star, her veteran jieatk home of son · ¦the sunday star, ’washington. d. c., february 4,...

¦THE SUNDAY STAR, ’WASHINGTON. D. C., FEBRUARY 4, 1923-PART 1. . CUTS HER THROAT. r CHICAGO, February 3.—Alter re- j dealing the whereabouts of her hus- i band, Eugene Braslawsky. missing ¦ president of the closed International State Bank, who was arrested In New Orleans. Mrs. Braslawsky eflt her I throat with a safety raaor blade to- ¦ day. Het condition is said to be serious. I FOR II! \ FUNERALS | ||| Moderately Priced j (Delivered to Any Point in United Spates || KRAMER, 916 F ST. g ANNIVERSARY WALLOW TO BE HELD BY CARABAO Military Order to Observe Twenty- Third Year Since Beginning of Philippine Insurrection. The twenty-third anniversary of the beginning of the Philippine in- surrection will be celebrated by the Military' Order of the Carabao with a "grand anniversary carabao wal- low.” to be given at Hhuscher’s. Connecticut avenue and L street, next Saturday, February 10. . The following officers of the order were elected at a meeting held at the Army and Navy Qlub last Thurs- day’. Paramount carabao (com- mander), Brig. Oen. Harry H. Band- holtz, U. S. A.; patriarch of the herd (senior vice commander). Rear Ad- miral Benjamin C. Bryan, U. S. N.; hall carabao (junior vice comman- der). Brig. Gen. Henry C. Haines, U. S. Marine Corps; lead and wheel cara- bao (secretary and treasurer). Col. j Joseph H. Heller. M. O.’ R. C.: main I guard. Col. Henry C. U. 8 A.; winder of the horn. Capt. George IV. Steele, jr.. U. S. N.; care,- tenero,.Col. John R. M. Taylor. U. S. A.;-gHmbollng carabao, Capt. David M. Addison. C. S. N., and veterinario. Lieut. Col. Matthew A. De Laney, U. S. A. The "following compose the general committee In charge of the banquet arrangements: Col. James A. Moss, U. S. A., chairman; Col. Henry C. Bonnycastlo, U. S. A; Col. John K. M. Taylor, IT. S. A.; Capt. Victor S. Jack- son, IT. 8. N.; Lieut. Col. Hugh Mat- thews, U. S. M. C.; Commander Fred- erick L. Belton, U. 8. N.; Maj. Resolve P. Palmer. U. 8. A.; Capt. George R- Grau, ex-emergency; Capt. Walton H. Sexton, U. S. N.; Capt. David M. Addl- son, IT. 8. N.; Lieut. Col. Herbert L. Evans. IL S. A.; Maj. William L. Pat- terson. U. 8. A.; Maj. Fred W. Boschen, U. S. A., and Col. Joseph M. Heller. M. O. R. C. TRIBUTE TO LINCOLN. Program Complete for Exercises to Be’Held Next Sunday. / Arrangements for memorial serv- ices for Abraham Lincoln to be held next Sunday at the Lincoln Memorial were announced last night. Repre- sentatives of all ex-service organi- zations have been invited ip partic- ipate. A parade will precede the eaerclses. A band will be furnished by the War Department and prom- inent government officials have ac- cepted invitations to take part. ~Dr. John Wesley Hill, chancellor of Lin- coln University, is expected to t>« present. The parade will be mobilized at the Arlington building, Vermont avenue entrance, just above H street, prior to 11:30, when the start will be made. Uniforms will be optional. i Hosts of Thrifty Housekeepers Welcome These Saving Opportunities With Enthusiasm? I Special! 4*4x9 Feet . % l~ KJSrSaNs S?- 79c I GenuUe 0* G%d' i, B;aranaia» W 'TT'I mbMU ** A ?AM B »U A « nely „„„„ fa.,Ac. sofs finish, In | irr i >are ain Q A real 404 f"* g\ jk ... nn m-r Navy or Black; for women a. and 55 | b,rgain - 1316 To 1324 /TH ST., N.W. »*¦»*>. | I 4Sfe=r\ Mill End Sale of All-Wool Girls’ DrCSSCS I w Fur Collar Coats ’X'lrv c % I [ A s|nf.9s 99»i * I / j Sizes 7to 14 Years J ff W omen’s and -Misses’ All-wool Coats with tur collars of ' ,am Presses, in plaid, || 3 IB"*! nutria—colors are tan. copen, deer and navy—full length stripe or plain colors, « and fully silk lined. Buttons and fancy stitching for trim. niacl . e ;^|;^ c wl^t c u j j^ cs ~ || - ¦ * -- ¦"¦¦— with contrasting colors \ A I I - 20% Off All Fur and Plush Coats "H'Sf-H Jill I |} ** x 2 ** ________sl.9B. Some are just --,-1 | 19c and 25c Yard Wide 10 1 / _ Tomorrow at 9we place on sale 15 styles of Iji I Longcloth and Batiste . nr » AT J PD I 1 K .lust 2,000 yards of very fine, mercerized finish batiste. longoloth and lAf O I M*T >3 SS nainsook, in mill lengths un to 10 yards. There are qualities here worth f J ll||lljl| «s IfA I 111 II Xjf I II 111 k= , S| much more than the above quoted comparisons, but they all go at the m wm g gs little price of l 2V a r a yard. j iscr 74c|B-.d.p“.v... »i-7» aW % r y&9 Made of a pood. woven, bleached A real $2.25 value; snow white; SS^SUmSBfK^B HE muslin: .‘t-lnuh hem. no Ironing; double-bed s : zt». , 35c Bleached OC/» 81x90 Seamless fl* 1 jA I M ; !| Pillowcase Sheets ** Kt Made of eloselj* woven, pure bleached cot- Garzo braid, fine quality: double bed tV vC 'B- ton: size 42x5d; hemmed ends. s'ze; worth $1.75 if fterfect. 17 I : ,td 79c 64-Inch FAs* $2 Pattern (| IQ Tame* S { frv 1 7s7fC T I_l I al_ «P I «Xsf 1,1 pun J ps you will find colonials, one and two strap models. M i _ Damask **•* I ablecloth ... 1 L*2l,tl c kH°. xf^ s , fo . r w »l kln *- " treet or ,IrPSS wear - The lathers i m*blj mcneri/ed. lirrnjy woven, bleached Heavy linen-finis!., mercerized cloth: size and satins U All ?n the awnrlnllnt ca -l^: also patent leathers jp , table damask: f.itk pi.--cs. 54x54; pattern woven In. -aims. All sizes in the assortment, but not in every style. | fs4 80x90 Satin Finish ' e<\ /*a rvrn . _ ”P I :a if *ll D J J $ / ,vj EXTRA MONDAY SHOE FEATURE iviarseilles oeasprcaci «= nl 185 pairs.ofGrowlngGins .ml Womens High Shoes. & t ork |j © » Black and brown, also patent colt, with fanev kid *S I W An extra larce size ami an extra big bargain for our Mill End Sale Celebration. tops - " * k/X Pure white bleached, raised Marseilles designs; hemmed ends and ready to put on (he bed. 8 1 i|< Mill End Sale of 100 Dozen | i 25c Flannel J 11 1J _ J * m 69c &$1 Holland & Opaque F *®“ ncin^» ll lsc OOVS OUItS 11 ¦ a White outing flannel; ®F '*3 ' ill- j CL J on il I Window Shades, 39c ~~ <\r\ w n ts& 1 S ® ! They are termed seconds because of a pin hole or Torchon H H ¦¦ I i I crease in the cloth, but all the rollers are perfect and _ _ « H V MWM ABr Y\ iWK \/ -y K | S : come with fixtures and slats: size 3x6 and 3x5 feet, in all LfICC DC H ' I i —n ?> 3 i I colors, green, white or ecru. Boarding house keepers, f B f 1 1 JBZ— '—, L_l IS j I3f take notice.- ~h'? m ,T f' >r " > ' 1 ’?' or \\J I Si | chon lace, in various rj ) j |g| ; \a |Tj M 5 || widths up to 3 inches. Every boys suit in stock to go. includ-fT-jV | | f;' |Vj Altr ifIPIIUY H 79c /Vluslin ing mixtures, serges and corduroys. Almost W i W j*rnig JX Underwear all ,lave two pairs of pants and every one lj| 49c W, J 1 give wear and satisfaction. Sizes 7 W p' Full of Snap and Style I Women’s gowns, to 18. II 1 \*j skirts, envelopes, etc.. - ' 1 (P f\ Cf i and^embroider.v'Vrim* 6 $5.00 Suit*. . UOW $4.00 $8.98 Suit* . . UOW $7.20 | I ,J) rl # Hn - f $6.98 Suits.. .now $5.60 SIO.OO Suits, now SB.OO | Priced W •*'*** Dresses* 59c $7,98 Bnit * now 56,40 512,50 Suil * now SIO.OO | | Onlyb^SvieT^^' 111"'1 " All Men’s Pants Reduced I 3 ~“ Every pair in stock goes in this sale. In sizes 28 to 50 I just fresh from the New York houses. ggpjff T , S Sll jt. ofi waist-and you can see a wonderful assortment of patterns. | | §i of visca braids, haircloth and all-over I eddies, $1.90 j 0 $4 Pants, .now $2.95 ITo $6.50 Pants.. .$4.95 &*< |f* w,! .™ c "7Z mP* ftSbd Ai£ T# « Pant*...aow J3.95 |T« $8.50 Pant*.. .$5.05 | i fruits, ribbons arft], ornsments. A nRt v isce trimmed. (3 j to suit matrons and misses. The colors 4 a/l’ll r jc i ccz QC ~~ "I are copen. gray, brown, sand. red. black 10 Women’s 2-Piece 1 n ® ° (I* AO and green. i Pajamas, 98c Tapestry Portieres, pr */iir | 1 I Fine pink batiste. * * 1 ¦¦ jS 1.000 Yards Fast Color shirred yoke and pook- Full size, perfect quality Tapestry Portieres, in plain or com- aa -* m m >' cot I daintily bination colors; fringed ends. A pair, $2.08. wl 50c Imported Gingham L\T —7 1 Fine quality, mercerized finish, 82 inchea wide, in several ii Outing Flannel Mill-End Sale of New Spring All-Wool size checks and lu ail colors. Full pieces. K£u ... 19* Slip-On Sweaters! This famnua muslin on sale one day only. Limit, 10 yards to » * i 0 | customer. Full pieces, and a real 2Bc ralue. 39c Otis Check dlh . _ rrik : ,9c FancySlriped . ~«,/ _( «****“ £s4 Q Q I i Outing Flannel 1Z72 Good-weight, light ground Ontlng Flannel, with neat pink or _____ HHHt dttm | blue stripes: 26 inches wide. , * , 1 1 ¦ 11 Femthcrprooi lust arrived and specially priced forwjcsgS" S j 27-Inch, 10-Yard Piece 4 a iic Ticking, 39c nK this sale, plain colors and some £om- g ! n: Blue and white or jMf binations and fancy weaves. All g i/lapCl dOIO i fancy colored stripes; colors, but not all sizes in i finish, absorbent, antiaepf.c and non-irritant Birdeye Diaper fuU^"'^ 1 ' CUt fr°” Be j U , re t 0 gCt ° nC ° f theSC " eW SpHng 1 \ P gj Cloth, eaeh piece In sealed package. L____% models. —J id THE WEATHER District of Columbia.—Cloudy and much colder today; tomorrow fair, continued cold; fresh northwest and north winds. Maryland—Cloudy and much colder today; tomorrow fair, continued cold; fresh to strong; northwest and north winds, Virginia—Cloudy and much colder today, probably snow or rain in south portion; tomorrow probably falr> con- tinued cold: fresh to strong northeast and north winds. » \ West Virginia—Cloudy and colder today; tomorrow fair and continued cold. Records for Twenty-Four Hours. Temperature— Midnight, 44; 2 a.m., 45; 4 a,m., 46; 6 a.m., 48; 8 a.m., 49;' 10 a.m., 54; 12 noon, 47; 2 p.m., 45; 4 p.m., 42; 6 p.m., 40; 8 p.m., 40; 10 p.m., 37. Highest, 55.7; lowest, 40. Kelatlve humidity—B a.m., 96 per cent; 2 p.m., 65 per cent; 8 p.m., 60 per cent. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 51; lowest, 35. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States coast and geodetic survey.) Today;—Low tide, 4:25 a.m. and 4:48 p.m.; high tide, 10:12 a.m. and 10:32 p.m. Tomorrow—Low tide, 5:12 a.m. and 5:87 p.m.; high tide, 11:03 a.m. and 11:23 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today—Sun rose 7:13 a.m.; sun sets 5:32 p.m. Tomorrow—Sun rises 7:12 a.m.; sun sets 5:33 p.m. Moon rises 9:18 p.m.; sets 8:59 am. Automobile lamps to be lighted one- half hour after sunset. Weather In Various Cities. ,—Temperature,—, Precip Max. Mia. Italian. Sat- Fri. Sal.. 8 p.m. to unlay, night. 6 a.m. H p.m. Anbury Park. N. .1.. 44 86 36 ..... Asheville, N. C f>4 ot 40 0.44 ( Atlanta. Oa 64 62 44 o.os Atlantic City. Ji. J. 34 38 8S Baltimore. Md 62 42 40 tr o2 Birmingham. Ala... 38 38 40 0.62 Bismarck. X. D....