staffing case study (final)

ACRE CONSULTING Memo To: Donald Penchiala; Marilyn Anchley From: Ashley Lawrence Chelsea Miller Ryan Jadin Lizzie Hornak CC: Jon Werner Date: 26-Aug-22 Re: Revised Interview Protocol for Department Managers Introduction The most important part of any selection, or hiring, process is the interview. Research has proved that standardized procedures produce better quality in hiring than unstructured interviews do. Store managers have agreed that increasing the number of tests and forms will not be adequate in the selection of department manager. The current method used to hire external managers is very similar to the selection to store associates; however to hire the best employees, each position’s selection process should be tailored to match the specific skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for each job. It is important to closely match the ways in which we are measuring our applicants, along with the specific tasks needed for that position. A selection procedure cannot be effective if it is universally applied across the store. The Department Manager position requires much more responsibility and intellectual work than other positions within Tanglewood. ACRE Consulting recommends that Tanglewood work to improve and update their selection plan for the Department Manager position, which includes developing a standardized interview protocol. Current Measures Currently, Tanglewood has chosen to use an experience check, an education check, the Marshfield Applicant Exam, and the Retail Knowledge Test. On the following page you will find a table that assesses Tanglewood’s current methods of assessment and if they adequately measure the knowledge, skills, and abilities (commonly referred to as KSAO’s) needed for the Department Manager position. These major KSAO’s are derived from the job description for the position, and Page 1

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MemoTo: Donald Penchiala; Marilyn Anchley

From: Ashley Lawrence

Chelsea Miller

Ryan Jadin

Lizzie Hornak

CC: Jon Werner

Date: 10-Apr-23

Re: Revised Interview Protocol for Department Managers


The most important part of any selection, or hiring, process is the interview. Research has proved that standardized procedures produce better quality in hiring than unstructured interviews do. Store managers have agreed that increasing the number of tests and forms will not be adequate in the selection of department manager. The current method used to hire external managers is very similar to the selection to store associates; however to hire the best employees, each position’s selection process should be tailored to match the specific skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for each job. It is important to closely match the ways in which we are measuring our applicants, along with the specific tasks needed for that position. A selection procedure cannot be effective if it is universally applied across the store. The Department Manager position requires much more responsibility and intellectual work than other positions within Tanglewood. ACRE Consulting recommends that Tanglewood work to improve and update their selection plan for the Department Manager position, which includes developing a standardized interview protocol.

Current Measures

Currently, Tanglewood has chosen to use an experience check, an education check, the Marshfield Applicant Exam, and the Retail Knowledge Test. On the following page you will find a table that assesses Tanglewood’s current methods of assessment and if they adequately measure the knowledge, skills, and abilities (commonly referred to as KSAO’s) needed for the Department Manager position. These major KSAO’s are derived from the job description for the position, and are considered the necessary factors for success in this role. The only KSAO category that ACRE did not find necessary for selection of a quality candidate is, “Knowledge of organizational policies and practices.” It is our finding that Tanglewood could hire an extremely qualified candidate and teach them knowledge that is specific to Tanglewood’s organizational policies and practices. The other KSAO’s have been deemed necessary for success and should be adequately addressed in one of the methods of assessment.

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    Method of Assessment


Necessary for Selection?



Marshfield Applicant Exam

Retail Knowledge

Major KSAO Category          

Knowledge of organizational policies and practices N n/a n/a n/a n/aSkill and judgment in decision making Y X   X  Ability to think, develop original solutions within prescribed parameters Y X   X  Knowledge of retail management, policies, and practices Y X     XKnowledge of legal precepts underlying personnel management Y X X    

Skill and analysis of financial and operational data Y X X X  Ability to reason inductively Y X   X  Knowledge of customer service principles Y X X   XSkill in managing personnel resources Y X      Communication and speaking skills Y X X    

Selection Sequence

Initial Assessment: Initial assessment methods are used to determine which applicants meet the minimum requirements of the position. These applicants than become candidates and move into the substantive assessment phase. The goal in this phase is to narrow the applicant pool, in order to avoid spending excessive time and money on unqualified applicants. If at any point in the process, an applicant does not meet the requirements of the step, they should be notified that they are no longer being considered for the position. ACRE recommends the following initial assessment methods in this order:

