steelforge playtest document

Chapter 1: Table of Contents 1. Table of Contents 2. Introductions 3. Items By Slot 4. Alchemical Items 5. Nonmagical Equipment 6. Legendary Items 7. Artifacts 8. Item Enhancements 9. Locations of Power 10. Trapped Equipment 11. Archetypes 12. Prestige Classes 13. New Spells and Powers 14. Worldbuilding and GM tools Chapter 2: Introductions Pardon our dust, folks. We kinda made this in a hurry. No, seriously - the Path of War team was lamenting not having a spot to put the items we made for that product line, Anthony suggested getting a whole supplement just for them, aaaand… Well, welcome to the Steelforge playtest. Items have been a part of the game since there was a game. No adventurer would be caught alive without their enchanted equipment, alchemical tools, or spellbooks (plenty are, of course, caught dead without them - adventurers are big believers in recycling). This supplement aims to not only add new kinds of items to fill niches not yet explored, but to flesh out the role of items in the game, in the campaign setting, and to offer new ways to interact with these staples of the adventuring life. As always, this is a live document that is subject to change without notice. Hope you enjoy! Jade Ripley Game Developer Dreamscarred Press I have to lead off by getting a bit sappy. I really never expected to be part of this awesome team, writing stuff that would be (hopefully!) used by the masses for the betterment of their games. So, when Jade offered me an invitation to do just that, I jumped at the chance. This is my first project as a dev of any kind beyond local homebrew, and it has been crazy fun (coupled with mind-bendingly frustrating at times). For those wondering, these lunatics are the same in chat rooms as they are on the forums. It isn’t an act, and I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with this crew. Hopefully, it will be just as entertaining for you to use as it was for me to write. Jacob “PsyBomb” Karpel Freelance Writer As a player, I love leafing through collections, whether they are items in a PFRPG book, or a new set of cards in a CCG. The problem is that a few items will be too powerful, and a meta will develop around these items, with other items selected only to fill empty slots and support the main items. I was thrilled to be given an opportunity to not only fill in some blanks myself, but to introduce some items comparable in power to existing ones to give players more balanced choices. Also, I will never say no to working with Jade. Alexander Clatworthy Freelance Writer One of the biggest pains in character creation has always been buying gear. There’s always so many options and thus so many variations. Should I get these boots or those? This wondrous item or that one? Well, I was rather pleased to be asked by Jade to assist with a book to add even more wonderfully creative items to the mix. Now I’ll

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Steelforge Playtest Document


Chapter 1: Table of Contents 1.Table of Contents 2.Introductions 3.Items By Slot 4.Alchemical Items 5.Nonmagical Equipment 6.Legendary Items 7.Artifacts 8.Item Enhancements 9.Locations of Power 10.Trapped Equipment 11.Archetypes 12.Prestige Classes 13.New Spells and Powers 14.Worldbuilding and GM tools Chapter 2: Introductions Pardon our dust, folks. We kinda made this in a hurry. No, seriously - the Path of War team was lamenting not having a spot to put the items we made for that product line, Anthony suggested getting a whole supplement just for them, aaaand Well, welcome to the Steelforge playtest. Items have been a part of the game since there was a game. No adventurer would be caught alive without their enchanted equipment, alchemical tools, or spellbooks (plenty are, of course, caught dead without them - adventurers are big believers in recycling). This supplement aims to not only add new kinds of items to fill niches not yet explored, but to flesh out the role of items in the game, in the campaign setting, and to offer new ways to interact with these staples of the adventuring life.As always, this is a live document that is subject to change without notice. Hope you enjoy! Jade Ripley Game Developer Dreamscarred Press I have to lead off by getting a bit sappy. I really never expected to be part of this awesome team, writing stuff that would be (hopefully!) used by the masses for the betterment of their games. So, when Jade offered me an invitation to do just that, I jumped at the chance. This is my first project as a dev of any kind beyond local homebrew, and it has been crazy fun (coupled with mind-bendingly frustrating at times). For those wondering, these lunatics are the same in chat rooms as they are on the forums. It isnt an act, and I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with this crew. Hopefully, it will be just as entertaining for you to use as it was for me to write. Jacob PsyBomb Karpel Freelance Writer As a player, I love leafing through collections, whether they are items in a PFRPG book, or a new set of cards in a CCG. The problem is that a few items will be too powerful, and a meta will develop around these items, with other items selected only to fill empty slots and support the main items. I was thrilled to be given an opportunity to not only fill in some blanks myself, but to introduce some items comparable in power to existing ones to give players more balanced choices. Also, I will never say no to working with Jade. Alexander Clatworthy Freelance Writer One of the biggest pains in character creation has always been buying gear. Theres always so many options and thus so many variations. Should I get these boots or those? This wondrous item or that one? Well, I was rather pleased to be asked by Jade to assist with a book to add even more wonderfully creative items to the mix. Now Ill NEVER manage to finish buying gear for another character. Ever. Thanks, Jade. For some reason I find it so very comforting to get to inflict the same analysis paralysis on the rest of the community. Happy hunting, shopaholics and optimizers. Matthew Ryan Medeiros Freelance Writer Why do we kill monsters?Is it because they threaten our homes? Because they destroy crops and villages?Maybe thats what we adventurers say, but lets be real. We do it because monsters have the best loot.All those shiny weapons and armor lie in the grasping claws of dragons, demons, and elder things.And that just isnt right.Now that Ive got the opportunity, Im glad to be a part of a project that can bring even more magic items to you and your fellow players, so that your adventurous, monster slaying days can be filled with even more interesting and powerful magic items.Go get em. Anthony S. Altovilla Freelance Writer Chapter 3: Items by Slot Belt: Girdle of Protection Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), or 75,000 gp (+5); Slot waist; Weight 2lbs This waistguard is heavy, made from interwoven strands of different metals and fibers. It protects the wearer by granting a deflection bonus of +1 to +5 to AC. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield of faith, caster must be of a level at least three times the bonus of the girdle; Cost 1,500 gp (+1), 6,000 gp (+2), 13,400 gp (+3), 24,000 gp (+4), 37,500 gp (+5) Body Chest Carapace of Natural Armor Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), or 75,000 gp (+5); Slot chest; Weight 4lbs. This thick vest is usually made from the exoskeleton of insectoid creatures. The magic is contains hardens the wearers skin,adding another layer of protection giving him an enhancement bonus to his natural armor from +1 to +5, depending on the carapace. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, creators caster level must be at least three times the carapaces bonus; Cost 1,500 gp (+1), 6,000 gp (+2), 13,400 gp (+3), 24,000 gp (+4), 37,500 gp (+5) Corset of Resistance Aura faint abjuration; 5L Xth Price 1,500 gp (+1), 6,000 gp (+2), 13,500 gp (+3), 24,000 gp (+4), 37,500 gp (+5); gp; Slot chest; Weight 1 lb. This corset is made of stylishly colorful threads, woven together in a pattern of rainbows over some hard plates (typically carved animal bones, but rarely plates of mithril alloys or rare woods are used). The corset is worn beneath the clothes, and is tightened to give a snug fit. This garment offers magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will). CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, creators caster level must be at least three times the corsets bonus; Cost 750 gp (+1), 3,000 gp (+2), 6,750 gp (+3), 12,000 gp (+4), 18,750 gp (+5) Eyes Firesight Eyes Aura faint evocation; CL 1 Slot eyes; Price 45,000 gp; Weight - DESCRIPTION These glass lenses are tinted red, and donning them wreaths creatures in phantom fires which give away their location and highlight their weaknesses.Often worn by powerful Efreeti Sultans, these lenses reveal hidden foes and concealed enemies wherever they may hide. Wearing these lenses outlines all creatures within 60 ft. in dancing flames that only you can see. Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by darkness (though a 2nd-level or higher magical darkness effect functions normally), blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire; Cost 22,500 gp Feet Steelwalkers Boots Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 12th Price 14,000 gp; Slot none; Weight - A set of Steelwalkers Boots are made from fine steel plates, studded with leather straps and clasps, allowing the owner to pull them tight. The wearer can move up to half their movement speed during a full attack. This movement must be taken before, after, or between your attacks, and may be taken in separate increments, so long as it does not exceed half your total movement speed.If the wearer uses this ability but does not hit with any melee attacks during that action, they are then staggered until the end of their next turn. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, haste; Cost 7,000 gp Hand Steeltusks Punching Mitt Aura school; CL 10th Price 10,305 gp; Weight 2 lbs. This +2 spiked gauntlet is constructed from shards of chitin, held together with iron staples. On the back of the mitt are a trio of rubies, held in place with thick wire. Three times per day when the wielder successfully hits with this weapon, they may cast a fireball as a free action (CL 10th, DC 16). The spell is centered on the wielder, and they may not attempt to make a Reflex save to reduce the damage from this spell. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, fireball; Cost 5,152 gp 5 sp Head Headless Helm Aura school; CL 11th Price 8,500 gp; Slot head; Weight 4 lbs A headless helm is typically made from a full-face covering helmet, with a hangmans noose around the neck. The helmet can be worn normally, but when the noose is drawn tight (a standard action), the wearers head vanishes, leaving behind a bare neck stump. You suffer no ill effects from not having a head, such as blindness or an inability to utilize potions or head slot items. The wearer is immune to the effects of the vorpal quality and gaze attacks, but cannot cast spells with a verbal component. The wearer can easily will their body to appear to be dead (although a DC 35 heal check shows that the form is just perfectly immobile, instead of actually dead). While headless the wearer does not need to eat, breathe or sleep (and is immune to all effects that rely on these features, such as poison gas or the sleep spell).The noose can be loosened as a standard action, ending the effect. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, suspend life; Cost 4,250 gp Helm of Lost Flesh Aura moderate transmutation CL 9th Slot head Price 90,000 gp Weight 3 lbs This helm is made of rusted steel, with its visor bent into the shape of a humanoid skull. If the visor is wrenched shut (as a move action) the wearer takes on the appearance, and many qualities, of an undead skeleton. While the visor is shut, the wearer gains a +2 dexterity bonus, a +2 enhancement bonus to their natural armor and DR 5/bludgeoning. The wearer also gains the undead type (including losing their Constitution score), and therefore needs to use their Charisma score to recalculate their total hit points, Fortitude save and any other effects based off their Constitution. All other properties of being an undead creature apply; the wearer is healed by negative energy (and harmed by positive energy), are able to be the target of spells such as command undead, etc. If the helmet is destroyed (it has a hardness of 25, and 10 hit points), removed or the visor is raised (as a move action), the effect immediately ends. Returning from undeath is traumatic, necessitating a Fortitude save with variable effects and DC depending on how long the wearer spent as an undead creature. If the helm has been worn too long, removing it is immediately fatal to the wearer. Undead Duration Fortitude Save DC Effect of failed save < 1 minute21Nauseated for 1d4 rounds 1-10 minutes23Nauseated for 1 minute 10 minutes - 1 hour 25Nauseated for 10 minutes, 1d6 Constitution damage 1-8 hours27Nauseated for 1 hour, 3d6 Constitution damage 8-24 hours29Death. The wearer immediately rises as a mindless skeleton, as their flesh decays to dust. > 24 hoursnoneDeath, as the wearer instantly crumbles to dust CONSTRUCTIONRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, undead anatomy II Cost 45,000 gp Poison Inverting Mask Aura moderate transmutationl; CL 5th Price 3,000 gp; Slot head; Weight 1 lb This small mask is covered in filters, tubes and intertwining wires and fits snugly over the nose and mouth, held securely in place by three straps which wrap around the head.On the side of the mask is an open slot into which a vial of poison may be inserted.When a vial of poison which does ability score damage is inserted into this slot, the mask alters the nature of the poison, turning it into a powerful drug which enhances the physical and mental abilities of the wearer, for a time.Inserting a vial of poison is a standard action, and once inserted the masks effects are immediate.Instead of taking ability score damage from the poison, the masks wearer instead increases the corresponding ability score by the amount of damage the poison would normally deal on a failed save.This ability score increase lasts for 10 minutes, after which the wearer of the mask immediately takes damage as though theyd failed two saves against the poison.Neutralize poison and delay poison cannot prevent or remove this effect, and the ability score damage cannot be healed for at least 24 hours. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Wondrous Item, neutralize poison, rage; Cost 1,500 gp Headband Non-Secrecy Amulet Aura school; CL 5th Price 4500 gp; Slot headband; Weight 1lb The bane of privacy among telepaths, this simple headband allows the wearer to listen in to these otherwise-secret conversations. Whenever a telepathic message is sent or received within 35 feet, the wearer can hear it as though she was an intended recipient. Any participant in the telepathic conversation can tell that someone is listening in with a Spellcraft or Perception check (DC 20) CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mindlink; Cost 2,250gp Neck Necklace of Many Charms Aura weak universal; CL 3rd Price 2,000 gp; Slot Neck; Weight - By itself, this necklace of twisted mithral and silver does nothing. Instead, it has ten rings from which its wearer can hang Charms (such as power charms or refinement charms). Removing or attaching a Charm is a full-round action. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item; Cost 1,000 gp Shoulders Angelwing Cloak Aura moderate necromancy; CL 13th Slot shoulders; Price 21,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs. DESCRIPTION The soft white down feathers of this cloak are tinged with flecks of red blood.Crafted from the feathered wings of an angel slain by one they trusted, this potent cloak provides many of the benefits of aligning oneself with the goodly powers.While wearing the cloak, the wearer detects as Lawful Good and gains Damage Reduction 10/Evil.In addition, the blood of the slain angel continues to drip from the cloak.This blood may be collected and applied to creatures up to three times per day.This blood acts as infernal healing when applied. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, infernal healing, blasphemy; Cost 10,500 gp. Ironbody Cloak Aura school; CL Xth Price 1,500 gp (+10), 5,000 gp (+20), 11,500 gp (+40), 18,000 gp (+60), 27,500 gp (+80); Slot shoulders; Weight 2lbs This cloak is very light and loose fitting, with a generous sized hood that can fit over even the largest of helmets. The ironbody cloak contains a pool of temporary hit points between 10 and 80. These hit points replenish each day. The wearer uses these temporary hit points as long as she is wearing the cloak. In addition, the cloak absorbs ability damage that would otherwise affect the wearer. Every point of ability damage absorbed this way expends 10 temporary HP from this item. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, aid; Cost 750 gp (+10), 2,500 gp (+20), 5,750 gp (+40), 9,000 gp (+60), 13,750 gp (+80) Trick Cloak Aura school; CL 9th Price 90,000 gp; Slot shoulders; Weight 2lbs A trick cloak is always made of high quality cloth, with gold and silver thread stitched into the hem. The cloak provides its wearer with spell resistance equal to 10 + their character level. Three times per day as an immediate action, the bearer can suppress the spell resistance granted by this item until the end of their next turn. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance; Cost 45,000 gp Wrist Bracelet of Charms Aura faint universal; CL 3rd Price 1000 gp; Slot Wrist; Weight - By itself, this bracelet of twisted mithral and silver does nothing. Instead, it has five rings from which its wearer can hang Charms (such as power charms or refinement charms). One person can wear up to two of these, one on each wrist, though this occupies the wrist slot as normal. Attaching or removing a charm is a full-round action. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item; Cost 500 gp Ring Rings of Bound Loyalty Aura strong enchantment; CL 7th Price 27,000 gp; Slot ring; Weight - These insidious rings were originally created with the best of intentions, by noble families who wished to make an arranged marriage more tolerable. Always made in matched pairs, the rings of bound loyalty carry a powerful and subtle enchantment upon them. Each morning, when the sun first rises, they cast charm monster (CL 7, Save DC 17) on the creature wearing them, with the object of their attitude change being the wearer of the other ring. The listed price is for two paired rings. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Forge Ring, charm monster; Cost 13,500 gp Slotless Chess Pieces of the Astral Army Aura weak to strong metacreativity; ML 13th Price 650 gp (Pawn), 2,600 gp (Rook), 3,250 gp (Knight), 3,900 gp (Bishop), 4,550 (King or Queen) ; Slot none; Weight - These ornate chess pieces stand about an inch tall and can be carved out of nearly any material (though wood and marble are popular). They are enchanted to create servants for the user, after their own kind. Some help with life, some with travel, and some with war. The user can throw a piece anywhere within 50 feet as a Standard action. Where it lands, its corresponding astral construct springs to life, as the Power (ML 13). It acts on the users initiative starting the next turn, and can be mentally directed as a free action. The characteristics of the constructs are as follows: Pawn: 1st-Level Astral Construct with the Utility and Fly menu options. Rook: 4th-Level Astral Construct with the Reach and Heavy Deflection menu options. Knight: 5th-Level Astral Construct with the Smite, Power Attack, and Celerity menu options. Bishop: 6th-Level Astral Construct with the Improved Fly and Stunning Fist menu options. Queen: 7th-Level Astral Construct with the Pounce, Muscle, Improved Fly, Power Attack, and Celerity menu options King: 7th-Level Astral Construct with the Concussion and Dimension Slide menu options Once used, the magic of the piece is expended (although the physical chess piece remains). Complete sets are very rare and extremely expensive (totalling 67,500 gp or more). Individual pieces are therefore much more likely to be found. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Advanced Constructs, Boost Construct, astral construct; Cost 325 gp (Pawn), 1,300 gp (Rook), 1,625 gp (Knight), 1,950 gp (Bishop), 2,275 gp (King or Queen) Emet Tablet Aura faint universal; CL 5th Price 2000 gp; Slot -; Weight 1 lb This clay tablet is about five inches long and one across, and is inscribed with a mystical word meaning truth. Contained within is the ability to cause temporary disruptions in the animating force of golems and other constructs. Make a melee touch attack. If it hits, the emet tablet adheres to the target and the affected construct is stunned for 2 rounds, ignoring any immunities it possesses (including those from sources other than its types or subtypes). The tablet crumbles to dust after the effect ends. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, disable construct; Cost 1000 gp Endecas Gregarious Gravity Slime (Wondrous Item) Aura: Weak transmutation; CL 5th Slot: ; Price: 500 gp (larva), 2,500 gp (polyp); 5,000 gp (adult); Weight 1 lb. This small, light-blue slime is usually kept in a bottle or bucket with an easy-to-open lid and quivers and coos pleasantly whenever it is touched or fed (it does not seem to require food to survive, though it does enjoy it). Though the gregarious gravity slime sees some popularity as a hard-to-kill pet for the children of the rich, its primary purpose is for combat. Any given Endecas gregarious gravity slime has hit points up to a maximum based on its stage in its life cycle (15 hit points for larvae, 20 for polyps, and 25 for adults) which may be diminished only by use or energy damage directed at the slime. The slime may be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition as a swift action, consuming 5 of its hit points. The next time that weapon strikes a creature, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13 for larvae, DC 15 for polyps, and DC 17 for adults) or the clinging slime drags them to the ground. Victims lose all ability to fly; they have no flight speed, are treated as having no ranks in the Fly skill, and cannot hover, leap or levitate any higher than ten feet from the ground. If an affected creature is already flying, the slime cushions their fall and they suffer no damage. The effects of Endecas gregarious gravity slime last for 2 rounds for larvae, 4 rounds for polyps, and 6 rounds for adults, at which point the slime on the creature dissolves with a contented sigh. Endecas gregarious gravity slime regains 5 hit points each morning. No other known method can heal or replenish the gregarious gravity slime, short of limited wish and similar spells. A slime reduced to 0 hit points is used up, and any remaining scraps in its container dissolve with a sigh. Creation Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, flightbreaker; Cost 250 gp (larva), 1,250 (polyp), 2,500 gp (adult) Hate Seed Aura moderate telepathy; ML 14th Price 9,100gp; Slot none; Weight - This tiny token is the bane of those who wish for peace. The item is a small wafer of silver and gold, about a quarter inch square and paper-thin, which can be easily hidden almost anywhere (including inside of other objects). It can be issued the command word from anywhere within 200 feet as a free action. This word is often set to something common by evil crafters, in order to set somewhere and leave it for an unsuspecting crowd. Once triggered, it immediately attempts to use the Paranoia Terror (DC 19, 14 minute duration) on a random target within 60 feet. If anyone within 60 feet is affected by Paranoia, it instead manifests mental contagion (DC 19) targeting four random creatures within 60 feet to be affected by Paranoia for five rounds. It repeats this every round for ten rounds, after which it burns out and is destroyed. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Paranoia Terror, mental contagion; Cost 4,550gp Kings Gambit Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th Price 10,080 gp; Slot none; Weight 4lbs. This foot-long rod is usually stylised as a sceptre, but it is often wrapped in cloth to disguise its nature. Once per day the wielder may activate the rod to create a major image of themselves anywhere to which they have a line of effect within 400 ft. So long as they concentrate, the image acts and reacts intelligently to its surroundings. Should the wielder's appearance change (such as if they are wounded, drop equipment, etc) the image does likewise, doing its best to mimic the wielder's appearance. As a standard action, the wielder may swap places with their image, (as kings castle). The quality of the illusion ensures that there are no clues that the swap has taken place, so long as the observer has not seen through the illusion previously. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, major image, kings castle; Cost 5,040 gp Magecatcher Net Aura: Strong Abjuration CL: 7thPrice: 30,340 gp; Weight: 12 lbs Description: This net is made from one inch thick braided cords of cold iron.The net functions as a normal net, but any creature caught in it is subject to a dimensional anchor spell (Caster Level 7th) for as long as they remain entangled by it.The net has hardness 10 and 30 hit points. Construction Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, dimensional Anchor; Cost: 15,170 gp Magecatcher Net, Greater Aura: Overwhelming Abjuration CL: 12thPrice: 54,000 gp ; Weight: 12 lbsDescription: This net is made from one inch thick braided cords of cold iron.The net functions as a normal net, but any creature caught in it is subject to a dimensional anchor and antimagic field spell (Caster Level 11th) for as long as they remain entangled by it.The net has hardness 10 and 30 hit points. Construction Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, dimensional anchor, antimagic field; Cost: 27,000 gp Network Node Earrings Aura moderate telepathy; ML 5th Price 13,500gp; Slot none; Weight - Not all leaders are made to lead from the front, and not all assistants are able to withstand the rigors of battle. Network Node Earrings are the answer to this. They are always made in pairs, to be worn by two separate people. Their appearance is relatively low-key, with a simple crystal stud on the ear and another that fits inside of it (this does not impede hearing) connected by a clear wire. As long as the two people occupy the same plane, this item has two effects. First, they always count as members of each others Collectives (this counts against their maximum number in the collective). Second, each may measure the range of their collectives from the location of the other, in addition to themselves. A character may not wear more than two Network Node Earrings CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Collective class ability, correspond or battlesense; Cost 6,750gp Power Bomb Aura Moderate Evocation; CL 5th Price 750 gp; Slot none; Weight 1lb This fist-sized sphere of grey stone acts as an Essence receptacle. As a standard action, the stone can be hurled up to 50 feet. It explodes on contact, dealing 2d6 damage per point of Essence invested in a 10-foot radius (Reflex save half, DC 15 plus invested essence). This damage is of untyped energy. All Essence invested is lost as Essence Burn, and must be recovered normally. The Power Bomb is consumed by the explosion and destroyed. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fireball, creator must have an essence pool; Cost 375 gp Power Charm Aura moderate universal; CL 5th Price 2000 gp; Slot -; Weight - These charms contain more than just a mere spark of an idea. They are made by those truly dedicated to their path, Like their smaller cousins, the refinement charms, these have no power alone, and must be hung from a bracelet of charms or a necklace of many charms. Unlike them, however, these take up three rings on the item holding them, and they do not stack with identical power charms. Power Charm of the Adamant: Your Mind Blade, Mind Bolt, Mind Shield, and/or Mind Armor counts as being made of Adamantine in addition to all other properties. Power Charm of Changing: Add one use per day of your Veilshifting ability Power Charm of Disabling: While you have your Gentle Touch ability at full Essence capacity, increase the save DC of your Stunning Fist ability by one Power Charm of Phobia: Extend the radius of your Aura of Terror ability by 5 feet. Power Charm of Precision: Add 1d6 to the damage dealt by your Sneak Attack ability Power Charm of Resistance: Your Resist Influence ability also applies to all mind-affecting effects Power Charm of Surging: Once per day, when you would suffer Psychic Enervation, you are instead dazzled for one round. Power Charm of Striking: This charm can hold a charge of your Psychic Strike. You must charge it as normal, but can move the charge to your Mind Weapon as a Swift action at any point thereafter. Power Charm of the Unyielding: Increase your Damage Reduction class ability by 1 point. Power Charm of Versatility: This charm is created with one Weapon or Armor special ability selected. Add that to the list of potential enhancements whenever you make an appropriate weapon or armor with your Mind Blade, Mind Bolt, Mind Shield, or Mind Armor class feature. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must possess the class feature to be refined; Cost 1000 gp Refinement Charm Aura weak universal; Slot none; Weight - Price 500 gp; Slot -; Weight - These tiny charms carry enchantments which are minor at best, and are often made by apprentice spellcasters looking to practice imbuing items with magic. When hung on a bracelet of charms or a necklace of many charms, the spark of power within them helps the user focus on what they do slightly better than they once could. All stack with one another, and with all other sources of bonuses to these class features. If you do not possess the class feature to be enhanced, that charm does nothing for you. Charm of Anger: Add one round of Rage per day Charm of Arcana: You may use your School Powers one additional time per day Charm of Bestial Communion: Add a +1 bonus to your Wild Empathy checks Charm of Blood: Treat your spellcasting attribute as one higher for the purposes of your Bloodline Arcana Charm of Claiming: Add one to the maximum number of targets you can have Claimed Charm of Cooperation: Expand the maximum range of your Collective by 20ft Charm of Concealment: Your aura of chaos, evil, good, and/or law, if any, is treated as if you were one level lower, minimum one Charm of Channeled Benevolence: Add one point to the amount healed by your Channel Energy Charm of Channeled Malevolence: Add one point to the damage dealt by your Channel Energy Charm of Horror: Add 1 use of Terrors per day. Charm of Performance: Add one round of Bardic Performance per day Charm of Reaction: Apply one point of your Armor Training to your Reflex saves as well Charm of Response: Apply one point of your Weapon Training to your initiative as well Charm of Sacrifice: Add one use per day of your Transfer Wounds ability Charm of Searching: Treat your Trapfinding ability as if you were one level higher (maximum level 20) Charm of Seeking: Treat your Track ability as if you were one level higher (maximum level 20) Charm of Stunning: Add one use per day of your Stunning Fist ability Charm of the Elements: Add one use per day of your Elemental Fist ability Charm of Unity: Expand the maximum size of your Collective by one CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, crafter must possess the class feature to be refined; Cost 250 gp Slip Grenades Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th Price 800 gp; Slot none; Weight 1 lb. A slip grenade is made of a fragment of runed parchment wrapped around a vial of some thick substance, usually tree sap or honey. It can be activated by breaking the vial and throwing as a standard action. The grenade has a range increment of 20 feet. At the end of your turn, the grenade attempts to teleport you to its location. This otherwise functions as dimension door. Optionally, the grenade can instead be primed to activate 3 rounds after it was thrown. The decision to use the grenade in this way must be made before the grenade is thrown. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door; Cost 400gp Smugglers Chest Aura none (or faint transmutation, see text); CL 5th Price 500gp; Slot none; Weight 10lbs. This wooden box is up to two feet wide, one foot tall and one foot deep. The box may be very ornate, or may simply look like a typical cheap pine crate. The inside of the box reveals nothing unusual, but a very thorough search (DC 35 Perception check) reveals a small button which releases the false bottom of the box. Inside is a thin lead-lined section, large enough to hold a dagger, scroll, bottle or other similarly sized item. The inside of the box is runed such that the weight of the lead box and its contents are magically negated so that the Smugglers Chest is no heavier. The lead lining of the box shields both the runes and the contents of the hidden compartment from effects such as detect magic, unless the compartment is open. The Smugglers Chest has 10 hp and a hardness of 5. The inner compartment has 5 hp and a hardness of 8. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, ant haul; Cost 250 gp Toxin Drinking Needle Price 10,500 gp; Weight 1 lb. This small syringe has been specially prepared with alchemical treatments that attract and draw poison from within a body.As a standard action, the user can make a touch attack with the needle that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.If the creature attacked is currently alive and suffering the effects of a poison, that poison is removed from the body and its effects negated.If the creature attacked is one that produces its own poison (such as a venomous snake) one dose of that poison is taken from the creature and stored within the vial attached to the needle. The vial can be removed as a standard action and the poison can be applied to a weapon or used normally after this. New vials can be purchased for 15 gp each, allowing for multiple poisons to be stored. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, neutralize poison; Cost 5,250 gp. Warsong Instruments Aura faint conjuration; ML 3rd Price 10,855; Slot none; Weight varies Warsong instruments are used by adventuring musiciansand inventive assassinsthe world over. A warsong instrument functions as a masterwork tool, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform checks involving its use. As a standard action, or as part of starting a bardic performance, the user of a warsong instrument may summon a floating masterwork weapon made of opaque energy within their space. The exact kind of weapon is determined when the warsong instrument is created, and cannot be changed. For as long as the user continues to play the warsong instrument, they may attack with the summoned weapon as if they were wielding it. Ranged weapons created by a warsong instrument do not require a free hand to reload. When attacking in this fashion, the user can use their ranks in an appropriate Perform skill in place of their base attack bonus (gaining iterative attacks if their ranks in the skill are high enough). A warsong instrument can be enchanted as if it were a weapon of the type it summons; these enhancements are applied to the summoned weapon. A warsong instrument can also be created to summon more than one weapon, increasing its cost by 50% for each additional weapon it summons. Each weapon summoned has identical enhancement bonuses and special abilities. The user of the warsong instrument must be able to wield the weapons normally in order to effectively use a warsong instrument that summons multiple weaponsa musician with only two arms cannot play his warsong instrument to fight with a pair of greatswords, although he could use one that summoned a longsword and a shortsword. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, instant weapon; Cost 5,427g 5s Chapter 4: Alchemical Items Magic isnt everything. While mighty wizards may toil in their towers, cunning crafters skillfully find their own ways to overcome challenges. This chapter details a few of those potential ways, ranging from poisons to utility creations to the occasional apprentice dare. Alchemists Frost Price 50 gp; Weight 1 lb. Alchemists frost is a mixture of several different liquids that, when exposed to air, suck in heat and moisture forming a thin layer of ice and creating a biting cold. You can throw a flask of alchemist's frost as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of cold damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of cold damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage. If the Alchemists frost is thrown against the ground specifically (AC 5), it creates a 10 ft. square patch of ice that lasts for 1d4 rounds.Treat this icy patch as though it were a grease spell (CL 1) cast on the area. Chaos Root Paste Price 4,000 gp This horrible substance is crafted from a specific plant found only is chaos-tainted realms. Although it does no damage, its effects are far more dramatic. Upon failing the initial save against this poison, two random physical ability scores are swapped until its effects are cured. Type Injury; Save Fortitude DC 20 Onset Immediate; Frequency 1/minute for one hour Effect as description; Cure 1 save Chaos Beasts Bile Price 3,000 gp This strange fluid shifts colors and hues rapidly, never staying constant.Taken from the sometimes present bile ducts of the chaos beast, this poison has the ability to reduce a creatures resistance to elemental effects on contact.Upon failing the save, the creatures elemental resistances (if any) are reduced by 10 for the duration of the poison. Type Contact; Save Fortitude DC 20 Onset Immediate; Frequency 1/two rounds for 10 rounds Effect as description; Cure 2 consecutive saves Lead Paint Price 50 gp; Weight 3 pounds When one enterprising alchemist had something magical to hide, he came up with this application of common painting know-how. When this paint is applied evenly to any surface and allowed to dry for five minutes, it carries with it enough infused lead to count as a thin sheet. This is enough to stop many common divinations, such as detect magic. One gallon of lead paint is enough to coat the inside of a large chest or a hundred square feet of surface (four 5ft squares) Manabane Gel Price 450 gp; Weight pound This substance is always cool to the touch, and for those who cast arcane spells it always has a slightly unpleasant tingle to it. The suspension of cold iron particles is carefully calibrated to disperse ambient magic. Any magical item completely coated in Manabane Gel has its properties suppressed as though within an antimagic field. A single vial is enough to coat an object up to the size of a greatsword, and the suppression effect will last up to a week once applied. Soulvenom Infusion Price 4,000 gp Made from a combination of virulent animal venoms, undead flesh, and negative energy-bearing minerals, this potent poison actually loosens the grip of ones soul on ones body. If the victim dies while still suffering from its damaging effects, they become impossible to resurrect. This condition persists until all traces of the poison are purged from the corpse, allowing the soul to come back into contact with the body. The latent toxin resists all magical means of purging, requiring a caster level check (DC 35) to affect them. This increases by two for each additional dose in the victims system when they died. Type Injury; Save Fortitude DC 25 Onset Immediate; Frequency 1/two rounds for 10 rounds Effect 2d6 Negative Energy damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves Silvershine Bomb Price 50 gp; Weight 2 lbs. This small bomb contains a mixture of wolfsbane and silver powder.It can be lit and thrown as a splash weapon. Creatures caught in the blast take 1d6 points of damage (this damage counts as silver for purposes of overcoming damage reduction) and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 13) or be unable to change their form for 1d6 rounds. Thundersand Price 20 gp; Weight pound Originally the leftover grit from the creation of thunderstones, apprentice crafters would dare each other to chew on it for the loud popping sounds (though the taste is horrible, said students would often flavor it with various berry juices). Eventually, it was discovered that these fine grains, though not as loud as a full stone, could be set off much more easily. One bag of Thundersand is able to cover 50 square feet (two 5-ft squares). Any corporeal creature stepping in these squares sets off the sands loud popping sounds, clearly audible over a hundred feet away. This also causes a -10 penalty to any Stealth checks over the affected squares. Chapter 5: Nonmagical Equipment Poisoners Sheath Weight: 2 lbs. Price: 300 GP This otherwise mundane sheath contains a secret vial of poison that can be applied to any weapon held within the sheath.Often used by rogues and assassins to coat their weapons without appearing to do so, the sheath allows the wearer to store up to two doses of any contact or injury poison.Whenever the wearer draws a weapon from the sheath, they may spend a swift action to coat the weapon in the poison stored in the sheath.If the wearer possesses the Quick Draw feat, they may instead apply the poison as a free action.Adding additional doses of poison to the poisoners sheath takes a standard action and incurs the normal risks for handling poison. Sparking Sheath Weight: 2 lbs. Price: 100 GP The lip of this mundane sheath contains a small amount of flash powder and a flint or other sparking agent.When a metal weapon is drawn from the sheath, creatures adjacent to the wielder of the weapon are dazzled for 1 round by the bright flash created by the sparks from drawing the weapon.This effect can only be activated once before more flash powder must be added.Additional doses flash powder costs 2 cp to make and take a standard action to add to the sheath. Special Materials Ironwood:Ironwood is specially grown and shaped by druids and other nature lovers.This special wood is cultivated from rare trees infused with magic that draw iron from the soil and grow the equipment on their branches. Items made from ironwood weigh half as much as items made of standard iron, and do not count as being made of metal for purposes of class features which would prevent someone from using them if they were metal.Ironwood is otherwise identical to regular iron.Ironwood items are always of masterwork quality and this is reflected in their price. Type of ItemCost Modifier Light Armor+1,000 GP Medium Armor+4,000 GP Heavy Armor+9,000 GP Shield+1,000 GP Other Items+500 GP/lb. Glass Steel:Glass Steel is a clear, hard and flexible crystalline structure that is often used to craft armor or weapons in places where metal is scarce or easily destroyed.Glass Steel weapons have the same weight, hardness and hit points as normal weapons but are not made out of metal, and thus are immune to rust or effects which target metal. Glass Steel items are always of masterwork quality and this is reflected in their price. Type of ItemCost Modifier Light Armor+1,000 GP Medium Armor+4,000 GP Heavy Armor+9,000 GP Shield+1,000 GP Other Items+500 GP/lb. Chapter 6: Legendary Items Not every item is great because of what it is. For some, they become great according to the weight of history behind them, the stories which have been told only feeding their might. These grow with their wielders, becoming greater as the character does. Ring of the Grand Vizier Slot: Ring Long ago, this simple gold band studded with blue diamonds marked the highest advisor to a great pharaoh. Unfortunately, the advisor went mad with power, and nearly enslaved the kingdom before he was taken down. The rings exists in order to help serve as an advisor, and its powers reflect that to this day, rejecting its original wearers descent. Requirements: Feats: At least one Akashic feat. Skills: At least 8 ranks in Knowledge skills, including 4 ranks in any one Special: Able to shape at least one Veil, and an Essence pool of at least 4 Item LevelWielder Minimum LevelAbilities 1-Ring of Protection +1 25Grand Viziers Experiments 310Ring of Protection +2,Grand Viziers Advice 415Grand Viziers Insight 520Ring of Protection +3,Grand Viziers Power Grand Viziers Experiments: When the user shapes their Veils in the morning, they may choose to have the Ring of the Grand Vizier be treated as a Veil for all purposes (including Essense capacity, counting against total veils shaped, etc.). It occupies the Ring chakra, regardless of whether the character could normally shape a Veil there. At this level, the wearer gains a +1 insight bonus to all Spellcraft and Use Magic Device rolls, plus one point per point of Essence invested in the Ring of the Grand Vizier. The wearer may also make such skill checks untrained. If the character can bind Veils to their Ring chakra and chooses to bind this veil to it, they gain the following effect: Whenever you successfully activate an item by using Use Magic Device, you need not make another roll to activate it for the next twelve hours. Grand Viziers Advice: While shaped as a Veil, the Ring of the Grand Vizier also grants the following benefits: You gain a bonus to all rolls made to Aid Another equal to the Essence invested, and the bonus granted increases by one per two Essence invested. While bound, you may use the Aid Another action as an Immediate action once per minute, and may use it to assist any ally within 30 feet who can see or hear you. Grand Viziers Insight: While shaped as a Veil, the Ring of the Grand Vizier