stay dry, stay healthy, this monsoon!€¦ · revive & revitalize your stamina & keep you...

STAY DRY, STAY HEALTHY, THIS MONSOON! After months of scorching & grueling heat, monsoons are here. It’s a time to enjoy lush greenery around us which brings a smile on our faces. Indeed monsoon is beautiful & refreshing but one should not forget that monsoon brings along with it a host of health problems & diseases. This season brings with it lots of bacteria & insects. Many diseases like typhoid, dengue, malaria, common cold, skin infection etc are prevalent due to the damp & filthy conditions during this season. Furthermore, this season takes toll on ones immune system making us susceptible to these infections & allergies. The highly humid monsoon conditions affect our digestive process. Complications like diarrhea, stomach infections are also common concerns during monsoon especially due to unhygienic practices & consuming street food. R Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17 1

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Page 1: STAY DRY, STAY HEALTHY, THIS MONSOON!€¦ · revive & revitalize your stamina & keep you healthy during this season or just stir fry grated beets with grated carrots & season it


After months of scorching & grueling heat, monsoons are here. It’s a time to enjoy lush

greenery around us which brings a smile on our faces. Indeed monsoon is beautiful &

refreshing but one should not forget that monsoon brings along with it a host of health

problems & diseases. This season brings with it lots of bacteria & insects. Many diseases

like typhoid, dengue, malaria, common cold, skin infection etc are prevalent due to the

damp & filthy conditions during this season.

Furthermore, this season takes toll on ones immune system making us susceptible to

these infections & allergies. The highly humid monsoon conditions affect our digestive

process. Complications like diarrhea, stomach infections are also common concerns

during monsoon especially due to unhygienic practices & consuming street food.


Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17


Page 2: STAY DRY, STAY HEALTHY, THIS MONSOON!€¦ · revive & revitalize your stamina & keep you healthy during this season or just stir fry grated beets with grated carrots & season it

Health problems are always on the rise during the rainy season. Welcoming the rainy season also

means inviting trouble in the form of air & water-borne illnesses & infections. Monsoon is the

time for germs & bacteria to thrive in unhygienic conditions. During the rains, there is a high

amount of humidity in the atmosphere due to which our digestive system gets sluggish. Thus,

eating the right kind of food & taking care of your overall health becomes extremely important to

prevent yourself from falling ill.

Go for very healthy food items such as soups, boiled vegetables, multi-grain bread, etc. During

monsoon since you get a cool climate, there will be a tendency to drink tea or coffee randomly.

Sipping on a hot cup of tea/coffee or ensuring that you stay dry is not enough. With the changing

weather conditions, it’s also important to alter our life style & diet to stay healthy.

This is the season to initiate & regulate our body’s cleansing & nourishing process with healthy

wholesome foods, exercises, yoga, pranayam & meditation- all of which are important

parameters for overall wellbeing. Regulate body’s cleansing process with healthy food, exercise

& meditation. Following a healthy lifestyle has always proved beneficial in preventing as well as

combating ailments & diseases. Diet plays a pivotal role in staying healthy & disease free.

Consumption of complex carbohydrates is a must since they aid in the digestion process & helps

eliminate waste & toxins from our body.

Consumption of fluids in the form of water, fresh homemade juices & soups will keep you

hydrated & help flush out toxins. All bitter vegetables especially available in this season prove as

anti oxidants & help scavenge free radicals thus preventing damages caused by them. Including

high protein & calcium rich foods like milk & milk products, dals & pulses, nuts & oilseeds etc will

definitely ensure good bone health & build your immunity.

Ayurveda primarily aims at maintaining the health of a healthy individual. To achieve this,

Ayurveda recommends to follow different diet & lifestyle schedule in each season which helps to

maintain the health. We must follow a specific diet & lifestyle schedule in rainy season as the

chances of having digestive problems is great during this season.

