statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast of north atlantic

Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic and U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones using the High-Resolution GFDL FLOR Coupled Model Hiroyuki Murakami 1, 2 , Gabriele Villarini 3 , Gabriel A. Vecchi 1, 2 , and Wei Zhang 1, 2 1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, USA 2 Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA 3 IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA Submitted to the Monthly Weather Review on 4 th September 2015 Corresponding author address: Hiroyuki Murakami, NOAA/GFDL, 201 Forrestal Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540-6649 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 609-452-5824

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Page 1: Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic

Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic and U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones using the High-Resolution GFDL FLOR Coupled


Hiroyuki Murakami1, 2, Gabriele Villarini3, Gabriel A. Vecchi1, 2, and Wei Zhang1, 2

1National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Geophysical Fluid

Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, USA 2Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, Princeton University, Princeton,


3IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA

Submitted to the Monthly Weather Review on 4th September 2015

Corresponding author address: Hiroyuki Murakami, NOAA/GFDL, 201 Forrestal Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540-6649 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 609-452-5824

Page 2: Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic




Abstract 1  

Retrospective seasonal forecasts of North Atlantic tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the 2  

period 1980-2014 are conducted using a GFDL high-resolution coupled climate model 3  

(FLOR). The focus is on basin-total TC and U.S. landfall frequency. The correlations between 4  

observed and model predicted basin-total TC counts range from 0.4 to 0.6 depending on the 5  

month of the initial forecast. The correlation values for the U.S. landfalling activity based on 6  

individual TCs tracked from the model are smaller and between 0.1 and 0.4. Given the limited 7  

skill from the model, statistical methods are used to complement the dynamical seasonal TC 8  

prediction from the FLOR model. Observed and predicted TC tracks were classified into four 9  

groups using the fuzzy c-mean clustering to evaluate model’s predictability in observed 10  

classification of TC tracks. Analyses revealed that the FLOR model has the largest skill in 11  

predicting TC frequency for the cluster of TC which tracks over the Caribbean Ocean and the 12  

Gulf of Mexico. 13  

New hybrid models to improve the prediction of observed basin-total TC and landfall TC 14  

frequencies are developed. These models use large-scale climate predictors from the FLOR 15  

model as predictors for generalized linear models. The hybrid models show considerable 16  

improvements in the skill in predicting the basin-total TC frequencies relative to the 17  

dynamical model. The new hybrid model shows correlation coefficients as high as 0.75 for 18  

basin-wide TC counts from the first two lead months and retains values around 0.52 even at 19  

the 6-month lead forecast. The hybrid model also shows comparable or higher skill in 20  

forecasting U.S. landfalling TCs relative to the dynamical predictions. The correlation 21  

coefficient is about 0.5 for the 2-6 month lead times. 22  

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1. Introduction 23  

Tropical cyclones (TCs) were the most costly natural disaster to affect the United 24  

States (U.S.) over the period 1980–2011 (Pielke et al. 2008; Smith and Katz 2013). According 25  

to Smith and Katz (2013), TCs were responsible for over $400 billion in damages over the 26  

period (Consumer Price Index), which correspond to 47.4% of all the damage caused by all 27  

the natural disasters responsible for $1+ billion combined. Smith and Katz (2013) also 28  

reported apparent increasing trends in both the annual frequency of billion- dollar events and 29  

in the annual aggregate loss from these events. Therefore, predicting TC activity at seasonal 30  

time scales is a topic of large scientific and socio-economic interest. 31  

Since Gray (1984a, b) first attempted seasonal forecasts of TC activity for the North 32  

Atlantic (NA), tremendous effort has been devoted to construct and improve statistical models 33  

in which observed large-scale climate indices ahead of the hurricane season are used to predict 34  

subsequent summertime basin total TC frequency (Gray et al. 1992, 1993, 1994; Klotzbach 35  

and Gray 2004, 2009; Elsner and Jagger 2006; Klotzbach 2008) and landfalling TCs 36  

(Lehmiller et al. 1997; Klotzbach and Gray 2003, 2004; Saunders and Lea 2005; Elsner et al. 37  

2006; Klotzbach 2008; Jagger and Elsner 2010). However, most of the current statistical 38  

seasonal forecasts show skill for forecasts starting from April and later for the subsequent TC 39  

season in July-November (e.g., Elsner and Jagger 2006), and prediction skill is limited when 40  

the lead time increases and the target region is smaller than the entire North Atlantic 41  

(Lehmiller et al. 1997; Klotzbach and Gray 2012). 42  

Recent advances in dynamical modeling and computational resources have enabled 43  

prediction using high-resolution dynamical models [see review in Camargo et al. (2007)]. 44  

These models showed significant skill in predicting basin-total TCs for seasonal prediction 45  

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(e.g., Vitart and Stockdale 2001; Vitart 2006; Vitart et al. 2007; LaRow et al. 2008; Camargo 46  

and Barnston 2009; LaRow et al. 2010; Zhao et al. 2010; Alessandri et al. 2011; Chen and Lin 47  

2011, 2013; Vecchi et al. 2014; Camp et al. 2015), with correlation values up to 0.96 between 48  

observed and the predicted North Atlantic TC counts over the 2000–2010 period (Chen and 49  

Lin 2011, 2013). However, predicting U.S. landfall frequency using dynamical models 50  

remains challenging even though it is of paramount societal and scientific importance (Vecchi 51  

and Villarini 2014). Vecchi et al. (2014) and Camp et al. (2015) found some predictive skill 52  

for TC landfall in the Caribbean, but limited skill for U.S. landfall frequency. 53  

Some of the limitations of dynamically forecasting TCs can be alleviated using so-54  

called “hybrid predictions” or “statistical-dynamical predictions.” In the hybrid predictions, a 55  

statistical model is constructed using the empirical relationship between observed TC activity 56  

and predicted large-scale parameters simulated by a dynamical model. Using the statistical 57  

model, future TC activity is then predicted given the large-scale parameters predicted by a 58  

dynamical model (e.g., Zhao et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010; Vecchi et al. 2011, 2013, 2014). 59  

