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Statistical Algorithms Description Document

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OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 3

GENECHIP ARRAY DESIGN.................................................................................................................. 3

DATA OUTPUTS......................................................................................................................................... 3

DATA PREPARATION............................................................................................................................... 4MASKING .................................................................................................................................................... 4BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION...................................................................................................................... 4

Zone Values............................................................................................................................................ 4Noise Correction..................................................................................................................................... 5

EXPRESSION VALUE CALCULATION (SIGNAL) .............................................................................. 6METHOD...................................................................................................................................................... 6

Background and Ideal Mismatch Correction .......................................................................................... 6IDEAL MISMATCH (IM) ............................................................................................................................... 6

Probe Value and Signal Log Value......................................................................................................... 8Scaled Probe Value................................................................................................................................. 8Performance on Corrupted Data ............................................................................................................. 9

RELATIVE EXPRESSION VALUES (LOG RATIOS) ......................................................................... 11METHOD.................................................................................................................................................... 11

Nomenclature ....................................................................................................................................... 11Signal Log Ratio................................................................................................................................... 11Fold Change.......................................................................................................................................... 12

SINGLE ARRAY ANALYSIS (DETECTION CALLS) ........................................................................... 13METHOD.................................................................................................................................................... 13

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (COMPARISON CALLS) ....................................................................... 16SATURATION ............................................................................................................................................. 16QUANTITIES USED IN COMPARATIVE CALLS ............................................................................................. 16BALANCING FACTORS ............................................................................................................................... 17WILCOXON SIGNED RANK TEST................................................................................................................ 18

Adjusting Parameters............................................................................................................................ 20

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 21

APPENDIX I............................................................................................................................................... 22ONE-STEP TUKEY'S BIWEIGHT ALGORITHM.............................................................................................. 22

Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 22Method.................................................................................................................................................. 22Confidence Intervals............................................................................................................................. 23

APPENDIX II ............................................................................................................................................. 24ONE-SIDED WILCOXON’S SIGNED RANK TEST .......................................................................................... 24

Uninformative (Tied) Probe Pairs......................................................................................................... 24Rank Sum ............................................................................................................................................. 24Confidence Values................................................................................................................................ 25

APPENDIX III............................................................................................................................................ 27NOISE (Q) CALCULATION.......................................................................................................................... 27

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8PM


9 10ce ll

probe set probe pair


This document is a detailed reference guide for the Statistical Algorithms used in theanalysis of GeneChip expression data. The guide focuses on how they work, whatcalculations and approaches they comprise, and how the tunable parameters are designed.Additional references are provided for additional information.


It is important to understand how a GeneChip array is designed when considering themost appropriate approaches for its analysis. A GeneChip probe array consists of anumber of probe cells where each probe cell contains a unique probe. Probes are tiled inprobe pairs as a Perfect Match (PM) and a Mismatch (MM). The sequence for PM andMM are the same, except for a change to the Watson-Crick complement in the middle ofthe MM probe sequence. A probe set consists of a series of probe pairs and represents anexpressed transcript.


The statistical algorithms provide the following data outputs:Output Descriptions

Signal A measure of the abundance of a transcript.

Stat Pairs The number of probe pairs in the probe set.

Stat Pairs Used The number of probe pairs in the probe set used in the Detection call.

Detection Call indicating whether the transcript was Present (P) or Absent (A), orMarginal (M).

Detection p-value p-value indicating the significance of the Detection call.

Stat Common Pairs The number of probe pairs in the probe sets from baseline andexperimental arrays used in the Change call.

ChangeCall indicating a change in transcript level between a baseline array andan experiment array [i.e. increase (I), decrease (D), marginal increase(MI), marginal decrease (MD), no change (NC)].

Change p-value p-value indicating the significance of the Change call.

Signal Log RatioThe change in expression level for a transcript between a baseline and anexperiment array. This change is expressed as the log2 ratio. A log2 ratioof 1 is the same as a Fold Change of 2.

Signal Log Ratio Low The lower limit of the log ratio within a 95% confidence interval.

Signal Log Ratio High The upper limit of the log ratio within a 95% confidence interval.

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DATA PREPARATIONIn this section we will discuss steps that occur prior to application of the new statisticalalgorithms.

A note about .CEL FilesThe Statistical Algorithms begin with information contained in the .CEL file generated byMicroarray Suite software. The .CEL files contain a captured image of the scannedGeneChip® array and calculations of the raw intensities for probe sets. The method forcalculating individual cell intensities, thus generating the .CEL file, is not affected by theStatistical Algorithms. Therefore, it will not be discussed here.

MaskingMasked probe pairs are excluded from all algorithms. For more information about “probemasking” see the Affymetrix® GeneChip® Expression Analysis Technical Manual(2001), Section 4.1.17.

Background SubtractionA calculated background establishes a “floor” to be subtracted from each cell value.

Zone Values For purposes of calculating background values,

the array is split up into K rectangular zones Z_k(k = 1, …, K, default K = 16).

Control cells and masked cells are not used in thecalculation.

The cells are ranked and the lowest 2% is chosenas the background b for that zone (bZk).

The standard deviation of the lowest 2% cellintensities is calculated as an estimate of thebackground variability n for each zone (nZk).

