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Congregational News Poppies in Forthill Road July 2020 St Luke’s & Queen Street Church

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  • Congregational News

    Poppies in Forthill Road

    July 2020

    St Luke’s & Queen Street


  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    Dear friends Well at last we seem to be moving forward as a nation again. However, few of us can say other than the last months have been at best testing and sadly, for some, life changing. So, we are at a time of endings as well as beginnings. On Sunday, I reverted to type and used a clip from West Wing to start our online service on the topic of ‘welcoming in emptiness’. As I looked for it on YouTube, I came across a wonderful dinner speech by President Bartlett written after the mass shooting of a school athletics team. He said this: The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels, but every time we think we have measured our capacity to meet a challenge, we look up and we're reminded that that capacity may well be limitless. We will do what is hard. We will achieve what is great. This is a time for… heroes and we reach for the stars. And just as life imitates art, we must now imitate these stirring words as we face a different future whether of our own making or otherwise. Not least as we map out our progress in St Luke’s. Therefore, we are looking at taking ‘baby steps’ into our new normal. Firstly, our garden will shortly be set up with a prayer walk for private devotions. Then, on 23 August, we hope to start ‘live’ worship with a series of garden services. Ultimately, these experiences will give us the confidence as to how and when to reopen the sanctuary for worship albeit in a severely restricted format. I know this apparent slow progress will not be welcomed news by all. However, I have already said this is an era of heroism which includes its most elusive qualities – tolerance, patience and perseverance. Indeed, our Lord showed these throughout his earthly ministry and advises to do likewise now for the welfare of our whole church family. Finally, I would like to close by offering my sincere thanks to all of our St Luke’s heroes who have worked tirelessly to keep us in touch, help with life’s essentials and bring treats to our doorsteps. We as a congregation leave this ghastly time stronger in spirit and ready to play our part in rebuilding tomorrow. With every blessing For good health


  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088


    ‘And whosoever believeth in me shall never die’

    Mr Graham Hutchison, 18 Ogilvie Court Mrs Nan Chalmers, Balcarres Care Home

    Mr Ian Cochrane,3 Strathdon Place. Miss Isobel R Grant, Moyness Care Home


    Worship: A short online service is available every Sunday at 10.45 am followed by a virtual coffee break at 11.15. Links are published on St Luke's website at: A mid-week talk is also available via the website called 'Lunchtime at Luke's' Social: Virtual Quiz Night – 4 July at 7 pm via Zoom. Each question round will be supplied by a congregational member on various subjects. The link will be published on the Church's website.

    20 Pence Pieces

    As the current restrictions remain unchanged there has

    been no increase in the total collected of £16,818. Despite

    these restrictions please continue to save your 20 pence

    pieces which I shall be glad to receive when things return to


    Les Mackay

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    May Summary of Offerings

    Sermon 1 John Mansfield wrote in his famous poem – Sea Fever: I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking, And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking. Well in this era of ubiquitous GPS satellite navigation, few navigators at sea would wish to do astro-navigation or find your way by the stars. For it is a very fiddly business requiring tables, sextant and good arithmetic. Not my strongest suit at the best of times. Nevertheless, one star remains constantly useful and that is Polaris or the pole star. It is so called because it more or less represents North. As result, when all the smart phones, car screens and other gizmos fail, provided we have a clear sky, we can find our way. Here is also the purpose of the teaching of Christ. For as we come out of lockdown it seems that the huge sense of unity that we all felt during it is breaking down. Many disputes are emerging with the result the roads open up to us as a nation, community and personally is multiplying and we are all unsure of the way forward. One thing is certain, whatever choices are made in the next few months will not please everyone. They may indeed be the cause for further division.


    for Congregational Board Meeting: 01/06/20

    1. Accounts through MAY 2020 (ref Minutes Summary)

    2. Analysis of Offerings 5 month into the year


    Summary of Offerings 2020 2020 2019 2019


    OPEN PLATE 0 1272 473 2554

    FWO ENV 0 707 163 1163

    FWO SO 234 1250 229 1265

    GA CHQ 0 600 800

    GA SO 2802 9358 2822 9718

    TOTALS 3036 13187 3686 15500

    GIFT DAY DONATION 300 1325 0 0

    GA TAX RECOVERED 0 2824 0 3088

    20P COIN BOXES 10 195 73 721

    3. Analysis of Budget 5 month(s) into the year- 42% of the way through the year,

    General Income is at 38% of the total amount projected in the budget, and

    Expenditure is at 33% of the total amount projected in the budget.


