st. viator college newspaper, 1930-03-21

Swimming Tourney Saturaay Prof. C. J. Kennedy Dem. Candidate. for School Supt V' & Awarded to Eight Basketeers Debaters Open Season With Easy Victory Next Non-Decision Then Loss Viator Prepares For the Litt 1 e T 19 Swimming Meet Attend th Should Present Strong Team in Loyola Tourney Trinity S cond PI h••u I ttl

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVII, No. 9


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-03-21

Swimming Tourney


Prof. C. J. Kennedy Dem. Candidate. for School Supt

V'& Awarded to Eight Basketeers

Debaters Open Season With

Easy Victory Next Non-Decision

Then Loss

Viator Prepares For the Litt1e

T 19 Swimming Meet

Attend th

Should Present Strong Team in Loyola Tourney

Trinity S cond PI

h••u I ttl

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-03-21

Page Two

~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~~::u:-~::::~:~~~~~:~~~:;:~~ ~~~~K::: THE VIA TORIAN

THE VIA TORIAN Alumni Notes. Campus Briefs. Published Bt-Weekly Throughout the Scholasltc Year by the

Students of St Vtator Col lege =--><===><><==::>ex=::=::>(= ::::>!~~=~

The tecent tom nament brou£;ht many A new "song :tnd dance man has


Circulation Deparbnent

ld fnenrh. 'lnd <.turll.nh ba~.-k to the been unearthed on the second cotridor-Editor~m-Chief r c lh·• e h.lll DPSH.les those wh • came ! none other than Muscles Larh..m HlS

M Ed latest song hit 1-. ·I Don t "'ant The anag1ng 1tor I on lv to 'E..c t.he game , there were

AthlehcE (>\ ldl i ld <. ttdc nt... \\hO had ch .. uge or SunshinE' I Nee•l Rain

Alumru Edt tor cJmpetlll t;" Cdmc.. Fathet Thomas J or- / "Jtm' Brown has repoi ted an m Feature Wnter d t. ., 1 rl P<-!JPY outfit ft o m Rot!{ crcac:;e m <..ale<., of chev .. mtt tobacco since

Feature Wnter 'hl ncl rPCE.I\ed f UJth place and aJso1all lhe LCfClrme1s• ha'e thrO\\O a\\::tY

Feature Wnter had the honot of cattJing a"ay the the co!fln nmls and ha\e t.:'lken to ex· Feature Wnter 1::!po1 t <,m tn'Shtp Cup Fa.the t Palltc.l I pectoratmg the lime a\\aV

lnqutnng Reporter l•;=tttcll.., ::q; Iegat10n from Bloomington

Campus Bnefs 1 the hope<, of ev 1y opponent : "e never l1ke t o btag-much, but "e Vtatonana 'i'l.\e one, but even tilen tne champtons must truthfullv say thdt our debatmg

Glimpse 0 Games foun considerable difftculty m impr s- team. composed of BIOthets Stafford


mg qecond place on the team The f • t Murphy and Mulvanev 1 eally swamped quintet from Moline, under Father Eu- the North Central tno m thetr Imtial gE',ne McLarn had the b>ame fighting appeal a nee on March 5th

Subscnplton Rate : $2 00 per Annum Adldress A ll Correspondence R eferring Etther to Adverttsmg or

Subscnptton to The Viatonan, BourbonnaiS, lllmots

Entered as Second C lass Matter a t the Postoffice of Bourbonnais, IlL Under the Act of March 3rd, 1879 .

<;pnlt that then coach showed when he \\a<:~ on V11..tor s teGWns a few years ago Amos and Andy, radro entertamer<; Hence Ius tean1 as "ell as Father Wal a t e ' e rv popular w1th the occupants of te1 R) an "' of Rockford, constituted the o;econd corridor accordm b to stalls threats that the strongest teams found tiC<; commled by "P'l.t Clea1 y Qmte diffrculty 111 facmg a crowd gathers evet y mght a t 10 30,

\\' 1th these priests present and a lso e;...cept Sunday mght, to hear the pleas

Father Casey of Streatot, F a ther John mg words of thts duet

Fnday, March 21, 193

Compliments ·of



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Amedee J. Lamarre Batt ett of Bloomington, F a ther Ed B b • mund Swenev of Peona and big Glen The mtsogyntsts have been creatmg our Omtals. OL

A NEW RACK, BU T NO ROP E . Just irustde the Chapel door a new pamphlet rack has been m­

stalled The pamphlets are for the students, tf they were on exhtbt­tion they would be pub m a bocke;d glass case hke our first edt tions in the library, or else the whole rack wou ld be roped off and labled "Don't Touch" after the best museum fashton. No the on ly rope that ts needed is orle to "rope" the students mto believing that the pamphle ts are for them, that they should be read

To know how to solve the moral problems of the day, to be able to gtve a reason for the fatth that ts m o ne, to know a.nd love God b etter, tt ts well to culttva te a habtt o f spmtual readmg We be­heve that our most Important duty is to save our soul , we know that a great atd to the salvatiOn of our own souls as well as those of others ts thts practice of becommg a.cquamted With a large por­tion o f the teachmg of our ho ly rehgton Everyone of us knows that yet lik e. poor De Qumcey"s lament over neglecting to proftt more from hts contact wtth "Oxfo.-d, anctent !VfOther' . our ; tgh ts also that we are unabl~ to m a k e our "practices square w1th our professiOns" We kn ow that we would d en ve great spmtual beneftt by culttvatmg a habtt of som e spmtual readmg each day, no matter how httle tl may be, but we lack the urge to ge t go mg

Thts edtt onal should b e the urge It will have achteved tis pur­pose tf the students wt!l more zea lously labor for thetr own welfare by readmg some of these pamphlets, tf they wtll unders ta.,d, and act as tf they underst od that the m ore pamphlets patd for, th~ more mstructtve lt terzture wt!l be placed a t thetr dtsposal in futUJI"e All ftve and dtme maJ na tes are not mtllwnatres and tl wt!l take a lot of small ch ange to make thtrty-ftve d o ll a rs, the tmttal expendttllre on the pamphlet rack. Lent ts here boys It ts a fine thmg fo·r us to begm to do a httle read mg for our spmtua [ welfare. Even If we have to take ftve or ten mtnutes of ou r hme for cl ass preparation to do a bt t of spmtual readmg, we wtll not be ch eatmg ourselves: and anyhow, tl wtll be a novel excuse to gtve the professor for mcom­plete work.

Be a Builder of St. Viator Extension Club Join the Help Raise The

Million Dollar Endowment by outnght gift, insurance, bequest or annuity. You can get 6 'lo on your money and leave the

oaptta l for the Endowment.

Wute to1 pat ticul..lrs to

St. Viator College Extension Club Incorporated

19 39 Straus Bldg , 3! 0 S Mtchtgan Ave

Telephone Wabash 2727 J P. O"Mahoney, Treasurer

Chicago, IlL

Ftanh<t too rt looked llke a reumon of qmte a rumpus because then· well kept the Vrator monogram club of a few secr~t was publtcally announced m the C1gar s No tior

last Issue of the Vmtonan veats ago

The annual State Catholic High There Wli" t·e several academy students

School Basketball Tournament was a here m fact they were too numerous

huge success, and thoroughly enJoyed to mention But among tho<;e whom we

bv ever) one present There was no sen c;ee less frequently a.nd whom \\e hear OUb> casun.llles however less about "e1 e Larry Ward, '14, Dan QUinn 14, Ed Curley and John Hogan I The qumtet hrulmg from Nauvoo a.r-12 and Ft ank Hangsterfer 17 a mem lived m royal style and were the cause

ber of the Board of Directors of the j of much discuss1on on the campus a nd St VIator College E;...tenooon Club and m the corridors a Ch iCd.gO real estate agent

Battery practice OffiCially started on Dur111g the basketball season It was March 4th Whtle looking over th e

no uncommon thing to c:ee at the veterans we were g lad to see that games Father Frank Cleary Father Btll Todd s c;ubmanne de livery IS

Coffev and Father P V Egan "orkmg mcely, and that "Tommy"

An o..lumnus who vis ited us tecently Aheai·n Is hangmg on to the old pill m hts same olcl way YVe noted that

\'as Father Fredet 1ck Theriault 08 • Squat' Christman 15 out for the re-pastor at Florence Wic:cons111 cen e r' s posthon Ca.sstdy and Mooney

Javtet Madero Acad ,29 represented look to be good hurling candidates

the Umvel"b>Ity of Michigan in an inter Firc;t ca ll fo 1• t1ack canchdates was .;,cholasllc contest 111 mathematics that posted on March 4th Th1s w1ll be the "a c., held w1th Boston Tech f1rst time 111 vears that VIator Wlll be

-- represented wtth a squad of w111ged Robert McMahon after a semester's I men __

\\Ork al the Unhe1 srty of Cahfotma • Rube • Htcko'< expects big thmgs ha<, accc.pted a position \\lth the Shell

1 ftom • r 1g AI Fwlong and "T111y"

011 Companv m Berkley Cahforma \ at llancom t m the conun~ Ltttle Nme Dab mtends to 1 etut·n to St VIator teen .:: \\ tmmmg meet College n ext year.

