st. viator college newspaper, 1933-12-15

Attend The Da y ltliatnriatt Student Prom Dec. 27 VOL. LI. BOURBONNAIS, ILLINOIS FRIDAY, D ECEl\IBER 15 , 1933 NO.6 France Honors Msgr. Legris --------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------ --- · DAY STUDENTS WILL PRESENT HOLIDAY PROM DECEMBER 27TH , I I Th e Stqff of th e Via -.! i ! i torian Extends to ! i ! Second Annual Season Dance Will Be Held In i the Members of the ! Gold Room Of Hotel Kankakee i ! i Faculty, th e Stu- ! Elabo r ate plans ar e now in pr ogress j !I for th e second annual Day St ud ents DEBATE SEASON 1 d B d Th ' Holiday Prom. Th e affai r is sub· OPENED AGAINST i ent 0 y, ezr i sequently following the first of it 's 0 S EC 1 ' ! kind which wag quit e successful last I ILLIN I D . 6 ' I Par ents, A l u m n i ! year. It pr omises to be the social 1 hi ghlight in th e H o liday cale ndar dur- New l\1en Show Promise In First i ing the Ch ri s tmas r ecess, and it is Encount er i a n d Fri ends i t s ! hoped that th e Reside nt Students wi 11 j I join with the Non-Residen t Stud en ts On Wed n esday afternoon and ev en- o W h f JW i in making the affair a success. ing, December 6. th e Viator Affirma- ! lS es Or a erry j At Hotel KanJ<akee tiv e and Negative t eams respe c tivel y I : Th e dance is to be he ld on Wed n es - enco untered th e U niv er sity of Ill inois i c hri stlnas a n d A ! day evening , Decembe r 27 , in th e debating teams in a non-d ecision con- j ! bea uti ful Gold Room of th e Hotel t es t. Th e Affirmativ e te ams met in Jl Happy New year ! K f!nkakee, conven ientl y situated in th e after noo n before th e Kankak ee = J th e h eart of the town. Th e commit- Hi gh School stu dents in U1 e auditor- 1 I l ·G=· , -L .. _E · E-· -C .. -L .. -U .. -8 .. -W .. _, _I L .. _l ,- · ·:· season. All geus ts wi ll be assured Col l ege Clu b r oom. Th e V iator Af - of an enjoyabl e evening for th e music f irmati ve t eam was com posed of Ed - is to be furnished by the melodious wa rd Butlgen, James Dugan, and BROADCAST PRO and popular band o" " Don" Burnell, 1 Rober t Nolan. The Negative team who has r ecentl y beco me ve ry pro m- t was composed of Hester Dail y, WH- inent in l ocal social events. liam Schumache r and Norbert Ellis. GRAM DEC 24TH Selec ted I Illinoi s U . re presented, on the I 1 At a meeti ng of the Dey Stu dents affirmative Sh.: .. by Mr. Burt. Mr . I group, whi h was held on last Thurs- Honnold and Mr. Fishman, and on t he day afternoon, James Cr owley and negative side. by Mr. McCard. Mr. C hri s tmas Carols And H ymn s A re · d G and · Mr. J eanblanc. I J ohn Ripstra we re appomte eneral . F eat ur e Of I nitial P resentat ion Co-Chair·m en fo r the dance. M!·. First Debate Th omas Ryan, president of th e Day Tak ing into considerati on th a t 1t --- S tud ent organ i zation, £:. long with Mr. was Viat or's first fl oor deabte of Th e St. Viator Gl ee C lub, under th e Ripstr a and Mr. Cr owl ey , appoint ed season, they did ve ry well , a lthou <Yh J di r ection of Mi ss M a r ga ret Gran ger MONSIEUR WEillER PRESENTS MEDAl OF FRENCH ACADEMY AT CONVOCATION Hundreds Of Priests, Alumni, A nd Friends At- tend Impre ssive Ceremonies In Colle ge Gym -----------------------------· MONOGRAM CLUB TO OFFER DANCE AFTER HOLIDAYS f St. Viator Co ll ege was h ost last Monday to hundreds of pries t s. fo r- mer s tud ents and frie nds who assem- bled with th e fac ulty and student body to p ay ho mage to th e vene rabl e John i\1e any Is Named Pres ident Of Monsignor Ger asime M. L egri s. w ho Club was on tha t day stg nally honored. in I g ratefu l ack n ow ledge ment of h15 Monday af ternoon, November 27, pn celess wo rk in propogatmg th e an- saw th e r evtval of an old a thl eti c or- l c 1ent culture of France, m bemg cr e- gamz[..tiOn on the campu s- th e Mono- ated an Officer of th e select French gram Club. Seve ra l yea rs ago th o..! Academy. Cl ub ceased to fun c tion, and the stu - Th is di stinction is th e hi ghest that dents welcomed the n ews that it was li es within th e power of th e Fren ch to be reor ganiz ed , and th e athletes gove r nment to best ow upon th ose w h o turned o ut in l arge numbers fo r the hav e proved th emsel ves eminent in initial m ee tin g of the yea r. enriching or in disseminating th e glo ri es of French cu- lture. Th e A ca- Name O ffi cers Th e f irst meeting was pr esided d E>my w as found ed early in th e seven- o,·er by John Meany, ass is tant coach t een th ce ntury by Cardinal Ric heli eu, and prominent figure i n all co ll egiat e fo r the purpose of pro vi ding a body affai r s. After he ex plained the pur- o: literateures to preser ve the pris- pose of the organi zat ion, those pres- tine beauty and purity of the French ent proceeded to el ec t officers for th e tongue . whose judgment s were to be year. ' 'Doc" Meany, a seni or, wa s supreme in matters of literary fo rm named Pres ident by a la r ·ge majont y. a nd . te chnique, and it remains to thi s " Tom '' Kell y, '3 5 , \vas el ec ted to th l! day the gr eat l< :... ren ch tribunal of office of Vice- President. Emmerson lit erary arbi t ration . Qualificalion s Dexter, A h-Comeren ce man in foo t- fo r entry are s tringent, a nd the great - ball l ast yea r. was selected for tiH' est French wr iters of hi story have Secr ·etary position, and " K en " boasted membership on its ro ll s. tray, All-Confe rence man in foot ball Cer emonies ln Gy mn asi um thi s year, was named Tr·easur er . Tl}e gymn as iu m ..-. as fittingly decor- All th e men named to the various Dted for the occas ion . Vario us in pl aces they showed signs of ine:- will prese nt a nu mbe r of Chri s tm a. :; th e fo ll owing committees fo r the af- ca rol s O\'e!· radio sta ti on w. c. F. L. offices hav e been prominent in foot- on Sunday evening, December 24, at ball and basketball her e fo r the pa st fair : perience and unpreparedness. Severn! Co-Chairmen James C ro wl ey anrJ of the Viator co ntes tant s were en- sh ades of crepe formed a ce iling, and directly above the sp eake r 's pla tform float ed th e st ars a nd s tripes, and th e tricolor s of Fran ce. A tabl eau of J ohn Rips tr a. 'g:.:.ging in their f il·st inter-collegiate eig ht o'c lock. This wi ll marl < the three years. second £:. ppearance of th e Ch orus in OrcheStra Commi tt e - Wat son, debate, and d es pit e th eir inex perienc e a Christmas program over this st a- Plan Dan ce Immedictely afte r th e selec tion vf Chariman, Wulffe and Snow. clisp layed much tal ent and adaptabi !- Fin t!.n cc Committee Sc hneider , tt y. W ith due time and experienc e. tion, which was r eceived so well by off icers was made, it was sugges ted Schosser. they ca n, unde r the very the li st ening audience last season. that some plans be made \v her eby a flew·-d e- li s fo 1 ·mecl a col orf ul back- ground. In th e absence of Bi shop Shei I, w ho was unabl e to attend becaus e of sici<- Th e c horus has been working very f d · ht b t bl' h d f th Publi c ity Sta ff Ri c hwine, Ch air- g uidance 01 Fa lher Maguire, be hard during th e past month, and un- n ess , th e Very Rev. J. W . R . man, St lte 1 ·, Souc i e, Corman and Ar · vt: loped into debat ers of very high der cap able d irecto rship has reach- tr::rs fo r the Varsity squ ads. Th e pres ided over th e ceremonies. Tb e ri cgton. 1caliber. ed a high degree oi perf ec tion. Acad emi c processi on st arted promp t- Rece ption Committee Cl an cy, The qeustion for the debate wa s. idea whi ch appeal ed most to the ly at three o'c loc k, and the Senior Mack in and Arrington . "Reso lved : That th e power s of l'I L-c t Music bers was that of sponso rin g a Cl ass of '34, fo ll oyed by th e fac ulty, Mr. 'Thomas Ryan, Presid ent of the P1·esident, as of July 1, 1933, should A mong the hymns to be presented immedi ately afte r the Christma:; proceeded (:Own th e ce nter, ta king Day St ud ent organization, wishes to I be m ade perman ent by a co nstit'J- c. r€" the eve r beauti.fu l and popular holiday s, th e pro ceeds of which shoqJcl the ir places upon the pl atform. I d 1 II · go into th e newly eStabli shed a thl e ti c mal<e a.n app eal, throu gh th e VIA· tiona ! amen< mcnt ':. an t 1e lmois 1 "Ad cste Pidelis" and "Si lent Ni ght". Ch uil' Opens l'rogn1m TORlAN, to th e res ident s tudents in team displayed a tme knowledge of D es pi te th e fact that these hymns fund. The pro gram for th e af tern oon was a .. for llwir full coope r ation in th e subj ec t and gave every evidenct! arc presented yearly throughout the Althou gh no definite date was set opened by th e sing ing of th e Star making thi H <lant·e a success. To thal th ey were well prepared for \\Orld by innumerable g roups, never- fo r th e dan ce, it will be held shortly Spangl ed and La Mar scii- Uate, lht• non-resident have their Conference schedul e which open- th eless, th ey hav e not l ost th eir pleas- after the st udents r eturn fr om Jai se, by th e St. Viato 1 Co ll ege Glee il-nt ndm1rabl e suppo rt lo all soc ial cd l as t week. ing m elody and beauti ful thought. Chri s tm a<; vaca tion . Mr. Meany s tal eR Club. Fol l owing th e s ing ing or tl<.' livitlt. 's of th e ca mpus and look for Th e Af1ir ma ti ve Debate Other number s to be sung on thi s that he hopc::s to s tage the affair 011 th ese anthems, B ,a th c r· Mflgu irc, !n th e to return the favor. Thi s Th e affirmative debate proved to be program ar e, " Whil e Sheph erd s the eve ning of J anuary 12 or 13 · fittings word!'!, exto ll ed th C' lifelong t.lam·t• ::-thould espe('ially a ttra ct them, very ent ertaimng and instructing. It \ "'a t ched Thei r Flocks by Night", Th e price fo r the dance should be zt ·al of th e Monsignor in hi s se r vicr:- tor it llw one dance during the \ 'as close thr oughout, and it "Jubllate" ''0 Come 0 Come Eman- within the means of a ll the students to his Bacred i ch.:nl :i, arHI .s pol<c at yt.•ur t ha t tht.• board ers are abl e to shou ld havt: be n difficult to make 'l uel" and , 'Good PJi ce of aL.mission wi ll be one dollar lr-ngth upon th e g r ea t fo'r enc·h tnu.Ji- nt tenU \\ lthout "ap ron decision. Th Introductory aft1rma.- All are very appropriate and out- 1 ( Sl.OO ) per .cou pl e. . lion of c ulture. A conhnl invitation is also tive speech wa::; handled by Edward s tandmg Ch ri stm as hymns. The selectiOn of mu s1c for t he even- Mr. Robert A. Nolan, Pres l cl f'nt or cO to th e :-.ocw l following of K anka- 8uttgen. wh o ::sttuwed g r ea t signs ot The feature of th e evening will be ing has not yet been made, bu t Mr. the Coll ege Club, and th e n ex t H pcak - kt. •e, t\.llll \\ l' ass urt> that promise 4:- nd shou ld develop into an the solo wo rk of l one Anderson, Miss meany informs us that th e Orchestra er, repr esenting th e !i tud ent body, C\ C' nt wt\1 be .somcthang never to be ou tst anding debater before lhe year h; Ter esa Gr ay and Mr . L ambert Paul- Committee hopes to ob t ai n th e ser- paid a glowing trlb tc to llw "gr ea l lorgotten ove r. Mr . James Dugan the second essen. Mi ss And erson will do th e vices of Sammy Berk' s Rhythm gifts of mind anu heat" of lh e Mon- Viator speaker, who has been under solo part in " Jubi l ate" and "Silent ! for th e dance. s ignor . Father M aguire th en lnt ro- The ('hr is lma s Play I fire 1n th e past. work ed with all th o Night". Th e latt er two will do th e Co mmittees Nam(·d du ccd th e Rev. l •'alhcr A. F. Gi ra rd . coo lness and ease of a veteran speak- solo honors in "Good King Wences- Mr. M eany, General Chairman of pastor of St. J ohn Baptist Chu r eh In Th€' Ptny, " Th e Shep- er He handled th e case ve ry well laus" A apeciaJ arrangement of th e the dance has named the following Ch i cago, who spoke m a.atf· rfully und \\'at ch ", will be presented on <..:.nt.l should be a gr eat asset to th e af- ever appeali ng "Ades te Fideli s" will co mmittees for th e affair: IJcau tlfull y upon th t In- Monday, December 10 · lfl the audito r- rirmaUve t eam m the future. Mr . feature a solo, duet, quartet, and the Tickets· .n-.i r. Dexter, Mr. Roche and defatigabe I abo r !i, intt·rMperHing- 1um or St. p tn ck Htgh School. Norbert Nolan, the third and final entire chours m th e finale. Mr. Krauklls. fitting quot a lluns from litera ture. tra rehe-n.rsa.l s are being c alled speaker for th e Viator affirmative Orchestra Mr . Nelson, Mr. Kelly f Con -. uJ Ctmf t, r s Jf u 11 or thttmal wcrk before th e productiOn side. displayea hi.s unusual t echnique The Glee Cl ub, which will al so be and Noonan. Monsieur Rene W cl ll cr, r epr esent- of tht" pi y, and cast a.nd directors and talent. and might easily be con- featu red 10 th e C? ri stmas play " Th e Decorati ons Mr. Harding, Mr. ing the 1'-ren<:h Minister or Education, re m mg c- v t>ry effort to m sure th e Shepherds W atch' must be congrat- su of project. Proceed.3 sidered t.he o utstandmg debater on the uJated on their wo rk and the Rogers, :\<Ir Betoume and Mr. MaMk. and French Comw l at Chleago, spoke wtll be to pro,ide Christmas bas- squc.d this year His unusual man- great progress they have made in Mr. Sala, of thf· Momilgnor'H l ong st· r viN· In the kets I'or the poo r I Continued on Page S1x} such a sbor .. tlme for preparation . (Continued on Page Six) {ConlinuOO on Pagf,