Smoothing AdjustmentTo provide a smooth transition between zones, wecompute distances from each cell on the chip to thevarious zone centers. A weighted sum is then calculatedbased on the reciprocal of a constant plus the square ofthe distances to all the zone centers. In more detail, if thedistance d between the chip coordinate (x,y) and thecenter of the kth zone is dk, we can calculate a weightingfactor, which is related to the square of d (the relationshipbetween w and d is illustrated in the graph next page). Asmall factor, smooth, is added to d2 to ensure that the value will never be zero.

A GeneChip® array is divided into anumber of equally spaced zones and anaverage background is assigned to thecenter of the zone, indicated by greencircles. For each cell, the distance iscalculated to the center of every zone. Aweighting factor is then calculated as thereciprocal of the sum of a constant andthe square of the distance. The colors ofthe arrows indicate the relative weights.

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1( , )

( , )kk

w x yd x y smooth


(default smooth = 100)

For every cell, we can use the sum of all the weights to all the zone centers to calculatethe background b value to be used for cell x,y:



1( , ) ( , )

( , )


k kKk


b x y w x y bZw x y =


= ∑∑

Noise CorrectionNow we want to compute an adjusted value that shifts intensities down by the localbackground. In order to do so, we must first ensure that the values would not becomenegative. Negative intensity values are problematic later in the calculations when logvalues are calculated.

For noise correction, a local noise value n based on the standard deviation of the lowest2% of the background in that zone (nZk) is calculated and weighted for backgroundvalues (just substitute n(x, y) for b(x, y) and nZk for bZk in the formula above).

Then a threshold and a floor are set at some fraction of the local noise value, so that novalue is adjusted below that threshold. That is, for a cell intensity I '(x, y) at chipcoordinates (x, y), we compute an adjusted intensity.

( , ) max( '( , ) - ( , ), * ( , ))

where '( , ) max( '( , ), 0.5)

A x y I x y b x y NoiseFrac n x y

I x y I x y


NoiseFrac is the selected fraction of the global background variation.(default NoiseFrac = 0.5)



A(x, y) = max(I '(x, y) - b(x, y), NoiseFrac*n(x, y))where I '(x, y) = max(I '(x, y), 0.5)

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EXPRESSION VALUE CALCULATION (SIGNAL)The Signal value is calculated from the combined, background-adjusted, PM and MMvalues of the probe set. It represents the amount of transcript in solution.

Signal is calculated as follows:1. Cell intensities are preprocessed for global background.2. An ideal mismatch value is calculated and subtracted to adjust the PM intensity.3. The adjusted PM intensities are log-transformed to stabilize the variance.4. The biweight estimator (see Appendix I) is used to provide a robust mean of the

resulting values. Signal is output as the antilog of the resulting value.5. Finally, Signal is scaled using a trimmed mean.

Background-adjusted cell intensities ➠ Probe set Signal


Background and Contrast CorrectionBefore we can proceed, we need to do the background subtraction as described in theData Preparation section.

Ideal Mismatch (IM)Used in Signal Calculations

The reason for including a MM probe is to provide a value that comprises most of thebackground cross-hybridization and stray signal affecting the PM probe. It also containsa portion of the true target signal. If the MM value is less than the PM value, it is aphysically possible estimate for background, and can be directly used.

If the MM value is larger than the PM value, it is a physically impossible estimate for theamount of stray signal in the PM intensity. Instead, an idealized value can be estimatedbased on our knowledge of the whole probe set or on the behavior of probes in general.Specifically, we base this estimate either on the average ratio between PM and MM, or (ifthat measure is itself too small) a value slightly smaller than PM.

To calculate a specific background ratio representative for the probe set, we use the one-step biweight algorithm (Tbi), which is described in Appendix I. We find a typical logratio of PM to MM that is simply an estimate of the difference of log intensities for aselected probe set. The biweight specific background (SB) for probe pair j in probe set iis:

( )2 , 2 ,log ( ) log ( ) : 1, ,i bi i j i j iSB T PM MM j n= − = KThroughout this text we

use log base 2 exclusively.

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If SBi is large, then the values from the probe set are generally reliable, and we can useSBi to construct the ideal mismatch IM for a probe pair if needed. If SBi is small( iSB contrastτ≤ ), we smoothly degrade to use more of the PM value as the ideal

mismatch. The three cases of determining ideal mismatch IM for probe pair j in probe seti are described in the following formula: Scale (tau) is the cutoff that describes the variability of the probe pairs in the probe set.


, , ,

,, , ,( )

,, ,




2default =0.03

default =


contrastSBcontrast i


i j i j i j

i ji j i j i j iSB

i ji j i j i


PMCT MM PM and SB contrast

PMMM PM and SB contrast







− +


= ≥ > ≥ ≤


The first case where the mismatch value provides a probe-specific estimate of stray signalis the best situation. In the second case, the estimate is not probe-specific, but at leastprovides information specific to the probe set. The third case involves the leastinformative estimate, based only weakly on probe-set specific data.

The blue bars represent PM and the red bars MMprobes of a hypothetical probe set. In the top panel,most of the MM values are smaller than PM, so we usethe MM directly. The yellow bars indicate theestimated value we would use if MM>PM.

For probe pair 4, the MM is larger than the PM, so itis not a useful value for estimating the stray signalcomponent of PM. An imperfect, but useful resolutionis to estimate a MM value that is typical for the probeset. For the overall probe set, the mean difference SBi

of the logs of PM and MM is large, so we can use itdirectly to estimate a value for MM 4. The yellow barindicates the estimate.

