st. john of the cross parish · 2019-05-21 · sjc fourth sunday of easter may 12, 2019 page 3...

St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019

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Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2019-05-21 · SJC Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019 Page 3 Lifelong Learning Living the Gospel Today we have another reading from the Gospel of

St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~

Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019

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From the Desk of Fr. Marc Reszel

Well and Good

Text and Music by James E. Moore, Jr., after St. John of the Cross, © 1987 by GIA Publications, Inc.

ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA Blessings as we continue our fifty-day celebration of Easter, the Season of Resurrection. Since the liturgical reforms of Vatican II, the Gospel passage for the Fourth Sunday of Easter always employs a shepherding metaphor. For this reason, today is sometimes referred to as Good Shepherd Sunday and is celebrated as the fifty-sixth annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This bulletin has information and prayers in support of church vocations. Since President Woodrow Wilson’s 1914 proclamation, the Second Sunday of May has been known as Mother’s Day and is annually celebrated as a national holiday. This bulletin has resources and prayers for those called to a maternal vocation. The changes to our Mass Schedule (see the back cover of this

bulletin) are intended to enhance our parish celebrations of the liturgy while taking into consideration the reality of limited priest resources. The new (and hopefully, improved) schedule is also intended to foster cooperation with the other parishes in our Renew My Church grouping. Remember that our neighbors in this local (diocesan) church are our brothers and sisters not our rivals and enemies. Some thoughts regarding the Vigil Mass at 4:00pm on Saturday: Our experience teaches us that many will seek out the earliest first Mass. This is especially the case during the

winter. We clearly witness this with the Nativity of the Lord. For those wishing to worship on the Vigil, the earliest first Mass on Christmas Eve is certainly in greatest demand.

Try it. In two previous pastorates it has been proven to me that parishioners like an earlier time. Doubters call to my mind the 1972 LIFE commercial. Some of you may remember (or available on YouTube) a pair of skeptical brothers refusing to try the new breakfast cereal that is supposed to be good for them. They pass a bowl of the Quaker Oats product to little Mikey who allegedly hates everything. All act surprised when Mikey tries it and likes it. All we are asking is that you give the new time a try.

In the past, parishes could not move the Vigil Mass to an earlier time because they had to accommodate for multiple Saturday weddings. That is no longer the reality here. In calendar 2019, fifteen marriages will be celebrated at St. John of the Cross with eleven of them on a Saturday. Weddings are now scheduled for 2:00pm on Saturdays. Earlier times or the option of a 6:00pm wedding are also possibilities.

Choices are good things and a factor in considering parish vitality. In addition to the new time for the Vigil Mass, our Sunday schedule has four more Mass times. On that rare occasion when the only opportunity you have to worship is at 5:00pm on Saturday, the other parishes in our Renew My Church grouping will offer a Mass at that time. We serve fewer believers when there is only one local option.

Regrettably, some will be inconvenienced by this change. Hopefully we will achieve the desired result of making the Eucharist available to more believers. We might be reassured of this hope when we sing our parish song: Well and Good.

Let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish. Father Reszel

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Lifelong Learning

Living the Gospel Today we have another reading from the Gospel of John, as we have each week since Easter. But this is not about a resurrection appearance but instead the familiar, comforting image of Jesus as the good shepherd. We are his sheep who hear his voice and respond by following him.

Pope Francis seems to find this image instructive as well. He speaks of the role of bishops and priests to be shepherds (for that is the meaning of the Latin term, pastor). Pope Francis says that the shepherd must have the “smell of the sheep.” Such an image is certainly vivid, graphic, and leaves little to the imagination. It conjures up one who is uncomfortably close to the sheep. But that is essentially the model of the good shepherd, and one to be emulated by those who serve.

Not only do we follow the good shepherd upon hearing his voice, but we learn that the good shepherd gives eternal life. The symbolism is profound. The meaning of the words should not be lost in their brevity. The relationship of the sheep to the shepherd is dependent upon the Father and Jesus. The Father has given the sheep to Jesus. No one can take them from the Father or the Son, for the Father and the Son are one. Again, the theological sophistication and the high Christology are worthy of meditation. Given the symbolism, the task of the sheep is pure and simple, to follow Jesus, to be a disciple. The task of the Father and the Son is not to lose the sheep, or perhaps not to give them up to those who might try to pry open their hands. Our task, therefore, is no more difficult than following Jesus. To do that we must be attentive to his voice.©Living Liturgy

Background on the Gospel The fourth Sunday of Easter is also called Good Shepherd Sunday. In each of the three lectionary cycles, the Gospel is taken from the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John. This chapter of John's Gospel follows Jesus' healing of the man born blind and the rejection of this miracle by Jewish leaders who question Jesus' authority to heal. Jesus responds to this challenge to his authority by calling himself the Good Shepherd. He is criticizing the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders. Already, the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders are so angered that they attempt to stone and arrest Jesus (see John 10:31 and 10:39). This controversy with the religious leaders continues until Jesus' death. Set in a moment of tension and conflict in John's Gospel, today's Gospel reading is Jesus' answer to the question, “Are you the Messiah?” Jesus responds by saying, in essence, “If you have to ask, then you are not one of my sheep.” Then Jesus asserts his unity with the Father. At the conclusion of these words, John reports that the Jews intend to stone Jesus for blasphemy, but he escapes arrest. We may be less familiar with the metaphors of sheep and shepherd than those to whom Jesus spoke. The image of Jesus as Good Shepherd and the community of followers as his sheep has endured over the centuries as a primary image in our faith tradition. Its power to describe the relationship between Jesus and his followers transcends direct experience with sheep. The image speaks to us about the protection, security, and care that shepherds represent for their sheep. Today's Gospel speaks powerfully about the familiarity and intimacy between Jesus and his disciples, expressed as recognizing and knowing another's voice. Today's Gospel also speaks to the relationship between Jesus and the Father. In the Gospel of John, Jesus identifies so closely with the Father that he tells us that they are one—not just close, but actually one. To know Jesus is to know the Father. Jesus doesn't just bring us closer to the Father, Jesus puts us directly into contact with God the Father, removing all distance between us. Our relationship with Jesus is an invitation to share in the life of God. Loyola Press

Monday Acts 11:1-18 Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4 John 10:1-10

Tuesday Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 Ps 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 John 15:9-17

Wednesday Acts 12:24–13:5a Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6 and 8 John 12:44-50

Thursday Acts 13:13-25 Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 and 27 John 13:16-20

Friday Acts 13:26-33 Ps 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab John 14:1-6

Saturday Acts 13:44-52 Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 John 14:7-14

5th Sunday of Easter Acts 14:21-27 Ps 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13 Rev 21:1-5a John 13:31-33a, 34-35

We are his people, the sheep of his flock.

Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd who calls us, your sheep. We strive to respond to your voice and to follow you. When the noise of the world makes it difficult to hear you, give us ears attentive to your call. For then we shall know the way to go, home to you. May we be yours from now until eternity. Amen.

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10 tips for Mothers

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After observing my mother’s graceful living over the years I’ve picked up on some of her unsaid but well-lived tips for being a great mom. Pray always. Literally. Every moment of every day, do everything in a spirit of prayer. The most important thing you will ever do for your children is to pray for them. And prayers change everything. They contribute more to your kids’ growth, health, happiness, and sanctity than anything else. Pray for your children and for your ability to be a good mother. Be patient. Your children will learn from you either how to explode under pressure and anger or how to be composed, loving, and patient. Even when frustration levels are high, look at your family members as if they were little Christs, little souls whom you are called to love and practice patience with, even in the most trying of circumstances. Love and respect your husband. Your children will see you do it, and observing your marriage will impact the kind of marriage they desire and have of their own someday. If you disagree with your husband, don’t disagree with him verbally in front of the children. Always have your spouse’s back, and then discuss any disagreements in private. Show your children that you are an unbreakable team. First be your children’s mother, then and only after, their friend. Too many parents are overly concerned with being liked, and sometimes you won’t be liked. You won’t be liked when you discipline your kids or you challenge them to do the right, but hard, thing. And though you won’t always be liked, if you really do what is best for your children, you will always be loved. Practice self-sacrifice and unconditional love. Kids are, by their nature, demanding. They require your love, attention, service, wisdom, and so much more in order to develop into holy, mature adults. Raising a virtuous child requires a unique degree of self-sacrificial love. Abandon selfishness, and you will not only raise holier children who see your example, but you will become more Christ-like in the process. “So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Become best friends with Our Blessed Mother. Pray the Rosary often to receive strength from the world’s greatest mother: Mary. She will be your ultimate companion in motherhood—your best friend. Fly to her in your times of need, in your moments of rejoicing, and when your heart is aching. She will comfort you and dance with you as a Mother, to give you the grace to be a better mother yourself. Celebrate life with your kids. Tell your kids what a joy it is to be a mother, and that there is nothing greater than giving life and raising children, so they will always be encouraged to fight for and embrace life. Celebrate life with your daughters and sons as they begin to have their own children. Relive the excitement of your own early motherhood with them as they experience their baby’s first hiccups and kicks in the womb, their births, and the many memories made over years to come. Talk about and teach about Jesus and your Catholic Faith constantly, but more importantly, live the life of Jesus in your every day actions. Be unmistakable Catholic inside and outside the home, and do it with joy. When your children see how fulfilling it is to live a Christ-centered Catholic life and how it enriches your family, they will want that for themselves and their own families, too. Be joyful. No need to be the world’s most serious mother. Be playful. Make up your own lyrics to popular songs and dance like nobody (but your children) is watching. Laugh often. Your children will appreciate your spirited outlook on life and will learn from you that every day is a gift to be cherished and with which to have fun! Trust. Trust Jesus, trust your husband, trust your children, and let them see you trusting with all your might. In a culture where homes are filled with stress, be a home filled with peace and confidence in God’s will for you and your family.

"A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary." - Dorothy Canfield Fisher

St. Mother Teresa once said, “The woman is at the heart of the home. Let us pray that we women realize the reason for our existence: to love and be loved, and through this love become instruments of peace in the world.” Every one of these lessons my mother has lived out and continues to practice to the utmost extent. Thank you, Mother, for teaching me how to be a great mom, for teaching me how to love and be loved and become an instrument of peace in our broken world. Integrated Family Life. Kaite Warner

"May the mother of Jesus and our mother, always smile on your spirit, obtaining for it, from her most holy son, every heavenly blessing." - Saint Padre Pio

"Mother, the ribbons of your love are woven around my heart."

"There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one."

- Jill Churchill

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O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, we praise you for the gift of motherhood.

We offer to you the joys and sorrows, prayers and works of each day we labor

in this vocation to which you have called us. Grant us the grace to see Christ in our children

and the knowledge that we are called to go out of our way for others—

for those we have chosen, and those chosen for us.

May Mary, Mother of the Church, teach us to be holy and

may she show us the way to your Sacred Heart.


Loving creator, you called upon your servant Mary

to bring your Son into the world. We give thanks for her,

and for all mothers who bear witness to your love. Their generosity and strength

have blessed generations. Please bless our mothers.

Ease their worry for the families you entrust to them,

guide them in times of doubt, and hold them close

when they are overwhelmed by both joy and sorrow.

May they know our deep gratitude for giving us life and love.

In union with Mary, we ask this through

Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen.

God of tenderness,

we honor all women who cooperate with you in

bringing life to the world, and we remember especially those

mothers who have passed from this life and now rest in eternal life with you.

We offer gratitude for the gift of their lives and for the ways they blessed

their children with life and love. Trusting in your deep love and providential care,

we ask you to bring comfort and peace to all children, young or old,

who mourn the loss of a mother. May your own mother, Mary,

watch over these children and guide them with her tender care.

