started from 1 sentence make a humorous speech acb rudyanto sutardji

Started from 1 sentence Make A Humorous Speech ACB Rudyanto Sutardji

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Page 1: Started from 1 sentence Make A Humorous Speech ACB Rudyanto Sutardji

Started from 1 sentence

Make A Humorous Speech

ACB Rudyanto Sutardji

Page 2: Started from 1 sentence Make A Humorous Speech ACB Rudyanto Sutardji

The concept

A Humorous Speech is different from jokeA Humorous Speech = An ordinary Speech

with HumorsMiss-perception : Humorous Speech =

funny life experience

Page 3: Started from 1 sentence Make A Humorous Speech ACB Rudyanto Sutardji

1. Find the main ideaA thing you want to share.It shouldn’t have to be funny/humorous at


I can’t speak English properly

Page 4: Started from 1 sentence Make A Humorous Speech ACB Rudyanto Sutardji

2. Find the story – life experience

Collect as many life experiences, quotes, & stories

My life experiences :•When I was born I was so cute!•First love on 4th elementary school•I joined Toastmasters in 2002•I joined a network marketing•I sell chocolates•First time riding a motorbike at junior high•I can say sheep sound : mbeeek!•I want to be an engineer•Fun Christmas play when in 6th elementary school•I failed in an English class•I stayed with my aunty in senior high

Quotes :•Ask and thou shall be given, knock and the door shall be open•More you give, more you receive

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3. Determine 3-4 stories that Might related to the main idea

My life experiences :•When I was born I was so cute!•First love on 4th elementary school•I joined Toastmasters in 2002•I joined a network marketing•I sell chocolates•First time riding a motorbike at junior high•I can say sheep sound : mbeeek!•I want to be an engineer•Fun Christmas play when in 6th elementary school•I failed in an English class•I stayed with my aunty in senior high

Quotes :•Ask and thou shall be given, knock and the door shall be open•More you give, more you receive

Main idea : I can’t speak English properly

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4. Make a logical storyline

Mbeek I failed in an English class I joined Toastmasters in 2002

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5. Connect the stories with words

Mbeek – I failed in an English class – I joined Toastmasters in 2002

I love to learn languages. When I was young, I can say : Mbeek but not for English, I failed in an English class then I joined Toastmasters in 2002

I love to learn languages. When I was young, I can say : Mbeek, but not for English. I failed in an English class then I joined Toastmasters in 2002

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6. Working on words – add & replace

Since I was born, I can’t speak English. I love to learn languages. When I was young, I can say : Mbeek but not for English including a sheep language : mbeek, but none I can’t do it better except Bahasa Indonesia. I failed in an English class . I joined an English course, and I failed. It didn’t work. I still can’t speak English, then I joined Toastmaster in 2002 and I become a better English speaker.

I love to learn languages, When I was young, I can say : Mbeek but not for English, I failed in an English class then I joined Toastmasters in 2002

Since I was born, I can’t speak English. I love to learn languages, including a sheep language : mbeek, but none I can’t do it better except Bahasa Indonesia. I joined an English course, and I failed. It didn’t work. I still can’t speak English, then I joined Toastmaster and I become a better English speaker.

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7. Add humor & working on words

TwistMake an unexpected ending for each sentence or story.Make a ‘not-connected’ ending for each sentence or story. NEVER tell a funny / unexpected thing will happen!

ExaggerateMake things bigger than its real size.

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Since I was born, I couldn’t speak English. I love to learn languages, including a sheep language : mbeek, but none I can’t do it better except Bahasa Indonesia.. I joined an English course, and I failed. It didn’t work. I still can’t speak English, then I joined Toastmaster and I become a better English speaker.

Since I was born, I swear I couldn’t speak English at all! I love to learn so many languages, including a sheep languages : mbeek… but none I can’t do it better except Bahasa Indonesia When I grew up, I can say : mbeeek better than English.

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I joined and English course, and I failed. It didn’t work. only to find that actually I’m a very consistent person, I stayed in the same class for 5 years. I wanted to be able to speak English, I read books how to get what I want, book said : ask and thou shall be given, so I asked my teacher : teacher, I want to be able to speak English, and I want it NOW!.. the teacher hated me and I failed 4 times in examinations. I tried another book, book said :more you give the more you receive, so I bribe the teacher. Finally I pass the English examination butI still can’t speak English Then I joined Toastmaster. and I become a better English Speaker.And after 7 years struggling, here I am stand in front of you speaking rough English.

Since I was born, I couldn’t speak English. I love to learn languages, including a sheep language : mbeek, but none I can’t do it better except Bahasa Indonesia.. I joined an English course, and I failed. It didn’t work. I still can’t speak English, then I joined Toastmaster and I become a better English speaker.