A sextet of channmg Bloommgton John Cox IS the proud father of a 'oung hdteo:; g1 aced the campus durmg

baby girl the tomnament They s1:ud they came to Dout bonnats to cheet for Tnmty

Rev Jo<;eph S Kelly, pastor of St Hi~h School Ho\\evei we have a slight Muy!) C"hurch Mollne lllmois has susptcJon that thete wete other reasons been .:.,1ck for some time How about It Kenny? and you ·Fat"?

An enlightcmng a rticle appeats m Yes 1 and you too "Boob E'ard?

the cut rent tssue of Though t by Doug DID YOU KNO\V THAT

las Power c., ent itled 'Ft::tnCls and 1 Someone dreamed that AI Futlong Fteud He a.-lso has an atllcle appear ttnn~ qomers'1ults o'er a donl,ey Is 1ng- m this weel< s Common we'\ I about t hat why he h so btg and handsome? the S.1.nta Fe Countr) whiCh he kno\\S 2 'Puff Rom::tr:y claim<> the title so " ell or the Al l Ame1tcan Bean Eater'

Boob and 'He1 b me tnovmg dan On Sunday M'ltch 9, dunng the t!'etous uvals, though

\\eehlv Cnt.holic HaUl O\ et the NatiOnal 3 :Cconom1c students are mforrned Bioadca< S)StC'm Fathe1 Fulton that live clucl,en<; ate refugerated Sheen 17 Ph D s T D Professor ~ A strong odor of ptckles permeates

of Apologetics a.t the Catholic Umver-slty of America spoke on "The Upward tat10n Chmch Chicago and the bunal


took place at MotJnt Ca.lvary Cemetery "'e offet our smcet e sympathies to

the immediate family and other rela­tn cc; of Mt Dlie Marcotte '04 who tlicd t ecen tty The deceaseed had been l ~ tle<:unan m Kankakee for eighteen

We regret to announce the death of ~cats and during that time he won a F'ttht 1 :Cdmund J{elley '13 Hts death htg-e host ot f1 t end~ who now mourn tt ed In Mete~· IIospttal Chicago 111 ., death \\ het e he had been taken after an 11!

ne::.c; ot two yeat<; Fnther Kelley had The notice of the death of Dr Ttuit bPen P1.Stot of St John's Church m of RocldOl d came as a shock to his Glcn\\oOd IllinOis for the past six trlend<; at St VIator College Dr Trutt \edl "> P t evious lo this time he served had been an old friend and benefactor lq nn assl"!tant In Visitation par.lsh CillC'lgo He h sut vlved by his mothet, M 1 'i :CIIzabcth Weaver The funet al o;;et vi ceo; we1 e held Mat c h 31 d a t V ls1

of t he school tor years, and hence we unite in o rtet'ing out sincere sympathies to his su t vivlng relatives

(COntinued on Page Three)



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Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-03-21

Friday, March 21 , 19 30.

Summary of Tourney Games

FridaY - 7 30 p M


17 to 13 Both teams missed nume.-ous - a a ..,. ooc:: DEBATERS OPEN SEASON long shots In the fmal quarte• the Glimpse '0 Games WITH EASY VICTORY Kdnh.akee boys came \\llhtn l\\0 points =a a a "U'" (Ccntmuecl flam Page One) or the "mne rs but were unable to tie the scor€' The last canto was rathet STANDINGS (Final)

P age Three

Evanow lvanitch


T:CAl\I St. Joseph, Rock I sland vs Acquin, e:x.cttmg J Hunt


10 714 M·u ch ~th the Aifu rnative team


st. Joseph of Rock Island opened the Saturda) - 7 30 P M Cat 1 oil tournament by defeatmg Acquin High Spaldmg Peona vs St. Ma rys Hoo.;

10 714 rnarle a cncmtous JOUrney to Rock I s 8

or Freeport 16 to 14 m a very thnlhng Moline LogLm game. The battle ""'as fast and ha1d Spald1ngs paq<ung game \\as work <\..nclel'!On

571 la nd IllmLI.., m otdei to compc.te W1ih han felt c;omewhat confused To be

517 Augustan<\. College fot the second con e\. tl t he knew h e ho.d made a fool

[)QO te::.t of the Ltttle Nmeteen Confetence fought throughout mg to perfectton and they had httle T oolull

trouble h tmmmg St Mat y's of Mol me 0 Netl

357 Tho debalets wete partlc.ularl} an'\.tOUS ~~g:::se~~et '':::c~e 1 ~ 1;

11:011::~::· t~ee 4 10 287

11 214 to wm by a latge maq;m and conse 1dca of \\ct.tlmg on htmself It \\aS never

Friday - 8 30 P M 33 to 14 The Peot Ja lads "et e never FoA

St. Patnck, Kanh.akee vs Vtsttatwn, m danger and f tms hed the game wtth CHAMPIONSHIP GAMC 1uent1y presented '' 1t h gieat gusto an done in the welltegulated restaurants e:xtlerncly 011gmal 1nd "ell developed \Vhat a sony p1cture he rnm .. t have

Kewanee se\ e t al reset' es m the Imeup Peters In the pia' off for the champion· L1 1sa1 mament pl"l n whtch they had been cut as he stoo<l by the gtiddle with It took St Pats of Kankaee two "tth eighteen pomts " 'a-; the htg h

overtm1e penods to beat Vts ttation of sc.o rer

o;,h ip , Jun Hunt's Bt ol<en D1 ums etl" il y out-da'i!;Cd Lmtoll 's &j'5c;; ie'i The Freshmen ha fl t.he game " elJ in ha nd a ll of the " a;\, t he sco t·e of 16 to 11 hat dly e" pr&.sing t h eir

a \ety long tune m developtng ThiS plates 1n hand \\atttng for hts hot ch::.atmament plan h a d been based on <..akes It was \\ell that he had been fa cts 1 ather than hopes and suppost· Ignored It would teach htm a Jeqson Kewanee The fmal c:core ''as 11 to 8

and the defense of both teams was e"'· Saturcla) - 8 30 P J\I uon':. 'lt teptesented the culmmatmg Dut 1l van '' as not the one to brood cellent Volade was the het o fo t St St Bede Peru, 's Routt, Jacksonville tchte\ ement of th(> sea~ons wot k a nd, ove" mistakes \Vith hts usual cleaver

con c:;eq uentlv the bovs ptesen ted rt ness he thought out a n idea to turn Pal's by makmg thtee pomts m the second overtime

Friday - 9 30 P 1\I

Spalding, Pcona vs St Peter a nd Paul NaU\00

Spaldmg of Peona went on a scormg

St Bede presented a defcnc:e that held Routt w1thout a fte ld goal for thtee quarterc:; of the game and enabled the Black and Gold tossers to w m 18

c; upet t ot·i~ Vallanuom t ch ee1 eel a g·ood .game f01 the wumer::.


w1th a g reat deal of f11·e and enthu

to 7 Routt rail ted tn the imal pet rod Andet c:;on 12

the mistake to" a t d hts. advantage and stasm So great enthusta~m m fact, that then pulled out a note book so as to the Judge declated them eloquent and c.arry ht"> ltttle tdea mto eAecution As

Hoog lO petsuasne He e;en •uggested that one he Wlote ho\\ e,·e t he had the cbstmct Fox 8 of the speahets would ha\e a good op c;enc:at10n of bet ng "atched Someone but the Bed tan~ lead "1.s too much

~pree to comnletely humiliate St P eter Saturday - 9 30 P M

T ooh1ll 12

Haag 17 Hoog 12

Cat'! Oil 7

(1 0 t) Carroll 6 portumty m the nattonal oHtiortc'Ll

0 Netl 10 conte-r:.t But to r eturn to that t amous was evidently lookmg m hi.::; duectwn So he mstm ctl\ elv turned around to

Andet son 2 ch sat mament plan the debatet s outd td cot·robotate hts mtmtlOn And t here and Paul of Nauvoo 54 to 13 All of the Peonans' pomts wer ... scored on field goals, wtth Peters Jeaclmg the parade n tth e tght of thts vattety Spald

Tnmty Bloommgton 's Bourbonnais Hunt 23

On the featm e game or the evem ng Logan 15

Tnmty t rounced St Vtator to the ttme Anderc..on 10

Toohtll 14 ea(..h other m descnbmg ho" perfect m at the "mclo" he beh eld no less a Fox 9 theot~ and how ea") rn ptacttcal ap ftgme than De Qu tncey Pettln , Jn per

0 Nell 7 phc1.t10n th1s. plan ''ould be 1f only the tng's continual scormg made the game of 14 to 7 The battle was a close one rox 11

rather monotonou., At the half the however and the outcome always m Can oll 11

count stood 20 to 6 whtle at the third doubt T11mt) s effecttve passmg gam Hoog 10

quarter the board read 30 to 8 Then ed the upper hand \\ hile thetr defen se Anderson 8

the deluge started m ea 1 nest ~hen the \vas \ety good Gutschm'\ "as the star Hunt 15

(4 0 t) <:'O n That amtable little fnend was m

Hoog 14 naltons of the W)rlcl weto sensibl e the verv act of makmg a tentble face

at htm-and what was "orse, he was Hunt 9 batet q vu tu1.lly corrobotated the con domg rt for the amusement ot

Fox 3 ten bon of the aif1rmatl\ e because the' the "Chtld Naturall~ tt cllsconcerted

Logan 9 enough to adopt It The negaltve de

Logan 14 plesented no senous obJectiOns to the 1, an a httle last vears champiOns sent tv;elve mote t eg1stum g 9 potnts for the wmnets ball s through the net to m::tke their Bay featured the Vtatonanc; by his dazz

case Thev d1d concentl 1..te then efforts The h1ghlv S'llccec,~ful se tSon of the however m deptctmg the tlemendous

Semot League c::tme to 1. cloc;e Wlth tech meal dlffJCulttes thet e ''"e1 e m get..