For example, previous studies showed that basin total North Atlantic TC activity substantially 60  

correlated with relative sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies (i.e., local SST anomaly 61  

relative to tropical mean anomaly) in observations (e.g., Latif et al. 2007; Swanson 2008; 62  

Vecchi et al. 2008; Villarini et al. 2010, Villarini and Vecchi 2012) and dynamical models 63  

(Zhao et al. 2010; Villarini and et al. 2011; Murakami et al. 2012; Knutson et al. 2013; 64  

Ramsay and Sobel 2011). Using these simulated/predicted SST anomalies as predictors, 65  

previous studies achieved substantial skill in predicting basin-total TC frequency (Zhao et al. 66  

2010; Vecchi et al. 2011, 2013, 2014), basin-total power dissipation index (PDI) and 67  

accumulated cyclone energy (ACE)(Villarini and Vecchi 2013) compared to dynamical 68  

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models. However, while these studies showed that it is possible to skillfully forecast North 69  

Atlantic TC activity at the basin scale, little is known about the applicability of hybrid systems 70  

at much more regional scales. 71  

Vecchi et al. (2014) reported that the high-resolution dynamical model that will be 72  

used in this study has higher skill in predicting TCs near the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico 73  

and Caribbean Sea relative to those near the coastline of northeastern United States (see their 74  

figure 13). This indicates that models may have higher skill in predicting/simulating one or 75  

more groups of TC tracks. If any hybrid models could improve predictions for the groups with 76  

poor forecasting skill, we could improve prediction skill for landfall TC frequency as well as 77  

basin total TC frequency. Moreover, finding predictors in the way of constructing hybrid 78  

model will help the understanding of the potential physical mechanisms responsible for U.S. 79  

landfalling TCs. Kossin et al. (2010) classified all NA TC tracks into four clusters, revealing 80  

distinct characteristics for each cluster in terms of their tracks and genesis locations, 81  

seasonality, and relationship between frequency of TCs and climate variability. Colbert and 82  

Soden (2012) classified TC tracks into three groups (straight moving, recurving landfall, or 83  

recurving ocean) highlighting differences in the climate conditions associated with each one of 84  

them. However, there is no information about how predictable these TC clusters are. 85  

In this study, we first examine the predictability of observed basin-total TC frequency 86  

of observed TC clusters. Second, we attempt to construct a hybrid model to improve the 87  

prediction skill in TC frequency for each cluster, which in turn leads to the improvements in 88  

predicting basin-total TC frequency. Third, we examine observed and predicted TC landfall 89  

ratio, and construct a hybrid model to improve prediction skill in TC landfall ratio. Finally, we 90  

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show the forecasting skill in landfall TC frequency over the United States predicted by FLOR 91  

and compare the results from our newly developed hybrid model. 92  

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the models 93  

and data used in this study. Section 3 assesses the performance of the hybrid models in 94  

predicting TCs within each considered TC cluster, TC landfall ratio, and TC landfall 95  

frequency over the United States and compares these results to the dynamical model. Finally, 96  

Section 6 provides a summary of the results. 97  


2. Methods 99  

Throughout this study, we focus on the prediction of North Atlantic TCs during July–100  

November because about 84% of all storms occurred during these months over the 1980–2014 101  

period. We focus on tropical storms or more intense cyclones (wind speed >34 kt), and these 102  

storms are defined as TCs. The targeted prediction is the frequency of basin-total TCs and 103  

landfalling TCs along the U.S. coastline. In this section, dynamical models, observed data, and 104  

the TC detection algorithms are described. 105  


a. Dynamical model 107  

The dynamical model used for retrospective seasonal forecasts is the Forecast-oriented 108  

Low Ocean Resolution (FLOR; Vecchi et al. 2014; Jia et al. 2015a) of the Geophysical Fluid 109  

Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Coupled Model version 2.5 (CM2.5; Delworth et al. 2012). 110  

FLOR comprises 50-km mesh atmosphere and land components, and 100-km mesh sea ice and 111  

ocean components. For each year and each month in the period 1980–2014, 12-month duration 112  

predictions were performed after initializing the model to observationally constrained 113  

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conditions. Here, we defined forecasts from July, June,…, January, December initial 114  

conditions as the lead-month (L) 0, 1, …, 6, 7 forecasts for the predictions of TC activity in 115  

subsequent summer (July–November). 116  

The 12-member initial conditions for ocean and sea ice components were built through 117  

a coupled ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF; Zhang and Rosati 2010) data assimilation system 118  

developed for the GFDL Coupled Model version 2.1 (CM2.1; Delworth et al. 2006; 119  

Wittenberg et al. 2006; Gnanadesikan et al. 2006), whereas those for atmosphere and land 120  

components were built from a suite of SST-forced atmosphere-land-only simulations to the 121  

observed values using the components in FLOR. Therefore, the predictability comes entirely 122  

from the ocean and sea ice, and may be thought of as a lower bound on the potential prediction 123  

skill of a model because predictability could also arise from atmospheric (particularly 124  

stratospheric) and land initialization. During the simulation using FLOR, simulated 125  

temperature and wind stress are adjusted using so-called “flux-adjustment” in which model’s 126  

momentum, enthalpy and freshwater fluxes from atmosphere to ocean are adjusted to bring the 127  

model’s long-term climatology of SST and surface wind stress closer to observations and 128  

improve simulations of TCs and precipitation (Vecchi et al. 2014; Delworth et al. 2015). 129  


b. Observational datasets and detection algorithm for tropical cyclones 131  

The observed TC “best-track” data were obtained from the International Best Track 132  

Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS; Knapp et al. 2010) and used to evaluate the TC 133  

simulations in the retrospective seasonal predictions. We also use the UK Met Office Hadley 134  

