st joachim’s catholic parish€¦ · retreat at mt carmel retreat centre, 247 st andrews road,...

Planned Giving Program Request Form Your contribution to the Planned Giving Program of the Parish is your appreciation for the Parish. At the end of the Financial Year you will receive a Receipt for your contri- butions which will enable you to claim 25% Tax deduction. To join the Planned Giving Program fill this form, tear this part off and place it in the Sunday Collection plate (or contact Parish Office 9649 7030) Your Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Address: ……………………………………………………………………………. Telephone No ………………………… Email ……………………………...… Yes, please organise a set of envelopes. YES/NO Tax deduction Yes, please organise automatic credit card deductions. (An authority form will be sent for completion) Reminders: Mon 04/06 - final info night for parents/children participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation Thurs 07/06 - Confirmation Retreat day Sat 09/06 - Confirmation @ 1pm in church Parish Priest Rev Fr Eduardo de Pedro Orilla [email protected] Assistant Priest (p/t): Rev Fr Emmanuel Lubega Parish Secretary : Catherine Chia [email protected] Bookkeeper / Accounts : Esther Esber [email protected] Youth Co-ordinators: John Corpuz/Teresa Winata [email protected] Liturgy Co-ordinator: John Fenech Sacramental Co-ordinator: Sr Nory Ordiz, CM RCIA Co-ordinator: Anne Hay Children’s Liturgy : Patricia Balatbat School Principal: Ms Carolyn Parsell Phone: 9646 1310 Fax: 9646 2139 email: [email protected] Family Educator: Dominique Sherley RE Co-ordinator: Jeanelle Richards Parish Pastoral Council : Geoff Barrett Finance Committee : Vladimir Lesic Parish Building Com: Joseph Nguyen CCD Co-ordinators: Lidcombe - Teresa Azzi Newington - Eileen Gallagher WE COME TOGETHER TO ENCOUNTER GOD, WELCOMING ONE ANOTHER JOYFULLY IN ACTIVE SERVICE The Most Holy Trinity (B) Theme: communion with one and triune god 27 May 2018 Rosters 19May 2018 26 May 2018 Altar Society Lourdes Wang Mabel & friends Church Cleaner ARC ARC This Week : 26/27 May 2018 Week 4 Ministry Sat 5pm Sun 10am Sun 5 pm Sun 8am Music Groups SFC Singles for Christ SJ Multicultural David & Co Sacred Heart Readers Uina / Rachel Anne / Andrew Diane / Mabel Rhonda / Denise Ministers of Holy Communion Mick G Catherine / Yuve Thea / Christine D Anne / Katerina Acolytes Nilo Vincent Norman Victor / Peter Altar Servers Jessica Naomie/ Thashalla/Philip/ Nicholas Monica Gabriel Next Week: 02/03 June 2018 Week 1 Ministry Sat 5pm Sun 10am Sun 5pm Sun 8am Music Groups Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sts Joachim & Anne Congregation Readers Mick G Andrew / Lina Mabel A Fred / Ruby Ministers of Holy Communion Tea / Petronella Janey / Lynh Teresa / Alda Steve / Francisca Acolytes Mick M Yuve Norman Peter / Victor Altar Servers Jessica / Alison Shirley/Thomas/ Ariel / Kayla Monica Gabriel OFFICE HOURS: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, & THURSDAY only 09:30am to 03:30pm PLEASE RING or EMAIL the Parish Office for anything … Mass Intentions—drop in the mailbox or collection baskets. Weddings: minimum 6 months notice. Baptisms: held only on 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. Berala on the Park 3rd Friday @11am / Canberra Nursing Home - 4th Friday @ 11am If anyone needs Holy Communion /Home Visits please contact the office to make arrangements. Mass Schedule at St Joachim Children’s Liturgy 2018 Possums Koalas Kangas 27th May Gilda Teresa Carolyn 03rd June Pat B Naomie / Erica Carolyn LET US PRAY FOR: Recently Returned to the Father : Jose Ilidio Lima De Sa, Joyce Belmonte Peña, Death Anniversary: Queenie Righton, Jessie Murphy, Armando Riel, Ian Travis Wakeley, Joseph