1. Resume and Cover letter screening. PASS→

2. Application blank. PASS→

3. Education and experience checks to verify the honesty and accuracy of the information provided. PASS →

4. Customer Service Biodata Questionnaire. PASS →

5. Initial phone screen to help verify information. PASS →

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Substantive Assessment: Once an applicant has passed through the initial assessment phase we called them a candidate, meaning they meet the minimum requirements. Substantive assessment methods are then used to differentiate the degree to which each candidate is qualified for the job. These methods, or predictors, tend to cost the company more time and money, so it wouldn’t be efficient to send to every applicant.

6. Personality Exam. PASS→

7. Marshfield Applicant Exam. PASS →

8. Retail Knowledge Exam. PASS →

9. Structured Interview (see Key and Questions below). PASS →

Finalist: After a candidate has met all of the requirements, and proved they are the most qualified candidate, they become a finalist and an offer is made.

Addressing Deficiencies in Current Measures

Based on the importance of these KSAO’s and lack of adequate measurement using the above methods, ACRE found that the following KSAO’s should be addressed in a structured interview: communication and speaking skills; skill and judgment in decision-making; ability to think and develop original solutions within prescribed parameters; knowledge of legal precepts underlying personnel management; ability to reason inductively; and skill in managing personnel resources.

Due to problems of low standardization, lack of guidelines, and a general lack of research on interviews currently conducted, it has been decided that a structured interview is needed to address Tanglewood’s challenges. The best interview questions are not only broad enough to allow variability in answers, but they are also relevant to the important elements of the job. Also, best practice research shows that structured interview questions should not reflect skills or knowledge that an employee could easily acquire on the job. There are two types of structured interview questions that ACRE has chosen to use: Situational and Behavioral.

Behavioral Interview Questions: These questions ask the candidate to explain pervious experiences related to the KSAO’s needed. The following are five interview questions ACRE developed:

1. Tell me about a time when you were asked to do something that would benefit the company, but went against your personal values.

2. Tell me about a time when you received complaints about one of your direct employees. How did you approach the subject with that employee? How did the employee respond?

3. Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond to help a customer.

4. Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations in regards to safety in the work place, to enforce preventative standards.

5. Tell me about a time when you had to train a new employee about their job responsibilities. What methods did you use to train them and track their performance? Was the training effective? Did the employee succeed in their new role?

Situational Interview Questions: These questions measure how a person would react in a realistic situation. The goal is that the candidate will actually experience the same emotions the interview is trying to represent in the question. The following are five interview questions ACRE developed:

6. Suppose you managed an employee who brought to your attention that their coworkers were telling dirty jokes in the break room, and it makes them feel uncomfortable. How would you handle this situation?

7. Tanglewood has a policy that states you can only give a customer a 15% discount for damaged product. A customer approaches you and demands they receive 30% off and it’s the last of that product in stock. How would you resolve this problem?

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8. There is an employee who reports to another manager; however you have noticed that this employee is not fulfilling their job duties. This employee is a good friend with their manager, but their performance issues have started causing problems in the store. Who do you approach with your concerns, and what do you do?

9. You have an employee who has been asking other employees to clock them in before their shift starts, thus falsifying their time card. Can this action have legal repercussions and how would you handle it?

10. Suppose sales figures have decreased since last quarter in your company. It is your responsibility to figure out a creative solution that will increase sales. What steps would you take in creating and implementing this solution?

Use the below chart to see which interview questions measure which KSAO’s.

  KSAO's Measured


Communication and speaking skills

Skill and judgment in decision-making

Ability to develop original solutions

Knowledge of legal precepts-personnel management

Ability to reason inductively

Skill in managing personnel resources

Question            Q1 X X X   X  Q2 X     X XQ3 X X X   X  Q4 X   X X    Q5 X   X     XQ6 X X   X X XQ7 X X X   X  

Q8 X X X     XQ9 X       XQ10 X X X   X  

Proposed Interview Scoring Keys (Located in Appendix A)

A scoring key is an extremely important part of the structured interview process. The key shown in Appendix A uses a sliding point scale ranging from 1-4 points (four being the best possible response). A good scoring key is specific to the behaviors and attributes that a person might possess, and should demonstrate on the job. Each interview question has its own scoring key. The proposed scoring keys were then piloted to determine the strengths and weaknesses possible with each question.

