standard 5

STANDARD 5 The preserve-teacher makes modifications to the planning taking decisions based on the results of the learning process of the students and communicates the analysis and conclusions about the efficiency of the learning. Task 1 Describe the modifications that you made in the planning of the unit during the teaching-learning process, explain what were the reasons to make those changes and evaluate the efficiency of those modifications. In the description, explanation and evaluation indicates: 1. The main modifications made in the planning during its implementation. 2. Reasons that motivate you to reconsider about the planning, indicating the sources of the information used to decide what and how to make the modifications. The information can derives from formatives evaluations planned, informal evaluations, difficulties that appeared during the implementation of your planning, interest and participation of the students and so on. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of the modifications made to solve the problems. 3° Administración B (ENGLISH SIMCE- Preparation) The principal modifications which were realized in this unit have direct relation with the observation in the process in each class, considering student´s participation, motivation and also result in the different types of assessments. Besides, in the first area of the “Graduate profile” that point out : A7 “Demuestra competencias para

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Page 1: Standard 5


The preserve-teacher makes modifications to the planning taking decisions based on the results of the learning process of the students and communicates the analysis and conclusions about the efficiency of the learning.

Task 1

Describe the modifications that you made in the planning of the unit during the teaching-learning process, explain what were the reasons to make those changes and evaluate the efficiency of those modifications.

In the description, explanation and evaluation indicates:

1. The main modifications made in the planning during its implementation.

2. Reasons that motivate you to reconsider about the planning, indicating the sources of the information used to decide what and how to make the modifications. The information can derives from formatives evaluations planned, informal evaluations, difficulties that appeared during the implementation of your planning, interest and participation of the students and so on.

3. To evaluate the effectiveness of the modifications made to solve the problems.

3° Administración B (ENGLISH SIMCE- Preparation)

The principal modifications which were realized in this unit have direct relation with the

observation in the process in each class, considering student´s participation, motivation and also

result in the different types of assessments. Besides, in the first area of the “Graduate profile” that

point out : A7 “Demuestra competencias para investigar y reflexionar sistemáticamente sobre su

quehacer profesional contribuyendo al desarrollo y/o consolidación del conocimiento, tanto

pedagógico como del inglés en cuanto disciplina de su especialidad” and A8 “Problematiza su

quehacer docente como una fuente de organización y optimización del proceso de enseñanza

aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera”. Hence, I had to reflect about my own develop* as

a teacher and consider different factors in the process which were mentioned before, adding that

I changed format of the evaluations and materials in order to accomplish the goals of the unit.

Moreover, the UTP staff required at least three summative evaluations in the workshop.

Example of the principal evaluations:

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In this lesson was implement a summative evaluation which was in pairs they had to design a new look for a famous people in order to use the new vocabulary and expressions. After that, they presented this creation using the style of “American next top model” a famous program on TV. This task was presented with specific instructions and shows the proper rubric to assess.

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In this case, lesson 11 was not realized on time, because there was an extra activity at the high school so for lesson 12, the creation of the triptico was not possible because students needed pre vocabulary in orders to apply this in the work. Thus, I have to join lesson 11 and 12 in one lesson. I thought vocabulary and practice properly and after that they had to prepare their work. Instructions and rubric were presented for the students and they had to create this at home in pairs.

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In this last modification (lesson 13) the formative evaluation had to be summative to carry out UTP requirements.

- In general modifications were appropriate and students worked very well. They felt motivated and planning accomplishes the goal.

Task 2

Analyse, synthesize and communicate the learning results obtained for the students. 1. For each learning objective, represent the results of the evaluations in tables and figures (graphics).

2. Explain the criteria used to establish at least 3 level of achievement for each learning goals (For example: Excellent, good, and satisfactory).

3. Analyse the distribution of the students by level of achievement and make conclusions about what and how much students learnt. Make an analysis not only for the course group but also to the subgroups with especial educational needs that were identified.

These are the results of the evaluations taken during the implementation of the Unit. These results correspond to 20 students from 3°B. In this group there were not students with especial education needs. For this task I selected just the summative evaluations because the unit has as many lesson as possible in order to cover first semester.

