steamship johu istott, steel production - evols at...

i mt'- - " ' i t: A' i $-- ; t4'V .V I ,' III y -- 4 1 $ VOL. IV. NO. 544. HONOLULU, H. L, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1802. PRICK f CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN miNTUD AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON KXCKPT BUNIIAY HY T1IK Daily Bulletin- - PabllsUing Co., ML, AT TIIK OFFICK. Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUBSCRIPTION-SI- X Dollar a Ykaii. Delivered in Honolulu nt Fifty Oknth a Month, In advance. THE WEEKLY BULUTIH is puiilished KIVE -."5T TTJHSDAY At Fouii Dollars a Ykmi to Domestic, nnd Fivk .Dollars to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONK IN DUFI.lltOll STYLE. 2oG BOTH TELEPHONES fW' 250 Year- - v. o. box so. Address letters for the paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters "Managor Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cuuse delay In at- tention. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Managor. Business Cards. OUtL 1 ' J" A30FKED MAGOON, Attokney-at-La- w and Notahy Puulic. 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu. LEWEBS & COOKE, Ihu-ohter- s and Dealers in Lumdeb andt ALL.K1NIS OF BuiLlUSO MATERIALS. ?'i ' ' Fort Street. Honolulu. 4 "WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumiier, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt, -- and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMXDT & SONS, Importers and Commission Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFEUO & CO., General Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. OK W; MAOFABEANE & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahuuianu Street, Honolulu. JOHN T. WAXERHOTJSE, Importer and Dealer in Generw. Mer- chandise. Queon Street, Honolulu, JNO. S. SMITHIES, AllUT ONEER AND GENERAL-BUSINES- AOKNT. Mahukona, Kohnlu, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., MANUFAOTDWNa AMI IMPOIITINO JkWKLKIUI. 92 Fort Streot, Honolulu. 5. , THOS. IXXTDBAY, ' Manufactuiuno Jkwelbu anii Watcii- - MAKKR. -- rKuknt Jewelry a specialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mulnerny Block, Fort Street. ATIiAS ABSXJBANOE CO. OF LONDON. H. W. Sch'midt & Sons, AUKNTB FOK TIIK HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Stkam Knoineh, Suoau Ml!.LH, Boii.kiw, Coolkus. Iron, Uhabh, and Lead Oahtinuh, Machinery of Kvery Description Made to Order. ' Particular attention paid to Ships' lllacksniithiug. Job Work executed at Short Notice. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, Kxuem.knt Accommodation kou Patients. King Street, Honolulu. Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. S. office hours: 7:30 to 10 a.m.; 12:30 to 2 r. m. ;4 :S0 to 0 p.m. Hell 00. TKLKPHONK8 Mutual 183, P, O. Box 320. O. B. RIPLEY, AROHITHOT, Complete plans nnd specifications for every description of building. Contracts drawn ami eareful superintendence of con- struction given when required. Call and examine plans. New designs. Modern buildings. Oflice, Itoom5,Spreckels' Illock. Mutual Tel. 20d. THE WEEKLY 1JULLKT1N-- 28 COI,. of Interesting Heading Matter. Iulanda,?4; mailed to foreign countries, 5. Mder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. W. O. WiMiRH. Prcs. S. II. Home, See. Gait. J. A. Kino, Port Supt. Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will leavo Honolulu at 2 v. m., touching nt Lnhnlna, Mnnlnen Buy nnd Makena the snmodny; Mahukonn, Kawaihno nnd tho following dny, arriving "at Hilo nt midnight. LEAVES HONOLULU: Tuesday, . .Oct. 11th Friday, . ...Oct. 21st Tuesday,. . Nov. 1st Friday, . . . ..Nov. lltli Wucsdny, . . .Nov. 22d Friday Doc 2d Returning leaves Hllo, touching at same day; Knwoihae a. m.; 10 a. m.; Makena 4 r. m.; Mnaluea Bay Op. m.j Lahaina 8 r. m. the following day; arriving at Honolulu (1 a. m. Wednes- days and Saturdays. AHRIVES AT HONOLULU : Wednosday Oct. 10th Saturday Oct. 20th Wednesday, Nov. 9th Saturday, Nov. 10th Wednesday, Nov. 30th Saturday, Dec. 10th No Freight will bo received after 12 noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday nt 5 r. m., touching at Kahului, Huelo, Hann, Hamoa and Kipauulu, Muui; and Puau-ha- u, Hawaii. Returning will arrive at Honolulu every Sunday morning. No Freight will be received after p. m. on day of sailing. Consignees must be at the landings to receive their Freight, ns wo will not hold ourselves responsible after such Freight has been landed. While tho Company will use due dili- gence in handling Livo Stock, we decline to assume any responsibility in case of the loss of same. Tho Company will not be responsible for Money or Jewelry unless placed in the care of Pursers. Beware of Imitat ,;AjA?VS CAUTION the Pnblic against the oiler-ing- s, I of "Normal Sanitary Jaeger Underwear", advertised by unscrupulous houses to mislead tho pnblic. The UNDERIEAR Cannot be purchased there, but only nt my Store. ls. QOLDBERQ, SOXjHI aobnt For tho Hawaiian Islands of Dr. mod. G. Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear. CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire nd Marine INSURANCE AGENTS. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual Life Insurance Co,, OF BOSTON. ffitna Fire Insurance Co., OF HAltTFOHD. Union Insurance Co., OF SAN FUANOISCO, OAL. HUSTAOE & GO., DKALEHS IN - WOOD and COAL. -- ALSO White and' Black Sand Which we will sell at tho Very Lowest Market Hates for Cash. Bell 414 - TELEPHONE - Mutual 19 L. KONG- - PEE, Merchant Tailor, Fort street, next to Club Stablos, Cm- - lately Gutter and Manager of Ooo Kim & Co. Guarantees flood fit and Heu. bonablo Prices. Patronage solicited. 611-l- m JOHU IsTOTT, IMPORTER AND DEALKU IN Steel & Iron Ranges &9fjJVi J XjfTjSi f T'-- . Si X.RBJBB J&B Stoves Sc Fi-sit-uir- es, HOUSEKEEPING (JOODS & KITCHEN UTENSILS Agate Ware in Large Variety, WHITE, GKAY and SILVER-PLATE- LAMPS & CHANDELIERS, Crockery, r Hose, Lift and Force Pumps, VWater Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK. DIAMOND BLOCK. Nos. 95 & 97 KING STREET. This Space FOR. THIE Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. BRUCE & A. J. CAPvTWRIG-HT- , General Agents for Hawaiian Islands. OH AS. EUSTACE, AND DEALElt IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED. Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Batter gj0 ALWAYS ON HAND gfl New Goods Received by Every Steamer from San Francisco. All Orders faithfully attended to. solicited nnd packed with wire. LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street - TELEPHONE 119. WEST CORNER I P. 0. Box 480. IF YOU WANT TO SAVK TIMK AT THE IXL, COKNEIt STREETS. Mutual Telephone 90. AND MONEY HUY YOUIl FUltXI-TUK- K NUUANU & KING STREETS. FOUND Tho plneo to liny New KnnanBpH ana boeoml-liai- I'liriuturo ol all kinds at Lowest Prices: Tho IXL, L JT corner Nuuanu and King streets. Uedroom Sots, AVardrohes, Ice Tfc Uoxes, Stoves, Chairs, Hanging Lnmiis, llugs.Ilureaus, Oiioll'onlers, ML etc., Sold Cheap for Cash at the 1 X L, comer Nuunnii and ICing jfb. ?.tri'otH. Steamer and Veranda Chulrs, jM fc Sofas, lied Lounges, Hnby. Cribs, Clothes Uaskets, Sowing Machines. 10 is Island Orders - Bet. Fort and P. O. BOX 372. """ W hatnuts, Meat bafes. , 7 P. O. Box : AND RETAIL IN nlturu Ilo'use, corner Nuuanu and King streets. S. W. OPEN TILL 9 O'CLOCK. HiE"7"IS TELEPHONE 111 FOKT IMPOHTEHB WHOLESALE Reserved NHUANDj&KING Satisfaction guaranteed. Alakea Streets. Triinks.etc. L. & GO. STJbUaJtfT. DEALERS LEDEKER, Proprietor. STORE SATURDAY EVENINGS Groceries and Provisions. QN IGE-- Hy each stcanior of tho O. S. S. Co. from Cnllfornln-Fre- Hh California Roll llutter. Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Guino, cgctubles, etc. A complete lino of Crosso & lllackwoll's nnd J. T. Morton's Canned and Hot tied Goods . always on hand. Just received a Fresh Lino of German Pates nnd Potted Meats and Rottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis .t Co.'s Maltese Hrund Sugar Cured llnms and Dacon, Nuw I reakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily California River- side Oranges, Oregon llurbnnk Potatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. TELEPHONE 02. !' - li0 llr'- - H. E. McINTYRE & BBO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions arid Feed. Now Goods Received hy Every Packet from the Eastern States and Eurojie. FRESH CALIFORNIA. PRODUCE JJY KVWlY STEAMER. All Ordors faithfully attended to nnd Goods delivered to any part of tlio City free. Ihlaud Ordors bollcited. Satisfaction guaranteed. EJaet Corner Fort Se Kins Streets. Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco : D. by The new and line Al Steel Steamship On "MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will he ducal Ilonolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about October 20tli, And will leave' for the above port with Mulls and Passengers on or about that date. For Sydney and Auckland: U'a The new nnd line Al Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will bo due at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about October 21st, " And will have prompt despatch with Mails and Pnst-enger- s for the above ports. To " The undersigned arc now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. on For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to Wffl. G. IRVIN & CO., Ltd., General Agents. Pacific Mail S.S. Co. -- AND TII- K- Occidental and Oriental S.S. Go, For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Stciiiucrs of the above Companies: will cnll nt Honolulu on their way to tho above ports on or about the following dntes: Stmr. "Oceanic" Nov. 1, 1892 Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, lfe'.U Stmr. "Ocennfc" Jan. U,lbfH Stmr. "China" . . . Feb. 20, lblH Stmr. "Gaelic" ... April 11,' lb'.lU For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong- kong and Yokohama to the above port on or about the following dates: Stmr. "Gaelic" Oct. 31, 1M)- -'. Stmr. "City of llio do Janeiro" Dec. 30, 18112 Stmr. "Uelgiu" Feb. 8, 1803 Stmr. "City of Peking" -- March 31. 1803 Stmr. "Oceanic" May 7, 1803 Round Trip Tickets TO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $380. For Freight and Passage apply to H. HAGKFELD & CO., 207 tf Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for S. F. Oct. .Oct. 12 Nov, .Nov. J THROUG-- LINE. From Sim Francisco From Sydnoy for for Sydney. Snn Francisco. Arrive Honolulu. I.rnvf Honolulu, ALAMEDA, Oct. lit MARIPOSA, Oct. 20 MARIPOSA, Nov. 18 MONOWAI, Nov. 17 MONOWAI, Dec. 10 ALAMEDA, Dec. 10 CHAS. T. Notary Public for the Island of (tabu. Agent to take Acknowledgements to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono- lulu, Ouhu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of 1'Ilt it Scott's Freight nnd Parcel Express, Agent for the ilurlliigtou Route. REAL ESTATE IIROKER anii GENERAL AGENT. Uuu,31 TELEPHONE Mutual J3U P. O. llox 11- 5- -- oitjck 88 Merchant st. - Honolulu, II, I, When you want a Portrait Jinlunjal call on King Uros., yet (heir Price Lint, anil nee Samples, They can't be beat! j" w:t a. Uii);!tlllawiiiiauO)mllo FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! G-raxi- d Production OF A Sorioa of Intorosting Incidents in Hawaiian History! Drnmutlsed and adapted for tho stage by M. Cjiovley, to he presented in English a company of Nntlvu Hawaiinns SATURDAY EYENING, October 22d, Will be produced a Drama in Two Acts, entitled: "The "Wooing of Kaala!" riiAUvrrmis: Kniiu'hnmchn I. . ... The Conqueror Kvt'iiuinokii His Counsellor Kenulunioku TheSeor Knnlulli Chief of Kohala Million A Chief of Lnnni Pnpiilun A Priest Opunui Fnthur of Knnla John Young A Foreigner Knlamn .. ... . AChief of Onliu Kuala I .The Flower of Lnnni Knliiut 3 Her Mother Lupua Is .. . A Chllil f S . . Friend of Kanla Neleiki Daughter of Knlnmn Ivnnhumnnu J ' Queen of Kamehnmeha f Soldiors, Kahili Bearers, Attendants, Etc. Scono: Lanai and Oaliu; Period 1795. A Musical Interlude by the Company. ns rwtr ii. A Night at tlio Groat Volcano of Kilanea I ' Showing lo Views of Karth's inferno. conclude with a Historical Drama Ora- torio in One Act, entitled: Kapiolani Defylug the Goddess Pele ! " Characters by the Company. C9 A fct oT Uealistic Soeimrv lias been it specially designed nnd painted by Pkoi. ItuppiiEiiiT for these reprosontations. for Usual Prices oi Admission. 'W Box Plan will be open at Levuy's an Mondnv, Oct. 17th, nt !) o'clock a. m. Baldwin locomotives. am X, f BjH n Tho undersigned having been 'appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands Fort tiik ji:i.r.iiKUi.i Baldwin Locomotives FltOM TIIK WOIIKS OF Burham, 'Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Ponu., Are now prepared to givo Estimates and recoivo Urdors for these Kngines, of anv size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Works AltE NOW MANUFACTURING A STYLE OF LOCOMOTIVE PAltTlOULAHLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A nunibor of which have recently been received at these Islands, nnd wo will linvu pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers with particulars of same. The Superiority of these Locomotives over.all other makes is known not only here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Agents for tlio Uawaliau Islands. Honolulu Cycling, Armory Building, - Beretania St. Bicycle Riding School . INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN Day & Evening. Ladios' & Ggiub' Bicycles For Hire Y THE DA.Y OR HOUR. Puhllu Skating; Monday nnd Snturdny reuiugs, from 7;.'I0 to 10. Friday evening ir Ludios and tleir Escorts only. Ilicyclu iUnsoiih; TiicmIiiVi Wednesday nnd Thurs-ny- . Bicycle Ropairing Solicited. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO, h il.trjrf 81 KING ST. Wholesale and Retail Butchers - AND - NAVY CONTRACTORS. a. J Waller, Manager. Tho Queen's Guard. Editoh Bulletin: Aji edilorinl in Thursday's issuo of your aiQr.iu ro tho item of $r0,000 for tho Quecm' Guard, upw in tho Appropriation BilLwcms to mo to inorit comuiont. YoiTNiuj'l'ort tho item and rufer lo it as aSrHijurnlo ajipropriation, a small itemTTK., which wo couccdo whun spunking or- - tho sum ns an appropriation for guards or similar. suporiluitios, but lot us fcuo what. this Sf0,000 applied to somo public works would do to bunulit tho coinmunity at largo. Local 1 j wo would benefit, most from mi appropriation of this amount for a pumping plant to bo located at tho wolf at 1'nwna with a distributing main along King streot, and supplying puru water to tho area below tho lino of Lutialilo street, and from tho Xuuanu stream to Waikiki. This would leavo tho distribution of reservoir water to the higher altitudes and possibly to Pa-lam- a. This is something of tho most vital importance to Hoiiolulu at the present time, owing to tho continued drought and tho necessity tor an abundant water supply lor Hushing and cleansing sanitary ap- pliances in view of a possible visita- tion of cholera. For days pat the water supply throughout tho city has lasted but a very short time, and such as there was had such a vilo color ami odor to make it totally unfit for homo consumption. Tho Government is making a suicidal attempt to economize in thisj tho only undertaking that is paying a dividend, ly lopping off tho head of tho bureau on tho ploa that wo can't afford tho services of a superintendent, and as a monopoly is worse than llio beef trust in that wo are forced to pay in advance what wo do not recoivo. Had tho vote last Tuesday been on tho question of water, puro water and abundance of it, or a military contingent to afford dignity, etc., I sure water bonds would have gained tho day. A matter ol national importance thatought to command tho attention and recoivo substantial aid from our legisjators is tho agricultural col- lege as outlined in a bill presented early in this session by tho lato Min- ister of Interior, C. N. Spencer. Next to deepening tho harbor 1 would place this item as, a necessity. Tho prompt education of u small army of our vountr men in agricul tural pursuits adapted to our soil and clnnato would givo an immense impetus to small industries in. tho near future. Tho appropriation of 50,000 would amply equip such a school in a permanent way and pro- vide tho necessary funds for two 3'ears' educational work in practical agriculture. So with duo deference to existing institutions I cannot help thinking that if thoro is only .$50,000 available ly reason of our straitened circumstances, tho Crown would add to its lustro by foregoing tho control of a military establishment, in favor of either ol tho two measures for the general welfare outlined above. In closing 1 wish to commend your article in tho samo issue, on aid to private and denominational schools. Every thinking man will ondorso all that you sa3 on tho sub- ject. It is tho plain duty of tho Government to conserve its school fund to the purposes of the public schools. Lot these bo made freo to all and enlarge the scope of what is now accomplished by adding a manual training department to tho principal schools. When the hand is taught to shape tho head's con- ceptions wo can hope for bottor things than can bo expected from tho present system. J. E. Who Are tho Boodlors? EniTOit Bulletin: . As tho P. G. Advertiser has lately much harped on tho word " boodlo," will ask the xUlvortibor and its friends a question or two. Did not tho missionary compact stock tho Islands to an ovorllow with ungodlj' Asiatics for "boodlo?" Did they not intend, when framing tho pres- ent Constitution, to have one that would keep themselves forover in powor, that thoy might always han- dle tho "lioodlo?" Did not that precious compact join tho nwindling miliar trust for "boodlo?" Have thoy not laj' awake nights planning "ways that are dark, and tricks that are vain," to work the present ministry out in order to work themselves in, for "boodlo?" Did not an indignant, public rise in their might and,py an overwhelming majority, show to tho world their opinion of tho "bood- lors?" It would appear that those hoodlum who pray, "Thy kingdom come," do it on condition that it is to come in thoir way. (Jali'e. A Good Tiling to Koop nt Hand. From the Tray (Iuiiihuk) Chief, Some yours ago wo were very much subject to .severe spells of cholera morbus; and now when wo feol any of tho symptoms that usually pro- ceed thai ailment, such as sickness at tho stomach, diarrluea, etc., wo become scary. Wo have found Cham- berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Jtomi'dy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases, and always keep i( about. Wo aro not writing this for a pay testimonial, but to, lot our readers know what is a good .thing to keep handy In tho liouou. I'or sale by all dealers, Benson, Smith & Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Pinlure Frames made to order from Uttevt Styles a Mouldings, Meliora- tion of Old Pictures a specialty King Bros,, Hotel streetx --' , ..tPi-....fc- A , s jH M ;

