st liborius parish · blessed are you, father, lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to...

St Liborius Parish VISION: We, the St Liborius parish Community, seek to support each other in growing together in faith and sharing this faith with the wider community. St Augustines (Myers Flat), St Stephens (Raywood) Communities Growing Together 30th july, 2017 - SEVENTEENTH Sunday in ordinary time, year a Next Weeks Readings Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 2 Peter 1:16-19 Matthew 17:1-9 Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia! Responsorial Psalm Lord, I love your commands. Papal Prayer Intentions for July 2017 Lapsed Christians That our brothers and sisters who have strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord and the beauty of the Christian life. When we need help, let us turn to the Father who always looks on us with love and never abandons us. 23rd July The Word Today Kings 3:5,7-12 Romans 8:28-30 Matthew 13:44-52 GOD TURNS EVERYTHING TO OUR GOOD Its not possible to go through life without some painful things happening to us. Some of these things we bring on ourselves (e.g. an addiction). Others are things we suffer at the hands of others (e.g. a betrayal). And others are things that happen through nobodys fault (e.g. an accident). We tend to write off these experiences as being worse than useless. That nothing can be salvaged from them. That everything has gone down the river and is irretrievably lost. This is where St Paul comes to our rescue. He says a wonderfully consoling thing. He says that God can turn everything to the benefit of those who love him. This is not to say that God wills bad things to happen to us. No. But when bad things do happen to us, God helps us, not only to pick up the pieces, but also to reap a harvest from the wreckage. There was a king who owned a very valuable diamond. One day an accident happened and the diamond got deeply scratched. The king consulted experts to see if anything could be done to save the diamond. But they told him that even if they were to polish it, they would never be able to repair the wound it had suffered. So the king locked the diamond in his vault where it lay hidden and useless for years. Then one day a very famous diamond cutter arrived in the capital. At the kings invitation he undertook to examine the diamond to see if anything could be done with it. After examining it carefully he said Your Majesty, I will make the diamond look even more beautiful than it was before the accident. On hearing this the other diamond cutters laughed. But the king was delighted, and gave him permission to work on the diamond. Bringing all his artistry to bear on it, he proceeded to engrave a beautiful rose on the diamond, using the deep scratch as the stem of the rose. When the king and the diamond cutters saw what he had done they were filled with admiration. It wasnt just a clever cover- up. He had taken the diamonds fault and transformed it into something beautiful. In the same way, God can help us to transform our worst misfortune into a blessing. God can bring good out of anything - even out of our mistakes, failures, sorrows, wounds, and tragedies. Even our sins can be part of our fumbling attempts to love. Our mistakes belong to our journey to the truth. The story of redemption is a great symphony that embraces all our errors and false notes, and in which beauty finally triumphs. It is not that God wipes out our wrong notes, or pretends that they never happened, but that he finds a place for them in the musical score that redeems them. When we look back over our lives, we see that the things that hurt us and the things that helped us cannot be separated from each other. We must try to see the guiding hand of a loving God in all that has brought us to where we are now. Not all that happens to us is determined by Gods will, but all is encompassed by his love. Through Gods goodness and mercy, our mistakes, our fumbling's, yes, even our sins, become part of the process that leads to fruitfulness. Thus our troubles can bring us closer to God. From painful experiences and difficult times we learn that God is faithful to us. And if the difficult times should return, we will remember what God has already done for us, and we will not lose heart. STORY Once there was a farmer who owned a small farm of land. The land was stony but he worked hard, and for a while was blessed with happiness and contentment. But then he began to feel that something was missing in his life. There must be more to life, he thought. One evening a stranger arrived and asked for a nights lodgings. The farmer was only too glad to take him because he was pining for company and excitement. Around the fire that night the stranger talked about diamonds. He told the farmer that if he could find a diamond the size of the nail of his little finger, he would never have to work again. Next day the stranger departed leaving the farmer unhappy and restless. As the days went by he got more and more restless. He began to neglect his farm. Finally, he sold it cheaply, and went off roaming the country in search of diamonds. He travelled far but found none. Meanwhile, the man who brought his farm was working hard. One day while out ploughing, the plough turned up a stone that shone in the sunlight. It turned out to be a diamond. When he went back to the spot he found lots more. It turned out to be one of the richest diamond mines ever found in South Africa. While we cannot but feel sorry for the farmer, we have to say that he was a very foolish man. Had he persevered with what he had, he would undoubtedly have found the mine himself. There are many people like that. Its not that they are afraid of hard work and sacrifice. Its that they dont know what is important. They pursue the wrong goals. They look in the wrong places, and end up selling their birthright. REFLECTION Jesus compared the kingdom of Heaven to a net cast into the sea which catches all kinds of fish. When it is full, the fisherman hauls it ashore, and sorts out the good fish from the worthless fish. The good he keeps, the worthless he throws away. In a sense, all of us are fishers. Each day we cast our net into the sea of life. And at the end of the day we have a catch. sometimes small, sometimes large. May we take time to sift through that catch. And may you, Lord, give us the wisdom to know what to keep and what to throw away. New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies, Flor McCarthy SDB