—10 —24 -12 Boston, Mass 4-1 - 92 84 0.80 Buffalo, X. V 32 82 12 0.08 Chicago, 111 8 6 —2 .... Cincinnati, Ohio 30 30 22 0.03 Cheyenne, Wyo 16 -—4 12 0,01 Cleveland. Ohio 26 26 16 0.06 Davenport, "10wa.... —2 —8 —4 .... Denver. Col 16 —8 13 .... Ilea Moluea, 10wa... 2 —8 .. .... Detroit, Mich 24 24 12 0.02 Duluth, Minn —4 —B2 —2O El Paso, Tex 50 36 38 Galveston, Tex 70 66 48 1.12 Helena, Mont 16 —4 12 Indianapolis, Ind... 24 24 40 0.01 Jacksonville, F1a..., 78 62 72 .... Kansas City, Mo It) 2 10 .... Little Kook. Ark 40 40 26 0 020 law Angeles, Calif,. 36 40 36 I-oulsvllle. Ky 82 82 20 0.08 Marquette, Mich —2 —lO —l2 0.04 Memphis. Tenn 40 40 24 0,82 Miami, Fla 78 72 74 Mobile, Ala 72 64 30 0.10 New Orleans, La .. 78 6*l 54 0.28 New York, X. Y ... 44 30 34 0.08 Xorth Platte. Ijeb.. 26 -A 16 Omaha. Neb...1.... 2 —8 2 .... Philadelphia, Pa 48 86 38 0.01 Phoenix. Ariz 36 40 52 0.24 Pittsburgh, Pa 34 34 24 0.04 Portland. Me 44 28 34 0 32 Portland, 0re..7.... 40 30 38 .... 8. Lake City, Utah. 20 6 20 St. lamia, Mo 14 12 10 .... | St. Paul. Minn —lO —24 —l2 San Antonio, Tex... 42 48 32 0.04 San Diego. Calif 60 40 54 S. Francisco. Calif. 60 46 56 .... Seattle. Mash 38 30 38 .... Springfield, 111 6 6 2 .... Tampa. Fla 76 38 70 Toledo. 0hi0... 24 24 14 0,02 Vicksburg, Miss.... 52 52 38 0.06 WASH’GTOX. D. C. 36 43 40 0.01 Deaths Reported. The fallowing deaths have been reported in the last twenty-four hours: ! Thomas M. Hoxle. 26. Walter Reed Hospital. Ida 73. 3206 18lh st. Harvey T. Winfield, 49, 3213 Macomb st. Xancy J. Hamilton, 75. 5418 Conduit rd. Frances Schumacher, -79 711 20th st. Mary K. Caldwell. 61. 1306 Franklin st. n.e. Sister Mary A. Hiiilivan. 32, Sacred Heart, Xorth Capitol and K sts. n.e. Joseph W Kilby. S3. 1852 Bth st. Helen Johnston, 36. 1101 Euclid st. Joseph K 1.. Hsrdesly. 86. 203. the Brighton Apts. Charles McDonald, 61. Bt. Elizabeth's Hos- pital. Nellie Biy Clark. 34. National Homeopathic Hospital. Fred Rice. 83. Gallinger Hospital. Annie C. Rhine. 40 . 5802 Georgia ave. Joseph A. Giascoe, 24, 1008 14th st. s.e. Edward Winn. 31, Emergency Hospital. Milton T. Patterson. Jr.. 8 months. 740 sth I st. n.e. I Marian Wynn. 1. Previdence Hospital, j Mary Janus. 1 day. 535 15th st. n.e. j Thomas S. Janus, 8 hours, 535 15th st. n.e. ! Infant of Paul and Marie Hallock. 19 hours. I Children’s Hospital. I Wong Kai, 40, 410 B st. s.e. | Alberta Green. 20, Freedmen's Hospital, j Mildred Saunders. 39. 1248 23rd at. Bertha Berry. 20, Emergency Hospital. I Sarah Shiess, 49. 2659 Connecticut ave. James Crockett, 56. Freedmen's Hospital, I Walter E. Bell. 84. Emergency Hospital, i Alice Hardy. 62. Gallinger Hospital. ! Nancr Johnson. 88. Gallinger Hospital. | j William R. Wicks, 34. Walter Reed Hos- j pital. j Wilbur Cook, 1. Pomeroy rd. s.e. Pearl Outlaw. 6 months. Children's Hos- ] pital. ARREST TWO IN RAID, j I Police Also Seize Evidence in Bum Case. A small quantity of alleged rye i whisky and Jamaica ginger was j seized as evidence when police of the ! ninth precinct raided a house at 1427 i H street northeast and arrested i Joseph Ehrjlck. the proprietor of a 'near beer saloon at that address, and 1 Harry Isenberg of the same address i on charges of selling and illegal pos- j session of liquor. Lieut. Burlingame j and Privates Davis, Wilson and i Kuehling participated in the raid. POUND. i PIN. ctDHH). front Union Mtation. Monday even- *ng - Ulnre K.iilfilg.X-L» Government Hotelb. 9 lost, ! BELGIAN i>olice dog. black and tan. strayed jfrom home; answers name ‘"logic.” Reward. I 1908 11th st. n.w. iBRACELET —Diamond, flexible; lust. Thura- j day evening. February 1, between 17th st. 1 and Rhode Island ave. n.w. and the Hotel i Hamilton; contains 6 large diamonds and 40 [ small diamonds. Reward If returned to Mor- gan. 1610 Rhode Island ave. Phone Frank* 1 lln 8995. _«•_ I CAPE, mink fur, new brown lining: one tali ! missing. Reward. Col. 2937-J. 1223 Crltten- I den at. n.w. 4* _ ! DOG- —Tan and white English bulldog, strayed I from 1326 Fairmont st. Call Columbia '2IOB i for reward if found. I DOG—Setter, black and white, female, lost: not j broke: a pet. Reward SDK). Col. 3307. 8* j FOX TERRIER—White and tan; short tall; ! answers to Ace; vicinity 13th and X. Reward. I Call Franklin 8024-W. •_ j GLASSES—Pair of tortoise-shell-rimmed. in I Kann’s. first floor. Mrs. W. Smith. »r.. 8134 , O st. n.w. ' I GLOVES, tan. strap: Mt. Pleasant car or Mt. ! Pleasant at. Reward. Pol. 938 X-W. i HANi)IiAt'—Brown leather; on 14th and De- I catur at. car; Friday, about 10:80 p.m.; con- I mining man’s clothes and toilet articles and 'papers; *23 reward if returned; no questions i asked. Phone Adams 763. S. M. Revneae, ! 1340 G at. n.w. J ; I HEADLIGHT. February 2; reward, . Call Line. 3084. f ._ 1 PIN. gold, pearl in center. Friday night, from St. Mary'a Hall byway of G at. to 12th or on 16th st. bus. Reward If returned to 1764 Willard st.. Apt. 2. ¦ « PlN—Beta Phi Sigma Fraternity; shield shape* i surrounded with opals: Initials on hack. C. ' j 8. Call Col. 3221 after 6 o’clock. 6* POCKETBOOK. lady’s brown leather, on D at. near Kann’a or in Kann's. Mist Harvey, 1218 B n.e. Lincoln 7661. * . POCKETBOOK —Brown leather: bills, change, I two car tokens, handkerchief and mirror: between Takoma Park and 12tl)x-and 51 ata. I n.w.. Georgia ave. car line; reward. Mrs. C. Oreracker, 29 Sycamore ave. Phone Columbia 508-J. » I POCKETBOOK, in downtown bank; keep money and mall pocketbook and content* to C. C. Heath. 227 Ascot pi. n.e. •_ I POCKETBOOK, black, lady’*; lady who pick- I I ed up same, containing shell-rim glasses, small l pocketbook, money ami credit voucher, front I of A. A- P. Tea Co., 14th and P sts. n.w., Feb. 2. bet. 10 and 11 o’clock, return to Mrs. J. C. I Butts, 420 New Jersey are., or 1300 10th st. I n.w. Reward. * ! I PURSE, small, black leather! Containing watch ! and money, Saturday afternoon in Grant Circle i bus. Reward if returned to Room 517, Co- ' initial Hotel. IStli and M. i UMBRELLA—Lady’s brown silk, with Japanese carved ivory handle. Finder please call Xortß 5600. Reward. __ 4* WAIST, unfinished, dark brown, triaamed in tan, hemstitched rings In front; reward. Lin- coln 7822-J. . WRIST WATCH lift*; last Friday. Reward. Clarendon 626. * ' ’# \ . \ CONFEDERATE VETERAN DIES AT HOME OF SON Dr. Joseph Robert Lee Hardesty Was Medical Purchasing Oficer for Lee’s Army. Dr. Joseph Robert Lee Hardesty, Confederate veteran and for many years a resident of the District of Columbia, died early yesterday at the home of his son, Fred Lee Har- de«ty, at the Brighton apartments, 2123 California street. Dr. Hardesty, who was eighty-seven years of age, was bora in Harrison- burg, Va. He graduated from the University of Virginia In 1854 and from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In 1856. .-JJurlng the civil war he took part in the first battle of Bull Run. Later he was sent to England as a pur- chasing officer of medical supplies for Lee’s army. Both going and return- ing from England. Dr. Hardesty ran the blockade established by the Union ships around the port of Wil- mington, N. C. Dr. Hardesty married Susan Slcklln of Charlottesville. Va., and came to the District in 1885 and practiced his profession, in which he was a special- ist of ear and throat diseases. /- He is survived by four sons, Isaac L. Hardesty of Pittsburgh. Ben F. Hardesty of Chicago. Fred L. and I>. William-Slaughter Hardesty, both of Washington, and two grandsons and two granddaughters. Dr. Hardesty’s funeral will take place at 2 o’clock tomorrow after- noon from Wright’s chapel. 1337 10th street. Interment will be in Rock Creek cemetery. Births. Reported. Ilia following births have been reported in the last twenty-four hours: Gera fen and Fannie Janus, boy and girl tfln*. * James R, and Annabel Adams, bov, Charles O. and Bessie Frady, boy.* Cecil C. and Olive E. Buchanan, bov. Joseph C. and Mary Chlllerai. boy. Edward W. and Lena R. Challle, girl. Joseph B. and Laura M. Goldsbnrough, bov. Eugene L. and Sarah R. Kldwell. bov. Joseph K. and X'lna M. Merryman, girl. Harry B. and Daisy B. Gray, boy. George W. and Emma V. Chaney, boy. Charles H. and Minnie Z. Burrows, * boy. John V. and Harriet Greene, boy. Joe and Ida Rubin, girl. James E. and Jean Ilarapson, bov. Charles and Hattie Freeman, bov and girl twins. James H. and Hanna it L. Ferrell, bov Edward and Hazel Pratt, boy. Edward A. and Nellie Wa'tts. boy. Alonzo and Grace Thorns, lioy. Irving and Grace Wright, bov John and Heathy Prescott, girl. Raymond and Helen M, Wells, boy. TRAFFIC CLUB TO DINE. Seventeenth Annual Fete at Ra- leigh Next Saturday. The seventeenth annual dinner of the Washington Traffic Club is to be held at the Raleigh Hotel next Sat- urday night. The committee in charge has ar- ranged a program which will Include addresses by Representative R. Wal- ton Moore. Commissioners Oyster and Keller, Rev. Dr. James Freeman. George M. Smith, superintendent of the Pennsylvania railroad; Maj. Sul- livan. chief of police; Representative Philip Campbell and Frank J, Hogan. The club recently elected officers as follows; John Lewis, Baltimore and Ohio railroad, president; O. B. George, American Railway Express Company, vice president; Mason Taylor. Mary- land and Virginia railroad, treasurer: C. E. Thorney, Baltimore and Ohio railroad, secretary; executive com- mittee. the above officers and G. R. Bowen. F. M. Cook, Harry R. Howser, W. B. Perkham. T. J. Stead. Odell S. Smith and C. E. Wann. Carbs of QTftanbs. BELL. We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our neighbors, relatives and friends, to Warren Lodge, K. A. A. M.. machine division of bureau engraving and i printing. Young Pilgrims’ Club of the Israel j Baptist Church, Rev. W. J. Howard, Kev. J. I H. Burke and members of the church for ! their word* of sympathy and beautiful floral j designs sent during the illness snd death of ! our beloved one, ADA It. P. BELL r FAMILY. BUTLER. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our many nclghlasra, relatives and friends for their kindness, sympathy and floral offerings at tlie death of our dear husband and father. EDWARD A. BUTLER, i HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. I | ECKERT. We wlah to extend our sincere ( | thanks to our many neighbors, relatives and ; ! friends for thalr kindness, sympathy and < j floral offerings at the death of our mother, j I ELIZABETH ECKERT. January 26, 1823. THE FAMILY. 