Amen. notredameprayers

Daily Prayer This Week This will be a powerful week to reflect upon Jesus as our gate, our gate keeper and our shepherd. Who among us hasn't felt threatened or fearful or lost at one time or another? To the degree we have any of that in our hearts this week, we can bring it all to the Lord. The words of the beautiful song by Marty Haugen come to mind: “Shepherd me, O God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life.” Beyond what we want and what we fear is where each one of us can ask to be guided, cared for. The intimacy of knowledge is a wonderful grace to ask for each day, as well. Lord, I want to enjoy how you know me through and through, so much more than I know myself - even what I don't admit, acknowledge or accept in myself. You know and love me. O Lord, how I desire to know you. Show yourself to me. Let me recognize your voice, your urgings, your comfort and your call. We can ask for graces about the areas of darkness we are going to have to walk through, engage in and wrestle with each day this week. We can ask to be brought to the Father by Jesus. We can confidently ask that we might be able to do what Jesus does - in the very places we find ourselves this week. Imagine how helped we will be this week to wake each morning and just have these kind of prayers on our lips. As we focus them throughout each day, we will be doing two things: letting these desires deepen in our hearts in the background of our consciousness, and we will let them interact and transform the options before us and the choices we make. We will be able to feel how good this feels, how it lightens our spirits and how it helps us end each day feeling a gifted intimacy with our Lord. Each night we can look back over the day with gratitude, even as we get ready for bed. Later in the week, we can begin to want to hear the upcoming Sunday gospel, longing to hear Jesus say to us: “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Creighton

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Parish News Vocation Sunday Today

New Communion Minister & Lector Training Training for new communion ministers and lectors will take place on Saturday, May 18 from 9am-1:30pm in the Parish Center. These ministries are open to practicing confirmed Catholics. RSVP by May 14 on our parish website. No walk-ins. Contact Steve Weigand with any questions.

Survivor Support Group @SJC Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) is a Catholic Charities sponsored, non-denominational program that supports individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one by suicide. LOSS offers a safe, non-judgmental environment where survivors of suicide can openly talk about feelings and share experiences. For more information contact Steve Weigand.

Grieving the Death of a Spouse

Our Lady of Pompeii is offering a spiritual journey for men and women grieving the death of a spouse. On Saturday, June 1 from 8:30am-1pm participants will experience a morning of spiritual comfort, engaging community and hope through prayer, presentation and discussion. See the Pastoral Care tab on our parish website for registration details.

Pray for Healing Our neighbor parish, St. Cletus, has started a ministry to pray for healing in the Church, healing from the wounds resulting from the sexual abuse scandal. The ministry is open to all. There is no commitment other than a desire to offer prayer to the Lord for healing in his Church, for wisdom, guidance and grace to be bestowed upon our Church leaders at all levels. Sign up via the link under Library & Resources on our parish website home page, Marian Pilgrimage Church Tour: May 29 All are welcome to attend a local church tour to four historically and architecturally significant churches in the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago on Wednesday, May 29 from 8:45am-4pm. The cost of the tour and transportation is $45 per person. An optional lunch at Connie’s Pizza is available for $27. Learn more on our parish website. Contact Madonna Muscarello at 630.325.7990 or [email protected] with any questions.

Marian Procession @SJC: May 21 All are welcome to join our parish school students and teachers in a Marian Procession while praying the rosary in the school parking lot at 9am on Tuesday, May 21.

Illinois Right to Life Banquet All are welcome on Friday, May 17 the Right to Life Banquet at the Carlisle in Lombard. Cocktail hour begins at 6pm, followed by dinner and a program at 7pm. To purchase tickets, go to or call 312.422.9300.

Pray for Vocations In honor of our Blessed Mother today on Mother’s Day from 3-4pm the Archdiocese of Chicago will offer a Holy Hour at Holy Name Cathedral for vocations. All are welcome.

Lord Jesus, We beg you for good and holy priests.

In every age you call men to follow you as servants and shepherds of your people.

Open their hearts to your call and give them the courage to follow you. Be their rock of

refuge and their light as they discern. Help us to support them on their journey, and

to love them as your disciples. We thank you for all that you are and all that

you do. In your name we pray.


Loving Father, I thank you for making me.

I trust that you want my happiness, And that you have a plan for my life.

Open my heart to your plan, and through The Holy Spirit give me courage to follow

Your son Jesus wherever he leads. I want to love you, give you glory,

And build up your Kingdom. Jesus, I trust in you.

Amen. Our Father...Hail Mary...Glory Be…

Lord we ask you to open

our minds and hearts to your Spirit. Help all of us to

be open and ever discerning of Your will for our lives.

We pray that all of us may respond generously and lovingly to unique calling to a state of life

that you have designed us to live and have planned for us. We pray to have hearts as Mary,

always freely and joyfully saying “yes” to you in all your plans;

that we may say with Mary “Be it done unto me

according to your will, Lord!” We ask this through

Christ our Lord, Amen.

Learn more at or

contact our pastor Rev. Marc Reszel at [email protected]

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Parish News

St. John of the Cross Parish congratulates the following families who had their babies baptized by Deacon Voytas last Sunday assisted by Baptism Team Leaders Betsy and Sean Sullivan. Pictured from the left are: Nicholas and Alejandra Curry with Vincenzo Joseph, Ryan and Amy Germino with Caden Jack, Leo and Caren Karris with Tate Ann, Phil and Amanda Nawrocki with Bryce Karen, Daniel and Amanda Sfiligoj with Thomas William, and Andrew and Sarah Suma with Amelia Joan.

Winning the Job Interview Learn interviewing skills and strategies that will help you to articulate your strengths and achievements. Come to the Parish Center on Thursday, May 16 from 7-9pm.