Objectives evaluated in lesson 5 : -Aplicar el vocabulario tematico de la unidad

Instruments/activity: *Create a new look for a famous actor using clothes vocabulary and structure (she wears or she is wearing)*Rubric

Type of evaluation:Summative

Level of achievement

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Excellent Satisfactory Unsactisfactory-Students choose a famous actor or actress-They use all the vocabulary about clothes which was thought in class (15 words)- They use the correct verb tense-They work in pairs properly-They present their work in front of the class

-Students choose a famous actor or actress-They use the majority of the vocabulary about clothes which was thought in class (10 words)- They use the majority of the correct verb tense-They work in pairs properly-They present their work in front of the class

-Students do not choose a famous actor or actress-They do not use all or the majority of the vocabulary about clothes which was thought in class (less 10 words)- They do not use the correct verb tense-They do not work in pairs properly-They do not present their work in front of the class

excellent 62%



Percentage of the students that achieve the objective Lesson 5

Figure1: Percentage of students that achieve the objective lesson 5

In lesson number 5 the results of the learning indicate that the objective related with apply thematic vocabulary was accomplished by a huge part of the students. In this case 62% (13 students) of students accomplished the objective.

Objectives evaluated in lesson 11-12: -Crear un triptico con información de su profesión favorita

-Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad

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Instruments/activity: *Create a triptico with jobs information*Rubric

Type of evaluation:Summative

Level of achievementExcellent Satisfactory Unsactisfactory-Está presente el formato de un triptico, contando con tres tipos de cara, el orden es tal cual las instrucciones lo expresan.-La portada incluye título, logo del liceo, nombres e imágenes.-Utiliza un vocabulario amplio y no repite palabras.-Utiliza el idioma inglés en toda la exposición escrita del trabajo-Utiliza imágenes en todas las caras del triptico, diferentes modelos de palabras y anexos-Cumple exactamente con la fecha de entrega

-Está presente el formato de un triptico, contando con tres tipos de cara.-La portada incluye título, nombres e imágenes.-Utiliza un vocabulario limitado.-Utiliza tanto inglés como español en la exposición escrita del trabajo-Utiliza imágenes en todas las caras del triptico, diferentes modelos de palabras-Cumple al segundo día con la fecha de entrega

- NO está presente el formato de un triptico.-La portada incluye título y nombres.-Vocabulario limitado y repite palabras.-Utiliza español en la exposición del trabajo-No utiliza imágenes en todas las caras del triptico-No cumple con la fecha de entrega

excellent 75%


Percentaje of the students that achieve the objective Lesson 11-12

Figure2: Percentage of the students that achieve the objective lesson 11-12

In the lesson number 11 (join 11-12) students had to create a triptico following some instructions and considering the rubric. The results of the learning show that more than half of the students

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accomplish the goal 75% with excellent (15 students) and also 25% (5 students) which provide solid evidence that evaluation was almost successful and appropriate.

Objectives evaluated in lesson 13:

-Write a healthy menú to motivate healthy life

Instruments/activity: *Format of a menu *Rubric

Type of evaluation:Summative

Level of achievementExcellent Satisfactory Unsactisfactory-Students create a healthy menu for their canteen-They use all the vocabulary about clothes which was thought in class (12 words)- They use the correct verb tense-They work in groups properly- They follow all the instructions

-Students create a healthy menu an some junk food for their canteen-They use all the vocabulary about clothes which was thought in class (8 words)- They use the majority correct verb tense-They work in groups properly- They follow the majority of instructions

-Students do not create a healthy menu for their canteen just junk food-They do not use all the vocabulary about clothes which was thought in class (4 words)- They do not use the correct verb tense-They do not work in groups properly- They do not follow the instructions

excellent 70%



Percentaje of the students that achieve the objective Lesson 13

Figure 3: Percentage of the students that achieve the objective lesson 13

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In the lesson number 13 students had to create a menu using thematic vocabulary of the unit (food) following some instructions and considering the rubric. The results of the learning show that more than half of the students accomplish the goal 70% with excellent (15 students) and also 25% (5 students) which provide solid evidence that evaluation was almost successful and appropriate. Nonetheless, 5% (1 student) could not accomplish the goal.

Task 3:

Evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching process and the learning goals of all students. Based on the results of the evaluations, judge how effective was the plan designed (learning objectives, plan of classes and the evaluation plan) and the modifications during the development of the unit.

1. Wise choices and mistakes in the planning of the teaching-learning process and the evaluation, development and modifications made.

2. Indicate how effective your teaching was. Considering methodological models of the curricular sector and contextual factors, explain those aspects that identify as more effective and those that were less effective (for example: relation between the activities, content and students’ characteristics and context)

One of the good decisions made in this unit was the number of opportunities that students had to practice before the different evaluations. Besides, how vocabulary was presented in order to develop properly the assessment. I made mistakes during the class such as some bad pronunciation which after that obviously, I had to correct. In addition, different instruments of evaluation were applied. Students were tested not only written works but also oral presentation. I could mention that the modifications made during the unit promoted the learning-process of students. Finally, the mistakes made during the implementation of the unit are going to help me to take more effective and appropriate decisions in the future.