steel and timber structures (ceng4123)...the lost parts) in accordance with the procedures specified...

STEEL AND TIMBER STRUCTURES (CENG4123) PART TWO : DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS November 2, 2017 Addis Ababa institute of Technology 1

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    November 2, 2017

    Addis Ababa institute of Technology 1

  • Presentation


    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Topic 1: Tension Members

    Topic 2: Compression Members

    Topic 3: Flexural Members

    Topic 4: Beam-Column Members

  • Topic 2: Compression Members

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


  • Introduction: What are Compression members

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Compression members are the most common of structural elements carrying either axial load with or without bending moment. This

    topic deals with for the cases where members are carrying only axial load with eccentricity considered to be less than 1/1000 of the

    member length.Compression members in buildings:

    It’s virtually impossible to avoid

    some eccentricity in compression


  • Introduction: Compression in Steel Members

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Compression members in supporting structures:

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Compression in Steel Members

    Compression members in bridges:

    Compression member

    Tension Member

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Compression in Steel Members

    Compression members in trusses:

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Tension in Steel Members

    Compression members in frame bracings.

    Depending on the direction of the load being applied either of the

    members may be a compression member where as the other acts

    as tension member.

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Compression in Steel Members

    Usually members in compression are made with rolled profiles or built up sections .

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Compression in Steel Members

    The resistance of a steel member subject to axial compression depends on;

    ► the cross section resistance or

    ► the occurrence of instability phenomena, such as flexural buckling, torsional buckling or flexural-torsional


    In general, the design for

    compression is governed

    by the second condition

    (instability phenomena) as

    steel members are

    usually of medium to

    high slenderness.

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Buckling of compressed steel members

    The resistance of a compression member decreases as its length increases, in contrast to the axially loaded tension

    member whose resistance is independent of its length.

    Thus, the compressive resistance of a very slender member

    may be much less than its tensile resistance, as shown

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Buckling of compressed steel members

    This decrease in resistance is caused by the action of the applied compressive load N which causes bending in a

    member with initial curvature.

    The curvature and the lateral deflection of a

    compression member increase with the load

    For the hypothetical limiting case of a perfectly

    straight elastic member, there is no bending until

    the applied load reaches the elastic buckling value

    Ncr (EC3 refers to Ncr as the elastic critical force).

    At this load, the compression member begins to

    deflect laterally, as shown in the Figure, and

    these deflections grow until failure occurs at the

    beginning of compressive yielding.

  • November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Introduction: Buckling of compressed steel members

    The instability or buckling phenomenon can take place flexurally, torsionally or with a combination of a flexural and a torsional behavior:

    Compression members having typical I- or

    H-shaped cross-section with two axes of

    symmetry are generally interested by

    flexural buckling

    Cruciform sections, T-sections, angles and, in

    general, all cross-sectional shapes in which all

    the elements converge into a single point, are

    generally sensitive to torsional buckling


    Cross-sections with one axis of

    symmetry are prone to flexural-

    torsional buckling in many cases

    instead of the torsional one, owing to

    the fact that both cross-sectional

    centroid and shear center lie on the

    axis of symmetry but are often not


  • Design According to EC3: Approach

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    ► Compression members subject to

    ▪ Axial compression only

    ▪ No bending

    ► However in practically real columns are

    subject to

    ▪ Eccentricities of axial loads

    ▪ Transverse forces

    ► The treatment distinguishes between

    ▪ Stocky columns, and

    ▪ Slender columns

  • Design According to EC3: Stocky Columns

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    ► The characteristics of stocky columns are

    ▪ Very low slenderness

    ▪ Unaffected by overall buckling

    ► The compressive strength of stocky columns is

    ▪ Dictated by the cross-section

    ▪ a function of the section classification

  • Design According to EC3: Resistance

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    NEd ≤ Nc,Rd






    c Rd


    eff y

    c Rd


    A fN

    A fN

    ► where A and Aeff represent the gross area and the effective cross sectional area, respectively, and

    ► fy is the yield strength, with

    ► γM0 =1.0 representing the material partial safety factor.

    cross-sections of class 1, 2 or 3:,

    cross-sections of class 4

    ► Local instability phenomena only penalize the axial force-carrying capacity for cross-sections belonging to class 4

    because failure occurs at a stress level considerably smaller than the yielding stress.

