steven a. stahl - critique on multiple intelligences

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  • 7/31/2019 Steven a. Stahl - Critique on Multiple Intelligences



    Article 14


    A Critique of Learn ing Styles


    IWORKWITH a lot of different schools and listen to a lotof teachers ta lk. Nowhere have I seen a greater conflictbetween craft knowledge or wh at teachers know (or at

    least think they know ) and academic knowledge or

    wh at researchers know (or at least think they know ) than

    in the area of learning styles. Over th e years, my

    experience has told m e to trust teachers; it has also tau ght

    me th at teachers craft kn owledge is generally on tar get. I

    don t mean to say that teachers are always right, but they

    have learned a great d eal from th eir thousand s of obser-

    vations of children learning in classrooms. So, when

    teachers talk about th e need to take into account

    childrens learning styles w hen teaching, and researchers

    roll their eyes at the sou nd of the term learning styles,there is more to it than m eets the eye.

    The whole notion seems fairly intuitive. People are

    different. Certainly d ifferent people might learn d iffer-

    ently from each other. It m akes sense. Consider the

    following from the Web site of the N ational Reading

    Styles Institute, a m ajor p ropon ent of the app lication of

    learning styles to the teaching of reading:

    We all have personal styles that influence the

    way we work, play, and make decisions. Some

    people are very analytical, and they think in a

    logical, sequential way. Some stud ents are v isualor au ditory learners; they learn best by seeing or

    hearing. These students are likely to conform

    well to traditional method s of stud y.

    Some people (we call them global learners)

    need an idea of the wh ole picture before they can

    un derstand it, while analytic learners p roceed

    more easily from the par ts to the w hole. Global

    learners also tend to learn best when they can

    touch what they are learning or move around

    wh ile they learn . We call these styles of learning

    tactile and kinesthetic. In a strictly tradi-

    tional classroom, these stud ents are often a p rob-

    lem for the teacher. She has trouble keepingthem still or qu iet. They seem un able to learn to

    read. (http:/ / www about.html)

    This all seems reasonable, but it isnt.

    Research and Learning Styles

    The reason researchers roll their eyes at learning styles is

    the u tter failure to find that assessing childrens learning

    styles and m atching to instructional methods ha s any

    effect on their learning . The area with the most research

    has been the global and an alytic styles referred to in theNRSI blurb above. Over the p ast 30 years, the nam es of

    these styles have chan gedfrom visual to global and

    from au ditory to analyticbut the r esearch results

    have not changed.

    In 1978, Tarver and Dawson reviewed 15 stud ies that

    matched visual learners to sight wor d ap pr oaches and

    aud itory learners to p honics. Thirteen of th e stud ies failed

    to find an effect, and the tw o that found the effect used

    unusual methodology. They concluded:

    Modality preference has not been d emonstrated

    to interact significantly with the method ofteaching read ing.1

    One year later, Arter and Jenkins reviewed 14 stud ies

    (some of these are overlap ping), all of which failed to find

    that matching children to reading method s by preferred

    mod alities did any good . They concluded :

    [The assumption that one can improve instruc-

    tion by m atching materials to childrens mod al-

    ity strengths] appears to lack even minimal

    empirical support.2

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    Kampw irth and Bates, in 1980, foun d 24 stud ies that

    looked at this issue. Again, they conclud ed:

    Matching childrens mod ality strengths to read-

    ing m aterials has n ot been foun d to be effective.3

    In 1987, Kavale and Forness reviewed 39 stud ies

    using a meta-analysis techniqu e that wou ld be more

    sensitive to these effects. They foun d th at ma tching

    children by read ing styles had n early no effect on

    achievement. They concluded :

