steve adair th 573 isr303 a2- revised

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  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    Name: Stephen T. Adair

    Student ID Number: 2060329784

    Email Address: [email protected]

    Course Name: The Doctrine o the !ol" Spirit

    Course Number: #T $73 %S&303

    Assignment Number: Assignment 2Audio Number: #'A

    Project Number: #'A

    Date of seminar (if applicable): #'A

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    Location of seminar (if applicable): #'A

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    applicable) must be accurate in order to process t"e lesson and record t"e grade% !"e

    correct information is stated in t"e Course Stud& 'uide%

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  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    Choose an aspect of the material in the course that is of special interest to you andwrite a 2000-2250 word (8-9 page) research paper detailing your findings. Here aresome topics to consider the pre-reformation era understanding of pneumatology! thereformation era understanding of pneumatology! the "iews of one leadingcontemporary theologian concerning pneumatology! or the wor# of the $pirit in

    fostering holiness in the li"es of %elie"ers. &e sure to anchor opinions you e'pressand assertions you ma#e to the information presented in the assigned readings andat least ten other rele"ant scholarly sources (e.g. theological wor#s e'egeticalcommentaries scholarly ournal articles and academic monographs) includingsources found in the Harold *. Hunter +heological ,i%rary (all formally citedaccording to the appro"ed style).

    +he goal is not to summarie and uote (whether e'tensi"ely or freuently) whatothers ha"e said. /ather it is to integrate and assimilate information from outsidereading and research into the flow of your own cogent creati"e insightful and well-organied discussion. nclude an outline (for e'ample an introduction se"eral mainpoints and a conclusion) within the %ody of your paper and a %i%liography at the end

    of all wor#s formally cited within the same.



    A major t"eological matter t"at continues to di,ide t"e C"ristian C"urc" concerns t"e nature

    of 54aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit6% *ie7s are numerous$ differing not onl& bet7een$ but also

    7it"in doctrinal sc"ools% 2or e8ample$ /eformed !"eolog& does not "a,e a 7elldefined$

    definiti,e ,ie7 of 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit9$ but is di,ided bet7een t"ose t"at follo7 Cal,in

    and "old a /egenerati,e ,ie7$and t"ose t"at follo7 Lut"er and "old a Sacramentalist ,ie7 ;%

    #oreo,er$ C"arismatics are found in man& t"eological sc"ools and 7"ilst t"e& s"are belief in

    c"arismatic spiritual e8periences$ t"e& "old different ,ie7s concerning baptism in t"e .ol&

    Spirit% '%$ 5!"e AugustianDispensational Perspecti,e6$ in: Dieter$ #% E%$ Five Views onSanctification$ Counterpoints: 4ible and !"eolog& Series$ +onder,an$ 9?@$ p99%C"ung$ P%$ 5Cal,in and t"e .ol& Spirit: A /econsideration in Lig"t of Spiritualit& and Social Et"ics6$Pnuema !"e >ournal of t"e Societ& for Pentecostal Studies$ *ol% ournal of !"eolog&$ *ol%

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    !"is paper seeGs to e8plore t"ese ,arious ,ie7s b& e8amining t"e scriptural basis for eac"

    ,ie7 and discussing t"eir ,arious strengt"s and 7eaGnesses% Discussion is restricted to t"e

    e8perience of 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit$ and is not concerned 7it" spiritual giftings$ 7"ic" is

    be&ond t"e scope of t"is paper%


    !"e term 5baptised in t"e .ol& Spirit6 ne,er used directl& to describe a specific e,ent $

    "o7e,er$ in Acts 99:9F$ Peter associates 54aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit6 7it" t"e e8perience in

