st. louis fed 2007 annual report

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  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report



  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report



  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    2 | ederal rese rve bank o s. louis

    I can hink o a beter way o characerize BillPooles 10-year presidency a he Federal Reserve

    Bank o S. Louis han o summon an old expres-

    sion: When sailing hrough rough waers, keep a

    seady hand a he wheel.

    Wheher were alking abou he naional and

    inernaional economic scene or he changing

    operaing environmen here a he Bank, choppy

    sur has been he rule raher han he excepion

    over he pas decadea period during which he

    S. Louis Fed was orunae o have Bill, an avidsailor, a he helm. On he Federal Open Marke

    Commitee, Bills seady hand proved invaluable

    during crises such as he Asian inancial mel-

    down, he 9/11 erroris atacks and he recen

    subprime morgage debacle.

    Wha assuredly will be one o Bills lasing lega-

    cies was his advocacy o clear communicaions

    keeping surprises o a minimum while helping he

    markes undersand he underlying principles

    behind FOMC decisions. Pracicing wha he

    preaches, Bill gave nearly 150 speeches during his

    presidency, oen speaking on he record wih

    reporers aerward o answer heir quesions

    and help eliminae conusion. Someimes he

    Federal Reserve is accused o being overly and

    unnecessarily myserious. Through his acions,

    Bill sough o alleviae any misundersandings or

    misconcepions abou he Fed.

    Despie serving as he Banks CEO or 10 years,

    Bill likes o say ha he is always an academic a

    hear. And is he eacher in him ha he Banksdirecors, boh pas and presen, really appreci-

    aed. Typically, we board members are neiher

    economiss nor expers on he inner workings o

    he Federal Reserve. We rely on he presiden o

    educae us on he ramiicaions o FOMC acions,

    as well as he bes opions or us o consider on

    decisions we need o make. In his role, Proes-

    sor Poole was unailingly helpul o us.

    ssagechairmans messagech

    Bon Voyage,

    Captain Poole

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    World-class economic daa: The Researchdivisions robus ses o online economic

    inormaion and daa services are renowned

    and relied upon worldwide. Led by he pop-

    ular FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Daa)

    daabase, Researchs web pages received

    around 60 million visis in 2007.

    Communiy connecions: Under Bill, he

    our ofices in he Disric have redoubled

    heir ocus on areas such as regional eco-

    nomic research, communiy developmen and

    economic educaion. Mainaining a srong link

    beween he Fed and local communiies is

    criical. As we have learned wih he subprime

    morgage crisis, many consumers have a dire

    need or greaer undersanding o economic

    and personal inancial issues.

    Beore Bill embarked on his nex journeywhich

    will include being a disinguished scholar in resi-

    dence a he Universiy o Delaware and a senior

    ellow a he Cao Insiue, and, naurally, sailing

    on he Chesapeake Bay near his new Marylandhomewe caugh up wih him or a inal iner-

    view. Here in he S. Louis Feds 2007 Annual

    Repor, I invie you o read Bills relecions.

    Bill, on behal o my ellow direcors and he res

    o he crew here in he Eighh Disric, I hank

    you or seering us hrough 10 oen umuluous

    years. We will miss your guidance, insigh and

    wisdom, and we wish all he bes o you and your

    wie, Gerie.

    Irl F. EngelhardChairmanBoard of DirectorsFederal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

    I have been a member o he Banks board odirecors since 2005 and have observed Bill deal

    wih change in a calm, ye nimble, manner ha

    beis a seasoned execuive more han i does

    a career academic. In ac, rom he ime Bill

    arrived in 1998, he encounered a rapidly evolving

    business modelone ha privae secor compa-

    nies are used o, bu he Fed was no. Neverhe-

    less, Bill and his managemen eam embraced he

    changes and made decisions ha proved benei-

    cial boh o he Eighh Disric and he Federal

    Reserve Sysem. An example o an innovaiveeficiency during Bills enure occurred in 2002,

    when he S. Louis and Cleveland Reserve banks

    ormed a join parnership o share sales and

    markeing uncions.

    In suppor o Sysem-generaed eficiencies, he

    S. Louis Fed was an early advocae o efors o

    reduce redundancies across Reserve banks by

    convering o common soware plaorms or

    human resources and cerain accouning unc-

    ions. Bill also conribued o he Sysem byserving a erm as chairman o he Inormaion

    Technology Oversigh Commitee, whose respon-

    sibiliies include approving overall echnology

    sraegies and budges or he Federal Reserve.

    Ideniying eficiencies, hough, is only one par o

    he sory o Bills success. The Bank can also boas

    o many areas o growh and leadership during

    he Poole era. Three worh noing are:

    U.S. Treasury suppor: Since 2001, he

    S. Louis Fed has been he home o heFeds Treasury Relaions and Suppor

    Ofice, which oversees all o he Sysems

    U.S. Treasury-relaed responsibiliies and

    manages he relaionship beween he wo

    organizaions. In addiion, he S. Louis Bank

    provides a wide range o ax collecion and

    cash managemen applicaions and services

    or he Treasury.

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    LOOKING BACKa rerospeCive Conversaion WiH Wi lliaM poole


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    6 | ederal rese rve bank o s. louis


    he decade ha you spen as presiden o

    he Federal Reserve Bank o S. Louis was

    marked by a series o crises, such as he

    Asian inancial meldown o he lae 1990s, he

    9/11 atacks and he curren subprime morgage

    crisis. How would you characerize he urbulen

    era during which you served?

    I used o hink o moneary policy as dealing wihgenerally normal periods inerruped by shocks. Ive decided

    ha is really he oher way around. In ac, he Fed has had

    o ace a whole series o shocks inerruped by occasional

    periods ha we call normal. I you were o ake he 10 years

    as a whole and divide i beween periods o shocks or he hrea

    o shocks vs. he normal periods, I hink youd ind a lo more

    monhs in he irs caegory.

    Wha have you learned abou he bes role or he Federal

    Reserve o play during imes o crisis?

    To sar wih, cenral bank credibiliy and low and sable inla-

    ion expecaions are o criical imporance. Earning ha con-

    idence is he mos imporan hing he Fed can do in dealing

    wih shocks as hey occur. I he Fed doesn have ha under-

    lying conidence, hen all sors o hings can go wrong and,

    indeed, he Fed may ind isel willy-nilly aking policy acions

    inended o mainain or resore credibiliy raher han dealing

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    wih he curren problem, whaever i migh be.So, mos o he work in dealing wih he crises

    comes beore hey even happen. Where he Fed

    is now is a consequence o earning ha credibiliy

    saring wih Paul Volcker and hen dealing suc-

    cessully wih a whole series o issues during he

    Volcker, Greenspan and now Bernanke eras.

    Does he public expec oo much rom he Fed in

    response o crises?

    You can probably address ha quesion on sev-eral levels. Theres a naural endency or people

    in he markes o look o governmen o help

    hem. And, oen, is very sel-ineresed. They

    wan o be bailed ouis jus ha simple. They

    wan someone o ix heir misakes. You see i

    across he board. People hink ha i he govern-

    men will give hem some money, why no ake i.

    I seems ha he people who mos oen alk

    abou regulaion ying hem in knos and being

    cosly are some o he irs o come asking or

    help and o be bailed ou. So, here is nohing

    Fed leaders can do excep make sure o have a

    correc, disciplined policy and hen be visible in

    explaining he raionale or he policies hey

    wan o ollow. You have o be prepared o

    resis pressures rom Congress and make use

    o he independence ha he Federal Reserve

    srucure provides.

    Could you give a broad hisorical overview

    o wha you reer o as he monearis vs.iscalis debae?

    The word monearism reers o he way he

    debaes were ramed in he 1960s and 70s.

    Fundamenally, he argumen a ha ime was

    abou a ew proposiions ha have been largely

    resolved. Is also imporan o undersand ha

    Bill Pooles seminal

    conribuions in he

    area of monear

    heor an polic

    are wiesprea an

    span four ecaes.

    Wheher i be his con

    ribuions on monear

    polic uner uncer

    ain, his earl inves

    igaions of simple

    rules for seting he

    feeral funs rae, or

    his analsis of raional

    epecaions moels

    of he erm srucurefor monear polic,

    his heoreical con

    ribuions provie

    funamenal insighs

    an plae an impor

    an role in eveloping

    wha we now view as

    he core of moern

    monear heor. He

    has coninue his con

    ribuions o monear

    polic as a member

    of he FOMC, bring

    ing he same soun,

    houghful an consis

    en economic analsis

    o polic eliberaions.

    I have known Bill for

    nearl hree ecaesan have learne a

    grea eal from him.

    Charles I. PlosserPresident

    Federal Reserve Bank of


    Paul Volcker1979-1987

    Alan Greenspan1987-2006

    Ben Bernanke2006-

    Recent chairmen of theFederal Reserve Board

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    coninued o be an argumen or a while. Theiscaliss would say, We undersand Friedmans

    heory, bu he world doesn really work quie

    ha way, and, in ac, here is a radeof. The view

    ha here was a radeof had a grea deal o do

    wih Federal Reserve policy misakes because ha

    was he prevailing view o he Federal Reserve

    wih he lone excepion o S. Louis. There was

    a whole series o policy misakes ha led o grad-

    ually rising inlaionsomeimes no so gradual

    a coss greaer han anicipaed, including, lo and

    behold, coss in erms o employmen and cer-

    ainly economic sabiliy. So, over he course o

    he 70s, he debae was resolved in avor o wha

    had been he monearis posiion.

    Four decades laer, where does he heory o

    monearism sand? Furhermore, have you

    changed your views abou monearism over

    he years?

    Monearism has become mainsream economics.

    We know now he ollowing: Inlaion is cosly,

    only he cenral bank is responsible or inlaion,

    he Phillips Curve (page 23) is verical in he long

    he debae was really a preraional epecaionsebae. (See explanaion on page 23.) One o

    he issues being argued was he relaive power

    or inluence o moneary policy and iscal policy.

    The Kenesian raiion (page 23) coming ou o

    he 1930s was ha moneary policy was prety

    much a sideshow, and he aggregae economy

    was conrolled by iscal policy. Milon Frieman

    (page 23) disagreed. He said ha moneary policy

    was cenral o undersanding he business cycle.

    How did he moneariss and iscaliss diferwhen i came o heir views on inlaion?

    The moneariss hough ha inlaion was

    cosly and damaging o he economy. The iscal-

    iss argued ha inlaion wasn all ha cosly.

    The iscaliss believed ha here could be a

    consrucive radeof in ha you could acually

    obain lower unemploymen i you were willing o

    accep somewha higher inlaion. Tha view was

    resised a a somewha inuiive level and hen

    a a very, very explici heoreical level by Fried-

    man in his presidenial address o he American

    Economic Associaion in December o 1966. There




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    run, and here is no inlaion/employmen

    radeof. Those are all par o macroeconomics

    oday. There is anoher issue ha was no

    direcly conneced wih monearism, bu you

    migh say was sor o a ellow-raveler issue:

    Friedman was very much a believer in he marke

    sysem and disrusul o governmen. He had

    grea respec or marke eficiency and grea

    skepicism abou governmen eficiency. So, he

    people who were on he monearis side o hedebae ended o have ha same view. I don

    know o any acivis governmen inerveners who

    are moneariss. They jus didn ever go

    ogeher. Moneariss generally have grea

    respec or markes. Is no o say ha marke

    decisions are inallible, bu you will ask a quesion

    wo, hree, our imes beore you decide ha

    Bill Poole (seated at far end) at a recent FOMC meeting. ChairmanBen Bernanke is seated at the center of the facing side of the table.

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    Has he FOMC reached a good sae in erms o

    is communicaion, or do you hink here is more

    work o be done?