    ► When the cross-section of the compression member is characterized by a single axis of symmetry, an additional

    flexural action ΔM Ed may arise, due to the eccentricity between the gross cross-section centroid (on which the axial

    force is nominally applied) and the centroid of the resisting cross-section. (See Next Slides)

    Strength design for a compression member subjected to a centric axial force N Ed at a given cross section is performed

    by comparing the demand to the axial resistance capacity N c,Rd , that is::






    c Rd


    eff y

    c Rd


    A fN

    A fN

  • Design According to EC3: Effective area Ac,eff

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    For class 4 cross-sections it is assumed that parts of the area under compression due to local

    instability phenomena do not have any resistance (lost area):

    Typically, the compressed portions of the cross-sections, which have to be neglected for the

    resistance checks, are the parts close to the free end of an outstand flange or the central part of an

    internal compressed element.

    Gross and effective cross-sections in the

    case of axial load

    ΔM Ed=N x NEd

  • Design According to EC3: Effective area Ac,eff

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    From the design point of view, it is necessary to evaluate the effective cross-section (i.e. gross section minus all

    the lost parts) in accordance with the procedures specified in EN 1993-1-5 (Design of steel structures – Part 1–

    5: Plated structural elements).

    In case of a class 4 circular hollow cross-section, reference has to be made to EN 1993-1-6 (Design of steel

    structures – Part 1–6: Strength and Stability of Shell Structures).

    The effective area of a compressed plate A eff can be obtained from the gross area, A g , as:

    ,c eff cA A

    Reduction factor ρ is defined as:

    ► Internal compression elements: ► Outstand compression elements:

  • Design According to EC3: Effective area Ac,eff

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Rules for the evaluation

    of the effective width of

    internal compression


  • Design According to EC3: Effective area Ac,eff

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Rules for the evaluation of the effective width

    of outstand compression elements.

  • Design According to EC3: Summary

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Cross-section Classification Summary

    i. Find f y from the product standards.

    ii. Get ε from Table 5.2.

    iii. Substitute the value of ε into the class limits in Table 5.2 to work out the class of the flange and web .

    iv. Take the least favorable class from the flange outstand, web in bending and web in compression

    results to get the overall section class

    Cross-section Resistance Check Summary

    i. Determine the design compression force (NEd).

    ii. Choose a section and determine the section classification .

    iii. Determine N c,Rd , using the following equation for Class 1,2 and 3 sections, and Class 4 sections


    iv. Carry out the cross-sectional resistance check.






    c Rd


    eff y

    c Rd


    A fN

    A fN

  • Worked Example: Example on cross-section resistance in compression

    November 2, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    S 535 for t≤40mm

    Material Properties:

    ► fy = 355 MPa

    ► fu = 510 MPa

    ► E = 210 GPa

    ► h = 254.1mm

    ► b = 254.6mm

    ► tw= 8.6mm

    ► tf = 14.2mm

    ► r = 12.7mm

    254 x 254 x 73 UKC

    ► A = 9310mm2

    Solution [I]. Section classification

    Step1.2: Evaluate the slenderness ratio (c/t or d/t)

    Step1.3: Evaluate the parameter ε.

    (2 ) 110.37.77

    2 14.2



    b t rc

    t t

    235 2350.81


    Step1.4: Determine class of the outstand element

    Step1.1: Identify the element type.7.77 10 8.14 Class 2



    Flange is outstand and the web is Internal element

    The whole cross-section according to the least

    favorable classification is CLASS 2


    2 (2 ) 200.323.39




    h t rc

    t t


    Step1.5: Determine class of the internal element

    23.29 33 26.85 Class 1c


    Step1.6: Determine class of the cross section

    Example 3.1. A 254 x 254 x 73 UKC is to be used as a short ( λ≤0.2) compression member. Calculate the resistance of

    the cross-section in compression, assuming grade S355 steel.For a nominal material thickness (tf = 14.2 mm and tw = 8.6 mm) of less than or equal to 16 mm, the

    nominal value of yield strength fy for grade S355 steel is found from EN 10025- 2 to be 355 N/mm2.

    Solution [II]. Cross-section compression resistance

    Step2.1: Determine N c,Rd .




    9310 35510 3305


    y y

    c Rd


    A fN kN

  • Thank you for your kind attention!

    End of Class Seven! Questions?

