sterioul vision final presentation

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  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    R hythm Analysis International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou


    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

    Introduction to Rhythm analysis –Shaheen

    Introduction to Colombo - Kalpani

    Introduction to Study Area - Rizna

    Study briefng - Sugirthan

    Case Study - Groups


  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    It is about ac$nowledging t%e tensionbetween t%ese odes of observationand participation, and si ultaneously,by developing 'ualitative and'uantitative aspects of r%yt% s,interpreting and acting it, allowing for aco ple( understanding of urban life)

    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

    hat isRhythm analysis

  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    !enri "e#eb$reAim to de$elop rhythmanalysis

    *o understand t%e pulse and life oft%e city co bining t%e strengt%s oft%e overview of t%e urban

    choreography as seen fro awindow wit% t%e intensee%periences of living down in t%estreet )

    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

    “Everywhere wherethere is interactionbetween a place, atime and anexpenditure ofenergy, there isrhythm.”(Lefebvre 2 !" #$%

  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

    “&ormally we only grasp the relations between rhythms,

    which interfere with them. 'owever, they all have a distinctexistence. &ormally, none of them classi es itself) on thecontrary, in su*ering, in confusion, a particular rhythmsurges up and imposes itself" palpitation, breathlessness,

    pains in the place of satiety.”(Lefebvre 2 !" 2#%

    Rhythm and e$ery dayli#e

    *%e study of r%yt% s in daily life spaces, perceived in t%e for ofregular te poral patterns of events+activities+practices ininteraction wit% natural and biological cycles, and suggested

    t%roug% ove ents in space, delivers i portant insig%ts on'uestions of everyday urban life, and in particular on t%eunderstanding of society in places)

  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    Case Study –C&"&'(& )&R* RAI" A+ S*A*I&,

    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

    Colombo is the mostprominent political andfnancial district in Sri"an.a/

    Colo bo is t%e s allest districtIn t%e country wit% just 011 s2$ in si e)

    According to !" statistics, t%epopulation of t%e Colo bo-istrict is nearly 3/4 million/

    Colo bo is a ulti/et%nic, ulti/cultural city) *%e population ofColombo is a mi% o#numerous ethnic groups ,

    ainly 0in%alese, 0ri 1an$anMoors, and *a ils)

    *%ere are also s all

    co unities of peoplewit% C%inese, Portuguese, -utc%, Mala , and Indian ori ins livin

    ac.ground in#ormation



  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    ac.ground in#ormation

    ort Rail 5ay stationhythm Analysis

    tudy area 3 In front of Colo bo fort 4ailway stationu ber of students 3 "!u ber of 0urvey sites 3 6u ber of 0ite settings 3 "! 7#,#, ,","8


    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation


    Google 'ap o# the Area under Study/

    International Conference on Cities Peo le & Places I Master of Urban desi n I Grou

    *%e 9ort area obtains any signi:cant locations and buildings, so e ofw%ic% %ad been land ar$s in t%e city for any decades)

  • 8/18/2019 Sterioul Vision Final Presentation

    10/10I t ti l C f Citi P l & Pl I M t f U b d i I G

    *he #ore Court Area o# the )ort Rail5ay Station Creates afne Inter#ace bet5een the street and the station/