Centre SST product (HadISST1.1; Rayner et al. 2003) as observed SST. 135  

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Model-generated TCs were detected directly from 6-hourly output using the following 136  

tracking scheme documented in Murakami et al. (2015). In the detection scheme, the flood fill 137  

algorithm is applied to find closed contours of some specified negative sea level pressure 138  

(SLP) anomaly with warm core (1K temperature anomaly). The detection scheme also 139  

considers satisfaction of duration of 36 consecutive hours for which TC candidate should 140  

maintain warm core and wind criteria (15.75 m s–1). 141  


3. Results 143  

a. Clustering TC tracks and forecasting skill by a dynamical model 144  

We first applied a clustering algorithm to observed TC tracks (Fig. 1, green tracks). 145  

The cluster technique used here is the fuzzy c-means clustering developed by Kim et al. 146  

(2011). Fuzzy clustering has been known to produce more natural classification results for 147  

datasets such as TC tracks that are too complex to determine their boundaries of distinctive 148  

pattern (Kim et al. 2011). Following Kossin et al. (2010), the final number of clusters is equal 149  

to 4, yielding early recurving TCs (CL1), the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean TCs (CL2), 150  

subtropical (or extratropical transition)-type TCs (CL3), and classic “Cape Verde hurricanes” 151  

(CL4). Each cluster receives a comparable number of the total storms as shown in the 152  

fractional ratio between 20% and 28%. When compared to Kossin et al. (2010), CL2 and CL3 153  

are similar to the two clusters in their study, whereas CL1 and CL4 are different from their 154  

results. This could be due to the different study period. Kossin et al. (2010) used observed data 155  

for the period 1950–2007, whereas we focus on the period 1980–2014. When we extend the 156  

fuzzy clustering analysis to 1958–2014, we still obtain the same clustering groups as shown in 157  

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Fig. 1, indicating that the differences from Kossin et al. (2010) may be due to the difference in 158  

clustering methodology, rather than differences in study period. 159  

Second, we assigned predicted TCs to one of the observed TC clusters. Regardless of 160  

any lead-month forecasts and ensemble members, we computed the root-mean-square error 161  

(RMSE) between the predicted (black track) and observed mean (red track) TC track for each 162  

TC cluster. To compute RMSE, we interpolate every TC track into 20 segments with equal 163  

length following Kim et al. (2011). We assign the predicted TC track to the TC cluster with 164  

the minimum RMSE. An alternative way is to conduct the cluster analysis using the combined 165  

data of observed and predicted TC tracks. However, because we obtained similar results to the 166  

method above (figure not shown), we will use the RMSE for the assignment. The results for 167  

assigned TC tracks are shown in Fig. 1 as black tracks. Although the dynamical model 168  

predicts fractional ratios of TC frequency for CL1 and CL3 similar to the observations (about 169  

20%), it slightly overestimates (underestimates) the fractional ratio for CL2 (CL4). Figure 2 170  

shows forecast skill in predicting TC frequency for each cluster and for each lead month by 171  

the dynamical model in terms of rank correlation (Fig. 2a) and RMSE (Fig. 2b). For the 172  

sample size of 35 years (i.e., 1980–2014), correlations of 0.33 and 0.43 are statistically 173  

significant at the 5% and 1% levels. Rank correlation for the basin total TC counts (black line 174  

in Fig. 2a) is about 0.6 for lead time L=0–2, and decreases to about 0.4 for L=5–7. Vecchi et al. 175  

(2014) also reported similar results for the correlations for the basin-total frequency. RMSE 176  

for the basin total TC counts (black line in Fig. 2b) is about 5–7. This large RMSE is mainly 177  

because of the underestimation in predicting TC frequency as also reported in Murakami et al. 178  

(2015). Shorter lead-month predictions show larger RMSE (black line in Fig. 2b). Although 179  

further investigation is required, this may be related to initial spin-ups due to the cold SST bias 180  

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in the initial condition in the tropical North Atlantic, which is inherited from CM2.1 for the 181  

initialization. During the predictions for the first few months, FLOR tries to adjust the cold 182  

bias through the flux adjustments; however, it may take a few months to adjust the cold biases. 183  

Among the four TC clusters, the dynamical model shows relatively higher skill in 184  

predicting CL2, followed by CL1 and CL4. The higher skill in predicting CL2 is consistent 185  

with Vecchi et al. (2014), who reported that FLOR has higher skill in predicting TCs near the 186  

coastline of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. On the other hand, the FLOR predictions 187  

for CL3 show the lowest skill, indicating that the prediction of TCs that undergo extratropical 188  

transition remains challenging for dynamical models [see also Jones et al. (2003)]; it is unclear 189  

whether this reflects a deficiency in the models and initialization, or an inherent limit to the 190  

predictability of the year-to-year variations of CL3 storms. 191  


b. Correlations between observed TC frequencies and predicted large-scale parameters 193  

Section 3a showed that the dynamical model has the lowest skill in predicting CL3 and 194  

CL4 TCs. If these biases could be improved, prediction of basin-total frequency and 195  

landfalling TC frequency could potentially be improved as well. For this purpose, we start by 196  

constructing a hybrid model in which observed TC frequency is regressed and predicted using 197  

some key large-scale parameters simulated by the dynamical model for each cluster. To 198  

identify the key parameters, we first investigate correlations between observed TC frequency 199  

and large-scale parameters. The large-scale parameters considered are relative SST (RSST), 200  

geopotential height at 500 hPa (Z500), and zonal component of vertical wind shear (200–850 201  

hPa, WS). The RSST is defined as the local SST anomaly subtracted from the tropical mean 202  

(30°S–30°N) SST anomaly. We have performed a preliminary investigation of including other 203  