    There is more work o be done. One o he big-

    ges innovaions came in 1994 when he FOMC

    began o disclose wha is policy decision was

    aer each meeing. The communicaion since

    hen, however, has someimes been a bi mud-

    dled. I don hink here is a setled view in he

    FOMC abou he value o essenially orecas-

    ing policy, or rying o give hins abou whereyoure going o go. Ive become skepical o ha

    approach because I hink he correlaion beween

    where you go and where you can see yoursel

    going in advance is very low. I also hink ha

    here is uninished business wih regard o clar-

    iy o objecives. Ive been an advocae since he

    irs day I came here o a ormal inlaion arge,

    and ha issue is sill unresolved. There is a huge

    amoun o uninished business in rying o deine

    and communicae he Feds reacion funcion(page 23). One o he problems righ now is

    ha he FOMC isel doesn have is reacion

    uncion very well speciied. I hink more discus-

    sion abou regulariy o he reacion uncion

    would be very helpul and would help he com-

    municaion sraegy by narrowing he range o

    uncerainy so ha he FOMC has more predic-

    able policy.

    Wha can he FOMC do o urher demysiy is

    acions and decisions?

    In he public relaions proession, where here is

    a lo o concenraion on communicaions srae-

    gies, people will ell you ha you have o be sure

    o wha your message is. You don jus hrow

    a whole lo o inormaion ou here. Wha are

    markes are making a misake. And I hink ha

    par o i cerainly survives as being exremely

    imporan in my hinking. The immediae succes-

    sors o he monearis debae o he 60s are

    people like Bob Lucas an Tom Sargen (page 23)

    and he raional expecaions heoriss. They

    were he immediae inellecual heirs o he

    debae. I cerainly come rom ha radiion, and

    a lo o my speeches have been oriened oward

    developing he pracical applicaion o hose

    ideas o undersanding and managing moneary

    policy. I don hink my views on monearism

    have changed in paricular. Those views are sill

    very much a par o my hinking.

    Does he Federal Reserves decenralized sruc-

    ure sill make as much sense now as i did when

    he Fed was creaed?

    I hink he raionale has changed over ime. Par

    o he raionale was ha regional Reserve banks

    could pursue diferen moneary policies o

    address difering regional needs. Tha argumen

    has disappearedhere can be only one naional

    moneary policy. Bu par o he original raionale

    has survived. I you look back a he Federal

    Reserve Ac in 1913, here was remendous disrus

    o Washingon and New York. Thas one reason

    why you had Reserve banks spread around he

    counryso ha you would have decenralized

    power. The argumen or decenralized auhoriy

    sill sands, bu his case is no very well appreci-

    aed by he general public. A lo o people hinko a cenralized sysem as being more eficien,

    perhaps more democraic, i is run ou o Wash-

    ingon. I hink hose views are undamenally

    wrong because I believe ha he original concep-

    ion o no having all he auhoriy concenraed in

    New York as he inancial cener or Washingon as

    he poliical cener remains valid. Continued on Page 14

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    12 | ederal reserve bank o s. louis

    don the recordontherexcerpts from some of bill pooles speeches


    sg mg h phh Cc b ecmc: Wh h m

    h ych, h w h cmm c cmg , h m

    w ccy c cy c. a m whch m ccy c

    c m whch cy wy , g c.

    h c h cy c mm h m y hw h w h

    ch c y.


    dg h phh pcy m hw c h

    : h c why transparency c. cy m ccy, m

    m fccy y m h cy cymg . How transparency

    j h. i y cmmc g, y hm.


    i ch h ofc Hg e ogh symm Whg, d.C.,

    p h hg m c c gm-

    M Mc, h gg y h mgg m, h c-

    z. J h m M, Mc G Mcc 40 c

    h mgg m. G M c y h h c h u.s. g-

    m. M Mc c h c w h q

    g g . sh h m c y m y -

    c hc, h c cgcy gm h c c

    u.s. c m h w c c mg.


    sg h C i Whg, d.C.: a mmm, h oMC c h cy m h c hm c cy mg-

    y. h c c 2000 gg h h c-- m m cy h

    w-g gg c h h c g

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    2007 annual repor | 13


    h c cy c. r cy h cm hghy c

    c y, h h cy w, i m , h hm

    h G .


    i ch h J achm a ic. lt rc: i h hg m

    jc w h hc h cy , cqy, y gg

    ccycc my cy. h m. h m c h g- jc, h m c h c w h h w m

    h jc.


    i ch M nw i nw Y Cy: a c c x h

    mym gwh, h g mym. Hw, h c

    c c mym y. ag, chg, c

    m g. h g h w cc wh c y. h m -

    mym u.s. hy w h G d, whch w cqc

    my cy m h gg . smy, h h G

    i w c 14 y. pc y c

    cmc y.

    dOLLARS ANd SENSE (2008)

    sg h c pg ac M sh i s. l: W

    hg c m h h cmy c? i y gh w,

    wh w c xm h c cy y m . ph

    t w, c h m h gh h h m

    . h w h. h m h m c-y hm c c cc h . i w,

    c c c c -mhz cc

    c , h c c gh h h c h 2007.

    For the full text of all of Bill Pooles speeches, visit

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    you rying o convey? I hink ha, o oo grea

    an exen, weve been hrowing inormaion ou

    here wihou being clear in our minds wha he

    message is. And he way Ive made his poin in

    several speeches is ha he issue is no ranspar-

    ency, bu communicaion. Transparency implies

    ha you hrow back a curain and le everybody

    look in. We oo oen dump he daa wihou

    explaining wha o make o i and why were

    doing i. Wha we need o do is no increase he

    maerial ha we pu ou here, bu we need o

    increase he inerpreaion and explanaion, and

    we need o clariy he message. I don hink

    here is enough o ha happening.

    Speaking o communicaion, you have had a

    repuaion as one o he more ouspoken Reserve

    bank presidens, wheher i be your willingness

    o speak on record wih he media or he nearly

    150 speeches you have given. Why do you eel ihas been so imporan or you o mainain such

    high visibiliy?

    When I came here and began o give speeches, I

    asked mysel: Wha exacly am I rying o do? And

    wha purpose is being served? Here I am, ou here

    represening he Federal Reserve, knowing ha

    expecaions are very imporan. And while expec-

    aions are obviously inimaely conneced wih

    policy decisions o he Federal Reserve, hey also o

    some exen relec wha comes ou o he mouhs,or pens, o Federal Reserve oficials. So, I sared o

    hink hrough wha o do and how o do i.

    Anoher quesion I asked mysel was: Wha can I

    iner and inerpre rom lucuaions in inancial

    daa abou inlaion expecaions or expecaions

    abou moneary policy? These are hings ha are

    14 | ederal rese rve bank o s. louis

    St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay congratulates Bill Poole duringthe grand opening of the Banks pedestrian plaza in 2005.




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    imporan o Federal Reserve decision-making.I came o he view ha I can only make sense o

    all his i I pu i in very simple absrac erms.

    And has where he speech came rom in 1999

    ha was called Synching, no Sinking, he

    Markes. (See page 12.) I said, les go back o he

    basic lieraure o he 1970s and he basic macro-

    economic modelhe raional expecaions

    equilibrium. The desirable equilibrium is ha he

    cenral bank behaves as he marke expecs, and

    he marke behaves as he cenral bank expecs.Thas he naure o he equilibrium: When here

    is new inormaion, such as daa on indusrial

    producion or housing sars, he equilibrium

    requires ha he Federal Reserve and he markes

    respond o he same daa in he same way. A

    number o my speeches have been oriened

    around ha heme, and ha provides a uniying

    heoreical view ha ies ogeher los o diferen

    problems. For one hing, his view gives me a very

    easy way o address he quesions ha keep

    coming, such as: Hows he Fed going o se

    ineres raes a is nex meeing? Wha are you

    guys going o do? Then I can say, Wha were

    going o do will depend on wha he new inorma-

    ion is. I can predic unpredicable inormaion.

    And you would no wan me o commiyou

    would no wan he FOMC o commias o

    wha i is going o do come hell or high waer.

    I wouldn make any sense or us o ignore

    imporan new inormaion.

    I always ell people, Im no being coy wih you.

    Im elling you ha I can predic wha he inla-

    ion rae is going o be in nex weeks CPI repor.

    I is an ousized shock, wih no exenuaing cir-

    cumsances o i, hen he Fed needs o ake ha

    ino accoun when orming is inlaion oulook,

    and ha ough o afec our policy decision.

    When we hire Bil

    10 ears ago, we

    knew ha he was an

    ousaning econo

    mis an woul bea value paricipan

    on he FOMC. M

    percepion is ha he

    has more han live

    up o ha epeca

    ion. Wha we i

    no know is wheher

    he woul be able

    o aap o a major

    eecuive role in

    leaing such a large

    insiuion as he

    S. Louis Feera

    Reserve Bank

    He has, in fac

    eceee our epec

    aions in ha

    capaci, which jus

    proves ha an olacaemic can learn

    new ricks

    John F. McdonnelJames S. McDonnell Foundation

    Former Chairman of the Federal Reserv

    Bank of St. Louis Board of Directors

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    The raional expecaions model says ha hemarke has o undersand wha he cenral bank

    is doing. The marke undersands wha he cen-

    ral bank is doing, in par and maybe even mosly,

    hrough inerences rom observed cenral bank

    acionshow we se he ederal unds rae. Bu

    he communicaions sraegy can deepen he

    markes undersanding o wha were doing and

    why were doing i, and ha helps o produce a

    beter equilibrium. Thas he reason o be as

    open and orhrigh as possible.

    Earlier, you menioned inlaion argeing. Is he

    announcemen o an inlaion arge being ham-

    srung and hung up by concern abou he Federal

    Reserves dual mandae?

    Probably. I hink ha, puting poliical pressures,

    which are real, aside, is possible o explain all

    his easily wihin he ramework o he ual

    manae (page 23). I you look back in hisory,

    you see ha he larges problems on he employ-men ron have come rom inlaion and price

    insabiliy. You look a delaion during he Grea

    Depression, he bigges economic disaser in

    U.S. hisory by ar, and hen you look a he 60s

    and 70s, when inlaion was rising, he business

    cycle lucuaions became more exreme, and he

    average rae o unemploymen roseand I don

    hink is an acciden ha price-level sabiliy and

    employmen levels are conneced. So, we ough

    o be able o explain ha achieving susained,high and sable employmen requires inlaion

    sabiliy. We can assis in mainaining inlaion

    sabiliy i we have grea clariy as o he objec-

    ive. Thas an argumen ha I believe and ha

    Ive made in some o my speeches. And I don

    see any reason why he FOMC shouldn adop

    ha as is oficial view.

    Bill Poole has ha an

    enormous impac on

    he Eighh disric an

    he Feeral Reserve

    Ssem as a lea

    ing economis. I also

    ha he opporunio see Bill ecel in

    anoher Fe role, as

    a paricipan in he

    Ssems sraegic

    irecion projec ur

    ing m ime as chair

    man. There, he helpe

    efine he evolving

    roles of he Reserve

    banks an helpebring clari o he

    principal governance

    issues associae wih

    he evolving role of

    he Reserve banks an

    he Boar of Gover

    nors. Bill was a leaer

    in seting a framework

    o help he banks an

    he governors achieve

    he mission of he

    Ssem for he ne

    ecae. His respec

    for an unersan

    ing of he hisor an

    he fuure of he Fe

    serve our Bank well.

    Waler L. Mecalfe Jr.Bryan Cave LLP

    Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank

    of St. Louis Board of Directors

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    2007 annual repor | 17

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    dg h 10 y

    h r b s. l,

    b p w wy g

    h m mm

    h o M Cmmt.

