st. william church clergy &...

St. John Mission 834 Center Ridge (Hwy 3184) Demossville, Ky 41033 St. William-St. John Mission (Preliminary Registration) Your Name ________________________ Number in Family___ Number of Children____ Mailing Address__________________________ Spouse_________________ City, Zip________________________Phone Number__________________ E-Mail Address _________________________ *******Please drop in Offertory Basket St. William Church 6 Church Street Williamstown, Ky 41097 859-824-5381 St. William of Bourges Clergy & Staff Rev. Damian Hils "Father Hils" <[email protected]> Deacon Michael T. Lyman 1-859-806-4440 <[email protected]> Kathy McDonough, Religious EducaƟon 859-866-0430 <[email protected]> Prayer Line 859-824-4198, Roberta Poole St. Vincent de Paul Society 859-341-3219, 10am-3pm M-F BulleƟn 859-816-8646, Joyce Lyman [email protected] Deadline Tuesday at Noon Please submit typewriƩen copy Celebration of the Sacraments Celebration of The Eucharist St. William Daily Mass: 8:30 am -Tuesday thru Friday Mass is not celebrated on Monday EucharisƟc AdoraƟon Friday 9:00 am BenedicƟon 9:30 am Weekends: 4:30 pm - Saturday 10:30 am - Sunday St. John Mission 8:30 am - Sunday Penance: Confessions heard every second Tuesday of the month from 6pm to 8pm or before our Saturday Mass and by appointment. Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick : Please contact the Rectory. Marriage: Please contact the Rectory at least six months in advance.

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St. John Mission 834 Center Ridge (Hwy 3184)

Demossville, Ky 41033

St. William-St. John Mission (Preliminary Registration) Your Name ________________________ Number in Family___ Number of Children____ Mailing Address__________________________ Spouse_________________ City, Zip________________________Phone Number__________________

E-Mail Address _________________________ *******Please drop in Offertory Basket

St. William Church 6 Church Street

Williamstown, Ky 41097

859-824-5381 St. William of Bourges

Clergy & Staff Rev. Damian Hils "Father Hils" <[email protected]> Deacon Michael T. Lyman

1-859-806-4440 <[email protected]>

Kathy McDonough, Religious Educa on 859-866-0430

<[email protected]>

Prayer Line 859-824-4198, Roberta Poole St. Vincent de Paul Society

859-341-3219, 10am-3pm M-F Bulle n 859-816-8646, Joyce Lyman [email protected] Deadline Tuesday at Noon Please submit typewri en copy

Celebration of the Sacraments Celebration of The Eucharist St. William

Daily Mass: 8:30 am -Tuesday thru Friday Mass is not celebrated on Monday Eucharis c Adora on Friday 9:00 am Benedic on 9:30 am Weekends: 4:30 pm - Saturday 10:30 am - Sunday St. John Mission 8:30 am - Sunday Penance: Confessions heard every second Tuesday of the month from 6pm to 8pm or before our Saturday Mass and by appointment.

Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and

Anointing of the Sick : Please contact the Rectory.

Marriage: Please contact the Rectory at least six months in advance.


Bob Schuck

Cymantha Colson

Pa Merz

Vicki & Hanna Tomlinson Kim Albers, Jeff Walters

Diane Pe t Ka e Clemons

Hodges Family


Pat McDonough Travis Schulcz Jacob Clifford

Joey Saylor, Jackson Reaves

Joe Herrmann Xavier Comacho

Father Damian

4/10/2016 St. John Treasure All Income & Offertory Collec on $588 Year to date Budget $21,651 Year to date Contribu ons 22,070 OVER Budget $419

Our Jesus Retreat will be held on April 24th a er Mass un l 2 pm. First Communion Banners will be completed 9-10:15 am during the regular Sunday class me.

4/10/2016 St. William Treasure All Income & Offertory Collec on $4,289 Year to date Budget $179,240 Year to date Contribu ons $185,570 OVER Budget $6,330

Saturday 4/23/2016

4:30 pm

Sunday 4/24/2016 10:30 am

Fish Fry Follow up Mee ng April 17th a er Mass Finance Commi ee Mee ng April 19th 7pm Maintenance Commi ee April 20th 7 pm Jesus Retreat Sunday, April 24th Pastoral Parish Council Wednesday, April 27th

VIRTUS April is an open month to allow indi-viduals with suspended accounts to get caught up on their bulle ns. Go to, enter your user id nd password to read your outstanding bulle ns under the Training Tab. The April bulle n is posted and is due on Tuesday, May 3rd. If you need assis-tance, please contact our coordinator, Kathy McDonough.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I want to again congratulate the following servers who received this past Sunday at the Cathedral, the Serra Award for service at God's holy altar. This award is named in honor of Saint Junipero Serra, a Franciscan priest, who founded 9 missions in California (which are now ci es) while we were figh ng the Bri sh during the Revolu onary War. In fact, he even took up a special collec on from the missions and sent it to George Washington to aid the cause of our fight for liberty.

Serving is one of the most exalted of all ministries which aid the priest in his service to the People of God. I am deeply edified by the effort of our servers, their piety and rev-erence, and their demonstrable love and respect for Our Blessed Lord in the Eucha-rist. As an act of gra tude please pray for all of our servers, and especially for the sev-en who have received the Serra Award: Jenna Barnes, Travis Hodges, Jackson Reaves, Julie Herrmann, Joseph Herrmann, Jessica Herrmann and Joey Saylor.