also increases all other Insight bonuses you receive by one per three essence invested into it. Grand Viziers Power: The Ring of the Grand Vizier also has the effects of a Least Akashic Catalyst, except that it affects all chakras. Chapter 7: Artifacts You had to know this was coming. The greatest and most powerful of items are often those whose methods of creation are long forgotten. These are the Artifacts, many of which possess abilities greater than nearly any mortal crafter can dare achieve. Minor Artifact: Chessboard of the Astral Army Aura Strong Metacreativity Slot none; Weight 2lbs A Chessboard of the Astral Army is typically nondescript, but always appears both well-used and very clean. It can store up to 32 Chesspieces of the Astral Army (16 Pawns, 4 Rooks, 4 Knights, 4 Bishops, 2 Queens, and 2 Kings) in an extradimensional space merely by touching them to the playing surface and willing it so as a move action. These pieces can be retrieved one by one as free actions, appearing in hand and ready for use. If used within one round of being retrieved this way, the duration of the astral construct is doubled (as Extend Power) and it adds Improved Buff, Blindsight, and Greater Might to its chosen menu options. If the board is ever destroyed, its lingering power infuses the one who destroyed it, granting them the ability to summon a Pawn three times per day and a Knight once per day as standard actions.These are treated as if just retrieved from the chessboard. DESTRUCTION In order to destroy a Chessboard of the Astral Army, one must gather a full set of Chess Pieces of the Astral Army (costing 67,500 gp if bought) and challenge the board to a game of speed chess. When you do, all of the pieces animate and enact your moves on a grander scale as you play. Resolve this as opposed Knowledge (Martial) checks, each taking one round (the board has a +20 total modifier on this check). The winner of each check captures one piece per three points they win by, working their way from Pawns first to the King last. You have 26 rounds until the game pieces fade, and must capture the Boards King before then. Regardless of the result, all of the pieces used become nonmagical afterwards. Minor Artifact: Liars Quill Aura Strong Divination Slot none; Weight - This peacock-feather quill always writes smoothly and never needs to be filled with ink. It carries with it a powerful enchantment that affects all text that it is used to write. Specifically, it is unable to write anything which is currently true. Attempts to do so always result in the writer accidentally changing words to make the statement untrue (for example, attempting to write The sky is blue may end up as The sky is yellow). The writer must roll Perception (DC 20) to realize that this alteration took place. This is not predictive in nature, the pen knows nothing about the future, so any statement about the future comes out unaltered. Finally, the pen gives a +10 competence bonus to Bluff and Linguistics checks made to lie through its writing. DESTRUCTION If a user spends one year without speaking and making written communications only with the liars quill, the item withers away to nothing and is destroyed. Chapter 8: Item Enhancements What about if I already have a favored sword of legend? What now, Mr. Dreamscarred? Well, we thankfully have the answer for you. Below are many more ways to add creativity and purpose to what you are using. We have enhancements as created by the newest of apprentices, racial enhancements to fit just about anyone, and even a section detailing how to apply what youve been doing to weapons and armor over to many other item types. Bearded (Weapon) Price: +2 Aura: minor transmutation Description:Bearded weapons were originally crafted by dwarves as a means to intimidate their foes and protect their faces.While wielding a bearded weapon, you sprout a thick metallic beard that protects you from harm.This beard provides a +1 shield bonus to AC, and the wearer can transfer the enhancement bonus of the weapon to the shield bonus provided by the beard.If the wielder is a dwarf, treat this weapons enhancement bonus as 2 higher. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Ironbeard, creator must be a dwarf; Cost: +2 bonus. Brave (Weapon) Price: +2 Aura: minor transmutation Description:Brave weapons release a potent kinetic surge when used by a charging creature.If used as part of a charge attack, the brave weapon deals additional damage equal to the weapons base damage on the first attack made at the end of a charge.This additional damage is not multiplied by critical hits, or effects such as a lances doubled damage on a mounted charge or the spirited charge feat. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Bladed Dash or Lead Blades ; Cost: +2 Bonus Burning (Weapon) Price 400 gp Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th; Weight - When commanded (as a swift action), a burning weapon is wreathed in flames that deals 1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. These flames do not harm the wielder. This effect remains until another command is given, or a successful hit is made, or 10 minutes have passed. The weapon can be activated in this way up to three times a day. If the weapon is later enchanted as a flaming weapon, this enchantment is replaced and the price of the flaming enchantment reduced by 400 GP. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, burning hands; Cost 200gp Caustic (Weapon) Price 400 gp Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th; Weight - When commanded (as a swift action), a caustic weapon is coated in a layer of burning slime that deals 1d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit. The acid does not harm the wielder. This effect remains until another command is given, or a successful hit is made, or 10 minutes have passed. The weapon can be activated in this way up to three times a day. If the weapon is later enchanted as a corrosive weapon, this enchantment is replaced and the price of the corrosive enchantment reduced by 400 GP. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, acid arrow; Cost 200gp Charming (Armor) Price: +2 Bonus Aura: moderate enchantment Description:Charming armor was first developed by elven armorsmiths to ease the interactions of their military with that of local barbarians.The armor always appears bright and clean, and the wearer exudes a pleasing scent.If this alone is not enough to salvage negotiations, creatures that strike the wearer with a melee attack are subject to a charm person spell (DC 11).If the armor bearing this enchantment is medium armor, you may add its enhancement bonus to the save DC of the charm person effect.If the armor is light, you may add the full enhancement bonus of the armor to the save DC of the charm person effect. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, charm person; Cost: +2 bonus. Chilling (Weapon) Price 400 gp Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th; Weight - When commanded (as a swift action), a chilling weapon becomes so cold it burns, dealing 1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. The cold does not harm the wielder. This effect remains until another command is given, or a successful hit is made, or 10 minutes have passed. The weapon can be activated in this way up to three times a day. If the weapon is later enchanted as a frost weapon, this enchantment is replaced and the price of the frost enchantment reduced by 400 GP. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, frigid touch; Cost 200gp Cushioning Price: +2 Bonus Aura: moderate evocation Description: Cushioning weapons often see use as training implements used among the more destructive martial arts as a cost saving effort.These weapons exude a magical gel which clings to equipment, rendering it useless for an extended period of time but also protecting the item from being completely destroyed by violent action.It found popularity among certain professions that involve frequently killing people and taking their stuff.When a cushioning weapon is used to sunder an item and applies the broken condition to that item, the condition only lasts for 10 minutes, after which the item reverts to its fully repaired state.In addition, a cushioning weapons enhancement bonus can be applied to any sunder attempt the wielder makes. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, shatter, mending; Cost: +2 bonus. Exploding (Weapon) Price: +2 Aura: minor evocation Description:First developed by goblin alchemists, this potent weapon enchantment deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage when it hits.In addition, all creatures adjacent to the struck creature take fire damage equal to the enhancement bonus of the weapon.If the wielder is a goblin, treat the weapons enhancement bonus as 2 higher. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Fireball, crafter must be a goblin ; Cost: +2 Bonus Grasping (Weapon) Price: +2 Bonus Aura: moderate transmutation Description: Grasping weapons fit solidly in the hand and seem difficult to let go of, the head of the weapon seems to stick subtly to whatever it strikes.Whenever the wielder of a Grasping weapon hits an enemy with an attack of opportunity provoked by movement, the target must make a Reflex Save (DC 16) or have their movement end for the round.In addition, the wielder can add the enhancement bonus of his weapon to his CMB for reposition attempts. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Hold Person, crafter must possess the Stand Still feat; Cost: +2 bonus. Jolting (Weapon) Price 400 gp Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th; Weight - When commanded (as a swift action), a jolting weapon flickers with tiny dancing sparks that deal 1d6 points of electricity damage on a successful hit. The electricity does not harm the wielder. This effect remains until another command is given, or a successful hit is made, or 10 minutes have passed. The weapon can be activated in this way up to three times a day. If the weapon is later enchanted as a shock weapon, this enchantment is replaced and the price of the shocking enchantment reduced by 400 GP. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shocking grasp Cost 200gp Morphing (Weapon) Price: +3 Bonus Aura: minor transmutation Description:Gnomish craftsmen couldnt be tied down to only making one weapon, as such they developed techniques that allowed a weapon to change its shape to fit the needs of the wielder at any given time. Once per round, a morphing weapon can be changed to a different weapon of the same type (light, one handed, two handed or ranged) as the base weapon as a free action.In addition, any feats which apply to only a specific weapon type (such as Weapon Focus) function for a Morphing weapon regardless of its shape. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Call Weaponry ; Cost: +3 Bonus Shining (Armor) Price: +1 Bonus Aura: moderate illusion Description:Armor or shields enchanted with this effect are especially bright, reflecting more light than most other armors or shields.Once per day, when the wearer is hit by an attack, he can force the attacker to make a fortitude save (DC 13) or become blinded as the spell blindness/deafness. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, blindness/deafness; Cost: +1 bonus. Skinning (Weapon) Price: +2 Bonus Aura: moderate Description: Skinning weapons have especially thin edges lined with tiny serrations.The skinning enchantment can only be applied to melee slashing weapons.Whenever the wielder of a skinning weapon scores a critical hit against a target using the skinning weapon, the target takes a penalty to its natural armor bonus (even if it doesnt have one) equal to the enhancement bonus of the weapon.This penalty does not stack with itself, and lasts until the target succeeds on a DC 15 heal check or is the target of any amount of magical healing. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Epidermal Fissure ; Cost: +2 bonus. Spell Echoing (Weapon) Price +2 bonus Aura strong evocation; CL 7th Whenever a character wielding a spell echoing weapon successfully casts a spell or manifests a power of up to 4th level, they may spend a move action to imbue the weapon with a copy of that spell (the spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action, and must require a touch or ranged touch attack). Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and inflicts at least 1 point of damage, the wielder may immediately cast the imbued spell on that creature as a free action. A spell echoing weapon can be imbued with only one spell or power at a time. The weapon magically imparts to the wielder the name of the spell it's imbued with. This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A spell echoing weapon emits a strong aura of the evocation school, plus the aura of the spell currently stored. Spiritbound (Weapon or Armor) Price: +1 to +3 Aura faint to moderate Necromancy CL 4th Most items of mystic might are created to utilize their own internal power, or that of the world around them. Some few, though, are constructed to focus the inner strength of their users. Spiritbound weapons act as Essence receptacles, able to hold up to twice the enchantments magnitude in Essence and providing an Enhancement bonus equal to the amount of Essence invested. The user is still limited by their own maximum capacity, if it is lower than that of the enchanted weapon or armor. A Spiritbound item does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus before holding other enchantments, but in this case none of the others function until at least one point of Essence is invested. CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spectral hand, creator must have an essence pool, creator must have a caster level of twice the weapons capacity. Twinned (Weapon) Price: +1 (special) Aura: minor Description:Twinned weapons are always crafted in pairs, as each weapon is only one half of the whole.The Twinned enchantment can only be applied to light or one handed melee weapons, or to the heads of a double weapon.If the enchantment is applied to a double weapon it must be applied to both heads separately and each head can only be paired with the other head.Once each weapon has the twinned property applied to it separately, the weapons are then paired in a ritual that takes 4 hours to complete.During the ritual, one weapon is designated the primary weapon, and any enchantments applied to it are also applied to the other weapon.These enchantments still cannot exceed the +10 total bonus, if a weapons enchantments would cause it to exceed a +10 total bonus, the person performing the ritual must designate which enchantments are shared.These enchantments stay until the weapons are separated or destroyed.The ritual pairing two twinned weapons can be reversed (also taking 4 hours), allowing a twinned weapon to be paired with a new weapon that also has the twinned enchantment. Construction and Requirements: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Spell(s); Cost: +1 bonus. Other Item Enhancements Much like weapons and armor, tools of other trades with particularly fine workmanship can be used to house magical enhancements. These are often unique and wondrous items, but they usually obey a very similar set of rules to the legendary blades made famous in many tales.. A magically enhanced tool must begin as a masterwork item. It cannot be enhanced numerically, but there are a vast and varied number of ways it can be enchanted otherwise. The price of this enhancement works exactly like magic armor. Some of these enhancements can apply to nearly any tool of the trades. Some, however, only apply to a certain subset (like Crafting tools or instruments for a Bardic Performance). If an item to be so enchanted is also a wondrous item in its own right, the cost of these enhancements is calculated separately and then added to the cost of the item. Some of these enhancements can be put on weapons or armor, in which case they follow the respective rules of those items and add to their total (For example, a +1 keen folding dagger would cost 18,302 gp) Folding (Any) Price: +1 Aura faint Transmutation CL 3rd The user of this tool can command it to fold itself up incredibly small, to about the size and shape of a single coin. In fact, other than the fact that the face is stamped with the image of the tool in question and that it weighs about twice as much, it is virtually indistinguishable from a copper piece in this form. It is a standard action to fold or unfold the item, and the user gets +20 to any Sleight of Hand check made to conceal it in folded form. REQUIREMENTS Requirements Craft Wondrous item, shrink Multitasking (Crafting Tool or Spellcraft Instrument) Price: +3 Aura faint Transmutation CL 4th While using this tool, the crafting character can work on two projects simultaneously. In this case, each only gets 75% of normal progress each day. REQUIREMENTS Requirements Craft Wondrous item, schism Remote (Bardic Instrument) Price: +1 Aura faint Transmutation CL 4th When the bearer of this item begins a bardic performance (or similar effect, such as a skalds raging song), they may have the source of the performance become anywhere within line of sight. If they choose to do so, they gain no benefit from their own performance and it only affects allies within 60ft of the new point of origin. REQUIREMENTS Requirements Craft Wondrous item, ventriloquism Swift (Crafting Tool or Spellcraft Instrument) Price: +3 Aura moderate Transmutation CL 5th While using this tool, the crafting character multiplies his daily progress by 1.5. This stacks with all other bonuses and is applied last. A crafter may never take ten on any check which has this effect applied. REQUIREMENTS Requirements Craft Wondrous item, haste Previous Enhancements:In addition, to the above, items can be enchanted with any of the following weapon or armor enhancements: Called, Creeping, Delving, Dispelling, Ghost Touch, Glamered, Grounding, Impervious, Poison-Resistant, Seaborne, Spell Storing, and Wild Chapter 9: Locations of Power Niagara Falls. The Pyramids of Giza. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Anyone who has been to a great and powerful place can attest to the sheer presence of the location. When the primal forces of the material plane get involved, though, the perceived majesty and heartfelt wonder can become much more real and tangible. These are Locations of Power, an additional drive for characters and an additional form of treasure for GMs. Some might be well-known and popular spots, whether for tourists or hermits or anything in between. Others might be found in the middle of supernaturally inhospitable terrain or be so well-hidden that their presence goes unnoticed for thousands of years. Either way, they all share certain properties. First, players who uncover these locations can attune themselves to them. This may be as easy as sipping from a magical lake or witnessing a grand ceremony. It could be as difficult as laying to rest a mighty haunt or finding a single book in a library of millions, but it always requires intent. Characters always have a notion of what it might take, and need not attune if they dont want to even if they fulfill a locations conditions. Players can only be attuned to one location at a time, or two once they reach level ten or higher. The effects of this vary greatly, from a certain heightened awareness to having a new source of supernatural might to draw upon to finding inner peace. By default, you can maintain this connection for up to a year until you have to return to the Location of Power and attune yourself once again. Staying away for longer than that tends to make the connection and memories fade, and with them the attunement with all its benefits. You must accomplish whatever task was required in the first place again to renew the connection, and if there were any choices to be made in the first place you can usually remake them when you renew. Finally, you can sever your connection from a location with a minute of concentration. This is usually done in order to allow one to take advantage of a different location. Each of these locations has a Value, listed in gold pieces. This is not the price to buy the piece of real estate, but rather a guideline for judging how valuable the attunement is for a PC to maintain. GMs should count this as part of the partys treasure whenever a player makes the decision to attune, and players who wish to start the game attuned to a Location of Power should count its value against their starting gold. The Font of Power In the middle of the harshest environments in the multiverse, a spot of vibrant life appears. The delineation is razor sharp, one moment you are suffering from extremes of energy or unable to breathe, the next you feel as if you are in the middle of the most verdant jungle you have ever seen. This is a Font of Power, a rare and mighty source of power among the planes at a heavy cost. The center of a Font of Power is inevitably a water source of some kind. It might be a spring, a pool, or even a mysterious orb of water floating in midair. Around it, anywhere from twenty to a hundred foot radius, is a riotous profusion of life (mostly plant life, but nearly always some creatures). This radius grows with the more health various creatures invest into it. Attunement: A living being must spend a day in meditation at the center of the Font, investing a portion of their power into it. This may be a single spell slot of any level, up to 5 essence, up to 9 Power Points, or a single feat. So long as the creature remains attuned, they lose access to what they invested. At any time, they may return to change what they have invested with another day of meditation. Effect: Once per day, the creature can call upon the Font of Power as a standard action to grant them double what they invested. Spellcasters get two slots of the level invested. Prepared casters have a spell of their choice or the correct level prepared in the slots. The return for essence or PP is double the amount invested, and the return for a feat is two which you currently qualify for, one of which may be used to qualify for the other. This bonus lasts for two minutes. Value: 8,000gp The Mountain Village, Altovilla Nestled in a high valley, there lies a village of the finest artisans. The place is famed for its crafts and rightly so, for they only accept those who are the very greatest of their chosen trades. Any could live like a king by their skill almost anywhere else, but they all choose instead to come and practice their crafts for their own sake. Legend has it that the first intelligent item to ever arise, a greatsword called Elric, came from their forges. Although isolated and difficult to access (much less bring materials to), the village stands happy. The buildings are quaint and well-maintained, food is plentiful, and the inn filled with pleasant chatter. Near the workshops, though, the locals tend to turn deadly