    H ch c q

    c h , h g my

    w hgh h .

    wg s. l , p h -

    c cg my

    cy w chg h g

    c y. dg c h m

    dy c, wh w

    h s. l b m 1966 1976,

    s. l h c-

    y c c ch

    m w .

    p c h s. l g m gy g, hghy , my

    w h G i. a h m, my cm cy-

    m m h g c, h xc my w

    gm g c. c, hw, w cc h h w -

    . Cg ch m h m cm g c,

    c g h w h gwh h my c w

    gh c. c c ccy cg y m-

    g h gwh my, h g c c y h s. l

    rch m, m h s. l b mc.

    h s. l g g mc . ahgh

    h b h cy h h my w c -

    c c w c y, h w y mch h m-

    m. p p c h s. l hgh

    h wg ccy hg c y h m

    jc my cy. i h w h c c m

    c ym mxmm cmc gwh hgh m,

    c cmmm c y.

    Poole Continued

    the St. Louis Fed


    18 | ederal reserve bank o s. louis

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    2007 annual repor | 19

    ha rack is ha I have a vivid memory when I

    was a he Council o Economic Advisers in

    Washingon. We had many discussions and were

    all very well aware o he problems being covered

    up in he savings and loan indusry. Tha experi-

    ence led me o raher deep regre ha I had no

    raised ha issue publicly. I migh no have beenin a posiion o do i because i was a very polii-

    cally dificul issue, and many people were rying

    o cover i up, sweep i under he rug and ignore

    i. Bu I wish I would have somehow ound a way

    o raise ha issue and improve public conscious-

    ness. I I had been able o do ha in 1982 or 1983,

    and i here had been some earlier acion, i

    Swiching o an issue ha brough a lo o

    atenion o you a ew years ago: governmen-

    sponsored enerprises (GSEs) like Fannie Mae

    and Freddie Mac. You made a speech in March o

    2003 (page 12) in which you quesioned he long-

    erm inancial viabiliy o hese agencies. Where

    does his issue sand oday?

    Tha speech caused a litle sir. I don hink

    anyhing consrucive by way o reorm has hap-

    pened since. I don ake credi or disclosing he

    accouning irregulariies, bu when I look back, is

    here somehing I wish I had said or no said? The

    answer is no. One o he reasons I wen down

    In he lae 1960s an earl 1970s, S. Louis Fe Presien darrl Francis an Research direcor

    Homer Jones consisenl an vociferousl argue ha price sabili coul onl be resore if

    he Fe ariculae an implemene a ssemaic polic ha resraine monear growh. The

    S. Louis Bank became known as he monearis bank.

    B he 1990s, economiss unersoo ha, in principle, oher ssemaic approaches o mon

    ear polic can provie a nominal anchor for he econom. Criical for he success of such

    approaches o polic is ha consumers an firms believe ha fuure inflaion will be low an

    sable. For polic o succee, he general public mus unersan he Fes longrun infla

    ion objecive an how he FOMC will respon o shorrun economic flucuaions. Bill Poole

    has been a leaer, perhaps the leaer, wihin he Feeral Reserve Ssem in pushing for greaer

    polic ransparenc b he FOMC an a clearer ariculaion of a ssemaic implemenaion of

    monear polic aime a achieving price sabili. In his sense, Bill has aape an carrie on

    he raiion of he S. Louis Fe in he 21s cenur.

    Rober H. RascheSenior Vice President and Director of Research

    Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    and on he Federal Reserve Sysem. He had muchmore impac on dealing wih moneary policy

    issues han I have had o dae on he GSE issue.

    Looking a he operaing environmen o he

    S. Louis Fed isel, wha do you regard as he

    mos signiican changes ha afeced he Bank

    during your enure?

    Theres no quesion in erms o he scale o he

    efecs, is he consolidaion in inancial services

    ha led o ending check and cash operaions inwo branches (Litle Rock and Louisville) and sell-

    ing he buildings here. Tha was an enormous

    change, going rom branches ha each had 150

    employees down o abou eigh. We have more

    o ha coming in S. Louis and Memphis because

    migh have saved axpayers quie a bi o money.I probably wouldn have made any diference,

    bu I would have el beter.

    So, par o he reason ha I did push he GSE

    issue was a eeling ha I was in a posiion o

    undersand he issue and he poenial graviy

    o i. And has exacly wha an ofice like his is

    or. I have an audience simply by virue o speak-

    ing rom his ofice ha I would no have had as a

    Brown Universiy proessor; so, why no? Thas

    consisen wih my predecessors. Thas wha

    Darryl Francis did. (See sidebar on page 18.) He

    wen ou campaigning abou he inlaion issue

    and abou moneary policy. He did no change

    policy a he ime, bu I hink he had very sub-

    sanial long-run inluence on he naional debae

    20 | ederal rese rve bank o s. louis



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    2007 annual repor | 21

    The mos imporan

    aspec of he Feeral

    Reserve Ssem is

    is ecenralizesrucure. In his

    ssem, he job of

    regional Reserve

    bank presien

    encompasses man

    uies, bu among

    he mos imporan

    is serving as he con

    necion beween he

    business an inusr of he iniviua

    isrics an he

    Feeral Reserves

    naional monear

    polic mission. In

    his enure a he

    S. Louis Feera

    Reserve Bank, Bil

    has been ver much

    commite o his

    role in he mon

    ear polic process

    bringing his insigh

    an analsis o he


    Thomas M. HoenigPresiden

    Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

    well be closing down check operaions in heselocaions. And here is consolidaion in oher

    services, oo; so, we are much less a sand-alone

    company han we were 10 years ago. Some IT and

    HR services ha used o be here, or example,

    are now elsewhere. Whas happened here is no

    unlike whas happened o a lo o companies

    ha have ousourced suppor operaions. Is no

    unique o he Fed.

    Wha do you hink he Federal Reserve migh

    look like 10 o 20 years rom now?

    Who is i ha said, Forecasing is dificul, espe-

    cially abou he uure? How do I come o grips

    wih ha quesion, beyond saying ha heres

    always uncerainy, and i anyone looks back a

    his annual repor, heyll probably laugh a wha

    Ill say, bu has he way hese hings always are.

    Firs o all, hisorically you don ind signiican

    changes in moneary arrangemens in he Unied

    Saes absen o a big problem or screw-up osome sor. I would no expec he Federal

    Reserve Ac o be opened and revised in any

    imporan respec in he absence o a signiican

    moneary problem.

    Tha means ha well probably have he same

    basic ramework in he law. I seems o me ha

    he main hing ha he Reserve banks need o do

    and probably will do is o manage hemselves

    eficienly enoughwhich I hink we do a prety

    good job o doingand provide public serviceshrough economic educaion, economic research

    and so orh ha are regarded in he public

    debae as being worh wha we spend on hem.

    From ime o ime, here will probably be some

    atacks on us rom Congress. Tha happens. Bu

    i we coninue o perorm prety well on he

    macroeconomic ron, I don hink were going

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    o be very vulnerable, and he atacks ha occurrom ime o ime will no have any maerial

    efec on he law. Tha means ha he Federal

    Reserve banks will shrink in erms o heir opera-

    ing responsibiliies. I hink we need o ge used

    o he prospec o Reserve banks being smaller

    in erms o employmen, and more vigorous and

    more rigorous in erms o our inellecual oupu.

    Wha will you miss mos abou being presiden

    o he S. Louis Fed?

    Ill miss he exciemen and challenge o he mon-

    eary policy process. Thas been very ineresing

    o observe and be par o.


    I don hink anybody likes doing perormance

    reviews and some o ha adminisraive suf

    (laugher). Forunaely, hough, he scale o i is

    prety small. I have said o many people, and I

    really believe i, ha here is nohing Ive done hereha is as awul as grading a huge sack o exams

    over winer break. Im glad I le ha behind.

    Are here any closing commens you would

    like o make?

    I am hrough and hrough an academic, and I had

    no managerial experience coming ino his job.

    I really enjoyed learning abou a lo o modern

    managemen pracices, and I el orunae o

    have some very good people do all he hard work.There are a lo o really good people here. n

    22 | ederal reserve bank o s. louis

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    kpoolespeakpoolespeakAn explanation of key terms

    Preraional Epecaions debae In he 1970s, macroeconomic models o how moneary and iscal poli-cies afec he economy began o ocus on how he public orecass uure values o economic daa and

    policies. Macroeconomic models ha incorporae raional expecaions assume ha he public uses all

    relevan inormaion when making projecions abou uure values o daa and policy acions. Thus, in

    such models, moneary and iscal policies have no permanen efecs on oupu or employmen because

    he public will anicipae and, acing in is bes ineres, ake acions ha ofse he impac o policy on he

    growh o oupu and employmen.

    Kenesian Traiion Reers o John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), an English economis who proposed

    ha high unemploymen, being a resul o insuficien capial spending by business, could be relieved by

    governmen-sponsored programs. He also advocaed deici spending by governmens o simulae

    economic aciviy.

    Milon Frieman The 20h cenurys mos prominen economis advocae o ree markes. A winner o

    he 1976 Nobel Prize in Economics, Friedman (1912-2006) was noed as a proponen o monearism and or

    his opposiion o governmen inervenion in he economy.

    Phillips Curve An inverse relaionship beween inlaion and unemploymen irs observed in daa or

    he Unied Kingdom by he economis A.W. Phillips. Moneariss argued, and mos macroeconomiss now

    agree, ha here is no long-run relaionship beween inlaion and unemploymen, and ha monearypolicy canno afec he unemploymen rae in he long run.

    Lucas an Sargen Reers o Rober Lucas, Nobel Prize winner and proessor o economics a he Univer-

    siy o Chicago, and Thomas Sargen, proessor o economics a New York Universiy. Boh were leading

    proponens o macroeconomic models ha incorporae he raional expecaions assumpion.

    Reacion Funcion Reers o how policymakers adjus heir policies in response o new economic daa and

    oher inormaion.

    dual Manae Reers o he ac ha he Federal Reserve Ac (as amended) direcs he Federal Reserve o

    pursue moneary policies o achieve he goals o boh maximum employmen and sable prices.

    2007 annual repor | 23

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    24 | ederal reserve bank o s. louis

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    THANK YOUeng boad membe

    We bd faewell and exe o gade o hoe membe of heEghh Dc boad of deco who hae ecenly eed

    O aecaon and be whe go o o he followng


    Leon Mahew

    ST. LOUISCynha J. Bnley

    Jay Fzmmon

    Lew F. Malloy J

    Noe: Lew Malloy now ee a he

    Ban Fedeal Adoy Concl membe

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    26 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis


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    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 27

    cal Mcaslan



    Pender & McCaslain P.A.Litle Rock, Ark.

    Phllp N. Baldwn

    Presiden and CEOSouhern Bancorp

    Arkadelphia, Ark.

    Snja Yas Hbbard

    CEOE-Z Mar Sores Inc.

    Texarkana, Texas

    Sharn Prs

    Execuive Direcor

    Downown Litle Rock ParnershipLitle Rock, Ark.

    Wllam c. Shll


    Firs Securiy Bancorp-SearcyFirs Securiy Bank

    Litle Rock, Ark.

    c. Sam Walls

    CEOArkansas Capial Corp.

    Litle Rock, Ark.

    Rbr A. Yng iii


    Arkansas Bes Corp.

    For Smih, Ark.

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    28 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

    Gary A. Ransdll


    PresidenWesern Kenucky Universiy

    Bowling Green, Ky.

    Grdn B. Gss


    Marion, Ky.

    Jhn L. Hbr

    ConsulanLouisville, Ky.

    Barbara Ann Ppp


    Schuler Bauer RealEsae Services

    New Albany, Ind.

