statistical channel modeling 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013

    1/10Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    AbstractA great amount of work on antennas and

    propagation for body-centric wireless communication has been

    studied at frequencies up to X band; however, on-body radio

    propagation at millimeter/sub-millimeter wave frequencies still

    remains largely unexplored. This paper presents a study of on-

    body radio propagation at 94 GHz, particularly focusing on the

    analysis of specific channels such as waist-to-torso and head-to-

    shoulder links. Measured data are compared with results

    obtained with numerical simulations emphasizing the sensitivity

    of the simulated path loss to the positioning of the receivers with

    respect to the human body.

    I ndex TermsOn-body propagation, millimeter/sub-

    millimeter waves, path loss, ray tracing.

    I. INTRODUCTIONODY-CENTRIC wireless communications are now regarded

    as a well-established subject area, with many published

    papers addressing different aspects related to antennas and

    propagation [1]-[3]. In particular, on-body radio propagation is

    related to the Body Area Networks (BANs), in which human

    subjects are considered as a communication medium, in

    contrast with conventional indoor/outdoor communications,

    where they are just considered as electromagnetic scatterers

    and sources of fading [4]-[6]. BANs are relevant to a wide

    range of applications, of both military and civil relevance,

    including augmented reality, vital signs monitoring and

    interactive entertainment [7], [8]. One of these is the

    development of advanced dismounted infantry, which includes

    various wireless devices integrated in the soldiers gear

    (clothes, weapons, armor) [9], [10], aimed at increasing its

    performance and effectiveness. Many BAN antennas and on-

    body propagation studies have been focused on 2.4 GHz,

    5.8 GHz and UWB bands [1], [11]-[13], while various groups

    have devoted themselves to the study of network topology andtransmission protocols [14]-[16].

    Although antennas and radio propagation for on-body

    communications at frequencies up to X band have been

    studied extensively, research interests in higher frequency

    Manuscript received June 15, 2012. This work was supported by the U.K.

    Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), under Grant


    A. Pellegrini, A. Brizzi, L. Zhang and Y. Hao are with the Antennas and

    Electromagnetics Group, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer

    Science at Queen Mary, University of London, London, E1 4NS UK, (e-mail:[email protected] ).

    bands are still growing, particularly at mm-wave/sub-mm-

    wave frequencies. Indeed, on-body propagation at 60 GHz has

    been recently studied [17]-[19]. This interest is justified by the

    following reasons. First of all, the use of higher frequencies

    would enable broadband mobile communications with an

    extremely high data rate, required, for instance, in case of real-

    time audio and video streaming. Moreover, a shorter

    wavelength allows the realization of more compact devices,

    which is of paramount importance in the design of wearabledevices. MM/sub-mm waves also demonstrate higher free-

    space attenuation with respect to microwaves: from the point

    of view of the security, this is an important feature, which

    allows to confine the wave propagation in the proximity of the

    human body, thus limiting the possibility of interference with

    other systems and, in military and defense, reducing the

    probability of interception by hostile forces [20].

    A further advantage of mm-waves is the limited interaction

    with biological tissues, reducing possible concerns relevant to

    electromagnetic exposure of the human body [21]. This is

    particularly due to the fact that, at these frequencies, the

    penetration depth into the human tissues gets smaller and,

    thus, it minimizes the absorption of waves generated by on-body devices. However, this is an area subject to further

    studies and it is out of the scope of this work.

    Finally, the possibility of avoiding requesting licenses is

    likely to be a strong incentive to the widespread

    implementation of mm-wave BAN systems: for this reason,

    the frequencies around 60 GHz and 94 GHz raise particular

    interest. In fact, many countries allow the unlicensed use of a

    portion of the spectrum of up to 7 GHz around 60 GHz [22],

    which allows data rates greater than 2 Gbit/s. Moreover, in the

    USA the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows

    the use of the frequencies between 92 and 95 GHz for

    unlicensed indoor applications [23], [24] and the European

    Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) was invited to

    follow this indication.

    An additional advantage of these two bands is that they do

    not seem to be good candidates for point-to-point long range

    multi-Gbit/s links [25], [26]: this reduces the risk that such

    frequency bands get overcrowded by an excessive amount of


    In addition, the high free space loss also contributes to the

    reduction of the BAN-to-BAN interference. Table I reports the

    calculation of path losses in free space for various distances

    Statistical Path-Loss Model for On-body

    Communications at 94 GHz

    Alessio Brizzi, Student Member, IEEE, Alice Pellegrini, Lianhong Zhang, Member, IEEE,and Yang Hao,Fellow, IEEE


  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    relevant to body-centric systems at 94GHz. On the other hand,

    although the atmospheric absorption increases with the

    frequency [27], its contribution to the on-body link is still

    negligible at the considered distances.




