state's exhibit 252 - ph october 6, 2004

Wednesday, October 6,2004 RI 8:50 a.m. Dictation My last dictation was at Amarillo, Texas, Monday afternoon. I want to start this dictation first by testifying in the name of the Lord that I know God lives. And the Lord has sent me on a the couple of months to travel among thIS wIcked natIOn to witness their degradation and corruption. And this is the testimony of the Lord and of his Spirit I give, seeking His Spirit to bear record eternally in behalf of the faithful and against the wicked that wherever we have gone, the Lord in His mercy has favored us with His heavenly protection. We have felt the heavenly fire and everywhere we have stayed the Lord has been there and Father and the Prophets and the heavenly sessions have been given and revelation has continued and this is a testimony on earth that the Lord has given by experience to His servant. And I now declare it that the Lord is able to bless His children, and though we travel among people filled with great wickedness, those who seek unto the Lord, receive of the heavenly gifts, and the heavenly gifts and powers and Priesthood on the earth being empowered by God is a testimony against this generation that the Lord our God is fully able and does bless the faithful and He could bless all His children on this land and upon the face of the earth if they would seek unto Him; yet throughout all this land I have witnessed that none doeth good, all have gone astray, and the Lord in His mercy, as we have sought unto Him, has favored us, myself and those with me to discern the wickedness and darkness ofthe people even to where the Lord has awakened me to see the spirit of destruction that was among the Jaredites at their destruction and among the Nephites at their destruction is now among the people on this land of Zion in the people called the United States of America and of Canada and also of Mexico and the South American countries. The Lord has had me perform a work of traveling among the wicked to where I have been to 42 of the 48 states of the United States on this continent that are connected together. Some places had a greater darkness than others but all were darkness. And I bear witness that the Lord in His mercy and love protected us, telling us where to go even to flee certain places before terrible wickedness could happen among us or against us as the evil powers were seeking our destruction everywhere for the Lord showed me and has given the lesson of how to live in a constant dedicated condition among the wicked as a training of how we must live into eternity, a fervency of faith exerted unto God lest pride and thus evil take hold. And our relationship with our Heavenly Father is through a living fervent constant faith of devotion the l.ove of the exercised, our motive the JOY of the mcrease of the Spirit of God, the possession and gifts of the heavenly Spirit mspmng us to greater and great knowledge and works. With every knowledge of the Spirit of God given, every increase should come an increased fervency and increased obedience. And this is the testimony the Lord has favored this His servant with that God lives, and He can bless His children in this day as well as any former time, and He will yet bless the faithful as they seek unto Him with full devotion, of the love of the Father exerted for I have wondered and sought unto the Lord I to learn in this mission of going among the WIcked as the gross wickedness is so offensive to the Spirit of God, and I yearn for Zion to a greater degree than ever before. I yearn for the knowledge and presence of God not only to be given me but to be given a prepared people. And the Lord has also given me the training and lesson of what the people will become if they fall away. They WIll become more darkened than this wicked generation and perform more terrible works of darkness than anything I have seen among the wicked. And we can expect that those who fall away from the Priesthood in this day will persecute the faithful and commit gross acts of immorality murder and wickedness. And I am pleading WIth the Lord by his command, day and night I am pleading with the Lord to send the whirlwind judgments now. This wicked nation must be destroyed as a protection for Zion to grow and the righteous to be preserved. It must be destroyed. Everywhere I went throughout this land, none sought after the Lord or the Priesthood even the religions that are Wednesday, October 6, 2004 Page 30 Record of President Warren Jeffs

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Page 1: State's Exhibit 252 - PH October 6, 2004

Wednesday, October 6,2004 RI

8:50 a.m. Dictation

My last dictation was at Amarillo, Texas, Monday afternoon. I want to start this dictation first by testifying in the name of the Lord that I know God lives. And the Lord has sent me on a m~ssi~n the las~ couple of months to travel among thIS wIcked natIOn to witness their degradation and corruption. And this is the testimony of the Lord and of his Spirit I give, seeking His Spirit to bear record eternally in behalf of the faithful and against the wicked that wherever we have gone, the Lord in His mercy has favored us with His heavenly protection. We have felt the heavenly fire and everywhere we have stayed the Lord has been there and Father and the Prophets and the heavenly sessions have been given and revelation has continued and this is a testimony on earth that the Lord has given by experience to His servant.

And I now declare it that the Lord is able to bless His children, and though we travel among people filled with great wickedness, those who seek unto the Lord, receive of the heavenly gifts, and the heavenly gifts and powers and Priesthood on the earth being empowered by God is a testimony against this generation that the Lord our God is fully able and does bless the faithful and He could bless all His children on this land and upon the face of the earth if they would seek unto Him; yet throughout all this land I have witnessed that none doeth good, all have gone astray, and the Lord in His mercy, as we have sought unto Him, has favored us, myself and those with me to discern the wickedness and darkness ofthe people even to where the Lord has awakened me to see the spirit of destruction that was among the Jaredites at their destruction and among the Nephites at their destruction is now among the people on this land of Zion in the people called the United States of America and of Canada and also of Mexico and the South American countries.

The Lord has had me perform a work of traveling among the wicked to where I have been to 42 of the 48 states of the United States on this continent that are connected together. Some places had a greater darkness than others but all

were darkness. And I bear witness that the Lord in His mercy and love protected us, telling us where to go even to flee certain places before terrible wickedness could happen among us or against us as the evil powers were seeking our destruction everywhere for the Lord showed me and has given the lesson of how to live in a constant dedicated condition among the wicked as a training of how we must live into eternity, a fervency of faith exerted unto God lest pride and thus evil take hold. And our relationship with our Heavenly Father is through a living fervent constant faith of devotion the l.ove of the ~ather exercised, our motive bein~ the JOY of the mcrease of the Spirit of God, the ~ctu~l. possession and gifts of the heavenly Spirit mspmng us to greater and great knowledge and works.

With every knowledge of the Spirit of God given, every increase should come an increased fervency and increased obedience. And this is the testimony the Lord has favored this His servant with that God lives, and He can bless His children in this day as well as any former time, and He will yet bless the faithful as they seek unto Him with full devotion, of the love of the Father exerted for I have wondered and sought unto the Lord ~hat I w~s to learn in this mission of going among the WIcked as the gross wickedness is so offensive to the Spirit of God, and I yearn for Zion to a greater degree than ever before. I yearn for the knowledge and presence of God not only to be given me but to be given a prepared people. And the Lord has also given me the training and lesson of what the Priesth~od people will become if they fall away. They WIll become more darkened than this wicked generation and perform more terrible works of darkness than anything I have seen among the wicked. And we can expect that those who fall away from the Priesthood in this day will persecute the faithful and commit gross acts of immorality a~d murder and wickedness. And I am pleading WIth the Lord by his command, day and night I am pleading with the Lord to send the whirlwind judgments now.

This wicked nation must be destroyed as a protection for Zion to grow and the righteous to be preserved. It must be destroyed. Everywhere I went throughout this land, none sought after the Lord or the Priesthood even the religions that are

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called the Christian religions had their ministers and churches right among the most wicked places where the people could perform their wickedness and then go to church and then go back to their wickedness. So I bear this testimony of the Lord, thanking Him for His kind mercy and grace extended to us. And I don't want this world or its ways. Zion cannot be built up on the remnants of Babylon. And as the Lord allows me to go on into the Millennium, perform the work He appoints, thus Him doing it, all honor and glory to Him for this testimony being on earth as well as recorded in the heavens before all the heavenly hosts and the Spirit beareth record against this wicked generation. Thank God for God himself and the Godhead and the Prophets and Priesthood.

My Father pressed upon me a few days before his passing, "Warren, you will act on correct principle won't you." And I said, "Yes, Father, I will act on correct principle." And the Lord has shown me that correct principle means to learn the will of God and do it. Righteousness means to learn the will of God and do it. So we must walk and talk with God and dwell in constant revelation to live by correct principle. And his character and His laws are eternal; they never change, yet the physical circumstances of where to be and what to do change from experience to experience. Where the Lord will say: Do this to be protected and then do that to be protected. I have also been yearning unto the Lord for the fulness of Zion to be established on this land of refuge as the Lord promised would happen and also the other lands of refuge that have the fulness of Zion established there. I hope and pray the Lord has sent us here to bring blessings of God and His presence and thus we experienced the heavenly session through the night of atonement and the presence of God and the angels and I thank Heavenly Father for that gift and privilege among us. And oh, I yearn for the Lord to hasten my preparation. Though many of the Priesthood people will fall away through rejecting the greater light, there will be a few individuals chosen, prepared and then brought as a group into the presence of God. So my yearning prayers is that I and a people will be prepared with the heavenly gifts and powers and the protection of the Lord to earn the fulness of Zion in every way.

The Lord has also been pressing upon me to train my ladies in the fulness of the Celestial Law how to be a comfort and strength and close in every way and do all that they do through the powers of the Spirit through prayer and oneness with the Priesthood over them to be a comfort and strength in a time of great need and atonement. The wives of the Prophet have this mission and calling. Many of the ladies sealed to me have been slow getting close. Now the Lord wants me to hasten that training. I pray that He will allow them the heavenly sessions and His presence in connection with their husband, His servant. The Lord has directed the First Presidency will go to R17 and perform the work of receiving their holy anointings.

September 28, 2004, I had Naomie rest in the afternoon at Amarillo, Texas as she had been without sleep for some time. I had sent Joshua to meet Nephi Jeffs who brought Millie to Joshua at Lubeck, Texas, and then Joshua brought her to Amarillo. And she arrived around 6:00 p.m. I spent the afternoon reading some ofthe revelations and scriptures as well as letters I had received on Monday from R 17 and other letters from the people. With Millie there we ate dinner and took her through the training the Lord required that she witness some of the ways of the world at that time through the television to be warned against what men among the world are like in their violence and immorality. Millie and Naomie received training on how to administer the ordinance of comfort and strength, and then the Lord took me through the heavenly session. And He showed me on Monday and into Tuesday that someone or some people in Zion's camp had betrayed me and the First Presidency and somehow our enemy had found out that we were to go to R17 by October 1. And this is why the Lord had held me in place at Amarillo, Texas since Saturday night where I could have gone to the General Meetings at either place of refuge close by had the Lord sent me and also the cause the people on the lands of refuge to exert themselves more fervently for the offered blessings. The Lord withheld me from calling R17 and telling them these things until after October 1, even withholding me from calling Uncle Merril and telling him and as a test on the brethren at R17 to see if they would prepare fully.

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So without direct contact I got word through Millie that Uncle Merril went ahead and finished the footings for the temple, and yes they did accomplish the Lord's schedule finishing both LeRoy Jeffs' house and Merril Jessop's house before midnight October 1. I thank the Lord that He gave them those gifts and blessings. But still Zion's camp is under condemnation and the Lord has shown me that Zion's camp, and the Priesthood people will be scourged now but through a more fervent repentance the doors of deliverance and protection will open for individuals who will prove faithful yet there will be a scourging now because we are not one and the Lord has been giving me many dreams and revelations preparing me for the terrible scenes we will witness, and yet I must live in a constant prayer of rejoicing with the vision of Zion and of eternity always alive and exerted and active so that I will not falter but rejoice in the Lord that He is in control and will guide every experience and event that I will go through and that this people will go through to the good of His work. And Zion will be established. And do you have that testimony Naomie? And I testify that Naomie has been a helpmate and strength empowered by the Spirit of God through her closeness and oneness exerted, and I thank the Lord for her.