    Although the presumption of matching instruc-

    tion strategies to individual modality prefer-

    ences has great intuitive appeal, little empiricalsupport for this proposition was found. Nei-

    ther modality testing nor modality teaching

    were show n to be [effective].4

    A fifth r eview, in 1992, by Snider fou nd d ifficulties in

    reliably assessing learn ing styles and a lack of convincing

    research tha t such assessment lead s to improvem ent in


    Recognition of ind ividuals strengths an d weak-

    nesses is good practice; using this information,

    however, to categorize children and prescribe

    methods can be detrimental to low-performing

    students. Although the idea of reading style is

    superficially appealing, critical examination

    should cause educators to be skeptical of this

    current edu cational fad.5

    These five research reviews, all published in well-

    regarded journ als, found the same thing: One cannotreliably measur e children s reading styles and even if one

    could, matching childr en to reading program s by

    learning styles does not impr ove their learning. In other

    word s, it is difficult to accur ately identify children w ho

    are global and ana lytic. So-called global children d o

    not do better in wh ole language program s than they

    wou ld in m ore phon ics-based progr ams. And so-called

    analytic children d o not do better in p honics programs

    than th ey do in wh ole langu age program s. In short, time

    after time, this notion of reading styles does not work.

    This is an ar ea that h as been w ell researched. Many

    other app roaches to matching teaching app roaches tolearning sty les have not been w ell researched, if at all. I

    could not find stud ies in r efereed journals, for example,

    documenting whether the use of Howard Gardners

    Multip le Intelligences Mod el6 impr oved instru ction. This

    does not m ean, of course, that the u se of the m odel does

    not imp rove achievement, only that I could n ot find

    studies validating its use. The same is true of other

    learning style mod els.

    One cann ot p rove a negative. Even if all of these

    studies failed to find that matching children by learning

    styles helps th em read better, it is always p ossible that

    another study or another measure or another somethingwill find th at matching children to their p referred

    learning mod ality w ill prod uce results. But in the

    meantime, we have other things that we know will

    impr ove children s reading a chievement. We should look

    elsewhere for solutions to read ing p roblems.

    Yet, the notion of read ing styles (or learning styles)

    lingers on. This is true not on ly in m y talks with teachers,

    but a lso in th e literature th at teachers read. The most

    recent issue ofEducational Leadership includ ed, as part of a

    themed issue on innov ations, several articles on learning

    styles. Phi Delta Kappan also regu larly contains articles on

    learning styles, as do other pu blications intend ed for


    Research into Learning Styles

    Amon g others, Marie Carbo claims that h er learning

    styles work is based on research. [I d iscuss Carbo becau se

    she pu blishes extensively on h er mod el and is very

    prom inent on the w orkshop circuit. In th e references for

    this article, I cite a few examples of her numerous

    writings on th e topic.7] But given the overw helmingly

    negative findings in the p ublished research, I won dered


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    wh at she was citing, and about a d ecade ago, I thought it

    wou ld be interesting to take a look. Reviewing her

    articles, I foun d that ou t of 17 stud ies she h ad cited, only

    one was p ublished.8 Fifteen were doctoral dissertations

    and 13 of these came ou t of one u niversitySt. John s

    University in N ew York, Carbos alma m ater. None of

    these had been in a p eer-refereed journal. When I looked

    closely at the d issertations and other m aterials, I found

    that 13 of the 17 stud ies that sup posedly sup port h erclaim had to do w ith learning styles based on something

    other th an m odality. In 1997, I foun d 11 add itional

    citations. None of these was pu blished, eight w ere disser-

    tations, and six of these came from St. John s. In short, the

    research cited wou ld not cause anyone to change his or

    her mind about learning styles.

    What Do People Mean by Learning Styles?

    Modality refers to one of the m ain avenu es of sensation

    such as vision and hearing. I have only talked ab out

    mod ality-based read ing styles because th ese are both thebest researched and the most heavily prom oted. The

    Na tional Reading Styles Institute claims that it has

    worked with over 150,000 teachers, and its adver tise-

    ments seem to be everywh ere. Furtherm ore, these notions

    of visual and aud itory learners or global and

    analytic learners have been aroun d for a long time and

    have found th eir way into a num ber of different

    program s, not just the N RSI program s.

    There are other w ays of looking at learning styles.

    People have prop osed that childr en vary not on ly in

    perceptual styles, but on a h ost of different d imensions.

    To name a few, people have suggested th at children a reeither two-dim ensional/ three-dimensional, simulta-

    neous/ sequential, connecting/ comp artmentalizing,

    inventing/ reprod ucing, reflective/ impu lsive, field

    depend ent/ field independ ent, and so on.

    Som e of these are learning preferences, or how a n

    individu al chooses to work. These might includ e wh ether

    a person p refers to wor k in silence or with m usic playing,

    in bright light or d im light, with a par tner or alone, in a

    warm room or a cool room, etc.