Ngoc Dinh Pham, Ines B Martin, Ivan Zeljkovic, Raymond Shaw, Imelda Ronan In Loving Memory of: deceased members of the Keating family, Mary Willis, Dominic Wang, Maria Huang, Jimmy & Winnie Acton, Alwyn Matthews, Nino & Santina Luci, Christopher Rowe, Dorothy M Roll, Jure Zeljkovic, Anne Shaw, Aileen Bartlett, Elizabeth Guilfoyle, Ivy McIvney, Maria Nesci, relatives & friends of Roll family, Melville, Frank & Lucy Rodrigues, Robert, Mathilda & Ralph Hewett NB: Please let the Parish Office know when circumstances change Sick & Infirmed: Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Fr Graham Kings, Gary Mulligan, Shirley O‘Brien, Madeline Mitchell, Val Jenkins, Sr Joan Harrison rsj, Leila Ismay, Michael Tucker, Maria Hen- son, Rosemary Gaynor, Eileen Kenny, Zahra Bourke, Leila Mitchell, Gwen Ross, Peter Maher, Maurice Malfitana, Ivanka Cesjar, Ava Sara, Betty Rooney, Janine Garan, Frances Reid, Fiona Sutherland, Bernadette Driessen, Peter Walters Thanksgiving/ Birthday: Joseph & Mary Mai, Pearlin Teema & Arun Holy Rosary: Next Rosary gathering will be hosted by Kathy Irga on Tuesday 29th May in 28 Matthew Rd. Lidcombe. Please call Daisy on 0433 544 431 if you would like to host the Ro- sary OR write your details on the sheet placed before our Lady’s altar. 133 Years of Pastoral Care 1885 – 2018 St Joachim’s Catholic Parish Phone: 9649 7030 2 Mills Street, Lidcombe 2141 NSW, Australia Fax: 9646 1125 Parish website: Heartbeats from your Parish Priest Fr Eduardo With the Easter candle extinguished, we are back into Ordinary Time, and the green colour pervades our litur- gical space/church these days (unless of course there will be special feasts of saints or martyrs). The Church closes the long Lent–Eastertide liturgical season with a feast that invites us to sit back and reflect upon the nature of God as revealed in the Paschal mystery: the feast of the Holy Trinity. It is, of course, through the experience of that mystery and subsequent theological- and our personal reflection upon it that the early Chris- tians came to know God as three Persons in the one divine essence. The doctrine of the Trinity is not, then, an arid theological puzzle but a necessary conclusion from a sense of being grasped by and held within a divine communion of love. For all the terrors it might inspire in the hearts of many believers on its yearly round, it is a feast about the nearness rather than the remoteness of God The WORD OF GOD in a nutshell The readings of today‘s feast of the most holy Trinity reveal the great gift being offered to us – communion with God. We are offered a share in the very life of the divine community that is God: Father, Son and Spirit. In the 1st Reading, Mo- ses kindles in the people a realisation that God is so close as to be heard. His voice is one that chooses and calls the peo- ple to fullness of life. The Psalm echoes this theme. We are the Lord‘s own chosen people—this is what fills us with hope. The 2nd Reading explains how such a gift comes about. Only by the power of the Spirit, as children of God, are we able to cry ‗Abba, Father‘. Finally, the Gospel shows what this gift means – we are not to rest easy as heirs of God, but to go out to every nation, sharing the gift by inviting others into the same communion with God. Sun 27/05 8:00am Mass 10:00am Mass 11:30am Baptisms 5:00pm Mass Mon 28/05 9:00am Mass /Rosary Tues 29/05 9:00am Mass Wed 30/05 6:00pm Transfer of Bl Sac / Rosary 6:30pm Novena 7:00pm Mass 7:30pm Legion of Mary Thurs 31/05 9:00am Mass/Rosary Fri 01/06 9:00am Mass 7:30pm 1st Friday Devotions (Adoration & Confessions) 8:30pm Mass + All Night Vigil Sat 02/06 6:00am Closing Mass 9:00am Josephite Mass (include Anointing of the Sick) 11:30am NUSPAS 