    November 2, 2017


    Addis Ababa institute of Technology



    November 5, 2017

    Addis Ababa institute of Technology 1

  • Presentation


    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Topic 1: Tension Members

    Topic 2: Compression Members

    Topic 3: Flexural Members

    Topic 4: Beam-Column Members

  • Topic 2: Compression Members

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


  • Buckling : Elastic compression members

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Buckling of straight members:

    If its stable here then,

    will return to

    original position

    when Unloaded,

    If its unstable here then, will collapse,

    If its neither stable nor

    unstable here then,

    neutral equilibrium

    The load Ncr at which a straight compression member buckles

    laterally can be determined by finding a deflected position which is

    one of equilibrium.

    Euler has done this assuming half sinusoidal buckling curve and

    came up with the expression for Ncr;

    The elastic buckling load Ncr and the elastic buckling stress cr.

    → In which i=√(I/A) is the radius of gyration

    The buckling load varies inversely as the

    square of the slenderness ratio L/i, as

    shown in Figure, in which the dimensionless

    buckling load Ncr/Ny is plotted against the

    generalized slenderness ratio

  • Buckling : Thin-walled section properties

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


  • Buckling : Elastic compression members

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Bending of members with initial curvature:

    Real structural members are not perfectly straight, but have small initial curvatures, which causes it to bend from

    the commencement of application of the axial load, and this increases the maximum stress in the member.

    As the deflections v increase with the load N, so also do the bending moments and the stresses.

    The limiting axial load NL at which the compression member first yields (due to a combination of axial plus bending

    stresses) is given by;

    in which

    For stocky members, the limiting load NL approaches the squash load Ny,

    while for slender members the limiting load approaches the elastic buckling

    load Ncr.

  • Buckling : Inelastic compression members

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Tangent modulus theory of buckling:

    The analysis of a perfectly straight elastic compression member discussed in the pervious slides applies only to a material

    whose stress–strain relationship remains linear.

    However, the buckling of an elastic member of a non-linear material, such as that whose stress–strain relationship is shown

    in the figure, can be analyzed by a simple modification of the linear elastic treatment.

    It is only necessary to note that the small bending

    stresses and strains, which occur during buckling, are

    related by the tangent modulus of elasticity Etcorresponding to the average compressive stress N/A

    instead of the initial modulus E.

    Ncr,t is obtained by substituting Et for E, whence

    It can be seen that the deviation of Ncr,t from Ncrincreases as the slenderness ratio L/i decreases.

  • Buckling : Inelastic compression members

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Buckling of members with residual stresses:

    The presence of residual stresses in an intermediate length steel compression member may cause a significant reduction in its

    buckling resistance.

    Residual stresses are established during the cooling of a hot-rolled or welded steel member (and during plastic deformation such as


    Residual stress could;

    ► Cause yielding with

    axial stresses,

    ► Reduce effective area

  • Buckling : Real Compression Members

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    The conditions under which real members act differ in many ways from the idealized conditions assumed in the pervious

    slides for the analysis of the elastic buckling of a perfect member.

    Real members;

    ► are not perfectly straight,

    ► their loads are applied eccentrically, and

    ► accidental transverse loads may act,

    These imperfections can be represented by an increased equivalent

    initial curvature which has a similar effect on the behavior of the member

    as the combined effect of all of these imperfections.(Curve A)

    Real members;

    ► A real member also has residual stresses, and

    ► its elastic modulus E and yield stress fy may vary throughout the


    These can be represented by an equivalent set of the residual

    stresses.(Curve B)

    Thus the real member behaves as a member with equivalent initial curvature (curve A)until the elastic limit is reached. It then

    follows a path which is similar to and approaches that of a member with equivalent residual stresses (curve B).

  • Design for Instability According to EC3: Approach

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    ► Compression members subject to

    ▪ Axial compression only

    ▪ No bending

    ► However in practically real columns are

    subject to

    ▪ Eccentricities of axial loads

    ▪ Transverse forces

    ► The treatment distinguishes between

    ▪ Stocky columns, and

    ▪ Slender columns

  • Design for Instability According to EC3: Slender Columns

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    ►The characteristics of slender columns are

    ▪ Columns of medium slenderness are very sensitive to the effects of imperfections

    ▪ Inelastic buckling occurs before the Euler buckling load due to various imperfections

    ▪ Initial out-of-straightness

    ▪ Residual stresses

    ▪ Eccentricity of axial applied loads

    ▪ Strain-hardening

  • Design According to EC3: Resistance

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    NEd ≤ Nb,Rd






    b Rd


    eff y

    b Rd


    A fN

    A fN

    ► where A and Aeff represent the gross area and the effective cross sectional area, respectively, and

    ► fy is the yield strength, with

    ► γM1 =1.0 representing the material partial safety factor.

