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Economic Discipleship in Nairobi A 10 Week Bible Study June 5 th , 2013 TUL560 – Community Economics

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Page 1: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy


Economic Discipleship in NairobiA 10 Week Bible Study

June 5th, 2013

TUL560 – Community Economics

Page 2: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy


Week 1: Creativity, Work, and Rest“With labor comes wealth.” - Nigerian Proverb of the Yoruba people

Open in Prayer

Introduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy it for them without considering the cost. The parent’s response is often an early lesson for the child in personal finances: “Money does not grow on trees!” they say. As adults, we understand too well the meaning of this saying. Money does not come easy, and if we want to make a living we must work hard for it. And when hard work does not bring enough money, we often need to find creative ways to earn a living. So we know that money comes from hard work and creativity, but where does work come from? In today’s Bible study we will look at the source of creativity, work, and rest.

Read Genesis 1 and 2

1. From this passage, we see that we serve a creative God. What types of things did He create, and what did he say about His creation when He was finished? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Look at the beginning of Genesis 2 again. Who does the Bible say was the very first worker? Based on your answer, do you think work is a good thing or a bad thing? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Look at Genesis 2:15. Why did God place the man in the Garden of Eden? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Why do you think God gave mankind work to do? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. The creation story tells us that God worked at creating the world for six days. According to the passage, what did God do on the seventh day? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Why do you think God rested on the seventh day? Do you think rest is important? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Read Genesis 1:27 again. What does this verse tell us about how God created us? If God is a creative God who works and rests, what does this tell us about whom we are as human beings? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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8. God has made us in His image as creative beings. In what ways do you think you are creative?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Do you enjoy working? Why or why not? In what ways has this Bible study changed your perspective on work? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. God makes it clear that resting after work is important. Do you take time to rest? When do you normally rest, and in what ways do you rest? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Do you have any final thoughts about the passage that we read today? Do you agree that creativity, work, and rest are important principles in the Bible? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

Page 4: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Week 2: Freedom, Equality, and the Jubilee

“A real family eats the same cornmeal.” - Congolese Proverb of the Bayombe people

Open in Prayer

Introduction: The creation story from Genesis taught us that all mankind were created equally in God’s image. However, history suggests that people are not always treated as equals. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew people were enslaved by the Egyptians for 400 years. Likewise, the slave trade is very much a part of the history here in Africa. But what does the Bible have to say about freedom and equality? And what does this have to do with the way we use our money and resources? In this Bible study we will explore God’s plan for the Jubilee—freedom and equality for all people.

Read Leviticus 25

1. Last week we saw in Genesis 1 and 2 that God gave us the pattern of work and rest. In what ways do you see this pattern again in Leviticus 25? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. According to verse 23, who is the owner of all the land? What does it mean to be a steward of God’s resources? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Look at verses 35-38. How does God want us to treat the poor among us? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. In the Year of Jubilee, what happens to the poor people who have lost their land or who have accumulated debts? What about slaves? What does God command His people to do to slaves in the Year of Jubilee? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why do you think God wants His people to release those in bondage and slavery? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Luke 4:14-21

6. Why do you think Jesus says his message is good news to the poor? In what ways does Jesus bring good news to the poor? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Look at verses 18 and 19. In what ways does this sound like the Year of Jubilee in Leviticus 25? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 5: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

8. What is the significance of Jesus proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor? In what ways do we see Jesus living the Jubilee during his ministry on earth?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


9. We have seen in this study that God is the real owner of all of our resources. How does that knowledge change your perspective on your possessions? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. In what ways do you think you can live out the principles of the Year of Jubilee today? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Who are the poor people among you? How can you reach out and help those people? Or maybe you yourself are poor. How can you join with your fellow poor brothers in bringing freedom and equality to your community? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. What has challenged you the most from today’s study? What is one thing you will do this week because of what you have learned? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

Page 6: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Week 3: Wisdom and Money in Proverbs

“Knowledge is better than riches.” - Cameroonian Proverb

Open in Prayer

Introduction: We probably all know someone who is very rich but not very wise. Maybe they inherited their wealth or they just got lucky. Whatever the case may be, odds are that such a person will not stay wealthy for long. Why is that? Because it takes wisdom to properly handle our finances.