While Millie was there I was impressed that she would be with us at times traveling among the wicked and I had Naomie cut several inches of her hair, shorter like Naomie's against the time when Millie would travel with us. But the Lord showed me that Millie should get back to R17 so that there would be someone on that land of refuge who has received their holy anointings, pleading with the Lord for deliverance from the powers of evil and that the Lord will send His servant and the First Presidency there.

In my travels I had found out that Millie had used the phone at R17 to call another phone that could be traced so now I will have to get rid of my group of phones which I am arranging. I also found out through Sam Barlow that our lawyers were going ahead with our defense and answering the courts without our permission. And so I arranged for LeRoy Jeffs to write letters that I would sign and the trustees of the United Effort Plan would sign and that he would go back to Short

Creek. That will be dictated here. I was impressed in the night that I should go east and that Millie should go south to R17. So while we arranged things in Amarillo, Joshua took Millie down to meet Nephi down at Lubeck. And Nephi took Millie on down to R17. Joshua came back. By 11 :00 a.m. we were out and about.

A few of us went and obeyed the Lord's directive to go to a suntanning salon where you can go in private into a booth and get on a light bed, a bed with certain lights that give certain radiation and tan the skin. I did not do it that day. We left Amarillo, Texas by 12:30 p.m., going through Texas and then Oklahoma. By 9:00 p.m. we entered Arkansas and arrived at the city of Fort Smith Arkansas by 10:00 p.m. In calling R17 Millie told me they had finished the footings for the temple that night. I went through the heavenly session. We stayed at a cheaper motel, and I actually went through a severe atonement through the night into the morning until about 9: 00 our time as we were in Central Time so we had to always check out of our hotels an hour or two early. But the Lord strengthened me. Naomie was a help. Thank the Lord for her. We were able to get out of that area. Heavenly session until 10:30 at the motel in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

We left the motel by 11: 15 a.m. heading east. And just before noon, Wednesday, September 29, having received word from Isaac on his phone call to Short Creek David Harker was doing strange things at R23. I have been yearning unto the Lord to show me if the evil powers had come among the people at R23 and yes, David Harker, the stepson of Jarold Williams now, his mother is Phyllis married to Jarold Williams, Phyllis Jessop, Edson Jessop's daughter. David Harker had received many revelations of satan and had stepped forth to correct his mother and also correct Jerold Williams in things. And David Harker did one right thing in that he wanted to talk to me before he gave Jerold Williams the word of the Lord as he called it. And I immediately told David Harker in my phone call to R23 that he was out of order. I gave him a long training on the gift of revelation and showed him how he was receiving the revelations of satan and he needed to repent quickly or he would be overcome. And he outwardly voiced humility and said he would go and make it right and in my call

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later to Jerold Williams I told him what I said to David; yet as it progressed, David Harker Williams did not humble himself. And before I arrived here at Rl I got word that David Harker was so filled with the devil he took poison, in taking certain chemicals and chemical cleaners saying it would, he got revelation that these poisons would heal his body. At that point I knew he was overcome of the devil. I sought the Lord and the Lord showed me that David Harker Williams does not hold Priesthood and he had to be dismissed from this mission. I will name that in the time that it happened.

I did talk to the Bishop in Short Creek on certain matters. 6:22 p.m. we entered Tennessee, crossing the Mississippi River and stayed a Memphis. By 7:30 p.m. had some food. Into September 30, 2004, Thursday, I went through the heavenly session. That is when I talked to Sam Barlow about the lawyers. We left Memphis at 8:00 in the morning. By 8:40 entered Mississippi. 10:25 a.m. we entered Alabama. At 12:30 in the afternoon I went through the capital city called Birmingham, Alabama. At all these places I would kick the dust of my feet off, holding my arm to the square and by the authority of the holy Priesthood and the keys and powers thereof, deliver each state and major cities and the peoples of the states over to the judgments of God, asking the Lord to send His whirlwindjudgments in His time and way. At2:11 p.m. we entered Georgia and I continued that work throughout the whole mission these last many weeks traveling among the wicked, continuing the work through prayer and ordinance, delivering this wicked generation over to the whirlwind judgments of God and asking the Lord to protect and prosper Zion.

At 6:06 p.m. we entered South Carolina and by 8:30 as the Lord directed we traveled and arrived at Charleston, South Carolina. We stayed at our motel there and I marveled that I was sent to the sea coast of the Atlantic Ocean, so far away from the lands of refuge on the very day October 1, that the First Presidency could have been at the temple site laying the stones to build the temple. And how my heart yearned and does yearn for this mission of the redemption of Zion to succeed and though Zion's camp and the people of the Priesthood will be scourged, the Lord will preserve the individuals

who are qualifying for advanced ordinances and knowledge and eventually the presence of God. In the heavenly session into Friday, October 1, 2004, until 9:00 a.m. our time, Rl time which was 11 :00 a.m. eastern time the Lord showed me that I was not to call the people at R 17 until after midnight October 1, that the temple would yet be built, that there was much good on the lands of refuge and that individuals are qualifying but that Zion's camp will be scourged and cleaned up. And I yearned unto the Lord for the privilege to atone and sacrifice and labor and earn the blessing; Him giving it and doing it that Zion would be redeemed and the lands of refuge preserved and this has been my constant fervent prayer through this whole mission and continually. I was to go witness the people. We left our hotel at 10:23 a.m.

I went to the beach and saw that the people had their houses and condominiums and hotels all along the beach throughout South Carolina along the sea coast. And they would just go out and sunbath naked and live for self pleasure. The Lord has impressed me that we need to go into hiding among the wicked and He is requiring us to have the Spirit of God protect us and yet be able to even sunbath among the wicked but not partake of their spirit. Though this may seem such a contradiction, the Lord has shown me it is a matter of our very life's sake of protection to be able to hide among the wicked. And how I yearned the Lord would preserve us in this thing. So by 1 :00 p.m. we stopped at Litchfield Beach and we got a motel room right on the beach where we were able to change and get in our covering and walked out with our chairs and sat a little way from the motel right on the beach. We laid there in our swim suits and as I have always done, I raised my arm to the square and dedicated ourselves to the Lord and that mission of obedience of going into hiding unto Him. And it was marvelous.

Again, as we sat on the beach, the beach was full of people both directions, to our left and our right and yet one hundred yards each way, nobody came near us to sit and be around us. There were people that walked down by the water mostly as we were up away from the water and they would walk past us jogging or sunbathing as they walked. At first a couple of men sat within a hundred feet of us and then walked away. And I thank the Lord

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with rejoicing that we could be there in hiding among the wicked and the wicked people not seek after us or come around us, even to the point that I was impressed to run and get in the water with Naomie and while we did that nobody came around. And that was my first experience of jumping in the waves of the ocean of the sea and the water was quite warm and very salty and it cleared our sinuses and we had a time of rejoicing together in the water about thirty minutes. The Lord then showed us it was time to leave by bringing the clouds and the storm clouds around. And at 4:00 p.m. after getting showered and washed and yes, in our gentile short sleeved clothes we left Litchfield Beach. I felt impressed to travel through Myrtle Beach, one of the great tourist centers of the east and it was amazing: idolatry and corruption, immorality everywhere.

At that time there was a Harley Davidson motorcycle gathering, thousands of motorcycles and the people of every walk oflife, high class and low class. The Harley Davidson motorcycle is a tradition in America that has a loud engine a low motorcycle down to the ground. It is a symbol of rebellion and imin~rality. Individuals are on it or couples, long hair, short hair or bald heads, naked, beer drinking everywhere. The old folks and young people everywhere along the cities streets came out and were sitting on stairs watching the thousands of motorcycle drivers go up and down the road just being loud, showing their idolatry. The hotels were filled. And we passed through in the early evening as the partying on the streets began. Nakedness everywhere, beer drinking, liquor drinking, drunks, corruption and oh, reaching unto the Lord for His Spirit to reveal what I was witnessing. He showed me the Spirit of death was among that people. They lived for partying in a spirit of death and I saw that the spirit of mob rule was among the people and that none doeth good there. I drove through Myrtle Beach city and saw the great hotels line the beach area for miles. And we stopped at a certain place and I walked out on the beach saw the people. We drove down the streets. Every liquor bar was filled, the restaurants were filled, motorcycles everywhere. I was impressed to leave that place before dark or as it was getting dark. And we traveled to and entered

Wilmington, North Carolina at 5:30 p.m. and arrived at our motel at 7:30.

Just after midnight into October 2, I called the family and Millie told me they had met the schedule. From this time on at all our hotels it was a battle with the evil powers everywhere trying to enter in among us in our motel rooms and the Lord allowed me to have to go through the battle as I went through the heavenly sessions and yet the Lord and Father and the heavenly powers were near protecting us. I went through the heavenly session and I was told to go to Atlantic city, New Jersey, a city where the casinos are like Los Vegas and witness the people there. We left our hotel at 8:30 a.m. which was 10:30 eastern time. We did laundry until 10:30 our time.

At 9:20 while waiting while our laundry was washing, I called Merril Jessop, had him gather the men by 10:00. I told Uncle Merril the Lord was pleased with many of the men and the temple would yet be built but there were traitors among Zion's Camp and we were under condemnation and we would be scourged, yet individuals would qualify and this mission would succeed. The Lord in the heavenly session had me give this message to the men and at my 10:00 call while they were gathered in the old storehouse dining room on speaker phone, they heard me give a message which we have recorded and should go in the record at this time. I warned them that there were traitors among us yet many of them pleased God. The temple would yet be built, yet Zion's Camp and all the Priesthood people would now be scourged, that their labors there had great weight with the Lord and this mission would yet be accomplished through individual preparation; yet there would be a cleanup from among us. The men were directed to return and leave if they could by noon that day which was Saturday October 2, all those whose families were in Short Creek. The men whose families are on R17 land were to remain, watch over the property and continue their labors. I then called the family at R17 and gave them the warning and that they were driving me away still by not being one. Millie informed me that she had called another phone not in our network of security and now I saw I couldn't use these phones. And I warned her strongly: With all the good she has done just a simple phone call

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could betray me and cause my capture and she humbled herself greatly.

In Wilmington I looked at their entertainment section of their newspaper and magazine they publish and oh the corruption. I will just record one entertainment they were advertizing as a great entertainment a theater they should go watch a play where they depicted a man having a sex change to become a women and it didn't work and now this creature was trying to find a normal life; homosexuality, corruption of every kind delighted in. The books they advertized were of terrible immorality, the editorial comments were advertizing free sex; doing anything they wanted. My heart is just sickened, sickened, sickened by this wicked generation, yet the Lord is training us and training me that in witnessing all this evil, he wants us to choose good thoughts, tum to Him, and dwell in the increase of His Spirit. And when the weight would bear down upon me, turning to the Lord with rejoicing in Him and adoring His eternal ways and laws and His character, His Spirit would serge into me, praying for others, yearning for Zion to grow and though wickedness was all around we can dwell in Zion and increase in Zion even eternally. And that is part of the great training the Lord is taking me through.

