stable isotopes and maize consumption in central western … et al....

Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption in Central Western Argentina A. F. GIL, a * G. A. NEME, a R. H. TYKOT, b P. NOVELLINO, a V. CORTEGOSO c AND V. DURA ´ N c a Departamento de Antropologı´a, Museo de Historia Natural, Parque Mariano Moreno, (5600) San Rafael, Argentina b Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA c Facultad de Filosofı´a y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Parque General San Martı´n, Mendoza, Argentina ABSTRACT In this paper we present stable isotope information (d 13 C in bone collagen and apatite, and d 15 N) in order to discuss the significance of maize consumption in the human diets of central western Argentina. We also contribute bioanthropological information based on the study of caries, hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia and dental abscess frequencies. This study shows a large variability in the significance of C 4 resources (e.g. maize) during the last 2500 years, and on this basis we propose that maize was significant in the human diet mainly after 1000 yrs BP. Copyright ß 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Key words: maize consumption; human diet; stable isotopes; agriculture transition Introduction The incorporation of maize (Zea mays) in human life is a central theme in American prehistory (Pearsall, 1994; Staller et al., 2006). Classically assumed as the most important product in the diet of farming populations, this conception has recently been changing (Barlow, 2006; Greenlee 2006; Winterhalder & Kennett, 2006). But to understand the chronology of its incorporation and dietary changes through time, we need significant information regarding the spread of farming and its role in human organisation (Staller et al., 2006). This paper presents an approach to understanding this process using new stable isotope analyses and bioarchaeological information from central western Argentina. This region has classically been considered as the southernmost cultural area with evidence of farming in the Americas (Garcı´a, 1992; Pearsall, 1992; Lagiglia, 1999; Novellino et al., 2004; Gil et al., 2006; Chiavazza & Mafferra, 2007). Indeed, there is good preservation of the biological record, but few attempts have been made to understand the variability of subsistence in relation to cultural change. In general, culture history has been the theoretical perspective applied to understand the variability in ceramic styles, while subsistence has been considered as basically ‘static punctu- ated’ with abrupt changes (e.g. presence/absence of cultigens). Nevertheless, an analysis of the variation present in the archaeological record is a necessary step to understanding human organis- ation and system change. In this paper we present the results of stable isotope analyses of collagen International Journal of Osteoarchaeology Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 19: 215–236 (2009) Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/oa.1041 * Correspondence to: Museo de Historia Natural de San Rafael, Departamento de Antropologı ´a, Parque Mariano Moreno, (5600) San Rafael, Argentina. e-mail: [email protected] Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 18 September 2008 Accepted 2 October 2008

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  • International Journal of OsteoarchaeologyInt. J. Osteoarchaeol. 19: 215–236 (2009)Published online in Wiley InterScience


    ( DOI: 10.1002/oa.1

    * Correspondence to: MuseoDepartamento de AntropoloSan Rafael, Argentina.e-mail: [email protected]

    Copyright # 2009 Joh

    Stable Isotopes and MaizeConsumption in Central WesternArgentina

    A. F. GIL,a* G. A. NEME,a R. H. TYKOT,b P. NOVELLINO,a


    a Departamento de Antropologı́a, Museo de Historia Natural, Parque Mariano Moreno,

    (5600) San Rafael, Argentinab Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USAc Facultad de Filosofı́a y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Parque General San Martı́n,

    Mendoza, Argentina

    ABSTRACT In this paper we present stable isotope information (d13C in bone collagen and apatite, andd15N) in order to discuss the significance of maize consumption in the human diets of centralwestern Argentina. We also contribute bioanthropological information based on the study ofcaries, hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia and dental abscess frequencies. This study shows a largevariability in the significance of C4 resources (e.g. maize) during the last 2500 years, and onthis basis we propose that maize was significant in the human diet mainly after 1000 yrs BP.Copyright � 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    Key words: maize consumption; human diet; stable isotopes; agriculture transition


    The incorporation of maize (Zea mays) in humanlife is a central theme in American prehistory(Pearsall, 1994; Staller et al., 2006). Classicallyassumed as the most important product in the dietof farming populations, this conception hasrecently been changing (Barlow, 2006; Greenlee2006; Winterhalder & Kennett, 2006). But tounderstand the chronology of its incorporationand dietary changes through time, we needsignificant information regarding the spread offarming and its role in human organisation(Staller et al., 2006). This paper presents anapproach to understanding this process using newstable isotope analyses and bioarchaeological

    de Historia Natural de San Rafael,gı́a, Parque Mariano Moreno, (5600)

    n Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    information from central western Argentina. Thisregion has classically been considered as thesouthernmost cultural area with evidence offarming in the Americas (Garcı́a, 1992; Pearsall,1992; Lagiglia, 1999; Novellino et al., 2004; Gilet al., 2006; Chiavazza & Mafferra, 2007). Indeed,there is good preservation of the biologicalrecord, but few attempts have been made tounderstand the variability of subsistence inrelation to cultural change.In general, culture history has been the

    theoretical perspective applied to understandthe variability in ceramic styles, while subsistencehas been considered as basically ‘static punctu-ated’ with abrupt changes (e.g. presence/absenceof cultigens). Nevertheless, an analysis of thevariation present in the archaeological record is anecessary step to understanding human organis-ation and system change. In this paper we presentthe results of stable isotope analyses of collagen

    Received 18 September 2008Accepted 2 October 2008

  • 216 A. F. Gil et al.

    and apatite from archaeological human bones andfrom food resources in order to understandvariation in human diet during the last 2500 years.This information is considered together withpreliminary trends in the associated bioarchaeo-logical record. Finally, the results are discussed inorder to understand the meaning of thisinformation in terms of human organisation.The aim is to improve our understanding of theintroduction of corn in the human diet and its rolein the human history in the southern boundary offarming in the Americas. Similar stable isotoperesearch has recently been done in neighbouringregions that are significant for the present study,including the southern part of Mendoza (Gil,2003; Gil et al., 2006), San Juan, located to thenorth of Mendoza, and central Chile (Falabellaet al., 2007, 2008).