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The Viatorian, Vol. LI, No. 6


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-12-15

Attend The Day mb~ ltliatnriatt Student Prom

Dec. 27


France Honors Msgr. Legris ---------------------------------------------------------------------------·


·;·--·---·--~-----··;· , I I The Stqff of the Via- . ! i ! i torian Extends to ! i !

Second Annual Season Dance Will Be Held In i the Members of the ! Gold Room Of Hotel Kankakee i !

• i Faculty, the Stu- ! Elaborate plans are now in progress j !I

for the second annual Day Students DEBATE SEASON 1 d B d Th ' Holiday Prom. The affai r is sub· OPENED AGAINST i ent 0 y, ezr i sequently following the first of it's 0 S EC 1' ! kind which wag quite s uccessful last I ILLIN I D . 6 'I Parents, A l u m n i ! year. It prom ises to be the social 1 highlight in the H oliday calendar dur- N ew l\1e n S how Promise In First i ~ ing the Ch ri s tmas r ecess, and it is E ncounte r i a n d Friends i t s ! hoped that the Resident Students wi 11 j I join with the Non-Resident Students On Wednesday afternoon and even- o W • h f JW i in making the affair a s uccess. in g, December 6. the Viator Affirma- ! l S es Or a erry j

At Hotel KanJ<akee tive and Negative teams respectivel y I : The dance is to be held on Wednes- encountered the U niversity of Ill inois i c hristlnas a n d A !

day evening, December 27 , in the debating teams in a non-decis ion con- j ! beauti ful Gold Room of th e Hot el tes t. The Affirmative teams met in J l Happy New year ! K f!nkakee, conven ientl y situated in the after noon befor e the Kankak ee = J th e heart of the town. The commit- High School stud en t s in U1 e auditor- 1 I l

~~s ~;::t~:~yd~~~t~~~~e ~:s;~:~~~:; ~~;Neg:~~v:~:::::!. :~:e~~;db~~w:~: ! ·G=·,-L .. _E·E-·-C .. -L .. -U .. -8 .. -W .. _,_I L .. _l,- ··:· season . All geus t s wi ll be assured Col l ege Clu b r oom. The V iator Af­

of an enjoyable evening for the music f irmati ve t eam was com posed of Ed-

i s to be furnished by the melodious ward Butlgen, James Dugan, and BROADCAST PRO and popular band o" " Don" Burnell, 1 Rober t Nolan. The Negative team • who has r ecently become ver y prom- t was composed of H es t er Dail y, WH-

inent in local social events. liam Schumache r and Norbert Ellis. GRAM DEC 24TH Com~ittees Selected I Illinoi s U . w~~ represented, on the I 1 At a meetin g of the Dey Stu dents affirmative Sh.: .. ~, by Mr. Burt. Mr. I

group, whi h was h eld on last Thurs- Honnold and M r . Fishman, and on t he

day afternoon, James Crowley a nd negative s ide. by Mr . McCard. Mr. Chris tmas Carols And H ymn s A re · d G ~' i l son and ·Mr. J eanblanc. I J ohn Ripstra were appomte enera l . F eature Of I nitial P resentation

Co-Ch air·m en fo r t h e dan ce. M!·. First D ebate Thomas Ryan, president of th e Day Taking into consideration th a t 1t ---Student organ ization, £:. l ong w ith Mr. was Viat or's first f loor deabte of th ,~ The St. Viato r G lee C lub, under th e Ripstra and M r . Cr owley , appointed season , they d id ver y w ell , a lthou <Yh J di r ection of Miss M ar gar et G r anger


tend Impressive Ceremonies In College Gym -----------------------------· MONOGRAM CLUB TO OFFER DANCE


f St. Viator Co l lege was host last Monday to hundreds of priest s. fo r ­mer s tudents and friends who assem­bled with the faculty and student body to pay homage to th e venerable

J ohn i\1eany I s Named President Of Monsignor Ger asime M. L egris. w ho Club was on that day stg nally honor ed . in

I g rateful acknow ledgem ent of h15

Monday af t ernoon , November 27, pn celess wor k in propogatmg the an­saw the r evtval of an o ld a thletic or- l c1ent culture of France, m bem g c r e­gamz[..tiOn on the campus- the Mono- ated an Officer of the selec t Fren ch

gram Club. Seve ra l yea r s ago th o..! Academy. Club ceased to function, and the stu - This distinction i s th e hig hest that dents w el com ed the news that i t was lies within th e power of the French t o be r eo r ganized , and the athletes gover nment to bes tow upon those w h o turned out in large numbers for the have proved th emsel ves em inent in

initial m ee ting of the yea r. enriching o r in di sseminatin g the g lo ri es of French cu-lture. The A ca-

N ame O ffi cer s Th e f irs t meeting was presided d E>my w as found ed early in the seven-

o,·er by John Meany, assistant coach t een th century by Cardinal Richelieu, and prominent figure i n all collegiate fo r the purpose of providing a body affai r s. After he explained the pur- o: literateures to preser ve the pris­pose of the organizat ion, those pres- tine beauty and purity of the Fren ch ent proceeded to elec t officer s for th e tongue. whose judgments were to be year. ' 'Doc" Meany, a sen ior, was suprem e in matters of liter a r y form named President by a la r·ge majonty. and . technique, and it remains to this " Tom '' K elly, '35, \vas elec t ed to th l! day the g r eat l<:... rench tribunal of

office of Vice-President. Emmerson literary arbi t ration . Qualificalions

Dexter, A h-Com eren ce man in foo t - fo r entry a r e stringent, and the g r eat-ball last year. was selec t ed for tiH' es t French writer s of history have Sec r·etar y position, and " K en " We~- boasted membership on its ro lls. tray, All-Confe r ence man in football Cerem onies ln Gymn asi um thi s year, was named Tr·easur er . Tl}e gymnasium ..-. as fitting l y decor-

All the men named to the various Dted for the occasion . Various in p laces they showed signs of ine:- will present a number of Christm a.:; th e fo llowing committees fo r the af- carols O\'e !· radio sta tion w . c. F. L. offices have been prominent in foot­

on Sunday evening, D ecember 24 , at ball and basketball here fo r the past fair : perience and unprepar ed ness. Severn!