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St Liborius Parish

VISION: We, the St Liborius parish Community, seek to support each other in growing together in faith and sharing this faith with the wider community.

St Augustine’s (Myers Flat), St Stephen’s (Raywood) Communities Growing Together

30th july, 2017 - SEVENTEENTH Sunday in ordinary time, year a

Next Week’s Readings Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 2 Peter 1:16-19 Matthew 17:1-9

Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia!

Responsorial Psalm Lord, I love your commands.

Papal Prayer Intentions for July 2017 Lapsed Christians That our brothers and sisters who have strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord and the beauty of the Christian life.

When we need help, let us turn to the Father who always looks on us with love and never abandons us. 23rd July

The Word Today Kings 3:5,7-12 Romans 8:28-30 Matthew 13:44-52

GOD TURNS EVERYTHING TO OUR GOOD It’s not possible to go through life without some painful things happening to us. Some of these things we bring on ourselves (e.g. an addiction). Others are things we suffer at the hands of others (e.g. a betrayal). And others are things that happen through nobody’s fault (e.g. an accident). We tend to write off these experiences as being worse than useless. That nothing can be salvaged from them. That everything has gone down the river and is irretrievably lost. This is where St Paul comes to our rescue. He says a wonderfully consoling thing. He says that God can turn everything to the benefit of those who love him. This is not to say that God wills bad things to happen to us. No. But when bad things do happen to us, God helps us, not only to pick up the pieces, but also to reap a harvest from the wreckage. There was a king who owned a very valuable diamond. One day an accident happened and the diamond got deeply scratched. The king consulted experts to see if anything could be done to save the diamond. But they told him that even if they were to polish it, they would never be able to repair the wound it had suffered. So the king locked the diamond in his vault where it lay hidden and useless for years. Then one day a very famous diamond cutter arrived in the capital. At the kings invitation he undertook to examine the diamond to see if anything could be done with it. After examining it carefully he said “Your ‘Majesty, I will make the diamond look even more beautiful than it was before the accident. On hearing this the other diamond cutters laughed. But the king was delighted, and gave him permission to work on the diamond. Bringing all his artistry to bear on it, he proceeded to engrave a beautiful rose on the diamond, using the deep scratch as the stem of the rose. When the king and the diamond cutters saw what he had done they were filled with admiration. It wasn’t just a clever cover-up. He had taken the diamond’s fault and transformed it into something beautiful. In the same way, God can help us to transform our worst misfortune into a blessing. God can bring good out of anything - even out of our mistakes, failures, sorrows, wounds, and tragedies. Even our sins can be part of our fumbling attempts to love. Our mistakes belong to our journey to the truth. The story of redemption is a great symphony that embraces all our errors and false notes, and in which beauty finally triumphs. It is not that God wipes out our wrong notes, or pretends that they never happened, but that he finds a place for them in the musical score that redeems them. When we look back over our lives, we see that the things that hurt us and the things that helped us cannot be separated from each other. We must try to see the guiding hand of a loving God in all that has brought us to where we are now. Not all that happens to us is determined by God’s will, but all is encompassed by his love. Through God’s goodness and mercy, our mistakes, our fumbling's, yes, even our sins, become part of the