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parameters such as mid-level relative humidity, low-level relative vorticity, SLP, steering flow 204  

among others; however, these parameters did not show significant correlations with TC 205  

frequency for any clusters (figure not shown). Also, we prefer parsimonious models that 206  

incorporate a smaller number of predictors in order to help avoid an over-fitting problem when 207  

a hybrid model is constructed. 208  

Figure 3 shows correlation map between the time-series of observed TC frequency for 209  

each cluster and the three large-scale parameters computed for each 1° × 1° grid box within 210  

the global domain during the peak season. For RSST (Fig. 3a–d), all clusters except for CL3 211  

show higher positive correlations in the tropical NA, which is consistent with previous studies 212  

(e.g., Villarini et al. 2010; Vecchi et al. 2011; Villarini and Vecchi 2012). CL2 and CL4 also 213  

show the La Niña-like pattern in the Pacific, indicating that TC frequency for these clusters 214  

increase during La Niña years. Although CL1 does not show the La Niña-like pattern clearly, 215  

the cluster shows negative correlation in the subtropical Pacific. CL3 is unique with respect to 216  

the other clusters because there is no significant pattern in the correlation even in the tropical 217  

North Atlantic, indicating that CL3 is insensitive to local SST anomaly. As for Z500 (Fig. 3e–h), 218  

there are higher positive correlations in the subtropical central pacific for CL1, CL2, and CL4. 219  

A preliminary investigation implies that this correlation is related to the Pacific/North 220  

American (PNA) pattern. We found that when the anomaly of Z500 is positive in the box of Fig. 221  

3e, f, and h, Z500 in the subtropical North Atlantic (30–50°N, 55–75°W) is negative through a 222  

series of wave train along the subtropical westerly jet. Also, during the positive phase, 223  

convection is active in the tropical North Atlantic and western African coast, leading to more 224  

frequent easterly waves and TC development associated with the enhanced convection. On the 225  

other hand, CL3 shows no correlation with Z500, which is again largely different from other 226  

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clusters. For the WS (Fig. 3i–l), there are higher negative correlations in the tropical NA for 227  

CL1, CL2, and CL4, which is reasonable because TC activity is unfavorable under strong 228  

vertical wind shear. However, it is intriguing that CL3 is not sensitive to vertical wind shear. 229  

CL3 does not show significant correlations with any parameters, suggesting that CL3 230  

may have a substantially larger stochastic element to its variability than the other clusters, and 231  

may thus be inherently less predictable. However, we want to identify any key large-scale 232  

parameters to construct a hybrid model. When correlation is computed between observed TC 233  

frequency and RSST, observations (Fig. 4b) and dynamical model (Fig. 4a) show relatively 234  

higher correlations in the four domains. Although physical mechanisms explaining the 235  

relationship between Atlantic CL3 TCs and the remote SSTs are difficult to interpret, we 236  

utilized RSST in these four domains as predictor for CL3 TCs. 237  

The domains of the predictors used for the hybrid model are shown in the rectangles in 238  

Fig. 3. The dynamical model should also have significant forecast skill in predicting these 239  

large-scale parameters for each domain. Figure 5 shows anomaly correlations for the lead-240  

months 0, 3, and 6, respectively, for each parameter. The red shaded area is the region where 241  

anomaly correlation exceeds 0.5, revealing that the dynamical model has skill in predicting the 242  

large-scale parameters for each domain used for predictors, even for the lead-month 6. The 243  

skill in predictions and the correlation with respect to the observations justifies the use of the 244  

large-scale parameters in the domains as the predictors for the hybrid model. 245  


c. Hybrid Poisson regression model 247  

Using the predictors discussed in Section 3b, a Poisson regression model (e.g., 248  

Villarini et al. 2010; Elsner and Jaeger 2013) is constructed to predict observed TC frequency 249  

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for each cluster using large-scale parameters predicted by the dynamical model of FLOR. First 250  

of all, the probability of TC frequency ! is obtained when the mean frequency (i.e., rate) λ is 251  

given as follows. 252  

! ! = !!!!!

!!, where x = 0, 1, 2, … and λ >0. (1) 253  

The Poisson regression model is expressed as 254  

log ! = !! + !!!! +⋯+ !!!!, (2) 255  

There are p predictors and p+1 parameters and a logarithmic link function. First we determine 256  

βp given the observed λ and simulated xp (regression or training). Then, the cross validation is 257  

performed to evaluate the model skill. Here we apply so-called “leave-one-out cross validation” 258  

(LOOCV; Elsner and Jaeger 2013). In the LOOCV, we first exclude a single year of 259  

observations and predictors; then, we determine the coefficients of the Poisson regression 260  

model using remaining years. Using the model, TC count for the excluded year is predicted. 261  

This is done for 35 years, removing each year’s data point successively. 262  

Figure 6 reveals results of training (Fig. 6a–d) and LOOCV (Fig. 6e–h) for each cluster 263  

at lead-month 0. To compare skill in these hybrid models with the dynamical model, Fig. 7 264  

shows comparisons of rank correlations (Fig. 7a,c) and RMSE (Fig. 7b,d) between the 265  

dynamical model (solid lines) and LOOCV (dashed lines). Predictions for all of clusters using 266  

the hybrid approach are improved in LOOCV in terms of RMSE for every lead month. 267  

Although CL1 was not improved in terms of correlation, most of the clusters show 268  

improvements in simulating observed interannual variation. When these predicted TC 269  

frequencies are summed up, we derive the basin-total TC frequency. The basin total frequency 270  

also shows higher skill in the hybrid than the dynamical model (Fig. 7c,d). We obtain a 271  

maximum correlation coefficient of 0.76 at lead-month 1 and the minimum correlation is still 272  

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high at 0.54 at lead-month 7. On the other hand, the values of the correlation coefficient for 273  

dynamical model are 0.63 and 0.35, respectively, highlighting the improvements introduced 274  

by the hybrid model in predicting basin-total TC frequency. 275  


d. Correlations between observed TC landfall ratio and predicted large-scale parameters 277  