    Som e of these are cognitive styles, such as wh ether a

    person tend s to reflect before making a choice or makes it

    impu lsively, or w hether a p erson tends to focus on detailsor sees the big p icture.

    Som e of these arepersonality types, such as wh ether a

    person is introverted or extroverted.

    Som e of these are aptitudes, like many of How ard

    Gardn ers m ultiple intelligences. Gardner suggests that

    people vary along at least seven different d imensions

    linguistic or the ability to use language, logico-mathematical

    or th e ability to use reasoning especially in m athematics,

    spatial or the ability to use images or pictures, bodily-kines-

    thetic or the ability to control movem ent, musical, int erper-

    sonal or the ability to w ork w ith people, and intrapersonal

    or the thinking don e inside on eself. The last two are m ore

    like personality types, rather than ap titud es or even

    learning styles. The others are Gard ners attemp t to

    expand the notion of wh at we th ink is intelligent behavior

    to peop le who are skilled in mu sic, or dan ce, or even in

    interpersonal relations. In contrast to th e trad itional

    vision of learning styles as either/ or categories (either a

    person is visual or h e or she is au ditory), multiple intelli-

    gences are p ut forth by Gard ner as separate abilities. Achild may be strong in a few of these areas, or non e of

    these areas.

    What is a teacher to d o with all this? If there are

    children wh o prefer to work w ith mu sic, then the teacher

    might either provid e Walkmans for those who pr efer

    mu sic or play mu sic openly and prov ide earplugs for

    those who d ont. If there are children w ho p refer to w ork

    in bright light, the teacher might seat those childr en over

    by the wind ow. Children wh o like to snack wh ile reading

    can be allowed to eat d uring class (healthy foods, of

    course). It w ould be easy to see how accomm odating all

    of these preferences in a class could lead to chaos. Howwould a teacher lectur e, give assignm ents, or even call to

    order a class in w hich a sizable prop ortion of the students

    was w earing earplugs? Or how d oes one regulate the

    temp erature so part of the room is war m and part cool?

    Others have u sed learning styles theory as a way of

    making su re that all the needs of diverse learners are

    being met. Marguerite Radenich u sed Gard ners mod el to

    examine literature stud y guides.9 Her ideal was one that

    incorporated all of these ways of knowing into an

    integrated w hole to be used to stu dy adolescent liter-

    ature. Thus, Gardners model was u sed here to create

    more mu ltidimensional instruction. This is very d ifferent

    from using these different styles to segregate children

    into group s where they w ould receive fairly one-dimen -

    sional instruction.

    Thoughtful edu cators have tried to make this work,

    and perhap s it is workable, but trying to meet all of the

    preferences of a group of children w ould seem to take

    energy that w ould be better spent on other things. This is

    especially true since no one has pr oven that it w orks.

    Learning Styles and Fortune Telling

    Why d oes the notion of learning styles have su chendu ring pop ularitydespite the lack of sup porting

    evidence? I believe that this ph enomenon has a lot in

    common w ith fortun e telling.

    You go to see a fortu ne teller at a circus. She looks

    you over and makes some quick jud gmentshow young

    or old you are, how n icely you are dressed, whether you

    app ear anxious or sad or lonelyand based on these

    jud gm ents, tells you r for tu ne. The fortune sh e tells may

    be full of simp le and am biguous statementsyou w ill

    be successful at you r n ext venture, you will be lucky at

    love, or may be mor e complexyou are successful at

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    home, but someone is jealous; make su re you wa tch

    you rself. Either w ay, the statemen ts are specific enou gh

    so that they sound pred ictive, but am biguous enou gh

    that they could app ly to a num ber of situations.

    When w e read th e statements on a Learning Style

    Inventory, they sound enough like us that w e have a flash

    of recognition. These inven tories typ ically consist of a

    series of forced choices, such as th ese from Marie Carbos

    Reading Style Inventory, Intermediate, 1995.10

    a. I always like to be told exactly how I should d o my

    reading work.

    b. Sometimes I like to be told exactly how I shou ld do

    my reading work.

    c. I like to decide how to d o my reading work by myself.


    a. I like to read in the morning.

    b. I dont like to read in the morning.

    a. I like to read after lunch.

    b. I dont like to read after lunch.

    a. I like to read at night.

    b. I dont like to read at night.


    a. I read best wh ere its quiet with no m usic playing.

    b. I read best where there is music playing.

    c. I read about the same wh ere its quiet or wh ere there

    is mu sic playing.