    AtmosphericAbsorption [dB]

    Free Space Path Loss[dB]

    0.3 1.5e-4 61.4

    1 5e-4 71.9

    5 2.5e-3 85.910 5e-3 91.9

    However, the use of mm-waves for on-body applications

    presents significant challenges. If the high free space

    attenuation helps in confining the energy around the human

    body and mitigates the risk of interference, it also results in

    high attenuation on the transmitter-receiver link. The free

    space attenuation over a 50 cm link increases from 34 dB at

    2.45 GHz to 62 dB and 66 dB at 60 GHz and 94 GHz

    respectively. The wavelength, which is equal to 5 mm at60 GHz and 3.2 mm at 94 GHz, also makes the human body a

    scatterer with extremely large electrical dimensions: this may

    introduce heavy fades due to shadowing effects, as the loss of

    the line-of-sight (LOS) link is highly possible in relation to

    movements of human body parts.

    A further point that differentiates BANs at mm-waves from

    those at lower frequencies is that the presence of clothing

    cannot be considered negligible, as the majority of

    investigations at lower frequencies have implicitly or

    explicitly implied [1], [28], [29]. The typical thickness of

    clothes, ranging from tenths of millimeter up to a few

    millimeters, is comparable to the wavelength at V and W

    bands, and it has been demonstrated how their presence can

    affect the power transmission coefficient between air and skin

    at 60 GHz [21].

    For the above mentioned reasons, the on-body environment

    is potentially hostile to the propagation of millimeter waves.

    Therefore, the characterization of the propagation channel is

    urgently needed for the development of reliable mm-wave

    BANs. So far, modeling of the propagation channel up to

    frequencies at the X band has been relying mainly on

    measurement campaigns and full-wave simulations based on

    the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method [28],

    [30]-[34]. If at these frequencies the FDTD has the advantage

    of being able to take into account both in-body and off-bodypropagation, at mm-wave frequencies such an approach does

    not seem to be feasible: the electrical dimensions of the human

    body (in the order of hundreds of wavelengths) make the

    computational burden of an FDTD simulation extremely high.

    In addition, the penetration depth is small [35], [36], resulting

    in a remarkable fraction of the computational time being spent

    to calculate the negligible field inside the human body.

    Therefore, the use of ray-based methods has been considered

    [17], [18].

    The aim of this paper is to provide a preliminary path loss

    characterization for on-body communication at 94 GHz and to

    evaluate the tradeoff between experimental investigation and

    numerical prediction. This is achieved through the

    investigation of the on-body propagation channel over the

    head-shoulder and waist-torso links at 94 GHz. A

    measurement campaign has been carried out, considering

    various positions of the receiver on the shoulder and the chest

    area and the collected data have been compared with the ones

    obtained by using ray-based methods applied to a similar bodycentric scenario. In addition, measured data have been

    compared with similar results obtained at lower frequencies


    Finally, in order to evaluate the sensitivity of the

    methodology to the position of the receivers, two different

    grids of receivers were considered for the waistto-chest link:

    a planar and a conformal one. The commercial software

    Remcom XGTD [38], which implements a combination of GO

    (Geometrical Optics) and UTD (Uniform Theory of

    Diffraction), has been used to analyze the aforementioned


    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II

    describes the measurement campaign carried out on the

    investigated channels. In Section III the numerical simulation

    has been described and in Section IV a comparison between

    the simulated data and the measured ones has been shown.

    The conclusions are drawn in Section V.

    II. EXPERIMENTAL CHARACTERIZATIONTwo standard flanged rectangular waveguides (WR-10) at

    94 GHz have been used as transmitter and receiver by placing

    them in proximity of a human subject in different reciprocal

    positions. These antennas present a less directive pattern

    compared to the commercially available W-band hornantennas and, therefore, they appear to be less sensitive to the

    misalignment between the transmitter and the receiver.