    ► X is the reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode. It is obtained from the following expression:

    cross-sections of class 1, 2 or 3:,

    cross-sections of class 4

    In compression members it must also be verified that:

    where Nb,Rd is the design buckling

    resistance of the compression member

    and this generally controls design.


    1, but 1.0


    0.5 1 0.2

    where is the non-dimensional slenderness coefficient,

    given by.





    cry cr

    effcreff y cr

    LAf N


    A ALA f N


    cross-sections of class 1,

    2 or 3:,

    cross-sections of class 4

  • Design According to EC3: Resistance

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    ► is the imperfection factor;

    ► Ncr is the elastic critical load (Euler’s critical load) for the relevant buckling mode;

    ► Lcr is length of the corresponding buckling mode;

    ► i is the radius of gyration of the cross section;

    ► And


    1, but 1.0


    0.5 1 0.2

    where is the non-dimensional slenderness coefficient,

    given by.





    cry cr

    effcreff y cr

    LAf N


    A ALA f N


    cross-sections of class 1,

    2 or 3:,

    cross-sections of class 4



    / 93.9 ;

    235 / with in /


    y y

    E f

    f f N mm

  • Design According to EC3: Elastic buckling load & buckling Length

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    The elastic buckling load Ncr varies with;

    ► the member geometry,

    ► loading, and

    ► restraints,

    but there is no guidance given in EC3 for determining either Ncr or Lcr.






    But the following equation is generally

    applicable for compression members;

    It should be noted that it is often

    necessary to consider the member

    behavior in each principal plane, since

    the effective lengths Lcr,y and Lcr,z may

    also differ, as well as the radii of gyration

    iy and iz.

    The buckling lengths for isolated members, for several support conditions.

  • Design According to EC3: European design buckling curves

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    The effect of imperfections is included by the imperfection factor , which assumes values of 0.13, 0.21, 0.34,

    0.49 and 0.76 for curves a0 , a, b, c and d (European design buckling curves), respectively

    The imperfection factor and the

    associated buckling curve to be adopted in

    design of a given member depends;

    ► on the geometry of the cross sections,

    ► on the steel grade,

    ► on the fabrication process and

    ► on the relevant buckling plane,

    as described in Table 6.2 of EC1993-1-1

    (see next slide);

  • Design According to EC3: European design buckling curves

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


  • Design According to EC3: European design buckling curves

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


  • Design According to EC3: Slenderness for torsional and torsional-flexural buckling

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    In compression members with open cross sections, account should be taken of the possibility that resistance to

    torsional or flexural-torsional buckling could be less than the resistance to flexural buckling.

    The design process for these members is very similar to that for flexural buckling, the non-dimensional

    slenderness coefficient being replaced by the non-dimensional slenderness coefficient for Torsion, evaluated

    by the following expressions;

    / ;


    T y cr

    T eff y cr

    Af N

    A f N

    cross-sections of class 1, 2 or 3,

    cross-sections of class 4

    where Ncr is the lower of the values Ncr,T and Ncr,TF. Ncr,Tis the elastic critical load for torsional buckling and Ncr,TF is

    the elastic critical load for flexural-torsional buckling.

    For both phenomena, the imperfection coefficient can be taken as corresponding

    to flexural buckling about the z axis, obtained from Table 6.2 of EC1993-1-1


    , 2 2


    , , , , , , ,




    Wcr T T

    c ET

    cr TF cr y cr T cr y cr T cr y cr T

    EIN GI

    i L

    N N N N N N N

    For members with symmetric cross section with

    respect to the y axis, the torsional and flexural-

    torsional buckling critical load is given by;

  • Design According to EC3: Slenderness for torsional and torsional-flexural buckling

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology



    , 2 2


    , , , , , , ,




    Wcr T T

    c ET

    cr TF cr y cr T cr y cr T cr y cr T

    EIN GI

    i L

    N N N N N N N

    For members with symmetric cross section with

    respect to the y axis, the torsional and flexural-

    torsional buckling critical load is given by;

    ► ic is the radius of polar gyration given by ; ic2=yc


    ► GIT is the stiffness of the section in uniform torsion;

    ► IT is the torsion constant;

    ► EIW is the warping stiffness;

    ► IW is the warping constant;

    ► LET is an equivalent length that depends on the restrictions to torsion and warping at the end sections;

    ► N cr,y is the critical load for flexural buckling about the y axis

    ► is a factor given by =1-(yc/ic)2, where yC is the distance along the y axis between the shear center

    and the centroid of the section.