Recently a great pioneer in American Catholic history passed away. Her name was Mother Angelica, foundress of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Irondale, Ala-bama, and also of a vast radio and television network called EWTN which broadcasts all over the world. In this season of the Resurrec on, I thought I might publish some of her reflec ons on this great mystery we are celebra ng. She writes:

Jesus, the joy of Your Resurrec on fills my soul with exulta on and the realiza on that my body, too, will rise someday. Like your five wounds, my suffering will also shine for all to see. The wisdom of the Father will be glorified forever as all men see how His plan and will in my life marked out the glory that would be mine for all eternity.

All the trials, sufferings, heartaches, and disappointments will seem as nothing com-pared with the glory Your sufferings merited for me. They shall all seem like a dream, and the vision of Your face will fill my soul with exquisite joy. To be con nued . . .

Fourth Sunday of Easter

We’re Back! Are you inter-ested in play-ing in a Co-ed church so ball league? Our So ball season is about to begin, as part

of an inter-church league — the ‘Joe Hammond League’ in our area. Games are on Monday/Tuesday evenings at the ball field behind Cri enden Bap st Church off US 25. A Men’s team plays on Friday evening. The only qualifica-

ons to play is that you have to be older than 14 and be able to have a ‘good me’. It is a me of great fun. See Pam Saylor or Bud Barnes if you are interested. Sign up sheets are in the Gathering Area.

St. William ‘Saints’

From the Deacon’s Desk

Andrea Kirk Frank Merri Judith Kirk Lee Merrill Georgia Rump Ruth Black Tony Poole Connie Link Jack Tomlinson Aaron Jump Captain Kyle Duncan & A Company

SAT 4/16 4:30 pm Deacon Mike & Joyce SUN 4/17 8:30 am Members of Our Parishes SUN 4/17 10:30 am Mary Ann Cook

MON 4/18 Mass said privately for Neltner Family TUES 4/19 8:30 am Neltner Family WED 4/20 8:30 am Neltner Family THUR 4/21 8:30 am Neltner Family FRI 4/22 8:30 am Neltner Family

SAT 4/23 4:30 pm Neltner Family SUN 4/24 8:30 am Members of Our Parishes SUN 4/24 10:30 am Neltner Family

April 17, 2016

As we near the end of the school year, we are thankful to Kathy McDonough and her teachers for another successful year. A lot of work goes into making our classes run smoothly and helping our children come to know their faith. This past year in par cular, we had two sacramental classes with over twenty of our young people receiving their sacraments. We also began our children’s liturgy this year during our Sunday morning mass thanks to the efforts of some of those same CCD teachers. If you have the opportunity, offer your thanks to our teachers personally. Some of them – Suzi Noel, Kim Albers, Pam Saylor and Cathy Davis – have been loyal to the program for many years now.

We face a challenge for next year though. The teachers in our two sacramental classes will be leaving us. Brain and Sunshine Amon have been our Confirma on teachers. Once Confirma-

on happened this year, they took over as the new youth group ministers and have set a solid founda on for that pro-gram to come back. Their departure from the CCD program creates a big vacancy we must fill.

Karen McPherson has been our second grade teacher for many years now. Karen will be leaving our parish this summer as she and her family move to Florida. That creates another opening in the program for us.

We need new people to step up with a willingness to serve in this ministry. We have the materials you will need and will provide you with support. What we need are people who have a love for children and want to share the faith with them. You typically won’t find yourself alone as we try to put two teachers in the classroom – par cularly with new teach-ers. Talk to some of the current teachers to find out more about what their role is. Parents who have children in the CCD program are o en some of the best teachers. We would like to find those who are interested this spring, so that we can help to prepare you for the start of school in the fall.

Our children depend upon your willingness to step forward and share the faith. This is one of the most rewarding ways you can impact their lives. If you are willing to consider help-ing in this ministry, please let Kathy McDonough, Deacon Mike or Father Hils know.

Many thanks to all our CCD teachers for their service. We wish Brian and Sunshine well as they con nue to focus on the youth ministry. And we offer Karen a very special thank you for the fantas c job she has done with our second graders. We will miss her dearly from our program in the future.

is currently selling cket vouchers to the Florence Freedom double-header on Wednesday, June 22nd, to help raise money for their organiza on. The Honorary First Pitchers for the June 22nd game include Sr. Theresa Falkenstein, C.D.P., Rev. Michael Hennigen and Deacon Bob Stoeckle. Tickets are $10, and can be purchased through the Diocesan Stewardship Office or from individual Serra Club members. To purchase your ckets, please call Mike Murray at (859) 392-1500. Thank you in advance for your support!”

Deacon Mike

In 1963 Pope Paul VI designated Good Shepherd Sunday as “World Day of Prayer for Voca ons”. This Sunday, April 17th, the Church invites us to honor the voca on of all Chris ans given at bap sm. May we who have dedi-cated our lives to God through the voca-

on of marriage, priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life, and the single life remain faithful to our commitments. May those who are discerning their life’s voca on listen to the grace of God to guide them. The purpose of this day is to publically

fulfill the Lord's instruc on to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, socie es of apos-tolic life or secular ins tutes. If you are considering a voca on to the priesthood or consecrated life, call Father Greg Bach or for the Diaconate, contact Monsignor Neuhaus at 859-392-1500

Fourth Sunday of Easter

001402 Sunday date of bulletin ***April 17th, 2016 Your help is much appreciated. Thank You to all.

*Please Only print 150 PASTOR: Rev. Damian Hils St. William Church 6 Church Street Williamstown, KY 41097 Contact: Joyce Lyman 859-816-8646 E-mail: [email protected] April 17th, 2016 Emergency Number ONLY if 1st is unreachable 1-859-806-4440 Type: 41JL Software: Publisher 2007 Adobe 900 Win XP