Final Interview Scoring Keys (Located in Appendix B)

The observations and suggestions given by the pilot candidates can be seen within the interviewer comments section of the Appendix A Scoring Keys. The majority of issues with our proposed questioned regarded length and wording. Some of the lengthy questions can be broken into follow up questions. For example with Question 5, a behavioral question, there are four questions listed in the original. Fixing this problem will consist of using the last three questions to follow up and probe the interviewee further. Other issues were that within the key, some questions were looking to identify legal percepts, when in fact, there may not have been any legalities involved in the issues. From ACRE’s piloting, the questions are now revised to best fit the needs of Tanglewood and in identifying the proper KSAO’s.


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ACRE recommends that Tanglewood provide training to all hiring managers on the structured interview process. Research on structured interviews proves it is the most beneficial method of interviewing because it lowers inconsistency of measurement. Structured interviews also are more highly correlated (have higher validity) with hiring successful employees.

If Tanglewood adopts ACRE’s recommendations to create a structured interview protocol and selection process, they will find it easier to distinguish between qualified and unqualified candidates before they are hired. A more efficient policy for screening applicants will in turn lower Tanglewood’s cost per hire because they will not spending time or money on candidates that do not meet the minimum requirements of the position.

Appendix A

Question 1

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to provide a response

where they struggled between their values and their job duties and how they overcame it.

Performance dimensions

Task: Identify job duties and compare them to the legal/ethical issues involved in the situation.

Knowledge: Knowledge of job duties, knowledge of legal issues, and knowledge of personal values.

Skills: Judgment and decision making, conflict resolution. Abilities: Communication, formulating solutions, and conscientiousness.

Interview question Tell me about a time when you were asked to do something that would benefit the company, but went against your personal values.

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention any situation, in which they were asked to do something against their values for their job.

2 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying a situation related to doing something against their values for their job, but fails to mention how they formulated a solution.

3 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying a situation related to doing something against their values for their job and gives a solution that would be adequate.

4 point: Applicant fulfills all of the requirements of number three, but also does so in a way which shows their knowledge of job duties, legalities, and values.

Interviewer comments

When piloted, knowledge of legalities may not be applicable to situation, so that should be more of an optional consideration.

Candidate felt this may be dabbling too much in moral values and questioned if this belonged in an interview question.

Question 2

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to provide a response to

an employee’s complaint and how to effectively resolve the situation. Performance dimensions

Task: Listen to a grievance about a fellow employee, appropriately approach the topic with the employee, and work with the employee to find a solution to the concern (including correcting any performance issues).

Knowledge: Knowledge of personal management, knowledge of legal precepts. Skills: Employee/personal management, conflict resolution, and

judgment/decision making. Abilities: Effective communication, speaking, and listening aptitude; inductive

reasoning.Interview question Tell me about a time when you received complaints about one of your direct

employees. How did you approach the subject with that employee? How did the employee respond?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention any understanding of legal personal management concepts, nor resolving employee conflicts. Applicant fails to use intuitive reasoning to find workable solutions to resolve the situation.

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2 point: Applicant is sufficient in mentioning employee conflicts using limited inductive reasoning to find a solution. Applicant uses efficient communication skills, but still fails to prove an understanding of legal personal management.

3 point: Applicant demonstrates a sufficient understanding of legal personal management concepts and uses reasonable judgment to find workable solutions to find a resolution for the situation and uses communication and inductive reasoning well.

4 point: Applicant fulfills the requirements in number 3, but also does so with a well versed knowledge in legal personal management concepts while using communication that is clear and relatable to employees.

Interviewer comments

When piloted, legalities may not be necessary again.Candidates felt overall that this was a good question.

Question 3

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to explain a time where

they demonstrated great customer service.Performance dimensions

Task: Identifying customers in need of assistance and then developing a creative way to see to their satisfaction.