At Wilmington, North Carolina we got on 140 a freeway that goes from North Carolina all the way to Borstal, California. The sign said the freeway was two thousand, five hundred, fifty-four miles long from that point and we have traveled most of 140 throughout the resent weeks. But we headed north and got on 195, the freeway along the eastern coast and entered Virginia at 2:45 p.m., entered Maryland at 4:50 p.m when we crossed the Potomac River, went through Washington D.C. at 5:30 p.m., went through Baltimore at 6:00 p.m., entered Delaware at 7:00 p.m., entered New Jersey at 7:15 or so p.m. By 8:30 we were driving through Atlantic city. We stopped at the casinos and as we drove down the streets of Atlantic City the greatest spirit of darkness and death was felt among that people. Men were crowded in a line waiting to go into the nude bars. The naked dancers could not be seen from the streets but the people crowded the streets. It was mostly black people out on the streets but at the nude bars it was mostly white people, tourists. And there were these rich elegant

hotels built to bring about the corruption of the people and out on the streets were the poor mostly black people with violence and the spirit of death among them. The casino workers were on strike everywhere in the city in large groups at each casino, demanding more money yet the casino owners just carried on. This city was not nearly as large, only about a tenth of what Los Vegas is, yet in this city and near by the Lord showed me that night into the morning that the spirit of death was on the east coast of the United States stronger than ever. And the Lord showed me that the spirit of the Jaredites, the mob spirit was everywhere, even the strikers demanding more money were in a mob spirit.

We stopped in a certain casino called Haras, the same owners it looked like as the ones in Reno and Los Vegas. And the Lord blessed us that all the casinos were full as we called the reservation numbers but I walked in, Ben Johnson accompanying me, I walked into the casino and told him to try to get rooms there as I was to witness that place and oh, it was terrible. I asked the Lord to show me through his Spirit what the people were like. There was loud rock music and dancing wildly in certain parts of the casino. Crowds of people at the slot machines and the gambling tables, liquor drinking everywhere, drunk people in the walk ways. And I felt the mob Spirit would easily erupt among that people. Knowing I was to stay in that place and yet the Lord delivering us from staying in the casinos, by phone we reserved rooms at a motel called Comfort Inn and I went up there with my luggage, the men helping carry our luggage. They were smoking rooms and the Spirit of God warned me strongly that a dedication prayer could not be offered over that room and a spirit of death and corruption was there. And though we had payed for the rooms, expensive rooms as the tourists were there in mass, the motels had raised their prices that night, I said we couldn't stay there.

So I had them call the Marriott hotel number and just ask if there was something in a nearby place that had some rooms. And it was amazing, there was a hotel the Marriott company had remodeled, a 1914 hotel called a resort hotel that was made for the rich and our motel rooms were double the cost there as they were at the other

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motels. And we went from all that corruption to a rich place and we witnessed as we sat there waiting for our rooms to be paid for the rich go in and out in their limousines which are long rich cars that can carry several people. We saw a wedding couple and a wedding party go in and out. We went in a side door, the brethren helping me in quietly so I didn't go through the lobby ofthe hotel. By about midnight we were in our motel room and it was luxurious. It was amazing. I witnessed with Naomie a few things in their advertisements and such and always offering a dedication prayer, I went through the heavenly session and the Lord warned me strongly in dreams, visions through the night.

I relate the dream here that I had at the Marriott hotel, Galway New Jersey, the Lord gave me this vision and dream where he showed me that in that hotel not only were the sins of great immorality committed but murder had been committed there through the years and also the Lord showed me the mob spirit, the gangs among rich and poor and how as people would join together, other gangs and mobs would come with greater wickedness and just kill each otheLAnd the Lord had showed me that He had protected us the night before and through the night that if I had stayed among the crowds of the wicked I would have been harmed by them, we could have been killed by the mobs there, the wicked there. And the Lord led us to be among the rich to be protected, and yet the very place among the rich the Lord had showed me that murder had been committed and would be committed there. And He had me come out ofthe heavenly session early and flee that place. And He named that I should go to New York City to the financial center of the world and where the twin towers were destroyed by the terrorists when they flew the jets into it in 200 1 and I was to perform the work of witnessing against this generation, kick the dust of my feet off against the financial capitol of the world and perform the ordinance of delivering that place over to the jUdgments of God. We left the hotel at Atlantic city and drove to the sea coast in Atlantic city where I witnessed the people and drove up and down the roads and oh as I drove there, again, the Spirit testified of the spirit of death and violence, the spirit of the Jaredites being among that people. The strikers were

gathered in greater numbers. The mob spirit was there. I again stood at the sea coast of the Atlantic Ocean delivering that eastern coast by prayer and ordinance over to the judgments of God, asking the Lord to send the whirlwind judgments and sweep the wicked off the land but preserve the righteous.

At 8:00 a.m. we left Atlantic City and drove north through New Jersey and at 10:00 a.m. we crossed over the bridge onto Staten Island into New York City. And by 10:30 a.m., this being Sunday, October 3, I marveled that I was among the wicked on a Sunday. The Lord had taken me away from all the Priesthood people. I did have the brethren listen to some trainings on our travels that we had recorded, but there I was among the wicked on the Sabbath day witnessing against them. By 11 :00 a.m. I was there at the side of the world trade center disaster. Naomie and I in our gentile disguise got out of the car and I walked around the financial district, the world financial center, what they call the World Trade center where Wall Street and the Stock Market is, the great money men have their businesses, right on the sea coast witnessing the people. Thousands of people were gathered around this site, a major tourist attraction where thousands come each day to witness what the destruction of those buildings had caused.

I did buy two books with pictures depicting the disaster and yet though I mourned over the loss of the people, I yearned the Lord to hasten His time of cleaning up that land. And several times while I walked around the Financial Center of the world, New York City, even raising my arm to the square at one point, by the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and the keys and powers thereof, delivered over New York City and the financial powers of this nation over to the judgments of God to be swept off and destroyed that their strongholds would be destroyed and the Lord would complete that work. By twelve noon, that work was done. I had the men come pick me up. I witnessed people of every class, rich and poor, many people from different countries as you could hear their languages, different ways of dress and undress. The day was cool so we wore our coats and were able to be fully covered. Thank the Lord.

Just before 1 :00 I left New York City entering New Jersey through the underground tunnel. The

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tunnels go under the water bodies from New York City to New Jersey called Jersey City; goes under the Hudson River and Bay that flows into the ocean. From Staten Island, Manhattan is another underground tunnel and so on. Also delivering New York City as the center of the United Nations and gathering of the nations over to the judgments of God. That work was performed of the Lord.

We traveled through New Jersey and at 1 :45 entered Pennsylvania. By 3:30 in the afternoon we entered Harrison, Pennsylvania, the capital city there and I performed the work of kicking the dust of my feet off as a witness against that capital city and that state as I did every state we traveled through in the authority of the Priesthood delivering them over to the judgments of God. At 4:55 we entered Maryland, a small section of it and at 5:05 we entered West Virginia and there at the center of the land on the east coast, West Virginia, stretching from Florida up to Maine, there in West Virginia 1 had Isaac stop on a side road and I walked into a forested area and there with Naomie holding the recorder, holding both arms to the square, and this being recorded, delivered the United States and the east coast and that people over to the judgments of God by ordinance and kicking the dust off my feet off against them, and the Spirit bearing record and Naomie as a witness. We left and entered Virginia by 5:30 p.m. 1 called Doctor Lloyd and also Uncle Merril to have Doctor Lloyd Barlow move to R17. By 9:50 we entered Tennessee. Then we arrived at Knoxville, Tennessee along 181 connecting with 140 at 12:05 a.m. in the morning.

October 4,2004, Monday, having gone through the heavenly session the Lord showed me that I must get to Rl quickly. As we arrived in Knoxville toward 11 :00 for an hour or so 1 went into a heavenly session in the car, suffering of the Spirit greatly and I was shown that 1 must handle Wallace Jeffs as he does not hold Priesthood and 1 must do it immediately. So while traveling I called the Bishop, the night of October 3, just before midnight and told him to have he and his counselors gather Wallace Jeffs by 8:00 the next morning, gather him up, tell Wallace he does not hold Priesthood, to write a letter of confession and the letter must match what the Lord had shown the Prophet, that Wallace and his wife Joanne and her

children were to leave Priesthood property and repent from a distance and that his second wife, Amy Nielsen should go with her children to live at Wendell's house in Short Creek.

Again in the heavenly session I was shown that the spirit of the Jaredites at the time of their destruction is among the people of the United States and there very easily and soon will be mob rule in our land. In the presidential election this year the spirit of anger and accusation is everywhere trying to gain power and the people are greatly divided as they were in the days of Coriantumur and Shiz of the Jaredites. 1 was shown the evil powers were upon us. We left Knoxville having arisen early and we left Knoxville, Tennessee by 8:45 a.m. and we traveled eleven hundred, twenty-five miles or so that day, Monday into Tuesday morning. Arriving in Amarillo, Texas at 2:45 in the morning. And the Lord truly blessed us.

At 2:50 in the afternoon Monday, we crossed the Mississippi River going from Tennessee to Arkansas witnessing that river again. On these travels through the day 1 talked to the Bishop, William Edson Jessop in Short Creek. He reported that Wallace Jeffs had humbly received the correction. 1 also gave the Bishop training on loyalty to God and Priesthood and how men lose Priesthood. I recorded one or two calls to the ladies warning them about Wallace and Brian. 1 gave the Bishop a training, ifit is recorded, put it in the record here. Gave a training on loyalty to God and how men who take on a jealousy against the Prophet over the Prophet's young wives actually want to do away with the Prophet. And that is a major crime committed in their hearts that causes men to lose Priesthood and why they cannot be trusted. It borders on being a traitor outwardly against God and the Prophet. 1

talked to LeRoy Jeffs and the Bishop about me going into financial hiding. 1 called John Wayman Sunday to fly to Lubeck, Texas and arrive Monday night in a rental car in Amarillo, Texas where 1 would meet him to sign the papers, the power of attorney allowing LeRoy Jeffs to handle my financial affairs with the banks and credit card and creditor institutions. So 1 record here that in the handling of Wallace Jeffs, the Saturday before, a week ago the Saturday before, the Lord gave me a

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special heavenly session naming that mother Sharon, Mother Mary and Mother Kathie should be removed from R17, having doubts and fears in their character. And I even named to Mother Sharon that her test would be to sacrifice Wallace and Marsha in her feelings, warning her that Wallace may not hold Priesthood. And then I was given a special heavenly session traveling to have Wallace removed and sent away. And he is one of the master deceivers claiming to hold Priesthood but does not hold Priesthood.

While traveling I called the ladies at each of their places they are scattered in Short Creek and warned them that Wallace Jeffs does not hold Priesthood and beware of Brian Jeffs, though he has been restored, his heart is not right, giving them training on being loyal to God and Priesthood and that they needed to be with me in every way to survive. I called the Bishop and told him to tell Anthony Jeffs, Wallace's son to stay in Short Creek until further notice to help get the family settled. At 7:15 we entered Oklahoma. At 12:40 a.m. into Tuesday, we entered Texas, arrived at Amarillo at 2:45 a.m. For the few hours we were there I went through the heavenly session, didn't say much except that I was shown amazing things of the Lord in what is about to happen. I did not make direct contact with John Wayman, warned of the Lord that I should not be in Amarillo, Texas long I must get to Rl. So I had Ben Johnson connect with John Wayman and bring the papers to me. At 9:00 a.m. I had Ben Johnson and Isaac Jeffs stand as witnesses as I signed certain letters. One letter was all of the trustees of the UEP Trust dismissing our lawyers. Another, a letter of me as president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dismissing the lawyers and as the presiding Bishop in another letter, dismissing the lawyers.