    Stable isotope data,bioarchaeological information, andmaize consumption

    The origin and dispersal of farming has beenclassically studied (Smith, 2001; Zeder et al.,2006) and different research strategies have beenused (Hard et al., 1996; Staller et al., 2006; Zederet al., 2006); different theoretical focuses have alsobeen employed (Hastorf & Johannessen, 1994;Kennett & Winterhalder, 2006; Smith, 2006). Inthe present paper an approach to human diet andthe incorporation of maize is focused on theanalysis of stable isotopes, and preliminarybioarchaeological data from the human archae-ological population are also used. Both lines ofresearch have strongly developed in the last20 years and have shown their potential toaddress this topic.The inorganic and organic chemical constitu-

    ents of bone provide a long-term record of dietaryintake. The chemical composition of human bonecan be used to investigate prehistoric access tofood. The study of palaeodiet through stableisotope analysis proceeds from the experimentalobservation that the isotopic composition ofanimal tissues generally reflects their diet(Schwarcz & Schoeninger, 1991; Ambrose &Krigbaum, 2003). Such analyses utilise the

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    variation in the ratios of the stable isotopes ofcarbon and nitrogen within ecosystems tomeasure the relative contribution of differentresources to animals’ diets (DeNiro & Epstein,1978). Since some foods, such as maize, havedistinctive isotopic signatures, it is often possibleto identify their consumers (Norr, 1995).The stable isotopes of carbon (13C and 12C)and nitrogen (15N and 14N) are expressed in permil (%) as d values:

    d ¼ ½ðRsample=RstandardÞ � 1� � 1000

    where R¼ 13C/12C for the measurement of carbon and15N/14N for the measurement of nitrogen. The

    standards to which samples are compared are the

    limestone Vienna PeeDee Belemnite (VPDB) and

    atmospheric nitrogen (AIR) for carbon and nitrogen,

    respectively. As most materials including plant and

    animal tissues have less 13C thanVPDB, d13C values are

    typically negative. The overwhelming majority of

    plants use the Calvin Cycle (C3) and have tissues with

    an average d13C value of �26.5%. The d13C values ofplants relying upon the Hatch-Slack pathway (C4),

    mainly tropical grasses, millet and sugarcane, are

    much higher, averaging �12.5%. Plants utilising athird pathway, Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM),

    have d13C values ranging from �27 to �12%. MostCAMplants are succulents and do not constitute staple

    crops. Controlled feeding studies of laboratory animals

    reveal that the carbon isotope signature of animal

    proteins, such as collagen in bone and keratin in hair

    and nails, predominantly reflects the protein com-

    ponent of diet, as essential amino acids are preferen-

    tially routed from diet to be incorporated into body

    tissue (Lee-Thorp et al., 1989; Ambrose & Norr, 1993;

    Tieszen & Fagre, 1993). d13C values of the collagen of

    large herbivores are enriched (more positive) by about

    5% relative to their dietary average (Lee-Thorp et al.,1989). The collagen of carnivores, in turn, reflects the

    isotopic signature of the animal protein in their diets,

    ultimately derived from the plants eaten by primary

    consumers. The isotopic signature of omnivore col-

    lagen represents the contribution of both plant and

    animal protein to diet.

    It is accepted that bone collagen has a slowturnover rate (Ambrose, 1993), so that theisotope results obtained would represent theaverage diet over at least the last 5–7 years of life.A similar turnover time applies to bone apatite aswell. It became clear from studies of animals

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  • Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption 217

    raised on controlled diets that bone collagen isproduced basically from dietary protein, whereasbone apatite is a product of the whole diet, withthe difference between diet and bone apatiteestimated at around 9.5% (Ambrose & Norr,1993), while a larger gap of about 12% issuggested for humans (Schwarcz, 2006). Takinginto consideration the actual state of research, itcould be proposed, at least for omnivores, thatanimal food would make a much greatercontribution to bone collagen, at least whenmeat/fish are more than a minimal part of theoverall diet. Non-essential amino acids may beproduced from consumed carbohydrates andlipids, as well as proteins, so that overall collagenvalues may be strongly influenced for agricultur-alists highly dependent upon plant products.Differences between individuals in the pro-portion of maize versus C3 plants in the dietwould be more apparent in apatite than incollagen (Harrison & Katzenberg, 2003). Forpure C3 feeders the collagen value expected isaround �21.5%, and the apatite value expectedaround �14.5%. For pure C4 feeders, thecollagen value expected is around �7.5%, andthe apatite value expected is around �0.5%, aswith maize. Intermediate values are expected formixed diets (Tykot, 2006).On the other hand, d15N indicates differences

    caused by trophic level effects, especially inmarine/continental ecosystems (Pate, 1997).Recent studies have shown the effects of climateand environment on both plant and animald15N values and trophic level increases in bothterrestrial and marine ecosystems (Ambrose & DeNiro, 1986; Hedges & Reynard, 2006). In anycase, the construction of regional isotopicecology (see below) is a necessary foundationto understanding stable isotope data for humansand their meaning in terms of diet.It has been shown in different archaeological

    contexts that there is a relationship betweenchanges in human subsistence and variations inhealth (Cohen, 1989; Lukacs et al., 2001).Biological information from human remains hasthe potential to explore indications, usually non-specific, of stress and/or association with changesin human diet and health. It has been demon-strated that a more intensive use of domesticatesis associated with an increase in the frequency of

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    caries (Cohen & Armelagos, 1984). As Lukacs(1989) proposed, shifts in the prevalence ofdental diseases and changes in the robusticity ofjaws and teeth accompanied a dietary shift fromhunting and gathering to intensive agriculture.We apply this biological approach as comp-lementary to the chemical analyses of humanbone from the same archaeological contexts. Thehuman samples were studied in order tocharacterise caries, hypoplasia, cribra orbitaliaand dental abscess frequencies (see below).

    The regional environments

    Central western Argentina is a heuristic regionincluded between 308 and 408S (Novellino et al.,2004; Figure 1). It has significant environmentalheterogeneity (Abraham & Rodrı́guez, 2000).This paper focuses between 308 to 328S on theMendoza province which is characterised by thepresence of two physical regions with perceptiblydifferent reliefs (Gonzalez Dı́az & Fauqué, 1993):a very high mountainous area to the west(highland), and a relative flat relief that formsthe eastern plains (lowland or oriental plain).The study area is located in a temperate zone, a

    Mediterranean and continental region with anarid to semi-arid climate and average annualprecipitation of around 250mm. It is exposed tothe action of the Atlantic anticyclone (piedmont,depressions and oriental plains) and the PacificOcean anticyclone (western mountains). Fromthemorphoclimatic perspective, these regions arehighly contrasted due to their relief, dominantmasses of maritime air, and the season in whichprecipitation takes place. The humid winds of theAtlantic precipitate scarce humidity for the greatdistance travelled, while the winds from thePacific Ocean precipitate at the Andes MountainRange, entering this region as dry and warmwinds (Abraham & Rodrı́guez, 2000). Theoriental plains and the Precordillera range arecharacterised by summer precipitation, whereasthe western mountains have predominantlywinter precipitation in the form of snow (Norte,2000).The Andes, under the influence of Pacific

    Ocean anticyclones, belong to the Andean

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  • 218 A. F. Gil et al.