4* | | GRAY. We wish to extend our sincere j j thanks and heartfelt appreciation to our ! ] many friend* and relatives for their kind- I ness snd beantlfnl floral tributes rendered ; at the death of our beloved father and hus- | band. ELIAS C. GRAY. HIS WIFE ANT) CHILDREN. GREER. I wish to extend my appreciation and sincere thanks to the neighbors, relatives and friends for the beautiful flowers, their expressions of sympathy and deeds of kind- ness during the Illness and on the occasion of the recent death of my husband. HOW- ARD GREEK. To the Stansbury Ixidge. F. A, A. M., and the lonic Club of the Treas- ury. I am very grateful for the bind and helpfnl services rendered. MARY H GREER ROBET. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our many rltallves and friends for their kindness, sympathy and floral offerings at the death of our dear mother, ELIZA- BETH ROBET. THE FAMILY. * : SYMONDB. We desire to thank the friends i and neighbors for their kindness and flora! tributes on account of the death of mv late husband. A. J. BYMONDS. MARY A. SYMONDS AND CHILDREN. 5* Beatbs. ALLEN. Suddenly, February 1. lf>2B, at 2142 Newport place n.w.. EDGAR W. ALLEN, son of Charles C. and Mary K. Alien. Notice of funeral hereafter. 4* ATTHELL. Suddenly, Friday, February 2. 1923, at 11 o’clock. THOMAS, the loving husband of Henrietta Attrell and son of Agnes Monre, brother of Lucy Camacks and James Attrell, uncle of William llen- | derson. son-in-law of Mrs. Eliza Mackail. > 5 slsters-ln-law and 3 hrothers-ln-law, and I n boat of other relatives and friends to j mourn their loss. Funeral Wednesday, Feb- I ruary 7, at 2 o’clock, from his late residence, j 1540 sth st. n.w . Rev. 8. P. W. Drew, of- ficiating. Relative* and friends Invited. "1 BALL. Saturday, February 3, 1923. at 6:SO j 'k.m., at his residence, 1906 17th st. s.e., EU- ! GENE S. BALL, beloved husband of Ella i Ball. Funeral from above realdence Monday. February 5, at 2 p.m. Interment Foreat- ville. Md. i BARRETT. Suddenly. Saturday, February 3, ! 1923. at 2:45 a.m.. Mrs. CORNELIA E. BAR i I RETT, mother of Mrs. Frank X. Long and 1 j daughter of the late Rev. William F. and i I Ann E. Colllflower of Frederick, Md. Fu- , I neral services at her late realdence, 813 11th ; st. n.e., , Monday at 7:30 p.m. Interment] i Tuesday at Frederick. 5* I j BELL. Thursday, February 1. 1923. at 7:45 | I p.m.. at Emergency Hospital, WALTER E. ] i BELL, son of Settle Bell. Funeral Monday, j I February 3, at 2 p.m., from James A Bro.’s. 19tli and L sts. Relatives and friends iu- } vlted. , j BBOOKS. Departed thi* life Wednesday. January 81, 1923, at 2:45 p.m., at her resi- dence. 476 School st. s.w., MARY V. BROOKS, beloved wife of the late George Brooks; devoted mother of the late Annie I E., Mary E., Corp. J. Thomas of Leaven- worth, Kan., and the late George Brooks, i Funeral from First Baptist Church. 6th and 1 G sts. s.w., Monday, February 5. at 1 p.m.. I Rev. Robinson, pastor. BROWN. Departed this life Friday. February . 2. 1923. at 10 p.m.. at bis residence, 628 Piokford place n.e., RICHARD BROWN, the I beloved "husband of Lucinda Brown, and fa- -1 ther of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Swain. Mrs. y Alice Brown Boone and James H. Brown. Funeral services at Israel Baptist Church, I 11th at. bet. F'and O sts. n.e., Tuesday. February 6. at 1 o’clock. Sleep on. dear husband, your labors are o’er, Your loving hands shall toil no more; A faithful husband, both true and kind, I A better husband and father we could not flhd. 4* BROWN. Entered the great beyond. Saturday, I February 3, 1923, at 12:06 a.m., at his resi- dence. 419 V at.. HIRAM JJSWIB. the be- loved husband of Susie E. Brown. Notice of the funeral later. 4* BYERS. Saturday. February 3. 1923. at her realdence, Hlverdale, Md., IDA B. BYERS, beloved wife of the late Charles Byera. Funeral from Oascb’a undertaking establish- ment. Hyaftavltle, Md.. Monday, \ February 5, at 2:80 o’clock. Interment Fort Lincoln. CALDWELL. Friday, February 2. 1923. at her realdence. 1806 Franklin at. n.e.. MARY 8., belovSd wife <ot Joseph W. L. Caldwell, in her eSd year. Funeral Monday, February .». ,at « ui; Relative* gndfrlenda. Invited. IntenseSrat Qfeawood cemetery. 4* V Beatij*. CALDWELL. Tlie officers mnd member* of Union Lodge, No. 1, Ladies’ I. O. M.. will meet Monday, February 5. 1023, at 1 p.m.. at the home of our lata sister, MARY E. CALDWELL, 1306 Franklin st. n.e., for the purpose of attending her funeral. Mrs. F. M. RAITZ, Acting Bee. Seo’y, CARTER. Friday, February 2, 1023, at the residence of her son. Georgk H. Fltzhugh. 435 Bloom at., Baltimore. Sd.. ADALINE FITZHUGH CABTER, the beloved wife of the late Charles Carter; mother of William H. Fltzhugh of 1808 4th at. n.w., George 11. Fltzhugh and Mrs. Georgia Brown of Balti- more, Mrs. Bailie Jeter of Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Addle Kirby and Mrs. Daisy Morgan of New York and Laura Fltzhugh, Mrs. Novana Parker, Mrs'. Martha Carter and Mrs. Harriet Perry of Newport, B. I. She leaves 23 grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Funeral from Mt. Zion Church of Alanthua, Va., Monday, February 5, at 1 p.m. j CHURCHILL. All members of U. H. S. Jacob Jones Post, No. 2, American legion, are hereby notified of the-death of Comrade HAZEL CHURCHILL. Funeral services on Monday, at 2 'p.m., at the Calvary Baptist Church. Interment Arlington national ceme- tery. Commander EUNICE C. DESREZ. COGGINS, Saturday, February 8. 1923. at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, CAROLINE M. COGGINS. Services at tne 8. H. Iflnes Company’s funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. Monday, February 6, at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. 4* SATIS, Saturday, February 3. 1923, at 1:50 a.m.. at her residence. 828 12th st. n.e.. ZIL- LAH J.. beloved wlfd of Henry J. Davis, daughter of the late George W. and Sarah J. Crawford and mother of George J. Davis. Funeral services at Calvary Episcopal Church, 11th and G ata. n.e., Monday, February 5. at 11:30 a.m. Interment at Vineland, N. J. 4* SATIS. All members of Prince Hall Chapter, No. 5, O. E. 8., are hereby notified to be present at tie residence of our late sister. ZILLAH J. DAVIS. 828 12th st. n.e., Sunday. February 4. 1023, at 7 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of performing the rites of the order. Funeral services at Calvary Episcopal Church Monday. February 5. at 11:30 a.m. MARY M. HUTCHINS, W. M. ERNEST M. DICKERSON, W. P. SATIS. Officers and members of Richard Howell Gleaves Assembly, Order of the Golden Circle, are requested to assemble at the residence of onr deceased loyal lady, VILLAH DAVIS. 828 12th n.e.. Sunday evening-, 8 p.m. sharp, to perform the di- vine services. NETTIE EDWARDS, 1.. L. R. REBECCA SEASON, Secy. DYSON. Departed this life February 1, 1923. at 7 o’clock p.m., at his residence. 2928 Stanton rd.. Anaeostia, FRED DYSON. He leaves a devoted wife. Susie Dyson; three sons, Freddie, James and Benjamin Dyson; a devoted daughter, Glendora Christian, and seven grandchildren. Funeral from Bt. John’s C. M. E. Church February 4 at 1 o clock. All invited to attend. Safe In the arma of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love overshadowed. Sweetly his soul shall rest. FAMILY. 4* FELTS. Saturday. February 3. 1923, at 1 p m.. In Leesburg Hospital, AMOS T. FELTS. Service* will be held at his late home in Ha at Falla Church, Va., Monday at 2 p.m. Friends are invited. GLASCOE. Friday, February 2. 1923, JOSEPH A. GLABCOB, beloved son of John W. and Ella M. Glaacoe. Funeral services will be held at the Bradbiini M. E. Church Monday, February 5. at 2:30 p.m. Interment in cemetery, GTJNN. Departed thU life Friday, February 2. 1923. at 9 a.m., at her sister’s residence. 1303 Florida ave., FANNIE 8., beloved wife of U. S. Gunn. Strvireg at Lee’s chapel. Monday, February 5. at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment in vault Rock Creek cemetery. 4* GRAY. Suddenly, February 3, 1823. VIR- GINIA LOUISE, widow of Hamilton K. Gray, at the residence of her son, William C. Gray. Rlverdale. Md. Funeral Tuesday, 2 p.m. Interment private. 5* HARDESTY. Saturday morning, February 3. 1923. at 12:40 a.m.. at Brighton Apartment. Dr. JOSEPH ROBERT LEE HARDESTY, in hi* 87tb year, beloved father of Sawyer Hardesty and Dr. William Slaughter Hardesty. Funeral services Monday. Feb- ruary 5. 2 p.m., at chapel John R. "Wright Company. 1337 loth street. Interment Rock Creek cemetery. KARDON, Friday, February 2. 1923. at his residence. Silver Spring, Md.. WALTER, be loved husband of Annie B. Hardon. Funeral from tiie above residence, Monday, February 3. at 10 a.m. Interment Ruck Creek ceme- tery. 4 KILL. Thursday, February I, 1923. HARRY, beloved aon of William and the late Jeanette 11111. aged 27 years. Funeral from his late residence. Crystal Spring are.. Capitol Heights, Md.. Monday. February 5, at 8:30 a.m,. thence to Kt. Matthias’ Church, where mass will be said at 9 a.m. for the repose of bis soul. Interment Congressional ceme- tery. 4 JENNINGS. Thursday, February 1. 1923, MICHAEL G. JENNINGS. Funeral from the chapel of Frank Geier’s Sons Co., 1113 7th st. n.w., on Tuesday, February 6. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem high mass at St. Alov slue Church at 9 o’clock. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Philadelphia. Pa. I JOHNSON. At Baltimore, Md., Fridav. Feb- I nmry 2. 1923. WILLIAM MASON JOHN- 1 SON. son of Mrs. Levinia Jennings, brother ] of Henderson and Miss Leila E. Johnson. ! j Mrs. Scuttle Tyson. Mra. Minnetta Dobson I : of Philadelphia, Pa. Funeral at Baltimore. ( J Md., Tuesday. Burial in Harmony ceme- 1 ! tery. 3* j ! McKINNET. Departed th ! s life at 9 a.m. i ¦ February 3, 1923. MARTIN HENRY, son of Emory E. and Ida E. McKinney, aged 2 I years and 7 months. Funeral announcement : later. 0 | MILLER. Suddenly. Saturday, February 3. 1923. MATILDA, beloved wife of Ignatius I j Miller. Funeral from the residence of her 1 , daughter. Mrs. S. E. Miller, 41*1 New Hamp- : shire ave. n.w., oft Tuesday. February 6, at ! ( 9;3I» a.m. Requiem high mass at the Church i j of the Immaculate Conception at Id o’clock, j I Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. j Mary's cemetery. | I MOORE. The District of Columbia Society of j j the Sons of the American Revolution an- ! nonnee with deep regret the death of Past 1 i President Commander JOHN H. MOORE. I U. S. N. The following past presidents of j the society are named as a committee to S attend the funeral: John Paul Earnest. Esq.; J Admiral George W. Baird. Mr. William B. : Cox. Col. Frederick C. Bryan. Mr. Philip F. I j Lamer. Admiral Theo. F. Jewell. Mr. Wil i | liam S. Paths. Dr. David Jayne Hill and Mr. I I Albert B. Spangldr SBLDEN MARVIN ELY. Pres. .1 KENNETH SANFORD WALES, See. j MORRIS. Saturday. February 3. 