    Coin boxes 20p coin boxes 10.00

    Premises Hire : Pilates 400.00

    Lydian singers 400.00

    COS INVESTOR Bank interest 75.07

    HMRC Furlough Grant 0.00

    Donation GIFT DAY DONATION 300.00 TOT INC



    Ministry C of S 0.00

    Ministry Travel exps 240.00

    Telephone eps 239.25

    Church officer 230.00

    Cleaner 567.07

    Organist 334.00

    Insurance Church of Scotland 519.66

    rates 217.00

    Elec 943.14

    Printing 107.58 TOT INC


    The closing balance with RBS end MAY 11069.58


    Gen Cong Purposes 0.00

    Fabric Fund 1,423.20

    Special Reserve 7,210.00

    Office Account 0.00

    Windows Account 10,000.00

    C of S A/Cs £18,633.20

    TOTAL CHURCH FUNDS £29,702.78

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    All this brings us to today’s lesson. On the face of it – it is hard-nosed in presenting the unvarnished truth. For the following of any moral compass does result in arguments. Using any set of beliefs as a life GPs gives rise to splits Or as the old joke goes if you gather three clergy together, you end up with 4 opinions. But, in many ways, it has always been thus. For, it is most likely, Matthew was writing for a small group of Jesus followers breaking away from their local Jewish synagogue. This, not surprisingly, was proving very painful for his fellow believers and himself. Therefore, he was only reporting the actual situation. Put bluntly, this new-fangled Christianity was ripping asunder families, friendships even communities. Yet they could only do as Luther, over 14 centuries later, would admit – Here I stand, I can do no other. And it was this lack of room for dangerous compromise, that caused Matthew to state that Christians should use Jesus’ words as a sword. More precisely, he advises to cast Christ’s teaching as a sword. This is not to do violence. It is not to cause unnecessary disputes or rifts. Rather it was to deploy the crystal clarity of Jesus commands to cut through to the ethical truth of any matter. It is to follow his model in putting the imperative of the coming kingdom above others’ opinions even feelings. It is to be guided by the spirit even into that most uncomfortable place of all -into unpopularity. Since the life of Jesus is our only primary navigation system to the will of God. It alone shines down, millennia after millennia, like the pole star. It alone is ever the sextant, chart and compass to steer our own lives by. Therefore, as we hear of divisions, disputes and even disruptions may we listen careful for the voice of our master. Let us seek out always his teaching for that instant. Moreover, let us neither seek a phoney peace at all costs nor a tussle for the sake of it. Instead, let us find the direction that will bring the lasting harmony of a more just commonwealth for all of God’s people. Since each and every one is our fellow-voyager through the dark watches of the night and into the dawn rising on today’s freshening breeze. Amen

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    Sermon 2 In the 50s, the Swiss born photographer Robert Frank toured the entire United States taking over 28000 images. From these, he distilled his famous book ‘The Americans’. This collection was essentially a photo essay of that continent’s zeitgeist. It was later said that he turned flags, automobiles and restaurants into American cultural icons of his age. In truth, throughout the work these is pervading sense of isolation even loneliness of a people faced with vastness. As a result, he echoed the earlier paintings of Edward Hopper that similarly gave a feeling of individual separateness in such works as the Nighthawks. For, while the artist denied that he purposefully infused this or any other of his paintings with symbols of human isolation and urban emptiness, he did acknowledge that in Nighthawks "unconsciously, probably, I was painting the loneliness of a large city." Put simply then the images of both Frank and Hopper gave no feeling of welcome. Today surrounded as we are the vastness of a global pandemic which we are tackling with by keeping apart, we too can suffer this same sense of emptiness, aloneness and alienation. Put directly, these days too give no feeling of welcome. Let’s then look for hope from our text from Matthew (10.40-42). Because it contains very specific instructions on welcome. Moreover, it gives an indication how we can evaluate welcomes – the ones we offer and the ones we receive. In the current documentary series about the tiny principality of Monaco, we hear that you are welcome there provided you have at least half a million in the bank. I suppose it is academic to wonder if that is pounds, euros or dollars. Matthew, on the other hand, suggests we are not individuals whether rich or poor. Instead we are part of a universal community nowadays called the church. Therefore, we should greet all fellow believers as fellow citizens in this spectral principality. We should remember all words are to be spoken are in the spirit of God’s welcome. Even more importantly, we should welcome others who may be conveying the divine word for the prevailing moment. Since no

