st. viator college newspaper, 1937-03-23

I Jliatnrimt VOL. UV. BOURBONNAIS ILLINOIS, T UESD AY, MARCH 23, 1937 10. AlUMNUS TO PREACH ANNUAl RETREAT RETREAT MASTER Farrell Is Choice Viator Debaters Place 2nd In League Tourney [I Fr. '----------' of St. Viator Students Three Teams Tie For First and Wheaton Wins Championship In Extra Deb ates With only one experienced man I L 1 Th on the squad and after suffering ztt e eatre five defeats at the Manchester Tournament three week s ago, the Bergin Debaters surprised confer- ence members by taki ng secon d Guild frepares in the Illin ois Intercoll egiate According to Brother Mauri ce Rob- · Debate League at the conference inson, c. s. V., moder ator and eli - tournament . in P eoria l ast week. I r ector of the Little Theatre Guild , J A last mmute change sen t B ro- the cas ts for the produ ction to be l ther Maurice Robinson, C. S. V., presented on APril 22 were chosen I ' 40, and Edward Buttgen, '37, iii to after try-outs held in the Seminar the meet as an affirmative team, Room on March 11. and Brother Donald Foley, '40, and Miss Nancy Sbipner, '40, and Fran- Daniel Ward, '40; to defend the . neg-. cis Sanhuber, '38, will play the lead s Impressi ve An d Solemn Cerimonies Planned for Closing of Lenten Season I 7• t Cl b T I The Rev. J. P. Farrell a Viator " la or u .IS gr aduate of the Cl ass of' 1923 and a popular speaker with th e student Formed In Cal body, will condu ct the Annual Stu- dent Retreat wbtch opens tomorrow night and closes on Holy Sat urday. The announce ment of Father Far- ceived from Viator-men located in re ll 's appointment was hailed with Southern Califo r nia, a Viator Club enthusia <5m and pleasu re by the stu- dents. He is personally known to Accor ding to word r eCent ly re- Ch apter was formed on February many of the Viator men, and he 22. To riO- word as to the brings to the r et r eat a k een and number of men 1isted in th is club sympathetic und ers t anding of young h as been forwarded to us. men and their problems. ative . Buttgen, president of t he in the one act comedy en titled "Af- Rev ./. P. Farrell senior class, was the lone debater ter the H oneymoon". Fr ancis San- ---------------- On Febr uary 22 ' th e Viator Club . Father Farr ell has spen t much of Southern Ca'lifO,rnia 0.fficia ll y be- l , ttme sin ce his ordination in working gan its existenC'e as a concrete unit among young people. He is at when the org-Pnization commit t ee j at Pontiac, Illi- composed of J Qhn D. Gorman, chai r- , nms, wl:ere he IS chapl a in in th e men, John Scholl, Lenn Gor an State pnson. He at one time held J ames Frawley and Danny th e of direc t or of athleti cs at '26, met at Cocoanut Grove of and was la_ter the Ambassador Hot el, Los An geles. athletics for the enttre P eona Plans were la id at thi s time for a IOcese. 1 with previous confer ence experience. huber and Miss Shipn er depict the 1 r£1'h t S ilK Conference rules called for four trials and tribulations of a newly .1. lr Y _ en lOrS 1r.l.· lJ,)' debates for each competing team. marr-ied couple. R D At However, when it was learned that Melodrama ' Cast eCelVe egreeS the schedul ed debate had ended in '!'he cas t for ''Curse You J ack T G d t a three way tie St . Viator, Dalton", a mel odrama of the mid- JUne ra Ua lOn Wheato.n College and Col- I VicWrlan ag-e, Louise Legris, '39, j-.n. otucus.J;::, nounced l>.t 1 0 o'clock on Saturday tron; Miss P atljcia McLau ghlin, ' 39, St. Viator Coll ege will graduate ap- morning that play-offs between the as Eloise Dalton , tender-hearted proximat ely thirty students next tied schools would be n ecessary to daughter of Mrs. Dalton; Francis June. Thirty sen ior s have made de terinine the cha mpionship. Claeys, '39, as the manly immacu- app li cations for and have el<f .at the - While attending St. Vjator, Father same place . FarrtHl .... distinguished himself in Pu l:ilici t:y Pla nned school ath letics. Since leaving the Th rough John D. Gorman, the campus he has rep eatedly exhibited Viator Club of South ern Ca li fo rn ia loyal int e rest in Viator s ports and wi sh es to Hs greetings to all st ud ent l.ife. He was the guest other Viator c hu bs. Thi s new organ- speaker at the s prin g bas l< etball Viator SeCond lat e hero; a nd Ray O'Conno r, '40, s ubmitt ed t hes is ' topics to the Rev. Thr ee debates for det ermi ning the as Egbert Vall Horn, the sl eek, trea - Dr. Leo T. Phill ips, C. S. V., dean number one team were run si mul- chor ous, d eep'rdyed vilJi an of the of studies. Thi s fig ur e repr esents t.aneously. The Viator affirmative pl ot ; Miss :M,ary Anthon y', '38 , as a s ubs tantial incr ease over that of men were pitted agai nst Eureka Anna Alvardo , th e Spanish adven- last year. College debaters, and th e Viator tur ess who is desperately in love Th e fina l approved copies of the n ega tive men were met by repre- with Jack Dalton; Miss Patri cia thes is of all ' appli cants to be g r ad - sentat.ives of Wh eaton Coll ege. Smith, '40, as Beitha Blai r the uated in June, accordin g to an an- Whea ton and Eureka also engaged in flawless heroine; and Eugene' Gou ld, noun cemen t issued from the dean's a s eri es of play-off debates at the '4 0, as Richard Blai r office, mus t be in the hands of Fat h- same time. .1\lystery Play ,. er Phillips oy May the first. Th e r es ults whi ch gave both Via- "The Jewel ed Hand", a myst ery tor and Wheaton victories over ( Continued on Page Six) E k b t · h ' h th t thri ll e r, will be presented on the ure a, u m . w JC e s r ang 1 same program. for thi s pro- I ,--- -------- ------c Wheaton affirmati ve aggr egation tri- du ct ion includ es Miss Marian Han- umph ed over the Via tor nega tiv e son, . 40 , 8.$ Blair Buron ; Juliu s team, named Wh ea ton th e Confer - Blank, . 40 , as Ware W aring; : Mi ss en ce Champions, Wilh St. Vi a tor as Evelyn Doran , '40, as A lice Ambro se; ru nner- up and Eureka third . Miss Clai re Legris, '37, as Claire During the tourn ament, Brother I Collins; Albert Magdecki, '39, as Robinson and Edwa rd Buttgen. th e Officer Kell y, and Miss Mary Egges, New- Library Display Th e Librarian ha s bee n ca ta - Viator affirmative debaters, d efeat ed . 40 , as Molly the Maid . 1 Dlinois State Normal Univers it y, Brother Robinson d ec lared th at logui ng this week , some rather Dlinois W esleyan University, North- "the three plays are bound to be precious items from the Library ern Illinois State T eacher s' College ent ert aining a nd successful, if th e of Euge ne Field, th e American tl..nd Eureka College. Brother Fol ey enthusi as m of th e rehearsals can be Humori st. There is one titl e of and Daniel Ward , nega tiv e Viator t aken as a basis for judgement" . peculi ar interest, 1t is th e Epi- men , gained victories ove r Monmouth cur e's A lmanack: or Caland er of College, Olivet College, Greenville Good Living". It has thi s apt College, and Western State Teachers ' President Names I quot ation from Ho race on th e CoUege. The only defea ts suffered Litle page: '' na vibus a tque by th e St. Viator teams were ad- Comm. On Credits I Quadrigis petimu s ben e viv- minlstered by Wheaton College men, er e; qUod pe tis hie est." the leag ue champion s. I On 1 the fly leaf is th e followi ng \Vin PrSLlSe The appointment of th e Com- pr esentation: The Bergin debaters exhi bit ed a mittee on Accreditment and Irn- My Dear Field, I thought you would enjoy this ' lovely' book With a Merry Christ- mas from one of your "Shep- herds." F. M. BristoL 1 banqu et here last year. ization also serds us word that they ar e g oing to ipstitut e a Viator pub- Retreat Order li city prog rarri a nd wou ld like to The re tr eat , th e most important have the aid of alJ tru e Viator men . re li gi ou s event on the Coll ege ea ten- Th e VIATORIAN wishes to t al<e dar, h as tradi tionally been held at thi s opportur:lity of sendin g th e con- the end of Lent. With it th e long gratu lation s ' of lbe s tudent body pe riod of se lf-denial is closed - a and the faculty _tq t he newly organ- fitting time, it is be li eved, for in- ized group and hope that the ex- trospect ion. amp le se t by th ese Viator men will All Catholic res id ent an day stu- insp ir P. oth ers in ot her citi es to dents are requir ed to attend. Ev ery organize. Neutrality Policy Is Subject of Parley Daniel Wa rd , '40, Al- l essandri, '37, and Edward Buttgen, '37, represented St. Viator Coll ege in a round- table discussion at Ros- ary Co ll ege last Frid ay ni gh t. Th e disc uss ion, part of th e of th e National Eme r gency Peace Cam- pai gn , ce nt ered a round the pr ese nt I and th e traditional neutrality policy 1 I of th e United S tat es. The Viator men and the Rosary s tud en ts atte mpted to ascer t ain th e l effort is made to provide the s tu- dents wi th the rare a dvantage of a g ood retreat. Th e o rd er of the retreat for Hol y ThlJrsd ay a nd Good Fr·id ay fo ll ows: 6:30 a. m.- Rising. (Con tinued on Page Six) Dr. J. T. Ellis Is Re-appointed by C.U. Dr. John Tracy Ellis, Ph . D., '2 7, acco rdin g to word received here at th e Co ll ege recently, has been r e- a ppoint ed as an assis tant direc tor of th e s ummer session of the Ca th - olic Unive r sity of America's south- e rn branch which will be located at San Antonia, Texas. Dr. E lli s r eceived his Bachelor of A rts degree from St . Vi a tor Colleg e in 1927 and completed his obstacles to peace, but refu sed to s tudi es for his degree and doctorate at the Cal hollc University believe that an en li g hten ed people of Ameri ca in W a.e hj.ngton, D . C. I causes of wa r and to find a way for e limin ating them. Th e s peakers re- I cognized th e fo rces which pr omote armed confli ct and th e economic could not maintain ne utr a lit y. He taught history here at St. Via- keen unders tanding of th e problem provement of Instru ction at st . Via- of the ext ension of consumer co- tor Coll ege was recently announced operatives, and anal ysed the present by the President. th e Very Reverend economlc structure Wltb an exac t- Edward V. Cardinal , C. S. v. The ness that drew commendation from members of the co mmitt ee are the the tourna ment judges. Very Rev. E . V. Cardinal, C. S. V., The AtYirmatl\>e took to the meet Rev . Leo T. Phillips, C. S_ V. , Dr. a case whi ch had never before been \Vro . C. Deventer, and Dr. G. D. tried . 1\vo pr-evious tourn aments Kinzer. \Vith the appointment of and numerous prac tice debat es had these men the College is assured of revealed in the team's continued excellence and efficiency Chicago, Dlinois, Dec. 25, 1892. The fr ont inside cover bea rs Eugene Field's coat of arms, for a book plate. The book was pub - lished in 1815- l The Re v. J. w. R. Ma gu ir e, C. tor for a pe riod of two years and S. V., a me mber of th e Emerge ncy th en secur ed an appoin tment as dean I or th e his tory department or St ( Continued on Page Sb:) in this important phase in the ad- ministration of St Viator College . These books will be put on dis - play in the Library. 1 P eace Campaign. an d the Re v. Teresa Coll ege of WJnona MJn n . James Will iams. c_ S_ V., L R. C. At present Dr. Elli s is • a moue r ato r. accompanied the speake rs at th e Sulpician Seminary, c atho!Jc to River For est. Univer sity of Ameri ca.