At 9:45 a.m. I got word through Isaac that Jerold Williams was calling. In talking to Jerold Williams at R23, David Harker Williams, his stepson was overcome of the devil. David Williams claimed that the Lord showed him to drink poison, a chemical toilet cleaner, Lysol toilet cleaner to help him get healthy. He has been having many revelations and I saw that he was overcome of the devil. I told Jerold, David is dismissed from the mission to go back to Beryl,

report to Steven Harker. I finally had Jerold himself drive David back to Short Creek where Jerold could also visit Jerold's family. At 11:00 a.m. we left Amarillo Texas, entered New Mexico at 12:20 p.m. We traveled to Albuquerque, did a little shopping for the people at Rl, buying shoes and other things. 7:40 p.m. entered Colorado and at 8:45 arrived at Rl, home sweet home. I drove immediately to Uncle Fred's house, visited with him, told him the Lord approved of him. He signed the letter to the lawyers that the trustees were signing. I stopped up at Uncle Wendell's house, visited with him a few minutes.

At 9:00 p.m. I arrived at the west house where my family stays at Rl. Isaac and Ben arrived and I handed them the original letter that all the trustees of the United Effort Plan Trust signed and told him to get that to LeRoy by morning. And thus ends this mission of traveling among the wicked, having traveled about eight thousand, three hundred miles and as of now I have been in forty-two of the fifty states of the United States of America. I directed those with me as we were arriving that we no longer call this the land of America, we call these continents the land of Zion and think of all things in terms of Zion now.

I visited with the ladies, ate a little, retired to my room with Patricia and Naomie ready to dictate and the Lord took me through a severe heavenly session all night and I rejoice in the Lord for this gift among us. I have been shown we will receive a training here but the First Presidency is to prepare to travel to R17 and be ready at any time to leave. I have already called Isaac and Ben to be ready and close by that we could travel. The Lord will say when we will be protected.

This morning I got word that Jerold Williams was in Beryl, Utah. David Harker Williams was having troubles. When I called Jerold Williams I found out David had gone insane, claiming revelation, trying to turn his wife against Priesthood, claiming that drinking the poison was of God, and she was frantic. When I called Jerold she, Marie Musser was sitting with Jerold as Jerold was describing what had been happening. I simply told Jerold that David Harker Williams does not hold Priesthood. I talked to Marie and told her this and that she was released and that Jerold should drive her to live with her father in Short Creek,

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David Musser. And I counseled Jerold to have Stephen Harker take David Harker to Doctor Lehi for medical help to get some medication until he could get hold of himself. So the devil has tried to thrust upon every land of refuge through different individuals, through doubt and thus fear and worry. David Harker Williams was fearful that he wouldn't qualify to be a temple builder and he became enthusiastic in trying to receive and demand revelation of God. And you don't demand God give you revelation, you be humble and your heart open to conviction so that you are receptive when the Lord wants to guide you. So, the Lord is God and He will guide His work. I have been praying on my way to Rl that this would be a time of increased blessings and not of judgments that the people here will be prepared. And the Lord showed me that the people at Rl were very fervent and He was sending me here to answer their prayers. I pray the Lord to be near in private connections as well as our public meeting and grant people the increased knowledge and witness of His presence and His power, seeking of the Lord for these gifts to be among us in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. End dictation for now.

2:00 p.m. General Meeting at Rl

President Warren S. Jeffs: My heart thrills with great rejoicing in our Heavenly Father for the privilege to meet with you, my brothers and sisters, this beautiful day on this land of refuge named by the Lord, preserved by Him, to be the headquarters of the Church and Kingdom of God upon the earth, and I am so grateful there are this many here at this time. I put on the record counting five Me1chizedek Priesthood bearers who live on this land, eighteen ladies, and eight children.

The Lord does have a message for us, and I voice to us very directly and strongly that the Lord is ready to give us everything we are able to receive and abide, and according to our faith and having our devotion unto Him already in place that we do believe and are ready to obey, so shall it be in our lives. And it is time for this mission on this land of refuge to move forward.

We will begin by singing page 148, "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee", turning our minds to our Lord and Savior. I will ask Uncle Wendell to open with prayer, arm to the square, dedicate this land to

be protected and the angels to be the watchmen at this time while we are all meeting here.

Song: "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee"

Prayer: President Wendell Nielsen

[Sacrament Administered]

President Warren S. Jeffs: Benjamin Jeffs will bear his testimony and include the experience, in summary, of Merilyn Nielsen's blessings of the Lord, what she went through.

Elder Benjamin Jeffs: I seek for Heavenly Father's Spirit to guide me at this time as I greatly feel my weakness, and I yearn to be perfect in fulfilling the call of our Prophet at this time and always, for I rejoice in the testimony that Heavenly Father has given me of him and the grand and beautiful way that our Heavenly Father has loved us in leaving a Prophet on earth to represent Him. And in reading the words that have been printed in the Priesthood books, one of the brethren of the early days said, "If the Lord has all of the inhabitants of the earth to choose from, He wouldn't choose anybody but what He had perfect confidence in," and that is my testimony, that Uncle Warren is the most Christlike man on earth in this day. I am thankful also for Uncle Wendell and Uncle Fred and their perfect oneness with him. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here with them and pray to not treat this opportunity lightly, but to learn and grow and give my all to Heavenly Father through His Prophet.

I am so grateful for the experiences that Heavenly Father is bringing us through, each one here, and I know that He sees what is best for us, and He is reaching that we will reach to Him in the fervency that we have been taught. In this experience that Uncle Warren has asked me to relate, I seek for Heavenly Father to refresh my memory and guide me to do just what He would want done.

It was the 14th of September. I was working, as usual I was down here working and I got a phone call on my phone, and it was Uncle Wendell, and he said, "Come up here right away. Come see me right away." So on my way up, I not quite knowing what it was, but yet anxious to go and see him, I went up and found out that Merilyn was going to

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have a baby that day. She had previously had some struggles with this baby and Heavenly Father had stopped the problem at that point. I had been privileged to be part of a blessing that Uncle Wendell gave her at that time, previous to September the 14th

, and in that blessing there was a phrase that struck me. As Uncle Wendell was saying that blessing, in it he said, "In this experience the Lord will give you what will be for your best good," and I remember thinking to myself, "I wonder what exactly that will be, what that means."

So as I went up this day to see Uncle Wendell I found out that Merilyn was going to be having a baby and so we prepared. We got the people up to Uncle Wendell's house, and it looked at first as though things were going to be fine. So I brought the people up and then I was just waiting, waiting outside to hear how it went as it progressed. Then I got word that things were starting to become dangerous for her and the baby, that she was starting to bleed a lot. So we made a phone call to let Uncle Warren know what was happening, and he sent the word back that she would be all right. Then as things progressed it started to get worse, and finally Uncle Wendell called me again and said, "Let us see if we can get a hold of Uncle Warren." Uncle Wendell had sent me around the property asking for everyone to be very fervent as we were in a very dangerous situation for Merilyn and her baby. Then it became very critical. We called and Uncle Warren sent the word to have her transported. So as fast as we could we grabbed a car, pulled the seats out, raced it up to Uncle Wendell,' s loaded Merilyn in.

I am so grateful for the prayers of the Prophet, for every step of the way Heavenly Father opened the way that the car was here that could be used, that the people were here. And Uncle Wendell and Uncle Fred were there praying with all of their hearts. As we loaded her in, I watched Heavenly Father strengthen Uncle Wendell and those present to see Merilyn go off to what we didn't quite know would happen yet. She was very low. She had lost much blood. So we loaded her in and we raced out down the road.

I called Isaac and talked to him, let him know I was on my way so he could tell Uncle Warren, and we raced toward Cortez, as Uncle Wendell had felt

impressed. He had said, "Take her to the very closest hospital you can." So as we went I called the people and they decided they wanted to send an ambulance to meet us, as I had said I was from out of town and they didn't think I would know the way there. So they sent an ambulance and we met them right before Cortez. We jumped out and they jumped out and wheeled a stretcher and put her on and rushed her into the ambulance. Then I got in, too, so that I could tell the information. The lady was trying to get some blood, an IV going into Merilyn. Previous to this Mother Sylvia had started an IV and so there was an IV already in her. She had lost so much blood that the nurse couldn't get another IV. She said, "I can't get an IV in here." So they raced her in and they ended up using the IV that Mother Sylvia had put in. They brought her into the emergency room and I stepped out for a minute to get some papers going, and then I went back in. During this time they had done an ultrasound and such.

As we were driving along on the way there, I had asked Mother Sylvia - we were contemplating whether to take her to Farmington or Cortez. I asked her what her condition was and she said, "Well, I think the baby is dead, and we have got to get this girl to the hospital quick." The ultrasound showed that the baby had passed away. As I called Uncle Warren I was working with my emotions, yearning to do what Heavenly Father wanted, and I told him, and he said, "Well, if the Lord wanted that baby to live, it would be alive," which was a great source of comfort. I thrill that Heavenly Father so opened the way that Uncle Warren could direct every step of the way.

After they had stabilized her some in the emergency room, they brought her up for the baby to be delivered. As I had gone into the emergency room previous to this, I had wondered to her, "Why aren't they giving you any blood?" She didn't know and I didn't know, but then they took her up to have the baby, and I could tell she was weak and working very hard to have this baby. So I called Uncle Warren and told him what her condition was, and then soon after that that baby was born.

As I waited outside the room they came and told me the baby was born. Mother Sylvia and Mother Rachel were there with her as it was. I kept

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expecting that we were about through, that this experience was about over. But then the doctor that delivered the baby went into the hall opposite from where I was sitting, and she was calling quite frantically for some other doctor, as near as I could tell, and she acted quite concerned. So I wondered what was going on. Finally we found out that part of the placenta had not come, and the doctor was going to take her down to the operating room to see what they could do. So I would call Uncle Warren and he would say what to do. He said, "Yes, go ahead. Tell them to do all they can to preserve her ability to have children." So I told this to the doctor, and they took her down. I waited upstairs with Mother Sylvia and Mother Rachel, and the doctor came back up and she said, "I am not able to get out what I need to. There is a doctor in Durango that knows a little more about this than I do, so we want to Life Flight her there." So I called Uncle Warren again and said, "What would you like us to do?" He said, "Go ahead. Have them do it. "

They told me I couldn't ride in the helicopter with her. So we took off. Previous to leaving, the doctors, both the one that had delivered the baby and the other doctors, had been very touched of Heavenly Father, very kind. They had, as far as I understood, they had been as good as any doctors we had ever seen in a situation like this.

So we left and she had started bleeding after that baby was born, and she was so weak that they decided they needed finally to get some blood in her. So backtracking just a touch, I called Uncle Warren and said she was very weak, passing in and out. This was before she left on the LifefFight. He said, "Well, tell them to get some blood in her." So I talked to Mother Sylvia and they talked to the nurses and they started to get some blood in her. But the bleeding wasn't stopping and the doctor couldn't get out what she needed to, so that is when they decided to transport her. So we left and we drove to Durango expecting them to be there perhaps before us, but we ended up waiting there for about an hour for them. I don't know what the situation was, but the doctor later told me that when Merilyn got there she was worse than she thought.