Knowledge: Quality customer service techniques. Skills: Judgment and decision making, Abilities: Effective communication and speaking, developing creative or original

solutions, and inductive reasoning.Interview question Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond to help a customer.

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention any critical concepts related to customer service or problem solving.

2 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying concepts related to customer service, but fails to problem solve or identity a creative solution.

3 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying concepts related to customer service, and develops a solution that would meet standards.

4 point: Applicant fulfills all of the requirements of number three, but also does so in a straightforward way that clearly demonstrates their ability to exceed expectations and provide exceptional customer service.

Interviewer comments

The person who piloted this question thought that asking for a certain number of examples would be beneficial. He also suggested defining what is above beyond. Suggested: “Give me two examples of a time when you felt you provided great customer service.”

Candidates felt this was also a great question and was very applicable for the job.

Question 4

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to explain a time

where they demonstrated a vital need for safety in the workplacePerformance dimensions

Task: Identify the use of safety policy and procedure in the retail industry and demonstrate where they when above and beyond to meet safety expectations.

Knowledge: Legal precepts relating to personnel management Skills: Communication and speaking skills Abilities: Develop original solutions

Interview question Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations in regards to safety in the work place, to enforce preventative standards.

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Original scoring key point:

2 point:  Applicant gives a sufficient example including explaining the importance of safety in the workplace but was unable to exceed expectations to enforce safety standards or express legal repercussions.

3 point:4 point:  applicant fulfills and exceeds expectations laid out by employee in

regards to safety in the workplace. They are able to recognize the need to enforce practices and followed through on every level and understood the legal concepts involving safety.

Interviewer comments

Overall, person who piloted the question thought it was a very good question and key. Candidate felt this was applicable to the job; however it was mentioned that safety standards demand that you “exceed expectations.”

Question 5

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to develop and train a

new employee, including tracking his or her performance on the job. Performance dimensions

Task: Develop training for a new employee and instruct them about their specific job tasks, then track the employee’s performance on the job. Also, analyze the training that was provided to the new employee and consider if it was effective.

Knowledge: Understanding of training concepts and personnel management. Skills: Skill in managing personal resources, proficiency in tracking performance. Abilities: Clear verbal and written communication; ability to develop practical and

original solutions.Interview question Tell me about a time when you had to train a new employee about their job

responsibilities. What methods did you use to train them and track their performance? Was the training effective? Did the employee succeed in their new role?

Original scoring key 1 point: Instructions fail to mention how the new employee’s performance was tracked Applicant does not explain the training methods implemented, nor the success it had on the employee.

2 point: Instructions are sufficient to explain the specific job tasks. The applicant explained the training provided to the new employee, but gave a vague analysis of the performance tracking. Applicant does not thoroughly demonstrate knowledge of the training concepts.

3 point: Instructions are sufficient to explain the specific job tasks. The applicant gives a thorough explanation of what kinds of method(s) used, how it was tracked and how successful the training method(s) were, while demonstrating clear communication skills.

4 point: Instructions fulfill all of the requirements of number three, but also develop practical and original solutions for monitoring and improving employee’s success.

Interviewer comments

The person who piloted this question thought there were too many questions for the candidate to sufficiently answer. Suggested “Tell me about a time when you had a train a new employee about their job responsibilities,” and then use the other questions as probing questions.Candidate felt that using probing questions (instead of asking large question all at once) would be beneficial.

Question 6

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to address an

employee’s concerns and the legal elements presented in the situation.Performance dimensions

Task: Listen and record the employee’s concerns. Talk with the other employees who were telling the jokes and explain the legal consequences of their actions.

Knowledge: Knowledge of the law and procedures for sexual harassment and employee management.

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Skills: Problem solving skills, effectively directing and understanding employees. Abilities: Effectively listen and communicate protocol.

Interview question Suppose you managed an employee who brought to your attention that their coworkers were telling dirty jokes in the break room, and it makes them feel uncomfortable.  How would you handle this situation?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention the legal elements that were presented and how they addressed and solved the employee’s concerns.