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The Viatorian - Vol. LIV, No. 10


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1937-03-23

!:=~=aste==='r I Qtb~ Jliatnrimt ~lls=su=!.e VOL. UV. BOURBONNAIS ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1937 NU~·ffiER 10.


2nd In League Tourney [I Fr.

'----------' of St. Viator Students Three Teams Tie For First and Wheaton Wins

Championship In Extra Debates

With only one experienced man I L • 1 Th on the squad and after suffering ztt e eatre five defeats at the Manchester Tournament three weeks ago, the Bergin Debaters surprised confer­ence members by taking second

Guild frepares place~ in t he Illinois Intercollegiate According to Brother Maurice Rob- · Debate League at the conference inson, c. s. V., moderator and eli ­tournament . in P eoria last week. I rector of the Little Theatre Guild, J

A last mmute change sent Bro- t he casts for the production to be l ther Maurice Robinson, C. S. V., presented on APril 22 were chosen I '40, and Edward Buttgen, '37, iiito after try-outs held in the Seminar the meet as an affirmative team, Room on March 11. and Brother Donald Foley, '40, and Miss Nancy Sbipner, '40, and Fran­Daniel W ard, '40; to defend the . neg-. cis Sanhuber, '38, will play the leads

Impressive And Solemn Cerimonies Planned for Closing of Lenten Season

I 7 • t Cl b T I The Rev. J. P. Farrell a Viator " la or u .IS g raduate of the Class of' 1923 and

a popular speaker with th e student Formed In Cal body, will conduct the Annual Stu-• dent Retreat wbtch opens tomorrow

night and closes on Holy Saturday. The announcem ent of Father Far­

ceived from Viator-men located in re ll 's appointment was hailed with Southern Califor nia, a Viator Club enthusia<5m a nd p leasure by the stu-

dents. He is personally known to

According to \·word r eCently re-

Chapter was formed on February many of the Viator men, and he 22. To date ~ riO- word as to the brings to the retreat a k een and number of men 1isted in th is club sympathetic understanding of young has been forwarded to us. men and their problems.

ative. Buttgen, president of t he in the one act comedy entitled "Af- Rev ./. P. Farrell senior class, was the lone debater ter the Honeymoon" . F rancis San- ----------------

On Februa r y 22 'the Viator Club . Father Farrell has spen t much of Southern Ca'lifO,rnia 0.fficially be- l ,ttme since his ordination in working gan its existenC'e as a concrete unit among young people. H e is at when the org-Pnization committee j pr~se.nt statione~ at Pontiac, Illi­composed of J Qhn D. Gorman, chai r- , nms, wl:ere he IS chapla in in the men, John Scholl, Lenn Gor an State pnson. H e at one time held J ames Frawley and Danny McKe~wn: the p~st of direc tor of athletics at '26, met at th~ Cocoanut Grove of Bloommg~on, and was la_ter direct~r the Ambassador Hotel, Los An geles. ~~ athletics for the enttre P eona Plans were la id at this time for a IOcese. 1

with previous conference experience. huber and Miss Shipner depict the 1 r£1'h • t S • ilK Conference rules called for four trials and tribulations of a newly .1. • lr Y _en lOrS 1r.l.·lJ,)'

debates for each competing team. marr-ied couple. R • D At However, when it was learned that Melodrama ' Cast eCelVe egreeS the scheduled debate had ended in '!'he cast for ''Curse You J ack T G d t • a three way tie betwe~n St. Viator, Dalton", a melodrama of the mid- JUne ra Ua lOn Wheato.n College and Eure_k~ Col- I VicWrlan ag-e, ~· Louise Legris, '39, £~t.., j-.n. '· Wl.f.Llltt-~ht::llL otucus.J;::, ~ is~~t=r!st'f'bcra~a.:. ordiug ~-to~~~icati'on"S nounced l>.t 10 o'clock on Saturday tron; Miss Patljcia McLaughlin, ' 39, St. Viator College will graduate ap­morning that play-offs between the as ~ E loise Dalton, tender-hearted proximately thirty students next tied schools would be necessary t o daughter of Mrs. Dalton; Francis June. Thirty seniors have made deterinine the championship. Claeys , '39, as the manly immacu- applications for a~grees and have

f• ttm:c_~ el<f .at the - While attending St. Vjator, Father same place. FarrtHl .... distinguished himself in