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    matter how separated we are from each other and our church buildings, welcoming family goes on. Yet we can recognise our role as the giver and receiver of welcome but still feel unsure what we must say in times of other’s trial, loss and perplexity. Well, one episode of Monaco shows the grand welcome of diplomats do not make up their utterances on the hoof. For they may be physically apart from their governments, yet they still keep in close touch. We similarly do that in prayer. For then we can appear not to be diplomatic but prophetic. We can offer guidance and support to do the right in these difficult times. We can be ready to give wise counsel and friendship to those who are overwhelmed and lost in their isolation. Now I know there is a pecking order in any diplomatic service. Ambassadors obviously get appointed to the more humble and weaker countries before taking up a post in more powerful and influential nations. Yet their earlier work may be their most important. For the great and the good have an ability to be heard and to cause change which the less powerful cannot do. So, it is in the ambassadorial service of Jesus. Because, he was not sent for the high and mighty but for the poor in spirit, wealth and health. More simply, he came to voice welcome the least. We as his voice in our generation, therefore, must speak similarly. Yet still we ask why bother? And that takes us back once more to that book the Americans. Taking two years to traverse the USA, Robert Frank later wrote that he occasionally suffered antisemitism. Indeed, in one small town, the sheriff gave him an hour to leave. Not it has to be said a great welcome. He also documented the racial divisions of the south. But perhaps then in this disparate today – the most important act we can perform in faith is that of universal welcome. Perhaps the greatest reward we can have is to accept universal welcome.

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    For all around are so many who need a welcome in the dispassionate vastness that living often means. Similarly, we too can feel the coldness of a disinterested universe enshrined in the lonely distance from other human beings. But that is to forget the Jesus’ offer of fellowship. And how do we do these? Not from our own thoughts, emotions and impulses. Rather as ambassadors sent on behalf of God’s Kingdom. Diplomats sent out with strict instructions to separate out no one. Because then alone understand the truth of Robert Franks view when he said “The eye should learn to listen before it looks.

    Which single word can be placed in each of the eight marked spaces

    to make eight meaningful sentences?

    _ I kicked him in the leg yesterday.

    I _ kicked him in the leg yesterday.

    I kicked _ him in the leg yesterday.

    I kicked him _ in the leg yesterday.

    I kicked him in _ the leg yesterday.

    I kicked him in the _ leg yesterday.

    I kicked him in the leg _ yesterday.

    I kicked him in the leg yesterday _.


    Thanks again to St Luke’s cooks for all the lovely sweet treats delivered along

    with the Church Notes last month. Also thanks to all those who distributed the

    Notes. Thanks also from Nina Martin and Brenda Moffat for the beautiful

    flowers received from the Church. They were much appreciated.

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    Quiz Answers are all Scottish towns

    1 Drinking place for mum

    2 A rocky place of rest

    3 Nae up but ?

    4 A beautiful one in the North Sea

    5 Scorched land

    6 Where the barrel maker lives

    7 Baxter’s or Cox’s boat dock

    8 Spoil the hillside

    9 Scottish oatcake in water or fire

    10 Nothing is forbidden here

    11 Vintage wine with wood in Skye

    12 Where the fairer sex keep their


    13 Church takes a tumble

    14 Mix up the heather

    15 You may post your votes here

    16 Oor Wullie’s stronghold

    17 Make a date here with Dr


    18 This special agent can’t talk

    19 There are red ones but this one

    is a pinch of?

    20 Take this saint to the church

    21 Edward’s not out of town

    22 Supporter of the Scottish church

    23 A clean entrance here

    24 A Scottish church for sale

    25 Foreign currency

    General Knowledge Quiz

    1. The Plaka is the oldest quarter of which city?

    a. Athens b. Prague c. Rome d. Vienna

    2. What is an axolotl?

    a. A nerve in the brain

    b. A multi-axled vehicle

    c. A type of mortice lock

    d. A species of salamander

    3. The Panama Canal was officially opened by which US president?

    a. Calvin Coolidge b. Herbert Hoover

    c. Theodore Roosevelt

    d. Woodrow Wilson

    4. In which opera did Maria Callas make her last appearance at Covent Garden?

    a. ‘Carmen’ b. ‘Tosca’ c. ‘Madame Butterfly’ d. ‘La Boheme’