2 point: Applicant shows sufficient knowledge of legal elements, but the applicant’s solution to the employee’s concerns is marginal and could be far exceeded.

3 point: Applicant demonstrates sufficient knowledge of legalities and provides an answer, which properly solves the employee’s concerns.

4 point: Applicant’s response fulfills the entire requirement in number three, but also exceeds the employee’s concerns and applies measures which would be preventative of the situation happening again.

Interviewer comments

The person who piloted this question felt that the question was worded very well and the key was appropriate. She felt it was important for a manager to understand how to handle sensitive issues. Candidate felt that we could change “dirty jokes” to “inappropriate jokes.”

Question 7

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to show their ability

to develop an original solution in regards to customer service and their judgment in decision-making.

Performance dimensions

Task: Communicate with the customer to resolve the issue regarding the damaged product and desired discount.

Knowledge: Company policy and procedures regarding discounts and knowledge of customer service practices

Skills: Judgment, decision making, and to reason inductively Abilities: Effective communication and speaking, skill and judgment in

decision-making, developing creative or original solutions, and inductive reasoning.

Interview question Tanglewood has a policy that states you can only give a customer a 15% discount for damaged product. A customer approaches you and demands they receive 30% off and it’s the last of that product in stock. How would you resolve this problem?

Original scoring key 1 point:  Applicant fails to follow company policy or mention concepts related to customer service.

2 point:  Applicant is sufficient in following company policy, but fails to mention concepts related to customer service

3 point:  Applicant is sufficient in following company policy and thoroughly discusses concepts related to average customer service

4 point: Applicant fulfills company policy and discussed concepts related to exceptional customer service

Interviewer comments

The person who piloted this question thought the candidate had a good response and the question was worded clearly enough to get valid responses. Good key for pilot.Candidate felt this was a great question and that this type of situation would occur often in this industry.

Question 8

Job title Department ManagerItem description

This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to show knowledge of employee management and interaction with other managers, as well as, a solution to eliminate the performance issues

Performance dimensions

Task: Communicate with appropriate individuals concerning the disruptive behavior and develop a plan to decrease and eliminate behavior.

Knowledge: Knowledge of company policy and procedures, knowledge of personal management.

Skills: Decision-making and judgment. Abilities: Clear and concise communication.

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Interview question There is an employee who reports to another manager; however you have noticed that this employee is not fulfilling their job duties.  This employee is a good friend with their manager, but their performance issues have started causing problems in the store.  Who do you approach with your concerns, and what do you do?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant sufficiently demonstrates knowledge of personal management but fails to provide a course of action or explanation to solve the problem.

2 point: Applicant sufficiently demonstrates knowledge of personal management and provides an answer to decrease the performance issues, but it does not eliminate the issues.

3 point: Applicant sufficiently demonstrates knowledge of personal management and provides a solution that resolves and eliminates performance issues.

4 point: Applicant’s response fulfills all of the requirements of number three and provides preventative actions so this issue doesn’t happen again.

Interviewer comments

The person who piloted this interview question felt that documentation of the incidents (preventative actions) was important.

Candidate felt we were leading them in the correct direction. They suggested we take out “Who do you approach…” and simply ask “How would you handle this situation?”

Question 9

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to state any legal

ramifications for the situation, as well as how to resolve the issues presented. Performance dimensions

Task: Communicate with the employee about falsifying their time card and be able state the legal implications to the employee while correcting the behavior.

Knowledge: Awareness of legal precepts in personal management. Skills: Proficiency in managing personal resources. Abilities: Effective communication, speaking, and listening aptitude; develop

original solutions.Interview question You have an employee who has been asking other employees to clock them in before

their shift starts thus falsifying their time card. Can this action have legal repercussions and how would you handle it?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention consequences and legal ramifications of the behavior, as well as not indicating how the situation was handled nor coming up with a sufficient solution.

2 point: Applicant demonstrates sufficient knowledge in identifying legal repercussions but does describe their significance to the situation; however, the solution could have been resolved in an improved manner.

3 point: Applicant demonstrates sufficient knowledge in defining legal repercussions of the situation and implementing them in a way that uses effective communication to resolve the situation.