Section 3c revealed that the skill in predicting basin-total TC frequency is higher in the 278  

hybrid than in the dynamical model. Therefore, skilful forecasting of the fraction of total TCs 279  

making landfall in the United States could lead to accurate predictions of TC landfall activity 280  

when combined with prediction of basin-total TC frequency. In this section, we first 281  

investigate the physical drivers for the observed landfall ratio. The landfall domain defined in 282  

this study is the coastal region of the United States as identified in the blue region in Fig. 1. In 283  

this study, once a TC propagates in the blue region in Fig. 1, we count one for TC landfall 284  

frequency regardless of multiple landfall events for the same TC. Figure 8 shows the 285  

interannual variation of basin-total TC frequency (red), landfall TC frequency in the United 286  

States (blue), landfall ratio (black), and Niño-3.4 index (green) in the observations. The Niño-287  

3.4 index is obtained from the mean SST anomaly in the region bounded by 5°N and 5°S, and 288  

between 170°W to 120°W. The rank correlation between basin-total TC frequency and 289  

landfall ratio is 0.08, indicating that there is no strong linear relationship between the two 290  

variables. Indeed, while there were 18 TCs in 2010, which was the third largest TC frequency 291  

during the period 1980–2014, only one of them made landfall in the United States that year. 292  

The observed relationship between TC landfall ratio and climate indices was analysed 293  

by Villarini et al. (2012). They constructed a statistical model to predict landfall ratio using 294  

three predictors [May–June mean North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Southern Oscillation 295  

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index (SOI), and tropical mean SST (30S°–30°N)]. Here we computed the correlation 296  

coefficient between observed TC landfall ratio and simulated large-scale parameters of SST 297  

and May-June mean SLP as an indication of effect of NAO. However, we could not find any 298  

significant correlation using SLP (figure not shown). Nevertheless, we found a La Niña-like 299  

pattern in the correlation for SST (Fig. 9), indicating that TC landfall ratio tends to be higher 300  

(lower) during La Niña (El Niño) years. The increased landfall ratio during La Niña years is 301  

consistent with Bove et al. (2008) who examined the effects of El Niño on U.S. landfalling 302  

hurricanes and found that the probability of U.S. hurricanes increased from 28% during El 303  

Niño years to 66% during La Niña years. However, although the rank correlation between 304  

landfall ratio (black line in Fig. 8) and Niño-3.4 index (green line in Fig.8) is negative (i.e., –305  

0.24), the correlation is not statistically significant at 90% level, indicating that landfall ratio is 306  

only slightly correlated with the La Niña conditions. 307  


e. Hybrid binomial regression model 309  

As shown in section 3d, SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific are correlated with TC 310  

landfall ratio for the United States as an indication of La Niña years. Although the correlation 311  

is not high, we use the SST anomalies in the domain shown Fig. 9 as a predictor for the hybrid 312  

model for predicting TC landfall ratio using a binomial regression model (Villarini et al. 2012). 313  

Following Villarini et al. (2012), let us define Y1 and Y2 as two Poisson random variables with 314  

means of µ1 and µ 2. Let us define m as their sum (! = !! + !!), which also follows a Poisson 315  

distribution with mean equal to µ1 + µ2. In the case of this study, m represents the basin-total 316  

TC frequency, whereas Y1 represents the frequency of landfall TCs over U.S. Given m, the 317  

distribution of Y1 can be written as 318  

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! !! = ! ! = ! !!!! !!! ! !!!!!

!!(1− !)(!!!), (3) 319  

where ! = !!/(!! + !! ). The mean and the variance of !!/! are ! and !(1−  !) , 320  

respectively. Similar to what is described in Eq. (2), we can relate the parameter ! to a vector 321  

of p predictors: 322  

log !!!!

= !! + !!!! +⋯+ !!!!. (4) 323  

The dependence of ! on the predictors can be written as 324  

µμ = !"#  (!!!!!!!!⋯!!!!!)!!!"#  (!!!!!!!!⋯!!!!!)

. (5) 325  

Here we consider one predictor (i.e., p=1) of SST as discussed above. Similar to the procedure 326  

described in Section 3c, we first determine !! given the observed ! and simulated xp. Then, 327  

the LOOCV is performed to evaluate the hybrid model. 328  

Figure 10 reveals results of training (Fig. 10a–c) and LOOCV (Fig. 10d–e) for lead-329  

month 0, 3, and 6, respectively. The overall correlation is relatively low (i.e., at most 0.37), 330  

indicating that landfall ratio remains difficult to improve even using the hybrid model. To 331  

compare skill in the hybrid model with the dynamical model, Fig. 11 shows comparisons of 332  

rank correlations (Fig. 11a) and RMSE (Fig. 11b) between the dynamical model (solid line) 333  

and LOOCV (dashed line). Although rank correlation is lower when compared with the basin-334  

total TC frequency (Fig. 7c), the hybrid model shows higher skill in predicting landfall ratio 335  

than the dynamical mode does. RMSE (Fig. 11b) looks similar between the hybrid and 336  

dynamical models, although the hybrid model shows slightly lower RMSE than the dynamical 337  

model. 338  


f. Synthesized hybrid model for predicting landfall TCs over the United States 340  

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Here we have two hybrid models: the Poisson regression model to predict TC 341  

frequency for each cluster, yielding basin total TC frequency by summing all TC clusters 342  

(Section 3c); the binomial regression model to predict TC landfall ratio over the United States 343  

(Section 3e). By combining the two hybrid models, we can make predictions of TC landfall 344  

frequency over United States. A schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 12 for the synthesized 345  

hybrid model. Given the key large-scale parameters for a specific year (Step 1), we predict 346  

mean TC frequency for each cluster (!!,!,!,!) (Step 2). Given the predicted mean  !, random 347  

resampling of ! is performed for k times based on the Poisson distribution as shown in Eq. (1), 348  

thereby yielding k samples of ! for each cluster (Step 3). For each iteration, ! values for all the 349  

clusters are summed up, providing a sample of basin total TC frequency (N) (Step 3). A 350  

similar resampling procedure is performed for the TC landfall ratio, yielding k samples of ! 351  