Best Foods to Eat during Monsoon Season

Monsoon season may reduce metabolism & increase fat storage, this again leads to a whole lot

of health issues. So you should look for healthy foods for monsoon, we should prefer foods

that will keep you energetic & hydrated while providing lot of nutrients. Your immunity level will

be low during this season & this may put you under the risk of getting infections frequently. So,

consume foods that will improve your immunity during this season.


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Page 3: STAY DRY, STAY HEALTHY, THIS MONSOON!€¦ · revive & revitalize your stamina & keep you healthy during this season or just stir fry grated beets with grated carrots & season it

We need to ensure that these are completely cooked before we consume them. Also, we

must ensure that the vegetables are pre- washed before they are cooked.

Packed with the goodness of essential nutrients, vitamins & minerals, including potassium,

fiber & folic acid, beets are amazingly low in calories. It is an ideal vegetable when it comes to

detoxifying your body. You can have a glass of beetroot juice everyday during the monsoon to

revive & revitalize your stamina & keep you healthy during this season or just stir fry grated

beets with grated carrots & season it with a little cumin seeds & freshly ground black pepper.

You can add 10 to 12 toasted almonds to it & your perfect meal is ready.

Packed with antioxidants, these cloves are rich with immunity boosting properties. Plus, they

ease your digestive system while ensuring that your metabolic rate does not slow down to a

snail pace. While you can add crushed garlic pods to any food of your choice, one of the

tastiest & healthiest ways of enjoying garlic is garlic rasam. A spicy concoction enriched with

the pungent flavors of garlic & black pepper, it can be enjoyed along with rice or as a hot cup

of soup.

Ginger tea is good to have during rainy season. The fiery nature of ginger verves up your

mood & at the same time boosts your metabolism. Grate some fresh ginger into a mug of

warm water, squeeze in a lemon & mix 1 tsp of honey. Your daily dose of immune boosting

supplement is ready.






Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17

A few healthy foods to eat during monsoon are:


Page 4: STAY DRY, STAY HEALTHY, THIS MONSOON!€¦ · revive & revitalize your stamina & keep you healthy during this season or just stir fry grated beets with grated carrots & season it

This golden yellow hued spice powder is a well accepted immunity boosting agent. It is a

natural antiseptic & antibiotic agent too. And, that is one of the reasons you are forced to

drink turmeric infused milk when you get a bout of cough or fever. Turmeric is also known to

keep the levels of blood sugar under control. You can drink a glass of milk with ½ tsp of

turmeric powder with 1 tsp honey to safeguard yourself from the monsoon illnesses.

Just add a little black pepper to your omelette or soups or even to your khichdi. These fiery

black beads are not just tasty, but come with an awesome dose of good health. A natural

antidote for fever, cough, cold, muscular pain, flu & various respiratory conditions. Black

pepper is a must include in rainy season foods. Make a spicy pepper soup with a tamarind

base or just mix ½ a tsp of freshly ground black pepper powder with equal quantities of

turmeric powder & 2 tsp honey to milk & drink for healthy monsoon.

Have fruits that are rich in Vitamin C, which will give you immunity. Few options that you can

try are pomegranate, kiwi & orange. If you are prone to cold or fever during monsoon, avoid

fruits rich in water content.

Munch an apple everyday as a part of your balanced, healthy diet. Available in countless

variants-apples contains various elements that offer a good cover for you from various health

conditions that are always on the prowl during the rains. Eating apples makes sure that your

digestive system is functioning properly.



Black Pepper



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A perfect inclusion in a healthy diet. It is packed with vitamins especially Vitamin C, that

ensures that your digestive system is healthy & clean. It also peps up the immunity power,

thus helping you combat the various illnesses.

The crispy fruit is assorted with vitamins & minerals, all of which actually shield you from

diseases commonly floating around during the monsoon. Along with being a good source of

fiber, the crunchy off white fruit contains a good quantity of copper, Vitamin C & Vitamin B12.