'S'1.y1 What goes on there , he called ut good naturedlv

flna.l score 54 Nauvoo fought desper ately tht oughout the game but thetr efforts "ere 1)0\\-erless befo t e the on !-!!augh t of Spaldmg

Saturday - 0 00 A M

lmg floor work


Ctlv s,)(tldtng

Tt In ltV St Bede

Qumce) da'ihed m unmedtately 'Htl thet e han old horse1 HO\\ s the lad

two teams tied fot the lead Hunt <J tmg n d of the armament::. The Affn I Brol<en Dt urns st1.gcd a !, teat come matne sugc::.ted that the shtp-. f01 ex

Place bach. m the last half or the schedule to Pffi!)le be sunk and that the soldtets "l.n~W '\ Y Just saw you from the wm· First

Second eat n t hP 11ght to play olls caJ)ld.ln t th e up ::.ewet dlggm~; 01 ">Orne other dow so I thought I "ould dt op m for

St. Thomas, Rockford vs St Mohne

M'lt J s St Joseph

Peona I:loonungton

Petu Rock I sland

Th.ll'd less wonclezs The Dt ums-Hunt Mac u::.eful occu po.twn r::ut the opposition a second By the W:J.) Ho" (hcl vo u

Fourth key Mooney, \\en the Bassann. and\ c.ouldn t < the ,ahLlity and 111 tctrcahty e'er ptck thts phce out? Larlun-at e the pnde of the thtrrl cot of such a '3olutwn The negatne also Oh 1 Juc:;t S'l" the a d, e rt:Isement m udot \\htle the hopes of the upper concentrated on the extteme 1mpt oba the \\mdow so I thought I "ould dt'Op Pul ling the unexpected St Marys ALL STAR TEAM

of Moline defeated St Thom a"' 12 to 10 Player Team PosttiOn c. l as~men d epended un the Stsc:1ec; lJJltt:y that there ,~as of the natiOns e'er tn Pure fortut t iOn mv bov

in an overttme perwd Molme s defense Roy Guttschow Tt tlllty R Fm ward T" o ovet t1mes realu1 ed the 1'1.\St ' Gtdoptmg the A fftrmatn e p!Ln They \Vhat adve1 ltc:;ernent '\s l<ecl Qmn

was too much f01 the A V'lm Comoy Tnntty L Forward SIOno;, 0 Net! lo">mg to Hoog m one Too a pretty good ca ... e out of tl11s <<'v mnocentlv

basket by Gutld of St Maty" ga'e his MuLtn Peters Spalchng St Vtato t Spaldmg

Center e"'t11. petlod and rox won from pumt \V'hen the time !m llv came for \\ hv the Bat here and you II

learn the wmnmg mat g m

Saturdav - 10 00 A M

Routt, Jacltson' tile '<; St M1.ry s VVoodstock

Routt Academy of Jack">onvtlle bare ly nosed out St Mary c., of Woodstock

Dom mtc Bay T-hrolcl Sm1th

R Gual d Hoog- m four O\·ert tme'5 Hoog one of '1. dec1 ... 10n both teams we1 e m g 1 eat ex· nevet fo1get 1t '\\ h1.t other advert ise L Guard the le'lders at the enLl of the ftrst pectanc\ r::oth flu::.hed \uth the confi rnent IS there?

touncl "ent to the dOb'S raptdly end dent a::.surance of success And both Qumcev ch1.nged the subJect "Have MOST VALUABLE PLAY:CR mg up m a thnd~outth pl~e t1c ~tmnecl amnbly to\\atd the JUdge who you been wattecl on yet I van?"

Mart111 Peters Spalding Andero;on came un ftom t he bottom to <>toocl read) to gtve the a\\ful dectsiOn 'Not Jet but I bttl l ha'e h opes You

RBFI:REES ~~:t~1

c.~~=;~~~ ~~e~~=~l o~n~:~ u~h:e;:c~~ th~:eud~~~~= u:~ tl~y ~~:~dgo:~~~d:: I;~: :::tth~~01~1

~:~~~~~: &:~:~~::c~~~:~ in a closely contested battle rwh tch Fled Young ended JQ to 9 E Leon 'l.r"(l lt ed the "'>'co re HO\\ "l.rd Mtllard hy sin ldng '1. ba<>ket JU<;t as the fmal John Lyons

IllinOis \Ye~leyan ers rn'lnaged to gathet three '1ctones 1 ltttle bit ::.mpn::.ed at the dec1s.10n- at the blackbeliY pte 'Yell I "aved my Illmots \Ve::.levan mcludm g an unrot gctl 1 ble 17 8 one OHI

St V1ato1 Canoll pe1h1ps thcv \\ere-the delr1te1s \\ete h tnds at he r f01 "Orne service but tt 1ny\\a) rl'hcn he \\ Cnt OVCl the only ~eemecl to tnCICdSe her apathy She s pe1 che<;,. ga\e the supe11011ty m de· eye-d that clock unt1I It "ent cuckoo' gun ~::.ounded In the second overtime

St Mary's made three pomto; but Routt came back w1lh fom· to '' m the game

Tame., Groark St Marv s Salg "on the ft ee throw champion

s h1 p "tlh 40 out of a possible 70 Bas· ln et, to the Afftrmattve made a few 'l'hdt"> horm~ t\.hce of Autota" satd TOURNA:MC~T DOPC sano " 1c: a clMe "econ d \\tth 3~ and 1c..matks about case and I ebuttal and Qumcl."y, ::.he ,., up w1th the '3Un every

The enttre team of St Mar~ s of Car Dannv 0 Con not had 37 The high scote fmall\- "PI ung the surl)II'>C of the eve mot·mng Sttturday _ 1100 A M l~le arrnecl m a catt le tluck The honot<:, '' ent to Jun Hunt whoc;e 72 nmg by Iemmcltng the Affumatne that 'Is th1.t why they c.all het BOling·

St Bede P et u vs Cot pu9 Chn::.ti mwager or St Petct and Paul of Nau pomto;, lerl Culkm h~ but th1ee po1nts they had not plo,ed th"l.t then case A!Jce? G1.le'JbU I'g ' 00 bono,\ed rnonev to come a nd see Ne'\.t after Culktn s GO camP Macke} \\OUld be by the wotld-and 'Tints one t Ntson They a lc;o call her

St Bede upo:;et Cot pus Chrislt 13 to his team \\lll "tth 19 and IT l) den "1th a l1ke 1.s a mattet of fact 1t \\-a<J lt ue-the Af 1\!t<:.<:, Atlanttc. ( 1tv becau<,e '3he has

ltln a slow Ueten .. ne game The team" amount turnall\c had ab<,0luteh fatled to prove c;uch a boretl '' tlk were evenly matched Action wa<J sca1 ce !-: CAMPUS BRIEFS :-: The beautifully cngto.ved Glunp -:,t th"l.t the n1.hon<J "r•ulrl adopt then plan ' You c:-eem lo know the place," said In the fmn.l pe1iod ancl the Ded1dns tm Cup fo1 the moc..t ' .llualJic man \\aS ( onsequently Mt :C 1.ud "1..r, ob liged to l\ ,tn 'What do they C<.Lll the child Jn ally won out by a cloc,c maq:nn (Contmued from Page T v.o) \\On hy C.:uney \\ho \\(\'5 \alu"l.bie to l.t\e tho decl..,lOn to the negt.llve T he the \\tnLlO\\?

mote tc1..m c: than any othet man Th<' bo'., " e1 e 1. l1ttle upse t 1.1Jout 1t at ' l'hdt s M1c;o;, Dawn 0 Day Thoy call

~aturday- 200 p M !he 'ltmo~phe 1 e \Ve nPed ') Jme -:,o 1 t of Cup \\1.~ prec..ented 1.t a c;umpttOu<J bln f11 c..t nut thPV cocled do\\n e-...ontuallv her Dt\\n bcc"l.uo;,e ">he 1" a l\\ 1.)"> bteak St. Mary"· Mt Sterltn~; , q ~t v 1ato1 1 c.ure for those m Jove quet helcl m the popul~u Bn" n and '\fter 1.11 P\ c1 'thtn~ 1<, f'lH m to, e and mg