4:30pm Confession 5:00pm Vigil Mass Retreat at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville Ph: 02 8795 3400 Email: [email protected] Immersed in your beauty Presenter: Sr Nory Ordiz, CM Jun 2: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Cost: $30 Pick-ups from Minto train station at 930am & 10am (please remember to bring your own lunch) ―Let us rejoice, Beloved, and let us go forth to be- hold ourselves in your beauty…‖ (Stanza 36, Spir- itual Canticle). St John of the Cross sees each per- son as gifted, with great potential. Reflecting on his poems, especially the Spiritual Canticle, he will lead us to the discovery of our true and authentic self which is full of God‘s beauty. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 5—16th January 2019 (Escorted by Rev Fr Eduardo Orilla) (includes return flights with Etihad Airways) Pilgrimage Highlights: Jericho, Mt Nebo, Bethlehem, Mt Beati- tudes, Petra, Holy Sites of Nazareth, Renewal of Baptismal Promis- es in Cana, Walk the Via Dolorosa (Way of the Cross) where our Lord walked, Sea of Tiberias, Masada, Israel Museum, view the preserved “Jesus Boat” and embark on the Sea o f Galilee, have a float in the Dead Sea, among others. Deposit $350 end of May 2018 Final Payment October 2018 Contact: Parish Office 96497030 Fr Eduardo: 0404085737 Olive Tree Travel: 1300550830 or (03)84889696 SYRIAN AND IRAQI REFUGEES EM- POWERMENT PROJECT - The Edmund Rice Centre invites you to come and learn about opportunities available (eg. services, assistance and support for resettlement and integration; connect to employment service providers, training programs, business support) to Syrian and Iraqi refugee com- munities in Sydney on Tuesday 29 May @5pm - 7pm in the Patrician Brothers‘ College, 268 The Horsley Dr. Fairfield. To register please call the Edmund Rice Centre on 8762 4200 or email at [email protected] Light refreshments will be provid- ed at this event. 27th of May - We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become (Saint Clare of Assisi) - for the World Meeting of Families in Dublin on 21-26 August 2018) PILGRIMAGE OF HOPE TO EUROPE Fr. Praveen Paul would like to invite you for a 17- day pilgrimage that he is leading featuring Avila, Fatima, Santiago, Santander, Lourdes, Milan, Pad- ua, Assisi and Rome departing on 15th August, 2018 for an all-inclusive price of $7200. Call now for early-bird discount of $1000. Optional extension to Medjugorje / Padre Pio & Lanciano available. Next pilgrimage to Europe departs on 7 th October 2018 at same price. This fare includes Return Airfares + Local Transfers + Stay in 4 Star Hotels + All Breakfasts & Dinners. Tips and Single Supplements not included. For enquiries & bookings call 0406760680 & 1300721561 or email [email protected] The Liturgy Office of the Sydney Archdiocese is offering formation courses for Extraordinary Minis- ters of Holy Communion over 2 sessions (7th & 14th July) and Acolytes over 3 sessions (4, 11 & 18 Aug) that are to be conducted at St Charles Borromeo. Please see Fr Eduardo for a registration form if you are interested. A copy of your Baptism Certificate is required to be at- tached to your registration form. Cardinal from Myanmar at St Mary’s Cathedral Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, S.D.B., Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar will be celebrating Mass at St Mary‘s Ca- thedral on Sunday 10th June 2018 at 10:30am. The Cardinal is an official guest of Catholic Mission who will be holding their annual mission appeal over the weekend of 9th and 10th June. Please join us in warmly welcoming Cardinal Bo to St Mary‘s Cathedral as we look forward to hearing more about the ‗education revolution‘ in Myanmar.

