state troops booze -...

THE GAINESVILLE si V AUtftST 2G 19J9 p- Oti i r T STATE TROOPS CALLED OUT TO SAVE NEGRO FROM MOB- Two Hundred and Fifty Angry Men Gather to Lynch Ian for Slashing Officers Throat ATLANTA Ga Aug 225 oclock Sunday morning Frank Ban sister tor whose death a mob had been clamoring for hours at Marietta arrived In Atlanta In the charge of an escort of militia the trip from Ma- rietta being made In the big touring car of M L McNoal The party bad a most exciting ex- perience In getting away from Mar- ietta The mob had posted sentinels all over town and when these senti- nels learned the prisoner had been slipped away from the jail out of door they notified the crowd As hundreds of men came rushing to the two cars the chauffeur of one it Js said became panicstricken and deserted The negro was transferred to the other car and both dashed out of the city to the tune of a dozen or more bullets fired from the mob In the party arriving In Atlanta were Captain Fred Morris command- ing Company F Sergeant Attaway Corporal W C Dobbs and Constables 11 A Morris and W A Bishop The auto took a roundabout route to At Jantn the trip covering over thirty three miles MARIETTA Ga Aug were ordered out hero Saturday night to prevent a mob of two hundred and fifty men from storming the jail and lynching Frank Bannister a negro who slashed Will Cooper a young white man with a razor while he was aiding Officer White In arresting L negro woman who had been fight ingHad It not been for their prompt appearance on the scene a riot un doubtedly would have been precipi- tated Cooper is expected to die at any moment At this hour 2 SO oclock In the morning everything has quieted 23At a- back x I 1 j 4 p 3 Troops a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Scene of Big Steel Strike Bloody Battle Raged at PITTSBUHG Pa Aug 23 One State trooper and one deputy sheriff and three foreigners were stint and killed Sunday night In n wild riot at the Pressed Steel Car plant In Schoen- vllle whose employes are now on strike At least a score of persons were seriously wounded ten fatally The riot followed u day of quiet and broke without warning The dead John U Wilson State trooper Harry Bxlei deputy sheriff three foreigners The fatally Injured are John C Smith and Lucellan Jones State troopers and seven foreigners George Kltch mid lulus ODonnell State troopers were seriously Injur- ed and was shot In the neck Over a score of persons re- ceived more or less serious Injuries Women Wild Wliii Rage The riot scene was Indescribable Mountod State troopers galloped Indis- criminately through the streets with riot maces drawn cracking the heads of all persons loitering in the vicinity- of the mill Deputy therlfU and troopers broke tn thu doors of houses suspected of the rotn nt of strikers and wholesale arrests were made From 930 until 11110 oclock scores of persons were arrested and placed In box car Jails In the mill yards During the early stages of the riot- ing women were armed others ef- tfecUvtly used clubs and stones There woDxvi all foreigners Insane with rage were mainly for In citing the men to extreme measures- At midnight quiet reigned In the district Shortly before 930 oclock Sunday night a mob gathered about the Srhoenvllle entrance to the Pressed Steel Car Works and made a con- certed attack upon the big swinging of the stockade The attack Vas resisted by State troopers and deputy sheriffs who used riot maces one womnn I lnJ responsible I L r r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ down and the mob dispersed al- though the troops are still on guard Asked to Help Officer About 830 oclock Officer White while attempting to arrest a negress on Cherry street asked Cooper to aid him The young man came up Immediately and seized the woman Just as he placed his bands on her Fiannlbter who rushed up from be- hind pulled a razor out of his pocket and slashed Cooper from the left side of the mouth around to the right ear severing the veins In the bacK of the neck The young man turned instantly grabbed the gffleers revolver run nlug after the negro who was at- tempting to make an escape As he gave chase Cooper tired five shots at the negro finally dropping to the ground in front of the office of Dr C P Nolan lie did not hit Bannis ter Negro IB Captured The negro continued to run down the street out of city Several men and deputy sheriffs who hap- pened to be witnesses to the affair gave chase Floyd Northcutt who was coming Into the city on Kennesaw avenue hearing the shouts of his pur suers caught Bannister placed hln In n cab and hurried to town Reach- Ing here Deputy Sheriff McKinney and the deputies took charge of time prisoner and with quick work rushed through the mob that hud gathered- by this time to the jail and safely landed him behind the bars Will Cooper is the son of the late John Cooper of this place and comet from a prominent South Carolina faru- lly