    phytogeographic province; the central andoriental plains, conditioned for the influence ofAtlantic anticyclones, are part of the Montephytogeographic province. The highlandsinclude two vegetation provinces: the AltoandinaProvince, between 2200 and 4500 m.a.s.l., andthe Puneña Province, developed from the northto approximately 328S (Roig et al., 2000). Thisenvironment features scarce vegetation thatcorresponds basically to xerophilous steppe,low bushes, and grassland (Stipa sp.). Character-istic vegetal cover in mountainous environmentsis composed of small shrubs (Schinus sp., Chacayatrineryis, Adesmia sp.). The Piedmont fringe consists ofseveral late Cenozoic alluvial fans and aggrada-tions roughly situated between 1800 and 1000m.a.s.l., producing a series of gently slopingsurfaces where the present fluvial system isdegraded. It is the transitional unit betweenthe mountains and the plains and its extension isrelated to the mass from which it has originated.The oriental plain is an extensive landform

    situated from 400 to nearly 200 m.a.s.l. The floodplains occupy the greatest extent of the orientalplain; the geographically dominant forms are theseveral freight forwarders’ consequence andsedimentation of the modern or recent deposits.The eolian dynamics have formed importantchains of sand dunes; the open forest with Prosopis,which formerly covered great areas, is now onlyin good condition in inaccessible regions (Abra-ham & Prieto, 1991; Tripaldi & Forman, 2007).The shrub-like steppes that characterise thevegetation of the plains are represented by Larreadivaricata and L. cuneifolia. The forests are consti-tuted principally by Prosopis flexuosa, leguminousshrubs that can reach up to 8–10 m in height(Roig et al., 2000).The fauna can be divided into two main

    biogeographical units: ‘Fauna de Montaña’ and‘Fauna de Llanura’. The first, typical in thehighlands, is characterised by the presence ofcamelids (Lama guanicoe and Lama vicugna vicugna),carnivores such as the grey fox (Dusicion griseus)and puma (Felis concolor), small rodents, andseveral birds. The ‘Fauna de Llanura’, basically inthe lowlands, is more diverse, including thepreviously mentioned species plus other smallmammals and large flightless birds like Pterocnemiapennata and Rhea americana.

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    Archaeological background

    In historical times, the area was occupied by theHuarpes (Michieli, 1983; Prieto, 1997–1998),which have been described as a medium-scalesociety with a sedentary settlement pattern and afarming economy. Two main changes in humanstrategies that occurred during the Late Holocenecan be described as an ‘economic intensificationprocess’ and ‘incorporation of several domesticplants to subsistence’ (Gil, 2006; Neme, 2007).The effective occupation of all the availableenvironments had taken place between 2000 and1000 years BP (Neme et al., 2005; Cortegoso,2006; Gil, 2006). A cultural divergence processhas been proposed for this date (Novellino et al.,2004), resulting in two different subsistencepatterns: the northern area (308–348S) wascharacterised by the presence of farming popu-lations who adopted cultigens already present innorthwestern Argentina, like maize, while thesouthern area (388–408S) showed the persistenceof societies living on a hunter-gatherer subsis-tence basis (Gil et al., 2006). A central bufferarea has been proposed resulting from a mixof these subsistence strategies (Lagiglia, 1977;Figure 1).

    In the regional culture-history the concepts ofagroalfarero, corresponding to ‘Agrelo’ (earlyagroalfarero) and ‘Viluco’ (late agroalfarero)cultures respectively, were used to include thosevillage societies developed in north and centralMendoza during the first millennium AD, and thefirst half of the second, until the arrival of theIncas (Schobinger, 1971; Bárcena, 2001). Thosesocieties had relatively egalitarian social organ-isation with occupation patterns based ondispersed villages (Durán et al., 2006). Theywould have had permanent agricultural camps inthe valley bottoms of the principal rivers, withseasonal use of highland resources.

    The antiquity of maize in central westernArgentina is a controversial topic (Garcı́a, 1992;Bárcena, 2001; Lagiglia, 2001). Bárcena et al.(1985; Bárcena, 2001) proposed an early entry ofmaize at ca. 4000 years BP, while otherresearchers accept a later chronology for thisdomesticate, at ca. 2000 years BP (Lagiglia, 1980,2001; Garcı́a, 1992). The direct radiocarbonmaize chronology is concordant with this last

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  • Figure 1. Location of the study area, Argentina.

    Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption 219

    proposition, but the few Zea mays samples directlydated are recorded archaeologically in thesouthern part of this region (Gil, 2003). Ingeneral, the record of domesticates has beeninterpreted as the consequence of farming societysettlement (see details in Gil, 1997–1998), andgenerally proposed in its first phase as ‘incipientfarming’ (Lagiglia, 1980). Recently, alternativestrategies to a hunter-gatherer/farming dicho-tomy have been proposed, and temporo-spatialvariation in corn incorporation and use is starting

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    to be considered (Gil, 2003; Novellino et al.,2004; Gil et al., 2006).A similar subsistence practice had been

    proposed for the entire region during theAgroalfarero period (the last 1000–1500 years).Only recently has variation in subsistence,basically the significance of maize in the diet,been proposed (Gil et al., 2006; Chiavazza &Mafferra, 2007; Johnson et al., 2007), breakingthe static vision about human subsistence duringthe last 2000 years. The incorporation of

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  • 220 A. F. Gil et al.

    domesticates in the diet could have caused a moresignificant occupation of the valley floors as wellas progressive colonisation of lower lands(Gambier, 1976). Around 1000 years BP thearchaeological record suggests the beginning of asignificant occupation of the mountain valleysand lowlands, with the greater amount of sites inthis period in northern Mendoza possiblyshowing growth in population density (Corte-goso, 2006). Few studies of palaeoethnobotanyhave been carried out in the region and werebasically focused on the highlands (Bárcena &Roig, 1983; Bárcena et al., 1985; Roig & Martı́nezCarretero, 1991), showing the exploitation oflocal wild vegetation with some minor presenceof cultigens (Bárcena et al., 1985; Roig & Martı́nezCarretero, 1991: Table 1).