In the second panel, SBi is small, so we cannot base anaccurate estimate for MM 4 on it. The best we can dois to calculate a value (indicated by the yellow bar)slightly less than PM.

probepair1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

probepair1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


probepair1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

probepair1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PM M M CTEstimated value

IMi, j

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Probe Value and Signal Log ValueGiven the ideal mismatch value, the formula for the probe value (PV) is fairly simple. Toguarantee numerical stability, we use the formula:

(-20), , ,

, 2 ,

max( - , ) default 2

log ( ), 1, ,

i j i j i j

i j i j i


PV V j n

δ δ= =

= = …Now we calculate the probe value PV for every probe pair j in probeset i. n is the numberof probe pairs in the probeset.

, 2 ,log ( ), 1, ,i j i j iPV V j n= = …

We then compute the absolute expression value for probe set i as the one-step biweightestimate (see Appendix I) of the i n adjusted probe values:

,1 ,( , , )ii bi i i nSignalLogValue T PV PV= …

Scaled Probe ValueNote: the scaling (sf) and normalization factors (nf) computed in this section are reported by the software.

If the algorithm settings indicate scaling all probes sets or selected probe sets to a targetwe calculate a scaling factor (sf)

( )2 ,0.02,0.98iSignalLogValue



where Sc is the target signal (default Sc = 500) and the SignalLogValues in theSignalLogValuei set are the probe sets indicated in the algorithm settings. The TrimMeanfunction here takes the average value of all observations after removing the values in thelowest 2% of observations and removing those values in the upper 2% of observations. Ifthe algorithm settings indicate user defined scaling, then sf = user defined value.

The reported value of probe set i is:( )( ) * *2 iSignalLogValueReportedValue i nf sf=

where nf = 1 for absolute analysis and is computed as follows for a comparison analysis.

If the algorithm settings indicate user defined normalization, then nf = user specifiednormalization.

Otherwise, the algorithm settings either indicate normalizing all or selected probe sets:

( )( )






TrimMean SPVbnf

TrimMean SPVe=

where SPVb[i] is the baseline signal, and SPVe[i] is the experiment signal (scaled-only)and i defines the probe sets selected by the user.

This is reported as Signal.

IMi, j ,δ )

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Since comparison analyses are done on matched probe pairs, the individual probe pairvalues are also modified by this scaling factor. The scaled probe value SPV is

, , 2log ( * )i j i jSPV PV nf sf= +These values are used in computing the log-ratio in comparison analysis.

Performance on corrupted data

The algorithms were developed on a very clean data set, where every precaution wastaken to ensure that the data was of high quality. It is important to validate theperformance on poor quality data. Good performance on poor quality data will be anindication of how well the algorithms will perform under real-world situations, where thedata is less than perfect. To generate data with a controlled amount of noise, several .CELfiles were used and an increasing amount of data was replaced with random numbers.The random numbers were chosen uniformly within the typical intensity range (0 to46,000). The correlation coefficient between the true concentration and the output fromthe newly generated corrupted data set was then plotted as a function of the proportion ofuncorrupted data. When the proportion of uncorrupted data is 1 (the original data set), wesee a correlation coefficient near 1.0 (even the original data set has some noise). As theproportion of good data decreases, we expect the predictive power of the data withrespect to concentration to decrease. This loss of predictive power is reflected by a lowercorrelation coefficient.

Performance against bad data (human). This graph illustrates the robustness against bad data obtained byusing this analysis strategy. The data in several .CEL files from the human array HG-U95A are degraded bysubstituting random numbers between 0 and 46,000. The intact data set is indicated by 1 on the x-axis. Asthe amount of intact data decreases, the average values start deviating from the original. The data from theSignal Calculation Algorithm implemented in MAS 4.0 also starts deviating, while the biweight algorithmremains accurate even after 20% of the data were corrupted.

Performance of methods against bad data (human)(corrupt data chosen from uniform[0…46000])













proportion of uncorrupted data









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For averages (blue line) the correlation coefficient drops rapidly indicating that the resultsquickly become less accurate. This is not surprising, because an average is not robustagainst outliers. The AvgDiff algorithm used in MAS 4.0 (pink line) is more robustbecause it discards some outliers. However, this strategy loses power when the data isincreasingly corrupt, because it has only a small ability to identify outliers when much ofthe data is corrupt. The Signal algorithm implemented in MAS 5.0 is very robust againstcorrupted data and the results remain well-correlated even when as much as 20% of thedata is corrupt. Naturally, additional noise never improves the quality of the data, and sodoes degrade the results, but robustness provides a safety net against corrupted datacompletely destroying the utility of an array.

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By doing a direct cell to cell comparison between probe sets on two arrays, systematicprobe effects will be canceled out. Probe effects refer to the inherent differences in thehybridization efficiency of different probes, which is a source of variation in samplingsignals from different sequences present at the same concentration, even when physicallylinked in the same nucleic acid polymer. Calculating the ratio of signal for the sameprobe on two different arrays effectively cancels the intrinsic affinity factor for thatsequence.

Adjusted cell intensities (Baseline andExperiment) ➠ Log Ratio, Log Ratio Low and

Log Ratio High

MethodThe Signal Log Ratio calculation is an extension of theSignal calculation.