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Daily Bulletin- - PabllsUing Co., ML,


Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SUBSCRIPTION-SI- X Dollar a Ykaii.Delivered in Honolulu nt Fifty Oknth aMonth, In advance.


is puiilished

KIVE -."5T TTJHSDAYAt Fouii Dollars a Ykmi to Domestic,nnd Fivk .Dollars to Foreign Subscribers.



Year- - v. o. box so.

Address letters for the paper "EditorBulletin," and business letters "ManagorBulletin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may cuuse delay In at-tention.DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Managor.

Business Cards.

OUtL 1 ' J" A30FKED MAGOON,Attokney-at-La- w and Notahy Puulic.

42 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

LEWEBS & COOKE,Ihu-ohter- s and Dealers in Lumdeb andt


?'i ' ' Fort Street. Honolulu.4


Dealers in Lumiier, Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt, --and Building Materials

of every kind.Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Fort Street, Honolulu.


General Commission Agents.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahuuianu Street, Honolulu.


Importer and Dealer in Generw. Mer-chandise.

Queon Street, Honolulu,



Mahukona, Kohnlu, Hawaii.



92 Fort Streot, Honolulu.

5. , THOS. IXXTDBAY,' Manufactuiuno Jkwelbu anii Watcii- -

MAKKR.--rKuknt Jewelry a specialty. Particular

attention paid to all kinds of repairs.Mulnerny Block, Fort Street.




HONOLULU IRON WORKS,Stkam Knoineh, Suoau Ml!.LH, Boii.kiw,

Coolkus. Iron, Uhabh, and LeadOahtinuh,

Machinery of Kvery Description Made toOrder. ' Particular attention paid to Ships'lllacksniithiug. Job Work executed atShort Notice.

VETERINARY INFIRMARY,Kxuem.knt Accommodation kou Patients.

King Street, Honolulu.

Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. hours:

7:30 to 10 a.m.; 12:30 to 2 r. m. ; 4 :S0 to 0 p.m.Hell 00. TKLKPHONK8 Mutual 183,

P, O. Box 320.


Complete plans nnd specifications forevery description of building. Contractsdrawn ami eareful superintendence of con-struction given when required. Call andexamine plans. New designs. Modernbuildings. Oflice, Itoom5,Spreckels' Illock.

Mutual Tel. 20d.

THE WEEKLY 1JULLKT1N-- 28 COI,.of Interesting Heading Matter.

Iulanda,?4; mailed to foreign countries, 5.

Mder's Steamship Co.


W. O. WiMiRH. Prcs. S. II. Home, See.Gait. J. A. Kino, Port Supt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu at 2 v. m., touching ntLnhnlna, Mnnlnen Buy nnd Makena thesnmodny; Mahukonn, Kawaihno nnd

tho following dny, arriving "atHilo nt midnight.


Tuesday, . .Oct. 11thFriday, . ...Oct. 21stTuesday,. . Nov. 1stFriday, . . . ..Nov. lltliWucsdny, . . .Nov. 22dFriday Doc 2d

Returning leaves Hllo, touching atsame day; Knwoihae a. m.;

10 a. m.; Makena 4 r. m.; MnalueaBay Op. m.j Lahaina 8 r. m. the followingday; arriving at Honolulu (1 a. m. Wednes-days and Saturdays.


Wednosday Oct. 10thSaturday Oct. 20thWednesday, Nov. 9thSaturday, Nov. 10thWednesday, Nov. 30thSaturday, Dec. 10th

No Freight will bo received after12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday nt 5r. m., touching at Kahului, Huelo, Hann,Hamoa and Kipauulu, Muui; and Puau-ha- u,

Hawaii.Returning will arrive at Honolulu every

Sunday morning.No Freight will be received after

p. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landings toreceive their Freight, ns wo will not holdourselves responsible after such Freighthas been landed.

While tho Company will use due dili-gence in handling Livo Stock, we declineto assume any responsibility in case of theloss of same.

Tho Company will not be responsible forMoney or Jewelry unless placed in the careof Pursers.

Beware of Imitat


CAUTION the Pnblic against the oiler-ing- s,I of "Normal Sanitary JaegerUnderwear", advertised by unscrupuloushouses to mislead tho pnblic. The

UNDERIEARCannot be purchased there, but

only nt my Store.


For tho Hawaiian Islands of Dr. mod. G.Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear.


Life, Fire nd Marine



New England Mutual Life Insurance Co,,


ffitna Fire Insurance Co.,


Union Insurance Co.,




White and' Black SandWhich we will sell at tho Very Lowest

Market Hates for Cash.

Bell 414 - TELEPHONE - Mutual 19


Merchant Tailor,Fort street, next to Club Stablos,

Cm- - lately Gutter and Manager of OooKim & Co. Guarantees flood fit and Heu.bonablo Prices. Patronage solicited.

611-l- m


Steel & Iron Ranges

&9fjJVi J XjfTjSi f T'-- . Si X.RBJBB J&B

Stoves Sc Fi-sit-uir- es,


Agate Ware in Large Variety,WHITE, GKAY and SILVER-PLATE-

LAMPS & CHANDELIERS,Crockery, r Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

VWater Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.



This Space

FOR. THIEEquitable Life Assurance Society



General Agents for Hawaiian Islands.



Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Batter


New Goods Received by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

All Orders faithfully attended to.solicited nnd packed with wire.

LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street -


WEST CORNERI P. 0. Box 480.



Mutual Telephone 90.


NUUANU & KING STREETS.FOUND Tho plneo to liny New KnnanBpH ana boeoml-liai- I'liriuturo ol all

kinds at Lowest Prices: Tho IXL, L JT corner Nuuanu and King streets.Uedroom Sots, AVardrohes, Ice Tfc Uoxes, Stoves, Chairs, Hanging

Lnmiis, llugs.Ilureaus, Oiioll'onlers, ML etc., Sold Cheap for Cash at the1 X L, comer Nuunnii and ICing jfb. ?.tri'otH.

Steamer and Veranda Chulrs, jM fc Sofas, lied Lounges, Hnby. Cribs,Clothes Uaskets, Sowing Machines.



Island Orders

- Bet. Fort andP. O. BOX 372.

""" W hatnuts, Meat bafes. ,

7P. O. Box :


nlturu Ilo'use, corner Nuuanu and King streets.

S. W.






Satisfaction guaranteed.

Alakea Streets.


L.& GO.



Groceries and Provisions.QN IGE-- Hy each stcanior of tho O. S. S. Co. from Cnllfornln-Fre- Hh California Roll

llutter. Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Guino, cgctubles, etc.

A complete lino of Crosso & lllackwoll's nnd J. T. Morton's Canned and Hot tied Goods. always on hand.

Just received a Fresh Lino of German Pates nnd Potted Meats and Rottled PreservedFruits, Lewis .t Co.'s Maltese Hrund Sugar Cured llnms and Dacon, Nuw I reakfastCereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily California River-

side Oranges, Oregon llurbnnk Potatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.

TELEPHONE 02. !' - li0 llr'- -


Groceries, Provisions arid Feed.Now Goods Received hy Every Packet from the Eastern States and Eurojie.


