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State as Partner #4 April 9, 2020

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State as Partner #4

April 9, 2020


01 State As Partner

02 State of State

03 FY21

04 Announcements

05 Q & A

01 State As Partner

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

A moment of gratitude

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

State as Partner -ACLS FY20 Priorities


• Bi-monthly web meetings

• On the Desktop – From Commissioner Riley

• Special Mailings

State as Partner – Communication

• For resources call 211

• ACLS website



Building Connections

2020 State Plan - Submitted

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

State as Partner Special Event

Wednesday, April 29


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 971 174 5866


02 State of State

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY20 Grant funds


All state and federal

grant funds must be

used in the regular

grant period.

No state funds

can be rolled

past 6/30/20

No federal funds

can be rolled

past 8/31/20.

Programs should expend all

grant funds for FY20 and submit

amendments for approval as


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Guidance for DESE grant recipients

• Per Office of Management and Budget (OMB) — grant recipients may continue to charge salaries and benefits to currently

active awards consistent with the recipient organization's policy of paying salaries (under unexpected or extraordinary

circumstances) from all funding sources, Federal and non-Federal.

• Other costs may be charged to awards, including those necessary to resume activities supported by the award, consistent

with applicable cost principles and the benefit to the project. DESE will also evaluate the recipient's ability to resume the

project activity in the future and the appropriateness of future funding, as done under normal circumstances, based on

subsequent progress reports and other communications with the recipient.

• EdGrants can be accessed remotely as it is a web-based application. Grantees are encouraged to continue using EdGrants

as needed.

• Typically, the rule regarding line item amendments is that they are required to be approved 30 days prior to need. Grants

management will temporarily lift this 30 day prior to need amendment rule. Please keep in mind that any funds spent

using grant funds should still fall within the allowable costs and program parameters. If there are specific questions as to

whether something is allowed, grantees should contact the DESE program personnel managing the grant. This is typically

the person listed as the contact in the RFP posting.

• The payment request windows are set up at the start of the fiscal year so there will be no disruption in accessing payment

windows. Payment windows remain open the 20th of the month through the end of the month. As always, if there is an

issue you can contact Grants Management for assistance.


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education



Pre/Post Testing

HSE Testing


03 FY21 Funding & Continuation Application

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY21 Financial Impact


FY20 Base





FY21 Base


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY21 Enrollment Adjustment


ESOL Applies only to ESOL seats ABE Applies only to ABE seats

>100 5% increase (1.05) >100 5% increase

90-99 Level (1.0) 75-99 level

89 -80 1% decrease 74-70 1% decrease

79-75 2% decrease 69-65 2% decrease

74-70 3% decrease 64-60 3% decrease

69-60 4% decrease 59-55 4% decrease

59-50 5% decrease 54-50 5% decrease

49-40 10% decrease 49-40 10% decrease

0-39 20% decrease 0-39 20% decrease

Programs that receive a 10% or

20% decrease in FY21 will:

• meet with administrator


• complete a corrective

action plan for FY21.

Programs that received a decrease

of 10 to 20 percent in FY20 and are

receiving a decrease in FY21 will:

• meet with administrator and,

• submit FY20 Corrective Action

Plan progress report by June 5,


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education



Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

34 CFR § 76.568 Occupancy and space maintenance costs - restricted rate.


(a) As used in the calculation of a restricted indirect cost rate, occupancy and space maintenance costs means such costs as -

(1) Building costs whether owned or rented;

(2) Janitorial services and supplies;

(3) Building, grounds, and parking lot maintenance;

(4) Guard services;

(5) Light, heat, and power;

(6) Depreciation, use allowances, and amortization; and

(7) All other related space costs.

(b) Occupancy and space maintenance costs associated with organization-wide service functions (accounting, payroll, personnel) may be included as general management costs if a space allocation or use study supports the allocation.

(c) Occupancy and space maintenance costs associated with functions that are not organization-wide must be included with other expenditures in the indirect cost formula. These costs may be charged directly to affected programs only to the extent that statutory supplanting prohibitions are not violated. This reimbursement must be approved in advance by the Secretary.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3(a)(1), 2831(a), 2974(b), and 3474) [59 FR 59584, Nov. 17, 1994]

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

US Department of Education

Q. Space type costs are accepted in a usual indirect cost environment. How are they accounted for in the

restricted indirect cost formula?

A. Occupancy and space maintenance costs as described at 34 CFR 76.568 are included in the direct cost base

(denominator) for the restricted indirect cost rate determination. However, if the state and local government can

identify the portion of space that supports allowable indirect cost personnel, then the costs may be included with

allowable general management costs.

Q. May the space costs that are reclassified to the other direct cost base be recovered through direct


A. No. These space costs are the financial responsibility of the organization.

Q. When occupancy costs are part of the approved statewide costs, how are they treated for Restricted

Rate purposes?