1. Scale the baseline and experiment.2. Correct for probe pair bias.3. Calculate the signal log ratio.


Signal Log RatioOnce we have a scaled probe value each probe pair (SPV is calculated in the previoussection), we can calculate the Signal log ratio using the biweight algorithm (see AppendixI). The probe log ratio PLR is calculated for probe pair j in probeset i on both the baselineb and experiment e arrays:

, , ,

,1 ,


( , , )

i j e i j b i j

i bi i i ni


SignalLogRatio T PLR PLR


= …










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Experiment

The values of log2(PM-IM) plottedfor a series of probe pairs over aconcentration range (lowconcentration to the left, increasingto the right). Although the probesrespond near-linearly, theiraffinities are slightly different. Thisis termed the probe affinity effect.Comparative experiments are always run on two

arrays, one assigned baseline b and the otherexperiment e. Here we show the same probeset ifrom two arrays.


probe pair j

array 1= baseline b array 2 = experiment eprobe set i

Experiment (by concentration)

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If we have the probe log ratios PLR we can use the biweight algorithm to calculate theSignalLogRatio (see Appendix I for a description of the biweight algorithm).

,1 ,( , , )i bi i i niSignalLogRatio T PLR PLR= K

From the biweight calculation, we can also determine the 95th confidence interval andreport the results as Log Ratio Low and Log Ratio High. Thus, the relative expression fora target in two samples being compared is estimated by calculating the average of the log(ratios) for each corresponding probe pair in the probe sets.

Fold ChangePrevious versions of the Affymetrix® Microarray Suite software communicated therelative signal level between the same probe set on two different arrays as a fold-changeratio that was signed depending on the direction of the change in an ordered pair. It isstraight- forward to convert from the LogRatio metrix to the older Fold-Change value.

Fold Change from log ratios is calculated as follows:Corrected formula


2 0

(-1) 2 0









≥= ∗ <

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A detection call answers the question: “Is the transcript of aparticular gene Present or Absent?” In this context, Absentmeans that the expression level is below the threshold ofdetection. That is, the expression level is not provablydifferent from zero. In the case of an uncertainty, we can geta Marginal call. It is important to note that some probe-setsare more variable than others, and the minimal expressionlevel provably different from zero may range from a smallvalue to very large value (for a noisy probe-set). Theadvantage to asking the question in this way without actualexpression values is that the results are easy to filter and easyto interpret. For example, we can imagine that we may onlywant to look at genes whose transcripts are detectable in aparticular experiment.

Raw cell intensities ➠ Absent, Present, or Marginal callplus p-values

MethodThere are four steps to the method:

1. Remove saturated probe pairs and ignoreprobe pairs wherein PM ~ MM + tau

2. Calculate the discrimination scores. (Thistells us how different the PM and MM cellsare.)

3. Use Wilcoxon’s rank test to calculate asignificance or p-value. (This tells us howconfident we can be about a certain result.)

4. Compare the p-value with our presetsignificance levels to make the call.

SaturationIf a mismatch cell is saturated 46000MM ≥ , thecorresponding probe pair is not used in furthercomputations. We also discard pairs where PMand MM are within tau of each other.

If all probe pairs in a unit are saturated, we reportthe gene as detected and set the p-value to 0.

In this hypothetical probe set the PM intensityis 80 and the MM intensity for each probe pairincreases from 0 to 100. The discriminationscore offers a smooth function that decreases asthe MM intensity increases. In other words, asthe intensity of the MM increases our ability todiscriminate between the PM and MMdecreases. Note that the value becomes negativewhen MM>PM.

The broken line indicates the threshold .


MM10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

80808080 80 80 80 80 80








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

MM intensity/probe pair







The statistical significance, or p-value, of a result is the probability thatthe observation in a sample occurredmerely by chance under the nullhypothesis. The null hypothesis is thatthe target is absent (zero effect on theprobes). For example, a p-value of0.005 means that less than 5 out of1000 probe sets for absent transcriptswill be called present based on thedistribution of intensity within thecorresponding probe sets that isequally or less likely occur by chance.In detection, the smaller the p-value,the more significant the resultssuggesting that the gene may bepresent.

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human yeast0 0.025 0.5 0 0.025 0.5


Discrimination Score

The discrimination score [R] is a relative measure of thedifference between the PM and MM intensities. Thediscrimination score for the ith probe pair is:

-i ii

i i




We use (default ), a small threshold between 0and 1 as a small significant difference from zero. If themedian (Ri) > , we can reject the hypothesis that PM andMM are equally hybridizing to the sample. We can make adetection call based on the strength of this rejection (the p-value).

Increasing the threshold can reduce the number offalse detected calls, but may also reduce the number oftrue detected calls.

Computing p-values:The one-sided Wilcoxon’s Signed Rank Test (Appendix II)is used in the Call algorithms and is used to calculate thep-values for the null hypothesis:

0H : median( ) 0iR τ− = versus the alternative hypothesis:

1H : median( ) > 0iR τ−

Note: detection calls are cal-culated on the raw intensity values,so prevents false Detected callswhere PM is only slightly largerthan MM.

HINT: See Appendix forcomplete description of the one-sidedWilcoxon’s Signed Rank Testcalculation.

Determining the default . The discrimination scores of 8960 probepairs spiked at known concentrations on the human U95Av2 arrayand yeast S98 array were examined. The default value was selectedto fall between the discrimination ratio of spikes at zero and 0.25pMconcentration.

Note: There is a relationshipbetween the discrimination scoresand the log2 ratio used inthe Specific Background (SB)calculation. It is known as “Fisher'sz-transformation.”





log 2 ( - )1-

( )

-log 2 ( )-( - )

2*log 2 2*

log ( ) - log ( )2 2

















+ +=+



0 0.25 0.5 0 0.25 0.5 pM

human yeast

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Making the callWe set two significance levels and 2

(*) such that

1 20 0.5α α< < <

default = 0.04 (16-20 probe pairs)default 0.06 (16-20 probe pairs)

Reducing the significance level 1 can reduce the number of false Detected calls andreduce the number of true Detected calls.