Quarterly Resume Review Come in for a helpful one-on-one conversation with a HR, or other search related professional on Saturday, May 18 from 9:30-11:30am at the St. Cletus Parish Center. Enhance or refresh your resume, receive helpful job search strategies, recraft your elevator speech and get tips on using LinkedIn effectively.

Men’s Golf Outing The SJC Men’s Club invites all men of the parish to our annual golf outing on Friday afternoon June 7 at Flagg Creek Golf Course. $30 includes golf, cart, 2 beverage tickets and entry into contests (low team score, long drive, closest to the pin)Forms can be found on our parish website. Contact John Cisek at 312.327.1295 or Dan Montgomery at 312.952.1435 or [email protected] with questions.

SJC Women’s Club Volunteer Opportunities Fashion Show The Women’s Club is looking for volunteers to join the Fashion Show Committee. The event is scheduled for November 8. Please contact either Rosaria Becker at [email protected] or 708-309-0351 or Cindy O’Malley at [email protected] or 312-259-4177.

46th Annual Garage Sale Volunteers are needed for this year’s Garage Sale. Free babysitting is available. Students in grade 6 or older needing service hours are welcome too. Volunteers working 6+ hours get early shopping privileges. See specific volunteer days and hours at

Saturday, June 15, 9-3 pm (Note new closing time!) Half-Price/Bag Sale: Monday, June 17, 9-1pm

Donation Information: Donations will be accepted at the SJC parish school beginning Saturday, June 8 from 10-2pm. Then Monday, June 10—Thursday, June 13 from 10-8 pm, and Friday, June 14 from 10-12pm. Please visit for specific details on items which we can and cannot accept. Contact Katie Pruitt at 708-822-9427 or Kim Brodnicki at 708-539-4114 for more information.

Women’s Club Board The Women’s Club has several board positions open in publicity and as secretary. Monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Parish Center. Contact Ginny Grecco for more information. [email protected].

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Thank you so much for all of your donations to the Off The Street Club (OTSC) Summer Camp Collection. We collected: 5 huge bags of towels, 5 huge bags of sheets and 5 bags of bathing suits. At camp, the children are able to experience “casual joy” which gives the kids the simple childhood moments that most of us take for granted. Because of your generosity, the Off the Street Club kids can trade a summer of dodging violence, drugs and gang activity with all the positive summer camp activities that help shape young adults. Thank you!

OTSC Summer Camp


Outreach News

8k & 5K* Run 2-Mile Walk

Tots for Peace Sprint *USATF Certified Courses

Food Pantry Collection Nonperishable food and household paper product donations brought to our church narthex will be delivered to Mary Queen of Heaven Parish. For your convenience donations may also be placed in grocery bags under the tables near the handicap door and Caroline Avenue entrance. Items most needed include: cans of protein such as tuna, chili or beef stew, dry pasta, rice, box potatoes, canned or dry beans, mac and cheese, cans of fruit and vegetables, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, juice, baby food, pantry staples, and toilet paper.

Sharing Parish St. Gall Parish Choir Visits SJC Sunday May 19 at the 10:45am Mass Once again we welcome the choir of St. Gall and their families as they join with our St. John’s traditional choir in celebrating the liturgy. Songs will be sung in English and in Spanish, featuring the St. Gall choir as well as combined choirs. Please come, so that together we can join our hands, hearts and voices in praise!!! Hospitality for the choir members and their families will follow the Liturgy. We could use help in this endeavor. Please check the parish website and use the Sign Up Genius link to volunteer for set up, serving, clean up, or providing desserts. Many thanks for your participation and assistance! Questions? Please email our Sharing Parish Outreach Rep Cathy Pesch at catpesch@gmail.

Race Against Violence with Kolbe House

Taking place in downtown Chicago along a beautiful, lakefront course, the RACE AGAINST GUN VIOLENCE is the rallying point to raise funds, friends and awareness about what is being done to end gun violence and build Chicago’s future. It is an evening to celebrate the life-changing work of Kolbe House and other nonprofits throughout Chicago, and for the various parishes, individuals, and families of Kolbe House to connect with one another. Sign up to run at’s a race for every age and level!

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Spotlight on SPRED

SPRED (Special Religious Development) is a program created in the Archdiocese of Chicago which trains and guides parishes to provide faith formation to persons with developmental disabilities. The SPRED group at St John of the Cross Parish welcomes friends aged 22 and over. Our SPRED group meets on Wednesday evenings from September to May, and it is currently comprised of 11 members: 6 catechists and 5 friends. We share our lives and grow in faith together. There is room in our group for at least one more friend and a few more catechists. If you are interested or have any questions, contact Connie Steffen, parish SPRED chairperson, at [email protected]

Pictured above is a photo of our SPRED group and pictures from our Lenten Reconciliation. We were blest to have Fr Bill share reconciliation with our group.

Father and maker of all,

you adorn all creation with

splendor and beauty, and

fashion human lives in your

image and likeness.

Awaken in every heart

reverence for the work of

your hands, and

renew among your people a

readiness to nurture and

sustain your precious gift

of life.

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Thomas Adler Luke Alessi

Vaughan Alessi Kelly Andel Philip Arndt

Sophia Baumel Owen Benjaminson Robert Bigenwald Rebecca Bolton Juliette Bouwer Ella Brandstedt