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Since I was born, I swear I couldn’t speak English at all! I love to learn so many languages, including a sheep languages : mbeek… When I grew up, I can say : mbeeek better than English. I joined and English course, only to find that actually I’m a very consistent person, I stayed in the same class for 5 years. I wanted to be able to speak English, I read books how to get what I want, book said : ask and thou shall be given, so I asked my teacher : teacher, I want to be able to speak English, and I want it NOW!.. the teacher hated me and I failed 4 times in examination. I tried another book, book said : more you give the more you receive, so I bribe the teacher. Finally I pass the English examination but I still can’t speak English Then I joined Toastmaster. And after 7 years struggling, here I am stand in front of you speaking rough English.

Blue : words before Purple : ExagerationGreen : TwistBlack : new words added Maroon : quote added

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8. Create a ‘BANG’ Opening Your purpose is to grab the audience response.  How to do :

- with a fun sentences related to the first sentence of speech, - and or with a hilarious body language.

Keep in mind : in humorous speech, you have to make the audience laugh or at least smile in first 1 minute of your speech…. and the rest of the speech is an easier part to do.

Rudy, you are born as a speaker! Said one of my fellow Toastmasters friend after I won a Toastmaster contest. So I went home and I asked my mom : mom, did I said something when I was born? My mom said : Yes : you said : oeeek, oeeeek… all the time!Since I was born, I swear I couldn’t speak English at all!

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9. Make a conclusion – The morale of story

Good speaker weren’t born, they were made. Within the Toastmaster I found that everybody have the same chances to learn, to become better and better. I can do it, and I believe you can do it!

What you can learn from the story you have made? Call for action.

Rudy, you are born as a speaker! Said one of my fellow Toastmasters friend after I won a Toastmaster contest. So I went home and I asked my mom : mom, did I said something when I was born? My mom said : Yes : you said : oeeek, oeeeek… all the time!Since I was born, I swear I couldn’t speak English at all! I love to learn so many languages, including a sheep languages : mbeek… When I grew up, I can say : mbeeek better than English. I joined and English course, only to find that actually I’m a very consistent person, I stayed in the same class for 5 years. I wanted to be able to speak English, I read books how to get what I want, book said : ask and thou shall be given, so I asked my teacher : teacher, I want to be able to speak English, and I want it NOW!.. the teacher hated me and I failed 4 times in examination. I tried another book, book said : more you give the more you receive, so I bribe the teacher. Finally I pass the English examination but I still can’t speak English Then I joined Toastmaster. And after 7 years struggling, here I am stand in front of you speaking rough English.

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10. Give a titlemust be related to the content of speech,

especially the opening and the conclusion.  Title must simple and enhance the morale of

story, but not to tell the whole story.

Born As A Speaker?

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Since I was born, I swear I couldn’t speak English at all! I love to learn so many languages, including a sheep languages : mbeek… When I grew up, I can say : mbeeek better than English. I joined and English course, only to find that actually I’m a very consistent person, I stayed in the same class for 5 years. I wanted to be able to speak English, I read books how to get what I want, book said : ask and thou shall be given, so I asked my teacher : teacher, I want to be able to speak English, and I want it NOW!.. the teacher hated me and I failed 4 times in examination. I tried another book, book said : more you give the more you receive, so I bribe the teacher. Finally I pass the English examination but I still can’t speak English Then I joined Toastmaster. And after 7 years struggling, here I am stand in front of you speaking rough English.

Rudy, you are born as a speaker! Said one of my fellow Toastmasters friend after I won a Toastmaster contest. So I went home and I asked my mom : mom, did I said something when I was born? My mom said : Yes : you said : oeeek, oeeeek… all the time!

Good speaker weren’t born, they were made. Within the Toastmaster I found that everybody have the same chances to learn, to become better and better. I can do it, and I believe you can do it!

Born As A Speaker?

Fellow Toastmasters,

Fellow Toastmasters.

Fellow Toastmasters,

Page 17: Started from 1 sentence Make A Humorous Speech ACB Rudyanto Sutardji

It is only started from an ordinary speech after all!

1. Find the main idea 2. Find the story – life experience3. Determine 3-4 stories that Might related to the main idea4. Make a logical storyline 5. Connect the stories with words6. Working on words – add & replace7. Add humor & working on words8. Create a ‘BANG’ Opening 9. Make a conclusion – The morale of story10. Give a title

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Once you did it, you can do it again!

My life experiences :•When I was born I was so cute!•First love on 4th elementary school•I joined Toastmasters in 2002•I joined a network marketing•I sell chocolates•First time riding a motorbike at junior high•I can say sheep sound : mbeeek!•I want to be an engineer•Fun Christmas play when in 6th elementary school•I failed in an English class•I stayed with my aunty in senior high

Quotes :•Ask and thou shall be given, knock and the door shall be open•More you give, more you receive

Red : the winning speech – District level, Kota Kinabalu 2003Blue : 2nd place speech – District level, Kuala Lumpur 2006Green : my speech theme for area level sample speech – Where are you going? – Mbah Surip -

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A humorous speech : It’s easy to find, it’s easy to do, it’s easy to make!