process that leads to fruitfulness. Thus our troubles can bring us closer to God. From painful experiences and difficult times we learn that God is faithful to us. And if the difficult times should return, we will remember what God has already done for us, and we will not lose heart. STORY Once there was a farmer who owned a small farm of land. The land was stony but he worked hard, and for a while was blessed with happiness and contentment. But then he began to feel that something was missing in his life. There must be more to life, he thought. One evening a stranger arrived and asked for a night’s lodgings. The farmer was only too glad to take him because he was pining for company and excitement. Around the fire that night the stranger talked about diamonds. He told the farmer that if he could find a diamond the size of the nail of his little finger, he would never have to work again. Next day the stranger departed leaving the farmer unhappy and restless. As the days went by he got more and more restless. He began to neglect his farm. Finally, he sold it cheaply, and went off roaming the country in search of diamonds. He travelled far but found none. Meanwhile, the man who brought his farm was working hard. One day while out ploughing, the plough turned up a stone that shone in the sunlight. It turned out to be a diamond. When he went back to the spot he found lots more. It turned out to be one of the richest diamond mines ever found in South Africa. While we cannot but feel sorry for the farmer, we have to say that he was a very foolish man. Had he persevered with what he had, he would undoubtedly have found the mine himself. There are many people like that. It’s not that they are afraid of hard work and sacrifice. It’s that they don’t know what is important. They pursue the wrong goals. They look in the wrong places, and end up selling their birthright. REFLECTION Jesus compared the kingdom of Heaven to a net cast into the sea which catches all kinds of fish. When it is full, the fisherman hauls it ashore, and sorts out the good fish from the worthless fish. The good he keeps, the worthless he throws away. In a sense, all of us are fishers. Each day we cast our net into the sea of life. And at the end of the day we have a catch. sometimes small, sometimes large. May we take time to sift through that catch. And may you, Lord, give us the wisdom to know what to keep and what to throw away. New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies, Flor McCarthy SDB

With St Liborius, St Stephen & St Augustine, let us be a spiritual benefactor to each other in prayer, especially for the health and well-being of:

Pray for our seminarians: Dean Klayford Bongat, Adi Indra, Jackson Saunders, Nathan Verallo & DJ Suguitan.

May they rest in the peace of Christ. Amen.

In faith and hope let us pray for those who have gone before us and those whose anniversaries occur around this time.

Theresa McGuinness, Elizabeth “Liz” White, Alfred Latus, Florence Earthy Dorothy Martin, Aloys Rijken, Frank Gyger,

Laurence Selkrig, Daniel Keogh, Ethel McCall, James Crameri, Joseph Benbow


Recently Deceased: Kevin Tobias, Marie Fitzgerald

As we gather to worship, we acknowledge the Traditional owners and custodians of this land- the Jaara Country we are standing on- the Jaara people of the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their forebears who have been custodians of this land for centuries.

Ted Verryt, Mary Furlong, Russell Milikins, Bryan Keogh, Zoey Lovejoy, Gerald Smith, Len Fitzgerald

Patricia Schultz, Marie Casey, Teresa Brandreth, Marianne Cuskelly, Mary McAdam, John Haugh Yvonne Holland

Maureen O’Keefe, Christine Longmire Bert Youla Patricia Ennor Alan Surplice Charles Naughton


Rosters for Lectors, Commentators and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are available to be picked up

from the back of the church.


Bishop Les Tomlinson will be officiating next weekend (5/6 August) the Confirmation/Euchar ist Sacraments at

St Liborius. We wish all the very best to the students who are involved in our sacramental program. They have been working hard

on their faith journey and will celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. And we thank all those involved in the

preparation of the students for this wonderful occasion.


O God, who chose the Apostles to make disciples of all

Nations, and who by Baptism and Confirmation has called

us to build up your Holy Church,

We implore you to choose from among us, your children, many priests and religious who will

love you with their whole hearts and will gladly spend their lives to make you better

known and loved by all.

Through Christ our Lord.


FEAST OF ST CLARE On St Clare’s feast day, 11th August, members of the Catholic Women’s League will visit the Poor Clare Sisters in Kennington. It is customary for us to have afternoon tea with them and give them a donation. If anyone would like to come with us or give a donation please contact Mary Haugh 54467049 or Maureen Bourke 54468821.

TRANSITUS OF ST. CLARE The Transitus of St. Clare will be held When: Thursday 10 August Where: the Poor Clare Monastery, Edwards Road, Kennington, Time: starting at 7.30pm. The invitation is open to all. A light supper, in company with the Sisters, will be provided at the conclusion. A plate would be most welcome.

VOCATIONS WEEK It is a time when we pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and when we recognise the lives of priests and religious sisters and brothers, both past and present. Let us also pray for our seminarians. When: Monday August 7th August to Friday 11th Where: Poor Clares Monastery, 18 Edwards Rd Kennington, Time: following the 8.00 am Mass, There will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayers, concluding with Benediction at 10.30 am. You are warmly invited to come along and pray that “The Lord of the harvest sends labourers into His harvest.” Mt 9:38 Serra International Bendigo branch.