The ancient king of Israel, Solomon, is widely regarded as one of the wisest men to ever live. He is also known to be one of the richest men who ever lived. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The wise man is not always rich and the rich man is not always wise, but the two go hand in hand. The book of Proverbs contains some of the Bible’s most clear and practical teaching on money, which should not surprise us since much of it was written by one of the wisest and richest men ever—King Solomon himself. In this Bible study, we will look at the biblical teaching on money from the book of Proverbs, gaining wisdom that can lead to success in life and in our personal finances.

Read Proverbs 2:1-6; 3:13-14; 4:5-7; 16:8

1. According to Proverbs 2, where does wisdom come from? Do you believe this to be true? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why do you think Scripture says that wisdom is more valuable than silver or gold? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Do you agree with Proverbs 16:8 that it is better to be poor and righteous than to be rich and unrighteous? Why or why not?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Proverbs 6:6-11; 10:4; 13:4; 14:23

4. What lessons can we learn from the ant about hard work and saving? Why is it important to work hard and to save? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What do these verses teach us about laziness? Why does God want us to not be lazy? What will happen to us if we become lazy?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Proverbs 1:19; 22:22-23; 23:4; 28:25

6. What do these verses teach us about greed? Do you think greed is ever a good thing? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 7: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

7. Why does the Bible teach that it is not good to chase after and trust in riches? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Proverbs 11:24-25; 14:31; 19:17; 22:9

8. What do these verses teach us about generosity and giving? Why is it good to give to those who are less fortunate?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Proverbs 10:2; 11:4; 19:1

9. According to these verses, why is righteous living more valuable than wealth? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


10. Do you think you are chasing more after wisdom and righteousness or more after wealth right now? Explain your answer. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. In what ways are you like the ant in Proverbs 6 who worked hard and saved? In what ways are you lazy like the sluggard? Be specific. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. What opportunities are there around you to be generous with others? What temptations do you have to be greedy? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. Which of these Proverbs was most challenging to you personally? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

Page 8: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Week 4: Life and Work According to Ecclesiastes

“The wealth which enslaves the owner isn’t wealth” - Proverb of the Yoruba people in Nigeria

Open in Prayer

Introduction: I know a woman who hoards her possessions. Because of her need for security, she fills up her house with all kinds of useless things. She saves everything she can, from used toilet paper tubes to old newspapers. Her house is full of many things that she will never use. She is afraid that she might throw away something she will need later. She lives life in fear. This next Bible study will explore what God has to say about putting our trust in earthly wealth.

Read Ecclesiastes 2

1. According to the above passage, what gains do wealth and wisdom give a person in the end? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Do you agree with the conclusions of the writer in this passage? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Ecclesiastes 4:1-12

3. According to verse 4, why do people work so hard to succeed? What other reasons can you give? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Why do you think the writer tells the story of the miser in verse 8? Why is working useless in this situation? Why then should a person work? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Ecclesiastes 5:8 – 6:9

5. According to 5:8-10, why does oppression exist? How do you see that playing out here in your own country? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. We are all going to die. What then, does the writer say we should hope for in life? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 9: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Read Ecclesiastes 12: 8-14

7. According to the conclusion of Ecclesiastes, what is the purpose of man? How does this relate to the work that we do and the money we earn? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Application Questions:

8. Who are you earning money for? In what ways are you using your earnings to obey God and benefit other people? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Where do you find happiness? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Now that you have finished this study, are there any changes you would like to make in the way you earn or spend your money? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Are there any other important things that can be drawn from these passages that haven’t been brought up yet? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

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Week 5: Lessons on Development and Nehemiah

“Unity is strength, division is weakness” – Swahili Proverb

Open in Prayer

Introduction: No one ever said that building the Kingdom of God would be easy. We Christians often try to work together to help each other and to make our communities better places, but as imperfect human beings, our plans sometimes fall apart and we run into trouble. One church that I know tried to come up with a plan for sheltering people in the city who do not have homes. They had to stop the project because they did not have enough money. Stories like this are very common. How can the church, as the body of Christ, work together more effectively for the glory of God? Nehemiah teaches us a few things about this.