1923. at the j residence of her daughter. Mrs. John W. ( Sutherin. SUSAN Q. MORRIS. Funeral from ! Hysong’a mortugry ehapel, 13th and M sts. J n.w., Monday, February 5, at 1:30 p.m. In- i’ terment at Arlington. j NEWHAM. Saturday. February 3, 1923. at 1 4:20 p.m., at hjr residence, 304 loth st. s.e.. MAZIE E, NEWHAM fuee Shtferl. lieloved wife of Frank H. Newham, nr. Announce- ment of funeral to be made later. O'BRIEN. February 1. 1923, at her residence 322 South St. Asaph st.. Alexandria. Va . Mrs ELIZABETH VIRGINIA EVANS O’BRIEN, widow of Dr. Matthew W. j O'Brien. Funeral Sunday afternoon, Feb- ruary 4, at 3 o’clock, from St. Paul’s Epis- copal Church. Alexandria, Va. Friends of the family invited. O’DEA. Saturday. February 3. 1923. ANNIE O’DEA, beloved daughter of the late John and Hannah O’lien. Funeral from the chapel of James T. Ryan. 317 Pennsylvania ave. s.e.. Monday. February 5, at 8:30 a.m,. i theuee to Holy Name Church, where mass will be said at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. Relatives and friends in- I vited. PLATER. Friday. February 2, 1923. at 2:30 a.m.. at his residence. 2530 6th st. n.w., JESSIE PLATER, beloved husband of Carrie Plater. Funeral from bis lute reaidence Sun- day. February 4. at 2 o’clock p.m. Burial in Harmony cemetery, 4* POLLEY. February 3, 1923. 4:51 a.m.. ELLA 8.. wife of the late John F, Pulley. Funeral from her late residence. 113 M st. s.e., Mon- day, February 6, at 2:30 p.m. Interment at Cedar Hill. Funeral private. * KHINE. Friday, February 2. 1923, ANNIE !• C., beloved wife of James P. Rhine. Fu- neral from her late residence, 0802 Georgia are. n.w., on Monday, February 5. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem high mass at the Church of I the Nativity at 9 o’clock. Relatives and I friends Invited. Interment Forest Glen, Md. j ROBINSON. Departed this life Friday, Feb- ¦ ruary 2. 1923, at Freedmen’s Hospital, DA- j VID A., the beloved husband of Nannie J. I Robinson and father of Harry J. Robinson, ] residence 1209 Q st. n.w. Notice of funeral 1 hereafter. t* THOMPSON. Saturday, February 3, 1923. at Garfield Hospital. JANE E. THOMPSON. Remains resting at the 8. If. Hines Co.’s funeral home, 2001 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. « TILFORD. Friday. February 2. 1923. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George H. Cameron, in Hartford. Conn.. COItNELIA VAN NESS DEAN TILFORD, widow of Brig. Gen. Joseph G. Tliford. C. 8. Armv. Funeral mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral 9:30 a.m. am) burial at Arlington, 10:30 a.m. Monday. February 5. WICKS, Friday, February 2, 1923, at Waiter Reed Hospital, at 1:10 o’clock, WILLIAM R. WICKS of 1025 21st st. n.w.. the devot- ed husband of Sophia Duvall Wicks, brother of Lucy Youncey of Germantown, Fa.; Belle Hawkins and Carter Wicks of Charlottes- ville, Va., and cousin of Ellen Casey of Pittsburgh, Pa. Funtral Sunday, February 4, from the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church at 2 o’clock. Relatives and friends are in- vited. -x, 4* WICKS. Officers and members of John F. Cook Lodge, No. 10, F. A. A. M.. are re- quested to meet at Masonic Temple. Oth and Va. ave. s.e., Sunday, February 4. at 11:30 a.m.. to attend the funeral of Bro. WILLIAM R. WICKS, to be held at 19th St. Baptist Church Sunday. February 4, at 2 p.m. By order of the worshipful master, FRANK K. PEEBLES. R. W. PINCKETT. Secretary. 4* WICKS, officers and members of the men’s Cliff Rock Beneficial Association are request- ed to attend the funeral of our late brother. WILLIAM K. WICKS, from the Nineteen ill Street Baptist Church, corner lath and I sts. n.w., Sunday, February 4, 1923, at 2 pjn, .. N. H. JOHNSON. President. JOHN A. FRANKLIN, Secretary. 4* JieatK ; WINFIELD Thursday. February 1. 19'KL at his residence, 3213 Macomb st. n.w., HARVEY T. WINFIELD, beloved bus baud of Helen M. Winfield (nee Kllnet. Funeral will take place from his late resi- dence at 2 o’clock Monday, February 5. 4 YOUNG. Departed this life February 3, 1923, at 1:10 a.m., at her late residence, 30 F st. n.w., MARIE MOSS YOUNG, the de voted wife of John Young and daughter of Emma Moas Lewis and the late Sandy Muss, loving sister of Mrs. Leila Banks, adopted sister of Sarah Donaldson. Funeral Tuesday, February 6, at 1 p.m., from Zion Baptist Church. W. H. Howard, pastor Friends and relatives invited to attend. iflemoriam. BABCOCK. Saered to the memory of my dear father. JAMES H. BABCOCK, who en tered Into eternal rest thirteen years ago | today, February 4, 1910. Loved in life, remembered in death; HOB. BRADLEY. Sacred to the memory of MAR GARKT c. BRADLEY, who died three years ago today, February 4, 1920. THE FAMILY. CHAPPELL. In sad but loving remembrance of our darling IB tie boy, CHARLES WIL- LIAM CHAPPELL, who left us tlx year* ago today, February 4. 1917, aged 2 yeur* ' and 5 months. In our hearts you are always remembered. Sweetest thoughts still cliug to your nafiie The parents who loved you in life, dear baby. Still love you in death the same. ' ' YOKE LOVING MOTHER. DADDY AND LITTLE SISTER. We know that God only loaned you To us for a little while. For when the angels came to take you away You were readv, with a sweet, little smile. GRANDPARENTS, MR. AND MRS. HAI.I * DAY. No one knows the silent heartaches. Only tboae who have lost can tell Os the grief that Is borne in silence For the one we alt loved so well. UNCLE ARTIS AND AUNT RUTH FIELDS. Sad and sudden was the call. Sir long years ago today; Called from this world to peaceful rest. Called by Our Lord, who knowetb best. UNCLE RAYMOND AND CLYDE HALI- DA Y. CROPPER. A sad but loving tribute ta the memory of our dear rizavr. Js:<E McWfER- BO.N CROPPER. wh.J tieparfed this life three 1 years ago. February 4. 1!*2«. She faded away like the stars of the morn ing. That lose their light in the glorious sun: She faded away, gently and loving. But she will always be remembered by what she has done. DEVOTED SISTERS, AMANDA E. CROP PER. CLARA W. LEWIS, AND DEVOT ED BROTHER-IN-LAW, STEWART M LEWIS. . PAWNS. In loving remembrance of our be loved daughter. ©ARMENIA B DAWNS, who departed this .life eight years ago yes terday, February 3. 1915. How sad it la with uu tutight Without thee In our ¦l*l*: But God has taken you *Say. We will meet again ootSd day. Reat, sweet rest. In yonder world with the blest: When this old world shall pass away We will meet In heaven, there to slay. HER MOTHER AND FATHER. FERRY. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear mother. MARY ELIZABETH FERRY, who died fifteen yfgrs ago today. February 4, 1908. To me there oW,es a Mem#S* Os a love that is seldom nwt. r When 1 think of my deSf mother Whom I never shall forget. HER DEVOTED SON HARRY. FORTNEY. In loving remembrance of oar dear daughter and sister, SEI.CNA MeDON ALD FORTNEY, who departed this life three years ago today, February 4, fO2O. FATHER. MOTHER BROTHER. HILL. To remember WII LIAM CLIFTON HILL, who departed ihi* life Februarv 4. 1921. Not a day one, ' Hat what fond thoughts of you come To thoae whom you left here. Mourning and drying hot, bleeding tears. Old pal. we know you’re watching us. And we’re wilting for heaven's omnibus To come and hear us on to you In the land of the tried and true. HIS DEVOTED WIFE JVVD FAMILY. * JACKSON. Sac-fed to the memory of my d»«- son. Dr. JAMES A. JACKSON, who departed this life three years ago today. February 4. 1920. You are ndV fee-gotten, dear son. 111 S FATHER. A. JACKSON. * JACKSON. In sad but loving remembrance of .my nephew. Dr. JAMES A. JACKSON, who left us three years ago today, February 4. 1920. LOVING AUNT. MRS. WALTER C. JON’ S McKENNEY, In sad and loving remeinbran- of our dear mother. SARAH E. McKENNEY who leparted thla life one year ago today. February 4. 1922. Today my hearr is heavy. My thoughts are all of thee; How I love and miss thee None bat God can tel! I HER LOVING DAUGHTERS. MRS. M. 1 GEE AND MRS. FANNIE PURCELL, j Sleep on, dear mother, your labor is »'«t: I Your loving hands shall toil no more, j A faithful mother, both true and kind J A lietter mother no one can find, HER LOVING GRANDCHILDREN, MR AND MRS. W. GRAY. I MUSE. A tribute of lore and memory to our I mother and mother-in-law, who departed this life three years ago today. February 4. 1929. In God's home of fadeless beauty There is now a shining star. Dwelling in the holy city With the golden gates ajar. ! Her cheerful smile and kindly ways Are pleasant to recall: j She had a kindly word for each And died Iteloved by all. HER SON AND DAUGHTER IN-LAW, i PEARSON. In loving remembrance of our dear mother. MARY F. PEARSON, who de i cartes! this life February 4. 1920. ! HER DAUGHTERS. » FUNERAL DIRECTORS. THOS. R. XALLEY & SONS. 131 ELEVENTH ST. S.E, ! Undertakers. Embalmers, Homelike Funeral Parlors. IPhone Lincoln 480. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. j Tel'eiffirme Main 2473 P'- '>OiWLER-S' -* -- morticians 1 il *4(.* irson/a* ei***.Avf. | WAkHINGTOM. 9 CTy - -.LX enow i - %*m Timothy Hanlon 641 H ST. ¦N.E. Phone L. 5543 _ JAMES T. RYAN. ", 317 PA. AVE. S.E. Model Chapel. Lincoln 142. Private Ambulances / Livery in Connection. Established 1873. Telephone Col. 7023. THE S. H. HINES CO., W- R. F. HINES, Prep.. 2901-2903 14th st. n.w. Private Ambulance. Co. UNDERTAKERS 1208 H STREET.N.H FORMERLY 940 r *T. »»«. a. * **“*' QfM 3- Wco® l * Joseph F. Birch’s Sons , n ,. As C+ VT W Established 1841 ,1°34 Ot. A. U . Phone West 96. Automobile Service. -J/ WILLIAM LEE, Funeral Director and’ . Embalmer. Livery in connection. Commodkn,. chapel and modern crematorium. Moderate prices. 832 Pa. ave. n.w. Tel. call. SI. 1385 m H. SARDO & CO. 412 H *t, n.e. Phone Lincoln 524. Modern Chapel. AutomobHS Funeral* V.L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors of nor con- nected wlih the original W. R. Spear* establishment. Q ja r Ca. M 11/ Phone Frank. 6«126. r JL. iY.W. CEMETERIES. FORT LINCOLN The Park Cemetery \on-Sectarian Perpetual -fore Beautiful and fitting lovtrZU*. Beadlly accessible—on electro *air ira* On Baltimore boulevard, at District lljtr. Office:7osl2th St.N.W. Phene Franklia 4745. Write for Illustrated Booklet non-sectarian vaults CEDAR HILL PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE SOUTHEAST Wiaklagtoa'i Beautiful Hnrlal Ground Perpetual care—Chapel—Perfect Service .Choice plots—Moderate prices—Terms. , Office. 17th and Pa. Ave. S.E. Line. 6302.1 For Booklet, Information or Visit, to Ceme tery. Call MR. CAYLOR, Line. 982. FUNERAL DESIGNS Gude Bros. Co., 1214 F St, Prompt goto delivery aervlc* ArtUtre-r-expresaive— laeipeaaP-e 5