    The path loss relative to two different links has been

    measured: the head-shoulder link and the waist-torso link. In

    the former case, the transmitter antenna has been fixed on the

    head of the subject, above the ear; the receiver has been placed

    near the shoulder, on the same side of the head, in

    correspondence of several distances from the transmitter

    (Fig. 1a). In the latter case, the transmitter has been placed on

    the left side of the belt and the receiver has been moved in

    order to scan a grid of different positions placed parallel to the

    body in the chest area (Fig. 1b). The dimensions of the grid

    have been chosen in order to cover the torso area; in

    particular, the grid is set to be 30 cm by 36 cm. The spacing

    (equal to 3 cm) has been fixed in order to obtain a good trade-

    off between having a sufficient amount of data and limiting

    the measurement time. The distance between the center of the

    waveguide and the body surface is 1cm, resulting from the

    flange of the waveguide plus a thin spacer to avoid direct

    contact between the waveguide and the human subject. The

    measured data were collected on a conformal grid due to the

    body curvature. Both the transmitter and the receiver have

    been placed on top of the cloths. Fig. 2 shows the

  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    measurement setup without the presence of the human subject

    (a), and with the human subject for the waist-to-torso link (b-

    c) and for the head-to-shoulder link (d). The absorbers used to

    minimize scattering from the measurement system were

    removed in (d) for a clearer visualization of the set-up.

    The waist-torso link has been investigated considering the

    human subject wearing two different types of clothes: a thin

    cotton T-shirt and a thick wool sweater.

    The measurements of the path loss for the described linkshave been carried out by using the system setup depicted in

    Fig. 3. A Continuous Wave (CW) generator has been used to

    generate a signal at 10.4 GHz, which represents the input for

    the frequency multiplier.

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 1. Position of transmitter and receiver: head-shoulder link (a) and waist-

    torso link (b).

    The signal at 94 GHz, output of the multiplier, is decoupled

    by the 20 dB directional coupler. This module provides both

    the feeding for the open-end rectangular waveguide WR-10

    and the input signal for the mixer.

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Fig. 2. Measurement setup: no human subject (a), waist-to-torso link (b-c)

    and head-to-shoulder link (d).

    This module extracts the 9th harmonic of the 94 GHz signal

    and combines it with the one generated by the Local Oscillator

    (LO) in order to obtain a reference signal at a frequency of

    20 MHz, which represents the input for the Vector Network

    Analyzer (VNA). On the receiving path, the second

    waveguide (WR-10) is remotely controlled by a mechanical

    scan with a precision of 0.1 mm. The 9 th harmonic of the

    received signal is combined with the one generated by the LO

    in order to obtain a test signal again at 20 MHz. Finally, theVNA allows comparing the received signal with the reference

    one, both at 20 MHz, in order to obtain the path loss in terms

    of S21 parameter.

    Fig. 3. Measurement system for evaluation of path loss over the waist-torso

    and head-shoulder links.

    Firstly, the head-shoulder link has been considered; in order

    to scan the shoulder area, the receiving antenna has been

    moved covering four different distances from the head. The

    measured path loss has been reported in Table II.




    distance [mm]

    Measured Path

    Loss [dB]

    24.0 36.5

    26.0 3928.0 40.8

    30.0 41

    For what concerns the waist-torso link, the propagation

    channel has been investigated in terms of path loss exponent

    and shadowing factor according to the following model [39],


    () () () (1)

    where PL(d0) is the estimated path loss at the reference

    distance d0 between transmitter and receiver, is the path loss

    exponent and N(0,) is a normal distribution which has zero

    expectation and standard deviation , representing the

    shadowing factor. Actually, several statistical models have

    been considered for the latter, and the t-location scale

    distribution reveals to be the best fit according to the Log-

    likelihood criterion. However, the discrepancy between






    10.4 GHzLO

    10.4 GHz


    94 GHz



    9th Harmonic


    9th Harmonic


    Vector Network Analyser


  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    this distribution and the normal one is less than 5%.

    Therefore, a normal distribution of the shadowing factor

    has been here considered to avoid increasing the

    complexity of the model.

    By observing the previous formula, it can be noticed that

    the path loss is assumed to be dependent on the logarithm of

    the distance d between the transmitter and the receiver,

    normalized to the minimum distance d0 between the two

    antennas. According to the linear model expressed in (1), thepath loss exponent , which allows taking into account the

    propagation in a complex environment, is equal to 2 for

    propagation in free space and is expected to be higher for

    propagation in presence of scatterers and obstacles. Two sets

    of measured data have been obtained considering the human

    subject wearing firstly a thin cotton T-shirt and then a wool

    sweater. The measurements have been carried out considering

    a minimum distance d0 of 10 cm. The two sets of measured

    data have been plotted in Fig. 4. According to the sensitivity

    of the instruments, path loss contributions higher than 80 dB

    have been neglected.

    By considering the above mentioned figure, in order to

    obtain the path loss exponent of the measured data, the linear

    regression has been calculated.