All Ordors faithfully attended to nnd Goods delivered to any part of tlio City free.

Ihlaud Ordors bollcited. Satisfaction guaranteed.

EJaet Corner Fort Se Kins Streets.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco

The new and line Al Steel SteamshipOn

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willhe ducal Ilonolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

October 20tli,And will leave' for the above port with

Mulls and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:U'a

The new nnd line Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

October 21st, "

And will have prompt despatch withMails and Pnst-enger- s for the above ports. To


The undersigned arc now prepared to issue



onFor further particulars regarding

Freight or Passage apply to

Wffl. G. IRVIN & CO., Ltd.,

General Agents.

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.


Occidental and Oriental S.S. Go,


Stciiiucrs of the above Companies: willcnll nt Honolulu on their way to tho aboveports on or about the following dntes:

Stmr. "Oceanic" Nov. 1, 1892

Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, lfe'.U

Stmr. "Ocennfc" Jan. U,lbfHStmr. "China" . . . Feb. 20, lblHStmr. "Gaelic" ... April 11,' lb'.lU


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hong-kong and Yokohama to the above port onor about the following dates:

Stmr. "Gaelic" Oct. 31, 1M)- -'.

Stmr. "City of llio do Janeiro"Dec. 30, 18112

Stmr. "Uelgiu" Feb. 8, 1803

Stmr. "City of Peking" -- March 31. 1803

Stmr. "Oceanic" May 7, 1803

Round Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $380.

For Freight and Passage apply to


207 tf Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time Table.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.

Oct. .Oct. 12Nov, .Nov. J

THROUG-- LINE.From Sim Francisco From Sydnoy for

for Sydney. Snn Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. I.rnvf Honolulu,

ALAMEDA, Oct. lit MARIPOSA, Oct. 20MARIPOSA, Nov. 18 MONOWAI, Nov. 17

MONOWAI, Dec. 10 ALAMEDA, Dec. 10


Notary Public for the Island of (tabu.

Agent to take Acknowledgements to La-

bor Contracts.Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-

lulu, Ouhu.Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of 1'Ilt it

Scott's Freight nnd Parcel Express,Agent for the ilurlliigtou Route.


Uuu,31 TELEPHONE Mutual J3U

P. O. llox 11- 5-

-- oitjck88 Merchant st. - Honolulu, II, I,

When you want a Portrait Jinlunjalcall on King Uros., yet (heir Price Lint,anil nee Samples, They can't be beat!

j" w:t a.



G-raxi- d ProductionOF A

Sorioa of Intorosting Incidents inHawaiian History!

Drnmutlsed and adapted for tho stage byM. Cjiovley, to he presented in Englisha company of Nntlvu Hawaiinns


Will be produced a Drama inTwo Acts, entitled:

"The "Wooing of Kaala!"riiAUvrrmis:

Kniiu'hnmchn I. . ... The ConquerorKvt'iiuinokii His CounsellorKenulunioku TheSeorKnnlulli Chief of KohalaMillion A Chief of LnnniPnpiilun A PriestOpunui Fnthur of KnnlaJohn Young A ForeignerKnlamn .. ... . AChief of OnliuKuala I .The Flower of LnnniKnliiut 3 Her MotherLupua Is .. . A Chllil

f S . . Friend of KanlaNeleiki Daughter of KnlnmnIvnnhumnnu J ' Queen of Kamehnmeha

fSoldiors, Kahili Bearers, Attendants, Etc.

Scono: Lanai and Oaliu; Period 1795.

A Musical Interlude by the Company.

nsrwtr ii.A Night at tlio Groat Volcano of Kilanea I '

Showing lo Views of Karth's inferno.conclude with a Historical Drama Ora-

torio in One Act, entitled:Kapiolani Defylug the Goddess Pele ! "

Characters by the Company.

C9 A fct oT Uealistic Soeimrv lias been itspecially designed nnd painted by Pkoi.ItuppiiEiiiT for these reprosontations. for

Usual Prices oi Admission.

'W Box Plan will be open at Levuy's anMondnv, Oct. 17th, nt !) o'clock a. m.


X, f BjH n

Tho undersigned having been 'appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

Fort tiik ji:i.r.iiKUi.i

Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, 'Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Ponu.,

Are now prepared to givo Estimates andrecoivo Urdors for these Kngines,

of anv size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation PurposesA nunibor of which have recently been

received at these Islands, nnd wo will linvupleasure in furnishing plantation agentsand managers with particulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesover.all other makes is known not onlyhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Agents for tlio Uawaliau Islands.

Honolulu Cycling,

Armory Building, - Beretania St.

Bicycle Riding School


Day & Evening.Ladios' & Ggiub' Bicycles For Hire


Puhllu Skating; Monday nnd Snturdnyreuiugs, from 7;.'I0 to 10. Friday eveningir Ludios and tleir Escorts only. IlicycluiUnsoiih; TiicmIiiVi Wednesday nnd Thurs-ny- .

Bicycle Ropairing Solicited.


h il.trjrf81 KING ST.

Wholesale and Retail Butchers


a. J Waller, Manager.

Tho Queen's Guard.Editoh Bulletin:

Aji edilorinl in Thursday's issuo ofyour aiQr.iu ro tho item of $r0,000for tho Quecm' Guard, upw in thoAppropriation BilLwcms to mo toinorit comuiont. YoiTNiuj'l'ort thoitem and rufer lo it as aSrHijurnloajipropriation, a small itemTTK.,which wo couccdo whun spunking or- -

tho sum ns an appropriation forguards or similar. suporiluitios, butlot us fcuo what. this Sf0,000 appliedto somo public works would do tobunulit tho coinmunity at largo.

Local 1 j wo would benefit, mostfrom mi appropriation of thisamount for a pumping plant to bolocated at tho wolf at 1'nwna with adistributing main along King streot,and supplying puru water to thoarea below tho lino of Lutialilostreet, and from tho Xuuanu streamto Waikiki. This would leavo thodistribution of reservoir water to thehigher altitudes and possibly to Pa-lam- a.

This is something of thomost vital importance to Hoiioluluat the present time, owing to thocontinued drought and tho necessitytor an abundant water supply lorHushing and cleansing sanitary ap-pliances in view of a possible visita-tion of cholera.

For days pat the water supplythroughout tho city has lasted but avery short time, and such as therewas had such a vilo color ami odor

to make it totally unfit for homoconsumption.

Tho Government is making asuicidal attempt to economize inthisj tho only undertaking that ispaying a dividend, ly lopping offtho head of tho bureau on tho ploathat wo can't afford tho services of asuperintendent, and as a monopoly

is worse than llio beef trust inthat wo are forced to pay in advance

what wo do not recoivo. Hadtho vote last Tuesday been on thoquestion of water, puro water and

abundance of it, or a militarycontingent to afford dignity, etc., I

sure water bonds would havegained tho day.

A matter ol national importancethatought to command tho attentionand recoivo substantial aid from ourlegisjators is tho agricultural col-lege as outlined in a bill presentedearly in this session by tho lato Min-ister of Interior, C. N. Spencer.Next to deepening tho harbor 1would place this item as, a necessity.Tho prompt education of u smallarmy of our vountr men in agricultural pursuits adapted to our soiland clnnato would givo an immenseimpetus to small industries in. thonear future. Tho appropriation of50,000 would amply equip such a

school in a permanent way and pro-vide tho necessary funds for two3'ears' educational work in practicalagriculture. So with duo deference toexisting institutions I cannot helpthinking that if thoro is only .$50,000available ly reason of our straitenedcircumstances, tho Crown would addto its lustro by foregoing tho controlof a military establishment, in favorof either ol tho two measures forthe general welfare outlined above.

In closing 1 wish to commendyour article in tho samo issue, on aidto private and denominationalschools. Every thinking man willondorso all that you sa3 on tho sub-ject. It is tho plain duty of thoGovernment to conserve its schoolfund to the purposes of the publicschools. Lot these bo made freo toall and enlarge the scope of what isnow accomplished by adding amanual training department to thoprincipal schools. When the handis taught to shape tho head's con-ceptions wo can hope for bottorthings than can bo expected fromtho present system. J. E.

Who Are tho Boodlors?

EniTOit Bulletin: .

As tho P. G. Advertiser has latelymuch harped on tho word " boodlo,"

will ask the xUlvortibor and itsfriends a question or two. Did nottho missionary compact stock thoIslands to an ovorllow with ungodlj'Asiatics for "boodlo?" Did theynot intend, when framing tho pres-ent Constitution, to have one thatwould keep themselves forover inpowor, that thoy might always han-dle tho "lioodlo?" Did not thatprecious compact join tho nwindlingmiliar trust for "boodlo?" Have thoynot laj' awake nights planning "waysthat are dark, and tricks that arevain," to work the present ministryout in order to work themselves in,for "boodlo?" Did not an indignant,public rise in their might and,py anoverwhelming majority, show to thoworld their opinion of tho "bood-lors?" It would appear that thosehoodlum who pray, "Thy kingdomcome," do it on condition that it isto come in thoir way. (Jali'e.

A Good Tiling to Koop nt Hand.From the Tray (Iuiiihuk) Chief,

Some yours ago wo were very muchsubject to .severe spells of choleramorbus; and now when wo feol anyof tho symptoms that usually pro-ceed thai ailment, such as sicknessat tho stomach, diarrluea, etc., wobecome scary. Wo have found Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rhoea Jtomi'dy the very thing tostraighten one out in such cases, andalways keep i( about. Wo aro notwriting this for a pay testimonial,but to, lot our readers know what isa good .thing to keep handy In tholiouou. I'or sale by all dealers,Benson, Smith & Co., Agents for theHawaiian Islands.

Pinlure Frames made to order fromUttevt Styles a Mouldings, Meliora-tion of Old Pictures a specialty KingBros,, Hotel streetx

--' , ..tPi-....fc- A ,

s jH



Postal Savings Bank Notice

Uy authority of Section 11 of "An Actto Amend niul Consolidate the taws relat-ing to the liuwnilnn I'ostal Savings Ilnnk,"approved on tho 7tli day of September,1892, and on thnt dny tnking vfl'vct; noticeis horeby given tlmt the rnto of interost onSftvings Untile deposits Is fixed ns fpMuv;

On amounts under mill '.in to Five Hun-dred Dollars ($500), in Gold Coin of thoUnited States of America, in any one ac-

count, already on deposit In the HnwnliniiPostrtl Savings Hank on September 30, 1802,

Interest will bo payable from October 1,

1802, forward until further notice, at therate of 0 per cent, per annum, In Gold Coinof tho United Status of America.

On amounts ovor Klvo Hundred Dollars($500) and not exceeding Two ThousandKlvo Hundred Dollars ($2,600) in Gold Coinof tho United States of Amoricn, in any oneaccount, on deposit in the Hawaiian I'ostalSavings Uank on Scj tomber !)(), 1WM, inter-est will bo payablo Iron October 1, 18J)2,

forwanl until further notice, at tho rato ofG per cent, per annum, in Gold Coin of theUnited States of America,

On deposits placed in tho Savings llnnfcafter September 30, 1MU, interest will bopaid until further notice, at tho rato of IS

per cent, per annum on accounts not ex-

ceeding Klvo Hundred Dollars ($500). NoInterest will be paid on accounts exceedingKivo Hundred Dollars ($500), in single' ac-

counts, deposited after September 30, 1892.K. C. MACFAHLAXE,

531 tf-- 41 2t Minister of Finance.

Postal Savings Bank Notice

Uy Section 17 of "An Act to Amend andConsolidate the Laws relating to tho Ha- -waliun Postal Uank," approved onthe 7th day of September, lt!)2, and on thatday taking eil'cct, tho Minister of FinanceIs authorized to issue Coupon Bonds of thoHawaiian Government, to be styled the"Postal Savings Uank Loan," to he issuedonly to depositors in the Hawaiian I'ostalSavings Uank who may apply for tho same.

Tho "Postal Savings Uank Loan" bondsarc redeemable in not less than live normoro than twenty years, at the option oftho Minister of Finance, and bear interestat the rato of 0 per cent, per annum, to bepaid y, inteiest and principalpayable in Gold Coin of the United Statesof America or its equivalent.

Any depositor with an aggregate amountto his credit in the Savings Uank, of notless than Two Hundred Dollars ($200) inGold Coin of the United States of America,which shall have been on deposit at leastthree months, is entitled, on application, toan issue of "Postal Savings Uank Loan"bonds in exchange therefor, in sums ofOne Hundred Dollars ($100) or multiplesthereof.

Applications will be received at the Pos-

tal Savings Uank for "Postal Savings UankLoan" bonds from date until October31, 1892, inclusive.

E. O. MACFAULAXE,531 tf-4- 1 2t Minister of Finance.


Tho Uoard of Health has directed itsAgents to make a special inspection ofhouses and premises in the City of Hono-lulu with a view of putting tho same in ngood sanitary condition, and tho publicnre therefore requested

1. To render all assistance totho Agents of the Uoard of Health.

2. To obey the instructions of thoHealth Agents.

3. To put drains, cesspools, privy-vaul- ts

and other receptacles of refuse in a goodBanitary condition.