    5. After Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel who is the next person mentioned in the Bible?

    a. Enoch b. Jubal c. Lamech d. Zillah

    6. What is a kudzu?

    a. Antelope b. Bird c. Jewish settlement d. Climbing plant

    7. Outlawed from 1603 to 1774, which Scottish clan was known as the ‘Faceless Clan’?

    a. Campbell b. MacGregor c. MacLeod d. MacDonald

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    8. From which country does tennis player Andres Gomez, winner of the 1990 French Championships, come?

    a.Ecuador b.Peru c.Portugal d.Spain

    9. Which US city is located on the Maumee River at Lake Erie?

    a. Detroit b. Toledo c. Cleveland d. Buffalo

    10. Lisbon stands at the mouth of which river?

    a. Seine b. Duoro c. Rio Grande d. Tagus

    11. What is the longest river in France?

    a. Loire b. Seine c. Rhone d. Gironde

    12. In which Australian state is Darwin?

    a. Queensland b. Western Australia c. Northern Territory

    d. Tasmania

    13. Apart from Rome, how many cities in Italy have a population of over one million?

    a. Three: Milan, Naples and Turin

    b. Two: Genoa and Venice

    c. One:Ancona d. Four:Florence, Bologna, Trieste and Palermo

    14. What in America is the Palmetto state?

    a. Florida b. Louisiana c. Alabama d. South Carolina

    15. In which ocean is Madagascar?

    a. Atlantic b. Pacific c. Indian d. Arctic

    16. In which US city is the Sears Tower?

    a. Boston b. Chicago c. St. Louis d. San Francisco

    17. Galena is an ore of which metal?

    a. Copper b. Lead c. Zinc d. Iron

    18. Which sign of the zodiac comes between Leo and Libra?

    a. Virgo b. Taurus c. Aries d. Capricorn

    19. Which planet is said to influence the way we communicate?

    a. Venus b. Mercury c. Mars d. Saturn

    20. Are you a fire, air, water or earth sign if you were born under Aquarius?

    a. Fire b. Water c. Air d. Earth

    21. Which star sign is the first sign of the zodiac?

    a. Pisces b. Capricorn c. Taurus d. Aries

    22. If you were born on New Year’s Day, which is your astrological sign?

    a. Aries b. Cancer c. Capricorn d. Leo

    23. What is the ruling planet of Scorpio?

    a. Pluto b. Venus c. Earth d. Saturn

    24. Pisces and Scorpio are two of the water signs, name the third

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    a. Aquarius b. Sagittarius c. Cancer d. Leo

    25. At which sport in the 1960s did Peggy Fleming become a household name?

    a. Equestrian b. Tennis c. Sprinting d. Figure skating

    26. Who revolutionised high jumping when he used his flop technique to win an Olympic gold medal in Mexico in 1968?

    a. Dick Fosbury b. Mick Cadbury c. Nick Fosdyke d. Vic Foster

    27. What nationality was tennis player John Newcombe?

    a. British b. Canadian c. Irish d. Australian

    28. About which golfer did the great Bobby Jones remark : “He is playing an entirely different game – a game I’m not even familiar with.” ?

    a. Gary Player b. Tiger Woods c. Jack Nicklaus d. Peter Allis

    29. Which tennis player, famous for her two-handed backhand and baseline-dominated play was nicknamed ‘The Ice Maiden’?

    a. Steffi Graf b. Chris Evert c. Evonne Cawley d. Kim Clijsters

    30. Who was the Argentinian racing driver (1911 – 1995) who won five world championships and was team leader of Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Maserati?

    a. Juan Manuel Fangio

    b. Alberto Ascari c. Giuseppe Farina d. Jose Gonzales

    31. Which Italian jockey rode his first winner Lizzy Hare, at Goodwood in 1987

    a. Giovanni Forte b. Diego Dettori c. Uto Viaggi d. Frankie Dettori

    32. With which baseball team did Jose DiMaggio achieve icon status in the 1940s?

    a. Chicago Bears b. New York Yankees c. Baltimore Batters . Cleveland Steelers

    33. What type of cheese is Stilton?

    a. Blue b. Green c. Hard d. Mouldy

    34. What do you add to milk to make porridge?

    a. Cruel b. Oats c. Sugar d. Whisky

    35. What is minestrone?

    a. Cheese b. Noodles c. A type of potato d. Soup

    36. What is bottled tomato sauce called?

    a. Brown sauce b. HP sauce c. Ketchup d. Piccalilli

    37. What colour is gin?

    a. Colourless b. Blue c. Green d. Yellow

    38. Which fruit is covered with toffee at a fairground?

    a. Banana b. Apple c. Carrot d. Pear

    39. Which nuts are used to make marzipan?

    a. Almonds b. Chestnuts c. Hazelnuts d. Walnuts

    40. What meat dish is Cumberland famous for?

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    a. Bacon b. Deep-fried Mars Bars