Madelyn Brubaker Carter Bruno John Burba

Sophia Caccitolo Henry Carithers

William Carpenter Errico Casciani Sofia Chalus

James Cirrincione Brendan Coglianese

Claire Condon Katherine Conniff

Stella Cordova Callahan Cull

Carter Cypress Declan Dangler Nola Davidson

Charlotte Davies Ian DiSanto Sofia Dittus Ella Donnan

Alexis Dudash Dominic Federico Ryder Federico Jack Finegan

Henry Flanagan Rose Flavin

Arden Follstad Michael Forebaugh

Molly Forebaugh Evelyn Forst Quinn Forst Griffin Fox

Daniel Francis Molly Furey Cal Gambla

Isaiah Garcia Enriquez Lucas Giannopulos

Lena Giustini Henry Good

Teagan Goss Gavin Gough Mia Hallman Nolan Hamer

Claire Harrigan Peter Hasenauer

Julia Heit Thomas Hickey

Kieran Hill Brendan Hillebrand

Ashlynn Hirsch Jayden Hofsteadter

Preston Holdren Mila Holmes

Charlotte Hunek Thomas Hunt Bridget Hynes

Liam John Sylvia Johnson

Katherine Joseph Sydney Kail

Griffin Keenan Katherine Kipp

Dylan Kosin

Brenna Kowalski Taggart Kracker

Charlie Kral Lana La Forgia

Andrew Lam Caden Lambe Beckett Lantz Harper Lee

Macy Leonard Teegan Leonard

Nicolette Limoges Elena Lopez

Christopher LoSavio Ryan Mahere

Mya Mann Evan Marchione

Francesca Marino Thomas Marks

Ethan Marquardt Madison Martinez

Leopold Mayer Amelia McCargo

Matthew McDonnell Madeline McGlynn

Collin McGrath Caitlin McIntyre

Paige McNaughton Graham McTigue

Emilia Merz Bodie Metz Colton Miller Sofia Miller

Aidan Misarti Gianni Mistretta

Dermot Monahan James Moore

Charlotte Morgan Mary Morrissey

Hannah Mulcahy Thomas Munizzo

Denis Murray Ellen Nelson

Lucille Newton Tess Noonan

Jack O'Connell Elizabeth Oleniczak Carmine Panzeca Lucas Papineau

Ellen Parrino Milo Pawlowski

Stefano Perez Cavnaugh Ava Podczerwinski Brennan Podjasek Claire Posluszny Liliana Ptasinski Connor Quinn

Giavanna Quintana Caroline Recker Declan Robinson

John Roepke Natalia Ruesch

Fintan Ryan Madison Scarpelli

Aniela Scharf Sawyer Schmiege Owen Schmude

Lena Schuler Noelle Sennett Caitlin Sheehan

Michael Sheehan Charles Siffermann

Clara Smith Brody Soltes Ryan Sorich

Sophia Stilley Emily Stuut

Emma Tapia Rory Taylor Adam Tilles Gia Topps

Jocelynn Valenzuela Johanna Valenzuela Emmett Van Vuren

Maximus Van Vuren Tomas Velkme Max Verrecchia Elliana Vittorio Quinn Waddell Kaitlyn Walsh Ellie Warren Owen Webb

Audrey Wendt Caitlin Woods Molly Wronka

Bane Wulf Charlie Wyness Dylan Wyness

Izabella Zarycki Philip Ziarno

Isabella Zwirecki

God Bless Our First Communicants

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Bishop Robert Barron on Eucharist

Every third summer, the Catholic lectionary provides a series of readings for Sunday Mass from the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John. This is the magnificently crafted chapter in which the evangelist’s Eucharistic theology is most fully presented. It is a curiosity of John’s Gospel that the Last Supper scene includes no “institution narrative,” which is to say, the account of what Jesus did with the bread and cup the night before he died. But as many scholars have indicated, the Eucharist is a theme that runs right through the entirety of the Gospel and which finds richest expression in the famous chapter six. I won’t focus in this essay on the great issue of the real presence—“My flesh is real food and my blood real drink”—but rather on the more general matter of spiritual nourishment. A few months ago, I spent a week in the hospital recovering from surgery, and for about three days, I was not permitted to eat any solid food. What amazed me was how rapidly my body shrank. The muscles of my arms and legs began quickly—and rather alarmingly—to atrophy, and it proved difficult even to cross the room and sit up in a chair. Almost twenty years ago, I undertook, with a good friend of mine, a bicycle trip from Paris to Rome, covering about seventy miles a day. We really pushed ourselves to the limit. One day, somewhere in the south of France, after about five hours of pedaling, I hit the wall. Though I had heard of this phenomenon, I had never experienced it before. When you hit the wall, you don’t gradually slow down or calmly realize that you have to take a rest; you just stop, your body simply unable to go on. May I suggest that these examples are very exact analogies to spiritual health and spiritual nourishment? Without food, the body quickly collapses; without spiritual food, the soul atrophies. It really is as simple as that. Though materialists of all stripes want to deny it, there is a dimension of the human person that goes beyond the merely physical, a dynamism that connects him or her with God. Classically, this link to the eternal is called the soul. (We oughtn’t to construe this, by the way, in the Cartesian manner, as though the soul is imprisoned by the body. Rather, we ought to follow Thomas Aquinas who said, “the soul is in the body, not as contained by it, but containing it.”) What the soul requires for nourishment is the divine life or what the spiritual masters call “grace.” It is of this sustenance that Jesus speaks in John 6: “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.” Most people are at least inchoately aware of the soul and its hunger, but they feed it with insufficient food: wealth, pleasure, power, and honor. All of these are good in themselves, but none of them is designed to satisfy the longing of the soul. And this is precisely why some of the wealthiest, most famous, and accomplished people in our society are dying of spiritual starvation. So where and how do we find the divine life? First, I would suggest, through prayer. The soul wants to pray every day, to speak to God and to listen to him. So we should spend time before the Blessed Sacrament, pray the rosary, do the Stations of the Cross, read the Bible in a meditative spirit, confess our sins, and above all, go to Mass. A second way in which we encounter grace is through serious spiritual reading. One of the principal marks of an engaged Catholic is the faithful reading of spiritual and theological books. Most of us fill our minds with junk; but the mind, the soul, wants to be filled with the lofty things of God. Why have so many Catholic bookstores faded away? Because Catholics have stopped taking spiritual reading seriously. A third way to feed the soul is to practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. If you are spiritually hungry, feed the physically hungry, give drink to the thirsty, counsel the doubtful, visit the sick and imprisoned, pray for the living and the dead. You’ll find that the more you empty yourself in love, the more satisfied your soul will feel. Finally, and most importantly, you can receive the Eucharist regularly. In his discourse on the Eucharist in John 6, Jesus says, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” The divine life is found, par excellence, in the transfigured bread and wine of the Eucharist. Aquinas said that the other sacraments contain the virtus Christi (the power of Christ) but that the Eucharist contains ipse Christus (Christ himself). What the soul is hungry for, finally, is the person of Jesus, the body and blood of Christ. Without feeding regularly on that food, the soul will atrophy. Why are so many Catholics feeling lost today? Well, 75% of them stay away from the Mass and the Eucharist on a regular basis. This is not rocket science: if you want to be healthy spiritually, you’ve got to eat! Reprinted with permission. Bishop Robert Barron