serious. There, they practice that which gives their lives meaning.Attunement: In order to be accepted by the village, a character with at least five ranks in any Craft skillmust use their facilities to create a masterpiece worth at least 300g without magical aid.Effect: Once attuned, the character is treated as having the Master Craftsman feat. Value: 3,000gp Chapter 10: Trapped Equipment While cursed equipment is the result of unintentional meddling with a magical items construction, trapped equipment is a more direct approach. The item is constructed normally, but another subtle layer is added to the items enchantment: a trap designed to harm whoever uses the equipment. Besides intentional sabotage, a particularly paranoid character may trap their own equipment to deter potential thieves. Trap construction The trap is generally made as part of the items construction, although one can be added later for an additional cost. The feat required to make the trap is the same as the one needed to make the base item (trapping a cloak would require the Craft Wondrous Item feat), as well as any additional requirements depending on the kind of trap selected. Trap construction follows all other rules of item creation (such as crafting time, and required conditions or tools). The cost of the trap is independent of the cost of the item itself, and adds no value to the item. Identifying trapped equipment When a magical item is identified, the trap may also be noticed, The standard DC to notice a trap on a piece of equipment is 25 + the traps caster level, or the items caster level, whichever is higher. A character who has failed to notice a trap (but suspects its existence) needs to wait one week before making another check to identify the item. Trigger Every trap has a set of conditions that cause it to activate. Some can be very simple, while others can be insidiously complicated. Alarm The trap is triggered when the item is touched. Alternatively, the trap can be triggered when it enters (or leaves) the radius of an alarm spell cast by the traps creator. Add alarm to the traps crafting requirement. Command The trap is triggered when a certain word is spoken in a clear voice, within 30 feet with no obstacles that would block sound (such as a silence spell). The exact command word is chosen when the trap is made, and can be in any language that the creator speaks. The word can be a nonsense word, to avoid the trap being triggered accidentally. Add command to the traps crafting requirement. Contingency When the trap is created, it is given a set of specific instructions that would cause it to trigger. The instructions can be general, but must be clear. If the conditions given are contradictory or convoluted, the trap will never trigger. Add contingency to the traps crafting requirement. Frequency The trap placed on a piece of equipment need not only fire once. For a greatly increased cost, the number of times a trap can trigger can be increased Once The base price of the trap remains unchanged. Once triggered, the trap is rendered inert. Once per day Multiply the base cost of the trap by 10. Once per round Multiply the base cost of the trap by 125. Effect Once triggered, each trap has a specific effect. The effect it chosen when the trap is made. Each trap can only have one effect, although a trap is not required to have any effect. Cursed Creating a traditional cursed item is usually the result of an arcanists careless tinkering. However, with some careful work, an item can be converted into its cursed variant. This may be a specific cursed item (with GM approval), or an effect that reverses the equipments normal effect (such as a belt of giants strength +4 instead cursing its owner with -4 strength). These effects last until the item is removed. Add the limited wish spell to the traps construction requirements. Dancing When the trap is triggered, the weapon gains the dancing property, and attacks the wielder, and follows them if able. The weapon acts on the same initiative as when it was triggered, and has a BAB equal to its caster level. After 4 rounds, the weapon drops to the ground. Add animate object to the traps construction requirements. Debilitating When the trap is triggered, the wielder of the item is targeted by one of bestow curse, contagion, greater contagion, or poison. The wielder may make a saving throw as normal, but with a -2 penalty. Add the spell used to the traps construction requirements. Evoking A single spell from the evocation school can be attached to the trap. The spell must target the items wielder. If the spell would normally hit multiple creatures, such as a fireball, it instead is centered on the wielder. If the spell allows a save, all creatures affected by the spell can make a save as normal, but with a -2 penalty. If the trigger for the trap occurs at a range longer than the effect, the spell fails and the trap goes off with no effect. At the spell to the traps construction requirements. Psionics Teleporting When the trap is triggered, the item teleports to a specified location. This effect does not attempt to teleport the items wielder. Add teleport to the traps construction requirements. Additional properties As well as triggering a dangerous effect, the trap may also influence the item in any of the following ways. For each additional property added to a trap after the first, the cost of adding another property increases by 50% each time. So the second property would cost 150% of its listed price, while the third would cost 200%, etc. Alluring When the trap is triggered, the wielder may be convinced that the item it not to blame unless they succeed at a Will save. The DC of this check is 10 + the items caster level. If the wielder fails the check, they are unwilling to part with the item, believing it to be harmless. Creatures are allowed a new save each day to overcome this effect, and a creature that has passed its save against a specific item is immune to the alluring property of that item in the future. This is a mind-affecting effect. Add to the traps construction requirements. Binding When the trap is triggered, the item binds itself to the creatures body. This property cannot be placed on weapons, or items held in the hands. The item must be destroyed before it can be removed. Add animate object to the traps construction requirements. False Properties If the item is identified (but the trap is not noticed), it is instead identified incorrectly. For example a +1 longsword may instead appear to be a +4 vicious longsword. For some items, the deceit may be obvious. A +2 holy flail disguised as a +1 unholy flail would still inflict a negative level on an evil creature that wields it. Such an inconsistency grants a +10 circumstance bonus to correctly identify the item. Metamagic For 10 minutes after trap is triggered, if the wielder is struck by a spell that spell is treated as if it had been cast while affected by a single metamagic feat. Generally, the Empower Spell or Maximise Spell feats are chosen. Add the chosen feat to the traps construction requirements Sundering The item breaks, and is immediately destroyed. Add shatter to the traps requirements. Cost The cost of the trap is calculated by first working out each component. Each spell added to the trap is a single component, and the cost of that component is equal to the spell level multiplied by the caster level of that spell. The cost of all components are summed together, then multiplied by 25gp to work out the final cost of the trap. For the components listed under additional properties, the extra cost of additional components are simply added to each component after the first. Chapter 11: Archetypes Certain core classes lend themselves quite well to the concept of crafting. Here, we decided to really buckle down and push the associations. Aegis Archetype: Ectoplasmic Manufacturer Most aegis focus on creating suits of armor for themselves and through this focus learn the intricate nature of building and creating other things as well. For some the energy they craft is manifest in different ways Astral Construct At first level, an ectoplasmic manufacturer can manifest the astral construct power as a psi-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier.This replaces form astral suit. Damage Reduction As per the aegis class feature, but gained by the astral construct instead. Master Craftsman At 3rd level, an ectoplasmic manufacturer gains the Master Craftsman feat as a bonus feat, even though they dont meet the prerequisites. This replaces invigorating suit. Reconfigure As per the aegis class feature, but can be used to reconfigure the astral construct mid-combat. Manufacturer At 4th level, an ectoplasmic manufacturer can simulate any spells or powers whose power point cost or spell level is equal to their character level by expending that many power points during item creation to fulfill the requirement of crafting a magic item.This replaces augment suit. Extended Constructs At 5th level, a manufacturers construct lasts 1 minute per manifester level as opposed to 1 round. This replaces Master Craftsman. Cannibalize Construct At 12th level, a manufacturer learns to convert the psionic energy used to create his constructs into a balm that heals wounds. Once per day as a standard action, he can modify his astral construct to convert itself into healing power. When it collides with an ally on its next turn, it heals 1d8+ manufacturer level per astral construct level. The manufacturer cannot form another construct for one minute after using this ability. Every two levels thereafter, the manufacturer can use this ability an additional time per day. Construct Army A manufacturer of 20th level has made an immense breathrough: he has learned to make and control multiple constructs. As a standard action, he may make his first construct in an encounter. Every additional construct thereafter takes a full-round action. The duration expires on all astral constructs simultaneously - thus the countdown begins with the first constructs duration. Daevic Archetype: Axiom The Daeva are beings of pure emotion, and it is this emotion that allows them to bond to mortal beings.However, they are not the only outsiders capable of forming this kind of bond. Axiomites share a uniquesense of dedication to their crafts. On occasion, one finds a mortal who shares their drive and forms asimilar bond, temporarily giving up their individual existence in order to nurture their gift. They act asboth instructor and student, learning new ways of doing that which they have dedicated themselves to. Although the Axiomites are very lawful inherently, they can form this bond with any mortal (althoughlawful ones are much more common). They are more than willing to spend a few distasteful decades inorder to learn a critical new technique. Most Axioms are Dwarves, with quite a few Gnomes and Humans in the mix. Axiomite Veilweaving Axioms do not differentiate between Passion and non-Passion veils, and do not gain a list of PassionVeils. Instead, when forming their veils for the day, they may designate a number of weapons, shields,or suits of armor up to half of their total number of veils (minimum 1). These must have been crafted orotherwise created by the Axiom, though they may be used by allies so long as they stay within 10 feetper class level. Treat any piece of equipment so selected as a Veil shaped by the Axiom, except for itsinitial hardness and HP. This process is called Bonding. Weapon: Gain an insight bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the