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Page 1: STAR, HER VETERAN JieatK HOME OF SON · ¦THE SUNDAY STAR, ’WASHINGTON. D. C., FEBRUARY 4, 1923-PART 1. r CUTS HER THROAT. CHICAGO, February 3.—Alter re-j dealing the whereabouts


CUTS HER THROAT.rCHICAGO, February 3.—Alter re- j

dealing the whereabouts of her hus- iband, Eugene Braslawsky. missing

¦ president of the closed International

State Bank, who was arrested In New

Orleans. Mrs. Braslawsky eflt her

I throat with a safety raaor blade to-

¦ day. Het condition is said to beserious.


\ FUNERALS |||| Moderately Priced j

(Deliveredto Any Point in United Spates ||

KRAMER, 916 F ST. g


Military Order to Observe Twenty-Third Year Since Beginning of

Philippine Insurrection.The twenty-third anniversary of

the beginning of the Philippine in-surrection will be celebrated by theMilitary' Order of the Carabao witha "grand anniversary carabao wal-low.” to be given at Hhuscher’s.Connecticut avenue and L street,next Saturday, February 10. .

The following officers of the orderwere elected at a meeting held atthe Army and Navy Qlub last Thurs-day’. Paramount carabao (com-mander), Brig. Oen. Harry H. Band-holtz, U. S. A.; patriarch of the herd(senior vice commander). Rear Ad-miral Benjamin C. Bryan, U. S. N.;hall carabao (junior vice comman-der). Brig. Gen. Henry C. Haines, U. S.Marine Corps; lead and wheel cara-bao (secretary and treasurer). Col.

j Joseph H. Heller. M. O.’ R. C.: mainI guard. Col. Henry C. U.

8 A.; winder of the horn. Capt.George IV. Steele, jr.. U. S. N.; care,-tenero,.Col. John R. M. Taylor. U. S.A.;-gHmbollng carabao, Capt. DavidM. Addison. C. S. N., and veterinario.Lieut. Col. Matthew A. De Laney,U. S. A.

The "following compose the generalcommittee In charge of the banquet

arrangements: Col. James A. Moss,U. S. A., chairman; Col. Henry C.Bonnycastlo, U. S. A; Col. John K. M.Taylor, IT. S. A.; Capt. Victor S. Jack-son, IT. 8. N.; Lieut. Col. Hugh Mat-thews, U. S. M. C.; Commander Fred-erick L. Belton, U. 8. N.; Maj. ResolveP. Palmer. U. 8. A.; Capt. George R-Grau, ex-emergency; Capt. Walton H.Sexton, U. S. N.; Capt. David M. Addl-son, IT. 8. N.; Lieut. Col. Herbert L.Evans. IL S. A.; Maj. William L. Pat-terson. U. 8. A.; Maj. Fred W. Boschen,U. S. A., and Col. Joseph M. Heller.M. O. R. C.

TRIBUTE TO LINCOLN.Program Complete for Exercises to

Be’Held Next Sunday. /

Arrangements for memorial serv-

ices for Abraham Lincoln to be heldnext Sunday at the Lincoln Memorialwere announced last night. Repre-sentatives of all ex-service organi-zations have been invited ip partic-ipate. A parade will precede theeaerclses. A band will be furnishedby the War Department and prom-inent government officials have ac-cepted invitations to take part. ~Dr.John Wesley Hill, chancellor of Lin-coln University, is expected to t>«present.

The parade will be mobilized at theArlington building, Vermont avenueentrance, just above H street, priorto 11:30, when the start will be made.

Uniforms will be optional.

i Hosts of Thrifty Housekeepers Welcome These Saving Opportunities With Enthusiasm? ISpecial! 4*4x9 Feet


“%l~KJSrSaNs S?- 79cI GenuUe

0* G%d' i,B;aranaia» W 'TT'I mbMU ** A?AM B »U A « nely „„„„fa.,Ac. sofs finish, In |irr i >are ain

Q A real 404 f"* g\ jk ... nn m-r Navy or Black; for women a. and 55|

b,rgain - 1316 To 1324 /TH ST., N.W. »*¦»*>. |

I 4Sfe=r\ MillEnd Sale of All-Wool Girls’ DrCSSCSI w Fur Collar Coats ’X'lrvc % I[ A s|nf.9s 99»i

* I / jSizes 7to 14 Years J

ff W omen’s and -Misses’ All-woolCoats with tur collars of ',am Presses, in plaid, ||3 IB"*! nutria—colors are tan. copen, deer and navy—full length stripe or plain colors,


and fully silk lined. Buttons and fancy stitching for trim. niacl .e ;^|;^c wl^tcu jj^cs~ ||

- ¦ * -- ¦"¦¦— with contrasting colors \ A II - 20% Off AllFur and Plush Coats "H'Sf-H Jill I|} ** x 2** ________sl.9B. Some are just --,-1

|19c and 25c Yard Wide 10 1 / _ Tomorrow at 9we place on sale 15 styles of Iji

ILongcloth and Batiste . nr » AT J PD I 1K .lust 2,000 yards of very fine, mercerized finish batiste. longoloth and lAf O I M*T >3SS nainsook, in mill lengths un to 10 yards. There are qualities here worth f J ll||lljl|«s IfA I 111 II Xjf I II111 k= ,S| much more than the above quoted comparisons, but they all go at the m wm ggs little price of l2V a r a yard. j

iscr 74c|B-.d.p“.v... »i-7» aW %r y&9Made of a pood. woven, bleached A real $2.25 value; snow white; SS^SUmSBfK^B

HE muslin: .‘t-lnuh hem. no Ironing; double-bed s :zt». ,

35c Bleached OC/» 81x90 Seamless fl* 1 jA I M ;!| Pillowcase Sheets **

Kt Made of eloselj* woven, pure bleached cot- Garzo braid, fine quality: double bed tV vC'B- ton: size 42x5d; hemmed ends. s'ze; worth $1.75 if fterfect. 17 I :,td 79c 64-Inch FAs* $2 Pattern (| IQ Tame* S {

frv 1 7s7fC T I_l I al_ «P I «Xsf 1,1 pun J ps you will find colonials, one and two strap models. M i_

Damask **•* I ablecloth ...

1 L*2l,tlckH°.xf^s,

fo .r w»lkln *- " treet or ,IrPSS wear - The lathers im*blj mcneri/ed. lirrnjy woven, bleached Heavy linen-finis!., mercerized cloth: size and satins


All ?n the awnrlnllnt ca-l^: also patent leathers jp ,table damask: f.itk pi.--cs. 54x54; pattern woven In. -aims. All sizes in the assortment, but not in every style. |

fs4 80x90 Satin Finish ' e<\ /*a rvrn .

_”P I

:a if *ll D J J $ /,vj EXTRA MONDAYSHOE FEATUREiviarseilles oeasprcaci «=

nl185 pairs.ofGrowlngGins .ml Womens High Shoes. & t ork |j

© » Black and brown, also patent colt, with fanev kid *S I WAn extra larce size ami an extra big bargain for our Mill End Sale Celebration. tops - " * •k/X

Pure white bleached, raised Marseilles designs; hemmed ends and ready to put on (he bed.8 1

i|< Mill End Sale of 100 Dozen | i 25c Flannel J 11 1J _ J *m

69c &$1 Holland & Opaque F*®“ncin^»lllsc OOVS OUItS 11¦ a White outing flannel; ®F '*3 '

ill- j CL J on il

I Window Shades, 39c ~~

<\r\w nts& 1 S® ! They are termed seconds because of a pin hole or Torchon H H • ¦¦ I i

I crease in the cloth, but all the rollers are perfect and _ _ « H V MWM ABr Y\ iWK \/ -y K |S : come with fixtures and slats: size 3x6 and 3x5 feet, in all LfICC DC H ' I i—n ?> 3 iI® I colors, green, white or ecru. Boarding house keepers, f B f 1 1 JBZ— '—,L_l IS jI3f take notice.- ~h'? m,T f'>r" >' 1 ’?'or ‘ \\J I Sij® | chon lace, in various rj ) j |g| ;

\a |Tj M 5 || widths up to 3 inches. Every boys suit in stock to go. includ-fT-jV | |f;' |Vj Altr ifIPIIUY H 79c /Vluslin ing mixtures, serges and corduroys. Almost W i

W j*rnig JX Underwear all ,lave two pairs of pants and every onelj| 49c W,

J 1 give wear and satisfaction. Sizes 7 Wp' Full of Snap and Style I Women’s gowns, to 18. II 1

\*j skirts, envelopes, etc..-

' 1 (P f\Cf i and^embroider.v'Vrim* 6 $5.00 Suit*. . UOW $4.00 $8.98 Suit* . . UOW $7.20 |I ,J) rl#

Hn -

f$6.98 Suits.. .now $5.60 SIO.OO Suits, now SB.OO |

Priced“ W •*'***

Dresses* 59c $7,98 Bnit* now 56,40 512,50 Suil * now SIO.OO |

| Onlyb^SvieT^^' 111"'1" AllMen’s Pants Reduced I3 ~“ Every pair in stock goes in this sale. In sizes 28 to 50I just fresh from the New York houses. ggpjff T, S Sll jt. ofi

waist-and you can see a wonderful assortment of patterns. | |§i of visca braids, haircloth and all-over Ieddies, $1.90 j 0 $4 Pants, .now $2.95 ITo $6.50 Pants.. .$4.95 &*<

|f*w,! .™ c "7Z mP* ftSbd Ai£ T# « Pant*...aow J3.95 |T« $8.50 Pant*.. .$5.05 |

ifruits, ribbons arft], ornsments. A nRt v isce trimmed. (3 jto suit matrons and misses. The colors 4 a/l’ll r jc i ccz QC


"Iare copen. gray, brown, sand. red. black 10 Women’s 2-Piece 1 ’ n ® °

(I* AOand green. i Pajamas, 98c Tapestry Portieres, pr */iir |

1 I Fine pink batiste. * * 1 • ¦¦ jS1.000 Yards Fast Color shirred yoke and pook- Full size, perfect quality Tapestry Portieres, in plain or com- aa-* m m

>' cot I daintily bination colors; fringed ends. A pair, $2.08. wl

50c Imported Gingham L\T —7 1Fine quality, mercerized finish, 82 inchea wide, in several ii Outing Flannel Mill-End Sale of New Spring All-Wool

size checks and lu ail colors. Full pieces.

K£u ... 19* Slip-On Sweaters!This famnua muslin on sale one day only. Limit, 10 yards to »

* i 0 |customer. Full pieces, and a real 2Bc ralue. 39c Otis Check dlh . _ rrik :

,9c FancySlriped. ~«,/

_( «****“ £s4 QQ IiOuting Flannel 1Z72 •Good-weight, light ground Ontlng Flannel, with neat pink or

_____ HHHt dttm |blue stripes: 26 inches wide. ,


, 1-¦ 1 ¦ 11 Femthcrprooi lust arrived and specially priced forwjcsgS" S j27-Inch, 10-Yard Piece 4 a iic Ticking, 39c nK this sale, plain colors and some £om- g !n: Blue and white or jMf binations and fancy weaves. All gi/lapCl dOIO i fancy colored stripes; colors, but not all sizes in

i finish, absorbent, antiaepf.c and non-irritant Birdeye Diaper fuU^"'^ 1' CUt fr°” Be jU,

re t 0 gCt ° nC ° f theSC "eW SpHng 1 \ Pgj Cloth, eaeh piece In sealed package. L____% models. —J id

THE WEATHERDistrict of Columbia.—Cloudy and

much colder today; tomorrow fair,continued cold; fresh northwest andnorth winds.

Maryland—Cloudy and much coldertoday; tomorrow fair, continued cold;fresh to strong; northwest and northwinds,Virginia—Cloudy and much colder

today, probably snow or rain in southportion; tomorrow probably falr> con-tinued cold: fresh to strong northeastand north winds. » \

West Virginia—Cloudy and coldertoday; tomorrow fair and continuedcold.

Records for Twenty-Four Hours.

Temperature— Midnight, 44; 2 a.m.,45; 4 a,m., 46; 6 a.m., 48; 8 a.m., 49;'10 a.m., 54; 12 noon, 47; 2 p.m., 45;4 p.m., 42; 6 p.m., 40; 8 p.m., 40; 10p.m., 37.

Highest, 55.7; lowest, 40.Kelatlve humidity—B a.m., 96 per

cent; 2 p.m., 65 per cent; 8 p.m., 60per cent.

Temperature same date last year—Highest, 51; lowest, 35.

Tide Tables.(Furnished by United States coast

and geodetic survey.)Today;—Low tide, 4:25 a.m. and 4:48

p.m.; high tide, 10:12 a.m. and 10:32p.m.