    In particular, in the case of the data shown in Fig. 4, relative

    to the measurements performed on a human subject wearing a

    thin cotton T-shirt, the path loss exponent is 4.4; in the case of

    the human subject wearing a thicker wool sweater (Fig. 4), the

    coefficient in (1) is equal to 4.5. The higher value in the case

    of a wool sweater is probably due to the combination of

    different dielectric and geometrical properties with respect to

    the previous scenario. The higher electrical conductivity of

    wool with respect to cotton, and the larger thickness of the

    sweater in comparison with the T-shirt make the space close to

    the human trunk more adverse to propagation. The CumulativeDistribution Function (CDF) of the shadowing factorN(0,,),

    obtained according to (1), is shown in Fig. 5 for the two

    measured sets of data.

    In the case of the measurements performed on the human

    subject wearing a cotton T-shirt, the standard deviation of the

    curve which fits the data is equal to 6.4, while in the case of

    the wool sweater the same parameter is equal to 8.7. The

    increase in the shadowing factor confirms that the propagation

    channel is significantly affected by the presence of clothes. A

    comparison with the results obtained by Sani et al. [37], [43]

    at 2.4 GHz in a similar scenario is shown Table III. Due to the

    dependence of the electromagnetic properties of the human

    tissues on the frequency, in the two referred cases, thedielectric permittivity and the electrical conductivity are

    respectively higher and lower than the correspondent ones at

    94 GHz (Table IV) [36].

    Paper [37] analyses four different antennas (microstrip

    rectangular patch, planar monopole, point source and inverted

    L), and the mean values of and have been reported in the

    Table III. In [43] various subjects are considered: out of them,

    Male 02 is very similar to the subject of the measurements of

    the present investigation (1.78 m height per 74 Kg weight),

    and the relevant values are reported in the same table. It can be

    noticed how both the path loss exponent and the shadowing

    factor are higher in the 94 GHz scenario, even if the antenna

    considered in this work presents a greater gain and a good

    omnidirectionality over the area of interest. This can be

    ascribed to the bigger electrical dimensions of the obstacles

    over the body surface (curvature of waist, stomach and chest),

    which increase the scattering and obstruct the propagation.


    2.4 GHZ AND 94GHZ

    Analyzed ScenarioFrequency




    Hugo Model [37] 2.4 3.8 5.2

    Male 02 [43] 2.4 2.8 3.9

    Cotton t-shirt 94 4.4 6.4

    Wool sweater 94 4.5 8.7



    Frequency Dry Skin rDry Skin

    [S/m]Muscle r



    2.4 GHz 38.06 1.44 52.79 1.7094 GHz 5.79 39.18 9.01 61.46

    Fig. 4. Measured path loss for the waist-torso link: human subject wearing a

    cotton T-shirt (blue) and human subject wearing wool sweater (red).

    Fig. 5. Cumulative Distribution Function of the shadowing factor for

    measured data.











    0 2 4 6 8











    0 2 4 6 8




    Measured data (Wool Sweater)

    Linear regression (=4.51)

    Measured data (Cotton T-shirt)

    Linear regression (=4.36)

  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    III. NUMERICAL ANALYSISThe numerical analysis has been performed by using the

    software RemCom XGTDv2.5 which implements a

    combination of Geometrical Optics and Uniform Theory of

    Diffraction (GO-UTD).

    The modifications of the radiation patterns of the antennas

    due to the proximity of the human body have been taken into


    Fig. 6. Digital phantom of a male human body.

    A. Numerical ModelThe investigated numerical model, shown in Fig. 6, is

    shaped to have dimensions similar to the subject of the

    measurement campaign, and consists of a 3-dimensional

    surface composed by triangular facets. This model has been

    obtained by means of the statistical analysis of MRI (Magnetic

    Resonance Imaging) scans of a population of several human

    subjects which present different ranges of shape [41].

    In order to take into account the electromagnetic properties

    of the tissues and the fabrics, the model has been considered

    as a stratified structure. In particular, three different areas can

    be distinguished according to the clothes worn by the human

    subject used for the measurements. Considering the small

    penetration depth at the investigated frequency of 94 GHz[30], the body has been assumed as having the dielectric

    characteristics of dry skin: hence the fictitious thickness of

    30 mm assigned to the skin layer. Following this assumption,

    the parts uncovered by the clothes, such as the head, are

    associated to a single layer of skin.

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 7. Layered model: according to the position of the clothes, three differentareas of coverage can be distinguished.

    In order to have as much similarity as possible between the

    simulated scenario and the measured one, two models wearing

    thin cotton T-shirt and a wool sweater have been considered.