    Jhn c. Shrdr


    Wabash Plasics Inc.

    Evansville, Ind.

    L. clar aylr Jr.


    Ephraim McDowell Healh

    Danville, Ky.

    Sn e. ragr

    Chairman and CEORepublic Bank & Trus Co.

    Louisville, Ky.


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    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 29

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    30 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis


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    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 31

    N clar



    Clark & ClarkMemphis, Tenn.

    Mrdh B. Alln

    Vice Presiden, MarkeingSaple Coton Cooperaive

    AssociaionGreenwood, Miss.

    charls S. Blats

    Member (Parner)The Bogain Law Firm PLC

    Memphis, Tenn.

    hmas G. Mllr

    PresidenSouhern Hardware Co. Inc.

    Wes Helena, Ark.

    Dad P. Rmbargr Jr.

    Presiden and CEO

    Communiy DevelopmenFoundaion

    Tupelo, Miss.

    Hnr Smmns

    Presiden and CEO

    Firs Souh Bank

    Jackson, Tenn.

    No picured:

    Ssan S. Sphnsn

    Co-Chairman and PresidenIndependen Bank

    Memphis, Tenn.

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    32 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

    irl F. englhard


    ChairmanPario Coal Corp.

    S. Louis

    Rbr G. Jns

    Presiden and CEO

    Old Naional BancorpEvansville, Ind.

    J. hmas May

    Chairman and CEO

    Simmons Firs Naional Corp.Pine Bluf, Ark.

    Pal . cmbs


    Baker Implemen Co.Kennet, Mo.

    A. Rgrs Yarnll ii


    Yarnell Ice Cream Co. Inc.

    Searcy, Ark.

    Dad R. Prsn

    Presiden and CEO

    Firs Naional Bank in Pinckneyville

    Pinckneyville, Ill.

    Grgry M. Dt

    Senior Vice Presiden and Corporae CounselBapis Memorial Healh Care Corp.

    Memphis, Tenn.

    Sn H. Lpsn

    Deputy Chairman

    Presiden and CEO

    BJC HealhCareS. Louis


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    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 33

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    Jhn kng iiiKing Farms

    Helena, Ark.

    Larry clarBunge Norh America Inc.S. Louis

    Sam J. FrllDonald DanorhPlan Science Cener

    S. Louis

    Dad Wllams, Ph.D.Burkmann FeedsDanville, Ky.

    No ced:Br Grnwal, Ph.D

    Arkansas Sae Universiy

    Sae Universiy, Ark.

    Lnard Garraa, Ph.D.World Agriculural Forum

    S. Louis

    d HbrHubers Orchard & Winery

    Sarligh, Ind.

    Rhard JamsnJameson Farms

    Brownsville, Tenn.

    kh GlrProducers Rice Mill Inc.

    Sutgar, Ark.

    34 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

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    Sphn A. WllamsNoron Healhcare

    Louisville, Ky.

    caln AndrsnBlue Cross Blue Shield

    o Tennessee

    Memphis, Tenn.

    No ced:

    Rssll D. Harrngn Jr.Bapis Healh

    Litle Rock, Ark.

    D PrsnUniversiy o Arkansas or

    Medical Sciences

    Litle Rock, Ark.

    Ssr Mary Jan RyanSSM Healh Care Sysem

    S. Louis

    Jan c. vsSignaure Healh Services Inc.

    S. Louis

    Bb GrdnBapis Memorial Healh Care

    Memphis, Tenn.

    Jfry B. BrngardnrHumana-Kenucky Inc.

    Louisville, Ky.

    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 35

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report



    kn HhngsnColliers Dickson FlakeLitle Rock, Ark.

    Wllam MhllMemphis AreaAssociaion o Realo

    Memphis, Tenn.

    Ja McrayBank o he OzarksLitle Rock, Ark.

    Jhn J. MrandaPinnacle Properieso Louisville, LLC

    Louisville, Ky.

    Dad PrWhitaker Builders Inc.

    S. Louis

    Mary SngrCresaParners Memphis

    Memphis, Tenn.

    36 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

    No ced:

    Grg kzzAlberici Consrucors

    S. Louis

    e. Phllp Shrr iiiCommercial Kenucky Inc.

    Louisville, Ky.

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report



    Rbr L. LsUPS

    Louisville, Ky.

    kr hmpsnJ.B. Hun Transpor Services Inc.

    Lowell, Ark.

    Mar knyMEMCO Barge Line

    Cheserield, Mo.

    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 37

    No ced:. Mhal GlnnFedEx Corp.

    Memphis, Tenn.

    charl W. JhnsnC.W. Johnson Xpress

    Louisville, Ky.

    Dnns oalyBruce Oakley Inc.

    Norh Litle Rock, Ark.

    Jsph rayDo Transporaion Inc.

    M. Serling, Ill.

    Phl rnaryPinnacle Airlines Inc.

    Memphis, Tenn.

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    38 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

    Wllam Pl

    Presiden and CEO

    Da Sapnar

    Firs Vice Presiden

    and COO

    karl Ashman

    Senior Vice Presiden

    Jd crny

    Senior Vice Presiden

    Mary karr

    Senior Vice Presiden

    Rbr Rash

    Senior Vice Presiden

    Rbr Shn

    Senior Vice Presiden

    Jl Sahs

    Senior Vice Presiden


  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 39

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    40 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

    bankers and business, governmen and commu-niy leaders. Bill Poole was an arden supporer

    o hese efors and raveled boh ar and re-

    quenly o mee wih he Banks consiuens.

    During he pas decade, we have also grealy

    enhanced he already ormidable amoun o

    economic daa on he Research porion o he

    Banks web sie. We are currenly in he process

    o revamping he res o our web sie and plan

    o launch he new sie laer his year.

    Chairman Engelhard ouched on he S. LouisFeds relaionship wih he U.S. Treasury. Tha is

    cerainly rue. We are exremely proud o he

    parnership we have orged wih he Treasury in

    recen years. In 2007, he Feds Treasury Relaions

    and Suppor Ofice, based in S. Louis, coninued

    o provide efecive monioring and suppor or

    he Sysems Treasury-relaed objecives. In

    addiion, our Disrics Treasury operaions were

    awarded addiional Treasury responsibiliies in

    2007, ensuring ha he Disric will coninue obe a leading Reserve bank in erms o serving

    he U.S. Treasury.

    The Disrics banking supervision uncion las

    year successully me all saey and soundness,

    consumer afairs, and applicaions processing

    mandaes, and provided efecive supervision and

    monioring o Disric sae member banks and

    bank holding companies. In addiion, he Disric

    coninued o expand is supervisory porolio.

    Despie all o hese posiive developmens, we

    have also been orced o make some dificul

    decisions in recen years. Resrucuring decisions

    in deparmens like Check, Cash and even Trea-

    sury have lowered our employmen levels in hose

    areas. We had o bid arewell o many dedicaed,

    ow, is our urn. In heprevious pages, Chairman

    Engelhard shared his

    houghs on Bill Poole, as

    did pas chairmen and a

    ew o Mr. Pooles col-

    leagues around he Federal Reserve Sysem. And,

    o course, our pas presiden himsel ofered his

    relecions in he main essay. We, he Banks

    senior managemen eam, would also like o

    express our appreciaion o Presiden Poole or his

    wise guidance and counsel over he las decade.

    The Bank is a much diferen place han i was

    when we welcomed Mr. Poole in 1998. In he pas

    10 years, as changes have occurred boh inside

    and ouside he Federal Reserve, we have

    remained agile enough o develop new capabili-

    ies and skillul enough o emerge as a Sysem

    leader in several areas.

    Mr. Poole saw he need or he Bank o, in a

    sense, redeine isel. For example, our check

    operaions a all our ofices had hisorically

    perormed very well. Bu ha didn change an

    environmen ha winessed more and more

    people swiching o elecronic orms o pay-

    mena rend ha he Federal Reserve has

    encouraged. As we have reduced, and coninue

    o reduce, our check operaions, we have bol-

    sered areas o he Bank ha Mr. Poole liked o

    reer o as our inellecual presence.

    By ha, he mean sharing our knowledge abou

    he economy, moneary policy and personal

    inance wih radiional and nonradiional

    audiences alike. We are doing his hroughou

    our Disric hrough programs like economic

    orums, educaion workshops, and meeings wih

    tmessage from managementm


  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    alened employees. Perhaps here used o be aeeling here ha he Federal Reserve was immune

    o employmen pressures ha privae companies

    rouinely ace. Tha is no longer he case.

    As we prepare o welcome a new presiden o he

    S. Louis Fed, we are excied abou aking on he

    challenges ha lie ahead. I is clear ha Mr. Poole

    le he Bank solidly posiioned o ace he con-

    inuing evoluions in he economy, he banking

    secor and he Federal Reserve Sysem.











    2007 ANNuAL rEpOrt | 41

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    42 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

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    Fo he yea ended Decembe 31, 2007 and 2006

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    44 | FEDErAL rEsErvE BANk OF st. LOuis

    The frm engaged by the Board o Governors or the audits othe individual and combined fnancial statements o the ReserveBanks or 2007 was Deloitte & Touche LLP (D&T). Fees or theseservices totaled $4.7 million. To ensure auditor independence,the Board o Governors requires that D&T be independent inall matters relating to the audit. Specifcally, D&T may not

    perorm services or the Reserve Banks or others that wouldplace it in a position o auditing its own work, making manage-ment decisions on behal o the Reserve Banks, or in any otherway impairing its audit independence. In 2007, the Bank didnot engage D&T or any material advisory services.

  • 8/3/2019 St. Louis Fed 2007 Annual Report


    2007 annual repor | 45

    ManageMents RepoRt on InteRnal ContRol oveR FInanCIal RepoRtIng

    To The Board o direcTors:

    Mrch 20, 2008

    th mm h Fdr Rr Bk s. lui (FRBstl) i rib r h rri d ir ri h

    sm Fici Cdii, sm Icm d Cmrhi Icm, d sm Ch i Ci Dcmbr 31, 2007 (h Fici sm). th Fici sm h b rrd i crmiy wih h ccu-

    i rici, ici, d rcic bihd by h Brd grr h Fdr Rr sym d rh i h

    Fici accui Mu r h Fdr Rr Bk (Mu), d uch, icud mu, m which r bd

    mm judm d im. t ur kwd, h Fici sm r, i mri rc, iry rd i

    crmiy wih h ccui rici, ici d rcic dcumd i h Mu d icud dicur cry r

    uch ir ri.

    th mm h FRBstl i rib r bihi d miii ci ir cr r ci rri

    i r h Fici sm. such ir cr i did rid rb urc mm d h

    Brd Dircr rrdi h rri h Fici sm i ccrdc wih h Mu. Ir cr ci -

    miri mchim, icudi, bu imid , diii ribiiy d cd cduc. oc idid, y mridcici i ir cr r rrd mm d rri crrci mur r immd.

    e ci ir cr, mr hw w did, h ihr imii, icudi h ibiiy hum rrr, d

    hrr c rid y rb urc wih rc h rri rib ci m. a, rjci

    y ui ci uur rid r ubjc h rik h cr my bcm idqu bcu ch i

    cdii, r h h dr cmic wih h ici r rcdur my drir.

    th mm h FRBstl d i ir cr r ci rri rfcd i h Fici sm, bd u

    h criri bihd i h Ir Cr Ird Frmwrk iud by h Cmmi sri orizi h

    trdwy Cmmii. Bd hi m, w bi h h FRBstl miid ci ir cr r ci rr-

    i i r h Fici sm.