    c. Ribs d. Sausage

    41. Which British monarch succeeded Queen Victoria?

    a. Elizabeth II b. Edward VI c. Edward VII d. George VII

    42. Richard III died at which battle?

    a. Bosworth Field b. Barnet c. Hastings d. York

    43. Who was the last viceroy of India?

    a. Clive b. George VI c. Prince Louis of Battenburg

    d. Lord Louis Mountbatten

    44. Which English monarch married Eleanor of Aquitaine?

    a. Henry II b. Henry IV c. Henry VI d. Henry VIII

    45. Who was the last wife of Henry VIII?

    a. Anne of Cleves b. Catherine of Aragon

    c. Catherine Howard d. Catherine Parr

    46. Which country did Britain fight in the War of Jenkins’ Ear?

    a. France b. Ireland c. Spain d.Wales

    47. Which King George did Prince Regent become?

    a. George IV b. George III c. George II d. George I

    48. At the Siege of Mafeking, who led the British forces?

    a. Robert Baden-Powell

    b. Colonel B. T. Mahon

    c. Fieldmarshal Bernard Montgomery

    d. Louis Mountbatten

    49. The House of Lancaster kings were all called what?

    a. Charles b. Edward c. George d. Henry

    50. Apart from Mad George, which kinder nickname did George III have?

    a. Big George b. Farmer Giles c. Farmer George d. Happy George

    Church Notes

    If you have an article you would like to share with the congregation, please send it on to me and I’ll do my best to incorporate it in the next edition of the Notes. Articles for the August/September edition should be with me by Sunday 26th July, 2020.

    If you know of anyone who would like to receive an email version, please ask them to email me at [email protected] and I will confirm receipt to

    let them know that I have received their request.

    Brenda Moffat

    mailto:[email protected]

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    WRITTEN BY Jan Strickland Has anyone noticed that the boundaries of our lives seem to be changing? No longer are most of us worried about what to wear - Designer or High Street. Where to go for a night out - a meal, the theatre, cinema; or where to go on holiday - home or away. Most of us, since this dreadful virus has developed, are now more concerned with people, with helping each other, with neighbours, helping the elderly, making sure they are well and that they are getting enough food and are not feeling too isolated. There are many acts of kindness, large or small, taking place. A young neighbour of ours has been placing bunches of daffodils on our doorstep each week. She doesn’t realise yet how much it cheers us up. Other people cut grass or do shopping. More kindness is being shown in all sorts of ways. People are communicating more, and social media has proved itself to be a boon, connecting us, sometimes daily, with family and friends, whereas prior to the virus the phone calls or text messages were often squeezed in between appointments. We clap for our frontline workers who put their lives on the line to save others. Does the clapping help them to know they are not forgotten; that we appreciate them? We hope so. But now we have to listen to the experts who know better than we do what we have to do to survive and move on. It’s not difficult to understand how to stop the rate at which this virus is travelling throughout the world. We have to stay indoors, wash our hands often and, if we have to go out for essentials items, to stay two metres apart from one another.

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

    We are all missing family and friends and getting hugs from our grandchildren, but, if we follow the guidelines, we should come through it safely. Sadly there are still people flouting them, the “It won’t happen to me “brigade”, who are endangering others. There were people many years ago who didn’t listen to the guidelines Jesus gave them: to look after, help and love one another; to help the sick; to feed the poor; to spread kindness and humanity to everyone. Are we going to be just as blind or are we going to stop, listen, learn and live?