BourbonnJ.t'J 5 A ternble "3mell of tubber floated Mtll., toof gard~n A toa.-,ted chee<:.e ''An 'lhe Afftrma.tne team bv the Dreakmg ''htt liE'",? C' 1\llke Dclancyc, quintet took 1bout Math cla.c:,-, thC' othe1 ell\ \\as sand\\ah ''as shated by the two ptm ~\"'l\ \\a'i:r JC'ptc<,ented hy 1\I1 Llo)d 'No d1c..hc<; of c.our~c Sh e. ,., l'e"l.lly

tht- measU I'(' or St Mar') .., of Mt Sttt • '>Omcone <:. neck on tnc "e aJ:>k? No It ctpals tftet "hich the <,peeche::. of p1 e \\ 1 nE..- p 1 !"<, ld0nt uf thE.- Cnllc...,e Club 1. no' eli<ot Jwo~t doc., lht<J wo11< lo get lin~ tn the fLr<o:t ~ame of the "l.rternoon \\Ll.S only Squt.t lhnc.tmu1 <; tubber \h "3 P..nmnncl Po\ <:.e n ant! 1\ft John the (>'XpcrrenC'P<:. of li fe a llltlt" local ~r~slon inn Jnthet unmtetc~tmg t::"' heels. ptopned up on the I'tdntor ':tl lftoHl P 1C."3tdC'nt of the- BPtgm De c.olor you Jmo'' \\ oulrl \OU l){>iti."VC it lito 7 Gullell('? "as the "-kll ot thl." 6 A dog \\a<:. kicked out ot school radto All t"l.diO fan~ 111 c..c.trch of ach rf> lntm.; Rooc.ty ... mc e <..he "ta1 ted wor kmg the trade \"io.torlan~ "tth ..,e, en pomt<, to hh the other da) \\ c fee l surry for any on Ow; p'lrtlculru ">t tl1on "l.t e \\ elrome

one who ts kicked out to com<' to RooiT' 205 !ot con<:.ulatlon h t<; mere t<oc.<l f1fty per cent'


S;j,turda\ - 3 00 P M Trinlt, Dloonungton '... St 'M1..1' ~

7 Gill Mtddleton tell<o: us that t! we ... a,e ft\e cents. CHh d'l.~

1 !( h-::.ome day " e \\Ill be

' Rhc muc..t be. <:~orne cook

Tlum FO'\. dl"3gu ';) t<. U 1 c.,c,ntat tnn and t(t.eplancP were heard h tn mana, anr rn hi'> c,.pcc , h \[t CarnP-... c,.t1d I ac '"\c th 111t-:, theo <Ool<m;:;- til tight You

c.avt'ltn of the GrPen Da\ Ptc.he t 'l h r: lll cept tlr1 beautrful toh.rn b€C'1..U'3e U ,.,.,n J. n1iln ~ h( trt th1ou,:.h hl'3 -:~tom'l.c.h 1."1 <:. o f the cellar pcc..ttton m the mtl..t !1 '1.\f Llonr m ... utmo<..t to < lrn tt To An 1 g-1od ,.,. heat c. lkts .ue c~ul\ lc

'the Bloomtngtontan ... ' ' llhed a'\\ a\ 'fmphPUS and hh buddJec: \\ho dwPll mutll IPt..,ue has d <.,c lo<.,f d htc, mt.Pn thrc.,e miC..~Uirlr 1 mtn '\\ho v.oulrl have With the second ~"lmc ot the ntternoon's In the \allOU'i cell-. o! the southetn part llon 1f be('ommt, 1 tllhn announcn I th t I rt 1 at all

01 the second COIIJtlor 'lrf> mLktn•' gootl \\ e "lo:..h \\hV th< 1 c.hant,l. 11om 11 cno, ... n 1 "1

" unlJl n. ~how h 1 s M c (' ,.. 1 ( 11 that tiH' ate lo\ no one (\CJ got .t ch'lnC( lo rut ~Yl~:~ 37 ~ ~m~~,~::cOl~C o.t '\.:~eq~lf "a~~ JHObl"C'>s Ill thch pillo\\ pounding e n ~~~~;J:Jc~ tt~c., ,~;.::ttl~tmmoln.., Tom~ ;,~;;:~nq ~~h~rrl:t)n)t ti'Jptr;t.ttc . tru: fn booby allho 0 ~rll r..nd '.Poohlll trlcr1 ~l to ~ Gutt,.chm\ Tumt\ ~ $tC'tling lut \OCE" conteqt lhch. Tut ho D tn 'lt t h ll d nov.- th~t It oq Lll O\ tr we

J! forward. ~CtlteU 11 Ctelt.l t;'l).l}q ,md 3 r. ordon and P'lul ' 1' 11 "' &cern to 'futm I-ltinf>n prr~ent cotc.h ot DO ~OF K~O'\\ '\"'\rnthc '\\Oulr1 go thmh. tltJt. :\fon'Lh-tn Culkin and JJm

~ Cre-e thro'' ~ Co t h Ben ett t qeU numer h 1' e- the edt,c on 1.1l othet cnnkc..t..-tnt::. QutncE'Y Cnllege 1Ion.; \\ tth thtPC ot .., 1 d.tound t \\ trr hiHI<..r h( un I f1111f look( II d 1 rn gor d J# 1 1 l<tn 9

u~ sub ... tl~utiot~.. n I "ho h 1\ e Lntel t.d the nmt. month mara ht.., pi ot~ c.• s L.tmbet t I~cdd Hu lrljJh dn-.t.::tnrl~ '1 r unkc, 1\Ic\.r llh "n.nt<J onr h tndc rq r..H thrr ltr run!', \1'r r lr tn " ;i thl.n TotC.'\-<olll..,kt and Jtml ~ r, llald. dt \f IIC.. tJ mc.ntrun htm 111 tht<:. colnmn rrputJtJOn h '-h~r<'<J hi<J J(I~PY

~J.t\ll'\h\- 400 p M \t lnc,t Dill Km(' h ( t !10111 Qumte"\ t:> LouthcnnU':> to "\\It \\(II r ol lum "\\P "\\fnt rlo It \\llh VJ.ll..tlllfOUJt ,n] 1-l thf (Jnly

St. Jo!'<~Jlh Rt.llh 1 ... 1"lnll , ... St Pttrtth c Ie opeta or nr......, th tnnutl l':-t"'ltr L1th1lir J[l.,h ( h tl mc..J<~t .. lhtt thr PtckrN a.rP not uppfrflt<..<Jmr..n on thr vlnntn.'- Uam Cn1 Tioum Ztl-1 h-t.., lt:'l.ched lu'J ~;oll that 1 h h 11 'lh

hlnk.ti..l~t:' ht ht"> ht.t.ll ..,lll\ln~ tO"- tnh fur ..,e\ ~rl.~: fnt:'l\"'u~~~l\J\ to~:Ol~l~~~\ f '\- 10 the b1.<.,fmrnt 1 thl'> lc.t..,UC he- fulJrm pit t(j m !J!fffn J:,J.fflf'l

f'olth('r 1'om Jotdlnq Roch J.._hnl t.t\1 ,,lt.h"~ In ..,hott he h'l'.o quueeUed "'thl.\ p tc Cltnc..tmln dn<l <:., 1 Me l._t, .. thtt thrt ur thr IoundtliOn ot,!tr P lflfUill'l <;ff Purlt) T..ogJn lads Whtpp{'(l St Pn.t~ i! Knnk'\J..E'e 111 ltLltin.:;- KHJ los Angeles on the :,f'lhrn 111 !otm~"r Quu(t"\ -..tulPnt-J lttH thin~ hO\\ !urn '1. founrld.tfOn J!) u ur ~ lfn <;rcond m..t.n

~ ~



Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-03-21

P age Four THE VIA TORIAN Friday,

\ lri~h Close Sea~o~ ~ith ~i~s Over /1rlhl® 1rlffi®~tre~ I Charleston, Mzllzkm, lllmozs College \luch ~~r ~1 ~:. ):.~~~~~~~ .. >Jio

OH 1 MA 1 HERr THEY COME UP OUR BLOCK I The V1atondnna announces a pn7e puZ7fe contest wh1ch Will

cons1st of three puZ7les Puzde No I -A lawyer, while V1s1tmg the Johet Pemtent1ary,

pomted out to the guard one of the pnsoners and sa1d "Brother s and s1sters I have none But tltat mans father "'my fathers son Wha t rel a ti on wa• h e to the pnsoner) Just slip your answers under the door of th e Pres1dent s off1ce--or else hand them m a t the boo k -stor e or libra ry d esk . You wdl Immediately rece1ve one of the foll owm g pnzes:

Places Third m Conference l "P "tth J'\nN Ga' "''r ~mJ. Chart r1rrdl Tht> "C'n.'t:'n s nw~t llOPUla 'H\t:'t'theart-. :\11~-ll fi wn<)r 1~ n \h't

"-t ' :..1t 11 r-_ ..,r1 <1. h ..,l.n t 1H 1I' la..'-t I.,T \I \TOR\ S ll I I~OIS C()LL!XJE ~o..lf\u<~ hu..,hmg bin~otlllR ~lancing llttl

tup r,f thr> <.r>-u, n , h n th .., J mnE>} ( \pt E\ l.ftl Jrl hi" tram to \felon comE'~llt nC' 1n th(' starthn~o: t."'f•ntrn.~t t

c. I to f h.ule..,ton 'l.nrl enJO}~.;d thP tn thtc h t J:"'tm f ht., (;OIIP{,i'! co.r th~ piJmtl"~ \\l-.t!ul flgurt" ~he h.1

lc:J h11~ m L d<hc:httul t.H. mnt., o! HI Th£> b'1ttlt..: "'l.<.o not '1. h'ln.I !ou~ht ht.+n .. tuam.; l\•Ull hi..('! Sunny 8J,l