4 point: Applicant response fulfills all of the requirements of number three, and also includes a creative/original solution to resolve the situation and prevent it from occurring.

Interviewer comments

The person who piloted this question did not think that this question involved any illegal activities. It was suggested to mention a company policy instead. For example: “You have an employee who has been asking other employees to clock them in before their shift starts thus falsifying their time card. This goes against company policy, how would you handle it?” Candidate felt this was a good question.

Question 10

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to formulate and

implement a creative plan to increase sales.Performance dimensions

Task: Develop a business plan to increase sales, and explain the implementation procedure.

Knowledge: Sales processes and best practices. Skills: Judgment and decision making in unfamiliar situations.

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Abilities: Both verbal and oral communication, developing original solutions, and inductive reasoning.

Interview question Suppose sales figures have decreased since last quarter in your company. It is your responsibility to figure out a creative solution that will increase sales. What steps would you take in creating and implementing this solution?

Original scoring key 1 point: The plan fails to mention critical concepts related to sales forecasting and other terms, as well as it does not involve a creative solution.

2 point: The plan is sufficient to potentially increase sales, although there is still some unfamiliarity with related concepts. This plan also fails to include a creative solution.

3 point: The plan is sufficient to increase sales, and expresses and familiarity with terms including forecasting. This plan includes the standard implementation procedure.

4 point: The plan meets the requirements of number three, but also does so in a clear and straightforward way, demonstrating a thorough understanding of all related sales concepts. The plan includes a creative and original solution in the implementation phase.

Interviewer comments

Person who piloted this question thought it was really good. Candidate felt that this could be better as a behavioral question. They felt a department manager in retail should have a personal example of this. Otherwise, consider adding a probing question similar to “Do you have a personal example of this experience?”


Appendix B

Question 1

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to provide a response

where they struggled between their values and their job duties and how they overcame it.

Performance dimensions

Task: Identify job duties and compare them to ethical issues involved in the situation.

Knowledge: Knowledge of job duties, and knowledge of personal values. Skills: Judgment and decision making, conflict resolution. Abilities: Communication, formulating solutions, and conscientiousness.

Interview question Tell me about a time when you had to choose between your job duties and personal values.

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention any situation, in which they were asked to do something against their values for their job.

2 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying a situation related to doing something against their values for their job, but fails to mention how they formulated a solution.

3 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying a situation related to doing something against their values for their job and gives a solution that would be adequate.

4 point: Applicant fulfills all of the requirements of number three, but also does so in a way which shows their knowledge of job duties and values.

Interviewer comments

Question 2

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to provide a response to

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an employee’s complaint and how to effectively resolve the situation. Performance dimensions

Task: Listen to a grievance about a fellow employee, appropriately approach the topic with the employee, and work with the employee to find a solution to the concern (including correcting any performance issues).

Knowledge: Knowledge of personal management. Skills: Employee/personal management, conflict resolution, and

judgment/decision making. Abilities: Effective communication, speaking, and listening aptitude; inductive

reasoning.Interview question Tell me about a time when you received complaints about one of your direct

employees. How did you approach the subject with that employee? How did the employee respond? Was the situation resolved?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention any understanding of personal management concepts, nor resolving employee conflicts. Applicant fails to use intuitive reasoning to find workable solutions to resolve the situation.

2 point: Applicant is sufficient in mentioning employee conflicts using limited inductive reasoning to find a solution. Applicant uses efficient communication skills, but still fails to prove an understanding of personal management.

3 point: Applicant demonstrates a sufficient understanding of personal management concepts and uses reasonable judgment to find workable solutions to find a resolution for the situation and uses communication and inductive reasoning well.

4 point: Applicant fulfills the requirements in number 3, but also does so with a well versed knowledge in personal management concepts while using communication that is clear and relatable to employees.

Interviewer comments

Question 3

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to explain a time where

they demonstrated great customer service.Performance dimensions

Task: Identifying customers in need of assistance and then developing a creative way to see to their satisfaction.

Knowledge: Quality customer service techniques. Skills: Judgment and decision making, Abilities: Effective communication and speaking, developing creative or original

solutions, and inductive reasoning.Interview question Give me two examples of a time when you felt you provided great customer service.