FATIMA CENTENARY 1916-17 On Sunday October 8th Bishop Leslie Tomlinson and the Sandhurst Diocese will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the final apparition of Our Lady of Fatima which occurred on October 13th. This culminated with the astounding miracle of the sun. All are cordially invited to join in the celebration commencing with 11.00am Mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Bendigo. The Guest speaker will be Fr Paschal Corby OFM

ST LIBORIUS 150TH CELEBRATIONS In preparation for St Liborius 150th Celebrations on the 29th July 2018, fundraising is a major part. Below are some ideas which have been put forward.

Star Cinema Movie nights - One before Christmas and one after Christmas. These will be held in the afternoons. Bunnings BBQ (definitely wont be on semi final weekends) Memorabilia sales - pens, key rings etc.

The first major fundraiser will be held at the Bendigo Sports Centre for dinner on Thursday 7th September at 6pm. Please give your name to Elizabeth McDermott or the Parish Office. We require a minimum of 20 people attending. Please promote this event as it is a means of us coming together as a community to enjoy each others company. In the past 18 months we have hosted one of these events and raised $400+ just by having dinner together. Aylene Kirkwood is in the process of compiling and updating the history of St Liborius Church following the timeline from Foundation stone being laid to current time. To assist with financing publication we are asking for sponsorship of a page at a cost of $25. 150th Celebrations Committee


Youth Corner STRONGER RETREAT - REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Registrations for the 2017 Stronger Retreat are now open on . Register now if you’re 13-26 years old to join 130 other young people from our diocese having fun, growing in discipleship and learning about your faith with our keynote speakers Fr Rob Galea, Fr Dan Serratore and Sr Bernadette Toohey! When: September 15-17 Venue: Kyneton Cost: $165 Registrations are now open at Transport may be available. For more info follow @StrongerYouth on Facebook or contact Danielle at [email protected]

ST LIBORIUS SCHOOL Dear Parents and Friends of St Liborius, Last week concluded with some exciting events. Firstly congratulations to James Trew who competed in the State Cross Country Championships on Thursday. James competed in the 11 Year old boys cross country and ran his 3km in 9min 57sec. This magnificent race (3min 19sec per km) and placed him 63rd out of 94 runners. This was a personal best time for James and an incredible effort. Well done James. St Liborius Leadership Day - Also on Thursday the Yr 6 students participated in our St Liborius Leadership Day. They put their skills towards further developing our St Liborius Charism, began training as Peer Mentors and were inspired by an amazing young man, Jontee Brown, whose journey so far in life, at the age of 20, has had many twists and turns and against the odds has achieved incredible things. The Yr 6 students need to be commended for the way they participated and displayed so many attributes that will enhance their leadership. Also thank you to Sandy Crothers, Hollie Webster and the Yr 6 staff for their organisation of the day. The Yr 6 students will soon join all Yr 6 students from the Sandhurst Diocese in Shepparton on Wednesday which will be led by Fr Rob Gallea. St Liborius Feast Day - On Fr iday the whole school came together to celebrate St Liborius feast day which was actually on Sunday 23 July. This was a beautiful start to our St Liborius school Founders Day which involved the children participating in a variety of activities focusing on St Mary MacKillop, Catherine McAuley, St Francis and Dr Backhaus. Thanks you to all staff for your organisation and to the children for their active and enthusiastic involvement. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the Carter family on the passing of Jemma’s grandfather. P/T/S conferences - Thank you to all the families who attended the conferences on Tuesday. This is an important aspect of our reporting process and provides the opportunity for all 3 parties to share achievements and challenges as well as set goals for the near future. Leadership Teams - Tomorrow our St Libor ius & St Francis of Assisi Leadership Teams will be meeting on site at Wodonga. The opportunity for two schools with very similar approaches to learning to come together and enhance each other's thinking and operations is exciting. St Francis have had a number of staff visit St Liborius over the past two years and the collegial connection is very strong. SEDA Clinics - Once again we welcome the students from SEDA who will be running clinics for our students tomorrow. These clinics have been very successful in the past particularly with the positivity and energy that the SEDA students bring to our school. SEDA will also assist with our Senior Athletics Day on Monday 7 Aug. Jump Rope for Heart (JRFH) - Today our school had the launch of our JRFH. The children have been busy skipping 2 mornings a week as part of our fitness program which will enhance this. Part of JRFH is to raise funds for the Heart Foundation however this is not our main focus, and is not compulsory for students, families do not have to gather sponsors if they do not wish. NED Performance - The whole school will attend the NED performance. The aim of the performance is to motivate and encourage our students to become champions at school and in life and to promote positive behaviour and scholastic achievement. They do this by sharing the story of the character NED, whose name is also an acronym: Never Give Up, Encourage Others, Do Your Best. There is merchandise associated with the show which will be available for purchase but there is no obligation to do so. Parent’s Club AGM - Please note that the St Libor ius Parent’s Club will be holding its AGM next Tuesday 1 Aug in the MacKillop Rm at 6.30pm. All parents are invited to attend and allow for this fantastic group to continue to operate and provide support to our community. All positions will be declared vacant so we will be calling for nominations on the night. Confirmation/Eucharist Sacraments - All the very best to the students who are involved in the St Liborius sacramental program. They have been working hard on their faith journey and will celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist on 5 & 6 August. The St Liborius Piety Store, located at the entrance of the covered area, has many items on display for sale which are appropriate for these celebrations and parents can purchase at any time via the front office. Have a wonderful week Frank Dullard - Principal

