st. mary of gostyn catholic church · 2020. 12. 10. · josh ritter claire sacchetti, mother of...

St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church December 13, 2020

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Page 1: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church December 13, 2020

Page 2: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

Page 2 First Sunday of Advent

Make Straight the Way of the Lord

John’s Gospel has John the Baptist giving testament to who he is, who Jesus is, and who those who believe in Jesus are called to be. John the Baptist makes it very clear that he is not the Christ. He is just “...the voice of one crying out in the wilderness...” (v. 23). In John’s Gospel John the Baptist goes on to tells us what happens to those who believe in Jesus, the Light of the World. John the Baptist tells us, “. . . to all who received him [Jesus], who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh... but of God” (John 1:12–13) These words capture for me one of Jesus’ most important messages. If we are open to God’s grace, Jesus becomes our brother not just on his mother’s side, sharing our humanity, but also on his Father’s side, sharing his divinity. When we were baptized we were gifted with the Holy Spirit, and the same divinity that was full parcel of a totally human Jesus is also full parcel in us. I used to pray to be open to that Spirit. Asking the Spirit to come and help me find the right words or the right solution to a problem. Later in life I realized that the Spirit is already in me. The Holy Spirit was a gift at my baptism. Today, I pray to be open to the Spirit, but open so that the Spirit already in me can come out and be set free to lead me and empower me. With that Spirit in us we can accomplish so much. By allowing the Spirit to shine in the darkest parts of our being, we can be healed of our deepest hurts. We can ask the Spirit within us to change those things (anger, selfishness, etc.) about ourselves we want to change but are unable to let go of. Remind your children that Jesus is not just their friend, but also their brother. Remind them that they carry Jesus’ light inside themselves. And like the song says, they have to let it shine.

Bringing Home the Gospel * Published Pastoral Center

Third Sunday of Advent The theme "Joy in the Desert" is quite vivid for those who live in a desert area. Typically, the desert is harsh, dry, and desolate. Last winter's heavy rains were a burden for many desert dwellers who experienced flood and destruction. The rains, however, brought the promise of one of the most beautiful displays of desert flowers in nearly 20 years. Christ came into a world that was spiritually dry; he brought the promise of peace to a people yearning for comfort. In this week's reading from Isaiah, we get a glimpse of exiled people traveling across arid lands in search of a desert blooming with the glory of the Lord. Although the people are weary, fragile, and fearful, God promises (then and now) inner strength and power. Just like the exiles, we have only to believe in God's promise to discover this strength. As we walk (not run as the commercial world would have us do) through Advent, it is appropriate to search for the dry, desolate spots in our lives. We need not despair when we find these places. Rather, we can adopt an attitude of hope. We can nourish and nurture our needy selves with prayer. We can give ourselves the gift of patience as we move slowly toward healing rifts in our relation-ships. We can turn to those around us in genuine love - the kind of unconditional and forgiving love Christ shows us. We can remain faithful to the hope, the strength that is Christmas.

When is my inner strength at its weakest? At its strongest?

How do I as the Holy Spirit for inner strength?

How often do I reach out to others with peaceful gestures?

How do these gestures affect everyone else?

What can I do to avoid getting caught up in the commercialism of the Christmas season?

During this time of watching, waiting for the presence of the Lord, don't forget that He offers us healing and forgiveness in the special Sacrament of Reconciliation. Join us for our Advent

Penance Service on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, at 7 PM in church.

Page 3: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

December 13, 2020 Page 3

Around the Parish

Prayer Requests

The following persons have requested prayers from our parish community:

Anna Bandur Mike Derry Charleen Oliver Bob Earley Sharon Kling John Toner

Karli Brown Carmela Martini Kenneth Kern Brandon Beth Patricia Wright Nancy Gatto

Our deepest sympathy to the families of Angela Florio, mother of Mike Florio

Christine Gratzke, sister of Peter Konopacki Catherine Ann Harrington

Mary Bach Kavain Donald Kenah Sr., father of Don Kenah

Gail Klimcak Josh Ritter

Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney

In Sympathy

Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

Religious Education RE Calendar

Dec. 16/17 - Advent Reconciliation for grades 3 to 8 - details to follow Dec. 18 to Jan. 3rd - No Religious Ed - Christmas Break

A Warm Welcome

We welcome: Brian & Erin Kirkendall

who registered at St. Mary of Gostyn Parish recently.

Please Note

For your safety, we are not able to pass collection baskets during Masses. For your convenience, we have baskets for your donations at all the entrances and exits in the Church. Also, on line donations can be done and are encouraged

by accessing this website: Thank you for all you do for St. Mary’s.

Planned Giving “For we brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it.” 1 Timothy 6:7 With a new year on the horizon, we will soon begin making reso-lutions about ways to improve our lives and plan for the future. While no one likes to think of their mortality, it is prudent to do so now rather than give that responsibility to those closest to us during their time of grieving our departure. It is only while we are alive that we can determine who will receive our worldly possessions when God calls us to return to His kingdom. When planning your Will, first think of providing for your family and loved ones you will leave behind. When next thinking about organizations that have had a meaningful impact on your life, please consider the positive influence of St. Mary of Gostyn Parish or School on helping form the person you are today. You can leave a legacy of your faith by including St. Mary’s Church or School in your Will. You can also leave a percent-age of your estate, a dollar amount, or specific assets to St. Mary of Gostyn Parish Endowment Fund. Your foresight in sharing God’s blessings with our Church or School will help ensure our ability to carry out our Mission for the foreseeable future.