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention any critical concepts related to customer service or problem solving.

2 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying concepts related to customer service, but fails to problem solve or identity creative solutions.

3 point: Applicant is sufficient in identifying concepts related to customer service, and develops solutions that would meet standards.

4 point: Applicant fulfills all of the requirements of number three, but also does so in a straightforward way that clearly demonstrates their ability to exceed expectations and provide exceptional customer service.

Interviewer comments

Question 4

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to explain a time

where they demonstrated a vital need for safety in the workplace

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Performance dimensions

Task: Identify the use of safety policy and procedure in the retail industry and demonstrate where they when above and beyond to meet safety expectations.

Knowledge: Legal precepts relating to personnel management Skills: Communication and speaking skills Abilities: Develop original solutions

Interview question Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations in regards to safety in the work place, to enforce preventative standards.

Original scoring key point:

2 point:  Applicant gives a sufficient example including explaining the importance of safety in the workplace but was unable to exceed expectations to enforce safety standards or express legal repercussions.

3 point:

4 point:  applicant fulfills and exceeds expectations laid out by employee in regards to safety in the workplace. They are able to recognize the need to enforce practices and followed through on every level and understood the legal concepts involving safety.

Interviewer comments

Question 5

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a behavioral interview question requiring the applicant to develop and train a

new employee, including tracking his or her performance on the job. Performance dimensions

Task: Develop training for a new employee and instruct them about their specific job tasks, then track the employee’s performance on the job. Also, analyze the training that was provided to the new employee and consider if it was effective.

Knowledge: Understanding of training concepts and personnel management. Skills: Skill in managing personal resources, proficiency in tracking performance. Abilities: Clear verbal and written communication; ability to develop practical and

original solutions.Interview question Tell me about a time when you had to train a new employee about their job

responsibilities. Follow up questions: What methods did you use to train them and track their performance? Was the training effective? Did the employee succeed in their new role?

Original scoring key 1 point: Instruction fails to mention how the new employee’s performance was tracked Applicant does not explain the training methods implemented, nor the success it had on the employee.

2 point: Instructions are sufficient to explain the specific job tasks. The applicant explained the training provided to the new employee, but gave a vague analysis of the performance tracking,. Applicant does not thoroughly demonstrate knowledge of the training concepts.

3 point: Instructions are sufficient to explain the specific job tasks. The applicant gives a thorough explanation of what kinds of method(s) used, how it was tracked and how successful the training method(s) were, while demonstrating clear communication skills.

4 point: Instructions fulfill all of the requirements of number three, but also develop practical and original solutions for monitoring and improving employee’s success.

Interviewer comments

Question 6

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Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to address an

employee’s concerns and the legal elements presented in the situation.Performance dimensions

Task: Listen and record the employee’s concerns. Talk with the other employees who were telling the jokes and explain the legal consequences of their actions.

Knowledge: Knowledge of the law and procedures for sexual harassment and employee management.

Skills: Problem solving skills, effectively directing and understanding employees. Abilities: Effectively listen and communicate protocol.

Interview question Suppose you managed an employee who brought to your attention that their coworkers were telling inappropriate jokes in the break room, and it makes them feel uncomfortable.  How would you handle this situation?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention the legal elements that were presented and how they addressed and solved the employee’s concerns.

2 point: Applicant shows sufficient knowledge of legal elements, but the applicant’s solution to the employee’s concerns is marginal and could be far exceeded.

3 point: Applicant demonstrates sufficient knowledge of legalities and provides an answer, which properly solves the employee’s concerns.

4 point: Applicant’s response fulfills the entire requirement in number three, but also exceeds the employee’s concerns and applies measures which would be preventative of the situation happening again.

Interviewer comments

Question 7

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to show their ability to

develop an original solution in regards to customer service and their judgment in decision-making.

Performance dimensions

Task Communicate with the customer to resolve the issue regarding the damaged product and desired discount.

Knowledge: Company policy and procedures regarding discounts and knowledge of customer service practices.