Pear is a natural antipyretic agent as it helps in cooling the body & easing the fever. So, just

make sure you drink a glass of freshly squeezed pear juice or munch on some fresh fruit to get

relief from fever.

The best foods to eat in monsoon season are steamed foods. Make sure that you avoid oily &

fried foods. Grilled food is also considered perfect for this season, as grilled & steamed forms

are great for the digestion.

Irrespective of the food that you eat, ensure that it is well cooked. Try to avoid any foods that

are raw during this season. This includes vegetables, dairy products & meat products.

We must ensure that they are well cooked & contains less oil. Grill & boil them, rather than

frying them as these are healthy ways to cook.


Steamed Foods


Cooked Food


Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17

Meat, Poultry & Fish


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The crunchy, brown skinned nuts are good sources of protein. Quite low on fat, almonds are

packed with various nutrients that are beneficial for your health. This tasty nut enhances your

digestive fire, keeps your sugar levels under control & offers a powerful shield from various

diseases. Plus, it is a great snack to munch on while you are on your weight loss regimen.

It is very essential to keep yourself hydrated during the monsoon. There is a natural tendency

to cut down on water consumption due to the cold environment. This can put you at risk of

various infections & diseases that are quite common during this time. Try to drink boiled &

filtered water to avoid infections. Ensure you drink at least 8 glasses of water, with each glass

measuring 150 ml. Opt for warm water to ensure that you are not compromising on your


Keeping your body warm is important. Sipping a hot beverage during the day is sure to help

with this. Try ginger & lemon tea or green tea. Your food choice should be designed depending

on the season. Monsoon is a time that demands much care in the food you eat to keep you free

from infections & to improve your health.

It is a good way to stay hydrated. You can choose fruits & vegetables of your choice for

preparing the juice.




Warm Beverages


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Foods to Avoid This Monsoon

Leafy Vegetables

Sea Food

During monsoon season, leafy vegetables are best avoided. The grime & dampness present in

them makes them highly susceptible to germs. Say no to vegetables like spinach, Fenugreek

Leaves, cabbage & cauliflower this season. Instead, go for pungent vegetables like bitter

gourd, ghiya, tori or tinda. All vegetables should be thoroughly washed & cooked well.

Any fresh food items that have had a long exposure to the monsoon air should be avoided.

Roadside vendors have the fruit cut up well in advance, which could have come in contact with

contaminated air. Stick to fresh fruit juice prepared at home & consume it instantly. Even at

home, don’t leave cut fruits out for a very long time. Any prolonged exposure to the air can

cause contamination. Cut the fruits fresh & consume them immediately.

Monsoon is the breeding season for fish & prawns so they are best avoided this time of the

year. Stick to chicken to satiate your craving for non-vegetarian food. However, if it is

absolutely essential to have sea food, make sure you only consume the freshest variety of it,

taking extra care to cook them well.

Fresh Juice & Fruit from Roadside Vendors

Fried Food

It should be absolutely avoided as the highly humid monsoon weather causes our digestion

process to slow down. However irresistible it may seem, they could cause gastronomical

complications like bloating & stomach upset. Extra salty food also causes water retention.


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Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17

These drinks reduce minerals in our body, which in turn leads to reduction of enzyme activity.

This is highly undesirable with an already weak digestive system. Keep a bottle of boiled

water or lemon water handy or stick to warm beverages like ginger tea.

In this changing environment, one needs to boost immune system to tackle the infection

during rainy season. There are various types of bacteria & virus in air, water, food which can

cause infection. Not only kids but adults also get affected by this environment as cough, cold

& fever is commonly seen as a result during this time.

Simple steps & changes in daily routine can make a wide difference in avoiding infection

Fizzy Drinks

Tips to Avoid Infections in Monsoon

Hand Washing Technique

Infection can come in through any route, food, water, air, etc. One must have a habit to

maintain good personal hygiene. Washing hands is a first step in maintaining it. One must use

disinfectant liquid soap to keep hands clean. Avoid rubbing hands on face or nose.