He Is employed as a chauffeur In a local automobile garage Dr No- lan who Is attending him states there Is a very slight chance of re- covery time ¬ ¬ ¬ In the melee Harry Evler a deputj sheriff aged 50 years was shot std Instantly killed by It bullet fred I Is said by a strike sympathizer Trooper Is Slain In an effort to arrest the man picl ed out of road a the one old the shooting State Trooper South was Instantly killed by a revolver hul let For the first time slice the Incep- tion of the strike the State trooper then opened volley fire on the mob Six strikers fell at the first round Throe of then are reported fatull- siot The members or the mob then opened fire with rifles Two mounted troopers dropped from their horn fatally shot They were taken to tin Ohio Valley Hospital In a dying con ditlon As an timbulniirv made way from the car plant to the bott i tnl carrying wounded troupers the t hide was attacked and the drlur forced to lice fur his life The fright t nd tenet of horses inched to tin ambulance plunged wildly in anti about the crowd Two men wen trampled under the horuM hoofs Tin ambulance was finally driven to tin hospital by a detachment of troopers Kick Dead Man Shortly afterward a deputy sheriff not yet Identified was surrounded by a crowd of strikers In a last desper- ate attempt to save himself the offl cer drew his revolver nnd emptied tit contents Into the crowd Then the gun away he yelled- I give up I am all In The next moment five bullets won fired Into his body Not satisfied even then the crowd beat and kicked the body until the features were unrecog- nizable Everybodys Thomas Electric Oil Cures toothache ear- ache sore throat Heals cuts brulaoi scalds Stops any pain th wl friendDr Its t throw- ing ¬ BRONSON NEGRO KILLED FOR ASSAULT UPON LADY- Mrs Snowden Highly Respected lady Had Narrow Escape From Black Fiend Tuesday Steve Brown a young negro was shot and killed Tuesday morning at Bronson by Hart Falrclotb u young white man for an assault and attempt- ed rape upon a Mrs Snowden a high- ly respected lady of that place The lady was engaged In working- at her garden In the northwestern part of the town fully a distance of five blocks from the business center when the negro apiwared in the gar den lie came up behind her and made the assault Her screams at once attracted Mr Faircloth who was within a short distance and he thinking It was a hawk after her chickens ran over to the place with his gun only to find that it was a negro who had at- tempted a heinous crime Mrs Snowden was badly but told Mr Falrcloth of the or frighten- ed ¬ ¬ ¬ Precautions Taken to Pre vent Wholesale Lynching ¬ CAI1TERSVILLK Ga Aug With the placing In Jail here Satur- day of William Golden a white man 52 years of age on the charge of criminal assault Bartow county jail now houses four men accused of this heinous crime and but one of these- Is a negro Not before In the his- tory of the State has such a condition existed and an attempt at wholesale lynching would not be surprising Ex- raordlnary precautions however have been taken by the officers to pro- tect the prisoners and the sheriff to have the situation well In hand Golden Is charged with criminally vaulting Miss Annie Gentry a feebleminded young white woman near Taylorvllle on July 22 Golden llsappeared shortly after the commis- sion of the crime and was not seen again Saturday i Iht when he was arn and hurrtrd to the Ill a t I lId pro- fesses t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IEXSACOLA Fla Aug 2ti When a shark caught here Saturday was cut up Its stomach was found to contain two ribs and portions of the skull of a num It Is the general belief along tilt vnter front that these bones are the 11 foot WHOLESALE and RETAIL LIQUORS 2ii liar SI I 0 lint 401 JACKSONVILLE FIt WILLIAMS PAYS THE EXPRESS JJ 1 WIL LAMS Ill f CASE PAID DeSoto Rye 4 full quarts rt full quarts 71 12 full quarts lz- I1 full quarts freight pall I2m Williams No 10 Rye 4 full quarts 5J2 Roll scats 12 full quarts Dn Old Halifax Rye 4 full quarts 420 6 full quarts IOu full quarts 1200 Sunny South Rye 4 full quarts 5 27 0 full quarts 4to 12 full quarts son 30 full pints 1200 Yellowstone Bourbon 4 Bottles express paid 540 Case express paid 127 Old Boone Express Paid Bottled In bond by the U S Govnft 4 full quarts express paid 500 12 full quarts express paid 127 24 full pints express paid 1375 48 full half paid 1500 Send X7 a GOODSEXPRESS 11 i < I 1 1 pints express g s > currence as quickly as possible and he succeeded In stopping the brute before he had gotten out of the field and In the hammock which he was making for at that time When the negro refused to stop at Falrclothsc- ommnnds he raised his gun and fired but as time shot were small It took three loads to stop him Following the occurrence Mr Fair cloth went up town and informed the oncers of the occurrence and also 1 number of citizens who found the rase as he had