Co-Chairmen James C row ley anrJ of the Viator contestants were en-

shades of crepe formed a ce iling, and directly above the speake r 's p la tform floated th e st ars and stripes, and the tricolors of France. A tableau of John Ripstra. 'g:.:.ging in their f il·st inter-collegiate

eig ht o'c lock. This wi ll marl< the three years. second £:.ppearance of the Choru s in

OrcheStr a Commi tte - Watson, debate, and despite their inexperience a Christmas program over this s t a-Plan D ance

Immedictely afte r the selec tion vf Chariman, Wulffe and Snow. clisplayed much talent and adaptabi !-Fint!.ncc Committee Schneider , tty. W ith due time and experience. tion, which was r eceived so well by off ice r s was made, it was sugges ted

Schosser . they can, under the very capabl ~ the lis t ening audience last season . that some plans be made \vher eby a

flew·-de- lis fo 1·mecl a colorfu l back­ground.

I n th e absence of Bishop Sh ei I, w ho was unable to attend because of s ici<-

The chorus has been working ver y f d · ht b t bl' h d f th Publicity St a ff Richwine, Chair- g uidance 01 Falher Maguire, be d~- hard during th e pas t month, and un- p~:e ~f1gpurc~aes~n~ ~:.:ate~; an~ P1~~~ ness , the Very Rev. J . W . R . Maguir~

man, S t lte1·, Souci e, Corman and Ar · vt: loped into d ebaters of ve r y high der capable d irecto r ship has reach- tr::rs fo r the Varsity squ ads. The presided over th e ce r emonies. Tbe ricgton. 1 caliber. ed a high degree oi perfec tion. Academic procession s tarted promp t -

Reception Committee Clancy, The qeustion for the debate was. idea which appealed most to the mem ~ ly a t three o'clock, and the Senior Mack in and Arrington . "Reso lved : That the power s of th~ l'I L-c t Music bers was that of sponso ring a dane~ C lass of '34, fo lloyed by the faculty,

Mr. 'Thomas Ryan, President of the P1·esident, as of July 1, 1933, should A mong the hymns to be presented immediately afte r the Christma:; proceeded (:Own th e center, t aking Day Student organization, wishes to I be m ade permanent by a co nstit'J- c. r€" the eve r beauti.fu l and popular holidays, th e proceeds of which shoqJcl the ir places upon the p latform.

I • d 1 II · go into th e n ewly eStabli shed a thl etic mal<e a.n appeal , through th e VIA· tiona! amen< mcnt ':. an t 1e lmois 1 "Adcste Pidelis" and "Si lent Night". Ch uil' Opens l'rogn1m TORlAN, to th e resident s tudents in t eam displayed a tme knowledge of Despi t e the fact that these hymns fund. The program for the af t ernoo n was a .. km~ for llwir full coope r ation in the subjec t and gave every evidenct! arc presented yearly throughout the Although no definite date was set ope ned by the sing ing of the S t a r making thiH <lant·e a success. T o thal they w er e w ell prepared for \\Orld by innumer ab le g roups, never- for the dance, it will be held shortly Spang led B~toner and L a M arscii­Uate, lht• non-resident ~ tudents have their Confer ence sch edule which open- theless, they have not lost th eir pleas- after the students r eturn from tht~ Jai se, by the S t. Viato 1• Co llege G lee il-nt ndm1rable support l o all soc ial cd l as t week. ing m elody and beauti ful thought. Chris tm a<; vacation . Mr. M eany staleR Club. Fol lowing the sing ing or tl<.' livitlt.'s of the ca mpus and look for The Af1ir m a ti ve Deba te Other number s to be sung on thi s that he hopc::s to s tage t he affair 011 these anthems, B,a thcr· Mflguirc, !n the boanl t.· r~ to return the favor. This The affirmative debate proved to be program a r e, " While Sh epherds the evening of J anuar y 12 or 13· fittings word!'!, exto ll ed th C' lifel ong t.lam·t• ::-thould espe('ially attract them, very entertaimng and instructing. It \"'at ched Thei r Flocks by Night", The price for the dance should be zt·al of th e Monsignor in hi s se r vicr:­tor it 1~ llw one dance during the \'as n~ry close throughout, and it "Jubllate" ''0 Come 0 Come Eman- within the means of a ll the st udents to his Bac r ed ich.:nl :i, arHI .spol<c at yt.•ur t ha t tht.• boarders are able to shou ld havt: be n difficult to make 'l uel " and , 'Good Ki~g Wen~eslaus". PJi ce of aL.mission wi ll be on e dollar lr-ngth upon the g reat fo'renc·h tnu.Ji -nttenU \\ lthout "apron ~ trings". decision. Th Introductory aft1rma.- All are very appr opriate and out- 1 ( Sl.OO ) per .coupl e. . lion o f culture.

A conh n l invitation is also ex tend~ tive speech wa::; handled by Edward standmg Chri stm as hymns. The selec tiOn of mus1c for t he even - Mr. Robert A . Nolan, Presl cl f'nt or cO to the :-.ocw l following of K anka- 8uttgen. who ::sttuwed g r ea t signs ot The feature of the evening will be ing has not yet been made, bu t Mr. the Coll ege Club, and the nex t Hpcak ­kt.•e, t\.llll \ \ l' assurt> t ht~m that thi~ promise 4:-nd shou ld develop into an the so lo work of l one Anderson, Miss meany informs us that the Orchestra er, r epresenting the !i tud ent body, C \ C'nt wt\1 be .somcthang never to be ou t st anding debater before lhe year h; T er esa Gr ay and Mr. L ambert Paul- Committee hopes to ob tai n the ser- paid a glowing trlb tc to llw "gr ea l lorgotten ove r . Mr. James Dugan the second essen . Miss Ander son will do the vices of Sammy B erk's Rhythm King.~ gifts of mind anu hear·t" of lhe Mon-

Viator speaker, who has been under solo part in " Jubi late" and "Silent ! for the dance. signor. Father M aguire th en lnt ro-T h e ('hr i slmas Play I fire 1n th e past. work ed with all tho Night". The latter two will do the Co mmittees Nam(·d duccd th e Rev. l•'alhcr A. F . Gi ra rd .

coolness and ease of a veteran speak- solo hono r s in "Good King W en ces- Mr. M eany, General Chairman of pastor of St. John Baptist Chu r eh In Th€' ,hn~tmas Ptny, " The Shep- er H e handled the case ve ry w ell laus" A apeciaJ arrangement of the the dance has named the following Ch icago, who spoke m a.atf·rfully und

hero·~ \\'atch ", will be presented on <..:.nt.l should be a g r eat asse t t o the af- eve r appeali ng "Adest e Fidelis" will committees for the affair: IJcau tlfully upon th t Mon~lgnor's In-Monday, December 10· lfl the auditor- rirmaUve t eam m the future. Mr. feature a solo, duet, quartet , and the Tickets· .n-.i r . D exter, Mr. Roche and defatigabe I abo r !i, intt·rMperHing-1um or St. p tnck Htgh School. Ex-~ Norbert Nolan, the third and final entire chours m the finale. Mr. Krauklls. fitting quota lluns from liter a ture. tra are being called speaker for the Viator affirmative ~ Orchestra Mr. Nelson, Mr. Kelly f Con-.uJ Ctmft, rs Jf u 11 or tht• tmal wcrk before the productiOn side. displayea hi.s unusual t echniqu e The Glee Club, which will also be and ~fr. Noonan. Monsieur Rene W cl ll cr , r epr esent-of tht" pi y, and cast a.nd directors and talent. and might easily be con- featu red 10 the C?ri stmas play " The Decorations Mr. Harding, Mr. ing the 1'-ren<:h Minister or Education,

re m mg c- v t>ry effort to m sur e the Shepherds W atch' must be congrat-su ~t"~s of th~ project. Proceed.3 sidered t.he outstandmg debater on the uJated on their fl~e work and the Rogers, :\<Ir Betoume and Mr. MaMk. and French Comw l at Chleago, spoke wtll be U~('u to pro,ide Christmas bas- squc.d this year His unusual man- great progress they have made in Patron.s--~\1r. ~· Mr. Sala, of thf· Momilgnor'H long st· r viN· In the

kets I'or the poo r I Continued on Page S1x} such a sbor .. tlme for preparation. (Continued on Page Six) {ConlinuOO on Pagf, ~ur. 1

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-12-15



Pul>UJfbe<l bl-w~kJ y Urroug:bout the year by the s~udB>lt 01 SL VIAtor CoUege

der Ule capaole dir to P ::h ton wor by of any ~r.ed

£(11 tor-ln-Cb.lef Aa!v..><:laV> S.Utor Buslne..88 Man~er M vert.fs.Jng MM.age r

SoroM y Sports ~.:dltor

g port,. Sbtm.a

CampWl BMefs Day Hopping fi''ea t ur W r1le r ~·e.o.tu re Wr1 ter f<"e.a.tu re Wri ter 11·ea.tu r e. Wr1t.c r F'oaturo Wr1 ter


" S T F'Y"

Hobert L. Spreitzer Kenneth COr coran

Norbert Elli.3 Da vld

John CrooJn Margaret Clancv

Thronl!h · )w [),,~·

~tud,..n ~umber. we ha,~~ comP o appree1ate th•·--·· •alt'n '· and " hopP hat in the fu ur~ "" hall be a bit• to pub)i , h mor I' <Hl rihn : '''' ' whi<·h will hP bmi ed hy any an<l all m~mlw , of hal 11r<>11p