    Human archaeological samples

    The stable isotopic analysis presented in thispaper is based on new information from 18 humansamples from 12 archaeological sites, most ofwhich were excavated during the 1950s, includ-ing the cases of Aconcagua and Uspallataarchaeological sites (Schobinger, 1971, 2001;Bárcena, 1974–1976). We provide a brief over-view of available contextual information for thesearchaeological sites. Although the global samplesize is small, it is adequate to present a firstanalytical step to refine our sampling and ourquestion. Future studies already planned willreject or confirm our preliminary trends and theirmeaning in terms of dietary stability/change.The archaeological sites considered in the

    present study are Viluco (Reed, 1918), San Carlo(Rusconi, 1962), Cápiz Alto (Durán & Novellino,1999–2000), Barrancas (Rusconi, 1962), Uspal-lata Túmulo I, II, and III, Potrero Las Colonias(Rusconi, 1962), Uspallata Usina Sur (Schobin-ger, 1971; Bárcena, 1974–1976), and Aconcagua(Schobinger, 2001).The Viluco archaeological site is located in the

    oriental plain (Figure 1) and was discovered byReed (1918) who excavated an aeolian landform2 km long, where he found scattered humanburials. These burials were found lying on theirside, left or right, in a flexed position with the facelooking to the east, contained many diverse

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    associated materials such as textiles, metal objects(tips of spears, silver spoons, rings), pottery,molinos and hand stones, beads of glass, andshells (Rusconi, 1962). After this first research,Lagiglia (1976) conducted an exhaustive analysisof the archaeological pottery, defining the VilucoCulture, which he associated with the historicalHuarpes. Recently human samples were dated toca. 200 14C years BP (Table 2).

    Near Viluco there is another archaeologicalcemetery named San Carlos. Rusconi (1962)excavated this site near a local pillbox (Figure 1).There appeared human remains belonging to nineindividuals attributed by Rusconi to the Pre-Hispanic period, and the remains of a mud wallthat he ascribed to the first chapel built by theJesuits in the region. There is no mention ofobjects associated with the burials. As part of thepresent research a human sample was dated to ca.150 14C years BP (Table 2). In the same localitythere is the Cápiz Alto archaeological site, 14 kmNNW of San Carlos (Figure 1), containing19 human burials dated to the late 16th and17th centuries (Durán & Novellino, 1999–2000).The type of burial is simple and primary in allcases, and the positions were extended in somecases and flexed in others. Individuals recoveredare mostly adult females and children (only twowere males). Almost all individuals have animportant accompaniment of diverse archaeolo-gical materials (Durán & Novellino, 1999–2000).The only human sample dated (Table 2) is notconcordant with the cultural context and hasbeen rejected.

    The archaeological locality of Maipú Barrancas(Figure 1) includes the archaeological sitesYacimiento 1 and 2. Rusconi (1962) located12 individuals of both sexes and different ages inYacimiento 1, but few of them were recovereddue to poor conservation. At 50 m from theprevious site is Yacimiento 2, with 22 skeletalremains (Figure 1) disposed in different positions:some were lying flexed on their face with the armsto the sides of the torso, while others were fullyextended. Rusconi (1962) mentioned that onseveral of the adults recovered were the skeletalremains of a subadult. Few pottery remains wererecovered in the burials. As part of this study onehuman sample was dated to ca. 2000 14C years BP(Table 2).

    Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 19: 215–236 (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

  • Table 1. Resources and their stable isotope values

    Lab code Taxa Procedence d15N d13CCOL d13CAP

    RegionalUSF-8859 Lama sp. Potrerillos Casa 1 (arch) 4.9 �18.7USF- 8860 Pterocnemia pennata Agua de La Cueva (arch) 7.6 �18.6USF- 8862 Lama sp. La Manga, Casa de Piedra (arch) 4.4 �19.7USF- 8863 Lama sp. Agua de La Cueva (arch) 6.4 �17.5

    Macro-regionalUSF-5905/6170 Lama guanicoe Arroyo El Desecho 10 (arch) 4.3 �19.1 �10.7USF-5906/6171 Lama guanicoe Agua de los Caballos 1 (arch) 5.0 �14.7 —USF-5907/6172 Lama guanicoe Cueva de Luna (arch) 4.6 �19.4 �11.1USF-6173 Lama guanicoe El Indı́geno (arch) — — —USF-8354 Lama guanicoe La Gotera (arch) 6.2 �18.7 —USF-8355 Lama guanicoe Arroyo Malo 3 (arch) 4.8 �18.8 —USF-8356 Lama guanicoe Ojo de Agua (arch) 6.6 �18.7 —USF-8357 Lama guanicoe El Sosneado 3 (arch) 6.1 �18.9 —USF-5913/6179 Lama guanicoe Arroyo El Desecho 10 (arch) 4.3 �18.8 �8.9USF-7368 Lama sp. Angualasto (arch) 9.0 �14.2 —USF-7370 Lama sp. Morrillos (arch) 5.6 �18.1 —s/d Lama sp. Neuquén (arch) — �19.8 —s/d Lama sp. Neuquén (arch) — �19.7 —USF-5911/6177 Lagidium viscacia Alero Puesto Carrasco (arch) 3.7 �19.3 �9.1USF-5912/6178 Chaetophractus villosus Alero Puesto Carrasco (arch) 5.6 �17.7 �11.1USF-5908/6174 Cholephaga melanoptera El Indı́geno (arch) 4.1 �22.0 �11.5USF-5914/6180 Pterocnemia pennata Alero Puesto Carrasco (arch) 4.9 �21.0 �11.5USF-5910/6176 Pterocnemia pennata Alero Puesto Carrasco (arch) 4.6 �20.6 �12.1USF-5909/6175 Rhea americana Malargüe (actual) 5.7 �20.0 �11.8USF-7369 Rhea sp. Angualasto (arch) 6.7 �18.3 �17.1USF-8864 Lama guanicoe La Payunia-La Corredera (arch) 6.3 �19.3 —USF-8865 Lama guanicoe Agua de Los Caballos 1 (arch) 7.6 �18.5 —USF-8866 Lama guanicoe Gruta El Manzano (arch) 7.6 �17.6 —USF-7372 Zea mays Iglesia (arch) 9.6 �9.7 —USF-7373 Zea mays Calingasta (arch) 10.2 �9.1 —USF-7374 Zea mays Iglesia (arch) 9.5 �10.3 —USF-6181 Zea mays Cueva Zanjón del Buitre (arch) 3.4 �9.7 —USF-6182 Zea mays Gruta del Indio (arch) 3.9 �9.6 —USF-6183 Cucurbita maxima Gruta del Indio (arch) 13.1 �23.2 —USF-7375 Curcurbita maxima Iglesia (arch) 6.0 �26.7 —USF-7376 Curcurbita maxima Calingasta (arch) 7.0 �24.3 —USF-7379 Curcurbita maxima Iglesia (arch) 9.8 �24.2 —USF-6184 Lagenaria sp. — 10.4 �25.4 —USF-6185 Chenopodium sp. — 6.9 �27.6 —USF-6186 Prosopis sp. Rincón del Atuel (actual) — �23.9 —USF-7377 Prosopis sp. Calingasta (arch) 2.1 �21.0 —USF-6190 Geoffroea decorticans Rincón del Atuel (actual) — �20.8 —USF-6191 Prosopis sp. Agua de Los Caballos 1 (arch) 11.6 �24.9 —USF-6187 Cassia arnottiana Arroyo Malo (actual) 1.6 �25.4 —USF-6188 Phaseolus vulgaris Var. oblo Gruta del Indio (arch) 5.5 �24.0USF-6189 Geoffroea decorticans Agua de Los Caballos 1 (arch) 14.0 �20.2 —USF-6192 Condalia microphylla Cuadro Benegas (actual) — �25.3 —USF-6193 Schinus polygamus Arroyo Malo (actual) 1.6 �24.4 —USF-7371 Phragmite australis Iglesia (arch) 4.2 �23.6 —R-V-8 Phragmite australis Iglesia (arch) 9.5 �22.4 —s/d Tubérculo amiláceo Neuquén (arch) — �24.6 —s/d Araucaria araucana Neuquén (arch) — �23.6 —

    (arch): archaeological sample; (actual): actual sample.

    Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption 221

    The Uspallata archaeological locality islocated in the western mountains (Figure 1).The Uspallata Túmulo I of El Canal wasexcavated in 1938, recovering human remains

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    of 20 individuals of both sexes and different ages.A human bone sample has recently been dated toca. 980 14C years BP (Table 2). At 20 metres fromthat site is Uspallata Túmulo II (Figure 1), where

    Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 19: 215–236 (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

  • Table
























































































































































































































































































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    ten individuals were found mostly articulated, inextended positions in some cases, while in othersthe arms were folded on the chest, but all hadtheir heads looking to the east. Two human bonesamples have been dated, as part of this study, toca. 1200 14C years BP (Table 2). In 1939 Rusconiexcavated the Uspallata Túmulo III, approxi-mately 10 m from Uspallata Túmulo II. Here herecovered disarticulated human bone remains ofboth sexes, mostly young and immature, andsome pottery was also found in the graves(Rusconi, 1962). Based on the geological strati-graphy, Rusconi assigned a Pre-Hispanic chron-ology to the human remains found in thesegraves. A recent radiocarbon date on one humanbone sample adjusts this chronology to ca. 67014C years BP (Table 2).The Potrero Las Colonias archaeological site is

    located in Uspallata (Figure 1). In 1939 Rusconiworked on this mound recovering nearly 60 indi-viduals, which were disarticulated and mixed,forming an ossuary. According to Rusconi (1962),it could be a common grave where individualswere buried with some speed and withoutapparent order. Some pottery remains were foundnear the human skeletons and all the findingswere assigned to Pre-Hispanic times (Rusconi,1962). The radiocarbon date obtained as part ofthe present study is ca. 570 14C years BP(Table 2).The Alto Verde archaeological site is located in

    northeastern Mendoza (Figure 1). In 1960Rusconi explored several kilometres of the riverTunuyán, finding a multiple burial with humanremains of three individuals (Rusconi, 1962).During the 1970s a multiple human burial was

    discovered in the western margin of theUspallata, called Uspallata Usina Sur (Figure 1;Schobinger, 1971; Bárcena, 1974–1976). Therewere primary burials in an extended positionlying on their back. In most cases the skulls couldnot be associated with post-cranial bones. Severalobjects were found associated with the burialsincluding tips, tembetás, pipes, stone vessels,bronze objects, necklace ornaments with stoneand clay impressions, and basketry (Schobinger,1971; Bárcena, 1974–1976). According to Bár-cena (1974–1976), the people of Uspallata UsinaSur would have had a diet low in carbohydrates,relying on hunter-gatherer activities, because of

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    the low percentage of dental caries present. Thissite has a relative chronology of 1000–1200 yearsBP based on the associated artefacts (Bárcena,1974–1976). A date of ca. 580 14C years BP wasobtained from one human bone sample from thissite (Fernández et al., 1999).Close to Uspallata Usina South (15 km) there

    is the Agua de la Cueva-North site. This is anextended cave with human occupations datingfrom the Pleistocene–Holocene limit up to theLate Holocene (Garcı́a, 2003; Lucero et al., 2006).This shelter is located 2900 m.a.s.l. on thewestern slopes of the Precordillera plateau in the‘puneño’ desert (Figure 1). The remains of a childwere found and dated at 2480� 50 14C years BP.This is coincident with the first record of farmers’groups from northwestern Mendoza and westernSan Juan provinces (Gambier, 2000). In adomestic context near the burial area thereappeared seeds of maize (Zea sp.) and pumpkin(Cucurbita spp.), and shells of mate (Lagenaria sp.)(Durán & Garcı́a, 1989).In 1985 a mummified male child of 7–8 years

    old was found in the Aconcagua mountain(Figure 1), at 5300 m.a.s.l. It was in a flexedposition, wrapped with numerous textile pieces,and accompanied by diverse utensils. Thisindividual was clearly attributed to the Incaperiod. A radiocarbon age determination of ca.370 14C years BP was obtained for a bone samplefrom this individual (Schobinger, 2001).

    Methods and techniques

    Well-established procedures for extracting bonecollagen, and bone and tooth enamel apatite,were performed in the Laboratory for Archae-ological Science at the University of SouthFlorida (Tykot, 2004). Whole and fragmentedbone (about 1 g) and tooth samples were cleanedusing ultrasonic vibration and distilled water.From the cleaned bone, 10mg of bone powderwere extracted for apatite analysis. Likewise,10mg of tooth enamel were extracted using adental drill. Bone collagen was extracted using2% HCl for 72 hrs, dissolving base-solublecontaminants using 0.1M NaOH (24 hrs beforeand after demineralisation), and separatingresidual lipids with a mixture of methanol,

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    chloroform and water for 24 hrs. After drying andweighing the overall yield, collagen pseudo-morphs were analysed using a CHN analysercoupled with a Finnigan MAT Delta Plus XLstable isotope ratio mass spectrometer set up withcontinuous flow. The reliability of collagenresults was determined by percentage yieldsduring processing, and validated by C:N ratiosduring analysis. Carbonate from apatite andenamel samples was also extracted using estab-lished techniques, specifically the removal oforganic components using bleach (24 hrs forenamel, 72 hrs for apatite), and of non-biogeniccarbonates using buffered 1M acetic acid(24 hrs). Carbonate samples were analysed usinga similar Finnigan MAT Delta Plus XL massspectrometer, coupled with a Kiel III device. Theprecision of the USF analyses is about � 0.1%for carbon and � 0.2% for nitrogen. Results arereported relative to the PDB and AIR standards.In order to contextualise these human samples

    and their stable isotopic values, we discuss thebioarchaeological trends from the associatedhuman samples (Table 3). The bioarchaeologicalanalysis includes 68 human individuals of bothsexes and a range of ages which have permanenttooth pieces. The sex and age determinationswere performed according to the proceduressuggested by Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994). Thesamples used are part of the collection of humanbones deposited in the Museum CornelioMoyano (Mendoza, Argentina). Based on theseremains, several categories of bioarchaeologicaldata were considered. The diet-related indicatorsstudied are the presence of dental caries, cribraorbitalia (Mensforth, 1991; Holland & O’Brien,1992), dental enamel hypoplasia, and dentalabscesses as indicators of infectious processes(Scott, 1979; Smith, 1984; Buikstra & Ubelaker,1994; Larsen, 1995, 1997; Novellino &Gil, 2007).