represented It and an Inquest was ordered held which com- pletely exonerated him of blame for the shooting Brown had been living at Broiipon for several years and was always thought to be reliable and all right until the occurrence on Tuesday whlrb resulted In his death ¬ i here TIll details of the crime a told by Mss Gentry and corroborated In part by her sister are revolting In the extreme It Is not doubted that Golden would have been lynched had be remained In the vicinity of tin crime great Indignation having beet aroused by the girls story There Is still much excitement on account of the Taylorvllle was also the seems of the more recent assault upon Klrod for which John K nnd J W white are being held In tit Jail here tIll authorities arc apprehensive lest n mob of numbers be organized In that section with n view to storming tit and putting to death the quar Howard Stokeley a negro Is the fourth man held on this serious charge He Is charged with assaulting a negro girl crime- A orthln toll j pall I i Mss consider- able year old ¬ Mans Skull in Stomach of Shark Caught at Pensacola ft nuin of a II lurinan who fell over- board front a hooner In Pensacola hnrbor several days ego A school of sharks were following tli Mhouner at the time and the mall llMiMnrrd from sight as soon as be- n rk tie Wjit r Old Homestead Corn Whiskey lcalln lug viT s nid yrn Special Offer Idl Whiskey It rums Dltil Ifv Bottling Express Paid H pints tn dmm srno2- ft i halt pious In Sold only by drum will not brenk drum Corn Paid Rocky Fork per bottle ex jmld 1 4 Rocky Fork per case ex paid 117 1 cal cure ex paid 1 pal rorn ex 1 sal I X corn ex paid Rye Vvhiikey Express Paid Per Gallon Queen City ex paid o so Sunny South ex paid 275 Rye Malt ex paid 1 Hurdle Rye ex paid 4 r Overholt paid 450 Rich 11111 ex paid 450 Planter ex paid 500 Williams Private Seal Alcohol One grade only and jug ex paid 450 Gin ex paid 250 325 and 450 Trial Order I I oruni 1111 I WhiskeyExpress II n i to X Old Boone ex paid iIOO ex paid 600 S paid t5 t + JONAS MALPHURS WAS UP FOR SELLING BOOZE MAYOR DAVIS FINED HIM 25 AND COSTS OF COURT Marshal Arnow Was EyeWitness to the Whole Transaction Sat urday Night From Tuesdays Dally Sun Marshal Arnow was busy In the tiger line Saturday night with the result that he succeeded in arresting Jonas Malphurs for disusing of whiskey In n diy town and tonnty Before Mayor Davis Monday Ma phurs was sentenced to pay a tine of 21 and costs The Marshal had suspected that a deal was to be made as he had noticed Malphurs and anoth- er party together hence he was lay- ing in wait nnd watching the entire transaction saw where it carne from and also the money changed- G M Edfield was let off with the payment of costs for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk as was also John De Bose upon u similar charge- S James drunk was let off with the payment of costs and toll to go and sin no more which he promised- to do Disagreeable at Home Lots of men and women who are agreeable with others get cranky- at hums Its not disposition the liver If you llnd In yourself that you feel crows around the house little things worry you Just buy a bottle of Italian lierbine nod put your liv- er in shape You and everybody around you will feel better for It Price 0 cents per bottle Sold by Johnson The work on the public building in Fernandlna Is progressing shadily and by the first of next week the concrete for the foundation will be laid mid the work of laying th brick and stout will be begun People with chronic bronchitis asth- ma Bud lung trouble will find great relief and comfort In Foleys Honey and Tar and can avoid suffering by commencing to take it nr once J W M Collurn Co The tender by Dr Ennls of a build- Ing maul grounds at Nacroosee fur the establishment of a sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis has in accepted by the Slate authority Sanford Herald CASTOR Infants and Children Till Kind You Hay Always Ssjgh Residence Magnolia Hotel Gainov- illeSEEDS HY lair OHDKU- We will shi tin nr r Jar a CPIVI TI TMi SKKDS OXLVM CM In TC Seed That rov- WAITOX SIEU co South Ore m St Jachsooviilc Fla Poultry Supiiilts ItcmtiJIes l n otcWv- V 1ATTON Civil Engineer and Surveyo DEALER IN REAL ESTATI Prompt attention to buio Office dirac door Aor h of Thmf office P 0 Box 193 GaineaviU K ft proaiptir ottia i in n cooa l f or NO f t a na sk tj ii i or Viii I ftat ALL BUI t TAICTLT C7Mfl2CHTUL took oall to c Nt atyi i u p r nM M K- T uu i wiii tr It r ct- T iOAtit lafrniA n JVMI tr Ui oaj D SWIFT 30IS8v a t oihls sa P 1 l 1 J i the booze f t l t f t 1 j I j i t For Bc rs mho Z of Dr A Dolan VETERINARIAN l t rlnWIn 1nl liLt t1 lIon eo OURPCE S r air tltao- I I i Pat I tenet of ra 1lnI 6 Ol j 4 a a M i nr n W- Ill r S I i LpCrnaturu rte fi t- It r t 1trRw ill l qi a aattie p report v rrpursrtnamw R earenen1maJ44xreCR t r r Cflt g ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > < = + +

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Post on 14-Jul-2020




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ir T



Two Hundred and Fifty Angry Men Gather to Lynch

Ian for Slashing Officers Throat

ATLANTA Ga Aug 225oclock Sunday morning Frank Bansister tor whose death a mob hadbeen clamoring for hours at Mariettaarrived In Atlanta In the charge of anescort of militia the trip from Ma-

rietta being made In the big touringcar of M L McNoal

The party bad a most exciting ex-

perience In getting away from Mar-ietta The mob had posted sentinelsall over town and when these senti-nels learned the prisoner had beenslipped away from the jail out of

door they notified the crowdAs hundreds of men came rushing

to the two cars the chauffeur of oneit Js said became panicstricken anddeserted The negro was transferredto the other car and both dashed outof the city to the tune of a dozen ormore bullets fired from the mob

In the party arriving In Atlantawere Captain Fred Morris command-ing Company F Sergeant AttawayCorporal W C Dobbs and Constables11 A Morris and W A Bishop Theauto took a roundabout route to AtJantn the trip covering over thirtythree miles

MARIETTA Ga Augwere ordered out hero Saturday nightto prevent a mob of two hundred andfifty men from storming the jail andlynching Frank Bannister a negrowho slashed Will Cooper a youngwhite man with a razor while hewas aiding Officer White In arresting