    7"ic" t"e .ouse of Cornelius 5recei,ed6 t"e .ol& Spirit$ impl&ing similarit& 7it"

    e8periences on t"e Da& of Pentecost% !"us t"ere is some degree of s&non&m& bet7een

    baptism$ being filled$ recei,ing and t"e .ol& Spirit coming upon an indi,idualF%

    !"e p"rase 54aptism in7it"b& t"e .ol& Spirit6 occurs just se,en times in Ne7 !estament

    scriptures% !"e first four occurrences of t"e term are four independent Huotations of a single

    utterance of >o"n t"e 4aptist at >esus baptism$ 7"en >o"n prop"esies t"at >esus 7ould

    baptise in t"e .ol& Spirit and 7it" fire% In Acts$ t"e p"rase occurs on >esus lips$ 7"ere .e

    promises .is disciples t"at t"e& 7ould recei,e t"is baptism in 5a fe7 da&s6%

    It is not used to describe t"e recei,ing of t"e Spirit on t"e Da& of Pentecost$ b& Samaritans or b& t"e

    .ouse of Cornelius%FL&on$ /% =%$ 54aptism and Spirit 4aptism in t"e Ne7 !estament6$ =esle&an !"eological >ournal

    *ol% 9

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    !"e si8t" is a statement on Peters lips 7"ic" is remembering t"e earlier promises$ and so is in

    t"e future tense$ but is referring to t7o occurrences t"at are actuall& in t"e past$ ,iK% t"e Da&

    of Pentecost and t"e outpouring of t"e .ol& Spirit on t"e "ouse of Cornelius%

    !"e se,ent" occurs in 9 Corint"ians t"is passage is t"e subject of debate as E8perientialists

    assert t"at t"is passage does not refer to baptism in t"e .ol& Spirit$ but baptism byt"e .ol&


    aiser@and =al,oord?bot" note t"at t"e first fi,e instances all looG for7ard to t"e e,ent$ and

    in 9 Corint"ians is described as a past occurrence$ and argue t"at t"e e8perience of baptism in

    t"e .ol& Spirit 7as a single$ oneoff uni,ersal e8perience t"at occurred at a specific point in

    "istor&$ and t"at baptism in t"e .ol& Spirit continues to occur at t"e initiationregeneration of

    e,er& belie,er 7it"out repetition of t"e same e8perience%


    Sc"olars are generall& agree t"at t"ere four occurrences 7"ic" ma& be regarded as baptisms in

    t"e .ol& Spirit$ ,iK:

    The Da" o -entecost(Acts :9

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    description of t"e actual e8perience of Samaritan C"ristians$ but t"ere 7as clearl&

    some tangible e,idence of t"e .ol& Spirits acti,it& as Simon$ 7"o 7as a magician

    t"at "ad impressed t"e populace 7it" "is magic po7ers$ 5sa76 somet"ing t"at

    impressed "im ,er& muc"%

    The !o,se o 1orneli,s(Acts 9B:esus b& Apollos% Paul first baptised t"e

    Ep"esian belie,ers into t"e name of >esus (9?:)$ and t"en laid "ands on t"em and

    t"e& recei,ed t"e .ol& Spirit and t"e& spoGe in tongues and prop"esised (9?:F)%

    2rom t"ese descriptions 7e ma& obser,e t"at eac" e8perience is uniHue 9B on t"ree occasions

    t"ose baptised 7it" t"e Spirit 7ere alread& belie,ers 99t7o occasions 7ere initiated entirel&

    b& t"e .ol& Spirit$ and t"e ot"er t7o in,ol,ed t"e la&ing on "ands b& t"e apostles on all

    occasions t"e e8perience 7as tangible to bot" t"e recipients and t"ose obser,ing and on t"ree

    of t"e occasions t"e e8perience resulted in t"e recipients speaGing in tongues9%


    !"e booG of Acts records fi,e additional e8periences of being 5filled6 7it" t"e .ol& Spirit%

    ="ilst t"ese occasions are ne,er described as baptisms in t"e .ol& Spirit$ t"e& are

    e8periences of t"e .ol& Spirit 7"ic"

    9BLoder notes t"at t"ere is no distinct pattern regarding Spirit baptism See: Loder$ A%$ 5!"e Classical