Increasing the significance level 2 can reduce the number of false undetected calls andreduce the number of true undetected calls.

(*) Although in an ideal world, the distribution of probes exactly matches the statisticalassumptions, in practical cases the distribution is not precise. Our thresholds thereforedo not result in the exact false-positive rate specified by the alpha parameter when thetarget is absent. This rate will vary with extraneous factors, including the number ofprobe-pairs used.

NOTE: the saturated probepairs are excluded from thecomputation of absolute calls.If all probe pairs in a probe setare saturated, we make aDetected call.

0 0.10.02 0.04 0.06 0.08


Significance levels 1 and 2 define cut-offs ofp-values for making calls.

Present (detected) p < α1

Marginal α1 ≤ p < α2

Absent (undetected) p ≥ α2


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COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (COMPARISON CALLS)A comparative call answers the question: “Does the expression level of a transcript onone chip (experiment) change (significantly) with respect to the other chip (baseline)?”The possible distinct answers are Increase, Marginally Increased, No Change detected,Marginally Decreased, and Decrease. As with detection calls, No Change means thedifference is below the threshold of detection. That is, the difference is not provablydifferent from zero. It is important to note that some probe-sets are more variable thanothers, and the minimal expression difference provably different from zero may rangefrom a small value to very large value (for a noisy probe-set, or for low concentrations).Note that saturated probe pairs are excluded from the computation of comparative calls.If all probe pairs of a probe set are saturated, we report that no comparative call can bemade.

We attempt to find changes in expression level by examining changes in theintensities of both PM and MM probes between experiments. The differences in PM andMM in both experiments and differences between PM and background in bothexperiments are examined using a non-parametric Wilcoxon rank test to look forsignificant differences.

Differences between PM and MM and Differences between PM and Background(Experimental and Baseline) ➠ Change call and p-value

SaturationIf one of the four cells (PM and MM in Baseline and PM and MM in Experiment) issaturated (PM or MM 46000), the corresponding probe pair is not used in furthercomputations. The number of discarded cells can be determined from the Stat CommonPairs parameter.

Quantities Used in Comparative CallsFor a probe set of n probe pairs, we form two n-dimensional vectors for comparativecalls.

( ) ( )1 1, , and , ,n nq q q z z z= =K K

The component qi is the difference between Perfect Match intensity PMi and Mismatchintensity MMi for the ith probe pair:

( )- , 1, , ,i i iq PM MM i n= = K

and the component zi is the difference between the Perfect Match intensity PMi andbackground level bi:

( )- , 1, ,i i iz PM b i n= = K

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b is the background and is calculated the same as for Data Preparation (b(x,y)) .

Using both q and z can produce better empirical call results than using only one of them.

Balancing FactorsNote: The factors computed in this section are not reported by the software.

The distributions of q and z over all probe pairs in an experiment are slightly and subtlydifferent from each other, and are different between two experiments. We thereforeprovide a balancing factor for each type of data to correct some of this difference. (Thedistributions of q and z are also not identical to the Signal distribution, and therefore thescaling factor used for signal is not used here).

Vectors q and z have two different balancing factors:

e[i] is a modified average of qj for the probe pairs of transcript i, and is calculated as theaverage of all q values within three standard deviations from the average q for transcripti. We calculate a global balancing factor using the trimmed mean of e[i] over alltranscripts i:

[ ]( ),0.02,0.98


trimmedMean e i=

If ( [ ],0.02,0.98) 0trimmedMean e i ≤ , the scaling factor can be calculated as:

[ ]( )( )max ,0 ,0.02,0.98


trimmedMean e i=

These values are calculated for both the experiment (E) and the baseline (B) arrays. Nowthe primary balancing factor nf can be calculated:



A second, primary balancing factor nf2 is calculated for z. The calculations are exactly thesame as for q, except only z values are used. These values are calculated for both theexperiment (E) and the baseline (B) arrays to give:



sf Enf

sf B=

The two balancing factors are combined to match the distributions of q and z over thewhole signal range.

However, any calculated balancing factor is only an approximation to the true differencesbetween the distributions. To allow for small differences between the distributions notcovered by the balancing factor, we will use a range of balancing factors. We straddle the


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true balancing function by using three different balancing factors f[k] for q, as well asthree different balancing factors f2[k] for z (k = 0, 1, 2). They are defined as:

[0] * [1] [2]

22[0] 2* 2[1] 2 2[2]

nff nf d f nf f


f nf d f nf fd

= = =

= = =

where 1d ≤ , (default = 1.1).

Special CaseIf the algorithm settings indicate a user defined balancing factor and the factor is notequal to 1 then, nf = nf2 = user defined normalization factor * sfE /sfB

where sfE is the experiment sf and sfB is the baseline sf as described in the Scaled ProbeValue section.

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (Appendix I)For every unit, we can form the (2n)-dimensional vector qB in the baseline and vector qEin the experiment. For k = 0, 1, 2, three vectors were formed:

[ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]( )

( )

* -

* 2 * -

1, , ; 0,1, 2

default 0.2

v k i f k qE i qB i

v k i n C f k zE i zB i

i n k



+ =

= ==


and three, one-sided p-values p[k] from the signed rank tests of the null hypothesis[ ]( )

0 : median 0H v k =versus the alternative hypothesis

[ ]( )1 : median 0H v k > .