R. L. S.

FR. COUGHLIN vs. " AL " SMITH !';dward Buttgen Presiden t Roosevelt's mo netary policy has s irred up consider -

WIU!am Schumache r able controver sy in the past few weeks, bu t beyond all doubt, the John Morn• verbal exchange between the f amed radio priest, Fr. Coughlin and ~t:'r ~!: '· Al ' ' Smith , has been the moEt in teresting of these. In his charac­Robert Nolan t eristic frank a nd out -spoken manner '· Al '' ref erred to th e inflation Mary Crui'" money to be issued in a ccordance with this poHcy as ·· baloney dol­

William Clancy Iars" . Fr. Coughlin, always a strong supporter of the admin is tra­James O'Mara tion, immediately took up the cudgels, and in a broad cast over a

William Sweeney nationwide hook-up charged Former Governor Smith with being an l<"'entu r c Wri ter John B unJ..S ClrculaUon MMager Enzel Wren agent of the J . P . Morgan inter est s, citing as proof of his statemen t, A8olst.M t Stephen Gould an incident related to him by two bishops who, he claimed, accom-

SubscMptloo Rate ~ 2 . 00 per annum. panied Mr. Smith to the Morgan offices in October, 1927, when the

Ad<ln>& all corrcopondence referring either to advertising or su bscri,pti oo to former governor attempted to make a loan for the construction of The Vla.toMan,, nanols. the E mpire State Building, in which he was interest ed. One of

~"ntc r <XI 118 •ccond cloas matter at the Post Office of Bourbonnais, Illinoi• I these bishops, says Fr. Coughlin , is since deceased, but the other is under the Act of March 3rd. 1879. still living, and wa.s willing that his name be used. Fr. Coughlin,

- ACM I!: PRINTING CO. . . . l 21 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVE. however, did not give it. I s this fact significant? - - In the radio address in which Fr. Coughlin made this charge, '

' while he did not actually say as much, he nevertheless left the impli - ~ cation that Mr. Smith had obtained this loan and was therefore in­debted to the Morgan firm in particular, and to the big bankers in general, and for that reason was opposed to the P resident 's monetary policy. Fr. Coughlin has set himself up as the champion of the com-mon people--self-s tyled. But anyone who is acquainted with the [

FRIO\\ . D

HI " W e Ht>ve Wb I You e;,d "

Phon.e ' ~

Re liable Cleaner s .\Jl That Our Nnm~t lmpUc

Fine Cleanin g - P ressing

- Tailoring­Ha Lters - F urrier

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209 East Court St. PHONE 30





history of the past decade--particularly in the state of New York =----------- -----!


--knows that the common people have never had a more staunch defender than the former governor .

"PEACE ON EARTH,- - " All of us, somehow, are aff ected by those words on Christmas

Day when we kneel in prayer and adoration in celebrating the feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ ---· ' P eace on earth, good will to men " . For those who helped to keep that peace, these few words offer g reat consolation. But we wonder how these same words affect those individuals who formed the lynching mobs, so prevalent thr oughout the United States during the past month. Newspaper records of the r ecen t lynching in Alabama, Ken t ucky, Texas and Cal­i!ornia. h ave convinced the general public at large that barbarism sti ll exists in the United States.

In the past we have been a st aunch admirer of Fr. Coughlin. He wields immense infl uence upon the radio listeners of the nation, and it would seem that his power has gone to his hea d . He prob­ably has the idea that by attacking the most prominent layman of his own faith in the country he can demonstrate his own broadmind­edness. If that is his motive he should find good grounds for his attack. F or he ha.s certainly thus far proved to no one's satisfac-tion, that ' ' AI '' is under obligation to the Morgan, ·or any other banking firm.


J . D. D.

now returns to tak e over the coach · ing duties in football a t t ha t inst i ­


In the recent lynching case of Thurmond and H olmes in Cal- "There seems to be cure for

Hotel Kankakee Sid ney Her bst, Manage r


A hearty w elco me a wai ts the s tudents and fri e nds of S t.

VIator College.



Who lesa le - Re tail

l~ou te No. 17 - Kan kakoo, Ul. ifornia, Governor Rolph of that state, who had r efused to call out ath lete's foot, but is there a cu re for the militia to prevent t he lynching, made a statement which might athlete brain ?" This question was almost be termed " complimentary " to the barbaric mob which was asked by the coach at Gonzaga Urn­responsible for that most dastard ly and illegal treatment of the two versity, out on th e Pacific Coast.

At the Uni ver sity of Berlin , s t u- I dents are allowed a period of s ix w eeks to analyze their professors. :

Over he re we get s ix months or more ===============.; and s till m ::.:. ny of us a r e a t a loss I a s to w he ther "Prof' ' is "0. K ." or Things mus t no t be going along so

kidnaper-slayer s of young Brooke Hart. By his statement, Gov good with the old boy. Rolph ha.s betrayed the public trust. H e ha.s literally en couraged __ a nd invited mob law a nd mob rule. Unl eEs there is an apology 1 Ali students li ving in fraternity forthcoming, he deserves little less than impeac\1ment. H e has struck ! ho uses at Marquette University have 1\t the very root of government law and order. their names, characteristics and pe-

And the violence of the mob• continues throughout the States. I cuhanlles listed with the police

In the case of the negro, even su fficient circumstantial evidence is no __ _ I


longer necessary to warrant the fanatical attacks of the savage mob Fifty s tudents Lt Valiepm, Spain. The time has come for the government in W ashington to a.ct, and act I locked two professors in a room until, to pr~vent this fanatical and most dep lorable movement I they pro.nlsed to pass. the whole class wh10h IS sweepmg over the country at present. Unless all of these without an exammat10n. What a United States accept the laws of the land, the laws of right reason, ! sense of humor !!!' then it is just as well that we go the limit and be completely savage ---

. . . . . . . I n a school s urvey conduc t ed at a nd barbaric 1D all OlU' actiOns . It Ill becomes a. natiOn that IS waging Notre Dame University recently. a figh t for World Peace in t he highest courts of the world to tolerate thr ee hu ndred and ninety-four stu­s uch disregard for law and order, for peace, a.s exists within its own dents expressed themselves as being boundaries. in favor of the mode r a t e use of liquor .


U we are to have " peace on earth " we must first maintain Eighty-eight of them admitted that

t he laws of t.he land. Let us not stand by while such a horrible ~~r~:nkan:ut s~::e::ce~:~:~ly,dri:~ deed is being enacted, and when it is completed say to the mob : " You nine have stopped drinking, thirty­have done a wonderful deed . You have brought honor to your five favo r total abstinence, eighteen state and count~·y ". Rather , let us forewarn the mob, addressing say it is foolish and six ty-eight find it them, as did Christ when he came upon the infuriated mob about to bard to be temperate.

stone the. woman ~ven to adultery, '.' Let him who is without sin, An announcement released by Har-ast the fu-st stone . Let us act now In st oppmg this lynchmg orgy , \'ard College states that only eleven

which is sweeping over a land meant for P eace Until we do, we can I' per cent of the students are now tak-

hardly hope for : " P eace on earth, good will to men " . mg a classical course. R . L. S -- i

Elmer Layden, recently appomted head coach at Not.h Dame, 1s one of the famous " Four H orseman" of football fame. One of the greatest players e\·er turned out a t ~- D., he

CONGRATULATIONS Tl11' Staff of th~ YL\TORL\::\ wishes to thank and eongratu ­

latP th~ Dft :- Stud~nts on thf•ir l't'Ct"llt is~u~ of th is publication . rn~


I A Freshman a t the Baylo r Uni - ~

ve rs ity Library f:. ttempted to check ou t th e "Book of Letter s f rom Robert

Liberty Laundry


73 Mai n S ~ . Tel. Main247

BourbonnaJs, illinois

Browning to Is a Blagde n". Accor d­ing to the librarian , this book is l valued at $30,00. And that is why th •o 1 Frosh wear Green. ;.... _____________ _..;


Insurance of All K inds


Phone 1933


121 Soutb East Aven ue Kankakee, Illiru>i"

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-12-15

FRIDAY, DECEJ\ffiER 15, 1933



rh as bee n a comparative ly sh or t one , I <' DAY-HOPPING ~ I bac h elo r 's d egree.

your s pintua l example and your ex - '-=============== ---ceptional g ifts of mind and hea rt - Cla r k would ra th er ac t than eat. h ave ins tille d into th e fo rma t io n of Day S tudent Dance December 27 ! H e Hk es pressed d uck and rides an our ch a rac t e r an e ve rlas ting impres- Com e on fellows talk it up and hav~ e lephant w h en he can find on e .

a big turnout. Don ' t r e ly on t h e __ _ Toda y, !:1!e s tudent body of S t. Via­

tor College joins with the Fac ulty and

tury, and h as molded the char ac te r s ion . Yo ur life a nd you r a c t ions up-

of thousands \" ho h ave felt hi's ,·n- on our beloved campus , g lo rious in committee alone ; do you r own p art. Th f1 t t" J • The dance will be h e ld at t h e Gold e a l r eB on ohnson's Ch evy

Alumni, and friends in pa ying honor f luence, is i t not natu ral that s uch to one o { i ts most dis tinguis hed and a m a n shoulu be sing led out and pre­illustrious membe r s of the faculty of se:r:ted w ith the r ewar d w hich he is

the ir s impucity and viture, a r e e x­a mpl es w hich we, as c hildren of the I Room of the H ot e l Kankak ee wi t h Catho lic Church and loyal sons of St. music bem g furni sh ed by Don Bruy -

n e l's o r chestra. Let's al l be on dec k

are g e tti ng to be as f r equent as M rs. Rooseve lt's smiles .