    Stable isotope ecology

    Knowledge of the stable isotope ecology of theregion is a first step to understanding the isotopicvalues in human samples. The archaeofaunal andarchaeobotanical studies define, in the same way,the species considered and their dietary signifi-cance (Table 1). Although there are scarce

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  • Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption 225

    subsistence studies based on archaeofaunal andarchaeobotanical records in the region, thegeneral trends in faunal exploitation indicatethe intensive use of camelids, ostrich and smallmammals. Among the wild plants, the use ofProsopis sp. is probably the most significant. Thefocus in this study is to identify the isotopicsignature of corn. The majority of the samplesused to evaluate the isotopic ecology arearchaeological, therefore avoiding the Suesseffect. The isotopic ecology is presented atregional and macro-regional spatial scales. At theregional level (32–348S), isotopic values wereobtained for four faunal samples corresponding totwo taxa (Table 1), while at the macro-regionallevel (30–408S) isotopic values were obtained for20 faunal resources (8 taxa) and 24 plant resources(13 taxa).The isotopic analyses indicate that, on a

    regional level, faunal samples have lowd13C values (average¼�18.6%; SD¼ 0.9;n¼ 4) and an average d15N value of¼ 5.8%(SD¼ 1.45; n¼ 4). The stable isotope values forfaunal samples on a macro-regional scale show asimilar average value of �18.7% (SD¼ 1.7;n¼ 22). The more enriched isotopic values arerecorded in Lama sp., while the other taxa arebasically more negative than this average value(Table 1). The average value for d15N is 5.8%(SD¼ 1.6; n¼ 20). On the other hand, plantsfrom the macro-regional spatial scale have lowd13C values (average¼�21%; n¼ 24) with ad15N average of 7.3% (n¼ 19). The wildresources have an average d13C value of�23.3% (SD¼ 1.8; n¼ 12) and a d15N averageof 6.4% (SD¼ 5.2; n¼ 7). Among domesticateplants the d13C average value is�18.6% (SD¼ 8;n¼ 12) with a d15N average of 7.9% (SD¼ 2.9;n¼ 12). Clearly, the d15N values for plants arehighly variable, with examples in Cucurbita maxima(from 6.0 to 13.1), Prosopis sp. (from 2.1 to 11.6)and Zea mays (see below). d15N values for wildplants are higher in lowland than in highlandareas, with significant differences between thesamples tested so far. This contrast may be due todifferential responses to arid conditions, and isthe subject of further testing. Future studies thatconsider more samples, climatic differences andphytogeographical context could improve ourunderstanding of these differences. Zea mays

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    d13C values (average¼�9.7%; SD¼ 0.42;n¼ 5) have no significant difference from cornsamples from other regions, and they are enrichedin carbon isotopic values, in contrast to all non-corn plants tested (Table 1; Figure 2). The Zeamays d15N values have an average of 7.3% with astandard deviation of 3.4% (n¼ 5). Two aspectsare remarked on from the results presented inTable 1 and Figure 2. First is the significantvariation in the d13C isotopic values for camelids(Figure 2) as was demonstrated by Fernández &Panarello (1999–2001) for northwest camelidsamples. While the variability in the photosyn-thetic pathways in the region (Cavagnaro, 1988;Llano, 2009) is one of the probable explanationsfor isotopic variation in the camelid diet, theexistence of different taxa (Finucane et al., 2006)within central western camelids could be anotherexplanation. At present the archaeofaunal studiesdo not indicate the presence of domesticatedcamelids nor of a clear pastoralist structure. Thevariations in the d15N values for camelid tissue(between 4% and 9%) are consistent withexpected responses to camelids’ physiologicaladaptation to aridity (Sponheimer et al., 2003;Finucane et al., 2006). A second interesting aspectis the variation in d15N values for archaeologicalsamples of Zea mays (Table 1) that is noticeablewhen comparing samples of northern andsouthern Z. mays. The southern samples (USF-6181, USF-6182) have lower values in compari-son with the northern samples (USF-7372, USF-7373, USF-7374; Table 1). One hypothesis thatneeds to be investigated is the difference in theapplication of manuring techniques (Finucane,2007), but specific studies still need to beperformed.

    Human stable isotope data

    The isotopic values (d13C, d15N) for humansamples from the last 2200 years are presented inTable 2. Twenty samples (ten from lowlands andten from highland-piedmonts) are included, from14 archaeological sites (Table 2). These samplesproduced 20 d13C values based on bone collagen,14 d13C values based on bone apatite, and 16 ford15N. Table 2 also includes new AMS radio-carbon dates directly from human bone. The few

    Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 19: 215–236 (2009)DOI: 10.1002/oa

  • Figure 2. Ranges in value of d15N and d13CCOL for ecological resources in central western Argentina. This figure isavailable in colour online at

    226 A. F. Gil et al.

    previous stable isotopic values (for samples fromAconcagua, Uspallata Usina Sur) and radio-carbon dates are also included.The d13C values of human bone collagen

    (d13CCOL) range from �18.7% to �10.8%(average¼�14.6%; n¼ 20); the d13C values ofhuman bone apatite (d13CAP) range from�13.6%to �3.4% (average¼�8.6%; n¼ 14). Finally,the d15N values of human bone range between7.8% and 11.7% (average¼ 9.5%; n¼ 16)(Table 2). These results show a great variabilityin d13C and a minor variation in d15N values.The high variability in the d13C values (8%)

    needs to be interpreted in terms of differences inthe terrestrial resource components of humandiets. The most significant point to be discussedhere is the variation in C4 proportions which,accepting the actual isotope ecology (Figure 2),could be interpreted basically as the consumptionof corn, at least in Pre-Hispanic times (seebelow). If the variation in d13C can be interpreted

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    as a difference in the proportion of C3/C4resources, and if maize is probably the mostsignificant C4 food in the region, then variabilityin the d13C values may be interpreted as variationin corn consumption (Bender, 1968; Tieszen &Fagre, 1993; Tykot, 2006). In order to understandthis variability in d13C, the temporal and spatialvariation of the isotopic data is examined.

