I am the voice ofthe wilderness, Make strthe Lord.

The Lord’s Prayer

The Prayer of Thanksgiving

Please stand

The Gloria in Excelsis

Please kneel

Closing Hymn (See insert) Wake, O Wake

Voluntary – Wachet auf, ruft uns di stimme, BWV 645

After the 10:30 service please stay for coffee and tea in the hall, just out thpulpit and up the cement walk. There is a wheelchair ramp off the Maitlathe hall.

Resources for families Nursery & Toddlers’ Church are held at the back of the church10:30 service. There is a small nursery for babies, and down thetoddlers’ room where Toddlers’ Church takes place.

Sunday School is held in the church hall. Children leave the 10after the Creed and return for a blessing near the end of Holy Cchildren are welcome!

Services today 8 am Holy Communion begins on page 67 of the Book of ComThe Collects, Epistle & Gospel for today are found on pages 10The Introit and Gradual Psalms are printed in this bulletin. 10 am Morning Prayer begins on page 6 of the Prayer Book. Lessons: Isaiah 30:8-21; Revelation 14:13-15:4. Psalm 33. 5 pm Evensong begins on page 18 of the Prayer Book. Lessons: Isaiah 40:1-11; Luke 1:26-45. Psalm 25.

l Churches who have ly Spirit, to receive


Orlando Gibbons him, What art thou? swer unto them that ou of thyself? And of him that crieth in straight the way of

page 85

pages 85, 86

page 86

Wachet auf

J S Bach

t the door near the itland Street side of

rch during the the stairs there is a

10:30 service just y Communion. All

ommon Prayer. 102, 95 & 103.

St. George’s A2222 Brunswick St, www.roundchurch.c

The Fourth Sunday in ADecember 22, 2013

St J


Who are we? In response to the Gospel oGeorge offers a unique combination of trcommitment to Inner-City Ministry. OpSaint George’s dares to be shaped by theneighbourhood by preaching, in Word anCome join us in worship, fellowship and

s Anglican Church t, Halifax, NS B3K 2Z3 902-423-1059


t John the Baptist, by Anton Raphael Mengs, ca. 1728

el of Jesus Christ, the Parish of Saint f traditional Anglican worship and a pen to the community that surrounds it, e Inner City, yet seeks to transform our and action, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. d outreach ministry.

10:30 am Choral Holy Communion Setting: Missa XVII Adventus et quadragesimae (plainsong) Creed & Gloria: John Merbecke (1510-85)

Please stand for the entrance of the choir and clergy

Opening Hymn 67 On Jordan’s bank, the Baptist’s cry

The O Antiphons O Emmanuel (O God with us) O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver, the Desire of all nationsSalvation: Come and save us, O Lord, our God. O Virgo virginum (O Virgin of virgins) O Virgin of virgins, how shall this be? For neither before thee wnor shall there be after. Daughters of Jerusalem, why marvel yewhich ye behold is a divine mystery.

The ancient "O Antiphons" have been used by Christians for the last 13focus our prayer on Old Testament prophecies of Christ.

The Lighting of the Advent Wreath

Introit Psalm 19:1-6

THE HEAVENS DE-clare the glo-ry of God; / and the firmament show-eth his han-dy-work.

One day tell-eth a-no-ther; / and one night certi-fi-eth a

There is neither speech nor lan-guage; / their voice can-not

Yet their sound is gone out in-to all lands; /

and their words into the ends of the world.

In them hath he set a tab-er^na^cle^for the sun; / which cbridegroom out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a gi^ant to

It goeth forth from the uttermost part of the heaven, an

about unto the end of^it a-gain; / and there is nothing hheat there-of.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, / and to the Ho-ly

As it was in the beginning, is now, and e-ver shall be, /

world with-out end. A-men.

Please kneel

The Lord's Prayer and Collect for Purity

The Summary of the Law

The Kyrie Kyrie eleison, Lord have mercy upon us, Christe eleison, Christ have mercy upon us, Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy upon us.

Winchester New

ns, and their

e was any like thee, ye at me? The thing

1300 years. They

See purple insert

tone III.6

h a-no-ther.

ot be heard;

cometh forth as a to run his course.

and runneth

g hid from the

ly Ghost;

page 67

page 69

page 70 s,

The Collects

Please kneel

The Epistle (Philippians 4:4)

Please stand

Gradual Psalm 145:18-22

THE LORD IS righteous in all his wand gracious in all his^works~~.