(Steps 4–6). For each sample, landfall TC frequency over the United States (X) is computed by 352  

multiplying N and ! (Step 7). Based on the k samples for X, we can compute a probabilistic 353  

range (e.g., range of 10% bottom bound or 90% top bound) of predicted TC landfall frequency 354  

as well as mean X value for each year. 355  

Figure 13 shows comparisons between the dynamic model and the synthesized hybrid 356  

model in terms of landfall TC frequency over the United States. First of all, the dynamical 357  

model systematically underestimates landfall TC frequency, whereas this underestimation is 358  

improved in the hybrid model. Moreover, the amplitude of interannual variation is much larger 359  

in the hybrid than the dynamical model. For example, the anomalous year of 1998 is well 360  

predicted by the hybrid model. On the other hand, the hybrid model significantly 361  

overestimates TC landfall frequency in 2010. This year is characterized by La Niña conditions. 362  

From Fig. 3a-d and Fig. 9, both TC frequency for each cluster and TC landfall ratio are 363  

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expected to be large for this year. This year is also characterized by negative NAO. Villarini et 364  

al. (2012) reported a larger fraction of storms making U.S. landfall during negative NAO 365  

phase based on observations, indicating that even if we incorporated NAO index into the 366  

hybrid model, the hybrid model would still overestimate 2010 landfall TCs. 367  

Figure 14 summarizes the comparisons of rank correlations and RMSE for each lead 368  

month between the dynamical and hybrid models. The hybrid model shows comparable or 369  

higher skill for most of the lead months in terms of rank correlations relative to dynamical 370  

forecasts, although correlations show no significant differences in the first three and the last 371  

two lead months (Fig. 14a). The hybrid model shows smaller RMSE for all lead months 372  

relative to the dynamical forecasts. We can conclude that our new hybrid model retains 373  

forecast skill up to lead month 5 with correlation coefficient 0.5 and forecast root mean square 374  

error of 2.0 storms per year for U.S. landfalling TCs. 375  

We also preliminarily checked the performance of an alternative statistical method in 376  

which TC landfall frequency is computed using the constant climatological mean landfall ratio 377  

based on observations along with the TC frequency predicted from the Poisson regression 378  

model. Although the method shows some improvements in terms of RMSE for the lead month 379  

0 and 1 predictions relative to the synthesized hybrid model, the scheme does not show 380  

improvements in terms of rank correlation. Accurate predictions for landfall TC frequency 381  

seem to be critically dependent on the accurate prediction for landfall ratio in which the 382  

present study shows limited skill (Fig. 11). 383  


4. Summary 385  

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In this study, we evaluated retrospective seasonal forecasts based on a GFDL high-386  

resolution coupled climate model (FLOR), and we constructed new hybrid models to improve 387  

the forecast skill in predicting the frequency of basin-total and U.S. landfalling TCs. First, we 388  

classified observed TCs into four groups of TCs using the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm. 389  

Predicted TCs by FLOR are assigned to one of the observed clusters. We found that FLOR has 390  

high skill in predicting the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean TCs (CL2), whereas it has low skill 391  

in predicting the subtropical TCs (CL3). The CL3 storms also exhibited limited statistical 392  

relationships to large-scale climate conditions, suggesting that the limited prediction skill may 393  

reflect limited underlying predictability. 394  

Second, we constructed a hybrid model to predict TC frequency for each cluster using 395  

the empirical relationship between observed TC frequency and predicted large-scale 396  

parameters by a dynamical model. The hybrid model shows equivalent or higher skill in 397  

predicting TC frequency for each cluster relative to the dynamical model. The improvements 398  

for each cluster result in improvement in predicting basin-total TC frequency. We obtained 399  

maximum and minimum values of the correlation coefficient equal to 0.75 and 0.52 at lead-400  

month 1 and 7, whereas those for counting TCs directly from the dynamical model are 0.63 401  

and 0.35, respectively. 402  

Third, we evaluated retrospective prediction skill for the TC landfall ratio over the U.S., 403  

revealing that the dynamical predictions have no skill in predicting the landfall ratio when 404  

looking at simulated storms directly. Meanwhile, the observed TC landfall ratio is analyzed, 405  

revealing that the landfall ratio has no correlation with basin-total TC frequency. However, the 406  

observed interannual variation in landfall TC ratio has a moderate correlation with SST 407  

anomaly in the tropical Pacific. This is associated with La Niña-like pattern, indicating that TC 408  

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landfall ratio is higher during La Niña years. A binomial hybrid model was constructed for 409  

better prediction of U.S. landfall TC ratios using the simulated SST anomaly in the tropical 410  

Pacific. The hybrid model predicts interannual variations of TC landfall ratio better than the 411  

dynamical model does. 412  

By combining the two hybrid Poisson and binomial models, the frequency of TC 413  

landfall is predicted. The synthesized hybrid model shows comparable or better prediction of 414  

TC landfall frequency relative to the dynamical model in terms of RMSE relative to observed 415  

TC landfall frequency, correlation between predicted and observed TC landfall frequency, and 416  

amplitude of interannual variation. We can conclude that the new hybrid model retains 417  

forecast skill up to lead month 5 with correlation coefficient 0.5 and forecast error of 2.0 for 418  

TC landfall for U.S. 419  

In this study, we used the results of retrospective forecasts by FLOR in which the 420  

initial state of the atmosphere and land components are not constrained by observations, while 421  

the oceanic component is. We hypothesize that if we initialized the atmospheric component, 422  

we might obtain better skill in predicting TC activity in the North Atlantic. Similar tests with 423  

FLOR show improved seasonal predictions of land surface conditions with atmospheric 424  

initializations (Jia et al. 2015b). Recent studies show that the dynamical models have longer 425  

prediction skill of 2-weeks or more due to accurate simulation of intraseasonal oscillations 426  

such as the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) (e.g., Xiang et al. 2015a,b; Nakano et al. 2015). 427  