As the Life Flight came in and they wheeled her from there down to the operating room, I talked to

the doctor and I relayed the message of Uncle Warren to do all they could for her to save her ability to have children. So they stabilized her as best they could and wheeled her into surgery. I was calling Uncle Warren. He was giving directives. I was pacing outside the surgery area and about a whole hour went by. At this time I was thinking, "Why should it be taking so long?" As I was walking there the doctor came out very concerned. She said, "I have done everything I can to stop this bleeding and it is just not stopping." She said, "It is as though a tap was turned on and I can't stop this bleeding." So I called for Uncle Warren as the lady wanted to go ahead with another operation, and I couldn't get a hold of him. So I asked the doctor, "Would you please give me five minutes to see. I need to make a phone call." So I was yearning with Heavenly Father to get a hold of Uncle Warren. Finally, about ten minutes later Uncle Warren called. I told him the situation and he said, "Tell the doctors to do what they need to do to save her life." So a nurse came out and we told them that. They went ahead with the operation. About another hour later the doctor came out. She said it was done. She said that the bleeding had finally stopped after this other operation, and she said she was stabilized.

I called Uncle Warren, again working with my feelings to understand and to recognize Heavenly Father's hand in the experience. He said, "Keep the faith. Heavenly Father can renew. Carryon." So a little while later, about an hour later - it was probably 1 :00 in the morning - the doctors brought me back to the surgery recovery room, and I was quite shocked at how she looked - very swollen, hooked up to very many things. After I had been there a little bit, I left and they took her up to ICU. About 2:00, or somewhere in there, I was allowed to go in to see her, and she was hooked up to even more tubes. The doctor that was there, he explained to me the situation, and he said that there are people in situations like this who people live through it. She is young, she is healthy, but she could be several weeks getting over this. And he informed me that there was a possibility that she could pass away from it, from the shock her body had gone through, as they had given her many units of blood and many units of fluid.

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We saw her that night, and they didn't allow us to be there all night, so we waited outside in the other room. The next day Uncle Warren had sent Joshua and he came up there to spell us off, and so I left. Uncle Warren had wondered ifhe could get in to see her, and as I thought about that through the day I hoped and prayed that he would. So I left and Uncle Warren came later that evening, and I returned the next morning after Uncle Warren had come. I had the privilege to meet him here as he came home from the hospital. He said he had been up to see Merilyn . The next morning when I went up to see her it was amazing how much better she was doing. I think that was the day they took her tubes out, wasn't it, the next day after Uncle Warren came? I am trying to get my dates straight here. But at any rate, when I came that next day, she was doing so much better. The doctors were now saying days instead of weeks for her recovery. As time went on I watched Heavenly Father perform a great miracle as He, through His Prophet's prayers and Uncle Wendell's and Uncle Fred's oneness with him, a miracle of having her healed and blessed in this experience. She went in Tuesday afternoon, and when she came out of surgery the doctor told me to expect she could be there for weeks, even with the chance that she might not survive, yet she got better and better. Uncle Warren would call every day and ask her how she was doing. He would talk to her personally. That Saturday he said to her on the phone, "You will be out sooner than the doctors think."

The doctors, by this time, thought that she might have an opportunity to get out Monday, but come Sunday morning I was there and Josh had just come in. The doctor came in. Merilyn had been doing so remarkably well that it was even amazing to the doctors. One of them said, "It is nothing short of a miracle, this side of a miracle how well she has done," and that Sunday morning they released her from the hospital, just exactly like Uncle Warren had said, that she would be out sooner than the doctors thought.

So I thank Heavenly Father for this experience, for the Prophet's word at the start was that she would be all right. And though the Lord took her to death's door and took us all through an experience to help us develop and learn fervency, Heavenly

Father's words through His Prophet were fulfilled.

I rejoice in the opportunity to be a part of this experience and a part of this great work. The Lord has said that not one word of His Prophets will fall to the ground unheeded. I pray to be worthy to continue on and be able to see and participate in the great and beautiful blessings of Zion that Heavenly Father has talked of through His Prophets for so many generations.

I rejoice in Heavenly Father's kindness in having Uncle Warren here, and I pray that I can live worthy, looking at myself, of what Heavenly Father is offering. I love Him. I love all of you, and I pray that we can be one, a strength through Heavenly Father to His work on earth and part of the people that our Prophet is reaching for. I bear this testimony and thank Heavenly Father for His goodness to us, praying that I have done what Uncle Warren has wanted, and I do it in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

President Warren S. Jeffs: We will now hear the testimony of Joshua Jeffs and also relate what experience he had in this.

Elder Joshua Jeffs: I, too, am very grateful to be here, rejoice in the privilege, with all of you, to be in the presence of our Prophet. I seek an increase of Heavenly Father's Spirit at this time that He will guide my thoughts and words, that they will be in oneness with His servant, and also that He will help take control of my emotions, that I can do this in a way that would please Him.

I thank our Heavenly Father for the testimony that He has given me of Priesthood and the Keyholder of that Priesthood, and that He has allowed me and each of us such a close relationship with him, and I pray for His help that I will not treat that lightly, for I know that this Prophet will either be a witness for or against us, and our eternity depends on it being for us, and that is what we are all striving for, for the Lord's approval shown through the approval of the Prophet. I do testify that Heavenly Father's power is in this man, and as I tell this story ofMerilyn, the

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experience we went through, that you will feel and see that truth.

I was at R 17 and I received a call from Benjamin, and he told me that Merilyn was having some troubles and that it looked like she would have her baby that day and wondered if! could get a message to Uncle Warren. He was going into a meeting and I mentioned something to Isaac and he had mentioned something to him as Uncle Warren walked in, then I also handed him a note with that message. He read the note and then sat there for a minute. I could tell he was reaching of what the Lord's will was. He handed the note back. He didn't say anything. After the meeting I got another call and it said it was getting worse, but I wasn't able to get any message to Uncle Warren; a little while later, received another call saying that it was critically dangerous. We were able to get that message to him, and from then on I didn't know exactly what was going on. He had direct contact with Benjamin.

He sent me this way and told me that I would be coming to spend some time switching off with Benjamin. On the way here I didn't really know what to expect. My faith was that the Lord's will would be done. I remembered the story that Uncle Warren told of the Prophet Joseph praying for, I believe it was his brother Samuel's wife, and after fervently praying the Lord told him that she would be all right and that she would be delivered of a living child. So that was my faith, yet I was yearning that the Lord's will be done. I didn't know exactly what that will was, so I was just yearning that the Prophet's prayers would be answered.

As I was almost here - he had given me some instructions to come here, bring some things, get some rest and then go there. And he said that he hoped he would have the opportunity to see her the next day, but he told me to not say anything about it. So as I came the next morning after she had had the operation, he had told me what had happened. I felt a peace as he told me, knowing that it was the Lord's will, and though we didn't see all the reasons why, He knew what was best for us.

The next day I was there all day. All day I had been yearning and praying that Uncle Warren would be able to come. As it came toward

evening, I just left because visiting hours were over. They asked me to leave. As I got outside the hospital Uncle Warren called. He had just arrived and he wanted to go in and see her. So we went back up there and had full faith that the Lord would let us in even though it was against their policy. Around 4:20 is when he got there. We went up and waited outside the leu area. They were busy doing things. I asked the head nurse, which happened to be Merilyn's nurse that day, if he would be able to come in and see her, and she said she would be over there in a few minutes to talk to us. They asked what his name was and he told them that it was Warren. Then he said to me -well, they wanted him to leave and wanted us to leave and come back after shift change, and then we could see her. But he said, "I have given my name and if! have to go I can't come back." But we waited out there in the hall. I could tell he was praying. I could feel it. I could see it, and I was trying to work with them so that they would let us go in. But he told me to just be still and wait, that we were there with her, and thus I could tell that he was able to do what he was there to do even though he wasn't right by her. I could feel Heavenly Father's Spirit there increased because of his presence.

Around 5:00 they let us go in. Visiting hours weren't opened again till 7:00, but they let us in anyway. As I walked in to where Merilyn was laying, Uncle Warren was behind me, and I said to her, "Uncle Warren is here," and I could see every fiber of her being leap for joy. And as hers did, so did mine, and I started shedding tears like I am doing now.

The nurse watched me for a minute and asked me if! was okay. I told her I was just so happy that she let him in, and I could see that she was touched. She heard him tell Merilyn that, he said, "God bless you. He is blessing you." I noticed a change on that nurse. She ended up leaving so that we ~ould be to ourselves. After everyone was gone, Just Uncle Warren and myself and Merilyn there, he took both of her hands, he closed his eyes and started praying for her, and I could see the light shine on his face, and I could feel it and could see a physical change on Merilyn. She wasn't able to talk because of the tube in her mouth, but she would kind of be able to lip the words she wanted

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to say, or else she would write them. She told him that now that he was there she would get better, and I could feel the same.

After praying for a few minutes holding both her hands, he put his left hand up on her head and held her right hand with his right hand and continued praying. I was watching both of them. He had his eyes closed and then he opened them and said to her, "The Lord will let me intervene for you." At first she said, "I don't want you to." He smiled and said, "Say, 'Yes, sir,'" to which she did. He told her that she would recover quicker than they thought.

They came in to change respirators while we were there, and as they started to come in, then we stepped out. She couldn't talk, but I could tell that she was urgently trying to get a message across. So I handed her a paper and she wrote, "Can't they wait till he is gone?" and he told her that he would still be there, that they could change it out. He was there for a little while longer.

After they left he went back in and again put his left hand on her forehead and held her right hand. He was praying, and he looked up and said to her, "F eel the peace." Then he took his left hand offher forehead and presented it to me, which I took, and he said, "You feel the peace." I can't explain the peace that I felt, the surge of the Spirit of life that was there, and I rejoiced that Heavenly Father opened the way that he could come, because I could plainly see that from that point on was when she started to recover. He was there until 6:00. He spent an hour with her, just shy of an hour, when they asked us to leave so that they could do their shift change. He had told her that she would be all right, that she would quickly recover, that she would surprise the doctors and be out sooner than they thought. On the way out he repeated some of those things to me, and all of it was fulfilled to the very letter.

After that the recovery was very quick. Each time I saw her there was a noticeable difference. She soon had the tube out of her mouth and nose and they took several of the IV's out. It just went very fast from there. The doctor told me that Merilyn had been knocking on death's door, or rather she said, "Knocking on heaven's door." She said, "When I first saw her she had no pulse in any

extremity." Within a day after Uncle Warren was there she was well on her way to complete recovery to where they hardly had anymore IV's going into her, anymore fluid. She had had a terrible cough and there was nothing showing of any infection. So we were able to come back here within those few days.

I rejoice that the Lord took us through this experience. I am grateful that He allowed me to witness the Prophet place the Spirit of life into a person and allowed me to see what power the Prophet has to the small degree that I can see it. I rejoice in Uncle Warren, in the work that he is performing, and I pray to live worthy to continue to be whatever part of it I can. I know we have great scenes to go through, because he has told us so. And yet I also know that Heavenly Father will give us the power to go through them as we reach to Him and as we live what this Prophet and the other Prophets teach us, and live as He shows us how to live.

I have the testimony that he will lead a people to the fulness of the redemption of Zion. It is up to myself and each of us to qualify to be with him. I thank Heavenly Father for yet giving us that opportunity, that He is yet working with us, shown by allowing us this meeting today, this time with our Prophet. I thank Him for it and yearn to live worthy of continuing to be a part of him, knowing that he is a part ofthe Prophet Joseph and his plan, that he is captaining the work that he started, that that Prophet is guiding him, also that his father is guiding him, and the other Prophets are at his elbow protecting him, opening the way that he can do whatever he is called upon to do.