Tomorrow—Low tide, 5:12 a.m. and5:87 p.m.; high tide, 11:03 a.m. and11:23 p.m.

The Sun and Moon.Today—Sun rose 7:13 a.m.; sun sets

5:32 p.m.Tomorrow—Sun rises 7:12 a.m.; sun

sets 5:33 p.m.Moon rises 9:18 p.m.; sets 8:59 am.Automobile lamps to be lighted one-

half hour after sunset.

Weather In Various Cities.,—Temperature,—, PrecipMax. Mia. Italian.Sat- Fri. Sal.. 8 p.m. tounlay, night. 6 a.m. H p.m.

Anbury Park. N. .1.. 44 86 36 .....

Asheville, N. C f>4 ot 40 0.44( Atlanta. Oa 64 62 44 o.os

Atlantic City. Ji. J. 34 38 8SBaltimore. Md 62 42 40 tro2Birmingham. Ala... 38 38 40 0.62Bismarck. X. D....—10 —24 -12Boston, Mass 4-1 - 92 84 0.80Buffalo, X. V 32 82 12 0.08Chicago, 111 8 6 —2 ....

Cincinnati, Ohio 30 30 22 0.03Cheyenne, Wyo 16 -—4 12 0,01

Cleveland. Ohio 26 26 16 0.06Davenport, "10wa.... —2 —8 —4 ....

Denver. Col 16 —8 13 ....

Ilea Moluea, 10wa... 2 —8 .. ....

Detroit, Mich 24 24 12 0.02Duluth, Minn —4 —B2 —2O

El Paso, Tex 50 36 38Galveston, Tex 70 66 48 1.12Helena, Mont 16 —4 12Indianapolis, Ind... 24 24 40 0.01Jacksonville, F1a..., 78 62 72 ....

Kansas City, Mo It) 2 10 ....

Little Kook. Ark 40• 40 26 0 020

law Angeles, Calif,. 36 40 36I-oulsvllle. Ky 82 82 20 0.08Marquette, Mich —2 —lO —l2 0.04Memphis. Tenn 40 40 24 0,82Miami, Fla 78 72 74Mobile, Ala 72 64 30 0.10New Orleans, La .. 78 6*l 54 0.28New York, X. Y ... 44 30 34 0.08Xorth Platte. Ijeb.. 26 -A 16Omaha. Neb...1.... 2 —8 2 ....

Philadelphia, Pa 48 86 38 0.01Phoenix. Ariz 36 40 52 0.24Pittsburgh, Pa 34 34 24 0.04Portland. Me 44 28 34 0 32Portland, 0re..7.... 40 30 38 ....

8. Lake City, Utah. 20 6 20St. lamia, Mo 14 12 10 ....

| St. Paul. Minn —lO —24 —l2San Antonio, Tex... 42 48 32 0.04San Diego. Calif 60 40 54S. Francisco. Calif. 60 46 56 ....

Seattle. Mash 38 30 38 ....

Springfield, 111 6 6 2 ....

Tampa. Fla 76 38 70Toledo. 0hi0... 24 24 14 0,02Vicksburg, Miss.... 52 52 38 0.06

WASH’GTOX. D. C. 36 43 40 0.01

Deaths Reported.The fallowing deaths have been reported in

the last twenty-four hours:! Thomas M. Hoxle. 26. Walter Reed Hospital.

Ida 73. 3206 18lh st.Harvey T. Winfield, 49, 3213 Macomb st.Xancy J. Hamilton, 75. 5418 Conduit rd.Frances Schumacher, -79 711 20th st.Mary K. Caldwell. 61. 1306 Franklin st. n.e.Sister Mary A. Hiiilivan. 32, Sacred Heart,

Xorth Capitol and K sts. n.e.Joseph W Kilby. S3. 1852 Bth st.Helen Johnston, 36. 1101 Euclid st.Joseph K 1.. Hsrdesly. 86. 203. the

Brighton Apts.Charles McDonald, 61. Bt. Elizabeth's Hos-

pital.Nellie Biy Clark. 34. National Homeopathic

Hospital.Fred Rice. 83. Gallinger Hospital.Annie C. Rhine. 40 . 5802 Georgia ave.Joseph A. Giascoe, 24, 1008 14th st. s.e.Edward Winn. 31, Emergency Hospital.Milton T. Patterson. Jr.. 8 months. 740 sth

I st. n.e.I Marian Wynn. 1. Previdence Hospital,j Mary Janus. 1 day. 535 15th st. n.e.j Thomas S. Janus, 8 hours, 535 15th st. n.e.! Infant of Paul and Marie Hallock. 19 hours.I Children’s Hospital.I Wong Kai, 40, 410 B st. s.e.| Alberta Green. 20, Freedmen's Hospital,j Mildred Saunders. 39. 1248 23rd at.

Bertha Berry. 20, Emergency Hospital.I Sarah Shiess, 49. 2659 Connecticut ave.

James Crockett, 56. Freedmen's Hospital,I Walter E. Bell. 84. Emergency Hospital,i Alice Hardy. 62. Gallinger Hospital.! Nancr Johnson. 88. Gallinger Hospital. |j William R. Wicks, 34. Walter Reed Hos-j pital. j

Wilbur Cook, 1. Pomeroy rd. s.e.Pearl Outlaw. 6 months. Children's Hos- ]



I Police Also Seize Evidence in Bum


A small quantity of alleged rye

i whisky and Jamaica ginger wasj seized as evidence when police of the! ninth precinct raided a house at 1427i H street northeast and arrestedi Joseph Ehrjlck. the proprietor of a

'near beer saloon at that address, and

1 Harry Isenberg of the same addressi on charges of selling and illegal pos-

j session of liquor. Lieut. Burlingame

j and Privates Davis, Wilson andi Kuehling participated in the raid.

POUND.i PIN. ctDHH). front Union Mtation. Monday even-

*ng - Ulnre K.iilfilg.X-L» Government Hotelb. 9 •

lost,! BELGIAN i>olice dog. black and tan. strayedjfrom home; answers name ‘"logic.” Reward.I 1908 11th st. n.w. •

iBRACELET —Diamond, flexible; lust. Thura-j day evening. February 1, between 17th st.

1 and Rhode Island ave. n.w. and the Hoteli Hamilton; contains 6 large diamonds and 40[ small diamonds. Reward If returned to Mor-

gan. 1610 Rhode Island ave. Phone Frank*

1 lln 8995. _«•_I CAPE, mink fur, new brown lining: one tali! missing. Reward. Col. 2937-J. 1223 Crltten-I den at. n.w. 4*


! DOG- —Tan and white English bulldog, strayedI from 1326 Fairmont st. Call Columbia '2IOBi for reward if found.I DOG—Setter, black and white, female, lost: notjbroke: a pet. Reward SDK). Col. 3307. 8*jFOX TERRIER—White and tan; short tall;! answers to Ace; vicinity 13th and X. Reward.I Call Franklin 8024-W. •_jGLASSES—Pair of tortoise-shell-rimmed. inI Kann’s. first floor. Mrs. W. Smith. »r.. 8134, O st. n.w. 'I GLOVES, tan. strap: Mt. Pleasant car or Mt.! Pleasant at. Reward. Pol. 938 X-W.i HANi)IiAt'—Brown leather; on 14th and De-I catur at. car; Friday, about 10:80 p.m.; con-I mining man’s clothes and toilet articles and'papers; *23 reward if returned; no questions

i asked. Phone Adams 763. S. M. Revneae,! 1340 G at. n.w. J •

;I HEADLIGHT. February 2; reward, . Call Line.

3084. f._ 1

PIN. gold, pearl in center. Friday night, fromSt. Mary'a Hall byway of G at. to 12th oron 16th st. bus. Reward If returned to 1764Willard st.. Apt. 2. ¦ «

PlN—Beta Phi Sigma Fraternity; shield shape* isurrounded with opals: Initials on hack. C. '

j 8. Call Col. 3221 after 6 o’clock. 6*POCKETBOOK. lady’s brown leather, on D at.near Kann’a or in Kann's. Mist Harvey, 1218B n.e. Lincoln 7661. * .

POCKETBOOK —Brown leather: bills, change, Itwo car tokens, handkerchief and mirror:between Takoma Park and 12tl)x-and 51 ata. In.w.. Georgia ave. car line; reward. Mrs. C. ’Oreracker, 29 Sycamore ave. Phone Columbia508-J.

» IPOCKETBOOK, in downtown bank; keepmoney and mall pocketbook and content* to C.C. Heath. 227 Ascot pi. n.e. •_

I POCKETBOOK, black, lady’*; lady who pick- II ed up same, containing shell-rim glasses, smalll pocketbook, money ami credit voucher, front Iof A. A- P. Tea Co., 14th and P sts. n.w., Feb.2. bet. 10 and 11 o’clock, return to Mrs. J. C.

I Butts, 420 New Jersey are., or 1300 10th st.I n.w. Reward. * !

I PURSE, small, black leather! Containing watch! and money, Saturday afternoon in Grant Circlei bus. Reward if returned to Room 517, Co-' initialHotel. IStli and M. •

i UMBRELLA—Lady’s brown silk, with Japanesecarved ivory handle. Finder please call Xortß5600. Reward.


4*WAIST, unfinished, dark brown, triaamed intan, hemstitched rings In front; reward. Lin-coln 7822-J. .

WRIST WATCH lift*; last Friday.Reward. Clarendon 626. • * ' ’# ‘

\ • .



Dr. Joseph Robert Lee Hardesty

Was Medical Purchasing Oficerfor Lee’s Army.

Dr. Joseph Robert Lee Hardesty,Confederate veteran and for manyyears a resident of the District ofColumbia, died early yesterday atthe home of his son, Fred Lee Har-de«ty, at the Brighton apartments,2123 California street.

Dr. Hardesty, who was eighty-sevenyears of age, was bora in Harrison-burg, Va. He graduated from theUniversity of Virginia In 1854 andfrom the Jefferson Medical College,Philadelphia. In 1856..-JJurlng the civil war he took partin the first battle of Bull Run. Laterhe was sent to England as a pur-chasing officer of medical supplies forLee’s army. Both going and return-ing from England. Dr. Hardesty ranthe blockade established by theUnion ships around the port of Wil-mington, N. C.

Dr. Hardesty married Susan Slckllnof Charlottesville. Va., and came tothe District in 1885 and practiced hisprofession, in which he was a special-ist of ear and throat diseases. /-

He is survived by four sons, IsaacL. Hardesty of Pittsburgh. Ben F.Hardesty of Chicago. Fred L. and I>.William-Slaughter Hardesty, both ofWashington, and two grandsons andtwo granddaughters.

Dr. Hardesty’s funeral will takeplace at 2 o’clock tomorrow after-noon from Wright’s chapel. 1337 10thstreet. Interment will be in RockCreek cemetery.

Births. Reported.Ilia following births have been reported in

the last twenty-four hours:Gera fen and Fannie Janus, boy and girltfln*.


James R, and Annabel Adams, bov,Charles O. and Bessie Frady, boy.*Cecil C. and Olive E. Buchanan, bov.Joseph C. and Mary Chlllerai. boy.Edward W. and Lena R. Challle, girl.Joseph B. and Laura M. Goldsbnrough, bov.Eugene L. and Sarah R. Kldwell. bov.Joseph K. and X'lna M. Merryman, girl.Harry B. and Daisy B. Gray, boy.George W. and Emma V. Chaney, boy.Charles H. and Minnie Z. Burrows, * boy.John V. and Harriet Greene, boy.Joe and Ida Rubin, girl.James E. and Jean Ilarapson, bov.Charles and Hattie Freeman, bov and girl

twins.James H. and Hanna it L. Ferrell, bovEdward and Hazel Pratt, boy.Edward A. and Nellie Wa'tts. boy.Alonzo and Grace Thorns, lioy.Irving and Grace Wright, bovJohn and Heathy Prescott, girl.Raymond and Helen M, Wells, boy.

TRAFFIC CLUB TO DINE.Seventeenth Annual Fete at Ra-

leigh Next Saturday.The seventeenth annual dinner of

the Washington Traffic Club is to beheld at the Raleigh Hotel next Sat-urday night.

The committee in charge has ar-ranged a program which will Includeaddresses by Representative R. Wal-ton Moore. Commissioners Oyster andKeller, Rev. Dr. James Freeman.George M. Smith, superintendent ofthe Pennsylvania railroad; Maj. Sul-livan. chief of police; RepresentativePhilip Campbell and Frank J, Hogan.