    Figure 3 shows the temporal trend in d13CCOLand d13CAP, showing no significant patternsthrough time. Coltrain & Leavitt (2002) proposedthree categories that represent real but not strictlycategorical differences in diets from the GreatSalt Lake region (US). This could be a usefulheuristic tool to apply in the analysis of theisotopic variation in Mendoza. Coltrain & Leavitt(2002) suggested the following three dietarycategories: category 1, those individuals whosubsisted on diets high in C3 foods (�14%); and

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  • Figure 3. Chronological plot of d13C values for the samples. This figure is available in colour online at

    Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption 227

    category 3, those subsisting on mixed diets (�17to �14%). Certainly, it is useful to separatephotosynthetic pathway trends but not specifictaxa consumption. However, it is suggested herethat maize is the most significant C4 resource useddirectly as food on the basis of the regionalarchaeological record. On the other hand, duringhistorical times there were other vegetal staplesintroduced into human diets, whether C4 likesugar-cane, or C3 like wheat.Using these categories the samples analysed in

    the present study show significant variability. Theoldest samples, between ca. 2400 and 175014C years BP, include the lowest isotopic values(Figure 3). The ‘category 2’ of individuals withhigh consumption (direct or indirect) of C4resources is recorded between approximately1250 and 300 years BP (Figure 3). It is betweenthese dates that corn consumption was probablymost significant, but important variation isobserved. A significant drop in isotopic valuesis recorded after this date. Isotopically depletedindividuals are recorded in the late humansamples, after 300 years BP. This is a significant

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    trend given the late introduction of Europeanresources into the regional menu of availablestaples.Taking into consideration the d13C values for

    apatite (d13CAP) and considering an adaptation ofColtrain & Leavitt’s (2002) categorisation (see Gilet al., 2006), the trends show temporal differencesin comparison with the d13C based on collagen.The d13CAP values indicative of significantconsumption of C4 foods are recorded fromapproximately 2000 years BP (sample MMy 259).On the other hand, similar trends are found withd13C based on collagen. The earlier evidence ofsignificant C4 consumption recorded in theinorganic fraction could be explained by thebiochemical nature of bone turnover. As shownby experimental studies (Ambrose & Norr, 1993;Tieszen & Fagre, 1993), the stable carbon isotopiccomposition of extracted collagen varies moreclosely with the isotopic composition of dietaryprotein. If collagen d13C reflects dietary protein,then carbon atoms from the protein portion ofdiet must be preferentially routed to collagen. Onthe other hand, since the carbon atoms in bone

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    mineral are derived from all the macro-nutrients,d13C in bone mineral will reflect the whole diet(Harrison & Katzenberg, 2003).Maize is a relatively low-protein food and its

    contribution to the overall diet is likely to beunderrepresented by the isotopic composition ofcollagen, but not by the isotopic composition ofthe inorganic fraction (Greenlee, 2006). Ifcorrect, d13CCOL shows clearly when maize cameto dominate the diet, but is less sensitive to low-level maize use (for a similar situation, seeHarrison & Katzenberg, 2003). This is probablythe situation for sample MMy259. The trend ind13CCOL and d

    13CAP shows a preliminary non-gradual and non-directional change in humandiet, contrary to the actual models of culturalchange in the region. Different regions of theAmericas show different patterns, followingdifferent ‘pathways’ of change in reference tothe enrichment of d13C and the causes which areexplored (e.g. Johnson et al., 2007) but not yetcompletely understood. Obviously our samplesize is small, but we accept that there isconcordance between the data and this proposal.Future studies can corroborate or refute this trend.The first step is to refine our question abouthuman dietary variation in the southern frontierof American maize farming.

    Figure 4. Chronological plot of d13C values for the samples

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    In order to explore the meaning of thisvariability in terms of human diet, we presenttemporal-spatial trends through the use oftemporal units. These temporal units are heuristictools without any intrinsic cultural meaning.These units take into consideration the radio-carbon dates and include unit 1 (2001–3000 yearsBP), unit 2 (1001–2000 years BP); unit 3 (501–1000 years BP); and unit 4 (100–500 years BP). Ifthe human bone samples are grouped by temporalunit, temporal trends in d13C values are significantas shown in Figure 4. The Aconcagua mummy isnot included in this figure because it is an outlier(not representative of the general human strat-egies of the region), but no significant change isobserved if this sample is considered. This figureshows differences in the average value withparabolic trends. The earliest and the latestgroups (2000–3000 and 0–500 years BP) show themore depleted average (�16.5%) with similarranges between �18.5% and �14.5%. It showsthat the diet in both groups looks very similar.The middle groups (1000–2000 and 500–1000years BP) have a similar average notably enriched(�13%) in comparison with the previous case.These middle groups have a significant variation,approximately from �16.4% to �10.8%. AnANOVA one-way test between groups shows a

    , grouped by temporal unit.

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  • Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption 229

    probability of p� 0.008, rejecting the nullhypothesis and accepting the statically significantdifference between the groups. This significantinternal variation is clearly shown in Figure 4 andcould be interpreted as a dietary difference interms of maize consumption between ‘contem-porary’ individuals. A similar trend is observed ford13CAP.These results show, firstly, that corn was

    clearly significant in the human diet only after ca.1250 years BP but probably used in low levelsfrom 2000 years ago (considering d13CAP).Secondly, there is an important differencebetween individuals with similar chronologies.Thirdly, a drop in the d13C value during the last300 years can be interpreted as a change in dietwhere the importance of maize declines. Adifferent alternative, the introduction of Euro-pean products (Eurasian domestic animals andplants), may be proposed. The introduction ofsugar cane could produce an increase in d13C, butthe available isotopic values show precisely thecontrary. A classic approach used in archae-ological research in central western Argentina isbased on the extrapolation of historical andethnohistorical information (Abraham & Prieto,1991; Prieto, 1997–1998; Bárcena, 2001) to thearchaeological past. This kind of direct analogy is

    Figure 5. Relationship between d15N and dif d13CCOL-AP.

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    not supported by the subsistence studies pre-sented here. This means that the recent historichuman strategies are not a good analogue for Pre-Hispanic subsistence strategies, as is also shownin recent paleoethnobotanical studies (Chiavazza& Mafferra, 2007). A similar late decline ind13C values has been observed in the neighboringregion of central Chile (Falabella et al., 2007,2008) and other parts of the Americas, such asOhio (Greenlee, 2006).The differences between d13CAP and d

    13CCOL(d13CAP-COL) values are presented and discussedconsidering the local isotopic ecology. d13CAP-COL values have been used in isotopic palaeodietstudies as a measure of trophic level, whered13CAP-COL increases with a decrease in tropicposition – in other words, with a decrease inanimal protein input to the diet (Schwarcz, 2006).Figure 5 compares the variation of d13CAP-COLwith reference to d15N. The figure shows a weaktrend where more depleted d15N individuals tendto have d13CAP-COL greater than 5. Figure 6 showsthe relationship between d13CAP-COL andd13C, indicating that d13CAP explains better,but weakly, the variation in d13CAP-COL. Thepattern is weak but to some degree shows that theenrichment of d13CAP is associated with a slowdiminution in d15N that could be interpreted as a

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  • Figure 6. Relationship between d13C and dif d13CCOL-AP.