L negro woman who had been fight

ingHadIt not been for their prompt

appearance on the scene a riot undoubtedly would have been precipi-tated

Cooper is expected to die at anymoment

At this hour 2 SO oclock In themorning everything has quieted









3 Troopsa









Scene of Big Steel Strike

Bloody Battle Raged at

PITTSBUHG Pa Aug 23 OneState trooper and one deputy sheriffand three foreigners were stint andkilled Sunday night In n wild riot atthe Pressed Steel Car plant In Schoen-vllle whose employes are now on

strike At least a score of personswere seriously wounded ten fatally

The riot followed u day of quiet andbroke without warning

The dead John U Wilson Statetrooper Harry Bxlei deputy sheriffthree foreigners

The fatally Injured are John C

Smith and Lucellan Jones Statetroopers and seven foreigners

George Kltch mid lulus ODonnellState troopers were seriously Injur-

ed and was shot In theneck Over a score of persons re-

ceived more or less serious Injuries

Women Wild Wliii RageThe riot scene was Indescribable

Mountod State troopers galloped Indis-

criminately through the streets withriot maces drawn cracking the headsof all persons loitering in the vicinity-

of the mill Deputy therlfU andtroopers broke tn thu doors of housessuspected of the rotn nt ofstrikers and wholesale arrests weremade

From 930 until 11110 oclock scoresof persons were arrested and placedIn box car Jails In the mill yards

During the early stages of the riot-

ing women were armed others ef-

tfecUvtly used clubs and stones TherewoDxvi all foreigners Insane withrage were mainly for In

citing the men to extreme measures-At midnight quiet reigned In thedistrict

Shortly before 930 oclock Sundaynight a mob gathered about theSrhoenvllle entrance to the PressedSteel Car Works and made a con-

certed attack upon the big swingingof the stockade The attack

Vas resisted by State troopers anddeputy sheriffs who used riot maces

one womnn

I lnJ










down and the mob dispersed al-

though the troops are still on guard

Asked to Help Officer

About 830 oclock Officer Whitewhile attempting to arrest a negresson Cherry street asked Cooper toaid him The young man came upImmediately and seized the womanJust as he placed his bands on herFiannlbter who rushed up from be-

hind pulled a razor out of his pocketand slashed Cooper from the left sideof the mouth around to the right earsevering the veins In the bacK of theneck

The young man turned instantlygrabbed the gffleers revolver runnlug after the negro who was at-

tempting to make an escape As hegave chase Cooper tired five shots atthe negro finally dropping to theground in front of the office of DrC P Nolan lie did not hit Bannister

Negro IB Captured

The negro continued to run downthe street out of city Severalmen and deputy sheriffs who hap-pened to be witnesses to the affairgave chase Floyd Northcutt whowas coming Into the city on Kennesawavenue hearing the shouts of his pursuers caught Bannister placed hlnIn n cab and hurried to town Reach-Ing here Deputy Sheriff McKinneyand the deputies took charge of time

prisoner and with quick work rushedthrough the mob that hud gathered-by this time to the jail and safelylanded him behind the bars

Will Cooper is the son of the lateJohn Cooper of this place and cometfrom a prominent South Carolina faru-

lly He Is employed as a chauffeur In

a local automobile garage Dr No-

lan who Is attending him statesthere Is a very slight chance of re-






In the melee Harry Evler a deputjsheriff aged 50 years was shot stdInstantly killed by It bullet fred I

Is said by a strike sympathizerTrooper Is Slain

In an effort to arrest the man picled out of road a the oneold the shooting State Trooper Southwas Instantly killed by a revolver hullet

For the first time slice the Incep-

tion of the strike the State trooperthen opened volley fire on the mobSix strikers fell at the first roundThroe of then are reported fatull-

siotThe members or the mob then

opened fire with rifles Two mountedtroopers dropped from their hornfatally shot They were taken to tinOhio Valley Hospital In a dying conditlon As an timbulniirv madeway from the car plant to the bott i

tnl carrying wounded troupers the t

hide was attacked and the drlurforced to lice fur his life The frightt nd tenet of horses inched to tinambulance plunged wildly in antiabout the crowd Two men wentrampled under the horuM hoofs Tinambulance was finally driven to tinhospital by a detachment of troopers