The club recently elected officers asfollows; John Lewis, Baltimore andOhio railroad, president; O. B. George,American Railway Express Company,vice president; Mason Taylor. Mary-land and Virginia railroad, treasurer:C. E. Thorney, Baltimore and Ohiorailroad, secretary; executive com-mittee. the above officers and G. R.Bowen. F. M. Cook, Harry R. Howser,W. B. Perkham. T. J. Stead. Odell S.Smith and C. E. Wann.

Carbs of QTftanbs.BELL. We wish to extend our sincere thanks

and appreciation to our neighbors, relativesand friends, to Warren Lodge, K. A. A. M..machine division of bureau engraving and iprinting. Young Pilgrims’ Club of the Israel jBaptist Church, Rev. W. J. Howard, Kev. J. IH. Burke and members of the church for !their word* of sympathy and beautiful floral jdesigns sent during the illness snd death of !our beloved one, ADA It. P. BELL


BUTLER. We wish to extend our sincerethanks to our many nclghlasra, relatives andfriends for their kindness, sympathy and

floral offerings at tlie death of our dearhusband and father. EDWARD A. BUTLER, iHIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. • I

| ECKERT. We wlah to extend our sincere (| thanks to our many neighbors, relatives and ;! friends for thalr kindness, sympathy and <j floral offerings at the death of our mother, jI ELIZABETH ECKERT. January 26, 1823.

THE FAMILY. 4* || GRAY. We wish to extend our sincere jj thanks and heartfelt appreciation to our !] many friend* and relatives for their kind- Iness snd beantlfnl floral tributes rendered ;

at the death of our beloved father and hus- |band. ELIAS C. GRAY.


GREER. I wish to extend my appreciationand sincere thanks to the neighbors, relativesand friends for the beautiful flowers, theirexpressions of sympathy and deeds of kind-ness during the Illness and on the occasionof the recent death of my husband. HOW-ARD GREEK. To the Stansbury Ixidge. F.A, A. M., and the lonic Club of the Treas-ury. I am very grateful for the bind andhelpfnl services rendered.


ROBET. We wish to extend our sincerethanks to our many rltallves and friends fortheir kindness, sympathy and floral offeringsat the death of our dear mother, ELIZA-BETH ROBET. THE FAMILY. *

: SYMONDB. We desire to thank the friendsi and neighbors for their kindness and flora!

tributes on account of the death of mv latehusband. A. J. BYMONDS.MARY A. SYMONDS AND CHILDREN. 5*

Beatbs.ALLEN. Suddenly, February 1. lf>2B, at 2142

Newport place n.w.. EDGAR W. ALLEN,son of Charles C. and Mary K. Alien. Noticeof funeral hereafter. • 4*

ATTHELL. Suddenly, Friday, February 2.1923, at 11 o’clock. THOMAS, the lovinghusband of Henrietta Attrell and son ofAgnes Monre, brother of Lucy Camacksand James Attrell, uncle of William llen-

| derson. son-in-law of Mrs. Eliza Mackail.> 5 slsters-ln-law and 3 hrothers-ln-law, and

I n boat of other relatives and friends toj mourn their loss. Funeral Wednesday, Feb-I ruary 7, at 2 o’clock, from his late residence,

j 1540 sth st. n.w . Rev. 8. P. W. Drew, of-ficiating. Relative* and friends Invited. •

"1 BALL. Saturday, February 3, 1923. at 6:SOj 'k.m., at his residence, 1906 17th st. s.e., EU-

! GENE S. BALL, beloved husband of Ellai Ball. Funeral from above realdence Monday.

February 5, at 2 p.m. Interment Foreat-ville. Md. 4»

i BARRETT. Suddenly. Saturday, February 3,! 1923. at 2:45 a.m.. Mrs. CORNELIA E. BAR iI RETT, mother of Mrs. Frank X. Long and 1j daughter of the late Rev. William F. and iI Ann E. Colllflower of Frederick, Md. Fu- ,I neral services at her late realdence, 813 11th; st. n.e., , Monday at 7:30 p.m. Interment]i Tuesday at Frederick. 5* Ij BELL. Thursday, February 1. 1923. at 7:45 |I p.m.. at Emergency Hospital, WALTER E. ]i BELL, son of Settle Bell. Funeral Monday, jI February 3, at 2 p.m., from James A Bro.’s.

19tli and L sts. Relatives and friends iu-} vlted. • ,jBBOOKS. Departed thi* life Wednesday.

January 81, 1923, at 2:45 p.m., at her resi-dence. 476 School st. s.w., MARY V.BROOKS, beloved wife of the late GeorgeBrooks; devoted mother of the late Annie

I E., Mary E., Corp. J. Thomas of Leaven-worth, Kan., and the late George Brooks,

i Funeral from First Baptist Church. 6th and1 G sts. s.w., Monday, February 5. at 1 p.m..

I Rev. Robinson, pastor. •

BROWN. Departed this life Friday. February. 2. 1923. at 10 p.m.. at bis residence, 628

Piokford place n.e., RICHARD BROWN, theI beloved "husband of Lucinda Brown, and fa-

-1 ther of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Swain. Mrs.y Alice Brown Boone and James H. Brown.

Funeral services at Israel Baptist Church,I 11th at. bet. F'and O sts. n.e., Tuesday.

February 6. at 1 o’clock.Sleep on. dear husband, your labors are o’er,Your loving hands shall toil no more;A faithful husband, both true and kind,

I A better husband and father we could not

flhd. 4*BROWN. Entered the great beyond. Saturday,

I February 3, 1923, at 12:06 a.m., at his resi-dence. 419 V at.. HIRAM JJSWIB. the be-loved husband of Susie E. Brown. Noticeof the funeral later. 4*

BYERS. Saturday. February 3. 1923. at herrealdence, Hlverdale, Md., IDA B. BYERS,beloved wife of the late Charles Byera.Funeral from Oascb’a undertaking establish-ment. Hyaftavltle, Md.. Monday, \ February5, at 2:80 o’clock. Interment Fort Lincoln.

CALDWELL. Friday, February 2. 1923. ather realdence. 1806 Franklin at. n.e.. MARY8., belovSd wife <ot Joseph W. L. Caldwell,in her eSd year. Funeral Monday, February

.». ,at « ui; Relative* gndfrlenda. Invited.IntenseSrat Qfeawood cemetery. 4*

V •

Beatij*.CALDWELL. Tlie officers mnd member* of

Union Lodge, No. 1, Ladies’ I. O. M.. willmeet Monday, February 5. 1023, at 1 the home of our lata sister, MARY E.CALDWELL, 1306 Franklin st. n.e., for thepurpose of attending her funeral.

Mrs. F. M. RAITZ, Acting Bee. Seo’y, 4»CARTER. Friday, February 2, 1023, at the

residence of her son. Georgk H. Fltzhugh.435 Bloom at., Baltimore. Sd.. ADALINEFITZHUGH CABTER, the beloved wife ofthe late Charles Carter; mother of WilliamH. Fltzhugh of 1808 4th at. n.w., George 11.Fltzhugh and Mrs. Georgia Brown of Balti-more, Mrs. Bailie Jeter of Rochester, N. Y.;Mrs. Addle Kirby and Mrs. Daisy Morganof New York and Laura Fltzhugh, Mrs.Novana Parker, Mrs'. Martha Carter and Mrs.Harriet Perry of Newport, B. I. She leaves23 grandchildren and a host of relatives andfriends to mourn their loss. Funeral fromMt. Zion Church of Alanthua, Va., Monday,February 5, at 1 p.m. • j

CHURCHILL. All members of U. H. S.Jacob Jones Post, No. 2, American legion,are hereby notified of the-death of ComradeHAZEL CHURCHILL. Funeral services onMonday, at 2 'p.m., at the Calvary BaptistChurch. Interment Arlington national ceme-tery. Commander EUNICE C. DESREZ.

COGGINS, Saturday, February 8. 1923. at theMasonic and Eastern Star Home, CAROLINEM. COGGINS. Services at tne 8. H. IflnesCompany’s funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w..Monday, February 6, at 2:30 p.m. Relativesand friends invited. 4*

SATIS, Saturday, February 3. 1923, at 1:50a.m.. at her residence. 828 12th st. n.e.. ZIL-LAH J.. beloved wlfd of Henry J. Davis,daughter of the late George W. and SarahJ. Crawford and mother of George J. Davis.Funeral services at Calvary Episcopal Church,11th and G ata. n.e., Monday, February 11:30 a.m. Interment at Vineland, N. J. 4*

SATIS. All members of Prince Hall Chapter,No. 5, O. E. 8., are hereby notified to bepresent at tie residence of our late sister.ZILLAH J. DAVIS. 828 12th st. n.e., Sunday.February 4. 1023, at 7 o’clock p.m., forthe purpose of performing the rites of theorder. Funeral services at Calvary EpiscopalChurch Monday. February 5. at 11:30 a.m.


SATIS. Officers and members of RichardHowell Gleaves Assembly, Order of theGolden Circle, are requested to assembleat the residence of onr deceased loyal lady,VILLAH DAVIS. 828 12th n.e.. Sundayevening-, 8 p.m. sharp, to perform the di-vine services.


DYSON. Departed this life February 1, 7 o’clock p.m., at his residence. 2928Stanton rd.. Anaeostia, FRED DYSON. Heleaves a devoted wife. Susie Dyson; threesons, Freddie, James and Benjamin Dyson;a devoted daughter, Glendora Christian, andseven grandchildren. Funeral from Bt.John’s C. M. E. Church February 4 at 1o clock. All invited to attend.

Safe In the arma of Jesus,Safe on His gentle breast,

There by His love overshadowed.Sweetly his soul shall rest.FAMILY. 4*

FELTS. Saturday. February 3. 1923, at 1p m.. In Leesburg Hospital, AMOS T. FELTS.Service* will be held at his late home inHa at Falla Church, Va., Monday at 2 p.m.Friends are invited. •

GLASCOE. Friday, February 2. 1923, JOSEPHA. GLABCOB, beloved son of John W. andElla M. Glaacoe. Funeral services will beheld at the Bradbiini M. E. Church Monday,February 5. at 2:30 p.m. Interment in

cemetery, •

GTJNN. Departed thU life Friday, February2. 1923. at 9 a.m., at her sister’s residence.1303 Florida ave., FANNIE 8., beloved wifeof U. S. Gunn. Strvireg at Lee’s chapel.Monday, February 5. at 2:30 p.m. Inter-ment in vault Rock Creek cemetery. 4*

GRAY. Suddenly, February 3, 1823. VIR-GINIA LOUISE, widow of Hamilton K.Gray, at the residence of her son, WilliamC. Gray. Rlverdale. Md. Funeral Tuesday,2 p.m. Interment private. 5*

HARDESTY. Saturday morning, February 3.1923. at 12:40 a.m.. at Brighton Apartment.Dr. JOSEPH ROBERT LEE HARDESTY, inhi* 87tb year, beloved father ofSawyer Hardesty and Dr. William SlaughterHardesty. Funeral services Monday. Feb-ruary 5. 2 p.m., at chapel John R. "WrightCompany. 1337 loth street. Interment RockCreek cemetery. •

KARDON, Friday, February 2. 1923. at hisresidence. Silver Spring, Md.. WALTER, beloved husband of Annie B. Hardon. Funeralfrom tiie above residence, Monday, February3. at 10 a.m. Interment Ruck Creek ceme-tery. 4

KILL. Thursday, February I, 1923. HARRY,beloved aon of William and the late Jeanette11111. aged 27 years. Funeral from his lateresidence. Crystal Spring are.. CapitolHeights, Md.. Monday. February 5, at 8:30a.m,. thence to Kt. Matthias’ Church, wheremass will be said at 9 a.m. for the reposeof bis soul. Interment Congressional ceme-tery. 4

JENNINGS. Thursday, February 1. 1923,MICHAEL G. JENNINGS. Funeral fromthe chapel of Frank Geier’s Sons Co., 11137th st. n.w., on Tuesday, February 6. at8:30 a.m. Requiem high mass at St. Alovslue Church at 9 o’clock. Relatives andfriends invited. Interment Philadelphia. Pa. I

JOHNSON. At Baltimore, Md., Fridav. Feb- Inmry 2. 1923. WILLIAM MASON JOHN- 1SON. son of Mrs. Levinia Jennings, brother ]of Henderson and Miss Leila E. Johnson. !

j Mrs. Scuttle Tyson. Mra. Minnetta Dobson I: of Philadelphia, Pa. Funeral at Baltimore. (J Md., Tuesday. Burial in Harmony ceme- 1! tery. 3* j! McKINNET. Departed th ! s life at 9 a.m. i¦ February 3, 1923. MARTIN HENRY, son of

Emory E. and Ida E. McKinney, aged 2 Iyears and 7 months. Funeral announcement :later. 0 |

MILLER. Suddenly. Saturday, February 3. ’1923. MATILDA, beloved wife of Ignatius Ij Miller. Funeral from the residence of her 1

, daughter. Mrs. S. E. Miller, 41*1 New Hamp- :shire ave. n.w., oft Tuesday. February 6, at !