St. Viator College, t he Rt. R ev. Ge r- to r eceive today. When, m or eover , Viato r , hope to carry in our m inds a.sime M . Leg ris. It is with mingled t h e t eachings of Christ h ave become and hearts fore ve r .

fo r a good time and m ake this d ance DID YO U KNOW THAT--

feelings of hum ility and pride that vita lized in h im, a n d his way of 1.u. c In conclusion, Rt. Rev. Mon signor, a big s u ccess. we, the s tuden ts of St. Viator College, a model of the way to h eave n, w h a t we e ncase our sentiments in th a t s in ­render ho mage to Monsignor Legris. wonder, then, tha t we his s tudents cer e and beautiful poem w ritte n by W e are humble in the k nowledge that w ish to unit e with his fri ends in add- one of your own s tudents on a p re· our words of apprecia tio n and praise ing our hum ble but s ince r e w ords of vious occasion :


A motion has been made by M r. Alessandri and s econded by Mr. Lang t o m ove the Chemis try Lab to th e S tudy Hall.

cannot begin to ex,press the a dmira- approval and laudation. W e r ealize, "Around tny ch a ir young tion and g ratification whi ch we feel, a_.., well as anyone , that Mons ignor L e- press R yan and Crowley, the com m e r cia l as his pupils and f riends, fo r the s in- g ris did not desire this s ingula r mark 'Vith souls athirs t for trutn twins didn't realize the value of th ~ gular honor bes towed upon him by the of honor anymore t hat the othe r To drink from out of th e founta in ~~~~a:sloi:k:~einS~~~y ::~~~-ntil M ··· National Gove rnment of Fra nce. Our s tamps of distinction which it h as Whlch pride radiates in the g lory of our in- been his lot to receive. H e w as con- Renews eternal youth" .

Throug h the complimen ts of J a m es Crowley, Hank Wulffe was pu t on th -. orch estra committee.

timate friedship with one whom we tenl to continue as a s imple and hum ­have the privilege of ca lling instruc- hie ,pries t of God. But m e n cannot tor and advisor.

For us, w ho have known Mons ignor

Legris as a t eacher and educator, the

honor bes tow ed upon him by the

be his associates long without r ealiz ­ing that the r e indeed is a r a r e spirit worthy of the g rea t es t and ye t de­sirous .only .of the s malles t note and attention.

French Government w as not r eceived To you, R .. . R e v. Mons ig nor , your with great s urprise. When a man has d edicated exceptional gifts of students extend the h earties t a nd mind and heart to a beautiful and most sincere congra tul a tions. AI·

praiseworthy cause for a half a cen- though our friendship and a.ssoci atir>n

STEPPING .. I'll say they're

stepping. Just about the best

cigarette you ever smoked.

Chesterfields are milder

Chesterfie lds taste better

"All these their voices now unite In r ever e nce and love And .pray with .l'>.. lma Ma t er To the God who rules above".

LaRocque is a frequent visitor a1

the Klupa home.

"That He may long prese rve thy I Don' t worry, MackiiL If s he said

li fe so , belie ve her Your the only ONE. Unto the noble cause I __ _ t Jf spn~ading truth among mankind Joe Randy would like to know how

And t eaching Chris t' s g r eat laws ' '. in the world Rip is going to get n.i s

Divy is s till picking thorn.s Max Goldberg i s a d e bater of g re a t promis e Soupy Van Zant i s known fo r his sandwich es Tom Gorman was h ear tsick on the day t h e Illini s tuden ts returned to U r­bana . . . S now's eyes ha ve been dim­med w it h woe (exce rpt) .Mack1 n los t t e n pounds as a r esult of w orry

B e rn 's lowest grade was on ac· coun t of '' tha t n eck" LaRocque is t he firs t to g e t a cquainted witb ne w comer s in Manteno This is th e las t unti~ '34. Amen .

Don ' t forget the DANCE Decem ­be r 27 th.

Ther e should be some real farcical ga m es in the basketball league this year, what with Degnan announcing h e intends to take up the game ser­ious ly .

@ 1933, LiCG eTT & MYEU T o M CCO Co .

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-12-15

.i"AOJ<: YO ' K THE VlA TORLL'\' FRID.-\Y. D E<:E.."UBKR 13, 193$


ota to the knowledge and Jove of all 1 iosl ty of the Inhabi tants by the that Is good and true and beauUful. l sigbt of thirty-rune missionane.s a beacon light. a star . reminding u.s promenading the p latform of thelr who are out in the d eep of lhe world's station. E'• devotions firushed

ing on throu h the pouring rain o ,~~ r

the plains o! ~ant toba. Arrive<! a t (Continued on P age tJ )

tempest, that: and an hour on the obser vation plat -Compliments of

Vincent M. Bondi Th1s is an occasion that demands . .J and With serenity meeting all th ~

trials of life, never complaining, nev-an orato r aru1 a poet to do justice to i t, and I a m neither . When I r call the eloquence of Demosthenes and CJcer o, Bossuc t and Bur ke, In praise of Jesger men , a nd the Inspi red per­fec t ion and the ether,al beauty of

"God's in H is H eaven I form~ we then turned Ln f lh "All's r1gbt with the wonu. night. o r e

___ _.::=====-=(:PI:p:p:a~P-ass--e-s) I e p tme ber 19. The train is ru h - '!2-3 \V. Huron t. Cltlc.ago c.::- r cast down by life 's disappoint­ments, is a constant reminder that Ch rist' s promise to H is disciples " My ,>eace I give unto you" is faithfull y Cu i filled.

Viator In The Orient Compliments

sound, or Image Wld or thought of, Here surely Is a rl}an who walk~ (Continued from last issue) tor example, K eat's Ode to a Night- wi th God. And here is a teachf'r The Viaton~ ls inclebted to Mr. i ngo.l .• o r bet te r still, his Ode on a whose whole life speaks more elo- Louis D rolet of :uourbonnais, Illinois C rcclan U rn , 1 am fllled not only ]Uently and has more influence for for permitting these excerpts from w ith humility at my own Inadequacy, good, than any written or spoken ser- the diary 01 his son, Reverend Roger I but with a sense of some lnjus-- mon. His whole Ufe cen te rs c.bout Dr olet, c. S. v .. to be printed. Ucc tha t h e re In t he beau ty of the the good, the true and tbe beauti- ,:\l ond ay, S('p :t;miX" r 18th. En-chnractcr and li fe and Infl uence of ful. He s tudies, teaches and lives trained, one aay o..J~ of Montr eaL Tb·~ MoOBig no r Legr is 1s a theme to tn- them. Men like- him are torches day was quite uneventful excep t fol s pi r e masterpieces of eloquence und that light up the worid with the glo ry a long stretch of desperate looking potcry, - o.nd tha t t hey will remain of Cod. And we who wish to l earn country that rushed by until noon. unborn because mine Is not the gen- must s t udy by the light of those lor Then beautiful Lake Superior with Ius to gi ve th em li fe. A hap pier ches. its many rocky isles bu rst on our choice of a s pok esman was made on CA rdinal Newman in h is " Idea or sight, as we ski r ted Its northern he occasion of the Monsigno r' s Gold - a Universi ty" says: "The general shore. VVe stopped at o ne weste rn I

en J ubilee, and I a m certain that you .Jrincip les or any study you may lecr n town long enough to a rouse the cu r-


AI Seidel & Son Chicago, lll.

'1I omplimcn ts





LJ I - 159 '"'. \ Ves l A ,·c .. K

P hone 196

N. ili. ~arrott.r ~--------~ ~~==========


Young M en ' s Clothes

F urnishings an d Shoe s

D. J. O'Loughlin, M.D.

Practiced Lim ited to E l ' E, EAR, N OS E & THROAT

a ll rcca..l l, an d I shall never fo rget, by books at home; but the detail, lh <! ------ ------~ a nd I r emember now wi th h umblinq colo r, the, the ai r , the li fe which ~~~

lv ldn oss, L<"atber J ames Shannon's mal<es it live in us. you m us t cat ch ,:;;t'A£4 ~ '---------------_! mnng lficenttrl bu te, In th e mo&,t.. beau · a! \ these from those in whom it liV<'S ;---------------

lf ul s peech I ever heard in m y l1k a lready. It is the Jivi ng voice, the -tq~l{~ 3o/ I P hilip T. Lambert

602 Ci ty N a ti ona l Bank Bldg.


And s ti ll , In s pite of l he oppressing breath ing for m , t he expressive coun- 152 SOUTH EAST AVE hought of m y own inabili ty to do tenance, which teaches. T ruth, a ' KANKAKEE ILLS. • H ard ware h is task 8!i I would have it done, I ~wbtle, invi s ;:,;e , manifold spi ri t, is -:----0-R_A_N_G_E ___ C_R_U_S_H____ 1-Iousewa re - S porting Goods 129 E . Co ur t St. - P hone 930 Amedee T. Betourne

rejoice and o.m happy that to me has poP r ed in to the mind of th e scholar Kankakee, TI Iinoi s be ·n given tl1c hono r of s peaking in by his eyes and ears, throug h hi' BOTTL ING CO . Pharma cy Ul e n a m e of the A lumni. T here a r c ai.I'ec tions. imagination and reason" . Pab::: t Blue Ribbon m any whose m aste r y of words and ar- I n Monsignor Leg ris we have a teach- T he Beer of Quality Us try of expression a re greate r than c r· who pou rs the riches of science. 291 8. \-Vest A ve. - P hone 389 mi ne, but no ne to w hoih I-woy. Id g r ant I cu l tur~ and re ligio.n w ith the zeal of !...-------------__..! o. more s incere admira tion o r a en thus1asm. and lig h ts up h i s own

t ro og er affection fo r Monsig no r Le- love for them in the hearts of his g rts , o r a deeper a ppreciation and pu pil s. H e teaches eloq uently in g ra ti tud e fo r th e privilege o f Jmow- the classroom, compelling ly in h i s

i n g him and having been one of his daily li fe.

Compliments of

Vitale F ireworks Mfg . Co .