I witness his humility, that he turns all good that he does to our Heavenly Father. I yearn to do the same. But I love to testify of him. I seek that you can feel my testimony, that he is God to us because of the Priesthood that he holds, the position that God has called him to, and that our salvation is hinged on our obedience to him, that through him the Lord is offering us His own presence if we will but reach out with fervency, and thus with oneness perfect our characters through Heavenly Father's grace and mercy and through His power shining in us to come up to the mark that He is yearning that we come to. I thank Heavenly Father for continuing to work with me and with all of us.

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I do love each of you. I love Uncle Wendell and Uncle Fred and the way that they perfectly do our Prophet's will. I rejoice that we have these examples to look to, that we have a quorum that is one. We, of all people, have the opportunity to see oneness in action. I pray that Heavenly Father will help each of us exert that oneness with Him through His Keyholder, His Mouthpiece, and the Fountainhead ofthe Holy Spirit to us. I rededicate my all to the Lord through him. I want to thank our Prophet for all that he does for us, and thus I am thanking Heavenly Father. With rejoicing I submit to His will, again rededicating my all in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

President Warren S. Jeffs: If any good is done by anyone the Lord hath done it, for good is the Spirit of God giving the increase. Praise be to the Lord. We thank Heavenly Father for preserving Merilyn's life, as the Lord showed me she yet had a work to do, and she can be renewed. So let us exert greater faith here for the Lord's message through the First Presidency. We will ask Uncle Fred to speak to us now.

President Fred M. Jessop: My dear brothers and sisters, I have been so greatly edified here today. I want you to know that I want the Lord's will done. I want the Lord's words. I know that I must give my all, which I feel like I have tried to do. I can see, dear brothers and sisters, having watched this work come into being for the last quite a few years, and I verily believe that our Heavenly Father, the great Originator of life and salvation, of the Gospel, Heavenly Father's Gospel He has given to His children on earth; and having come here by the Spirit of revelation wherein our Heavenly Father gave Brother Warren our names, Wendell's name, and planted us here in this place of refuge; and the more I have yielded myself, studied, learned and prayed, the more I see and believe with all my heart that our Heavenly Father reached back among the Council of the Gods and brought Brother Warren forth to be the instrument, the manager of all the preparations made at this last dispensation for the cleansing of the earth, and for teaching and preparing a people, I see, understand in part only, what a wonderful

task Uncle Warren has, finding the honest in heart, teaching and training.

I say in passing that I certainly appreciate Heavenly Father's revelation to Brother Warren, and His revelation to us, myself and to Brother Wendell, and transplanted us from a state of emergency that we were in in Short Creek and brought us to this place of refuge to take the training to be better qualified to be Counselors to dear Brother Warren in the quorum of First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth today. This work looms up into my mind, our minds, as I have learned to love and cooperate with dear Brother Wendell. We have had a, in one sense of the word, a very glorious time together with some of our family members also established here by revelation.

The reason, one of the reasons I better say, that I feel so good about this wonderful opportunity is that I gave my soul, my energies to Uncle Rulon, to Uncle Roy before him, Uncle John before him. I was totally committed to Uncle Rulon as far as my feelings were concerned. Of course I had to grow and develop and learn some things, but that is the way I feel. I felt it, I enjoyed it, I treasured it in the days of Uncle Rulon, and I went right on. As far as I am concerned I went right on when dear Uncle Rulon took his journey into obscurity and left the responsibility on Brother Warren. I see, and I surely enjoy seeing how the Lord has favored Brother Warren, has made him what he is.

We have learned to love the Lord most. We have learned to love Brother Warren. How we have prayed, having been called to pray to the Lord, this mission given us by Brother Warren that we pray to the Lord that He will safeguard Brother Warren's life. And it has been revealed to us that we have rejoiced in the revelation that the Lord gave to Brother Warren that He made it known to us that the Lord said He would protect Brother Warren. And we know that the assassins and his enemies want him out of the way. This work, the Lord's work, the redemption of Zion requires, in my way oflooking at it, requires Brother Warren to manage the progression, the great responsibilities to make the preparations for establishing and redeeming Zion, and establishing Zion on earth.

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We have learned to love Brother Wendell. We have had a grand experience working, praying together, learning how to be more fervent, studying the Gospel, taking the training, hearing Brother Warren's dissertations on the Gospel and understanding the Gospel and how it affects human behavior. It is a grand, grand, grand opportunity.

Now we know, now we know that Brother Warren holds the keys, all the keys of the Priesthood, of the Celestial Kingdom, of mortal man on earth today, the greatest man. We have learned more about what love means as we have learned about it and learned to use it, learned to enjoy it, learned to extend it. You might say we have been here doing nothing. Not so. We have been very busy. We thank the Lord, thank our Heavenly Father. He owns this earth. He brought Brother Warren forth from the Council of Gods before this world was formed, brought him forth to this last dispensation, and now he holds the keys of the judgments and of the redemption efforts. He has such a load, comparatively not nearly enough help for the great responsibility, and as incapable and as unworthy as we are, we rejoice in being associated with Brother Warren in the quorum of First Presidency, and we want to become more valuable for helping him.

Now as I learned that we were going to have a meeting, I searched my mind. What was I going to say? What could I say? Well, I don't need to congratulate myself that I am willing to forgive all men. I have needed to do that all along, and all the other things. I need to be meek and lowly. I want to be. I want to live by inspiration and revelation. I want to be in such a way that the Lord and Uncle Warren can discover in me, in us, that the course we are pursuing be according to their concept of propriety in this great Gospel.

Dear people, it has been such a pleasure, such an encouragement for us to realize that we regard everybody on this place of refuge. We love them unconditionally. That is fixed in our hearts and minds. And we pray for the time when our families not with us can be gathered in the time of the Lord - Brother Warren's families, wherever they are, Brother Wendell's family left in Short Creek, our family left in Short Creek, ten companions left there, yearning, praying, striving

to become worthy. And look at the great work that hangs on Uncle Warren, the Lord's holy Prophet. It seems like he has got many times the responsibility in comparison with the ability he has command of to make provision for the gathering and the establishment of Zion on earth.

I pray the Lord to bless me to grow up before I get too old. I want to be on board. I want to be in the ranks along with Brother Wendell and whomsoever Uncle Warren directs and we just go right along.

Dear people, we love you. We are learning what love, a burning, what love the Lord means, what love to Brother Warren means. We hope to enjoy the love of Heavenly Father to us and that the opportunity will come, the Lord being our Helper, and we can be gathered in this earth cleaned off for those people the Lord has hidden away to come forth in the last days.

God bless dear Brother Warren. God bless these sentinels, these good brethren that have been so helpful and faithful. It is a joy to think about it when you receive their ... [????1:39:37???] .. .1 say the same to all of you dear ladies, wonderful blessed people. I ask the Lord to forgive me my inabilities, but He can read my heart. ????I am not happy, 1 am not proud, everything that He might find, but 1 pray for the gift and power of repentance and the kindness and mercy through our Heavenly Father and His great capacity to forgive sins. I pray for it.

I pray for Brother Warren's safety, that his enemies shall not discover him ever. Let their plans fizzle and fall. And if they have it in their hearts to repent, may they do so. Otherwise, may they be prevented from doing what they think they can do, which is wrong. God forbid. God bless you all, ???me included???, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

President Wendell Nielsen: I surely appreciate the marvelous Spirit that is here today. I rejoice to be here with you on this place of refuge, pray that Heavenly Father will continue with us and that His marvelous and Holy Spirit will flow to us greater and greater day by day. There has been so many things go through my mind as I was sitting here. An experience that I had that is very precious to me

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came to mind that I have never told anyone, because it needs the Prophet's approval to tell. As I asked him, he said it would be okay to tell this story, this experience, a beautiful experience for me.

As you people remember, I think on August 13th

, when Uncle Warren was speaking, we listened to the meeting, and as he was saying the closing prayer, if you remember, the Lord took him, while he was saying the closing prayer, into a session, and we heard some of it on the tape. After he closed the prayer he laid down on the floor right there by the podium. I helped him as he went down on the floor, laid down on the floor. He was laying there for a few minutes and he asked me to put my hand on his forehead and on his hand and see what I could feel. I know what you felt, Josh.

After a few minutes he asked some of his ladies to help him. I remember Mother Naomie was there. I think Mother Ida was there. These ladies helped him towards his home, and while we were there the congregation had left. I don't know quite how to explain it, but what I felt was, I felt several men, brethren that were there. I didn't see them but I felt people there, and I felt a feeling that I couldn't describe, and as I have pondered upon it to try to explain it, the thing that comes to my mind is the source of the Spirit of God was there.

So as they were helping Uncle Warren from the meeting house to his home, to those of you who have never been there it is about maybe a hundred feet or two hundred feet separation with a sidewalk that goes up. The stairway that goes into his home comes up from both sides and then goes as one to his front door. Uncle Fred and I were there when they took Uncle Warren, helped him towards his house. He laid down on the steps. Uncle Fred and I were outside the door of the meeting house. I got a chair for Uncle Fred and Uncle Fred was sitting in the chair and I was standing by him and one of the ladies came down and said, "Uncle Wendell, Uncle Warren wants to talk to you." He was laying on the steps. I turned around to run up there and over the two steps coming down, about halfway to the meeting house I could see these golden tongues of fire. As I looked there I could see the fire centered around Uncle Warren, and those ladies were right with him. It went over both ofthe steps, came maybe halfway to the meeting house. As I

turned around and went up there to see what he wanted, something said to me, "You can't go in that fire." And I remember saying to myself, "I can," because that fire was happiness, someway. I ran into that fire and it was so thrilling, so happy. When that something said, "You can't go in there because you will get burned," I never even considered that I couldn't go in there, but I ran in the midst of it up to the steps where he was lying and he said, "Go get Uncle Fred and kneel down and ask the Lord to give me strength to get into my house." I went back. We knelt right on the sidewalk with our arms to the square and asked Heavenly Father to help Uncle Warren get into his house. So that gave me a testimony of Uncle Warren and a feeling, a thought, "What manner of man is this that is our holy Prophet?"

As far as this experience of Merilyn's, just to give you my side of it very briefly, we could see that it just wasn't working out here with her. So I said to Mother Sylvia, I said, "Mother Sylvia, we are going to try and get in touch with Uncle Warren. What is the condition I tell him?" She said, "Tell him she is in critical danger." I knew then that something had to be done. So when Uncle Warren called and said, "Transport her," we moved fast, because I knew that was what it was going to take. I told Ben to go to Cortez as fast as he could, that he wouldn't get a ticket. I think he did.

But the experience of me being informed of her without being able to be there, Uncle Warren was informed by Ben, Uncle Warren called here and then they sent a tape up, a disk up with Uncle Warren's message to me. I think there was three disks. By this time when she went, we knew she was in serious trouble. So we were very fervent in praying.

The first message came in that said that the baby was dead when it was born. Uncle Warren indicated that it looks like they have her somewhat stabilized. So to me it was a very good experience, because I said, "Heavenly Father, thy will be done, and ifthis is how you wanted this situation to work out, I am glad to bow to your will."