    Since all of us h ave som e preferences (my experience

    is that adu lts have clear preferences about m usic during

    read ing, especially), these items tend to r ing tru e. Like the

    fortunes told b y the fortu ne teller, these statements at first

    light seem specific enough to captu re real d istinctions

    amon g p eople. But the p roblem w ith choices like these is

    that p eople tend to m ake the same choices. Nearly

    everybody w ould prefer a d emonstration in science class

    to an un interrup ted lecture. This does not mean that such

    individu als have a visual style, but that good science

    teaching involves demonstrations. Similarly, nearly

    everybody w ould agree that one learns more about

    playing tennis from p laying than from w atching someone

    else play. Again, this does not m ean that p eople are

    tactile/ kinesthetic, but th at this is how on e learns to p lay

    spor ts. Many of these learn ing styles are not really

    choices, since comm on sense wou ld sug gest that therewou ld not be mu ch variance amon g peop le. In the class

    sample prov ided w ith the Reading Style Inventory above,

    for examp le, 96 percent of the fifth-grader s assessed

    preferred quiet to working w hile other people were

    talking, 88 percent p referred quiet to music, 79 percent

    picked at least two times a day wh en they preferred to

    work, 71 percent had no p reference about temperatu re,

    and so on. Virtually all of the questions had on e answer

    preferred by a m ajority of the students.

    The questions are just specific enough to soun d like

    they mean someth ing, but vagu e enough to allow

    different interp retations. For example, does mu sic refer

    to Mozart or Rap? Obviously, ones choices wou ld be

    different for different types of music. A more serious

    question wou ld arise over the teacher direction item.

    Doesnt the amou nt of teacher d irection needed d epend

    on th e d ifficulty of the assignment? There are some

    assignm ents that are self evident and do not n eed mu ch

    teacher d irection, but wh en w ork gets comp lex, stud ents

    need more d irection. This is not a matter of preference.The other major problem with these inventories is

    that th ere are no qu estions about a childs reading ability.

    So children w ith reading p roblems are given the same

    measure as children wh o are doing w ell in reading. This

    has tw o effects. First, there is a bias on some item s for

    children with different abilities. Consider th ese two

    items, also from the Carbo inventory:

    a. Its easy for me to remember rules about sound ing

    out words.

    b. Its hard for me to remember rules about sound ing

    out words.


    a. When I write words, I sometimes mix up the letters.

    b. When I write word s, I almost never mix up the let-


    Children with r eading p roblems are more likely to

    answer that they d o not remember ph onics rules and that

    they sometimes mix up the letters. According to the

    learning styles research reports, such children are likely

    to be considered as hav ing a global (or visual)

    preference.11 Actually, this may n ot be a preference at all,but a reflection of the childs cur rent level of reading

    ability. The p otential for h arm occurs w hen children with

    reading problems are classified as global (visual)

    learners and thereby m iss out on impor tant instruction in

    decoding, or are classified as analytic (auditory)

    learners and m iss out on op portu nities to practice reading

    in connected t ext.

    Not including inform ation about read ing ability also

    leads to some strange pr escriptions. Adults attending

    learning styles workshops often get prescriptions for

    beginning reading instruction method s, such as the

    language experience app roach or ph onics/ linguisticapp roaches, certainly not needed by competent readers.

    And for children, too, some of the app roaches may be

    inapp ropr iate. The language experience approach, for

    example, is best suited for childr en at th e emergent

    literacy stage, when they need to learn about basic print

    concepts, one-to-one matching, letter identification, and

    so on.12 For a second -grader, or even a n ewly literate

    adu lt, language experience may be app ropriate (if they

    still have n ot m astered basic print concepts) or highly

    inapp ropr iate (if they are already read ing fluently). It

    dep ends on th e readers skill, not th eir learning styles.