We use significance levels 1 and 2 to make calls. 1 is the small significance level forcomparative calls of a unit (an interpolation of 1H and 1L), and is 0.0025 fordefault values of 1H and 1L. 2, the large significance level for comparative calls of aunit (an interpolation of 2H and 2L), and is 0.003 for default values of 2H and 2L. 1

and 2 should satisfy the relationship 0 < 1L < 2L < 0.5 and 0 < 1H < 2H < 0.5.

The 1value is a linear interpolation of 1L and 1H. Similarly 2 is derived from 2L and 2 H. The ability to adjust the stringency of calls associated with high and low signalranges independently makes it possible to compensate for effects that influence callsbased on low and high signals. However, this feature is not used by default, because thedefaults are set as 1L = 1H and 2L = 2H

f 2 [0] = nf2*d f 2 [1] = nf2 f 2 [2] =nf2

f 2 [k]

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The cut off p-values may appear verysmall if you are used to the usualsignificance value of 0.05. This is due totwo reasons:

Due to the multiple measurementproblem, we require smaller p-valuesto ensure that we do not get too manyfalse calls for the whole collection oftranscripts. This is similar to aBonferroni correction, but wedetermine the value empirically.

The p-value produced by thiscalculation is also an over estimate ofsignificance, because we are using twovalues, PM-MM and PM-background,that are not truly independentmeasures. Further, the nulldistribution does not exactly describethe empirical situation, and so criticalthresholds may change with thenumber of probes.

However, the purpose of the p-valuesproduced here is to rank results inorder of significance, so the absolutep-value is not important.

A representation of a range of p-values for a data set. The Y-axis is the probeset signal. The arrows on the vertical bars represent the adjustable values.The value is a linear interpolation of 1L and 1H. Similarly 2 is derivedfrom 2L and 2H.

0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.997(1 - 0.003)

1−γ2 1−γ1

p value


γ1 γ2


10.998(1 - 0.002)

0.999(1 - 0.001)

No change




γ1H γ2H

γ1L 1−γ1L

1−γ1H 1−γ2H


We use the “critical” p-value as our output p-value.

The critical p-value, p is the most conservative in makingincrease and decrease calls. It is defined by the followingformula:

max( 0, 1, 2) 0 0.5, 1 0.5 2 0.5

min( 0, 1, 2) 0 0.5, 1 0.5 2 0.5

0.5 otherwise

p p p p if p p and p

p p p p if p p and p


= < < <= > > >=


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The margins can also be represented as follows (16-20 probe pairs):

If none of the above conditions are satisfied, we make a No-Change call.

Adjusting Parameters

Decreasing ( 1L and 1H) can reduce the number of false Increase and Decreasecalls, but can also reduce the number of true Increase and Decrease calls.

Increasing ( 2L and 2H) can reduce the number of false No-Change-detectedcalls, but can also reduce the number of true No-Change-detected calls.

Increasing the perturbation parameter d can increase the number of true No-Change-detected calls, but can also increase the number of false No-change-detected calls.

It is recommended to use two ormore identical sample replicates toadjust parameters.

All comparative call thresholdsshould ideally be empiricallydetermined from the false-positiverate. Set an allowed false change callrate, e.g., 0.01. Sort the p-values andfind the significant level that give thisrate of increasing or decreasing calls.Do not set the allowed false changecall rate too small, because it will bevery difficult to make increasing ordecreasing calls for otherexperiments where these calls arereasonable.














increase [1]


[0]marginally increase

[1]but not increase


[0] 1 -

decrease [1] 1 -

[2] 1 -

[0] 1 -marginally decrease

[1] 1 -but not decrease

[2] 1 -















< < <

< < <

> > >

> >











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REFERENCESHoaglin, D.C., Mosteller, F., Tukey, J.W. Understanding Robust and Exploratory DataAnalysis John Wiley & Sons, New York (2000).

Hollander, M., Wolfe, D.A. Nonparametric Statistical Methods (second edition) JohnWiley & Sons, New York (1999).

Hubbell, E., Liu, W.M., Mei, R. Robust Estimators for Expression Analysis. InPreparation (2002).

Liu, W.M., Mei, R., Bartell, D.M., Di, X., Webster, T.A., Ryder, T. Rank-basedAlgorithms for Analysis of Microarrays Proceedings SPIE 4266, 56-67 (2001).

Liu, W.M., Mei, R., Di, X., Ryder, T., Hubbell, E., Dee, S., Webster, T.A., Harrington,C.A., Ho, M., Bald, J., Smeekens, S. Analysis of High Density Expression Microarrayswith signed-rank call algorithms. In preparation (2001).

Wilcoxon, F. Individual Comparisons by Ranking Methods Biometrics 1, 80-83 (1945).

Roderick, J.A., Little, D., Rubin, B. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data Wiley, NewYork (1987).

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One-Step Tukey's Biweight Algorithm

PurposeThere are several stages in the algorithms in which we want to calculate an average. Thebiweight algorithm is a method to determine a robust average unaffected by outliers.

1. First, the median is determined to define the center of the data.2. Then the distance of each data point from the median is determined. This distance

is then used to determine how much each value should contribute to the average.For example, outliers that are far away from the median should contribute less tothe average.

