st. thomas aquinas catholic church...mar 17, 2019  · la iglesia presbiteriana cada tercer jueves...

SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA March 17, 2019 17 de Marzo de 2019 St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 2725 Elm Street, Napa, CA 94558 PARISH OFFICE/OFICINA PARROQUIAL Office Hours / Horario de Oficina: Monday-Friday 9am-12pm & 1pm-5pm (707) 255 - 2949 Fax (707) 255 - 2439 [email protected] STAFF Rev. Abel Mena, JCL, Pastor/Adjutant Judicial Vicar Rev. Gary Sumpter, In Residence Rev. Mr. Jim Eckert, Deacon Rev. Mr. Jesse De Luna, Deacon Deborah O’Haire, Religious Education Coordinator Amparo Valenzuela, Office Coordinator ENGLISH WEEKEND MASSES Saturday - *8:00am & 4:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am & 11:00 am *This mass is offered if Fr. Gary is available DAILY MASS Monday - Friday - 9:00 am First Friday of the Month - 12:00 pm MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Domingo - 1:30 pm CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/ Sábados 3:00 pm—3:45 pm 1 er Dom. del mes 12:30 pm—1:20pm STAND FIRM IN THE LORD It is not hard to imagine, in this age of wars, evil groups bent on the destruction of humanity, and political follies, that the words of Saint Paul were so accurate, even for his time. It seems that the world never changes. Paul says, “Many . . . conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is their destruction . . . Their minds are occu- pied with earthly things” (Philippians 3:18, 19). The result is the destruction of innocent people and of the Earth itself. But Paul says to the Philippians, “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (3:20). He will “change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body” (3:21). Note that he says “body” ra- ther than “bodies.” He is talking about the whole community of believers, who, following the exam- ple of Jesus and of Paul, will come into the glory of God. So “stand firm in the Lord” (4:1). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

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Page 1: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church...Mar 17, 2019  · la Iglesia Presbiteriana cada tercer jueves de ca-da mes. Esperamos que nos puedan ayudar con ingredientes que utilizamos para


St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 2725 Elm Street, Napa, CA 94558

PARISH OFFICE/OFICINA PARROQUIAL Office Hours / Horario de Oficina:

Monday-Friday 9am-12pm & 1pm-5pm (707) 255 - 2949 Fax (707) 255 - 2439 [email protected]

STAFF Rev. Abel Mena, JCL, Pastor/Adjutant Judicial Vicar

Rev. Gary Sumpter, In Residence Rev. Mr. Jim Eckert, Deacon

Rev. Mr. Jesse De Luna, Deacon Deborah O’Haire, Religious Education Coordinator

Amparo Valenzuela, Office Coordinator

ENGLISH WEEKEND MASSES Saturday - *8:00am & 4:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am & 11:00 am

*This mass is offered if Fr. Gary is available

DAILY MASS Monday - Friday - 9:00 am

First Friday of the Month - 12:00 pm

MISAS EN ESPAÑOL Domingo - 1:30 pm

CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/ Sábados 3:00 pm—3:45 pm 1er Dom. del mes 12:30 pm—1:20pm


It is not hard to imagine, in this age of wars, evil groups bent on the destruction of humanity, and political follies, that the words of Saint Paul were so accurate, even for his time. It seems that the world never changes. Paul says, “Many . . . conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is their destruction . . . Their minds are occu-pied with earthly things” (Philippians 3:18, 19). The result is the destruction of innocent people and of the Earth itself. But Paul says to the Philippians, “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (3:20). He will “change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body” (3:21). Note that he says “body” ra-ther than “bodies.” He is talking about the whole community of believers, who, following the exam-ple of Jesus and of Paul, will come into the glory of God. So “stand firm in the Lord” (4:1).

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Page 2: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church...Mar 17, 2019  · la Iglesia Presbiteriana cada tercer jueves de ca-da mes. Esperamos que nos puedan ayudar con ingredientes que utilizamos para

"UNPLANNED" is the name of the movie about former Planned Parenthood's director, Abby Johnson, and her awakening. Watch for it! To date 191 abortion workers have left their jobs when they realize the objectives of the abortion industry. Our prayers and the kindness of our volunteers are responsible for their changes of heart. Just go to or call Chris at 252-0191 for a time that works for you.


