st. thomas the apostle catholic church · 2019. 7. 28. · st. thomas the apostle catholic church...

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Oce: 1603 Avenue N * Huntsville, TX 77340 Church: 1323 16th St. * Huntsville, TX 77340 Ph. 936.295.8159 * Fax 936.295.3543 www.sainƩ "...there is no inequality of signicance amongst us except holiness..." “No hay desigualdad de importancia entre nosotros excepto la santidad…” STAFF Rev. Fred Valone…..Pastor Felix Ramos………..Permanent Deacon Kathy Boscarino…….DRE / Y M Maria Delgado……… Elem. CCE Marisol Urbina…...Administrative Asst. Rick Reed…………...Music Coordinator Jill Baker………..Nursery Coordinator Pat Norfleet…………..Bookkeeper Sylvia Vitela…………..Secretary Laura Puente………...Custodian Adoration/Adoración Reconciliation / Reconciliación Mass Schedules Tuesday / Martes After 7:15 am Mass until 5:30pm Tues/Martes 4:30-5:30 pm Sat/Sabado 4:00-5:00 pm Saturday/ Sabado 5:30 pm English Sunday/ Domingo 7:45 am English 10:45 am English 12:30 pm Spanish Monday/ Lunes No Mass Tuesday-Martes Wed. – Friday/ Miercoles-Viernes 7:15 am 7:15 am Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2019 The flowers besides the Blessed Sacrament are offered in thanksgiving for their 61st Anniversary By Gene & Carole Barrett

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  • St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church

    Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

    Office: 1603 Avenue N * Huntsville, TX 77340 Church: 1323 16th St. * Huntsville, TX 77340

    Ph. 936.295.8159 * Fax 936.295.3543 www.sain

    "...there is no inequality of significance amongst us except holiness..." “No hay desigualdad de importancia entre nosotros excepto la santidad…”


    Rev. Fred Valone…..Pastor Felix Ramos………..Permanent Deacon Kathy Boscarino…….DRE / Y M Maria Delgado……… Elem. CCE Marisol Urbina…...Administrative Asst. Rick Reed…………...Music Coordinator Jill Baker………..Nursery Coordinator Pat Norfleet…………..Bookkeeper Sylvia Vitela…………..Secretary Laura Puente………...Custodian


    Reconciliation / Reconciliación

    Mass Schedules

    Tuesday / Martes

    After 7:15 am Mass until 5:30pm

    Tues/Martes 4:30-5:30 pm

    Sat/Sabado 4:00-5:00 pm

    Saturday/ Sabado 5:30 pm English

    Sunday/ Domingo 7:45 am English 10:45 am English 12:30 pm Spanish

    Monday/ Lunes No Mass


    Wed. – Friday/ Miercoles-Viernes

    7:15 am

    7:15 am

    Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 28, 2019

    The flowers besides the Blessed Sacrament are offered in thanksgiving for their 61st Anniversary By Gene & Carole Barrett

  • Mass Intentions Of The Week



    5:30 pm

    Gene & Carole Barrett (61st Anniversary)



    7:45 am

    Erik Larson (Birthday)

    10:45 am

    Donna Moore (Special Intention)

    12:30 pm




    NO Mass



    7:15 am

    John William & Carmen Heckler



    7:15 am

    Dawn Everett



    7:15 am

    John & Florence Verderano



    7:15 am

    Tony Bracci



    5:30 pm

    Velma & Shirley Seidel



    7:45 am


    10:45 am

    Cheryl Cummings (Special Intention)

    12:30 pm

    Ricardo De La Paz

    Judy Adib, Veronica Antwi, James Aubey, Irma Avalos, Gene Barrett, Jordan Ber-geron, Marie Blanchard, Chelsea Brown, Phillip Caito, Gary Coker, Wren Colligan, Wayne Collins, Sunni Cook, Terry Cor-ral, Melanie Davis, Kathy Delouche, Colin