P u l:ilici t:y Pla nned school athletics. ~ Since leaving the Through John D. Gorman, the campus he has r epeat edly exhibited

Viator Club of Southern California loyal interest in Viator sports and wishes to ext~d Hs greetings to a ll student l.ife. He was the guest other Viator chubs. This new organ- speaker at the spring basl< etball

Viator SeCond late hero; a nd Ray O'Connor, '40, submitted thesis ' topics to t he Rev. Three debates for determining the as Egbert Vall Horn, the sleek, trea- Dr. Leo T. Phill ips, C. S. V., dean

number one team were run simul- chorous , deep'rdyed vilJian of the of studies. This figure represents t.aneously. The Viator affirmative plot ; Miss :M,ary Anthon y', '38, as a subs tantial increase over that of men were pitted against Eureka Anna Alvardo, the Spanish adven- last year. College debaters, and the Viator turess who is desperately in love The fina l approved copies of the negative men were met by repre- with Jack Dalton; Miss Patricia thesis of all ' applicants to be g rad­sentat.ives of Wheaton College. Smith, '40, as Beitha Blai r the uated in June, according to an an­Wheaton and Eureka a lso engaged in flawless heroine; and Eugene' Gould, nouncement iss ued from the dean's a seri es of play-off debates at the '40, as Richard Blair office, must be in the hands of Fath-same time. .1\lystery P lay ,. e r Phillips oy May the first.

The r esults which gave both Via- "The J eweled Hand", a myster y tor and Wheaton victories over (Continued on Page Six) E k b t · h ' h th t thri lle r, will be presented on the

ure a, u m . w JC e s rang 1 sam e p rogram. C~t for this pro- I ,--- --------------c Wheaton affirmative aggregation tri- duction includes Miss Marian Han­umphed over the Viator negative son, .40, 8.$ Blair Buron; Julius team, named Wheaton the Confer- Blank, .40, as Ware W aring; :Miss ence Champions, Wilh St. Via tor as Evelyn Doran, '40, as A lice Ambrose; runner -up and Eureka third . Miss Clair e Legris, '37, as Claire

During the tournament, Brother I Collins; Albert Magdecki, '39, as Robinson and Edward Buttgen. the Officer Kelly, and Miss Ma r y Egges,

New-Library Display

The Librarian has been ca ta-Viator affirmative debaters, defeated .40, as Molly the Maid.


Dlinois State Normal University, Brother Robinson declared that loguing this week , some rather Dlinois W esleyan University, North- "the three plays are bound to be precious items from the Library ern Illinois State Teachers' College enterta ining a nd successful, if the of E ugene Field, the American tl..nd Eureka College. Brother Foley enthusiasm of the rehearsals can be Humoris t . There is one title of and Daniel Ward, negative Viator taken as a basis for judgem ent". peculi ar interest, 1t is the Epi-men, gained victories over Monmouth cure's Almanack: or Calander of College, Olivet College, Greenville Good Living". It has this apt College, and Western State Teachers' President Names I quotation from Horace on the CoUege. The only defea ts suffered Litle page: ' ' navibus a tque by the St. Viator teams were ad- Comm. On Credits I Quadrigis petimus bene viv-minlstered by Wheaton College men, ere; qUod petis hie est." the league champions . I On 1 the fly leaf is the followi ng

\Vin PrSLlSe The appointment of the Com- presentation: The Bergin debater s exhibited a mittee on Accreditment and Irn- My Dear Field,

I thought you would enjoy this 'lovely' book With a Merry Christ­mas from one of your "Shep-herds." F. M. BristoL

1 banquet here last year. ization a lso serds us word that they are going to ipstitute a Viator pub- Retreat Order licity prog rarri and would like to The re treat , the most important have the aid of alJ true Viator men . relig ious event on the College eaten-

The VIATORIAN wishes to tal<e dar, has tradi tionally been held at thi s opportur:lity of sending the con- the end of Lent. With it the long gratu lations ' of lbe s tudent body period of self-denial is c losed - a and the faculty _tq the newly organ- fitting time, it is believed, for in­ized group and hope that the ex- trospection. ample set by these Viator m en will All Catholic resident an day stu­inspirP. others in other c ities to dents a re required to attend. Every organize.

Neutrality Policy Is Subject of Parley

Daniel W a rd , '40, A~ll essandro Al-

l essandri, '37, a nd Edward Buttg en,

'37, represented St. Viator College

in a round- table discussion at Ros­

ary Coll ege last Friday nigh t . The

discussion, part of the prog~am of

the National Emergency Peace Cam­

paign , centered a round the p resent

I and the traditional neutrality policy 1

I of the United States.

The Viator men and the Rosary

s tudents attempted to ascer tain the

l effort is made to provide the s tu­dents wi th the rare a dvantage of a good retreat.

The order of the retreat for Holy ThlJrsday a nd Good Fr·iday fo llows:

6:30 a. m.- Ris ing.

(Con tinued on Page Six)

Dr. J. T. Ellis Is Re-appointed by C.U.

Dr. J ohn Tracy Ellis, Ph. D ., '27, according to word received here at th e College recently, has been r e­a ppointed as an assis tant direc tor of the s ummer session of the Ca th­olic University of America's south­ern branch whi ch will be located at San Antonia, Texas.

Dr. E lli s received his Bachelo r of Arts degree f rom St. Vi a tor Colleg e in 1927 a nd completed his

obstacles to pea ce, but refused to s tudies for his .Ma.~ter's degree and doctorate at the Calhollc University

belie ve that an enlig htened people of America in W a.ehj.ngton, D. C.

I causes of war and to find a way for

e liminating them. The speakers re­

I cognized the forces which p romote

armed conflict and the economic

could not maintain neutra lity. He taught history here at St. Via-

keen unders tanding of the problem provement of Instruction at st. Via­of the extension of consumer co- tor College was recently announced operatives, and analysed the present by the President. the Very Reverend economlc structure Wltb an exact- Edward V. Cardinal , C. S. v. The ness that drew commendation from members of the committee a r e the the tourna ment judges. Very Rev. E . V. Cardinal, C. S. V.,

The AtYirmatl\>e took to the meet Rev. Leo T . Phillips, C. S_ V. , Dr. a case which had never before been \Vro . C. Deventer, and Dr. G. D. tried. 1\vo pr-evious tournaments Kinzer. \Vith the appointment of and numerous practice debates had these men the College is assured of revealed we.akn~es in the team's continued excellence and efficiency

Chicago, Dlinois, Dec. 25, 1892.

The front inside cover bears Eugene Field's coat of arms, for a book plate. The book was pub­lished in 1815-

l The R ev. J . w. R . Maguir e, C. tor for a period of two yea rs and

S. V., a m ember of the E mergency then secured an appoin t ment as dean I or the his tory department or St

(Continued on Page Sb:) in this important phase in the ad­m inistra tion of St Viator College.

These books will be put on dis-play in the Library.

· ----------------------~


P eace Campaign. and t he Rev. Teresa College of WJnona MJnn . James Will iams. c_ S_ V., L R. C. At present Dr. Ellis is • a stu~cnt mouerator . accompanied the speakers at the S ulpician Semina ry, c atho!Jc to R iver Forest. Uni versity of America.

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1937-03-23


Solvers Of Brain Teasers Subscriptions



Prospective Graduates and their Th eses The following is a Jist of the Samuel Hamilton- major, chemis-

Re~ponses to the Brain Teasers can he withdraw Sl,500? How much thirty seniors w ho are probable try; Thesis: The Solubility of Metal­subffiltted by the E ngineering Fra- will he have in the bank after the graduates at the June Commence- lie Iron in Sodium Silicate. t emity were numerous and f rom last $1,500 withdrawal ? tnent. The list also con tains the John Heer y- major, philosophy;

Thesi~: The Method of Handling Juvemte Dellnquency in Kankakee. . Leo Nolan - major, his tory; Thes-15 : A His tory of St. Viator College and of the Early Village of Bour­bonnais.

various parts of the State, accord- Brain T easer ,number fou r: At title of the candida tes thesis and Thesis: A s urvey of Catholic Ac-ing to Brother Cyril Peckham, C. a recent fire a fireman s tood on his m a jor fie ld of study. I lion. S. V., p r ofessor of mathematics. A- the midd le rung of a ladder dire-ct- Alessandro Alessandri- major so- Geor ge Rogers-major , accounting ; wards of a year's s ubscription to ing a stream of water in to the s iology; TI1esis: A Study of Adult 1 Thesis; The E th ics of Secret Re­tne VIATORIAN we re made to Sis- burning bui lding. As th e s moke di- Crime in Kankakee County, Extend- serves. t e r .vtary Evelyn, 0. P. of Irwin, minished, he s tepped up three , rungs ing over a P eriod of Ten Y ear s , J erome LaPat- rnajor, biology;

Lucille Putz- major, education; Thesis: A Study of J ohn Locke'3 Theory of Education.