STATIONS OF THE CROSS There will be bilingual Stations of the Cross every Friday in Lent at 6pm in the church until Good Friday. There will be a Meager Meal (meatless soup) following the Stations in the hall.


On Tuesday, March 19 we will be having a pen-ance service at 6:30pm. There will be other priests who are going to be available for confes-sion. Everyone is invited to go to confession dur-ing this time of lent.


St. Thomas is preparing food for the “Table” at the Presbyterian Church every third Thursday of each month. We hope you will use the sign-up sheet so we know what food you bring and who the volun-teer helpers will be on that Thursday. We need potatoes, carrots, ham, green beans, and milk. The sign-up sheet for the food is on the “Table” board and a half barrel marked “Table” under-neath where you can put food the Sunday before. This is on the NW corner of the Social Hall.


Pro-life Movie Releases in Napa March 29 UNPLANNED, the best-selling book on the stun-ning true story of Planned Parenthood clinic di-rector, Abby Johnson, who had a powerful con-version and became a staunch Pro-life activist, is now a feature movie that will release in Napa at the Century Cinemark theater on the weekend of March 29-31. A story that Archbishop Charles Chaput says is "A wonderful portrait of the power of truth". Please support this inspiring, life-affirming movie and plan to attend it for the opening weekend release in Napa. For more info on the movie go to


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, April 5, the First Friday of the month, from 9am to 10pm. Mass is celebrated at 12pm. Please come and join us for Adoration on this First Fri-day. We need people to sign up for a Holy Hour during the 13 hours. The sign-up sheet is on the parish bulletin board in the church hall. Please consider signing up for an hour to ensure we have every hour covered, and hopefully by more than just one person per hour.


I hope that everyone is doing their best to grow closer to God during this time of Lent. Lately, I have noticed lots of trash being left on the ground of the restrooms. I would ask you to please place the trash in the cans located in the restrooms. It is our responsibility to take care of our facilities. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. May God continue to bless all of us dur-ing this time of Lent. Fr. Abel

If you took a baby bottle from the Alpha Preg-nancy Clinic table after Mass several weeks ago and have not yet returned it, Alpha needs those bottles back now. Please bring the baby bottles back and place them in the box in the hall. Alpha appreciates all donations. Thank you.


THE TABLE All of you may be aware that our parish St. Thomas Aquinas is responsible for preparing food for the those in need. Meals are prepared at the Presbyterian Church every third Thursday of each month. Frank Mourad has been heading the cooking and baking for St. Thomas Aquinas for many years and we are thankful for his ser-vice. He is ready to hand over this mission to someone else. We are looking for someone who can share their talent and time for the less fortu-nate. Anyone interested please talk to Frank Mourad or call the parish office.

Page 3: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church...Mar 17, 2019  · la Iglesia Presbiteriana cada tercer jueves de ca-da mes. Esperamos que nos puedan ayudar con ingredientes que utilizamos para


En la Iglesia de Santo Tomás tenemos la Adoración del Santísimo Sacramen-to el viernes 5 de abril y el primer vier-nes de cada mes, de 9am a 10pm. El Santísimo Sacramento estará expuesto en la custodia en el altar para Adora-ción y oración hasta las 10pm y la mi-

sa se celebrará a las 12pm en Ingles. Por favor venga y acompáñenos para la Adoración en este primer viernes. Invitamos que personas se regis-tren para una Hora Santa. La hoja de inscripción está en el tablero de anuncios en el salón de la iglesia. Considere inscribirse durante una hora para asegurarse de que tengamos por lo menos un adorador por hora, y si es posible más de una persona por hora.

Espero que todos estén haciendo todo lo posible para acercarse más a Dios durante este tiempo de Cua-resma. Últimamente, he notado que se deja mucha basura en el suelo de los baños. Le pido que coloque la basura en el bote de basura ubicado en los baños. Es nuestra responsabilidad cuidar nuestras instala-ciones. Gracias por su cooperación y comprensión en este asunto. Que Dios continúe bendiciéndonos a todos durante este tiempo de Cuaresma. P. Abel


El martes 19 de marzo tendremos un servicio de penitencia a las 6:30 pm. Habrá otros sacerdotes que estarán disponibles para la confesión. Todos están invitados a confesarse durante este tiempo de Cuaresma.