    Dufour, David Duesing, James Elliott, Patsy Freeman, Mary Gedelian, Melba & Leroy Hall, Edwin Laake, Doro-thy Laskoskie, Corrina Lawrence, Paul Legler, Al Losack, Katy Losack, A.J. McGee, Geno Mancuso, Don Marcotte, Lisa Miller, Mable Milliet, Donna Moore, MaryAnn Moore, Susan Montoya, Martin Moreno, Lourdes Mosqueda, Frank O’Donnell, Brenda Piñeda, Marty Reeder, Bob Riley, Kelly Robinson, Nina Rozell, Andrea Scheel, Ana Marie Santos, John Sarlay, Jerry Seaton, Kayden Bryn Shipley, Cheryl Smith, Kathy Stoltz, Jean Stow, Christi Townley, Ray Townley, Dorothy Town-send, Gordan Travis, Enrique Valadez, Maria Elena Va-lencia, Kathy Vanecek, Matthew Varnum, Rusty Wallace, Bill Walton, Alma Williams, Nancy Winkler

    Readings for the Week

    Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23 or Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42

    Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-11; Mt 13:36-43

    Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Mt 13:44-46

    Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a, 8, 11; Mt 13:47-53

    Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58

    Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14: 1-12

    Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21

    July 21, 2019

    Regular Sunday Donations: $7,038.78 Thank you

    for your continued support!

    Our gratefulness to God weekly offering

    Do Not Neglect to SHARE

    What You Have

    DSF Report as of July 18, 2019

    Parish Goal $37,000.00 Total Amount Paid $30,454.18 Total Amount Pledged $36,290.00 Number of Participants 109 Under Goal $6,545.82

    YOU ARE INVITED!! Pray Divine Mercy Chaplet And Rosary

    every Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at Shrine of Two Hearts

    516 Rosenwall Road (Take 45 N Exit 118 then FM 2821 to

  • From Fr. Fred’s Desk . . . A little boy was sitting next to a holy man seated beside the Ganges River. "Will you teach me to pray?" the boy asked. "Are you sure that you want to learn?" the holy man responded? "Yes, of course." With that the holy man grabbed the boy's neck and plunged his head into the water. He held them there while the boy kicked and screamed and tried to get away. Finally, after an interminable period the holy man let the boy out of the water. "What was that?" the boy asked. "That was your first lesson in prayer. When you long for God the way that you longed to breathe, then you will be able to pray." This Sunday’s gospel teaches us about prayer: how to pray and to be persistent when we pray. Years ago I began a daily ritual of prayer by thinking that if I set the alarm on my alarm clock five minutes earlier, I would have 5 minutes to pray the next day. Over time those 5 minutes have increased. If you are not a morning person, then consider maybe going to bed 5 minutes later on a regular basis and using those previous minutes for prayer. What is important is our perseverance in daily prayer. As Jesus said when responding to satan’s temptations of Him in the desert, “We do not live on bread alone but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. “Pope Benedict in the book, The Joy of Knowing Christ: Meditations on the Gospels, said that prayer is a life-giving decision: “prayer is not an accessory or ‘optional’ but a question of life or death. In fact only those who pray – in other words entrust themselves to God with filial love – can enter eternal life, which is God himself.” In the first reading at Mass, Abraham will engage in intercessory prayer for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, cities often associated with sin. When confronting temptations, the Jesus prayer is helpful in resisting them, Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. The early Christians would coordinate this prayer with their breathing: inhaling the words about Christ and exhaling the words about God’s mercy. The end result of our daily prayer hopefully is holiness, the vocation of all of Jesus’ disciples.