Illinois, and to John Bimmerle, '35, and continued his work from that 1924-34. Thesis; r.rhe Study of the Heart of Chicago, Illinois, who both sent point. A s udden fl a re-up forced John T . Arrington- major, ac- and its D e rivatives of a 72 hour

~ichael Ranahan - major, econ-omics; Thesis: A Managed Cur-

in correct answers to the Brain Teas- him to descend five rungs. La te r counting; Thesis: Depreciation and chic1< by a wa."< reconst ruc tion. ers. Honorable m ention awards he c lim bed up seven rungs and Obeolescence a nd its Relation to Mars hall Lamore- major, Eng-


Joseph Rondy - major, E nglish; Thests: Edwin Arlington Robinson the Poet. '

a nd Brother J as. McCue, '40, who out. Then he climbed the s ix r e - Bernard A. B enoit- major, Econ- Coffee-House on Eighteenth Cen-were earned by Thomas Reedy, '40, wo rked the re until the fire was/ Cost . lish; Thesis: The Influence of the

a!so submitted solutions. m a ining rungs and entered the build- omics ; . Thesis: Extent of Foreign tury Literature. New Braln Tease rs I in g. How m a ny rungs were there in Tra de m Kankakee. Cla ire L egris - m a jor, English ;

':illiam J . Schumacher- major, so­Ciology; Thes is: Fertility of Cath­olics and Non-Catholics in Kan­kakee. Mathematical ability is r equired th e ladder ? I Edward B uttgen- maJor, English ·; Thes is : Jane Aus tin, Chronicler of

for the solution of the problems The a nswer s to the Brain T easers Th es1s • Two Decades of Humani- the Commonplace. s uggested by the m embers of the publish ed he re will be g iven in the ta11a n Novels Anna Longtin - major, h istory; Ha_rold :hompson- major, English; E ngi neering Fraternity th is week.: nex t issUe of the VfATORIAN An- Clarence J Cam- maJor, biology; Thesis: A His tory of Manteno. Thests : Smclair Lewis, Interpreter

I Th Tl H d t f s s 1 of American Life. The a nswers to the following brain s wers to the puzzles which appeared esis· 1e er e I Y o orne 1m- Robert Mack i_n- major, economics; Frank . t easers mus t be in mail not la t e r in th e last issue are: (Brain Teas- : p ie Traits in Man. Thesi ~: Development of the Typical 1 T hes! T iculka- maJor, chemistry, than April 1. Mail or g ive all er numbe r 1) Th e Duck Proble m- Harold B. Doyle-major, econom- Amer1can Indus try. s The Mimmum Concentration answers to Brother c. Peckham, 119 ducks; (Brain Teaser, number ics; Thesis: Influ ence of Gold on Hugh Mallaney- major, econom- of Tri-Sodiu m. Phosphate Solu tion Room 105, Roy H a ll , St. Viator Col- 2) Ins tallment Pla n- $2,373.96; and Foreign Exchange. ics : Thesis: A Sales Campa ign f or for the Discoloration of Meta llic lege, Bourbonnais, Ill. (Br ain Teaser , number 3) The bot- Donald C. Glynn- b a jor, philo~o - a Prospective Kankakee Manufact- I ron.

Brain T easer number one: a math- ti e costs $1.05 and t he cork costs ~hy ; Thesis: The Evils of Commun- uring Concern. Patrick Toomey - major, philoso-

e matical crytograph. In this s imple fiv e cen ts. ISm. John Morris- major , sociology; (Con tinued on Page Six)

problem of addition each le tte r

stands ror a num ber be twee n o and "Men are More Curious! 9

S :&; N D M 0 R E

than Women"; Coeds

I ~fen are more c u r ious than women

M 0 N E Y , insist co-eds in the Ze ta Tau Alph~ but each le tter represents only one sorority of Northwes tern University. number. Can you deciper the pro- H e re's how they proved it: blem ? To our initiated eyes i t ap- They pa inted a barrel, labelled it pears to be a collegian's plea to ·his "DANGER", and placed it on the parents. campus. For one hour hidden Zetas

Brain T easer , number two: A kept tab, counting 106 men and 24 horse 'is tied t o one corner of a I women who s tepped off the the side­barn, whose dimensions are 20 by J walk to peer ins ide. 4:0 feet , with a length of rope 100 I Which proves nothing, protest the fee t long. If ther e is nothing bu t males, except that 106 m en and 24 undisturbed pasturage within a radi- I women passed the barrel during the u s of 150 feet of the barn over how tes t-hour. ... ~ ·

many square teet can the horse 1 rF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. g raze? A I

Brain T easer, number three: man depos its $10,000 in a bank at the end of a year. If he withdraws $i,500 a t t he en d of each year be­ginning with the end of the fol­lowing year, for how many years

HUFF & WOLF] JEWELRY CO. 172 E. Court Street

A Good P laee t o Buy Your Jew elry


Ver on a Coal A Deep 1\'Dne 4 Miles West of Mazon

Verona , Illinois

JOURDAN PACKING CO. Rose B ra nd Hams & Bacons Best-taste Sausage S pecialties

814-832 W. 20th Str eet CHICAGO, ILL.



Coffee M erd.onh lor Over SO Yecm

Alex Panozzo Produce D ea.ler and F loris t

W holesale a nd Re ta il

P hon e 6610 - West S t a tion S t .


EYE, EAR, NOSE & T HROAT Kankakee, II!.

602 City National Bank B ldg.


Metal Beds - Bed S p r ings Metal Bedroom Furnit ure

2303-23 S. Halsted - Chicago


A re Lasting Ones

• What sol'L of fir st. impres­

sion do es yo ur p r inting mal< e? Does it Invite read­ing? Docs it appea l to a majority o[ the p eople you send it to ot· is it just an­other p iece of print ing- to 1Je tossed aside unread ?

Good ]) r·io ti ng is easy to read antl it need not b e ex­pensive. Ca ll the-

Acme Printing Co. Phone 1424

12 1 South \\'ashington Ave. Kankai<ce, Ill.

W LCOME HOME! Tha t's what

the comfort of railway travel

really means nowadays. On the r ailroad- and

on the r a ilroad alone-yo u can fully enjoy

yourself while traveling.

As you rid e at h igh yet safe speed s, free !rom jolts

ids, you can eat, sleep, read, write, s tretc h , r elax, listen 1 to the

radio, breathe cool, clean, sweet a ir and make yourself fully at home

unde r the kindly m inistra tions of courteous attendants alert to your

e ve ry need.

For these and other benefits, you must credit th orough a ir-conditionin g,

smart interior d ecoration, up-to-date car construction, improved road­

beds, heavie r r ails, adequate power and-most important of all - a

personnel interested in service .

Typical of railway modernization for

comfort is the fact that by the end of

the year the Illinois Central will h ave

in service 157 air- conditioned cars of

its own, in addition to air-conditioned

Pullman equipment. All the railroads

and th e Pullman Company together

now have more than 8,000 such cars.

REMINDER • •• Railway travel today is a thrilling

experience, full of the spirit of

youth. O n your next trip learn

how d e s e rvedly enjoymen t,

coupled with economy in price,

has increased railway patronage

in recent years.


Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1937-03-23


~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~S~i~g~m~a~w~IJ~I~m::ee~t~w~i~~~lh~e~f:.o~l~io~w~in~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ co-hostesses on Tuesd'l.y evenin'g·, TAYLOR TRANSFER, Co. Inc.

