stephanie curry-reedley college james todd- asccc area a representative

Stephanie Curry-Reedley College James Todd- ASCCC Area A Representative

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Page 1: Stephanie Curry-Reedley College James Todd- ASCCC Area A Representative

Stephanie Curry-Reedley College

James Todd- ASCCC Area A Representative

Page 2: Stephanie Curry-Reedley College James Todd- ASCCC Area A Representative

What you’ll get from this presentation…

Brief history, context, and goals for SSSP

Brief history, context, and goals for Student Equity Plans

The data/evidence and components these plans provide

Presentations of standards that apply to SSSP and Student Equity

How to use your engagement with planning and implementation for accreditation purposes

Page 3: Stephanie Curry-Reedley College James Todd- ASCCC Area A Representative

The “Student Success” Landscape:

The Emergence of SSSPStudent Success Task Force (2011) Recommendations

A shift for CCC’s, geared to:

•rebalance priorities, •increase responsiveness, •increase success rates

Refocus and broaden student services delivery

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Student Success Task Force:

8 areas of focus1. Increase college and career readiness

2. Strengthen support for entering students

3. Incentivize successful student behaviors

4. Align course offerings to meet student needs

5. Improve education of basic skills students

6. Revitalize and re-envision professional development

7. Enable efficient statewide leadership and increase coordination among colleges

8. Align resources with student success recommendations

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Student Success Act of 2012 (SB1456)

First steps to begin implementation of Student Success Task Force recommendations, particularly:

• require Orientation, Assessment and Educational Planning

• require students to declare a course of study

• incentivize success

• invest in a Student Support Initiative

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Student Success and Support ProgramGenerally speaking, what was “matriculation” becomes Student Success

and Support Program

•3 funded core services + follow-up: (orientation, assessment, counseling, advising, and other student education planning services)

•Includes institutional and student requirements, and incentivizes student completion of core services

•Funding formula includes services provided as well as enrollment

•Must be a clear link to student equity planning

•data required for funding, and is linked to Student Success Scorecard

•Must incorporate Institutional Assessment and Effectiveness monitoring

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Brief History of Student Equity

1992-2005: The emergence and requirement of Student Equity Plans

2008-09 to 2012-13 — Plans suspended due to budget

2011— Student Success Task Force established


2013— Student Equity Workgroup

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Student Equity Funding: June 2014

SB 860 (June 2014): $70 million in Student Equity funding.

Trailer bill puts student equity in statute.

Strengthens requirements, adds target populations to address disproportionate impact.

Plans due January 1, 2015. Spending through September. No match. No supplanting.

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American Indians or Alaskan natives

Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian

or Pacific Islander

• Whites

• Some other /more than one race

• Current or former foster youth

• Students with disabilities

• Low income students

• Veterans* - disaggregate all categories by gender

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Student Equity Success Indicators

Measure student populations in terms of:

•Access•Course Completion•ESL and Basic Skills Completion•Degree and Certificate Completion•Transfer

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Continuous Quality Improvement

Colleges must design goals and activities to mitigate disproportionate impact.

Must adopt evidence-based models of remediation and implement placement tests and policies that predict student success and identify areas for remediation.

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SSSP and Student Equity Plan Data Components

Three major areas:

Specific sections on institutional research, monitoring and evaluation.

Equity Plan Goals and Priorities for closing Achievement Gaps in Key Indicators link Student Services and Instruction.

Budgets that reflect linkages to Student Success and Equity.

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Page 14: Stephanie Curry-Reedley College James Todd- ASCCC Area A Representative

Provided disaggregated data on student success

Created opportunities to dialog about student success and equity

Required us to assess our student services in the areas of assessment, orientation, counseling services and at risk students

Created plans that link student success data and goals to resource allocation

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Student Equity Plans and SSSP Plans can be used to help meet standards IA, IB and IIC

IA- Mission IB- Academic Quality and Institutional

Effectiveness IIC- Student Support Services

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IA2. The institution uses data to determine how effectively it is accomplishing its mission, and whether the mission directs institutional priorities in meeting the educational needs of students. (Student Equity Plan)

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IB1. The Institution demonstrated a sustained, substantive and collegial dialog about student outcomes, student equity, academic quality, institutional effectiveness and continuous improvement of student learning achievement (Student Equity Plan)

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IB6. The institution disaggregates and analyzes learning outcomes and achievement for subpopulations of students. When the institution identifies performance gaps, it implements strategies, which may include allocation or reallocation of human, fiscal and other resources, to mitigate those gaps and evaluates the efficacy of those strategies. (Student Equity Plan)

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IB7. The institution regularly evaluates its policies and practices across all areas of the institution, including instructional programs, student and learning support services, resource management, and governance processes to assure their effectiveness in supporting academic quality and accomplishment of mission. (SSSP Plan)

IB8. The institution broadly communicates the results of all of its assessment and evaluation activities so that the institution has a shared understanding of its strengths and weaknesses and sets appropriate priorities. (Student Equity Plan and SSSP)

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IIC1. 1. The institution regularly evaluates the quality of student support services and demonstrates that these services, regardless of location or means of delivery, including distance education and correspondence education, support student learning, and enhance accomplishment of the mission of the institution. (SSSP Plan)

IIC2. The institution identifies and assesses learning support outcomes for its student population and provides appropriate student support services and programs to achieve those outcomes. The institution uses assessment data to continuously improve student support programs and services. (SSSP and Student Equity Plans)

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IIC5. The institution provides counseling and/or academic advising programs to support student development and success and prepares faculty and other personnel responsible for the advising function. Counseling and advising programs orient students to ensure they understand the requirements related to their programs of study and receive timely, useful, and accurate information about relevant academic requirements, including graduation and transfer policies. (SSSP Plans)

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Remember to document widespread dialog about plan

Create systematic assessments to document progress on achievement of plan outcomes

Link resource allocation to plan goals Link resource allocation to action that are

reviewed and evaluated for effectiveness Don’t wait until its time for your accreditation

self evaluation to use and discuss the plans should be done through out the 7 year accreditation cycle

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