Drinking enough water helps in keeping system clean. In case of infections, drinking water

helps in flushing out the toxins. Orange juice or lemon juice can be introduced in diet to

enhance immunity as Vitamin C rich foods help in battling infections. Coconut water can also

be included as it gives energy.

Drink Lots of Water


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Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17

Avoid Smoking

Steam for Relief

Eating outside food is not good, as there are more chances of getting infection from outside

food. Home cooked fresh food is advisable.

Taking steam in cough & cold helps in counteracting virus & bacteria. Temperature more than

80 degree C helps in inactivating the germs. At the same time it soothes the condition.

Spicy food like chilli pepper helps in removing mucus. It gives relief in cold where one is not

able to excrete mucus. Also, include foods such as onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric roots helps in

removing mucus.

Cigarette smoke cause throat irritation & increase chances of infection. Second hand smoking

is also not good. One must stay away from smoke to avoid throat problems.

Make use of handkerchief/ tissue papers while coughing. It is a part of good personal hygiene

& covering mouth with napkin will avoid spreading infection through air.

Include Vegetables & Spices in Your Diet

Avoid Eating Out

Avoid Spreading Infection

Junk food is not good for health as it is a calorie dense food & it takes long time to digest. One

must avoid such kind of food during infections.

Avoid Junk & Sugary Food


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Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17

Diet during Monsoon Season

Consume light & fresh foods prepared from barley, wheat & rice.

You must consume vegetables that are less water filled. The vegetables such as

cucumber, pumpkin, must be avoided during rainy season.

Include bitter vegetables & herbs such as neem & bittergourd.

Include a little quantity of cow’s ghee, lean meat, lentils, green gram.

Consume small piece of ginger with rock salt before every meal. And add ginger &

garlic in your daily diet.

Enjoy low sodium diet to prevent hypertension & water retention.

Drink plenty of homemade soups. Take sour & salted soups of vegetables. Onions

& lean meat can also be added in preparing the soup.

Include fruits such as pear, pomegranate, mango, guava & apple.

Drink boiled & cooled water.

Taking milk that includes pepper powder & turmeric will help boost immunity.

Drink herbal teas like the ones infused with ginger, cinnamon, black pepper &


Cut down on intake of meat & fish.

Avoid pre-cut fruits.

Avoid raw vegetables & salads.

Avoid consuming stale food.

Avoid green leafy vegetables during monsoon.

Avoid curd & any foodstuff which takes longer time to digest. We should have

buttermilk instead of curd.

Water available in the reservoirs during monsoon is comparatively heavy to digest & the

metabolism is sluggish during this period. An individual is likely to experience loss of appetite.


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Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17

Only taking healthy diet may not provide desired benefits unless supported by a healthy

lifestyle. The important changes that one should make in one’s lifestyle during this season are:

Avoid sleeping in daytime as it hampers digestion & slows down the metabolism.

Always keep the surroundings dry & clean. Do not allow water to get accumulated near your


Keep body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down.

Avoid getting wet in the rains. If you happen to get wet, change into dry clothes as soon as

possible to avoid getting infections as immunity is low during this season.

Do not enter air-conditioned room with wet hair & damp clothes.

Avoid walking in dirty water during rainy season & keep your feet dry.

Ayurveda states that when seasons are changing & an individual changes his/her lifestyle &

diet to suit that particular season, the change must be gradual over a period of 15 days.

Slowly try to give up the initial lifestyle & adopt new one. If the changes are brought about

drastically the body may not be able to cope with them & this could lead to problems.

Thus, following these guidelines helps you to stay safe & healthy during monsoons. Always

binge on nutritional food & be hygienic by taking necessary precautionary measures like

cleaning your house, washing hands before & after having a meal, keeping yourself clean &

dry. Have a safe & healthy monsoon!!

Lifestyle during Monsoon Season


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Issue no:153, Date: 16th July ’17


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