The Lord is nigh unto all them tha

yea, all such as call up-on him faith

He will fulfill the desire of them thatand he will hear their cry, and will he

The Lord preserveth all them that

but scattereth abroad all the un-go

My mouth shall speak the praise of thand let all flesh give thanks unto h

The Advent Prose follows immediately. (See

The Holy Gospel (St John 1:19)

The Nicene Creed

The Sermon

Offertory Hymn 60 Lo! he comes wit

After the biddings, please kneel

The Prayer of Intercession & Invitatio

The Confession

The Absolution, Comfortable Words, The Sanctus and Benedictus Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, H Dominus Deus Sabaoth, Lo Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. H Hosanna in excelsis. H Benedictus qui venit Bl in nomine Domini: in Hosanna in excelsis. H

The Prayer of Consecration & Pax

The Prayer of Humble Access

The Agnus Dei Agnus dei, qui tollis peccata O mundi, miserere nobis. (repeat) of Agnus dei, qui tollis peccata O mundi, dona nobis pacem. of

pages 102, 95

page 102

tone I.5

ways, /

at call up-on him, / th^ful^ly~~.

at fear him: / help^them~~.

at love him; / od^ly~~.

the Lord: / his holy Name for e-ver and e^ver~~.

ee insert “Drop Down, ye Heavens…”)

page 103

pages 71, 72

The Rev’d Jim Purchase

with clouds descending Helmsley

tion to Confession pages 75, 76

page 77

, & Thanksgiving pages 77, 78 page 81 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is eth n the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

pages 82, 83

pages 83, 84

page 84 O Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us. (repeat) O Lamb of God, that takest away the sin of the world, grant us thy peace.

Soup Kitchen Update for Saturday, Dec 14th December 14th: Team 5, led by Mary Hills.

The meal: 109 served. The meal was provided by Feed NS.

Yesterday, December 21st: Team 6, led by Michal King and Michelle Gabriel. Meal provided by St Thomas’s, Fall River.

This week, December 28th: Team 1, led by Maxine Miles. Meal provided by Sysco.

Sexton / Trinity House Notice ONE of THREE positions has been filled in Trinity House. One person has agreed to fill the split role of the Sexton position. This means we still need another two people to help with security and management of Trinity House. The departure of John Overton and Helen Chandler is imminent so please let us know if anything comes to mind. All suggestions and solicitations welcome. Please continue to pray for a successful outcome in helping fill these roles. Contact Jane Mills (463-7559 / [email protected]) or John-Mark Dawson ( 483-0349 / [email protected]).

Offering Envelopes for 2014 Envelopes are now available for pick-up at the back of the church. Please make sure that the name and address on your envelope box is as you would wish it to appear on your 2013 tax receipt. If you wish to use envelopes for 2014 but have not yet been assigned a number, please contact Jennifer Dyck (404-6649 or [email protected]). If you wish to set up direct debit offerings to the parish, please contact Jan Connors, treasurer ([email protected]). Thanks, Jen Dyck

Thank you to Anne West YouthNet thanks Anne West for her many years of service as she steps down from her work as a fundraiser. Among many other tasks, Anne has served on the Board, written many successful grant applications, built and maintained a donor database and met with donors. She has mentored staff and board members on how to write grants and support donors. We will continue to seek her valuable advice. There is no adequate way to express our gratitude.

Thank you so much, from the children, staff and board of St George's YouthNet!

St. George’s Anglican Church

2222 Brunswick St, Halifax, NS B3K 2Z3 ph: 423-1059 f: 423-0897 parish office hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

Priest-in-Charge: Rev’d James Purchase 455-1888 [email protected] Parish Admin: Elisabeth Kleven 423-1059 [email protected] Warden: Kevin Gibson Warden: Jane Mills [email protected] Warden: Gwynedd Pickett [email protected] Music Director: Garth MacPhee 421-1705 [email protected] Treasurer: Jan Connors [email protected] Finance Chair: Mike Himmelman [email protected] Sexton: John Overton 718-7119 [email protected] YouthNet: Carolyn Carson 422-4614 [email protected] Envelope Secretary: Jennifer Dyck Altar Guild: Tracy Lenfesty [email protected] Sunday School: Andrea Lee [email protected]