4. To have all garbage and other decay-ing refuse promptly removed, and allsources of noxious smells disinfected.

Uy order of the Uoard of Health.DAVID DAYTON,

President.Honolulu, Sept. 23, 18!)2. 530--1 It


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying Water Hates, are hereby notifiedthat, owing to tho drouth and tho scarcityof water in the Government Iteservoirs,the Hours for using water for Irriga-tion purposes are from 7 to 8 o'clock a. m.,and 5 to (1 o'clock v. m., until further notice.

JOHN C. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved:0. N. Sl'EKCKK,

Minister of tho Interior.Honolulu, H. I., Aug. 0, 181)2.

4B0-- tf

PROCLAMATION.By virtue of authority given by an Act

of tho Legislative Assembly entitled, AnAct to Prevent tho Infection of Cholera Inthe Hawaiian Islands, approved ontho27thday of September, 18(J2, and upon the re-

commendation of tho Uoard of Health, Ido horeby declare all Ports of Entry in thisKingdom, excepting Honolulu, closed toshipping other than coasting until furthernotice. E. 0. MACFAULANE,

Minister of Finance.Honolulu, Oct. 1, 1892. 538-t- f


Owing to the drought and scurclty ofwater, tho residonts mauka of Judd streetare requested to collect what wator theymay require for household pnrposen before8 o'clock A. M.

JOHN 0. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu (Voter Works.

Honolulu, Sept. 0, 1892. fiin-t- f

Among tho incidents of childhoodthat stand out in bold relief, as ourmemory reverts to tho days whon wowore young, none aro moro jiroini-- 'nont than severe sickness. Thoyoung mother vividly romoinborsthat it was Chamberlain's CoughRemedy cured hor of croup, and inturn administers it to hor own off-

spring and always with tho host re-

sults. For sale by all dealers. Bon-Bo- n,

Smith & Co., Agents for thoHawaiian Islands,

For Mouldings, Frames, Pastels, Arlo-typt- s,

Photogravures, Etchings, andeverything in the line of Pictures, go to

ing Bros,, Hotel street.


Pledged In ncilhcr Sect nor Party,lint Established for the Benefit of All.

MONDAY, OCT. 10, 1892.

THE TRUTH IS NOT IN IT.Tho Advorlisor invites a lash- - to

its back. It wilfully misrepresentstho position of tho Bulletin in orderto oxeito prejudice against this paper.Tho Bulletin did not uso tho Sack-villo-Wo- st

incident for a justifica- -

.tiou of nsaults on tho Americanrepresentatives, but to show thatfoicign representatives aro not abovocriticism in tho country to whichthoy are accredited. Tho Advortisorlies in stating that tho Bulletincommitted assaults on Amoricnh representatives. This paper oponodits columns to Americans who woredispleased with tho conduct of thoirrepresentatives, for tho utteranceof thoir displeasure, but for itself ithad no opinion on tho question,further than crediting tho HawaiianLegislature with tho sending out ofthe Boston to look for tho shipWin. A. Cainpboll's missing boat,and expressing gratification ovortho expedition of tho cruiser.Americans can still have tho uso ofour columns and, in tho caso ofanonymous letters, noithor will theirauthor's identity bo betrayed northoir respectfully written opinions boapologized for. It takes a thing liketho Advortisor to givo publicity un-hesitatingly to an anonymous ex-

pression of honest public opinionand then, for tho double purposo ofelectioneering capital and to clearthe way for tho prosecution of acontemporary, got down on its facoand oat dirt by apologizing for thopublishing of a froo American'sviews. Our contemporary empha-sizes its slander by repeating it fouror fivo times in a little ovor a scoreof linos, charging this paper with" " " ,fassaults, insults," assaultsagain, and "malignancy ofattacks," on the Amorieau represent-atives. Lot tho Advortiser producea single instanco of anything such asits strong languago indicates, in thoeditorial columns of tho Bulletin, orelse let it accept the brand of adownright falsilior in cold blood.When tho Bulletin has taken suchliberties with American representa-tives as have been taken by tho Ad-

vortiser and its frionds, it may bocallous enough to take no notice ofsuch a venomous attack as that ofthis morning. If tho Advortisordesires tho record of an "assault" or"malignant attack" on an AmericanMinister, it can procuio it nearerhomo than in tho Bulletin's columns.Perhaps it is too modest to givo thorecord in question, and is thereforetrying to forco this paper to divulgethe facts of tho not romoto incident.Then there was a case a fow monthsago whon tho Advertiser publisheda letter addressed to the AmericanConsul-Gonora- l, before it had comeinto tho hands of that official. ThoAdvertiser is a groat champion ofAmerican representatives! Its ser-vices will doubtless receive suitablerecognition at tho oarliost possiblemoment from tho Department ofState at Washington! Tho Bulletinis satisfied with affording a mediumfor tho legitimate expression ofgrievances to American as woll as allother residonts. It is because itnever betrays tho most humble con-

tributor to its columns onco hiscommunication has boon acceptedbut bears tho brunt of all tho conse-quences itself, and will not for thosake of political capital or underany pressure apologize lor givinghonest opinion a hearing, that thoBulletin holds its own as tho paporof and for the pooplo a positiontho Advortisor can novor attain byits present slavish character andcowardly tactics.

Tho First Mass.

His Lordship tho Bishop of Pano-jioli- s

celebrated pontifical liigh massin tho Catholic Cathedral yesterdaymorning for tho first time sinco hiscoifocration. Hor Majesty thoQuoou attended tho sorvico, accom-panied by' Governor Cleghorn, HisEx. Sain'l Parker, Minister of ForeignAllans, and wife, .1. W. Robertson,H. M.'s Chamberlain, and Mrs. Wil-son and Mrs, Clark, ladies-in-waitin- g.

Tho Queen was mot at thomain door by tho Bishop and es-

corted by him to the pow reservedfor tho Royal party. Tho RoyalHawaiian Band assisted in tho mu-sic of tho mass.

Bit His Ear.A nntivo named Poouui hit Kaoo-hon- a

near Kikihalo yesterday in n fitof rago and knocked him down. Iutho scufllo which followed tho as-

saulted man's oar was bit. Twoothors separated them and Poouuiwas arrested. This morning in thoPolice Court Poouui stated ho wasunder tho influence of liquor middid not know what ho was doing.Ho was fined $M and $1 costs.

m m

Here's to tho Ilculani crow,Tho boys of tho royul blue;They pulled u good htroko,Left the Myrtle in smokeAmi broke all thoir backers In two.

When you want a Portrait Enlargedcall on King Pros,, get their Price List,and see Samples. They can't be beatl .. x - -


They Lower the Myrtles' Colors

on the Peninsula Course.

An Exclthig Race Between the Senior

Crews of the Healanl and

Myrtle Boat Clubs,

Tho attraction on Saturday wastho boat race at tho peninsula coursoat Pearl Citj'. A number of pooplowent down on tho earl' trains, buttho major part took the 3 o'clockspecial train, tho last ono to leave.Seven or eight cars wore crowded.The trip down was made withoutincident, excepting that tho trainwas stopped once in order to allowa hand-ca- r to get out of tho wait couldn't pass on tho sanio rails,however, and became a wreck. ItsJapanese crow had jumped for thoirlives in tho liick of time. No timewas lost on arrival in getting downto the course. Tho O. R. & L. Co.have erected a 'boat house withquarters for tho different clubs.The difforont crows woro soonin their respective quarters, beingrubbed down and costumed forthe contest. Tho Mj'atlos lookedst rong and hopeful in their old-tim- e

rod uniform. The Healanis got intotheir blue toggery and presented, anathletic arraj-- . Although havingthoir first race to win from thoir an-tagonists, thoy woro an air of deter-mination that went far to givo thoirfriqnds confidence. Soon the boatsworo lifted carefully out tho Myr-tle's first and deposited in tho wa-tor. A short preliminary spin washad, both crows looking in fine form,and then came tho great ovont.

the race.

Tho signal for tho start was givenexactly at 1:20 o'clock. Tho Hea-lanis got first water and with a 38 totho minute stroko pushed thoir boata noso ahead, maintaining that loadfor about thirtj' 3'nrds, whon thoMyrtles, who woro pulling a 30 stroko,spurted. Thoy crawled up until thoboats woro nearly ovon. TI103' kept inthat position for about 10 yards, whentho blues, with a good strong pull,increased tho lead and maintainedit to a fow j'ards from tho turningpoint, whon by a falso turn of thocoxswain thoy caught two crabs inan oll'ort to spurt. Tho M3rtlos woropulling thoir regular stroko. Thoboats turned tho stake within a fowseconds of each other, tho blues stillleading. When tho boats started forhomo it seemed to thoso who worolooking at them from tho startingpoint as if the blues had gone toofar to windward. But it was not so,as thoy came up like a Hash and as-

sumed tho lead by half a boat'slongth. On tho homestretch thooxcitomont was intense. Tho Hea-lni- ii

boys along tho banks made thoair hideous with thoir fish horns.Tho rods pushed them hard, forthroo-quarto- rs of a mile, whon thoyfagged as if the pace had boon toohard. The M3'rtlos spurted periodi-cally, but in vain. Thoy could notgain tho load. Aboi.r lialfwaj hometho Healanis had load enough to at-tempt taking tho wator of thoir op-ponents. Until this was tried dis-tant spectators thought tho Myrtleswere leading. But when tho boysin blue woro oon swerving acrosstho course with a strong pull, an en-tirety different view of tho situationwas realized. It was patent that thoHealanis had a winning load boforothoy could take such a risk of n foul.Thoy did tho feat successful!', mak-ing the race a tandem ono, and hopo- -

Iessl3' lost to tlio long-tim- e cham-pions. As tho boats nearod tho fin-ish tho cheers and hurrahs worodeafening. One hundred 3'ards fromtho finish tho rods woro a boat'slength in tho rear. The blues in-

creased thoir pace and gained an-other boat's length. It seemed as iftho steam in tho reds had gone out,and although thoy pullod liko clock-work, thoir efforts woro futile, andtho bluos crossed tho lino in 19 min-utes 42 seconds. Tho reds coveredtho distance in 19 minutes and B--l

soconds, 12 seconds behind.A native resident of Ewa camo to

tho scone of the race slightly elevat-ed with a brown cotton sock filledwith Kalakaua silver dollars. Thobetting was then waging at 10 to 7in favor of the Myrtles. He took upover3' bet, and as a finalo ho put up15 to 20 on tho Healanis. Tho nativeadvised everybody to bot against thoMyrtles, as ho said ho'd boon to akahuna tho previous night and ad-vised to bot against tho rod, Thoman, who was somewhat of a kahunahimself, collared ovor eighty dollarsof Honolulu bloods' money. In allprobability, tho neighbors far andnear around his dwelling aro regard-ing him just now as a prophet until

tho 11101103' is gone.

At a Laud Sale.

There was considerable competi-tion at the sale of a parcol of Jniitlsituate at Alakoa and King st roots,known as tho Horo promises, at noonto-d- a' at tho auction room of J. P.Morgan. Tho premises aro tho siteof tho old wooden buildings fromwhich there is a torriblo stoncliemanating. Messrs, W. O. Smithand H. Watorhouso started tho ballrolling and kopt it up till it reach-ed $2225. when W. O. Smith retired.Mr. Watorhouso, with n twinkle ofhis oyo, sang out "S. C. Allen" andwont out laughing, Tho fact is Mr,Allen's promises adjoin tho proporty,and ho had asked his friend to 10 pre-sent him at tho sale, for if, ho hadboon there in person, tho pricomight have gouo higher.

Supromo Court.

Saturday's session of tho Octoberterm, boforo Chief .Justice Judd, wasoccupied wit h divorces. Thru- - not 1

tious woro granted, in two cpsufpublication was ordered, and onawas partly heard,

Tho only broach of promi.o casois on trial to-da- Alice K Ayers, emaiden comoly above i - wcrae,sues W. Mahuka, a you 'g man ofproporty, for damages to nrr allee-tion- s

by backing out of t.n ongnge-niontt- o

marry her. About i dozen loveloltors nro on file in tho cus, chieflyin tho Hawaiian languago. Ono lot-t- or

in excellent English from Aliceis rathor touching, upbraiding inaffecting tonus the derelict swain forhis letter asking for tho return ofinu ring. i. i, .unKDUH ioi plain-tiff; Creighton and Rosa for defend-ant.

Mrs. Nnkuina is acting as inter-preter.