MenALIVE WEEKEND The menALIVE Men’s Weekend is an opportunity for men to explore what makes them feel fully alive. The experience of the weekend is powerful and dynamic and many men are inspired and encouraged with a new sense of purpose and mission. The weekend is organised by men in your local community and conducted by an experienced team of menALIVE leaders. It is suitable for all men from 18 years of age. When: 19th & 20th August Where: St Patrick’s Parish Hall, Pyramid Hill For more information contact Fr Junjun 0428792150 [email protected]

“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”

Do you really trust God? Do you believe that all things work for good? Faith is a challenge for everyone at times. Putting our trust in God, in everything we do, means that God’s plan for our lives may

be different than our plan. When one door closes, another one opens. Trust in God, His plan is always better.

ACBC - BBI eCONFERENCE 2017: Gospel Leadership in Times of Chaos: the Hope of Pope Francis When: Thursday 10 August 2017 10:30 am - 2:45pm. Where: De Campo Hall, CEO Buildings 120 Hargreaves St. Contact: 03 5441 2544 E: [email protected] Speakers Prof Massimo Faggioli, Mr Paul Kelly, Professor The Hon Bob Carr, Sr Clare Condon SGS, Rev Dr Gerald A. Arbuckle SM, Panellists Ms Elizabeth Proust AO, Sr Ruth Durick OSU. Visit:

COMMUNITY CLIMATE PETITION Climate change is one of the greatest human rights challenges of our generation. It’s hurting vulnerable communities around the world, entrenching poverty. Caritas Australia within a coalition of faith-based agencies is organising the largest multi-electorate petition in Australia’s history to make it impossible to ignore that people of faith want climate justice. “We must not forget the grave social consequences of climate change. It is the poor who suffer the worst consequences... when we mistreat nature, we also mistreat human beings.” Pope Francis, Laudato Si. Please join the call on our Government to take stronger action to reduce our emissions, transition to clean energy and support our most vulnerable neighbours face a changing climate by signing the petition today. If you would like a Petition Sheet to gather more signatures amongst your friends or colleagues, please ask the parish office.

APOSTOLATE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA First Friday and First Saturday Devotions.

The World Apostolate of Our Lady of Fatima invites all parishioners of Bendigo to the following regular devotions: First Friday: Poor Clares monastery from 8.00am Mass until 10.30am, including Rosaries, Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Eucharistic Adoration. First Saturday: Holy Rosary Church, White Hills, from 9.00am Mass to 10.30am, including Rosaries and meditation, Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions and concluding with Benediction. Come to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to bring about the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and world peace.

CONTACT US Office Hours: Tue 10.30am-1.00pm Wed/Thu 10.30am-2.30pm Fri 10.00am-3.00pm Phone: 5446 8235 (Parish Office) Address: 50 Panton Street Eaglehawk 3556 Email: [email protected] Web: Parish Priest: Fr. Antony Joseph Mobile: 0407 708 895 Email [email protected] Parish Secretary: Tracy Rober ts Pastoral Assistant: Michael Nolan After Hours (7pm—7am) Emergency Catholic Clergy Contact: 0429 371 253 SCHOOL Phone: 5446 9172 Principal: Frank Dullard Deputy: Alistair Stewart Secretary: Louise O’Connor Chaplain: Louise Trewhella PARISH ORGANISATIONS Parish Pastoral Team

Ex-Officio: Fr Antony Joseph, Frank Dullard. Michael Nolan, John Pallotta, Members: Tracey Cole, Chris O’Brien, Margaret Watson, Brian Bourke, Anne Maree Holden.