( 9;3I» a.m. Requiem high mass at the Church ij of the Immaculate Conception at Id o’clock, jI Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. j

Mary's cemetery. 5« |

I MOORE. The District of Columbia Society of jj the Sons of the American Revolution an-! nonnee with deep regret the death of Past 1i President Commander JOHN H. MOORE.I U. S. N. The following past presidents ofj the society are named as a committee toS attend the funeral: John Paul Earnest. Esq.;J Admiral George W. Baird. Mr. William B.: Cox. Col. Frederick C. Bryan. Mr. Philip F. Ij Lamer. Admiral Theo. F. Jewell. Mr. Wil i| liam S. Paths. Dr. David Jayne Hilland Mr. II Albert B. Spangldr


j MORRIS. Saturday. February 3. 1923. at thej residence of her daughter. Mrs. John W.( Sutherin. SUSAN Q. MORRIS. Funeral from! Hysong’a mortugry ehapel, 13th and M sts.

J n.w., Monday, February 5, at 1:30 p.m. In-i’ terment at Arlington.

jNEWHAM. Saturday. February 3, 1923. at1 4:20 p.m., at hjr residence, 304 loth st. s.e..

MAZIE E, NEWHAM fuee Shtferl. lielovedwife of Frank H. Newham, nr. Announce-ment of funeral to be made later.

O'BRIEN. February 1. 1923, at her residence322 South St. Asaph st.. Alexandria. Va .Mrs ELIZABETH VIRGINIA EVANSO’BRIEN, widow of Dr. Matthew W.

j O'Brien. Funeral Sunday afternoon, Feb-ruary 4, at 3 o’clock, from St. Paul’s Epis-copal Church. Alexandria, Va. Friends ofthe family invited.

O’DEA. Saturday. February 3. 1923. ANNIEO’DEA, beloved daughter of the late Johnand Hannah O’lien. Funeral from the chapelof James T. Ryan. 317 Pennsylvania ave.s.e.. Monday. February 5, at 8:30 a.m,.

i theuee to Holy Name Church, where masswill be said at 9 a.m. Interment MountOlivet cemetery. Relatives and friends in- Ivited.

PLATER. Friday. February 2, 1923. at 2:30a.m.. at his residence. 2530 6th st. n.w.,JESSIE PLATER, beloved husband of CarriePlater. Funeral from bis lute reaidence Sun-day. February 4. at 2 o’clock p.m. Burial inHarmony cemetery, 4*

POLLEY. February 3, 1923. 4:51 a.m.. ELLA8.. wife of the late John F, Pulley. Funeralfrom her late residence. 113 M st. s.e., Mon-day, February 6, at 2:30 p.m. Interment atCedar Hill. Funeral private. *

KHINE. Friday, February 2. 1923, ANNIE

!•C., beloved wife of James P. Rhine. Fu-neral from her late residence, 0802 Georgiaare. n.w., on Monday, February 5. at 8:30a.m. Requiem high mass at the Church of

I the Nativity at 9 o’clock. Relatives andI friends Invited. Interment Forest Glen, Md.

jROBINSON. Departed this life Friday, Feb-¦ ruary 2. 1923, at Freedmen’s Hospital, DA-j VID A., the beloved husband of Nannie J.I Robinson and father of Harry J. Robinson,] residence 1209 Q st. n.w. Notice of funeral1 hereafter. t*

THOMPSON. Saturday, February 3, 1923. atGarfield Hospital. JANE E. THOMPSON.Remains resting at the 8. If. Hines Co.’sfuneral home, 2001 14th st. n.w. Notice offuneral later. «

TILFORD. Friday. February 2. 1923. at thehome of her daughter, Mrs. George H.Cameron, in Hartford. Conn.. COItNELIAVAN NESS DEAN TILFORD, widow ofBrig. Gen. Joseph G. Tliford. C. 8. Armv.Funeral mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral9:30 a.m. am) burial at Arlington, 10:30a.m. Monday. February 5. •

WICKS, Friday, February 2, 1923, at WaiterReed Hospital, at 1:10 o’clock, WILLIAMR. WICKS of 1025 21st st. n.w.. the devot-ed husband of Sophia Duvall Wicks, brotherof Lucy Youncey of Germantown, Fa.; BelleHawkins and Carter Wicks of Charlottes-ville, Va., and cousin of Ellen Casey ofPittsburgh, Pa. Funtral Sunday, February4, from the Nineteenth Street Baptist Churchat 2 o’clock. Relatives and friends are in-vited. -x, 4*

WICKS. Officers and members of John F.Cook Lodge, No. 10, F. A. A. M.. are re-quested to meet at Masonic Temple. Othand Va. ave. s.e., Sunday, February 4. at11:30 a.m.. to attend the funeral of Bro.WILLIAM R. WICKS, to be held at 19thSt. Baptist Church Sunday. February 4, at2 p.m. By order of the worshipful master,


WICKS, officers and members of the men’sCliff Rock Beneficial Association are request-ed to attend the funeral of our late brother.WILLIAM K. WICKS, from the Nineteen ill

Street Baptist Church, corner lath and I sts.n.w., Sunday, February 4, 1923, at 2 pjn,

..N. H. JOHNSON. President.

JOHN A. FRANKLIN, Secretary. 4*

JieatK ;WINFIELD Thursday. February 1. 19'KL

at his residence, 3213 Macomb st. n.w.,HARVEY T. WINFIELD, beloved busbaud of Helen M. Winfield (nee Kllnet.Funeral will take place from his late resi-dence at 2 o’clock Monday, February 5. 4

YOUNG. Departed this life February 3, 1923,at 1:10 a.m., at her late residence, 30 Fst. n.w., MARIE MOSS YOUNG, the devoted wife of John Young and daughter ofEmma Moas Lewis and the late SandyMuss, loving sister of Mrs. Leila Banks,adopted sister of Sarah Donaldson. FuneralTuesday, February 6, at 1 p.m., from ZionBaptist Church. W. H. Howard, pastorFriends and relatives invited to attend. •

iflemoriam.BABCOCK. Saered to the memory of my

dear father. JAMES H. BABCOCK, who entered Into eternal rest thirteen years ago

| today, February 4, 1910.Loved in life, remembered in death;

HOB. •

BRADLEY. Sacred to the memory of MARGARKT c. BRADLEY, who died three yearsago today, February 4, 1920.

THE FAMILY.CHAPPELL. In sad but loving remembrance

of our darling IBtie boy, CHARLES WIL-LIAM CHAPPELL, who left us tlx year*ago today, February 4. 1917, aged 2 yeur*

' and 5 months.In our hearts you are always remembered.

Sweetest thoughts still cliug to your nafiieThe parents who loved you in life, dear baby.

Still love you in death the same. ' '


We know that God only loaned youTo us for a little while.

For when the angels came to take you awayYou were readv, with a sweet, little smile.


No one knows the silent heartaches.Only tboae who have lost can tell

Os the grief that Is borne in silenceFor the one we alt loved so well.

UNCLE ARTIS AND AUNT RUTH FIELDS.Sad and sudden was the call.Sir long years ago today;Called from this world to peaceful rest.Called by Our Lord, who knowetb best.


CROPPER. A sad but loving tribute ta thememory of our dear rizavr. Js:<E McWfER-BO.N CROPPER. wh.J tieparfed this life three

1 years ago. February 4. 1!*2«.She faded away like the stars of the morn

ing.That lose their light in the glorious sun:

She faded away, gently and loving.But she will always be remembered by



PAWNS. In loving remembrance of our beloved daughter. ©ARMENIA B DAWNS,who departed this .life eight years ago yesterday, February 3. 1915.

How sad it la with uu tutightWithout thee In our ¦l*l*:But God has taken you *Say.We will meet again ootSd day.

Reat, sweet rest.In yonder world with the blest:When this old world shall pass awayWe will meet In heaven, there to slay.


FERRY. A tribute of love to the memory ofmy dear mother. MARY ELIZABETHFERRY, who died fifteen yfgrs ago today.February 4, 1908.

To me there oW,es a Mem#S*Os a love that is seldom nwt.

r When 1 think of my deSf motherWhom I never shall forget.


FORTNEY. In loving remembrance of oardear daughter and sister, SEI.CNA MeDONALD FORTNEY, who departed this life threeyears ago today, February 4, fO2O.


HILL. To remember WIILIAM CLIFTONHILL, who departed ihi* life Februarv 4.1921.Not a day one,

' Hat what fond thoughts of you comeTo thoae whom you left here.Mourning and drying hot, bleeding tears.Old pal. we know you’re watching us.And we’re wilting for heaven's omnibusTo come and hear us on to youIn the land of the tried and true.


JACKSON. Sac-fed to the memory of my d»«-son. Dr. JAMES A. JACKSON, who departedthis life three years ago today. February4. 1920.

You are ndV fee-gotten, dear son.111 S FATHER. A. JACKSON. *

JACKSON. In sad but loving remembrance nephew. Dr. JAMES A. JACKSON, wholeft us three years ago today, February 4.1920.LOVING AUNT. MRS. WALTER C. JON’ S

McKENNEY, In sad and loving remeinbran-of our dear mother. SARAH E. McKENNEYwho leparted thla life one year ago today.February 4. 1922.

Today my hearr is heavy.My thoughts are all of thee;

How I love and miss theeNone bat God can tel!



j Sleep on, dear mother, your labor is »'«t:I Your loving hands shall toil no more,

j A faithful mother, both true and kind —

J A lietter mother no one can find,HER LOVING GRANDCHILDREN, MR

AND MRS. W. GRAY.I MUSE. A tribute of lore and memory to our

I mother and mother-in-law, who departedthis life three years ago today. February4. 1929.

In God's home of fadeless beautyThere is now a shining star.

Dwelling in the holy cityWith the golden gates ajar.

! Her cheerful smile and kindly waysAre pleasant to recall:

j She had a kindly word for eachAnd died Iteloved by all.HER SON AND DAUGHTER IN-LAW,

i PEARSON. In loving remembrance of ourdear mother. MARY F. PEARSON, who de

i cartes! this life February 4. 1920.! HER DAUGHTERS. »


131 ELEVENTH ST. S.E,! Undertakers. Embalmers,• Homelike Funeral Parlors.

IPhoneLincoln 480.

Frank Geier’s Sons Co.j Tel'eiffirme Main 2473

P'- '>OiWLER-S' -*--

morticians1 il*4(.*irson/a* ei***.Avf.

| WAkHINGTOM. 9CTy - -.LX enow i


Timothy Hanlon641 H ST. ¦N.E. Phone L. 5543


JAMES T. RYAN.", 317 PA. AVE. S.E.

Model Chapel. Lincoln 142.Private Ambulances


• Livery in Connection.Established 1873. Telephone Col. 7023.

THE S. H. HINES CO.,W- R. F. HINES, Prep..

2901-2903 14th st. n.w.Private Ambulance.



»»«. a. ***“*'QfM 3- Wco® l*

Joseph F. Birch’s Sons,n ,. As C+ VT W Established 1841,1°34 Ot. A. U . Phone West 96.

Automobile Service.-J/ WILLIAM LEE, Funeral Director and’

. Embalmer. Livery in connection. Commodkn,.chapel and modern crematorium. Moderateprices. 832 Pa. ave. n.w. Tel. call. SI. 1385

m H. SARDO & CO.412 H *t, n.e. Phone Lincoln 524.Modern Chapel. AutomobHS Funeral*

V.L. SPEARE CO.Neither the successors of nor con-

nected wlih the original W. R. Spear*establishment. Q ja r Ca. M 11/Phone Frank. 6«126. r JL. iY.W.


FORT LINCOLNThe Park Cemetery

\on-Sectarian Perpetual -foreBeautiful and fitting lovtrZU*.Beadlly accessible—on electro *air ira*On Baltimore boulevard, at District lljtr.

Office:7osl2th St.N.W.Phene Franklia 4745.

Write for Illustrated Bookletnon-sectarian vaults


Wiaklagtoa'i Beautiful Hnrlal Ground

Perpetual care—Chapel—Perfect Service.Choice plots—Moderate prices—Terms. ,Office. 17th and Pa. Ave. S.E. Line. 6302.1

For Booklet, Information or Visit, to Cemetery. Call MR. CAYLOR, Line. 982.

FUNERAL DESIGNSGude Bros. Co., 1214 F St,

Prompt goto delivery aervlc*ArtUtre-r-expresaive— laeipeaaP-e