step 1: establish the prep package, creative, etc....ugaf | 2014 1 5 steps to processing direct...

1 UGAF | 2014 5 Steps to Processing Direct Marketing Efforts If/and when the naming convention CDAG is used, substitute any naming convention unique to your school/college/unit. A full list can be found at Step 1: Establish the Prep – package, creative, etc. Create the Package - Navigate to the Marketing and Communications functional area and click packages. Establish the Prep - creative, package, etc. Identify the Audience - segment Create the Direct Marketing Effort Frame Calculate Segment Counts (to test the effort) Activate the Marketing Effort and EXPORT Select which package type to add: mail or email (this is determined by the type of DME effort you’ll be tying the package to).

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Page 1: Step 1: Establish the Prep package, creative, etc....UGAF | 2014 1 5 Steps to Processing Direct Marketing Efforts If/and when the naming convention CDAG is used, substitute any naming

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5 Steps to Processing Direct Marketing Efforts

If/and when the naming convention CDAG is used, substitute any naming convention unique to your

school/college/unit. A full list can be found at

Step 1: Establish the Prep – package, creative, etc.

Create the Package - Navigate to the Marketing and Communications functional area and click packages.

Establish the Prep - creative,

package, etc.

Identify the Audience -


Create the Direct Marketing Effort


Calculate Segment Counts

(to test the effort)

Activate the Marketing Effort


Select which package type to add: mail or

email (this is determined by the type of

DME effort you’ll be tying the package to).

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*An Export Definition refers to the fields that will display in your output i.e. lookup ID, name, spouse,

address, phone, email, etc. You may choose to use a basic export definition such as CDAG – Direct Mail

Solicitation Export or you may elect to use an export definition created specifically for your


**A message refers to an email message that’s been created within GAIL using the “Email Marketing” section.

For more information, refer to the “creating email messages in GAIL” instructions.

Add Creative(s) – After you create and save your package you will automatically be taken into the package

details screen. From here you will add your creative(s). Click “Add”.

Package details

Name: Name the package using your naming


Description: Select a brief description of the

package itself

Site: Enter your site

Category: Select a category

Package code: Select “Package” – this will auto

select a three character code

Channel code: Select “Mail” or “Email” (based on

the type of package you’re adding)


Not required but if you’d like to track costs you can

do that here.

Primary content

Letter**: Search for and select your previously

created email message (this applies only to email


Export definition*: Select an export definition.

(For emails this will automatically populate based

on the email message you enter in the field above.

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A search box will appear. You can search for and select a previously created creative or you can add a new

creative by clicking “Add”.

**Use the search criteria options in the search box to search for an existing creative, or if you need to create a

new creative click “Add”.

When you click “Save” you will automatically be redirected back to the Package details screen. Repeat this process until

you’ve adding all the necessary creative.

Step 2: Identify the Audience – segment

Create the segment – Navigate to the Marketing and Communications functional area and click segments.

Name: Use your naming

convention to name the creative.

Description: Give your creative a

brief description.

Site: Enter your site.

Vendor: Typically, we don’t use

this feature.

Cost: You can track costs but not


Creative type: Choose a type

(email, phone, other, mail).

Document: Add your document –

I would recommend you use attach

a .pdf document.

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Choose “Add a constituent segment”**.

**A segment is made of a selection. Typically, you’ll add one selection per segment. Remember, you can add

multiple segments to your marketing effort.

Name: Use your naming


Description: Give a brief

description of the segment.

Site: Choose a site.

Category: Choose a category.

Code: Choose “segment code” and

give your segment a unique code. A

segment code is similar to the old

appeal code. This must be 10

characters long and can be a mix of

letters and numbers. You can

always add zeros to the end of the

code to reach your 10 digits. For

example, CVM may create a

segment for their living alumni and

give it the code of AFVMLVAL14

(annual fund vet med living alumni

2014 is what the code is short for).

Use the “Add” button in the

selection section to search for and

choose a selection built by IT. If

you have not already asked IT to

create a selection for you, you’ll

need to submit a ticket with IT

asking that they do this. Be sure to

point out that you’ll be using the

selection within a marketing effort.

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Step 3: Create the Direct Marketing Frame

Create the Direct Marketing Frame - Navigate to the Marketing and Communications functional area and

click “Marketing Efforts”.

Choose the “Add a direct marketing effort” option.