This is the query per-Wh- at

la petually ou your littleboy's lips. And he is

It For ? no worse than the big-ger, older, balder-heade- d

boys. Life is nu interrogationpoint. " What is it for?" we con-tinually cry from the cradle to thograve. So with this little introduc-tory sermon we turn and ask: "Whatis Auoust Fi,ovkr vou ?'' As easilyauswered as asked : It is for Dys-pepsia. It is a special remedy forthe Stomach and Liver. Nothingmore than this; but this brimful.We believe August Flower curesDyspepsia. We know it will. Wehave reasons for knowing it. Twentyyears ago it started in a small countrytown. To-da- y it has an honoredplace in every city and country store,possesses one of the largest manu-facturing plants iu the country andsells everywhere. Why is this ? Thereason is as simple as a child'sthought. It is honest, does onething, and does it right along itcures Dyspepsia.G. G. GREEN. Sole Man'fr.Woudbury.NJ.

By Jus. F. Morgan.

Fresll A P P 1 e S

.A."!1 .TJOTION.TO-MORRO- Oct. litis,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At my Salesroom, I will bell a' VahlizAuction

100 Boxes Fresh ApplesJust Received per "Au tialla."

Jas, 3T. jVEoi'ScLZ?.,611-- lt AUOTION'EiSlt.

Furniture Sale !

On TUESDAY, Oct. 11th,AT 10 O'CLOCK. A. II..

At my Salesroom, Queen Street, I will sellat 1'ublic Auction

The Furniture of the Waikiki VillaRemoved to my Salesroom for convenience

of Sale. '1 he Furniture comprises

3 ASH BEDROOM SETS2 Antique Oak lledroom Sets,1 Spruce liedrooui Set,Spnng and Hair .Mattresses,

Foatlier IPillows,A Largo Assortment of

ZBedL LinenQuilts, White lllankets,Mosquito Nets, Toilet Sots,

Sofas, Lounges,Kte., Kte. Ktc, Kte.

C& All to bo sold at imv price. Furni-ture now on view at my Salesroom,

Jas. V. SMorgEtn, .r13-'- .t AUCTIONKKR.


Wooden Buildings.A.t Wa.Ux.iiii.


On tho Premises, WAIKIKI VILLA, 1 willsell at I'ulillo Auction the

Large Wooden BuildingLatoly occupied as tho Main Dwelling

House of tho Waikiki' Villa.

.A-ls-o, Staples, Etc.

ilulliliiiL'S tn liii rninnvi'il within indays from dato of sale.


512-- AUCTION h 111.


rpHK HKGliLAK MONTMLi' MI'.ST.--L inpc of the Flro I'ollet vmU ho lurid

TO.MOUHOW HVKNINU, Oe'olwi I'th,nt their New Hall, corner H tuii ai.d I'ortstreets, ut 7 o'clock sharp. '1 ho ctlond'uiceof every member Is reqtiusttd.

H.AKMlTACin,nil-l- it Secretary,


COLD WATCH ANDChain. Sultublu reward will ho pulri

to finder. H. HKNJKB.


ic Monarch .Dailies






The Residents of HawaiiFor tho 1'urehase of Goods In the

Markets San Francisco

Vc Can Buy Goods

FOR "3TOXJLower than the Lowest Market Price I

No matter what you want. AVecan furnish

Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,Household Articles, Furniture,

Musical Instruments, Carpets,Agricultural Implements,

Groceries, lluggies, Harness,Dress Goods, Hoots, Shoes,

'Wearing Apparel, lite, Kte.,


Aiii'ilig Mer tie Su !

At Astonishingly Close Figures,

& If you arc in need of anvthingfrom this City, write us and wo will quoteyou prices on it, and, if the prices milt,you can forward us tho Cash to make tliopurchase.

Don't be backward about asking us con-c,"iii-

what you want.

E fenced and Careful Buyers

Are in charge of this Department andthoy are at your seivlce.

mi0 for Ge Acquaintedwith Our Methods!

AVe can save you money by executing yourcommissions.

jSF Address all communications


San Pranoisco,California, - - - D. S. A.

To Lot or Lease.


rpWO N1CKLY FUR- -JL nished Itooms. cen- -

tially located. Inquire at1IUI.LBTIN Otlicc. 35;5-- tf


1'RKMlSnS, 31Ueretania street, op

posite Fort street church. SiTffeApply to H. I.L1LLIK. Uiu&

Ita2-- tf At Tbco. 11. D.ivics ,te Co,


IIOUSK OF F1VKrooms, on Magazine

street, with liathroom, at- -nnl W. C, etc. of the linest views in Honolulu. Applvto (177-tf- ) .1. M. VIVAS.


rpilB COTTAOK ON 1110-J- L y&L--aretanla street No. IK),

northwest corner on mauka Si'3aaiirstf

Rooms, besides liathroom, Kitchen, 1'imtry, eto. lromwuy cars passing. Apply to

r10-3- t H. W. SOHM IDT ,fe Si


NICK COTTAGE ONA llerotaula street, near SUtTTfaaSaLl'iikoi street, containing ffajiaiHjjniSI', i,)mi ltmlrnmiiu Unfit- -room, Diuiugioom, l'imtry and KitchenServant's room, Carriage House, Stable, etc.Traineais puss every 20 minutes. Apply atolllco of this paper, 458-- tf


rpHOSK DKSIHA11LKJL Promises lately occu-pied by Mr. B. Sulir, willhe for sale or lease ut reasonable nrlce or rental. The Grounds eontain a variety of Fruit and OrnamentalTrcos. Tho Commodious Dwelling Is

with modern Improvements nndconveniences. Roomy Ham and aCottage for servants, For further particu-lars, apply to JOHN KNA,

Olllco luter-Islau-d Steam NavigationCo. fiSMf


. jf'KItTIFIOATK NO. 1 1!) FOU TWKNTYI V Shares Mutual 'i'olephone Stock,. bunding In the name of (ieorgo 0. Ileek-- I

lev. Transfer has boon stopped. Finder; will pleuso return to

UKOltCKC. IIKCKLUV.ri3(l-2- Or to Wilder ,v Co.



standing ill the name of 0. If. Judd.Transfer has Ik on stopped. Finder willjileuso return to

F. M. SWANKY,At tho olllco of T, H. Dayies it Co.

KJlI-L'- w


fPIIK LUASNOF THK SIIOOTIVn OVJL thoAhupuua of Muimlohu.... for disposal. Apply tlio undersigned.


Messrs. King Pros, are showing a fineline of Bamboo and other style ParlorEasels, Wall Brackets, and WindowCornices, at Prices to meet the times.

a-- :r, --a. isr id




Temple of FashionTHE




Title Entire Stools, of

EMBROIDERIES,Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, 4uo.:

Handkerchiefs, Fans, !

tm -

Muslin Underwear,

Ladies' Jackets, Blouses,

Silks, Satins,

Velvets, Velveteens,. .

2Sr In Fact 'Everything in the Fancy Goods Linewill Toe on Sale' THIS "WEEK.

Prices Ce! Ira Half ! No Reserve !


S. EHRLICH,Temple of Faslxion. i

PACIFIC MEMARE CO., Ltd.Ou.mmins' Block., Iort Street.

M, & D. Wrought Steel Ranges !




Copperas, Chloride of Lime,Condy's Fluid, Sanifas,Bromo-Chloralu- m, Carbolic Acid,

ETO., ETO., ETO., ETO.113 & 115 Fort St., - . Honolulu, H. I,








Time Table


WMW&th-A-iist- s

A.M. P.M. P.M.

I.envo Honolulu. .fl:ir 8:15 1 : 15 t:35tArrive Honou1lull.7:20 l):57 2:57 5:35tlAmvoHonoullull..7:TO 10:13 3:13 5:4'tArrive Honolulu .S::r 11 :M l:5S UtfiOt

l'r.Alll. OlTY I.OCAI..

cavo Honolulu f:10 . .

Arrivo lVarl City r:ls ...Lvnvo l'cnrl Olty..(l:5TiArrive Honolulu 7 :.10

Sundays excepted, t SntiinlnyH only.Saturdays oxceptuil.

Tides, Sun and Moon.


I 1,,AY'!jflt35aig f t i p.m. u.ui. p.m.Moil. 10 1145 8 II .... 2 30 li fit H X) D 43Till"). 11 8 15 II 0 0 20 4 0 5 54 5 XI 10 48Wctl. 12 111 30 10 0 2 0 0 0 5 M A 33 11 51Tlmrs. 13 1130 12 0 3 20 fl 60 6 55 5 37 ....

p.m. 14 0 10 .... 5 0 7 15 5 M A 3D 0 49.Nut. 15 1 0' 1 50 0 20 8 0 5 50 5 35 1 4781111. 1G 1 30. 2 20 t) 50 8 30 5 5(1 5 31

Lust Quarter of tho Moon on tho 12th at llh.Oin. a.m.


MONDAY, OCT. 10, 1892.

Zv.K.I3SrE 3st:e"ws.Arrivals.

Sunday, Oct. J.Stnir Chuulino from JIaui and HawaiiBtmr MikahulA from KnnaiStmr 1'elu from JIakaueliStnir Junius Mnkeo from Kiiuiii

Departures.Monday, Oct. lu.

Stnir Mokolli for Molokai at 5 p mStmr Wuininnnlo for Molokai and MauiStmr Jas Makeo for Knpan and Hnualei

Vessels LeavingStmr Claudinc for Maui at 5 p inStmr Mikahula for Kauai, at 0 p in

Cargoes from Island Forts.Stmr Claudinc 78 pkgs sundries, 50 head

cattle,8 head horses, 17 liogs, 27 hidos.Stmr Mikohala 31U1 bags sugar, '10 bags

rice, 150 bales wool, 308 goatskins, 15ealves, 7 bdls hidos, 85 pkgs sundries.

Passengers.From Kauai, per stmr Mikaliala, Oct i)O B Hofgaard, K K Bull, Mrs A Hogg,

Miss B Hogg, J H Campbell, H A Myhre,J P Fraser and 58 deck.

From Muui and Hawaii, per stmr Claud-in- e,

Oot 1) i von Tempsky, Mons Vizza-von- a,

Mrs S A Alexander, "Mrs M Wilcox,A Barnes, O B Wells, Mr Lnnnrch, MrHughes, Miss S A "Wauunau, Ah Sing, AhWall, Manuel Koso and wife, and 31 deck.

Vessels in Port.Am bk Albert, Winding, from San Fran-

cisco.Am bktno 8 N Castle, i H Hubbard, from

San FraneUcosehr Kobt Lowers, Goodman, from

Port Gamble

Foreign Vessels Expected.U S S Allianep from San Francisco, now

duoMis bkt Morning Star, from Micronesia,

May '.Haw bk Helen Brewer, from Glasgow,Am sehr Mary Bodge, from Kurukn, Oct. (i.Am sch Glendalu, lroiu Kureka, Oct. (J.

Br bk U P Ititliot, from drdill--,

Oct. 1.Bk Greta, from Newcastle, N S W.Ger bk H Hackfcld, from Liverpool, Oct. 10.

Public Concert.

Tho Royal Hawaiian MilitaryBand, Prof. H. Borgor, loader, willgive a concert this evening atEmma Square, commencing at 7:80o'clock. Following is tho program:

l'AIU I.Overture In tlio Italian Style. .SchubertMarch-Tli- e Dudes.. .. . WugnerCuvatina Lucia di Lainmermoor.DonizettiSelection Bohemian Girl .. . Balfe

I'alama. Pill Aoao. Miilumu.l'AKT II.

Medley F.ehoes of the Night. . . . RiviereFantasia Tlie Blacksmith. . .KiicnbergWaltz Mikado.. . , .. SullivanGalop Bird's Beak . , . Fahrbacli

Hawaii Pouoi.

Failed to Deliver.E. H. F. Woltors was givon judg-

ment in tho Polico Court on Fridayagainst C. A. Herring for replevin.Woltors stated that Horring hadsold him certain goods, but had re-fused to delivor them for somo rea-son. Tho goods wore valued at$181.50. Ho sued for tho possessionof the goods and oxhibitod a bill ofsalo in court. Judgment was givenin his favor and costs $8.50. J. A.Magoon for plaintiff.

Empty Bags.A Chinaman named Yum Geo

ploadod guilty in tho Polico Courtthis morning to tho charge of lar-ceny of empty grain bags valued atfifty cents, the proporty of A. F.Cooko. Goo, who was forniorly astorokoopor, stated that ho pickedup tho bags thinking they woreuseless and not wanted. JudgeFostor suspended sentence till call-ed up.

A little boy of Mrs. McDonald's,living near horo, fell against a rodhot stove and was fearfully burned.Tho pain was torriblo, and it wasthought the burn wassosovoro as, toscar tho child for life, I sold thelady a bottle of Chamberlain's PainBalm, whioh, after greasing tho soro,she applied. It soon removed allthe fire and eased tho pain, and inten days tho boy was well, no tracoof tho scar remaining. J. D, Mc-Laren, Koysport. Clinton county, 111.For salo by all dealers. Benson,Smith & Co., AgontB for;jthe Hawai-ian Islands. .


A lady's gold watch and chain hasboon lost.

Now hats aro plonliful aroundtown today.

Tho Firo Polico will mootovoning.

J. F. Morgan will soil apples at 10o'clock

Paauhau mill, Hawaii, commencedgrinding last Monday.