El movimiento de Curcillos de Cristiandad les pide a todos los Curcillistas sus oraciones para los próximos Curcillos de la Diócesis de Santa Rosa que se llevaran acabo los días 16 al 19 de Mayo , el de Hombres y 24 al 27 de Mayo el de Mujeres. De Colores.


"UNPLANNED" es el nombre de la película so-bre la ex directora de Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson, y su despertar. ¡Se presentará en el ci-ne el 29 de marzo! Hasta la fecha, 191 trabajado-res de aborto han dejado sus trabajos cuando se han dado cuenta de los objetivos de la industria del aborto. Nuestras oraciones y la amabilidad de nuestros voluntarios son responsables de sus cambios de corazón. Simplemente vaya a o llame a Chris al 252-0191 para un horario que le funcione.


VÍA CRUCIS Durante la Cuaresma Tendremos el Vía Crucis bilingüe cada Viernes a las 6pm en la Iglesia. Ten-dremos una comida sencilla (sopa sin carne) des-pués del Vía Crucis en el salón de la parroquia.

Santo Tomás prepara comida para la "Mesa" en la Iglesia Presbiteriana cada tercer jueves de ca-da mes. Esperamos que nos puedan ayudar con ingredientes que utilizamos para preparar estos alimentos. Utilice la hoja de registro apuntar lo que usted puede traer. Se necesita jamón, papas, zanahorias, leche, naranjas y ejotes enlatados. La hoja de inscripción para la comida se encuen-tra en el tablero y un medio barril marcado "Table" debajo donde se puede colocar la comida el domingo anterior.


DEVOLVER BIBERONES PARA ALFA Si tomó un biberón de la mesa de la Clínica de Embarazo Alpha después de la Misa hace varias semanas y todavía no lo ha devuelto, Alpha Cli-nic necesita que le devuelvan esos biberones. Por favor, traiga los biberones y colóquelos en la caja en el salón. Alpha agradece todas las donaciones. Gracias.

Se les pide a todos los que estén enfermos, en silla de ruedas, o que no puedan caminar fácil-mente y quieran recibir la comunión en la Misa, favor de sentarse en las primeras bancas de la iglesia y darnos a saber, antes de la misa, que les gustaría recibir la comunión para estar seguros de que vayan a recibir la comunión. Muchas gracias por su ayuda y entendimiento.



Page 4: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church...Mar 17, 2019  · la Iglesia Presbiteriana cada tercer jueves de ca-da mes. Esperamos que nos puedan ayudar con ingredientes que utilizamos para


* Weekly collection needed to meet parish expenses: $4,400


Andrew Hill, Marcia Ryan, Mary Jo, Margret Krch, Jose Luis Alfaro, Jane Lemmons, Jean Welsh, Ricky, Carmen Lee, Carl Botenhagen, Pablo Morales, Monserrat Salgado, Angelica Espinoza, Theresa Ware, Itzel Mendez, Katrinka Ruk, Ken Sprague, Wayne Dieslter, Maria Aquilija, Carl Kitley, Mary and Loren Ryan, Erica Cervantes, Lino Gonzales, Teresa Conemac, Ignacio Hurtado Torrico, Paul Joseph, Da-vid Isaac Jr., Mona Wageck, Vivian Michael, Kay Jones, Joel Rivera, Salomon Moreno Romero, Teresa Rubio, Andres Garcia, Rod Berg, Manuel Hernandez, Mike Mourad, Jesus Vazquez, Larry Fontana, Anne-Marie Mourad, Jose Julian Mendez Calderon, Familia Nuñes Torres, Yalitza Contreras, Chuck Reiland, Gina Dal Porto, Sue Lathrop, Ana Perez, Cervantes Family, Camila Gonzalez De La Torre, Brian Krenzin, Marcella Wheelan, Todd Daniel Lemmons, Mayra Zarate, Edu-ardo Mendez Calderon, Helida Martinez Escobedo


Please call if loved ones need prayers or if they are well and may be taken off the list. (707) 255-2949