invested Essence while attackingwith this weapon Armor: Gain DR/- and an Insight bonus to AC equal to the essence invested Shield: Gain Resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic and an Insight bonus to CMD equal totwice the invested essence. Bonded equipment gains a golden hue, intensifying as investment increases until it looks like solid goldat 6 essence. This ability modifies Daevic Veilweaving. Bonus Essence At third level and every four levels thereafter, the Axiom gains an additional point of Essence. Axiom Drive An Axiom begins to bond with a crafting-caste Axiomite beginning from first level. Her Veilweaving statis Intelligence, and she uses Intelligence in place of Charisma for all Daevic class features which wouldhave depended on it. She adds Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), andSpellcraft to her class skill list. This ability replaces Passion Bond At third level, she gains Master Craftsman and Craft Magical Arms and Armor as bonus feats, even if shedoes not meet their prerequisites. She counts any equipment enchanted by her as being made by her,regardless of who made the initial item. At 6th level, the possessing Axiomite begins to transform, according to its caste. Abnegation: The Axiomite was one which built and maintained the great cities of its kind, never thinkingof itself in its mission. The abilities it grants primarily aid allies, rather than the Axiom herself. -Starting from 6th level, allies with Essence pools find that they can also invest into Bondedequipment, so long as they are using them. Their investment adds to the Axioms, using the Axiomsmaximum capacity. In addition, the Axiom gains the ability to designate a structure of any size asBonded. So long as she remains within the structure, it gains an additional two hardness and Resist Acid,Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic 5 per point of Essence invested. -Starting from 11th level, treat Bonded equipment used by anyone other than the Axiom(including structures containing at least one other person) to have 50% more Essence invested than itactually contains. -Starting from 16th level, the Axiom increases her essence pool by one for each piece of Bondedequipment being used by an ally other than her (including structures containing at least one otherperson). Inevitable: The Axiomite was one which built and maintained the legions of Inevitables tasked withenforcing the basic laws of the multiverse. The abilities it grants turn one into an implacable juggernaut. -Starting from 6th level, the Axiom can designate one piece of Bonded equipment to beenhanced further by her bond. Each takes the form of a Veil affecting the piece of equipment, which istreated as though it has Essence invested equal to the Bonded equipment can be Bound normally. Thisheightened effect is only functional while the Axiom uses the piece of Bonded gear, and which Veil isemulated is chosen upon Bonding the piece of equipment each day. At 11th and 16th level, the Axiom maychoose an additional piece of equipment to be so enhanced. Weapon: The weapon is affected by either Armory of the Conqueror or Storm Gauntlets Shield: The shield is affected by either Els Utterdark Shield or Crusaders Shield Armor: The armor grants the effects of Cincture of the Dragon or Stone Giants Girdle Improved Passion Capacity Instead of improving the capacity of your Passion Bond, this ability improves the capacity of any of yourBonded equipment. This modifies the Improved Passion Capacity ability. Chapter 12: Prestige Classes Forgelord It is one thing to use magical items. A very great number of greedy adventurers seek them out to the ends of the earth. Some make their own, toiling in their towers and forges to create the tools they change the world with. There is, however, a third breed entirely. The forgelords use their considerable expertise in the creation of magical equipment to find the resonance of power within them, attuning themselves to it. By doing so, they bring a much greater degree of the potential out of their equipment, and can better bring it to bear against their foes. Requirements: In order to become a forgelord, a character must meet these requirements Skills: Craft (any one) (5 ranks), Spellcraft (5 ranks) Feats: Any Item Creation feat. Special: Must have used an item that they crafted themselves in order to defeat a challenging foe. Table: Forgelord HD: d8 4+Int SP/Level Class Skills: Craft, Knowledge (Arcana, Psionics), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device LevelBABFort Save Ref Save Will Save SpecialClass Features 1st+0+1+0+1Item Attunement, Least; Craft Bonus+1 level of existing class 2nd+1+1+1+1Recharge (1/day), Extend Effect 3rd+2+2+1+2Item Attunement, Lesser+1 level of existing class 4th+3+2+1+2Recharge (2/day) Persist Effect 5th+3+3+2+3Lesser Artifact; Item Attunement, Greater +1 level of existing class Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The forgelord gains no new armor or weapon proficiencies (but see below) Craft Bonus (Ex): The forgelord gains a bonus to all skill rolls related to the crafting process equal to her class level. If the forgelord possesses the Master Craftsman feat, they can now use it to qualify for any item creation feat, using appropriate skills. Class Features: At every odd level, the forgelord advances class features just as if she had gained a level in a class she belonged to previously. She does not, however, gain any other benefit that a member of that class might have gained (such as Hit Dice, base attack bonus increases, or skill points). This essentially means that she adds those levels of forgelord to her levels of the previous class and determines her class features (such as power points, initiator level, and bonus feats) accordingly. If the forgelord had more than one class before she became a forgelord, she must choose one of them to augment with this benefit; once made, this choice cannot be changed. Item Attunement (Su): What sets a forgelord most apart from other adventurers is their ability to find the magical resonance within an item, and in doing so attune themselves to it to bring out more of its potential. At first level, the forgelord can spend an hour in meditation with a magic item which they could craft in order to attune themselves to it, gaining the Least bonus as appropriate from the list below. They may only have one item attuned at a time, attuning to a second one causes them to lose the attunement to the first. At third level, the forgelord gains the ability to attune to a second item at a time, and one of the two may gain both the Least and Lesser bonuses from its appropriate list. At fifth level, the forgelord may attune to three items at a time. The forgelord may choose one attuned item to gain the Least, Lesser and Greater benefits, and a second attuned item to gain the Least and Lesser benefits. The third attuned item gains only the Least benefit.. The forgelord may change which attuned item gains which bonuses with a minute of concentration. All bonuses only apply when the forgelord is the one using the item. if an item would fall into more than one category (such as the Ring of the Grand Vizier, which could be Armor or Wonderous), then the forgelord must choose which set of bonuses that item will be granted. -Weapons: This category includes Swords, Bows, Amulet of Mighty Fists, and the like. You may not attune to ammunition in this way. If you attune to an item which enhances a weapon (such as a Weapon Emblem), you gain the listed bonuses with the weapon it is enhancing. Least- Gain Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus with that weapon for as long as you stay attuned Lesser- Increase the weapons critical multiplier by 1. This stacks with similar effects. Greater- Increase the weapons Enhancement bonus by 2. This specifically can bring it over +5, or the total over+10, and does not affect the price of further enchanting it. -Armor: This category includes worn armor, shields, and items which provide a continuous, numeric bonus to AC (such as Bracers of Armor or a Carapace of Natural Armor) Least- Gain proficiency with the item, increase its bonus to AC by one, reduce its armor check penalty by one, and increase its maximum dexterity bonus by one. Lesser- Increase its bonus to AC by another one (total of 2), and it now grants DR X/- where X is equal to your class level. This stacks with any other source of DR/- Greater- Increase its bonus to AC by another one (total of 3), and the forgelord is treated as not wearing the item whenever it would be advantageous to her. For example, a monk attuned to a magical chain shirt would retain her class features while wearing it -Spell: This category includes wands, dorjes, staves, and other items which either repeatedly or constantly replicate the effects of spells, powers, veils, or other such. Least- The caster level of the item is increased by 1. You gain a Competence bonus to UMD equal to your class level when activating the item. Lesser- If the attuned item is charged, or has limited uses per day, there is a 10% chance per class level when activated that it does not consume a charge or use. Greater- The forgelord may apply the effects of one appropriate Metamagic or Metapsionic feat they know to the spell used whenever it is activated. Modifying it this way increases its cast time to one full round. -Disposable: This category includes scrolls, potions, psionic tattoos, magical ammunition, feather tokens, and other one-time-use items. Attuning to an item in this category only takes one minute, instead of an hour. Least- There is a 10% chance per class level that the item is not expended when used. Scrolls dont lose their power, potions spontaneously refill, ammunition is not destroyed, other items reappear in hand immediately, etc. You gain a Competence bonus to UMD equal to your class level when activating the item. Lesser- The caster level for the effect is increased to your character level, if higher. Greater- If the attuned item allows a save, that save DC increases to 10 + your HD + your highest stat modifier as long as this would be higher than the items own save DC. -Wonderous: This category is a catch-all for anything that doesnt fall into any of the above. Least- If the item is activated as a full-round action or less, reduce the time required to activate it by one step (full round to standard to move to swift to immediate) Lesser- If the item is worn, it no longer takes up the slot it was worn in, allowing the forgelord to wear another item in the same location and gain the benefits of both. Greater- The item retains its power for a short time even when it should have been rendered nonfunctional. Whenever it would stop working for any reason (being Sundered, entering an Antimagic Field, etc), it instead can make a Fortitude save to stay functional immediately and again at the end of each round. The DC for this starts at 15, and increases by 2 for each successive save. Recharge (Su): Once per day as a standard action, the forgelord can bestow one temporary charge to a charged item he is attuned to. This charge lasts for one hour per class level before disappearing. They gain a second use of this ability per day at 4th level. Extend Effect (Su): Once per class level per day, the forgelord can cause any magic item that does not have an instantaneous duration or continuous effect to function at twice its normal duration. This item must replicate a spell or power effect of no higher than 3rd level. Persist