Diamond Head, 8 p. in. Wont horcloudy; wind frosh northoast.

Tho salo of tho Brunswick BilliardParlor has boon postponed. It wasto have takon placo to-da-

Tho smokostack of tho Makawolimill has boon complotod. It isabout 175 foot high and is tho big-gest on tho islands.

Petor Whitmarsh is tho nnmo oftho canoo-buildo- r, which was report-ed tho other day and not Nnauan,who is a relative of tho artificer.

A two-fifth- s interest in a piece ofland situated at Pawaa, opposite thoWoodlawn dairy, was sold at auctionby J. F. Morgan to-da- y for $110, toI . S. Lyman. .

Judge It. F. Bickerton and wifereturned from a vacation at Wai-kan- o

by way of Waialua on Satur-day afternoon. Tho Judge has fullyrocovorod his health.

An Art Union got up by Messrs.R. C. Barnfiold, painter, and AllenHutchinson, sculptor, had its draw-ing this afternoon. Tho full reportis too late for this issue.

Someone took tho koy to Har-mony hall on tho night of tho so-

cial and dance of tho Daughters ofRobokah. If any ono finds it Mrs.F. M.'Nicoll will bo much obligedfor its return to hor.

S. R. Hapuku of Lihuo, Kauai, hasthis day boon PolicoJustice for said district by tho OhiofJustico on tho nomination of thoCabinet and approval of tho Justicosof tho Supremo Court.

On Saturday afternoon, while thoexcursion train was returning fromPoarl City, Dan, tho baseball player,made a successful jump while thotrain was in motion at a way stationat Moanalua. Ho alighted on hisfoot without a "spin."

Tho ladios of tho Sowing Societyof St. Andrew's, after tho usualsummor vacation, will resume theirsowing meetings (Tues-day) afternoon, at tho usual time intho school room. Ordors from pat-rons of tho society will bo thank-fully received by those ladies, whoaro doing thoir best to roduco thoCathedral debt.

Right Rev. Father Gulstan Ro-por- t,

tho nowly-consoerat- Bishopof Panopolis, was mot at tho wharfby tho band and escorted to thoCathedral on Saturday afternoon.Hons. Paul Neumann and AugustDroier had seats in tho wagonettewith His Lordship. The band gavea concert in tho Cathedral groundsafterwards.


Delightful Event Given by the Ma- -

kawao Ladios' Aid Society.

Tho monthly literary and musicalentertainment of tho Makawao La-dies' Aid Society was hold at theresidence of Mrs. G. P. Wilder inKahului last Friday,tho 7th inst.,nndproved a very successful and pleas-ant affair. The full moon shed itsgentle lustre on mountain and sea,bathing everything in a Hood oflight; Mr. Wilder ran a special trainto Paiu and Spreckolsvillo, whichconvoyed a goodly crowd of ladiesand gentlemen from thoso places,Haiku and .Makawao, to (ho enter-tainment and hack, affording them adelightful rido in tho magnificentweather. La haute voice fromWailuku and vicinity also turned outin force, and of course tho elite ofKahului was en evidence.

Mr. Ei. R. Biyon opened tho pro-gram with a piano solo, renderedwith his usual brilliant executionand dashing stylo, earning an encorewhich ho responded to. Miss MillieRockwith next gavo a vory sweet.pretty vocal solo, much appreciatedby tho audionco; Mrs. L. A. An-drews played a lovoly Spanish waltz,and Mr. L. M. Votloson sang aSwodish song vory acceptably, whichwas followed by a pantomime, "TheMistlotoo Bower," laughably render-ed by members of Makawao society.Mrs. R. von Tempsky, neo Miss Dow-sot- t,

rondorod a charming vocal solo,"It was a droam," Dr. Geo. Horbortsang "Marguorito" in fine stylo, andMrs. G. P. Wilder charmod tho audi-onco with hor sweot rendition of "InOld Madrid."

This concluded tho program, andgonoral conversation and social chatwas indulged in, while chocolate,coffeo, chicken salad, and sandwichesgratified tho gastric gnawingsof thoguests, who spent a vory pleasanthour until tho train whistlo warnedthorn that timo was Hooting, a factwhich thoy had forgotten while lis-tening to two exquisite piano soloswhich Mrs. von Tempsky kindly ron-dorod outside tho program.

Tho arrangements wore excellentin vory particular; tho pretty andvory spacious residence only parti-fille- d

and capable of holding nearlyas many moro. Mrs. Wilder did kshounrun admirably and ovorybodywont homo with pleasant memoriesof a delightful ovoning and expres-sions of thanks to their kind hostand hostess.

On Saturday the Temple of Fa- -

snion was crowded lroiu morningtill night. At 7:80 p. in. a police-man was stationed at tho door tokeep tho peoplo back who wore try-ing to force thoir way into tho store.Don't talk about hard times in Ho-nolulu. Tho ladies say this is theonly gonuino sale over hold intown, and judging by tho way thoTemple of Fashion was bosoigedovory day last week there is everyreason to believe that groat bargainsuro offered.


IOotii DAY.

Monday, Oct. 10, 1802.

Morning Sosslon.

Tho Assombl convened at 10o'clock; proyor ly chaplain. Min-utes ot lie previous mooting woreread and approved,

Tho following petitions wore pre-sented and referred:

By Hop. Kapahu from a residentof Kau named Thompson that thosum of $25 deposited by him as ncandidate for election bo returnedto hint. To Judiciary Committee.

By Rep. Kalunn from Portugueseresidents of Makawao, Maui, thatPortuguese bo treated froo at allGovernment hospitals. To SanitaryCommittee.

By Rep. A. S. Wilcox that $12,000bo appropriated for roads in thodistrict of Hanaloi, Kauai. To Com-mittee on Public Lands.

By Rop. Kaunamano from resi-dents of llainakua district that, 1,tho Lottery Bill pass; 2, that an ap-propriation be made for a junketingof somo kind. To Committee onMiscellaneous Petitions.

By Rop. R. W. Wilcox that thotaxes of peoplo with largo familiesof children bo remitted. To FinancoCommittee.

Rop. Kapahu olferod questions totho Minister of Financo rolativo totho names and residences of post-masters, and whether or no thoywore supplied with revenue stamps.

Undor suspension of tho rulesRop. Smith presented a petitionfrom tho Hawaiian Evangelical So-ciety praying that tho Lottery Billdo not pass. Tabled for bill.

Rop. Kamauoha gavo notico t hattho Constitutional Committee wouldmoot after adjournment.

Rop. Ashford desired to learnsomething iclntivo to Bill 1G7, thoRegistration Bill, and ho with othermembers indulged in somo littlequestioning which also brought inClerk McCarthy. A way out of themuddle was made by a motion ofRep. Ashford that tho bill, whichwas tho Order of tho Day, bo de-ferred.

Tho first vote was declared againsttho motion, but division being calledfor a rising volo was takon resulting20 to 20, and President Walker, vot-ing for tho first time this session,cast his vote against doforring ac-

tion on tho bill.Unfinished business coming up Bill

93, to define tho duties of Ministersof tho Crown and othor otlicors oftho Hawaiian Government, in thopurchnso of manufactured goods orarticles for tho uso of tho Hawaiian'Government, was brought up forconsideration.

Noblo Williams said that therehad alreadj' been so much argumenton tho bill there was little needof more being said; ho would there-fore move that tho bill pass.

Noblo Baldwin said ho was in ac-

cord with tho spirit of tho bill, toencourage homo industries andhome manufactures, and in tho pastho had loll lilco blaming tho Uovom-ornmo- nt

for not giving more con-tracts horo. Tho point ho wouldlay tho most stress on now was, thattho Government would bo obligedto givo tho work horo. If a road on-gin- o

should break down tho Govern-ment would bo compelled to givotho work out here although tho fac-tories were not as well capable ofXorfonning tho work as thosoabroad. In tho proposed nowpumping plant it would become

for tho Government to givotho contract out hero, if loss than 15percent of tho tender of a foreigncorporation. The money questionwas not tho principal one in thematter but the quality of tho work;for it was well known that neitherof our local works could produce asgood work as thoso firms abroadwhich wore specialists in differentbranches. Would like to see thopumping plant placed with ono oftho local foundries but would doubtvory much that the quality and na-ture of the work will bo as good asthat produced abroad. Thoughtthat a resolution would cover thomatter and would approve onowhich showed that it was tho souseof tho House that tho Ministry givoas much work as possible to localfactories. In machinery for planta-tions tho local works have by experi-ence approached a proportion whichallows thorn to compete successfullyagainst foreign firms.

Rop. A. S. Wilcox said that howas ono of tho conunitteo who re-

ported in favor of tho bill but hohad since changed his mind on ac-

count of various weighty objectionsand if ho could now honorably do soho would vote against tho bill.

Noblo .1. M. Homer would voteagainst tho bill. To take from thopockets of tho many and to givo tothe few, was an unjust courso topursue. Tho people of these islandsaro now compelled by law to pu'over $100,000 for t ho food thoy out,viz: rice. In this, it the mil passand the Government bo compelledto givo out its work, it can only givoto one factory, so that the benefitonly accrues to tho few. To add 15percent to the cost of Govorniuontimprovements or work romtirod,seems under existing ciicumstauces,to bo unwise. To pass this bill wowill be compelled to add 15 percentto tho sum. Ho favored indefinitepostponement.

Noble Williams drew attention totho remark of Noble Horner of thofew being benefited by taxing thomany, lie would ask who was itthat was obtaining tho benefits ac-cruing from the expenses lavishedon the building of the Punchbowl,Tantalus and Volcano House roads.Who are bonelited, only tho hotol-keopor- s,

tlio photo boilers, tho hackdrivers and tho steamship com-panies? Is that not taking from thepockets of tho many lor the benefitofthofow? Tho hands of the Gov-ernment will not be tied but freed;this bill will not benefit simply thosigners but all mechanics in thocountry, Hawaiian as well as foreign.Tho Government is now assisting in

dustrial schools, what will becoinoof the graduates if thoro is no workfor them to doT This bill is in thodirect lino of progress and in aid oftho best intorosts of the country. Itscorned to him that in our isolatedposition it is right to oncourago thomdustrinl arm and that can bo donomost effectually by supplying op-

portunity for work for our skilledlaborers.

Noblo Thurston said that he wasastonished that tho gontlenian couldnot see any difference between his

schomo for a pump and apornianont production like n publicroad. There was as much similarityas if a man 'put $15 in his pocket,wont on a bust and woko up in themorning with nothing, than if liehad put that same amount in solidreal estate. Tho roads would livelong aftor Noblo Williams and him-self wore dead and buried and theirbones wore dtist. Of tho Punchbowland Volcano roads ho (the speaker)was satisfied that thoy woro bothsound financial investments. If liehad no othor monument ho wouldbo woll satisfied to have tho recordof his connection with these twoworks inscribed on his tombstone.The oxponso of tho Punchbowl road,in building, was bringing back goodreturns from ovory tourist who ar-rived horo. Not ono of thoso visitors,hardly, but rodo to tho top; if theroad had not been thoro that muchmoney would not now bo spoilt horo.Another thing, it has boon statedthat I, when in office, awarded cer-tain tenders for wator-pipo- s at a farhigher figure than that shown in onoof tho lowest lenders. A statementto that offect appoars in tho FinanceCoinniittoo's report of the Legisla-ture of 1890. Anyone that pins hisfaith to tho Financo Report of 1890does so on ono of tho poorest andmost partisan views that 1 have overknown. I desired to contradict aportion applying to this pipo matterbut was not allowed access to thoInterior ollico books. I will nowstato tho gist of that matter: Ton-dor- s

called for size and length castiron pipe and wrought iron; objectwas to obtain water. Tlio carryingcapacity of lock joint pipo was betterthan cast iron pipe. The contractwas offored to that firm which woulddeliver tho most wator for tho least11101103". Tho lead for laying costmore and that was taken into ac-

count. Tlio weight of pipo whichwould increase cost in handling andlaying was also taken into account.The figures whon tho job was donocome almost to tho same, but thowator delivered was far greater.This result had boon figured outcarefully. Tho Finance Conunitteodid not consider this, however, thoyworo looking for a point against thoMinister. Thov simply wont intotho Interior Office and took tho sumtotals of tho two tonders withoutconsidering tho facts.

Noblo Williams said that NobloThurston had said that ho was infavor of building roads; ho wouldask what kind of labor would ho uso.

Noblo Thurstoii' "Would uso tliomost available."

Noblo Williams endeavored toshow that if bj-- most arailablo wasmeant othor than Chinese labor thentho Noblo was in accord with hisidea of giving out labor at livingrates to laborers and mechanics.