A. Occupancy costs are disallowed, except where allowable under 34 CFR 76.568 (b). The disallowed amount is not

included in the base, because these costs are not incurred by the grantee.


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education


• Space is a part of indirect cost and cannot be charged to the

grant as a direct cost.

• Programs that were able to charge space directly to the

grant in FY20 will not be able to do so in FY21, unless it is

for a satellite site where AE classes are offered. Programs

were informed of this during the continuation application

process for FY20.


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Space cont.


20 programs charged

space directly to the


7 programs do not take IDC

Space charges range from

1%-11% of grant funds

Space can be counted as match.

Programs that do not charge IDC, can

apply for an IDC rate to support space


Satellite class sites can be charged

directly to the grant.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

In FY20 several (7) programs were required to submit and

follow a corrective action plan.

CAP progress reports must be submitted with the

continuation application on either May 15th or June 5th

Program Specialist will need to communicate with programs

the results of CAP review by June 30, 2020.


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Director/Teacher Waivers

Programs with director/teacher waivers (4) must submit

verification of courses taken as noted in approved plan with

continuation application.

Program Specialist will need to communicate with programs

the results of waiver review by June 30, 2020.


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY21 Funding Increase Opportunities


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY21 Optional Capacity Building Funding

Option 1 – Increase current enrollment to existing approved

class offerings (ABE/ESOL/DL) up to 50 additional seats.

oPrograms that are exceeding enrollment targets in the

area (ABE and/or ESOL) for which they are funded may

add additional seats.

oAdditional seats will be supported through the remainder

of the funding cycle.

oDeliver classroom-based instruction in keeping with the

ACLS-approved program plan and policies


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Who’s eligible for Option 1?


ABE Eligible ESOL Target

Bristol Community College - Taunton Public Schools

Bristol County Sheriff's Office

Brockton Public Schools

Cambridge Community Learning Center

CCAB, Inc. d/b/a Haitian Multi-Service Center

Charlestown Community Center

Framingham Public Schools

Hampden County Sheriff Department

Hampshire Sheriff's Office

Lawrence Public Schools Adult Learning Center

Lowell Public Schools (Frederick Abisi Adult

Education Ctr)

Methuen Public Schools

Middlesex Community College

North Shore Community College

Pittsfield Public Schools

Springfield Technical Community College

University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth

Webster Public Schools

Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Worcester Public Schools

Ascentria Community Services

Berkshire Community College - South County*

Boston Public Schools

Bristol Community College - Taunton Public* Schools

Brockton Public Schools*

Cambridge Community Learning Center

Cape Cod Community College

CCAB, Inc. d/b/a Catholic Charities South

Chelsea Public Schools

Clinton Public Schools*

Community Action, Inc.

East Boston Harborside Community Center

Framingham Public Schools

Holyoke Community College

Hudson Public Schools

International Institute of Greater Lawrence*

Jewish Vocational Service, Inc.*

Lawrence Public Schools Adult Learning Center

Lowell Public Schools (Frederick Abisi Adult Education Ctr)

Martha's Vineyard Public Schools

Methuen Public Schools

New Bedford Public Schools*

North Shore Community Action Programs, Inc.*

Notre Dame Education Center - Lawrence

Pittsfield Public Schools

Quinsigamond Community College

Randolph Community Partnership, Inc.(currently has a CAP)

Springfield Technical Community College

Training Resources of America, Inc. - Brockton

Training Resources of America, Inc. - Springfield

Training Resources of America, Inc. - Worcester

University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth

Worcester Public Schools

YMCA of Greater Boston International Learning Center Woburn

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Option 2 & 3

Option 2 – Curriculum & Instruction (up to $5,000)o Complete curriculum alignment to the MAELPs in FY21

o Development of science and/or social studies curriculum

Option 3 – Online/Remote Learning Project (up to $5,000)o Develop online/remote learning opportunities for current and/or new


o Build infrastructure to provide rigorous online/remote learning e.g. increase

internet bandwidth, high-speed routers, computers/laptops/tablets, online

meeting software etc.

o Develop a plan to provide online/remote learning to students address

infrastructure, staffing, curriculum, online/remote technology and tools


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Narrative Questions (continuation application)

• Describe the project you are proposing to address including project goals,

timeline (when the project will start and finish), and project outcome(s).

• Identify action steps and project phases as well as who will be responsible for

various tasks and project coordination.

• Identify and describe the final product that will be created through this project

and how it will benefit the program and students.

• Acknowledge agreement to report on the progress of the project with each desk

review submission.

• Clearly identify project cost and provide description in the budget workbook.

Ensure the project cost in the workbook adds up to the funds requested for this



Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY21 Optional Capacity Building Funding

• Option 1- Funding not included in Table 1

• Option 2 & 3 – Additional 10K included in Table 1

o Reduce grant by 10K if not doing either options

o Reduce grant by amount not requested to use


04 Announcements

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Program Directors Please urge ALL

staff to:

Sign up for SABES accounts, and

Sign up for notifications once they have an

account (from ESOL, ELA, Math, etc.)