    Pentecostal Doctrine of Spiritbaptism: Some E8egetical Considerations6$ MOQRT$ Spring BB$

    pp;@@%99Acts :9

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    Acts 4;8: =it"out "uman mediation$ Peter is again 5filled6 7it" t"e .ol& Spirit and

    speaGs 7it" boldness and clarit&%

    Acts 4;3(: After pra&ing in t"e face of opposition from t"e aut"orities$ t"e belie,ers

    7ere again 5filled6 7it" t"e .ol& Spirit and spoGe t"e 7ord of t"e Lord boldl&%

    Acts 9;(7>20: ="en Ananias placed "is "ands on Paul$ "e 7as "ealed and filled 7it"

    t"e .ol& Spirit% As a result 7as Paul began preac"ing about >esus 5at once6 (9?:B)9;%

    Acts (3;9: Paul 7as again 5filled6 7it" t"e Spirit and spoGe prop"eticall& to El&mas%

    Acts (3;$2: 2ollo7ing t"e e8pulsion of t"e Paul and 4arnabas from Pisidian Antioc"$

    t"e ne7 belie,ers 7ere filled 7it" jo& and t"e .ol& Spirit%

    Again$ from t"ese e8periences it ma& be obser,ed t"at eac" e8perience is uniHue$ is tangible

    to bot" t"e recipient and t"ose obser,ing$ and resulted in ,erbal response$ including speaGing

    7it" boldness and clarit&$ preac"ing 7it" aut"orit&$ prop"ec& and e8pressions of jo&%


    3n t"e first four occasions 7"en t"e 7ord 5baptise6 is used in connection 7it" t"e .ol&

    Spirit$ >esus in t"e subject$ indicating t"at it is >esus t"at 7ill baptise 7it" t"e .ol& Spirit% In

    t"e fift" (Acts 9:)$ si8t" (Acts 99:9F) and se,ent" (9 Cor% 9:9;) uses of t"e term$ t"e subject

    is t"e disciples in ot"er 7ords t"e& are t"e recipients of t"e baptism in t"e .ol& Spirit% In

    eac" of t"ese cases$ t"e grammatical form indicates as single$ once off e,ent 9

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    4& contrast$ t"e term 5filled6 is used in different conte8ts% In Acts :9$ 7"ic" describes

    Pentecost$ as 7ell as all ot"er occurrences in Acts9$t"e aorist tense is used$ indicating a one

    off e,ent% .o7e,er$ in Ep"% :9@$ 5filled6$ is in t"e imperati,e present tense$ indicating a

    continued or repeated e8perience9F%

    =ood noted t"at t"e t"eological implications of t"is ,erse are crucial$ as t"e imperati,e

    demonstrates t"at baptism in t"e .ol& Spirit is intended for all belie,ers$ and t"e present tense

    rules out an& onceforall reception of t"e Spirit but points to a continuous replenis"ment

    (literall&$ 5go on being filled6)9% #oreo,er$ t"at belie,ers s"ould be continuousl& or

    repeatedl& 5filled6 7it" t"e Spirit is clear from scriptures suc" as Acts ournal of t"e Societ& for Pentecostal Studies$ *olume F$ No% 9$ SpringBB

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    Sacramental ,ie7s of 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit$ suc" as t"ose ad"ered to b& 3rt"odo8 and

    Cat"olic !"eologies$ teac" t"at 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit (C"rism) is a sacramental matter it

    is t"e 'ift of C"rist$ but is conferred upon t"e belie,er b& a minister t"roug" t"e anointing

    7it" oil immediatel& after 7ater baptismB (3rt"odo8 practice)9 or upon Confirmation

    (Cat"olic practice)% 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit is regarded as distinct but intimatel&

    connected 7it" 7ater baptism;$ 7it" bot" forming essential elements of t"e C"ristian

    initiationregeneration process

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    E8periential ,ie7s$ suc" as t"ose asserted b& t"e .oliness$ Pentecostal;B and C"arismatic

    mo,ements;9$ teac" t"at 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit is distinct from bot" regeneration ; and