    As indicated in Fig. 7, the former is represented by a layer of

    dry skin, a layer of air (1 mm of thickness) and a layer of

    cotton (1 mm of thickness). In the latter model a layer which

    has the electromagnetic properties of the wool replaces the one

    which represents the cotton fabric. In addition, a model

    entirely made of dry skin has been considered for a


    In Table V the electromagnetic properties and the

    thicknesses of each material have been considered [36], [42].



    MaterialRelative Dielectric


    Conductivity [S/m]Thickness


    Dry Skin 5.79 39.18 30

    Cotton 1.5 0.01 1

    Wool 2 0.1 5

    Air 1 0 1

    As described in the previous section, the path loss of two

    different sets of reciprocal positions of the transmitter and the

    receivers has been evaluated.

    In order to simulate a scenario as similar as possible to the

    measurement setup, the transmitter and receiver positioningdescribed in Section II (Fig. 1) has been replicated. For the

    waist-to-torso link, both a flat and a conformal grid of

    receivers have been taken into account. It is worth mentioning

    that in the case of the flat grid, the transmitter does not lay on

    the plane defined by the receivers; therefore the LOS

    condition is not guaranteed for all the receivers. The two grids

    were considered in order to evaluate how the agreement

    between simulated and measured results changes according to

    the accuracy of the simulated scenario. Setting a conformal

    grid is, in fact, a very time-consuming process, and it has to be

    repeated every time when a different numerical phantom is

    considered. If it is accurate enough, the use of a flat grid

    would otherwise be useful to speed up the analysis process.

    B. Pattern Evaluation in proximity of the human bodyIn a typical body-centric scenario, the antennas are required

    to operate in proximity of the human body. Therefore,

    depending on both the shape and the electromagnetic

    properties of the human body at the investigated frequencies,

    the performance of the antennas, in terms of radiation pattern,

    can be affected. In order to take into account this effect, a

    simulation of the flanged rectangular waveguide, used in the

    measurement setup, operating in proximity of a slice of skin,

    has been performed in CST Microwave Studio.

    As described in Section II, for both the investigated links,

    the antenna can assume two different positions with respect tothe human body. In particular, the E plane of the rectangular

    waveguide is orthogonal to the body when the transmitter is

    placed on the head. Transmitters and receivers placed in the

    area of the shoulder, of the chest and of the belt, exhibit the E

    plane parallel to the body. In order to address this issue, the

    flanged rectangular waveguide has been simulated in

    proximity of the human body according to the two above

    described reciprocal positions. Therefore, a flat digital

    phantom which presents the properties of the dry skin

    (Table V) has been placed parallel and orthogonal to the E


    Dry Skin


    Dry Skin


  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    plane of the waveguide, as indicated in Fig. 8 (a) and Fig. 8

    (b), respectively.

    In order to evaluate whether additional losses related to the

    impedance mismatch due to the proximity of the human body

    should be considered, the distance between the antenna and

    the body has been set to different values. An S11 lower than

    -10dB has been observed in every case; therefore the

    impedance mismatch of the flanged waveguide used in this

    study does not affect the path loss evaluation.The radiation patterns, evaluated on the E and H plane, of

    the flanged waveguide operating near a vertical and a

    horizontal digital phantom are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10

    respectively. By referring to the these figures, it is important

    to note that the symmetry of the radiation pattern is not

    preserved on the E or on the H plane, according to the

    operative conditions of the antenna in proximity of the human


    (a) (b)

    Fig. 8. Flanged rectangular waveguide operating in proximity of a slice

    of human body: E plane parallel to the skin (a) and E plane orthogonal

    to the skin (b).

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 9. Gain of the flanged rectangular waveguide operating in proximity of avertical slice of dry skin: E plane (a) and H plane (b).

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 10. Gain of the flanged rectangular waveguide operating in proximity ofan horizonthal slice of dry skin: E plane (a) and H plane (b).

    The evaluated radiation patterns have been imported in

    Remcom XGTD and then assigned to both the transmitter and

    the receiver. The transmitting and receiving antenna have been

    aligned according to the polarization of the electric field, as

    indicated in Fig. 11 (a)-(b) for both head-shoulder and waist-

    torso link. In order to achieve a good trade-off between

    numerical accuracy and computational burden, in addition to

    the direct ray, 4th order contributions for reflected rays and 1 st

    order contribution for the transmitted ray have been taken into

    account. Moreover, contributions due to wedge and surfacediffraction have also been considered.

    (a) (b)


    Fig. 11. Antenna position for head-shoulder link (a) and for waist-torso link(b). Head of digital phantom with ear (c).