Minister Macfarlauo said thatwhat concerns tho house at thopresont time is to provide tho moans,but wo find that the 15 porcont dis-

crimination against tho foreign pro-ducer cuts a vory small figure whenspread out over $10,000 tax payers.For his part tho amount of 15 por-cont was of little moment, whon itis taken into account that it helpslabor, and tho assistanco given, bytho nionov being spoilt horo, tootherstruggling industries would conioback many times over in advancingtho interests of the country. It hasbeen tho policy of tho United Statesfor tho last 10 j'ears, and tho McKin-lo- y

bill is in direct lino to protectand. to protect tho labor of

tho country. Tho discrimination infavor of our manufacturing interesthero is not wrong in principle. It isdesirable that the intorosts of thomechanics, artisan and labor, shouldbo protected. Tho question how-ever is finances; therefore do not liketo seo that tho bill is compulsoryand would favor giving tho Govern-ment more latitude by substituting"may" for shall.

Noblo Baldwin moved that thoporcont bo reduced from 15 to 10percent.

Noblo Williams was willing to ac-

cept the amendment of MinisterMacfarlauo, but the reduction inpercentage was not in accord withins ideas 011 the bill, so he would becompelled to oppose that.

Noblo Young said that ho was 0110of tho conunitteo that signed tho re-

port in favor of tho bill, but howould safelj' say that thoy did soagainst thoir bottor judgment. Homid tho others had allowed thoirsympathies to run away with theirreason. Ho was in favor of allowingthe matter to remain witluthe Cabi-net; it was wrong in principlo tohamper tho Cabinet with 15 porcontor any percent. In signing tho re-port ho had forgotten two things: 1,

that ho was a manufacturer and, 2,that ho represented tho peoplo ofHawaii who paid considerable taxes.Ho would not cry if tlio bill foundits way into tho waste basket.

On motion the ayes nnd nays weretakon on the motion to indefinitelypostpone; tho motion being lost, 80to lf,

(The division list will appear Inter.)On motion the hill passed its tliiid

reading.At 12 tho Assembly took reeoss

until 1:!U) p. in.

Soinothing Now in Ranges,

The I'acifio Haruwari: Co., (L'd.),have just reeoived nil invoice of thoM. v v. Wrought otkiu.. junokswhich are1 superior to anything oftho kind vet vented. Thoy havel)eon adopted by the United StnfesNavy and aro in use on the Charles-ton, San Francisco and Boston andothor now vessels. Also on severalof the now vessels lately built forthe trado between Sail Franciscoand this port.

An examination of thoso Haugeswill at onco show thoir many advan-tages over all competitors.

J.wiu iJkksMMiiMm W.i- - Clftlir i5jBifoliai.ltste" Jk '


Highly Successful Concert in Kawai-aha- o

Church on Saturday Night.

Tlio grand concert announced forSaturday night in Kawaiahao church,to assist in paying tho pastor's salary,was a tremendous draw. It filledevery seat in the spacious edifice,leaving many people standing in thelobbies and at tho heads of the stairs.Queen Liliuokalaui was attended inthe royal pew by a large party, com-prising Prince David Kawaminakoa,llis Excellency Gov. A. S. Cleghorn,Hon. C. K. Bishop, Mrs. W. F. Allen,thoir lixcelloncies Saml. Parker andC. T. Guliek with their wives, Mrs.C. B. Wilson, g. Cap-tain Wiltse of tho U. S. S. Bostonand Paymaster Hobbes of the sninoship.

Tho Itovnl Hawaiian Band, aftergreeting tlio entrance of tho royalpart y with Hawaii Ponoi, from itssta-tio- n

in tho organ loft, played Her-man's overture, "Eiiennntitiont," ingood stylo. Prof. Berger leading. ThoHui Molo Hawaii Noeau then gaveas a chorusjjio composition of llorMajesty, "Ua man ke Fa o kn Aina i

ka Pono." Their performance onthis occasion showed the distinctimprovement over the previous con-cert, which tho additional practicemade not unexpected. They ap-peared further iu the following selec-tions: "Oh, what full delight, "byBalfe, Miss Fredorika J. Nolle takingtho solo in her clear full tones; duetand chorus, "E Ola man loa," a nowcomposition by D. K. Naone, assist-ant leader of the Royal Band; andtho chorus, "Kanani o ka Pakipika,"by Mrs. A. A. Haaloloa. Tho Hui'svocalization in each number washighly creditable, showing assiduouspraotico bj undoubted talent.

Miss Carrie Castle gavo an effec-tive rendering of Chopin's "Mili-tary PolonaKo" on the piano. Thi3'oung lady's popularity as a pianistwas evinced by hearty welcoming aswoll as parting applause. MissEmily llalstead sang "Tho Night-ingale" in striking pine notes andscored an encore, although i mini- -

hern to follow made a strong argu-ment against doubling a number.She gave "When the swallows home-ward ll-- " with proved acceptance inresponse.

A great iustiunnMiial treat wasanticipated and fully tcnlizcd, in atrio "Meditation in l'2," liy Richard-son tho performeis being: Miss lv.McGrew, violin; Miss M. Atkinson,piano; Mr. Wnry Taylor, violoncello.It filled tho houo with deliciousharmonies. The tjuintel Ulul) ren-dered Ailiiu its leader's chorus,"Kawaihau," in a manner justifyingthe continued popularit- - of thistuneful corps of native minstrels.

Miss Helen Parker gave "La Sorinato" in charming st3-le-

, revealing afino voice in excellent training. Showas warmly encored, respondingwith another delightful song. Men-delssohn was now interpreted in aduet, "I would that 1113' love," byMiss Louise F. Dale and Mr. II. S.Williams. This is tho second

of thoso fine singers in aduo, and tho3-- were received withenthusiasm and not allowed to re-

tire without doubling their services.Part second was opened ly the

band, giving "Popular Melodies" aclioico assortment thereof in its nt

style. Miss C. Glade, in "AveMaria," by Gounod, won an enthus-iastic recall with hor silver notes.Mr. Schwnhach played a violoncelloobligato to Miss Glade's solo in amasterly manner. Mrs. KauhaneandHon. E. K. Lilikalaui vocalized theduet, "Life's dream is o'er," receivinga loud recall, to which thoy biiuphybowed. Thoy are singer.-- , who neednever be arrant or not rccoivuig awelcome. "Leonoie" was finely sungby Miss Nolle. Miss M. Cumminsand Mis A. Holmes gave a charmingduet, "Adieu," and were followed byMrs. Keohoknlolo in a nicely sungsolo, "Madeline." The final effortof the Hui and the "Good Night';inarch by the band led up to HawaiiPonoi, the highly satisfied audioncodispersing after 10 o'clock.

There was over $100 in the houseat 50 cents admission, and the netproceeds will make a respectablequota to- - tho salary of tho hard-working and reveted pastor, llov. 11.

II. Parker.


Buhaeh at New Drug Store.

Root Boor on draught at BensonSmith & Co.'s.

C.J. MoCart lo-st

has lots on Lilihnroot for salo.

Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho best.

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith Si Co., Agents.

Sunburn relieved at onco by Cu-cumber Tonic Benson, Smith iCo.,Agents.

Beef Iron Aj Wine,Now Drugstore.Ka Mailo has removed to 10!I Fort

street, tho store formerly occupiedby Frank Geitz.

Quina La Uoehe, Now Drug Store.

Mechanics' Home, 511 and (11 Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, week ormonth 25c. and fjOo. u night; ?1and $1.25 a week.

Soaps at low prices at New DrugStore.

I'rof. F. Lombard, A.U., will ro-su-

giving instruction in privateor in classes, French, Spanish andLatin. .Residence, Alnkoa street,near the Y, M. C. A.

Little Harry Merrill, tho cele-brated boot polisher, lias arrivedfrom tho Coast and has resumedbusiness at the old Union stand,.Merchant street, and will be gladto see his old patrons.

Johnston's Fluid Hoof at NewDrug Store.

Dr. McLennan has leinoved to Aln-koa street, opposite tho V. ,1. C. A.iinll, piuiuiseu lately occupied by Dr.Lutz. Ollico hours,'.) to 12,2 to 1,

and evenings i to 7 ; Sundays 10 to I.Bell telephone 15)7 ; Mutual (182.

SV1IIP U'l.MflL'I.V 1IIII.I.1.VIM V.J tl

3VE .A-- "SSL


who sues. Hut

NO OSTE AVJLL DISPUTE THEilind man cannot purchase as woll as he

a porson may he menially or physi

cally blind, and in neither instance is the judgment reliable.

Blindness prevents personal examination. True, the sense

of touch of those deprived of sight is greatlyand delicate, so that Ihey who see not arc won-

derfully acute in basing conclusions upon everything that

may be determined l3r I ho tactile sense. The mentally

blind aro those who aro not true

are led away by literary or who arc so impli-

citly truthful themselves that they never for a moment ques-

tion the reliability of anyone's assertion. For tho protec-

tion of such as these, for our own protection as well, we ask

that you make a personal examination of anything advertised

as an " exceptional value" and see if the facts aro as stated.

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort Stroct, Honolulu, : : : : Oppo. Sprockets' Bank.







such a popular preparation, that it needs no praiseus prove its merits. is simply to inform you

arc the Agents for Rimmkoam, andcan supply it in any quantity.



IO Fort Street, - - - Honol-ulu.- , KL.

:e idiom's?Refrigerators




H & WhiteO



O oCylinder


lllank W ruutrfyard

Illiii'k India llluokllliick rliuiiIlliick in l'laln







1ST. S. SACHS,104 Fort St., Honolulu.

Now Opening' Large Stock

New Goods ! New Goods !

lC7r Just Received


Ice Cream

& Barrel Churns.

S. S. " Australia."

Bilk ami in allhlll'S,

lllack fttiM'kiiiKti (or (tjitlilrt'u.Illiuik Kilk

Kto., Ktc., Ktu.,

CO.'S, Fort .St.





.A.3 FOLiLOWS:(JashmiTti whin, pur

millI.iiwn. Kri'iii'li Uiun,

battri'ii in mill riKuml.Called l'i;iiri'il.










Lw$i"W!B- - F- - EHLERS &


their best wltf




Is of



COriE2!3" X





llhu'k, ('(itlon, (llnviy

Ijm1IisWiirjt llitiriultu Clotlm,






W',s"tTmczF,!W&3ffi Ttr TPW'.'fSWiEWTPiP ,""s .r -.

" " ' - trut - ". t f ', Vj"


101th DAY.

Satuihjat, Ool. 8, 18.)2.

Morning Sossion.

The Assembly convened a(. 10oclock for prnyor. Minutes of pre-vious mooting woro road and approved.

Noblo Mnrsdon presented tho fol-lowing petition:To tbo Honorable tlio Legislature

of tbo Hawaiian Kingdom, inRegular Sossion of 1892.

Gentlemen: ITho potition of thoundersigned oloetors of tho kingdomrespectfully showoth:

Tho Pino-nppl- o industry has beoudovolopod on this Island during thopast six years and at tho presenttime tho aroa cultivated is estimatedat forty acros with about 200,000plants. Thoro nro now six planta-tions i with possible accessions dur-ing the coming year, and it is esti-mated that tho total area cultivatedwill ronch 150 acros by January 1,1891, and double that by January 1,1895.

Undor existing conditions tlio out-put already iniluoucos tho marketfor fresh fruits, and with tho pros-pective extensions will cause a glutand a consequent collapse of the in-

dustry, unless tho surplus fruit canbo put up in either tin or glass con-tainers.

Ono of the undersigned has booncanning Pino-apple- s and other fruitsduring tho past throo years, with aviow to ascertaining tho marketvalue of such products in foreigncountries, with tho result that woare satisfied that tho United Statesmust bo our market for cannedgoods as woll as fresh fruits, but the!J5 percent import duty on cannedgoods into that country, coupledwith import duties on material hero,offers no inducement whatever for acompany to engago in tho canningof fruits for export.

Wo therefore pray tho Legisla-ture now in session to pass a law al-

lowing tho free importation of toolsand machinery to bo used in can-ning works and the containers ormaterial for making tho same whenimported by such canning company.

Also to remit tlio taxes on suchcanning plant and on canned goodsheld for export, during the continu-ance of the 35 percent duty onthese imports into tho United States.

Theso conditions aro absolutelynecessary to tho successful opera-tion of a canning establishment, andthe only hope for profit from suchcannery would bo a treaty with theUnited States abolishing tho dutyof 35 percent.

ii is necessary to navo actiontaken by the Legislature now in ses-sion, as tho result of their delibera-tions will determine whether tho ex-tensions now proposed shall bo un-dertaken.

Tho industry can bo doveloned totho limit of a market, and a proper-ly equipped cannery would employfrom twelve to fifteen mechanics,and as much more "help," with apossible output of, in 1893, 1000cases; in 1891, 5000 cases, and in1895, 10,000 cases of fruit.

A company is ready to undortakothe oroction of a canning plant andoperato tho same on tho concessionsherein noted.

And your petitioners will overpray.

Eep. White moved that tho peti-tion be tabled; ho was not in favorof it.

Noblo Marsdon spoke in supportas did also Noble Young and finallyafter many interpolations from sev-eral members tho potition was re-

ferred to tho Committee on Com-merce.

Rep. Kamauoha gave notice thattho Constitutional Commit too wouldmeet on Monday morning at nineo'clock.