~ l. h~" tbdl Th£ Ir sh 1 r 0 , cd the mo'il ~n~ 11:~t "u~:n 1:~:~ ~h:1 0 ' :~to;heto:~:~~ ~ 1~._ 1 ~:~~:I n~::~\h~~' nt\ o( JWW ~n ~"tflc~.;nt m r..L.<oTm,; th+- le'ltht..r spht..r 111 (.Odor a 7 to 6 ... cJrt.. "hen thA hollf 'tatch 21 .!~- rtl'C Sl,Y H.\WK

tin ou~h th nt.l'- mrl c n.:; QUt..ntl} ( nU1 rl A .._udd~n <.p)Ut...,£' o[ li"'ld ~0 \Is wtth holh ..,tn..,l J.lld screen et-lt•htitie

\frP d(C1Ltt.d •ht \il1.f)l., The 11nU fltl\ 10 the SPCOnll pFtt d Cr'\qed anJ ... uch 1.-.. John Qurlck llt.h.•n C'han~)lt

rc 31 t,c, 21( dUf<o not .,u!!tl..tently -.,'1.\l hop<' !or \tdOt\ thtt the home rot the ..,tu.,"'(' nncl Jc't\te C'nmpto1

inlhc.Llf the &1llJ•ttOtlt\ n! the &reen to\\OPr-, mH~ht ht\ entetl<ttnul 'l'he LJII, Bt\ tn t'nr lh<' scrC<'n Fn..qhinnahl

O\fl the. P(doatos:,uv~ The Y1atou'l.n"3 Via.totttns sc(.m"'J "< \IJ ln th< u.rst Lnndon In lClt(ln-n eat't' ~httl•rlng wit _tc,tounfl( 1 the n..Ltl\t':l ( th' ... ~ uthetn h1l! but "'orne m\,_tuwus tonH .. applleU unttorms 'nrl bnllln.nt 1:'0\\n-.-the fur•

tf\\-n \\'tfh I e.htmtn'::> Pd..""'" blC'h. flip-:, b\ Cv' McAllt ... tu made thE"m the ul hetft(' or Ptcmlllh thf' Alnl .... tt.•r Wltn

dnd 'l.ltc.u-, othe1 '"J t! the 1-,1mt. IK t<o llllftLation of pep lluring the inb O( lO ntr 1•utl M \ll\

.rhnt> \\(.lC. t1mc~ \\hPn thr- \\tllnt.I& t\Hnh mtnutf'<. Tht& <Jecret f )rmula '-C'Cl"l.l..<. m thlo;,t

Facu lty-A solid l nd1a-rubber glass shoe- laces, o~ else a book of spnng anythmg on' me'

\\HC c.lut,ghh U11t uc.,ullh ( LUl<' b .l..(k t <~hould l.Je '""11 ~U'l.tdcl for thC' t tmc 1\flJ(h 21- PLA1.1i\C: AROUND e lastic breviary, a pair of cut- moment hl(>t "tt!J 1. danlm~ tin 1..nJ I m'\Y come "hrn 1t \\til ag"tln be needed "1th Cht ~ter 1\lon·h> \ Ike '1;\"hlt..

spnng poetry entitled, ''Don't the. '><Ot 1 Uo'U'd tn\ Ul!.Ll) c.ho\\ed two Ill College v.a"3 \\£.1..J...cnE-d b:t the J()<.,s The -.tot\- t<o an '\cloptton or \"Ina Dt

StucLe.!ts-A good lookmg glass-ey e, a pearl-handled ham­burger, an uphol • te red h and -pamted peanut a water-proof sponge, a fur- lined horses wagon or a croch eted bathtub

Co-eds--A celluloJd frym g-pan, d mahogany cook-stove, a rub ­ber ali-day sucker, a so lid IVory lip -stick, or a shot of odorless per­fume

The garagem a n' s fea tures assumed a m a levolent expression, and h1s eyes gleamed f1 e rcely as h e slo .... ly approached h1s customer "What II 1t b e today, he asked rather brusquely.

"Oh I j ust a httl e gas About three gallons, p lease' "How about your o il ? You need 01 l, don t you?' ' No thanks I Just the gas please I" "How about some poh•h The car needs pohshmg badly.' ' "No I I II JUSt take the gas " "How long IS 1t smce you greased he car Everythmg IS dry as

a bone (Kicks the wheels f1ercely) H ear th a t body squeak) You sure need a grease-Job'

"L1sten I G 1ve me the gas I've got to go" "All n ght I But how about a little c1gar-hghter You re a smoker

aren't you? Just clamp the thmg on your dash -board ' 'L1sten here! I want th e gas and that s a li i '

The md1gnlant motons t fma lly drove away m a fury-while the station, m a n turned to h1s admmng fnends, tilted up hJS eyebrows, and sa1dr-"Yes, folks! T hat s my barber all nghtl


Did you hear that our absent-mm ded professor 1s engaged. An infl uentia l clubwoman was telhng h1m that there was on ly one man 1n the world sh e would ever accep t An'd h e w1th h is m ind on next­day's lecture, sudden ly broke out w1th a "Now I propose--." He n ever got a chance to fm1sh the statement.

I know a h ttle Greek now, Dad What's her name, son~

--- :.- --

motP pomt& tn the. .., 'l.l r thP Celtr., of :Ncv.ktrk tc~uht C'cnter but e\-t.n m u c, Sht..b\ m•l 1-. <fliJll>O~l'll to 1

rut ion~ ''" l<; the.. lr '\dm,; pt.rfoJ met the Dtt..c.;ence or tht'3 '9tar could n ot I ont ot the hf'<il 'C'hldr>~ m whld1 th of lht lllo;h ltoupc. 1..nd -,c.olld a mete hl\f m'l.df' much dtUnt..nCC' m tht out ltttll blondt.. h1..lrC'd br.o\\n cy('d n.ctrE""

V'\C'n bt<:JkH'3 bC'(Otl. he \\1.'3 c,cnt to rome V1ator {Jnl'9hN1 the gtmP ,-..Jth haq 'l.PPPlled Cle\er son~ hltR too sue

th£ '3ho~tt<.o .Cot \Jolat 1ng thE:-. 1 ute t-On c;c,etal 1e'ienes tn the ltnPup 1-; Plavlng' Around nnd ''IA>...a. 1

CCI ntng the fOUl th }J(.I bOO tl foul Un~lt.r Capt E\ard clor.,cd h1r., t...:l.lE"<t m the About Lo'e r:vcry D1,t Adclcd th

thE blSln.t thP y, tto1 c~nh 1 sel lorn ... \me man net th tt h1.."' ch1.1 acten.ted u<;u'l.l three 1.ct ... of Sund tv 'n.ude,•II

m~<.&d an oppoJtuntl'\" to tJP thE" ball h1..,. play dunng llH l1.qt !vur }ears l\f.uch 24 .21, 26- CONDDMNED

1n the 1Jt&k£>t .SE>\tt1.l lime-, he f1.kerl lie"~ a cvnst<,t<'nt me-n1.ce to the- op \nth Ron1.ld Colman l!ld Ann HartllnJ.

f1 om the pn ot por.,tli<'n mel then drtb tJO&tn~ guards and on q('\ e1 al occas10ns r1 om th€' book ot' the stmc n tme "Cor

blE.d around the oppoSlle <:ttdc !or a them look a<; tf they \\Cte tted dPmned to De,tls Isltnd by Blair Nile•

<;hort &hot Rnm1.n "t"i ,..{)tng o::Ll l the to the floor Hts thtce ba"'k tt<; we-1e rh,., 1., a pJC'tUIC o! the l1tc tmong th

Ltme and \\as cre<.11ted wtth "'f\t.n pomts "lil the 1esultr., o! be1.uttful f'l..h.tng 'l..nd con,JctNl fl(ntcnced to te1ms In th fo t second lugh <:.<.-Jt mg hono1..., Th1s !:lpeedJ foot~ork

hd.Jd \\Otlung fol\\o'Ud pi lJUl ~ S\"\>eE"t Furlnng "a" the htgh

f lmnu":. Ft cn<'h pen'\1 colon y of D ovtl

p mt m'l..n !<>land off the CO'l.":.t c f South Amerlc::

tloor game an(l h 1nrllt..d tht ball a l.a ,.,at nc.t mg 4; and 'l tree throws Sa. under.., rtuc, rang) larl should bC' m for a g1 eat

A plcllu·e \vr•rth your wh1le to see.