    Fdr Rr Bk s. lui

    Wm P, prid d Chi excui ocr

    d a. sp, Fir vic prid d Chi ori ocr

    M K. c, vic prid, Chi Fici ocr

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    46 | federal reserve bank of st. louis

    W h udid h ccmyi m cdii h Fdr Rr Bk s. lui (FRB s. lui) Dcmb

    31, 2007 d h rd m icm d cmrhi icm d ch i ci r h yr h dd, which

    h b rrd i crmiy wih ccui rici bihd by h Brd grr h Fdr Rr sy-

    m. W h udid h ir cr r ci rri FRB s. lui Dcmbr 31, 2007, bd criri

    bihd i Internal Control Integrated Frameworkiud by h Cmmi sri orizi h trdwy

    Cmmii. FRB s. lui mm i rib r h ci m, r miii ci ir cr r

    ci rri, d r i m h ci ir cr r ci rri, icudd i h ccmy

    i Mm Rr Ir Cr r Fici Rri. our ribiiy i xr ii h ci

    m d ii FRB s. lui ir cr r ci rri bd ur udi. th ci m

    FRB s. lui r h yr dd Dcmbr 31, 2006 wr udid by hr udir wh rr, dd Mrch 12, 2007, xrd

    uquid ii h m.

    W cducd ur udi i ccrdc wih h drd h pubic Cmy accui orih Brd (Uid s). th

    drd rquir h w d rrm h udi bi rb urc bu whhr h ci m r r

    mri mim d whhr ci ir cr r ci rri w miid i mri rc. our

    udi h ci m icudd xmii, bi, idc uri h mu d dicur i h -

    ci m, i h ccui rici ud d iic im md by mm, d ui h r

    ci m ri. our udi ir cr r ci rri icudd bii udrdi ir

    cr r ci rri, i h rik h mri wk xi, d i d ui h di d ri

    ci ir cr bd h d rik. our udi icudd rrmi uch hr rcdur w cidrd

    cry i h circumc. W bi h ur udi rid rb bi r ur ii.

    FRB s. lui ir cr r ci rri i rc did by, r udr h urii , FRB s. lui rici

    xcui d rici ci cr, r r rrmi imir uci, d cd by FRB s. lui brd dircr,

    mm, d hr r rid rb urc rrdi h ribiiy ci rri d h rri ci m r xr ur i ccrdc wih h ccui rici bihd by h Brd grr h

    Fdr Rr sym. FRB s. lui ir cr r ci rri icud h ici d rcdur h (1) ri

    h mic rcrd h, i rb di, ccury d iry rfc h rci d diii h FRB

    s. lui; (2) rid rb urc h rci r rcrdd cry rmi rri ci m i

    RepoRt oF InDepenDent aUDItoRs

    To The Board o Governors o The ederal reserve sysTeMand The Board o direcTors o The ederal reserve BanK o sT. louis

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    2007 annual repor | 47

    ccrdc wih h ccui rici bihd by h Brd grr h Fdr Rr sym, d h rci d

    xdiur FRB s. lui r bi md y i ccrdc wih uhrizi mm d dircr FRB s. lui;

    d (3) rid rb urc rrdi ri r imy dci uuhrizd cquiii, u, r diii FRB

    s. lui h cud h mri c h ci m.

    Bcu h ihr imii ir cr r ci rri, icudi h ibiiy cui r imrr m-

    m rrid cr, mri mim du rrr r rud my b rd r dcd imy bi. a,

    rjci y ui h ci h ir cr r ci rri uur rid r ubjc h

    rik h h cr my bcm idqu bcu ch i cdii, r h h dr cmic wih h ici r

    rcdur my drir.

    a dcribd i n 3 h ci m, FRB s. lui h rrd h ci m i crmiy wih ccu-

    i rici bihd by h Brd grr h Fdr Rr sym, rh i h Financial Accounting Manual or

    Federal Reserve Banks, which i cmrhi bi ccui hr h ccui rici ry ccd i h Uid

    s amric. th c uch ci m h dirc bw h ccui rici bihd by h

    Brd grr h Fdr Rr sym d ccui rici ry ccd i h Uid s amric r

    dcribd i n 3.

    I ur ii, h ci m rrrd b r iry, i mri rc, h ci ii FRB s. lui

    Dcmbr 31, 2007, d h ru i ri r h yr h dd, h bi ccui dcribd i n 3. a,

    i ur ii, FRB s. lui miid, i mri rc, ci ir cr r ci rri Dcmbr 31,

    2007, bd h criri bihd i Internal Control Integrated Frameworkiud by h Cmmi sri oriz-

    i h trdwy Cmmii.

    s. lui, Miuri

    Mrch 20, 2008

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    2007 annual repor | 49

    W h udid h ccmyi m cdii h Fdr Rr Bk s. lui (h Bk) Dcmbr 31,

    2006, d h rd m icm d ch i ci r h yr h dd, which h b rrd i crmiy

    wih h ccui rici, ici, d rcic bihd by h Brd grr h Fdr Rr sym. th

    ci m r h ribiiy h Bk mm. our ribiiy i xr ii h ci

    m bd ur udi.

    W cducd ur udi i ccrdc wih ry ccd udii drd bihd by h audii sdrd Brd

    (Uid s) d i ccrdc wih h udii drd h pubic Cmy accui orih Brd (Uid s).

    th drd rquir h w d rrm h udi bi rb urc bu whhr h ci m

    r r mri mim. a udi icud xmii, bi, idc uri h mu d dicur i

    h ci m, i h ccui rici ud d iic im md by mm, d ui

    h r ci m ri. W bi h ur udi rid rb bi r ur ii.

    a dcribd i n 3, h ci m wr rrd i crmiy wih h ccui rici, ici, d rcic

    bihd by h Brd grr h Fdr Rr sym. th rici, ici, d rcic, which wr did

    m h ciizd ccui d rri d h Fdr Rr sym, r rh i h Financial Accounting

    Manual or Federal Reserve Banks which i cmrhi bi ccui hr h ccui rici ry ccd

    i h Uid s amric.

    I ur ii, h ci m rrrd b r iry, i mri rc, h ci ii h Bk

    Dcmbr 31, 2006, d h ru i ri r h yr h dd, h bi ccui dcribd i n 3.

    Mrch 12, 2007

    RepoRt oF InDepenDent aUDItoRs

    To The Board o Governors o The ederal reserve sysTeMand The Board o direcTors o The ederal reserve BanK o sT. louis

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    50 | federal reserve bank of st. louis


    gd cric $ 326 $ 328

    sci drwi rih cric 71 71Ci 50 40

    Im i rc cci 13 196

    l diry iiui 1,050 -

    scurii urchd udr rm r 1,486 -

    U.s. rm curii, 23,831 24,897

    Im dmid i ri currci 513 223

    accrud ir rcib 205 214

    Irdiric m ccu 3,742 1,807

    Bk rmi d quim, 127 96

    ohr 42 45

    Tt t $ 31,456 $ 27,917

    liaBiliTies and caPiTal


    Fdr Rr udi, $ 29,212 $ 25,994

    scurii d udr rm rurch 1,406 941


    Diry iiui 289 434

    ohr di 13 7

    Drrd crdi im 38 103

    Ir Fdr Rr du U.s. trury 42 16

    accrud b c 80 80

    ohr ibiii 16 10

    Tt bt $ 31,096 $ 27,585


    Ci id-i 180 166

    suru (icudi ccumud hr cmrhi $18 mii

    d $21 mii Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, rciy) 180 166

    Tt pt 360 332

    Tt bt pt $ 31,456 $ 27,917

    FeDeRal ReseRve BanK oF st. loUIs

    sTaTeMenTs o condiTion

    ( in millions)

    As of December 31,

    2007 2006

    The accompanying notes are an integral part o these fnancial statements.

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    2007 annual repor | 51

    Ir icm:

    Ir U.s. rm curii $ 1,235 $ 1,112

    Ir curii urchd udr rm r 45 -Ir im dmid i ri currci 6 4

    Ir diry iiui 3 1

    Tt tt m 1,289 1,117

    Ir x:

    Ir x curii d udr rm rurch 54 42

    nt tt m 1,235 1,075

    ohr ri icm:

    Cmi rcid r ric ridd 26 22

    Rimburb ric rm ci 115 116

    Fri currcy i, 20 13

    ohr icm 3 2

    Tt t ptg m 164 153

    ori x:

    sri d hr b 104 94

    occucy x 10 10

    equim x 7 8

    am by h Brd grr 23 20

    ohr x 108 107

    Tt ptg xp 252 239

    nt m p t tbt 1,147 989

    Ch i udd u b 3 -

    cmp m p t tbt $1,150 989

    Diribui cmrhi icm:

    Diidd id mmbr bk $ 10 $ 10

    trrrd uru d ch i ccumud hr cmrhi 14 43

    pym U.s. trury ir Fdr Rr 1,126 936

    Tt tbt $ 1,150 $ 989

    FeDeRal ReseRve BanK oF st. loUIs

    sTaTeMenTs o incoMe and coMPrehensive incoMe

    ( in millions)

    For the year ended December 31,

    2007 2006

    The accompanying notes are an integral part o these fnancial statements.

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    52 | federal reserve bank of st. louis

    The accompanying notes are an integral part o these fnancial statements.


    nt im amt ot Tt

    cpt P-i rt cmp l sp Tt cpt

    Bc Jury 1, 2006

    (2.9 mii hr) $ 144 $ 144 $ $ 144 $ 288

    n ch i ci ck

    iud (0.4 mii hr) 22 22

    trrrd uru 43 43 43

    adjum iiiy y

    sFas n. 158 (21) (21) (21)

    Bc Dcmbr 31, 2006

    (3.3 mii hr) $ 166 $ 187 $ (21) $ 166 $ 332

    n ch i ci ck

    iud (0.3 mii hr) 14 14

    trrrd uru d

    ch i ccumud

    hr cmrhi 11 3 14 14

    B t dmb 31, 2007

    (3.6 m ) $ 180 $ 198 $ (18) $ 180 $ 360

    FeDeRal ReseRve BanK oF st. loUIs

    sTaTeMenTs o chanGes in caPiTal

    For the years ended December 31, 2007, and December 31, 2006( in millions)

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    2007 annual repor | 53

    noTe 1


    th Fdr Rr Bk s. lui (Bk) i r hFdr Rr sym (sym) d h w Rr

    Bk (Rr Bk) crd by Cr udr h FdrRr ac 1913 (Fdr Rr ac), which bihdh cr bk h Uid s. th Rr Bk rchrrd by h dr rm d uiqu rm, crr, d cr bk chrcriic. thBk d i brch i li Rck, luii d Mmhi rh eihh Fdr Rr Diric, which icud ark, dri Iii, Idi, Kucky, Miiii, Miuri dt.

