starters baked camembert s the day basket wings

marinated in extra virgin olive oil G REEN OLIVES 2.95 with chilli, spring onion and sweet apple sauce P ORK CRACKLING 3.75 with sour cream S ALT AND PEPPER ONION PETALS 3.75 with honey grain mustard C UMBERLAND AND PORK CHIPOLATAS 3.75 N IBBLES Select four items from any of the categories below, all served with Fougasse bread. Add an extra item for 2.75 H OMEMADE FAVOURITES M EATS AND F ISH C HEESE Camembert with dried fruit and walnuts Stilton Appleby’s Red Cheshire Shorrock’s 2 year-aged Lancashire Coronation chicken Hand-carved honey mustard glazed ham Poached salmon fillet Prosciutto ham Smoked mackerel pâté Pulled pork sausage roll Pork pie with fig chutney Warm chorizo Olives Winter slaw with chilli and coriander dressing Houmous Roasted red and yellow peppers Greek salad Pomegranate and minted pearl couscous Caesar salad Homemade pickled veg Scotch egg and piccalilli THE B OTANIST D ELI B OARD 10.50 - Please turn over - S TARTERS with truffle butter and toast PAN - FRIED GARLIC MUSHROOMS 4.95 with crudités and bread H OMEMADE HOUMOUS BOARD 4.95 served with either BBQ or Piri Piri sauce B ASKET OF WINGS 6.25 with piccalilli H OMEMADE SCOTCH EGG 5.95 with smoked bacon and crispy onion crust B AKED CAMEMBERT 6.95 with green peppercorn butter and fig chutney C HICKEN LIVER AND RUM PÂTÉ 5.95 with Piri Piri salt and lemon mayo C RISPY CALAMARI 6.50 S OUP OF THE DAY 4.25 with winter slaw and harissa mayo dip S ESAME COATED FALAFEL 5.25 cooked in chilli, garlic and olive oil G AMBAS PIL PIL 7.50 with freshly baked bread C URRIED MUSSELS 7.50 SALADS C RISPY SALT AND PEPPER BEEF 10.95 with soy beans and sweet chilli dressing with chicken, bacon and olive oil croutons C AESAR SALAD 10.95 S UPERFOOD SALAD 9.95 with avocado, soy beans, cherry tomatoes and Persian couscous ...with chicken 11.50

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Post on 22-Oct-2021




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marinated in extra v irg in olive oi l

Gr e e n o l i v e s 2.95with chi l l i, spr ing onion

and sweet apple sauce

Po r k c r ac k l i nG 3.75

with sour cream

sa lt a n d Pe PPe r o n io n Pe ta l s 3.75

with honey grain mustard

cu m be r l a n d a n d P o r k c h i P o l ata s 3.75

ni bbl e s

Select four items from any of the categories below, a l l served with Fougasse bread. Add an extra item for 2.75

ho m e m a de Favou r i t e s me at s a n d Fi sh ch e e se

Camembert with dr ied fruit and walnuts

Sti lton

Appleby’s Red Cheshire

Shorrock ’s 2 year-aged Lancashire

Coronation chicken

Hand-carved honey mustard glazed ham

Poached salmon f i l let

Prosciutto ham

Smoked mackerel pâté

Pul led pork sausage rol l

Pork pie with f ig chutney

Warm chorizo


Winter slaw with chi l l i and cor iander dressing


Roasted red and yel low peppers

Greek salad

Pomegranate and minted pearl couscous

Caesar sa lad

Homemade pick led veg

Scotch egg and piccali l l i

th e bota n i st de l i boa r d 10.50

- Please turn over -

sta rt e r s

with truff le butter and toast

Pa n-F r i e d G a r l ic m u sh ro o m s 4.95

with crudités and bread

ho m e m a de h ou mou s boa r d 4.95

served with either BBQ or Pir i Pir i sauce

ba sk e t o F w i nG s 6.25

with piccali l l i

ho m e m a de s co tc h e GG 5.95

with smoked bacon and cr ispy onion crust

ba k e d c a m e m be rt 6.95

with green peppercorn butter and f ig chutney

ch ic k e n l i v e r a n d ru m Pât é 5.95

with Pir i Pir i sa lt and lemon mayo

cr i sP y c a l a m a r i 6.50

sou P o F t h e day 4.25

with winter slaw and har issa mayo dip

se s a m e coat e d Fa l a F e l 5.25

cooked in chi l l i, garl ic and olive oi l

G a m b a s Pi l Pi l 7.50

with freshly baked breadcu r r i e d m u s se l s 7.50

sa l a ds

cr i sP y s a lt a n d Pe PPe r be e F 10.95

with soy beans and sweet chi l l i dressing

with chicken, bacon and olive oi l croutons

ca e s a r s a l a d 10.95su Pe r F o o d s a l a d 9.95 w ith avocado, soy beans, cherry tomatoes and Persian couscous