If they are signed up, please check their

account to make sure it’s up to date

Now more than ever we need PD

notifications, news items, PD events etc. to

be reaching the field!

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

FY21 Continuation Application –Budget Workbook Training

• Thursday, April 23, 2-4pm

o 2:00 – 3:30 General budget (90


o 3:30 – 4:00 IET budget (30 minutes)

• Friday, April 24, 9:30-11:30am

o 9:30 – 11:00 General budget (90


o 11:00 – 11:30 IET budget (30 minutes)


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education30

Budget Workbook – Sneak Peek

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Upcoming LACES Trainings

Date Time Focus

May 12 2:00 pm Closeout

May 13 9:30 am Closeout

May 21 (Directors Meeting) TBD Analysis/Q&A x 2Closeout

May 28 2:00 pm Closeout

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education


Scheduled Services (


While the student is enrolled and earning instructional hours without a 90+ day gap in

activity, the student is placed in a PoP. Once the student completes all enrollments and

leaves the program or stops attending and is gone for 90+ days, the student begins a new

PoP when they return.

However, a scheduled service by enrollment date or scheduled service start date overrides

the 90+ day left rule.

The NRS states:

• Program exit occurs when the participant has not received services for the past 90 days

and has no additional services scheduled. The date of exit is the last date on which the

participant receives services.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education


Without attendance for 90 days, participants are considered exited and will end up on

table 5 and require follow-up. We don't want this for students you anticipate will return.

Unless you schedule future services for these students.

This is “scheduled service,” and LACES will prevent these students from being considered

exits even if they don't have attendance for 90 or more days.

The upcoming closeout training webinars will cover this.

Don't worry if you have already exited students from class. But you should schedule

service before the end of the program year.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Directors’ Meeting

May 21st – Main Stage – Virtual Conference

Early Events – Prepare for Continuation Application process

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Adult Education System Evaluation -UMDI

Dear Program Director,

As part of DESE’s evaluation of the Massachusetts adult education system, the UMass Donahue Institute had planned to survey all adult education students across the Commonwealth in May. Needless to say, COVID-19 is having an effect on this activity. We are considering whether we should still move forward with the survey but need more information from you before we make that decision.

Below is a link to a quick—three question—survey. If possible, please complete the survey by the end of the day on Monday, April 13th. The information you provide will help us decide how best to move forward.

Thank you for your time!


05 Q&A

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education


1. Do you have any sense of if and when HiSET testing will begin again? Late May???

2. Are there ongoing discussions about how HSE test may be administered online? Yes

3. Is it possible for AE staff to become a proctor? Yes (GED confirmed, HiSET?)

4. Presently, testing sites are closed for HiSET, but not for all testing. I want to see if I can increase their capacity by offering staff to assist. Perhaps those certified for TABE and/or MAPT? Remote testing is being considered.

5. Can one become test proctor with an online course? We are discussing these options with GED/HiSET

Students are very anxious about the inability to test. We have many students with only one or two tests left, and they really want to finish by June. We understand and are working with the testing centers to create opportunities for students to complete HSE testing.

6. Can we do intake applications by phone? Yes Just the information part. YesWe do TABE for placement only.

7. Are there any ways to administer TABE remotely just for placement? Not at this time, we will be providing clarity soon.

8. Is it okay to fill out student intake info at home (without SS numbers), or does all student info still need to be locked up onsite? Yes, intakes can be done off site. Keep records stored away.

9. Can exceptions be made to this policy while we are all isolated and working from home? Yes, see above

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education



Where can I find additional

information about allowable cost,

indirect cost and direct cost for these

grant funds?



Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Can staff be paid using grant funds

through COVID-19 closure?

Non-regulatory Guidance on Flexibility and Waivers for Grantees and Program Participants Impacted by Federally Declared Disasters, 2017. The guidance says that it is applicable to presidentially declared disasters under 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, which is the case with COVID-19 It specifically addresses the issue about paying staff from federal grants during school closures.

A-13. What does the Department expect with regard to the treatment of institutional employees who are supported by Federal higher education grants or other employees paid with Federal education program funds?

Institutional employees who are supported with Federal grants awarded by the Department, including grants authorized by the Higher Education Act (HEA), and the other programs discussed in this guidance such as the IDEA, and Title I of the ESEA, should be treated the same as similarly situated employees of the institution. In the case of programs serving K-12, Federally funded employees should be treated the same as similarly situated State and locally funded employees. This means that if the institution’s policy or State and local law and policies provide for similarly situated employees to be paid during an extended closure due to a disaster, those supported with Federal grants would also be paid. These employees should return to the duties for which the grant funds were provided as soon as possible and, to the extent practicable, should work on project activities during the time the school is closed. Employees supported with Federal grant funds who are intended to provide direct services to students may maintain contact with students during the recovery period, through appropriate methods such as telephone, videophone, and email.