    230 A. F. Gil et al.

    diminution in the trophic level, as shown byd15N. It is very tentative because the number ofsamples is small.In terms of spatial variability the analysis was

    concentrated in the distribution of samplesbetween lowlands and piedmont-highlands(Table 2). The sample size and its spatial andtemporal distribution are far from ideal. Still, itshows some trends that provide future questions.The stable isotope data show an average enrich-ment in the highland samples, basically Uspallata,in comparisonwith the lowland samples (Figure 7).This result,which isnotexpected, is theoppositeofthe pattern for southern Mendoza (Gil, 2003; Gilet al., 2006) where more enrichment is recorded inthe lowlands. Again, no uniform spatial pattern isshown for d13C values, and this could indicate asignificant dietary difference not considered atpresent.The stable carbon isotope values between 328–

    338S need to be discussed on a wider spatial scaleincluding central Chile, southern Mendoza, andSan Juan, where there are d13C values available forhuman samples (Gil et al., 2006; Falabella et al.,2007, 2008). A recent carbon isotope study incentral Chile region has produced relevantinformation to compare with our results (Falabella

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    et al., 2007, 2008). The central Chile studypresents stable isotope trends for the LateHolocene, mainly the last 2500 years. The mostenriched average in the Chile human samples isrecorded in the Aconcagua cultural complex,between 900–500 years BP, similar in chronologyto the trends in northern Mendoza. Nevertheless,the average enrichment started earlier in the latercase, between 1000–2000 years ago, and theabrupt average change was prior to that in CentralChile. On the other hand, the d13C isotope valuesin the neighbouring region of south Mendoza(Gil, 2003; Gil et al., 2006) show a smallerconsumption of C4 resources and never reach theenrichment recorded in the north. In the Atuelvalley of southern Mendoza the carbon isotopedata show little enrichment after 2000 years agoand apparently also show a decrease the last partof the sequence, similar to northern Mendoza.Finally, the carbon isotope data for San Juan,north of Mendoza, show a different pattern. TheSan Juan samples show a trend for the last 4000years when corn was significant, but less than innorth Mendoza, and only after 1000 years ago(Gil et al., 2006). This wider spatio-temporal trendshows a heterogeneous pattern in the introduc-tion and trajectory of C4 resources, basically

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  • Figure 7. Difference in d13C values between lowland and highland regions.

    Stable Isotopes and Maize Consumption 231

    maize. In all of these cases only for the last part ofthe Late Holocene was maize, on average,significant in the human diet.Previous research indicates some relationships

    between maize consumption and the frequency ofcertain bioarchaeological proxies (Lukacs, 1989;Novellino et al., 2004; Novellino & Gil, 2007). Inthe case presented here there is a low frequencyof hypoplasia (8.5%) and a high frequency of

    Figure 8. Temporal trends in the frequency of dental caries

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    caries (38%). There is not a strong relationshipbetween d13C and caries frequency, contrary towhat is expected if the latter is influenced by thedegree of corn consumption (see Novellino et al.,2004). It is significant to mention a notableincrease in the caries frequency in the latest timeperiod (Figure 8), when d13C isotopic values weremore depleted. One probable explanation for thisPost-Hispanic increase in caries frequency is the

    (average by archaeological site).

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  • 232 A. F. Gil et al.

    dietary incorporation of sugar cane. Nevertheless,d13C values do not support this scenario, as hasbeen already shown.The frequency of dental abscesses is low (28%)

    in the total sample, but the variation betweenarchaeological sites is high (e.g. BarrancasYacimiento¼ 0%, Uspallata Túmulo I¼ 67%).These values would be related to infectionscaused either by cariogenic processes and/orantemortem tooth loss at each site. However, wecan not rule out that such variability may be dueto differences in sample size at the different sitestested. Table 3 shows a low frequency of cribaorbitalia, a non-specific indicator of anaemia(Stuart-Macadam, 1992; Aufderheide & Rodrı́-guez Martı́n, 1998; Wright & Yoder, 2003); thelow frequency would indicate that the incorp-oration of iron in the diet is not deficient.

    Final remarks

    Subsistence and dietary research are useful topicsof research for understanding changes in socialsystems (Binford, 2001). Corn consumption andits trends have been specifically associated withthe development of complex societies (Finucaneet al., 2006) and generally associated with strongcultural change and reorganisation. The centralwestern region of Argentina is the southernboundary for the farming of corn in the Pre-Hispanic record. This paper shows that humanbone d13C values show a significant variationthrough time, but this variation is not linear andincreasing through time, as archaeologists hadpreviously thought. It is important to remark herethat corn has been highly significant in humandiets for the last 1200 years, and that this role insubsistence was variable from this time toHispanic times. Therefore, historical informationabout human diet is not representative of thesituation in Pre-Hispanic times.Climatic conditions comprise one important

    variable to consider in the study of variation incorn use. Human strategies and diets are basicallya response to the regional resource structure. Theuse of a given resource is related to its distributionand density across the landscape, and thesevariables are conditioned in turn by climaticconditions. The Late Holocene was not a stable

    Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    climatic period in the region (Zárate, 2002;Espizúa, 2005). Climatic fluctuations could haveproduced changes in primary productivity and infarming production, as has been recorded inhistorical times (Prieto, 1997–1998). Stableisotopes and world climatic databases provide apromising line of research in order to understandthe role of different domesticates around theglobe. On the agenda there is a necessity toexplore the form and cause of ‘contemporary’inter-individual diet variations and the decline incorn consumption during historical times. Moreresearch is needed, but available data clearlysuggests that the role of corn was highly variablethrough time and space at its southern limit ofdispersion.


    A previous version of this paper was presented atthe Congreso Nacional de Arqueologı́a Argentina(Jujuy, 2007) and at the ‘Arqueologı́a e IsótoposEstables en el sur de Sudamérica’ meeting (Malar-güe, 2006). The Arizona AMS Facility collabo-rated with a special consideration of theradiocarbon dates informed in the present paper.Part of this research was supported by grants fromCONICET, Fundación Antorchas (N814116-182and 14116-116) and the Agencia Nacional dePromoción Cientı́fica y Tecnológica. Weacknowledge the Museo Cornelio Moyano forfacilitating access to the collections, principallyits director Clara Abal. The reviewers made sig-nificant suggestions that were considered here,but they are not responsible for any remainingerrors or omissions. Finally, Ramiro Barberenagave very useful assistance with the English ver-sion of this paper.


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