    I ccrdc wih h Fdr Rr ac, urii dcr h Bk i xrcid by brd dircr. thFdr Rr ac ci h cmii h brd dircr r ch h Rr Bk. ech brd i cm-d i mmbr ri hr-yr rm: hr dircr,

    icudi h did chirm d duy chirm,r id by h Brd grr h Fdr Rrsym (Brd grr) rr h ubic, d ixdircr r cd by mmbr bk. Bk h r mmbr h sym icud i bk d y -chrrdbk h y d r rd r mmbrhi i h sy-m. Mmbr bk r diidd i hr c ccrdi iz. Mmbr bk i ch c c dircr rrimmbr bk d rri h ubic. I y ci dircr, ch mmbr bk rci , rrd h umbr hr Rr Bk ck i hd.

    th sym ci, i r, h Brd grrd h Fdr o Mrk Cmmi (FoMC). th Brd grr, idd dr cy, i chrd by h

    Fdr Rr ac wih umbr cic dui, icud-i r urii r h Rr Bk. th FoMC icmd mmbr h Brd grr, h rid h Fdr Rr Bk nw Yrk (FRBnY) d, ri bi, ur hr Rr Bk rid.

    noTe 2

    oPeraTions and services

    th Rr Bk rrm riy ric d ri.Fuci icud ricii i rmui d cducimry icy; ricii i h ym ym, icud-

    i r-dr rr ud, umd crihu(aCH) ri, d chck cci; diribui cid currcy; rrmc c cy uci r h U.s.trury, cri dr ci, d hr ii; ri h dr rm bk; rii hr-rm diry iiui; ric h cumr d h cmmu-iy by ridi duci mri d irmi rrdicumr w; d urii bk hdi cmi, mmbr bk, d U.s. c ri bki riz-i. Cri ric r ridd ri d irimry uhrii, rimriy by h FRBnY.

    th FoMC, i h cduc mry icy, bih

    icy rrdi dmic mrk ri, r

    h ri, d uy iu uhrizi d dirc-

    i h FRBnY r i xcui rci. th FRBnY

    i uhrizd d dircd by h FoMC cduc ri i

    dmic mrk, icudi h dirc urch d U.s.rm curii, h urch curii udr r-

    m r, h curii udr rm rur-

    ch, d h di U.s. rm curii. th FRBnY

    xcu h mrk rci h dirci h

    FoMC d hd h rui curii d rm i h

    ri kw h sym o Mrk accu (soMa).

    I ddii uhrizi d dirci ri i h

    dmic curii mrk, h FoMC uhriz d dirc

    h FRBnY xcu ri i ri mrk r mjr

    currci i rdr cur dirdry cdii i xch

    mrk r m hr d cid by h FoMC i crry-

    i u h sym cr bk ribiii. th FRBnY i

    uhrizd by h FoMC hd bc , d xcu

    d rwrd ri xch (FX) d curii crc

    r, i ri currci d i uch ri currcy

    hdi uri dqu iquidiy i miid. th FRBnY

    i uhrizd d dircd by h FoMC mii rcirc

    currcy rrm (FX w) wih ur cr bk

    d wrhu ri currci r h U.s. trury d

    exch sbiizi Fud (esF) hruh h Rr Bk.

    I cci wih i ri currcy ciii, h FRBnY

    my r i rci h ci ryi dr -

    bc-h mrk rik h ru rm hir uur m

    d cur-ry crdi rik. th FRBnY cr crdi rik by

    bii crdi r, bihi rci imi, d

    rrmi diy miri rcdur.

    ahuh h Rr Bk r r ii, i hir rr cicy d ci hy cbr

    i h diry cri ri d ric. th cb-

    ri k h rm crizd ri d rduc r

    uci c h h ribiiy r h diry cri

    ric bh h Rr Bk. vriu ri

    d mm md r ud d r urd by ric

    rm bw h Rr Bk ridi h ric d

    h hr Rr Bk. I m c, c icurrd

    by Rr Bk r ric ridd hr Rr Bk

    r hrd; i hr c, h Rr Bk r bid r

    ric ridd hm by hr Rr Bk.

    Mjr ric ridd bh h sym by h Bk,

    r which h c wr rdiribud h hr RrBk, icud ri h trury Ri d sur

    oc d h trury Ri d sym sur Dr-

    m, which rid ric h U.s. trury. th ric

    icud: rihi mm, ric cui, d

    rih r c d ym rd rjc r h Fdr

    Rr sym; d ri ur r h trury x

    cci, ch mm d cr miri.

    FeDeRal ReseRve BanK oF st. loUIs

    noTes To inancial sTaTeMenTs

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    54 | federal reserve bank of st. louis

    noTe 3

    siGniicanT accounTinG Policies

    accui rici r ii wih h uiqu wr dribiii h i cr bk h b r-mud by ccui drd-i bdi. th Brd grr h dd ciizd ccui rici drcic h i cidr b rri r h ur duci cr bk, which dir iicy rm h h ri cr. th ccui rici d rcicr dcumd i h Fici accui Mu r Fd-r Rr Bk (Fici accui Mu), which iiud by h Brd grr. a h Rr Bk rrquird d d y ccui ici d rcich r ci wih h Fici accui Mu d hci m h b rrd i ccrdc wih hFici accui Mu.

    Dirc xi bw h ccui rici d rc-ic i h Fici accui Mu d ry ccdccui rici i h Uid s (gaap), rimriydu h uiqu ur h Bk wr d ribii-i r h i cr bk. th rimry dirci h ri curii hdi mrizd c,rhr h ui h ir u ri rquird by gaap.U.s. rm curii d im dmid i r-i currci cmrii h soMa r rcrdd c, m-d bi, d djud r mrizi rmiumr ccri dicu rih-i bi. amrizd cmr rriy rfc h Bk curii hdi ih sym uiqu ribiiy cduc mry icy.Whi h ici curr mrk ric h curiihdi my ru i u ubiy b r bw hircrryi u, h urizd ch i u wud h dirc c h quiy rr ib h bkiym r h rc r uur Bk ri r ci.Bh h dmic d ri cm h soMa r-i my i rci h ru i i r whhdi r d rir muriy. Dcii rrdi curiid ri currcy rci, icudi hir urch d, r mid by mry icy bjci rhr hr. accrdiy, mrk u, ri, d y i r rui rm h uch curii d currci ricid h mrk ri d d midcii rd icy r mrk ciii.

    I ddii, h Bk h cd r sm Ch Fw bcu h iquidiy d ch ii h Bk

    r rimry ccr i h Rr Bk uiqu w-r d ribiii. a sm Ch Fw, hrr,wud rid ddii miu irmi. ohrirmi rrdi h Bk ciii i ridd i, rmy b drid rm, h sm Cdii, Icm dCmrhi Icm, d Ch i Ci. thr r hr iic dirc bw h ici uid i hFici accui Mu d gaap.

    th rri h ci m i crmiywih h Fici accui Mu rquir mm mk cri im d umi h c h rrd

    mu d ibiii, h dicur ci - d ibiii h d h ci m, d hrrd mu icm d x duri h rririd. acu ru cud dir rm h im. Uiquccu d iic ccui ici r xid bw.

    a. Gold and sPecial draWinG riGhTs cerTiicaTes

    th scrry h U.s. trury i uhrizd iu d dci drwi rih (sDR) cric h Rr Bk.

    pym r h d cric by h Rr Bk i mdby crdii qui mu i dr i h ccubihd r h U.s. trury. th d cric hd by hRr Bk r rquird b bckd by h d h U.s.trury. th U.s. trury my rcquir h d cric y im d h Rr Bk mu dir hm h U.s.trury. a uch im, h U.s. trury ccu i chrd,d h Rr Bk d cric ccu r u d r ur bcki h d cric i by w $42 2/9 ry uc. th Brd grr

    c h d cric m Rr Bk c yrbd h r Fdr Rr udi i chRr Bk.

    sDR cric r iud by h Iri Mry Fud(Fud) i mmbr i rri ch mmbr qui h Fud h im iuc. sDR cric r um iri mry rr d my b r-rrd rm i mry uhriy hr. Udrh w ridi r Uid s ricii i h sDR y-m, h scrry h U.s. trury i uhrizd iu sDRcric mwh ik d cric h Rr Bk.Wh sDR cric r iud h Rr Bk, quimu i dr r crdid h ccu bihd r hU.s. trury, d h Rr Bk sDR cric ccu

    r icrd. th Rr Bk r rquird urch sDRcric, h dirci h U.s. trury, r h ur ci sDR cquiii r r ci xch biiz-i ri. a h im sDR rci ccur, h Brd grr c sDR cric rci m RrBk bd u ch Rr Bk Fdr Rr u-di h d h rcdi yr. thr wr sDRrci i 2007 r 2006.

    B. loans To dePosiTory insTiTuTions

    Diry iiui h mii rrb rci c-cu r r im di, dd i ruiiud by h Brd grr, h brrwi rii

    h dicri h Rr Bk. Brrwr xcu cridi rm d di uci cr br crdii xdd. th Bk r hr dicu widw rrm diry iiui: rimry crdi, cdry crdi, d - crdi, ch wih i w ir r. Ir i ccrudui h icb dicu r bihd ry ur- dy by h brd dircr h Rr Bk, ubjc riw d drmii by h Brd grr.

    I ddii, diry iiui h r iib brrwudr h Rr Bk rimry crdi rrm r iib rici i h mrry trm auci Fciiy (taF)

    FeDeRal ReseRve BanK oF st. loUIs

    noTes To inancial sTaTeMenTs

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    2007 annual repor | 55

    rrm. Udr h taF rrm, h Rr Bk cducuci r xd mu ud, wih h ir r dr-mid by h uci rc, ubjc miimum bid r. adc udr h taF mu b uy crizd.

    oudi r ud r ccibiiy, d curry r cidrd ccib d uy crizd. I wrr dmd b uccib, rri rr wudb bihd.

    c. u.s. GovernMenT securiTies and invesTMenTs

    denoMinaTed in oreiGn currencies

    Ir icm U.s. rm curii d imdmid i ri currci cmrii h soMa i c-crud rih-i bi. gi d rui rm curii r drmid by cic iu bd r c. Fri-currcy-dmid r ruddiy curr ri currcy mrk xch r i rdr rr h i U.s. dr. Rizd d urizdi d im dmid i ri curr-

    ci r rrd Fri currcy i, i h s-m Icm d Cmrhi Icm.

    aciiy rd U.s. rm curii, icudi hrmium, dicu, d rizd d urizd i d, i cd ch Rr Bk rc bidrid rm u m h irdiric -m ccu h ccur i ari ch yr. th m quiz Rr Bk d cric hdi FdrRr udi i ch Diric. aciiy rd i-m dmid i ri currci i cd chRr Bk bd h ri ch Rr Bk cid uru r ci d uru h rcdiDcmbr 31.

    d. securiTies Purchased under aGreeMenTs To resell,securiTies sold under aGreeMenTs To rePurchase, andsecuriTies lendinG

    th FRBnY my i ri-ry urch curii udrrm r (ri-ry rm). tri-ry r-m r cducd wih w cmmrci cudi bk hm h cri d m cr. Cr ihd i xc h crc mu. accb crudr ri-ry rm rimriy icud U.s. rmcurii, -hruh mr curii h grmni Mr acii, Fdr Hm l MrCrri, d Fdr ni Mr acii, stRIpcurii h U.s. grm, d rid curii

    hr rm ci. th ri-ry rm r c-cud r ci rci, wih h cid iricm ccrud r h i h rm.

    scurii d udr rm rurch r ccudr ci rci d h cid ir xi rcizd r h i h rci. th rcir rrd i h sm Cdii hir crcumu d h rd ccrud ir yb i rrd cm ohr ibiii.

    U.s. rm curii hd i h soMa r U.s.rm curii dr i rdr cii h ci

    ucii h dmic curii mrk. scurii-dirci r uy crizd by hr U.s. rmcurii d h cr k i i xc h mrk u h curii d. th FRBnY chr h dr rbrrwi curii d h r rrd cm ohr icm.

    aciiy rd curii d udr rm rur-ch d curii di i cd ch h RrBk rc bi drid rm u m h irdiric m ccu. o Fbrury 15, 2007 hFRBnY b ci h hr Rr Bk h ciiyrd curii urchd udr rm r.

    e. X sWaP arranGeMenTs and WarehousinG aGreeMenTs

    FX w rrm r crcu rm bww ri, h FRBnY d uhrizd ri cr bk,whrby h ri r xch hir currci u rrrd mximum mu d r rd-u rid im (u w mh), rd-u ir r.

    th rrm i h FoMC mrry cc hri currci i my d ur i iri r-i d i h uhrizd ri cr bk mrrycc dr. Drwi udr h FX w rrm cb iiid by ihr ry d mu b rd by h hrry. th FX w rrm r rucurd h h ryiiii h rci br h xch r rik u m-uriy. Fri currci rcid uru h rmr rrd cm Im dmid iri currci i h sm Cdii.