SORORITY NOTES Apri l 20, Misses Gen evieve Ada ms , lm.mre~a~f~~gh~e~:;~arders Ca roline Voight and P a tri cia S mith . KANKAKEE _ CHICAGO

LITTLE-JONES COAL CO. Shippe rs of Quality Coal

T ele phone 5801

Tuesday, March 9, marked the r e­turn of our Moderator from Florida. Father Munsch enjoyed six week s of splendid Miami sunshine - a sun w ith much radiancy if we m ust judge from Father 's rich coat of tan. We were glad that he re­turned in ample time to att end our March meeting which was h eld with Mrs. John McNamara, l\1isses Dor­an and Mary Egges as r.:o-hostesses.

Miss Audrey Nourie. who attended Viator for the past year and a half, suddenly decided that she preferred a busines s career. As a consequence, she transferred to Gallagher Busi­ness College n t the mid-sem ester.

Mrs. Edward Hunt. a g r aduate of

111 antle Radio Lightoo Kilocycle Dial

Worth $12.50 ; Special $9.95

Coco Suede Leather Jacket-s Knit Collar and Cuffs.

$4.98 and $5.69

Baird-Swannell Tel. 800 - Sporting Goods Dept.







TRUMMEL'S Cleaners - Furriers

789 Main Street

South Side

Phone Main 96






• Schuy ler Ave., North of Court


Used Exclusively At

St. Viator College

Baked By



Phone Momence 173 Momence, illinois

'35, visi ted the campu s last w eek. During her: short time he r e, she at­tended a f ew of the classes r emark­ing that she felt like a college gi rl


A nd All Inte rmediate Points 810 South M ichigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois Mrs. C. J. Ken nedy thanks all

those who co-operated in making the card pa rty of March 8 successful.

J{anJ<nkee, Chicago, JoUet

Aft~r the Easte r va ca tion, the social calendar w ill be undoubtedly well f illed. However, if there is room for more activi ties, we intend to give a dancing party in Marsile H all which, w e hope, wiJI be s up­ported by the entire s tuden t body.


STORE Kanknl(ee, Illinois


Insurance of All Kinds


W e hope that no t one of the sorority members will m iss the April meeting at which (.tme nomina tions will be held for officers of th e en­suing school year . Sig ma Ups ilon





Miriam Hopkins says: ttMy throat welcomes Luckies-my favorite

cigarette for 5 years"

An independent survey was made recently among professional men and women -lawyers, doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated they personally prefer a light smoke.

Miss Hopkins verifies the wisdom of this pref· erence, and so do other leading artists of the radio, stage, screen arid opera. Their voices are their fortunes. That's why so many of them smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro· tection of Luckies - a light smoke, free of certain harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process '1t's Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat.

"Luckies have been my favorite cigarette for about 5 years. They're a light smoke

that sensitive throats welcome. Of the

many trends that sweep through Holly·

wood, one of the longest lasting has been

the preference for Luckies. I once asked a 'property' man- who supplies ciga·

re~ to the actors-what the favorite is. He answered by opening up a box con­

taining cigarettes. They were all Luckies."



A Light Smoke ult's Toasted"-Your Throat Protection

AGAINST IRRITATION-AGAINST COUGH Copyright 1937, Tbe Amuiean Tobaeto Compa&y

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1937-03-23

The aL(fr Niatnriau Punllst.ed bi-weekly throughout the year by the studeou of S t. I LIBRAR'\I

Viator College. ~ ----:-=--:-::--=----.

l Briefs From Our Viat Club Chapter

r I

Edltor·ln·Cirtet . ... .. .. ---~~r~~OKlAL ... ~.T·~~!:m. J . Schumacher, Jr., '371 LOG Newll Editor .. . .......... ..... ...... .. .. ............................. Edward Buttgen, '37 J Peona, TIL ber bW!in Roberl &n~y 10$ "

AJJsoci&re Editor ..... -........... .................................. . .. .. .. Joseph Rondy, '37 j Alumni Editor. meat buyer !or Larkin Cumpany ot Asl!Oclare Editor . ............ ...... . . ... Alessandro Alessandri, '37 The Ubrarian, Rev. F. E. Muns<:h. THE VIA TO RIA , Peoria. My Brother Job.n. 'SS. 1:!. Atblcttce Editor ............ ... .. ..... John Morris, '37 wish~ to take the opportunity of I Dear Ed: In the production department at th,

BVS1NES. OEPARTi)lENT thanktng Mrs. A. Lamore, MrS. J . Just an old Viator alumnus who caterpillar TrSclor Comp&n)' . K n-CirculaUon Man6ger . ............... Hugh Mallaney, '37 C. McDermott. Z>lrs. F . Hogen and is going to now rather freely from neth Bushman, ' 33, "' &1,., here il\ A&slstant Circulation Man.a.ger ..... ........ .......... . ...... Fred Moore. '39 Mrs. C. J . Kennedy for their gen- the oral cavity regarding the many Peoria. Edward Oo<l_v, 'Z2 1 c _ Copy ReeAer ................... .................... .Robert Baechle. ' 4.0 erous donation to the library fund. alumni who I encounter in my daily demy), Is In th;: boUer 1nanuf ctu.--

OOL UMNISTS A successful card party yielded the work here In Peoria. Jng game here .

Sorority Notes Library Notes

................ ................ - _ .... Clai re J . Legris, '37 handsome amount of $ 0.50. Father I met Father Ha.rbauer at the I have. just returned (rom two ........................................... .. .......... Doris Barnett, '39 Munsch who is as anxious as any I State Catholic Basketball Tourna- years study Ln Eye. Ear, Nos • and

TAFF W.R.lTEru one that every department of the ment here in Peoria and he seems Throat work at Tulane nJvcnJity J!'canci.s Sanhuber, '38 . ........... ........ .. .... ............. Patricia Smith, '40 Library be built up consented that I to be in very good health. b'rom of New Or! ans, Loui.stana. Whll• Daniel Ward, '40 ................................. ".. . ............. Lawrence Roemer, '4.0 $~v of this amount be given over ,· him I obtained much infromation re- In Louisiana I met Jim Cuunor. '26,

to buy books for The Romance garding several of our mutual friends who is now Dean ot the La"v Schoo\ Language Department. Th~ larger j that 1 have not seen since I left of Loyola University at New Ot-~ amount $60.50 \vas spent Ill pur- l the campus in 1926. It is indeed leans. His broth r Jolm t~ teach­chasing chairs to match the new I with regr e t that I learned that ing in the Economics Departm~nt Library tables. Father E . M . Kelly is st ill having or the same lnslltution. Bolh aro

Subscription Rate $2.00 per annum. A<ldresH all correspondence referring e ither to advertising or subscription to

The Vlatorian, Bourbonnais, Illinois. F;ntered as second class matter at the Post Office of Bourbonnais, Illinois,

Under the Act of March 3rd, 1879.

AC,ME PRINTING CO. - 121 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVE. trouble and sickness. H e is one married to southern "belles".

The Sorority, pledging to give I individual that any Viatorian never Thls js enough of this chatter Cor their aid in helping the Library, has forgets. Also met Father Corcoran the lime being and J closo wtlb

N~~:~~H~iAd~;;~~;i~A~ s~:~i~::i;~. I been giving a series of separate card and I was sorry to see his St. Pats hearty wishes for the VlATOH..tAN•s parties, sponsored by each mem- team go down to defeat. futu re success,

I ber, the massed returns it is hoped, At the tournament I met Father Since rely, will make quite a tidy sum for the John Barrett from Galva, who fin-~ (Dr.) Phil McGrath. Library. ish ed Viator in 1924. H e looks

Collett: P11blishers R rtfl rttstntt(lti'Oe 420 M .-.OISON AVE. N EW YORK. N . Y .


