st mary’s church of england primary school · 2020-04-15 · st mary’s church of england...

St Mary’s Church of England Primary School Home Learning Term 5 Week 2 20.04.2020 Send me work you are proud of and want to share with me or ask me questions if you need help. I would love to hear from you. [email protected] Class 6 Monday 20.4.2020 Tuesday 21.4.2020 Wednesday 22.4.2020 Thursday 23.4.2020 Friday 24.4.2020 Reading Read every day to enhance your reading skills. Remember reading does not just have to be books, it can be online, newspapers, comics etc. 10 minutes minimum. Keep a record in the back of your Home-Learning Book of everything you read. English Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting. Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery Find 5 other words that end in ery. Write them in your book. Main Task: LO: To read, retrieve and infer from a story A Cloudy Lesson m/cloudylesson.html Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting. Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery Write out the definition of each word using a dictionary and write them in a meaningful sentence showing you understand their meanings. Main Task: LO: To use inference to recount a story with detail and accuracy Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting. Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery Find synonyms for as many of the words as you can. Do any of them have antonyms? Grammar Task: LO: To revise imperative verbs What is an imperative verb? It is a bossy verb! Watch the clip (Watch is the imperative verb) Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting. Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery Rainbow Write. Choose a coloured pencil to write the word. Then change to another colour and write the same word over the first colour. Repeat this with 3-4 colours. Make a shape and rainbow write them inside – maybe a flower, writing a word in each petal, or Spelling Test – Ask someone to test you on your spellings from this week. Write them in your book and keep score. Main Task: LO: To choose language and punctuation for effect A Cloudy Lesson m/cloudylesson.html I would like you to write a descriptive poem. It does not have to rhyme, but try and keep a good rhythm, just like the poems we have written at school. Imagine you are a cloud floating above the world. What would you see? What would you hear? What would you smell?

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Page 1: St Mary’s Church of England Primary School · 2020-04-15 · St Mary’s Church of England Primary School Home Learning Term 5 Week 2 20.04.2020 Send me work you are proud of and

St Mary’s Church of England Primary School

Home Learning Term 5 Week 2 20.04.2020

Send me work you are proud of and want to share with me or ask me questions if you need help. I would love to hear from you.

[email protected]



Monday 20.4.2020

Tuesday 21.4.2020

Wednesday 22.4.2020

Thursday 23.4.2020

Friday 24.4.2020

Reading Read every day to enhance your reading skills. Remember reading does not just have to be books, it can be online, newspapers, comics etc. 10 minutes minimum. Keep a record in the back of your Home-Learning Book of everything you read.

English Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting.

Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee

ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery

Find 5 other words that end in ery. Write them in your book.

Main Task:

LO: To read, retrieve and infer from a story

A Cloudy Lesson

Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting.

Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee

ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery

Write out the definition of each word using a dictionary and write them in a meaningful sentence showing you understand their meanings.

Main Task: LO: To use inference to recount a story with detail and accuracy

Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting.

Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee

ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery

Find synonyms for as many of the words as you can. Do any of them have antonyms?

Grammar Task:

LO: To revise imperative verbs What is an imperative verb? It is a bossy verb! Watch the clip (Watch is the imperative verb)

Spelling – copy out your spelling words twice in your neatest handwriting.

Problematic spellings necessary curiosity appreciate relevance committee

ery endings stationery jewellery nursery machinery slippery

Rainbow Write. Choose a coloured pencil to write the word. Then change to another colour and write the same word over the first colour. Repeat this with 3-4 colours. Make a shape and rainbow write them inside – maybe a flower, writing a word in each petal, or

Spelling Test – Ask someone to test you on your spellings from this week. Write them in your book and keep score.

Main Task:

LO: To choose language and punctuation for effect

A Cloudy Lesson

I would like you to write a descriptive poem. It does not have to rhyme, but try and keep a good rhythm, just like the poems we have written at school. Imagine you are a cloud floating above the world. What would you see? What would you hear? What would you smell?

Page 2: St Mary’s Church of England Primary School · 2020-04-15 · St Mary’s Church of England Primary School Home Learning Term 5 Week 2 20.04.2020 Send me work you are proud of and

Watch the clip twice, first time just watch carefully, then watch again and make a rough story map. Answer these questions in your Home Learning Book. 1. What is strange about this

house? 2. What is the relationship between the two characters? 3. Write a description of what is in the case. 4. What does the old man think is the problem with the boy’s first cloud and what does he think the boy needs to do? 5. Watch the older man as the boy breaks the key, what expressions do you see on his face? Is he angry? sad? 6. Go through the film clip and list the emotions as they change in the film – copy the sheet at the bottom of this plan to help you. (English Sheet 1)

A Cloudy Lesson

Carefully draw a story board of 6 to 8 boxes and story map the film onto this.

Use pictures and writing to create a detailed story map, include your thoughts about emotions. Can you use some of your spelling words in your story mapping?