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Page 1: St Joachim’s Catholic Parish€¦ · Retreat at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville Ph:02 8795 3400 Email: Immersed in your beauty Presenter:

Planned Giving Program Request Form Your contribution to the Planned Giving Program of the Parish is your appreciation for the Parish. At the end of the Financial Year you will receive a Receipt for your contri-butions which will enable you to claim 25% Tax deduction. To join the Planned Giving Program fill this form, tear this part off and place it in the Sunday Collection plate (or contact Parish Office 9649 7030)

Your Name: …………………………………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………….

Telephone No ………………………… Email ……………………………...… Yes, please organise a set of envelopes. YES/NO Tax deduction

Yes, please organise automatic credit card deductions. (An authority form will

be sent for completion)

Reminders: Mon 04/06 - final info night for parents/children participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation Thurs 07/06 - Confirmation Retreat day Sat 09/06 - Confirmation @ 1pm in church

Parish Priest Rev Fr Eduardo de Pedro Orilla [email protected]

Assistant Priest (p/t): Rev Fr Emmanuel Lubega

Parish Secretary : Catherine Chia

[email protected]

Bookkeeper / Accounts : Esther Esber

[email protected]

Youth Co-ordinators: John Corpuz/Teresa Winata

[email protected]

Liturgy Co-ordinator: John Fenech Sacramental Co-ordinator: Sr Nory Ordiz, CM

RCIA Co-ordinator: Anne Hay

Children’s Liturgy : Patricia Balatbat

School Principal: Ms Carolyn Parsell Phone: 9646 1310 Fax: 9646 2139

email: [email protected]

Family Educator: Dominique Sherley

RE Co-ordinator: Jeanelle Richards

Parish Pastoral Council : Geoff Barrett

Finance Committee : Vladimir Lesic

Parish Building Com: Joseph Nguyen

CCD Co-ordinators:

Lidcombe - Teresa Azzi

Newington - Eileen Gallagher


The Most Holy Trinity (B) Theme: communion with one and triune god 27 May 2018

Rosters 19May 2018 26 May 2018

Altar Society Lourdes Wang Mabel & friends

Church Cleaner ARC ARC

This Week : 26/27 May 2018 Week 4

Ministry Sat 5pm Sun 10am Sun 5 pm Sun 8am

Music Groups SFC Singles for

Christ SJ Multicultural David & Co Sacred Heart

Readers Uina / Rachel Anne / Andrew Diane / Mabel Rhonda / Denise

Ministers of Holy

Communion Mick G Catherine / Yuve

Thea /

Christine D Anne / Katerina

Acolytes Nilo Vincent Norman Victor / Peter

Altar Servers Jessica




Monica Gabriel

Next Week: 02/03 June 2018 Week 1

Ministry Sat 5pm Sun 10am Sun 5pm Sun 8am

Music Groups Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sts Joachim &

Anne Congregation

Readers Mick G Andrew / Lina Mabel A Fred / Ruby

Ministers of Holy

Communion Tea / Petronella Janey / Lynh Teresa / Alda Steve / Francisca

Acolytes Mick M Yuve Norman Peter / Victor

Altar Servers Jessica / Alison Shirley/Thomas/

Ariel / Kayla Monica


OFFICE HOURS: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, & THURSDAY only 09:30am to 03:30pm PLEASE RING or EMAIL the Parish Office for anything … Mass Intentions—drop in the mailbox or collection baskets. Weddings: minimum 6 months notice.

Baptisms: held only on 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. Berala on the Park 3rd Friday @11am / Canberra Nursing Home - 4th Friday @ 11am If anyone needs Holy Communion /Home Visits please contact the office to make arrangements.