Kick Dead ManShortly afterward a deputy sheriff

not yet Identified was surrounded by

a crowd of strikers In a last desper-

ate attempt to save himself the offlcer drew his revolver nnd emptied titcontents Into the crowd Then

the gun away he yelled-I give up I am all In

The next moment five bullets wonfired Into his body Not satisfied eventhen the crowd beat and kicked thebody until the features were unrecog-


Everybodys ThomasElectric Oil Cures toothache ear-

ache sore throat Heals cuts brulaoiscalds Stops any pain

th wl









Mrs Snowden Highly Respected lady Had Narrow

Escape From Black Fiend Tuesday

Steve Brown a young negro wasshot and killed Tuesday morning atBronson by Hart Falrclotb u youngwhite man for an assault and attempt-

ed rape upon a Mrs Snowden a high-

ly respected lady of that placeThe lady was engaged In working-

at her garden In the northwesternpart of the town fully a distance offive blocks from the business centerwhen the negro apiwared in the garden lie came up behind her andmade the assault

Her screams at once attracted MrFaircloth who was within a shortdistance and he thinking It was ahawk after her chickens ran overto the place with his gun only tofind that it was a negro who had at-

tempted a heinous crimeMrs Snowden was badly

but told Mr Falrcloth of the orfrighten-





Precautions Taken to Pre

vent Wholesale Lynching


CAI1TERSVILLK Ga AugWith the placing In Jail here Satur-day of William Golden a white man52 years of age on the charge ofcriminal assault Bartow county jailnow houses four men accused of thisheinous crime and but one of these-Is a negro Not before In the his-

tory of the State has such a conditionexisted and an attempt at wholesalelynching would not be surprising Ex-

raordlnary precautions howeverhave been taken by the officers to pro-

tect the prisoners and the sheriffto have the situation well In

handGolden Is charged with criminally

vaulting Miss Annie Gentry afeebleminded young white womannear Taylorvllle on July 22 Goldenllsappeared shortly after the commis-sion of the crime and was not seenagain Saturday i Iht when hewas arn and hurrtrd to the Ill












IEXSACOLA Fla Aug 2ti Whena shark caught here Saturdaywas cut up Its stomach was found tocontain two ribs and portions of theskull of a num

It Is the general belief along tiltvnter front that these bones are the

11 foot



J J1



4 full quartsrt full quarts 71

12 full quarts lz-I1 full quarts freight pall I2m

Williams No 10 Rye4 full quarts 5J2

Roll scats12 full quarts Dn

Old Halifax Rye4 full quarts 4206 full quarts IOu

full quarts 1200Sunny South Rye

4 full quarts 5 270 full quarts 4to

12 full quarts son30 full pints 1200

Yellowstone Bourbon4 Bottles express paid 540Case express paid 127

Old Boone Express PaidBottled In bond by the U S Govnft

4 full quarts express paid 50012 full quarts express paid 12724 full pints express paid 137548 full half paid 1500

Send X7 a







pints express


s >

currence as quickly as possible and

he succeeded In stopping the brutebefore he had gotten out of the field

and In the hammock which he was

making for at that time When thenegro refused to stop at Falrclothsc-

ommnnds he raised his gun and firedbut as time shot were small It tookthree loads to stop him

Following the occurrence Mr Faircloth went up town and informed theoncers of the occurrence and also

1 number of citizens who found therase as he had represented It and anInquest was ordered held which com-

pletely exonerated him of blame for

the shootingBrown had been living at Broiipon

for several years and was alwaysthought to be reliable and all rightuntil the occurrence on Tuesdaywhlrb resulted In his death


i here TIll details of the crime atold by Mss Gentry and corroboratedIn part by her sister are revolting In

the extreme It Is not doubted thatGolden would have been lynched hadbe remained In the vicinity of tincrime great Indignation having beetaroused by the girls story ThereIs still much excitement on accountof the