Favor de llamar a la Rectoría si necesita oraciones o si sus enfermos se recuperaron para removerlos

de la lista. (707) 255-2949


3/16/19—3/22/19 Saturday 4:00pm † Richard Blake

Sunday 8:00am † Cathy Eaton

11:00am Pro Populo

1:30pm Sergio Garcia—Cumpleaños

Monday 9:00am Maria Teresa Rodriguez—Birthday

Tuesday 9:00am Todd Daniel Lemmons

Wednesday 9:00am Imolee Watras—Get Well

Thursday 9:00am Dominic Rincon—Get Well

Friday 9:00am Imolee Watras—Get Well

First Collection/Primera Colecta: * $3,101

2nd collection next week/2da colecta próxima semana: Religious Education/Educación Religiosa de niños

MyEoffering for month of February: $1,385

Page 5: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church...Mar 17, 2019  · la Iglesia Presbiteriana cada tercer jueves de ca-da mes. Esperamos que nos puedan ayudar con ingredientes que utilizamos para

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Page 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church...Mar 17, 2019  · la Iglesia Presbiteriana cada tercer jueves de ca-da mes. Esperamos que nos puedan ayudar con ingredientes que utilizamos para

Gospel: Lk 9:28b-36

From the shining cloud the Father's voice is heard:

This is my beloved Son, hear him.

R. Honor y gloria a ti, Señor Jesús. En el esplendor de la nube se oyó la voz del Pa-dre, que decía: "Éste es mi Hijo amado; escú-

chenlo". R. Honor y gloria a ti, Señor Jesús.

Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to pray. While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing be-came dazzling white. And behold, two men were conversing with him, Moses and Elijah, who ap-peared in glory and spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem. Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep, but becoming fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. As they were about to part from him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good that we are here; let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." But he did not know what he was saying. While he was still speaking, a cloud came and cast a shadow over them, and they became frightened when they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, "This is my chosen Son; listen to him." After the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. They fell silent and did not at that time tell any-one what they had seen.

En aquel tiempo, Jesús se hizo acompañar de Pedro, Santiago y Juan, y subió a un monte para hacer oración. Mientras oraba, su rostro cambió de aspecto y sus vestiduras se hicieron blancas y relampagueantes. De pronto aparecieron con-versando con él dos personajes, rodeados de es-plendor: eran Moisés y Elías. Y hablaban de la muerte que le esperaba en Jerusalén. Pedro y sus compañeros estaban rendidos de sueño; pero, despertándose, vieron la gloria de Jesús y de los que estaban con él. Cuando éstos se retiraban, Pedro le dijo a Jesús: "Maestro, se-ría bueno que nos quedáramos aquí y que hicié-ramos tres chozas: una para ti, una para Moisés y otra para Elías", sin saber lo que decía. No había terminado de hablar, cuando se formó una nube que los cubrió; y ellos, al verse envuel-tos por la nube, se llenaron de miedo. De la nube salió una voz que decía: "Éste es mi Hijo, mi es-cogido; escúchenlo". Cuando cesó la voz, se que-dó Jesús solo. Los discípulos guardaron silencio y por entonces no dijeron a nadie nada de lo que habían visto.

El domingo 17 de marzo y durante la Cua-resma estaremos vendiendo cirios después de misa afuera del templo. Tenemos varias opciones de tamaño y diseño. El cirio pas-cual será bendecido el Sábado de Gloria en la misa de vigilia el 20 de abril. Los fondos recaudados eran para la Parroquia de Santo Tomas de Aquino. Gracias por tu apoyo.

La luz del cirio, símbolo de Cristo que ilumina al mundo con el brillo de su divinidad, evidenciada con su Resurrección.

El cirio se utiliza en casa en momentos de ora-ción, en momentos de tribulación espiritual, cuando rezas el rosario, en momentos de alguna desgracia o por algún enfermo. Estos son algu-nos ejemplos para elevar tus plegarias a Dios.

Evangelio: Lc 9, 28b-36


On Sunday, March 17 and during Lent we will be selling paschal candles for home af-ter mass outside the church. We have sev-eral options of size and design. The Paschal Candle will be blessed on the Easter Vigil Mass on April 20th. The funds from the sales will be to support our parish of St. Thomas Aquinas. Thanks for your support.

The light of the candle, symbol of Christ who illu-minates the world with the brightness of his divin-ity, evidenced by his Resurrection. The candle is used at home in moments of prayer, in moments of spiritual tribulation, when you pray the rosary, in times of hardship or for a sick person. These are some examples of the use of the candle.