Further, Murakami et al. (2015) showed that FLOR has the capability of simulating a strong 428  

MJO signal. If atmospheric initial conditions contain observed MJO phase and amplitude, the 429  

dynamical model may predict TC activity well at least for the shortest lead-month forecast of 430  

L=0. Moreover, Murakami et al. (2015) showed better prediction of 1997/1998 TC activity 431  

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using the higher resolution version of FLOR (i.e., HiFLOR) in addition to the better 432  

simulations of large-scale parameters than FLOR. In the future, we plan to construct a hybrid 433  

model using large-scale parameters simulated using HiFLOR to improve the skill in predicting 434  

TCs in the North Atlantic. 435  


Acknowledgments This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science 437  

Foundation under Grant AGS-1262099, the Award number NA14OAR4830101 to the 438  

Trustees of Princeton University (Gabriele Villarini). This report was prepared by Hiroyuki 439  

Murakami under award NA14OAR4830101 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 440  

Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. Gabriele Villarini also acknowledges 441  

financial support from the USACE Institute for Water Resources. The statements, findings, 442  

conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the 443  

views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the U.S. Department of 444  

Commerce. The authors thank Dr. Jan-Huey Chen and Dr. Lakshmi Krishnamurthy for their 445  

suggestions and comments.446  

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List of Figures 592  

FIG. 1 TC tracks during the period 1980–2014 as separated by the cluster analysis. The fuzzy 593  

c-mean clustering is first applied to the observed TC tracks (green), yielding mean track (red) 594  

for each cluster. All predicted TC tracks by FLOR (black) are assigned to observed TC cluster 595  

regardless of any lead-months and ensemble members based on root-mean-square error 596  

between the predicted and mean TC track. The number in the bottom-right corner indicates the 597  

sample size with the fractional ratio in parenthesis. Blue domain in each panel shows the 598  

region of the United States considered for the landfall. 599  


FIG. 2 Forecast skill in predicting TC frequency for each cluster and for each lead month 601  

predicted by the dynamical model. (a) Rank correlation between observed and predicted. (b) 602  

Root-mean-square error. Black line shows the basin-total TC frequency as defined as total TC 603  

frequency among the TC clusters. 604  


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FIG. 3 Correlation map between the time-series of observed TC frequency for each cluster 606  

and simulated mean large-scale parameters during July–November for each 1° × 1° grid box. 607  

(a–d) Relative SST (RSST) defined as the local SST anomaly subtracted from the tropical 608  

mean (30°S–30°N) SST anomaly. (e–h) Geopotential height at the 500 hPa level (Z500); (i–l) 609  

Zonal component of vertical wind shear (200–850 hPa, WS). Rectangles indicate domains for 610  

predictors as red rectangles showing positive sign and blue rectangles showing negative sign. 611  


FIG. 4 Correlation map between RSST and CL3 TC frequency during July–November. (a) 613  

Correlation between observed RSST and predicted TC frequency by the model for CL3 at lead-614  

month 0. (b) As in (a), but for correlation between observed RSST and observed TC frequency 615  

for CL3. Red (blue) rectangles indicate domains for predictors showing a positive (negative) 616  

sign. 617  


FIG. 5 Anomaly correlation for simulated large-scale parameters for each lead-month of L=0, 619  

3, and 6. (a–c) RSST, (d–f) Z500, and (g–i) WS. The rectangles in these domains are the same as 620  

in Fig. 3. 621  


FIG. 6 Results of interannual variation of TC frequency by (a–d) the regression and (e–h) the 623  

leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) for each cluster at lead-month 0. Observed 624  

(Regressed or cross validated) TC frequency is shown in black (blue). Blue regions indicates 625  

range of 10% bottom range and 90% top range computed from random resampling based on 626  

the Poisson distribution. Numbers shown for each panel show rank correlation and RMSE 627  

between the black and blue lines. The star mark indicates statistical significance at 99% level. 628  

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FIG. 7 (a, b) Comparisons of forecast kills between dynamical model (solid line) and hybrid 630  

model (dashed line) in predicting TC frequency for each cluster and for each lead month. (a) 631  

shows the rank correlation between observations and models, whereas (b) shows RMSE 632  

between them. (c, d) As in (a, b), but for basin-total TC frequency. 633  


FIG. 8 Observed time-series of TC frequency and landfall ratio in the North Atlantic. The red 635  

line indicates observed basin-total TC frequency, whereas the blue line indicates observed 636  

landfall TCs over the United States. The black line showss the landfall ratio. The green line 637  

shows Niño-3.4 index which is obtained from the mean SST anomaly in the region bounded 638  

by 5°N and 5°S, and between 170°W to 120°W. 639  


FIG. 9 Correlation map between observed TC landfall ratio over the United States and 641  

simulated SST anomalies for each lead month. (a) Lead month 0, (b) Lead month 3, and (c) 642  

Lead month 6. 643  


FIG. 10 Results of interannual variation of TC landfall ratio by (a–c) the regression and (d–f) 645  

the leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) for each lead month of (a, d) 0, (b, e) 3, and (c, f) 646  

6. Blue areas indicate the range between the 10% and 90% computed from random resampling 647  

based on the binomial distribution. Numbers shown in the middle top for each panel indicate 648  

rank correlation and RMSE between the black and blue lines. The star mark indicates 649  

statistical significance at 99% level. 650  


Page 31: Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic




FIG. 11 As in Fig. 7c,d, but for TC landfall ratio over the United States. 652  


FIG. 12 Schematic diagram showing synthesized hybrid model to predict landfall TC 654  

frequency. Details are explained in the main text. 655  


FIG. 13 Results of the interannual variation in the frequency of landfall TCs by (a–c) the 657  

dynamical model and (d–f) the synthesized hybrid model for each lead month of (a, d) 0, (b, e) 658  

2, and (c, f) 4. Blue areas indicate range of 10% bottom range and 90% top range computed 659  

from random resampling. Numbers shown for each panel show rank correlation and RMSE 660  

between the black and blue lines. The star mark indicates statistical significance at 99% level. 661  