    Wrhui i rrm udr which h FoMC r xch, h rqu h U.s. trury, U.s. dr rri currci hd by h U.s. trury r esF r imidrid im. th ur h wrhui ciiy i

    um h U.s. dr rurc h U.s. trury d esFr ci urch ri currci d rd ir-i ri.

    FX w rrm d wrhui rm r r-ud diy curr mrk xch r. aciiy rd h rm, wih h xci h urizd i d rui rm h diy rui, i cd chRr Bk bd h ri ch Rr Bk cid uru r ci d uru h rcdiDcmbr 31. Urizd i d rui rm hdiy rui r rcrdd by FRBnY d cd hhr Rr Bk.

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    . BanK PreMises, equiPMenT, and soTWare

    Bk rmi d quim r d c ccumuddrcii. Drcii i ccud rih-i bir h imd uu i h , which r rm w y yr. Mjr ri, ri, d imrmr ciizd c ddii h ccu d rdrcid r h rmii uu i h r, i r-ri, r h uiqu uu i h ri, ri, rimrm. Mic, rir, d mir rcm rchrd ri x i h yr icurrd.

    C icurrd r wr duri h ici d-m , ihr dd iry r cquird r iru, r ciizd bd h c dirc ric dmri cid wih dii, cdi, ii, r iwr. Ciizd wr c r mrizd rih-i bi r h imd uu i h wr ic-i, which r rm w yr. Mic crd wr r chrd x i h yr icurrd.

    Ciizd icudi wr, buidi, hd

    imrm, uriur, d quim r imird wh r ch i circumc idic h h crryimu r ru i rcrb d ii-cy xcd hir ir u.

    G. inTerdisTricT seTTleMenT accounT

    a h c bui ch dy, ch Rr Bk mbh ym du r rm hr Rr Bk. th y-m ru rm rci bw Rr Bk d r-ci h i diry iiui ccu hd by hrRr Bk, uch Fdwir ud d curii rr,d chck d aCH rci. th cumui mudu r rm h hr Rr Bk i rfcd i h Ir-

    diric m ccu i h sm Cdii.

    h. ederal reserve noTes

    Fdr Rr r h circui currcy h Uids. th r iud hruh h riu FdrRr (h chirm h brd dircr chRr Bk d hir di) h Rr Bk udi wih uch cid c cr curiy,yicy U.s. rm curii. th r idid iud cic Rr Bk. th Fdr Rr acrid h h cr curiy drd by h Rr Bk h Fdr Rr mu b qu h um h id r by uch Rr Bk.

    a iib b dd cr curiy icud h Bk . th cr u i qu h bk u h cr drd, wih h xci curii, rwhich h cr u i qu h r u h curi-i drd. th r u curii dd r curiid udr rm rurch i dducd.

    th Brd grr my, y im, c u RrBk r ddii curiy dquy criz h FdrRr . t iy h bii rid uci c-r r udi Fdr Rr , h Rr Bkh rd i rm h rid r cri

    h Rr Bk b jiy dd cr r hFdr Rr iud Rr Bk. I h h hi cr i iuci, h Fdr Rr ac ridh Fdr Rr bcm r d rmu i h h Rr Bk. Fiy, Fdr Rr r bii h Uid s rm. a Dcmbr31, 2007, Fdr Rr iud h Rr Bkwr uy crizd.

    Fdr Rr udi, i h sm Cdii rr h Bk Fdr Rr ud-i, rducd by h Bk currcy hdi $3,770 miid $3,175 mii Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, rciy

    i. iTeMs in Process o collecTion and deerredcrediT iTeMs

    Im i rc cci i h sm Cdii ri-mriy rr mu ribub chck h h bdid r cci d h, h bc h d,h y b rd h yi bk. Drrd crdi

    im r h curr ibiiy im i rc ccid h mu i hi ccu ri rm drri crdi rdid im ui h mu r ccd. th bc ibh ccu c ry iicy.

    j. caPiTal Paid-in

    th Fdr Rr ac rquir h ch mmbr bk ub-crib h ci ck h Rr Bk i muqu 6 rc h ci d uru h mmbrbk. th hr r i wih r u $100 dmy b rrrd r hyhcd. a mmbr bkci d uru ch, i hdi Rr Bk ckmu b djud. Curry, y -h h ubcrii i

    id-i d h rmidr i ubjc c. a mmbr bk i i-b r Rr Bk ibiii u wic h r u ckubcribd by i.

    By w, ch Rr Bk i rquird y ch mmbrbk u diidd 6 rc h id-i cick. thi cumui diidd i id miuy. t rfch Fdr Rr ac rquirm h u diidd rdducd rm ri, diidd r rd diri-bui cmrhi icm i h sm Icmd Cmrhi Icm.

    K. surPlus

    th Brd grr rquir h Rr Bk mii

    uru qu h mu ci id-i Dcmbr31 ch yr. thi mu i idd rid ddiici d rduc h ibiiy h h Rr Bk wudb rquird c mmbr bk r ddii ci.

    accumud hr cmrhi icm i rrd cm uru i h sm Cdii d hsm Ch i Ci. th bc ccumudhr cmrhi icm i cmrid x, i,d rd dd b i d hrrirm b h, udr ccui drd,r icudd i hr cmrhi icm bu xcudd rm

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    icm. addii irmi rrdi h cici ccumud hr cmrhi icm i ridd i n9 d 10.

    th Bk iiiy id h rii sFas n. 158,emyr accui r Dd B pi d ohrprirm p, Dcmbr 31, 2006. thi ccuidrd rquir rcii h rudd r udruddu dd b rirm i h sm Cdii, d rcii ch i h udd ui h yr i which h ch ccur hruh cmrhiicm. th rii ru r immi h drd r-quird yi h rii h d h yr iiiimmi, d h c Dcmbr 31, 2006i rcrdd adjum iiiy y sFas n. 158 ih sm Ch i Ci.

    l. inTeresT on ederal reserve noTes

    th Brd grr rquir h Rr Bk rrxc ri h U.s. trury ir Fdr Rr

    , r ridi r h c ri, ym diidd, d rri mu cry quuru wih ci id-i. thi mu i rrd py-m U.s. trury ir Fdr Rr ih sm Icm d Cmrhi Icm d irrd ibiiy, r i rid duri h yr,i h sm Cdii. Wky ym h U.s.trury my ry iicy.

    I h r icr i ci id-i R-r Bk, ym h U.s. trury r udd d r-i r rid ui h uru i qu h ci id-i.

    I h dcr i ci id-i, h xc uru,r qui ci id-i d uru Dcmbr 31, i di-ribud h U.s. trury i h wi yr.

    M. incoMe and cosTs relaTed To u.s. Treasury services

    th Bk i rquird by h Fdr Rr ac r -c d diry h Uid s. By u, hDrm h trury i rmid, bu rquird, yr h ric. Duri h yr dd Dcmbr 31, 2006d 2007, h Bk w rimburd r ric ridd h Drm trury.

    n. coMPensaTion received or services Provided

    th Fdr Rr Bk a (FRBa) h r r-ibiiy r mi h Rr Bk rii chck d

    aCH ric diry iiui, d, ru, rc-iz sym ru r h ric i sm Icm d Cmrhi Icm. simiry, h FRBnYm h Rr Bk rii Fdwir ud dcurii rr ric, d rciz symru r h ric i sm Icm dCmrhi Icm. th FRBa d FRBnY cmh hr Rr Bk r h c icurrd rid hric. th Bk rr hi cmi Cmircid r ric ridd i h sm Icm dCmrhi Icm.

    o. assessMenTs By The Board o Governors

    th Brd grr h Rr Bk ud iri bd ch Rr Bk ci d urubc Dcmbr 31 h rir yr. th Brd g-

    rr ch Rr Bk r h x icurrdr h U.s. trury rr d rir Fdr Rr bd ch Rr Bk hr h umbr cmrii h sym ibiiy r Fdr Rr Dcmbr 31 h rir yr.

    P. TaXes

    th Rr Bk r xm rm dr, , d cx, xc r x r rry. th Bk r rryx wr $1 mii r ch h yr dd Dcmbr 31,2007 d 2006, d r rrd cm occu-cy x.

    q. resTrucTurinG charGes

    th Rr Bk rciz rrucuri chr r xi rdi c icurrd r h cur bui cii-i i ricur ci, h rci bui ciiirm ci hr, r udm rrizih c h ur ri. Rrucuri chr myicud c cid wih my ri, crcrmii, d imirm. ex r rcizd ih rid i which h Bk cmmi rmizd rrucur-i r xcu h cic ci cmd i h d criri r ci m rcii h b m.

    n 11 dcrib h Bk rrucuri iiii drid irmi bu h c d ibiii cidwih my ri d crc rmii. th c

    cid wih h imirm cri h Bk r dicud i n 6. C d ibiii cid wihhcd i b i cci wih h rrucuriciii r h Rr Bk r rcrdd h bk h FRBnY.

    r. recenTly issued accounTinG sTandards

    I smbr, 2006, h FasB iud sFas n. 157, Fir vuMurm (sFas n. 157). sFas n. 157 bih i uhrii dii ir u, u rmwrkr muri ir u, d xd rquird dicurbu ir u murm. sFas n. 157 i ry c-i r h Bk Jury 1, 2008, huh h ci d

    m rii i Jury 1, 2009. th rii sFasn. 157 wi b id rciy d r xcd h mri c h Bk ci m.

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    noTe 4

    u.s. GovernMenT securiTies, securiTies Purchased underaGreeMenTs To resell, securiTies sold under aGreeMenTsTo rePurchase, and securiTies lendinG

    th FRBnY, bh h Rr Bk, hd curiibuh urih i h soMa. th Bk cd hr soMa bc w rximy 3.196 rc d 3.177rc Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, rciy.

    th Bk cd hr U.s. grm curii, ,hd i h soMa Dcmbr 31, w w (i mii):

    2007 2006

    P :

    U.s. rm:

    Bi $ 7,282 $ 8,801

    n 12,841 12,784

    Bd 3,548 3,162Tt p 23,671 24,747

    Umrizd rmium 255 277

    Uccrd dicu (95) (127)

    Tt t t t Bk $ 23,831 $ 24,897

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, h ir u h U.s. -rm curii cd h Bk, xcudi ccrud ir-, w $24,838 mii d $25,287 mii, rciy, drmid by rrc qud ric r idic curii.

    th h U.s. rm curii, , hd i hsoMa w $745,629 mii d $783,619 mii Dcmbr31, 2007 d 2006, rciy. a Dcmbr 31, 2007 d

    2006, h ir u h U.s. rm curii hd i hsoMa, xcudi ccrud ir, w $777,141 mii d$795,900 mii, rciy, drmid by rrc qud ric r idic curii.

    ahuh h ir u curiy hdi c b ubiyrr r h h rcrdd u y i i im, hurizd i r h c h biiy hRr Bk, cr bk, m hir ci biid ribiii, d hud b miudrd rr-i rik h Rr Bk, hir hrhdr, r h ub-ic. th ir u i rd y r irmi ur.