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Page 12: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2019-05-21 · SJC Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019 Page 3 Lifelong Learning Living the Gospel Today we have another reading from the Gospel of

Parish Elections

Elections for positions on the three consultative bodies, the Parish Advisory Council, the Youth Catechesis Council, and the School Advisory Board will be held next weekend before and after all Masses in church. Ballots can be found at each exit. Please affirm the following parishioners who have submitted applications to serve our parish. Parishioners may also vote on the home page of our parish website between May 16-19.

Parish Advisory Council At Large Parishioner Rep: Brian Cronin Brian and his wife, Barbara, and four children have been parishioners since 2004. Their three daughters are now alumni of our parish school and their youngest son is a member of the class of 2021. Both Brian and Barbara are thrilled to be members of SJC and grateful for the friends they have met along the way. Brian, who is an alumnus of St. Ignatius College Prep and Marquette University, is the Vice President of Knickerbocker Roofing & Paving Co, 2nd Vice President of the Chicago Roofing Contractors Association and Secretary/Treasurer of Design 10 Interiors. Brian is also a member of the Village of WS Liquor Commission Board. He would be honored to serve the parish community as a member of the PAC. Parish Advisory Council At Large Parishioner Rep: Meghan Cahill Meghan and her family reside in Western Springs. Her children Will, Marin and Kevin attend Fenwick High School (9

th), McClure Junior High (7

th) and Laidlaw Elementary School (4

th). She was

a four-year member of the YC council, two of which she served as the chairperson. She is currently volunteering as an aide in Marin’s confirmation home group. A licensed clinical social worker, Meghan has worked in student services for 21 years. She is currently completing her ninth year as a counselor/college advisor at Oak Park and River Forest High School. Prior to this role, she spent 12 years at Proviso Township High Schools, as a school social worker and a department chair for student services. Meghan received her MSW from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her undergraduate degree in sociology was completed at the University of Dayton. She is a graduate of Lyons Township High School. Meghan is looking forward to the opportunity to contribute new ideas, learn about strategic plans and serve on the Parish Advisory Council. School Advisory Board Rep: PI Ebeling PI Ebeling and her family moved to Hinsdale and chose to send their children to St. John of the Cross in July 2017. Carson is in 5th grade, Zoe in 4th grade and Mack is in Kindergarten. They value a Catholic faith-based education and were fortunate to have a strong early elementary school experience at Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts in the city. PI volunteered multiple years as a room mom and served as Senior Communications Chair for the annual Art and Soul Fundraiser. Since 2009, she has been head of investor relations for Treehouse Foods, a $5.5 billion revenue food and beverage manufacturer based in Oak Brook. She has more than 25 years experience in developing and leading in-house corporate financial communication programs, strategic consulting and Wall Street equity research. PI holds a Bachelors of Science from the University of Notre Dame, with a double major in finance and Japanese and earned her MBA in marketing from Loyola University Chicago. School Advisory Board Rep: Meg Nelson Meg Nelson and her family live in Western Springs and have 3 children at St. John of the Cross Parish School - Ryan in 7th grade and twin girls, Cate and Lizzie in 4th grade. Recently, Meg completed a long term substitute assignment for the PK4 teacher at SJC and has previously subbed in many of the grades at the school. Previously, she was a Kindergarten teacher at the Catherine Cook School in Chicago from 2001 to 2007 and during part of that time was also the Assistant Director of Admissions. Prior to that, Meg taught as a 2nd grade assistant at The Latin School of Chicago for three years. Meg holds a Bachelors of Science in Communications and Marketing from St. Mary’s College in Indiana and a Masters in Arts in Teaching from National Louis University. She would welcome the chance to serve on the School Advisory Board and is honored to be considered for the Board.

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Page 13: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2019-05-21 · SJC Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019 Page 3 Lifelong Learning Living the Gospel Today we have another reading from the Gospel of

Parish Elections

School Advisory Board Rep: Mike Baumel Mike Baumel and his family live in Western Springs and have 5 children. Three children have graduated from St. John of the Cross with one a senior at Indiana University, one a Sophomore at University of Michigan and one currently a Junior at Nazareth Academy. Their daughter, Mia is an 8th grader at SJC and will be going to Nazareth next year and their youngest, Sophia is a 2nd grader at SJC. Mike is active at SJC as a lector and communion minister at Sunday Mass. He and his wife also served as Crossroads Home Group leader for SJC several times in the past. Mike served on the SJC Parish Council under Pastor Richard Hynes. Mike volunteered at the house of the Good Shepherd, a shelter for women and children who were victims of domestic violence, for 20 years, 10 of which were as a board member and 5 as the President of the Board. Mike is a lawyer and currently the Head of North American Claims at AXIS Capital. He earned his Bachelors of Business from University of Iowa and a law degree from DePaul University. Catholic education is very important to Mike, and he would welcome the opportunity to serve on the School Advisory Board. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Jeannine Palm Jeannine Palm joined St. John of the Cross Parish 10 years ago when she moved here from Jacksonville, FL with her husband, Erik, and two children, Eden (now 15) and Anderson (now 12). Eden attended YC and received 1st Communion here before the family moved back to Florida in 2012. Jeannine was involved with the religious education program in Ponte Vedra Beach, where she completed Level I Catechist Certification and taught in a 4