Skills: Judgment, decision making, and to reason inductively. Abilities: Effective communication and speaking, skill and judgment in decision-

making, developing creative or original solutions, and inductive reasoning

Interview question

Tanglewood has a policy that states you can only give a customer a 15% discount for damaged product. A customer approaches you and demands they receive 30% off and it’s the last of that product in stock. How would you resolve this problem?

Original scoring key

1 point:  Applicant fails to follow company policy or mention concepts related to customer service.

2 point:  Applicant is sufficient in following company policy, but fails to mention concepts related to customer service

3 point:  Applicant is sufficient in following company policy and thoroughly discusses concepts related to average customer service

4 point: Applicant fulfills company policy and discussed concepts related to exceptional customer service

Interviewer comments

Question 8

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Job title Department ManagerItem description

This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to show knowledge of employee management and interaction with other managers, as well as, a solution to eliminate the performance issues

Performance dimensions

Task: Communicate with appropriate individuals concerning the disruptive behavior and develop a plan to decrease and eliminate behavior.

Knowledge: Knowledge of company policy and procedures, knowledge of personal management.

Skills: Decision-making and judgment. Abilities: Clear and concise communication.

Interview question There is an employee who reports to another manager; however you have noticed that this employee is not fulfilling their job duties.  This employee is a good friend with their manager, but their performance issues have started causing problems in the store.  How would you handle the situation?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant sufficiently demonstrates knowledge of personal management but fails to provide a course of action or explanation to solve the problem.

2 point: Applicant sufficiently demonstrates knowledge of personal management and provides an answer to decrease the performance issues, but it does not eliminate the issues.

3 point: Applicant sufficiently demonstrates knowledge of personal management and provides a solution that resolves and eliminates performance issues.

4 point: Applicant’s response fulfills all of the requirements of number three and provides preventative actions so this issue doesn’t happen again.

Interviewer comments

Question 9

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to state any legal

ramifications for the situation, as well as how to resolve the issues presented. Performance dimensions

Task: Communicate with the employee about falsifying their time card and be able state the legal implications to the employee while correcting the behavior.

Knowledge: Awareness of legal precepts in personal management. Skills: Proficiency in managing personal resources. Abilities: Effective communication, speaking, and listening aptitude; develop

original solutions.Interview question You have an employee who has been asking other employees to clock them in before

their shift starts thus falsifying their time card. This goes against company policy, how would you handle it?

Original scoring key 1 point: Applicant fails to mention consequences and legal ramifications of the behavior, as well as not indicating how the situation was handled nor coming up with a sufficient solution.

2 point: Applicant demonstrates sufficient knowledge in identifying repercussions but does describe their significance to the situation; however, the solution could have been resolved in an improved manner.

3 point: Applicant demonstrates sufficient knowledge in defining repercussions of the situation and implementing them in a way that uses effective communication to resolve the situation.

4 point: Applicant response fulfills all of the requirements of number three, and also includes a creative/original solution to resolve the situation and prevent it from occurring.

Interviewer comments

Question 10

Job title Department ManagerItem description This is a situational interview question requiring the applicant to formulate and

implement a creative plan to increase sales.

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Performance dimensions

Task: Develop a business plan to increase sales, and explain the implementation procedure.

Knowledge: Sales processes and best practices. Skills: Judgment and decision making in unfamiliar situations. Abilities: Both verbal and oral communication, developing original solutions, and

inductive reasoning.Interview question Suppose sales figures have decreased since last quarter in your company. It is your

responsibility to figure out a creative solution that will increase sales. What steps would you take in creating and implementing this solution?

Follow up question: Do you have a personal example of this?

Original scoring key 1 point: The plan fails to mention critical concepts related to sales forecasting and other terms, as well as it does not involve a creative solution.

2 point: The plan is sufficient to potentially increase sales, although there is still some unfamiliarity with related concepts. This plan also fails to include a creative solution.

3 point: The plan is sufficient to increase sales, and expresses and familiarity with terms including forecasting. This plan includes the standard implementation procedure.

4 point: The plan meets the requirements of number three, but also does so in a clear and straightforward way, demonstrating a thorough understanding of all related sales concepts. The plan includes a creative and original solution in the implementation phase.

Interviewer comments

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