    Fici irmi rd curii urchd udrrm r d curii d udr rm r-urch r h yr dd Dcmbr 31, 2007, w w(i mii):

    st stP s

    gmt gmt

    t t p

    acd h Bk:

    Crc mu udi,

    d yr $ 1,486 $ 1,406

    Wihd r mu

    udi, duri h yr 1,121 1,114

    Mximum mh-d bc

    udi, duri h yr 1,646 1,406

    scurii dd,

    d yr 1,408

    sym :

    Crc mu udi,

    d yr $ 46,500 $ 43,985

    Wihd r mu

    udi, duri h yr 35,073 34,846

    Mximum mh-d bc

    udi, duri h yr 51,500 43,985

    scurii dd,

    d yr 44,048

    a Dcmbr 31, 2006, h crc mu curiid udr rm rurch w $29,615 mii, which $941 mii w cd h Bk. th r -u soMa curii h wr dd r curii d udrm rurch Dcmbr 31, 2006 w $29,676mii, which $943 mii w cd h Bk.

    th crc mu r curii urchd udr r-m r d curii d udr rm rur-ch rxim ir u.

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    th muriy diribui U.s. rm curii buhurih, curii urchd udr rm r, d -curii d udr rm rurch h wr cd h Bk Dcmbr 31, 2007, w w (i mii):

    u.s.Gmtst(P )



    t r(cttmt)

    sts u

    agmt trp(cttmt)

    Wihi 15 dy $ 872 $ 1,486 $ 1,406

    16 dy 90 dy 4,785

    91 dy 1 yr 4,867

    or 1 yr 5 yr 7,689

    or 5 yr 10 yr 2,619

    or 10 yr 2,839

    Tt tt t Bk $ 23,671 $ 1,486 $ 1,406

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, U.s. rm curiiwih r u $16,649 mii d $6,855 mii, rc-iy, wr d rm h soMa, which $532 mii d$218 mii, rciy, wr cd h Bk.

    noTe 5

    invesTMenTs denoMinaTed in oreiGn currencies

    th FRBnY, bh h Rr Bk, hd ri cur-rcy di wih ri cr bk d wih h Bk rIri sm d i i ri rm dbirum. Fri rm db irum hd icudbh curii buh urih d curii urchd udr

    rm r. th im r urd rici d ir by h iui ri rm.

    th Bk cd hr im dmid iri currci w rximy 1.085 rc d 1.089rc Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, rciy.

    th Bk cd hr im dmid iri currci, icudi ccrud ir, ud ricurrcy mrk xch r Dcmbr 31, w w(i mii):

    2007 2006


    Fri currcy di $ 298 $ 68

    scurii urchd udr

    rm r 28 24

    grm db irum 51 45

    J Y:

    Fri currcy di 30 28

    grm db irum 62 58

    swi rc:

    Fri currcy di 44

    Tt t t t Bk $ 513 $ 223

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007, h mu ri currcydi hd udr FX crc w $24,381 mii, which$264 mii w cd h Bk. a Dcmbr 31, 2006,hr wr ri xch crc.

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, h ir u imdmid i ri currci, icudi ccrud ir-, cd h Bk w $513 mii d $222 mii,rciy. th ir u rm db irum wdrmid by rrc qud ric r idic c bi ri currcy di d curii ur-chd udr rm r, djud r ccrud ir,rxim ir u. simir h U.s. rm curiidicud i n 4, urizd i r h c h biiy Rr Bk, cr bk, m i cibii d ribiii.

    t sym im dmid i ri currciwr $47,295 mii d $20,482 mii Dcmbr 31, 2007d 2006, rciy. a Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, hir u h sym im dmid i ricurrci, icudi ccrud ir, w $47,274 mii d

    $20,434 mii, muriy diribui im dmid i r-

    i currci h wr cd h Bk Dcmbr 31,2007, w w (i mii):

    ep jp sw

    e y Tt

    Wihi 15 dy $ 54 $ 32 $ 86

    16 dy 90 dy 251 4 44 299

    91 dy 1 yr 30 22 52

    or 1 yr 5 yr 42 34 76

    Tt t

    t t Bk $ 377 $ 92 $ 44 $ 513

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, h uhrizd wrhuiciiy w $5,000 mii wih bc udi.

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    noTe 6

    BanK PreMises, equiPMenT, and soTWare

    Bk rmi d quim Dcmbr 31 w w (i mii):

    2007 2006

    Bk rmi d quim:

    ld $ 11 $ 11

    Buidi 74 69

    Buidi mchiry

    d quim 20 18

    Cruci i rr 50 18

    Furiur d quim 40 43

    sub 195 159

    accumud drcii (68) (63)

    Bk rmi d quim, $ 127 96dpt xp, t dmb 31 $ 8 $ 8

    th Bk c uid wih rm h yr. R icm rm uch w imm-ri r h yr dd Dcmbr 31, 2007, d 2006. Fuurmiimum ym udr rm i xic Dcmbr31, 2007, wr immri.

    th Bk h ciizd wr , mrizi, $6 mii d $8 mii Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006,rciy. amrizi x w $3 mii r ch hyr dd Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006. Ciizd wr r rrd cm ohr d h

    rd mrizi i rrd cm ohr x-. swr $3 mii wr wri i mjriy h wri- wr rimburd by h Dr-m h trury.

    a imird ru h Bk rrucuri , dicud i n 11, icud chck rci quim. aimirm $2 mii d $1 mii r h riddi Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, rciy, wr dr-mid ui ir u bd qud mrk u r hrui chiqu d r rrd cm ohrx. th imirm r h rid di Dcmbr31, 2006, rr urhr wri dw h li Rck ci-iy, which w ib r d rrd cm ohr .

    noTe 7

    coMMiTMenTs and conTinGencies

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007, h Bk w bid udr c-cb r rmi d quim wih rmii rmri rm rximy hr yr. th rid r icrd r ym bd u icr ir x, ri c, r cd ric idic.

    R x udr ri r cri riciii, wrhu, d d rci d c quim(icudi x, iurc d mic wh icudd ir), ub r, w $2 mii r ch h yrdd Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006. Cri h Bk h i rw.

    Fuur miimum r ym udr ccbri , ub r, wih rmii rm yr r mr, Dcmbr 31, 2007 r w(i hud):


    2008 $ 628

    2009 535

    2010 75

    t mmm t pmt $ 1,238

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007, hr wr mri urcrdd

    ucdii urch cmmim r -rm bii ixc yr.a Dcmbr 31, 2007, h Bk hd cmmim -

    rximy $15 mii r h cruci d cquiii ddii buidi c h s. lui ciiy. excd y-m rd h cmmim r $15 mii r h yrdi Dcmbr 31, 2008.

    Udr h Iurc arm h Fdr Rr Bk,ch h Rr Bk h rd br, r icidbi, r r hr i xc rc hci id-i h cimi Rr Bk, u 50 rc h ci id-i Rr Bk. l r bri h ri Rr Bk ci id-i h ciid-i Rr Bk h bii h cdr yr

    i which h i hrd. n cim wr udi udrh rm Dcmbr 31, 2007 r Bk i id i cri ci d cim rii

    i h rdiry cur bui. ahuh i i dicu rdic h uim ucm h ci, i mmii, bd dicui wih cu, h rmidiii d cim wi b rd wihu mri dr -c h ci ii r ru ri h Bk.

    noTe 8

    reTireMenT and ThriT Plans

    reTireMenT Plans

    th Bk curry r hr dd b rirm i my, bd h ric d cmisubiy h Bk my rici i h Rir-m p r emy h Fdr Rr sym (symp). emy cri cmi rici i hB equizi Rirm p (Bep) d cri RrBk cr rici i h sum emy Rirmp (seRp).

    th sym p rid rirm b my hFdr Rr Bk, h Brd grr, d h oc

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    emy B h Fdr Rr emy B FRBnY, bh h sym, rciz h dc cid wih h sym p i i ci m.C cid wih h sym p r rdiribud hrricii myr.

    th Bk rjcd b bii, udd u, d i x r h Bep d h seRp Dcmbr 31,2007 d 2006, d r h yr h dd, wr mri.

    ThriT Plan

    emy h Bk my rici i h dd c-ribui thri p r emy h Fdr Rr sym(thri p). th Bk thri p cribui d $4mii d $3 mii r h yr dd Dcmbr 31, 2007d 2006, rciy, d r rrd cm sri d hr b i h sm Icm dCmrhi Icm. th Bk mch my cribu-i bd cid rmu. Fr h yr dd Dcm-br 31, 2007 d 2006, h Bk mchd 80 rc h

    r 6 rc my cribui r my wih h yr ric d 100 rc h r 6 rc my cribui r my wih r mr yr ric.

    noTe 9

    PosTreTireMenT BeneiTs oTher Than Pensions andPosTeMPloyMenT BeneiTs

    PosTreTireMenT BeneiTs oTher Than Pensions

    I ddii h Bk rirm , my wh hm cri d h--ric rquirm r iib

    r bh mdic b d i iurc cr Bk ud b yb udr h mdic d i

    iurc du d, ccrdiy, h .Fwi i rcciii h bii d di b-

    c h b bii (i mii):

    2007 2006

    accumud rirm

    b bii Jury 1 $ 73.0 $ 66.2

    sric c-b rd duri h rid 2.6 1.7

    Ir c ccumud b bii 4.3 3.3

    n curi (i) (1.7) 19.9

    Curim i (1.0)

    Cribui by rici 0.6 0.5

    B id (4.4) (3.6)

    Mdicr pr D ubidi 0.3 0.3

    p mdm (15.3)

    amt pttmt

    bft bgt t dmb 31 $ 73.7 $ 73.0

    a Dcmbr 31, 2007 d 2006, h wihd-rdicu r umi ud i di h rir-m b bii wr 6.25 rc d 5.75 rc,rciy.

    Dicu r rfc yid ib hih-quiy crrbd h wud r h ch fw cry y h b wh du.

    Fwi i rcciii h bii d di b-c h , h uudd rirm b bi-i, d h ccrud rirm b c (i mii):

    2007 2006

    Fir u

    Jury 1 $ $

    Cribui by myr 3.5 2.8

    Cribui by rici 0.6 0.5

    B id, Mdicr

    pr D ubidi (4.1) (3.3)

    p t

    t dmb 31 $ $

    u bgt

    pttmt bft t $ 73.7 $ 73.0

    amu icudd i ccumud

    hr cmrhi

    r hw bw:

    prir ric c $ 10.4 $ 15.1

    n curi (29.2) (36.3)

    Drrd curim i 1.1

    Tt mt t

    mp $ (17.7) $ (21.2)

    accrud rirm b c r rrd cm- accrud b c i h sm Cdii.

    Fr murm ur, h umd hh cr c rdr Dcmbr 31 r w:

    2007 2006

    Hh cr c rd

    r umd r x yr 8.00% 9.00%

    R which h c rdr i umd dci

    (h uim rd r) 5.00% 5.00%

    Yr h h r rch

    h uim rd r 2013 2012

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    noTes To inancial sTaTeMenTs

    aumd hh cr c rd r h iic c h mu rrd r hh cr . a rc- i ch i umd hh cr c rd r wudh h wi c r h yr dd Dcmbr 31, 2007(i mii):

    o Ptg o Ptg

    Pt i Pt d

    ec r

    ric d ir c

    cm ridic

    rirm b c $ 0.7 $ (0.7)

    ec ccumud


    b bii 5.6 (5.9)

    th wi i ummry h cm ridicrirm b x r h yr dd Dcmbr 31

    (i mii):

    2007 2006

    sric c-b rd

    duri h rid $ 2.6 $ 1.7

    Ir c ccumud

    b bii 4.3 3.3

    amrizi rir ric c (3.4) (3.4)

    amrizi curi 4.2 2.3

    t ridic x 7.7 3.9

    Curim i (0.1)

    nt p pttmt

    bft xp $ 7.6 $ 3.9

    eimd mu h wi b

    mrizd rm ccumud

    hr cmrhi i

    ridic rirm

    b x i 2008

    r hw bw:

    prir ric c $ (3.1)

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