When creating a marketing effort, you’ll navigate through each tab and insert the appropriate information –

Please see each tab below.

Name: Use your naming convention –

this will appear as the tag on recipient


Description: Enter a brief description

of your DME.

Site: Choose a site.

Date: This is the date you intend to

mail/email the contents of the DME.

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Source code: Use the drop

down arrow to select “Annual


Dept/Program: Choose your

site here. The value will

automatically populate.

Marketing Effort: This will

default to Marketing Effort.

You’ll enter your own value

(this must be 2 letters and 2


**Ignore the rest of the fields.

This is the section that allows you to

choose who to include in your effort

i.e. one per household, all, etc.

For mail pieces you will most likely select

“Qualifying individuals and organizations”

and select the “Send to one per household”

box. *For email pieces you’ll most likely

drop down and choose “All qualifying


The exclusions tab allows you to dive deeper into the exclusions. You could enter a selection here and it would

be excluded from the overall segment of the effort.

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You’ll always want to consider exclusions as of “today”. This will

give you the most current data.

The solicit codes to the left will automatically populate on this tab.

It’s important that you add/take away the solicit codes that do or

do not pertain to what you’re doing. For example, if the College of

Education was sending an email solicitation they would have the

following solicit codes listed: No University Contact, Do Not

Solicit, Do Not Solicit – COE – Education, Do Not Email, and Do

Not Email – COE – Education.

To delete a line item, highlight the line by clicking on the box to the

left of the solicit code name and pressing delete on your keyboard.

Add new line items by using the drop down arrow that appears on

the blank line.


For address processing

you’ll typically select

the second bubble

option “Use the

following address

processing and name

format options:”

You’ll also select Direct

Marketing Standard –

Solicitations, consider

seasonal addresses as of

“Today”, and choose the

“Preferred Name

Format” option.

You can enter a previous marketing effort here and it would be excluded from the overall segment of the effort.

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For the activation tab you’ll want to

get in the habit of checking all boxes

here, especially the “refresh” option.

This will ensure that the marketing

effort is using the most current data

list when activated.

You can also enter the export

definition here as well (rather than in

the package). Only enter one export

definition – either mail, email or


The KPIs tab allows for further tracking

after the effort has been activating. You can

check any options of your choosing but I

typically check them all (just in case).

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Make sure and click “save” when you’re finished navigating through all of the tabs. You will automatically be

redirected to the completed marketing effort frame.

Step 4: Test the Export

Test the Effort – Before you can test the effort you’ll need to add the segment and tie it to a package.

From within the Marketing Effort, select the “segments” tab. Click add and choose the constituent segment


Click save when you’re finished.

Segment: Search for and select the

segment created in step 2 of this

instruction document.

Package: Search for and select the

package created in step 1 of this

instruction document.

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Now you’re ready to test the effort and review the data. It’s important that you don’t skip this step as this is the

way for you to verify your data before fully activating the effort.

To test you’ll click “Calculate segment counts” found on the explorer bar.

Be sure to check all of the boxes and click start.

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When the status indicates completion you’ll navigate back into the DME frame by clicking “Go to…”.

Once in the DME frame you’ll export the effort in order to review and check your data. Click “Export effort”.

Enter a description if desired and click “start”.

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When the export shows a completion status you will click on the export definition name under the export

outputs section and choose to Download output. Select your desired file type.

Step 5: Activate & Export the Direct Marketing Effort

If you’re good with how the DME looked after testing it now is the time to activate the effort. For email efforts

this will provide the email that will be sent to the selected recipients. For mail efforts, this will tie the contents

of the package (the creatives) to the constituents. Activation follows the same steps as the calculation. From

within the effort you’ll click “Activate marketing effort”.

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Make sure you have your appeal listed here and that all of the boxes are checked.

When the status indicates completion you’ll navigate back into the DME frame by clicking “Go to…”.

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Once in the DME frame you’ll export the effort in order to download your data and send the email (with Email

efforts only). Click “Export effort”.

Enter a description if desired and click “start”.

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When the export shows a status of complete you will click on the export definition name under the export

outputs section and choose to Download output. Select your desired file type.

**If this is an email effort

you will need to actually

send the email. Up until

this point you have only

completed the process to

TAG records in the

system. To send an email

you will click “Start email

job”. You will also have

the option to “Start all

email jobs” if there are

multiple segments and

you want to send

individual emails at

separate times.