    Del escritorio del Padre Fred . . . Un niño pequeño estaba sentado junto a un hombre santo sentado junto al río Ganges. "¿Me enseñas a orar?" preguntó el niño. "¿Estás seguro de que quieres aprender?" el hombre santo respondió? "Sí, por supuesto." Con eso el hombre santo agarró el cuello del niño y hundió su cabeza en el agua. Lo mantuvo allí mientras el niño pateaba y gritaba e intentaba escapar. Finalmente, después de un período interminable, el hombre santo dejó salir al niño del agua. "¿Qué fue eso?" preguntó el niño. El hombre sabio le respondió: "Te acabo de dar tu primera lección en oración. Cuando buscas a Dios de la misma manera que buscas desesperadamente por aire al sentirte ahogar. De la misma manera se aprende a orar con dedicación". El evangelio de este domingo nos enseña acerca de la oración: cómo orar y ser persistentes cuando oramos. Hace años comencé un ritual diario de oración pensando que si ponía la alarma en mi despertador cinco minutos antes, tendría 5 minutos para orar al día siguiente. Con el tiempo esos 5 minutos han aumentado. Si no eres una persona de la mañana, entonces considera irte a la cama 5 minutos más tarde de forma regular y usar esos minutos anteriores para la oración. Lo importante es nuestra perseverancia en la oración diaria. Como dijo Jesús al responder a las tentaciones de Satanás hacia Él en el desierto, “No vivimos solo de pan, sino de cada palabra que sale de la boca de Dios. "El Papa Benedicto en el libro, La alegría de conocer a Cristo: Meditaciones sobre los evangelios, dijo que la oración es una decisión que da vida:" la oración no es un accesorio u "opcional" sino una cuestión de vida o muerte. De hecho, solo aquellos que oran, en otras palabras, se entregan a Dios con amor filial, pueden entrar en la vida eterna, que es Dios mismo.” En la primera lectura en la misa, Abraham participará en la oración de intercesión por la gente de Sodoma y Gomorra, ciudades a menudo asociadas con el pecado. Al enfrentar las tentaciones, la oración de Jesús es útil para resistirlas, Señor Jesús, Hijo de Dios, ten piedad de mí, un pecador. Los primeros cristianos coordinarían esta oración con su respiración: inhalando las palabras acerca de Cristo y exhalando las palabras acerca de la misericordia de Dios. El resultado final de nuestra oración diaria con suerte es la santidad, la vocación de todos los discípulos de Jesús.

    HAPPINESS . . . Since happiness is nothing else but the enjoyment of the Supreme good, and the Supreme good is above us, no one can be happy who does not rise above oneself. —St. Bonaventure

  • Confirmation Retreat 2019 STAY Edge (7th & 8th Grade) Witness Camp 2019

    Junior High Youth Rally STAY 1st Communion STAY Lifeteen Large Group

    Confirmation 2018 STAY Lifeteen Community Activity STAY Lifeteen Small Group

    Come join us! Registration is in progress. Forms are in the parish office, back of the church and online at

  • Virtus, Protecting God’s Children

    The CMG Safe Haven online training has replaced VIRTUS, protecting god’s children.

    All training is online Those taking the training for the first time or renewing their training may go to their CMG Connect account. They may log on us-ing their VIRTUS user ID and 1234 as the password. They may change their password once they log in.

    If they do not remember their user ID, they may contact one the following:

    1. Kathy Boscarino @ (936) 295-8159 or [email protected]

    2. CMG at [email protected]

    New users will register as a “new user” Please do not create an account of you have been trained before. The following individuals below will now be required to complete Safe Haven online training as well: 1. Individuals who have never attended training. 2. Individuals who are currently due for refresher train-ing and had not attended VIRTUS training. 3. Individuals who are out of compliance or past due After approval the certification will be good for 5 years

    Protegiendo a los hijos de Dios

    La capacitación en línea de CMG Safe Haven ha reemplazado a VIRTUS, que protege a los niños de Dios. Todo el entrenamiento está en línea Aquellos que tomen el entrenamiento por primera vez o la renueven pueden ingresar a su cuenta de CMG Connect, pueden iniciar sesión con su ID de usuario de VIRTUS y 1234 como la contraseña. Si no re-cuerdan su identificación de usuario, pueden comunicarse con las siguientes:

    Kathy Boscarino @ (936) 295-8159 o [email protected]

    CMG, [email protected] Después de la aprobación, la certificación será válida por 5 años. Los nuevos usuarios se registrarán como un "nuevo usuario". No cree una cuenta en la que haya recibido capacitación ante-riormente. Ahora se requerirá que las siguientes personas a continuación completen la capacitación en línea de Safe Haven también: 1. Personas que nunca han asistido a la formación. 2. Las personas que actualmente deben recibir una capacita ción de actualización y no hayan asistido a la capacitación de VIRTUS. 3. Personas que están fuera de cumplimiento o vencidas