'larch 27 28 29- 'J liT THF. DECK (h u-le<:,ton talhcd m the fmal qu<.Lt ter 'eat ne'\.t c.,e'l.<:,on .Cot ht Ins 1m proved "Jth hck 0'l lue 1.nd Polly WalkCJ

aml clo-,ed the g LP m pomt"3 con'>Idet b) ltap"! and boun(ls m the pa.&t month Taken !rom thC' popu1'1..r CJlagC' o;ucces

' "\\ O"Jen and Holl "'e1 e the supet The m1.n to man d£.fense of thP Irish f the "arne name 'IJtt ThP Deck of the home. team 'l.nd gl.\e V1a "'as cltckmg tn fmc. c,tyle and shots HPar the B1ox St<Jters in their ha1 tc 1 qutte a btl of \\ott" \\ 1th the \\erE' a tanty Cot lhP Ill College c.age t ~ montOlt<o , Nothmg ('ould B

!:,;"arne unrlet the the Irtsh tos.sets \\hen the gun boomed the -;;onl Swcet~r Some Tlmf><~ I m Happy

tutned then e)es to\\ all! Dc.catm and hoatd t c'l.d V1ato1 '31 Ill College 17 and lnd -:,eH'Ial othE"r<J n·o"' what

the next L'l.ttle "'tth Mtlhl ... m a"J the foe thu'i anothet '3UC'f'P"3sful season was PICture



St Vtator nO<.,ed out Mt llt kan m the VUATOR

i..L">t few mmute<:, cf pl n 20 to 16 aftet L"lffpy f

t h e Btg Lluc had kd dwmg almos t the :Cv::ud f (c.) entn e game It was ~t b"l.ttle that wtll Romat \ f

go dO\vn ~ one of the best ~· ttne<;aed Fmlong c

m the Mtllih.m gym '1 he Decatuntes Cioth1e1 g

pl..tycd a much 1mp1 oved bran d of b'l.ll K 'lrt" g

ami the In.,h had a man sved ta'>k to ( \S<;tdy g

petfotm m ordet to eh.c out Vlc.tory


March 17 11 I q 20 21, 22-"HEI FG FT TP [ 1\oBORN CHILD One "hol< week !<• 0 0 th" b1g att,·o.otlon It " th• f1r• t al

talkmg p1cturc to dE.' Li "tt.h the del

15 c1.te subJect \\hteh ,..on<;ulutf'e~ lhc plo

...... nd tt J<., handle-d 111 c\ m.LOOE'r that I

real I\· c.h"lrmmg "ncl [gh e~ not th1 shghte<:~t ot'fen<,c ThP orit,mal stag

ca&t playq on thP sc.ree-n headed b

!'he fn st half was all Mihkm but the "Just walk th1s way, madam' --sa1d th e bow-legged floor v 1atonans flashed a blllhant offense


Toblos 16 34 AdPIP Ronqon :F~ilsha Cook Jr Fra.nce

emlen.,.ood anrl D )It& R1.nkm

- --::----


m the second penod and fought u nti l ( HARLI:::C:,TON

the 38 calbre re' oh e1 blared forth the I< E"nPh' c ..,lad ttdmg-s of fmts Flll f

" t<:.en f Abraham's 'Lncoln' -About a man who takes h1s Wife jaw- L •PI Challe) Sm1th that ,mall pack ridul.'g. u,e of super charged l1ghtnmg wa~ the H'l.n<'e c

Autobiography of R1ch e;h eu-By h1mself That's funny, h ow tho1n among the W1ld 'Insh Roses do you f igure that out? H e accounted for 12 uf the pomts s cor

Modern Amazons--A study of the "club women' of Amenca eil b; l\1!! team Sm1th displo1;ed an un Htstona Calamttatum-The ttt le Itself shows there was Wit cann" e)'e for the hoop and connected

among the schoolmen Th1s autobiOgraphy of the "V~r bellator ab th1ee limes from lonti nnge Standm~

~1mcox g

ruc.k le\ g C.hl -t.l g

'lot!l.l'. 'ado lescenlla shows there was a ' Sturm a nd Orang" m h1s hfe m m glumg C.Qntrast to the tmy fon\orud \.li<\TOil

~ -ts the huge Mus'io who bOte the brunt more ways than one

--- ·:--- of the defense Hts £,Jant hulh. ~as al Ld,.flp\ f

Sa1d one httle fly to a nother- Won't you )Om me m a bowl of "'" "'apped a1ound the ball a; 1! TI<>marJ< f soup? c..-tme (If! of the bach boo..rd ancl he 1

''U d t (c.J Fmlong c

blocked se' era I ~hots bE. fore the) lett (1 lhltl go

He's such a wonderful man-and just thtnk, a n exporter the h'tntl.s or tne Insh shooters I h. 'ttl ~ An exporter, yeahl-from th e Pullman company. Rnalhng Srntth ~a.::. our own atom Ct<:e<:.ld"\- g

--- :.----

___ ·--- ot action and clu<:eneness Capt Evard I Rastus Brownson concludes that-Ministers hve on faith; then whose. deadl)' eye ~as them Total ...

Wives on h ope, a nd their children on chanty-the old boy IS get- ttom all angles It \\as E"ard s three, hng WISe. bashets that h.ept hts tF>'l.m m the run MILLIKI'l"

- - - :·---Say ! Why a re they feedmg the swunmmg team so much beef­



Because they want to get them used to SW!mlnmg meats --- ::---

Mother dearest, weep no more Our troubles are e nded last my In\ en lion Is perfected

Oh wonderful Johnnyl-J II bet 1ts a world-beater. No mother-but 1t • an egg beater

--- ::-- -


nmg Romru y anU ClJthter came ...,mJth f (L)

1 rough ~ tth a ap1ece that ga' e j Hulme-., f

"\ utot 1.. in the last precious 1 "\let h.Pll lC'h. nunutE"... o( the battle Furlong in I~ rrds g

ctt.'t<,f"C. the m'lr.:nn b' two tree' \Iu"' 0

g tn o~.., 'ld !1 t.M then on the Vtatorians t..Jnl llt:; the ball

Trtili Th·~ "a"' the c:;Pcond \t"ICtorv m as

mJ.' l\ n .,Lto; fu1 the ln:,h c.lDd tl e fma.l "\""'.tATOr

!:pn t.. t toe c:;e~')un only twent} four r:;, 1rd t (c)

Debating hke the pnze baby shm•. IS sa1d to be a ' howlmg n u ' c. -tart -1. wm o'er Dl Colleg" / Lc r"' t :;,ucc~ . But then, e\ en tce-slaters ha"\ e to learn by • defea t . "" .. u 1 1.- r glh" ... v.eet tor the Vta.tor Fr 1ln f

--- ::---Stop It no"\\ Bobb" I Ho'"" can you ex:pect ~1other to gargle With tl t ''"""u ~ l, 1. e; ~t.· l t'l.-.tP tn the o-ral Fu I. ... nb c

you makng so much n oise I ca.' It\ 1

Uoth1.c.r g

"'l -. .,r i ~rul:i enab1e them to cirsP &'"ll·ltcn 1

FG FT TP Matrh 21-"CA:\I'CO K I RBY' fror

10 28

the fc::~.mous pld.y hy Booth TarikngtoJ

and Harrv Leon W1l<Jon recreates th

romanttc day<; of 1850 along the lowe

MtssfQ,"9tPPt RIHr The cast m clude

Doughs Gllmore M'\orna Loy, an'

C..harle"3 Morton

March 24 25 26- PARIS' wltl

Il ene Bordont anrl Jack Buchanan ZU/U Pttl'9 Jason nobcrt~ "Paris" ha..

..,pectacle techmcolor gu Is gowns rc

FG FT TP m u1c.e hughs, o;ln~nng dancing talk

3 mg Five <;tarq a $6 60 rpv1ew 1

"'arch 27 2~. 29-' TIGER ROSD \ 1th LUPE" VaiP/ and Moni:P Rlue Wil l trd Mack<:, gre'lt 'Stage "JUff£: s ad1.ptet

to the. vntd rPahsm A V.Jlrl untame• o;tren of the ~OJth"e"fl

20 ( .. h'3id" g Karr g

FG FT TP Ch11c,tman g

2 12


Total ':I

ILLl'.OIS ( OLLEGE Bunch !

Hlrtn !

16 Dunln. t '3chra.dPr !

FG FT TP 1\ tlh.lno;"n c. c:;rnu..,trr g

"\ftllf>r g

- 2

4 _o

!olin g 1 Jol nson g


T otaJ<J

- 1

- 1 0

11 31

- 0

- 0


Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-03-21

Bottom t ow-Laffey, Casstdy , Woods, Karr, E vat·d

Evard on All-Star Team

Bvron E vard leade r of Sam McAlhs


Saint Viator

Academy Basketball


H a nul to n , Chrtstm a n

The Season's Dope Name P FG FT TP

lradley Tech Champions of Little Nineteen

1 l~vard (c) tet s 1930 basl{etba ll c t ea tion h as been

2 Furlon g F 36 34 106

20 86

10 64 selec ted as left g uard on th e L tttle 3 R om ary c 33 F 27

G 16 G 15

G 12

N m eteen a ll conie r en ce t eam, ptc ked by 4 Ka.rr 11 43

to an AssoCiated Pres s 30 lllln01s coaches a nd s por t wrtte t &

las t '' eek Evar d s cons is tent s te lla r ttcle of March 10th, Bra d ley T ech has pla ymg made his s e lectiOn m e v1ta ble en selected as the outstandmg I 'I Ralph Kan flashy F r os h g ua rd, was

C team by Dr Fran k Dtckmson, the on ly othe r V ta tor athle te to place , niVe rstty of Il lin01s econ onust and hts name bem g g tve n hon orable men igmato r of the D ickenson ratm g sys tton The hne up fu-s t a l1 s ta r t eam was

