starting a business in georgia

GUIDE TO STARTING A BUSINESS IN GEORGIA The following are suggested steps to take in order to start a business. These steps are being listed in the sequential order that is suggested you follow: 1. Decide on the business structur e or lega l enti ty for y our business. Most common forms of business structure are sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (!", small business corporation or regular corporation . #ou should discuss th e features of each type of legal entity with your legal ad$isor. a. %n o$er $iew of this topic is a $ai lable at http:&&sos.georgia.go$&corporations&legal'entity.pdf . )f you deci de on a limited liabi lity company , small bu sines s corpor ation or reg ular cor porat ion, you will need to register your business* name with the +eorgia ecretary of tate (-" office. Decide on a name for your business and then contact the (/&002314" to see if any other entity is using this name. )f not, then you can reser$e the name by filing a 56ame 7eser$atio n 7equest8 form with the - . There is a 9 no nrefundable fee to reser$e a name. a. #ou c an obtain the reser$ation reques t for m at http:&&$&acrobat&!orporations&name/reser$ation/form//3.pdf b. #ou can reser$ e your name on line at https:&&$ation&default.asp;<=)D>0/d443/2 f?e242??a324/13?@?b//b. % 9 filing fee a pplies to on2line filings as well. @. %fter decidin g on your busi ness structure and n ame for you r business, you will need to prepare or ha$e someone prepare your business formati on documents. %gain, you need to consult with your legal ad$isor on the types of documents required. a. %n o$er$ iew o f thi s topic i s a$ailable at http:&&$&corporations&  and http:&&sos.georgia.go$&corporations&filing'procedures.htm . -nce the business formation documents ha$e been prepared you need to and file the appropriate registration form and business formation documents with the -. a. #ou ca n fil e your domesti c corp ora tio n on2line at http:&&$&corporations&new'entity'notice.htm b. % partne rship or limited liability partnership may not be f iled on2line. . !onta ct the loc al go$e rnment office, i.e. cou nty off ice or cit y hall, e tc., in th e location where your business will be located to see if you n eed to register your business. ole proprietorships are not required to register with the state but all other business must register with the state. 1

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The following are suggested steps to take in order to start a business. These steps are being listed in the

sequential order that is suggested you follow:

1. Decide on the business structure or legal entity for your business. Most common forms of

business structure are sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (!", small

business corporation or regular corporation. #ou should discuss the features of each type of

legal entity with your legal ad$isor.

a. %n o$er$iew of this topic is a$ailable at


. )f you decide on a limited liability company, small business corporation or regular corporation,

you will need to register your business* name with the +eorgia ecretary of tate (-" office.

Decide on a name for your business and then contact the (/&002314" to see if any other

entity is using this name. )f not, then you can reser$e the name by filing a 56ame 7eser$ation

7equest8 form with the -. There is a 9 nonrefundable fee to reser$e a name.

a. #ou can obtain the reser$ation request form at


b. #ou can reser$e your name on line at


f?e242??a324/13?@?b//b. % 9 filing fee applies to on2line filings as well.

@. %fter deciding on your business structure and name for your business, you will need to prepare

or ha$e someone prepare your business formation documents. %gain, you need to consult with

your legal ad$isor on the types of documents required.

a. %n o$er$iew of this topic is a$ailable at http:&&$&corporations& and


. -nce the business formation documents ha$e been prepared you need to and file the

appropriate registration form and business formation documents with the -.

a. #ou can file your domestic corporation on2line athttp:&&$&corporations&new'entity'notice.htm

b. % partnership or limited liability partnership may not be filed on2line.

. !ontact the local go$ernment office, i.e. county office or city hall, etc., in the location where

your business will be located to see if you need to register your business. ole proprietorships

are not required to register with the state but all other business must register with the state.


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Aartnerships, As, !s and all types of corporations may need to register with the local

go$ernment where their business is located.

0. %pply for a federal Ta; )dentification 6umber (T)6" with the )7. This can be done at no cost. )f

your business is a sole proprietorship you will use your 6 in lieu of a T)6 and thus you do not

need to apply for a T)6.

a. #ou may apply for a T)6 on2line at

https:&&sa.www.irs.go$&modiein&indi$idual&inde;.Bsp. The )7 will assign you a

number immediately while you are still on2line. Ce sure you can access a printer while

on2line so that you can print out a copy of your T)6. #ou can use this T)6 as $erification

of your business when completing other business formation tasks.

b. or other )7 matters go on2lime to http:&&www.irs.go$&

4. #ou will need to submit a 5tate Ta; 7egistration8 application (orm !72//" with the tate of

+eorgia to register your business. This will also automatically register you for a +eorgia sales ta;number and withholding ta; number as well as other ta; registration numbers that might be

applicable for the type of business you will operate.

a. or a list of +eorgia ta; forms go to https:&&eta;$&ctr&formsreg.asp;

b. or instructions on filing orm !72// go to


c. To obtain orm !72// go to


a. E or assistance call Ta;payer 7egistration at [email protected] or go to +eorgia Department

of 7e$enue at https:&&eta;$&

3. -pen a bank account in the name of your business. #ou will need to pro$ide the bank with

identify information about yourself, i.e. dri$er*s license number and 6, etc., as well as proof

that your business has been registered with the city, county or state. !-7F strongly

recommends that you keep your business finances separate from your personal finances and

thus the need for a business bank account.

?. or other information on starting a business, the +eorgia - pro$ides many helpful documents


a. irst top Cusiness +uide 2 http:&&sos.georgia.go$&firststop&default.htm

b. irst top Cusiness +uide (%G" 2 http:&&sos.georgia.go$&firststop&faqs.htm

1/. The Hni$ersity of +eorgia*s mall Cusiness De$elopment !enter (CD!" has also de$eloped a

booklet called 5tart2HA Casics8  This

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booklet contains $ery helpful information and issues to consider for all indi$iduals who are

considering starting their own business. The CD! also has other helpful brochures on their web