The full biweight algorithm iterates through aprocess of calculating the estimate and thenreweighting the observations until there is no furtherchange. We found that the first step of the biweightiteration provides the most useful increase inquality.

MethodThe one-step biweight algorithm begins bycalculating the median M for a data set with nvalues. In the Signal measurement, this data setconsists of the log (PM-IM) probe values of a probeset with n probe pairs.

Next, we calculate the absolute distance for eachdata point from the median. We then calculate S, themedian of the absolute distances from M. TheMedian Absolute Deviation, MAD, is an initialmeasure of spread.

For each data point i, a uniform measure of distancefrom the center is given by:

, 1, ,ii

x Mu i n

cS ε−= =+


c is a tuning constant (default c = 5).

ε is a very small value used to avoid zero values in the division (default ε = 0.0001).

The top box represents a series of values such asintensities. The broken line represents themedian M. The arrows indicate the distance ofthe actual values from M.

The arrows are re-plotted in the bottom box. Thedirection of the arrows (deviation) is notimportant, so we determine the absolute values.The next step is to determine the MedianAbsolute Deviation (MAD). This is a robustmeasure of the spread of a set of values. Unlikestandard deviation, it is not thrown off byoutliers.




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Weights are then calculated by the bisquare function:

( )221 , 1( )

0, 1

u uw u


− ≤= >

For each point, the weight w is reduced by a function of its distance from the median sooutliers are effectively discounted by a smooth function. When values are very far fromthe median, their weights are reduced to zero.

The corrected values can now be calculated by using the one-step w-estimate (a weightedmean):

Tbi =∑w(u)xi


“The performance of one-step-from-the-median w-estimators is essentially as good asthat of fully iterated M-estimates” (Hoaglin, Mosteller, Tukey). We follow theirsuggestion and save computation by using this w-estimate.

The t distribution can then be used to determine a confidence interval length.

Confidence IntervalsAn additional benefit of the biweight algorithm is that we can calculate confidence limitsusing standard statistics.

The first step is to calculate the measure of uncertainty for the biweight sbi:

( )( )2 2 4

| | 1

2 2


( ) (1 )

1 1 5i



i iu

n x M us

u u



− −=

− −


An approximate 95% confidence interval is then computed as

( ) ( )0.9751 2, ,..., bi

bi n df

ST x x x t

where (0.975)dft is the 97.5th percentile

for the t distribution with the numberof degrees of freedom set equal to

( )max 0.7 ( -1),1n∗ .

data distribution

low high

2.5% 97.5%



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One-sided Wilcoxon’s Signed Rank TestWilcoxon’s signed rank test possesses many good properties ofnonparametric statistical methods.

1. It does not assume a normal data distribution.2. It is robust and insensitive to outliers.3. It can be used on raw data without much handling.

The signed rank test applies to two paired data sets. For examplePMi and MMi probes in a probe set or (PMi-MMi)Baseline and (PMi-MMi)Experiment from paired data sets. To demonstrate signed ranktest procedure, we consider two paired data sets: baseline b andexperiment e with n probe pairs, b = (b1, ..., bn) and e = (e1, ..., en)and calculate di = ei - bi for every probe pair.

Uninformative (Tied) Probe PairsWe first calculate the absolute differences |di| for all pairs of data. We exclude the probepairs whose di = 0 from further computation. If all differences are zero, we output 0.5 asthe one-sided p-value.

Rank SumThe steps for calculating the rank sum for non-zero differences are as follows:

Then we form the sum of positive signed ranks. In our example,

1 2 4 5 10.5S s s s s= + + + = .

Start valuesei - bi

Convert toabsolutevalues

Sort inincreasingorder


Place ranksback in theiroriginal order

Their signedranks

d1 = 2 |d1| = 2 a4 = 0.5 r4 = 1.5 r1 = 4.5 S1 = 4.5d2 = 1 |d2| = 1 a5 = 0.5 r5 = 1.5 r2 = 3 S2 = 3d3 = -2 |d3| = 2 a2 = 1 r2 = 3 r3 = 4.5 S3 = -4.5d4 = 0.5 |d4| = 0.5 a1 = 2 r1 = 4.5 r4 = 1.5 S4 = 1.5d5 = 0.5 |d5| = 0.5 a3 = 2 r3 = 4.5 r5 = 1.5 S5 = 1.5

NOTE where valuesare identical, such as R4

and R5 the values areranked 1 and 2 and weassign the average,which is 1.5, to both ofthem.

NOTE: we use the one-sided test here. For the one-sided test, if the nullhypothesis is true, the p-value should be uniformlydistributed between 0 and 1.In other words, if there is nodifference between theexperiment and the baselinethe p-value should be “near”0.5.

When the alternativehypothesis is true (i.e., thereis a positive change), thep-value should be close to 0.

When median (gi - hi) < 0 istrue, the p-value should beclose to 1. This propertymakes the one-sided testuseful for both absolute andcomparative calls.

1 2 3 4 5PMMM

probe set

1 2 3 4 5

probe set

Baseline Experiment

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Confidence ValuesThe changes in probe set values may vary greatly, from very small to very large. Forexample, our confidence in the change will be low if the changes are small or close tobackground. Large, significant changes will have high confidence. The goal is to be ableto set a confidence level and give the final call based on whether or not the confidencelevel exceeds a certain threshold. This will allow us to only accept calls in which we haveconfidence, at the risk of missing small changes that may be real, but have a lowconfidence threshold. Conversely, we may be interested in finding as many changes aspossible at the risk of including changes that may be accidental.