The Dtckmson s}stem IS based on e strength of the tea ms a s r eveaJed

thetr season' s record Tea ms are

iced in two d tVlSIOnS, Wlth the Clrst

vision teams those that have won Jre games t han they h a ve lost. W m s

er first d iVISIOn teams are g1ven mor e

as follows

Meeh a n , \Vesleyan, n ght f otWa id

Mason , Bra dley, left forward McQueen, Bra dley, cen te r (captam)

N icole t Shurtleff rig ht g uard E vard, St Vta t or, le f t g u a td

mts than wms over second division Track Candidates Report

Cassldy Clothier H olsch e i



10 H a milton

Tota ls

\.\'on Lost 12 5

Home Ga m es W L




St V Iator's Total Pomts

8 38 30

11 29

6 19


156 105 417

P e rcenta g e


R oad Games


R atm g W L PerCt Last "eek the fi rst call fo r baseba ll Average poin ts pe r game


- 24 9/17

23 33 11 3 781 and track candidates was offic ia lly IS·

mois \Vesleyan 21 67 8 618 sued The s ummon s for baseball candi Opponents T otal Pomts 706 dates wa~:~ hm1ted t o the ba ttery m en Average points p er game


21 2/17 VIat or


N ml

t Morns i ke F orest

21 25

20 55

20 45

20 00

20 00 19 44

19 33

18 85 16 88

16 00

15 83 15 55

15 55 15 00 14 55

13 75 13 63

13 33 11 54

10 00 10 00





12 8

750 Da1ly w01 kouts a re now being h eld m 637 the spa cious g ym w hich a mply ser ves

750 as a baseba ll d1a m o nd The fir st out 643 door practice will proba bl y be h e ld

667 some ttme after th e seven teen t h of 667 Ma l ch dependmg on w eather condl·

539 tlons At t h a t time candidates for a ll 625 pcs t t wns on t he team Wi ll r ep or t Base 455 ball p r6spects a r e bng h t t his year w tth 333 ma n y vete1a n s back from last year ,

415 L\ ard, R om ary Fur lon g T odd, Ah earn, 500 Hoog Clotlner H a nil lton and O'Ma lley 250 Am on g t he most p rom1s m g of the n ew 364 can dtdatf'':i a r e Chris tma n, W eber,

375 Mackey K a rr Shea M cGmre a nd

2731l\1ooney 200 Althou g h 1t has been seve ra l years

071 s m ce V~ato 1 has been r epresented by a

000 I tt ack team , p la n s are be m g formula ted 000 fo r a re n ewaJ of act iVIties m thts h ne

NOTRE DAME CONVENT A ccredit ed to llhnois Umvers1t y

A Select Boarding Sch ool for Girls and Young Lad1es. This instJtution is conducted by t h e Sister s of Notre D a m e, and otl'er s

every opportWlity to you ng lad ies for a thorou g h Ch ristian and secular

education. Prices ceasooable. F or Oat.alogue, address

SI STE R SUPE.RIOR , Notre Dame Convent


GOOD CLOTHES FOR EVERY MAN We have clothes for young men, mature men, university men­

in short we're now showing ... .

~ Plant·Kerqer

"Nationally Known Men's Weax."

Fashion Believes in G. G. G. Weaves


Jl-IFFE~§ONS - - --------- HENS ....___ ~-----OUTFITTERS --._.:::::::,..

I Hotel Bldg. Kankakee, Ill. I


Welcome Your Banking Business

Cor Court St and Schuyler Avenue


A. C. C.

New Kankakee Hotel

Barber Shop ] . Lamb, Proprietor


W e Solicit the College Men" s Patronage.

Amedee T. Betourne


Cut Rate D rugs 119 Court St. , Kankakee, Ill.

Einbeck' s Studio Our photographs are m expen­

SIVe, yet treasured fo r their worth as bvmg portraits.

153 North Schuyler Ave.

Phone 407 Kankakee, fll.


Barber Shop Agent for D own-Town Clean·

ing, Pressing and R epairing Establishment.


Page Five

Baird -Swann ell

Everything in Sport­ing Goods

Kankakee's Largest Stock


Edwin Pratt Sons Co.

Manufac t ure1 ~ or everything m \VLre a nd Iron \ Vork, Fire E scapes,

Wire and Iron F ences, Store Fronts, '3 tar Railing<J, Steel Stairways , Vent

Gua rds, Structural Steel W ork


When in. Kan •cakce You A re A lways W elcome at the

Merchants' Cafe Pullman Booths, Soda F oun­

ta.m. Majestic Radio W hile You Wait.

Phone 954 J Bereolos, Mgr.



Students Are Especially Welcome

In Rear of Arcade Bldg.

HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney H erbst, Pres. and General Manager


A hearty welcome awaits the student and friends of St. VIa tor College





252 South East Avenue

focief!J !Brand Clothes

WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. A ttending Surgeon to Studen ts and Facul ty of St . VIa tor College

Office Hours: 2. to 4 p. m. . 7 to 8 p . m .

Phone Offi ce, Mam 33 7 Phone H ome, Main 3073

320-322 Arcade Bldg. Kankakee, III.

Leading Purveyors to the Institutional Table

Forty- two years expen ence in supplying Q ual ity Food P roducts fo r mst itut iO nal and restaurant reqUirements has p erfected our

service and o ur values b eyond ordinary com parison.

Our Edelweis T rade Mark has becom e the symb ol of fine quality foods economically packed. Wherever close and mtelbgenl

buying prevoails our Catalog is of interest


Manufacturing Wholesale Grocers Chicago

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-03-21


\I ____ s_T_._v_I_A_T_o_R_ E_x_·_T_E_N_s_I_o_N_ c_L_u_s ___ ----ll :;vAN~w i\ ~~ 1«)\HD OF DlRJc('rOR<,

r r .. ~_n A J.#,, .. -.on Pnc,

\Iff PIC~Hlt nt -r.ttn\ \} C,rcUlltiC'i

H(\ J \'~" [ 1\l1llP

\ 1rc Pt c~JI]fnl

Tin· P 1 frn'' t\­

V!rc PH '>ld•nt

Rn J I OMth0ncv ( S V


J A Lnl~cl SPC' v ',\\ r Cn(. y .1ntl Boku

f'E"II L'>tate

I L"\.TJ '~10'- (I l B PA'>~F~ H \LF \IlL LIO' \1 \Rh

tmon.., m'ln ... mo<..t fund Lmental dc"'Hl"

\"' '1 H tulli~n <.,l\.., 1.ou < tn fmd olie'>

\\llh01Jt ':>liCCt.h tnd \\ (1J~ \\ ithO\.lt I ~i <JOO '"'liT) L\TL'>T &liT ".llPl hut \Oll \\ill nr\e l fmd \ m tn ~t \ J llOl Collr,.,~" Lxtrn.,Jcn ClulJ t(]JOtl<:. th 1 t dr{qn t hh~ hrtflhf.., fm break I

I tht I JC, .. Jn,.. rf thr rmd n If <..t ·nf ll1 Il" fht h tn norldNl a.;,..,~nt to tllf' p10

JUJll(" 10\\ IT tl<., tiJf "\tJlllon Dolht :CndO"- JlO'>lllon 'l ncl then 1)1 't t ll< d "tth "t c n 1 n~nt Th1.., 1., th ftutt of t"o 1.nd a half !t.._._1011 lou knm\ ~e began ''I , r 11., of ... u r nu u .. la\)ol m c..u n 111~ nut thf

m.,uttntf pltn \\hHh \\"\..., rlr1.v.n up tnd "LP

pHnUI 1, thr club m th~= '>lJilll..., of 1927

pul](:rl a tf JJiblF ml':>tdh.P "hl?n I fn <:.t C'lmL m I \\Cllt up and llt(cl to \\'llt fn nnc,c.lf Toll the hot cake t~o;;et to

At the. l1~t Homcc.omJng- the puhhc tc thtO\\ onf> 'J\\a\ up m the lll And thf>n cc unt wt.., lUdiL of the IJo )k., \\ 1., 1 e'l.(l at the I mtc..1 ('( pterl tt befo1 f! 1t came cln\1 n annu tl mret1n~ of tlw clulJ At th'lt time the lb'l ln Do \OU thiPk s h e mtght be of mo.,UJ mc.r t"1 1 ~ncd to thP rndo" ment Fund ft ndcd at that? .;.mounted 1o " 11 2 000 00 d..nd the L l<;h col 'Ab.,oluteh satd Qumce} 'naketos Jc.ct<.d lncl nnf.,ted for the stme purpo<:.l? 'tnrl ('Ook .;; ·ue among the moc..t tem amruntc<l to q~, 77 (}~o totaling q;7220b.> J>P t'l.m ent ll people m the wot·ld And

In the month of ~o,embel thete v,a.., a \OU II fm rl many of them commg from

e )e& dml Ie'> a 1H1 c u ~ 1n e

F nday, March 2 1, 1 p:.


Pnntmg, Engravmg, Office Supplies, Loose Lelr

Forms, Binders, Etc.