Taylorvllle was also the seemsof the more recent assault uponKlrod for which John K nnd J W

white are being heldIn tit Jail here tIll authorities arcapprehensive lest n mob of

numbers be organized In thatsection with n view to storming tit

and putting to death the quar

Howard Stokeley a negro Is thefourth man held on this seriouscharge He Is charged with assaultinga negro girl


orthln toll







year old


Mans Skull in Stomach of

Shark Caught at Pensacolaft nuin of a II lurinan who fell over-board front a hooner In Pensacolahnrbor several days ego

A school of sharks were followingtli Mhouner at the time and the mallllMiMnrrd from sight as soon as be-

n rk tie Wjit r

Old Homestead Corn Whiskeylcalln lug viT s nid yrn

Special OfferIdl Whiskey It rums DltilIfv Bottling Express PaidH pints tn dmm srno2-ft i halt pious InSold only by drum will not brenk

drumCorn Paid

Rocky Fork per bottle ex jmld 1 4Rocky Fork per case ex paid 1171 cal cure ex paid1 pal rorn ex1 sal I X corn ex paid

Rye Vvhiikey Express PaidPer GallonQueen City ex paid o so

Sunny South ex paid 275Rye Malt ex paid 1Hurdle Rye ex paid 4 rOverholt paid 450Rich 11111 ex paid 450Planter ex paid 500

Williams Private SealAlcohol

One grade only and jug ex paid 450Gin ex paid 250 325 and 450

Trial Order



oruni 1111







Old Boone ex paid iIOOex paid 600










Marshal Arnow Was EyeWitness to

the Whole Transaction Sat

urday Night

From Tuesdays Dally SunMarshal Arnow was busy In the

tiger line Saturday night with theresult that he succeeded in arrestingJonas Malphurs for disusing ofwhiskey In n diy town and tonnty

Before Mayor Davis Monday Maphurs was sentenced to pay a tineof 21 and costs The Marshal hadsuspected that a deal was to be madeas he had noticed Malphurs and anoth-er party together hence he was lay-

ing in wait nnd watching the entiretransaction saw whereit carne from and also the moneychanged-

G M Edfield was let off with thepayment of costs for riding a bicycleon the sidewalk as was also John DeBose upon u similar charge-

S James drunk was let off withthe payment of costs and toll to goand sin no more which he promised-to do

Disagreeable at HomeLots of men and women who are

agreeable with others get cranky-at hums Its not disposition theliver If you llnd In yourself thatyou feel crows around the house littlethings worry you Just buy a bottleof Italian lierbine nod put your liv-

er in shape You and everybodyaround you will feel better for ItPrice 0 cents per bottle Sold by


The work on the public building inFernandlna Is progressing shadilyand by the first of next week theconcrete for the foundation will belaid mid the work of laying th brickand stout will be begun

People with chronic bronchitis asth-ma Bud lung trouble will find greatrelief and comfort In Foleys Honeyand Tar and can avoid suffering bycommencing to take it nr once J WM Collurn Co

The tender by Dr Ennls of a build-Ing maul grounds at Nacroosee fur theestablishment of a sanitarium for thetreatment of tuberculosis has inaccepted by the Slate authoritySanford Herald

CASTORInfants and Children

Till Kind You Hay Always Ssjgh

ResidenceMagnolia Hotel Gainov-


We will shi tin nr r Jar aCPIVI TI TMi SKKDS OXLVM CM

In TC Seed That rov-

WAITOX SIEU coSouth Ore m St Jachsooviilc Fla

Poultry Supiiilts ItcmtiJIes l n otcWv-

V 1ATTONCivil Engineer and Surveyo


Prompt attention to buioOffice dirac door Aor h of Thmfoffice P 0 Box 193 GaineaviU K ft

proaiptir ottia i in n cooa l f or NO f ta na s k tj ii i or Viii I


took oall to c Nt atyi i u p r nM M K-

T uu i wiii tr It r ct-T iOAtit lafrniA n JVMI tr Ui oaj

D SWIFT30IS8v a t oihls sa P






the booze f









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