FIG. 14 As in Fig. 7c,d, but for frequency of landfall TCs over the United States.663  

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FIG. 1 TC tracks during the period 1980–2014 as separated by the cluster analysis. The fuzzy 679  

c-mean clustering is first applied to the observed TC tracks (green), yielding mean track (red) 680  

for each cluster. All predicted TC tracks by FLOR (black) are assigned to observed TC cluster 681  

regardless of any lead-months and ensemble members based on root-mean-square error 682  

between the predicted and mean TC track. The number in the bottom-right corner indicates the 683  

sample size with the fractional ratio in parenthesis. Blue domain in each panel shows the 684  

region of the United States considered for the landfall. 685  

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FIG. 2 Forecast skill in predicting TC frequency for each cluster and for each lead month 705  

predicted by the dynamical model. (a) Rank correlation between observed and predicted. (b) 706  

Root-mean-square error. Black line shows the basin-total TC frequency as defined as total TC 707  

frequency among the TC clusters. 708  

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FIG. 3 Correlation map between the time-series of observed TC frequency for each cluster 723  

and simulated mean large-scale parameters during July–November for each 1° × 1° grid box. 724  

(a–d) Relative SST (RSST) defined as the local SST anomaly subtracted from the tropical 725  

mean (30°S–30°N) SST anomaly. (e–h) Geopotential height at the 500 hPa level (Z500); (i–l) 726  

Zonal component of vertical wind shear (200–850 hPa, WS). Rectangles indicate domains for 727  

predictors as red rectangles showing positive sign and blue rectangles showing negative sign. 728  

Page 35: Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic





















FIG. 4 Correlation map between RSST and CL3 TC frequency during July–November. (a) 746  

Correlation between observed RSST and predicted TC frequency by the model for CL3 at lead-747  

month 0. (b) As in (a), but for correlation between observed RSST and observed TC frequency 748  

for CL3. Red (blue) rectangles indicate domains for predictors showing a positive (negative) 749  

sign. 750  

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FIG. 5 Anomaly correlation for simulated large-scale parameters for each lead-month of L=0, 766  

3, and 6. (a–c) RSST, (d–f) Z500, and (g–i) WS. The rectangles in these panels are the same as 767  

in Fig. 3. 768  

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FIG. 6 Results of interannual variation of TC frequency by (a–d) the regression and (e–h) the 784  

leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) for each cluster at lead-month 0. Observed 785  

(Regressed or cross validated) TC frequency is shown in black (blue). Blue regions indicates 786  

range of 10% bottom range and 90% top range computed from random resampling based on 787  

the Poisson distribution. Numbers shown for each panel show rank correlation and RMSE 788  

between the black and blue lines. The star mark indicates statistical significance at 99% level. 789  

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FIG. 7 (a, b) Comparisons of forecast kills between dynamical model (solid line) and hybrid 809  

model (dashed line) in predicting TC frequency for each cluster and for each lead month. (a) 810  

shows the rank correlation between observations and models, whereas (b) shows RMSE 811  

between them. (c, d) As in (a, b), but for basin-total TC frequency. 812  

Page 39: Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic



















FIG. 8 Observed time-series of TC frequency and landfall ratio in the North Atlantic. The red 828  

line indicates observed basin-total TC frequency, whereas the blue line indicates observed 829  

landfall TCs over the United States. The black line shows the landfall ratio. The green line 830  

shows Niño-3.4 index which is obtained from the mean SST anomaly in the region bounded 831  

by 5°N and 5°S, and between 170°W to 120°W. 832  

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FIG. 9 Correlation map between observed TC landfall ratio over the United States and 851  

simulated SST anomalies for each lead month. (a) Lead month 0, (b) Lead month 3, and (c) 852  

Lead month 6. 853  

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FIG. 10 Results of interannual variation of TC landfall ratio by (a–c) the regression and (d–f) 870  

the leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) for each lead month of (a, d) 0, (b, e) 3, and (c, f) 871  

6. Blue areas indicate the range between the 10% and 90% computed from random resampling 872  

based on the binomial distribution. Numbers shown in the middle top for each panel indicate 873  

rank correlation and RMSE between the black and blue lines. The star mark indicates 874  

statistical significance at 99% level. 875  

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FIG. 11 As in Fig. 7c,d, but for TC landfall ratio over the United States. 896  

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Step 1. Key large-scale parameters (RSST, Z500, WS)

!1 !2 !3 !4

!1,1 i=1 i=2


+ +


+ +


+ +


Step 2. Prediction of TC frequency (!) for each cluster using the Poisson regression model

Step 4. Key large-scale parameters (SST)

Step 5. Prediction of landfall ratio (µ) using the Binomial regression model


µ1 µ2













... ...

Step. 3 Random resampling of ! under the Poisson distribution to compute total TC count (Ni)

i=1 i=2


... ...

Step 6. Random resampling of µ under the Binomial distribution to compute TC landfall ratio (µi)

= N1

= N2

= Nk

= X1

= X2

= Xk "

" "


Step 7. Random resampling of landfall TC frequency (Ni " µi ) N1






i=1 i=2




















FIG. 12 Schematic diagram showing synthesized hybrid model to predict landfall TC 914  

frequency. Details are explained in the main text. 915  

Page 44: Statistical-Dynamical Seasonal Forecast of North Atlantic


















FIG. 13 Results of the interannual variation in the frequency of landfall TCs by (a–c) the 930  

dynamical model and (d–f) the synthesized hybrid model for each lead month of (a, d) 0, (b, e) 931  

2, and (c, f) 4. Blue areas indicate range of 10% bottom range and 90% top range computed 932  

from random resampling. Numbers shown for each panel show rank correlation and RMSE 933  

between the black and blue lines. The star mark indicates statistical significance at 99% level. 934  

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FIG. 14 As in Fig. 7c,d, but for frequency of landfall TCs over the United States. 956