I took that pretty good. I thought, "With Heavenly Father's help I guess everything will be okay." But then another phone call came. The

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other phone call Uncle Warren informed me they were going to fly her to Durango because they couldn't stop the bleeding. That was why there was some material left in there when they did the D&C and they were going to rush her to Durango. They were considering hysterectomy. So that was about the substance of that phone call. Now there was another experience. I was thinking to myself, "This is starting to get close to my heartstrings," because she was so young and so desirous. So I wait, and on figuring it out, I have had ladies have D&C's before and so I am thinking, "There should have been a call come by now. There should have been a call come." It went probably two or three hours, and so I am saying to myself, "Heavenly Father, I am learning here. Heavenly Father, thy will be done. This will be harder to bear if she has to have a hysterectomy." So the call came in that this was done. It began to take hold of my heartstrings.

So I lay there on my bed - it was getting late -and a call came from down here that said, "Uncle Warren has another message." So I am thinking now, "Am I prepared to lose her?" And only once or maybe twice in my life has my heartstrings been tugged like they were then. I remember so vividly the heart rejoiced while the eyes wept bitterly. So I thought, "This is a good experience to have."

So as I was laying on my bed another call came in. It was a call from Uncle Warren. Melanie had it. So when she came in I said, "Wait a minute, Melanie. I don't know if I want to hear this or not right now." I said, "Let me build a little strength here." So she hesitated a few minutes and I said , "Okay. Put it on." You can imagine my feelings. I was laying there on the bed and with all of my heart I was saying, "Heavenly Father, give me strength to accept your will," because I was really being tugged in my heart. Uncle Warren came on the phone. I was laying there as prepared as I could be. He said something like this: "Uncle Wendell, they did all they could for Merilyn." So I quickly said, "Heavenly Father, thy will be done. Give me strength to accept it." Then he told how they had completed the surgery, how she had been taken into intensive care, and was in there recovering. And I thought to myself, "Well, the Lord has granted me her for the moment." I know that in intensive care, condition like that, that because she

was in intensive care didn't mean that she was going to live. So she was very critical in there.

Another verbal phone call came at ! :00 in the morning that Melanie took. I was laying on the bed. I thought, "I call tell by the sound of her voice what this call is." She sounded quite normal, so I knew it wasn't anything too serious, and it was that she was taken from recovery into intensive care. I was very, very concerned until I found out that Uncle Warren had went there, then being with Uncle Rulon on occasion, I knew this Spirit oflife. When they told me what Uncle Warren had done I was greatly relieved, because I knew then and had the faith that she would be okay.

So after a few days we got her home, she recovered well, as she is doing now. And when they brought her home, Heavenly Father whispered to me, He said, "I have given her to you twice." So we are most happy that Heavenly Father's will has been done and that He has spared her life for an important purpose in Him.

Sorry. This has beenjust a little emotional. But before I sit down, brothers and sisters, I want to say I am beginning to see what Uncle Warren needs in a people. He has such great responsibility, he needs friends. Friends are people that support him and obey him. What are the friends that Uncle Warren needs? He needs friends that are full of the Holy Ghost, that have perfected the love of the Father in their hearts, that, as he said the other day, that are filled with fire. Remember we talking in class. I said, "Uncle Warren said the people on this place of refuge now should be filled with fire," like he had us read on Helaman Chapter 5.

So dear brothers and sisters, if we are going to accomplish those things, we have to become perfect in Heavenly Father's guidance in our lives, and this is that constant fervency of devotion to Heavenly Father, rejoicing in Him, having Him guide us in everything in our lives. Then we become people that are really Uncle Warren's friends. Then he can use us. He needs us. He needs help. I don't think Heavenly Father intended for him to do it alone, but he will if he has to. We have the opportunity, if we are willing to let our old fallen character go, we have the opportunity to be a great help and strength to Uncle Warren as he

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accomplishes this enormous work that is upon his shoulders.

So we have talked many times about this. And Uncle Warren, in our classes, I can tell you, and in our prayers, we have talked that when Uncle Warren comes again to this place of refuge, when the Lord has a message again through Uncle Warren, we will not only believe before Uncle Warren delivers a message, but we will rejoice as though he has already delivered it. We will believe the message and we will rejoice in the message even before it is given, and show Heavenly Father thereby that we yearn to draw from Him in the heavens, through our holy Prophet, what we need and what He wants to give us. I think, Uncle Warren, that that is where we are as we sit here today. So we are so anxious, so grateful that you are here and are so anxious for the Lord to teach us through you. In a way I think we can say we are ready to go now. So God bless you, dear Uncle Warren, and we rely upon you to teach us what we need to do to qualify for our Heavenly Father's presence. We look to you to take us there. And God bless and be with you as you do His great will here on this earth. These are the things we are looking for in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

President Warren S. Jeffs: I seek unto our Heavenly Father with a prayer of rejoicing in Him for His Spirit to guide my thoughts and remarks as I have yearned unto the Lord that this mission in this center place of refuge in the work of redeeming Zion will be fulfilled. I thank our Heavenly Father for His kind love and mercy to me and all of us, and I acknowledge Him in preserving our lives.

I bring this testimony this day to you that I know God lives, that the Father and the Son appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith the spring of 1820, and that great Prophet Joseph Smith became the Witness and Testator to all mankind and he sealed his testimony with his blood. I bear witness of the Prophets that carried on his mission and work and that my father is the legal successor to the Prophet Joseph Smith guided by Uncle Roy, by the Prophet Joseph and the other Prophets. I have a testimony that my father knew God and knows God, and he was shown greater things than he was

allowed to reveal. And I am here to do the will of my father, and thus Heavenly Father. I bear witness that God is near and the Prophets are near, and the Lord is guiding this work. I also bear witness to you that the Lord God, the Creator of heaven and earth, knows each one of you.

To show you one little piece of truth, the morning of Merilyn's experience, before anything was known, before anything happened, the Lord gave me Uncle Wendell's name and said, "Brother Wendell will be healed," he having a dangerous high blood pressure. Then the Lord said to me, "And Merilyn will be all right." Before any of this was known of these experiences we have heard, the Lord gave me this assurance, but as the Lord requires of us, it took great faith to accomplish His will. I carried that assurance of His mind and will concerning her throughout the whole experience.

The Lord knows you. He knew this dear sister and He revealed that though we had to exert great faith for His word to be fulfilled, she yet had a work to do in this mission. This experience is a witness from God of the degree of fervency required for the redemption of Zion, for our fervency of prayer was a matter of her very life. We all said, "Thy will be done," and yet there was a peace through the whole experience. Listen to how great our Heavenly Father is:

D.& C. 76

1. Hear, 0 ye heavens, and give ear, 0 earth, and rejoice ye inhabitants thereof, for the Lord is God, and beside him there is no Savior.

2. Great is his wisdom, marvelous are his ways, and the extent of his doings none can find out.

3. His purposes fail not, neither are there any who can stay his hand.

4. From eternity to eternity he is the same, and his years never fail.

What does this great eternal Being, our loving Heavenly Father, promise His obedient children?

5. For thus saith the Lord - I, the Lord, am merciful and gracious unto those who fear me, and

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delight to honor those who serve me In

righteousness and in truth unto the end.

6. Great shall be their reward

The obedient.

6 .... and eternal shall be their glory.

7. And to them will I reveal all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old, and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom.

8. Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know, and things to come will I show them, even the things of many generations.

9. And their wisdom shall be great, and their understanding reach to heaven; and before them the wisdom of the wise shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent shall come to naught.

10. For by my Spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will - yea, even those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor yet entered into the heart of man.

F or the great promises of God to be accomplished on earth there must be perfect faith exerted among a prepared people unto God, and there must be a people ready to receive the promised blessings. So dear brothers and sisters, what are you able to contain today? What are you able to receive and honor in perfect obedience and oneness with the will of God? That is what the Lord is ready to bestow upon us.

In my yearnings on the way here yesterday, I pled with the Lord that this time it would not have to be another judgment, that it would be blessings, blessings earned, preparing us for greater light, knowledge, and blessings. And this is what the Lord has shown me. Every time I have returned to this land it has been correction after correction, reproof after reproof, and some sent away. But I thank the Lord what He showed me today, that all present on this land have been diligent unto the Lord and the light of heaven has increased in all of you, and my heart thrills and rejoices that it is so,

and this by His grace and mercy and because of our continued fervency. The Lord has revealed that ordinance can be given, advancement can be made, and at this time none must be sent away. All can succeed in the Lord through Priesthood.

I say again, thank God that there is an increase ofthe Spirit of God among this group of people on this land of refuge. But all is not done yet. Zion's Camp is still under condemnation and there are traitors among Zion's Camp who live elsewhere that the Lord will handle. And the Lord in His mercy protected the First Presidency, revealing we should not travel yet as our enemies knew of our going to the Texas Stake of Zion.

Dear brothers and sisters, the whirlwind judgments of God are not generations away. They will happen soon. The Lord has directed me to pray night and day, and to call on these, my brethren, to pray night and day continually for the whirlwind judgments to come upon the wicked who dwell on this land of Zion, that Zion can be established and that the strongholds of our enemies will be thrown down, and that the Lord will now choose from among His Zion's Camp those prepared to advance.

And so I bring this message of joy and gladness that the Lord is pleased with this group of people and the sacrifices made and obedience rendered. He is willing to bless us with greater knowledge, experience, and witnesses if we will but exert ourselves as a matter of our very survival. And what is to withhold Him from coming to this very room at this time and give us witness and experience greater than we have known if we would just exert ourselves for His will to be made manifest? And it is His will that we prepare individually for our holy anointings, an ordinance where an individual receives the anointing of oil upon their head and they are declared clean every whit, pure in heart, and then the Keyholder confirms that anointing and those blessings. And as you are filled with the Holy Ghost, according to the Lord's will and your preparation in place, you can witness greater testimony and evidence of the glory of God and feel it flow into your being, and this will be a preparation for you to receive your temple endowments and earn the presence of God personally.

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Some here still need to humble themselves further to receive the advanced ordinances and not think that because you are on this mission all is well, and others are prepared to receive further ordinances as the Lord shall appoint. And we are all a member of the need-to-be-more-humble people. I need more of the Spirit of God. I need to humble myself further for the Lord to accomplish His work and His promises.

The First Presidency will travel soon to R17 and participate in ordinance work there. The Lord will name when we will be protected, and according to our faith and fervency of faith so shall it be. And we will need you who remain on this land to exert a faith that our lives will be spared and protected and the enemy kept back.

The Lord directs me through His Spirit to close this meeting and meet with the First Presidency, and then the First Presidency will attend to a few ordinances. We ask you to sit quietly and pray for us in the next rooms or downstairs or in your rooms upstairs, and join your faith with ours that the Lord's will is made manifest. I thank the Lord for this blessing and privilege. He has shown me certain ordinances should be done more privately lest individuals are tempted to boast in the eyes of others, and to keep humble and sacred what the Lord gives.

I bear this testimony and give His message that He is pleased with us. We still have a ways to go, more ordinances and knowledge to earn. The Lord is near, and He will favor every one of you as you prepare. I deliver this message in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I will close with prayer.