Sing along (Sing is the imperative verb)

Main Task:

LO: To write instructions

A Cloudy Lesson

How to make clouds. Imagine you have to train a new assistant to make clouds. Write a set of instructions for making a new cloud, following the film step by step. (You may wish to plan this out before you start to write completed versions). (English Sheet 2) I have included a success criteria grid for writing instructions at end of this plan – this will ensure you use all of the key features to write clear detailed instructions. You may illustrate it after you have completed the writing. Edit and improve – Use the success criteria to ensure you have included all the key features.

around the edge of the shape.

Main Task:

LO: To write using indirect speech

A Cloudy Lesson

When we write a playscript we list the person speaking in the margin and we do not use punctuation for speech. We also have to include stage directions for the actors. See example script at end of this plan (English Sheet 3). You may use different colours too, this may help you to remember to include all key features. Your task is to write this film as a play script putting in the speech that is not shown in the film.

Edit and improve – Check you have used the correct layout. Have you used high level vocabulary? Maybe some of our spelling words if appropriate.

What is it like to be a fog cloud, or a rain cloud or maybe a cloud tossed around by the wind? How would you describe these things?

This has the beginning of a poem that you could use, or you can start your own. There is a larger copy of this below – please scroll down. (English Sheet 4) Can you use a simile? or a metaphor? Can you use alliteration or personification? These would up-level your writing. Take care with your punctuation – use it to enhance your writing. They can be serious or amusing, just make sure they make sense and are of a year

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Have you up-levelled your use of vocabulary – could you use a thesaurus to improve some of your verbs?

Have you included stage directions?

6 standard – enjoy your writing.

If you can send them

to me to read –

make me smile


Warm up Yr 6 Arithmatic Paper Put a timer on – How many can you do in 5 minutes? Scroll down to mark them – how well did you do? Lesson 1 Main Task All Groups Scroll down and find The same difference (Lesson from 25th March)

LO: To be able to find the difference

1. Watch the learning

video, stop it when you need to.

2. Answer the task questions in your book.

(Found under the video)

Warm up Yr 6 Arithmatic Paper Start from the last question you answered yesterday. Put a timer on – How many can you do in 5 minutes? Scroll down to mark them – how well did you do? Lesson 2 Main Task All Groups Scroll down and find Boys, girls and children (Lesson from 26th March)

LO: To use addition and subtraction

1. Watch the learning

video, stop it when you need to.

2. Answer the task questions in your book.

Warm up Yr 6 Arithmatic Paper Start from the last question you answered yesterday. Put a timer on – How many can you do in 5 minutes? Scroll down to mark them – how well did you do? Lesson 3 Main Task All Groups Scroll down and find Different Contexts (Lesson from 27th March) LO: To use and apply addition and subtraction

1. Watch the learning video, stop it when you need to.

2. Answer the task questions in your book.

Warm up Yr 6 Arithmatic Paper Start from the last question you answered yesterday. Put a timer on – How many can you do in 5 minutes? Scroll down to mark them – how well did you do? Lesson 4 Main Task All Groups Scroll down and find Shapes Puzzles Part 1 (Lesson from 30th March) LO: To use and apply shape knowledge 1

1. Watch the learning video, stop it when you need to.

2. Answer the task questions in your book.

Warm up Yr 6 Arithmatic Paper Start from the last question you answered yesterday. Put a timer on – How many can you do in 5 minutes? Scroll down to mark them – how well did you do? Lesson 5 Main Task All Groups Scroll down and find Shapes Puzzles Part 2 (Lesson from 31st March) LO: To use and apply shape knowledge 2

1. Watch the learning video, stop it when you need to.

2. Answer the task questions in your book.

Page 4: St Mary’s Church of England Primary School · 2020-04-15 · St Mary’s Church of England Primary School Home Learning Term 5 Week 2 20.04.2020 Send me work you are proud of and

3. Self-mark using the answer sheet – keep a record in your book.

Follow the instructions that he gives, rewind and listen again if you need to.

(Found under the video)

3. Self-mark using the answer sheet – keep a record in your book.

Follow the instructions that he gives, rewind and listen again if you need to.

(Found under the video)

3. Self-mark using the answer sheet – keep a record in your book.

Follow the instructions that he gives, rewind and listen again if you need to.

(Found under the video)

3. Self-mark using the answer sheet – keep a record in your book.

Follow the instructions that he gives, rewind and listen again if you need to.

(Found under the video)

3. Self-mark using the answer sheet – keep a record in your book.

Follow the instructions that he gives, rewind and listen again if you need to.

Other subjects


Learning Question

Where is God?

Follow the instructions on the link, look at some of the great art works that children from different religions have done to express their thoughts of God. Read and listen to the poetry – some of you love writing poems, are you inspired by some of these? I look forward to

seeing your art and

reading your poems.