' fine and vis its Peoria frequently. Chicago, lll.- Jobn Bimmerle, '35,

Several titles in the Greek and Also saw Father Edward (Bud) Far- is now an Instructor ln chemistry rell, who has charge of the Catbolic I in the evening schools conducted by

:e~r;;~n ad~:~g~:'t~se ~~:s:ic~~e~he~~: ~~a~;!:~.~~ :~~h~·~~i;,D;~~~~e :::. the Chlcago Public School ~yslcm. es. They are: rell, who is now Chaplain at the Franklin Park, IlL- Miss Marielle

Syntax of Early Latin by Charles Pontiac Reformatory. Father Lyford .Murphy, '29, is Dean of Women at E. Bennett. Kern is in charge of the choir and the Franklin Park High School. MJs!i

An Introdu c tion to Vulgar Latin organ at St. Mary's Cathedral here. Murphy a lso instruc ts lhe young by C. H. Grandgent. Father Clifford also a tten(led the luct;cs ln English and public speak-

ON RETREAT The City State of the Greeks and basketball tournament. lng. Deep iu the l1e111'l of eve ry man lie probl ems that on ly he can Romans by W. w. Fowler. Wilham Lawler, '14, is with the

solve and lon gi n g~ thflt o nl.v (iod <.:an Hi\fisfy. Not t'll C least am o u g The Greek. Genius and its I nflu- ~Iinnesota :Mutual L ife Insurance Bourbonnais, IlL- George Fleming, '36, Willi am Phelan, •'36, and Thom­as Kelly, '35, attended the DeKalb­Viator basketball game March 9. All three were pleased with th e perfor­mance of the team and enthusiastic

ence by Lane Cooper. Company in the J efferson Building thet:Jc is the inhei'BIIt d f'sin~ to Jen·d out of a jumbled soc ial ordel' Catullus and Horace by Frank here. Drs. Claren ce Fischer, Wil-OILC's niche i11 life and to a(' complish OHt·'s task . ) l en I'Palize that Tenney. liam Roche, Harold Vonachen and R UY COS~ aod happin ~·ss fl!'t-' gRj ned o nl y by 111uking thr ri g ht chojc e myself all a r e in the m edical pro-

of a profe~s i on . St. Oregory of Na~ian zeu on ce \\TOte , " Ilc w h o Father Munsch has donated, fessiOn and located in the J efferson IIHtkc~ a u1i s t al\f' as to his \'O(·I:It ion w ill fall from one error to 'Everyman Remembers' the auto- Building. Glen Franks is assistant about the coming Monogram Dance

nuoth er , lUHl at thl' l'nd of hi s life may p oss ibly e,·en l'inJ h imself biography of Ernest Rhys, Editor ~:~;: '1-l~~:;i~~ 0~~~~~lto~::p!:~~ :hi.:al~~~r:ei:elt~eatS~~~:~-T~=:~ dt:ceivetl ~ ~ s to h is hope of' heH\'ell ··. Th e prohle n1 o[ lift-\\·or k i.s of Everymans Library, and Wight Le la nd Koch is in the who lesale lum- Chicago. important, diffi cu l t nnd ]l ('rso nal. Duff's 'Latin Literature, Golden

Age.' ~l'h c world todH.v pt·r::;, .. nts to t:o lleg(' gt·aduatt.'S au l!nsympathcti c

uod eveu hostile front. o,·er-<·rowded p 1·ofessions >We asl<ed to make t'OOill fo 1· you ug ""' n. Y ct. opportunitirs f:or succesR and di s­ti uctioo seem to g row lrss eac h .June. i\Ien who have devoted yea r s to lenruin g how lo lin· fintl t l~<•m sd vt'S roh hcd of the ch Hn ce to make . a living. And yet sot·i~l y nntst absorb t he nation's youth .

'J'he profession~ ~n,v. · ' Th r t·e is 110 l'OOm'', <Htt.l you ng men f lin g back t he a nswcrJ ~'But t here must b e room~''

Still youths " ·onder whet·e t hey belon g and h o\Y they are to deci d e on a profession. \\'hHt could he a more propitious ti m e io wh ich to make n c hoi ce than the pt•l· iod of tl1c an 1rual I'Ct rcat ? What could b e a 111 0n~ fitti11p: plnc e thau the pl't' S<' ncc of Christ in tlw 'l'abema cle ? ?>len find t·heir place in life bo' lool<ing into their own hearts} by h.:~1ri n g eoumsel in the: words of their God. Drnwill g awn)~ fro n1 lht• \\'Orld Jo r a hrit'f while anJ tornnnmin g "·ith

one's ;\1aker off l' opportunitie~ for planni ng li fe which shou ld uot be wasted. A retreat may determine the success or fa ilure of u whole life-th e sono ' r or happinrss ol an Eternity.

- E. B.

" HE HAS RISEN " .. ·\ gHin another l~astcr t ide i~ drawing nr·ar to glad en the hearts

of men with the richness of its symbolic trinmph. Following the p~.-\nitcntinl season whith enables us to partic ipate with Christ in

the spirit of self-immolation. \\' e nt>W nrc off,,,.,,J an opportun itr of sharing with ITim the glor.v o f H is Hr-s tnTf'ttion.

The ResnlTe tiou is th ~ climat ic en•ut of Christ's life, th e coudn iYe proof of His Di,·inity. and the t rue fouJ>dat ion of the fa ith of His follow~r,. lt symboli zes th ,• seal of His Yictorr over th~ world au,] confirms the maj ,•stic purpose of 1lis ministry. l :ast<l!' serves to depict aud glc>rif)- t hat life which per­m nted hrist's days ou earth f rom the scenes of His humble birth to those agoui zint; momellts when H e hung on the infamous giblwt of Golgatha.

During th~sC' eomiug dnys of 1-:astPl' lt- t us f irmly resoh·e to avnil onrsdn:s of tlh~ op]hH't nnity of risiug in the spirit of our

SaYior 's tri umph and of b eing boru aaain to a fin er realization of His sMririee. On Enster morning kt out· hearts heal'k en back to th e $t''-'LW of the l~C'SUl'l"t\t tion und may w e h ear ngain the glad words t.)f thl\ 1\llllOllll('ing angt"l --nne is risen: He is not here.· :

- D.\\.

Father Cardinal has given a copy of "The Flowering of New Eng land" by Van Wyck Brooks.

All material for the English Essay will be placed on reserve in a few days. It is hoped that the stu­den ts w ill cooperate with the Li­brarian is us ing this material in the library so that it will be available fo r aU students.

The following two books have been ordered and will be placed on reserve for the students writing es­says : "The Nine Old Men ", by P earson and Robert S. Allen ; ' 'The Ultimate Power", by Morris E r nst.

''Pipe" Exam Turns To "F" Boomerang

• INTERCOLLEGIATES • Cribbed from the College of the es te r . Pre-requisi te, Campusology

City of New York: Situated between 120. Required for all B. M. S. de­

Columbia and New York University g r ees. (Be Mine , Sweetheart). Lap and though it is higher it is looked down on by both these brain fac- course only. Hours 7-11 p. m. Prob-

tories. B ecause: tuition ; a bsolute- lems to be solved in dual partne r ­ly f ree and what good is anything ship. H eartbr eakage fee r e turnable

t hat you can get for nothing? Foot- a t end of semester if none are b,rok­

ball team: Rotten (no s alaries) . en. I n s t ructors: A skor and She­Average mentality: terrifically hig h . goes." Fate of graduates: become filing

clerks in the Morris Plan Company 1 Did you know- that the Gaels and chief s tatiscians for live poul-try markets. Excellent p lace for from California must travel over the tired business man's son . Fam- 30 miles on land and twenty mJles

ous graduates: None. (Note: No over water to reach their "home college life. Students live at home, field" _ Kezar S tadium _ that so don't br ing a string of ponies or a lot of banners for your dorm 67,200 matches can be bought for

room). the price of a cigar et te lighter.