Newcastle, P a. pt: pils. And we thank God th2. l it was our I

We have come to pay a tri bute o( goocl fo rtune to n ave s uch a teachPr 1 '::;;;;::;::;~:;:;~:;;;;:;;::;:::;:;=::::== aclml ration, fl.l1d of love a nd of g rati - to g-ive u s a nd he lp us keep ou r id eals. I; WEAR CLO T HES MADE t.ud e to tl1is g reat man , t hi s great There 1s not one of his pupils th a t scholar, this g reat saint. As he does no t coun t it one of t he g r eatest TO MEASURE guided ou r early foots teps on the blessings of h is life that he l<new Bo rn Tailor ed, t hey cost no mOrf' long pilg rirn to the shri ne of lhat s uch a m an . Carl y le in "H eroes and a nd they' r e a ll wool

eten1a l trinity of t r uth, goodness anrl Hero W orsh ip" says "We cannot lool<, M. Born & Company beauty w e fo rmed ce rta in ideals of ho wever impe rfec tly, upon a g reat Chica g o human cha rac te r and life. And as m a n wi thout gaining som ething by we became acq ua inted with him h in1.", and we g r a tefully acknow ledge Huff & Wolf U1roug h the blessed priv ilege of h a v- Lhat fro m hi m we have r eceived som e J l C ing him as teacher. companion and of the mos t precious th ings in li fe. ewe ry o. f riend, w e lea rned U1at in his char- And we rejoice that tha t g r eatness

172 E. Cour t S treet

.acte r and life lhose idea ls w ere real- of ou r belo ved teach er is ncogni zecl B uy S chool P en s Now! b~ tl A d Nam e Put on Free !

ized. W e a dmired hi s p r ofoundly J o lers. n now the represent- ~ ~============== thoug htful, solidly logical, intensely alive of France com es to honor h i m

honest w.1d s incer e, and above all by making h i m a n Off ice r of th~ s piritua l m ind. T ha t mind is th-:! French Acade m y. ruind of a great schola r , s tored with You remember H enry Van Dyke's l e~u·ning and wisdo m, fi lled w ith t h t! poem :

For B etter B u tter A s k F or

Delicious Brand KANK A I{ EE B UTTE R CO.

Phone 4 LO


p ri celess t reru3u res of all U1at is good "Give us a name to f il l th e m ind

u.nd t rue a nd beau tifu l ; and as he W it h t he shin ing thoughts tha t '::;::::;============' ! <.' learl y a nd g racefu lly expressed in lead mankind,


i " [ fe li citous, effortl ess la nguage the liv- The glor y of lear ning, t he joy of H . E. Coyer E . A. Clason ing ideas, U1e earnest practical les- art,- TEL E P HONE MAIN 202

sons w hi ch he had to communicate , A na me th a t te ll s of a s plendid De Luxe Cleaners h~ com m uni cated to us a lso at least pa r t Clea ning , P ress ing & Re pa iring a longing for learning, for cul tur e , In the long, lo ng toil and the s tre- Work Called F or and Deli ver ed


167 N. Schuyler, K an k ak ee, IU.

for c lear and honest thinl<ing, and for nuous fig h t ~============== rig ht living. Of the h uman race to win its way ';'

H is beautiful, g race illumined soul. I From t he feudal darkness in to the Compliments of so gen tle, cheerf ul and sympathetic, day ::;o noble in a ll it s asp ir a tions, so con- Of F reedom , Brother hood E qual JOHN HICKEY s tantly in touch wiU1 th e things of R ig h t,- ' h ~aven , not only fill ed our minds wi th A na m e lik e a s t a r , a name o f lig h t MORTICIAN admirations, but warmed our hear ts I GIVE YOU FRANCE ! with noble desi res of imita tion, for France, whose h is tor y of learning reaJ saints m aJ<e f riends no t only for and culture and rt!lig ion is w ri tten in U1emselves, but fo r sanciti t y. he r rich lite ra ture, r ecorded in the

His life, a t once sever e and tender. imperisha ble beauty of her m a gnifi­aloue and unlonely , s tands out in its cent a r chitecture, li ving in her great loftil1ess ru1d saintl iness, a strange, institu t ions, whose vi talizing influence ma jestic con t rast to the agi tation and in p romoting al l that ennobles life and turmoil of "confused passions, hesi- minister s to the highest needs of the tating ideals, tentative virtues anrl soul is fe lt in ever y pa rt of the world groping speculations' ' among which F rance in the person of Monsieu; we: live. Matthew A rnold in "Th~ Rene \.Yeille r, comes t o Bourbonnais Scholar G y-psy" speaks of: which is itself bot h a monument an~

tl1is str ange disease of mod- a living agency of French culture, to e rn life, enroll him on that honored list of her

Vith its sick hurT'', its d!·Vl·d d great sons who have been benefacto rs J e of rnankina.

aims, ts heads o'e rta.-...:: ed, its palsied als~n~raa.; ~:;~~egra:a~ ~pdlasurudnUwye

h ea rts" . man, this inspired t eacher may long No such li.fe is h is. The sight .:>f remain at SL Viator' s, preaching by

him , in his s ublime so litariness, caln1- word and e..xample, guiding young and

" Just What Y ou W ant" - a t -

Unclaimed Storage Company

24.6 S. Schu yler Ave., Ka.nkal<ee

Taylor Transfer Co. Inc.

I n sured F reight F orwarder s

Hauling Between Ka nkak ee, Chicag o, Jolle t

And All Intermediate P oin ts

~~E CHICAGO 144 N orth 4846 S. East Ave . W enworth A ve Main 368 "la rds 1500-15 0 1


Compliments of

F. 0. Savoie & Co. CUT RATE DRUGS

\Vho l esa.le Gr ocers J 19 Court St., J{a nl<al<ee, .!ll .

r=====================! Joe Tittle f!l Sons, Inc.

MEATS 108 E a st C ourt S treet K a nkak e e, Illinois



" P erfect _..-"""" .. ,,..~._

P rotec tiOn jll

5 Liquh l

E muls ifi ed As phnl t

. A pe~fec t protective. coating fo r brus h ing, s,pray ing or trowelling, bemg a h ig h gra~e lvieXIcan a s phalt d isper sed as m inu-t e pa rtic leR !.n water fo r c onvem en t handling. It is a pplied cold. A s the mois ture evaporates, a. black , flexi ble rubberlike !'ilm r emains which is w ater­proof, acid, a lkaline a nd fire r esist a n t, and shuts ou t infil ra t ions of air.

Mor tex 5 does no t c r a ck or peel in coldest weather nor blis t er sag nor run on hot tes t days and always r emains e lastic. ' It is odor~ less, tas t eless an~ noninflammable and can be safe ly used in conf ined, p laces. It r ead1)y bonds to all clean surfaces, and also to da mp sur­fac es , but sbou~d never be applied over dus ty, dirt y greasy or oily surfaces or ~ Imperfect bond will r esu lt. Use only on c lean sur­faces to obt am perfect satisfact ion .

Used for DAMP PROOFIN G WALLS and F LOORS PAINTING GAL VANIZE D IRON , PROTECTI NG CL E A N IRON ,{ND STEEL ROOF REPAIRING and as an AD HESIVE It b · · ' P ortland Cem en . . . can e m ixed wt th

t e . tin t and dnes out a sof t g ray colo r fo r patching de­

n o ra g concret e.

F or Sale a t Loca l Deale rs

J. W. Mori:ell Co. Kankakee, Ill.

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-12-15


S • P • 0 • R • T • S I:' :.,Coo~.~~-~.:. _.~.~.~ .~~~~~~~· phrase another one of the estima-ble I f~ght Bill Sweeney sa.ld, Peyton


BASKET SEASON Frosh Prospects Bolste r H opes F o r

Confer ence Champ:onshJp

St. Vlator College ope ns it's B as­k~tba1l season December 12, when the Irish cagers shall m eet the Joliet Junior College team on the home floo r . The schedule for the Gree n

poems of this. our English language. , swung a t ~ul~van ~nee_ and missed 1 should say in \YTitlng this colum. and then hit htm twtce lD the same

I ~· SPORT- SHORTS ,, I Dirt to the left of us duehsts should f1ght 1t out with cream WESTRAY NAMED II I ··Dirt t o tbe right of us I place After tb1s tbe "would-be ..

0 N C 0 N FERENCE I George F leming who ~eems to be I ~:~e t~~e :~~~~rsofofg~p paper'' puffs at ten paces.

Some suggestions fo.r a. coeds code unbeatable in Tournament play re - There seems to be a dearth of news for Hargrove. Perhaps w e' re wrong

TEAM FOR 1933 gar dless of wh_at ~e sport ac~vi ty l about the dazzling, scintilliating so- but we think that Southern Don m_ay be, .. w:S ~I~t~nous_ in the _nnals I ual bu tterflies of ;,..;.1e Campus, but as Juan shouldn't p lay any favorites. 01

the A clivtsion °1 the Smgles i ~.l':! saying goes there's always Chinn. Aiter all John you should be the for-e­Bowling Tourney. when he defeated If he isn't cluttering up the first cor- most among the southern Ca valiers

Red Harding Receives Honorable Krauklis two out of three games. In ridor of Marsile Hall, then he is now that Chlnn seenlS to haYe done M t' the ;,B ' ' division, Jack Cr onin won

en lOll out over Steve Gould, \Vinning two running around tossing punches bttt hls picking and \ :Vre n st arted hopping

Kenneth VVestray. '34. was r ecent- straight in the final matches. Play more of his pugilistic tendencks anon. ~uoun d the Club Hoyn1 with the so­phis ti cates of the m e tropolls.