Parish Finance Team

John Pallotta, Matthew House, Kathy Taylor, Tracey Cole.

Parish Priest Consultant Team:

Margaret Watson, John Pallotta, Tracey Cole, Michael Nolan.

Planned Giving David Trewarne

Parish Liturgy Team Mary Haugh, Elizabeth McDermott, Maureen Bourke.

Parish Loss & Grief Team

Elizabeth McDermott, Jane Bretherton, Patricia Angelini, Joan Noonan, Cathy Mitchell, Tricia Blanks, Eilis Whelan

Parish Sacramental Team Denise Webb, Jenny Chirgwin, Holly Webster, Claire Flood & Trish Blanks

Catholic Women’s League

Mary Haugh, Maureen Bourke

Legion of Mary Anne O’Brien

RCIA Team Tricia Blanks, Brian Bourke, Maureen Bourke, Anne-Maree Holden Tuesday Communion Round Co-ordinator: Sandie Westaway

Friday Communion Round Co-ordinator: Liz McDermott

KSC Community Welfare Project Brian Bourke: 5446 8821

R.S.J. Margaret Tobias

Caritas Project Compassion Brian Bourke

Children’s Liturgy Denise Webb & Natalie Duane (1st and 3rd Sunday of month)

God Start Anne O’Brien

Piety Stall Michael O’Dea, Anne O’Brien

Child Safety Brian Bourke

St Vincent de Paul: 54462585



$1277.40 TOTAL:

$737.50 $316.90 $223.00

Mass Welcomers Lectors Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion

This Weekend 6.00pm

M Weston M Bourke

1st: 2nd:

S McGowan M Nolan

A Trewarne A O’Brien

10.30am M Dole D Purden


D Webb T Blanks

K Taylor E Tuohey

Next Weekend 6.00pm

K Fitzpatrick B Bourke

1st: 2nd:

Sacramental Team

J Chirgwin P Singe

10.30am M Gill K Taylor


Sacramental Team

E McDermott K Waters



Wise Eaters Every Monday at 9.30am. Walk N Talk Every Tuesday at 9.30am. Brunch Kitchen Every Tuesday at 11.30am (exc school holidays) Parish Sacramental Team Every Tuesday at 7.00pm Mothers Prayer Every Friday 10.00am till 11.00


Secular Franciscans Every 2nd Mon of the month at 7.30pm. Liturgy Meeting Every 1st Tue of the month at 1.30pm. Parish Finance Team Meeting Quarterly at 7.30pm. Parish Pastoral Team Meeting Quarterly at 7.30pm. Card making Every 2nd Wed of the month at 1.30pm. Catholic Women’s League Every 4th Wed of the month at 1.30pm. BEC Meeting - Group D Every 1st Fri of the month at 1.30pm. R.S.J. Meeting 3rd Wed of every 2nd month at 10.30am. Bendigo Textile Group Every 2nd Sun of the month at 10.00am. Contact: Barbara Lomas 0417313760 Knights of the Southern Cross Every 2nd Thu of the month. Contact: Brian Bourke 5446 8821 Filipino Mass 4th Sunday of the month.


Mon 6pm Mass Tues 9.15am Mass Wed NO MASS Thurs - Friday 9.15am Mass

P.S. Funeral Mass replaces the Mass of the day

Saturday 9.15am Mass (St Augustine’s Myers Flat- followed by brunch) 6.00pm (Parish) Sunday 9.00am (Raywood) 10.30am (Parish) 4.00pm Sunday School

5.30pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass at St Francis Xavier’s Church, 24 Strickland Road



Everyday of the week 40mins prior to Mass except on Sunday.

Anointing of the sick

Please ring parish office.


Please call in to the parish office for a Baptism kit ($30).

Baptism preparation is conducted on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Kilian’s Parish Centre.

Bookings required. Phone 5441 6244.


Bookings must be made at least six months prior.

Please ring parish office.


What a Life! A very old man had a treasure chest.

He knew that he was going to die soon, so the old man and his wife decided to put the chest in the attic so he could take it with

him on his way to Heaven. Five weeks later the man died.

After the funeral the old man's wife went up to the attic to see if the treasure was gone. But it was still there!

She sighed and said, "I knew we should've put it in the basement!"