What Univer si ty of Texas students Flash! Sit-down Strike Invades St. Bonaventure held its annual thought was g oing to be a "pipe" Classrooms! Junior Prom last month and this

examination turned out to be a Recently one of the co-eds of the was the following scheduled observ-viciously circling boomerang . college (St. Viator) was assigned ed by resident students. ( Wouldn't

" Fellows" , announced the instruc- to teach 56 students of the St. Pat- we of Roy Hall enjoy it though!) tor , ' 'I'm just as tired of these darn rick grade school of Kankakee. Im-' 10 p _ M.- Dancing at Columbus exams as you are so I've decided to agine the young lady's embarrass- I HalL give you an easy one today. Just ment when the youn g fourth graders

5 p M G d March. Selec-

one question, in fact. " pulled a determined sit-down strike 11 :4 · .- ran Everybody in the class did a ser- the first Friday of her teaching car- tfon of Prom Queen.

ies of simple mathematical catcula- eer. It appears that the- youngsters 12 :10 A. M.-lntermission. Hotels, tions and arrived at the sum of were in the habit of having an tap rooms and restaurants were 100 for the answer. ,;amateur hour" each Friday after- crowded as students appeased their

''Just a minu te", said the instruc- noon and when the practice teacher, I thrist. tor, ''I forgot something. Recall unkno\\ringly, violated this custom 1:00 A. M.- Return to finish dane-the number of times you were ab- the kiddies refused to recite. The ing at Columbus Hall. sent from this class, multiply that sit-down strike brought the desired 3:00 ~"- M.-Dance ended by two and substract it from the r esults and the kids had their ama~ 4:00 A. M_-Breakfast at the hoteL answer on the problem". teur hour . An hour of entertainment after-

The ''A" grades that students had wards. visioned slid down the alphabetical From Washington we gather thls 5:30 A. M.-Bonaventure scale and even a few "F's" blem- item of news: ·•Romance 000 - escor ted their girls to their ished the instructor's record book. new course to be offered next sem- -J. F . M .

boys homeo.

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1937-03-23





Irish Defeat Trojans, 34 to 29 Viator Defeats Willis' Ramblers Irish To Play Swim Meet Is McElligott Is Northern Profs takei-M Champs C. Y.O.Champs Won By Frosh; Star; Reserves By 60-33 Count Into camp,33-40 ln Chicago Tilt So phs Second Also Win,48-44

A brilliantly flashing Gree n Wave

literally swamped the North ern llli· nois Profs in the last conference t ilt of the season played on March 9 at the Kankakee Armory., Viator's 60 to 33 victory over DeKalb was indeed sweet revenge for the earlier defeat tbey s uffered at DeK'alb.

Bud Monahan and Don Betourne, scoring 17 and 16 points respec tive-ly. led tbe Viator onslaught and were invalua ble adjuncts in the Irish's rout of Coach McNamara's teacher, Chick Evans. Other heavy scorers in the Irish · fu rious attack were Dan Blazevich and R ed Mc­E lligott, w ho gathered 11 a n d 9 points respectively. Those who failed to tally as heavily as the afore-men­tioned looked equally impressive in their stellar defensive roles. Twenty­three players, ten of whom repre­sented Viator, took part in the one­sided fracas.

In "Hot" l\lood

It was apparent when the game was but a few minutes old that the Irish were· in one ·Of their particul­a rly "hot" moods. They swept into an early lead and were never ser­iously threatened af ter the firs t 5 minutes of play. At the intermis­sion the Green Wave left the f loor on the long end of a 27 to 13 count.

Viator played without the services af Frank Straub, sensational scor­ing guard, but gave no evidences of being handicapped by his a bsence. Straub, who was injured in the Valpo game, will be out of sports for the remaining months of the school year.

Vince Murphy's "Hung ry F ive'' T he G reen wave will play one more With but two classes represen ted F la sh ing to uoprecedent powers quintet, champions of the Intramural post~season g am e, according to a n in the so-called ,nter -calss swimming of offensive s trength the Green lea g ue, were the victims of a sur- announcement made jus t r ecen tly m eet held in the college popl on W ave bask eteer s s taged a second pris ing upset on St. P a tri ck's Day by the Very Rev. E. v . Cardina l, March 15, t he Freshman s wimmers half ra lly which li terally swep t! the when Jim Wills' second place ' 'Ram- c. s. v., Ph. D., president of the had a compara ti vely easy time T rojans of Gallaghers Business Col­biers" s taged a brilliant rally in an College. Father Cardi na l explained downing th e Sophomores by a 38 to lege of Kankakee off their feet and overtime period to emerge on the tha t H is Excellency, Bishop B ernard 20 count. The Freshman tankers s ucceeded in closing the current bas­long end of a 33-30 count. The J . Shells , D. D. , senior a ux . .ila ry won every firs t place with the ex- ketball season with a well-earned 34 "Hungry Five" previous to this game bis hop of Chicago and a gr adua te of ceptlon of the fancy diving and the to 29 victory . At the intermission had been undefeated wbile the "Ram- the Class of '06, ha d r equ es ted Umt 150 yard relay. tbe g reen-clad warriors had left the bier s" h a d but one loss ch a lked 1 the varsi ty play a benefit game fo r Val Me llorug, sen sational f r eshman floor on the short en d of a 16 to 12 a ga inst them. I t he c. y. 0 . Fund. from W est Allts , Wisconsin, easily count, m ainly due to their Jack of

The post-season game, accompan- S t. Via tor wi ll be pitted agai ns t defea ted all-com ers in the 50 yard alertness and some exceeding ly ied by a ll the fan-fare of a varsi t y S t . E lizabe th 's Paris h C. Y. O . , free s ty le and the 100 yard f ree sloppy p laying. ' gam e, was one of the most thri lling quinte t, heavywe ig h t champions of • style events. Mellomg , as a r esu lt In the second ha lf the Irish led to be enact ed in t he college gym- th o:- Catholic You th Organizat ion. of h is t wo f irs ts, garnered h igh by "Red'' McElligott, m eteoric like nasiurn a ll season. The R amblers led The Vlator-St. E li zabe th game w ill ' point honors of th~ meet wi th a forward , soon jumped into the lead. a t the half way poin t, 12-11 a nd the be t he pre liminary battle of a two grand total of t en pom ts. McElligot t g arne r ed 11 of his 12 ba ttle was deadlock ed at t he end of Di St · t · th ' h If f h

the r egulation game 24.-a ll. =~;:d f:;t~: ~~~. ~~~~~ ;~uC:i~ I ' 'Will " Dixo;01

~res::an f rom S t. ~:k:~n an~s a a f r:e \h:o~mc:u~: "R ed" H art, meteoric-like sopho- cago S tadium on Easter Monday, Leo h igh school of Chicago, was with a f r ee th row garnered in t he

more s tar of las t season's R eser ves, h'I a r cll 29. I n the main feature De- second hig h scorer of the meet w ith f irs t half gave th e r ed -head individ­proved the outs tanding player of Paul's Blue Demons w ill tang le w ith seven points gathered on his first ua l scoring honors of the fray. An­the fray. H a rt , with the elus ive- the Ramblers f rom Loyola Univer- place in the 50 yard breast s troke derson, Ga llagher 's flashy forward, ness of a greased pig, r epeat s ity. and his third place in the 100 yar d scored f ive field goals to take sec-broke throug h the R a mbler 's defense fr ee style event. ond scoring honors of the evening.

to rack up bas kets for hi s t eam and I Coach Lou z a rza r efused to de- Reserves Win to k eep tbem in the runrung. H e B. . Connor, '21 Named vulge the times m ade by tbe var- T he Viator R eserves playing in tbe scored 16 of his team's 30 points ious swimmers but it was evident preliminar y game against Ga llagh­on 8 field goals. I DePaul U. Head Coach from the expression on h is fa ce after er 's Reserve quintet had an easy

J ohnny Foxen, fl ashy forward for each even t that t hey were good. time as they racked up another vic-the Hungry Five a nd another pro- Accord ing to a r ecent announce- Winn ers of the class meet have been tory by a 48 to 43 count. Tony duct of the 1936 Reserve squad, enter ed in the conference swim m eet. Sacco, elusive forwa rd from St. I g -collected 12 points for the Hungry m ent ma de by Dr .. Michael J . Don Betourne, outs tanding s tar natius high school of Chicago, col-Five cr ew on 6 baskets. O'Connell, C. M., p residen t of De- of las t year's swim ming team, wa s lected f ive bask ets and a couple of

P a ul University, Ben Connor, a unable to compete because of bas- free throws to lead the Irish Re-

W esley'nAdoptsFrosh Ruling; Schedule OK

member of the St. Viator College ke tba ll tra ining rules. Betourne ser ves a t the n et . class of 1921, has been a ppointed will compete in the conference m eet Sacco's scoring feat was eclipsed head foot ball coach a t u eP a ul Uni- thoug h. Herbie Fields, veteran thoug h by McCorkle of Gallagher,

vers ity.