The Titanic

LO: To be able to describe the events of the night of April 14th and 15th 1912

?v=4pywFRpEcZA Cunard and The White Star Line companies were in competition to create newer and faster ships to cross the Atlantic. Watch the clips above, take notes as you watch them, especially the second clip. There will be facts in this that you will need for your writing.


The Titanic

LO: To be able to describe the events of the night of April 14th and 15th 1912

Using the notes you took yesterday, watch this clip showing a mock news report of the sinking of the Titanic. Task: Your task is to pretend to be a journalist and write a newspaper report on the sinking of the Titanic. You can google some of the original newspaper reports to help you if you wish. Start a new page, set it out like a newspaper page – just as we do at school.

Computing Continue practising your coding skills, either work on and improve last terms work, or begin the next one. Keep a note in your home learning book of what you have done and how it went.

Languages Watch the clip, notice how they greet each other in French. Watch it more than twice – practise your French speaking with an adult, sibling or a pet? Bonjour Ça va ? Comment tu t’appelle? Ôu habite tu? What do each of these French phrases mean?



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Watch this final clip, take notes again

To help you will find key features of a news report on link below



Draw a superhero, then draw a rainbow – using correct colours above it and write NHS underneath – Put it in a window so people can see it as they walk by.

Thinking Time You are working at home on your own, and possible making lots of mistakes – learning at home is harder than learning at school – but mistakes still make learning better – watch the clip. Write this sentence

Mistakes are good. Decorate this as brightly as you can.

Watch BBC Newsround on iPlayer and reflect on the wider world. What is going on out there? What did you learn about the news today that you didn’t know already?

PE/PHSE Go outside or find a space and do your exercise alphabet challenge, remember to write down your achievements every day. What school values are you using? Are you persevering?

How have you helped at home today? What have you learnt today that you couldn’t do before? Maybe you can cook something new? Or make your bed? or hang out the washing in the way your adult likes?

Watch this clip. Do you have a growth mindset or is this something you need to work on more? Challenge yourself and think where you can think differently to improve your learning and outlook on life. You might want to write a few ideas down, then you can look at them to remind yourself.

Story Time[Discovery_Cards]-[Multi_Site]-[SL08]-[PS_IPLAYER~N~~P_TheChroniclesOfHettyFeather]

Watch the drama series about a girl called Hetty Feather. The story is set in the 1800’s and as you watch

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 Have you enjoyed the story? Email me and tell me what you think of it.

Page 6: St Mary’s Church of England Primary School · 2020-04-15 · St Mary’s Church of England Primary School Home Learning Term 5 Week 2 20.04.2020 Send me work you are proud of and

it compare it to your life today. Hetty was abandoned by her parents at birth and has been bought up by a foster family and then in an orphanage.

Exercise and break times

9am Joe Wicks live Workout with Joe to keep you fit and healthy Cosmic Kids – Yoga Use this to chill out and relax Go noodle Play in your garden/Go for a walk with an adult

9am Joe Wicks live Workout with Joe to keep you fit and healthy Cosmic Kids – Yoga Use this to chill out and relax to chill out and relax Go noodle Play in your garden/Go for a walk with an adult

9am Joe Wicks live Workout with Joe to keep you fit and healthy Cosmic Kids – Yoga Use this to chill out and relax to chill out and relax Go noodle Play in your garden/Go for a walk with an adult

9am Joe Wicks live Workout with Joe to keep you fit and healthy Cosmic Kids – Yoga Use this to chill out and relax and relax Go noodle Play in your garden/Go for a walk with an adult

9am Joe Wicks live Workout with Joe to keep you fit and healthy Cosmic Kids – Yoga Use this to chill out and relax out and relax Go noodle Play in your garden/Go for a walk with an adult

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English Sheet 1 – emotions English Sheet 2 – Writing instructions

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English Sheet 3 – An example playscript (Please feel free to magpie some of these ideas to get you started.)


Setting the scene

Name of character who is


Colon after

name of



Stage directions

Use different

colours to help

with layout.

Use some words

from this week’s


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English Sheet 4 – Writing a poem

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Websites you may want to explore

Maths: English: Other Subjects:

Complete the exercises to spell out your name!

For an extra challenge you may want to include your last name and/or

your middle name!

A – 20 high knees N – 30 second plank

B – 30 second plank O – 20 hops (10 each leg)

C – 10 star jumps P – 20 second sprint

D – 10 squats Q – 30 second heel kicks

E – 20 hops R – 10 star jumps

F – 20 second sprint S – 20 lunges

G – 25 jumping jacks T – 10 high jumps

H – 20 big arm circles U – 20 high knees

I – 30 second skip V – 10 sit down stand ups

J – 20 lunges W – 20 second climb rope

K – 20 arm circles X – 10 squats

L – 10 high jumps Y – 30 second skip

M – 10 sit down stand ups Z – 20 hops (10 each leg)