Prayer: 0 God, the Eternal Father, we come before you at the end of this meeting thanking you for favoring us with these testimonies and your Spirit touching our hearts. We feel to rejoice in you in sparing our lives and in offering the blessings of the fulness of Zion, and that ordinances can be given. Thank you for the holy Sacrament we have received, having renewed all our former covenants, reaching for the increase of your Spirit. And as you shall appoint today and in

the near future that individuals should receIve greater trainings and ordinances, in the authority of the holy Me1chizedek Priesthood, we dedicate this room and this home to be a sacred place on earth that ordinances can be performed. We yearn to receive of your Spirit the witness of the burning peace as we receive your blessings.

We cry unto thee for deliverance from this wicked generation. We know you are about to scourge your people for being slow in their preparation, and thank you, Father, for your promise that there will be a people raised up to redeem Zion through your power.

Now be with this group of people. Favor them with the heavenly powers. Behold their fervency has become great, and your Spirit testifies that there is a people being raised up to receive your blessings. We seek to humble ourselves further that we may feel your heavenly power and presence as you will; and hold not back, Father, and give the increase, at least individually as they prepare, and as a group of people who are prepared. All glory to thee.

Thank you for the miracle of preserving us on this land, for blinding the eyes of government officials. Thank for the miracle of preserving Merilyn Nielsen's life. Thank you for the miracle of renewing Uncle Fred and strengthening him, and renewing and strengthening Uncle Wendell. Thank you for providing for us all we have and are. Thank you for the promise of your presence among us. Thank you for being here through the night and being near continually. We love you and rejoice in you and are here to do your will, and make this renewed commitment and dedication unto thee, 0 Lord our God, that we are yours through Priesthood, through your mercy and grace. Give us the experiences, blessings, and knowledge needed to come into your presence, and hold not back, and send your heavenly fire upon this group of people and preserve this land from our enemies.

Allow the First Presidency to go forth and fulfill their mission. You have allowed us the test of being in bondage, having to stay in our homes. You have allowed many tests to come upon us, and we thank you, Father, and feel it a privilege to endure for thy name's sake. Now open the way for the fulness of Zion to be established, and name

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individuals to receive their blessings. We know you can do this, Father, and say this by the authority of the holy Priesthood, reaching for your will to be done, and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Rejoice if each other are blessed. If the Lord has you wait for a time, rejoice that privilege to earn the blessings that are within your reach. Keep sacred and private the ordinances and promises you are given, and do not inquire of each other, asking them to break their confidences. Pray fervently that the Lord and His powers will be near as the First Presidency meets right now. I will ask this group of people to go to other areas of the home; ask Benjamin and Joshua to go and guard the property at this time. I will talk with you brethren later concerning what the Lord has for you. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

4:42 p.m. Meeting of the First Presidency atRl

[Performed some ordinances first.]

Naomie you will need to be a scribe in here. You will come in.

Mother Merilyn wasn't there when we did this setting apart as temple builders was she? Have her come in first.

I have other things to go over with you but if you feel up to it we will take care of this first.

The love of God sealed in a person's mind and heart by the keys of Priesthood is an ordinance to prepare them to become more fully acquainted with the all-consuming heavenly fire. Through the ordinances of the Priesthood the power of God is made manifest. To show you how carefully the Lord guards these ordinances: About one month before Allen Steed was handled, I felt that here was a sweet man who always kept sweet. And I asked him to stay after a meeting at R17, just he and I in the room. I had him sit. I put my hands on his shoulders to feel his spirit and asked the Lord,

"Should I give this man this ordinance?" thinking here was a sweet man. And the Spirit strongly warned me: "Do not do this thing." I did not tell him what was about to happen, I simply said, "The Lord tells me you have more preparation to make before you can receive further ordinances and blessings." So the Lord is the one that performs all ordinances and He guides what should be done.

Your wife Rachel Jeffs Nielsen has received that ordinance during an administration. I don't know she is aware fully.

Uncle Wendell: Can I talk to her about that?

Sit right there Mother Merilyn and Nomie over there. You have received the blessing of the love of God sealed in your mind and heart. The Lord tells me you should receive the mission call to be a temple builder and a temple worker which will prepare you to go into a holy place and receive your holy anointings. And you will travel to R17 with us if you will prepare yourself. That ordinance of receiving the holy anointings is to be given at R17. The First Presidency will take care of this other here and now - if you are willing?

Mother Merilyn: I am grateful.

The Lord gave me a special revelation about a week ago concerning you. He showed me that our path would take us up as though over a high mountain, dangerous cliffs on every side. As I walked this path, there was Mother Merilyn with her cane walking and stepping up over the rocks and down, up and down, sweetly, patiently walking the path the Lord required, and that you pleased Him. So the Lord is very pleased with your sacrifice.

Mother Merilyn: I don't feel like I have made any.

And your labors. I warn you to have your heartstrings tied to the Lord our God and Priesthood. The Lord has warned me about Mother Sharon. I have had to send her away. So I hope that your emotions can be in order concerning her. All isn't lost for Mother Sharon, but she has been warned strongly that her sympathy for her son could cause her to lose her place. And I have handled Wallace Jeffs. The Lord revealed he didn't hold Priesthood. Your

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daughter Amy is living at your house in Short Creek and awaits the Lord's appointment for her. But Wallace and his wife Joanne and Joanne's children are sent away from Short Creek to repent from a distance.

All ordinances are blessings to earn blessings. They are blessings given to earn an increase of the Spirit of God and give us faith in our prayers that we have had these promises and through faithfulness and obedience the Lord can fulfill.

If you brethren will assist me. Uncle Fred should we have you lean against something? Could you stand for this one ordinance?

Uncle Fred: I think so.

Mother Merilyn.


Our dear faithful Mother and sister, Merilyn Steed Jeffs, we the quorum ofthe First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unitedly lay our hands upon your head by the revelations of the will of God to fulfill His purposes and promise and in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood which we bear and in oneness with the Priesthood in the heavens, we set you apart on the mission to be a temple builder and bestow upon you every gift, right, blessing, and intelligence needed to be a strength and help in whatever skills you are called on to perform, with the strength of heaven in that mission. And in the authority of the holy Priesthood, we also set you apart on the mission to be a temple worker to go into the sacred places by Priesthood appointment and participate in holy ordinances and earn the greater knowledge of God. And as you continue faithful the Lord gives you this promise that you will see God and you will see father and you will know them by introduction, and you will feel the heavenly agents near from this time forth guarding your life and your path as you apply in faith unto the Lord. And all this according to your faith so shall it be. By the keys and powers of Priesthood in the authority of the holy Priesthood we place a seal of protection upon you that your life will be preserved as the evil powers will seek your destruction. Be not of little faith. Know that the Lord loves you and Father our Prophet is often near you and rejoices in your faithfulness thus far. Your faith is needed to help the work of God

advance as well as many others that will be called. And all glory to God as we pronounce this blessing according to His will and power by the authority of the Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

We love you.

Uncle Wendell: God bless you Mother Merilyn.

Mother Merilyn: Thank you.

We love you. May I do this?

Go get Uncle Fred's wife Aunt Eva.

I sure love you dear brethren and rejoice in your faithfulness. The Lord wants His work advanced and we earn the higher ordinances in the Priesthood and the temple. The Lord has told me the temple will be built. And he has told me he will choose individuals if all of Zion's camp will not qualify.

Uncle Fred, you approve of this your wife and give a recommend for her?

Uncle Fred: Yes. Very sweet.

The Lord names to me to perform an ordinance to seal the love of God in you to prepare you for greater ordinances if you will receive it?

Aunt Eva: ???

Have a seat right here then. I will do this myself brethren. Add your faith though. Your full name? What is your full name please?

Aunt Eva: I don't know. Eva Johnson Jessop.

Okay. Repeat the words in your mind as a prayer and you will feel the peace.


Our dear faithful sister, Eva Johnson Jessop, in the presence of your husband and by the appointment of the Lord our God, the Lord approving of your labors, and sacrifice and faithfulness thus far. We lay our hands upon your head and in the authority of the holy Me1chizedek Priesthood which we bear and in oneness with the Priesthood in the heavens and by the keys and powers of that holy Priesthood, we seal the love of God in your mind and heart as a daily increase to flow into you as a power to purify you and make

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you more fully acquainted with the heavenly fire and prepare you for further ordinances. And from this time forth, dear sister, you will feel the flow of heavenly fire and bursts of thought and revelation from God, and ideas you have not realized before, and you will feel the heavenly agents and angels with a greater sensitivety to prepare you to know God through Priesthood, through great ordinances. And according to your continued faith and faithfulness so shall it be. And as a witness to you that this is of the Lord, we say to you: Be ye filled with the Holy Ghost as a burning peace in your mind and heart even as these words are spoken and know the Lord is near and He approves of you thus far. Be one with your husband as unto the Lord. Love one another. And now you shall be empowered with a greater degree and power to love others to rejoice that the Lord loves all. Dear sister, receive this blessing and you shall progress faster than ever. And you shall have dreams and visions and witnesses greater than you have known through your humility and faith. Prepare dear sister and you will be a strength to the cause of Zion. We pronounce this according to the Lord's will and your faith as a father's blessing upon you and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

God bless you, dear sister.

Uncle Wendell's wife Merilyn.

We love you. God bless you. You feel the peace?

Aunt Eva: Yes, sir, it is beautiful.

Because this ordinance is a sealing the Lord has me perform it alone. He revealed this ordinance to me in the midst of the heavenly sessions about a year ago or more. It was more than a year ago. And both of you brethren have received that blessing. And I see the heavenly fire increasing in you, brethren.

Have a seat right there. Hello.

Merilyn Jeffs Nielsen: Hello, sir.

Are you feeling better?

Merilyn Jeffs Nielsen: So much better. Thank heaven.

I am to perform the ordinance of sealing the love of God in your mind and heart if you are willing to receive.

Merilyn: Yes, sir.

Repeat the words in your mind as I voice them as a prayer and you will feel the witness. I have known you a long time. The Lord knows you. We will see what He has for you. Sit right here. This is not a patriarchal blessing, it is an actual sealing of the powers of the Priesthood giving you a blessing to help you grow spiritually faster than ever. Apply unto the Lord to fulfill this and you will witness great things. Merilyn Jeffs Nielsen right?


Our dear faithful sister, Merilyn Jeffs Nielsen, in the presence of your husband and according to the appointment of the Lord our God, we lay our hands upon your head and in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood which we bear, and by the keys and powers thereof, we seal the love of God in your mind and heart as a daily increase to flow into you from this time henceforth. And this shall be a strengthening of your spiritual growth that from this time forth you will have this heavenly power to make you acquainted with the all-consuming fire from heaven and eventually the presence of God. And we bless you through this gift earned and exerted through prayer that you will feel the presence of the heavenly beings, learn and earn the greater heavenly sensitivety of the Spirit of God and you will have bursts of impressions and revelation, intelligence of heaven beyond what you have known before. And you will have thoughts and impressions of sacred great truths and as you keep them silent and sacred through the Priesthood authority over you and further ordinances given, you will already be prepared for the knowledge of God and greater trainings, and you will administer to your husband and be a strength in his dominion and you will come to know God as you apply unto Him for this gift to be realized. All this through your faithfulness continued dear sister. Know that the Lord loves you. He has preserved your life for a special purpose in Him. And through your faithfulness, the renewing power of God will be upon you and many children shall look to you as mother and you will bless many in your husband's dominion. And as a witness this is of God, this sealing ordinance, we say to you: Be ye filled with the Holy Ghost and feel the heavenly fire flow into your mind and heart at this time as a witness the

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