...w ith chicken 11.50

si de s

ch a r r e d co r n o n t h e co b 3.50

ch e e sy c h i P s 3.95

hou se s a l a d 2.95with radish and toasted seeds

sw e e t P o tat o F r i e s 3.95with Pir i Pir i sa lt

FouG a s se br e a d 2.95with butter

Pro Pe r ly se a s o n e d c h i P s 2.95

wi n t e r sl aw 2.50with chi l l i and cor iander dressing

m a sh e d P o tat o 2.95with spr ing onion

Pe PPe rco r n s auc e 1.95

ho n e y roa st e d c a r ro t s a n d Pa r sn i P s 3.50

A discretionary 10% service will be charged to parties of 6 or more. All gratuities & service charges go to the team that prepare & serve your meal & drinks, excluding all management. All prices include VAT at the current rate. Cheese may not be made with vegetable rennet. Allergen information is available upon request. All weights stated are prior to cooking.

From THE rot i sse r i e

When it’s gone, it’s gone! Both served with properly

seasoned chips. Choose either hot Pir i Pir i sauce

or BBQ sauce.

h a l F a c h ic k e n


wh o l e c h ic k e n


- Please turn over -

hom e com Fort s

with tartare saucesc a m Pi a n d c h i P s 9.95

with fr ied onions, rocket, homemade beer mustard and

horseradish crème fraîche, served with chips

st e a k s a n dw ic h 10.50

with spinach, tomato and Pir i Pir i dressingPa n-F r i e d se a b a s s F i l l e t s 14.95

with r ice and peas

Pr aw n a n d c h ic k e n Gu m bo 12.50

with cor iander r icem a l ay si a n c u r ry

ve G e ta bl e 9.95

ch ic k e n 10.95

with mushy peas and tartare sauce

Fi sh a n d c h i P s 12.95

with tomato and caper dressingsa l mo n e n c roû t e 13.50

oF F t h e ba r be cu e

Succulent meats cooked to order.A l l served with properly

seasoned chips.

Fl at t e n e d ru m P 12.95marinated in chi l l i and garl ic with a roasted mushroom, v ine tomato

and watercress

10oz r i be y e 16.95with a roasted mushroom, v ine

tomato and watercress

be e F bu rG e r o r ch a rG r i l l e d c h ic k e n

bu rG e r 10.50with lettuce, gherk in and tomato ( you don’t have to have the gherkin!)

Add bacon, cheese, Stilton, avocado salsa, jalapeños, fried onions for 1.25

bbQ Pu l l e d P o r k bu rG e r 10.50

with lettuce, gherk in and tomato

de sse rt s

wa r m c h o co l at e F u d G e c a k e 5.50

with vani l la ice cream

st ic k y t o F F e e Pu ddi nG 5.50with vani l la ice cream

ro c k y roa d k e b a b 5.50with strawberry, hazelnut brownie,

marshmallow, biscuit sauce and chocolate crumb

ba k e d c h o co l at e c h i P co o k i e d ouG h 5.50

with salted caramel sauce and toffee ice cream

ch e e se boa r d 6.95Appleby’s Red Cheshire, Sti lton and Shorrock ’s Lancashire with celery, radish and f ig chutney

be e r a n d c h e e se boa r d 9.95

a f l ight of Pacif ic Pale A le, Passionate Blonde and Guinness

va n i l l a r ic e Pu ddi nG 5.50with Amarena cherries & cinder toffee

wh i t e c h o co l at e a n d Pe a n u t bu t t e r mou s se 5.50with chocolate and ginger crumb

Both served with properly seasoned chips or mash, mushy peas and gravy

st e a k a n d st ou t 11.95

ch ic k e n a n d c h o r i zo 11.50

with curry sauce and properly seasoned chips or mash

- Award winning -

sw e e t P o tat o a n d sPic e d l e n t i l


Pi e s

with garl ic butter and couscous

h a l l ou m i a n d se s a m e Fa l a F e l 10.95

with garl ic butter and r ice & peas

Je r k s a l mo n 11.50

with garl ic butter and properly seasoned chips

ch ic k e n 11.50

with properly seasoned chips

sa lt a n d Pe PPe r P o r k 12.50

with Pir i Pir i sauce and properly seasoned chips

l a m b ko F ta 12.50

All kebabs below sopped with sweet chilli and g inger…

- our Fa mous -ha nG i nG k e b a b s™