st mark’s c e primary school

St Mark’s C E Primary School 8 th October 2021 Newsletter No 6 Dates to remember Added dates in yellow October 8 th (Fri) – 3 -5pm PTA Funday 11 th (Mon) – Harvest service 12 th (Tues) Windsor to Sainsbury’s 13 th (Wed) Camber to Sainsbury’s 14 th (Thurs) Yr2 60’s Topic Day 18 th (Mon) - zoom parents evenings y1 - 6 20 th (Wed) – Yr1 Knights and Princesses Day 21 st (Thurs) – individual and sibling photos 20 th (Thurs) - zoom parents evenings y1 - 6 22 nd (Fri) – 2.30 EYFS open afternoons in classrooms 22 nd (Fri) – Last day of term Show Racism the Red card – wear red Term 2 November 2 nd (Tues) – children return to School 5 th (Fri) – Whole school flu immunisation 9 th (Tue) - EYFS2022 tours 3.45 & 4.30 December 17 th (Fri) – last day of term Dear Parents and Carers, WOW – Walk Once a Week Children were sent home with fliers about ‘Active WOW’ this week, and we have attached a copy to this paarentmail. The aim is that on Wednesdays all pupils try and use a more active way of getting to school, so scoot, walk, park & stride and use of mobility aids all count. We will conduct a quick register Wednesday mornings to see who has come to school by which method, and submit the results to the KMCharity team website. The scheme runs from October to July and there are prizes to be won! Dover Class have won this week with 77% of the class choosing green travel – well done! 187 pupils across the school chose green travel this week. Parent Evenings – Year 1 - 6 This year Parents Evening will be via Zoom and are being held on Monday 18 th and Thursday 21 st October 3.30pm – 6pm. We are busy setting up the facility on Parentmail for you to book and setting up the zoom details. These will go out as soon as we are able to send them to you. EYFS will be having their parents evening after half term. Date to follow. Morrisons It’s Good to Grow We have signed up for the Morrisons It’s Good to Grow Scheme - For every £10 you spend (in store or online) at Morrisons, you’ll get a Grow Token to help us get FREE gardening equipment for the school. Download the MyMorrisons app to start collecting Grow Tokens and choose us as the school you’d like to donate them to.

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St Mark’s C E Primary School 8th October 2021

Newsletter No 6

Dates to remember Added dates in yellow


8th (Fri) – 3 -5pm PTA Funday

11th (Mon) – Harvest service

12th (Tues) Windsor to

Sainsbury’s 13th (Wed) Camber to

Sainsbury’s 14th (Thurs) Yr2 60’s Topic Day

18th (Mon) - zoom parents

evenings y1 - 6 20th (Wed) – Yr1 Knights and

Princesses Day 21st (Thurs) – individual and

sibling photos 20th (Thurs) - zoom parents

evenings y1 - 6 22nd (Fri) – 2.30 EYFS open

afternoons in classrooms 22nd (Fri) – Last day of term

Show Racism the Red card –

wear red

Term 2


2nd (Tues) – children return to

School 5th (Fri) – Whole school flu

immunisation 9th (Tue) - EYFS2022 tours 3.45

& 4.30 December

17th (Fri) – last day of term

January 2022

5th (Weds) – children return to


Dear Parents and Carers, WOW – Walk Once a Week Children were sent home with fliers about ‘Active WOW’ this week, and we have attached a copy to this paarentmail. The aim is that on Wednesdays all pupils try and use a more active way of getting to school, so scoot, walk, park & stride and use of mobility aids all count. We will conduct a quick register Wednesday mornings to see who has come to school by which method, and submit the results to the KMCharity team website. The scheme runs from October to July and there are prizes to be won! Dover Class have won this week with 77% of the class choosing green travel – well done! 187 pupils across the school chose green travel this week.

Parent Evenings – Year 1 - 6 This year Parents Evening will be via Zoom and are being held on Monday 18th and Thursday 21st October 3.30pm – 6pm. We are busy setting up the facility on Parentmail for you to book and setting up the zoom details. These will go out as soon as we are able to send them to you. EYFS will be having their parents evening after half term. Date to follow. Morrisons It’s Good to Grow We have signed up for the Morrisons It’s Good to Grow Scheme - For every £10 you spend (in store or online) at Morrisons, you’ll get a Grow Token to help us get FREE gardening equipment for the school. Download the MyMorrisons app to start collecting Grow Tokens and choose us as the school you’d like to donate them to.

Year 5 trip to Hever

Year 5 Hever, went to visit Hever recently! We produced some beautiful sketches of the castle, lake and gardens - despite many ducks and swans trying to get in the way and distract us! We toured the rooms at the castle with audio headsets and learnt all the answers to our questions. We were even able to role play at being members of the Tudor family in the ‘Tudor Towers’ play area. It was a fun learning experience and now we know all about our class name! Year 3 Trip to Kent Life

Year 3 had a fantastic day out to Kent Life where they went back in time to the Stone Age! They got creative with cave paintings and used their science knowledge about rocks to understand about Stone Age weapons and tools for farming. Football Club CANCELLED Tuesday 12th October Please note that this club is cancelled next week, sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause, and, because the back field is getting increasingly wet football club will from now on be held on the KS2 playground. Please make sure that your child has suitable footwear. Netball Club CANCELLED Monday 11th October Please note that this club is also cancelled next week, sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Absences and Covid Related Symptoms During this season of colds etc please can we remind you to call or email the school office to report your child’s absence before 9am please. Please repeat every day of your child’s absence. If your child has any COVID symptoms (temperature above 37.8, persistent cough, loss of taste/smell) then we would require you to book them in for a PCR COVID test. A lateral flow test is for when you do NOT have any symptoms. If your child is awaiting for PCR test results then they must remain isolating at home until they are received. Please inform the school office of the results BEFORE your child returns to school. Head’s Heroes, Attendance and Punctuality On Fridays we celebrate children for their effort and achievements throughout the week. Attendance was awarded to Year 5 Lullingstone with 98.6% attendance last week. Keep it up! Punctuality was awarded to Year 4 Dover Class – congratulations! This week certificates have been awarded to the following children:

Yours sincerely Mr S Bird Headteacher

This week the Head’s Heroes are:

EY Camber Ellie For being an excellent role model for behaviour and kindness for her classmates

EY Windsor Daisy For amazing re-telling of a story

Y1 Arundel Tallulah Great independent work with castle features

Y1 Bodiam Dougie For fantastic sounding out to write about castles

Y2 Leeds Bella For creating a super book about the planets in our Solar System

Y2 Pevensey Amelia K For being engaged and ready to learn this week

Y3 Lewes Ned For great knowledge about the Stone Age on the trip

Y3 Deal Eliza For brilliant participation on the school trip

Y4 Dover Seby Great answers in Science

Y4 Farnham Elise For contributions during addition this week and working on presentation

Y5 Hever Dylan Always giving 100% to everything he does! You are a great Year 5 role model

Y5 Lullingstone Lottie For showing kindness and being a good friend

Y6 Rochester Lara Always displaying exemplary commitment to learning by producing a detailed conjunctions poster and successfully calculating long multiplication

Y6 Oxford Cacey For an excellent week of multiplication and showing support to her peers

Congratulations to each and every one of you