    IV. COMPARISON OF RESULTSTo evaluate the reliability of the ray-tracing technique for

    predicting on-body radio propagation, a comparison between

    the measured and simulated data has been carried out.

    Firstly, the head-shoulder link has been examined. The

    simulated path loss has been compared with the measured one

    (Table II) for four different transmitter-receiver distances; the

    results are shown in Table VI. Both the cases with and without

    the presence of the ear(Fig. 11 (c)) have been considered.

    Moreover, a comparison between the data obtained by

    considering a model entirely made of dry skin and a model

    wearing woolen fabrics, described in Section III (a), has been

    shown in Table VI, as well.By referring to Table VI, it can be noticed that, for the

    considered link there are no significant differences between

    the path loss values obtained by considering human body

    models made of different materials.

    For what concerns the comparison with the measured data,

    it is important to note that for the head-shoulder link, the

    transmitter and the receiver are in Line of Sight (LoS) for each

    investigated reciprocal position, therefore the direct ray

    represents the main contribution to the path loss calculation.

  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.





    Analyzed scenariodistance

    [cm] 24.0distance

    [cm] 26.0distance

    [cm] 28.0distance

    [cm] 30.0

    Measured Path Loss 36.5 39.0 40.8 41.0

    Simulated Path Loss

    (wool sweater


    52.4 46.7 38.9 45.4

    Simulated Path Loss

    (dry skin model)52.5 46.8 41.0 45.3

    Simulated Path Loss

    (wool sweater

    model) + ear

    25.7 36.8 41.8 41.0

    Path Loss (dry skin

    model)+ear25.7 38.2 40.7 41.3

    The presence of the ear makes the model more realistic,

    indeed diffraction from the ear affects the path loss evaluated

    at each receiver providing very accurate results compared with

    the measured ones. On the other hand, this analysis confirms

    that the 24 cm link is more critical than the others. Thedisagreement in the data could be due to mis-shaped antenna

    radiation pattern associated with the transmitter and the

    receiver. In the specific case of the minimum distance here

    considered (24 cm), the difference in the measured and

    simulated path loss is mainly due to the proximity of the head.

    Indeed the local orientation of the facets can strongly affect

    the propagation direction of the rays. In this latter case, the

    contribution due to multiple bounces or diffracted rays

    become more significant, and a small difference between the

    real and simulated scenario can bring to a remarkable punctual

    discrepancy between the two. However it is worth mentioning

    that the head-to-shoulder link has validity in the light of a

    preliminary point-to-point analysis. In fact, this link isstrongly affected by the movements of the head: therefore it

    requires a detailed statistical analysis, which is out of the

    scope of the present paper and will be the subject of future


    Subsequently, results for the waist-torso link have been

    compared with the measured ones in terms of path loss

    exponent as described in Section II. Fig. 12 shows path loss

    values, obtained as a function of the logarithm of the

    normalized distance between the transmitter and the receiver,

    for both a conformal and flat grid, relative to three different

    cases: the model has the properties of dry skin, cotton T-shirt

    and woolen sweater.

    In Fig. 13 the CDF of the shadowing factor, expressed in

    (1), evaluated in three simulated cases, is shown.

    The comparison between simulated and measured data is

    summarized in Tables VII and VIII in terms of path loss

    exponent and shadowing factor of data. The simulated data

    have been obtained considering both a flat and a conformal

    grid of receivers.

    By observing the data shown in Tables VII and VIII, it can

    be noticed that the presence of thin cotton T-shirt does not

    significantly affect the estimation of the path loss exponent

    with respect to the case of the model characterized only by dry






    (flat grid)



    Dry skin N.A. 3.7 4.5

    Dry skin + cottonT-shirt

    4.4 3.7 4.7

    Dry skin + wool

    sweater4.5 4.2 4.8






    (flat grid)



    Dry skin N.A. 8.0 8.9

    Dry skin + cotton

    T-shirt6.4 8.8 9.1

    Dry skin + wool

    sweater8.7 7.1 8.3

    In addition, by comparing the simulation results, obtained

    with a flat and a conformal grid, higher values of the path loss

    exponent can be noticed in the latter case. This phenomenon

    is, as expected, mainly due to the higher number of shadowed


    In the case of a flat grid, the discrepancy between simulated

    and measured path loss exponent is 16% and 7% for the T-

    shirt and wool case respectively. In the case of a conformal

    grid the percentage of discrepancy is now reduced to about

    7% for both fabrics.