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    If you are to u se a test, even an inventory like the one cited

    above, it shou ld be reliable. If a test is reliable, tha t means

    you a re going to get the sam e (or close to the same) results

    every tim e you ad min ister it. If a test is 100 per cent

    reliable (or has a reliability coefficient o f 1.0), then a

    person w ill score exactly the same on Thursd ay as on

    Tuesday. Perfection is tough to come by, so we generallywant a reliability coefficient to be .90 or h igher.13 If a test

    is not reliable, or tru stworth y, then it is difficult to believe

    the results. This is a problem, not on ly with inventories,

    but w ith any m easure that asks subjects to report about


    Reliabilities of these measures are relatively low . The

    self-reported reliabilities of Carbos Reading Style

    Inventory and D unn and Dun ns Learning Style Inven-

    tories are mod erate, especially for a measure of this

    kindin the neighborhood of the .60s and the .70s.

    Similar reliabilities are repor ted for the Myers-Briggs

    Inventory, another learning styles assessment.14 Theseare lower than on e would w ant for a diagnostic measure.

    And , these scores are inflated , since for many items there

    is generally one answ er that n early everybody chooses.

    This would tend to m ake the reliabilities higher.

    The vagueness in the items may ten d to m ake the

    reliabilities low. Again, how a child interp rets each item

    will influence how it is answered, as w ith the teacher

    direction an d mu sic examp les discussed earlier.

    Test-retest reliabilities are particular ly importan t for

    a measu re of learn ing styles. These moderate reliabilities

    could be interpreted in tw o ways. The test itself may not

    be a reliable measure of what it is supp osed to m easurethat is, a person h as a stable learning style, but th e test is

    not gett ing at it. If the test is not reliable, then the infor-

    mation it gives is not trustworth y.

    The other possibility is that learn ing styles may

    change, from mon th to mon th, or even w eek to week.

    This is also problem atic. If we are talking abou t matching

    a person to a situation using this instrum ent, this is a

    relatively long-term (semester or academic year)

    ma tching. If a persons style changes, then on e either

    mu st measure learning styles frequently, or allow for

    more flexible assignments.

    How Reading D evelops

    The Learning Style mod el assumes that different children

    need d ifferent ap proaches to learn to read. Children are

    different. They come to us with different p ersonalities,

    preferences, ways of d oing things. H owever, the r esearch

    so far shows that this has little to do with how successful

    they w ill be as readers an d w riters. Children also come to

    us w ith different amou nts of exposu re to written text,

    with d ifferent skills and abilities, with d ifferent exposu re

    to oral langu age. The research show s that th ese differ-

    ences are important.

    Rather than different m ethods being app ropr iate for

    different children , we ough t to think abou t d ifferent

    method s being ap prop riate for children at different

    stages in their d evelopment. Children d iffer in their

    phonemic abilities, in their ability to recognize words

    autom atically, in their ability to comp rehend and learnfrom text, and in their motivation and app reciation of

    literature.15 Different m ethods are ap prop riate for

    different goals. For example, appr oaches that involve th e

    children in reading books of their own choice are

    important to develop motivated readers.16 But wh ole

    language ap proaches, which rely largely on childr en to

    choose the ma terials they read , tend not to be as effective

    as more teacher-directed ap proaches for developing

    childr ens word recognition or comp rehension.17

    A language experience approach may be app ropriate

    to help a kindergarten child learn basic print concepts.

    The child m ay learn some w ords u sing visual cues, suchas might be taught through a w hole word method. With

    some d egree of phon ological awareness, the child is

    ready to learn letters and soun ds, as throu gh a ph onic

    app roach. Learning about letters and sound s, in combi-

    nation w ith p ractice with increasingly challenging texts,

    will develop child rens ability to use ph onetic cues in

    read ing, and to cross-check using context. With

    add itional p ractice in w ide read ing, children w ill develop

    fluent an d au tomatic word recognition. Non e of this has

    anything to d o with learning styles; it has to do w ith the

    childr ens current abilities and the d emand s of the task

    they have to master n ext.