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Sun – Yokohama (Japan): The Rt Rev’d Laurence Yutaka Minabe Mon – Yola (Nigeria): The Rt Rev’d Markus Ibrahm Tues – York (England): The Most Rev’d & Rt Hon Dr John Sentamu; Beverley: The Rt Rev’d Glyn Webster; Hull: The Rt Rev’d Richard Frith; Selby: The Rt Rev’d Martin Wallace; Whitby: Vacant Wed – Ysabel (Melanesia): The Rt Rev’d Richard Naramana Thurs – Yukon (Canada): The Rt Rev’d Larry David Robertson Fri – Zaria (Nigeria): The Rt Rev’d Cornelius Salifu Bello; Biam: The Rt Rev’d Benjamin Vager Sat – Zanzibar (Tanzania): The Rev’d Michael Hafidh

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Northumberland, NS: Archdeacon Glenn Eason, Priest-in-Charge; the Rev’d Bill Cook, Assistant Priest; and the Rev’d Kathryn Cook, Deacon; at St George’s, St John the Baptist, St Andrew’s, All Souls, and Holy Trinity St John’s, Truro, NS: The Rev’d Lori Ramsay and the Rev’d Gary Yetman, Assistant Priest

In special need: Johanna, Jackie, Elsie, Myrtle, Earl, Fr George, Jennifer, Abby, Barbara, Terri, Tanya, Carole, David, William, Rick, Shirley, Corrine, Ken, Patris, Ann, Shannon, Ann and Ian, the Rev’d Laura, and Matt.

For continuing prayers: Brian, Catherine, Lowell, Ernie, Peter, Steve, Dick, Alan, Abby, Mike, Lindsay and Claire, and Rita.

Faithful Departed: Evangeline Mary Giles (‘03), Lloyd Tiley (’09), Barbara Elizabeth Conrod (‘10), Daina Kulnys (’12), Barbara Stevenson (’13), John Hammond (’13).

St. George’s Anglican Church

Notices & Announcements

December 22nd, 2013

The Fourth Sunday in Advent

Worship schedule

Daily Offices (Round Church) �Morning Prayer: Mon – Fri 7:30 am �Evening Prayer: Mon – Fri 5:30 pm Said Holy Communion: Wed, 10 am Evensong: Sun, 5 pm

Upcoming Services Tuesday, December 24th ����The Feast of the Nativity (Christmas Eve) 4:00 pm Children & Families' Christmas Pageant All are welcome to join this service. Children of all ages are especially welcome and encouraged to participate in the pageant (no preparation required). 10:30 pm Special Music (string quartet and soloists) 11:00 pm Midnight Mass for Christmas Eve

Wednesday, December 25th ����Christmas Day 10:00 am Morning Prayer 10:30 am Choral Holy Communion

Thurs-Sat, December 26-28 Feasts of St Stephen the Martyr, St John the Apostle & Evangelist, and The Innocents’ Day 10:00 am Said Holy Communion each day

Wednesday, January 1st Octave Day of Christmas and the Circumcision of Our Lord 10:00 am Said Holy Communion

Sunday, January 5th ����Second Sunday after Christmas 5:00 pm Nine Lessons & Carols Choral music and congregational carols, with works by Howells, Britten, Wishart, Darke, and more. Featuring the Parish Choir, the Junior Choir, and Ellen Gibling on concert harp.

The Lessons appointed for the Daily Offices for this week are found on pages xvi and xvii of the Book of Common Prayer.

Coffee-drinkers owe many thanks to John Krell, who procured a new coffee urn for us this week when ours broke down last weekend!

After-church carol singing After the 10:30am service next Sunday, December 29th, our music director Garth MacPhee will lead those assembled for coffee hour in a time of carol singing. If you can, please bring a few extra treats to supplement our usual tasty coffee hour fare.

Church Calendars sold out! We may order more, but only if we hear from people soon! Please contact the Parish Office right away if you’d like one.