    Furthermore, in both measurement and simulation with the

    conformal grid there is only a 2% increase in whenchanging

    from cotton T-shirt to wool sweater, while in the case of a flat

    grid the increase is 13.5%.On the other hand, it can be noticed how, in the simulations,

    the decreases when the human subject clothing changes from

    the T-shirt to the wool sweater, while it demonstrates an

    opposite trend from the measurements, therefore highlighting

    the limitation in the accuracy of the ray-tracing methods in the

    investigated scenarios.

    A further limitation in the use of the ray-tracing method is

    the discrepancy in the values of PL (d0): although the punctual

    values at the reference distance agree with the measured ones,

    the linear regression yields a lower value.

    V. CONCLUSIONAn investigation of a body-centric scenario performed at

    94 GHz has been shown in this paper. To this aim a campaign

    of measurements has been performed in presence of a human

    subject. In addition, in order to investigate the reliability of

    ray-based techniques applied to the study of BANs,

    simulations have been carried out by using Remcom

    XGTDv2.5. The path loss obtained by the simulation has been

    compared with the measured one. For what concerns the head-

    shoulder link, the discrepancy between measured and

  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    simulated data is mainly due to the difference in reproducing

    the human subject head.




    Fig. 12. Simulated path loss for the waist-torso link by using both a

    conformal and a flat grid: human subject made of dry skin (a), humansubject

    wearing a cotton T-shirt (b) and human subject wearing wool sweater (c).

    In fact, as demonstrated in the case where the ear is

    modeled, a better agreement between measurements and

    simulations is achieved. Additionally, the analysis points out

    that the proximity of the transmitter with respect to the head

    plays a key role in the accuracy of the results.

    The local orientation of the facets in the model can strongly

    affect the path of the rays from the transmitter and the


    Fig. 13. Cumulative Distribution Function of the shadowing factor for

    simulated data

    This effect is more visible when the collected data are not

    enough to trace a statistical analysis while a value-to-value

    comparison is required. In addition, the simulations havedemonstrated that the presence of clothes in the numerical

    model, such as the wool sweater, does not significantly affect

    the path loss. For what concerns the waist-torso link, the

    comparison of the path loss exponent model obtained both for

    the simulated data (in the case of a flat and a conformal grid of

    receivers) and measured ones has been discussed. A linear

    regression of the data has been evaluated in terms of path loss

    exponent and shadowing factor and a normal distribution has

    been considered to model the latter. A discrepancy of the path

    loss exponent between 16% and 7% is obtained for the T-shirt

    and wool case respectively for a flat grid of receivers. This

    discrepancy is dramatically reduced to 7% for both fabrics in

    the case of a conformal grid of receivers.

    However, discrepancies in other statistics were observed,

    such as PL (d0) and shadowing factor. In general, although the

    numerical model has shape and dimensions similar to the

    human subject used for the measurements, the exact geometry

    of the curvatures of the body and the details of the clothes

    were not exactly reproduced. These differences between the

    measured and simulated scenarios, at the investigated

    frequencies, contribute to perturb the propagation from the

    transmitter to the receiver. In addition, another uncertainty in

    on-body measurements can result from the modification of the

    radiation pattern of both transmitting and receiving antennas

    in proximity of the human body. This effect can be accountedin the simulation by incorporating a more realistic radiation

    pattern, however small changes depending on the particular

    positions are difficult to replicate.

    In the light of these considerations, the statistical analysis

    presented here demonstrates that a ray tracing technique is

    suitable for a macroscopic description of a body centric

    scenario, such as the path loss exponent calculation over the

    trunk area. On the other hand, the agreement between

    measured and simulated data has an extremely strong

    dependency on the accuracy of the simulated scenario, in











    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Simulated data (Dry Skin Flat Grid)

    Simulated data (Dry Skin Conformal Grid)

    Linear regression Flat Grid (=3.7)

    Linear regression Conformal Grid (=4.5)














    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Simulated data (Cotton T-shirt Flat Grid)

    Simulated data (Cotton T-shirt Conformal Grid)

    Linear regression Flat Grid (=3.7)

    Linear regression Conformal Grid (=4.7)





    Simulated data (Wool Sweater Flat Grid)

    Simulated data (Wool Sweater Conformal Grid)

    Linear regression Flat Grid (=4.2)

    Linear regression Conformal Grid (=4.8)











    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




  • 7/27/2019 Statistical Channel Modeling 2013


    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


    terms of body shape and positioning of the antennas.

    Besides, the analysis presented in this paper shows that, in

    order to possibly obtain a generalized path loss model that can

    provide accurate link budget evaluation for different subjects,

    a complete and thorough investigation of the path loss

    variation with body shape and garments would be required.