Read Nehemiah 1:1-2:8

1. What do you notice about Nehemiah’s prayer in chapter 1? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What steps did Nehemiah take to start the rebuilding process for the Jewish community? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Nehemiah 4

3. Why do you think Sanballat and his companions were opposed to the building of the wall? What reasons do people in your community have for opposing the work of God? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How did Nehemiah respond to the opposition? Who did he say would fight on behalf of the Jews? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Nehemiah 5

5. Oppression happens even within the community of believers. What did Nehemiah do about it? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. As governor, Nehemiah had the right to take a certain amount of food from the people for himself, but he did not. Why? What do the leaders in your church do? Why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Application Questions:

7. Nehemiah used a lot of prayer to accomplish what he accomplished, but he also wasn’t afraid to use his connections to people in power. In what ways can your church plead with God and put pressure on people in power to act with justice and mercy towards the poor and the oppressed? See also Luke 18:1-8. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. What kinds of opposition does your church face in the good that it tries to do? What are steps you can take together to fight against this opposition? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. What steps can your church take to ensure that every member is treated fairly, and is taken care of? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Confessing sins, reliance on God, and unity as the people of God are key themes throughout the book of Nehemiah. What sins do the churches in your city need to confess? What wounds need to be healed? What fights need to be solved before all the churches in your city can come together in unity and prayer and work together for the sake of building the Kingdom of God? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Are there any other important things that can be drawn from these passages that haven’t been brought up yet? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

Page 12: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Week 6: Contentment in Matthew and 1Timothy

“Money can’t talk, yet it can make lies look true.” - Proverb from South Africa

Open in Prayer

Introduction: John Wesley, who started the Methodist church, decided one day that all he needed to live on was ten pounds a week. He decided that for the rest of his life he would live on ten pounds a week, and that if he made any more money than that, he would give it away. For the rest of his life, he did just that. Many people in the church today think that was an extreme measure, and that it is impossible for ordinary people to do that. A lot of churches actually teach that Christians are supposed to be wealthy, and live with many treasures and drive fancy cars. What does the Bible actually say about all of this?

Read Matthew 5:1-12

1. Many churches teach that it is the rich who are blessed. These churches teach that it is only sinners who are poor and that true Christians will have lives of ease and comfort. According to these verses, who are the people who are truly blessed? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Matthew 6:1-4

2. Why do you think it is that people who give in public will receive no reward from God? Can you think of a time when you gave something away for your own gain? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Matthew 6:19-34

3. In verses19 through 21, what do you think is meant by “storing up treasures in heaven?” __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. See verses 22 and 23. They say that the eye is the lamp of the body, and that if your eyes are bad your whole body will be full of darkness. These verses fall right in the middle of a passage of scripture that is all about earthly wealth. What do you think these verses have to do with wealth? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Verses 24 through 34 are a beautiful and simple passage about putting our trust in God, rather than money. What does it mean to “seek first the Kingdom of God?” What does God promise to do for us if we seek the Kingdom first? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. We are told in this passage not to worry about tomorrow. In an earlier study in Proverbs, we looked at the importance of working hard and saving for the future. Do these passages contradict each other? How can we honestly follow both commands? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 13: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Read 1Timothy 6:3-10

7. Some Christians treat God like an ATM. They put in a prayer, and get money out. What does this passage have to say about that? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Application Questions:

8. What are the eyes of your heart focused on? What do you long for? What do you put your trust in? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. After reading these scriptures, what do you think about what John Wesley did? Did he go too far, or did he do exactly the right thing? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. How much money is enough money? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Everything on this earth belongs to God, from the clothes we wear to the roofs above our heads. But in Genesis, we see that God has made us caretakers of all these things. In what ways are we using God’s resources to honor him? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Are there any other important things that can be drawn from these passages that haven’t been brought up yet? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

Page 14: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Week 7: Jesus’ Parables about Money

“One cannot count on riches.” - Somali Proverb

Open in Prayer

Introduction: You can learn a lot about people by the way they spend their money. One man only buys the best foods, revealing that he values good food. Another spends his money on things, like a nice house or a car. Yet another man uses all his money for his education and his children’s educations. Perhaps another uses his money to take care of his family’s basic needs, sharing whatever he has left with family and friends. In all of these cases, the way money was spent revealed something about the character and priorities of each individual.

Jesus talked a lot about money while he walked this earth—perhaps more than any other topic. Why was that the case? Perhaps because Jesus understood that the way we view our money and spend our money has a strong relationship with our core values and priorities. In this study, we will try to learn from Jesus how to properly align our lives and our finances with Jesus’ values.

Read Matthew 19:16-30

1. According to Jesus, what did the rich young man need to do to please God? Why do you think Jesus asked him to do this? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why do you think the rich young man walked away from Jesus? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. In this story, Jesus says that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Why do you think he says that? What is it about wealth that keeps people away from God?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What lessons can we learn from this parable? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Matthew 25:31-46

5. What does this story teach us about caring for the needy in our communities? What lessons can be learned from this story?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Luke 12:13-21

6. Why was the rich man in this parable considered a fool? What sin did he commit?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 15: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

7. A few weeks ago we learned from the ant in Proverbs 6 that saving is a good and wise thing to do. So why do you think Jesus condemned this rich man for storing up his wealth? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. What is the main lesson you learned from this parable? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


10. Do you ever find yourself trusting in money more than God? Why do you think that is such a strong temptation sometimes? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. If Jesus asked you to give away everything you had in order to follow him, do you think you would obey? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Who are “the least of these” in your community? In what ways can you be serving those who are less fortunate than you? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. Do you ever have the temptation to be greedy like the rich fool in Luke 12? How can you practice generosity this week? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. Which parable had the greatest impact on you? Why? How will you be changed in the coming week? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

Page 16: St…  · Web viewIntroduction: Small children often have a hard time understanding the concept of money. When they see something they want, they simply ask their parents to buy

Week 8: Lessons from the Famine in Judea

“What you give you get, ten times over.” - Proverb of the Yoruba people in Nigeria

Open in Prayer

Introduction: A man named Ron Sider wrote a book called “Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger.” In the book, he condemns rich Christians in the USA and Europe who live on much while their brothers and sisters on the other side of the world starve. He says that Christians should not be legalistic about having a ten percent tithe on our income. He says that Christians who cannot even afford to feed themselves should not have to give ten percent, while Christians who live in wealthy countries should give much more than ten percent. This Bible study will explore this topic, among others.

Read Acts 11:27-30

1. What disaster was it that struck the early church and what did the people choose to do? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read 2Corinthians 8 and 9

2. These passages are referring to the event mentioned above in Acts. Believers from all over the Roman World sent money to Judea to help feed the victims of the famine there. 2Corinthians 8:3 and 4 says that they considered it to be a privilege to help God’s people and that they sent even more than they could. Why do you think that is? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. In 8:8, Paul encourages people to give, but says that he is “not going to lay down any rules.” Why didn’t he lay down rules for giving? What should be our motives for giving? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. According to 8:13-14, if we help those who are in need, what will happen when we ourselves are in need? Do you think this is true? What has been your experience with this? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What does 2Corinthians 9:6-9 teach about giving? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Application Questions:

6. 2Corinthians 8:12 says that God will accept our gift on the basis of what we have to give, not on what we haven’t. Jesus says basically the same thing about the widow with the two coins in Luke 21:1-4. Sacrifice is an important part of the Christian life. These verses teach that it is good for all Christians to give sacrificially, even the poor. In fact, the gifts of the poor are the gifts that are most precious to God. At the same time, there are some churches that tax the poor with ceaseless calls for money and manipulate the poor, who have trouble even feeding themselves, into giving money to a rich pastor so he can fly his airplane. This is wrong. How do you encourage the poor to give while at the same time being sure not to take advantage of them and oppress and exploit them? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. The Old Testament Law taught the Jews to give 10 percent of everything to God. But the New Testament never mentions 10 percent. Instead, Jesus teaches that everything belongs to God. After reading the above scriptures, what do you think Christians should do with their (God’s) money? How much should they use to live on and how much should they give away? What do you think about Ron Sider’s ideas about tithing? Do you agree? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Are there any other important things that can be drawn from these passages that haven’t been brought up yet? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

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Week 9: Acting out the Kingdom of God

“Love has to be shown by deeds not words.” - Swahili Proverb

Open in Prayer

Introduction: Descriptions of the early church in Acts chapters 2 and 4 are the closest thing we have to a picture of the Kingdom of God as the disciples of Jesus understood it. These were people who had lived with Jesus and who were now trying to teach others to live as Jesus lived. We can probably safely say that most of the things the early church did were things that they learned from Jesus himself. They understood that whenever their community gathered, they had a chance to live the Kingdom of God right where they were at. In this Bible Study, we will look at descriptions of the early church and what they understood about how to use money.

Read Acts 2:43-47 and 4:31-37

1. What do these two passages say about how the early believers used money? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read James 1:26-2:22

2. According to James, who has God chosen to possess the kingdom of God? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. James says faith without action is dead. What specific actions does he say are a part of pure and genuine religion? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read James 5

4. What warning does James have for the rich? Why do you think it is so dangerous to be rich? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What are the other instructions James has for the church? Why do you think it is so important to confess our sins to one another? Why not just confess them to God? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Application Questions:

6. What differences and similarities do you see between your own church and the description of the early church in Acts? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. If you could change one thing about your church, what would it be? Are there other people in your church who also want change? Talk to them this week. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. In what ways are you living out the Kingdom of God through your actions? In what way is your church living out the Kingdom of God through action? Are there other actions that still need to be taken? If so, what are they? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Are there any other important things that can be drawn from these passages that haven’t been brought up yet? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer

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Week 10: A Broken World Restored

“The are many colorful flowers on the path of life, but the prettiest have the sharpest thorns.” - African Proverb

Open in Prayer

Introduction: No one needs to tell us that we live in a broken world. Everywhere we look we see brokenness. Poverty, disease, greed, lust, pain, sorrow, death—these are the realities of the world that we live in. Yet within this same world we see shadows of the world to come—beauty, love, friendship, sacrifice, unity, joy, peace, and hope. These are the signs of the coming world that we long to see. We are caught in the tension between these two worlds. In this final study, we will take a broad look at the brokenness that is our world today, while catching a glimpse of the hope of a coming world where justice is restored.

Read Genesis 3

1. Genesis 3 tells the story of sin entering the world. What is sin? Why was it a sin for Adam and Eve to eat the fruit? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What happened to mankind’s relationship with God when they sinned? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What were the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What role does sin play in our broken world today? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read Revelation 21:1-5

5. This passage speaks about the world that is to come. How will the new world be different from the world in which we live now?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. How does the coming of this new world bring hope for the poor and the oppressed in the world today?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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7. How should the promise of this new world affect the way that we live today? How can we live in anticipation of this new world? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. In what tangible ways can you share the hope of the coming world with others this week?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. What has been the most life-changing lesson you have learned from this 10-week study on biblical economics? How is your life different today than it was ten weeks ago? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Close in Prayer