th grade classroom. Since returning to

Western Springs and SJC in 2017, Eden has received the Sacrament of Confirmation, Anderson attends YC, and Jeannine has sponsored Erik through his journey to become Catholic at this year’s Easter Vigil Mass. Jeannine grew up near Philadelphia, PA, has a B.A. in Philosophy from Boston College and a J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law. She has been active in the parish through YC volunteer work, Flourish meetings, and the RCIA program, and is looking forward to serving the parish as a member of the YC Council. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Michael Coglianese Michael and Marleen Coglianese joined St. John of the Cross Parish in 2011 when they moved to Western Springs from Chicago. They have three children, Ryan, a 4

th grader, Brendan, a 2

nd grader

and Kate, a Kindergartener all at Laidlaw and all are currently in the YC Program at SJC. Michael earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University and MBA from Northwestern University. He currently serves as the Director of Financial Planning & Analysis for USG Corporation in Chicago and has been with the Company for nearly 20 years. Outside of work, Michael volunteers for his kids’ various activities through the school, athletics and the Western Springs Theatre and looks forward to participating on the YC Council. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Tim Woods Tim Woods and his wife Nancy Burke joined St. John of the Cross in 2001 and live in Ridge Acres with their twin 8

thgrade boys, Patrick and Jeremiah. Tim earned his B.A. from Niles College

Seminary, and loved teaching high school religion in Chicago for years. He also has been a corporate trainer in various industries for over 20 years. Tim has volunteered in YC since 2010; he has enjoyed working as a catechist aide and catechist. Tim is looking forward to joining the YC Council and supporting the programs that do such great work for the parish. Youth Catechesis Council Rep: Meg Vorpahl Meg Vorpahl has been a St. John of the Cross parishioner for 17 years. She and her husband, Brian, raise their two daughters, Elise (17) and Greta (14) together. During her childhood, her faith family was one of inclusion and involvement at all ages. Teaching YC at pre-school, 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades has been especially fun and rewarding, giving back and welcoming families at all stages of faith. She looks forward to sharing her experiences as she works with the YC Council.

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Hell is never a nasty surprise waiting for a basically happy person. Nor is it necessarily a predicable ending for an unhappy, bitter person. Can a happy, warm-hearted person go to hell? Can an unhappy, bitter person go to heaven? That’s all contingent upon how we understand hell and how we read the human heart. A person who is struggling honestly to be happy cannot go to hell since hell is the antithesis of an honest struggle to be happy. Hell, in Pope Francis’ words, “is wanting to be distant from God’s love.” Anyone who sincerely wants love and happiness will never be condemned to an eternity of alienation, emptiness, bitterness, anger, and hatred (which are what constitute the fires of hell) because hell is wanting not to be in heaven. Thus there’s no one in hell who’s sincerely longing for another chance to mend things so as to go to heaven. If there’s anyone in hell, it’s because that person truly wants to be distant from love. But can someone really want to be distant from God’s love and from human love? The answer is complex because we’re complex: What does it mean to want something? Can we want something and not want it all at the same time? Yes, because there are different levels to the human psyche and consequently the same desire can be in conflict with itself. We can want something and not want it all at the same time. That’s a common experience. For instance, take a young child who has just been disciplined by his mother. At that moment, the child can bitterly hate his mother, even as at another, more inchoate, level what he most desperately wants is in fact his mother’s embrace. But until his sulk ends he wants to be distant from his mother, even as his deepest want is to be with his mother. We know the feeling. Hatred, as we know, is not opposite of love but simply one modality of love’s grieving and so this type of dynamic perennially plays itself out in the befuddling, complex, paradoxical relationship that millions of us have with God, the church, with each other, and with love itself. Our wounds are mostly not our own fault but the result of an abuse, a violation, a betrayal, or some traumatic negligence within the circle of love. However this doesn’t preclude them doing funny things to us. When we’re wounded in love, then, like a reprimanded, sulking child who wants distance from his mother, we too can for a time, perhaps for a lifetime, not want heaven because we feel that we’ve been unfairly treated by it. It’s natural for many people to want to be distant from God. The child bullied on the playground who identifies his or

her bullies with the inner circle of “the accepted ones” will understandably want to be distant from that circle - or perhaps even do violence to it. However that’s at one level of soul. At a deeper level, our ultimate longing is still to be inside of that circle of love which we at that moment seemingly hate, hate because we feel that we’ve been unfairly excluded from it or violated by it and hence deem it to be something we want no part of. Thus someone can be very sincere of soul and yet because of deep wounds to her soul go through life and die wanting to be distant what she perceives as God, love, and heaven. But we may not make a simplistic judgment here. We need to distinguish between what at a given moment we explicitly want and what, at that same moment, we implicitly (really) want. They’re often not the same. The reprimanded child seemingly wants distance from his mother, even as at another level he desperately wants it. Many people want distance from God and the churches, even as at another level they don’t. But God reads the heart, recognizes the untruth hiding inside a sulk or a pout, and judges accordingly. That’s why we shouldn’t be so quick to fill up hell with everyone who appears to want distance from love, faith, church, and God. God’s love can encompass, empathize with, melt down, and heal that hatred. Our love should too. Christian hope asks us to believe things that go against our natural instincts and emotions and one of these is that God’s love is so powerful that, just as it did at Jesus’ death, it can descend into hell itself and there breathe love and forgiveness into both the most wounded and most hardened of souls. Hope asks us to believe that the final triumph of God’s love will be when the Lucifer himself converts, returns to heaven, and hell is finally empty. Fanciful? No. That’s Christian hope; it’s what many of our great saints believed. Yes, there’s a hell and, given human freedom, it’s always a radical possibility for everyone; but, given God’s love, perhaps sometime it will be completely empty.

Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website Now on Facebook

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Who Goes to Hell and Who Doesn’t?

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Monday, May 13, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Frank Berges † Miroslav Chybik † Tuesday, May 14, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Ester Wolak † Don Vollmer † Wednesday, May 15, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: William Cochran † Jack Scriba † Thursday, May 16, 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Lena and Tom Perona Wedding Anniversary Catherine Farrell † Daniel Savino † Friday, May 17 2019 7:45am Mass Remembrances: Patricia Carter † Peter Meehan † Saturday, May 18, 2019 8:00am Mass Remembrances: Raymond Norbut † Bee Duquette † Fr. David Dowdle † Evening Mass 5:00pm Mass Remembrances: Alice Sobey † Kevin McGuire † Fr. David Dowdle † Frances Bielawski † Virginia Christiansen † Leo & Eleanor Peters 50th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, May 19, 2019 7:30am Mass Remembrances: Bruno and Lucille Shukis † Frank Zwierzyna † 9:00am Mass Remembrances: George Zurowski † Richard Gamache † Lois Goralka † Lisa Kotynek † Filomena Ziminska † Xavier Ziminski 5th Birthday 10:45am Mass Remembrances: Skiven & Ha Families † Betty McCracken † Robert Skubic † 12:15pm Mass Remembrances: Juan Mendez † Elizabeth Scanlan † 5:00pm Mass Remembrances: Deacon Michael Mannino † Rose Mary Quane † John Prosniewski Sr. † Living Remembrances in Italics

Prayer Requests We Pray for Our Sick Sam Cibula, Amanda Cook, Helen DiNuzzo, Linda Dorminey, Aggie Frolik, Frank Gembala, Fran Halisz, Karen Hult, Thomas Ivaska, Don King, John Kost, Peggy Koucky, Tom Laskey, Lorraine Majerick, Sophie Ann McDaniel, Bobbie Misiora, Ernie Misiora, Gail O’Toole, Blanche Terry Pepin, Jeff Reitmeier, John Ryan, Rachael Schopp, Tatiana Streckert, Shawn Sweeney, Roselynn Wicklander, Dominic Yocius

We Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Staff Sgt. Steven Foody, Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki, Staff Sgt. Joshua Tischler USAF Pararescue, Corporal Daniel Pett, MAJ. James Maicke, Sgt. Robert Marburger, Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak, Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Strafaci, Lance Corporal David Strafaci, Seaman Emily Strafaci, Sgt. Michael Grabarek, Spc. Douglas Junius, PFC Kevin Lawinger, Lieutenant James Viano, First Lieutenant Caroline Lorenzini, Captain Emily Kopec, Petty Officer 2nd Class John Ilg, LCDR Kyle Harken, US Navy

We Pray for Our Beloved Dead Maria Dolores Rios, grandmother of Theyla Ruesch Kathleen Carpenter, wife of Andy, mother of Drew and Kayla Patricia Hutchison

Marriage Banns Lauren Wall & Omar Vasquez Lauren Peska & Philip Salamone

Mass Schedule through June 8 Monday-Friday 7:45am Saturday 8:00am, 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am, 12:15pm, 5pm No 12:15pm Mass beginning May 26 Saturday Evening Mass June 8 at 4:00pm Confessions Saturdays 8:30am or upon request Eucharistic Adoration Mondays 2:30-8:45pm Christian Meditation Mondays 10:30am (11th Step), Tuesdays 7:30pm, Wednesdays 2:30pm, Saturdays 7:00am St. John of the Cross Parish Center 5005 Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-4404 Parish Center Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00am-8:00pm Weekends 8:00am-6:00pm Parish School Office 708-246-4454 Youth Catechesis Office 708-246-6760

SJC Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019 Page 15

Honor a loved one (deceased or living) with a Mass Remembrance. The person’s name will be printed in the Sunday bulletin, mentioned at Mass, and a card will be given to you or sent to the person you designate. The cost is $10 per Mass Remembrance. Call or stop in the Parish Center office for Mass

Remembrances in 2019 and 2020. Sign Up to Receive our Weekly Newsletter and Bulletin: [email protected] Low gluten hosts are available by contacting a Sacristan before Mass in the sacristy. Nursery Service is available during the 9:00am and 10:45am Masses in the Rectory Garden Room. Enter at the north Rectory doors. No sitting on May 12, May 26, June 23, July 1 and September 1.

Evangelization Idea: If you’ve found a prayer or article in our bulletin that feeds you, pass this bulletin on to a family member, friend, or neighbor to read!!

Rev. Marc Reszel, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Peter Galek, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. William Vollmer, Associate Pastor [email protected] Senior Deacon Joe Pepitone [email protected] Deacon John Schopp [email protected] Deacon Rich Voytas [email protected] Bill Bright, Director of Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Director of Youth Catechesis [email protected] Marguerite Chrusciel, Finance Manager [email protected] Frank DiPompeo, Plant Manager [email protected] Mary Beth Drafz, Digital Communications Coordinator [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, Principal [email protected] Jessica Koch, Director of Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Director of Parish Operations [email protected] Katie Nicholson, Crossroads Coordinator [email protected] Theresa Reyes, Front Office Coordinator [email protected] Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Welcome Coordinator [email protected] Pat Surdyk, Liturgy & Music Assistant [email protected] Christina Turlek, Financial Assistant [email protected] Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2019-05-21 · SJC Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019 Page 3 Lifelong Learning Living the Gospel Today we have another reading from the Gospel of

New Mass Schedule Effective Pentecost Sunday, June 9, 2019

Saturday Evening Mass: 4:00pm Sunday Mass:

7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm

Monday-Saturday Weekday Mass: 9:00am

St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~

Page 17: St. John of the Cross Parish · 2019-05-21 · SJC Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019 Page 3 Lifelong Learning Living the Gospel Today we have another reading from the Gospel of

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