Mass Schedule at St Joachim

Children’s Liturgy 2018 Possums Koalas Kangas

27th May Gilda Teresa Carolyn 03rd June Pat B Naomie / Erica Carolyn


Recently Returned to the Father : Jose Ilidio Lima De Sa, Joyce Belmonte Peña,

Death Anniversary: Queenie Righton, Jessie Murphy, Armando Riel, Ian Travis Wakeley, Joseph Ngoc Dinh Pham, Ines B Martin, Ivan Zeljkovic, Raymond Shaw, Imelda Ronan

In Loving Memory of: deceased members of the Keating family, Mary Willis, Dominic Wang, Maria Huang, Jimmy & Winnie Acton, Alwyn Matthews, Nino & Santina Luci, Christopher Rowe, Dorothy M Roll, Jure Zeljkovic, Anne Shaw, Aileen Bartlett, Elizabeth Guilfoyle, Ivy McIvney, Maria Nesci, relatives & friends of Roll family, Melville, Frank & Lucy Rodrigues, Robert, Mathilda & Ralph Hewett

NB: Please let the Parish Office know when circumstances change

Sick & Infirmed: Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Fr Graham Kings, Gary Mulligan, Shirley O‘Brien, Madeline Mitchell, Val Jenkins, Sr Joan Harrison rsj, Leila Ismay, Michael Tucker, Maria Hen-son, Rosemary Gaynor, Eileen Kenny, Zahra Bourke, Leila Mitchell, Gwen Ross, Peter Maher, Maurice Malfitana, Ivanka Cesjar, Ava Sara, Betty Rooney, Janine Garan, Frances Reid, Fiona Sutherland, Bernadette Driessen, Peter Walters Thanksgiving/ Birthday: Joseph & Mary Mai, Pearlin Teema & Arun

Holy Rosary: Next Rosary gathering will be hosted by Kathy Irga on Tuesday 29th May in 28 Matthew Rd. Lidcombe. Please call Daisy on 0433 544 431 if you would like to host the Ro-sary OR write your details on the sheet placed before our Lady’s altar.

133 Years of Pastoral Care 1885 – 2018

St Joachim’s Catholic Parish

Phone: 9649 7030 2 Mills Street, Lidcombe 2141 NSW, Australia Fax: 9646 1125

Parish website:

Heartbeats from your Parish Priest Fr Eduardo With the Easter candle extinguished, we are back into Ordinary Time, and the green colour pervades our litur-gical space/church these days (unless of course there will be special feasts of saints or martyrs). The Church closes the long Lent–Eastertide liturgical season with a feast that invites us to sit back and reflect upon the nature of God as revealed in the Paschal mystery: the feast of the Holy Trinity. It is, of course, through the experience of that mystery and subsequent theological- and our personal reflection upon it that the early Chris-tians came to know God as three Persons in the one divine essence. The doctrine of the Trinity is not, then, an arid theological puzzle but a necessary conclusion from a sense of being grasped by and held within a divine communion of love. For all the terrors it might inspire in the hearts of many believers on its yearly round, it is a feast about the nearness rather than the remoteness of God

The WORD OF GOD in a nutshell The readings of today‘s feast of the most holy Trinity reveal the great gift being offered to us – communion with God. We are offered a share in the very life of the divine community that is God: Father, Son and Spirit. In the 1st Reading, Mo-ses kindles in the people a realisation that God is so close as to be heard. His voice is one that chooses and calls the peo-ple to fullness of life. The Psalm echoes this theme. We are the Lord‘s own chosen people—this is what fills us with hope. The 2nd Reading explains how such a gift comes about. Only by the power of the Spirit, as children of God, are we able to cry ‗Abba, Father‘. Finally, the Gospel shows what this gift means – we are not to rest easy as heirs of God, but to go out to every nation, sharing the gift by inviting

others into the same communion with God.