Wave is undoubtedly a stiff one and ly named on the All -Confer ence team in the ''C'' division is still going on. Quit e coi ncidental with the tltle or brings many of the leading mid-wes- chosen by the Associ.:::.ted Press from sin ce the boys baBveutjuswte·rreeachpeldCklthn; the pic ture a t the LWHl Cine m a tern squads to oppose them this year . the competing teams in the Little quarter finals. .... "This Nude \oVorld" comes the Fresh- Freshmen are r eally athletic-mind­Yet, the re is every reason to believe· Nineteen Confer ence. Coaches of John Bimrnerle to cop the honors in man-Uppe rc lass fl ag rush. P h ysiques ed these dtlys. VVe cite the case of that the Irish will prove equal to all the Confe rence teams also cast vo tes this division. flourish ed during the m elee and many Barzan try and the Roller Rink down-their opponents and will probably in namm· g the outstanding players of to\vn. Of course we could sav that --- I were the fr eshn1e n that were treated " play a season unsurpassed in school tht season. That was a grand finish in th e w ith genuine U ppercJass c hivalry. ycloetsl abruet g\~eing'v earreounnedveirn mthuechbeosnt cthire-hJs tory. At the time of this writing, During his four years at St. Viator. Ping Pong Tournament. Despite the \-\ ell as they say, "no nudes is good "' · the complete schedu le has not been Ken has been prominent in the major fac t that Ken W estra y took three nudes" . puns. Apropos of circles, we think announced, several prospec tive gam es sports a t this institution . . His name stiaight games from George Fleming, ___ t hat you w ere giving Dugan and

: ~gJl~te::ngga~~:sida~~::~y :~g~~~ has t:.ppear ed many times on various nevertheless George gave W es som e With the brilliancy that is usually e~oeylk~ th e run- c round during Hell-Confer ence se lections of basketball stiff competition throughout, and all 1 char acteristic of freshmen the class '' e

show that Coach Co rcor an has g r eat and football teams. H e captained three tilts ended in very c lose scores. of ,37

pl t:ced the flag on the f lagpole I co nfide nce and high hopes for his the football team this year, his last Tough lu ck; but you can't win them men for tbla com ing season. on the gridi rOn, and in all probability a ll Geor gie. at the early hour of 6, and then they A lthoug h It is H. little late for

Ve ter ans Re turn will be chose n captain of this ye~·~ troze out there tiii the Hig h and T htulksgivlng n ews we would Iil{e to Mighty hosts of the Campus, the Up -~ kilO\\ wher e McCorthy, that bane

Westray a nd Krauklls, both men of basketball squad . His graduation in Father Harbauer is laying plans perclassmen, decided to amble leisure- of Corcora ns life) was l\1onllny %l S h o out.a landlng abiUty, return to the bas· June will leave a g r eat ga,_o a mong I

for the Intramural Br·sketball L eaguP ly out and put them in .the ir .p l.a ce tlidn ' t get bac ){ on t.ime. .i\'lo re tate ketball f loor as forwards with prom - the athletic t eams of St. Viator, "' • l ~e of repeating thei r s uccess of last which will, undoubtedly, be tremend- which is probably the outst anding- I- and incidenl:j lake the tgnomtmou;;; uf'ws . \-Vc wou ld hke to see Doc year , while two expe rie n ced guards , ously hard to fill next secson. 1\1 sport here. The check-up is be - sign of pseudo-freshmen-freedom i\l eany do th a.t s a.rne Fnn Dance thnt

in g made now to determine just who Jown from ns place on the pole. And hu did the night he re turne d from the Harding and Dexter, are known to be H e narrowly missed being named on desires to ente r the League, and as thus e nded the first and the last at- H olidays. playing supe rio r ball In the recent the Confe r ence team las t year. but soon as this is com ple ted the captains t empt at Freshmen rebellion in th .~ practice sessions. Around Don Be- he was assured of the honors th i'3 will be elected and the teams c hose n . year· of the U ppe r classm e n 1933-34.

Prince Gt•nt.ld Is ull aflutt er these tourne much of the season's playing year after h is fine performance in Flay will not begin, however, until wi ll undoubtedly r evo lve, as he has the Charles ton and E lmhurs t gam es the s tudents return f rom the Christ­shown himself to be a cente r who The student body is happy in con- mas recess. knows the ways and means of th~ gra tulating Ken for the honors be · game. Burke and Roge rs, both new stowed upon himself, and upon St. to th e S t . Viato r fans, h ave don e Viator. much to r lhe hopes o f Lhe school ''G us" Hardin g, wbo has jus t com­The former halls f rom Quincy Col- pleted his tnird season as a m e mbe r lege, where h e earned his baske tball of the foo tba ll squad r eceived honor· le tte r last year ; the latte r was a a ble m ention. as an outs tanding half­flashy forward and Captain of the St. back in the Confe re nce.

The Ind e pendents are going through so m e stiff workouts these days unde r the ccpabl e direction of Brother Bay, v.1 ho. himself, o nce s tarred on St. Via~ tor Acade my baske tball teams. Las t wee k th ey met the St. Patrick's C. Y . 0 . t eam from Kankakee in a prac tice game. Although the exact score of thi s sc rimmage was not k e pt, it np-

days having n..-cently received 11 pho-Bm·ns of the Riley-Burns combin - t vg raph from u.n unknown (so h e

ation is s urely p laying the lone wolf says) adm.irer in the \Vind:y City. this week .... AccorcUng to all com- H owe ve r. it is u we ll -lw nwn hwt thu.t potations of the Foods and Fad Edi- a. ce rtuin co-ed (We' ll g ive you ono to r o f t hls ra,g, he has illned at the g·ut:ss ) is the r· uu l a.ttra.ctlon for J e r-Riley festive table three times in th e ry.

Ign a tius cagers du ring hi s Se ni o r year of High School and a m ember of the Berry Council or th e Kn.ig h ts or Columbus League in Chicago. While th e entire squad Is large and

J\ ssociat e d l .. r ess Selectio ns First T eam Position, W esleyan Blazine, W esleyan Dillon, North Central ..

promising, yet these men, we predict. Sweat, Wes leyan wU I bear s pe c ial watching In the sea· Morawski, l..!arbondale

EnJ Tack! ~ pear ed that the scoring honors were Gua rd a bout even, while the opponents squad Center co mposed of ex perie n ced ,playe r s, Gua rd showed up a bit better than ou r In-

last week. Probably doing thls on the s tre ng th of his senior pictures. W e no tice tlutt he ha.s been cu rryi ng them around with him. A noth e.r\Vhop­pee-scoopee. The pho togr a phe r suJd tha.t with the physiognmy of dea r .Fri end Ja.wn h e should 00 in the mo v-

Geo rge F lem ing , he of the sartor­ia l sp le ndor, again blossoms fo rth in a new garb. This time the a ttire consis ts of a n ew E:nglis h cut s utt and a camels hair over coat. Its R

good thing Georgie has a wardrobe ies. \.Ye do n't know 11 th e le ns-man for how e lse wouJd we poor whi tes was trying to t a lk up his work or If dress on this co rrido r ? be is a nu.tura l born flat.t e re r. \Vc

son a t h and. Moorman , McKend r ee Mar kel, Carthage

s till ' ~lieve that he ca n't co mpare T ackl E' dees in pass ing and general team - with B ob bi e S pre itze r wh e n i t. co nu·s As we po und U1 e k eys on this por-

T om Ke lly, who was a m e mber of the Independent team last year. !ihou ld get p lenty or work this sea­~n a t lhe cen ter pos ition. Ken Co r ­coran, who was a member of the Var­si t y squad las t season, shou ld al ~o

get the chance to show his abili t y Rt thL forwa rd post Utis year.

Mu rray IC J ., State Teachers En j work. t o a profi le vi ew. table the phon e rings and there Is a

And now the facu lty members have I r eally tak en to bowling seri ous ly.

call fo r Ke n Corco ran. What, can It

Marack, Augustana W estray, St. Viator F'ulker son, Mc Kendree

S econd T eam

.. Quarterback Halfback

H a lfbacl" Fathers Cardinal, Kelly, H arbauer. Fullback and Lowney, and Brother Ed Des -

be that the one rea l and tru e man has In thts trip of th e water-wagon turn ed.

a round the corridors w e couldn't f in rl out anything about Quinn-Noon an merger According to Noon an ( us u­

Th e SchC<IU if'l S chroeder, Augustana

Launers have been rollmg some great a lly the bes t of au thority ) .. we hear Posttlon I games the past few afternoons Why that

d I P1kus Qumn has bee n savmg up En not c hallenge the champwns htp s tu- th root of all evtl" Jus t so he can time Is t o h t1 occupie d l'Y6ry n l,l{ ht. of

Olcl< Doy lo huA his Xmu.s holhl u,ys ull pla nn e d at. thl.!ot wr iUn g . That Is, Be tt y Lo u <.l ut~n't know It but her

Although not comple te , th e schedul ·~ Daugherty, Bradle y Tech h."" tt s to.nd..s , presents one of the mos t Prtc o, Charleston 1Ji t'flcult ever undertake n by an Irish Cruchalla, Mc Kendree

Tackle dents t eam t.o a sen es of matches? It b e t for H aze l. M h t th (• time . So m o o f tho t>IIWOH on hi -t Gua r J should be a very close t ussl e uy a prese: pun : y, w a fl Il l'! I a rt · lhe<ha wl< , th o 81Mm a.rl< Center chance for u11t1 th e Cu nln tj C luh. fl o hum for

ftve Followmg is lhe schedule as D ennis. , ; o r ma l Guard th(, lire o l' u. play -boy. Tac kle The Day Students are mak ing a Now with JW peal reaJ iy rea l DugtUJ m nde up. t.o date : F edutis , Illinoi ~ College

End s trong bid for positions on the In- ha.s seem ed to lose a JJ o t' hi~ pe p. No U ask•tbrul &:h«<ule Gira tl s . Milliki n Quarte r dees bask e tball squad this y ear. Crow - ~ mp re or his vltupe ratlve speech es a­

Halfback I le y. Tic uJka, and Wulffe are s ure t o gu.l nst thu.t o ld dtw ll A lco hol. S till Half bac k m a k e the squad , whil e it s we wonder ho\\.r h ~· g'tJt thu.t hroken Full bar~..: t ha t Wulffe will pro bably be a ftrs t finger. Th e latest r e ports from th .

Dec 1~ J o iiH Junior College (H 1 W o il . Monmouth Wha t IM lh ll:l abo ut the MIHHCS f> ut7. and Legris being furtive flpcc rs at th e flag ru~h . My oh my an eel · ucatlon is a llbc ral thing.