    What Do Teachers Get out of Learning Styles


    I have interviewed a n um ber of teachers who h ave

    attended learning styles workshop s. These were

    meetings of 200 to 300 teachers and p rinciples, who p aid

    $129 or so to attend a one-day w orkshop or up to $500 to

    attend a longer conference. They hav e found them to be

    pleasant experiences with professional p resenters. The

    teachers also feel that they learned something from the

    worksh ops. After I pressed th em, what it seemed th atthey learned is a wide variety of reading m ethods, a

    respect for ind ividual d ifferences among children, and a

    sense of possibilities of how to teach read ing. This is no

    small thing. However, the same information, and mu ch

    more, can be gotten from a gra du ate class in the teaching

    of reading.

    These teachers have anoth er thing in common after

    one year, they had all stopped trying to match children by

    learning styles.

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    1. Tarver, Sara, and M. M. Dawson . 1978. Modality preference and the

    teaching of reading.Journal of Learning Disabilities 11: 1729.

    2. Arter, J. A., and Joseph A. Jenkins. 1979. Differential diagnosis-pre-

    scriptive teaching: A critical appraisal.Review of Educational Re-

    search 49: 517555.

    3. Kamp wirth, T. J., and M. Bates. 1980. Modality preference and teach-

    ing method . A review of the research.Academic Therapy 15: 597

    605.4. Kavale, Kenneth A., and Steven R. Forness. 1987. Substan ce over

    style: Assessing the efficacy of mod ality testing and teaching.Ex-

    ceptional Children 54: 228239.

    5. Snider, Vicki E. 1992. Learning styles and learning to read : A critique.

    Remedial and S pecial Education 13: 618.

    6. Gardner, Howard . 1993. Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelli-

    gences. New York: Basic Books.

    7. For example, Carbo, Marie. 1997. Reading styles times twen ty.Educa-

    tional Leadership 54 (6): 3842; Carbo, Marie, Rita Dun n, an d Ken -

    neth Du nn. 1986. Teaching students to read through their individual

    learning styles. Englewo od C liffs, N.J.: Pren tice-Hall.

    8. See Stahl, Steven A. 1988. Is there evidence to supp ort matching read -

    ing styles and initial reading method s? A reply to Carbo. Phi Delta

    Kappan 70 (4): 317322.

    9. Radenich, Marguerite Cogorno. 1997. Separating the wheat from thechaff in midd le school literatur e study gu ides.Journal of Adolescent

    and Adult Literacy 41 (1): 4657.

    10. All examples are from Carbo, Marie. 1995.Reading Sty le Inventory In-

    termediate (RSI-I); Author.

    11. Carbo, M. 1988. Debunking the great phonics myth. Phi Delta Kappan

    70: 226240.

    12. Stahl, Steven A., and Patricia D. Miller. 1989. Whole langu age and

    languag e experience appr oaches for beginning read ing: A quan ti-

    tative research synthesis.Review of Educational Research 59 (1): 87


    13. Harr is, Albert J., and Ed ward Sipay. 1990.How to increase reading

    ability. 10th ed. Wh ite Plains, N.Y.: Longm an.

    14. Pittenger, David J. 1993. The utility of the Myers-Briggs Type Ind i-

    cator.Review of Educational Research 63: 467488.

    15. Stahl, Steven A. 1998. Und erstand ing shifts in read ing and its in-

    struction, Peabody Journal of Education 73 (34): 3167.

    16. Morrow , Lesley M., and Diane Tracey. 1998. Motivating contexts for

    youn g childrens literacy developm ent: Imp lications for word r ec-

    ognition development. In Word recognit ion in beginning literacy, ed-

    ited by J. Metsala and L. Ehri. Mahw ah, N .J.: Erlbaum ; Turner,

    Julianne, and Scott G. Paris. 1995. How literacy tasks influence

    children s m otivation for literacy. The Reading Teacher48: 662673.

    17. Stahl and Miller, op. cit., Stahl, Steven A., C. William Suttles, and

    Joan R. Pagnucco. 1996. The effects of traditional and process liter-

    acy instru ction on first-grad ers read ing and w riting achievemen t

    and orientation toward reading.Journal of Educational Research. 89:


    Steven A . Stahl is professor of reading education at the Un iversity of

    Georgia and co-director of the Center for Improvement of Early Read-

    ing A chievement. His research interests are in beginn ing reading and

    vocabulary instruction.

    FromAmerican Educator, Fall 1999, pp. 27-31. Reprinted with permission of the author and [&em]American Educator[&stop], the quarterly journal ofAmerican Federation of Teachers.