His doctor has ordered him to take The controver sia l freshman rule, it easy and t o give his knee a which bars firs t year men from var­chance to r eknit. s ity competition, had another Illi-

E rroneous r eports in the Chicago da ily newspapers stated tha t Ben Connor was a g radua te of No tre Dame University of South Bend, India na, but r ecords of the College prove that Connors only a ttended Notre Dame in 1919 a fter having comple.ted his f r eshman year here. Ben r eturned to St. Via tor in 1920

diver , won the fa ncy diving a nd Will who evidently feeling tpe urge to again be Viator 's sole r epresen tati ve celebra te St. P a trick's eve, went on in this event at the Confer ence m ee t a scoring spree which netted him at Monmouth. 9 buckets and three charities.

W all Proe ler freshman f rom From the begrnnmg of the Reserve Y g ' game there was no doubt as to

S t . Viator ( 60) FG FT PF

McElligott, f. 4 1 0

Betourne, f. 7 2 2

Walsh 0 0 0

Claeys, f. 0 0

Monahan , c. 8 1

Sarich, c. 0 0 1

Rogers, g. 2 1 3

Blazevich, g . 5 1 2

Burke, g. 1 0

Gleason, g. 0 o , 0

Totals 27 6 :p

DcKalb (33) FG FT PF

Jorgenson, f. 1 0 1

Young, f. Q 0 0 Davis, f. 0 2 A llen, f. 4 0 0

Rezek, f. 0 0 0 Johnson, f. 0 0 0 H ellman, c. 2 2 R. Peterson, c . 1 0 1 Terhune, g. 3 1 2 0. Peterson, g. 0 0 0 H ope, g. 0 0 H ooke, g . 1 2 0 Vogle, g . 1 0 0

Totals 13 10

Referee : Young, Ill . W esleyan. Umpire: Millard, ilL W esleyan .

nois Intercollegia te conference con­vert - Illinois W esleyan - r ecent­ly.

Dr. H . W. McPherson, W esleyan president, announced recently that Wesleyan henceforth would operate under the freshm a n rule a nd that athletic relations w ith Illinois Sta t e Normal Univer s ity had been sever­ed. The announcement followed a

and was a s tar performer on both the diamond and the bas ketba ll court. He never pla yed football while i~ a ttendance at St. Viator.

s tatement from Normal two week s After leaving St. Via tOr College ago that basketball relations had 1 in 1921 Connors coached a t St. been severed. I gnatius High School in Chicago

"The r ecen t a ction of our neig hbor , for eight year s before joining the on whose a ccoun t Wesleyan pre- DeP a ul coaching staff af t er the sea­viously had r efused to adopt the son of 1929. freshman rule, constituted an occas- -------ion for immedia te consideration of Stevens Downs

Kankakee, displa yed marvelous form which team would wm Coach Tom-In wmmng the breas t s troke even t I nue Gibbons char es established an bu t unfortuna tely W ill not be m early led and a t g on omt of the the conference mee t sm ce he ha d f t h If h d 2 e p not been a candidate for the sw 1m - Ir~ a a a 1 to 8 margm of mmg t eam. Coach Zarza, however, VIC ory

8 expect s Proegle r to win a few points ·st. Via tor (34';"'mary FG FT PF for Via tor in some future dual Betourne, f. ( ) 3 1 2 meets that a re being planned. c

Claeys, f. McEllig ott, f. Monahan, c. Leeson Knocks Out

Captain D. Morgan ' Biaze vi ch, g . I R oger s, g .

The S t . Via tor lJoXJng team went . I Totals mto unexpect ed r everse las t Thurs-day nig h t at t h e Knights of Col- ~allagh~r (29) umbus h all as both Captain Don I a~er, k · Morgan and J . E m m ett Bach be- Me or le, f.

0 5 3 1 2

14 FG

1 0

0 2 1 2


6 FT

0 0

0 2 3 0 2

9 PF

the question," Dr. McPherson said . "Buck" Weaver Adoption of the first year rule came vic tims of the knock out punch -

Anderson, f . Hoestra, c. Grafft , g . Rickerts, g .

5 0 4 1

by Wesleyan permits continuation of es of their opponents . 1 r ela tions with Bra dley and Mill ikin , In t he fi rs t public appeara nce of Baph, f ighting in the wind-up bout two other riva ls which r efused to [ both " Speed"- Stevens and ,;Buck " . for the f irs t t ime, suffer ed a tech­include Wesleyan on their 1937 W eaver, a s w restler s, on the local ni cal knockout late in the third schedule unless f reshmen were with- Knights of Columbus a thle tic card round when Shenberger of Chicago held f rom varsi ty competition. W es- las t Thursday evening in Kanka k ee, connected wi t h a short left hook. leyan's decision w ill not affect r ela· S tevens managed to secure the de- Bach's second , Coach Za r za, threw tions w ith S t . Via tor upon the g rid· cision in the exhibition wrestling in the towel. iorn and basketball court for a least bout aft er seven minutes of s trenu-a year since contraCts for both I ous i roaning and g runt ing. football and bask etball h ad been -- ·- ----­sig ned before the firs t year r ule was 1938 unless St. Viator adopts the adopted by W esleyan . Coach Me- f reshman r uling since schools hav· Namara however pointed ou ~ that ing the rule can not play those fail­athle tic r ela tions w ill have to be ing to observe t he fi rst year decis­d iscontinued with W esleya n a fter l ion.

Morgan , he of the f irst round kayo reputa tion, h imself became the vic tim of a f irs t round 1<nockout. Bill (Hammerhead ) Leeson, fresh­ma n f rom Bloom ing ton, substituted at the last m inute to f ig h t against Morgan f loored the Irish captain in t he opening m inute of the bat tle.

2 4 ( c ) 0 0

Totals 12 5 8 R efe ree : Kusinskl, Univ. of TIL U mpire: Oliver , Univ. of Arkansas .

Viator Re serves (48) FG FT PF Sacco, f . 5 2 2 O'Connor, f . 1 0 2 Ma lloy, f. 3 2 W eaver , c. Sarich, c . Tortore!Jo, g . Gleason, g.


3 3 3

on P age

· o 0 1



0 1 2 2

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1937-03-23


Debaters- I Graduates-- jFr. Farrell Is--(eonunued from Page One) ~ntlnued fro~ _:age Two) _ j (Contlnued from Page One)

approach which tbe new case retl- phy; Thesis: Man, the Automaton.' 7 :00 a. m.- H oly Mass. fled. After steadily plllng up facts Elder Sensac - major, French; I B reakfast. and figures since .January, the Thesis: Translation and Editing of nega tive bad a wealth of material D'Une Critique Catholique by J . 9:30 a. m.-Conference.

a t thc1 r command. Cal vet. 11:15 a. m.-Conference.

E ureka Charleston Augustana Lake Forest DeKa lb GreenviJJe Millikin Normal Shurtleff Wesleyan Macomb Oli vet

7 6 5 5 4 4

4 4 4

4 3 3

with six maJors, claims more p r os­pective g raduates t his year than any other department of the College. The

~ Departmen ts of French and Educa- 1

t ion are low with one major each. 3 The li st of prospective g raduates 3 upon whom degrees shall be con-4 !erred either in June or at the end 4 4

of the summer session may be found

4 o_n_ p_a_g_e _ t_w_o_. ________ _ _

4 Bradley 2 6 4 Monmouth 2 6 51 North Ceo tral 1 7 5 Carbondale 0 8

Einbeck Studio

Photographer For

St. Viator College

143 N. Schuyler AYe.

Kankake.c, Ill.

Phone 407

When you find out how mild and good­

tasting Chesterfields are .. . you hold on to 'em.

With a bull dog grip, millions of smokers

hold on to Chesterfields . . .

Copyrighr 1937. LIGGETT & MYERS T OBACCO Co.

Tl.:ESDAY. ~L"-R B 'tS, 193<

1lVlcElligotte ls-

<Conunued from Page Fh.-e)

McCorkle, g. 9

Tolals Referee: Senesac, St. Viator.


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