Page 4: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

Page 4 Third Sunday of Advent

MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 6:00 PM - George Schumacher req. Toner Family TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2020 9:00 AM - Jan Hofmaier req. Esther Byrne Robert E. Campbell req. Family WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020 9:00 AM - Mark Gowgiel req. Barb & Jim Holmes Mary Ann Toohey req. Mike & Val Bava THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2020 9:00 AM - Peter May req. Martens Family Rod D. Ziegler req. Aument Family Diane Main req. Bob Main & Family FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2020 9:00 AM - Terry Harper req. Gerry & Carolyn Mueller MGy/Sgt. James H. Coughlin, USMC req. Augie SIsco SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2020 4:00 PM - Clare Lillian Deardorff req. Jeanne & Bruce Ruedlinger George J. Drobney Sr. req. Knights of Columbus St. John Council 3738 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 8:00 AM - People of the Parish 10:00 AM - Patricia Yeksigian req. Simms Family 12:00 PM - Ray & Barbara Vinsik req. Lucado Family Merlin Romenesko req. Mary Schramm 6:00 PM - Mark Gowgiel req. Par Burton & Rose Herlein

Our Catholic Faith with Fr. Keith: If you take a look at any Advent wreath you will see three violet candles and one rose candle. The violet represents the somber and solemn tone of the season which is properly characterized by a penitential prepa-ration for Christmas. The purple images the seriousness with which we should devote ourselves to the tradition-al disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The single rose candle, with its pink bright hue, reminds us that our penitential preparation should also be marked by joy. Indeed, the entrance antiphon which begins the Mass of the Third Sunday of Advent quotes Saint Paul, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near” (Phil 4: 4-5). We should rejoice because the birth of the Lord is near! This Sunday is also commonly referred to as Guadete Sunday which is the Latin imperative form of rejoice. This should immediate-ly remind us of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday, when the priest also vests in rose colored vestments. Typically, this time of year is when the secular preparation for Christmas intensifies to a strange frenzy of buying, wrapping, giving, getting, and socializ-ing. The lines at checkout counters get longer. Stores are open later. And, Americans stress more. Recovering a true joy is not found in the habits of an irreligious society or apathetic culture. The tragedy of modern man is that while his material conditions improve his spiritu-al wellbeing erodes. We should set a new standard for Advent, one that is more religious while also being more human at the same time. When was the last time you actually felt happy instead of stressed during this time of year? Yes, it is important to buy presents for the children and grandchildren so they can have fun with what Santa might bring them this year. It is also good to gather with family and friends in celebration. However, make sure you focus on the best gift of all: Jesus. After-all, as the cliché saying goes, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Another cliché phrase that describes this same idea is “Keep Christ in Christmas.” We can have fun with the secular side of things while also honoring the truth of what Advent is all about: waiting with Mary and Joseph as they journey to Bethlehem for the birth of their Son.


Retirement Fund for Religious

Make a difference. “Every dollar makes a difference in covering our expenses,” says a Trappist abbot. Hundreds of US religious communities struggle to provide for aging members because most senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests served for little pay. Your gift to the Retire-ment Fund for Religious helps these communities bridge the gap, offering support for medications, nursing care, and other necessities. Please be generous.


Weekly Collection 12/06/2020 $27,183.00

Weekly Goal (Fiscal Year 2020/2021) $28,500.00

Goals to Date Sunday Goal to Date $655,500.00 Collections to Date Sunday Collection to Date $607,127.16 Total (Short of) Goals to Date $(48,372.84)

Thank you for your continued generosity during this extraordinary time. We are very grateful for your support!

Page 5: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

School News

December 13, 2020 Page 5

Page 6: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

Adult Faith

Page 6 Third Sunday of Advent

Page 7: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens

NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome new members to our community, and encourage you to register either in person at the Parish Office, or register online through our website,

BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate in a baptismal preparation session before you can receive a date for your baby’s Baptism. Parents are the first and primary educators in the practice of the Faith. Godparents play an important role in the faith life of your child. While considering godparents for your child, be aware that at least one must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic who is active in his/her faith. Please call the parish office at 630-969-1063 to register for a preparation class and to schedule a baptismal date.

BECOMING A CATHOLIC: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of welcoming and preparing adults for the Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation - for full membership in the Catholic Church. Unbaptized adults, adults baptized in another Christian faith, and baptized Catholics with little or no formal religious education are invited to participate. Please call the Parish Office for further information.

ANNULMENTS: We are available to help anyone who is in need of information about how to apply for an annulment. Please contact the Parish Office at (630)969-1063.

SACRAMENT of ANOINTING: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is available at regularly scheduled liturgies throughout the year, or by appointment. You may ask the presiding priest before any Mass for an anointing. Communal Anointing Masses are held on the 1st Saturday of the month in August, December and April at the 8:00 AM Mass. The Eucharist will also be brought to those who are ill, upon request. Please notify the Parish Office if members of your family are in the hospital or homebound.

FUNERALS: Arrangements are usually made by the Funeral Home or by a family member. A member of our Bereavement team will meet with you to plan the Funeral Liturgy. Eulogies can be given at the Wake Service, Interment at the Cemetery or at the Funeral Luncheon, but not at the Mass of Christian Burial.

MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance to provide ample time for preparation of this sacrament.

PRAYER GROUPS: Monday evening Rosary at 6:30 PM in the Church; Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM in the Parish Center chapel.

RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday, 8:30 to 9:30 AM in church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available by appointment. Please call the Parish Office (630-969-1063) to arrange to have your confession heard by a priest.

St. Mary of Gostyn Parish

Page 8: St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church · 2020. 12. 10. · Josh Ritter Claire Sacchetti, mother of Carla Greaney In Sympathy Tracy Kamba Spencer Mehr JoAnn Slahor Lois Bach Sandra Stevens