    It’s time to get ready for……

    Saint Thomas Ladies Annual Rummage Sale

    August 2nd & 3rd

    Donated items may be brought to the CCE Bldg. Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    SECULAR FRANCISCANS . . . Would you like to give more time to God, but wonder how to do that when your life is so busy? Do you long for holiness, and feel a need for support in growing spiritually? Perhaps your heart has been moved by stories of St. Francis of Assi-si, or the Peace Prayer attributed to him, and you are seeking that same holy simplicity, true peace and perfect joy? If so, Christ may be calling you to explore the Secular Franciscan life. We would be happy to meet with you to share about the Franciscan journey. We meet the 4th Saturday each month at 12:00 noon in the Adult Education Building. Please contact Stephen Far-low, OFS at (936)355-1855.

    Religious Education Volunteers Needed . . .

    Sign up Today!

    We are preparing for the 2019-2020 Faith Formation year and need many hands! There are a number of grades in need of volunteers to help as Catechists and Aids. Please prayerfully consider joining the Faith Formation team for 2019-2020 to serve our children and to grow in your own faith. You may reach Kathy Boscarino, Religious Educa-tion Director and Maria Delgado, Elementary Coordinator at (936)295-8159 or [email protected] or [email protected].

    Educación Religiosa Necesitamos Que Nos Des

    Una Mano Súmate Como Voluntario! Estamos preparándonos para el año 2019-2020 para la Formación de Fe y necesitamos más manos! Necesitamos voluntarios para varios grados el próximo año. Necesita-mos catequistas y asistentes. Por favor considere unirse al equipo de Formación de Fe del año 2019-2020. Por favor orando considere la invitación para servir a los niños de nuestra parroquia y crecer en su propia fe. Puede comu-nicarse con Kathy Boscarino Directora de Educación Religiosa y María Delgado Coordinadora de educación Elemental. Teléfono: (936) 295-8159 vía correo electrónico: [email protected] [email protected]

  • The Fire of Your Love: The Incorruptibles

    By Will Oliver

    The Incorruptibles almost sounds like a Marvel Team-up group like the Avengers or the Defenders. In this case, they do have super-powers, but not like the Marvel types, more like super-natural powers. Oh, and it just so happens that all of the incorruptibles are also dead. Strange, I know.

    When most people die, their bodies normally decompose because of the enzymes in their bodies and the bacteria that surrounds them. There are some, however, whose bodies do not decompose, hence they are the incorruptible. In their cases, the bodies become dessicated, or simply put: they dry up. To be clear, this is not the process of mummifi-cation for no chemicals are used to cause the dessication, and a body is not considered incorruptible if it has been embalmed. It addition to it being a natural process, there is also one unique factor associated with incorruptible bodies and that is the smell. It is said they put off a sweet or floral smell—the “odour of sanctity”—very often described as the smell of roses. Mummification does not emit a pleasant odor, and decomposition certainly does not.

    The Roman Catholic Church holds the belief that the reason some are incorruptible is because of divine interven-tion. As is often the case, those who are incorruptible are either saints or the beatified (those on their way to saint-hood). If a body is believed to be incorruptible, Canon Law does allow for the inspection of the body by a bishop or pontifical commission for verification. If the body is declared incorruptible and they are a saint/beatified, they may be placed under an altar allowing for mass to be celebrated over the corpse. You will see this if you visit many of the large churches in Europe.

    The first time I had ever heard of incorruptibility was on my first trip to Italy, when we visited family in Lucca and went to the Basilica of St. Frediano. It was there that I saw the incorrupt body of Saint Zita. She was born in 1218, outside of Lucca, and at 12 was sent inside the walls of Lucca to serve as a nanny. She did so for the next 48 years of her life. She went to mass daily and did all she could to help the poor in Lucca. She died in 1272. Over time, more and more miracles were attributed to her, eventually numbering 150. Toward the cause of Beatification, her body was exhumed and was found to be incorruptible. She was exhumed several more times over the next hundred years, and her body remained incorruptible. In 1696, she was canonized, and she is the patron saint of maids and domestic servants. Her body remains on display in the Basilica, under a side altar, to this day.