Messiah from Scratch with the Chebucto Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Eszter Horvath Friday, Dec 27, 2pm at Faith Tabernacle (Windsor St at Summit, opposite Sobey’s)

$10 refundable deposit for vocal score, $10 participation

The young and the old, the tall and the small are all invited to participate in the 35th Annual Messiah from Scratch! Participation is open to any musician or singer who wishes to attend. Proceeds will be shared amongst FEED NOVA SCOTIA and other charities. Food donations also accepted!

Soloists include a St George’s own Elisabeth Kleven (Soprano), Andrew Pickett (Countertenor), and Garth MacPhee (Tenor).

2013 Tax Receipts and Change of Address To ensure your 2013 tax receipts are accurate, please inform the office or envelope secretary (information on the back of this bulletin) of any address changes that have occurred since 2012.

Helen Chandler and John Overton to be wed The Rev’d Deacon Helen Chandler and John Overton invite the parishioners of St George’s to join them to celebrate their covenanted relationship and official Anglican wedding. The service will be held Friday, December 27th at 3pm in St John’s Anglican Church in Lunenburg. All are welcome!

A note from Patricia Martinson Several Sundays past, at the Fellowship time in the hall, I loaned two DVDs to a member of St George’s congregation. Who was this person? Memory does not serve me in this matter. You know who you are, and that you have the recordings: “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” and some of my own writing. It will please me greatly if you will return them as soon as possible. – Captain Pat

Discovering the Treasure of Advent One good way to get more from the season of Advent is to read one or more of the daily readings for the season (pg xvi in the Prayer Book) with the aid of the Commentaries from St Peter's publications, copies of which are available at the back of the Church. Feel free to take one. Your prayers can be guided by the family prayers on pages 728 or 730 of the BCP.

Financial Update from last week In recent Sundays over $10,101 has been received in undesignated offerings. THANK YOU! That reduces what we still need between now and the end of December to $32,900. This amount is not a current or projected deficit. This is what we need between now and December 31st to pay our December bills, taking all our known and obligatory expenses into account, including sufficient oil to keep our church and hall modestly comfortable.

Every offering, small or large, will contribute to our goal to end the year without a deficit. Your extra toonie or $5 bill is not too little, nor is an extraordinary gift too large. On December 22nd, 24th/25th, and 29th please contribute prayerfully what you and your family can toward our extraordinary ministry and mission at St. George’s.

Upcoming Concerts Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir Sun, Dec 22 at 7:00 pm – St Andrew’s United, Halifax To Bethlehem with Kings: A traditional and heart-warming evening of carols for Christmas. Tickets $10.

Prayer During the Vacancy of a Pastoral Charge ALMIGHTY God, who knowest the needs of thy Church in every place: Look graciously at this time upon the people of this parish; and give to them a faithful Pastor, who shall feed thy flock according to thy will, and make ready a people acceptable unto thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Shoeboxes for Seafarers: Final Count The parish delivered 47 boxes for Shoeboxes for Seafarers, and Edmonds delivered 50.

Further thoughts on the readings for Advent 4

Joy in the Lord should diffuse itself over the whole of a Christian’s life. A person’s look, manner, work, worship, should, if possible, all be cheerful. A Christian in a state of grace has a right, as no other person has a right, to be in high spirits. Nowhere does the New Testament imply that there is a special sort of spirituality in moroseness and gloom; and gloom is least appropriate in those solemn duties which, more than any other, express our relations to and feelings towards the Source of our joy. The brighter public worship can be, the more Christian it is….

The Psalms are full of this language. What does it mean, but that the worship no less than the life of those who use it should be uniformly joyous? Pray then, brethren, for this great grace, before the Christmas Festival is upon us. Pray that, through God’s pardoning mercy in Christ, you may have a right to it. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit; ask Him for it. The first works of the Spirit, says the Apostle, are love and joy. (Gal. v. 22.) “Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost;” (Rom. xiv. 17.) this is the Kingdom of God within the soul of man. This great grace will not be refused us if we ask for it; we shall experience…a tranquil, yet strong emotion, which like a river, bearing the soul upon its surface, sparkles brightly as the beams of the Sun of Righteousness fall upon it, while slowly, but surely, it pursues its way towards the ocean of Eternity. For there is the end. There, at the last, in His Presence is the fulness of joy; and at His Right Hand are pleasures for evermore. (Ps. xvi. 12.)

- H.P. Liddon, from a sermon called Joy in the Lord