264 East Merchant Street Telephone 406 Kankakee, IIi.




Electncians for St. Viator College

Telephone 995 362 East Court Str1

r ( Jltnf,">l€' 1 ff>l e ..,t'\.le

\\ h1ch ncldcd anothc1 ~50 000 00 ln Ill SUI ance c.ounlt, · ~ hcul\ l <'>pon.,e from oltl '3luclents .an<l fttend <:.lth 1 t f 1 , 1 b th

dnd CJ.<:.h gnm~ u<J a total of ~50 7 222 ~5 at Thtt s what I thought ...atd I\Eln 1;----------------------------- t--'

Tohn n 0 Connor n ca..l ]";<.tate

T L " 'arne! Sec.1 et'l ry

"\·\· urne1 Const1 uct10n Gn

\ ll1C'Pnt l\Ia1 /""Lno M D


M!l l1011 Dollar Endowment for St V1ato1 Colll?ge

He1enup f1om endo\\ment

usecl to help de~ervmg stu dPnt~ to p1 omote CollE"ge act! 1dtle., to cover deftctts and

create Butldmg Fund~



L1fe Petpetual

~ 10 00

100 00

500 00

Founder of Endov. ment $1000

m cash 01 m&urance

~5000 Memonal T'' enty an nua l payments of $125

UO 000 1\Iemorml Twenty an nual payments of $250

Mem be1 s become benefactor& of the Viatonans and share annuall y for life Ol per

petually m the p1 aye1 s Mas"'es and good works of the Com


Annllltte ~ and Bequests may 1lso be uc;ed to establish Mem

thf" end of :-.o, embcr 1929 So I h'l \ e \\ ntte n out a '501 t of a po­Thtee .,pe(lll c.ndo,..,ment found..t..tJOns were log.,. All \OU 11 have to do t<; blin g tt

e-.tabli '- h Prl 1n that t1me The RP' Stephen over to her Te ll het' you are enussary -....; 1\Ioote Pastot of H oly Tnmt:r Chu1 ch of a Ruc;stan digmtary on a miSSion Dloonvngton llltnoJ., took out tnSUJ ance to of conctltaliOn and that vou hope to ec.,t.a bh'3h 'l foundation of ~7500 00 The R ev \\ Illtam F' Keefe P astor of Holy Ct os~ settle all mtosundel standtng~ The} al

\\ A.V<, fall for that romantic stuff you Chw·ch Indianapoh'- Ind1ana ec; tabltshed 'l h. no'' U.;;e ) our mgenmty U 5 000 00 endo"me nt t:ound'l.tiOn through the Qumce \ took the note and \\·all<ed ins ura nce m ethod tn honor of hts patents a nd to bE" kno\\ n as the John and M t.nes ove t obedtently tov. at d the adverttse

I'"-eefe found l l!On The R e' Frederick Gahl ment m the wmdow \\ ho bv the "ay nun Pa.,tJ t of St Jo'-eph s Chwch Peott t \\as vtgorouosly engaged In ducrtmg off llhnOJc; estabh.,hed "l.. %00 00 foundatiOn the g nddle prepara tory to calltng tt a

da\ \¥htle on the way howe ' e1 he \\ hich "ill be clecllcated to the mem01 J of

took the hbet ty to t ead the note and h1c; puents

th1s fact got hun "ltarted on one of Duling No\embet thete \\e1·e added twenty

t\\o nP" names to the lt~t of FoundeJs of hi<> f1ts of Iaug hte1 The near e r he go t, St VJ:ttOJ Coilege :Cndo\\ ment Tins bl mg<> the more humot·ous the note appeal eel,

unttl "hen h e had a1nved at the hot he total number or found ers to 207

The office! s of the :CxtenstOn Club as ''ell c'l.keq gnddle he "as bent ove r double db the ot:fJce t s of St Viator College \\tll be a nd \\a'S' gJggltn g like a fool Without

fOI e'er gratPful to these generous benefac being able to say a wOLd he handed the tots of Cath oltr :Cducatton and the VJatonan note to the , cluld and pomted ltke Community Theti names wtll be entolled at 'l.n td!Ot to,·vatd Ivan \\ho v,as dotng the headqualter<> of the Commumty tn Brus h t ~ best to pJesel\e a digmfted and dts

sel<> BelgiUm and hoth m hfe and 111 death d"unful stale Mtss Dawn 0 Day looked over to-

wtll be share1s m the pra}ers and sufftages of the Clencs of St VIatol The Very Rev ''at d the Aurora bonng Allee, "ho was F M Robet ge c s y , Supertor General stttmg 111 the cornet then back at

of the otdel on the occasiOn of his canonical Qumcey and fmally wtth a mystified

't<:;tt a<;o;u r ecl the E>..tens10n Club thts pnvi

lege The acttvtt1es of the Club during Decembet

and January have been almost e>..clustvely confmed to off1ce work Wtth the growth of the fund thet e ts also a correspondmg growth 111 bus tne')S detatls \o\ e appreciate ve t y much

the faithful se t VlCes of The V 1ato1tan and we "tSh to thank the staff for thetr kmdness

exp1 eosston on het face took the note out of ht ~ hand and began reacltng

Sltppe1 v 1ce - very thm

Little girl - tumbled m Boy on bank - heard her shout Jumped n ght m - helped her out

Now he s hers - very ntce

But - "'he had - to break the tee The ' Ch1ld ', ttl ted her eyebrow a

The readers of The Vlatonan can also help li ttle looked at I van qmzztcally and

bv can ymg the message of the extensiOn then \\rote out an a.ns\\ er Club to the fiiends or VtatOI Twenty year He ''as a \\ ondrous "speedy ' lad

endo\\ ment m s m a nee ts the basts of the En And he could htt the ball hke mad

H e ln t ht s head upon the gt ound do\\ment Fund 'et •t •s not the only way m "Juch ou 1 fttencls can contnbute to the It d1dn t hurt for thete they f ound­

--------------'--- while v.e thank h1m for the g1eat en :CxcelsiOl de\ elopment of the fund cash dona Qumcev had recuperated from h1s tions annUJtles bequests and member- coumgement ''h•ch he gtves to h•s old spas!;l b} th1s t1me so he took the note

be1 sh tps and Memot i-tb

... hlp tees pla:t a very Important part m teachei 5 and fnends "1th a bow and walked back to Ivan

th1s big undet takmg The Letter TO BE CONTL'l'UED The Ch1cago offtce 1939 Straus BUild Mv clea1 Father

In!,;' 31U S Mtcl11gan Ave (Telephone :Cnclosed IS OLder for five thousand papets and send them to me to s1gn '\\abash 2727) ~~ open du1 mg the enttre dolh1 '-~ (t;SOOO 00) for ann uity \\ h1ch we them and return one to you I keepmg

'' 01 king weeh and the friends of Viator were s peaking ot when you v. ere to the other I am very proud to be able

ate a l\\ a}& wekome The fu::.t annuity g l\en fo1 the bene

see me .. ome time ago gn ing me stx to do this for the Clertes of St Viator net cent annually until I die When I and hope 1t wont be the last kindness

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Limited to


Bell Telephone 253

602 City National Bank Bldg. KANKAKEE, II


KANKAKEE PURE MILK CO. Milk and Cream :: Bulgarious Butter Mil


Always Drink Pasteurized Milk. Our Wagons Pass Your I Door Every Mormng Before You Have Breakfast

Both Phones 45 DRINK MIL


McBroom's Cafe First Class Restaurar Established 1908

Meals, Short Orders, Specials and Confection 1


Private Dining Room for Banquets and Parties



~----------------------------------------· ~ 1



Insurance, Loans and Bonds

605-606 Volkman Bldg.


Compliments of

OSCAR "FOXY" BYRON Bourbonnais, Illinois


ftl of the Endo\\ ment Fund comes from dte I h ope the Clenc& of St Vtator wtll rr shov.- them and you I can boast of our good fn end Father Martin J Bren contmue to g1ve me Sl"< per cent m one 'irtue at least and that ts gratitude. n 1n of Hem)· Ill Fathet Brennan en sptritual inlet est (In prayers Masses Ma} God bless your work If possible dea1ed hlmseit to students a nd teach and good \\Ork c;) unttl I get to the I wish thts donat10n be applied to the ers m old St V1atot s o ( the Nmet1es f1rst terrace tn Paradtse I never n ew semmarv so boys can be helped

ln h1s gemal natme and unthing labors thought I would e'er be able to write fot the ptlesth ood as I was m my as a ::.tude nt teacher and pre!ect of .1 check for an amount when I was a 1 pove1 ty Prav for me please Regards

the mmuns of those day., The spittt sllanger ~nd dear Fathers Mar~t le \to all the Clencs of St V tator


n( hi.., lette1 is so insphing that v. e take Rvan Bobb\ Cregan and Tom McCor- ~our., Ill the Sacred Heart the libertv of prmtlng it in its entirety, mtck took me in Please fill out the M J BRENNAN

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, Ill.

Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Prompt and Efficient Servi""

through our agent-


Room 219 Roy HaU

Leave Your La=dry and Dry Cleaning With


Dry Cleaners Rug Cleaners


IDEAL SWEETS CO. Manufacturers of

IDEAL. ''That Good lee Cream"

Wholesale Confectionery and Fountain Supplies