Rep. Kamauoha offered tho fol-lowing resolution:

1. Aro medicines given by thoGovornmont to Government physi-cians for free distributing aroorthoyallowed to charge?

2. Does money rocoivod by Gov-ernment physicians for services andmedicines to poor people belong totho Govornmont?

3. Have not appropriations boonmade to cover tho cost of tho gratui-tous distribution of medicines?

Tho resolution was referred to thoSanitary Committee.

Tho order of tho Day was movedbut before action was taken thereonNoblo Williams from tho Committeeon Wator Works, undor suspensionof tho rules, presented a lengthy re-port on various petitions from Ho-nolulu relative to wator sorvico andreport thereon, in brief that U103'aro not in favor of continuing thopresont resovoir system, and reportm favor of the suggestion in tho ro-po- rt

of tho Minister of tho Interiorthat pumping bo resorted to. Thocommittee estimate that in connec-tion with tho recommendations madetho sum of $1G,000 bo appropriatedfor a wator works system that willbo reasonably certain in its action.Thoy submit also a sum of expenseconnected with 180 days' service perannum, viz., $8015. Tho committeerecommend that tho Govornmont re-coup itsolf for tho item of runningexpense by a slight increase Thoysay that tho poonlo have boon pay-ing full rates for half mipply and thattho public would undoubtedly bowilling to pay 15 percent for aguarautoed full supply.

On motion of Noblo Young thoreport was ordorod translated andprinted.

Noblo Thurston from tho Commit-tee on Public Lauds also presentedn lengthy report which after beingread was tabled for considerationwith tho Appropriation Bill.

At 12:05 tho Assombty adjourned.n m

Persons troubled with chronicdiarrhoea shyuld try Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera ami Diarrhcua Re-medy. Many cases have boon curedby it aftor all olso had failed andskillod physicians woro powerless.For sale by all dealers. Ronson,Smith & Co., Agents for tho Hawai-ian Islands,


That Tired Feeling

Wft8 No Namo For tho Way Mr.Whitman Folt.

That Mr. Whitinnu, who iimkei tliofollowing MntciiiDiit, Nn faithful, rolin-bl- c

tnnit, will bo rcntllly behaved whenwo state that lio hns worked nt toolmilking in tho jewelry factories in

without losing a day, snvo holl-dnv- s

nnd Sundays, for 25 years:'"'I can truthfully say that Hood's

SAimi'Mitt.1.1 is 0110 of tlio bot medi-cines that 1 know of, if not the best. Ayear ngo I found 1 was about used up,tolt no ambition to do anything. Couldnot cat with any ralWIi. "That tiredfeeling' was no namo for tbo way I felt.1 took a eouyilo of bottles of noon'sSiuAPAntl.t., which revived my flag-ging energies in good shape. Thisspring 1 took two moro bottles andhave luid no return of tho feeling of ayear ago. My wlfo has also takensome of it with benefit. Wo think itcannot bo praied too highly."

a. L. Whitman,lroy St., Attloboro, Mass.

IW It is not what wo say, but whatHood's Sarsai'Aiui.i.v does that tolls thostory.

t& A Hood's Cook Hook for tho ask-ing. Contains nearly 200 valuable receipts.

Hotoon, Newman & Co.

Druggists & Wholesale Agents.








Wednesday, October 12th,--A.T NOON,

Tho undersigned nre now prepared toisiuo Through Tickets from tins city to allpoiiuii in the United States.

For further particulars regarding Freightor Passage npply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,540-- General Agent si

JustReceived2J 'Sm .' & l



Per S. S. Australia.

M the Beaver Saloon,H. J. Nolte, Proprietor.


Urn, 114. TELEPHONES Mutual 10.


$ 0.75 Per Cord .. . 4 Foot Lengths$12.50 Per Cord Sawed$14.00 Per Cord Sawed and Split

o:h:i.a..If 1U.00 Per Cord I Foot Lengths$15.50 Per Cord Rawed$17.00 Per Cord iSawed and Split

10 Delivered to any part of HonoluluFREE.

HUSTAOE & CO.N. 1!. Wo guarantee our AVood to bo

sound and frco from worms. 518-t- f

Parlor Sat ! A Bargain !

Black Walnut Parlor SetNewly Upholstered by Williams

last year in



Will bo sold Very Cheap on account ofbreaking up housekeeping.




rpHH UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAYX bought out tho Chun Nam Ilnkery atNo. 2 ICokaulIke street, nnd hereby givesuotico that ho will not be responsible forany debts owing by said Chun Nam.

CHUN LOV,Per Loo Chit Hum.

Honolulu, Sopt. 'J7, 1H0J. KiH-ii-


rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HERERYJL gives notice that ho has bought thorestaurant formerly owned by Iam Knuand known as tho "Ray Viow Resort," andho hereby gives uotico that hu will not borespoiibiblu for any of thu debts of saidLam Kuu. Kan will sign tho bill ofsale on Oetobor 10, 180.'.

FOOKWING.Honolulu, Oct, 3, 1802. 638-I- w


rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEJL Stockholders of tho Kohala Sugar Co.will bo .held at tho olllco of Castlu &Cooke, on THURSDAY, Oct. 20, Ib0- -, at10 o'clock a. m.

. J, II. ATHERTON,5.'1I-H- )t Secretary.

W. A. WALIi,



P. O. Box 103. Mutual Telo. 410.

Goldoi Mo mmIW. F. REYNOLDS, Prop.


Paper Patterns!KULL M Nli OK

TOILET SOAPSAt prices which wo ? tablishcd on

commencing OASH Business.

Turkish Bath Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts.Farina Bouquol, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

Oatmeal Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts.Curly Maplo, 4 Cakos 25 cts.

And Other Soaps at 3 for 25 Cents,

See our Kino Lino of




Blank Books or all Descriptions.

Base Balls, Tennis Balls, Tennis Rackets.

tW Call nnd sec our Goods before buy-ing elsewhere. Last but not least


Novels & Popular Bound Books,

T. 1 SKVKKIN. A. W. 110 I.ST Kit.

Aloha Gallery,Fort St., over F. Gertz's Shoo Store.



Such as Natives Making Poi Grass HousesHawaiian Stylo Riding HulahulaDancers Cocoanut Groves Palm

and Date Groves Street Viewsand Buildings War Vessels

Shipping and MarineViews, Ktc, Ktc.

Also n Large Collection of all Prominentand Interesting Views of the HawaiianIslands, eithor Mounted or Unmounted.

Books of Hawaiian ViewsMade up to Order at the most Reasonable

Rates in Honolulu.

Cabinets S6 and S5 a Dozen.4GG1 P. O. Rox 493 . .tf


UPRIGHTxter Eniine & Boiler !


For particulars o.- - terms apply to



Wi.6. Irwin & Go.(LIMITED)

Wm. G. Irwin, - President and ManagerClans Spreckels, - - - - nt

W. M. Gifl'urd, - Secretary and TreasurerThco. O. Porter Auditor r FactorsAND

Commission. Agents.AOENTS OF THE

Oceanic Steamship Company,OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.


General MercantileAND

Commission AgentsJ. O. Carter President and ManagorG. H. Robertson TreasurerE. F. Ulshop SecretaryW. F. Allen AuditorHon. O. U. Ulshop )

B.C. Allen V DirectorsH.Watorhouso )


The Best Lunch in Town.Tea. and OofTee

AT ALL nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


J.W.GUNST,M.E.Has removed to Dr. Footo's promises and

olllco, corner of Punchbowl and lloro- -tanla streets, (luring his absence,

Jl,",om 0 to 11:80 A.umoh nouns. j2 t() fi nml 7 to g y M;

637-l- m

The beat thing to vend to your friendsabroad is Kiny Bros, "Illustrated Sou-

venir of JIatvaii," which is ijotten up forthepurjiose, and is not an advertisement.




rpHK ROYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL CO.L lias leased tho property belonging to

A. Herbert, Esq.. in Wuiklkl, which fortho present, will iki open to tlio public asan annex of tho Hotel, and will bo knownas tho "Hotel Park Annex." Reside themain house there nro Threo Cottages ad-mirably adnpted for families:

1 Tho "Windmill Cottage" containing f.Rooms, Kitchen and Laiinn

2 Tho "Green Cottage" containing Par-lor, 1 lied Rooms, Kitchen, Pantry, HathRoom, etc.

3 The "Seaward Cottago" with 1 GoodRooms and a Drcssiin; Room.

All tho Cottages nro inFurniture, Fittings, etc., anil tenants willbo entitled to bathing privileges. The senbathing being unsurpassed on tho Island.

Tho Main Rullding will be reserved fortho nso of the guests of tho Hotel, but Itmay bo rented for 1'icnics, Unfiling Par-tic-s,

Dinners and Dances, etc., forall whichpurposes it oflers exceptional advantages.A charge of Twcnty-ilv- o ($!fl) Dollar willbo mono for tho umi of tho Hoii'-- andGrounds including Rathiug, Lights, etc.;prepayment is required for intended uo oftho Main lluilding and Grounds.

should be made to tho Manager of theRoyal Hawaiian Hotel. C"-t-f

03CD 0



O faH o M




aa o i


o oCD

U Pi acM oo

wQo K

nw CDa Oa o c V,a MCD O

Cfl eti$CD


H Pa O





Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

Wo aro also prepared to take orders for

MeBsrs, XT. Olilanclt 8c Co.'sFertilizers,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!Thtu tu n ciiiah l,.i.,f nil .;.!.Mrmr MIU t nilllLUUl HIHV Ui wii- -

sinning less jiigment than Liii'-ee- Oil, andgiving a lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with driers it gives a splendid lloorsurface.



Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef


Compounds, Rooting & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting FaintEspecially iestgned for Vacuum Pans,





Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, 86,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, 84,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marino Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 86,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,

Assets, 8125,947,290.81.

C. 0. BERGER,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


&JfeJL. iMkiJJs''fMH,, &' Jj.itiiiiSrfL'-JE- . t ;" .Jei&iu. .. .. N"JfJt4fifijfc JL

' l Bit V ' ' ' Aw'ir'V. . "j3iS "tt Hd HOT""-! v v" A. i t


Brewing Association.

St. XjOixLs, IsLo.


Manufactured from Pure Malt and Highest Grade Hops!

No Corn or Corn Preparations usedern llrcwcrics, in order to cheapen tho cost

'" ' ' -- ""wnpd and justly famed article.35

in place of Malt, us is done by other Eastof their lleer, and to competo with our


(BrJWfSoAjJtBHMa tJw rKyfWri c BKfei 'iLMBSwBBsB rj IB

With the Completion of the New Brewhouse,the Brewing Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity: 6 kettles every 24 hours, 6,000 Barrels, or 1,800,000

Barrels per year.Consumption of Material: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 8,600,000

bushels per year. Hops : 7,500 lbs. per day 2,260,000 lbs. per year.No Corn or Corn Preparations are used in the manufacture

of the Anheuser-Busc- h Beer. It is, therefore, the highest priced but theiiost wholesome and really the least expensive for its superior quality.

Annual Shu'PInp Capacity : 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs.

The AxiiKUHUii-Iiuhc- n Co. linvo carried on" tho Highest Honors and tlio HighestGhiMs Gold Medals wherever they have competed. At all of tho International Exhibi-tions throughout the world their lleer Excelled All Others!

This Company have prepared a Special Ilrand of their Highest Grade Keer for theHawaiian Islands, known as " SPECIAL IHIEW," witli a handsome label and in WhiteBottles, which, with their best "EXl'OItT ANHEUSEK" in Dark Bottles, heretoforeimported, we will now supply to the Trado in Quantities to Suit.

G-- . W. MACFARLANE & CO.,Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

This Space


104 Port Street, Honolulu.

THEO. H. DAHave Opened


VIES & CO.Their New


China, Glass and FurnitureSalesroom, on Kaalmmanu St., Ground Floor,






Royal Worcester, Crown Derby, Wedgewood and Other

FI3STE "wa:k,:e i

3Srew Rugs stlicl Carpets,Englisli Furniture,

K-stta- "Ware.FineShow of Glassware, Iyoryware, Bohemian Vases, Wine Glasses,

Tumblers, Gut Salads, Etc,

iPrices KedixoedL



Aro Kccclviiig New1 Involcoaof



AT THUtll'



Where they aro fully prepiirou to do allkinds of work in the latest styles, at

tho Bbortcst notlae and at themost Reasonable Rates.

Fine Job Work- - in Colors a' Specialty I


Executed in the Most AttractiveManner.



Read the following partial list of spec-ialties and get tho Bulletin's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills ofLading,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Curds,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal iCurds,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Tlieatro Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of till kinds,Plantation Orders,

Promissory iNitcs,Pnmphloth,


Labels of every "Variety,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scorea fcSRecords,

Perpetuul Washing Lists,General Bobk'Work,

Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc.,

Printed and Blocked when desired.

6T No Job Is allowed to levo 'the of-li- eo

untilit gives satisfaction.