    The authors thank EPSRC for providing the funding for this

    research activity, under Grant EP/I009019/1, Dr Su-Lin Lee,

    and Professor Guang-Zhong Yang at the Department of

    Computing, Imperial College London, for providing the digital

    phantom. The authors would like also to thank Dr. Anestis

    Katsounaros and Mr. Max Munoz, both with the School of

    Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary

    University of London, for their precious support in this work.

    Finally, the authors would like to thank Prof. Peter Hall for

    the fruitful discussions.


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    Copyright (c) 2013 IEEE Personal use is permitted For any other purposes permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing pubs-permissions@ieee org

    This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


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    Alessio Brizzi received the degree inTelecommunication Engineering from

    University of Pisa in 2003. He worked forthree years as a contractor for the Microwave

    and Radiation Laboratory at University ofPisa, subsequently moving to a consulting

    company as technical consultant.He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree inElectronic Engineering at Queen Mary,

    University of London.His research focuses on millimeter waves for

    body-centric communications, specifically on the characterizationand modeling of the propagation channel, and on the design ofantennas for on-body systems. His research topics also include

    numerical modeling and nanocommunications.

    Alice Pellegrini received the Laurea degree(cum laude) in Telecommunication

    Engineering in Applied Electromagneticsfrom University of Pisa, Italy, in October

    2005. She achieved the PhD in InformationEngineering at the Microwave and

    Radiation Laboratory, within theInformation Engineering Department of theUniversity of Pisa, in May 2009. Her mainresearch activity concerned the study ofinnovative numerical methods and hybrid

    techniques, based on Mode Matching, Finite Element Methodcombined with the Spectral Decomposition approach, for analysingFrequency Selective Surfaces and finite large phased arrays ofradiating apertures. Currently, she is enrolled as PostDoctoralResearch Assistant at Queen Mary University of London, with the

    School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science. Her mainactivities are relevant to analysis, simulation and measurements in thefield of Body Area Network (BAN) applications at millimetre waveswith particular interest in the application of high frequency ray-based

    techniques. She has been co-organizer of Special Session on Body-

    Centric Wireless Communications at PIERS 2013 in Stockholm.

    Lianhong Zhang obtained BSc and MSc inradio physics, electronic science andengineering department, Nanjing University,

    China, MSc and PhD in electronicengineering from school of electronicengineering and computer science, Queen

    Mary, University of London. From 1995 to1997, he was an antenna engineer withAerospace & Aeronautical Corporation,

    Shanghai, China. From 1997 to 2005 he was

    a satellite communication engineer with ST Teleport, Singapore. Hehas been working as a postdoctoral research assistant in antenna andelectromagnetics lab, school of electronic engineering and computer

    science, Queen Mary, University of London since July 2010. Hisresearch is in the areas of millimetre wave imaging for concealedtarget detection, body-centric wireless communications at millimetre

    band, indoor radio propagation channel characterization, building

    material characterization, and nanoantenna for ultrafast coherentcontrol of optical fields.

    Yang Hao received the Ph.D. degree from theCentre for Communications Research (CCR) atthe University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K., in 1998.He is currently a Professor of antennas andelectromagnetics in the Antenna Engineering

    Group, Queen Mary College, University ofLondon. He is active in a number of areas,including computational electromagnetics,electromagnetic band-gap structures and

    microwave metamaterials, antennas and radiopropagation for body centric wireless networks,

    active antennas for millimeter/sub-millimeter applications andphotonic integrated antennas. He is a co-editor and co-author of the

    books Antennas and Radio Propagation for Body-Centric WirelessCommunications (Artech House, 2006), and FDTD modelling ofMetamaterials: Theory and Applications (Artech House, 2008),respectively. Prof. Hao is an Associate Editor for the IEEE

    ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, IEEETRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION,International Journal of Antennas and Propagation and a honoraryeditor for the Chinese Journal of Radio Science. He was also a Co-

    Guest Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS ANDPROPAGATION. He is a vice chairman of the Executive Team ofIET Antennas and Propagation Professional Network. He is also a

    member of Board of the European School of Antenna Excellence, amember of EU VISTA Cost Action and the Virtual Institute for

    Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials,Metamorphose VI AISBL. He has served as an invited (ISAP07,

    LAPC07, IWAT08) and keynote speaker (ANTEM05, IWAT10), aconference General Chair (LAPC08, Metamaterials09), a SessionChair and short course organizer at many international conferences.He is a holder of the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

    between 2013 and 2018. Prof. Hao was elected as a Fellow of the

    ERA Foundation in 2007, a Fellow of the IET in 2010 and a Fellowof the IEEE in 2013.