    Although there are hundreds of saints and beatified who have been declared incorruptible, perhaps the most famous of them is Saint Bernadette of Lourdes. Born in 1844, at the age of 15, she was visited by Mary. The first visit-ation occurred on February 11, 1858, and the last was on July 16 of that year. Unused to the attention she received from her visions, she joined the sisters of Charity, but later contracted tuberculosis and died in 1879 at the age of 35. Her body was exhumed in 1909 and found to be incorruptible. Her body was again exhumed in 1919 and 1925, and both times, she remained mostly in the same state, with only some discoloration. She was beatified in 1925 and declared a saint in 1933.

    For further reading on The Incorruptibles, pick up a copy of Joan Carroll Cruz’s book by that title (Tan Books 1977).

    PIDIENDO AYUDA . . . Las beatitudes alaban al pobre de espíritu. Una de las características de quienes son pobres de espíritu es su habilidad para pedir ayuda; ellos saben cuando otros pueden proveerles lo que les hace falta. Las lecturas de hoy nos animan a practicar la pobreza de espíritu pidiéndole a Dios aquello que necesitamos. ¿Qué podría ser más natural pedir a Dios que buenas cosas? Dios es, después de todo, el hacedor de la bondad y el dador de buenas cosas. Pidiendo ayuda a Dios nos pone en una conversación con Dios. Esta conversación o conversaciones pueden ser de muchas formas. La lectura del libro del Génesis muestra a Abraham negociando con Dios de una manera graciosa, pero como un hábil negociador; por otro lado la carta de san Pablo a los colosenses alaba a Dios respondiéndonos aún cuando no lo merecemos. En el Evangelio de san Lucas, Jesús no solo nos da las palabras y frases para usar en nuestras conversaciones con Dios (el Padre Nuestro), sino también promete que Dios siempre escuchará nuestras oraciones. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

  • P









    My Own Church Parish . . . .

    To Register yourself or update your family information go to If you have any questions please contact Kathy Bos-carino by email at [email protected]

    Mi Propia Iglesia . . . . Para registrarse o actualizar su información familiar vaya a: https/ Si tiene alguna pregunta, contáctese con Kathy Boscarino por correo electrónico [email protected]


    Following the church shootings last year near San Antonio the parish's Security Committee has taken steps ensure the safety of all St. Thomas the Apostle parishioners. The first step restricts access to the church during liturgical services. Once Mass has begun all doors into the church will be locked from the inside with the exception of the double doors facing 16th Street. Anyone arriving late for Mass will only be able to enter the church through the 16th Street doors. Parishioners will be able to exit the church through any of the locked doors as well as the doors fac-ing 16th Street. Signs will be posted around the church building to remind parishioners of the locked doors. The staff at St. Thomas the Apostle Church takes the safety and security of all the parishioners very seriously. We are confident that the steps taken at this time will minimize any problematic incidents.


    Después de los tiroteos de la iglesia el año pasado cerca de San Antonio, el Comité de Seguridad de la parroquia tomo medidas para garantizar la seguridad de los feligreses de Santo Tomás. El primer paso fue de restringir el acceso a la Iglesia durante los servicios litúrgicos. Cuando haya comenzado la misa, todas las puertas de la iglesia estarán cerradas de adentro con la excep-ción de las puertas dobles que dan a la calle 16. Personas que lleguen tarde a misa solo podrá entrar a través de las puertas de la calle 16. Los feligreses podrán salir a través de cual-quiera de las puertas cerradas. Se colocarán letreros alrededor del edificio de la igle-sia para recordar a los feligreses de las puertas cerradas. El personal de la Igle-sia Santo Tomás toma muy en serio la segu-ridad de todos los feligreses. Estamos se-guros de que los pasos tomados minimizarán incidentes problemáticos.

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