Sun 27/05

8:00am Mass 10:00am Mass 11:30am Baptisms 5:00pm Mass

Mon 28/05 9:00am Mass /Rosary

Tues 29/05 9:00am Mass

Wed 30/05

6:00pm Transfer of Bl Sac / Rosary 6:30pm Novena 7:00pm Mass 7:30pm Legion of Mary

Thurs 31/05 9:00am Mass/Rosary

Fri 01/06 9:00am Mass 7:30pm 1st Friday Devotions (Adoration & Confessions) 8:30pm Mass + All Night Vigil

Sat 02/06 6:00am Closing Mass 9:00am Josephite Mass (include Anointing of the Sick) 11:30am NUSPAS 4:30pm Confession 5:00pm Vigil Mass

Retreat at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, 247 St Andrews Road, Varroville

Ph: 02 8795 3400 Email: [email protected] Immersed in your beauty

Presenter: Sr Nory Ordiz, CM Jun 2: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Cost: $30 Pick-ups from Minto train station at 930am & 10am (please remember to bring your own lunch) ―Let us rejoice, Beloved, and let us go forth to be-hold ourselves in your beauty…‖ (Stanza 36, Spir-itual Canticle). St John of the Cross sees each per-son as gifted, with great potential. Reflecting on his poems, especially the Spiritual Canticle, he will lead us to the discovery of our true and authentic self which is full of God‘s beauty.

HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 5—16th January 2019 (Escorted by Rev Fr Eduardo Orilla)

(includes return flights with Etihad Airways) Pilgrimage Highlights: Jericho, Mt Nebo, Bethlehem, Mt Beati-

tudes, Petra, Holy Sites of Nazareth, Renewal of Baptismal Promis-es in Cana, Walk the Via Dolorosa (Way of the Cross) where our Lord walked, Sea of Tiberias, Masada, Israel Museum, view the preserved “Jesus Boat” and embark on the Sea o f Galilee, have a float in the Dead Sea, among others.

Deposit $350 end of May 2018 Final Payment October 2018 Contact: Parish Office 96497030 Fr Eduardo: 0404085737 Olive Tree Travel: 1300550830 or (03)84889696

SYRIAN AND IRAQI REFUGEES EM-POWERMENT PROJECT - The Edmund Rice Centre invites you to come and learn about opportunities available (eg. services, assistance and

support for resettlement and integration; connect to employment service providers, training programs, business support) to Syrian and Iraqi refugee com-munities in Sydney on Tuesday 29 May @5pm - 7pm in the Patrician Brothers‘ College, 268 The Horsley Dr. Fairfield. To register please call the Edmund Rice Centre on 8762 4200 or email at [email protected] Light refreshments will be provid-ed at this event.

27th of May - We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become (Saint Clare of Assisi) - for the World Meeting of Families in Dublin on 21-26 August 2018)

PILGRIMAGE OF HOPE TO EUROPE Fr. Praveen Paul would like to invite you for a 17-day pilgrimage that he is leading featuring Avila, Fatima, Santiago, Santander, Lourdes, Milan, Pad-ua, Assisi and Rome departing on 15th August, 2018 for an all-inclusive price of $7200. Call now for early-bird discount of $1000. Optional extension to Medjugorje / Padre Pio & Lanciano available. Next pilgrimage to Europe departs on 7th October 2018 at same price. This fare includes Return Airfares + Local Transfers + Stay in 4 Star Hotels + All Breakfasts & Dinners. Tips and Single Supplements not included. For enquiries & bookings call 0406760680 & 1300721561 or email [email protected]

The Liturgy Office of the Sydney Archdiocese is offering formation courses for Extraordinary Minis-ters of Holy Communion over 2 sessions (7th & 14th July) and Acolytes over 3 sessions (4, 11 &

18 Aug) that are to be conducted at St Charles Borromeo. Please see Fr Eduardo for a registration form if you are interested. A copy of your Baptism Certificate is required to be at-tached to your registration form.

Cardinal from Myanmar at St Mary’s Cathedral Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, S.D.B., Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar will be celebrating Mass at St Mary‘s Ca-thedral on Sunday 10th June 2018 at 10:30am. The Cardinal is an official guest of Catholic Mission who will be holding their annual mission appeal over the weekend of 9th and 10th June. Please join us in warmly welcoming Cardinal Bo to St Mary‘s Cathedral as we look forward to hearing more about the ‗education revolution‘ in Myanmar.