star persona libby


Upload: libbyhennessy

Post on 15-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Star persona libby


Page 2: Star persona libby

WHAT IS STAR PERSONA? Something else that we tried to incorporate into our main product and our ancillary tasks was the main star persona of Miss Melody. This is something that we have communicated through our use of genre and the concept that we have created. Miss Melody is stereotypically aimed at females between the ages of 8-18. This is because audience members would feel as if they could relate to the band members or aspire to be like them (which would be relevant for the younger audience that we attract). We also continuously reinforce the importance of friendship in our main product because of the unity of the girls seen in their general friendship, the cutaways and the dance routine, and in our ancillary texts through the composition of the photographs and the fonts, texts and colour that we use.

Page 3: Star persona libby

MUSIC VIDEO In our music video, star persona is communicated in a variety of ways. Firstly, the consistent unity of the girl band is always being reinforced through media language. This is seen through the costume, dance routine and the use of cutaways. Star persona is also used to directly communicate with our audience, because if the target audience views the girls singing, dancing and performing, this is something that they also would aspire to do. The star persona of the band is important in our music video because it connotes Miss Melody’s overall appearance and meaning.

Page 4: Star persona libby

ALBUM COVER We have also tried to communicate star persona into our album cover. The composition of the photographs are very important because they reinforce the unity of the girls further. We also wanted to create the image of being fashionable and fun. This is communicated through the images that we use. These include bright colours, informal and ‘girly’ font and editing on Photoshop. Furthermore, the images that we have used also connote the idea of ‘neutrality’ and ‘purity’. This is reflective of the innocence of the girls in the band. Finally, our album cover communicates the star persona of the band in various effective ways.

Page 5: Star persona libby

ADVERTISEMENT Our advertisement also communicates star persona. We wanted to incorporate a photo that showed a natural position, whilst also reflecting all our individual personalities. We feel that this has been done successfully because it shows that we are fun and free. The concept of friendship is also shown as important through all of our media texts. Star persona is shown here because of the poses that we are doing, such as smiling and pouting. This is something that communicates directly with our audience and makes them feel as if they can have a personal link with them as the band members.