    7ater baptism;;% /at"er$ it is a subseHuent$ and significant e8perience 7"ic" pro,ides t"e

    belie,er 7it" deeper sense of assurance concerning "is relations"ip 7it" 'od;

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    bot" descripti,e passages$ 7"ic" describe subjecti,e e8perience and objecti,e didactic


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    7"ic" is t"us t"e instrument of grace in dra7ing t"e belie,er to fait" and engrafting "im into

    t"e ingdom

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    baptism 7as no longer regarded as essential to sal,ation$ and a /egenerati,e ,ie7 of baptism

    7as adopted% Dunn also notes t"at Pentecostalism reacted against mec"anical Sacramentalism

    and t"e dead 4iblicist ort"odo8& of t"e /egnerati,e ,ie7$ and instead emp"asised t"e

    significance of e8perience of t"e .ol& Spirit;%

    Despite more t"an a centur& of Pentecostalism$ and t"e rene7ed interest in t"e .ol& Spirit

    t"at t"is "as engendered$ t"ere are still ,er& significant differences in understanding of

    baptism in t"e .ol& Spirit% .o7e,er$ E8periential ,ie7s are no7 treated 7it" more s&mpat"&$

    C"arismatic strains are no7 present in man& doctrinal sc"ools

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    !"e man& ,ie7s of 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit ma& be described as falling in to t"ree distinct

    genres$ ,iK%: Sacramental /egenerati,e and E8periential ,ie7s% Despite muc" dialogue

    concerning t"ese ,ie7s it is unliGel& t"at an& consensus 7ill be reac"ed$ and t"ere remains a

    disagreement 7it" respect to t"e timing of t"is e8perience% .o7e,er$ e8periences of t"e .ol&

    Spirit are no7 afforded more credibilit&%

    E8perience of t"e .ol& Spirit s"ould al7a&s be tested against t"e objecti,e teac"ing of

    scripture$ and s"ould al7a&s be demonstrable t"roug" t"e lifest&le of t"e belie,er% Acts

    pro,ides t"e onl& 4iblical descriptions of e8periences of 4aptism$ recei,ing and filling 7it"

    t"e .ol& Spirit% Not7it"standing t"e subjecti,it& of t"ese descriptions$ it is possible to

    conclude t"at:

    Eac" e8perience is uniHue%

    !"e e8perience is not al7a&s associated 7it" C"ristian initiation%

    Eac" e8perience is tangible to bot" t"e recipient and t"ose obser,ing%

    Eac" occasion resulted in ,erbal response$ including speaGing 7it" boldness and

    clarit&$ preac"ing 7it" aut"orit&$ prop"ec& and e8pressions of jo&%

    Page 13 of 16

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    The Holy &ible$ Ne7 International *ersion$ +onder,an 4ible Publis"ers$ International

    4ible Societ&$ 9?@ames

    *ersion of t"e Englis" 4ible%

    The Holy &ible$ Second Edition$ Ne7 Li,ing !ranslation$ !&ndale .ouse Publis"ers$ 9??@%

    The Holy &ible.!"e Ne7 /e,ised Standard *ersion$ t"e Di,ision of C"ristian Education

    of t"e National Council of t"e C"urc"es of C"rist in t"e 1nited States of America$


    The Holy &ible$ !"e Ne7 American Standard 4ible$ !"e LocGman 2oundation$ 9??%


    4auer$ =%$ DanGer$ 2% =%$ Arndt$ =%2%$ 'ingric"$ 2%=%$ 1reek5(nglish $e)icon of the /ew