  • Design According to EC3: Summary

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


  • Worked Example: Example on resistance in compression against buckling

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    S 335 for t≤40mm Material Properties:

    ► fy = 355 MPa

    ► fu = 510 MPa

    ► E = 210 GPa

    Example 3.2. Design the column BD of the steel structure represented in the figure below, using a HEB cross

    section in S 355 steel, according to EC1993-1-1. The column is fixed at the base and hinged at section B (with respect

    to the two principal axis of the cross section). Cross section B is fixed in both horizontal directions, in the plane

    of the structure (due to the beam itself) and in the perpendicular plane (because of secondary bracing members).

    Loading s already factored for ULS.


    Step1: Compute the design applied compressive

    axial force N Ed.

  • Worked Example: Example on resistance in compression against buckling

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    ► h = 254.1mm

    ► b = 254.6mm

    ► tw= 10mm

    ► tf = 17mm

    ► r = 10mm

    HEB 240

    ► A = 106cm2

    ► Iy = 11260cm4

    ► Iz = 3923cm4

    ► iy = 10.31cm

    ► iz = 6.08cm

    Step2: Select a preliminary cross section.

    Assuming class 1,2 or 3 cross sections, and considering

    minimum cross sectional resistance.

    As it is expected that buckling resistance will govern the

    member design, a HEB 240 in S 355 steel is proposed (class 1

    in pure compression), with the following properties

    (geometrical and mechanical):

    Step3: Check for instability.

    Step3.1: Identify the Buckling length in both direction.

    According to the support conditions, the buckling lengths

    are equal in both planes, given by:

    Because the buckling lengths are equal in both planes, the

    orientation of the cross section is arbitrary. For constructional

    reasons, the section is placed as shown in the Figure, with the

    strong axis (y axis) in the perpendicular direction to the

    plane of the structure.


    a a

  • Worked Example: Example on resistance in compression against buckling

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Step3.3: Determine the slenderness coefficients.

    Since the selected section is section of class 1:




    5.6 10.71

    10.31 10 76.4








    6 3




    210 10 / 355 10


    yE f




    5.6 11.21

    6.08. 10 76.4








    t a





    t a



    Step3.4: Calculation of the reduction factor Xmin


    2 2



    1.48 1.48 1.21



    zz z





    0.5 1 0.2

    0.5 1 0.49 1.21 0.2 1.21


    z z z



    Step4: Section Verification.

  • Worked Example: Example on resistance in compression against buckling

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Alternatively and conservatively the

    reduction factor, X ,for each buckling

    axis can be calculated from the buckling

    curve provided in EC1993-1-1Xz=0.43


  • November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on checking a UB compression member

    Example 3.3. The 457 × 191 UB 82 compression member of S275 steel of is simply supported about both principal

    axes at each end (Lcr,y = 12.0 m), and has a central brace which prevents lateral deflections in the minor principal

    plane (Lcr,z = 6.0 m). Check the adequacy of the member for a factored axial compressive load corresponding to a

    nominal dead load of 160 kN and a nominal imposed load of 230kN.

    S 275 for t≤40mm Material Properties:

    ► fy = 275 MPa

    ► fu = 430 MPa

    ► E = 210 GPa


    Step1: Compute the design applied compressive

    axial force N Ed.

    Step2: Classify the cross-section.

    Flange = external or outstand element.

    Web = internal or stiffened element.

    (2 ) 191.3 9.9 (2 10.4)5.026

    2 2 16.0



    b t rc

    t t

    5.026 9 Class 1c


    Flange = external or outstand element.

    41.118 42 Class 4c


    Web = internal or stiffened element.

    (2 ) (2 ) 460 (2 16.0) (2 10.2)41.118




    h t rc

    t t

    and so the cross section is Class 4 (slender).

  • November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on checking a UB compression member

    Step3: Compute the Effective area. the cross-section Aeff .

    Step4: Compute the Cross-section compression resistance Nc,Rd.