Fortunately, an advantage of the one-sided Wilcoxon’s Signed Rank Test is that there arewell-known methods for calculating p-values. The formulas are fairly complex, but notcritical to understanding how the basic method works. We use two different methods: onefor large probe sets and one for small probe sets.

Small Probe SetsWhen the number of probe pairs n is small (n < 12), we can simply enumerate all thepossible outcomes and compute the p-value directly. In this case, we apply signs to ranksri (i = 1, 2, …, n) in every possible way, calculate the sum of positive ranks and denotethis sum by Sj (j = 1, …, 2n).

( ) ( ) ( )2


( ) 1

( ) 02 0.5

( ) 1

( ) 0


j j

j jnj j

j j j

j j

if S S u S S

if S S u S Sp S u S S u S S

if S S u S S

if S S u S S


> > =≤ > =

= > + == = =≠ = =

u() is the characteristic function; when the argument is a logical expression, it is one ifthe argument is true, and it is zero if the argument is false; when the argument is anumeric expression, it is one if the argument is positive, and it is zero otherwise. Sincethese assignments of ranks are equally probable, we simply need to count the number ofinstances in which they are as large as our observed value.

In our example, all possible signed ranks and the sum of positive ranks Sj are listed (seetable). Since the order of these ranks does not matter, we use the ascending order of theirabsolute values in the table and denote them by s'j.

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Random Signed Ranks for p-value EvaluationJ s'1 s'2 s'3 s'4 s'5 Sj1 -1.5 -1.5 -3 -4.5 -4.5 02 1.5 -1.5 -3 -4.5 -4.5 1.53 -1.5 1.5 -3 -4.5 -4.5 1.54 -1.5 -1.5 3 -4.5 -4.5 35 -1.5 -1.5 -3 4.5 -4.5 4.56 -1.5 -1.5 -3 -4.5 4.5 4.57 1.5 1.5 -3 -4.5 -4.5 38 1.5 -1.5 3 -4.5 -4.5 4.59 1.5 -1.5 -3 4.5 -4.5 610 1.5 -1.5 -3 -4.5 4.5 611 -1.5 1.5 3 -4.5 -4.5 4.512 -1.5 1.5 -3 4.5 -4.5 613 -1.5 1.5 -3 -4.5 4.5 614 -1.5 -1.5 3 4.5 -4.5 7.515 -1.5 -1.5 3 -4.5 4.5 7.516 -1.5 -1.5 -3 4.5 4.5 917 1.5 1.5 3 -4.5 -4.5 618 1.5 1.5 -3 4.5 -4.5 7.519 1.5 1.5 -3 -4.5 4.5 7.520 1.5 -1.5 3 4.5 -4.5 921 1.5 -1.5 3 -4.5 4.5 922 1.5 -1.5 -3 4.5 4.5 10.523 -1.5 1.5 -3 4.5 4.5 10.524 -1.5 1.5 3 -4.5 4.5 925 -1.5 1.5 3 4.5 -4.5 926 -1.5 -1.5 3 4.5 4.5 1227 1.5 1.5 3 4.5 -4.5 10.528 1.5 1.5 3 -4.5 4.5 10.529 1.5 1.5 -3 4.5 4.5 1230 1.5 -1.5 3 4.5 4.5 13.531 -1.5 1.5 3 4.5 4.5 13.532 1.5 1.5 3 4.5 4.5 15

All signed ranks above 10.5 are given a weight of 1 (there are five in Table 1) and itemswith signed ranks equal 10.5 are given a rank of .5 (there are four in Table 1).

In our example ( ) (1 ) (0. 45 )10.5 0.21875




∗ + ∗= =

Large Probe SetsWhen the number of probe pairs n is large (in ourimplementation, 12n ≥ ), we use the asymptoticapproximation. The statistic S ' is considered to have astandard normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1,where:

( 1)4'

2 1( 1)*


n nS


n n vt


++ −

where vt is a term modifying the variance for ties. The formula for vt is:2


( 1), 1:


tk k


b bvt k t


−= =∑

where t is the number of tie groups; bk is the number of ties in the tie group k. The one-sided p-value is

( ) 1 - ( ')p S f S= ,where ( ')f S is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.

The table shows the32 possible resultsfor the five proberanks shown (25

possible ways ofassigning signs toeach rank).

NOTE: Under certaincircumstances “Fisher'spermutation test” may havemore power than Wilcoxonrank. We elected to use thesame test across all numbers ofprobes to be consistent, even ifit has lower power than the bestpossible test.

s'1 s'3 s'5 s'4s'2 S'j

S '

S ')S ')

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Noise (Q) Calculation

The calculation of the Q value is provided here for completeness.

It is not used anywhere in the statistical algorithm. However,since it is based on pixels it provides a useful quality measure ofhow well the grid was placed on the array to calculate the .CELfile. All other calculations are derived from the .CEL file.

Q, the noise for a given probe array hybridization, is calculated by taking the average(over all the cells used in background computation) of the following value in each cell:standard deviation of the pixel intensity (st devi) divided by the square root of the pixel

number ( ipixel ):

where N is the total number of background cells for an array, stdevi is the standarddeviation of the intensities of the pixels making up feature i, pixeli is the number of pixelsin feature i, sf is the scaling factor, and NF is the normalization factor for the analysis.

1 Ni

i i

stdevQ SF NF

N pixel

= × ×

NOTE: The noise(Q) is calculated frompixel values in the DATfile.

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