    Answers to Scottish Towns Quiz

    1 Motherwell 2 Stonehaven 3 Doune 4 Bonnyrigg 5 Burntisland 6 Cupar 7 Millport 8 Braemar 9 Bannockburn 10 Oban 11 Portree 12 Ladybank 13 Falkirk

    14 Stirling 15 Ballater 16 Dundee 17 Callander 18 Dumbarton 19 Saltcoats 20 Kirkpatrick 21 Edinburgh 22 Kirkwall 23 Bathgate 24 Selkirk 25 Dollar

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088


    1. a) Athens

    2. d) A species of salamander

    3. d) Woodrow Wilson

    4. b) Tosca

    5. a) Enoch

    6. a) Antelope

    7. b) MacGregor

    8. a) Ecuador

    9. b) Toledo

    10. d) Tagus

    11. a) Loire

    12. c) Northern Territory

    13. a) Three: Milan, Naples and Turin

    14. d) South Carolina

    15. c) Indian

    16. b) Chicago

    17. b) Lead

    18. a) Virgo

    19. b) Mercury

    20. d) Air

    21. d) Aries

    22. c) Capricorn

    23. b) Pluto

    24. c) Cancer

    25. d) Figure skating

    26. a) Dick Fosbury

    27. d) Australian

    28. c) Jack Nicklaus

    29. b) Chris Evert

    30. a) Juan Manuel Fangio

    31. d) Frankie

    32. b) New York Yankees

    33. a) Blue

    34. b) Oats

    35. d) Soup

    36. c) Ketchup

    37. a) Colourless

    38. b) Apple

    39. a) Almonds

    40. d) Sausage

    41. c) Edward VII

    42. a) Bosworth Field

    43. d) Lord Louis Mountbatten

    44. a) Henry II

    45. d) Catherine Parr

    46. c) Spain

    47. a) George IV

    48. a) Robert Baden-Powell

    49. d) Henry

    50. c) Farmer George

  • St Luke’s & Queen Street Church July 2020


    St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088



    Rev Graham Taylor, BSc BD (Min) FIAB,

    The Manse, 22 Albert Road, Broughty Ferry


    SESSION CLERK Mr Ken Andrew, 16 Bader Square

    e-mail: [email protected]


    CLERK TO THE BOARD Mrs Mary Rice, 20 Abercorn Street

    [email protected]


    TREASURER Mrs Mary Rice, 20 Abercorn Street

    [email protected]


    FREEWILL TREASURER Mrs Sheilah Andrew, 16 Bader Square 776765

    GIFT AID TREASURER Mr A G Duncan, 17 Strathisla Road 778031

    ROLL KEEPER Mr Les Mackay, 62 Fintry Place 776413

    ORGANIST Mr Don Grieve, 7a Church Street, Monifieth 530540



    CHURCH OFFICER Ms E Mckay, 14 Church Street 07708056918

    SUNDAY SCHOOL COORDINATOR Mrs Aileen Adamson, 35 Blake Avenue 776770

    FLOWER CONVENER Mrs Marvin Harris, 64 Marlee Road 778089



    Mrs Brenda Moffat, 12 Rossie Avenue

    e-mail: [email protected]


    DISTRIBUTOR OF NOTES Mrs Elizabeth Bates 732094




    Meets fortnightly on Thursdays at 2 pm from October to April

    Mrs Aileen Adamson, 35 Blake Avenue


    80th RAINBOWS


    Meets on Mondays at 6 pm

    Mrs Mairi Clark, 15 Guthrie St, Carnoustie

    01241 853410

    80th BROWNIES


    Meets Mondays at 6 pm

    Adrienne Smith, [email protected]


    80th GUIDES


    Meets on Mondays at 7.15 pm

    Adrienne Smith, [email protected]


    20th GUIDES


    Meets Thursday at 7 pm

    Mrs Janet Peggie, 28 Lawers Drive


    20th RAINBOWS


    Meets on Fridays at 6 pm

    Mrs Mairi Clark, 15 Guthrie St, Carnoustie

    01241 853410

    20th BROWNIES


    Meets Thursdays at 6.30 pm

    Dr Fiona Bellamy




    Meets on Sunday at 10 am in the Church

    Mr Don Grieve, 7a Church Street, Monifieth


    SOCIAL COMMITTEE CONVENOR Mrs Anne Anderson, 13 Westerton Avenue

    [email protected]


    YOUTH COMMITTEE Mr Daryl McKeown, 22 Edzell Street 522678

    SAFEGUARDING COORDINATOR David Shepherd [email protected]

    CARPET BOWLING CLUB Meets on Tuesday at 1.45 pm from October to April

    Contact – Mrs Yvonne Clark


    The single word is “only”

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]