    10067 2752768 561


    eff y

    c Rd


    c Rd Ed

    A fN

    N kN kN N

    cross-sections of class 4

    Step5: Compute the Buckling resistance of the Member Nb,Rd.

    Since the selected section is section of class 4: Slenderness coefficient

  • November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on checking a UB compression member

    Select the buckling curve and corresponding “” value



    Buckling will occur about the minor (z) axis. For a rolled UB section

    (with h/b > 1.2 and tf ≤ 40mm), buckling about the z-axis, use

    buckling curve (b) with α = 0.34.

    and so the member is satisfactory!

  • November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on buckling resistance of a CHS compression member

    Example 3.4. A hot finished circular hollow section (CHS) member is to be used as an internal column in a multi-storey

    building. The column has pinned boundary conditions at each end, and the inter-storey height is 4m, as shown. The

    critical combination of actions results in a design axial force of 2110kN. Assess the suitability of a hot-rolled 244.5 x 10

    CHS in grade S355 steel for this application.

    SolutionS 355 for t≤40mm

    Material Properties:

    ► fy = 355 MPa

    ► fu = 510 MPa

    ► E = 210 GPa

    Step1: Classify the cross-section.

    Tubular sections (Table 5.2, sheet 3):

    Step2: Compute the Cross-section compression resistance Nc,Rd.

    Step3: Compute the Buckling resistance of the Member Nb,Rd.

  • X=0.74

    November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on buckling resistance of a CHS compression member

    Elastic critical force and non-dimensional slenderness for flexural


    For a hot-rolled CHS, use buckling curve a (Table 6.5 (Table 6.2

    of EN 1993-1-1)). For buckling curve a, = 0.21

  • November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on Designing an RHS compression member

    Example 3.5. Design a suitable hot-finished RHS of S355 steel to resist the loading of example 3.3.S 355 for t≤40mm Material Properties:

    ► fy = 355 MPa

    ► fu = 510 MPa

    ► E = 210 GPa


    Step1: Compute the design applied compressive

    axial force N Ed.

    Step2: Select a cross section based on an assumed reduction


    All plate members = internal or stiffened element.

    33 28.25 38 Class 2c


    (2 ) (2 ) 25.0 (2 8.0) (2 4.0)28.25


    c h t r

    t t

    and so the cross section is Class 2.

    Try a 250 × 150 × 8 RHS, withA = 60.8cm2, iy = 9.17cm,

    iz = 6.15cm, t = 8.0mm, r=4.0mm.

    Step3: Classify the cross-section.Hence, verification is only required for buckling resistance

  • November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on Designing an RHS compression member

    Step4: Verify the Buckling resistance of the Member Nb,Rd Vs Nb,Ed.

    Since the selected section is section of class 2: Slenderness


    Select the buckling curve and corresponding “” value

    Buckling will occur about the major (y) axis. For a hot-finished

    RHS, use buckling curve (a) with α = 0.21Xy=0.296


    and so the member is satisfactory!

  • November 5, 2017Addis Ababa institute of Technology


    Worked Example: Example on buckling of double angles

    Example 3.6. Two steel 125 × 75 × 10 UA are connected together at 1.5 m intervals to form the long compression

    member whose properties are given. The minimum second moment of area of each angle is 49.9 cm4. The member is

    simply supported about its major axis at 4.5 m intervals and about its minor axis at 1.5 m intervals. Determine the

    elastic buckling load of the member Ncr.

    Material Properties:

    ► E = 210 GPa


    Step1: Compute the elastic buckling load about

    the major and minor axis, N cr,y and Ncr,Z for the

    whole section.

    Member buckling about the major axis:

    Member buckling about the minor axis:

    Step2: Compute the elastic buckling

    load, N cr for a single angle about its

    own minor axis.

    To calculate the elastic buckling load

    following equation is generally

    applicable for compression members;






    and so for both angles

    2Ncr,min=2 × 459.7= 919kN < 1520kN.

    The lowest buckling load of 919 kN

    corresponds to the case where each

    unequal angle buckles about its own

    minimum axis.

  • Thank you for your kind attention!

    End of Class Eight! Questions?

    November 5, 2017


    Addis Ababa institute of Technology

    Class 7-Part-2 Design of Structural Steel Members - Compression Memebers - 30102017Class 8-Part-2 Design of Structural Steel Members - Compression Members - 07112017