    Testament and +ther (arly hristian $iterat%re$ !"ird Edition$ !"e 1ni,ersit& of

    C"icago Press$ BBB%

    4e,eridge$ .%$ ommentary %"on the 'cts of the '"ostles by -ohn alvin.Cal,in

    !ranslation Societ&$ 9@

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    Cole$ '% A%$ (ngaging with the Holy S"irit: Real ournal6$ April 9??;$

    pp9B@9;% D% '%$ &a"tism in the Holy S"irit$ !"e =estminster Press$ 9?B%

    2ee$ '% D%$ 1os"el and S"irit: ,ss%es in /ew Testament Hermene%tics $ .endricGson

    Publis"ers$ 9??9%

    'aebelein$ 2% E%$ The ()"ositor*s &ible ommentary: ("hesians thro%gh !hilemon$ *ol%

    99$ +onder,an Publis"ing .ouse$ 9?@9%

    .orton$ S% #%$ , 0 ,, orinthians$ Legion Press$ 9???%

    .orton$ S% #%$ What the &ible Says 'bo%t the Holy S"irit$ 'ospel Publis"ing .ouse$ 9??$


    >o"nson$ #% E%$ ,mages of &a"tism$ Issue F of 2orum essa&s$ Liturg& !raining

    Publications$ BB9%

    VrGGVinen$ *% #%$ !ne%matology: The Holy S"irit in (c%menical. ,nternational and

    onte)t%al !ers"ective$ 4aGer Academic$ BB%

    Lee$ #%$ 5An E,angelical Dialogue on LuGe$ Sal,ation$ and Spirit 4aptism6$ PNE1#A: !"e

    >ournal of t"e Societ& for Pentecostal Studies$ *ol% F$ No% 9$ Spring BBournal

    *ol% 9

  • 8/21/2019 Steve Adair TH 573 ISR303 A2- Revised


    #acc"ia$ 2% D%$ &a"tised in the Holy S"irit: ' 1lobal !entecostal Theology $ +onder,an$


    #cDonnell$ %$ #ontague$ '% !%$ hristian ,nitiation and &a"tism in the Holy S"irit:

    (vidence from the First (ight ent%ries$ /e,ised Edition$ Liturgical Press$ 9??9%

    #cim$ D% %$ The Westminster Handbook to Reformed Theology$ =estminster >o"n

    no8 Press$ BB9%

    #enKies$ /% P%$ 5LuGes 1nderstanding of 4aptism in t"e .ol& Spirit: A Pentecostal

    Dialogues 7it" t"e /eformed !radition6$ >ournal of Pentecostal !"eolog&$ *ol%

    9F$ BB@$ pp@FW9B9%

    #oon$ !% '%$ 5>%.% ings JE8pansi,e !"eolog& of Pentecostal Spirit 4aptism$ >ournal of

    Pentecostal !"eolog&6$ *ol% 9$ B9$ pp;BW;%$ &a"tism and F%llness$ !"ird Edition$ Inter*arsit& Press$ BBF%

    S&nan$ *%$ The ent%ry of the Holy S"irit: 677 8ears of !entecostal and harismatic

    Renewal. 6976;776.!"omas Nelson Publis"ers$ BB9%

    !orre&$ /% A%$ The &a"tism with the Holy S"irit$ 2leming . /e,ell Compan&$ 9@?%

    !&ne"$ C% S%$ +rthodo) hristianity: +verview and &ibliogra"hy$ No,a Publis"ers$ BB;%

    =arrington$ %$ !entecostal Theology: ' Theology of (nco%nter$ ! ! ClarG$ BB@%

    =illiams$ >% /%$ Renewal Theology: Systematic Theology from a harismatic !ers"ective$

    +onder,an$ 9??F%

    =it"erington$ 4%$ III%$ Tro%bled Waters: The Real /ew Testament Theology of &a"tism $

    4a&lor 1ni,ersit& Press$ BB%

    -un$ % D%$ 5=ater 4aptism and Spirit 4aptism: Pentecostals and Lut"erans in Dialogue6$Dialog: A >ournal of !"eolog&$ *ol%