Dec 1!1 Shu r llefl' Colleg e (H i ' Va..en, Knox Jan 3 DeKa.Jb l T ) Jus us, Wes te rn T eache rs

Jan !I St Thorn I Mlnn I I H I Kask a. W esle; a n s tnng g ua rd. H e h as k een s hoo tmg Oe ba te Coach is th a t Ouggie won't H onorable l\l e-n tion

•Jan 6 h rl t:-~ t on T t- a ch e rs (T) Lme Sampson, Mc Ke nd r ee, raw- eyes, and handles the ball hke a I be ablE." to work out th P r(>~t or th l: Laugh s a re uow In o rd1~ r . T ho S•m ­ve- t e ran . C row ley and Ticulka a rc season . T oug h lu ck too ror Jim j ust lor Cl u.~M ht 111 tht• proct .. AA or ha.vlu ,l( t ryin g fo r fo rward positions, w h e r·· when h(' wus g~t ling that ~;wooplng tht:ir pic tu n 'fl tlll(i• r• . WlHi' lntlt~ i~ c.l t h f' compe tition wi ll be a bit tJ; t ronge r. g-e-s tur~ down to a point o f perfe.c tlo n. WW4 l'ot•t f:Suru H w iH·u Jw Hu i<J, " 0 wud

Jtul l7 Dt.•triOt

Ypfl il ntl

St J oh n..i

Jan ~Q. J vhn Carro ll


Yp<I Ianti

':- t.:ormaJ

C rbond alr

a ~hurtle rt Coli .. · e

13 \ _.upara.l

l Kalb

~lt thkln

l'h tl t.> -. hJn T!:" .. btr­

\l thlkm

T G1.1

(T) ley, Mtllik in , Wilson, McK end r ee; (T ) Longwo rth, flll no is, Ztmme r man, t T 1 Br adley, Dt> tuerk, Elmhu rst Sko-1 T 1 g lund. ~Kalb; Gray, Ca r bondale H owe vt-r thetw are the .,VIJ"' or a Col- HOmf' po wt' r th"' g-Irth, gli~ UH, li' tw•·

Sepich Bradley McConnel, Mon Ken W e.:Hray l:j sttll leadmg in th t• lege educa ti on , our~f· l"' a "' lth•· rK Ht•(· u"'l" . t H 1 mou th, l~o~s Mtlhkm. Bonru~. Lak race for the Intr a- Mural Chamr-

tTt Fo r~sL , O rr. Shu rt kff Roli na t l:i, .M ill- T rophy H ls Winning of the Ping First new s from the F is tic uff Front Wha t~ thiM abou t the sNiale SLiJV•· tTJ ikin, Cu t ltp, \\'t·~leyan, Davts. I lli nois Pong Tou rnament placed him rar a- Sullivan, known more fam il iarly to Go uld m <:t.kmg r:yf~H «.L t hft.l ne wf:H t of IT) Bt.;rghf.:.nlt. F.u r~ka , Johnson Augu~· h~ad or all contender~ for the tttiP hi!;. intimates a.c.t tht- " P rinct'', a.nd O I• W co-~ . Kf· n Coreor ft.n Hi•t rn ~ H 1 Although it wtll be qwte a while bt!· Peyton ~tarted to toli!i bo th long a nd to be HJ)endl nK a lo t o! tl m r· tJ uwn on

B ck!teld Eaton Lake Forc-:~t, fort: the wmn ... r t-3 a c tually dl!tt:rmm· :o~l:o rt oneH a t each other the other at- W lldwOt'.>d Avenu~" As Cronin fW.yH, 1 H

1 SIA~n~y. lll!nots :--lon DeKaJb. Hard- e-d. we are placmg our dough on Ken tcmoon in the gym Wtth thf' ata- " Meany h.a..s th~ bf•Ht bM.'i VfJirt· o f f1ll tT~ m~ St \'tator Dimmi t t to cop by a large margin or points Vl3tic of College men risi ng the goprano1i In tht· (:hol r" "rh•·

H \ 1J.e-h·r ~ilh.ktn \1/egt:r \V~ l~yan to the .!SUrftv~e in th;.,. mann e r no on' O' Ma.r a. ramil y Hllt:kH tl;gr· t hi· r In thlJH~ H • (Hot~r !\."orth C!:"Olral, _\Ju:st pha o.-- w~ lt"Clrll~J r~· ~ntly that Kl"n ha: v.rt\1 ~ sate around thf' t:ampus h.Ily rJayli ot pul ch r1twJin ot.l~ df· prt•ftftltJ r1 ,

K 1b L Ha.nJir<y BraJl~y. l! tllcr 1 younger brotho:r t:.tto:nd1ng ·hool lo nger The !tght df"r~udr;n hr.JtJI(J what wJth Bud and Jlrn r;tJ-dif. t ln g thtoo tl nob H ban Au u:ootana \VoUcn - n Chnton who 1-1 a.n out..itandtng have been awardPd to Br(Jther Bay .~tarnf' one aN\ r)nly F'a.n Ma ll s ... l

~~r C':u n.iaJ~ C 3ter .::'tat~ ebalJ playtr anJ Ul con~I J .. re.J ma· H e .itopped both thf" fight t.tnd many 11:1 l!t ~till t:JJ1:klng with th,. !1!-m b. l'· Te3. her-- t,; nal !or th~ bt~ lt'a.i0J"'-' a punch. 'T'h.l" di.~lpHnary ~pa.rt- pt'1puJatlon ()! :iPn"';:_1

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1933-12-15

PA()£ 8Th.

M01 OGRAM CL TO OFFER D !Continued f r om Page One)

THE VIA'IORL X f'RlO.\ Y. DE E."IJ:S&R l i>. 19S3

while the assemblage cheered lond Yiato r X fashioned mud road made wonderful about 3 P M. Xo\v a t Umt!S ~~

and long. Alter the ovation has ~r. William Schumacher, who by the rctn. At 12 noon. we reach- seemed hemmed in by mountalns of subsided, the Monsignor, the picture opened the Negative debate, showed ed our Mission of SL J oseph. After pine. 'p ,,.e climbed to oew and or robust health, made a few intro- great promise as a speaker of no lit- a good chicken dinner we visited lhe lofller be.l.ghls c.mid sno,v-capped duc tory witticisms in French. Then Ue abUHy. Mr. Hes ter Daily. the farm in an old fashioned hack. Splen- peaks. and then we be~nn to di'~cend

and Mr. Turner. tn the dlgnJty of his years and v.itb second Viator speaker, lived up to his did trees, bushes, mountain sheep and by all manner of twists and turns. The patrons tor the evening will the mastery of a finished orator, he 1 reputation as state champion orator. deer were to be seen on the property through tunnels and dtmse forests

consist of former athletes of St. Via-- l made an eloquent and touching r eply, This was the first inter-collegiate de- of this house of the orphans. After which extended about lhre~-fourths tor . The apportionment for the In which be pronounced his love for I bate in wnicb these two gentlemen the usual evening exercise we re t ired up the mountain sides. l'remcndous-patrons WJJI be $2.50, which also In- both America and his mo ther coun- took part. The third speaker , Mr . I for the nigbL ly high peaks \'\;th their tops in tb~ e ludes a ticket for the dance. try, France. As a final e to the pro- No r bert Ellis, was a member of the September 20. Up at 5 A .. M. and clouds was certainly a beautiful sight.

Th e 1\IJonogram Club asks the en- gram, the choral society r endered the squad last year and along with .Ju- said Mass fo r the Community. then and it was not one o r two. but n whole tire s upport of the student body in well known and beauUfuJ "Vesper I gan end Nolan will bear .the brunt of breakfast and a rush through the mud range covered v.;th a thick white maki ng thi s dance a success, and thus H ymn". tbr major encounters this season. for our train. Afte r an hours ride blanket. Then there were the rush-help a r eally One and worthy and The festivities of the day came to As a whole, tne members of the Af- we reached Winnepeg, where we ing str..:.runs. the silve r min-deserving cau.':fe. a conclusion wi th a banquet in the firmaUve and Negative squads, per- boarded ou r train fo r the west coa.s t.


es. deer. etc .. all of which kept our r efectory Monday evening, which was formed as well as might be expected W e were soon in the Province of attention at high pitch. Surely we

Monsieur WeilJer Pre- attended by many friends and former or them in their firs t r eally cliffi cult Saskatchewan and stopped at Regina shall n ever for get this really wonder -students of the Monsignor . floor debate of the year, and they to entrain fou r Franciscan mission- ful trip.

sents French Medal will, we believe, m easure up to the aries w ho wer e going to Japan. Early (To be continued)

(Conllnued f r om Page One )

professo r's chaJr, and expressed · hi:'J

prldc In being able to confer , In the name of hi s government, th e coveted honor upon a man oo reknowned in wisdo m a nd magnanimity. lmm edi · ate ly fololwing, be presented th e Mon­signor with the medal o f th e F rench 1-.. ca.d my.

As lhe MolUiignor approached the rostrum to repl y to the fellcitallons of lh c p revious s,peakers, the audience arose to Its feet in tre mendous ap­plause. Smiling and happy, he stood

DEBATE SEASON standards se t by other g reat teams of to bed, c losed this day's events. Viator, before the season comes to September 21. H ad a good night's At the University of Missouri they

IS OPENED DEC. 6 a c lose. res t and breakfast while s topping at have a.n excellent student protective

(Continued from Page One) Viator In The Orient ner in driving th e poi n ts hom e in his rebuttal s peech , was the prime d e- (Continued f rom Page Four) tc rmlning factor in maki ng the d e- Winnepeg at 8: 45 A . M. Father bate take a cliffe r ent aspect . The fine Provincial and Brother Napoleon Gar -

Calgary. About 9 :30 A. M., the or ganization. The students can Lake mountains began to appear in the dis- out Ins urance in tbls organlza.Uon a· tance. There wer e two observation gains t flunking . If the student should coaches which offered an excellen t fa il the course. the g roup wi ll pay opportunity to view th e indescriba ble him enoug h money to cover his ex­masses of rock . The sun was bot penses during a summer school

but the mountain breezes cooL \Vhat course.

abilities which he possesses, combin- tau met us at the depot. Afte r board- an awe-inspiring s ig ht it was; pile PATRONIZE ing thou ght and speech would s tamp ing t wo cars, we made a hurried visit 1

on pile of massive s tone, peaks pierc - ~ him as th e man upon w hose s houlders through the c ity, and off to ou r com - 0 r es t Viator's hopes for a Confer ence munity house at Ottoburne. Fifteen ing above the clouds. This kept on UR Championship. miles of hard r oad and then the old until we r eached th e Columbia R i ver I ADVERTISERS



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